2 minute read
Luther addresses religious unrest
Luther on Clint<H1: God challenges us all
In \11d11:lk \h-:\1111, ,; 11111,rl R,,.,.,,ri
H}nm, \\h,11 hcu,·r "·') h> prr,cnt 1h~ wp1, 01 n:hi:1111. I hl' 'l;IC chonh, l:'?0\\ ncJ m red und ,mgmg h} 1110, ,,1 rr,11,.:. "'' 1hc
IIUHKI 1111 lhc 11111.·u1111ni; glll'\I, \1,111111 l.111h,•1, ,\UJ.!lM1nmn pnl',t aml th<11lng1jt\ "I.ct II\ pr:l}," o;.nJ the huml>lc, hl.id,·n>l>cd \lanin I uther a, he 1ml. 10 the ,tai;c tran,ponmg 1hc :111d1cr.rc h.,d, 1,, the c,u I) 1,00,. a 111nc "' fll',tl 11111,•,1 lc>r 1h1· 1111"1 pm\<•rlul i:hur, h of 1lw 11.,,. the R,,rn.1n ( ,11hol11: C"lmrdt \kn11on111!! tht' lhrC<' rul~ ul l1<.·111g a J.!T•~I prc.1,hcr. l.u1hcr ,1.,~1."J 1111c lo lho,c ruk, h) takmj! h" pl.ice l'Jl('llllll: h1, 111011th ano.l l.1111\\ Ill!? \\hcn 111 ,1op. \pcd,hng thl' pctlnrmnn.:c \\ilh i;1'<lll humor, I ulh<·r r111cr1,1111cd and IOIOrtnt'd
I utln:r. portr.i)l"-1 h} Dr \\ lllt.nn
G,nrg(' Chr},1,11. -..ml h,· \\,1, .m url\\rlhni; n.>lurmcr, ··., l111lc g1.11n "' mu,1ard ~ecd \\ hu tool. lhl' 111111,lle ro;id" ()unng rrulll} ,cars of 'OUI !.C:irc!ung .tno.l angu"h "' l'r h" manv ,uh. l 111h,·1, then ,m \ugu,11111an 111011k. c,11111.' In 1hl.' ,ond1m1111 lhJI he 1,a, JUSlll tCd b} t'.nlh lll(IOC, not g111kl
\\Orb, II• Cllll'l lnl,l h,,IH'll llt• Ill: 1,-,ul the ,hu1d1 "·" "10111• in 11, rr~c11te of rndulcrn,;,, or good d,cd, dnlll' Ill c, ,·n up 1hc sell!\' due 111 p:i,1
In 1~17hcmadcl11,uhwi:11on, puhlll h) lk"trng 111, 11~ I hc,1, on lhl' d,k,r 111 thl' C'n,rll' l'hurd1 m \\ ,11cnlll."rv fll' \\:t, c"om111um,.11c,I 111 1521 hlr ht'rc,) \\ 1th 111, hfe ,n dJng,·r .111,I '-•llctl In .ldl'!id hi, pt),illoll, I .uthcr ,md h,· '"" not <1lr.iid o,cr the cour,c ut h1( lik l.uthl'r tran,1,,tcJ 1hc B1l>k 111111 Gc11n,m .ind '""''' 111,111) h) 11111, ,n,ptrl.'d h) 1he ntu,i, nl ll('l'I hall,
"\\ h, ,hould 1h,· ,I,·,11 h,11,.. all lhl' gtkkl M;ll):\ !" I.Ulhl'l ,l\kCtJ
In do,mg. l.u1h.:r ,.1id he '"" 1101 J I uthcran, bul a Chn,11.m I k could 1101 und..·r,t:md "h, the, h.1d nnmcd lhl' dn11d1 <1ltl.'r h1;11 tx=cau'<· the rch11tn,llt0n wa, 1h•· ,111 nl Ci1,cl I k ,oui;ht uni} 10 bring llw h)!ht th;II ( ,n<I ga,c hnn lo pc,,rl,.. 11111.nlrw".
"I mill ilge 111 3gc, Je,u, C'ht i,1 ", II \\ 111 1hc bJUle." l.ulhcr ,.ud
Opcnrni; lhl.' forum 11, quc,1in11',
.-,en I uthcr, 1.kml tor 15.1 year,. could nnt C'l'Rj>e the i"oc of P1c,idc111
C'hn1011 \\ hen a,licd h1, opinion, l.ulhl"r "mJll) ,1.,1c,l 1h;i1 ull ruler, all' """ mg (ind, p111p11..c c-.·n \\hen the) ,,·cm "wng. hu1 h• 11111 "" c up. Gou d1,1lkni;c, u, all, .11111 Ill.I) h,· 1ha1 ,·hallcngc \\a, l'l!mo, mi: g,,.,d lc;11k"
R igh t : D r. W Iiiiam Geor ge Chryst a l s t eps to the edge o f t he s t age t o answer aud i e n ce q uestions after h is p erfor m a nce o f Martin Lut her. pnoro bv Mclloffo Mc.Nutty