3 minute read
Lin, *111111111 •"""
pc,h1lcal/wd:al dt,~lopmcnt. Ht did w b) 'J)l:'.lkm1, ahwt ,,.we\. he bdac,·cd pc,or!c txUt in 1ht tom1nJ t'ffllU,Y Uc .-PN hn 'PCn°'h b) cp;ocln1 Ch.artc,. Oklm,.. nag,.' r.mw, p!MW~ froa; 00A Tak' of ~i,Ci11C'\"' "11 •a., lbe b(-\.1 Of umn. t1 "'~ the ""'on.a of cimt'i.,• be~~ he~ I.he 20th <ICMlut)· kr)l,,u)\()1'111'ffl1 C'lft 10 addr-es~ lbc: l'\o\~ or t:Omul\lmJ di~muaacmn 11i1a.im:1 rninu,tri,e-,. land 11>'0Ctl0l,. a. though 1~ ~an wm:IJ h:lld -cuM"(likJI>· O\ffl:Oft'IC thcN: \latU\ btafrim: 1n the ?0th "-'ffl!W)'· Jaenli.tn"'-JCI beht.,e-. tlw:tt t, 1111 wast 111 l'IC oont' It h.n 1c, ,ICJP,'" knl.1n"11'1 ~,d m' tht dL..cnm1n.u,nn lie' "'"ffil M C\l di'K'Ll••''i the lac~ oi hubh aut". nnf o'lll:J) In lhr '«Ofklw,J 1hi,U wor1~. hut ill"o in ,tit 1.:nueJ s,~t" J~in""' "'1itd th.ac 01.11 uf mill11,n p:;.lf)k• .«J rm;ien1 Jo"°' ha,C' tx:ahh can- of ati)' ""' '1'hM=:', '°"1C1h1ns 'Amtli v.lih thi<1 r-~nut' JirnklMOP'lolid lie wid hum:an, haH' tltl'Oltlit p;llhctic' ett:1Wre in she- ttn-< 1h.d 1hc: lu,t cn,J~..c.el.l 1he vn.allp1h Joe~. y-cc (:t(';ltc comp11cr \11\hC'\ JU!II k,il.11\\0ll 1nc:1111(lf'lcd 1"41 lht-h4nd-T11o..• Or...r
-.,1 01 ptir-elC't!J0)11k':III..
KcmkJ~ ·1o··;1rc papul.11.1nJ111."Ctptcdlhou~hthe~
;11-e n.1rnN .all~"t l•d \'('ty rntrn1.1.1tient.al ~n "'ho v.cn: 1b"""1,.tcd
'Our(1•mnot1nih1.1~ h.1, ,:vU.ar-,c:J .wld \\1" dn11·1 C''tC'ft \~ n.'" Jcnil,ln"'10 \\'CftT on We fwc
" Our culture has collapsed and we don't even know it. We live in a culture with paradoxes at its cemer. "
Keynote Speaker in• ~hut\" ,.uh dttp p.trndo.t.n at ib Ct"nlcr. h WA" &he. ~tofllfl~; ,I tA•.b l htWONO(OCQC't." knll.in.\On $o3id Prc:,idcm Clinton. in ht.\ Swc o( the Unm cl•ll»cd lhc Union 1, Jl,)OJ. but Jcnk.in',(llffd.l~, d\\ \'..aft the VnannbesOOIJ iff.:un1lie.\ Ill ~1onWI.II arc living off• $17.800~-c:m&c 1nnwtl incomer kn.kin'°" ~LN- ln Nonb Oakota.1 c.10 cnlcr 1nttl a~ ile' Th1N \\'odJ. ill Aboul IS mu,ute\.*
On ,tit- other h:and. Jcnlinton doc:\~ that many VtiuoJcrful tn\cOUOcn ba\"C COJnC' (rom tlk 20!'1 etnlUI')'. indud1n1 .,irpl.anc,"" au condiricmin1, rtfrigcn.10C"\, 1ht ,ibirit)' co m..-onl ,0i1m,l. ('O ria)·Cf't. fflO\IC'i. .ind CPl'l~C'h- In,~ nmJ.J,f of IIIJ 1h.u. llurd World «>utttnC"i DI\! kdingo tin ,n Je>;lalr. The\,(' c«hMl•)lteal CMIHrncn an: f'.~-lJ f(J{ lhc "h,:a,C"'l," bul ll""-te:,, lo ttk.-11.a..-c not:t.."
The liN h....eJet1~1n-.on iw;a,, Ji.\UlbuliM
'""t.'Ml '-'~ 11\ I ptt,pl,t \b...tt1b1.1~ tht tru1t, I.JI hfc m'°llh! JU.,. v.~)'r" knl.1n,,o1m .._,Iced lcolmu,on ,1,1iindt-ttd 11 th!'i moral 4ue\tiOJ1 n,ukl n1.d..c ,11tt thlll C"\·tl")' "'hn •.a" "'1lhni 10 ...,,,1;, rould tu.,c 1hc frum 111 hk He btl.iC\~ lh.d me l)nu.ed Sa1~"\hw1Jc:n1"4uc Jh v.u> ol dhhibutH'ln.
Jc-1\k.lhlln lcch thal "'ilh a fiN \\"odd
..:~10i.umillf O'la-t of d~ v,o,td'• tt"'JOIJ~~ ~he planc1 ffll)'Jlvt-OlllSIOOn. knkifl)Qn ~d ThornAS JdTe™>n ptCWrCd poap&e liYin& .tlone feeding. rht-m~J\es, provuiin, shtiit:r' atd -~ly beins sdt-11ufttctcnl. He Mlld dw kfftnon amcd lhrcc ctun,-i ro,r C\·tr thclf dts.fo). undcr11andang of the world Vil't live in anJ i,ou.l de,'ek1pmenL
Jcnkiflkln 11;\li-cd tbc. lWllirn« if 1hcy k:nc-w how comp11er th.Ip wori.cd "'Some n~)' \.nn"'. but 1hc majority 1i1>1ka'I he ~id ·Wedon'1 u:ndcNand 1ha world we lhc ut .md :ue dt~twknt on ~ystc.nu. ~yond ourC"OPttul •· JcnklrJ.Oft said he- hoped che v.-oricfi. ).)'t.te-m" \loiOUIJ fid J)n I. 2ClOO - Juu '-1r • d.ly people 1!,l()Uld tt,11..-e 10 thJnk .about .,.bf the)" wuuldJa 1f lhe~)"1t:n1 1htl dep<ndcJ no (Ailed " he ,aid Ht ,.11.1 most ,\mc:nGl.ftS an- not 1ipendulg time"'..oul ..,,en. tmtc.ad of ,ud1n1 H<'met oc G.reeL: fo.mHk\ .ft WA!ch,ng ull.: ~"' or pro(ns.k,n.al wrc-\lhng
HI\ lttOod ·~far the CIC'.ltl ~l"IWl'yh bow CO 1um 1«m1n,: anl,I 1.pcftd1n, rntd\Ullll "-'orl. '"Sloplilhng "J*C v.-11h '-lvff - Jct1k1n.on ..aid. "1h! "'"(lfld ntt•.h to ht- re<ncb.uittd.
Uc l-Ud CIWll po,.1S1lc :uc flt1d~mg ~1ul ,1oJ ,p.nt btul•'oC"·ohll die ~;u,1i:oi lhcy 1uc \bng 1n 1,odel) toda) Jcn1Jn'W"ln brlicvo lb.u peOf!k ntedco•n..-rn more Md lht' mote ~lful Ii\~ Jcr1lLNm ,1~ ht,"' ,pt"«h b) 40011ns Wall Wh111n.1n', '"'Song of Mt,;c.lr S1up1hh tilt)· a nti ni~hr with me •nJ t w1U !'hll )<11 the bc-sinn11."1; c,f all paC'ffl t..'" Jcn\1""'" u,J Ht r laboniteJ b)· wylna pei,rfe nttJ ro 111l.e 1he rj\,_ ,,r $u 1ng .:llfain 1,1, ilh II flCIA cwr.q:ct•f l1w'C' · ~M-,ni;a,:r und fifmil)' Ille in !IUl."h D IJ«p Jiurra) ," Jcnk11tt.u 11 YIJ. 8cfon: t(1nd 1JWns hi" ~rco:h. Jcnlim,nn St-l"'C 1ht ~41J1(1acc wcric M'·kr , k.-...l Th1e:-t,i:U'\ •·W• kl<n • --11'11 time frwu1.io1,1,;,~(' up kt1ll1ho,11,i,tilJ c:lu,.rni: i.1 'Pf:O:h lllll the 1w.1 P,...-,.""fll'n f(1fUin
Pop(Corn)Quiz: Test your forum savvy
I _Wh,at d,J. thc A~l"N.lm O.:ml. rtwC"n, in 16?)1 1. Ol,ttn lUl1-&helh I ~;ikt J.r ....,.._., m,,,rne,J .l WM•.:., the A11cc n1le1...,ho iu1ncJ murna11cnlkmlnlh-e , ~·· -4 Wh't couldrfc Xoui,h oconcJmhl M».m Sm11h u..:C. 1ht: \1it1fd "C'Cllntim)·'" in ctic-
,. w K..-1 M~ l0f41't apifh1 U-1t1CJO.,
S3nt:(r .advoc:111e?
10 In Sojouma Tn,ch'< time, v.111111,.-0 thinlt" \'1-ctt Mwdcd about mili\ltdu.&1-.b\t >• t J Who ,(IU'd fiN, bladri mc-n o, whtk:
12. Whafdon 'V.f'l1nfH~\COfpll, rnc,n·•
11 Far v..h:al WJCarlot111 Spc-.ar,. n,,,. ,...-o,k fo, .W)(.at,i, 1
14 \\'h11t w,('rwu:e did Rkturd Sm,n
"tin rc:11U\J1nj' hi, 1.:1gh00fhood?
15 What (ooJ d1,l l:le.annt i:ind Fr.wk.tin
R001C",d1 ..c-f'e me k1at and c.iucc:n of fA$1..ind?
1ft Whac anJ -when"""' 1he fir.t d..t1l) t\-eVil'lt-p:l:il)C't"pr!OtcJ?
11 Huw n, ny c:hlldttnJld 8.x.h h;l\'c~ IC omc-w,,tundui:c._,
18. ru whtm Jill 8..-h uy he wrocc hi, music"
19. Wh.11 \\J.< one orCAtbrrtnc- 0c Mcdki\' tn,·¢11.1nru."!
20. Whal dij Pope- John 2Jtd ,ay .,.,.~ hh h.~c,1m~m. ti A.pin,, w'i.tt dKI Rochc:I C".anoa campAisn?
U\m,ljt,t.--...,6.dh(.:,,e- -~ ~I tlOI) t1 'Oi: LI AIU~91'16»J'H"'l lrf.O~ ,~ ~VIY ¥*Y Cl..,....,.,..,.,.., ~##>'IIQIIJC11qt1....,..~ 11 19C¥f~ OI-Pl,CD\IJ0·"1'111~l~10~ tt9"9"1-jt \~•• ~'CIUIAl3lMwU--.1,~