The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 52 No 7, February 25, 1999

Page 4

and Jl"°nmllliltk'on b.utd on 'C~l&AI ut,cn1.ia11.,., the

\c1mmu '4111 prc,e111 ••y, 10 bdp proplc \I.Uh .,;nlr-tu.:c anJ,1nt1'CUI cm campti\.. 11&:('•wd1ns 1a T®) Stcv,,an, Hlfm.stn 1;...lQ.llhly


Skpl.illk C1mabun from Ute L nl\,ff'lif) o( Ortgon ••JI 1.1l~ •l'OUI the:

Professor proposal dies in NIC Senate

Senate chair says title-change proposal likely lll resurface by Murad Khli.lUf\ fv,t11n,tHrp, tt,,

A f'f"f'l'"•l lo g1,t 1e:uuttJ \I(' 1Mttw:1nn

d1t Wit of ""pmfc:~~•· fll\Jcd d:i1nn1 11 H1'C of

the< : uUcge lltunda)'. rcb .i

hl(nk'r mtcnm PrctJ.. Ron BtH pf'Oll(Ktd lht

IIIIC' 1.hJt1i,t Lui ,r11ni ih 111 ~4)' 11,1 r«dJI.Oltt

more Jhtln J ~hhcJ m,1n1,1an alon@ wllh

rthrcd 1n,1ru..:1c,n 10 the: C4-Jkgc Scuic The ,h.vt£l" ioin&ll' ht ln lhe hi IC uni~ ,.,11~1


lkU ,ugge-.tcJ chW1i,:u11 the btk, of lVlll'f\'

dc:a11i TO '\'IC( ptc\i<lc:l'II 'fbt :W8't\ll(WI pt."..cJ

la.,1 )c:.1r v.i1h hulc: ducuot,.oa O\c:r the p;a,t

Ir* m,1n1h, f•culty m-.'.mbcn Ju,c11\,ciJ 1hc


WbUr OC!Vc!'r.d IMdf\lltl)r\ lau,iJ I~ d1111t,c

11uiin1!1Qllll. ,:eok>g)·lr.cogn1pby 1mtn1eior 81U

R,dur(b hc: (11\'0rt the htk upv!IOC'

Rlch.anh, ~mptkd II I;c: fWW·wl ,~ ltl9

rubltcl)' fun!kd ,~o-)u, eolh:a.cs and fwod

th.e Ml tu 70 pcu:cn l of the: 11c:h0tll\ g.avc:

k.11:hcn 5QITIC kind of I UI~ Rid1uJ, 1.01d 1hc nt41orny of the 01 61;,1

C"o.a,1 s..:hooh hil"f' 1111r-, tnr thtir ln."n,c-ti;n,

Ke '),lli,d i.1 1, l'\lfflUlg Id We,.t.. He- '1111.l JI 111 be

~nclidal rot eetllq:c tn h:nc- :sn oJfidnl. ""

dle.·huot 11de

NIC b..u. knurcJ llb~IOr, 11.Dd 4R DOn

1t111m:cl. lull-umc 1Mllllcton. Jn,tmch"lf1; .,.,1,o

h1t'rt been ,11 NIC for (he ye.11n :uid b,,·(!

c:omplctrd an\l\'C" , 11«:M:c, am:


Cbcm1,1r)' 1n,1tuctM O,lc- M.,C) .i.uJ a

cb.11i" 1n ullc dab 111.,1nun enui.h,

C"~nr LtRoy. fomgn IJitwgu~·c,. in.t.truckit. -1

ht ._"*•at dM: ,,.,lk ffflln pninl orvlc.,.,

you 1uc in colleto or 11ppct i.ct"~t>d,uy

<,c;h;i.$1 )OU .IR! u prufc .ur.-1-.tRuy

1.,11d the Utlo i," ~""11ltion b:1111«0

..;h.,,ol 1.-,,...1,er,. .and ,:o!I_.,. ,n U\k:,,:,n..

B.Al1r \ollid .1 fflOIJJflcd ,,:~ion o( lhc fJfOPl'W,I 1111'!' 1r,u1facc In 1ht1 ru11Jtt. c pcd,1llr \IM'C

'll&ll)' f.aaih) mrmtxr, hk<' 1hc ,dell ot cJot,ig

'IOOIC'thm; JO~ dw f'l'llred

a S~1 t Camah;m, Ut1htr,.&l)'Uf~iron

• Oiaoe Satad,.., \1Qil'1&ais1 S1.11et~1i•l.ilt.'lf a Mm: Ai.b,m,, Llunbd,1 Lil.cnU')' Award v.iM('t flnalh1 (Of°111C'f~··Son

cqulllny ol pcc,plc:. Oianc Sn:nch • member ur the Munt11na Sr• 1e le,:hlim, re. w, 11 ,pu.-. on hc,w fMlb'~ pobc:)' dc:;a.l,. Ynth h~lc mmei agaio,1 ~lwth, M11n., 1,1,ill ,pu\. on h1ot pc:uona l experi,:~1. t)f brmg hnmo\C,.Uill Adorn, wll, 1 Lambda, •••rd fhllllht for hh. bool nie PrcKber·, Son we: need 10 addtu., tbe con11nu11,1 pwl'>lcm~ i:a) .and lc:,bau ,1uden1~ dcaHns .,.,.Ith." IUtC. Pttt. Jl'N> 8ueh11e1

~Id "'l~tloJ'lt" flc'cd 111 he \.llll...,.lcJ~.ihk ,.n,ad thtdub V..\nttd 101.u(c an 11;11Ve r~mJ f'li.1Ca.w.attJ'le<l<

--n.e Equ.aht) ctub h.l., • .,.,~rtul ~" dc.lhft$ "°bh

I lmn.ln lbght'- 001 llb ,,,·e111hh l"~ II."\, ..ucrwoo," si.,.,.,·an 1,11Jd

Ti mber!

HF.C 1Dm\tlcr-l<:lih)'Pvllardwd•"'WN&oh.i\'t'lhci.),rtp11itm,k.J

Id .n c:utnplc lcrtht0Jnt111un•)' an.l ~,wthal ~ailJ 1.11.c I ICIIDd

-1 nghlt ror 111.~ Aid H-E C n1C11WCt Jennifer Jamc1.

"'1'111. Doi wl«t.hf!' on who s.houlJ be tqu,tlly

81.1ehnc:r &aid l!I he C'.lpel.'1UI¥ .ittnii111cc hon1 ~• c:~kgcs, web .u

Ul. WSU. OooJ4 IIJ!d. WhltYwnl1

''We "'tlfl' co i.taa ,l,dmb ff\Q 11m1. ,1111qt,;i •1 lifW\ «-tl"nm Ill)~ ,~ ,aUlkmnndcollr~a.,tm111iiC1n •c. 111.'W v.'lh,"B~ '"'id

1'hctc bib btC"u an JMte.l~ lk'Uvtt) doralln1 whh hum.ui ,1~t;1~ OQ coCICFCPm(blCI 1n lht-N\·,td1"',......,···\'wwartt.ald. "11'1, ""Iii fKJt c..oe Biachnc, ,o.,d he ···•~Sall,111«au v.ilontt',l t1111.UcoJ

•we i.1tia•11,,.a111 ptt-ip&c. '11>1w1 l'iclic,·c 111; «tUin •a); "'c '1¥111l11 d1'rct1c

gnlup 10111.Jdm.\ thti iNIC," 81.1('.hocr ...t.

1'bc C\'Cl'll 1~ fur1Jed b) the- lwoer-Juf Ce111m,. 1,ul Fnr« OIi Mu-lMIS

Rtbli~~ oo pubhc lllQt'IC.)' 11 b::1n.a U'C:J. BiAChnt'f YIJ.

Thtc,a11 v.dl l.u.rpt..x, Apnl UJ &utn9~tn to 1 rm. mdr Edmithm

S.1~ t.JniPa 8u11c1m&- 11lt fm:- -.«nlnar" I~ rolq_,c' IIUdc:nu..; 1 amcnt

MWt'nl ID muw be ~tod r« dln1,.'1•lft. Sp;n ,, l1milm To~ a.

SUB opening rescheduled

lntsay: Smal detalls cue delay; opening slated tor March 24

bJ l .ari,sa Rot:tw1


Ps:u~1!n~~t:i~~~a~:~;t 1 n;t:il~r~:n~~:) 1 ~;~ I~~: 24

Tbc: dcla) "'ChJ\' 10 lhc. pun1..b·lltr..t Uny. lmlc. cktaJ1 ~f'll unul dlC .itrh,t«t OK, ll can 1bc SUB optn

Tht' 1,1;ron,: 1.:.upr1 \\'a" ~cnt and 1hc 11lie1 d ftln'1 nu1ch •·wc'l"t' avlaJ to be u, UW1c tor tht JO)"'*'.,. Oa\·1d Lmd,1), ntc ptc1iJen1 or ,1udcn1 m··rrS"lng rn t,e in ~~r;~;~: tltrff' fiJr tltt· ntu 40 ri1h 1 There ,. 1101 y~·un. l\'t-t mi,:hl a.\ 11in51c maji>c tbtnf •~·ti/ J.:tl it riRIU. •• wmng, JU\I ,1 ltu ul \tns:fc dc:1111\ Tht St..'B hu bun cJO\Cd ro, the las11'11110 )"flUt. (Of m.-uh-r fC'flO\'llUOft'i Frnm 1hr

-Da vid U n dJaJ, \lie, pr~sldent of M Udlllt st.rvil:tf

top oft~ ,\)h&hb lt1 1bc t1n1h1. 'i'U"itlu~ b.tM'.fflt:nt, 1hc thrcc-,\hH)' b111ldrn1 hH gone- unde r mlJO T lmpro~cmcni,. The boob1otc will now ,.ur, pur,ula1 C°', bcx~~' ..1nd m1,1.1.1ioc:,~ 11 cap1r1 u:nkc, an ~,piandcd ttlectlon of CO(l"t()Vlcr toltwue. rdrrco« horo._.. ll.l'ld an "'p;a.Dl.lcd dothmg 111d s11l 11-co111rc11 file bR.~mn,1 ~111 in,IIJdc a ltl\111$" and roc,I 1lnd p 1nJ·~n11.ablc, There 11,lll .11 1'() be a rut.111/"'P',ir ,boor Y..btn: ,1udtnu OOn! their bf\c, •nd ,Lb 11, 10 be: .,.,.wkfJ on. '"h', 1u1nr 10 aw("o 1ne,· ,.11J J11,1,u1. l.111,,e:r. dirc,;ror or 011hloor l\lr-.ui". ··n,.: 111111,0,,phcrc in h;a.,,cmeru h ut1lttut • S11,1\ ru~ 1;.mm,c.n1 11fh1,1,., • ,II be moh'il 10 1b~ \CCll>nJ 0(1C)f, wU11 lhc-t'\nUU\t' offb:ClJ tnJ llt(,Jr Cl\\·n oflic~ The 01h-c1 111" ,cutoo wtill h~,c, tJ'\loO ntlic«" 1.pll,('e Jn the Sc-iwk Romn

North Idaho Colleg e S the • l eI1-t1I,_e February 25, 1999 C o e11r,l ' , \ /e11e. lt!t1lto \\ \\ \\ '.\ IC.EI) IJ / s 1 '.\ l I'.\ 1 1 \i 1/1111w ':!. \11mhc1 7 Women Cards are doi11g the Region /8 boogie. Sports/Page 8 Pl ay by fo rme r NIC stu de nt se t for sta ge A&F1Page9 Gutsy s tudents rake a s tab or be {ly da ncing Life/Page 5
campus homophobia Human Equa li ty Clu b workshop addresses homosexual stu dent issues b~ Dian Shtckkr ~mtir/RtyN,ru, Tht lh1111.1n Eq1Mhty Oub I\ hA\tlnr il 10 d,'4.'.11,\ wit)' rn d¢A w11b h1m1"1mient h.ncd Oil ~•ui.l t1ricnta1ion Ou1inJ lbe< C'\tnt 1>rieukt1 \\·Ill :addre,.\ 1;,.,_u,c, ch.,t hCWl'k'l"<' ,rt.t1kf1h l.11."C t•n the colkJC ~·~,=•:ir;;;~!:,~1!;~~';:,'".!~;~:~~~·~;~:-:e "~ 114 1hc cfll'lt"ln\Jl1fl of 1hc pmrr.un T1tl<'d "'Dt'.,111\f wi1h humopbubta on 1.-ollc:JQ eDtopo~u WM;), \'\"lltlbuil b.itta. ,1ne:01
Seminar combats
..... l.t'RU)
He i&id he fer+• 1h11 tbr ch1ingc 1n IHlc ii, 1Mit.nln.:11A1 "I a,n ,urc ~ht~ ~l "'di come hll:l; 1111t d,ftcrcnt lt1m1 ·• 1he Srn•tr Chair Ft11.n Bnhr qail. .,W,: 11ohoMJ., ,&a) tMncd.
131....uil) ,11.U b.a.\f!' a P4au: oo eaml)\I!, Ground• SUpe,vl sor RQVer WJM prepare-• f<H' tile removal ol I Ponderoaa plne that wu part/ally blocklng lho dik• roed Tho lroe had lallon during a storm. One or 1hc: 1110111 v11.1~h' uid lnn1-:1w•t1td tor chrtn,:e, h in 1bt fOl;id t-oun D1n1n1: optu)n, include I he filler l p, •n Auan 'NOL ,111t Tbc Coeu r I.I' Alc:nc: S.1ndwkh Butldco.~ Tht C" GOOl\t': Gri ll ;1nd P1u.c,l11, !be: Ora1111c 8.11) Bal.cry •nd Tbc &hatc:dCup. 'Colors of Music' benefits provide $250,000 in
h),\m Wr1gllt "ir1tftrtl'(lt,ur ~, 1.n 1'177 a Dl!\lr nutt·prul'i1 Ptj'Al'l\l..'1ttt1n formed an u.mp1.h II\ n,ily l'MI "1., 10 le )!! f1~nc.·1 i l , upp(1(1 lo I.he Jril11Jtrn\ 1cn-11.~ and ,tAJr The Fo,.md.tlion hJ.• ooine I Ions -..a) a1ll,I t,.u nptllkkd ftl.C ulll) ;n 1th.u II Joe\. Yul ln 11o·hl1 ii ttptt'<'flC,.. TIit' nJIIOOil1111n reprc-'oC'nh the llfllly c>f 1h1, culk.i:c - 1.b( ilk.a of t\otl')bOdy 'A 1td.1ns *°)!ob.:r lor 1hc '4.tnc dKl\lUOfl rool tn the ) nee ,he Found.auon fo r med man) 1h1n1, l\•\C" ch11n1rd A PCW tibntt)' WtQ hu IL u Childlt"•'• l'tntl' I 11rtd lhl' Wi,ri..far.;c Tnln ,nr C'c:nlcr In POi.1 h h. All 1hC'\C 1hin1\. 'AttC" lundcd by 1hc l•ou1ut,uon, In lldd11ioo to thc.'-t' h1uhlit1V\, mcmben hii"\f 1di0 pnwutcd for 1ht 11,Jent\ 11·, jl)\lo'JI)'\ 1boo1 the \lwtflh.- ~IJ lbyclk AndcnOI ~Ql;UIJC 1ltrcc1or or 1hc hu1.nJ 11on AnJcnnri tla, been worl.1n1 lnr lht' f""1t1,11)1tJ1ioo ror \I\ )e-~ Shel" m c.b:irge or op:r.aa.on 0Jp.tt11.111G1t 11nd •pt\,·i1l c\·cnh, 'llll;h a'" 1hr Mnu11I FciunJ..iioo C'IMK'Cn. Sin,e 1hc Fc,und111on Concc n h 11vch u hu&c: 11n;Jcru1l, na. 1,.-unnJaablt ~upport from pot on )· 1hc collcJi: t,c.11 tk' l'01Mlu1\lly h nttJcd ThC' cOl"ICffl C'Ollkl nor ha,·" ti«n PfMJble v..1thnu1 1hc ,upp,1n ()I 1Wtopcopk ll arolJ Oosni11t10u11,I P..r'-cr Wood.dL l>.am&,u1n 11'Nd~ 1bh \;Pl'ICCfl -.·hl<ti mc11m, be: .:111hrrcd dtc uilcrlt. found lhc 1114Ni: .;ind milk \Ul t: th.ii II SM \n,cl(llhl) tbc ~ll'K:Cll Jefinaltl) r.111 wru~hl), But 111-hc11 one of iht- m...,n 11 11r11o.1Km1 I" 1hc '"~ it, \'Cr)' ,-;,-, ,mpll\hcd "inllft I~ pl111,I" Ith lu1d to mJu. Jo!m Wile.) owcJ ll\!IC( lhc lil"II umt: be opened h 1i muucli h 11\,l ~ l\iatd to !lfl,c,~ lhiJI UW' vultt lhac 'Aa\ h(.ud "1.11., tc.all)' (llf1tlA3 111,m !mu A0cr e-«h 11vn ,: 1K' URI OI pl;1),,J 11\MI)' pc:c,plt lll 1ht. ;iu,1Utm:r ('ouldn° 1 hdr hu1 ri-..c co tl..:1 1 feel new.I 1uvt b&m • hc:&rt)I .11.aniJ1n1 O\.Uietn Hi r.:nchoon c,f R~ in 81\1" """ dw:: bc\l I ha\·c r~ hr.-.rJ 11 Ji,cw. nw citnct'f\ Wat. v.cU •onh II ~\t to ttt lhi, )'OUllJ 1.1knl In KhM. Horcfully D.il1wic-, cal\ gc:1 WUC"\ Nd t"' nt.l1 )Ut'I~. Wood,,.11 t("('fCJCfth Wa hiri,ic,n l'f'\l,t R411l "'11tiooc the- WJlllOfl o l W•ililngton Ttu.,18.ttlA the co11e~ l~llJ no1tit p.,,.)1bk They \\-trt 1ti,c uniJcrwritrn "' 1ht1 f!'(fft(tn 8«aulC 1hr nlOCCtl \N"aJ ctimpltl("ly utl«t"Nr111rn. 111ll 1l!Olk'} 1nt'lud1nt mon..-.) lr'OITI ~IOn.. 11...:tet -,1,a. a.od ptl\'ll te dnn1U 1011, ton 1lueo.;lly tu 1hl- \.l\l«Ot~ m lhc rorm of w;hul.-nh1p, The- C"On«n made ~S.000 Tb;it 111(;,1•~ tb:u ~S,tQ l goc\Olrccll) 101hc ,tl.kkslt, 11,rtc ®1 ul 10 ,tucJconh 1h11t aprll rd rot 11:h~l.aohlJK 1,ol yea, IC"(~\e-d lhcm: AnJC'r.,.in ~Id Th11, n, 1hat 11e,·to mu or 10 'lll.llk'IIC'- .,.,t'tC not JJ\lo"Md,:J ~hol.u,-hlp, FOUNDATION oon,1nuo<l 0<1 Pago 11
scholarships Foundation concert draws together coUege, commlfflllY sia,ort, showcases talents

dlund's ermits

Stuucnts gain experience in wide·ranging ficlJ. prepare: for employment opportunities in Uflpliam:.: industry. govemmcnt projects

IJ\ Utdt \fortttn 11i.-7"11NII /l, r,vttr

Pk lint: ur1o1, ,m-,:r JP1n1111l 011, ,ta,. Jell rcn,~aw·r •

o1, Ilic Si;b"'iU1' \1,,111," Pc,v~,,~c, 1k"1. idcd to tmh.irk on 11 mvcc 11.h.1llcn11ng- ral't'tt tic 1a•J llh: d(1;tn111h," ,n,1,ntl)· '" t.11\cnc' 1m,l v,jdc "'"f"'"

J.lllJ P,·nd,ll t r l Jc~1JcJ ac, q,111 w11tl.ln1 tull Ulllc a,-,1 JC"I my '\ASII 't(' ~uw v.nb k:u Cb.all• M'Nll!'•l('r bf -.:hoc•l ltll. Pc111\11htt •~, m "-'Ofll.l,'t • 11h ,mnt· ll11Ylra11ic:1 fob\ In WA,flin,:h'ffJ t>rrron 11.nLI C'\'Cn u l.u \hi.:ronn,.a Ate all rt""lllh1k'-. for die """''"

I 111111111 11 10 so" hcu•\'cr 1ht' 11,•lt l4lt\ me·, uld 1,tn1l11\('r --1 ht· 1·11rm"1'• •wi *'''"~ 1,1 "'''P for • f1111a 11nic. rm h.1111,J ,~ ,u,1 t,~ II: r.ut old

It t11.1y N'.a lnw:1 uru,11, 111 l~hc-l ~111l.11vC't ,1pJ uthct tla.:1ni11, rn h ,mJ,.·til\ a., h..:rmn,.• lh•'IIJI, the) lw'-<' l'ltto utleJ JU ,,me~ l.llf411 l"I 11<11. II n ;I JICC'U)· ;:1'1(11,I dCkflr-'11•1'1 ·ru lc,l 11\lo,1\ 111 tht: lfrJlur1d Hml,lmc tuf 111orc'l lt,ur hu111, I d.t) lh\""'IC f1C11rl~ ,llfC' h> l'I(' IIIC',1111\ lht, f)p11;;af j1,ll,1JtnJ1.. ,\lmu\l 0\-1.wdy ,,<'n l11Uv., Nil h.n 11n t:l.xtrn,u prnarr,.1111 t1wd1 k"-.1 •hat die) ,.fo n~ p10,r11-m 1.11.<'., ~1udc::11h hom 1.nll'wtfh! lk''l;l l('-n'IJChmF: e,...,111 elr~1ma1,;1. anJ w1th1n l\lofl ,c-nrs h,h lh,:m ..-,·11,ltl"•J cn ,..nrl,;.

,n Ult' d~ 1runi..- in\lti\11)' -An~1h111i: rwm l1umc .1rpl1i11,.oh1 111p I<°', re, "'' -minctll ('fr'J«h

Brian Hammon, freshman electronJcs mi,10,. tettl hie e.lectronk: circuit board, too.

n~ .,,, l\1l'lflf'lt na111DQI" \\c1o11.c-alolnlra,rlr wl1o1> for 01,r ~.i ut m .uw1'1(1 .tl.141·1 h.tvt the hllk" M ~,ti 1 j,iM;brfor', ,J,.;t!t&'. but '\tlll WilMi lnl(C • loh IP rlC-Cth~II;.\.,• ct.rfcain('l.l Rt1,ut ('uun'- cfcc1n,cic1- i'*'IIU.:Wf Ou, loctu It.a• .1lv,,.a)'11 bt"rn 111,1,t ,1uJcnu lbc ,~ltl, •he)· nccJ tt1 l:inJ .i )uh wi1hou1 h,ninJ 10 JI) to .chool (,~ 1,1,i, )r..r,,• W11h ,ibo,ul l11urh,1m, 1,11 l..iu .anJ l.abtl~ c-ac h Wi) lhc r1rOir.1111 llllr,,"-'h ,1 'wiJc u.rtct) vf ..-uJr-n1~ A1, .ibunt.l,m~'ll' uf v,,cll pa)l"I Jtob, anJ \'Ol.u.all)' c-n,lhm, orputhrn1hn du,w In r<cl)·r,nl' Imm 1un.:u:cu Ill Nb)·lloorncr,. Jla\loc\tr 6'1lk1c1u tbc \lud(l'lh

Ut' llomra~h ~•thcr, chey ,II n·rm lu ,~rl! 1hc 'illllC'" i,k.o ,.hl'"n II i;mno, Ill c-Jn:1ron10. 01er.: \O 1nu~h of:, lu11.1n: 11,:cc,• ~.1h.l Jrttn1) Coc:,.-.c-r. hc,t111w1r1 cll:"\·m1n1c, m;iJ()f ''The fuLure', t•.ihcd 1111 rm lc..:;,rnJn.1 nu11, lht ,,..,,...1bll111~ -.11n't t,1J uulll lh('1t', noihin,: kll t•• kAn• AnJ 1h..11'\ llt\l.'."rT~·h1n, altul d1I~ 1uform..111on 1~11 o.n 1he ,1k1ulJc,, ,,f l\lic, llk:P. C'"°n' and John Dunn With muff" 1h11n )t11f, ol ,umhlneJ "'-'Jleti,C.1.1,C(' IQ tb~ 11'IJu,11y 11,t jni.lru. ltln h,11h d..~nh(' 1hr,r c11r1u.uh1m ii\ a t>rcl;ld, o,'Cro1II ,111,I) ,,f ,k,tmnic\.

•·fo JU,l )(.In Y,,(' nttJ lu lc;a.h lhi.Y ,IUJl"Ol"e\Cf)lhlll!! lnlffl J1m;11,·1,1nTM luodo1nlC't1U1I, 101hc: ~(1r1~, c•I' d1;i1.,1 clct.11'<"nti;,."' l>unn wilt.I 'B) tlM" t'lid of1htJr 11,(.'('lJ.lld )'C.11', dk'.)' 111 ;i~ 1u,1II) br bvild,n1 a ,lnllll m1i.:1op,1-..-(''-'~"'"0t'lltnlkd to1t1pt,l (t."" "" We',·"' hild 11,1 hrtJ U (IJtt 1h:tt •lltt"-'' ('\Cf)'C""' hi tct ,Ht anlknt•nd,nr or 1hc \\u,1~." r~ ,ittlJ 1

Jacks of all trades stay busy

Maintenance workers do more than drive golf carts, battle chew splt clogged drains

h1ui.l!t1t. \llkltiom• l'hl" n('W SU8 i, i,.Cttng Ill IM\'.IC'it\C the Jcp.Jrl!l!C'tll • WUtLfu;uJ \brn1en,11Kl'.' h,,.. t,,.-,"n ,,,or~l11i: doitl~ w11b lbc ewl11M:"1110 111 nul.r

-.u~ die Jcwr:n ri,I hu1IJ111; "'ill h: worl~l-,1(,~

"'WC' hi\( D M'I uf rrrnntln, 1il\f (-'>tll\ "1ulJ -Altt)' ~\( C\Cl)tfunf!d,c "" l hi' ueo.·J.. ul ,111Jcfll\ t.kUh)' ~11,l 111tr.r ,t.111 l,1Un• wkl) 1n r,nflnl)', Uhpla~-,c\i b) ,t'\Ctal carupu,£ fot.11'11,1hu duned ~uh ,htv,,ns tob.J.:oeo. ,,·~ the "*·n11riruil ~h~~fl. 11Ca1I) \.1nJ.ilhm ,,., bk,,1'

m.,1,~1." ni.ut1tcn 1Kc"f. job lunkr ClnmftJE, f'lflC'Y.

Retirees share parting thoughts about NIC

pcopl-e Th,, ,pnng. lhrtt mc:mbtn nr tbc collc~c '111.R- June Cb.apmui. Muioc Sch1cnnan .,'Kl Oori1 Ay.110. w,U rC'IHC' (r~m th<'lf po,111on, 10 Jc,(IIC' their UJ~ to ,~h !1o.ti\ •*' Chap111110, founc, ~01111.hmuar lor 1hc Sho\tktcir Cnw") Oi,tilJ"ltt Hduca1ion. rcdttd 11 1ht' t'rtd ul "1 1\ulr)' aflcr 28 )'C'a" or worktnt '11,,Uh the collc11e. A kC'lloc, tt,iJ(m. 1hc 6Ct-)'till"•Old t.lld \be ju,1 fch 11 v.,1, 11111< 10 rttu". Sht' pl.ari~ 10 ,.pend her llmc- Jo1ng commuoU) iac11-..i1io o1nd trnclint ~11,1nc:n omcc i:a,hler, h•, ,pcn1 1.1 >t•rs ~uoon,g ro, 1ht wllqc. bui tht' ("ocu, J' Akoe n.111,-c hb, dcep:r lie-; w11h Sch lerman lh<' ,1,;hool - i.he ,:nadu.atell (tom NIC in l'IS~ She a.11id m: ha, JU"l rc~hcd the llt1u· in her ll(etotclirr. She \\ill,~ bet time rn,"<Jint, ,·olunt«n11111"'1

JJnlcrllnJ 11.fln- her 111..r day,,:tna na Feb 16. y,,hcn Ul1 T111um 'Vf111 u,k.e o,tt fur her A},lt\ ,.,nc:J al 1he cullc#(" 10 )'Uri .a,c11,1; • p.ut·hrnc ,wi1i.:hh1taN orcl'iltot For dlC ~,l J5 )(:tr,,, tJlc h11,, ~1,Jminhtr.Ui\'C \C"CftW)'Cd Ste'\'( S....btnl. \lief" f1tc:\kkN (l,f w.!I~ ttlWiCWh \br ha, bed f!n'_"'111 111 &n.1.ny gmdu.ll!Oft.._ pl.Ayint ,.Pomp llnd Ciro.:um l.lMk'.o on the ptaoo ,i, ucpn lnr ma:rdt:ing gr.ltlu..1c., lier lime i, 11.IJcDd) d,,ono.:11)' pl.11m1ie,1 CtUI Slit' uni -.lie wnn1, 10 v.,,rt. t•n ht,- f,m,lr hl\lOI'.)' Mid 1111wel v.JJh hrr t®,in 111 hl,11,.,k.d f•niil) ,,~. bu1 fo1>1 kcp in _u.nd t;.11ll"b up <•n,c wort. lier la.,1 dli)

'"II~ ,\J'lflf \0, ju\&~ (o, dJ) ,1.flcrher6'lh hlnhd;i)'

A fTPl.ettmml s«'fd•t') tui, nnc bccfl touild )'cl. l'lll A).in \ll.ld \Jic: 1hmk., 1hcr-c 1t.·dl t~' 1111-..camr,u, aJ1t1h.:.:a1inn,. l-«-1uu,e: p('Ppk .tlv.-.1)·,ccll bc:t1hcyw1u,- htrJ,ib. '"S~e Xhcrii h lbt b¢'-I bo,.1 un e.11npu, .\y"" wuJ ·t ICC why lhc) wrold \\JAi fO ,.c,f'\ (ti( hem "' AU 1hl« v.umen -..ilJ 1l1C) l'-lwe cni',>~'CIJ ~,Mkms: v,Jth the pc"(,rk o11 NIC' "I h~c chc- pt'opl,: .• S.:llifflflill\ "''id "Thcfrc 11 fnm.ll) ·fhty' rc ~tl)\\'1'11i,'+l,1lh'" A)4A 11..S Mm1l.u 1bl.turhu "'Pror,k ,1f'C' k l (nrnt.!Jy; · Vic: "luJ ··ft t, n tet In ,..:alL d1~·n ll'lc \\;ii.\. 6.11d h.1\oe J"L'<ipk ~)' H1 ., Mnuy un1l,,t1h mJI)' '"'"' \.~ lh- 4!o;p:ndN.:«J •1-tll 111ct11l-er• belt M'111,dt.1w the) MIi be .1Ut'\:teJ. w~lwt it I.• "-•lllnc 1n hnc • h1tlt lonitr dunni n:,:a,1r.a11, ,i:, "''"' lUIIK1n ,.hilt a ntY. ra,hk'1 lt·.at"rh n,pn.tll' 1111~ inr 1h.l1 fntn&tly foi.:-c:- 111s1.e,t Sd~a.t..: nffl,Y

Policy defines procedures in case of campus violence

Committee chair says problem not significant. bu1 hostile incidenii. have occurred in past

t,) \ta«) 7..tbm Stnttntl RrJIIOl1l'f Oiu1.Jpt1\c or hot.1i1C'" ll('bM\ik1" "Ill l'l~ be lnleralcJ Ill Nonh Idaho

C'nllcsc: 111; 1, 1bc mt'\".liW:e bcmi ,en, hy • 11"'~ pull.:)" ,·un,;crntns \'j0Jrrt-n1;.: •• 1he WCIC'lt. rt.u:c- 11 hb b«o drafted 10 Jcltl wuh 001 of umuul hcha"'tOf on cuotpu fhc pahcy ,, 1n1cniled tc., o.:onlr(II d,trurimc-, ll'HC"".tlt"lnv 11114 1n11m1d111lni hclul",ur JJ,rl•)cd b)' ,1udC!t1h. fati.:uh) Of ,h,mh oo c-.mpu, h tott11u1.1 a pr()Ccdurc 1ha1 will be foltc, tl.l If II pt"obkm ""'"' A rohc)' n •hndy 1n cure, .ti NIC con«m,.,, hana~,rut'nl, t,t1.1 the Ile"' poh1,;y b 1n1endNI hi dr..v,. lhc hnr bcl•ec" har11, n1cn1 and r,ut of COOlflll b(oh.i1'r10(. Vmlcr~c 11:1 PC"L pl.ICC cnmmilltt" chail'm.iUI, JJn,t Schlrpcn. toorJ1n11101 (If ,mdc:n1 uppor1 ,.tnicc, rot ,1prllcJ 11.'c!l)nokliy. ,aid ch.11 thct(' bu be"'n uo.:l.11nu11JI ll(,.:unt'.tK'(', of dm·u1111,c or ho,ulc t,.ch.nto,- 11 NIC 11'1 thC' pa,1 ·~u1 11 hll, noc bcc:n 11 11iJ!l'11( J!Mblcm"' -n.c t11mnm1a w:,nccd 10 addn , lhc i\.wt beh>tt ii ticcarot' • J'lrobk,n Schipptr. ,aid. The- p.,lii:) I, c11rrcntl) be1n1 ft'\'tc-c~I b)' the commillt'C' ;11td o\lullcnt •nd I:icuh)· ,ub1111ucn1, Whc:i:1 n u. hcc c>I error• h will be )ubmttttJ lo tbr boa1d oJ tru,1c:"' fl)'<h v.·1111\C 1t1,1ri\\u1cd on o:amru, ,r 11 ill pant'd !Kb1Pf')Cn wtd ,be c,i;pech. the pohcy h> be put 1n10 cffcd 1hi, ~c.1r l'hc- nc•u comm,ncc mc,:;uns ,~ ci:-hcduh:d fur Ftb,uut) hur~~ttd !<IUJ <"nh or ,u11i 111Ctttbth.

PftQ02 The NIC Senhn<>I Thu.-y. Fob. 25, 1999 3: C, C: ...:,,,: :::, -= cS Hum,1n fL'<'I perspire half a pml of fluid a day. Campus News Ge11i11g Wire,/ _____ _ •
Jeremy Cooper, frHhmAn eleetronfca m•Jor, and lnsttvc1or John Dunn teat 1.rectronlc cireutt boards.
·\fo,1 ,,r 1bc 1<ar111n11, Yrill lklU"II)' he uu ch,· jub 1n:1111n1: \1ol' Ju.,,1 he'N 111 m.tLt- IUII! d1111 the)' on l•nd th,d Joh
ti." J•t ur Urrmn -~·,i111trfkr1tonrr S1111rl} 1uming, up1he hl';,t In abullJing had, m the 70,,, y,,1, nu m.dl 1(111 ,\fie, drmhtn,c Ill 1/1ie hu1kt1ni·, r111;,t. IJIIC J,.lj1,h&a.i~1" pJ~C'' ,~1«1 d.!mp.,,i. .._nt ch.l:n~ •ICI 1h( arr 1nt;1l1• .ind 1hc lrn1p:r.1111rc 111.JJINcd ror 11.i;: C'llllll" ti.ulllini:,. fol.N) v. 1th die uoe 11{ '"""*tp,i't"r.. tt1,i11sknu&c ~::r::!='-1~111:1;i:~~1~~~~1;:;11~;~1 1•.;;1ti,,11it1n~'-., •·di ,h ,~ hen ,1.m,krw.n«" Suren,.,.. Al c in,. bl, M•.ilt,111.1111 .,, , hlrt'J~, 111 rla.1nc1,u1 111 Jutic t1I IY.n, tt..• m::1111lrn.-1,c~· ·~1ntt11 \:rnfllu>·rd '" J'C'Cirk' anJ )~fl t,,1uJrno 'tlr\'.'rt rnn1Ul."J !IC NIC '\t"", J "\Y'.I ure~ ,I(· .inJnu.111«'1\•~h.,, ll f'ntl'Jlv>cc~ 1tco111~ «, i:k~trii:aJ. r,l1.1mt'i1t1i.\ rqu11'.1,1nd •l'flJC" c.•n:'-lru..:t1~:tt1 '1-..:Wi.. :an:- .all dut*" N 1ho frt11t1lrtt.11r11;c Jcoru1tnllt'nl lfod1 m.11n1Cnilll"-.1. ;,ti J IJ lilll J."';'W11111."I h IUd. h'P,·dl('f1•f! VlfH,i, 'MIIQ\.tl \\·<' do c:--·t1\1h11111,0 c;,1111r1.111 lt..t111l1,,1J11 ,·u~ m.tjn, ttt11111.1d1 .inJ
cWl,'.t.:J •101 1.:hc.,.. l,1,l.¢1, a k>t nf tlffl(' .n. lb.:- r-1111,r r•J'C' m,a.t dit.ffiwull.-d Snufl pad,., h• 'lil,1.1 in,kk r•rn 11,\ i:'WJ, <lc•ln\uldthti \1111.t..lhm • It' i, n11c 11t11 t,.,J~·omr;arcd 1,,1,,1"l(ht1 -,,.ho,\I., Wurti;inJ clo-.cly •·11h • wnall nu"*", l\l pcorik ,~, 111J\'.a11L1,.-i.:"i. ·int ht",.l pun h the «imr111.trr~~ "'°'l1I \ft\e W~I. c-...-pc1,1n- h ·, liM' .11ia1t11ly" (fl,m~ o1IJ • 1•4 fo(t 1111._1 hmn,: .1 11i..,11,1.:n.i1111:c u4o1.n. Jhc' r-i·ltn' Jr1<u1mr111 ;flt't"• uron•1 thr c.-hn11.1 nd 1riic ,a.'"\\ c1nrik))'(~ 1·1 t),n,J h,t • '-1\·~1111 proc~1lt1•11 f1('n1iJ \1.-..u llUIOICrl;lUct cmplc1)co
makllW plans
rest, relaxatlon by btq h1111k M 1)k._. Stntmrlk'7"''""'' spnn,: hnl't.(" tJa, ot g.udcu.lil•· ,·otuntct'nns 1md 11'9\dtnt ti, mrnd, Cir m•.ht
Im•~ b:c11 JOUfllC)'~ OUl In the hclJ C'h.lrloett Amknoo. 1t1t' offi(.e 1n.1~ar;cr j.j LI~ Dftl)' wum1111 111 fl" ll )c.1n on \ht ,l11fl, Gt"n' ~t..1C\n'1 mncmb« • "''1,11'1\:lfl iilppl)"ll'IJ lf1f .i l'IIIIH lfitt m;1lmt:(U1tcc po,.11ion l)u:i_ne Oro"', t.<1n1rol\ tcc-hnic 11n, iutlJ ro,n Wur-u. ht.allnjl, vcn11h11iun, •If conJlt1PninJ techmciirn. hint" hcl'ii 1c,1ing the 1- 1111r,,teri1cJ ") ,kmi 11\ r1er;ir:aoon itir Janulll} 1. ?000. ·\\t fk I \Otll<' fo11u, tl.a~ 111, .iml 1hc rnmru1~, ~nJ 1:u:t)1hrng V.ufM!J up 1111hr- )t.W ?OM.I, \,;j)cJ Gn,,.i
:ur wdt\llM ht 1111c:nJ

--c:, c5

A snail can sleep for three years.


1,- COQI UM iMkk wllllic,holatt11111d 1he,r:jll,. L.ucr•hw the ..-i.t.athc:rd1011,,<J lrom

'Goddess Energy'

'Bely Mama,' daughter team up to teach ;~!~t~~l:i·,:~!:~:.:·~r~l~~~~a~.~~~(:1!·1:of dunce~> class, aDevlate North Idaho culture shock C,ih, nn,·, ""Jent, ""' • "'"'" ""''"''"' 1'

b)' l.arP,.,. Rtlman \r1111n,I k~/KJr/r,. \\-hcnC'1111h<nnc Thoinft"(),11 m,n,d huoi l..i loC'11\"1J1

J'Akur ¥11th ht1 diwj1hll"t I"''' )'f,11h .tft• IIY', ,11llc:tN ln,111


'ibcr.: '*'~' n,n ,Lin«. 11() ,utrnrc 11p lk·u• ·· C•tlic:ttlk' \;,rn.l

C..1hmt1c·, Ja11~htl'f. \u.M)', h.aJ l'll"C'n 1ik1n, hctl) Jo1Jll·1nr

dia"""-" for h\'c )'t'it.'" ,11 lhc: UnloC l)f Ila· r1,11h·, C:.shcrioc l1.1J hlr

Pnt,C'f.l, A~"altdin• 1q Quli<nnc. tiic:11~' d,;in,.:11,r •,cJo,--i,,\'. d.11\\:(

1h..,i iW)l1;11e, •II d1l(m:nt hudy rut"- 'l.h1Lh PJC th.:it pU:1


"·nt.u·11bC"artnf iL" c.,11kti1it 11;11J

While: 1ft VrJ1.t t.'..•lhtt1tat h,N btc11 ,-er, t.Uppot11Yc ul

SUM) o1nJ herdla11,;in1. tw.11 h..t QC'\C'f',;muukrcd l,•1uni11J; u111il

Ott(': n1p.1 01 •.he v.•1.;hc:J t!IC' cn..;tw1linp "'HlifJ dano.:cfl, Cad,c:onc.,;ari nnv. d,1111:ck111t1,lult)· "A 1th a ,;v. rJ. "'"'

l'tc.'ltl (d S'A1>tJ IJ,1.1.c1rlJ: \h·m, ltnm lht- l:tO plllltl hwm 1,f ,rrr,e.i, "''tuk tQl..i:11.1nJt" "'"'cihl 11n LIi<' ti,.·~J

Su.tin)' 1o1,.n I.IP'tl '¥1-IIC'n ,t,e, ~,t.c.·u,·ctt'J 1ho1t Curt.11 !.l' AkllC'

ofrc:rc:J nllbclly iJ.11.:1n11 , l.1,;,'-<"• 1mJp•l11Jt I(• Ith"' ll\lf\.

·rhtn ,Mic d.1) Cu1hr-r1nc "' ho1fl(' 10 fi.,,J S1.1rtn}' .wJ •

v.tK',k f'IJOm.1111 nl hc:.r ln('n,hJ.i.n,01n,: '\1.11111) alrtoMI> h.11J .1

\'1\loct Jo bcrheud• .a '"i,iUitl lhul 1t,11l, w1t1'lt' ,·,,n,i!i.;1nt 10 ;cl her


'"She ""ll.' like ·~fom, tio1t .-re )OU 'Aouhna: lllf .' 1tctt·• •

cl•~, ngh1 l"'rt'1 "" C"i1thet1-t1t uld l.1urhiP,:.

CalhC'nne ;an" ~u1my h;a.,c been fC"; .-hn'IJ htll)· dlfflClnll

dau,o for 1¥1\1 ),t'.lttnO'*"

h' taccri JN.1..,.lnJ .11n,I l:"'"''toJ le l1..1i.• lltt'til it"•m•TI

C•1btnot ·••J "'Th1\ ,ic,ct •oold l1a\c V.()(k(J 111 Yep, ll"•

n1.1ny lc.-;--bat •mJ d1111cn.• Ali Ci.Ahica, II Llllknl 1111 'ilc:',. h." i'('1.'n WHtnJJnl l'.a1l,crin,e

Anti Sunn"''• ell,~, fui 1h~ I•~• mun1h and• b.llf.

·w, • .,.~> for me hl n·l.:n • c;.itl,c1 s.;uli ·11 rc-d, ,,JOJ

w Jet :root 1•1111d td~ •nJ )UUt biid) fluv."

t'•ll~unc ~IJ.1hc:-f'C' •re 1 nun)' dlflC'~III l.inw.h ol N'lh

dln1;1n1 dwJ i1 ', imp,lhihk 1t1,l1JP lc1mmi:, The r,-..111d111u1n f•lfl'

I !icy p:rl,1c:m '".ti,1..- 1tci.1cn iuici (l\'C:tl rx·1f01l11('d (1A(' p;ir.-Jr fot the Moll) U D1i1nra i!.a) \. Tbc.' ~, are "-h..:J11lcJ l\.'lr .t !lrUIU..:uhut;il l.huw l,i .\l.1> Jd lho C~l1&1.111J .\n,C.f't1tu•nd the \111U)' h l>.111111 t1~>"' 1111• ~·l·.a.r All mtl(I.:) cl~ J.ancm m,ilt. toe, to d1,111Ul 1111.:h .1" S1

Vu11; f>•wl. ~m· c·11,IJRn'"Coe1un ,\.oJ-..,.~m~n· crhh

<c"nlUl rm uucmd)' cllfd1Jlc1l •II 1hi: pcrfrntflill.k:c, m) t;ul~i.lo

C',thtnnc 111.11,I C'111hnint~11t,c, hcrd.1n""'" 11 .an an-form,~ ,( ('\Jlf'(,o,u1ri lo the' rh> ,1..:.J fl.lflJI. The J.ui..:c-\ &re" 11 ,-,:1l•lmuiuft ot ""onunhnoJ lllc dafk'.c: 1, J1>1'1d 1111 lhc mrnd, ht'IJ)· ,1nd M.>UI

SutUC C\j.'l«iclll."'° ',\tlthl """- k'I, '1.lfi:'-• and a lll'11'C IXl\ltl\,e

\tll-<"'11~"1 ('a1hC'ru~ ~,J,.~ tu1 lc~ \Q puu1\1h •11'1« ,ht \llltlt'(l. fltr lc,1<..hcn III Vt'fi, 'ACTC' 111 d,~ir Mk J1n11 ~)t,:,•vu,. ,he ~d.

•1111\'l' ,h;i,1t1g 11 ,1', M.c • g,1,.IJ(,-, ("nc:rn: C•tbnll'IC' 1o11J ·11 rmp11v.c-,, w11t1~ E.,,.:h w1111Qn dc'C, 111,c: rm; rn•hc. tnu ii l111..l.11111.1!1yd11rcrcttl.• ~~\1~dtnit to C".i1hcnne.1krt ~u, .1 l11r c,I opro,-1111111 w11h tiu,hclniJ, .it1J t11.11f11<'nd" .ii hr.a. d1!t1l.ins ll11111hcir ,iirnifkant uthtl 'Alb tJUI IC!tnlti,: lk> to tic 11 ~Uif'P"r Bui 1bt 111.a&t, .rt inv11tJ 111 htlp 11.m1 '*' 1d1 1hr \lto.,...11 omd he II pu.n "' i110 c;,1hn lbtiJ re. "h', ,h.alkns,ni II', t•l'I t'.i\)' ,11 •U." f'1,1hcnttC ,J_ "\.imc


I J1,ln'1. I 1.n,cJ 1u cry I'd be'° 1nntntftJ c:,11tarr1nc ,l.a1ni, ,ht', rkC a 'N:"! Nl\lllnc "'1-lxtr t-ltl a "'nndrotn t,(l,Jel J,llk."t'T, She \ol1,I thitt bt'II)' d.:ilk•og h~i, nllldt bt:1 trl.lhon\h1r bt-Ucr v. Jd1 bn J.w1htc1

··11·,anuh1111111th1,t.1u~rn>·d..1.1ghmd,,~111pb)' my t1,1,.•,"C-1tht'rinc,,1.hl Co11ht-rintiii!Jlhcd11lk.o1ft!Jl'-...ill\'C\lili.hf)tl(l'a'llpriihc1Q hc1~ctn 11-K' ,,rt, ·w.:·1~ M.e II IWTUI~.- C'11d'('t1ltt \.&lJ. ·~j!Jl'h ut .all

u1rp,>1ll\'C (.,, c11dwth<'f, hMiQf &IVI Jlolleh,W JI.Jlirt,t pnl11tm,.11lC('~M C,C'fhcw•lf ~~I\ La,n11•Wcll. l 'mlkU) \l:ullll. "'C.cthaint .... For 1nf1C'm~t1J11. (,.UCll!hr-nhl'Of ~Ul'llt~


biatbttut detul from~ Cardin-.-1 c.,r.-. chc tnc.».N Coo,< Crill m tbt °'"'. ~Uh wlU offer 1.M1oanie

\t·'*n,~ 1,,h.dol Myma,Norlalldc:~. \"itol ty,o•om.:-n.,.hunmthc PAuc-11teJCup. Sbt -A·tll "1i1rt~ingMe.1m ft$ hl'II ::ti:~':11:1~:::u~:.,:~·=~~~:~;~~~J:~'


Hrrp.1m,cr. M.lf) C'her~·n-i. ~) ttnUIUI io 80,-•cll II.till ..-1th• \IMII c:,prc,-..a ,fliieh,nt ft11 1M-.c ,u.Jcn1~ ""·hn ooa·1 nwke II t>\tt to 1be •ob


1~ 1nJ1,iJll.t.l\ khu1el 1be 1:0111t11:1, or roll. to pro idt mOR s.od h(-11rt '<t'\11."(' sot,tl),)n.: p t1,N !':!"I

Cardinal Cate cook Tony ve,asquu barbecues some hamburgers.

Black smokers vent on ocean floor

nc:Yi pc,cn (I( hk ho&~<' Mn Jhco~rrd ll\'inJ' u,,'ll.mll MIJ!Cf·h"'


When thi• h11pp:n1,, lht minernh, (mn i.aliJ cl"llunuh th.11 il'O'A· u-, («a ot mUtC'. Th,rYiiller fl()llfifllOI.I! it t, .wJ loot. l.llt , wt1lcbh1hc11n1m 0, lhe t1a1111.' fbc i.pxlic, JJ\c.:Q\'.:-t'CJ c1.1\.l l)l")•'hcrr .:he oo f:.uih 1md 11i.1y ufk1 due\ 1oliworiJ1nCll"t.feon th,, pl.ante Somcntl(n>bc", ruuruJby t11.~..inuJlill)flcl"'\ l)I\ the: 1unokcn 1;,au fi\'C' b1 t,;ttettl(! liaa.1olmtc m,,,._ cbc.nuah. and do oot qm1J,-h1 to l1w:. !>olllC' 11(1~ hiaft>h ruiiclitlion.\ Yit:rc 1.'0ml11,)CI on the )C)tltlJ! E.itlh

• Jurucr·, tn<iOn f.u.Ni,;1 ba., btcn ptinc1:1gr.1pbcd m hid'! dcuU b}' die NASA ...itdl11c Galilai. The )Url'n,.;t: ol Eu,op. i• t«". Untik C.11llutv, arotllO' ,1t1c DI fap11c:r-'\muom"'1ch cra1t:n. ti.uop, ttllm'Cfy ,mootb :uld lu, \"Cf) fev. ct.UC"'- 'Oic:te. all; lr.:n.l'tl (II\ 1hc \wf-..:.: lbJt t.UltJCII' dlo11 1hr l~( ha.., been mtllt:J.. llh\ m.:111111 ilOd ttfottn1-11i ilR lbc n:;b('ofK lhcl'e i, ;1 lock Q( ~d Cl'IIIC't"-- Plllr1t;1111)' rw,l('SNJ 1hrorbc th;1 tJ11rtt nuy be 1t. liq,111d -.,ttcr llC.'c.tflmiJcr-~,urlllcX.~lbc:(W)'11d1 11 hc:rc

1."011IJ b.:an~n l<•l~ 1l11n~tcr,.d«p l'Ntv.,~1ltlbC'1\lo1et: 11, oruchwMcras

lhe Eonh'\ ('l()(ilJI' 111\d men comhShtd. Tb,•Jc i, 111l1(Jorg:;a11k m.11tnal Ut.1l hb btt11~11t\tby Jtl\."la.lflt.e!i.;11ad..:omrt,ah·cliurnpa•ll 1hc M'y ,ng,1id1c:111, (orllk. ~dnco,'Ctythat l1fceaf\c,.N •1lbQIM ,imnaht.:ind lllc

:~:!:;~:,;;omJ'OCIC'nl l1f"c- w"c"h there ls ptxs.ibdlly or lilt in 1he • An A1nuah.n ,·· namcJ .810Chp h!l'l 11\\-Cnted., pr0i.~ co~ the ,.IJt,1,'lf( ,brcp •11huu1 uimg 1111y (om, of mr.uc:~ The prot\"'" 1,c.alk'J 8it11:l1p. II if'I\OI\-C'\ l4illlf ll pr~n tho1l Cilll*'~ lhccp IP dw:d 1hc,r rlccff uJ ,..:chuling 1ht:n1 '411h It ,\II 11\c v.·1)1)( c11tlle.l, Ofr 11-t once and tbr pn>et:in k\-tl, rr1um 10 norm..! jn • d,1y The pr\>tt'>\ he hcctt u'<d artnUilll) fOnt't(n \e.stt ClQ 1,.<W,iittp\l.1lhtl1Jlut1.)·!unntu~

00.·iLU....,.. "~ \hure ')8."' r,c:rccot o l our p:ncck a~ .,.,.,,ti dumrwn.1«,

'C'J'l{Jnrr. 1'u r(t}NJIJd llt hh rlJIWM t·,MJI lmlf a,

door\. I tic,u'J~, l11i (\lu(,l.intt• I 1l!!n~ •ht,l,• lc.m~ chdr,vul'l"lk Ill I' dc,lp..dtd klf\Jl.i.,ltic:-) lhn-w., b't lilt: k-Qlh,ntt 4'oul•'fC'{•.ll lie) 1-0011MLccru tuh .in~md 1chf1

Page4 1 C:
Tile NIC Senunel
Thm'P"-'111.11165-~'.?17. ~omrn;arc wmqu1reThursday Feb. 25, 1999
1 New SUB will provide more meal op1ions for s1uden1s. more space, beuer work ing conditions for employees by l~hanll' Stolt.n St,ru,rt'f Rrp,,l'ltr the- ilrtl!lllll nf tiwbc•·uc 111,,>n ·1 dnh th~ CUIP'h from 0tn,1&11J1,on 0)11'11.'l.'*'uu• during Lu-ii..:h l!ITI( v.tien the: CIC'tl. SUB open-. 8m doon I hu~.~i~,:J;~:~~~1:·~~-~~~)~Prt1dK11Uy IJtup whc:n hedt-\4'11hc:\l ltic:ocwr«iU1k'.111.~p:t'1JIII)
v.llh _ ·11'U
100 1-k C:lli:pre\'iCd l'fl, 111.&Ql
iJ'lt"' tKltudc:
l,.U'b.'\."'UC n~,·orof grilkJ (()ixb. C'h:k:k<n •·lll .11lt0 be IICJdoij tn Ilic mt:nu. •nil Vt"lll...quc:1 "'Ill ht-,tirn: 1ornll ,1 all 1,1p, w.ilth 1hl!JIJJal bclporncwcoab >\nocbcf f,1;milu.r llltttoffl.lll)
Food service workers andcipate
lhc: s:1111, be w,11~~
be!~ nliccrOuM..-ip grtll" he md. "'Otcte wall bt achartin»l 1111~
b«MIM:' It
::t~~t ~::.:,~~• ~-~C:1~:';t~'~;~~~= ~I:~"'
1 1 thin\ 11 ·, Onr.i, ''Oli&»dc:thc , dunl h t.ho1Uldn' t f1': m1,li.111j1l11,t"kk I rruhlcmwnft ii r>"')O,ll',IJt"'-'.al'<t kwlc ,~4.'111 1 k•RJI, n., they k«p 11 NllWll'ljts.t\lincin ou1,dc: d~
IUT:L" 11~,1)'1hcirc1v.Qtt"ll( ti) \ I tu1 'ltfklM'f 11111••· (j&,.~l'n,r,4n.t9 mind. l,t1II\ !ln,ol,.~ !h I •.ill b1 Uk· h111 l,'loa,1 \i-n~.W •Alll.tKhttt,19 buddll\11, .J•un'Ow•nes,.'2,,1 ll,11J1ttU •-Phi A I\C'NA 19 N.u111~.IJ.1h1t .c ri llrad)'mft .l)u,tw\~]J ,'wltif-t,;1; &d,Jn,m .'w,cNI/ WorA C('t'UrJ'Al,-,ir -Chrktlftt t:-erlrn.12 (rr,n,,.'frM·.\tn ,,, (lln-m,.\l'n CMli111Jn .\n, 11111.kd.kJ /'aw.·J,iJ.,, AIWl,irtJ,.\.l,rh Conun~nil mu,,s,
dc.,n I ndnJ ltioft'lh.1't• llls,nl.lhc)~IJ "f1l,n'1~1tiltll'1

Communication made easier with te chnology

E,CT}limel.bcr,hal11t•lnt,,h 0 ,o1wr,,mblcwhc.1Co.1n1U1 ,,.t1,1C1M \1)'

1oomma&e\ ol'ld I k.ap «hc fumuw't. jump do•n ,1.111, IJI\I ,IQ' IIL-nMi

'1cx,r, 1uhr1tltfin.teo11n"'"~r

1'n U..} 1.1h,c., fluuu,n •ntJU l\,)\o

f«ld.t::wth!nJ1111\l\11tltct uft11C l'.,'l~.I)

1111\1: J"""'h,1''C' l('ht~ lulni• coUcp:- ,1W.,.•n1 it,u; tmm honll:', lhe

a,tkinc I\ 111} 11~1 ,ih1.it1k nr.ui-1.lf

1;,)(f'lm1.1u,c111ion w_.h 1a1ml) IDJ 111el>d1i.

Yc~h. ln,utJ •n~akll<'t•lf 'l'tlJt-tiwl

h\ilnollun,mc ,murw~••t'

tmptrinic ta.hn1~l,yk;1I m.and u-1 thr

i('~ll'f s,~ I coold '<4111C • inu:r u:"ll.ttl

I.ii.,: boon tu V.f11t' f.\'CJ)th1n, tllflflrlt in .1 lt11crou:it.1\llv

Tam •tiv J.u,oft·lfl;ul 11· prcn)~, rt~ i,,,1,1...:ek1t4,T.1~

lw,-e ,1 ~• Mywh<:n.- 1ft 1hc "''!.lf~t.l 1n • m.mer tif \l."\.,in..h H11¥1

llhcn lhi: n:c:Jpicnl l'hcch lhnr .i..:i:uu11f 1, cltJ'1rnJa1111111hc1r

( !k:C~\,ihillt)'· Th.11 \."OUIJ he .i 111.111c1 uf b,,,u, day, ot IIMlfllh'\. Tod.a)' ~iplc 1.:,1M he cuntac1cJ .in)'v. heh: al In) lln\l• ·n1('rt' .art

ttUub, r~, l11f n,ut,,lt rtorl~ \,P,t,p IK.TJ ht ),c IR (('111l"-.l ""'""

~11.1111 tlc1111L"t,,,l'<'opl,c 11ohoan: f'IC\'tfhomie•1Jlu1.11 ·,).mC111ft

.11-.c• r4"11J ol thb lda.•u111111un1~•h•ll'l'o 'IIJ~nLtl ~liu~.111'1 J,,w I.Ji.:~' Tlr) '\1ht.i,tr.,1hcy t«p.lPloJ11otii:11

,omcoflC' \\\"UliJ I I. : t,1 ,pc-.11. C11 11. C,1c1r ('11011C' nunik:I "·u1\c:111c1III)

P,)fl~ Ufl '-"II ~...ut p,iit...t,l,t',. NPl.1a lnl:Dlnlft I~}' !,11.1l <01111111 the

pn,i..~1 ol wurJr'""'

Ahhc::lin~illl~• r11111.iltl"II: 1~dic 1t11ri, 1,.itct11ntk.1n,c tu.1

l1l.l' lt'll.1.,.,,11.11, .,.t,., ulltJ anJ 'tlitlM. J...., :M'lf'IC fCbtln nr 1111nrhr:r wnue

r«lfllt:irc1iellff'dr11\Alltn 41n1•h11'1C'"',.. ,,l'lc) lwi111r Thhh~ht:tc tJIClt.oJler tJcnllh,;dllOO bu,,,. CtJ1111C1 lf1tu rt,, 1l1l, hl1lt t-." \ti, nr1t 1,~ )""' pL,nrc.ui.Sm;unht'H"I') prlk'f'l'flihotalf )X111 tkfort 1u11an~"""

1.hc ('hlin,: )Ill.I 11ITT'.-i) lr.nuw ,.,,.ho III c.allcn,r thc:-11 n.uoc ;;in.I n1,mlicr, 11h,o 1hcUtncu,.lpl-.c l111m'lllbcttdtj tr(lllhn,. f irnllll'!J'll:-lf) p,t,)1hn,JC".ll~~\I\~. 11nl.) ,uJl:IJnlfll:l10,.11l )'(IU,t11ult.1'ft'lbt

,ipe ,n, ti, lni, "'ho h c.s!Un1116.l dan'tt»,~ toa11,11oer llll't~ .v(' pbhy ~,ltf,et1 W(Wl'K:;I hie so ttlk on cht pbo,to for hOw1 at .4 llmt h, tt,.1, bit to othrrptt,plc 1n PC'C'dof thr 1clc-pbooe? I doo'l lhinl Ill. Ille- fffgc:fliUW'-l'lr\\ v f lht ~-· \~ i.akc:s plac:ic: (o, Womtft. (1t ~""Id r '") "pcvrk t1o,.1ncan.hour,.crttnctonlbcph(U Whal

CIPI Uioe p«,Jlie P."''IN)' be tAllinl about!C&ll••tltllJI abOllffle, the -·~•nr t-.h) ,iim,1l o1oJ lllfo"'·' )'OU coee11t11wcb on 1hcir bnc ud tiall 10 V.i'itJtl'IC\'1.'T)l'lU.~U)'tDf! IO£'C'l lho1J uf 114\t )'utlt'\tt~iugbt about *h.d H""uuldhc 11>.c ·ldan 1phocl,c:1 l"'~IIACCIIC',Sl.'OI,;) Y.h.u WWJUld)'t'IUdo.t wilbooc ,ptimc:.,Wnic 911 kclff.' JiM ••)' yciu'1t;i, •f*t) .ind)'\"IU ~the man Of,'!Xnof )'CM

dtt,1111,"'h.d v.oold)'w'ly. - m, t v..n "''Mlknnt lr 1co.nhlvc )1)111'

adJre,.., ""' 1,_. ~·n1e )UU M)mrlunt'"" ll 11 •·,TC.11•11Ul' &dtcommunloaunn, 'i)',1em c:lxe:\y Jioc,, IOCh a, '"fli. l',,c:~nlNluhlf\·c '°'-1 1nyr,hnnt 1K1mber-.a.n I b.t"t )'CU'ttr \\,ould pot hr' I.I$ nh1tlft. bllll) 11· a good 1hn,1 I hl,< • pht,nt. How abOuc )'l:>U't

J4M,r l''AAf1 a .\rm,~I ""PfITTtr. JI,, ''f'l'IC(Nf.lf'lf't' Af>r01i111 Tl) ,.·,p.Hu/t,, lwt ,·d..-11t11. ( ,,w;t

l'nMrtlhcllLWlf ~t1111k1-.>fC'U'Wlc

If,1110. i!it• \CIIIU111> llluuf lhc 1t1Jda1i..,n ~'1llk'II Tu1bon t1J11, 1hc 11nnr -ti Ii full unic "udcne. ~('\t"t. the c .1 ,1,an nrt11 u,.,Ji:1111 h",c lu bu:) lm,csh11tud1\1 tarf'l\rnlf\U.l1.21'6thc:1fcool1n.jl \Ollll. n~ rin.,,.111·, ,11~,,--.,.,,. RM. h.u,1 s..™1u ~'1l1hr.r11)Jf111t1m,p-inglflll0 Ucvrcncd Llrie-,·,m l~IJuthoolJ 'iUB.btl'I 1t•.u1uoh!J lil 111 J"ffVJII 1,...:iltNIII l !. lhC ICll;~,nd 1100J Isl H<dlYO,J builJ,n1 ""be,-,hc sua a,,lnl'<J 'dlllll 1 p?kr\ dlf;' KrJJunJ l•te.lll•., hr.:.Mh<' II h.n I htsmliM \M:"Wil4 lht' I.ale:

~hu111:'t.1ltllk111111',:i,~ fllldlm,: but"JUJ thlfll' loU)' t.outhmJ <l,11 \~ 1•1,tuc\lrJ \lcrc 11.Jlu, I ,:\'11f'fft, i:t;:11 ,f 1hr J'"'Sr&lll h S( hull.I ~nJ lin~ wc:llticnm 11 Schult "P('ntJ II J.l.Mtth1.lll!,(' IQ "''11,Juuvwo Wiohi.·R hi.- .,,IL'fo t!. lf,: 11J'O fn,Ul;llifd IIR h l11W\ tOl.wr.lm ,n I l1i¢;1~11 fo,1 toe yc..ut.

Ac,ord1t1j rn &he: wudc:nt\ ou1· kllmiog atiaul mnwremcm> tllld A1tlt1don •Del v.iJ.u,dly lc.,m nl4'1tt. E,i.,;,h v,.eck. tbc mrnu .i fffld')''~ Jel' mew chlllma1"1, They abo l.eom ,JJ.c:.dcronlt/111. E"cry wed: cbt gudcnr\ do• acw Joh 11'11tio tc-.llWhll\l \ In dkhVl'Mf'li:iiJ, l(TVU~ ba,k;ing. hQ,\OIIIC, \.lwdt. ahd cmkiog main d i~ llm v. 4)' .c1.11ket1 c»mc <kit o( the program wdl


Ull(('WitittlulflllC. llt,!,1 M~.~me111totbc

_..,""' ~-i•J ""}dll•1 •boul

~c't'll., t\1:n thtiu&b 1bc pr(IJ[lllJ1 i1, ooly I IJttlc men than hair 1.)\0', he '-ltd hi, WM)wkdgeor cooltir1a ltnpttnN Nt,~)"<llt. l'le. w1lle!0nllnutll

SI(' .111 a cflc11na,I cc1imccnQ1 rllllJQr He l&id he wanted to k:im h<N,· to cook.

Mme ,tuJml!; -.,,."JU tit cutunu:iq Oil IQ Ulhc1

allilW) 111151'.bQch t0gttatW()o)'t.1tOJfc,u(•ycar

lkfrtt, N IC't. It\~"' ~u llttnillcllle

Sc>tne voll M~1'11,hna lhc: Cvlcnat)' lni(1ru&t or Ame11C11.n Ne" Vod

C'am Uuyd. I)( ~n Valley,bpian.nutgloattc:nd

1ht M,otni, An IMtinllt :ind become o pastry chd it. lou or h.ttlih-00 npt:neacr." be Wd of

dx p,n11:r4m H11 f11Y(lntc ,ob 1t bo.k1na,

Sc!w.11 r.a:1J mot& (;!(VII)' aod adminiStntioncat ai

£mn)''" Ucal'"1cnt0Ungn 1tw.commu11h) Md \Ctldctlt bod) io tnkt -.h-amqc ot'dlcgood food for ., .,~P"Cc.'

Spokane author speaks about findilg a passion

Workshop spon~orcd by Spirit in the Workplace group teaches personal growth

b) AnnW \\ oodtn $,n11,.,-IRtJ"''"''

Rc.'C'd Da11gbtnt)', Spc 104. ,1111u1h(1r 111nd cc,n,uhu• "1th• 111.J\lef «11c< ln cxiun1rellns. prtv:111r-i111, V1ur)... hvp oo tinJntJ ll p,at\tOtl m hfc on Ftb. 'I a.1 NIC

D.11.1ahtt1t)' \pti~t of m1k-1n11.etmkh .1nJ. ~·titntttc a 1c,1h,ll<

~u, for 1Jc:nllf)1n11 • ptr..on11I pcMinn ,md lu,.,., lu lla~C ai.;lml'l

C'coit, (or Pwrn,1ur,41 Jk,c.'lopmc:nt 01rc.;1c,1 1.mdJ ''·"·"'ell

SUv• ,n1rodl)l;cJ Douwhtrll) •" • u:t~c:r 11f innh \('If Pr11I the r.,th


01u,:bcruy 111 lhC' a111tu1f uf P.olOfU'le PM:l'f""•C ·\v.~~('Min • 1th:

Inner l-1,0, A Uufo \l,'(Wlhoul. for t.11c'• B111 ()u('"JOM, 9

ttc: \ 1bc book 11 d('\lfn.cJ to~• l••ndoi..11,, thtntJL

P,h,1on 1\ • con1inudu1 p.lti.• OJ11iht'nt}' uid

Tbc Jf'OMp di""ll"d "·h•I II I\ IU be r,1,ul!ofl.• ,inJ I~ lic:nc:ht, 01 belrtJ: C61i11C'<tt'd 1u ,p1hl 1n 1bc ...,.wlr.p1a~c. the 1ud1<"n~c lul('\I being authea1ic, cp1h1nl.ntil.", 1.ulfli:, lt•dtte..1 .nd J;)IO, wn,cthlOJ

H 'lliA)" 01 bcl111t r11-,\iOn11tc, TIie)' t.lld lhillt t.11.lJ<'IIII k~m lC:11tr, 11:llo" ~uelr.c" ,1,rt C'I\Cflll~ a"" v.1.11lr. u .a tori plDcc: 10 N 11nJ

lhCfT I\J belier ttlnft«UM ~llh rc:1>pk ,.N,•o \(l0fll'C1c:d h1 "rlNI ht

tt,~':;~:;:~h.t~ tu-. 0 .,n ei-pcrlcn,~ ur u11Jff"l,r.a.nJ1n1 •h.t4 •

b) Ult SI(" s,,in1111 !ht W1-'.('Lk.,r &•roop

(:) BAGELBY'S. _J(,.


Page 5 The NIC Sen11ne1 Lif e ThUISc!ay, Feb 25 , 1999
b:~ m m1ni.,1,.":1;wct cite pl~ Dy Ult' tin"ir lc11tn .ui: '""l~rd 1hc l11!tw11L111,in ,tiq <••1,1.1,111 I\ Clkl 1u1J 0Uh4h,'.J. 8)' Ulllinie: )l"' C-.UI I.Ali. ahriu1 tu1·, "'\I, f:"WII; ,,n 1u1UI the: rrc~nl OlOffll"III 8r,.lde.,, UU nig IU lbt l,'lcnc,i1, h11u111r lhtu \Ol(C t'll('ll.un le> v. li.1t"s bC\li h 1t11i..;b mort per1dl.1bk t11.1n, It in a laic.'t Cullneryerts studenl Culinary 1ru student Chris !,\agoe, 19, cooJict up some t11ty Emery·a lood p
ltrr di t,NM.,.U•MlnWJl t""'-. cookin'? Culinary Arts heats things up, serves savory tidbits h't')'l'IIC'MU) W~l~.ut1ll11:Ul1day1ht l\1.hnlll}' ,\n, f'wrtall11>11«1" up 11, n,t11ur~1 f11If)'",::it JI a In ·~1c""'"11J11 Kt\n11.hrrtrt"n1 lltrru,1 C'\ l I' Wtd, ('l k1Up. Jtw:,t. Lllak 411J 1n.:n~unrrt11; ,· I 1wchnnm~1 S,I 7'aMM:" ri)l'd,WU(,t Tiiltatm ~·..iJ.:t1h •t i:nn'11'\I Ht flit 1U moctth {1f1'lS1lUn
I A C ! I !All IT
SOFT r-------------, I (., ) BAGELBY"S. I I \..;.,I ,. 1,1 I t : Free 'Drink : I ,,•••,,,._.__ ,._. I : "'f ,-.,.N : L------ "~.... __ ;J 223 W Appleway 77-Bagel 121 W PrJmo A,-e Jui ce & Smoo th ie Bar (11/14'/Flttt'(!r full of Nut1ttio" Hralth!, Allmsntiur t•fo•t foo4 r----- ~----, I /JlH}1iYJfx~ I I J ,,,.,,,.,,_......... I I 25 % off I I for NIC students : : & faculty I I with college I. D 1 I ,Ji; '\f'..q-· ,,,...,, .., , ·l~ MMllrw-'~ L--~-------.J 121 \V ApplC'W.l)' 1bS..S6~·J Ill W Prt111e A,-e.. m-961,
are hard. Bagels shouldn't be. College. ;, hon:/ •"*'gli. Su g• r ,.oft Doge/by's Bagels Baked oil day F'RE.SH. HOT &.

Cullei;c leams have flldyl~l baseba ll since lhtiCivil War


Regional ber th s till within reach

The a,1rt""l\'e (',1rd1t1AI dcrco-.c fof(cd t6 l1n1-h1lf lurnoHtr• 1111.l hc hJ the Spa.rt;im,taJu\ot lbpotn111n1hc~r Wi1t'°'1 uld t~ • u , I.Wet ('otundu NW -·~s hig onir cc1r1.udcr1ii1 thc-SJlllifLa~· n.-141c~, rt1.:.c1nJ on cl'K-rn.:i,;1 All lOOin!m:al~*<t,l\!d1Atht1.M1r'4 f r<:.1hnwl Rcagi,e boi11ec fA l 'pl11t1d N1L IC'd tl1t' C 11tJ, n11h 1n the wn1 with 16 po111b Point &llMll kn)· f'ccl)' a,corcJ 15 poiou.

~t<' lcll

79 111 11'lt lrtaum· \'11lk) C4.',n,nunllY Cutkgc C h11kt1n ,n 0111.u-io

Ch fct> 12. lht(' MJ,r,mrf'Offl l llw: 7••11h

l'Ac» n11n111c1 lcll rn Uit' g,unc t11u d1< c,uJ,.

~,uJJn't mttu•nt Ptu~ led 1hc t~n1 ••lh 211,01111, GnuJnllrn

,cured l l polnh in lht' r11,1 bllll ,1c Ck1trrln1ri1kJ l1r,1S&u,: \'JIU~, n.:7 a ·111,c NIC" mrn 10\.I IOI IU to 11)(' Colti:,c ut

Wrestling te am falls sho r t of consecutive champion s hips; Owe n , Will iams win indi vidual titles

Wre stlers place Fo ur All-Amer icans

,11 AU Atu('rlUft.'1 l O dahl'I th U•f) '~"~' ( ol h ) C'ullcgc IM 1hclr 1occond , 1111,.« itht' NJC \I\ N 1 m•.i o llc The!) h,1:d four J'u ••~·.,tr rt !\ ,1 1i:.a 1ri ""tc,1lc lilt ,'" '\1l,k1,i,; 1)11'\"1,: 1,•r hni HcllJk y ~l.d 'C(llb)' w11S.ed .t-.1n l h•III C"\r t)'tm,;.'" l' 1lh y c.1«1< u1111 1hr 111utnC ) n.n~iN No 3 a nd

:"l~~.~~t i" 111 .;,1tu~::e~n~-'~~=~~:;:r

l(Jl"IIO\C•I M h-1\1" h:'cn n)o,r.; po-.atUL he W11J f r, lh) 11.l• l•"""J th,: M'l.'.OUd i,1.ot CarJ<, I :lq 11~ 5 lhul l ~1 trnht.cJ lhlnl '-'"1th k6 c·,) lhy t) nued u , ~umrc11111m 1n 1hc tll'(I 1v,o

1 rn d, r r nla~ "' lnfl'"I .all hut lh la,t m.11ch 11 1

ha,y•c1; h1 National Champion Shoun WIiiiam, (125 pound,) con1rol1 J a red Severe of Rlclco Coll19". Wllllomt flnlahod 1he-110C1 28-6.

I b e , e H n 1hc y qu11llhcd all v.tnt 1nm the

1.jU.Ulc-11111 d \\-tUll<-1"1b 1.UiJ \U c, a IOU •h V1~·111 h , C'ulb)' pu, , IB !ht

"fn11111u,h 1mJ '" C' 111 dw c,n..i1 , lht' Y •tte 11n1I ut IU,t u l.1~1 ) " Wlli tl"a.nb

1111J T he) :I."" , ,11ne ,norncn1111n t,u 1h, 11nd 1br)·

btt'111cht C" \'n~1Mn1 lns:e tlktI hi" re.i i rtl~c! ••1lr11m u:,·11nf.l to fuunh

\\tu1 c umh ••ml 'l.,·C'tyonc v..H knnncd up 1n

..,... kth&rnl" o %o111n W,lharm 111 r,cwri11 Sr1111 h

\Im:: # 11ml ( un1 O• cn of Pvl,on. \toru. wok

trt111 , 1Ju1al1ttlC\ .1l 1IM' lllanil 17-li r,t1und,1oc.-.

\\ 1111,,m. ll •cnl .t-0 1n tl1t t(lllatt'lc), 1nc hldlng

11 10 b J« h111n In lh.:- Hn~I tt1,ULh. llt bc111 the

me "f'f'("n n1 e,.:rt1,·r l hh 'loC'""'"' tn \ h,.,oula , Ounl. I r11111CII him , n lili;c JO ,ccood,.·

Wilham, ,a,1d mod c(!I), t11;pl1111n , n1 hll mrt111 I

«ta< WtlUam, rlnhbcd 11(:-:ood l.a..a ~t:'il\Uft ,net w1J thlll 111, cocnpclll lC)O 111 the llcgr k-vtl i, 11n~a111

to""·.ud hi~ plan to comptlC' al 1t1r 11>\)t lJ

\:hamp1on•h1P'\ for So<i th Alrlc.t Sl!'-vtnhdcu, William, \l,,11n't 1b0uc tu 11,c ii up

··When I 110, 101 hue h w.u. ju, , a11ulhcr

ncpp•n• 1o1pnt." Will iam, H id MIi via, l•'-l }Ur I

rc ul1.tcd I wan 1c J 10 " 11 h fiH, me n1on-

ltalnlnr 11111t"'

Wdl1..um1. who Vlon c-1j.h1 Sotuh AftlC'an nG.11~1

hdn • pt>\tal a 28-6 n-..-:on.l 1h11 \otAMJft. JciaJU11t the

Card~'Vl 11h cl1th1 r n1:1, ;md 1211.11.c-J O\l,n.s

o-.·cn mil) iw,-c MJ • w1.11hcr umc ph)'\lt:;ally Wl lll :un, dlJ O"'c:n ,cJ h mr-J l:t,1 •uw11

for ln~ ""'St') 1nJ iu1rtcm.i Ji."-.-;i1NI ·11111l~ In hh r11'i .if•ln.,1 Rk\, C"11ltcp«'. I di.Jn'l lhinl, ,h.>uc u lw- r1t>•I O-.rn ~id l J'*'' \0!<1U tKll ll\crc und~rc lie& U"CII bcolt '"""" t,111,~ ,. l.ldcnJm, 167-potrDJ <hamp1nB fohn M.:dhcc \." ,n 1hc "'c-m lin.11 1 l lt'fh41f'1 f"U\'iJ1fll all C"\ll'a plhh •·ur •u·•llcJ \C•tn mh1u1c, with lhe ttr\t ,'" WhJh:flmh ,J oC Ot,ii·<t1 • ,·11JJa111 ("ff\tn Ml lh1nl u r ,\C him c,ua c:ont1Jcn~C" 11W' ,1,nfiJc.lli:.- ,.IL\ •kfi"Udy 11\·rr,.,hdmu1,: In O•c11'1 flMJ m11 h lk ,k\·a•t,1le1I hlt fin,.! \-11ollm 10· 1 fol dlot! ("t\1Wtl The \lo th 1ccJ , alrt ,1J) ,mr r<,.,1,c l(:\l,I IIIC. incluJu,, 1¥10 111111! hl1h ,..-:h1111I d1,1111rlmt\hlr bu! he loliJ lhl t IJIIC VIISI lflhfC'

Jnlertru I \lo'Cftt ut 11,.·1t. -..uh d1t. ce16hdc1,i;c I 11c-cJ cJ ,;atd 0-.(n v.ho ,;oncltulcJ .al '7-7 '"h v.1111 rhe lir.1 ttmet w.a IOl;:11\Cdt"l>tl) R, ~toitt O:I St \1..ui.c!I, (lnt,brd a\11·Aatit:rkan ""h • W-l-"nd·rl.\\."'C flrud1 lmy Sabo11(ll'ltcci: ti1 h NIC"• "6:01.J pJ.a,.-c futh11 marted lbc flllh II'" 1991) rtw { •hl, 1,,.,l. lhrtt ruiUun•I ti de+ Jn

•I'll'* \\ luto..u111h u1d hc- •11.• p1U\t~d •1111 thC'

11111'1'0\1..·J 1<H1d<nt •u~ lhh KA"1n. C'\~•111 >

•1•11t,1 NI(' "'1n,n,:c" foe'!., RM;k.1 .iod L!Mt"n

Th.ot, •t1.1l U", ,1,II ,1buu1, bnn,:lnf dlill trorb)'


Competitiveness make s se ns e t o Huddle

Sbt: ,d h(,f pm11a,iy r~-11..011 for ant:nd,nr , \ f.c ,d v.wlJ hli.t 10 rt;I) fur" NIC llill-' tNi,k.(1baU lludJ le: IIHI ,ht- hkn OM,100 I ·hool. bu4 i, 'A'iUlll'' 10 •·h;it

1hc dl,lll,t'nn., uf lht p,yc:r,. 1111.J 1hc ~'Opchn Und vf often hc, rch frClln t1fll\i:t11hc\ :111 • ~m.a11t:r callc-gc T hct~ io,'t a, mi.i:h Huddle -.i\i,I ha rontn!J ;11n,l ,li"i~111r fnr rtt''lll'C UI • , m idi ,chooJ. ,Jie , 1bc ;:.mll(' ol b.w.C'tbiill bi. tinpu,td Junn,:

Al !. f)OL-,111i:·, Lcwl, en d C' latl. H, ah tic, 1•1,1 )Urt •• NIC' Shc1>•11d he •Jd1

School, J,tv.Jdk-kft her ffl3l1. 'l,\,11h tht- lt'IUM 4 111(:kae~"-. ln.1rn,h)' ~nd 1l'iMknhip 11, lhC' ,1pe.1 u.ll·limc \'.illffl '4'11nns \Ix recc-1\tJ aum 11 k..ig,;,c ba\l.~1w 11 bonontllk mcn1ioo hr, "To be ,1.11,;1;<.,<J"ul )'1>11 11~,·o 10 t1t11 rno frohm:a 11 ,n<l i opho nt0ct' ~r<cnl 1111t, t'Hn 11,, 1111l t::S ;::~ " Propfr htf». ,,p W 0 ~~

11.\, .a ml fir.-.t 1ci.11 m llt't ,enl u r hrr; cm J .tl1t' xw~~

the NIC Senllnel
Thursday Feb. 25. 1999
Men's taam closes regular seasnn agalnat No. 5 Ricks Saturday b)An~Woodtn Smrinrf H~1tt1rt..,-
"" °"'"' Ji Sop hOfflOfe Johnny Goodman criea fot 1" aney-oop agfllnA CEU Ht aco,od 35 pointe fo,the9 1•nwin
I1'• been 111 up-anJ,Juvr,11 ,tJi.011 for tJ1e C.ardn-..1 fflC'm' ba'1cth.all 1.Catn "' 11 rn1~ 1h( w., ks a( ,qu.lar IIC'-IIIOI\. All hou,tl.tht ~tll•f'l~ltioc. n.nrr-1\'1t. I Y"Tbc CuJ, {bo 11 111 tbt" Sctn.11. Wt,.1 Al.bkuc Cocd-trt'ntt •~'C'pl C'olltJ(' (I( H.awcm U1.1h rlk"r In 1bc ca"c,n po•hibl) ~11m111., NIC II ticnh. co tefllllfl.1k C.1'.U 15·11) ~wJ!.1 ha\>C' Id dc:lrat t11;1h VaUt)' St.iut C"oar;d'lll6t .1111tSil11 LAM' CC in lb rtiul CClll(trt'noc &,,une'i Ill ule N IC', benb a NIC dcfi:a~ Coltteadci N~intl'l• t.11t --4 t Fth 20. 11 1 ho~.
•nd ttt>.hn1.m JUWI keep 1i..1d(d f4 l"ntll' ,,. lht 1.1.\t l J • it tilt' tatdrn I I • ti«n~n"-4)' • NIC f,:11 11J.&) to lbc °''-le Rt'bcl lTI• .1 Th( l IWllmJJ, lrJ \'7•.\J .a, d..- h.ill ll11d 11')111:d b) 1,nh 1hn't' poin1, with I~ mtn\ltt' h:n u, t lt J<lfl'ltt J11hnn> C'11k11Jrf\lln lcJ 1ht Ca,J., • 11h :U JIOI"'"· " n:t1u1,1~ IMIIJ fout \ l(}il'll lli_lt'., frrdericl H11ul(" 9(;l!ff'J 2 1 r, 1n1, ,in..l C'1pN1eb,1ul'III 8 Altc1 1hrtt ~u111i111 11~,n. lh( mc.n hi,,un.,t'ci tl~d. Fch b dt'lc1111n1 lh(' S\\' \(' IPfHllftll!'J \no\lJ(ulltgcB.tdJt'U Ill !Hla1 ~IC' Thr <'"1thnab i.t.•11\lnll.ltJ the- <'IIIU't J.ttl\e, J,:.1,I ni ,o 'l "' 1hr l1oo1U t x> .1tatt1 IC"J NIC u. 1d1 1t. f'l11Ulh ti\ n'h11111,dl,, f~lf \lnab llrlll iflttc • hl~ All IU u,f the l'#Jus..d rfA>m. te•lfl--d Ill le&. :Ull. ro,ou Any111n~ ~uu
1am •1
• AUtt
I I1-1-0
t>c-•l di.: ln•Uv.ld ,hth JllnLc,d
' , a to1i Ult fftt the ttlllTl c-o~h llul!h Wahoni.111d
the U('l!IC'I ""Ill
tMf ~() l ranknJ
0:6 ,-..n,,. a
Jnlinn; cxplodcJ to, " 'ICUOII h i gh :;, pu1r1h tu ltaJ the C"ll!Ju111I\ O\C'l' CuJqc, •(f4 11r1U1ahQt.1Jun f't'tt II\ (iu11dm1m tndctlll ) m.iJ c II lbowtnJ rv« h11 f:'11UnenJ l<eo.h:a 1111d 2•)'Car'"1)1J J~ihnt1) Jr 'Aho ll'll~(k-d Imm Tffl~ hW lhcn lint umc lo 'AilC~h 111111,,1 ~\'11) P'1'nl\ l h lhC Ytltl Wat..c)n •111d d~ ibc ttturn ot PcU) •hct •n ,mUc lnJ11ty 11"'111#<.lin~hDa,ht,bixn • h111111. (iQ,,,_1"1,ul " ta11hd lt!CO~ Ul 'IC'fltlQI anif i.'Uh I• 1,.h:.11, '" the ,unJcri:11,,:e bw Kerr, 11 ~,1nJ en fkld jtlllll rrro:nrnic • n.J 1'-llh in ~,inng Pdty n l 1rt h1i,M,'\l\l'i.. llllln1NII.. MC >Y,Jo ~W <1 "IIC QI E..kn1 l 1,11h 1l rs , ll'I Nit .. IV("(" SJ NIC \NJ
l~t.tho I-ch P 1t1 h,111 h U, Gnndm11n
1ht n n\ltllb
"'...... c..11 0 .,, Sh,tm w,111.uu, Sh~UII \V11f14m, ~R mu~n O,rti, (h\ ('fl t·un 1,c >-,,.. ('11 Slw.un \\ 1lllta nh t,, Ju.\lilllh1f11-. ,,,.,,, I t •f 111. f',n.'C Tvkrdmuu /!:,111pc1 Hnrrsal i.,.,..,.. """fi"' ,,,,,11,rm:ur/at/ 7 ii 117 J j 16 "2(l f he l e1,t111.1 I 1iuo1lu11 ,qu 11t wauh,1 hll't'(I 11ccJ 11 • h ut h.111,J
hl lbe ~b,1111 WC' had C''(CCIJCOI Ulppon lrt"'lffl lhe f1un anJ the ,·,wiunurril)' - 1h.a1 1rw.,.c1. all tl,,e tJ1lfr-fl:'fll;C' u, Ille' 'APdd'"
Captlln upholds lier role, ranks Toi,-15 steals, assists h) \nftll \\ otllt,;it .'lhft,#n k~r· ,,u, Ju be 1 11nn h1 I ul 1he «llkgc l i;,\c:I, ldl AlhlelC' PIU'l>1 h11."e u t.hlh l('fl\C,0111p.1111'l"(llC'I.., I h«' "•~lb ,,111C ,,r ,urbomorc- Bed.I lliHtdle m•) !'I: 11 I ,m•11,:c-,1 HCMI ,l.._.b ti1cr Crnnr • 1~c•. "il,)•na 1h111 her UIIIIJl(I III\Cllt't.., I 1•1'1e t" her ~l qu•l1Cir ,rl.11)-c, Hi;d,lfc 11 $ 11,111 b ,t111n11n1 s;11ard c.1mo, bet j•ih M 1e.uu "'"luln "''<'II. 1111'1 1nJt Ill ,iw r"r ,~ 1n th~ k1111ut ,n jll'l>l\h .ind ,1~1h Sh( k w-~ond In lc.Ull '<'Cltilltf bthmJ \t,mJ..- b,::. 11~-r obilit) t1)~afC ltnm 1he C1U1,1dr. i.lld 11,•1 ddC'1hC' ..1.11J Jc1.1,1un 11111lt1n!) ha"C' in J f u\C I C-1111 11 -uiJ l'c1lf'k l'*,"16; I.IJI h• 111:r .1nd ~b,1 J:"c' t'\'t't)hu1,1> cont1Jtn('C oo tht-,.,11,n HuJJI( r l.oL-J Ank'ricun \dl lt' K llni""l IA \l I h~,lC"lh,,11 "'th t:r unp·, d.u11l1tcr. •fl,, 1111t1'\t....c.l h(r1"h~ 11111 rc-co•b
1huV1-rt mu1.1 1t"1c11t l )' utt Ok ,~r ,c-nlxJd\'( (m(, fem·r c 11111 1 •1;11 n.,11l1t ( ,,lltJc- ,11 Hu..ldk~ • p(ll,1k:.1l -dm."e f..a,,ac,n Ut;t,h 1--efl IS lluddk 1naj4.-ir, h in h(r 1h,n.l yu1 41,, 1111 tilt 1.·ourt ~,.u,rJ 12 rc1111h Jr1111n1 111,c : t:;:chA! Vlhb~~t:~;; I~ -Q>arh Grt}J Crimp f 411 ,.udJk ah11 uh! ,tu, tlw! leaJUt' 'rbt k;1;g1K \"OM. I' '.'\cnuc \\ cu Alhh-1 1, ol ~b.111 pb)ff' 11,gc,. 7 18 She pb )'('d C'oo.lttericc 11. Ofk. o r tllc. ttM,t ,r1rn~1tl\t Jft 1he AAU lcaJiK 1hroo11ho,,,1 t11sh -chul.t. ;.i:nan, ('(lllcrr lc.J:!b and n , tl.vJ h• r1nl ,~ 1 IM'6 .wd 11 '• btJ 11>'.la)' ll( Khifll bca: 11) lhcOI.IK'Uflk"(il'llftyr,anlC! l ht ltaglll' Sht 'l! ld I~\k<o l j'W1 v tl,u.).c 1baU I\ A" rf'lf the lc,turr~ HuJdk .aid .tic v,wld tlw: •n1otml nr 11nw )w ht\c 1, de h ,illt h L0 1o t « p o.'KhinJ. lM -.-.,ulJ ,..,. til.e tlut Wtu~n ,tic II no l on the ,,u,rt 1'1 1,,ying wbe httpnmary joh p,m.llt lt>J or L~,h,,... ,he 1,1 1..t ..t.c t Hj ')i l be tuuuc ci( flllddlc'v bQ.\l.ntx..11 QIC«r" -.,1:i.:-r 1-lm'J: llilJ •lk>VI km,,, Becf(f H'ucfCIJe 11 aattong driving force In the Cardin al o ffen 1hla year KtC" a ggrettlve playh11 landed her at the rou1Hno rnore than 130 Umea th l•

Counn1•y love pla~l~I Naocy', hes1 1ri1·nd ,n •Sid ,md N,,ncy • Arts and Entertt1 i nmen t

Drama Ibidem preant 'A Dol'I House' and 'llfttlr CUpld' photos by Josie Townsdln

Ftl'lllr l1Udellt'1 p1ay on... .w 1111, • Im, cnuslall lllll lie In b) ,._,aUTupptt . ,, W ' ·~•botiL-.allllltd:mac:rul.Olnnt: He , ,t ··rud hnlt JU)' •'hc1 "''Clllh du1~un1hho,ub IIIT\_l\\1.ltltn1tie li,.*111'h 111 k_,rcl) ,~irtt' \'n. ,r, t\,,,iJ, l'"'b,n "''"')lth..rrrnu ,~ filllt•l l,,,·,r ,l1•odtd1;.> 1u.,1 t,,1tct '\11Uld hat •n,1h bit' Jui.I a'\ l.tnlftl &1 hn lfflP,l,r.ioaied,rtv,,n" 111< ,IC',-U<p,nmn,l"•~•~"l!ca

a.i,;.f" •lll pw ....ii<ft<n Wdma °'f,id 11,p bl> lid."''"atm,:dl( an.:en..-ancitlcn,: "lhun('upiJ""l\af'b~1l:lidik-,1h"'''h1hc:~ur

,r1 ,1,.i\111ps. tf,,1111h.i1 (11\1,11,~h h• lie )'flari of tt11n:mrn1 lht pr,,Ju\;li(]ft "•n 11:1,11·, thdr,. 0~1111 • 111,n,11uil 11111Jiln1 o1 rnl"" .,.J.rot.4llfflr'l 1·~ put --~1,,M11!ic mvcnhlt o1 nit .oot u( Biatt t....,. •ill bt Ifft--,•*' ...,....,...thtaacn.UJ Edmi-...•n:ik'lk('C;l)OUI t'1 C11jl')1hetll fbt,ugh Ille pl,) bin, d,llcttnl rt~ tliniiuJha.•it liffftC'\, man,- ,irll~ I .Jmi11l1111n ,lhc,"" ••t' h., ,1• ;it, urJ lo.111,l vr 111,mor" l.Jmiu,-.i .._,,d ,~J 1hc' r,13t I ,li,11,rt,a ~hlrrJ 'Hl11tt CupiJ'" tn 8-JII-, IIUIJ • teC'nr fA.ffl lhepl.lJ•Mr,.-rf,'ll"l'fW'dllMC"ta.aynr OW'S¢;1J'<I'&"' rnmt1CD aso De! cald"'8tilt1 ,;(Dl\b, I rc7f"""1heft •h.

r,by (l\CCW fflOR' d llC"lt'DI n,,ln., £ltttl M,ihln (lb)'' lhe 1•"1C1 lur!J •hu•,t1.ulflll tn:inlal

r,nhl.-nu M11hltt M111l 1l1,;111h111i.:mg. t,;,, l hh "'""-

·~11111;1)eJ"' tu,10_..111 hl;l("l ltlm 11, Ot'C ,a1o, ti"-' ho..a1k 111,inl ,_.

l'urtJ "h lnlp M'.lrt.lUII IMI &oowrl'II aJ r~ kclia,.-

\i>llk,""' "'•~"" l"~ """'1

llnxtl.c \1.ida-Jrtr,b)'f"upd·,•,ft ~)'(k thal dNJewtth tt1but.aUc>Mof gefllft9 pecked upon itl bar..

TNT_(_.._._) _Mt. Suovo. ( 0.J. E-IIOn)lna

T- Oumprachl andJOCobSW-madcoupla Ho<aor.dTon,aldln--·1-·A Doa"aHouM.·

Henrik Ibsen's class ic drama come~ to life in Schuler Auditorium tonight uet•Junkef ,...hit ro uNll1, u,. -lcmalllng blnktf ln*A Dolf•

'lrhohMh*,JK11111ilhc.q,.J IDCC- Fordk-rnlttlf r,.!icbc.

\\1Jm,1f'C'tiuJ1cJ •n,1-."tlCIJ~ It'd man:ti ,t.11;1111-.c f")I/Mllo"l,!K~c:fl.U*-1(1', ·1 +Ji.l,,'1 kn,,,. 111}1.ftillloJ. at,uut kt Of holll hcc<M1W'• \L..J1t11ll'Cuid1•l l'~}c.hl'! ()dwrhfflhcnuftbct..i sad~· kdia.1.':11 fl.f•wri.t,OQ,/urr) WncJll.aaS J"'1lh "°rqro_

'A nJM, •tio pb)'Cd \.ora lD' \lfflnn Ml • nc '-l,..u,,c M R.....s.• fnb rll)ffll W"tnadifkl'nll chlncwn,ny~ tul • k11,.,. !m

\h ,~,Tedr' dl#actn h Cuqucu.a. lbc S•)tardd ~..tll•ld llliill)' •laQ UIO to IC'dat'c A1ldtu)', -.,11 ~h IU1t. W11rhl t.&id. '-hrwlt I W'~, ratm11 tbc'dwx~ f.cio•«l -.1th IOfflJfl) WCDltJ rc11flk1 trKhiJi,-, lht J,rnlnt, Al P1w1, who•in hn fin.1 ftadt l<'lkl11'f \1,wri~in. •lw1 h.i1 bc'ffl acitft hi ·lJ«m•")tl.U)' a11J •·1 e.ap 'frat \IJai;h1IJ ukl lh.d 1'ittptnr111 lor lbt

,l,ucn:111 n*'- *b tm)'

1'n1alrc&t;, atdl,~.wds:dhctpt..• \t"'1bOl!Ytd Shru.JlkftlntbcJtcl...,t,l•urLai.J

aopdlin a."kn • a cbt~ nn •llt tit'"' ota1', 11(\,"'t'Gd CJriJJm1 ._ 1i.tra pnt~ *' o.,1c1 Bt111a 1e ~t......r Tlia

R,o.ftJ' and•m\ffl1blc h:lra:1ahl \t.~ \tr la'-1 "htualtw fia:k "tliUrr< llpll"'tohc •stta

,!l.lkn(r ,1'c d1.,llcn~r 11, 111~11111in r1pt1C d1llc·1'nt 11"4.·t.," Wr 1110 1,1111 lht• mo 1d1..,l~n,1111, H1 tun cbM..k:lt"l

\\or.It•~•>" 11 l.aihc, 1n • terltC C'o111W ' I ht 111, {Jvnltoo

~, h..~c .a btJ line k-1. fuur big~,.. WNSXI \all!

•ft..., Q,p,d'" b I ) m,O <"""'"""!«tu,;, lo,< aoJ di< - • p>n llwwp. !,\,) • br _,

...i.,..-," ,i,opl< dom;"" "'"' IIIPI, lb>- l..n

l•o"""'""""'"o( 8.-<)opd" 1,o,,b<cn,<l>alulcd llriu•-•7 '01>m ..,,Wlld,y...i

I YC'IILI), \1:in:h I •nd 2 NI SdM&ltt Au1J1tunum. Adn11, 1llft ti Ifft' J,,, !'Iii(.' MIM'nh""llh II). \I fdft,IIJdt'tlh. \\and l••ft.tfl,t.Jf,llffll S.J hw adl1IIL Al 1hr.

.Jltn.h,r', f~. r,,., 1nl.t,11h 111 tic a.11,.-cJ

....... c.M', 11111111' Dall Etnil1II

_........,.b,s..i,,.l<Ulf "°hm o.tidEdlaiMDDiOJ.J~IOt<iK'

• die fall cl( &VIM, In illlt80CD 'H'lt lllllC ID bet:omt ,.... ClfCC'I' n1 rt.1a lltalleldl,hrluJ•lo<--jv"


·Whco I fin,.1 ttmt' 111 MC, I hllll noa t~cn 1tt1111r,la\-"~NIJ 8Mt11w•11·11unt brforr~•upb)bt,IUIC:n.r~llt

-rrt:autC 1,1ml." tTCa dlicft' lk' waS • aa


nn ,Joor f~ •• ••'1:iho.S m f(1111f


~0ruwp.·...s......,•ll>1Uqol""""""'"A _ _ ,cc_, "'The trtM "''ho C''oold \'Ok,".,_, prtfomtcJ l&n A\4.ffl'( frnt11 hit~ C\,pJ.." v,.bkt, ~·OIi \toctJ.a)' lfl S..1"11ct _.._,

EdmJ,.foa uni lie plt IIIIOM °''" •• rro111 nfl)'41, Id~ -eiua tt a collmloe..tld<..ooi.-p<-.dlo• Mum, 1')1&ti111ylr

•'8.t1tt('1,rltJ" ~. h1m.1.v,i rrrform,n;c u, ~""" 11nq 11 "".- 1n chc lk"~ A~t••'•

GUtJd Nftl(II llopr:, fl.,r mot'C pn1_..o1-llian('l,pd' -.

1:ma,1...,. will k L\.n act •S "*"

be-Utt Iha• d1rCQ:u1& ,., ma,a lMirrtal

he-t:IWICI' IC al~u•,. him to bra:\WDe oae t,I dw rbar.:wt•

Bil<eboy. (D.J Edffl,a,on) ,_ 10 kin Coqwtta. (Amy Wrtghl) In the opentng a.cent f rom " Bltttf' Cupid."

He ..t air doirUI 1 11.a\c d&uilcd pbm fur dlc..,fllhar'C. ff11pl1,1o •nlC'noa«b 11 fl()WNa and ha\'( hh play\ pn1'onnnl 111JtmJ1hecNtllr)'

W' ll.l)r::lh-,', \l).J,IJ°t llt ~rrui,n,,tlr,11111<11<-..l.t)',1,~ l 1\cr,Jt1·,1n.:i:1n, •kinJiYYC. m~. bono•. U,· 1t 111,: :stid Jr:dh ""'l"o1\t 1hc'.t ••) lh«iuth 1ht pl, 101 ft, ~\:K'11Cnpt l~t..--U•tbc'Wcola )tllllll~~--.l•pt\JfbUlnl!I~ ...t optst, lo;> '-cl.fe'"') Tl tbC' lcaJ clma:ltt. '«a. kl ,• ilN> snbbl.c follu•• htr ro, ,,..., "'C011J1t. bul 1n lhc rnJ iuJ.\ hrf ~' tlC' outhtuJ -,m he11itll and ha l'iudl#tkl •rtll'IU1.-b»"ll'\.t.•"'ltttlhpl.t) ,111~~ l~,"'Juct,t Jitt\'.Wf \IJ11l,n l~n wiJ l.\<n 11cr llO •'rrtt~IMJlfllib:'-ISDCl'!liDI" ~pb),,,.~ .,l-,b(lla Sir ~tneio.rt........n•m\\nlfllC~•C• drJttt ifl lhnltrilDda dnaff IUan hrt IA.'UIIIE' IA dw~ fldJ. 1011 ~n,hl 1ro1t1afour ,car bt.nal .nu~tllcp la 1M SJAA.1111t 1ta 1eiJ llfl Ii'"~ t,1\b llW> In 1•,l\r, aht 1l1tt,:kdh,:t l•N pl.a), ''C'lltl'C D•l. 1011,c, F11.c •1'111 J)ifflt' hmm, lJL'lft. flfflffl) lk'.aii'" .a too~ II ldOloNion.ah•~(~ TIUt •••ftnl,~1.llAol~ tbr...W. ~halolofllllS'ffl•..,_"'lbcuid Aft) dim::kw11inu.~u, 1oo1..nJr«:o1thf rt.>. llu, h lhl' (t,'i (IMX1M11ti1t)· ( ,,111,:f'd1Q lib h«TI Jf1Ull<'d 111d,rn:1•A l'>uU',tl<JUw" h1Wra,-i.Lllnrhchn rrt"fmfJr.ofo..'VIOQ'°IDlftmcJml~ dnt.."'flnl llllft)' lu*1rian tune dwl-A b,11·, 11 'IIJIIC •• lk tit,.....otstic dtft~ 1ibc wid. 1 •• rnfl)'csdwd • W dww:r ao • lht\ tn.1111:1,&1 M•UW IQJ f(.l.111na'1lllt) un tnritt OlRkm

"''"' u. 1 (i.trrttlll) "ht J11Cl.h M ti~ ( 0 1\ 1.: Jllit"'.ata In \p,•111t 11o ,-.ell '"Jlofl'di:Qf f'b,111 a 'l'IIIMIU!I (oU,rn, lbrutpllfl the' _,..w.oesac \\hiro..,.,aoJ>p>lmrl'oll• •AD...U'tl~bdx~dr..-p&a,"' l...allpdn•tltdltt'Ctiafow bal~t•Jl'll

.:dcu llala:r Bill Oarirp,a C11.1\ltl 1-,tid'ln UI dimuns ·A 111..ill'••~IU'C'· , nl\lli.111'1 dn (hi, v.11jli,111 {Jill {'.ulC'p.i," J..-nyf'(hn

1,1,J_ '"}lt't•\ct) 1 l~Mt"J ~tlllnj hWI, ffldl,e11i,1lf'IM\'

fi.fc 1nucb QA.ICI'

('-i,obcip,..,&, a,....ONh•llrll~

CIMl,t ,nrnd IO cbnWc ffr or,-un tfw (aUcd - ll1l't\l Mita .aft CIX'mh-n.

MC. ~,llhtr~\Jtwli!tn.

lo11~t.-M M)1111hcho'f"" IOf"U"'ttk IIC'WJ'1Ur111, t"

C\'Cr) co1-c nw-11,bcr t11 c~f'C'rK'lll.< 1hc rl•Y '"' d1t k,rl 1ho11

lhr> ba:ame 1.n~,,hTIS \he Jnifr'o 1hJI ltlt a.:11,n tn,t,1) a'Uln Mid 1b;I llct lltUftlld dircc'M;lf •ill ftllt)) 1tie

_.., ..... _ .... _

Odwr ~IC IIUdalcl rQCul\'d •dlir ._ IID,,:lak J•ob Sldn ncttuC"'~ll'kSl«bJIXlltf \\.Olhe' htlp fruen ,,1Tlfflusi,11. ncmbcn l•kc lllmll lA114l, ""9

P.111) AftJirhCla- t.P,11to.:-l'tn'• a,tntnt,.1"-.ic,I '"-' n,,u·, th-.i..-:·· •1ll1'1..:'flt.111frt, l"•~l11,1ltt."Wlt.1num .,~•Nl.h..t.llfC.M lllllp:,:'f*' 1-,t'dnlliJIMf•hr

lmakJ 1ezm, • a htnd'll ddir ID Cit Ullf'C: Pl lht pb)' ·11 ,at.rt) IICNfUICJI&,) ••*arrclilfteu!IID

pb} IDMld'lahis~•lhtlAI.

-A l>nfl ,. lloint h fM f,w flil(' wdcut, 1111Cb ID But

\C'.ClllJ II hn11lcd hlf 1n(,.-m,ttuC1 uill 7tr1- 77NU

Page 9
Hk 1Udlioa
--111,- ... ,...i.· Ow of Eillailllll't t.,.orw dma.1nt, ._ ............. ---·H<uid... oif, hsal. al'itiofd,a:un arc •"hill ht! ht..c. pa.,..,.,,., A,i,1•r k 111c Altfl.1,trlfl•, 1Ntl) pw,lolt He Wllllled to bra ~hll. IO..,..., .....,.. .............. 11r--· -....o1-----~Moadllld.••• • NIC,n 1997,.,,J• -..i,l;'°""'b)
oa1c,......_11,1C.-'br 111AJi1trobm1Uroithrn1
•• dedk"lllUI' WflC'
tlliNlirf IMuvcw, Ttm Rarie., WI&.
ua dttail aad qtaabty •or\ 1ft
hf ,ra.t,eJ "'So IMII)' propfe 1r1«r ff'IWr dtrw peuaoa &IC'. ai lk) nnff tN.•)'$ kl L•-...i-i·• .,...,..,._..,.. .,,.....h .. dlaldlall• -· cmlO,..,.,.,r-~-... .......,i,i. parc91>' '*''""'- Ho,~kh n,u,rh of hi, frcr bllll: .ru-, « m1Ju'& bi•ll• '* "'I*• dlllC ..- ,play,---""""'-· ___ ..,..,.. _ !UY>.,., __ \cybcwd He rcc,sm JM, •tin be "' DOI .nun, Car •11n, I "•r ,~,\ .,;~!' '. I~ --·~ "··--...................... ...., _ rtlL T~ursday, Feb. 25, 1999

dld fll• luc IA) ,dlv,iilllJ,lp t h,1 1

lhq arc!l'lia:•hk , , .,

So ""Y ,fon· , ,unknh<

11h.-n1 ,:..- uf 1111 ~"


hu !ht iap~lh)', ~I 1\10t.l hi.ti)'

'\f~nh d..111)1 tuluc hew, r~}' 11


I h( l 1nund.111on u1d lht)'

'lloouhl h kr In c:ncouU.J!( (\'l!'t)'

t.lNJt,nt 1,l hll OUI a "Cbnl.1fth1p

fonu. IIN:R 1, nothl.n, 111 be 1.11,J

C\t"f'}lhtC, tu fal!I

f.wt)' \ 1'1fin; (or the ro,~ 11111r:

)W'l., ll\C J<.,w,dah1.'CI h.l.,, r411laS

-.-.., .. "!UlySn,11(.,t "i.odtnlh111j>A1'fl"'&\;,lP11t..n !l!'fflffl. wn-u Sp!W.J .... l'i',llic Lluut1011 h~p;, ,h:i.Scll"ICitldllUI.IOIJ locWw ~• -,,..... Y11111•r'1St.d~

Senor Froggy

Speciali;/ng in fres h , tlelidam llfr., ican f ood 69 cents


All duy, every da)

for NIC Studcncs

~rsday, Feb 25 1998 Continued The NIC Sentinel ······· Fonner NIC l nttruc.:tor Morie Tlttt~n practices lor the foufldaUon·s ~o, 01 cOf't l.he t look place Ftb 13 and 14 Foundalion: Enc.:ouragc, ,tudcnt.s 10 •pply for s.:ho lorsh il" conunu.o lrom Page 1 111 )Cat ru rnmc: 1h f"\lun.lo1ll"t1 tl<lf'C '" tllC :ihk t the' .11n<iun1 c•I pt'l•j.'11~ 11mlk1I apc,11tic,l\:()..l)Opct\.-ct1llt\t:I The t'o1.1nda1100 oflru S1'°,(Ul ,n <4h11LuV!il)\. All Iha -,J, id~ Jntw: ID he CQft\1.Jm,iJ rur 11, ,,.,:hoJ,u,hrp h lllhnt ci,11 C4IC fotm One. form 1c1, EASTERN \\AS UISG fU.\ U NfVI-K S I I\ i\1111, ll'J At"" l/tlf !,tuo1 .. ~MJ.11\IC!n Artlf!lt~ (111111111111\/l!lao\ttaf'" C1HttWYl•111119 tr•vwl)Au(P !m-. htdl'OCll{Mfd11ll a ['1'1"1 klgttlhn1'w,...t r.,ovu~,..,.., ._.... l,cffl1111'11,f-'ff.aill,
ll'Ud,(,1)1~ ')t..dir\
r--------------------, ! 10
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l.D. I I I I I I I ,,.!,~·_::.: : L---------- ----------~
,md Shcrmnn
% off
(• ff :Ii 11f \l. h r1 1nr ('4 r pc:11U)' ,1wJt,u" Ftl 1hr ,ti.11~, 111 1c,r Lhcu '1.tlh on I n:•I f'l'OJC'(t All l111atfflllh 11ti:drJ l(lf 'he pm,IC\ f 11ft' pmudcJ 11) 1he hiur,d,u11•1 lhc , 1wdf111, Jcl lilr t,prrie1u.111.JOP<' luc~yv.1nDc1 ,~,, a nr-,r. l'lou\C:- The foun\l.mon m11ko "* flC'I 1.11 1.s1,.ooo ors ··th" Roll~ 81~ R,lfllc. Frot lfll(lltiJWIOfl 11hou1 Ul)Uu.n, the fmrn,1111u11, J u(', cu,11 ;ac 1 AOOC'1 111,l7(JJ..\?8(1. Pick up your Books Swap Ch ec ks 'Despile a bu :, y schedule the pre,ident find , time 10 celebmte his acquittal. Upstairs Siebert Hall Room 53 ~ Mk M 0 1 'A' 0 ,; -n-,,,,ac s • w - 0 0 ·* S Playing Iive O • • y; IL" Morch l.f. $2 cover Morch 11 Bead & Flourish ' College Night ' Every Thursday $3.1S domestic pitchers~ $ lot' m,cf'o pitcher~ $ I 7S wall drink, ----1 Frea'Pool .i,14 volul sfodent ID & p,oof ol oge ( heck oul !he , w,1rd winning ~. ( )I 1 I 11H • · •.nic .crl11/~enti1w l Bac h elor of Ge Think we' re it beyond your reach? ¥ We're not * >6t, Rcdu«d fui11..., * l>)mun1, F:M:ull) * Sclr~ijlncd Conccn1n11ions * lnd1vtd11.1I Aadc:mic Ad~1 1ung CONZACI\ UNl \t RSITV "~"' ~IHle uf Pret. ~tudtn Co1u:a,11t t •h',~C~ (!O'l)JU.,569 MIM"rh ••.J"up..,oi• P age 11 \
Oown1own Coeur d' Alen~ 765-8522

Vo-Tech programs display students' talents, draw high school students, community members to N I C

mol't' 1hin JU vu.,:;1111111•1 pn111·mt1 WC' fl' fc..itu«d Tht t«UnJ 111,uuil C\C'fll Nil th(o H<uhmJ f:h11lJ1r11 Ot111UN ~ith ; '.'iOO ano.a higtl tebool i,tuderil, .and cumniwlil)' mcm~ Thu~,.h'h ll>i ht~uo,in.,1\kk.ln,11111.1 ,r,11 1 'A'CttM

h.uiJ Wl\\\~t qtlt''>l lllfh, •t\wl N it' UMJ 11ppllcd 1ci,httC1 tvs, ruog ram, ('t .tc>111111 a.nd 1111',, 'AC'tr 11pcn hof dc~l raiirlfl1.. The r:l«cn.ictln C!."<"hnr~lot:Y f'Cllll,H''t'd • t.m 1b.a Pr,eraltd •hr11 hgM "-.b U.1,h(d on 11 S11,1dr1u, 1n ma,hinr 1ci:hnoh11y ~,lt'fk'J frtt J.c:) 1.:h.1111 °"•CAD t"fl'f'"*ll ;and""'""""' lo1 fJ'll'll..:lpanb,. o, J ",kRJ.C', C:lltSklllf) il1111 l fU4"(0r.

h1"'1l'h 1cJ 1tw: NIC' Fnut1.d;1lion', Rully 8 11 Rafflt ,ontc , home 1,1,,hich 1be (-1prtu r) 1au 11 L--uiMlnc. p4nl1.lp;1nu uuJcl •In• uti,cnt')' r1.;i) II tbc)

in1rvJmtor, da,'- ahout ftllfl·lr.J1Uo11,d Jtlob Oflputtu,lillCI ttlt ,,ulCU \\,I\ hmift ., the f 1ir by 1'hc C('111« t« s~v. fliJ't'OlOn.,. "'flc:nm.11 ln Our I, 11 ltc,e four·•~l rirn1ra111 wh11.,t1 tub\ ffr,m \l;uch I"

1h~~h Aftnl I~ 111iJ tlfftft an 1nt~ioa 10 Orp<nlr} dc,tttu1iu. Jrah1n,, 1ti.:hlrun1 'A"IJtni. hlucpfml rc::.Jmg .md t,4.)n: riwh \k11l; Cllul HJui:f11 rooo:J11t.-h'I! Fbc C'cDlet ltJt 011tt1.JQCK J.:iu,I lh(" rro,cnm ¥-'all hnJ1 lnl t,y • frl.lcral grattl .1nd SIC' lfl~t1uccun ...,.,u k..:h c~~" \\'ah <•rl•,on. ,1pplied l«bnok,sy ~hair. 1,.od he tk,c,n !l,r Wr •111 Jrllf1'V'-"t lk'•I )"C.i"ts,, *1vct1J1rt11 tnlhc ~l'lfl'l111,·1-..nm1.1n11) • ""di

·Mnn) r,cuplc 1,1ud 1hcy '4'trc llllptcn~d by tk ckmnn~u11U•lft<i ln tbc 14th anJ :.hut"- Cnrlwn wJ -11 rt.llJl)'W.1111•1.11,'«'U,.

Page12 The NIC Sen11net
Tech Fair
h}' Kdl> l trrn~d M.i11.1i;in,\'.I-JJit.1r ~tuJcN, "M" prt'fl#ltt)' c...t,, b)' d~as1.u,,. ,wccplny Thunlda y, Feb 25, 19SecoolJ C')l:ball l tncho:,. oo a hl,x:h..i 9,QOd • M.:u1 Y011r1,, ""'u°' .11 s1 Mt11ltl Hl;b s~htki.l 1.ouJ \\t•rl10$ on aoil ttU,ot up w,1l..,. tot 1«ti ~1"' vi'>" wbett ..-~l\",IMI', c.n ~~I~~:..'-! ~.:;1=~~!.t:f:'~tt~:C.!~ I\ Thi'i C'\<ftl •,1,,1._,; IKlt JUlot au1,c,J .JI ('IU•\pol.1m Wk 14flokr1r. Wl1mr11 «M) blc 1hi:v: d.a,~, too An ""'oi,s-~Top: MIJlwr1ghl atudonl Guy Fntnla, '11, UNI an oxyece1yhtne cuttfng IOC'Ch to cul • ploce ol 11Righi LM Myera, 23 ope111lea I CNC milling machine lo ltbrlcate bfaN candle aUcks.

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