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Watt shares trials and tribulations of revolution

S c ottis h e n gin eer brou ght to li fe b y Bretl Murton

S1m1inel Reporter

S1epping away rrom his 1eaching, NIC ins1ruc1or Date Marcy "became" J ames Watt , a Sconish engineer and inventor of the 17- 1SO(h. A~ pan of the Apri l 6 Popcorn Forum. Marcy

Lrnnsfonned six mon ths of preparation into a rea lity in Schuler Auditorium

Highligh ting the life of Wa tt , a major developer of the steam engine. Marcy presented the crowd with a ll of the tria ls and tribulatio n~ 1hac Wa tt went through on his way to revolutioniting the world"s economy Ta lking about everyth1ni from steam engine mechanic, to the government t>fthe 181h century. Marcy believably brought a legend 10 life once agmn

"You get a ta:.te of the university experience wilh thing\ like this:·

Marcy explained "Students get a chance 10 expand their mind,- rn p laces other th:m the cl:1,sroom thi, week:·

A" "Watt" pointed out though. the Meum engine!> were nlll the ~olc rea~on ror 1hc revolution Tht: cngme, were simply whut the world needed co replace the human and animal powered worker~.

Wan told of his inten~e curio,ity. and how thi, inqubi tivcnes,, lead him 10 co ll ege. where he was first inlroduced to 1he ,team engine Watt wru.n' t smisfied with ju,,t fixing something. he explained. he needed to undersmnd th e woy 11 worked Workini on the engine,. W.nt rcalm:d that he could 1mpro,·c on II After a financial ,truggle.

Watt developed un engine more than twice a, e:flicu:nt Thb not on ly made Wan rrch. but re-111vented the entire eco nomic ~y,tcm Jltogcthcr.

After hi' triumph with 1he ,1cum engine. Wan never completely qu11 inventing He "a, to later on re· dCl>1~n the pnnung press. nnd com the tenn "hor,cpower:· By the time of ht, deuth in 1819 Watt ho.1d mcrcom¢ rnany ob,1o.1des to become the succcs, that he wa,

The life ol Watt wa, ,o interc,1ini bccau'-C ~<> man) of 1hc changes m ~ocicty depc:nded ~l much on hi, invemiom,:· Marcy ,:11d.

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