The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 52 No 9, April 22, 1999

Page 13

, , "'ll ol a"fl'11lhl H flll\l

Arr,:.x-hcf 110,.,ft.8 up .,.,_,,i't l"J,)· Inf \Lall'

A!Lm, Hu,, 11'-'n~ uillC'r dun,:, •tttn'tn,r

r,11 ,\d.111 c11hn

I.IL.r .itk11J1ns: ln"r)' I •l•C'II L,btny ll.1pm1

l "IIC:E\ "heh~ ..«u~ltl\ 11rh11 ~i:-tt' C'Hft '41'opc'Ckd nf ki>fflol~\11.11 ikU'>ll) fuJ (IJ c•ll OO'ffl(' and 1,:II

ffll'ffl dlkl tl1t') J b(,cn ,u~rc11JcJ bc 11t1\C thq WCI •• • '" u·d. i;"Ol!M('hrll 11'1 I \(',uil

1-k c.bnltl1dc hb ,tf\luk an 11,c, Prodtcr , Sun, 11 huc,l 1h.i v. nn

>..d1m1, the L1111iN.111 I.JtCMr) \w.ud.

Ith hc)I,\, Ii,"~" rm the iti•,.1'2 'tllhh:h lu

cqu.111c• In "ill! O\l"t:11 tor f.a) none.- ltnm ltJ,(Q)

t,.o,ol~ in tbc: C.'Oll!p.'llllCIII \l a1c 7, Ad.1111, •,llfd he '"h"ran lcclini U lrt:rtnc ti ¥i·a.~n·l 1mcd 1~*" 10:11, th.II M bet 111,,

lie h,1al <,('('1 ktry I lllwol'II oo

Keg toss founder, instructor dies

•tl•Cru..:101 uwiJ to de\Cobt Oany Simon, S1m~111, • pby,ic, aPJ cag:um:rins 1nmuthH, d1rd

,11 s,1111h Afnc.11B \1,lcoan...l 111te(>npm,1n,1n,,;l.10D Monie T•1t1, C-uhurJJ Ohebll) .advl...:r. ~J. hcr,1tunr 1,..., ,cnl 1 ('Ml'I n dlaic<. h 111.ali.n nc

\\.,1nJ.1111r11,cl aoad r fil\J Jifkn:111.

,·11ht.1"'""''~'1lt11t,..· rft< fnud 'oC)tl: IIIIA V,,,h ,I fli~J Ol'lr h,.,luikJ 111.;'u .1 1, 1hllu11»J d1\h

hm• I 1uLmc1tl~tli ulloJ Un A\.IL \ccord1n&, 10 ih <Ol.ll. llh: cuiiu1

Wll"'I b11d, ttuny , ·ncurit°' unJ II l, ,1

1r..J.juoo.1I Cc"'"'' A,1u Jl\h llittt ""ere al,u ,c)nW Set11lh ,\rm,,n di,Jie,; -cdr.l b)' Scon Ot'\:l l'rf unit

J.ut11i= Ne-I &.m1 z;mh.ib¥ir- Spttch tn 1r11t1u, \li,11:a t-:.111,S", rur,.,1cd .t H.a\\o11uit lwu,1 di ~ t'.illa.l hla1.& p•J aii.J c~ Kalw h H,11ol1ll.1n for •lc-Mhc:,.I,, Khni,'f\iaJ lbt f~'ldc\'11M1.11i.:hkdl,m1a.• I"'" ,ud,,, la!U'all} tUkd v.l(h

l.:.j:..llllllkl',hn' auJ

11 (ffll ql.aJ 'A !ih IOfll.111.oc:l .nJ ldlf


l.irn.\t'".¥ihk.h1 rruo~tur r,.t..t.u,

,-.nua :a.rd tn•\CJ ,eJCl.l'-"ln

Thr rc,11cral l<'fl0JI\C' 10 lllc:liMkflKI \\JI\ ii r,Nthr l"ll· St1,Jw• An~tla llwmr'°n i:ud. 'II \\,a, ii NAIi)' p.,J iJn I rull) h l.:cJ 1he ft-,v.'1WltlalldlrmbiJl,\.cih h,

Tbh h ficat npO\llft !uc 1hr 1narrn~1i •H1dmh ,.dJ CAR\ \f~f)I K.1th1:<-n U•1Kr(011 them M t.h:trr 1tk1r nllu&tC 11, 111 .atca that t\1f111u1 d1,t'f..r." Ftllu1,1. CABS •ltlde'nt Je11nnc:1b.: \f~uhtw, uuJ, I lmc 11 l'm (1111111•11) from (ulumbu1. t:nui tl11\loo I t.hJri't ,nv111. •~1ut lb.: lulffll.l111ICIIISl\l\k""11hC'h1h'' '"'" '""> rlc;1wdtll111 n11,u1-S WU p;orlc allcndcJ Ifie ll;mq~I Ktu1lhc\ ~11,I "It m)' ht•Jl<' it, llUt111i the Jn·c-n1I) ul mu 1t11c-nu11111 11;al ,1udc111 10 he- \hattJ v.11)1thcpt°'-~oCNIC:'"

M.u,t, 10 .al hi, Mint" u1 lb1hdrum S1n10" h•d u1.l..rrt lc'4u Imm ti!, cia\1'&'\- iand IJU11n 111 NI(.''°' ll )'C'.ar -..Mk un1.ktto1nr ud1aunn 1111J chco101hrtapy He ,.-._. ,ll.a,rm't\C'J wuh rrn,1.ate, :1.ncct la~, )'Ca.t S1mo11, 111ho v,,Mcd (Of lbe \CllclOI \IIIC( 1072, nn:11 0 S1nnhml l'rU\lt'tUI) ff;,, lrC'illlMft1 lk ~baJcJ u ~•JIK't' \i-Jth Nd~-.., lot IM' 111~1 I ~ )Coif• <\ 1 the Hrnc- "bcn tbc ildm.1,1iwtt, pfficc 10C>l.. up lflO\ I af lltlWfUllttl Lcc H.111 K.illy 011ucharJ .ii.1..,,,ununi: 1n,truccor, h1ut tu i1lhte 11.1,1 a.;rn"' lhc h11!1 (fmn '\un11c1·•

fflft.1m,1,11uffnimt,,.11\ 1u,0Nl,n.·torflotr1,,,h, ,m.f,·Qtrottltrlrfr•l'I II, '"'111,/,.,rrt,,,,.,,,,,,,tw1t1, io1nrf'\'dnffl/l' -Curl f\d.\00

bo11ch.1rJ, cmrl t,)tt 111t1."C' 1014, liNTibcJ <ihnOQ ,'try coogt> :mJ ptrM,n.1bk 'Hn 1a11 1n 1unl,u1c ._, .a, hh .ahilitt 10 1d:11e 10 1b c 111,1Jcno u ahclr It\ cl,·' 801.1chud 1111d li e m:idc k.ut1ioa: 11ppfkablr IOC\U)J.i) life •• S,moR v,,;,11 11u1 rvmcn1al 1n ~111mns- 1hc l.;e1 U'l"i\, or b"'l'r ki.n•·n Jl 1he lnl.fnd Cat-.pvh Cootcu Thu t'al.11pu !1 C\Cnl "'"11cJ rommnn1t) Cl'11ltft" 111 1h(, lll'C• 10 dnptay 1hcit cal•pull" wh(rc S1h·cr.h-.od Theme Park i• l('l.fay ,\~cnrd!n,: to Ncl\\iin, NIC' holdi I.he 'Ill otJd nxurd (o,r tM fong-t\C \ct ~fJIUh, \lthic:t1 l,J11,1 undC'r n quil net o f • nulr l'hc MC'i.1 tb.u111 \'l;h ti11111 b) Sim""'' cnJ1n«rin1 ..a11Jcnh u•ing ,u1p;Kal tubint:: \.ltd bh1,hn,,, I.ape and l· h)·O rt,w-',, S1111,1ndt,1,:n<J Th" i:toJ B.1tTit1 rcapk will (°'JC.I 11. b 111 pcvplC' v.ho hll\C' b«t1 tier"

1-1n.:c d~ 70. ••II lie-"<'' 11,rrrt H " 8u11c.b:11J 1i1ld or the 1.1."g h\\\ IOiiclwa ,aid S1mo11 ft4J ~rpt la cunl1KI wllh r.1:1.111) rocmht,, h>· c-m111l lie 1o111J ~lfflOfl ~•IS he ""''' co,rn,: Jln:lh \\C'II lxlt had mU.~J khool

ll1c: 1m:m0f1:ll ~ot« Apnl l 111 ~111bdrwn l!t111cd Mc1!111di111C'l11,n;h \j1mul\ I• ,u1v 1\C'J b)' h1J w1fr Uccl) 11 t,omc; ~on

Moticn Sim,,n. Coeur d'Alcnt:; J.1111h1c" Kt1,1lr1t' Sitnnn lit hilntl'' J M id,cllc: 6h::lncfl, PO\I Falh: fO\lf gr•olkh1 ldttn: hh motlier. \h11,1 rTI S1nu.m it l hOmC'; hh1thtt 811,,e Slm()n, Tucwn. ~'"•and ,1,1cr ~C'arol lbniWln. S:an Frut1,,;uct.1.

Mary I ndGreeno plok up truhalong ""'dike , .,.d eld> moml~

Nort h Id a l, o Co llege sentinel April 22, 1899 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho w \\ w ..; 1 c: , 1 I> l l / !> I! ;-; r 1 :,; I. l \1<>/,f/11t· 5.?. N11111hn 'J Get the gc>ods 011 .. & 'Sto11• 11,eater' 9 9the /999 Popcorn p/;1ys tonight Forum Team competes i11 Schuler for chanc e Specia l at regional s A&E/Page9 Su ppl eme nt Sp orts/Page 8
speakers share stories of struggle Award-winning autl1or. Oregon woman highli ghl N!C homophobia worhhop 8,t l •r,n Htc-1..f'r ,·,- f ,,. 1'1t'l~ntJU1WI\Ul'C'•.ill \J.utl'> ~._, a le)i\i.ltl- •p::J\<"r IOf "I("',. l1f'f '>)'Mllth11,n1 ia.Jd.-c:01111 hon1t1rh<'bi111 un collrrc tAftl(I\I' • tk h.a1riJ hi1i ,rnry, rrc1m h,\ dl•\:O\'U) U thth:J l h ,H he tw•\ d1rtc,cn1, 10 1ry1n,: ,, ch11nrc lu lf'dillJt. anil, llnally. aJmlnin, la hil11' lk' y lfk',,\J1",1h('\; C..i)fStnugln \th.Jilk'( hinutJ ~""'''> r·~if"2 "' 1w1 he ¥i.a, 1«11ns I Ix 1111n"1e1 1111 h'" ci111rd1 "'•" 1hu'I~ ur "".Jtll' 1'1un•-.c, - IIIIJ 'fa~-itt, The,~ ¥1,11\1, AJ.-ln,.. 'll•J he h,1d hc-1 , J hdMe h1.11 h.Jd11·1 1u1dctl-11.klJ Ibo me; nlllJI. tk111g goy ltib •-zuhok~ '1bc 11Wnklr1 uJJ I J11l1t'1 1,•mcmhn m"'lunJ ibll i:huilx 1n kuiJar11nm A1l.alTh 1.11d Siu 1,: m thM ctu..1f\.'ft ht 1o11MI 1w rct1 Al•Jl'C a1.t di 'Unft"J
f\, \&) 1nr th.a, C,od •11 .a11 fl""l1"trfur" and "P11IJ ~f'-' pr'\'(11C /\d.1011 p.aytd 1\11 ~nm "llY to Co lo> l.&lv.dJ icullq:c,.._,ctu, lit wlJ lil!C'l h;,n~ SYMPOSIUM oonllll<"!d on Page 11 \ Pf'*t-t .ic,,_ Tadayukl Nakayama shows students Ambit,- Jami son, Alison Gargus and Alltha Nttllr how to make origami 11 the tntemaUonll'* Ba.nqueL Thls WIS the 1tra1 dme the even 1 had been hefd.$:lnce lhe closureol the Student Union B uJldlng two yea:rs IQO. Foreign Flavors rmerna llon al club holds student banquet ti) \hUJ<lhnwn \r,1111tr/N.,r Ci.1u1no. 111,n, 11111>unJ the •·1,rld tC'"IJ!lcJ u,trn .al 1h, 1n1t:m1111nnal 'sn,IIC'tH " U11riq1..1tt \pnlJI fhh ,, 1bt hN llme 11\.ir 1ti•~ c:-,c,'ll ho,. t'l(1,.-u:rr,'d tm((' lhc SUB (1,,.,urc )c-iu .1go The IUtnUUI t,l,f111 11,~1111,harul '41d l 11trm11lonial \.11.Aknl\ l 11 h r,n lcllt .ailJ tl:itl<.jYn WJM1i1l"f Mur 1 KhliJlk-, 11IC Nnquc1 v,,n nn Ill) I fON. The1t' v. cJC' Ja.poec,c. Ara.t-,1 •nd (',1t1h~.1n m11~1<'
gathers 5-10 pounds of tra,h during daily walk b7 ~'""' Shrn.k Srn1mtlRrp,111fr G 11thcnn1 Cllhct peofllc'• lt#'\h 1 "°' cvcr)onc·, 1Jt>a etl or a 1uod 111·a)' 10 •pend che 1'1lQt-o101 Gr«nn and h('r t11J \b.snd. now dccc;i~J. ,t~rtC'd pt,ktAI up 11-a,h on lhc di l c 1o..iJ ,10 )-taH •,:o •w., WlhltJ 1(1 help k.cq'l lf'iC4:0llt' .C u,i:, dean, \bry 1111d. For tt>c
M11ny pc()ph: w1tb Mtt) ••~ 0.1,tc:ne u thcy I"" tbc:n b1.11incu. \fary 1«aH, 1wo mllhouirc l1d1u (10ln M1UOUID who llOppcd 1.nJ Uil.leJ They 11111.1 h,·, 1hat 1t,cy rCQ '"C"lcaftcd ur the cn\'in111mcn1-v.l1cn they ,.-·cro h1J11,o. D1.1rm1 Ille ye.a" IJic hll\ up ~~h nc.::it d1,c NIC bc:ich, 1hc uld he hn only cfti;t1Ul1lttc'1 tine 1"tl'lblc 1n ; llucc:: \If fo11r )'t'•n. aro, lhc ,.._, •1ruck h)' 1 vt.hido. 'Ru;td co1Mh11on 1 "'cro icy She uiLI •he rcch f()l'U1nllll! tbal _.ili hot'4::m,tHI)' IIIJ\Hcd Ulnc cup, •ccount fot II ma,nr11y of li e f'i"c 10 10 puuntii or 1ta1h lhc: l•n pie\, ur uch Jay Alth()uah soml! people.> m11h1 ,u,1 no1kc Mary ulkl tJ.11l rn,: 11., 1hc:y help ckan ur ct,c c,tnpi11, ,u,cly pcuplc ,wiulJ 11011 e If 1hey ll'CU'lfl d~I( Tbne 1wo I.tac:, keep ttw,,• loo\.rng aiu ft.If 1bt ~:oll~Je l'I)' I~ lakc. Marc Adema tudaan I excorpo INlfflhla --Prt&ehot'I Son." ,,_,,,_ -
Mom, daughter keep dike r1ad spic 'n' span Pair
fl t lj,., Miry', ll.1u1hte, Pul.(11e., .t7, hn ,11i:,n111pa11lcJ tier
her rnorn1n1 1ra ,h r1d,up Rain.
f) ,1111,\1111~ the rtalr Cal'I be IC(t,
lllun1 lhc d1l.c:.
Office partner, friend shares me mories of Barry Simon h> KtO)' Dtusd H1utv.tJ1111 F:t.l1h.1t Hbtldl. hahh\url.1na 11!'ld t:nh1ro1,,IQfl. llC' .,.,c,c I.he \llcm.-1 1h01 Cun Sci nq rbr,11,; ltd rn;1t1t,con1

t.1 hdp tJ11""'" p,11rlt' 11111,ul Jl\.:rtmin,1111111 aJ II\ I JJ.)\. k•'lt"' "iUJ. bvt ~on, 11rtt r,ah 1.1..:1. rutt«11,;1t) aN WW"--1" ,~ Ck colJqc:

Rop:n u1i.1 h flbuun1 l!ld2ln •,IR\hof· lw 11r,1 U"mr,h°r, uilc br r1om11-c-, •111 t,c h11hl) J'l~1hh,j/Cll JI .~ t.•IJ he "ll\ft·t tmrtt,\t,I h) !ht

•1.llrfiilan..'C' ,ii tN ·\11"11 II> \11,d,hnp. ,.11111pm t1j tlw

111,·11d,an..:c- ro 1/'l;i1 "' lhunan R1~t11-1 e....,..-1 htlo.i h•o.b,~cirnct ,.,..., Ill(' pn-,r) J"WP'D"C' I llw " vb h Id r,OIIIOtC' Jl\fl~J ...a a. ah,,vt VIC' hk\l)lc MJ..., • •-'•if 1J~"'1"nlt}tinahll1J1tll!Ak', k..)ta,'IIJ \llfltr 1: I 1ht \.lctttll)rte:' and wlllludo ,1.;n:i f11111 1ir1,!f.11"-' '"· t.;llll IJ1tht•p1mua) k\1·h11lrd,1.;.11i.w1 Ir. IJ.it10 R1 m '-lkl •I , 111 U1W1~l,!C' to :w t1w • ,J bnmn,,uu~I .u1d ") • ha..'"11 nut..n pit\ r..J ifdlr}'C•b,.,.at'I!'

Hoetn ldfflcd IO a pN rc11\.C'r •• l~r •0(\1.,op ~(lf!lillha.dJt«'kllul I tun "') ll1\C'\11al h 1n.1tnder \i.,ppun "-"t\k't't !..-ttiC'l,ia\~)tfflf(',.~I c1.1, llDd lt:,,lN.111 ittu«'nh ,l,1 111t1kl "lilC .in..t J.., fle"('1l'41Jlllll(1 hr:1.11J Pt pit Jo11"1 • nt ht de-al • •th 1h.o~ 1ua,n tiic- .I of WI) S'Cf'l.-..pllOII 111.t f•) HJ

"" 'l'<'t't/((11 ,.,,

Rl~~~•,,'Olk'tflk'dlh'lllllh:'~ hip lffMJf ti11k;IJr ,11e..., • ...._, flit bdtinl', 11.a,c kldiJ ·=~Wll«) Ga) ltC'n,, Ropl' ~hi llaH· buJI' r.ttftlhcl \\hc"A e«n, fu1all> ._. Jel:wk 111 conit ""' 111J fr1 1111.111,~ tt.-.:1111,n, hvm l,ull il) 1nJ fri,c1Mh II m-,) hth"'t111.1dt111io,lr 1hC' tin, r""UIW t\".:11'111 IO ~·nc'·,nq;llne ~lton. for tnt hh lwft IP uMIJ up.• R~ \Al -coqib..'"fflr..") t IIIUU • p, ~"')'

I Trustees approve sabbatical requests

\\'.:h~lxi»ed n:g"1r.111on. magn.:11(: ,uip ,ar1h d1"u,..:d at l itn:h 111<.'eling h, \htlff" \\oud.-. .\<11tmrll(q.,.,tr1


u,1i.1JI IIQIIUU,,."1Df I r.u1 uw. 1 tt\:mc r11n ,,.., r« kt ln:'"'t' lh: (.dl I~ wmnlt7 •'" ..., *'C'"'~' n1i11,-..,. ,,,,., bl:hinf Oii UIC lmcmr1 .f 'illf ••II.,.. 1tul lnfonNlklll to J(>tl~r ii lftp·t-} •1rr su1dc 1 , J~,C'loptt,('111 d{ l.t1t1h~h h1h·rr1t1

l>1rt'C'h)I Tu11 t,1zr1d ,abt-..iucal k-.1"i'•Dl!Cbi!letlllft)"M b

•\Jd1 .C' •1IJ f<CC1\-r lufl 1'13J RafK~ \111111 c-omb11H c,uuu


dt\Cll1rr11(1II JJmnJ tu" ltol\C. llr \\Ill 1111 h"n1l-..t"" j\l,rl~•l'ihf1j: Ill th,· pwJu..itlitt•t f•lhe'r•Rnthon • 111 I

S..: kr l.cui:-r (kc 1aa1I 1t.a1 naiw uJJ1\kll,a.;ih 1wrhcd 1<1 Lilt ,4h1Ja1,\~ k••n Ila ..,,J 1h41 ,1c ,fo('1a'1 Mrc .,uues ~"'tu ,.. nun> 11r sr-rJo.::h. ,_. Miotkpa,111bltc'C'11C1Wurf•'d ,-... _~ tlnap Je1m

Hot Rod Wheelin'

·1~u111, hring home gold

Irnm p:1pcr , chide ..:11111..:,t

t., hr,11111,nl,(T '

IC~ to ah:a:t' ,lC , aiml"k!IM ~('1;\ Mltfl11 ~,4 •ht) 111· lool..utJ 1,, h.oc •1:~b,1,\CJ rc,:1,1u11u11 11 lbf ,ollt'JC' tt} ihc )f.11

h) tc a IC'ilJC't ,a1bc1 1han • f,,ll111u1 •• ltch,ioktj) ..:<X'fltl uut ltt> ul,J 1he1 1h(o collctc , Pil..., • ,a difkrnll bm Ill D1k111 adnf1rte111a11 •IMl,il ha • lftlP('lk Ul'ql hit Qfd •add bt- IIC'd IJ.t a '-twfr &'C(Qll. limd,...,tllhn a4kfn an,J llfN~

11.'C' 1\-naknl 1.-,r ,_,m 1r~nc ~"O Rull) lutp"ln lt"l'CIIICd lh11t Sir \ l('\CIIUe 1111011gb rct•ltl,lt) 'A,O \t11.~11.i,.t_1, \A.llh urr1ul11u1n 1ht,1vsti 1,1,1111H)' "'' \Uhl l.t~lJ l ht ~uUc-~ h,n .- huJftl •II ,~1.-n, 111? 1h1, i.~"31 )C'• JUff(M NJ bl.-ch die rnenuc #Ill ,,pmJ1rwm few '-IC"iattc,~t;, liN'kJll'rth~ ya,mc::am. Tru~ ,iic,La \\..-...t iMJ Mlllh \\ t11ie11k utid thl' f•,t aa,ollbc 'IC'Hiw.W) ~~••M•~9

Rot..-11 Su11lctar) •1111\c' -.u11t1g 1tw hnh.,), HJ l!'lt con1m11t(C' • 11,•• lotd.1ns: ar r,o..,1N< fouaah fot 1ht rmJC'tl Ute 11m1r1,IIL'C hi tflC'Cf .,,.11, ,,1111 j 1 10 C\IUllollt thcnl"I v4 the ("IIIJ"'-1 li11tihtrbti-t1~,.11'C!:11111.zou11o;h,d )Cilfc:-.1lcri.lw 111.p •rpruu,I \11\·c PrutJt:nl ftlf' S111Jtn1 SC"rucn H,014 i....nJu) lk)' try lo \otllDCi.k wn11 ihc' \ llnff\,lty "' ld.allo utd lllt Joe.ii "1k1ol .tnu-.1, •he"• ,waai•t lhc alr"'1w 11w 19"19- "Uc~ •at PR"k~) · ,1 "'laflW!.

Marvin Farmer dies

I , 1111 "'hll'ln ii 1, ll}llo<l"'-1'11 ~ltr1 l I' \lr. F r • • 11 fo f .,""" 11'\lrltll .d ll'r ,ullttt fttm IW<h um.d rdiml:lctll • l'WJ He •.n ,irn ai..11,r ,olltf,r 'P(WI C'l'tlb,,, ltq,inf -car'C'. WTC'lt1cnj .-hn kw }.I )art. _....., af1A.1"m11i.fllC'C Iii:- •a• ittJ 1n"111111CRt.11l 1n ,tw •ff'lhnai pujf;fffl.• -.itd \1!1k11~• 011-..,·10, fon ll ~aJk) ~1 ,:in·1 f\"\Jll h1m ("1~1 1111,,1111i1 :am.aid, l ie •••11s1t·.1A,rhatp:, "' 1\11o l!hlC'h<C 1,,.,t..r,.h~ hmd ~Tn 1ttdr- 111 t 111111n 1 ho or ( ·llCICrl~IOM to ttw fylkl \In "tftl to ttw- "( bt...,,ttf l lub. \lmin \\ t ..c1ne1 \\ rnlllAI ~~IV l\a!J 1{111\\ (..-JtwiA1C' (111."W.f\~

ASNIC presidency hopeful finds campa ign posters vandali ze d

-g rl11•\\orlil\o lcl1·-.l g ,no,rn~I,..,, ,-.:::s 10.igebl c5 Campus News Gay/Straight
President: Club's primary purpose to promote dlveralty IJ\ldn!1ll11l..1•r I C'IC'YI. 1,uhhlt'lktt11 .:ir,.--,.· '\Ml.1 tho• ~.cdN•~ kt era r1..-p"'1:i ch.111i111,: ,ti..• duh, 11;11 .ca., lhc h•)l~m;ni:I • .\llio.1111,C' Ill fflii~t' •I dtlil th I 111m, " •M •11112" fil • rlli'n\hn t 1urpu 1 'th(, club l.lD "'Iv fw1 \lc"(hl'I' II Mlffl 1hr llnl ,md llu n l lue,-i1.a, of c:a.. h lll••Nhlntht \tit'• C="ffllll.o) K"" I 11ua1 i, { l11b" Apul 10 • 11l. ,hop o,i dnhnj ••lh ~11,111,,1,1,
Alliance aims to educate
T ;;:.~~~':'~~~~=-;~';:.f~:j~;~i;
t,. t f ~~~~lr~;;:!;J~~: ·~~;~~;; ·~
:~"';,':f ';:c::':.;:,~ ~~:;
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""" ""'la the A!l>~IC ollk..t llt h4.• " 11Ji.l t., .m.-~1'111(o&"1cau,tai.11t1llll;il'"-.nrh.-.J, • ,th th( hi\, 1•11f1,1,1p pn.1,'f u" ,tt.: ,.,.,. ll••lf, 1hc ,1 II ,u \l.tll lk l, d1C'"' ,ol11t IJ1c ,u~ri,l , ~, 11knuflt'Ji11.,,l 'l;111h• \ "IJU1'C' •ho 11,t\haJ l,1 t\'fl\i II niJt.. 11f,"\I """1 I W""A l'l.-.:p.dl.11 p:n 11d ti, f"'.ll.'t-.1 afttt .Jr.a•• yldltffti:"; ca llrlkk\ f'- k .\r. 01'11•1 tu IM '""" •II r "91~ ""• llfflfflllftt •)nb.ildi"" ••• kp~ (I It)' I' lh.11 I ,..nJu '"'fl)ln "'h..i """"'J.llli' to .. lkl ht, ...,1J ,,Iler he- ,rp1u,a.hcJ Pt~ \loi11'! tl'4' !Jrllj'\'tl'II [lt.,_,lct,f1• .,nt\rf!MI lloo.f'ia11tl"U!lli .ilh k ,i.,,J 1111;',u , in, .\flt:t Ntn1 wit.I th.M l lclld!IC'~ "tJII • •11nc- •hi U• rl.mti.:: t~p:r1Af ttb d1,: p.~ t'bak DLfmrtkJ .,,,!lrpnUIJ: 'Aidl mh Oftl' p. ll<'ltd1<, tJ Ut fw• c-ollt" tJ thtN ........ l\,_"ili.~ .Jf~~ho-.--ia.. "'fUII f'lanlt , 1'11.illurm .a1o1r'"ml'PI dtlntitd 14' 1hc 1 ·I • J. " rtt ,111" n L.n.... JI m-.;a,. •~ Mll fitd ilhlUI dliC n;ldnN tf,.; ....Slit \ii.a,, lf)ci; IO fdlJ "-*: ..t mat~ tbr WhmUI Ir ,ht h 11'1k'11JtJ Iha......- 11 • l lwflkJlf r 1..i..1 -, ll\°ltih.:\ '-"h i ht••' 11fl.;r1,l~"II l ·\rt)lhnt,: II\• ¥1tn1r "•' 1,1•nU111)' 1n) r,tn,i;1rlc, ttp11J111sr '-""'munt,m. • l> 1.11,.J fh1l1~u.a •a• cuh• DI rht f,nlern f urnr,-~11 c-omrauau1 It rt, lluu•1 1hc- ('C1IJ V. •• 11W ,,enm"n11Dlhlfpw,~111l'li'I •t am • dcO•t1C' "1ppontr of lltmcKlli, 1~1,,1,J. JM••h)l&mhcft l 'bdt ..,,.rc,, L.1-k l,or ,·tW11,ri,;•

tn '\,('\'(:t~I Applied Technology cl.i\.t.t"\: .:..-arpctUI), tll.'il:tmnk.,.1.l11d l1n,:. m.,hanan;.,:. blucrr1~1 tud1n:s ,nJ ba,1~ 1nA1h t.l.i lh Tbc portk1p,111l> m,ldt toor11cth1nt In c;a~h 14b Tb,:_y In.Ilk \:&.IJ and Jiqt~t •hil\Cr,. IA m~dUTICf) mcuJ rO\c-, in w<:klin.i•oJ oofk·IICti,;iJC'J IIJht, l.n c.k uonlo.

11n~m.~ l'l~c !WIJd. "t liked d'IC V.11)' v ,, Od1..:J

1M.:h1nt Ttth tn..ini... l(ltJ 11111,ht ,1111.kf 11""


Wa,crl) K~\ICftJIUtnJtdd'IC 111ttl.-l,lflJ

r't\'SNJfl nJ,bc \.Aidkn\'.ldll lit c.vpmtr) ~,

t,J'C IJtUfl .I 111oo,dic11 ton) l),i)\ th.,.I ;a.I~ I\ ,l

fl'1M' IMlk

mo111h Adm1,\lelm. lN'I Xr,kc and uttatctwbL

•·,uc0:'" J* l.'.,1t1 be dl,oe Ju,..

"di h,- v.cuncn i11,d m,y not r«JUI~ much

A1.u1tdtnt Id l-tiu15:h1, cht «14k,c crxouf'IF' lbl._ P"'JfUm WCU4.I'( lllllrt' IIIOO'll'11 Jai1, the Aflllll~ T~bnnl,11)' PfUStlnl' .ind it JWllml.C<'~ ~.1"niktCQllllfhy."' Be\J~lt--. t.\ffrtin$ prw:1;s,n, lil.C' d11, one, !hr 1.'1'111~·r.aho Pffl"'~ pcN1D:ll 1:fUl.'(h1tg few

~-ti,11,n N"'1h 11$:!hll,••bc ui.J. .,...,,.,..."Getting In Gear'" parUclpant Terri Fox bulkl• • toilet pa,per·magnlne f9Clc In lhO c.arpontry tab

Emrm l'ltc ,uc,•icJ the prnjpllln an.J nnv. pbn11 uti aou:i, ,mo, \bduoc ptotmim ··J'mruU)'.

Career Center offers

""'lbllll 11 "'-• car.

• Fuid (M Jlliuut )'(lCIW't'II b)· a,alunJJ anc ol :-c.-,·c,1caaroC'IAUC"~,n1tOl~h. A,-.c 1ntl)1• U:.l~aJII) l)pt' lilk'rbb,llll& a E.J.pklft 1-nd ;cbb.npt1i.,a, "',\JCl,Us»,.•1ll,:t i.-11CW..l\111lbtt' f""Uft,.,IIOIYI '-'OIIC'fe1, ud w:hul111hip 111fonn.dkltt.

~11111kM, "°'' 111 '",itttr tlur n h1lt1lhft$ l1i,rbirtn('c.n"'rti;a.~k~ly lollllUd '4b:n 111...,h,rtJ,n 1•~ Shc-.lld'411trtW,i.anoJ,heJ1Jn·1 ts;i,~ 11 dc1,l.«aa,mpu&.cr. Nciw.tht) hlnc l.qe~-..ic oo the 1oN."'ld nwror thr.Sl'D '.':iohc u1 \ht (k.,,d1lfle'd1heCar«rCm1a1n...,hu,I

8 Sc:wd1 fur aJ1,b Dll loC~'(.r:ll a1n,p1tcc ,,re•

1,hc 1tiooght the. M.."hoc,C •nd 1.tlldC"1ll1 'lllaltled l..i1.krri~ wJ Cate1.'1"Cnth'f ulkn ~,cul

..c:f'\IIX,. to OOlh 1.hc 1.:olkic nnd 1hc co111mur111y Fi~.

lhc)" Off~r k.,,ca ~llff'.Cr ,a.,..~inchl-...., Tiic-.c tc.1h

ticlp\lloli.knbfil'id111,11 mcire.itlOl,l.t 1tklffleh~, ._., dlC) CVII pkt lhc l.'..11"!' f'C)'lubk La(nnrrc: 111JU(•bsu11.lct1C\ tnle 11 k,l\l l\<11'1 utthe" IN, h• t.,'\'1 ac'\,,1n11tf11ftlffllatiuQ Aftac~illJ'II J'0',,1bk Nee,, uW('nf\ .;an IO()l, 1n Litt Caren Ct:nlt't'" hbrat) for nKWt" tnfonaalMm The hhc:ill) tncliak'I- a t«IM•Q wllh l'iool nl"IQc,I .,pttifK ("illttn 11,nd a '>t\.--tion II.Jib .:oUrtc dlff(tnnn., Lafcmc~ SAld dtt CM«, Ct'n1cr ha,1, ~t10l'lllf b1or_ra:rlllK"' boul.'i th.ii h.,\,t lntrl'\'l('Y,, .,...,th rn,fc.uktclal'- The lnttn1(11l.1 dc:°'"'br: ""hill ,he j'll'1,fC1o'lll(lil\.ll Jocvtt)da)' 1111d "'~I lM')° do.oct doo't hL! .ibt.,ut 1bdt )'>h\ \:I ,.,"' J1.11,. f1"'"'' Pr imcm h1P' aad \'CllUolM\'\"r l•""Wenictt 11.11• • Ii.,. al 101;:,11 pvfr,.,1,.,.-1, ,.ti,,, ,:ire wiltint in do nn ln~l'\',c:1t,-\ with )lltlkUl i. Al..n, "udc:nb can ~h11Ju"··11 rrurt"100 1 l.llrcnirff bdp. ~U~h V,1th t'C'~mt",, Cr>\Cf Jc:cw, .11bd ,rnm1('"" 11C\.luuqUf"i. She: ahe.,

rn,allllhfll\\ lddn 1111d 77 d•"-..C"II cumc: kl lhc Com:tCt'nf'erC\ct))tiarfor~lll\.hpt~, She ukl the la-1.111~ 1, 1natd1bkl.Jalcmt~ 1h111b 1hC' (IC'UIC) •t!kfflly ,.1rc., 11b®t «he tuJ<nh a1-.l 1t.c,r-W1.,~.1-~ The C"arttr Ct'tlll:I',. an c,·r-ne ,;aalkJ °'«r \1ail(t." In •h~·h ctll.l«' than~ .re• pcoltt5iori,1J11 ('Ol'1\(' itnJ ,real M,tudr-m atltllll ,br,rJi."*"

I.Aft'thC"f'C I' pl U,,IUl'IJ ll°k"C\'t.111 fornc..ll (ktobt'f 11w C'111tt1 Ct1t1tr al\d t.ia, lnong1,, a lk\l miJ

tekphonci *' \ludmlll an i:-o11ll l'f'O"J'Ccth-c ~plU)ftJ

l,.;ifnortt •iud 1n.aay 1,u.1cknt'i :s.nJ (1"'Ulry member, ilt1cncb11hc op.·tt huw.e:. v.;n \~l'Y b.lpJI) "''itb

1~'11,tcCllllC', "' All !hi. '111,Wk w.-, 111'l\l"lh k. ,11-.k-111-. want W ('OfflC anduM 1t.h1N1i.a,ie-ul ,e.." ,tic t.1id lAfmirrc .all ca11n1Chn1 ¥rllb ,1¥ iAI.Mktlt, JIIJ1.vrtll'l'IU:Uit)"C11ClllhtU fc,r III lll'(ICl'nlmc-n.1. ull 7(r>

'btJpplflche1n I "idon't1hll1l. ·t: ''ll«lv.c~b;ii.t: ''lthinl""(IIUillto ''lf•t-'tcl(llvwi,J..1 lh.)p:-th.ll('.1111hlf1 "l1hinlt1hcf"t"adcn1


•Am.bcr Jamkon. 2U C«ur,/'M~r,,, F.11ilJ1/t

Al f-' -t)tc:m W.i.<ihlngton

Unl\'l:t$1l,Y. wt know wbtch careen :an: l h e hottcat and ca.n hclp you Pl'CJXU'C for 3uettM lu ll<ld>. Oradwi"'8 or our crtmJn&J j \U-U(;C progmm wotk at~ l~I• of govanmens., publte ,1111.fcty and lllw cof<iorccmcnL Former cloctronJc media and rum atudenta arr now wrlt!J,g tcrttnpbr.i. mtJVtC9, WCtmlng Emmy1. nnd tanchortng lhc 6 o'cl!Xk news. Fonntt pn:~La.w majOR arc now SUCCU3fuJ IA~.._ andJ1tdged, And our paycholO(tY grattuat.e, o.rc bully aero&& the cbunlry-


Life Thursday, Apnl 22. 1999. BETTER BEGINNINGS 11111 f:allllo hi' NIW 111Pec1a1 tllll'I CIUIIIIIQI lcl' ll'OIIIICllvl Sblllnll by t:ni.., Oorttpn J.i(r£J.11,r The Ct11.1ct- hw Nev. llu«ti111b h.t, tun cifrcnna IICfVicc:t. '° aon-dltl")". t11.>1Hr.adruunnJ \ ludcnt,t'orl ltycan., "Our pl i.\ tn h.:lti JIC\"!Plc licil.vnc tt0t101nieall:, 1df-M.1l l11;lc.111 Corol H11ug-h1. Cu1rr for ~cw U.rn; 1lan-. i»qrui1111111r uld. H.wjhl 14IJ the <c-nlcr ii ,ooipkli-nJ! D fttt hKIMl•'«I. P"Ufr.Jnl lidcd °'Gt."uJfl$ U1 Gt-If"' loJf •nn.c:n I hh Pfptram Jl'\C"i llfl u1troduc11on
,d(..--"(ilr1\ c bt,.\ v.l1h il Jm11r,nH,11Jic;h1 s.t1id tbc « ,,ffm t.h(o pni,g.1m once IWN.'f' .l )C'M IU 11"°111 lhll lheft IUl: J"'°' '" I\M"htJ 1'('(htl~ l or1111~Cll She !oaill lllC'\t'
300 1.0 ,KJO p:uplt
hliJ ttL.tlOChhti"", ,Qrin"' ~"'' flt 1111.'0bi,. lilblbt. domtllic ,fol«ltc: ot homtk."" •hd1t:r.. SQinc 111c- ae* ~1c:1etic, ~111>•~·1 kno., v.hctttolbifl 1nNortfrl dalki. "Mwofuutd1it11hucf~"'llh1ht~•·• ..,11~c
IT'•II)' i111pri:,..cJ """'1hthcm.Khh1e pu , 1bleUl.llkrlhtll'adulJ,J1"NIIJ lllfo1h,r Yrmr\:fon.-c. The) help ,ob !Mm&cn fmd ,oltt 1b.n1 111, iD d~n.,.,,,.J .;iod l,114,,,.. \o.t,...I I\. ;av.a,bblit IJl !\nrlh lwho The) .al.o help rnw,r,t1.1h·c WuJdtb fil'd n,onc) for 'lc:hool TI,e u:nlrr D1,m111llyc«1n,col1, lh( 1 clk'flh umil 1bt> .-c<'mrl">cdtlf1:boc;llt'to,010~ For COOtt iofom1111t1m call 769-34.c,.
advice for
tl.aulJ,hll ~"' nGI P thr J!C(lJ)lc the) http DI !be ~'t'C1k'rt:\·t111u.Jlyrmoll a11'i lC: rk «met emf*,)·• thttt- Ml-11mc tci"n~ •r.f (fflC '-C'\" Tile) h,a\t,: In OUttt.a'.h O:llttt ID ~tDtJSS:· Mow 0 11bc1r ttkmh, c:t11ne ftom •!ltd-of Manager Gail Laferriere developed Caree r Center to student need~ br bik.o tlo~lln 'liff'fj/1t1•, Tb.: C•rc.:r C(tuc, teopcncd 1h cbJn in 1hc SUO •I 1hr uprn h~W' Oft Wc:Jnc,J.iy, AJ'ril 14 ..-\l,111,.tmtt 10 OwJ L.akmcl't', atta dncluptxnt ~1,,11h,1
l'C,,kl nk)\f;f) hcJJ>" v.otnci1 On!)
1~cJ,ttt1.arr men
lhc)· 't.n-c
thtu dit11h \\'an tci CC1 inio the '1't.'Otkf,")f\"( a'I \ofll)rt"' l)(k'nbl,r. ttlc) 11h.l->llt cn1rr h\o.) rm,riumo, AppbC'd Tcd!Mlofy J"l'O,:tlio, She w-id :ii foll pct\'.C'M.IF 0, their cllcnh IIR.' nimtft. ~t '"
aaJ C'...m::'tC~"'' nt11nai,"t, nun~ M*nh Jon·cl.oow \lohat thiC'CmtttCcrlt.ct h:i.,toollcr. ThC' Ca,;wrCCfllet 1ornc'l .i-.. .S.tJUO .s )e.uShc 1,o1iJ1hc('......,.r('c11&<ri\f(lf,111dc::ntt. 1111\111 l1o1~c1t'11,Sr:1;1Jc,Jutt11,;.n« Tbcugo.albtohc.'lp
1h•1t~ 1he c tMk t'"n 1.0.: 1, WJCll.llC't.l
opin ion around Lhe ('1)tln0,.' bcJon, 1bctt. It•'> ntJI oor1111nt.'" ·J-J-21 C,Arurdi\Jrnt /'11lthml~ l'IC'\tt~im,,I\~ t,.IQWI hhu~'A'Cl'tc 11.""cYIOUJd\lo it in ,t,, liN pi,... tu. l'G.""Ulll.lQ8W'il.a1J n,-hl. ,.1 in :ind Jtt lln'Ufl~atr f-(lUl,"C..uiJlflil!nonh n111" ~-1i,,g_mtl'C~Mt,c, '°"""" ..S.m \\ ldcUntld.1-' 1cl-fln111:a-Jrth ~'ul.)tc "'7 8olllltTJFr,,,., r,o>«." (<1t"MrJ'.\Jt,1i, Cirt>o'tnl ·l.~'i (."udt'1'1l0 ,tlJJrl,m,T~~,ir,.. 11,.Jtri,l,,J CASH paid for your BOOKS Bring them to NIC Bookstore 5 Days: Monday thru Friday Monday-Thursday 8 am-5 pm Friday 8 am-12 noon May 10-14 doe,.n'l~\Ct.lltel'lt't l, \lcppini "'hctt •nntl\.t\tok',.Silllf doNl'1bC't. nt 11·, pt:(lpk in blrm·" • 111.i,1.Ju.,:h clr~I tu 1y"' mah It IW!W' f1'11 ·Rhen \\lltc~ • .?O h,nt,e,lr bcroo.- ht', 8'11wnl-r-m CJl..llt'lfoffitt !Ul(kti,k,/ -\\'Ul1amM~ 111 c,,.·,111/'Afr-n, GFJJrri~wm A5NIC 5tudent6 Event5 Board End of the Year Music & Food Fest Wednesday, April 5 3-5 p.m. Soccer Field Build your own burritos, tacos, taco salads Music by Most Chill Slack Mob Buy tickets at ASNIC offices on the second floor of SUB $2 with student ID $4 Without ID
In communlcnUon atudl~ hold poou.-,ns In promouon. twm rn lit1'\'1tts ftnd ort, 1mMIICl-n:il con1nnm ir,1uons. Aud tJu U1ou~1l!I und opmtoru of our Jouman•m gradua.tca are tnromdng und ltiltucncuig i,,ubltc

Science masters share discoverie s

Forum offe rs outlet for scientific geniuses

The ,mcll of sully butter and 1hc so und of mu 1,ching popcorn rilled 1hc Lake C'ocunr \lcnc Room of the S1udc111 Un ion Buildinr a, science and 1c,hnolugy in lhc we,1crn \\t1rld \\,L, c\plon:1l a11hc :?91h ,mnual Pnp1:orn l·orum

C lo,ing her pre~cntJlinn, she encouraged lh e a udien ce lo continue discovering untl asked "plca,i: tlo not let thi: laboratory re~t."

BenJamin Franklin. American Mau:,man and phi losophe r pla yed by NlC social and behavioral ,cience ins1ruciur Alan Lamh, de,cribcd the 1h1ng~ he wa, rnosi proud of ,ignine 1he Dedarat1on cir Independence. crcu11ng the tirsi public libnu y and ,Nabhshmg the postal se rv ice.

Edison dcmons1r.11cd 1he phonograph to 1he audience.

"Modern in vtn liun." he mumbled a1 the audience lau ghe d b.:causc lhc: I 1 phonograph didn't pluy immcdintcly. Alexnndcr Grahnm Be ll , Amencnn inventor of 1hc h:lcphonc por1raycd b) Dan St. John. marke1ing director of

1hc Si her Ldkc Mall wltl ur h1~ struggle for" ca ll h from pov~rt~ J ,prung from the lo,c and acccpttmce I of u wcahhy girl.

Gutenburg Langton Luther face-off

'Ilic p.uwli,1, ,poke ol lhcir lifcUITlt! .11:.:urnph,hm<'nh am.I 1111: 1111pun.inl.'<' or 1h1:1r d1S1."m.:rie, ,L, .:011uibu1inn, 10 a cnn11nnn gu,11 Each pandi,1 prm idcd a d1s.:mcr~ fo1 other. lo hwlll 0111u ere.Uc lh ~ knowk-dgc of \Cl<'lll.'I: ,md 10:chnolog) we have in 1hc modem world.

The audience chuc l..l cd al 1he humoruu, ye t importum portrayal by 1he pancli,1, o f 1hc1r hve,. Rachel Can.on. Americnn scie111i,1 nnd writer played by NIC English in,1ructor Andrea Clmcr. talked about her discover) of 1ho: harmfu l cfl'cc1s o f pe,1ici des on 1he ecosystem. Her work lead lo lhe ini1ia ti un of the lirs1 Earth Oay.

Madame Marie Curie, Polish -born Fre nch c hcmi s1 portrayed by NIC sc ience instructor Rhcna Cooper. spoke of lhc importance of fulfilling persona l passions in life. such as her love for che mi stry.

I ranklin ,au.I he wa, probubl) mo,1 tamou, for hi, clc,1rki1y cll'.pt.'rnm:111, invol\ 111g ,1 kc). n ,ind ligh1111ng. ··t l·oukl',,: l~cn ln~-d ot lhc ,pol." he ,md and l;n,r 1101cd lh, 1mponan,.: nt tukmg 11,k, :Stonu Khn)!a. ,p.:cl.'h m,1ruc1or a11ll 111odcra1ur ut the p.1nc I, m1mduccd 1hr n<'XI guc,t J,a.,r ;,,;ew1011. philo,opher of nillural

ph~ ,i,·, ,tnd 111,11hc111a11c, purll , L)Cd h~ NIC' malh 111,1ruc1or Boh Bohac h Ncw10n llx>J.. 1hc ll1111r. he quickly corrected Klinger \\llh, " I hat', Str IS11ac Newton."

Nl'\\ ton ,poke of d iscm·cring 1hc law, of phy,1cs and founding a mathematical ~ystcm ca ll ed calculw, . lie ,aid he saw himself ,1, a young ht>} un a hc,1d1, linding 1iny pebble , and ,helb on the ,eashorc. while lhc grem OCl·an ol 1ru1h lay before hin1

" I wa, a seeker of trulh," Newt on said.

Thomas Edison. American inventor played by Ken Pelo. retired tea che r from Diwi ct 81 in Spokane. 1alked about hi s inventions the tight bulb and 1he phonograph. and the immense amoun t of hnr<l work that he plll into making 1hem successful.

" I didn'1 create anything." he said. "It was out 1herc, I jw.t put it in a different form."

01'\ tllc Wnph1. American pion.-.: r in avi:111on played ll) .\SNIC Se11,11orand ,1mkn1 Oan Sill-. kkr ,pol.<· ;1ho111 hi, c11r1ixt1\ uf ll1{!hl ,rt·atcd hy a thilJh1•xl In} glidet

"Wc,t<'nl Union l,1ughcJ .11 my ill\ cm ion.' Bell said. '"Th1rtv-thrcc yc~n. Inter. we houph1 the co~1p.m} " \ paud ul c1ghl h1,1uncal tigu1c, 1c,pondcd 1u u prc,cnt.11100 b) Gahko. pioneer ,ii modem phy,ic, .md 1ck,c1>11ic ,Nromun) purl! ,I) cd h~ F1cdell< k Krl."h, pnik,M,r ol \\ ~,tc:111 ,rnd ca,lt'rn l·1,·1h1a11nn m John,m1 C'ounl) Cu111111u1111) College in Kan,a,. ,II I p.m. Aprrl 5

lie .1,kcd h1m~clf , "Wh,11 Y.,1, II ,ti~ 1he \\llrld thm I l·ould do ht!llcr·r· Th<' ,m,wcr wa, llymg and hi.' and h1, b1uther ,rcatcd 1hc Jirsa con trollnhle sell-propelled .nrplanc.

PancJi,h \\Cft! Jskcd tu l!il'C :u)\lct :1, 1hi:1r charnctct. to audicr11.:c mcmhcr,.

" Accepl the ch,1llcngc " Bell ,a1d.

"A lway, questi on and come up wi1h yo ur own rcawns for being:· Newton said.

"Be c urious," Wri ght 'laid.

Galileo responded 10 1hc panelisb' accomplisbmenb by noting lhat each prn1elist ove rcame many obstac les 10 become s ucce~sful, experienced failutt and worked wnh their hands.

Galileo said progres~ ca nnot be mude wi1hou1 the prior conLribuhons of o th ers.

"I applaud yo u. my descendanh." he said "Yo u give me greai hope m "hal the new millennium might hold."

Ac complishment s co m p ared at pan el di sc uss ion 1

was hi s deve1opmen1 or interlocking 1ype. which he used 10 ' ' print encycloped ias. by Andy Tevis

Next up a1 the podium was Norm Gissel, allorney und S1m1i11t'I Rt!(IIJrtt'r board member o f the Koo1cnai County Task Force of

the rumbling noise of the new ~emilaiion Human Rela1ions Gissel played Stephen Lungton. ~y,1.:m. Johann Gu1cnburg. S1ephen Lang1on and Manin Archbishop ofCan1crbury. hi s torian and major drafter of Lu1her were heard in the SUB delivering crys1ul clear the Magna Cana of 1211 Langton explained how he ellplanalion, of who they were and what they accomplished. became archbi s hop or C11n1erbury.

The 1hree di,tingu1,hcd guc,ts came 10 the Popcorn "I was a clergyman in the time when it was important 10 Forum re,pome panel Apnl 7 at 7 p.m. Poli1ical science be intelligen1 and it was important 10 be a good public in,1ruc1or. Tony S1ewan moderated 1he discussion and Dr. speaker," Langton sa id. Clny Jenkinson n:,ponded.

"We did not realize the enormous impact, historically.

The Rev. Bob Ha ~erie~ of St Luke.~ Episcopal church. 1ha1 the Magna Cana would have, " Langton said of the Coeur d'Alene. and board member uf 1he Kootenai County pass ing of the Magna Cana "We did not sit down and Ta.~k Force of Human Reh11ion~. played the role of Johann visualize that the Magna Cana would be regarded as one of Gu1enburg. who modesily explained how he published the the foundations of all constitutional democracy " Gutenburg Bible in 1455

Little did he know, hundreds of years later Thomas "I huve worked hard 10 accomplbh the printing pre{i.," Jefferson would use the Magna Cana as a model for the Gu1c:nburg ~id. ''The halianl> worked harder: all I did wai. Declaration of Independence . develop whm thcy had already done." Gu1enburg took the Martin Luther. played by Dr William Chrystal. was a wooden press used for olives and made it into a printing major leader of the ProteMant Reformation. and is famous pre". for posting hi s 95 Theses on the door of the cast le church ai "II doe, help to drink. to upside down and Wittenburg in 1517 backward,.'' Gutcnburg said. "Thal', wha1 you have to do."

"Each of you is your own priest You do no1 need On e of Gu1enburg\ moi.1 over-looked 11ccomplbh111en1, bishop,, you do not need supreme beings in the church.

prio10 by Josie ra,,-n""

Dr. Chrystal, the Rev. Bob Hasserles and No"" Gissel entertain audience questions of their characters , Luth er, Gutenberg and Langton. each of you , given the word of God in a language you can read , arc a pries t.'' Luther said at the podium. Lutlter transbucd tlte Bible into Gennan.

Dr Clay Jenkinson came as himsel f Wednesday 10 1h( response panel. as Thomas Jeffel'!,on on Thursday. and 01 himself again on Friday for the keynote address

Page 2 The NIC Sentinel Journey Through Time: Th e Second Mill enniu m Thursday , April 22, 1999
pholo by JOStt' Townsct1n Ken Pelo po rtray s Tho mas Edison and explains some o f t he expe r i ments th at led to t h e li ght.

Galileo built first astronomical telescope

MaDan-bornmathematician challenges popular views

,, I· riku lluni,l(:rn ntmtl l:tl1tm

Th.: i•l'llJ P,,r,.:,,rn l·oru111 began "11h an autltent:l' ol lllntL' than 500 .,1 the Sdmkr ,\ud1w11u111 \r,ril:, riK' d,1) ·, )!uc,1 ~pcakc1 '"'" hc,knd. ·\. ~re bs. Jl<lllnt}llll_? the lanwus Gahlcu.

\.l u,1~ ln,1rul'IOr Gc:rard l\lathL·, opc,1ctl ;c rnom mg 1111h a musrrnl prelutlc p lay ing 11! 1rolin.

Pre, Michm'I Rur"c ;mt.I ASNlt' Pre,. !!e nToew, guw welcoming ,talcmcnts.

"I've been wa it ing all ycur for th i~." aurke ,aid.

l Galil eo addressed the audience wcarini; a '(J wl vct hat :mil medieval uuire \\llh •hi!~ ti ght,.

Gn lil eo Wl!li an ltahun-hom mn1 hrma1ician. t hvcd 111 a 1 , me pcri1xl \\ hen peop le '1:ikl'ed in Ans101Jc·, Uu:oric, 1hu1 :i-tl)lh in!.! bt-yo nd canh wa, pcrtci:tly ilwncal and 1ha11hc univcr-.c r.:1olvctl

IJOOnd the c:,nh. induding the ,un

Galil eo huilt the tirst aslronomica l :lescoj)I: 111 1609 lie dtd this hy mnding 'J, ow n lcn,c, and 1hc111 com:avc lhruugh 1hc 1clc,copc he hc_l!an tu c,plmc ·,: un ivcr..c He ,1arlt'd w11h 1hc moon t lhtn in 1610. Gali leo ,u1\ Jupi ter. After IU<lymg Jupucr. he ,ame tu lhc conclusion n.Jl there arc plunc1, revo lving Jupi1,•r Thi, 11hcn hi' reali,ctl 1ha1 rhc urnvcrsc " t hocc nt ril' \stm centcrl'tl).

Galileo began to \ludy Copcmicu,· ::a.:hmg, (Copernicus lir,.1 in1rnd11ccd 1hc ldroccmric 1hcorv). 1lowcwr the Catholic hurch hclic1 l.'d 1lim !he,.: 1<:-adung, went ._~111,1God. making Ciod ,ccm imr,crlcc1. ~Jh lco, howc, er. 1hough1 11 11md1• God >CCmm,,re r,crfecl.

Gali leo w," horn 111 P1,.i. lwly and he bie r moved 10 Horcncc. His falhcr wa, a :nu,1rn111 l le was the oldcM of c1gh1 ,hil llrcn. I Ii , father tlictl young and he was 'po n,ihlc ror his 111u1h,·r and prol'1thng luwrie, for his lour ,istc1, He ne ver mnrr ied. bu1 had lhr.:c chi ld ren •uh u wo man from Venice. li e la1cr lef1

+-,J Wha t d id r,o you thi nk Cl) abo u t t h is co ' yea r s Po p co rn Cl) F o rum ? Cl) by Andy Tevis +..J CJ)

I le ,,a., a profossor ol mnlh<!matics at the Un1wrsi1y ol Patlua 1n his cur ly Ilk

Ile fo1111u l111cd 1hc ba\lc law o t falhng bodic~. and Jc,ignccl t he ,cctor. n mcchanicnl ca lcu l a1ion device. I le wa, one of 1hc ft r,t tu c~p,mmcnt 1, 1th phy'1l'al luw, He als o ,n~c nt ed the i:coml'lric mi li l!lry comp a", 1\ hich 1,';.1m il ar to the slide rut.:.

I n 1610 Ga li leo wrote a book c:1 ll cu The

<i1:1rry Mc"t'ngcr I he dmrd1 rho11gh1 II d1allengc:J th, 81bk.

Hc bdicvcd th~ flillk !wiped fo11h ,mu

The Book ot N;uurc ,!towed human, 1ha1 Ood can~ ,,lh,·ncd thn•U!!h 11.11111<'

Galileo, portrayed by Frederick Krebs, realized the universe Is heliocentr i c , an Id e a many f o und unpopular her and tool. the childrcn 10 hi<! with him Kreh, sa1tl Gahlcn hud a eompuls 1on for ml'asurin!! thin!?'· He invcnlcd tool, 10 mc,1,.rrc: weigh!. lcnglh wid th anti ,peed He d.:, i,cd 1hc thermo,l'opc. a lUOI li"c the ther1111•111ch:r

Lttt· 111 hrs hfc. (iahlco wu, dcnuunwJ hy the lnquisrtmn in Rum~ for h" CupCrn1<.111 bchl'fs

He ,pent 1hc la,1 sewn ycars nf hi, 111.: 1\111111!! huob.

He wu., finall) ab le IU have one llf hi, lx,ok, puhh,hcd m Eng land l ilied l>r.1 loguc of Two World S~;,1crm

Gulil cu died 1~ 16-t:! a l !he age nf 78. lfo 1>as 111 11 111 good hcuhh mo,1a l h1\ li h:; hc

sufk1cd 111,111) lung 111h:c1um,. I r,·dl'I Jd. Krell, nt Kun,a,, 1, ,I r,111k"111 nl \\.;,1crn ;mt.l - a,1cm .:111111.1111111 at 1h,· John,nn ( uunry Cummunll) Colic!!<' 11.· a1c1ag,·, (,<I l"·uir,•,, sc111 111ars .md 11,,rhhop, p.:r ),·,ar. He .,l,c, p,n,·111' mor,• rhan Ill l11,1u11,·:1l ,·har.1rtc" 1nd11tl111g lkn Jnhn (. I mnun1. \\ 1111.1111 ,\ll,·n \\ hilc. R.ilph \\ .,hh, EmcN>n ;1ml Thrn11,1, Pmrw ·\<.:nntl1n!! to Kreb,. U.,hku bch,•1,•d in 1lw gl\'.il boo!,; calkd the canh h 111u,1 he ,111dicd 1,1,111!! l,llll!ll•IJ!C and d1:1ru~1~r, I he language i, m:11hcmaiu:, " Wuhout ,1ud) 11.: urc nl our world." Krebs ,au l


fl W3Jl the be st Oil<.' " h ww,

" I lhoogh t II wi., gr.:;11 "1'hc fccdb:ld ha., "I 1h11 11i: lt1 JI \\ J, I' ve rec n. The se ns at io na l." bt.-cn wond.:rful. l 1h1nJ... ii 's n::dl y good. I learn ed ,1 k11 c harac1e rs are

-Kris1i Haycock Whe n pi:ople 1um 001 importllnl 10 lool< bad a h<> Ul 1hesc pe ople ge llin g be tter nnd

8oi.1t• fo r in1dl ct.1md at hc.1ory 10 '><-"e ht111 w i, ant.l wh ut they di d .. s hould do lh inw, m the lkmc r every yc ur.

F.feme11ta T)' 1111d conf~ rences lik.: 1hh

-Dr. C'L1y ,Jenkinson St>£'ci af Ed11, 111io11 Cr1t•111 tf'Aft·11, Plt11·('(( the mil' of nul)or

-Gabe Zimmermn n 11 \ so am.uing .. future

-Ben Toews Affm111ti11g mu/ 7710 ,na.( J e_if1m1»1

-Tony Stewart Comrd'A /(1111· S1 •a11i,h »WJ<"

NI C Poli1iral S<'il'lll't• P"lttiwf S,·i<'lln- 11u1Jor


i9 Thursday April 2 2, 1999 Journ ey Throu gh Tim e: T he Seco nd Mil lennium The NIC Sentinel Page 3
' l

Journey Through Tiia,Lsecond Millennium


Lin, *111111111 •"""


pc,h1lcal/wd:al dt,~lopmcnt. Ht did w b) 'J)l:'.lkm1, ahwt ,,.we\. he bdac,·cd pc,or!c txUt in 1ht tom1nJ t'ffllU,Y Uc .-PN hn 'PCn°'h b) cp;ocln1 Ch.artc,. Oklm,.. nag,.', p!MW~ froa; 00A Tak' of ~i,Ci11C'\"' "11 •a., lbe b(-\.1 Of umn. t1 "'~ the ""'on.a of cimt'i.,• be~~ he~ I.he 20th <ICMlut)· kr)l,,u)\()1'111'ffl1 C'lft 10 addr-es~ lbc: l'\o\~ or t:Omul\lmJ di~muaacmn rninu,tri,e-,. land 11>'0Ctl0l,. a. though 1~ ~an wm:IJ h:lld -cuM"(likJI>· O\ffl:Oft'IC thcN: \latU\ btafrim: 1n the ?0th "-'ffl!W)'·"'-JCI beht.,e-. tlw:tt t, 1111 wast 111 l'IC oont' It h.n 1c, ,ICJP,'" knl.1n"11'1 ~,d m' tht dL..cnm1n.u,nn lie' "'"ffil M C\l di'K'Ll••''i the lac~ oi hubh aut". nnf o'lll:J) In lhr '«Ofklw,J 1hi,U wor1~. hut ill"o in ,tit 1.:nueJ s,~t" J~in""' "'1itd 01.11 uf mill11,n p:;.lf)k• .«J rm;ien1 Jo"°' ha,C' tx:ahh can- of ati)' ""' '1'hM=:', '°"1C1h1ns 'Amtli v.lih thi<1 r-~nut' JirnklMOP'lolid lie wid hum:an, haH' tltl'Oltlit p;llhctic' ett:1Wre in she- ttn-< 1h.d 1hc: lu,t cn,J~..c.el.l 1he vn.allp1h Joe~. y-cc (:t(';ltc comp11cr \11\hC'\ JU!II

-.,1 01 ptir-elC't!J0)11k':III..

k,il.11\\0ll 1nc:1111(lf'lcd 1"41 lht-h4nd-T11o..• Or...r

KcmkJ~ ·1o··;1rc papul.11.1nJ111."Ctptcdlhou~hthe~

;11-e n.1rnN .all~"t l•d \'('ty ~n "'ho 1b"""1,.tcd

'Our(1•mnot1nih1.1~ h.1, ,,c:J .wld \\1"

dn11·1 C''tC'ft \~ n.'" Jcnil,ln"'10 \\'CftT on We fwc

" Our culture has collapsed and we don't even know it. We live in a culture with paradoxes at its cemer. "

Keynote Speaker

in• ~hut\" ,.uh dttp p.trndo.t.n at ib Ct"nlcr. h WA" &he. ~tofllfl~; ,I tA•.b l htWONO(OCQC't."\On $o3id Prc:,idcm Clinton. in ht.\ Swc o( the Unm cl•ll»cd lhc Union 1, Jl,)OJ. but',(llffd.l~, d\\ \'..aft the VnannbesOOIJ iff.:un1lie.\ Ill ~1onWI.II arc living off• $17.800~-c:m&c 1nnwtl incomer kn.kin'°" ~LN- ln Nonb Oakota.1 c.10 cnlcr 1nttl a~ ile' Th1N \\'odJ. ill Aboul IS mu,ute\.*

On ,tit- other h:and. Jcnlinton doc:\~ that many VtiuoJcrful tn\cOUOcn ba\"C COJnC' (rom tlk 20!'1 etnlUI')'. indud1n1 .,irpl.anc,"" au condiricmin1, rtfrigcn.10C"\, 1ht ,ibirit)' co m..-onl ,0i1m,l. ('O ria)·Cf't. fflO\IC'i. .ind CPl'l~C'h- In,~ nmJ.J,f of IIIJ 1h.u. llurd World «>utttnC"i DI\! kdingo tin ,n Je>;lalr. The\,(' c«hMl•)lteal CMIHrncn an: f'.~-lJ f(J{ lhc "h,:a,C"'l," bul ll""-te:,, lo ttk.-11.a..-c not:t.."

The liN h....eJet1~1n-.on iw;a,, Ji.\UlbuliM

'""t.'Ml '-'~ 11\ I ptt,pl,t \b...tt1b1.1~ tht tru1t, I.JI hfc m'°llh! JU.,. v.~)'r" knl.1n,,o1m .._,Iced lcolmu,on ,1,1iindt-ttd 11 th!'i moral 4ue\tiOJ1 n,ukl n1.d..c ,11tt thlll C"\·tl")' "'hn •.a" "'1lhni 10 ...,,,1;, rould tu.,c 1hc frum 111 hk He btl.iC\~ lh.d me l)nu.ed Sa1~"\hw1Jc:n1"4uc Jh v.u> ol dhhibutH'ln.

Jc-1\k.lhlln lcch thal "'ilh a fiN \\"odd

..:~10i.umillf O'la-t of d~ v,o,td'• tt"'JOIJ~~ ~he

planc1 ffll)'Jlvt-OlllSIOOn. knkifl)Qn ~d ThornAS JdTe™>n ptCWrCd poap&e liYin& .tlone feeding. rht-m~J\es, provuiin, shtiit:r' atd -~ly beins sdt-11ufttctcnl. He Mlld dw kfftnon amcd lhrcc ctun,-i ro,r C\·tr thclf undcr11andang of the world Vil't live in anJ i,ou.l de,'ek1pmenL

Jcnkiflkln 11;\li-cd tbc. lWllirn« if 1hcy k:nc-w how comp11er th.Ip "'Some n~)' \.nn"'. but 1hc majority 1i1>1ka'I he ~id ·Wedon'1 u:ndcNand 1ha world we lhc ut .md :ue dt~twknt on ~yond ourC"OPttul •· JcnklrJ.Oft said he- hoped che v.-oricfi. ).)'t.te-m" \loiOUIJ fid J)n I. 2ClOO - Juu '-1r • people 1!,l()Uld tt,11..-e 10 thJnk .about .,.bf the)" wuuldJa 1f lhe~)"1t:n1 1htl dep<ndcJ no (Ailed " he ,aid Ht ,.11.1 most ,\mc:nGl.ftS an- not 1ipendulg time"'..oul ..,,en. of ,ud1n1 H<'met oc G.reeL: fo.mHk\ .ft WA!ch,ng ull.: ~"' or pro(ns.k, wrc-\lhng

HI\ lttOod ·~far the CIC'.ltl ~l"IWl'yh bow CO 1um 1«m1n,: anl,I 1.pcftd1n, rntd\Ullll "-'orl. '"Sloplilhng "J*C v.-11h '-lvff - Jct1k1n.on ..aid. "1h! "'"(lfld ntt•.h to ht- re<ncb.uittd.

Uc l-Ud CIWll po,.1S1lc :uc flt1d~mg ~1ul ,1oJ ,p.nt btul•'oC"·ohll die ~;u,1i:oi lhcy 1uc \bng 1n 1,odel) toda) Jcn1Jn'W"ln brlicvo lb.u peOf!k ntedco•n..-rn more Md lht' mote ~lful Ii\~ Jcr1lLNm ,1~ ht,"' ,pt"«h b) 40011ns Wall Wh111n.1n', '"'Song of Mt,; S1up1hh tilt)· a nti ni~hr with me •nJ t w1U !'hll )<11 the bc-sinn11."1; c,f all paC'ffl t..'" Jcn\1""'" u,J Ht r laboniteJ b)· wylna pei,rfe nttJ ro 111l.e 1he rj\,_ ,,r $u 1ng .:llfain 1,1, ilh II flCIA cwr.q:ct•f l1w'C' · ~M-,ni;a,:r und fifmil)' Ille in !IUl."h D IJ«p Jiurra) ," Jcnk11tt.u 11 YIJ. 8cfon: t(1nd 1JWns hi" ~rco:h. Jcnlim,nn St-l"'C 1ht ~41J1(1acc wcric M'·kr , k.-...l Th1e:-t,i:U'\ •·W• kl<n • --11'11 time frwu1.io1,1,;,~(' up kt1ll1ho,11,i,tilJ c:lu,.rni: i.1 'Pf:O:h lllll the 1w.1 P,...-,.""fll'n f(1fUin

Pop(Corn)Quiz: Test your forum savvy

I _Wh,at d,J. thc A~l"N.lm O.:ml. rtwC"n, in 16?)1 1. Ol,ttn lUl1-&helh I ~;ikt J.r ....,.._., m,,,rne,J .l WM•.:., the A11cc n1le1...,ho iu1ncJ murna11cnlkmlnlh-e , ~·· -4 Wh't couldrfc Xoui,h oconcJmhl M».m Sm11h u..:C. 1ht: \1it1fd "C'Cllntim)·'" in ctic-


,. w K..-1 M~ l0f41't apifh1 U-1t1CJO.,

S3nt:(r .advoc:111e?

10 In Sojouma Tn,ch'< time, v.111111,.-0 thinlt" \'1-ctt Mwdcd about mili\ltdu.&1-.b\t >•

t J Who ,(IU'd fiN, bladri mc-n o, whtk:


12. Whafdon 'V.f'l1nfH~\COfpll, rnc,n·•

11 Far v..h:al WJCarlot111,. n,,,. ,...-o,k fo, .W)(.at,i, 1

14 \\'h11t w,('rwu:e did Rkturd Sm,n

"tin rc:11U\J1nj' hi, 1.:1gh00fhood?

15 What (ooJ d1,l l:le.annt i:ind Fr.wk.tin

R001C",d1 ..c-f'e me k1at and c.iucc:n of fA$1..ind?

1ft Whac anJ -when"""' 1he fir.t d..t1l) t\-eVil'lt-p:l:il)C't"pr!OtcJ?

11 Huw n, ny c:hlldttnJld 8.x.h h;l\'c~ IC omc-w,,tundui:c._,

18. ru whtm Jill 8..-h uy he wrocc hi, music"

19. Wh.11 \\J.< one orCAtbrrtnc- 0c Mcdki\' tn,·¢11.1nru."!

20. Whal dij Pope- John 2Jtd ,ay .,.,.~ hh h.~c,1m~m. ti,, w' dKI Rochc:I C".anoa campAisn?

U\m,ljt,t.--...,6.dh(.:,,e- -~ ~I tlOI) t1 'Oi: LI AIU~91'16»J'H"'l lrf.O~ ,~ ~VIY ¥*Y Cl..,....,.,..,.,.., ~##>'IIQIIJC11qt1....,..~ 11 19C¥f~ OI-Pl,CD\IJ0·"1'111~l~10~ tt9"9"1-jt \~•• ~'CIUIAl3lMwU--.1,~

Pago 4 The NIC -
..... by KaUTupp,r S,ntmrl Rrpnrt"'
•boul the '*'Mid iod.ty and ,1.-'hcre 1t ais no-. in IClCDC.'C. ttOODmlO.. phik),.oph)'.
n:hgion. Mid
- Clay Jenkinson.
)'o'.' (Come 1i1>1thln 11
7 Wh.n "''m:
caUed·• "'hi.I JJd
mcbl 10\(
9 \\.'ha ili&l M1q.art1
1 b Q&ittn Vic1ona Nkd for ho\\ m.1n)·
~imiin Boliu,·, wldic::"
PC'lt'f,he Oreo m..htovoe 1hc
Thutsclay, Apnl 22, 1999 Page 5

Luther addresses religious unrest

Luther on Clint<H1: God challenges us all

In \11d11:lk \h-:\1111, ,; 11111,rl R,,.,.,,ri

H}nm, \\h,11 hcu,·r "·') h> prr,cnt 1h~ wp1, 01 n:hi:1111. I hl' 'l;IC chonh, l:'?0\\ ncJ m red und ,mgmg h} 1110, ,,1 rr,11,.:. "'' 1hc

IIUHKI 1111 lhc 11111.·u1111ni; glll'\I, \1,111111 l.111h,•1, ,\UJ.!lM1nmn pnl',t aml th<11lng1jt\ "I.ct II\ pr:l}," o;.nJ the huml>lc,,·n>l>cd \lanin I uther a, he 1ml. 10 the ,tai;c tran,ponmg 1hc :111d1cr.rc h.,d, 1,, the c,u I) 1,00,. a 111nc "' fll',tl 11111,•,1 lc>r 1h1· 1111"1 pm\<•rlul i:hur, h of 1lw 11.,,. the R,,rn.1n ( ,11hol11: C"lmrdt \kn11on111!! tht' lhrC<' rul~ ul l1<.·111g a J.!T•~I prc.1,hcr. l.u1hcr ,1.,~1."J 1111c lo lho,c ruk, h) takmj! h" l'Jl('llllll: h1, 111011th ano.l l.1111\\ Ill!? \\hcn 111 ,1op. \pcd,hng thl' pctlnrmnn.:c \\ilh i;1'<lll humor, I ulh<·r r111cr1,1111cd and IOIOrtnt'd

I utln:r. portr.i)l"-1 h} Dr \\ lllt.nn

G,nrg(' Chr},1,11. h,· \\,1, .m url\\rlhni; n.>lurmcr, ··., l111lc g1.11n "' mu,1ard ~ecd \\ hu tool. lhl' 111111,lle ro;id" ()unng rrulll} ,cars of 'OUI !.C:irc!ung .tno.l angu"h "' l'r h" manv ,uh. l 111h,·1, then ,m \ugu,11111an 111011k. c,11111.' In 1hl.' ,ond1m1111 lhJI he 1,a, JUSlll tCd b} t'.nlh lll(IOC, not g111kl

\\Orb, II• Cllll'l lnl,l h,,IH'll llt• Ill: 1,-,ul the ,hu1d1 "·" "10111• in 11, rr~c11te of rndulcrn,;,, or good d,cd, dnlll' Ill c, ,·n up 1hc sell!\' due 111 p:i,1

In 1~17hcmadcl11,uhwi:11on, puhlll h) lk"trng 111, 11~ I hc,1, on lhl' d,k,r 111 thl' C'n,rll' l'hurd1 m \\ ,11cnlll."rv fll' \\:t, c"om111um,.11c,I 111 1521 hlr ht'rc,) \\ 1th 111, hfe ,n

dJng,·r .111,I '-•llctl In .ldl'!id hi, pt),illoll, I .uthcr ,md h,· '"" not <1lr.iid

o,cr the cour,c ut h1( lik l.uthl'r tran,1,,tcJ 1hc B1l>k 111111 Gc11n,m .ind '""''' 111,111) h) 11111, ,n,ptrl.'d h) 1he ntu,i, nl ll('l'I hall,

"\\ h, ,hould 1h,· ,I,·,11 h,11,.. all lhl' gtkkl M;ll):\ !" I.Ulhl'l ,l\kCtJ

In do,mg. l.u1h.:r ,.1id he '"" 1101 J I uthcran, bul a Chn,11.m I k could 1101 und..·r,t:md "h, the, h.1d nnmcd lhl' dn11d1 <1ltl.'r h1;11 tx=cau'<· the rch11tn,llt0n wa, 1h•· ,111 nl Ci1,cl I k ,oui;ht uni} 10 bring llw h)!ht th;II ( ,n<I ga,c hnn lo pc,,rl,.. 11111.nlrw".

"I mill ilge 111 3gc, Je,u, C'ht i,1 ", II \\ 111 1hc bJUle." l.ulhcr ,.ud

Opcnrni; lhl.' forum 11, quc,1in11',

.-,en I uthcr, 1.kml tor 15.1 year,. could nnt C'l'Rj>e the i"oc of P1c,idc111

C'hn1011 \\ hen a,licd h1, opinion, l.ulhl"r "mJll) ,1.,1c,l 1h;i1 ull ruler, all' """ mg (ind, p111p11..c c-.·n \\hen the) ,,·cm "wng. hu1 h• 11111 "" c up. Gou d1,1lkni;c, u, all, .11111 Ill.I) h,· 1ha1 ,·hallcngc \\a, l'l!mo, mi: g,,.,d lc;11k"

R igh t : D r. W Iiiiam Geor ge Chryst a l s t eps to the edge o f t he s t age t o answer aud i e n ce q uestions after h is p erfor m a nce o f Martin Lut her. pnoro bv Mclloffo Mc.Nutty

Religion, philosophy, art pondered by panelists

Famous ardsts, musicians tel the tales of their time

b ~ l..irt, .,., Ronmn \;·111111,·I Rt·/JtJ/1.-r

<'""''l'!!'a O' Keck, a wti,1 pla}·•'tl b) ,Ul 111,m11.-ior Alire Vogt. opened the .\pnl (1 rc,poo..c pan.:!

An .1ni,1 \\ho kepi p.1cl' \\llh the 11orlo.l. O'Kccfo cxpre,scd her.cit 1l11ough her painting,. ff Keefe: Jl(lin1.1:d Inwn the ,ckw, m her , in a l,m!!uag,· of line, ,hapc, ;uld l'Olor, She 11oold l"Olk~t nx l. ,. bone, anJ Jl ll'\:l" ol wood 10 dmw hc:1111i ful scene, o f her \ UITOUndrng, An 1111.cre,1 in and .t move 10 M.:xico m,p,n:d her dra" ,ng,. ,\ n 3ni,1 \\ho ti,ct.110 " Male )Our unl,.1111\\n kno\\n" died on March 6, 1986.

Jophn h:id an exlrnordlll:11} t.tlcnt for mu,K-. fie pla).:d to chun:lics. "t!O()n, ill1<1 \\ lion,houo,c<, a, a child a., danci.' mu,ic n.i, the hfo 111id ,oul of Afric:m. American plunmurnis.

But Jnphn had a dn:a1111hlll one da) Atncan Anll'ricJn mu,i.: \\UU)d plav on p.11 \\Ill the American mu,ie. · JoJlli11 compo-,c<l t1\0 upcra., but dC\wycd hh hcahh ,md \:11tily v.h,lc U)'tn!! h• wri1c nnd pn.>ducc th em I le died on Apnl I. 1917 Jophn <lio.ln'1 rccci,c recogn11ion tor hi, ,\WI.: unul nc.irly 'iO year. Jflcr ht' dtcd

In 1659, the fin.I "<laity" ncw~papcr was pn nt ,·d by lhe fiN cdimr. T imotlll' u, Rrv;;ch. Jnd portmyed b) Ni l, R~1I llJCre un: quc;.tion., J' 10 ho11. R111-ch could allnnl a printing pn:,, ; tnhemcd money 01 mercenary lor v.,ir are lhe li kc hc,1ix1,,1b1h1 ies.

only lhc! 1,0 11,p \\a, l'IC\\ daily. The lllll\l popular 11cm 111 Rn,-ch', ncw,-papcr ,1." a ,l..ilk-d 11111111• 11'1 uf the dilTcrem pro,titt111." al thl' 11111, I ll' ll)illmgcd 10 ge l ;111 a} \\ ilh ii hy hiding h" 1,ord, "ith llo\\cl) 1,mgu.t~c Rtl.l.."h L~1llcc1cd. "n>t.:, prinlcd JJid '>Old h" 11ev.,p;ipc"' b) him~II. ,\, R117."h ,id." I 1xlay·, go"rp. 1omorruw , nc•ws."

Johann Scl'l.N1w1 Ba.:h. Gcm,an ol'}!an1,1 and Wlllpo\Cr. \\ii.\ pcrfon ncd by Gcr.11\1 \1.nhc,. Bach·, \\IK•k objc<:t m hie \\u, 10 ID.kt mu,ic 1.0 the~, , c\1c111 1h111 he could "Mu, ic i s my u ni ) 1•oicc," Buch c laimed." a nti , l glorifica li o n of God him\CII."

pt'°' 1> 1,<,nionnAmelia Phillips takes the audience back to the conditions and attitudes that vice presidential c andidate Charlotte Spears Bass experienced d u ring her political career

Scou Joplin composer of we ll -known '°"~'' ,uch a~ "1l1e En1eruiincr" und known a., 1hc "Km~ ol Rai:111ne wa., pcrtormcd h) Dj, <' Rcnung1on ••1 hltr.irian at NIC.

Riw,c h wa, a sman man who took .td,ania~e uf lhe "eahhy l.rnden.

Im chng in Gemlilny. bu1 only pa.'-'tng lhmui;h h" '"" n for one.· Jay unly. He ha<l lhc \\Odd', fiN daily nell.,PJJ)CI, b111

Cathl.'fine de Medici,, qUL-en o l Fraoo: and mother o f lhe la., 11 hrcc Va lo i, krng, of France. wu, playtld hy Donn a Runge In her d ete rmi na ti o n 10 p rc,c r ve royal po1~c r J l .in} co,1. ('u1hcnne dc,oted her 11111c 10 mai111,11ning a 1'alancc bcl\\iCCn the Prntc,1anl\ a nJ the Roman Catho lic,.

,, Pago 6 The NIC Sentinel Journc) T h ro ugh Time: The Second M ill ennium
Thursday, Apnl 22. 1999

Wealthy discuss rise of economic power

He nr y Ford, Karl Marx amo ng forum visitors

Sonu• of the richest people in the v. orld vi sued the nc\\ Student Union Building Apnl t'.l. The Popcorn h1rum hrou11ht name, like llcnry Ford Queen Eli,ahcth uml Karl ~larx to !\IC to discu,s 1he rise or ccono1111c po"cr 111 the WcMcm World.

"l tll.tde a hil lion dollar,." w:i, a l.ey pl11.isc I rom American au1onrnhilc lllilllUf,tcturn Henry hml C'mnputcr Sen tl·c, Dm:ctur Steve Ruppe l pl,1)1·11 Ford , " hu ,,ml lh at he \\a., not the lituntlcr nl th<.' automnhilc '" ,omc ,1ill thin~. hul th,11 he made it po,,ihlc tor c,cryonc to al ford to huy a car.

··we made a c,tr that our wor~crs could afford to hu>. · Ford s:nd.

Instructor Vict11r Duane acted u, a cit11<:n ol the ancient Mexicnn city of Tenochtitlan. He ,ard that with

the fall of his city. new world market~ provided a link Ill tht: older world. The ctty of Tenochtrtlan prospered in 1hc 1-lth century.

Queen Isabella I of Ca\1ile. "ho married rerdinand 11 or Aragon. ellp tuined how her ;lid to Chris to pher Columbusrs voy:tgc helped he, economy. Queen hahcllu

1\'a, played O) m~tructor Bath


A Jvumh:r ul the \111su:rda111

W1Ssd Bank w,1\ hruught to thl•

Pnrcot II h>r um bv R,chard Kucl..

He cxp ltuned the bank , 1mponancc

a, p.11 ing 1he ",iv fnr h,ml., Js inst1t1111nn~. Thi.' h,mi "'ucd the liN hills of exch.m gc 111 1609

D,I\\ n \twat<:r portrayed Queen H11ahcth I. She .:xptarnt!d h,,1, ,he , England', cnmomy to pro, uk the econonuc ,crcngth to move alwml. She ,aid that ,he h<:in~ l.110,,n as the "V1rgi11 Queen" helped Eng land prosper ht:t·au,e ,he kept ,..-vcrnl suil()r, "dung ling "

The founder of modem economic,, Adam Smith. exp lain ed l11s idea, of thc wealth ol nauons as a science with limited government. Smith died in 1790, but his idea~ have become a force in 1:conomics in the We stern World. Hugh Smith ponrayed Adam Smi rl1 at the panel dbcussion.

Philosopher Karl Marx inve a motivating spt:ech directed t.iward members of the working class. Marx , portrayed by Harv ey Richman was the founder of Communism and e ncouraged worker~ 10 unite against the socialist economy.

Perhaps the most influentitil economis1 of the 20t h century. John Maynard Keyne~ shared some of his theories on the economic world. He


Dawn Atwater and Hugh Smith mingle with the crowd before taking their p laces on the pane l as Qu een Eliza beth I and A d am Smith to discuss th e r ise of econo mic power. wn\ un economist of the Grcut Depre ssion. " We need to spend o n peaceful thing, what we spe nd on war." said Keyn c,, pla yed by Ki:ith Johnson. li e also s ard that we will ~uffer if we donft ca se up on the demand for money

Described as the richcM woman in the world at her time , Que e n Juliana of the Netherlands addres sed the audience. The Queen, who ruled from 1948 until her death in 1980. said 1hai she paved tht: way for 1he common markcl m Europe. Her personal wealth wus over $600 rmllion Betsy

Huwkm, pla)ed the Queen.

Steam engine developer Jame, \\ Jll. ponr.iyc:d b) 1mlf\lctor Oak Mo rey• .iddrt,'l'd the ('<tncl foll("' ing their ,ix m11nnc prcscruauon,. Watt ,md he \HI, thankful for 1ho..e panel 1ncmt,cr,, who tf\cd fiefore him und allowed ham to be ubk to borrow murt<:} for lu b mvcnuon \ and 11:1\ c mcmi.. 10 utrhtC'. Wan ,a,d he wit, al,o 1hnnkf11t for those who lived Jfter him and the progn:" made in the e<..-onomtc world.

"I ,tuned ,w t a but I became one o r chc weallhy:· Wan \aid

Watt shares trials and tribulations of revolution

S c ottis h e n gin eer brou ght to li fe

b y Bretl Murton

S1m1inel Reporter

S1epping away rrom his 1eaching, NIC ins1ruc1or Date Marcy "became" J ames Watt , a Sconish engineer and inventor of the 17- 1SO(h. A~ pan of the Apri l 6 Popcorn Forum. Marcy

Lrnnsfonned six mon ths of preparation into a rea lity in Schuler Auditorium

Highligh ting the life of Wa tt , a major developer of the steam engine. Marcy presented the crowd with a ll of the tria ls and tribulatio n~ 1hac Wa tt went through on his way to revolutioniting the world"s economy Ta lking about everyth1ni from steam

engine mechanic, to the government t>fthe 181h century. Marcy believably brought a legend 10 life once agmn

"You get a ta:.te of the university experience wilh thing\ like this:·

Marcy explained "Students get a chance 10 expand their mind,- rn p laces other th:m the cl:1,sroom thi, week:·

A" "Watt" pointed out though. the Meum engine!> were nlll the ~olc rea~on ror 1hc revolution Tht: cngme, were simply whut the world needed co replace the human and animal powered worker~.

Wan told of his inten~e curio,ity. and how thi, inqubi tivcnes,, lead him 10 co ll ege. where he was first inlroduced to 1he ,team engine Watt wru.n' t smisfied with ju,,t fixing something. he explained. he needed to

undersmnd th e woy 11 worked Workini on the engine,. W.nt rcalm:d that he could 1mpro,·c on II After a financial ,truggle.

Watt developed un engine more than twice a, e:flicu:nt Thb not on ly made Wan rrch. but re-111vented the entire eco nomic ~y,tcm Jltogcthcr.

After hi' triumph with 1he ,1cum engine. Wan never completely qu11 inventing He "a, to later on re· dCl>1~n the pnnung press. nnd com the tenn "hor,cpower:· By the time of ht, deuth in 1819 Watt ho.1d mcrcom¢ rnany ob,1o.1des to become the succcs, that he wa,

The life ol Watt wa, ,o interc,1ini bccau'-C ~<> man) of 1hc changes m ~ocicty depc:nded ~l much on hi, invemiom,:· Marcy ,:11d.

Thursday, April 22, 1999 Journey Through Time: Th e Second Mill ennium Page7
pno10 by Josie Townsdtn Harv ey Richman g ive s a p ass ion at e d eli ve ry o f the strength s o f commun ism as Karl Marx by Jose Tcw,115<1,n pt\010 by Bren Motton Dale Marcy explains the mechanics behind the steam engine In his portrayal of James Watt.

Le av in g an impression

White House greats bring wit, humor to Schuler

b) Darcie Jones

'i1•111i11t'i R1•1111rt1•r

Thrr~ individu.ils who lel"I a landmarl. in hb1ory made an appearance! :u the Popcorn Forum April 8.

Fir..t to take 1hc ,tugc wa, Thoma, Jdfcr,.on. lhird pre,idcm uf Uni1cd S1a1es and au1hor of the O.:dur.,1ion of Independence. He opened h1\ ,peech by apologi1mg io th,' audience for hi~ poor , skills. Schuler

Auditorium didn't ,;eem 10 noricc.

Dr. Clay Jenkill',on. a University of Ncv;1da instructor portrayed MfrNlll Jenkin..on ha.splayed Jefkr,on lllore 1han J,(XJ() time,. including at the White liou!>I!. Jeffcr,;on ,poke nbout the d1fliculties of dratling a O.:dara1ion ,,r lntk:pcmlcncc. Origmully. John Ada1m and BenJumm Frankhn wen: 10 help Jcfter,on compo~e the declarnt,on. but Jefferson ended up domg II on l11s own.

"'It', whal C\cr)· ;\merican \H'mld hav,: wrilli:_11." 0 Jcffer,on ,..,id

Con1,>re" reduced hi,, final copy of the declaration to oncfoutth ii,, original ,i1c. Jeffer~on felt II w~ important to builtl d ,ocie1y ba~ed on ju~uce and. with a linle help from Benjamin rr.inklin. cn111c up \\:ith:

··wehold 1hc,e tru1h, to be sclf-cvidcnr. th,11 all men are i:r.::ttc<l equut:·

Jdfo:r,011 me111ioned thar if he had known lh~ declar:11 ion w:1s going 10 be ,uch un 1mpnnan1 pan of his1ory. they ,hould have found someone else to write ir.

Lincoln. portrayed by Dr. 1larry William Fntt.. a h1Story professor from the Unrvt:rslly of Montana. opened hh, s~h by 11,~ing about the W'JY he mi,lllkenly carv~'CI Montana out IO be ~uch a huge ~late. leaving a large panhandk on the swte of Idaho.

Lincoln was born in 1809 in Kentucky, clo..c Jeffo.r..on Davis. future leader of the ~th. Lincoln C\ entually moved nonh and led them in the Civil War b;111lc: His dad wa, a d~mocrat who hmcd slavery. Strong convic1ion, muM have rubbed off on Lincoln. also having a hate for ,h1very. He wa, la1er elected to four 1erms of the head of th.: legislative "Whig"" pany.

Before becoming pre~ident. Lmcoln worked as a lawyer for nearly 20 years. In 1846 he was elected to the House of Repre!.entillive and in 1858 lost 1he race for Illinois senator to Steven Douglas. In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was et.:c1ed as 16th U.S. Prcs1den1 for the republican party. He i~ now thought by many h1,1orians to be one of lhc greatc,1 pre,ident,. ··My line,, occomplisl1111cnt

wm, uidinc in 1hc end of ,lavo!ry:· Lincoln said.

Slavery was lhc soulh s 1?.rcmc,1 source of ,1rcng1h. so he ~rged 1he north 10 em:mcipate. This m trcuung the Emancipllli(1n Proclamation.

Lincoln believed not only that all men arc creaicd equal. bul they an: equal dc,pi1e 1heir ,kin color Next. l.:lcanor Roosevelt. firs1 Indy of the United States explained the many hurdships of her life. Roosevelt was played hy Su tun Jan b king. and a,siMant cnglbh professor at Tulsa Comm.unity College

She wa.:; married to Presidenl Franklin D. Roosevelt. Later. her husband was qricken wi1h polio and died. This fon:ed R()(,~velt m mke on many tasks that her husbund nom1ally took care of. In Dec 1945. after President Truman took office. Truman asked Roosevelt to serve as the delegate for 1hc United Nations. I was so scared."' she said. It was now time to face her fears that she tried to put aside for so many years.

She was determined 10 land free of black discrimination She pur her belief~ to work by helping draft the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights. She also became an ac1ivist for ~ocial juMice and civil rights.

'"You muM make up your own mrnd, she said. "Or someone cbe will do it for you."

Tsar, Birth Control activist share stage

Peter the Grcal speaks on being Tsar of Russia

The Thur\day response panel for the Popcorn Forum eonsi~tcd of many famous charac1ers such as Queen Victoria. Peter the Grc:1t. und Susan 8. Anthony. all dressed in fancy auire 10 attrac1 the crowd.

Peter 1he Grea1. played by ,tul.len1 Munul Khnlliev. spoke of his experience a, Tsar of Rus~iu With no fonnal education cxc;ipt fo1 the tcuclung~ ol a priest, he munagecl to unite lh~ country thm Inter hccame the Soviet Union and today is Rui,sia. When the S1rcll~y (national anny) killed most or the rcla1ivc., from his mother" s ,idc, he bruuilly punished them by personally chopping. off lhe headi, of lhc leaders or revolt. Pe1er tht: Great said he ""opened the window to the west,"' while Russia still was nn agrarian coumry. The only three things that kept a common Russian going :II that time were

his black bread, his woman and vodka.

Margaret Sanger (Mona Klinger). began her p1ese111ation with a little bit of symbolism. a piece of tnpe covering her 111ou1h. Sunger began a revolution amongst women. birth control. Speaking strongly and confidently. she talked 11hou1 her motht.>r anti I he 18 pregmmcics she went 1hrough in 2'.! years. She ,wore ,he would never struggle the: way her mother ,hd.

After going to college and becoming a nu~e. she ,pent her lite s~ak1ng to women nbou1 their rights. She \ail.I rhey didn"1 have to have 10 or more children and 1hcy didn't have to feel guilty alll>ut wishine for a nn,currioge. Sangc~ wa, able to gc1 millions to gel women the first binh co:n1rol pill. Women no longer hu-d to worry about whc1hcr or not 1hc:y would be able ro feed ,md clothe another child.

Sojourner Truth (Pat John\Oll), n former slave and acuvis1 in the Abolitionist Movement, reflected

on her childhood. Truth ,md she wa~ born into a Dutch family as a slave. She spoke only Dutch and was 1radcd five 1imes to English families. She said she was beaien severely becnu~c her "nmstcrs thought she wn, ignoring them. hu1 they didn' I know she co11ldn'1 ,pt!ak their language.

The families kept no rccor<b of thcrr slaves. therefore :.he hull no n:cord of how old sh.: wos Truth ,:iid her birthday wn, the day she became a free wuman. 182 l.

She spokii or 1hc "patchwork of ,car:." inflic1cd by mas1cl" and the Ii me 1ohe ,poke up and wa, accused of being a man. She ~aid her voice wa~ rather low for a woman and wa, mid to lake off her clo1he, 10 prove her gender. Needle,, to i.a) • she didn'1 obey.

F.uch speaker received a strong round of applause for their pre~entation and a, of Thursday, approximatc:ly J,200 people attended the Popcorn Forum.

Page 8 The NIC Sentinel Journ ey Through Tim e: The Second Millennium Thursday April 22, 1999
Right: Sojourner Truth, played by Pat Johnson. Above: Lincoln speaks at an afternoon panel discussion. phOIOS by Man Jonshon phQto by Mall JolWOl Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt fought for civil rights. When her husband, Franklln, died of Pollo, she took care of his jobs.

'New staging of old tales

'il>c)'lf UL tlh, pul'i•l 11rtt1u11ntte1M "•lflto "'*"'

a. , ffl.t'-111 ta:h lbllknl lll \c1Ulf l(if)111S'ffll•mtdi.w• tdn lht lb, \ "\loo)Th<l;ll'u,,a,,,,.'f\Jr1li1tt11)1.()nhq:t)

lk •#\ fl"lfl'jitt'IJ t-, ..:1111 Mu.l,r114 \r'lll rtJ OAIJ\flJllCa)'(Jlap:,to .........................

t.lihti • -.,nn. Ut 6:ddcd .., 4o "SIIJ) nw-.,. b \uu'tpc•1lld.irt1.1 llmPrn

Ti,.n\111\i.;w,, 1111,.J ul, d1t1, n.c,t. tt.w~1hr'1,l'lh~W A* I llhn' lJriuM Ult, ,l O...l U-lllc! .al ti, l.mcpa• D 4'rm a,,l a, '""> l1aeJln (.'wi1Gll w.11~1 ldk A



I 1111, 1,t,~ lmn1 tht Uo ; 1u ,; otk'h MJ \N"f' hbk, od.,p<J b) Paul S,lb \ _._. Iii:., Pnui -JIit GiM.k• OooM I 1.itctm:an dlJ If~"' If(' lbf H11·11k'n Ji,,.,, \tu,1d11,1,

lflllll:' 1lll"&'lu1,.,Ul

hllln In,•

Jot-c•r 1t11.a&c1'4"tl'IIUJICI. M•ld. W.l lht) ll(IJ,-: " *-t• • of ctuli.l'm 1o dac ma1tttt ••S.•da) Apr :.a• 110, u:i'idwkr .\t.iJd«ium h• 1nturm.1u1,n l:il1 ,1, 77111.J

Choir sings in tune or 'Spring Harmony'

--Phll~andNalhan...,._ _ on tho bl'ldlgroom plo~ by Bill C.nopa and "tho crow, LNll Junktu , caw, In UM blckg,ound.


\1111 lrffl b,tldt•111mth,.,.,,,,,, ,,. "''"'M /N,ltfdr11tttWW1'111 ,c,fast ~"" llf41tltr1~i llr111f11d!C'•lomr.,,,J1•,, MA.u11,-iwNUIIIM'Wtlt' ,A.z, h,d, """""' J,,a lwr•MW j,"'1 .Jett..., lt,li..,,,,O, ll,11ft,,f#tm,-r '"'''"""1ltr/Jlnltf/Jt,,,Jt.,. I .,.J. J,,I Dr,..,. H I '" U\Y 1U mnnc" ( OIIIIPkW m.,.nlYW .,. ID CIC aid tmm'd u.-,,,r Ud'N" tnk"Jkn. I.hi f• •.0. .I.Wllll' lllm1Jlco:!1111p>11a.i<t1J.~ntollU1100 n,t t>u,,1'1 c.'1•a1111, • U1.1)1~f\n,.tt, -.lrtt"'u'\\d,~fofft)• td 5"JfflC~u)ll bltlw:d• t,c,_.'hill lltdr.,d!C')~Mw" 1W "'"" ,.,,,_ ~~-d'l~u;,aftcfl•.t•"'\\M•lbt•dd ~•all.Mpt Mtf'lhcow!'lllllllW!andft liwfl'll111ht Wht1•ttWIJ•IAlt.r1,..urlil1h.ll• 1undn1Uhcta p.:1111r rllil: ,n,..,,ld o, KCl"W"" bn of "'1'I 1,1. • due~ rhlll ft\11'1 llff optti!) ,"nUl.1MJ &Ii hcl"f "'pU -, .,... aall ~~)OUftlttrkii&W'IC 1NfflWh ,..t_.a,,,_ htianir.: Mtf*}~•c,r1hrd.111f!Jwirl'iapndaa,•lfr·"''"••tutor..,rtyUllla.~h:yh fttd'°'M•fk.1)

tt, rnp;,a,iblc 1,lf1~ \\ It) 111tt. MMN • br1e l'IC'rtad,itc'of 1ht p.,ruJ..i11R1 t• w.r,..rlJh1 r'"-'l'kaa ltttl, 1ibc:1n 1tc..- 1rtN.1arta0 1

OiJ ..,,......nff, lut. ~klete..idn d,;11 ~tat thJn pr..,c,lt arcn • b.lm• •Mlk;.llt' Conc.:r1 focuse, on son!!, of jo). pl.',l~'C. harrun.:"-

'" t,,aU tu111•ct ,,,mn,JJ(.r, tttrr (dklt .......... ill'\la

I Re\li(\\\J ,i.:'!m;"~JN:~,I(' ~-6(1(!..1\t#III b)M.....,1111<•Nlm oh ~"aapan\\ 'i*-Ml•lkp1' wm. diro;t;c;J dac ctnn anti • ~c • •"'*" urnlr: ;aU ,,tntn1 The \t.adng.,1 \111, r op:-ne,J 1JW1 c 1ri&;tn ••"1 bAJP'ft."° 11W ''"i'-1 ~"'I lht'l"


tnnflbrr dktir .-, •idt Jiff( • ,ad r-J ptJ IP d}UIDL'mnl etoalllhe~lht~YftJ' Thfdmd rt('i 1ht c:hrnr wn, •,n Ilic \k1011, •tiw.::b 111,l'\ •rntrtl t,, \l••h 11ot11\Nl'Ocnl

,\I 'lnJ.Hl"t2!11N'~•'fih.. l')lf'ar)

- ,asni,., .-.- t., All lht ,...aft~• •.oo1 nr •omrti ~ki\-d,tlUl,"fl~lbt-1bi ~1be,1Pr,1,1,or11trKU Hq•W\llll1 MPJ bcf111t · l!bitt.·.,,t;n"' 1111 f'l"lanntd k '11.U.C'M)' trtl 1hr dnr • .__,,r,.,,,__e,, ..,.., .......

"""" SO.llq ..., cborr p<tfum,ol""' l"'C('C' he dkw rttbwitd "' pr«n 111.a1, - 114" n.e JIIIO -s dl. •id! MCI ~-cmttn 1'-' ""1if J*i p'C'III arwnhJ11loct,n:anu..: fhiftlllll"J*'."(all •n1rhc W.lll•lo l The t 11.,. ILll'II' w1;1t" IJF«& d.J"'-"t in:,. \lttf rtrf.:RIHII lllC'


,,-,-11Mdrtiacl \\ldrJWupkllN'Jl'tflNM ~h,~f'N'l'kit\lhr).-"1dlllJW•taoarc10lhln ~lldCJIWII tbr}'lfflhitt~ta maleftSkl'Cfflitlllk•liNftlW'IIMI rhe 1! ••t 11, r<t'f'lt lbl'111 hie! dwt •NI tlJr) arc: ")•na, ndc' I Jl•.1"'111t1h I 1J1unotbn1h111111:,,-ilrruti. ku f'tth.lp' .-itl) II!, di tf'k-d lhtw <n I°''""""" am ,r dlll11h111Mltik110.- ~c-m&•'ntl:tt•llo • IIUEnf)' hceant ol d!DI ...._.. ci, w\llll "'1t"l&IIIPL 11111 aliq

~tho"JW•h;tM" .,~"' • ¢11 lta11ulc•p:JJji>l• H lhrmrJ•) lnlolhMC"JLl..a.-«• Wl)l"M: l -\lh \l,ltNl,CAJ•\l•tk,..:\llall\al•ll'l'tlilf•""hl."rt,n,lf1Cl11t andth.a 111;1,i.i,t.1~J{'..ifhU•a. tin t.a,,lfik '-int


I Al1< ro«ti,, 11•••'""'"" COkffl ,\MfJ •idl I ,-,.utaf tni:!d.aoa.ol ~ldllc..,,iaolllmd llltchillln rnf,otmcd •ell lhnuJh m Im lllffllh."f &lid •Uh• ~1 -c"nt) 1h« naak 11-E f«lu1s 1H ~rnn,,ul

imply tunning

l\w 1utoo1wt~•n-"'"' 11p.·umll*1l'-R"ttbQR So!!1--~Ar

rn-1«11, 11.a-nttrr pl;a)tJ "'"'' .nJ i1h! ftUI ui o111,,) f11w111tir,),t'i>!11.lft) 11,rr l••lll\ffi.~ l ,oi:o,l, kJ 1 t l>urfnrthcrki,.~llw•uiiJ1u1,J,"11,!~l11.F ,ow:n llftl.l lfw pyno 61 a c ,c.p,.e,c lftUW'IMIM

• Ill lk • •..t-itllh tbtftlrtr 'aka ,._. k:IISftll ulhtr-cdlruu,IIIIDD)~.r,....., .... \fhtlnk'fnllUltJfl.lhC'\),n(lh,lft)lriu.lneiJaftJ fnthhtJ Ill th "\)rnphnn) °'II,,, ,f \l.y,ir (Ip 1.111'" r,~J t-1 Huh"'- Buth lfw lolruq? 1icch1"1 anJ

• .,.. taJ. "(\;t.- •err lablftd • pt«I' -.S Ku die ftN l•opun. -.S lk-...: •.riact nc, ~,.n-d'Hc'a..

a'D, ltoidd,-.•llw~•lltin.l•~ ls,irc.-. of•P'Nlll'~-.--.•-.: ••...,..,...

1*"""11' lut1rr,.,~Jllff A ,l ,,., II r1f.1P1l11•11•,, ,.,._. lutryttftl1,M,,'nl1"'*' ,..,,11iit,.-1tJ,.,J,,,. I wn•ool.n•

Atitft.11C' Jf1lffltll,r~_....,,a.~pk,d:, larta.,,.'l>ldt•hll I lliwl lk W:.f' IDtMI a pffl draf Itel lhctt1llrpc'KC•~ n.,12 ...p~..-n. i111, I 1qc-.. lt11.· makJ1e ,nk"N °""' fti11"111nMJ thtl't1d,,t,hr:lho1r ll'C'CJmU•h"1ilmdn·, 'lll'ff\Nt}JIW:n,-JiJ.C-Vlflffltfllftll)fot

An evening of enlightenment

...;,,IIH' ·\ma:m.,u, rutt11 • ptil• t:UhU(C, h1,1or, h> lllll l l i. b, J«1>h'"Jlln WIit R,r.~, .\ :aYf1 "'"". p ...S t..s C!CI("' dlt pc.-....,,. ru-•\aClrfe~ca• .\pr,1.bMtlhrfl'.,..ampus•

1,~1.,1, 1111 1hr ~)"'rh'""> , '"''' "*"'lfl arc"" ••l•n,..,

..,..,,..- --,... -Mardi

23, 1n Sc:ooto< AuchtOftum.

The NIC Sont,n<>I Thurs<Jay, Apri l 22, 1999 "Bond fames llond." ,s the mo,! l,ln1<JU\ thu·1••\\ord movie" quot1, and Entertainment
'Story Theater' gives uw perspective to - •••ou s l1bles ~,.,• .a.,11lfdkt.r.t Sfat1ntlR ,.._ .~,
E"CIP tt"111!11\bcon""°,lumir l'.ihlt'\(1..,.duU!Mid I ...-hdltWi01'1("1 MD(' lkW '-vti *"'10 toCC' lhcm di a..'lk,n I •••fl. lhtW bi~ It ft~wn1~"1ri:aw.J•flt pt*lftJ Ill' ,~...,(ft-· • llil dn aWI. Ya.I INDK.trd Ra A,.:uftl I••.. , .Jlrr fwm S.Wn-yMr-old M.chelle WrKthl gtll I VIOUn 1eu,ori from an orchl'ltJ• ffll:fflbar In. golllorlnglhl chUdten, sympho'1y
c""'*1 onMa,ch 11 _ ..
I •illlirrnda ffta lllll)~llolD tome r-1 Tlwllltt'tllvl"'SI.W) Tiftil p, r,, rcu•iJ:111 "'"J!' 1hll •1II Jww on 111111,1rr11, ~1,-1 i~ " M.u,.: l lilJ.iJ. It .,.,ti ahop0111Jn bao.:l~(u,ncb........,;i(Uic CNIObrlllrt'Cihcda.._,.JWlef """""'~"""" 'l\ttWURldtftlfl}'lh
hlC'1!lutal(111s11111,·"kiM1o,l~ H
u;,piW_,t,111,.,_.ll&illc'cht *" kh-,-..a ..Sl'\WIMI-..: ad
1 "' 11< ! lu~ 'll1llh,: f11 Ill ,fo I ;a,h,n 111Jmutl' <,~ ••nrr~Nc t:.ururc»pc-~-,thclf.lF• '*'"Olh) lffDt lkba.:Un.yiallh:' cil,1)11Ull('"°"ol1Ullallblnd.t U•\tflJV 'llh.) j1C'tf•lffll '-hi•II ~~lh lor • Hll.ii,c 111 ll'C'
uw.1'he.-h ~lf)'Tk'Dtr k•C'l kil.:uonaf
People ignorant about weight discrimination
The 'c'k1:1 \\t]fflt'11 'tn~hk JtJ:tfu1111cJ •n.l u1,, 1-.n r,e«t1, wnh
• b,wil) l:.dafPIJ\-tnl('nt•~dnnW111:) I :Ill lldd1q 1.,l11,1f11m,- lull I•) f«.-11"& 1, ,tho pu:~ 1'1hr-..."lflt•.l'kiu.i.~lb:tc 1"1d - irntdt'ffitAIMkldlc'IIICJ..d:l lt.Ju;h ..S.. WIUMlllll11.--.m;_a-cb.-Jnt1td*'....._ Afll'r 11 rt•tc t..SU:,,. lilc' adcllcC' ~,-t die')~ a •cll,t..""\d'IOl~a,"",u11111
lrNaa!mh~ 11111 lkf'JU ,111cJ Ru ltcuni.1 • \;I, 2.1 r-i:1l,'11111.111*4C.11 ,.,.Jiukf ~,.Jil.iJl1UCl'IIPlllfl;.,lu,nt'l'!L (l)t IRe"ie" =.;, ~!candaalbc • lllir~1ilff flf 1k hial Oo)d.• N.M,,C'AfflCflOft•tiio ,ir.•r(ll\0irt'.(III lndwakl!"!ff'•"'• 1b,n1,td hlfk•1il•) tocho ~aioc- AtlW'lkalllf.t,r.-111111 (Uh IN lhnlllliit.*1 lhf~'K'1•ltl, hh 11&,mill an.I laaJ t'CII I. at11'1dt m.lllttht""""" tllll:Nlamf Mk.!Jh.)l.lftll Slf\J\ol.l"f n..i d 1k *' at !lr'lia ,\~bialli'....,,,la.Lcdbmcnlc'u II ..._,. 11A, lhtt. lhcf1 " 0i...., c.'llh1,1tc1 I dw)W1omO..nl1lf~ ,,.,a, ul tlic !l('IIIJ" •fl~ 1" !,.._ c l.tlt,ilf lllt." l Oh1lle I~ llf'tf'•l•llff (>met, •trt.--B-•,dti.ii4UIC4"ki)llln IOtJico L,.dnJ.~~aidhi N,ib,,f,\fllfflQlllnUI br;achtlflm lrMiith!o_,...,.,~_,hntJ.:••P.-.ctlf:h, -.wn1 '° &)d'" ""'P- me, l..s 11ho rb)rd 11tit1 P.brlr).00)\lamt)llilWII A"• 'bi k)l.m.111 J1IIIIOIIIIIO\I) t,u1 I w!Oll.U J Ltd l~•)d , ,m1,m of ·"iu 'A,i111.m So C'1y l'>nk h.allitht ill''flML ,..,..,..,., -~-~n,.?iblc't'P"lta'r ftt-mlbt' -~ ..Sb,dal!lllfol lLo)d",. Laft. MW....,....,. Oir adull!r..tkM IIIC'th.inNt: •Mh•tiillr~C' 1k »ud,1titltJJ1t h,.J luc ,,1 cmp' lit'~ It .t,'"4'P•lllll!Jltul lilll'llt pwplt ,J 1111 iJ1•rb1 an 11"'1ct1 m N.t11,t \rnr1xatuthlirt J

INft'lbort of ASNIC lislen •• Prestotnl Ben Toews ape.Its It the SUB grand~~{ng_""-..

r .a.111 ·Uc:art~n,n,: CA11n·~ h '" ,h1J\",11, uhc:-11 h(' 11 or the rt, rt:a111 tlmiu;h dirtr 'Arhutc 21 "'., lklll1"11, ,11r-."C •m ,,11ticoc,izh

V.1'>fJol muulh .\!Jtn;in, t•1>o l\Clirn ttfo~ c.c:, I. :111', hh t--..'C.\l, Nit lh,11 ti h ;t\tUl11hlC' _,. """""" v.11 lm1o h,,u 1o:om ;u1d 11 1 v.•111,Mm iruft.uu o \h·ph ru e- C111nuh 1.n sl lt\'"l lnr l 11 the l fll\tpll) lll OttfOII ,11

f.l1f\'"1,c,L.t,.N~t;.o f1,"",u..l

'"rf'l'" S( 1u-.~ r111jr-,1;n \

•1-..:n·h 1111 ,•,J .,,,ti..•11 'f.-14,1 \\ 11h

l·f'"" ;.i "'"" 11 \1.i~o l'iu lhllcrc11et \\hu ,·,iu >\re l llm,.h.m 11\lc-J 1f 1h~1 v."" •

1 uc 1,1•,:1111.·111

•u,~11, f1'11 J"('fWlll 111

uri, I tn line" and ll·II )•l\•t-.cll )nu

t."lln I .,1:h~'° ),iut ,lt,,Hirth,, ,tit

1,1 She C. 111gm11 h,h bttc,

J..:frnJin; ntun.tfr lru111 l'JI)~

lft..llt\bi,.e,, lhd, m,:,-.,.Jlrt' .uiJ 1hr one

h'fltl!'tC'fflc:J 9') ,uh c,I

hr1c-r,11.t,ultl ltoUplt•., 1'U)'Utf

C\('l)lhm111mm u,, 111 roudlC',.


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''"''" 1111 tht Amr 11-.1n ,ltir.un h,,1 111.11 the Jic:111n 11 Jd l!'~l\l to, tJ,ncn ul ,1-1c WSl 1 h.i.l 5>Ufl:1IN• v.11'liJll'lf1 on a.m1h.&1t111Jf btin1,;pl1,>l••,1 l'llt *'"ntdkd \\'hr11 Hudu1n 111r11Jo1111i1;cJ S I( , ""ushlmJ' r.t li,nJ 11 ,ctt• wwlJ k- no t,;Klm; do.l\\11.


ConUnutd trom Page 3 K, .t"',un',:11 -'"· l..n~l't) \ \ K' II "" •UM'll'f1 Ilk:' f1u101 1nna.1.\C' ol 7 !11\<J l"l"f ""''niN« R,·tt,luuun 4 \U1IICM h) ,\\l\l l° \okr' r1r,,Jcn1 lu\•'.• kutu, 1, lo rr,ommi:nJ • S 1 re" k't'IW',1c:r

\'.')'\'.I t ltt,n.:rt,t -c. Th,: ti•rt!vrt(JmCJ \ \ (' h;i,c nr., h,1,;l tn ,\\ '\ IC IAl:"2'(' f~ P\·n I \ )C""',.. l .e1'11,.uil S1oce the Snii1Rrl a wr,i:.rh 1ftfurn111h1111 'Cf\·~'C In ,1u.:i.:nt\, h.n rn:rncd l-1h oiflal l'C'\.'Oj1hlion l.11'11 it In tlCt:J ut ('\Jlupuornt u11r1 I( "'6,luU<lfl 5 v.nt1tn. ~11fl.cn11,1tiJ.11ht- -\S\ll'n"C1,n1ult'NiaSI ~tf ,tmc,1cr r uhHc.uun frc 111cc t J ror the SWl1ntl. ft,e tootkJO \·.u\'JC\! II., 1.1111.I h): R 11IU'l al th r .\ fml 14 /\S, lr RICC'llftt th111 lhc ASM{' S.. l10l.l, ,.Ju r ll.1nt'l.. r , "'"' 1.c M ,Jrdl fhnmeh .\dm1nntntl!on m111Qf' l,n\.i f_)ftn, bn\1ron1nc-111.1I X 1<'"'""' FC>«nt') rtlaJllf. Eric Stultll D~nc,, Ad111«1I Uali'"11 ta:IJOl', IIIW \l,uJ11h \htplc-11 1mo•11111n-..i,or ,\\\:t(" .U.'lf'lcd,1 piettOI hl/h\toJ)' b\' Wc,U l.DJtt Al'III ••II h; t 1u11t• li" l'.'lt I"' i., up flr puhCIQl:iffflo

l ll.lbh ~hntrn J1f&o 1h;-i.p;.11 ,nttv:p,id,-u,, ~,..• lm.filcrRyicft,l lbii 1b.:-re•111iti~ ,nrtw "" wi lht l 1 1tlffl. fl.' J;.bh ._•aw.1ml m-Jilll • miruruum o f •>"' "rr11e11u1o mu,1 tw,r a JO G -P ~ lto,1¥n lffllil,\pil \o..-J.'l~°"«II

8cft'l\~ttll.Jtandffl1hr '.\J(,~,iff.:n. krwivtJon"i"'.;. rco..~ rh r , i:rumd h J m ,t 1.omc- 11. 14 .~, fur ,h, tl'IOhC)' 1hC' cat!Kll 'l\a, 111h.t.\k:n1 .,hi -.e •-ou~ l ilt l hl'.' \ (flhnt'l 1'1 tomt h1 '" hit .,L '°' the tnvr&'); .1,1,1,J ,\. \ Sil 1'1 c1.11k'IM fk11 T,~.._ J( t"uh, une '" f) ,u111e• 1-, Sn1111, 1 ' ""='

1. 11 11inl II ••1111 .,\~'\I( N'I ICT\"I a "1,'lh f f< ,taiul.j bt J tn Jtl'IIC' dit li\11inM I• k

Senor FroSSY

Jui ce & Smootl11c Bar

fJill t!P fullef,~ur, t1 n Hml1t,,t11tm: tnW" t, ,fd.'\J 1.,-..,,J

I M f 1 '

Thursday Apnl 22 , 1999 Continued The NIC Senllnel
F'a!I') 11
C,ontlnUOd from Page l 11 •iri- 4d f 11l~i:II '• ,utlqc 1h.u ,\, h 'll~ • JOtl u., lh(' )'Ulbi ,. ,L, u.11! ~ni.l tud T oJ1J fl,nk Ad.Im~ ~tJ Y. hctt he nX'I f1,1nlc ti< "' "' \1 11mcJ lllhi,ur how fwlnl n c 1v.o hc:\;ll'TC Nu /ucnJ, ~nJ \ il11m-. Mw.l he tC"rc ftlUtif Ilk' l cd111i:, IIC'C.J l J 1n -p~J.:.1.·1h.&1 l unk '"'""U) h: w \\ "'" \il.i.~ •• ,.('I) h111k. ti( rcrllt'J , ~. I hJ\.(' Ith• •~me 11111;;k ~h .)UO.• lbe 1'1110 n\Jl.k J fWU"U,OC l•l ,cu,t,thtt1,u('~J.JUltw..n• Pf"m1..c 1h111 lai•.ii:-J J11111 Ja) ,. \ .lllltt\..lid Ht 1,J;JJ lhC) Jc,\ ,Jl"l) M \pl:i'IJ WUC' h",-tl11;1 lllnd btl1, ,·.11.h ul!W:. f1n,I 1111t11c11J,. i\J:1111' 111\1 t«ll-lr11: h11: ·1,h 'Iii 1•h 1hr tJrh h" J.11cd. "'h1k he .11·111 1uutc: l'.l.'\:.w~,J ~ \t OI\' lh11n 10 )c:'LII\ b,I\(' ~'l(d 10k"( lh,: l',1,1J 11,,1 fflj ltl in, .\J,1"u 11ml I tllfl(' ,ur ,1111 1<,p:lhc:f n~ f("l(liilflM!t\Jlt\...• 11 1111) reaching: ou1 l !..'...'.'I !
••••··•••··••····· T 0 oN s Chimera 2000 by Jam es Bell
114 l l' IIJ:tl•! bl(hi" •I fftt) t.all lht'U <1 UIICa,: h
i~~wx~ .
I .-,;;}iit " 'r-.:. ...1 L----------.J 12 1 \\' l'r.tlnCA, r 1Tl, •i(,I ~ \~ c- ..,~ m Aw ,111Jc:., UI ahc •ftNlw wild rrh'JT11 111 fu IWN,uri T \ ,.hov. , W i11 1111J Gu1 ·ca11d Fll -:n.. u 1.11 ""'·m·, r<11 on ,1...,, 'Al" .-a1n 11\'f ur.· R t h f1t\ u, Ut'I uukc r nlnJ f ll \o\ Med hi bt' aJdrc. )(d 'v. ,1 h hofftr\l) • nJ tnl.!gJI\)' ;• J>.h ( I.II~ \hr ..W dlt,i: jJjt 1al l1c" tn nc.l.11~ t"C"l'),tw rl-h 111J,) l.ll~.Nt! 1tw1 t h '") 11tt>Jn,t.p-01 1,po11 d 11· \\UC' ,,fll.l\ II flh "'S1lc:n ~C' I• lhC' \11'11\'.C: c>I 1,'11M11 l1 I I~• JJ,t J 'llartJ1,(\l •ttr11nl' vihod.lrt'., tn '-"'"' thC' 1cn,k, hnc, h .1 rruMt nain,.,, \i-.:k't) ·· ,ht '1,J. lh1111.11\
,C', •J
I I I 25 'X, off I l for NIC s t udents
1 & focull) 1 1 with college I.D. 1
Equ11lit) Club r
~n fo\ll 8 uC't,l'lff ~hl prr,plc oll...-11 dun'! ri.iu~h· ;.a:i,
,hC'1t1.1-'I r1,:hh.".
J1hu,,,.- ,I 1hc: \1lk'ric-o.11Jl'"('1,1111 H\!\,/iJJ,rt,pi('
1~11ua. AV\ ){' ro.iur..trd lMI Ille 'wtr.ul llqmtrill!'ftl 1 1lll1J~\ ill U!iJ,.-m "11h ~'I uJ ~nl('ll,II~ 'C"f'. klloJ'IOfl'\111'Jch.,h•t,n1hf111."UOtn1nKIN)\""' Reu.,l u11oa 1 'll<tlll~b I',) S.:11:ltl.'f \ h;:dlc:t ho r.tUCJ h e.1 1haa n111•1• numbet :t~ 1n 1hc!- Sl!b ~h,11Jk1 be tJi.atN t,.c1 ttt1 the \lullllll \h,.,, •ll<l 1he' \111111hc I l"l\Jff f ht 1"1111 tt.id1n14•1 ttic .\S~K tiuJr,t 111, I'""' 2'!Ul ,u,d<,cw•k A~l 1-&tnMIIIJ CJ1t;k-1t..c»tac I g 11Ge1naf 91tpe~o1tato; Ch1ght// The diploma you can wear. II (I ~·'s 'Bt•·"f,, o,.u,,,,, ""!KYl:s ChQCW E:1tte,tan,.1ne1tt E:11e1-9 T/i"t,9da9 J)i.1/;xJ1,d~W '8,,,g111N«.W<J'l)ott1,,,..{<{04< 6674858 (:) BAGELBY'S. I A ; f I S AI II T Tests are hard. Bagels shouldn't be. Collcg• fs l,ord 0"°"9h so 9ct -so f t 13a9 e lby's B age ls B aked a ll day Fi<.C..S: 1., 10, • so,c-1 r- -- --- -------, : (:) ~\~nmY.~· : I r:-,~,,.. , D ·1· ,. I I I ~i.;. • I I 1" I I I I , ,.., ,....", ,- ,..._. ~,i. I I ...,. .~._ .,,._,.. 1.-.11, " I L------ ,-.---,......., :J 223 W.Apploway 77-Ba gel 12 1 W Prniroe Ave .J<.)STE:\'S Rin gs as low as $149.95 April 27-29 10 a. m - 2 p .m. NIC SUB
Specialdn,: i11 fresh, 1Mi<'i<111.1 MeTic<m fimd 69 cents Tacos All day. every day r--------------- , ! 10 % off l ! for NIC Students ! : & Faculty wit h college I. D. : I I I I • u ,......; ' L--------------------~ 7th unJ Shcm1an [)(lwomwn Coeur d' ,\lcrn, 765 -8522


"PHO I mat,\l'IIY IS "



t'APTl.iRI MO\IE:-.,, I:\

Tl\11:iTIII \\A, 111\I


Tttll K "-Of. 11 l>GE HI \I

,\l,l O\\S lllE\I 1'0


Ill~. \\'ORI I), Q~c~. 1111·\

l>Cl, Tllli\ 0 RI. IIOOKI.I) 101( LIF - l'lril C11rlil

l'lmtoJ1r11pl11· hmrnctor

Cloc*wlM f,..... -


FoggyTtNOby An 1 •Nt,t,.

Chev,oi.! by Jo•h

Holt•. Doll - by



S1r00tll. cathedr,1 by Trina Lawr , 811lned GIHI by K-SIKk-,

ore 1h;o11 WCJ ,1udent, h1wc enroll•~ thi, year in what photoiraphy in,trucwr Phil Corl" Jnkingl) refer< tu• ·rholn boot ,amp.'' rcJchoni bolh lhc h.:ginn,ng and m1crmeJ1atc cla,,c.s. Corti1i ~:.ud he stn u \\ idc v111C"ty of 1ullenh come lhruu~h 1he cla,,\.., Fwm 1hc people "h1> ~now hlcrall) nn1h1n~ .oboul phuto!!i..1ph)' to the unc, who arc 1.:on,1Llcring 1t & :; pmh.'",10n.1hc: da "-C.$ t.O'wCf C\tt~thing from ha,i-.: i.:umc:rn op:rn11on to darl..hXll11 ttchmquc~ anJ fine art pnntmf Rcrardlcu of \\h>t Ille ,1udcn1, <"11>< m ,.,th, Curh, ,,,J th•t th<) al"•>• km ~omC1h1ng nc\\ from the eta,\. • J'hcrc\ n h,1 or pcuplc thu1 takt lht: intro du,'i um.I !:let hoo~<d." Corio, tl ,, IOI ,,r people 1cll me thut 1hc da" Joc'in't reallv fit into 1hc1r >ehcJulc. hui the) lmc ,1. •nd urc 1rning tu ,11d, y, 1th it ··1 cou1J OC\>'tr ,htlW in m)· r,n.:turc~ what J ,..,an1cJ to ,h<> ;• (:t1d Jlclga Pa,, 1 comrnuni\.."11Uon., maJOr 1n Corio,' bcgmn,ng dim l"u· leamcJ Ht Jo <M>, onJ noY. J' m 1n chatt:c: of rhe en11rc pr,K"r,, Aloni "ilh the hciinnmg and m1crmcJ1atc cl;auc!io, Tm, Chri,11c tcochc, • "ilJhlc pho1ogr.1ph) cho""• and Jc 'J.C' T1n,lev tt:ad1c, u phutnJuumalt,m ,1n,, in the t nll ,cme,1er. "Photngrnphy h .1 uniqut e,pcrience that ullnY., you to carturc: nmmcnh in unit the \lwJ~· that n,11h1ng cl,e will Cnrli, ,a1J ""S1uJcnh \I, 111 gel 1hc kOO\I, lcdsc that alloy.~ 1hcm to cJ.rlof(' and I c~rreh the \\or1 Once the~ do ·· ,')' re fur hfc

P42t 12 _ Tho NIC Se~
--· -by-
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