2 minute read

Religion, philosophy, art pondered by panelists

Famous ardsts, musicians tel the tales of their time

b ~ l..irt, .,., Ronmn \;·111111,·I Rt·/JtJ/1.-r

<'""''l'!!'a O' Keck, a i:onll:mpor.tl) wti,1 pla}·•'tl b) ,Ul 111,m11.-ior Alire Vogt. opened the .\pnl (1 rc,poo..c pan.:!

An .1ni,1 \\ho kepi p.1cl' \\llh the 11orlo.l. O'Kccfo cxpre,scd her.cit 1l11ough her painting,. ff Keefe: Jl(lin1.1:d Inwn the ,ckw, m her he.it.I. ,pc-JJ.ing in a l,m!!uag,· of line, ,hapc, ;uld l'Olor, She 11oold l"Olk~t nx l. ,. bone, anJ Jl ll'\:l" ol wood 10 dmw hc:1111i ful scene, o f her \ UITOUndrng, An 1111.cre,1 in and .t move 10 M.:xico m,p,n:d her dra" ,ng,. ,\ n 3ni,1 \\ho ti,ct.110 " Male )Our unl,.1111\\n kno\\n" died on March 6, 1986.

Jophn h:id an exlrnordlll:11} t.tlcnt for mu,K-. fie pla).:d to chun:lics. "t!O()n, ill1<1 \\ lion,houo,c<, a, a child a., danci.' mu,ic n.i, the hfo 111id ,oul of Afric:m. American plunmurnis.

But Jnphn had a dn:a1111hlll one da) Atncan Anll'ricJn mu,i.: \\UU)d plav on p.11 \\Ill the American mu,ie. · JoJlli11 compo-,c<l t1\0 upcra., but dC\wycd hh hcahh ,md \:11tily v.h,lc U)'tn!! h• wri1c nnd pn.>ducc th em I le died on Apnl I. 1917 Jophn <lio.ln'1 rccci,c recogn11ion tor hi, ,\WI.: unul nc.irly 'iO year. Jflcr ht' dtcd only lhc II.th! 1,0 11,p \\a, l'IC\\ daily. The lllll\l popular 11cm 111 Rn,-ch', ncw,-papcr ,1." a ,l..ilk-d 11111111• 11'1 uf the dilTcrem pro,titt111." al thl' 11111, I ll' ll)illmgcd 10 ge l ;111 a} \\ ilh ii hy hiding h" 1,ord, "ith llo\\cl) 1,mgu.t~c Rtl.l.."h L~1llcc1cd. "n>t.:, prinlcd JJid '>Old h" 11ev.,p;ipc"' b) him~II. ,\, R117."h ,id." I 1xlay·, go"rp. 1omorruw , nc•ws." pt'°' 1> 1,<,nionnAmelia Phillips takes the audience back to the conditions and attitudes that vice presidential c andidate Charlotte Spears Bass experienced d u ring her political career

In 1659, the fin.I "<laity" ncw~papcr was pn nt ,·d by lhe fiN cdimr. T imotlll' u, Rrv;;ch. Jnd portmyed b) Ni l, R~1I llJCre un: quc;.tion., J' 10 ho11. R111-ch could allnnl a printing pn:,, ; tnhemcd money 01 mercenary lor v.,ir are lhe li kc hc,1ix1,,1b1h1 ies.

Johann Scl'l.N1w1 Ba.:h. Gcm,an ol'}!an1,1 and Wlllpo\Cr. \\ii.\ pcrfon ncd by Gcr.11\1 \1.nhc,. Bach·, \\IK•k objc<:t m hie \\u, 10 ID.kt mu,ic 1.0 the~, , c\1c111 1h111 he could "Mu, ic i s my u ni ) 1•oicc," Buch c laimed." a nti , l glorifica li o n of God him\CII."

Scou Joplin composer of we ll -known '°"~'' ,uch a~ "1l1e En1eruiincr" und known a., 1hc "Km~ ol Rai:111ne wa., pcrtormcd h) Dj, <' Rcnung1on ••1 hltr.irian at NIC.

Riw,c h wa, a sman man who took .td,ania~e uf lhe "eahhy l.rnden.

Im chng in Gemlilny. bu1 only pa.'-'tng lhmui;h h" '"" n for one.· Jay unly. He ha<l lhc \\Odd', fiN daily nell.,PJJ)CI, b111

Cathl.'fine de Medici,, qUL-en o l Fraoo: and mother o f lhe la., 11 hrcc Va lo i, krng, of France. wu, playtld hy Donn a Runge In her d ete rmi na ti o n 10 p rc,c r ve royal po1~c r J l .in} co,1. ('u1hcnne dc,oted her 11111c 10 mai111,11ning a 1'alancc bcl\\iCCn the Prntc,1anl\ a nJ the Roman Catho lic,.

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