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Ac complishment s co m p ared at pan el di sc uss ion 1
was hi s deve1opmen1 or interlocking 1ype. which he used 10 ' ' print encycloped ias. by Andy Tevis
Next up a1 the podium was Norm Gissel, allorney und S1m1i11t'I Rt!(IIJrtt'r board member o f the Koo1cnai County Task Force of the rumbling noise of the new ~emilaiion Human Rela1ions Gissel played Stephen Lungton. ~y,1.:m. Johann Gu1cnburg. S1ephen Lang1on and Manin Archbishop ofCan1crbury. hi s torian and major drafter of Lu1her were heard in the SUB delivering crys1ul clear the Magna Cana of 1211 Langton explained how he ellplanalion, of who they were and what they accomplished. became archbi s hop or C11n1erbury.
The 1hree di,tingu1,hcd guc,ts came 10 the Popcorn "I was a clergyman in the time when it was important 10 Forum re,pome panel Apnl 7 at 7 p.m. Poli1ical science be intelligen1 and it was important 10 be a good public in,1ruc1or. Tony S1ewan moderated 1he discussion and Dr. speaker," Langton sa id. Clny Jenkinson n:,ponded.
"We did not realize the enormous impact, historically.
The Rev. Bob Ha ~erie~ of St Luke.~ Episcopal church. 1ha1 the Magna Cana would have, " Langton said of the Coeur d'Alene. and board member uf 1he Kootenai County pass ing of the Magna Cana "We did not sit down and Ta.~k Force of Human Reh11ion~. played the role of Johann visualize that the Magna Cana would be regarded as one of Gu1enburg. who modesily explained how he published the the foundations of all constitutional democracy " Gutenburg Bible in 1455 prio10 by Josie ra,,-n""
Little did he know, hundreds of years later Thomas "I huve worked hard 10 accomplbh the printing pre{i.," Jefferson would use the Magna Cana as a model for the Gu1c:nburg ~id. ''The halianl> worked harder: all I did wai. Declaration of Independence . develop whm thcy had already done." Gu1enburg took the Martin Luther. played by Dr William Chrystal. was a wooden press used for olives and made it into a printing major leader of the ProteMant Reformation. and is famous pre". for posting hi s 95 Theses on the door of the cast le church ai "II doe, help to drink. to i.ee upside down and Wittenburg in 1517 backward,.'' Gutcnburg said. "Thal', wha1 you have to do."
"Each of you is your own priest You do no1 need On e of Gu1enburg\ moi.1 over-looked 11ccomplbh111en1, bishop,, you do not need supreme beings in the church.
Dr. Chrystal, the Rev. Bob Hasserles and No"" Gissel entertain audience questions of their characters , Luth er, Gutenberg and Langton. each of you , given the word of God in a language you can read , arc a pries t.'' Luther said at the podium. Lutlter transbucd tlte Bible into Gennan.
Dr Clay Jenkinson came as himsel f Wednesday 10 1h( response panel. as Thomas Jeffel'!,on on Thursday. and 01 himself again on Friday for the keynote address