The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 54 No 10, May 9, 2001

Page 1

S'IC'\l'tLn,n 111 ,n1h.-~nliu1IJui.J. llK: I Jil<it:2g•illutJIP(.lf1111rk'Jital f"~1nlhc""'2111U1111)', HurkcuiJ •we biw 1<1hc~a!'(101.tbc bealtho/ t.llltob.l"C~fofl''·•• nwicu.iJ h>rtt.:rdont1on or tlit ~all hd1t oac ri.~li1l lv h '""IMOl'n JI \1-IU411rw1J Uud;.cs.aldlllnHc3tik, •lhk!~Ju~w,,i ~h,raheLJ~ dt.U •11l tie.c,'llll1'banc ft11J~ )l.anJatdl, N:I Jottulk~~l l!urti; hct mlf cocn1Jcn1tJ wnllnk1•~1 n:nnbini: ('!ft mt ""'-"Cl'f f1rlJ ba'-.u.aiC'n,1bcQCt1tct ,flll('utr1.rc11

Plam an, 'bol111 drawn for lhe Native Amcncan. Cullwal

Ccnlcr 10 be built near Seiler Hall

See page 5 for the IOl'y.

!Dancing success at Salsa

J;,)'M:111\hi) -,~J.'t:,41((,, "'A SiJrbl 11(S.iba •pu:nl1.1plbcSl1U \\1111, 11.aodnr. f,w:11.1 m.l 11•1"'ic ~by~ nw f~ th:n1 ofrcn:J loc mu'M! by Rt1.1' l.una and fncmh. t1tt Ulun d4tk.'c lcbut11 tnJ Iii tinoicm.adc ulw ~,,nte,1 ""1"hcrc IU•-" jOOlt tuffll,IUI, MKI JJrn,dtl11

c.;,,n,~lcl. mr1nhcr ,,f 1h,e SIC' U,t1n ~I

0.Det Cla·u Ac~o«ll.01! tu Coiu.aka. tbc

~'3frtJ."na..-.1\al.1~> tnN.dcJa&bJI 11L "-t1h

~,rl.t c:11,,'tl 10 c:1-a<h• S1uJ1-n1, m the eta"''

U!u;ht p,u1.1crpan1.110 dJDCC' SAlu.. \kmlrur.

Cv.mtiia aad rllhn l)'fld OC tr.J111( I.Arin

J.&ncc 1'bc)&!IOP=J!(IC'(n(4Jvt.l,c,soai

"lt\fllial arnalllc,tbt,n.~mocM11ti:nr

"Yin 11x:luJ1ftlthc ,hJ d1.a.ttxll11JtJO

SIC" 11,c C'lau rn·xnu:J ll~r

l'tl)thrtUC' 1o1yfc and the Dalka h'l(ldt,nco'K'C

Ar,;11 lnti;I<: We ,.1.t~h<"tU!oiAcalC'dlrat.llll(lfW


The h~ 1Uchc1 bal l.:cpl 1be (tllt\-c ~\J l•st 11110 I.he"' a11na.. ll!Ok loobn1 (ot • little ~cict(r.1i,1DC\t()pf1Nb)' the ~Jill

l:••IIICM lk u~IU°\I, ,J'lid,ei.1 ~t c11ldrlul

•I'd m~1 m1111,c CQJlL'lll.11~ v.("l"e: ••,utdrJ


Rn,;art ll\11n; t1M,. 1bc t.nnJ E.u EJu.uJo''l..a, Ch.1.\d11..•. P1:lnrlas, Toru \'wJo •nJ ··J\Jornr,I 'A·1Lh f'11\,ti\1. lhc d1Jl.l.rta't roocn "'*"'"""'

le Rose p l ay Ing lhe role of a dog, Sy lvl 11 roacls II her owner (Cotln Angele) d1,cussea the option of brfnglng har to• homt during lhe ·Sylvla"' dinner lheater Check out the story on th e Aprll 26, 27 and 28 sold-ou t 1how1 on Page 10

nyder admits sexual misconduct with minor

fodd Sn)1in', ti,u. 1\. sn~lAA"tl."11',

:ii.kJ p.1lt) FnJ:a,-

k'fflUU, l'MC41 '"""SnvJ...'f iliJ pl~.,J Jlulh~ tl), to v:\ ere c.:haq;.c it1!Ml 1hc oac hoe wn o.-i:gwJ.lly l.tc1n,11. When fln.1 'ffl'ti<l0.1. lJC'~;ndurgalw11h -.,1h .1nunnr11111kc' lht,,cnl 16•Dd pos$CNOIJ u,f .v..v.all,v C.\pb!I\~ m.i.ecn..d lhc lc1.ll'fith.!IJ'Cl WT)' • pooibk K111enci;:ofup1ri 15 )'CAl'IDIIC'"'° ar.J • "''"lmum fine ol $50,000, wd Ju,111" J.unct Ji,dd. A 1tnc~1"1RJ tk.ilnlla \\'ill bt-hrldui !'.lOp.m (Cl

JuJy '!7. S11)dn \\ill ~lt1illfl fr«wibl lh.tll,m,:.)kffilb41'C'¥fib.,.I\IIC\ ofrc:tldd unul 1b:n. nw ,i.:-111 rrom" KW-Al Cl:k:01.1t1kf'11.ilh JI t«n.agc:r he k.11C'._. ,l.<C .t J41n1I)' fnrmt...tlhn,,uxhUICC:toeur d AScnc Vouch Syinrhnn> lnt'.'~folJfricnl,l,Dbol..1-.hlll luppcna.l " 1th Soyda 1111tl 1hc) 1n l\lffl IOlcl a<tlW1\Cloc' 1M t,di,.1nl 1.-,~llylhc~si,q-1111 b.:ttolhc pam,ts, ~-ho hid h1.J11 £alt• tc!"'ll'f ~pin!ril ~n)dfl When Sn)ih 1 hootc •·~ !C'iitdm.

oflieffi IOIIIIIJ pom,~·u,plnc Mm' J.:pdmi: duJ.lma UllJa Ilic .t;e lif lb. The You1b S;111rho11} firod 4\n)\k'f 111\11~.lllc-h f ]1W.1"1h •lrt'C-'t. \It -.11hr C1J1:1Jt 4 Al nc S)l'llphon,. ()rcho.11ol 1u.,pooJcd •un ,1,11h pt)' Al.: ~tiJina w 9txJ.t' die Swlf'biln> Ciwld.,,U lillchccondla.1 •• pctUCk'III. ..-1\11:h lm't'Qf "") h: lbc VJDC p.-not1 Jun,d to fall ~ntUC'I' 111 pot.lC,,.lQM\lr !I. IC .,.,II btfir11hr. hlti"ll fe\'("W an liOO(l la lmlUlllltllOO 1111'11

Lr1•1 1M ntlll» hi.Hy l\'llh pmi:a. cnn~ mu,at. J.11n..S•i1lt)'ltlhnJ. t1IC euh Cul(., I.le \1.a)'11 etkbc:woo wn Uw fuul(..-, ;i IJ.«k: fillNf'll,1tb f*lo''l'l('lli:.CII ,u,J !:\cnt11 1l.lpk."hQ\t'fcd b)' lilt ,pe,tl;~r, r.t1Jni fnim AIOS ••lllTflOt 1n lht Hnran,l,r popobhot110 m11htl-UlllU11$ m.att'i-.p 1fl • lamp W\mtry o~ Nunh tiWio ~"ldrn1 th.kNhbuptri(sa'<'4••11djntl1 rum won.ti md S,,ul fl:l\t.lU1•1\J fttUJCO loW Utino ~1~ua:(11,."'»11ilCIOt1,

l'noc ID I.he m.un ~«IL • htMOf)' o,f Ullin

.,,_~)le>•» O<Vi.-.-<J WcJrcMl,r "IIC

JM,)cl\1)10,:) m,~nw.-.or \'tc;t(,c Duarte Alha

She.Tm.I, flft;'I.C.Uitd ,La11CC rrnm flu n d\'t' .,,,,un1ry '.'IClft!JU.L~n-. v.a, "fll"'~'t('J by tbr SIC

"''" II)' t.h'1"' Comn,111,rc, La11no Ooc,~

Pro,,1un, AS."IC. NJ(' C'uJtUK and Purclp,u.t£C Cluti. ){no.,taw CPUMI) T»l M"f(C Of! lfuman Rt'l.ltioO.t, NIC l.1uh1n:.n·, CcolC'r &l)Jf1CJ"I

ittle interest in student events leads to budget cuts

lllldent1 kllaW Wlllt

IVllable tbrOUgb AstfC

'"""'•\ll8.1n<t...Jin.tJ,c kK1~ Studttihvl S,irth I~ iq::clAS',K"1h.t .,_·,i1J,i:.t•l~tk Sl4<1l hclr1n, ~\iJ.:-nb" 1th llt\ ,,,,.b ., 1,10d and udiu ha,h, tt\l!'li'llii.t. pna1pllffl JrujCS. hcfpattJrou:1oclirti "-11:y' bn.a.ue ool)' • tuoJ.1111 ot ,1\llknt1

hdpo, y ,1uJc11b~ IOfn\ d'lltW INnnt \SN !<" r,uu11~·

C\•'t)')'tul ilia ((1",lf(~.(01 11, 1,1ctJ1h.,.·h.u ICr\-.;;e\dlt) (lllalnalkOL\ ,\,,.,.udmJbl /\!ri:~ff"Pl\'\1<'k-Pl J....-11',Jl..d,,,

te"Uin \\'hcn)'uohaH,1.11l kinJolW111 cwd,Jl' t h.anJ fnrthcPrnTct111111tt •:qu..tlllk\l with ASNIC 11nJ 1cc ~l\\·ltbtic:al'lat•'iC~!fMJ l<J bcfnulk."'nc..Jly<loa(l'W~ p-1ll'l11!11rtt AS\:IC Tht Pro Tc:n1 t, lhc hi.~ M liCfLIIC' A..'i:,..fC11icn..bcnuio.1k1~ ,1udc-nc11111«.1~ 1,rtothdrC>IIKa In me k'(OC!tl lcu•I ol the SUD ti> 11ffcsu11 ll'a: 11Vl\1Cbo l,;it 1n(.'u.:,.1tJ Akn.: lli"l:l'lltil tlalet, t.:alllJ)' llld <Mn 1"4'llt'1. The S11.Wk111 &ci,~~ BOW. b:h 11tJ.ULII~ IC'\'tlll• ,.,o,;h a., 1bccu1111C'd>· fll#J14"', ~kr,.Wr) iwJ C)('Ca, kind, llu.l J'll'f"IMn UI d...- SUH hQ;ltl. UI! ,, ,., "'b«J,;« ,.,. b) ~.oouMWC1" uJt..'ll'-'C Iii.,.,..... l1t1 1n1yt11$1 111( S1U1.kn1 1;.,e11i, 13oanJ ncl!lrly U.8ll0, anJ 1nglnfa!k..tloillltlJ.ndeJbf

ool~·~t:tl,hllk1 If )t.11l,d.1itu1"'e:ai 11,nJU'#S \t:ar a11C1EIDC'C 111 S11di:11 fWWh lkcLI,.--rn~~th l,N."'f-:'111.: t.111 ·,\SNll' •wan:of1b1ihadc,Cf) ~,111,1,,:".rtJP:'f'P'n•tht.Srud.•111htn.ti Ikard budgtt 91to::rt nr'W'lftlll) ~ID •ttlln c•n('UlO tl:ey n.• rmmg lllllll huJ1,'tf hy lh<.ili ,l\lh .,(,' la} .)'C,11"" lbl: S!ud('nl F.vttlb U<wJa,nd~~ • J,Ul"l'fYl\f lWlkntt ta,t,-rnar~ uni lhCfflqtl(')INJ1'4W..1J~ •·\\t'IUIJ)l)U like ioiftlllUC~MC.tfll!"ll'_.,. l~p." nf 111lWL"l11 hAPd '"1Uld)~ hkt lo 1t',,."\1,r1icioan,rm r and \\IJ.111 l)'(lO 11(d11nr rJn )QI hki' 111 dtJ u1r c:1111~, n,,,. ,un,...) fouuJ thJI. OIII)· J7 f'l."'-Ull 1' mdmb lloSI hem tn an C\lt'lil ~in 11tJtt.lh) .ar.ruup at ,wnnnlv.,40 j'IM\'llt tllJI')~ !he C'l.-tflt\ liq lfl(11&J

\\'hen h-, tk Stmncl v.·h111 w1Jcuh "1iul.l bLc tu \tt :iwdcnt lh'Cflt1i 8c:anS hri:n, t'llll~c:umJVlo ..wdcntll iAiJ. • h .1c111·1 hr~•· There \.l'l."t\"

IU~~,m.~1"briMJ~llll" l1\ltl.'.f~, 1Ju1 \11 rt ,1 &ilANc Junn1&: 1},it (ialt llnlOl('f I fifW~ v.«l.,;\\orl,.\hop,. 1111nu1nt~.ini,lb..1•1r1brf'1\)"\k1llyark.l mc-nWI) 'W<II, ma1caui~ and •i,tod U1Crnort:'}111 ~1p,1n~c.wo1 ~Walle\'Cl\l'.l.. Aml11$J~ 11:111\JritheAS!l.'.IC tiud!,~ IJ.ffl' mot( Cb.In $1 l,0.Xl lf'C'IIC D11 """l"'l'"'l"*"'..- .\S\IC'1<1pcJ lldlt.l fu.1112111'\lnr ~n1 111 • i.d1f(ffll(~ 111 ~t\hYllk" Tmri.. bt,uihl un1frn11, for 1hc Pq, B:aoJ 111:l &,11\t' ~•• •o~ Tmtlc!C'tn:k R('UC\l',lbc fitmeyllL."11.&lrne.

Wednesda y May 9, 2001
Set adrift in Spain Trave l/Page 7 ..
&o c:h.up lllJIJ h,..,, 11 ~.l.WII rcLl1Jo,n.Wp 111\,ug 11, 14 )'(!Ir '11d bo> 11~ :bDcl twm lhc ,~ii•" JcfinU(: Aa:oro,,., ro Mai;hxl tJilrlrr. )\kf'~n"""l)ftrd 'I\IIJht
th huJp:t to rouc1 ua
tail> tiant ,U,11.· IJ''llll the tu1,1b,u0 Ol1' IQ Jtudcnb.. 1lit Pm tcm the Sm.Mt 1:, ill th.qt or PR. hl~ J.:1•l "1l1i, )"*'· "'" bl"' m~l1 \,lldlmt 1..,.- l',l,'d year,. «n 11 fl•l'I\ ~'(·\" tl.)d 1 \ lt.:C pr1NJail
A\~IC Jew h.-lr 11l1 the~, Zl,))I ~gtl ~\".U !lt,j••lhc('IIJ(·I Junc-4.IIJ tl(',1 ~kl'i1aJ.1,-tltlR:i111)(••11lpk1 -J.
lfl •t,111 IQLK;tvJ
llY !•HONE: 769-3388 BY F,\X. 7h'I-BK9

Williams takes ASNIC crown in low turnout election

h.> Und-i Ball Srntur,,.l,qi,,,,r,·r

Wid:1 JU\( 2(,0 \'Ole) t'-ll\t, ftl."W praiiJma of ASSICbCha.~\\'1Uwrui

The V\1Cff lllnlCU \\~l'l't ll.~ hi&h lh,e t'ICW pm,1Jm1 ,..oold hA\'C 6Lcd 11,.., h.tve b(ffl, bl.le tlQI:

1hu.~1.11' Yrdlhe111gadle.,,~c»tal-cioc

ASSIC " lam\'1..,)c~l·ileJ,."~u.«J "1'be1nsxcl'\'tt!C'm

1mohcJ •1UI ,\SNJC. the mn,c "4'ili"l 1l ha.., NIQl11100 Allykk:al.kcm.•lao"' 1·11tu,citl'lopcn

Ji,.,.. nl 'o'Wld hli:t 10Jg)O\\ whlat , 1\IJl:nl•


l'hc , V1«·rn:sidcnc !« 1hr: \tudc:n1 Jm'd"fflfll

hod)·l,~JubcBlume hOh.u:\Cf\\"d.a.,

...iud..,1h ~I•• 111.1.U' A'-t~lf 11 mttbag IJics:r hC('llit, Hi: v.n-..1n knov. "he:~ the fflClllc)' pttJ mJ nl.lU wirt bmdic lrum ll Funding Inf AS\K"



CilllllldJh...,, no \RKJl, Sctv. ,.,11 be Cod}'

a~·":ir«lbu.}"('JJr \Jlfour~~

Tate. Jm:IU) lvrm., M1111n \l1l!'lfmlll md lucb:J

C',j<volJ \Villi,111111·clfllJOllfflCJ~IW~•~t

Junn1 lht' .·\1ril 16~k:'forumb)·11U11irq:thll 11

t·l('dtd, he \I\PUld donate hil ~21))tl'IOIMty (« &i.1thcA~NlCptt~b:1dc:toth.!~

Scindhdc:u, Ir·~ cm:11~·f.'rll>Ugh 111n &n Yt,n

Oh.1mc:'1 lwo appooent" h.h Pilync ,nJ Sa'lli lkan

She ~p:01a:,ICCl!Malb, mnncvto dub.. Iron, the tl"C NJrct 111 wtU • 1111(lffll,, ICC Qt it\«io<.1miam;al W11ll:.l.nn wd \\ lh Blume·• F""'-f'\"Jwnahty n !Juit«.'1 harJ fot .:IIJ)'\111.' IU fd •ll.ltlg "'''1h la Scttin,l'Jdl fofLhC(l(lttboal'd•dillll.'\IL \\.iJU.ams. wd, h.~ tl-=, y.·IJI haw: doml:1l\ h.f 1rCribm,.,,,nw,a11 U11thttt."tl:ci.lltl'!i• ~l.JCI ID\°W\\.'.tlk'Ul Jtl ('\'Cfll1. aniJ tfl(' oco,t f,,t\:C\"Cl'JI\ If'~ »naJ.;l'lt). NI: lmn,: lll'I ~.alt)IIUI 'llhcfl the~ dllftn op:rl!. \\i..,mb,l.,_!n,SS<ll~I d1krt'WRII')· fu1'11 be uiJ M Jmrf1 ti·d lime to th111"I 11hol•1t "I "'•ti11,,find,onar.."lhuQ:llw1 "'i.ll~t(od"Ja:11. lmt·lt:mubd11111icth1ff1C ptt.JU~t for AS!'iK"." WdllatWl.._'lid. l lilikt: thb )ell \\illwra MS Ul'hCJ a \ct) b..·:w)·-1,bt',~IT)'ml llC!mbt.1or1thlll l(l dc\'Ok plrnly ol um: kl h" JIC:'\\' dl.11,tf,.

"I w~ld llk:c lo lea,,: 1kTtfttlu1r til'lfflt1blng S•"lt doa.:'.W1lll#l\\ul,.l "l\\.1i111ton\.1k.l:alaqi.ftl lmpn:,..i~ CllaSb Wllllams

b) MsaUhe• Uni.I Ytmnrl rt{'<>nrr f\"Cr IULl.'flll& n ii JlfVlhUU lhiU alk,w, 11uiknt, 10 h.:lpOlhtt ~tucknh


p,vtl(V.l,ar ,1.< ~Jl(\'.h\'C'lludentl\\bo'll.'•DI IO be

fo1 tile


"P«f IU(1'f', 1a.,u.lty l'klW tbt m.l&:'rill1 J""(lly\\cll. Vlt'1.tid. Pttr 1-tllun. tnu~t J<:t thl"Ct'


n:t'Ol1Unc1Mlauo1:1t from diffcrcn1 111 11lt)' rni:t11hct1 IIOO rt\A~ be inscn·l('Vocd by \\t'b«kf 011a:- peer tuwn finntl d1e ll«('H,lt)' !'olptn'"C'l'k.. lhiC)' t'ill o,ijl I tc.hciJUk (o, llmt) whcr! lbc),' ttc .,$.Lihir t.,, help litba -IU•inlb Tiu.1)' c..:1n acbc(kilc • m,umuun ol IU houA p:r•ffl Ptt,tuWl"Jlcanhil\COO ~1he1lhrn: iJudcnhp:rhou:r Ir po!l4tt'ik:. IUIOI'\ ¥cl ttllnlBJ by Whrck't The tutnt'I. ,0 <WU daie WIUf h~l. ltambcnt,·1(tl.litdi,

'-'Omputerh) log-1.n:md laf-ot11 kc c-«h and (.md Ille b*lr r~,. Tuton INnl go co c\-ay \i;-1.• I IJie)· UMOt Ulllkc 1t. Ulc)· cclhn'CAII 1be Colktie Skil l~®L or lca,c 1 ooie oo the dcdutc.111c tun khcJulc Is l(IClled b)' 1bc: C'nl1'111Ct Thcfc: 2-C lUIOC', •t the colkt:e. At thr- ftnt w~ioo "' 1d! • MUIJcal the pttr ,u, rulb, to tbc ,1uda'lu 1buot th6t c-,pe..'1.&lioN,. Th,i11, iocllMlts:atta1tUDcc and~) Studtub ""ho want to~ u,Wft'd m&ld ~c:nrolJcchnan NI.C'clloa:. The IClf'ln I.he) wu,c fill out HKlucb W na1~ <it1ht 1w1(1f. !lthcduJcd 11mcs 1111d h:t.-dc infOC'IU,tllOI) Dbou1 d1cm~lvet. The: lma11k--k,ht.iclhc. mformnoon to ntlll.o • folder. Tbc folder h.u. the: illpphcaum. lulClr c\·idua11QCg IU'IJ 11 Sew.ion Sumrocf) lkicL h in the IUII«'• file .JM with lhc «her 1.!Udcoh ~hom IJ1t tut,,rbcl(>'. Tltcla~J ,-1r-r1• l•'II'" Wb«lcrur v~u .Mlq1111n V1ntc: lhtt1~1J(lthcl\lt0c'11fi;bt-wlc Li);.r their cukn, ,rudcnl~ i~111,.. bclp i,eeJ ta bt-11 au 'M'OR t.Ql\ti.oocd oo pa,c.1

Drafter s head to national competition in Kansas City

b) Emil> Gtl'1Mrd Srn1,wlu·p,1rt,r

Hoo,, of ..i..l<hlng .!Id""'°'

<Jtft<d lWO NIC dnlfun, "11<1<nH fJN rl...-c 1n tbr 1i1.1tc \b::atkltW lnc.l,b&rull Ou1'<ol-{YICA)

((•hpC!tllklll anJ .i top M Klut'llib Cit)· forn.illQ(tals..



The)· ,,J,J lhc I''"'"""'-=!, lhc "udclJ1, (IJl1d.unct1WI skill, lhal un, IN!ful in the ....i. roo.~ Coplc) Dddetl lh.&l d,e \ix hollf'. ll d.l~ ~pent in lhc lllb prubol-1r i.,1pc,1 tuo Th<y "'"' d <mployffl «illllng"' mi.. nocia, of NIC dnuung "'"""'-' ruld m.litn, ~'Tild"-""Joh oflet'l,. Tht.1v.anhwcagrc.11a.<',Ct.Cc> "Al""''',.,.,.....

r .......,..._.,..1 , 1.,c.11.

M,cllltllllh_~ nct'iOl oc;,

CWWL.N.• nnt,"fll,,O(';, U.M,.,.~ 'l"'-'M\.' Kirton! .......... ,_......, itll'QL~ \\'dlaJltCich-·· 0.-111~ s... c....a,y..,.. QIIJ ,...,. Co.\U"l."11..11 S.c•O,._.. -·- lwr01toltp O.,A..U.1~ Clm1JMR.R..""(h ~'°' M \tcUu1A\1 l)tb.11.k!.ttillr,- tMOtl.\1\Tl()l\ \W.,lt()I.); s...,,c·u.'f'*" J· 0..,,A ""8' • 0.....1.'i',-. k,,•~\\~-tA~I o :tn,ll!Ju,i:,, ..,, Clla.d \\JU-JU.. "'-'l-"'''-' \&MlbWHI"' .._.,,~1,\.\\ AO\U~TIH \....-J\ ~.lff ~LIIM1'I ....,.,11.w,. h.-.i)tlJ>M• 1-f"'- l"RA\.11CA1,:,i~ Na.HM,wt .\.""'1,TA.'fl' ,1r,•• u.tuU IW• ~M~· hrl-WL~•1A..\1, ~JOlll111 .....,_MA14-A ..._AtWfY,-,..

Rrh-nA. Joic(j~ '---AS.,11 a-.D.IC,vl ~l'4)UI ,-,., A Mulv-WJ • ,\ml ...., \ltt)\t~· ,.,11.~ "'Gl'JM,i1,'f"t1•• f,UD~ t..oll:IIIILM-1'CT'I ...... Ow.18.fl,,4,n• ,........ C, 1"1"1ut (Jl.$N;I\.

kl••k'-1Q1dr, --.. 1w..• ,.,,,...'- .....,,,.. \1.#1»,fl("r,a. J'ILUUIAC'"I ~"-""".

n..dwn-i,.. ~Jlu-.&I 11•nldl'-1• ,<."-1.lapa u..... Tt.(,.1{<,;(.'N.OC,,· NIIJa,S.ltort»•'

lhlal\ Tnpr t'Of,.l..t'il()N Mt..l' \IA l""'-IK.-n.•1•• 1."1$n, \lvan ,11111110\t..• O.U111M ii.QI,~ a.....,-1 tlNJni:11 OmJ81)d-w t..-:a,.I· f1ftlll)lli.\."iJ fU""lL...c:>l..()t;Y \t..Jwll\al,il!,Qr,,I lw~rhA.~·

kala-111,.~;o ~CKi,;c~ C-rt.t.k(,Jrn.1,; -M- C,uyMfntt-w.-1A.fl• .._c,....,1 IA-lllillllJ\l,aDill• ~:.:: ~, ...,,. 1i.-.w~ Ainaiaf.S..lilcilw l1111J<IAIIJ \nbL\\.l.\.'J • J.., ~P~h,~(MI ""'""' ... dl\l. \ta...,hit ,,_.,s.....,. • •0.Slolw, a.lllllntyAY..~1,\.\1 WW1Dl't.Clrstta.J, "' •(' \1.,,..1 n1L\-111 Mlo,W.LXJua /lo~W YtiwWJ ............ (.'U\Q'\~lJC lltf~J.U.flNN.flc:a "'" 'ilt:AL11-U:AAr\ \ldad.J.~~ Cirmal it /µ\ti ·\llll!•J11Wfi..t,h,ir,i• [\l"Ok..\l-\110,, kmldk fa.,-• fD.J.n,c;. UC.A.I "'-\"\il\'fA."ff ..,..& .....,.. .,,,.. 11.0[\0l O(;\ limmM.t"'-;W \f'XML\1to.,Alk Al>\111'lt\Tlt,\Tf\1 -IL- IJ)mllh \.,"'OIUThOf \1'11JJJ) ~"'""..,.. ,~.,c~ ti(i!INII f'O.'\lml() L~: A,\'L'"l'A"il A,npl)f tit,. ,.,...Jtk• \lll.'\Ct ..,t_ lia11l . 11,w.LIUb, \,111U1-1l1c.~~1lC>N ,.,,.._,La-., ~L8,,11t11 -b- (l)mflC.",Al),(,t Clla:,lt>.C...._• lol11urdl Mue -GO.. ~tk.~ o--,-t.a........ ~Wlt,i.-Jr co,uu;no"' U.Jt.l'W!W• ,_._L<aN Ull\lt~ Ort,,rur,S..1--,..-... .Apll);~ ft.1.-.At.•Aft'tM.1~TI.'<~ °"""'-J"tl'HII JiMl. llmlnp•• ln:;\\\an• ~Mfl,,,:.. -- •i....1.M "''t',1",\'o') Dln,tt..'i<Jl:\U• K,~.,, ,......... l"-ffti d" ~llOolv.uC'I t~knlihlntlrtllTINU ' '\,.,., In """'\\iuc '4airyS,~ OM.\f"l°T'G ,.... 1.,.-.. ~<\t.10..'l ~it,f-l~J, ·-

,o ,en"
((lfl'IO (nim WIUM rcn.. Blwnc't pulllilJ)' j.)b
tock.II v.tthcht
deba1es u • candklate In pursuit to the ASHIC presidential olflee pl ,oti,.,. I K•vkl Uar, 20.
Polson. Mon1
In lhe SUB during the Job Fofr week actlvhle-s. Clothes
w,.11,.,rm row >~cxpcncQC'(: m.wJmt gu\ffllllll'1ll lh1oprin'*')'r»,ialrfl"C$idM~)'Cilf dONlted by St. Vincent's.
., walks down tN runway during
student fashion show
for the
show were
Free peer tutoring services available tor NIC students
W(' t,lrU#hQJ: •ith II
rerf cutm, t,ccd lo •ppl)'
J\lb, ac;u,nbng t.• P•l:ncc Wb«kt. \\ ha ice 1nVOl\'c,J \lo id! UlC fll' UI thr fall ~l'bC\ltr of Im_ She wJ all r111e>r1 fllJ WI 1.Jk! ;&PfilK•liocl lo .JdnlOfl. lllUdfflllt n,w.1 h1t\"'t' t":lf'DCJ al lcaM a 8 ,n 1hc uJM cl.a 1hc)
mmwl drafll.n~ '"-"\lfllPlcie~,.. axur.ti.:), dcLJJJ, ,(lc-..'blwi. dUT~n~n,. oak,:, 1-0'00l lUIIJ f'Jr'Clllitlll~ TI~ l«hmcw ('(XIIC~rt dml.W mcd1,1ru~I flbj«b ':!Udt a Cilrflill\" Mc.I ConlbUillll indlt Ul\·t\iti:itHbsgnal llcor rb:in., D:umh IIJld Copley >.ud d" NIC dnlfting rrognun ti "l1.1t nwdc:. d,ot
IJ,cirowa:r-go:t14l.. "'l'1te.!rc.Jdyggt 11 vmu.c:non llt) f'C.!,Uft)C'." Dani!JI said. Th, narionnl VICA _,.,.. wW be held June U,.JO. They""' arnJc,r,aun,: the cumpcuoon lht."CC "I be a bll intcnic. Howc,'CI, Corley """lnf'ldcrn w,lh hi, oJ<m, "I hu1e • ""'"I,'< reehng l'mp,111t; !Owin."bcsoid.
,\hllr THll'<>IA'Mn Dwucr. .,...,.,\i;. """- n.t,,L floliua '-l L t'ltilp.wrcA'I)• Un,MAILll1•lnl ,..J,..... ti<Mlinr \ •'-'• """'·"""" l'll.·l\ ,..Ol\lll 1,.1+.a.t. \c.t.lq,p 1.-.,,,11.1"11d 1A.\1 • .....,,11111,, 0., r I&.;,,,• U..v0\1'~•· ,..,,...,.,_ Mtllll'diliG.faa 0.•"1LWhld<'I Ow1•~fl\.wtiA.\1•• lll•ldFIAdl .-.illt.. J,,-yc \ ~lAC.- b.i..L It.rt ,,.. ..,l.(\lril MdwtJt~fl\.\1 ,.t.b,.J11. Jcnirr,A.11....t-• t........_, M,- l'-fA. ~i.11• l,m L , ~a$• \ttJHt'-AI C,.,.•L LWII' U.A ICIMliwMfWm,,a tk..dl.Jt \1.,..,. llt-1111"H<,,...• 1.Wtfllrua• r.A,lil ~r,w Uhlt.~ffl1CA11\1 L)•M\t.w,,_. ....., k. R,w 4,,\.SI t -·- bhill4 k u,-,oK.~·· n ,........,. V..wthK. ~~'TA.l\" I' ,wlit)AMt,. ld~S Jt,..t.J ln(~w n.u,, .,,LS!pdl, R#-111•1 bdlnn GICM•• ... ~1r.11i1~,..-1A51 • ('.\$U~Y
Mll:i.J ''-'-· htt•LV "'I ,... ...,.~. ~A, (h7'4 ., .......,...,,_ M..Wt,-•• M..,s'~ \t.)\ "'...,.. 11-L~ l~L~l,\.\I ,..._fl DA,111 \WIJll,-• W61l!~l'f'~Ji• a..,,JII ...... ,.. OF11C1i.C..l OIL\IA 00N ~K.stw.• <...-,Ls,w,.\1 '"-· l>ti• ...... "',...... '"""•'"' .. A-*L.Ri«.iw9J.1o•"" "-rt:ClAU~ M~-1.\. ~CA.~) a..litCKMiu•• • ...,. ),,i,)'I• rt IN"-11' AKTh \ktai,AO., ............ \fl...taMC,...._ S,'1AlJ. l!lk",1,\f 5) ~r.1,..,.. t.:.LIJM...ct C\t!•~K.),h.1,, ,. l'ArldilA Ata•• flnll.ltflill.a _ .. _ \&A..,"'-t'oflta"\T .._...l\m!dt ·- C"cr,rf\~.._ '\IOMA.Oa(,_-11• IJoo);.~ ............. P \lt.-\lJ:.(,,AI ~A.Mllwd K,,lll~ ,._._...,... .. (W)l.ft'or...; ltqA.a.c,tff .._.."',.... ~*M\"~• 1-11.8-kir lift,111, JI.. S.-,u (A.\1 lillnlolilJ~· :0-•Cf-.... llioraot.\~· ~··--- Clirr!1LOilp,n Y.l'J.DC~ n,.IR.,._1,\.\1••' K4,ls..b-<· \l/!lplll) f o,.a,tDHtnul& L\\\>kfl;.\lK.'T baA.. ~,u.m TI.lll" \flr;ha-llSricc-a• """"" y._. °'""""'A""' lnrlcCl.~• tWMlh,,l:,,)o si.-c A'fllll ri.t.ali11i1A~• t,,,..1<;...,...,..,,.
!C ANDIDATES FOR GRADUAT ION --------------------------1
...,.,....,~ m,1,,).l.1t\lt.'118 \I.\Nll ""u\!'IU. \\'......,Ll1-y ¥, ,a,.i, I "1:,lleqlA<:1 lr\lnlll"LltiU1 ,-..trlt,l A.111111• ~-ou ,1n,.• ~,JIIG1' • Jall.\.BMa,111•• ,i11:CHA,,1C, ni..• A. ootAI~ 1.Ul ... ~&.n..111.1• r,..,.,...._ r.-nso..""'*-'' l'(un,!dtlo..'911 \IIIJ,\\'fUtln HaldyLMr, \1i:isflalM,..,.,.,M, ~G.!wmb l,,_.Pba1•• J,.~)..Julv, °'""' J \\ ~" a....a.,- ~>11W°"1do,,I; ....... ~MdwtitL~ r--,t1Ua1,1.,• l'ffl'IQ.k,ak, "-''-11.lt4m llllru.Mba ,.._,,, ttn,d• AL,U\:temH. T.:walC'.ri • ..,._,...._ U.t.t."TllO"'Tt" (')nJyl. tan l~JMA'I hd,-ll.t\aui:.l(A.') fl'.41lM)l.()f,Y C.11nL(»qr•

ative A merican Culture- Center plans drawn

\1M1•rl1i111hn 111u-lrt/)fl~, WU arc lt<1u1 ,Jr.-'11. ,,s;IS4¢ lh Sau'"r ;\mtfii.;.u1 l11hurnJ

ollr bclt.aJ 5<-ltct 11.JII

ul Iii• rc,lt 11id1,1Jc U1

11m1&I :\1u uu of 1h Aqteft'.'•n

uuage t.•f lbc N.auvc ,\.ull,!m::111 C11t111r,aJCrn1«11o·itl b(ta 1u1ttr•1 ,,11Jc,_"('ll H11rJ..c "4hJ 1h.: u·mc1 ,11 pn,,111e.r.1 lr.u"TJ.m• caw1ronmcn1 ,11 n,._ -.1111~t1rhim111111oty h'..,111n1 o ti... 1 plaice 'lll,i:rt" S11tv<" J\n1criC111 ,1u..knt1c11.11 kd at h,u1110,4fld a place' 11,Jai:,f(' •ui,ku11, -rn biUJ)' N:111,·c An1c1i,1n cu,m uli.un

" T !,ei111agcuj1!,1· Native ,·\m,ri,·1111 Cultural Cemer will /,r u 1wtural ,·a,1crp1."

\tk-Nltl Ku~~ prt'9d,-n1 1r ,,,c

We ll!l\lcfl•I ht.ken 1hc-- ,.qu,uc loo,tai(' 11.ud tt1c btutdll'lf tki.Jp 11111n 1hc al'(h 11cc1un,J plw..c 11110 tM


Thc- prt\Col N.auvc An~ri uf(l<t h lO(;lltl.l UI 1hc l>cp,inmrn, nl Ulich bu1ld11lg 1Ctl$ from Robin HooJ k V rad:. the ollkc 1o1.·u lricitt<d 1htrr- dut to l.i.;,L 11T ~pai..""C

W.l\tlln oo [)f

Jrn:t I lh S'm 1th 'IW1Jlff lnflJIUtml\ HtJbl no• 1'( h111·c Jtttral cl.inn tha1 arc bc1n l.llughl :lit over in" ~.uh:1y nf plX"n,· Burtc- HtJ "'~t,~ vf lb~nt. ~omt msetb,;r 11 •

-.;u.: l"ttt!Jct11 M,, h, n,,,le ormnunJ.1~ t\lftt, v.buc )'l''' hJ\t ooru.iJmn,: h<>,ar,• kl IC'tllflUIICIJ.alC' ,rh1dc 11e~unJ t,..,\I, ,1111k,11Jo(oulJ •,ulltutbeccntcr

Jc.,tJt• ph11K" 11! 1hh p.1101. SutL<' • id Clu~u •itl I01...1tcJ In the t:ulrun,I \.'l'nti:t, h\ltlhftC' \\Ill Jl,o tic 11 mln1 1uJcnt union June hu C".atcJ die unagt or •n ,n,to,,r 1-lrcc1. rather dw1 .1 nv h~II•·•>· lfl ht,,pc.cltbi11J11,a11111i; h hthrt ;1,1~'-1" o! !he comm11n11y ,·ul1unll ,1:11 1,, •111 c*oura,:c 1otcn,uun

lf1 att1n01Ct1ilC'.• Blirlc ~nl •fh1, toulJ "<Ud 1h, -.·mn1 r11c1t.wp 111 om N,11ivc J\1t1cUnu ,iudt.1111111111.1 od1cr lllifk-!nhu

•·we- <1«' In 1hc- rrr,cc"\., of a 1c1\1ti1h1y ,.tuJ~ Bu4" 111111 •wr: ',\301 tu l.'.omtimie hmJ·ni••nit Im 1h1, c,en11'.·11b hmJ.ralUnll fof lh~ w:Jco..'C' hudJJ11Jt II llnllDI) cl~i('S, 111 lht Qffit r111,1inh) 1 uch v!hc-("' Juttl't" mh h tr) Ing- 10 1on~ .i • 1114n)1 lrcn 11.1 r,o..,,tik Juririt ~un.dru.;Ocrn. 1l>C flfm i, abo

Thr: ON t•l lbc f'l)j(\-1 It t.Ull kU\J

risky behavior ey to avoiding Hepatitis

Chrome: H'~11t B1;1nk3d loc..a!IC(:f(lf c.cthournil lhe Ii\ n S)nip1umauflkpl1iti.,U l11dt,,.lt,r1ur11hci:,.

f1:~. ft.ulk:lmd,1l'f'll"Uk Ian. 001 w,rnc pooplr hJncnn,)mp«'limlltall A\'~,.J rt~) h:1~""" l'r2Khct .,;(ck'-' ,111,I di,11'1 .ts.c 11«,Jln 11 yuu're 11111n1,-ffll.'ll.6 J 1ugmc 1 flwd1.h:\lu:<-4.~ hiJb rrotci,tuhcl &nJ Ro .Jc:ohol an: rr:qund c.u'l" fl'tt t«t, il1-p:,IJ111 .\i.indB MorrCNliQC}pcn-(tlio( ~,It-, 1 hd1h.',~c,f the i.nia.,keinii, 10 c; .1

HtfQhtu (_' b the 1no,,.l cucntnnll fmn t•f IIIL' ,.ru1,111het111t(JSub 1f•di:t~ln

».;Ute ,ul1111(1."tf1an ts °',-Cl)tl tn


lkpa11u, A. ,r,N •I.II h~al«at <'tlffla1. h 11uu-h li:u COHIii 10 Ill the l nilcJ


tlCW)CJ'111 ~nunmcs

~('f'f'•llrn,,td~ 1orJ.<XXJ Atncn(~Jnc•b )W. Alnwni f•v nuUMWI Ammua,,, 1hr: d,~w t11•b) M<.11,c lh,m 90 P:''-"ml o tho,ct"

t:NuNC.a.lly ln(a:~J h, en. u.W1 <.at k-.11.l 10

,·1rrt,ni.1s.. c:.allCC'r « run (()Jflj'ltlc..11om of the 1,...,

llrfllllh.iC,liic- H,·r,u11u H. r1t'II/JQdlu11c

Md rootl ,,f1.:r1 lflR11J lhrou.:b unl"f\ll("Ck'J §.C'.\

•iul 11dl."C1r4 Q('a)lo. h •.o oOcn tpuJ

lhrll\l~h ron.1.1nu11.11cJ NOt1d rn'"

111 l?'ll.•hm1uuune~1n1,•tt1'n:ilti.l

Mood l<K lkp~u11, C

\t&!t prork .Vt" tlnallil .H'C &h!.')' b.t\t: Ur:p:tt11l,

C 11r111I 1hii:y how ')mpt.orm,11 hvw

1.hlClbe.AJ\anttd bwt di,ea-c ln•m JIC:f\1111.l.~

t b 1hc (•!11'1nnrl C4U-.C tur U,·c,

1r.en ril:mt.a. n,1 -r,ymp1.1,nu mdo.Jedlroruc <JC. rolih. ,;:,uri,li.i~ Jlroblffll' i,nJ f Udl\.T

111':'n· nic1,·a.r:Lu1oon (or lk,,.11111 C. un(murllkly • •1•un, a,oiJ n~li.y l:i..:h.l, c,r

l)Ja"1111.&n: ~·111j 111nn. dnnl..'- flltOt\, '11.hhtti",ht ••11im:ttl(an1ip.ll)l'klgl.1JI

1X'lfy J1,lff ftCro.'li « IJIUo.),."d, l..: lhc n«dk::1 .an:~tf;.,~,11!1.1.tJ 01.1n'tt1n;htll'ck.anup h! ...i 11)\'t!,lll'llb1, tail n.ibtic:1.,-lo'YN..

• pain on the left ,iJ..- of the upp.:r ah<lmnen

• swe lling o f thl' ,tomach ,rnJ leg,

• reddening of 1he palm~

A c-.erponlry •tudenl wottt1 on I.he F• m,n HI ii Estates home to be raJf1od oft J uly 3..

Carpentry students hard

at work with Raffle House

f1mlatlon 1tkets

Ill' 8100 II) ralle 1111118Y

t1) \tlnd) Wc,ltmrn dn Jt /'11tl('I c.rrciio> 1oJ.:hu luw bcrn OOildllll II l\\l.,\1111)' bCJU4.• Hlll,.-

IIIC' bqlnnrnJ 'ic-f'Ccn1t-(r b'C~· )'f'21', Cho NIC~ FuunJ.t1mn ralflts 1hc wmtb'\~r~.00'). fnfSlrl)J""r lu·b;tb)~lfll!nt) fHttht t'OU.:p:. ..;u,,Jt,,1u llfC UI iJinr '"" IN n11)ft(h• oC bu1M,n3 "h:11 l>.a"c M~Rai:.LMp."UU) Uutnkt« do1:nh(-d1ha ·1,:.1!1)·"'dl-p1.11 l11;c1.tli r"' hue~ \kRni: \11ld tht" fO-rro,ub CIW'JIC'nlry f'l't'!P'lW"l '" "'tt.uc:d l'll \l,J~t ii liilN IO hulJJ 1hoo~ ,\1 fr.N. dit l,".IIIJ!lellll}

l1J1J1tdatlon ~t«M~ lut•l'tmJ s~. an""' a ta:uhy ·~ u.arf

"""11,cn. lbi,ycnr,,"1'lou"'err ,klMtcd for 1hc pugnm, lacak.J u, Fcrn;.u\ Hill bh11:,.. Thr lat, t.a\cd thil: rrvl\lb1ionlll'OWlll s.n.wl JMn buym1 die pr~rty1Uldckn.1111(Nll. Th: c1trptt1try -..t u,kt h :ere u, 1hnr l.w "«b r41hc rn,-x.,.,. Whcnlhi:h•,u-~ bouwi,1inl,~l.1l\l,iUtnc;ludc. clcc-1 1-icil)', ~1,1rnhu11 1.aJ LlriJ-1'i1i,. Out i.\ lhc k'<'DCi.l utc Qf 1bc 111\:bll4"1.1Uru.l di:Mp of 1.bchou.~ 1bc~·,1tr)' ,,md..-uh "'"Ott 1,n 11,c hnu"-· MunJ.1~ 1b,1't\1i:h Fn,-b) li'+b.iic-coar1ouinJ1nt&~ c t11J111;rda,un,1N IC CJ. \lJ>·ct,,«nltbc ll in 1bc cntpC'hlT)' pn,pllln wJhnhY1-Wttepa1t111f\l'lc:' (.&rf'CrlU')" l"lfllJl'lWI II l'\'maddlOJ hut1\('11.""nUl.11111 11ktht'JU~ ~v..ip.,n"


• Coll lodayfe>rc0t1rseodvlslnQand lnformollon, (208)667 - 2588

• Clossr~lstrollonbcQlnsAprll 2 1, 2001

• Classes be9ln tho week af Auqusl 26, 2001

Other undcrqraduo l e and qraduale d1>9ree prC>Qrams are available.

"' 'he ~!11nnm1 oC f.11 ltlOCflCf, lllc C:<UJ'CltlJ) , tlllkt1h b(pal ti, hu.114:r.g llfhl.111hll!J1 Mll;.ba,11lhltil.t,-C\1111,J -t.llA'hana,. S4M, .i1r1-~ WI"> J'l;unrt·J (ll,llt' U 1.i1pr:).. 1h.rca:c lc,.., 1111'"°,wciH1ittU ll'lt) ract1\IC 1h.-11 ca,pcau) tTr1tf.a1 1,,in An ~n boUlc ,JI be k hcJ1u lcd It, '1 1) U 1\00l'oo11p.aiJl,unilh'.$.111t n.1.1ttd •·tita \'U"".'Ul& 1bc hoo..c: She a:11,I \\hen ra,pJto c11rnt 1c1 die dt•1.1.1niaaJ t! Lh,A.rh dtt'l'l'tc;ilkrJ. tOll'IC' people trt l('llhlltlhc11e,·n.c.\.r,ec:.tlf11lt 10 he dw:1t drum bouiiC' Tbc~r,u..:11aS~.lXXJ l!arl01;1Car.\ 1Mlc~111iUJ1( di( \l.inra•t,11kin'1 v.:tnl the R.llllX',I pnn."1, thC') t'Cll!IJ f!Ut thr lllOOC:)' tu~1rd IOmC.lhinf ul tht.1t(hcncC' the n!OM ud;.cl.l c,cr run;ti.urJ hy Cloe \1)'0" "'Cf'C JO tJ,\;A;t\.hu:t lhc \l,,nncr for dut )-eat'111J)hv.tfhll.iwthd,e1'Clll,l.klOf"('l"C'k' III~ the llni•m1 fnc 1t,,c r.dUc 11tit. )Cit •l "111 ht-held JUI)' ] 111 ,'IC



JDS £ ~bt) CA$H

Y<M~lx>ol:$tort~ book>bac!. s,oo...,,nv~t>o- Go<>$/\"'°"'_,

News lHE SENTINEL pµ,-:i 5
'"1111!1, .1 dttul•r c11dd!1UtC'. I\ rl,1n11cd t"r a,ntiu,HRr ~r,cc11ll ('\'Cl'III bc rlan ""' ticin-1 hnrn 1!i~l';,I 1,y -.,u"t' \11)11 ~II rtamcd fo!11t P.aul Pt''1 of Jooc•anJ JuQ(, l«tm ('Oil HU.Chon
~moJhcd. &ri.L· iniJ,,~rrJ th.1111 "u W\1 ca.tly to hgu,c 01,11 1h,:, t;OM tiocau\C !he rrc>J1.'t'l i, ~ull an 1u 1nr.,11 ual!<: 01c lkputnl(tU of l..u1JJ l\1J1Mlnl' m11) be U\CJ lot dubi •hrn 1hc nihural" o~ncd So hf 1hc a1chHt1;1ur111 lcn t>r:c:rl r,a,i.l t1) IIIC' Coeur d AltlW! tnbc, '!'t·hid1 Jon:ah:d Sfl0,000 t111hc r,t'~JCCI Sur\e mcnba«d tb:tt <:\'('n lhou,:h 1hc rl,m, hiiH:: ti«n ,lw~·n up, ch.11n1e1,•tc beu11pmroseJ rrhc-
,rm,l"pf!nr, dtnmJl m)'...,-lt 1,1 l'C • wry O.lf1"(' nhou, m,.,111-. hen I com,·~ to my,r,IJ Km I h,;alu1. 1m4'loa 1:UJ•t'tK tii .I '•II 'fl'l11;11 I""' mforn-o.J ti( <Wi.·ttlue "" au, licr.,.111 bnrn1.1111r.a1J.m1 ~JhlL.1 ,mmu111w1tam" F.,cn "\ill, Jllc lO lt.J\1.: dJctn. itepui1111• 1hc mll.nt1111 110n of lhc 11,·ct, :illy dor ld
rco,nm t-lttU b.11.1~ • 1lhck11 t,c-inf • in~t1'H\J ',l,IJII lheft"lmJlhoCI Ra'fetlt Aa.k·1Wlh. J1tC\.10f of tlic.f0111iJJ:l.i,1t1 •.uJthc} "•lfl((J tu hdp Che ca,pmtl') 111wmn11iU)' "\\c'UJ1tu1.ick1J11:~llo,.\ , P-")' ,~ 1hc- h11nsc •nJ ,.4.11 ir owigti1;~-..Ju.l l'hco11111() ~.mcJ tidorui~ Where in Coeur d'Alene can you earn a four- ear de ree? Now offering a Bach el or of Science De g ree In Psychology It's true You can earn a our-year degree In psych ology In Co eur d 'Alene! Convenient evening and weekend classes allow you to continue your education without giving up y our job or your qualityofllfe.
@:lgfl€)~ {!ij)~~ @1JIIO§il ,, ~u.Jc111
c.ampui. n,,
"''"'J 1v1td d"' Ch11dre1,·, Ccnicr, \fol'!clll L1l:ur,,
b,•l111"\t11r 11.t l,c.1
ncak Ol'I
1mJ tho wl~.-.; fotl,;(I Tr•iningCt.':flCCt f.;11:h~lhC'
-~~ . ~ NIC Bookstore '\1onday-TbursdA ) 7:30 am-S pm Friday 7:30 am - 11:30 am May 14-18


WHAT W E THINK Gro win g pains

nee d a ddressing

Tl· .ti,,.,1 tu1, btcn I t>u,y OCIC'. t<rom ln.'IUUCU>n

1'11,.;. IUT"NtJ k) f\C\'- CCl'UCh l'lf cdt.1(.0.tlon hcing bulh.

1b e,.,Jl&cxc h11., c:tpcoc-t":cJ wm(' r3-1M

) nf lhl'ln arc 1rowin3 pa1n.t.. bnrollmtnl tl.l.\ been on the

Nie 1hr 11-1nnlltt ~, d1t"'®m, Uy lbc llllK'. llw't Wh)

""buildinp .arc 1'"'4cJ

11'h)' '1id lbi'o sd1t'a.1'0 11ct htrnt.~ in tc'lol,im',, tlCl( IQC.)k kl

1hc r,rohlcm vf ,wcr cru'oVdin1 carlicr. Nc.u yc-ar

1ncnl "''Ill ,,..,,b•hl) ,n,rca~e a1•1n tiul 1hr numhcr tlf

l'OOfltl ~iU Ml('h11n,c11111Jnc.

~tn1, ,c,n,t1&.atly 1.:Nnrl11n aOO.i1 f11'tkins on nmJKU

h l111Jc r<•,m f()f •11 tJi,c: ,tuJcnh. aDd the pnlbCc1u CaJl (t '"-'N<'.° M,.irc 1&1uJconr• Dk'.&D!I mun• cit\ llnd 1nare c~ lca('Uk1na l h.arren-' the 1eU!~ h111IJin1, j~ ccxnpktc'

>Aili ci:'1.llt'II)" tlC 1nore moo, fr,r ,w.~ hu111\;11 building, "'1lh tJ.e ne"' dl10t1. "-lll 11 llll.(t eHn mo10 ,1uJent1., lint 11'lr c.impuc "·11h uudt1:'ll• v.ill coaunuo m n a.boot p.vtm)l a.tld too r~w d,.,"CJ ,- 11 tk1f1: ent,,llinit '° 11\11.n)' 1c1.1J1;nh. :ntll\d.1N)'. people, 10 KC' other\ i,1 ao tdwllbOO

'Mf, J1m c;ollc-p= h twl( tlxc 1iMII proplc Cntl do lhlt I, -.pcn•1w, cx,mpttl1cou\-C ...r gre-o1l M' r~p,nn. pcorlc fot

N'\1111 world flt ar1t11he,- i.:oth:ic ar unh·t1'1I) t"hc

1n n 1ht1 v.h111 1n11kc-~ 1'111C' "° ar~Jns will no lonre,

11~· fl(nhk111 ••l mcmn•,hllfljt u 1101Jcall lf.·11.b.

JfJ t Ilic nrd) V.&)' 1,1 cn,u1e thll t"YCr')'Olk \\bO ;lttc:~ the l,trhc 4u.d1t)' ul educacJon 1hilt u rn1\,d(.S tk)~·

te1J.:no \nU cu, do""ll on the C1i».\ loaJ lbld tcxbcn ha,-;:

b o t 1C'ducc lhc of \<chie~ on ounpu-..

ha • fon.11cJ 11nocu11 or ~urroon.Jt'CI by .w.1.1cr on

Ulk 'wuhout h 111 i1111J tbe uwnbc, u( uullcab, nwJmr '411J <vnllmlt.

h)' J~h Scudor EdU4f·UI Cl#f'(

,,-,1 ,holl'ers l,ri11g May


t tUh bp 111hr;b~1 lil.Uleot lbC' "C 111) lb( •Wild\ ~ltlC

1nrio.;.:d "-l~thlna odd r!rt\1 o[th,:11('1..-uOI)' Af?mld)' d~ tin,,~hmth: ;;,'ti;1i:lnu.nt lhopi,. 'i',,rl"' fud111 lbcflCJ:.Ufl\C ,...,1, J ,~tJy, but lh.11 ol l~C;J'\t SUMY"iedl),

I0.1.J!"lt) J«'kt:Ulta\-clhen ff'C'd l'mm ii th11I A llf Oll••tUCtl\int'

n:11,'d Wotc-.- h\("tfl(j,lef narQJtGllir(~ltubc' itN 1tit-l, ,tudtnr, •W:-1 I ct1,:b up tAinJ 10 nm1:11t>, tc1 hll 001

., ~I 11Ulkah 1J,.,c1't 1n1Judin1: m)'M"lf wlilil • )'UJ.'U!l1d1,.11t.J11t)i.k, ;.osncih1 11g f"re,,idtn1 IBu.r\.unplaincJ.l.bat all be n.·'ll II \Ukltl~·~

• Dr. Barke 11 oo uho'A U11lieJ Cit) Gu), rdo11'1a)l.mcbow I k.lllt\1/).


lltat Tun) Stc,un Ka

NASC"AR dti"("r I had no ickn be w.u wc;h a. ruk~t.tkcT.

G<HICI Qualln:rH

• Stidl'wn1cr, Li:nd.l Bllll. "llllttJ tu ~. d the Cotut d'AkflC' Cutno It. real!) lhc

"ullw,111cc,pcueoei:'' ch.,t ti c.:Wa:m1ohc?

Tiic&O.\'A('fi,)d.lJ l11hi: ulb:ltUll:'- uiJ only C)pcrifflot


• U allf'n\Mt' Wo'!i l!.ut, "'h)dn 1h(y Leep abdU<1ina: lht ,1up1lkt.t peorle1

:-m i t1ir tlble'>. nuu I 11alcrlt,f1Jllttl.lUI

l!Xbt:r r.ui,l,. itnd 11·1,kb


1fllt!l,tl l 'a,pk

1.1il~ll'llntofthc:: th111wckanJf(•li, 11 ,R'fl11111Jll•1

fc:rl pt' l \ ,h Uoa,J

f,,.as<>d,l!lck,oJ far beWbo.tubc: for 1«hzint

.. jf 111Juy,..,.hc>ll.,1.,1h(

I Y~Ill Ser\·k'ti,., \w.-.1

1)hCJ1 It'., I~ 11th,cr Jay.

fft)', •h1tr ir~ ,oo doing? Theotht'rdny W"tt WIIJ.• •·1w111n wnrtu,,: oo ha paper ln 1bt hhrM)· foytr when• auy •tlkc::dltLllt' l' llu1.1t1«1'-Jl.tocc. She &s11 up ,rill 14.Ctlt 11., 1ht t,111hroom, l\.'J\'1111 ha ptfU CID II Lilbk When ),lie"°'~ • $UY WII,.\,1.:rCl-,-1)' 'ibc".a\l~ hun i(bc 'l,tild be W;t,.\ n:wln, He replh:d )c" en.~ gqhbcd her r3pcr DUI of hi, h.wli .u...t 11.-n &l be ~'etll on Mai her 1il(ing hh paper I ttk',s be JUJ.t v,mtc,d a plCCC! oC.htrc ,.._y Datttntit tn11t \Yhy diJ N1C' b.l,e • C111C\l de ~byo cdcbr•noo oo Qu111ro Jc \fll)O'~ Yciu arc the Wt:atMt Ll.nk Goodb)('


S,:-s; 11!1 ll.1:konlnltllef!tl1Hbe cJu« ..,,ho,111'to11 1

ml!M JimU thL'rn to 100 v.\,ll"Wi, 1.iga !hem kgiN)' mJ

.i.1i; arhoncs numbn'lnanlrr ,·criJy•trt~tll.'lt)" S<x,x

1 ·• • ncit be J'rinlrd


or humnn hid ccruinl) helped clC1c11t13 ll.lvoc-.-t.n. bu1 tbctc nre .>UH ,o m.u1y, uruan11"'~ quc,IIM\ tb.&1 b.i,.·c lo t,c,


rq,rod""'"" fnxnld\'C.Qkl tichc.r h.un1.,n Nla"•,i,,'I Wh,f,lll'l.tllp tta..1m11 rrum u,inJcli-inc\ti mctclyOtg.ln lloll«\, lC\t.f 11tt"'Abl.'ft RC'~011n.'" 4"WW)"

11""-c\C'f, bod, ,ldcao( the MJ:Unk"tll h,wt' it.cir tt;I.S(lila. Cforung C'l)Ml up an mlittly ,!trfC'~nt tcillm vi ~sihthUo fur ltallrll'nl

C1fdU4\IC:'- 11nd 1)1hcr mcdic:1tl brr:llkthroughi UwcoultJ only htlp die nwe. fnkft*'-'00.l>lll'I "'"'ld ha,,o chll<ma &cril:'IJ,;"1Jy rclalN lt' I.hem 1111d ('\·ffl p,.icuu '\\lib dcr«u c®ld bavt bc.tlthy chJldn:n Oonina wdl und,"1brodl)' bl\~ v.wth)' cfttcl\' oo lhe. ilJ'lCutrl.ll'ld aud 1ndu'1Crul

Ex -editor: Good job, S e ntinel

1am a rcmntrcdU..()f of th< NIC , 1udcn1 fk-.·\~pct. lhrn nUcd

Tbt CIUJ.wia.l Rt\1cw C1982~). I ju~l v.·inti..-d to,~)' th~1 I'm lmJl",~ed w11h 1hc: quihty (»f n:rorulll ruunil in the r;arcr fArrd

11.W(U. Todd Saydc:r t-tOr)' and op,mon) ,.\1$(1, I h:.,·c 10 lc:U )'OU tbllJ 4"bco I v..:o •1 lhc ('lptt, our dK·n

11dv&)i:r, Tim Pilllritn. !Old U!J th.11 '"ooe day" people. would

1e..">elvc 1hcu 11¢\\'~ 1h,uugh hnn1 t (C)mp\llc:n-0\·t.t ,01nr1hln, caUod lbC' WorlJ WidC' Web. 1 thoualu. "'~"', tioni,c cdmpu1cn ho,o.ktJ to• natv.url, ,~( lnfurn111.llfln. n.:llft'lfl. l,u1 prPbobl)' not u1my li fctimc. Al the 1lmc or ray ~nurc. cm tltc p.,J"ff, ou.r pll\tc-up ptt>ku wu b)' hand w uh pbototflphio J.'!3ptl nm l hroup I Jc\'Cfop:r 1n th< IW'kruotn S1orle• wcie t)pcJ PG 1ypcwntco maLlna: t.:t,py cdtdna ror ,pclbni and gitmmat t."tron 1imc-coo.~uminJ. ~1Y acttt1m1 the- 1.tuJ ..-rn ~per 1od11)' 011 my ~omc c.mnpulcr aver 11\e lo1cmc1 for1hc flf'ln liffl( a po13nir11 mcnnc111 rm rroud 10 find a wc-U•rOWldcd. lhou~ht·pto\·oldn, pubht:ati~n r,11ll 1hn\'1IIJ DlNIC Good Job 10 cb,: Mai( at lhe Sco1iot l O.:a• n <Mutph)'• Wbttlt r 8/IIJ~


There's .a big djfft'rcntt bt,twttn d1111,n • ,hlx:r and doo1ng • humllD txiins, l'U they \.bould '1Ckk '° pi£~ ,botp. t'(,)\\.,. and 11t1« ~hn die)' ~,n ""mc1h1n, they.., be tbkto finh.h Opeomg P.n,Jon,'1 l:'O\ mighl tic ~tt'1 1h.1n c:lil'>.1111 11 Knm11,J,,hU •ITfk''"""''"'~ i.n,tMd Ht ,.,.411lmi..i11ttlo<'f_._ l(,y.-.j1,;1J,,uJ11lt#llf ,,,,,,.,.,,.,.,to,.,-.1.._r,,,,.., .,,. AS••l('fl/JN,, w11u.-111l11tft,,J('B.,,.4'11f, _.. ,,h.lJ,.,, ,

Wo,l,d.._ ~1th flh&CI $f(N, l~a •lkJ !ell.fl('' ll\'Otod1. anil ..-,·en the pc,pclun1HWI af cndanSffl"d \J)C'l:.u:·'l. l',,;ryc,nc:a,,~lh•t ~tnn:.h ~Id tlt-Jcelc before fulH•I tuun.n ckimni 1Ait<> l'lllO<. t,oi how "111 th.:.) \lu !hill V.-tthuut LJJli.n11lk,uund:,; cl( frtau« iuid/o, pc,op1o? In Amc:ria, b dooh\g ~,n be pn-,cceacd from banish a, 11 tom1 of ftC!C lipc«b ul)l,I \QtflcifiC tac;m;h. br.>"C1·c:r. m E.urop: dll") 4ft 1tlttady U)1DS 10 bru1 ii f()r ;1 good 1.:.aM>f1 -ff duain• 1 dtc:rnc:d anJ '"nm.I " Wt ""11 1op pcopk rrom pltkins Alwf c~lng the l)'pC of c:htld they \i,,al'lf fO h/1\<c or e,-cn; one 1h 1t,n't wl:1111 lhcy h!ld rn mind 'Whn& Will ha-prcn to die ~tnnr w™'n tJiey rnlv.c the) arc-, not 10 mnlbon 1hr r S>-chol<JSic:il impaca f'lf ;l d1mini'l.bed sco~ of ind1,·(Ju,ility'! W'b.ilt wooJd luppcn to w,c;1t1)' d v,.c ~Jlllt'llkd

Ea st Co as t paper gives prop Hey, my n11m, 11 Ad.un 8huUC'nknmt1 1111J I am the open11i1;1n m11n11n l,!r 1.111: Cia,.4htt Dad)' ai 1he Univ1,,.-nit)· of V1rr1nla. Wt n:.,flC('t che efforu and ld"11nttn\C:ll1s The &nlind h,,. mndt from httt.b., Wl!W)' anJ "'iJ.UAI pt'Oo,J1t1..t1\c. ..\dam Rhuntnknanb: C:ik.triNt'rh"tflr. \·J\

Staff membe r agrees with cartoo

To dlC Editorw Cart«'!I C'~tur. l.Awc 11 Clhc ictnl'OO about Rc,ruN1eaA ldAho l..C'gultu'ln>' Hue: copy Ill my (lc.,tt_ al holnc ud li.\t' ,all mllliy lo 1n;any fnroib

1'11 JoJ, Swdor. Re • "R..cial CommtBL1, 1ncitl~·

l~~:~~nf.:'a:~l:;•~~~~;•.~!;:,l!r~~ llll) oehc,f'CUM_ e.u,, Oalionl ~We a..,,1-Mallir Madl<lllll


Otb nt Vigil ,WCStiJI/

8 T ··Sl'fl.._L "'· 6 B iki nil were • created bee.ruse • ::::s • of material • • '"";:, • c'3 shortages in WWII •
b«.au-"" of 'f*'C llm1t11uom.. or c ,~ II arc sinuLlt1u11 numhcr of kctcn,IR'ld)> J ll-ll the i.:sme ,ubjC!cL. 2) 11« r<K'iM)' hbclous. ar .l> att: le. The Sc:n1utd n:\C:f'(c:-, the ng,ht tQ cd.11 ktll'n. Lener, be nuikJ to dJ\'.' Scnlincl. < ·mnJlcd. (ll:n'CI or b'°"&J~ ld 11of1hc-S~r1 Uuddmg. Thc:Snii1n~l't.*1dreH h IOO(J "'"', Coeutd.AJ\'ttt:, 10. SJ81-I Pbonc; (208)769n, (!r~J 769 UM E-mail ·!i(Sl1intllifmc,cdu W~¥.MAT9. OPINION £NP ~ESULTS·MADI EASY!!\ ---t""-r--~r-- -,:--r-- --~--t ' I PERS O N A L O PI N ION Cloning is a dangerous box bf Kri.Ulnt Jol..r $rnt111t'lfffl()tlt'r S11)(.!C' ScoClrt.h 1ae11n:he,.. UI 1006OOAle,d Dolly, the rlnt lkklll ni.arnmal clone, 1hc lhouaht or hmn.1n domn1 hu
been rurorr. Thrtt"1.1t 1tmt and
i,,iiuc aDJ IM>Yi t> dcllnucly
the tune. TIit 1.h~·c.wc,)·
(u, lh1t

La Experiencia Completa de ,,.,,, SPANA

(Tl1c Complete Experience or Spain)


Cornman threads transcend language barrier

wu!d1n,:tn1ul lC'd

Tranle~ ·1rr,11n.,..ilh•ild I

fPl<lnilf) anJ lntndcr ho. t.oolmg ,u rrom u~ _ -. 1

wJc.•i.. ~t,·a1i..ic,1t,l'Xld1C l

·al lili,c t.hc n.· uf \~edJ1tmmc.1n

~1 n1Wung\1ll111,C"1fl lhe .., ton o( C .ua!uh. Sp-.i111 ,\j; the

i<,nn I.OOO)'C*'cdJc, d1.An1be tuli-C(bRI!'

.w1tr),thc ~J,'C lliimo: "' i:val-funcb 1sr1U calk..l C ,1tllitft Thh put II d3.lnptr ott

J tomm11rut..o1hon 1.kill, 11, f nrtJy ...tuJJcd Spitru.,b

The,cntrill rt.v• ¥,i, fllk,J WJth cblldtta pL.l)'lUJ,: iJIWDd I

Wt..1•n ·"' the du'-! h)liC Imm Uftdn lhe1r rixt. ltlil\lC •nJ IIIUJ?hlct

llai tic loomCJII. - dlc muskun He abd t IA'\..TC ommt 5(0 '1.wn,u,ol lho

m,1,..Sch,,nl C•I l:nJ1,-hknrrrnt We -.:r1t&ol.hcC'\'cutJ&ann,o;pnnc

::k tobn ITlOl't'~ CDnC'hC\. Wcwm11ohcar Rlnuhl ,~


fllr IJll,tj,t \('lltGI J.J a,~, V.~ hdeft JI "*1n.J .arid OIAr

.wn._, WA~ ht« i ",ndf.dl I<~ di( ~Mn I 1u-pmd for• pod;•

1:.Jm, a1111pamnm1 and me..!.\ ill thtt"e iniannt, 1nv;11

lbc llllllldof wlun11t1flCOOIC'f' .i Uic •o111111111horlhi:.p1en flUl1riAe

rtUIJd 11,)' J.a). Clll nurua,p,p. I bouJhl null. lUII <<>lf..-e .,11.1

1~lnt,for~a1.1 \W.11,aim) <'A ,\)-Y.ddl-m:mas.

1rX"lq-,,JWJcat.;hm)'eyc I foundllt)·:,dl b:111, l'llelcJ lrito\l,oo.

"ffTl.l ,i""ll"ridon U!il thtriugh t.All 11lk,--... hcfo 1tnrc.J IJI('$. and

;1!,1,di-11 l'-1' h blm • lr,>m led b

Nt"UtlLla~'fflr:t,M ,.i.t 'Am:tlli h;IJ .:a libk ivt,111 hrt b4\ She Ut.,J

'T ~").· Ylhil( LJl<)' UI Ofl I 1t·r t(l lhe ,-c~t,)IIC lift$, ,\nJUlkl

xbt1'c.11nrr ui fnJf11. ul • buuuque.a fc.lllk.'tNII l>C"tP.---il•)'UIJJ'.II bo\ rm h t, ,h.x,J. 1i.11\•1it..-..11 Cat~ I ob1cf\l'\l lhr\Jrail.1• t"U1nmc1u

I"~ ldtxlhlrh:r.t11ttI1IUUl)111aJ1 \U)o.lll l,r \\ l1kinJ tap \UI tbi: tl«-f1 ltfl:dl IUll&k IQL'I ha~t\l D.

!lib t.h U11111Cfl' oulOI

I needed. hlhfotOlh IJJt) Jclicoc)' 11.c dicc,.c !1'C'kh1:J l\"lll:;a 1h111 my lOOIUC tookltt!k:h. ttic huucr t;JnJi,,,.q Ill) l•n,.tn fn-.n n:mn~in-,:da,l'I), .ad the NI.K'( Jlnt'.Atl'JC'<d)'Ythefc Tineo." l\littC. 11:,I "''lne. ,..;;u &en-«i 1111.mhrrulrd (IUJl!btv D 1 ale The W't'tJht l)f 1hc: men! and 1ht •inr m n111'11«>Jc,11nf.1ruxl ~11h d:lc helll o (lbtdiy, ptTJMfi1t1 me for 1.hc .iu,,rnvy~1c,,t&. I 1k11lon 1he.>baft te11hc: llPI MlUDd nf •a,Q.. ~r.11i:ncamtin\\ilhlhc111k A, 11-aiw:..t10,ii:c1Wrt. l•W ur and headeJ f.-, .Jldtct Waler O«J.od tic lf1l'C'U.M!I re,1r,I.: r.t.n Id ,hdr bomc& lhtwgh 11119" "''' hlmrd inCo ll~ltll. l'rom lhe alley Joc:aprd 11110 Lit ftallb. amuirnctll a11l1.1 llttlll tlll dw ¢pcucd1ntoJ1 Qllllllc 111 dwin,i ar.:-,:i, 1'hn'e ljt'llntd lrllow ,u.knt, gMhcttJ l,ot di111ic1 Coinc:N1hon 1dlft Md Cit.Ir d3\ ·i Jt'UNI()' t.hmu#h the Qlfflnlllfllt).

Ollt a1.-.1 ""'"" \lmpk. wd111 naa Spu11l,h ,x,kms. I orJ..-11-J SJ'lghdzt Bdlopc-,a. 1nffl.b-('d Mal.Ors ai,,t ,emur>J hcrf mt~o.l

UI t1.,nW1l1' 1autt. My w,up wa: Gvf\3Cbu, 1 ,:ol,.J ~)' 11Dffli11ll toup v.-11.h ht1ob, diecd \'C~ Cht'l'ft'J alfflOll,I, d1m\tton ll'\\."'f li.'trKltl coll«: "'·n., 'Cl'Vcd w,lh C't&militt, 111.unrn,;, cup of rum A "l"IM1'1flll or Mtie lilt humt , !hid.. .., kcnnr!K' h mlltd miJ JnrJll..<J mc:l 11M11 ib klW\'.C. A., the nkuhul burned away. lhc 'Anl:tf hn,ui:t11 me o 11 ,,1 p)"n~ia,)' 1A hen he Jnift'd i;rUcc 111111 lbc di.J~ tiqunr L1n11J\1bittdJy. "'c IIL'ft t.n

204-A Ironwood Drive (Albertson's Shopp_ing Center) 667-2074

Come Into ,. ,and receive free chips and salsa with any entree purchase. kt1iCbm.ionlhe ftftemoonbm:a: aaJ ltt'll'll'J tolt,.1,: LlielL~ltW"li ln"'1ththcirooch In the ccnttrol kt'-''11. l h.ld hm..:.h 11& I.a f"l'tlltll. v.hll:tt t..bit\ CJt1C11dc:d oot lll lhe !tllttl anJ 1m,J,:r the am ·lb! ru:t~ dd n:u1r ;L'\ Ill) Cn:vuri1e di11! - 1 Ihm ADIi ro\tb..' •"fU~. liJht a.-:o and 1,.:b.,"C.',c ffl'lbcJd«l •M llllt~l~ c.:Lin11. \hnmp.i111l .,..hoktr.lwlhJ1
&:111.\ a1.J hc:adr:.I 111, "'hti: , n 0111 1\ltia \l.~-,.JJ 1t:ld Uur aii-s swmhftJ ti:ruu lhc JU b)'lbPl fll l\~O g)'l'l'lft,. t,nt l•l\"fldt Aud ()flt lu! Ill. plJayiflJ ltl db;: l~ To~l.bcr v.i: IICilJcJ hu 1 t,, LA timLl '"' :li.:it retfomww::t Al LI Cium1 "'C ,r>mcd rc,,J,k1,1 1111.1 If ,:knt 11 ~'P'Y too11t.b urttadul 11\ l4J 11 o lb! r it I Th~ ti I iOltn f.lf'«UtutllM boo) lml;t 9o'C'rhndi;ddlc 4"t<i 11t,1'1l'.' .JLuaihbc 1h1adlhMt\l.:nd\ lht"Otlr)\llllr li•Nlltd illln:•\\dl sa,e your books )or bookswap. a Gypsies tmvcl lhrouglloul Eun,pe vlsttlng small towns IIJce c..dlq-. playing their aonga lor lourilb. WhU• partl'Wa are away at work, a young girt accompaolet her grandma on a wlJk through town. Senor Froggy in fresh, delicious Mexican food 69¢ Tacos All day, every day' 10 % off for NlC Students & Facu l ty with coUege J.D. 7th and Sherman Downtown C,,cur d'Alene (20S) 765-8522

India h,"



b.) J o II h St u d 4) r • n d \1 11 u d i () r I i :i Edftor In C/i,r/ u,tJ .!r11•lt1rl r~1 • 1u1r,

The Cnma Oillrf) anr11111 \lt.idtt1I "oJd,.~nJ cr,J, .art rJ,n" 1~ (c;uuN until fcicb)' f..Kh year tht- 80,,...t:"II H.111 g.alli::f) fc.tturn ,,udtnl an crc,led 1n art cl;i,s« 1hroupi.>ul the )(.ir 11· JU"1 fur ult 1h~ Afl ~1u.!cnh Iv "bo" lhcwolt; 1ht~·..,c Jvni: o\Cr 1hc .M:rn...-...tct,"' Jllid .an ;.tulkn1 latum Bc,ftnru. l:\tt)Pnt doc\11'1 n•;1II) "°'tt 10 &ee wb;1111nou art doinJ "'" t.'.llfllpul. ~nu! nl)'"'' ho"'ntlfJ111hoJ~dand

"'"'"(The h,,~J .u:q11111DtA hlJCnh, , ,1h the Jurying u1J AUit' Vo,:t. c:h,urpcr,,un or 1.he lme ,Vb dcp.att1111 11t

Thi." yeat the

E"Joe Jl)9.\ •~ a ,cry uucrc~ing pic..::e. 11 1, 1111 oU po.i11ll~ on ..:anv:t.-. 1,r .i hciut. "'~h klok., m.ill1:wn11.'d. a\ ,r II wa nckkn with di\Ca.~ n.c pitti: r;:. lhc;, nnprc.\,10 11 tJ"ll Joe_ 11'4. \Olf,001\C d!N' Ill ~·bn dlttl UI ~thu gre.1t p1«'C$ 1nclucfc two pa.urtinJ• b)' 1.ttj1 Jonke, 8oth untitled plt~ct. h1wc nice tcii:tunng .1fld .a bc.umtul "'il~Ulg of ~lo, Pn/\(11111 PQJ'tc:nua·i,, un111le1d bloc 011 on canva~ wt., ul111C1 Ollk\'iunlt) l\lrtenllau"'dblue. "'h11C', ~111:kand p:unt 1<1ac.11c4(0(>J tbrcc d l ffl(Jll.hfflOd loo,$; II U\('\ multiple k:\'cl\: o( c.:uw., Vh·fd cul~ ne.u-1)' "c''*" f~r .i J'l«c alkd " ,n ihc CraJJe." b)· JIU E. Judge 11 icU, 1hc ~,ry 011.he wrig 1bc bright ereen tbl in II rlnL mid.le 1,.

1~ hlW!lJf11t o( the pwntm g ll 'i a&01:1ddung I wa, 110l 11Juror Vas1 t.atd..Shcuid theft' V.t'f'CJt.1•t "° man)' gOOI.I ptOc:eS. 1bo t("Jt "'~"' •

THUASD,t.v, MAv 8,
...... 3:: c::,
• =
• • • -=
• i:5 •
= 50 mflllo,,
a -wd.~ v.m Jth'n - "'"" ~I Pl \tki\lf, \\'Ju..:h can'h'.:\ 1 $75 award ll'ld (ourS2S 11v,,mh. The pJ~1."C th1l "on~ of i.h.1", 1.t1llc:d "A)·," "'-'It' by M11~1~ Matey. ·\~~,hllJ J<i' th\·JUmr ,~lt:'Mltnl al hnl\ed "d\tumic c::ornpor.1tion \lo-;lh SI v:u"M"I)' ,11 llh111,cs. ll,OIJ b.11 ,i.:e bd\\ccn blxl. 1WJ' "lute Md anlt'res11n1 ~t<-nt It IQ\ttl.o the ...inmi,:.w-n1ie nf ti'"9~ 1n 01p:ht, c\i.·n lhotlJh the romu Mc .i.b,tm.Gtcd •· Other .iw3'di \\cn1 flt Jmhwt WcJI\ for• p1Chl')' ~t,c 1u;1lkd "'Cl,t)' Melton:• Enn Sockrn~nn fot 'Joe lWJ • Sbey M.11;0vo.1Jd for .an unli l led piocc 11nd Ad11m Roth for .an un111fo.t f!1CCC
vcey sotliJ 1;hny, !irudct1h Cit.ti chom.c U> \ell dw:u an or 1)(14 I( piece.~ \ell I.he •tnHt m lkei. 1? pc-teem o( dlt' pn>fih .and die galkty 1att'\ 30 ptn:et11 U lhc bu)~r h ,1.n NIC itUdcnt facult) or 1tall n1emht-r, 1ht 1.1Ucry a:hc) 10 pcn:cn1orr. AH 1n lbe r,.dle.r, inc lude-. rbocOl!raph)', uU p.11111, n,- wacc~Plor. J O dcupi, 2-D «.,iao\, printmak1n11,. 11mph1c dcAign. illu,tmtion, fiJl]urc Jr.i.w1or. d11\\¥in11 ruld ~enunu:~. \l°t!f ~.ud th•11 tllK' ol lht f'U'PO\ ot 1hl· ,he:,.,.. 11 w Jharc With dic college .11KI ((ll)UllUQII)' the .u, uw h 1),1,~n ngAI NIC lltl,)-c-;ir 1 doc~11,-l't'.1tjob ot,Jui.nJ th.ii It h.h.a Vl'liel)' ol Uk!d1um, 11nrl anlt:,Pt'Wlhut\\, l'hi• l' •bow of the \C'nl~\l~r ticg;o Aprd 16. The ,rallcry 1, 6pen troru lO 11.m 4 p 11, lllda) throuJh Frida~·


h) \tlntl ) \\ tt1from Srn1tnfll t,110,1,, A n un tic .Jc;quuN ,L1lllull)' !Jvtlugb flhrK'.il llC'b\'tl&e\ und 11..n ill LUtJlhlc an lnrm, Oa.:c .1bca\}¥>Cll!ht "'"'\lCf •o..t 11lw1t)~ im,,l~'\'d w11b rouC'ry, Jnn P:trvm i11. 111,'0ht:d Viilh llrt (rumbi.ilh,!Jo P1u.,._11t 21\ tk'K"nticllhti tako•~ ;1,t1nly .in adbcrcd"111J dul'" been turncJ Lntl• 111 au A It~ l!ffl('1.i \\cd:. P.u·~,n f1d1h lhc NIC wre,1.linJ 1c,.,1n, tv.-hcfir: he 1 11'~ i;o1mdn-cd an !l> l\lllDI ,OilcllJ. Oo.:c • \\cc•.

he ia p.,ncry ,tiw i:n Bo-.wdl ~,n .ancntkJ NICa,a &tudrnl from 'HJ lo '93. where he \\ l• llr,ut ol 1hc. v, r('\lhJ>I •~am. lk ""'"" R"Cn111cd b) !','IC Allt't he- won lhc bi,ih Khool fn-St;alc l1Jt1f1'Ufhl.'1U 1n •·n:1\lhn" He kad b\·t"d Ut WnlJ1t W1tU11.

W t,., .u,d w 1.thc ,wt· 1;ho1JllJ)111f1 wrti.lCf In tua:h thcJf.11. In i99.1, thr SIC "rntlliig 1c;1n1 "'·l' na.hozut) champion, ;U.d Pan,oc1 pllltcd \Cror.d 10

1hc rw.llOIP a,; a ht~\)-'\\C f:hl v.ti:•Jer o\t1cr NIC l'.W\CICI ,H·m to 1bo U1uw~1y af W)ut111ni 1tnd w~dcd for• )oi!lll' H" pl111:C"J ~®J m lhc Weumi Ad1k:lil: Cool'erellCC' You 1111,~ 1,, f1l11«fir.t hllll.l.1111) lf.Jtdi,c NCAA 1~1uf1Umci11 ldtdn'I l{~Jlhh,., l'.inc,n WJJ I 'l,hc:U ..._,_"Ctlfld hut1

A~ wuh wn:o*IJmg.. l•;)AC.'Q hJ\ lk.'tfl , n\nhed 'lt·llh p,Utl'y uncr h11h hn,ll \II ol h1, poller) 1, dun,: on lhc Whl~I. 001be 1il1 he "Clfflt.Umee. 1>Cutr1-'- P1in.on 1,1ld he h\:c11 fn male l\ttl, he.a he llCQl,;W'n.all) trc:tte\ k.1pvt-.111wJ tiowl L Tu Pan,r,n. pottcn' n:i ,kill th111~1n he tmpnn·cd..

Tht' mar" }1,u'1c jr 11111 1tie b:t~cr }'oube1.-01Tw Ill~ the roorc ofan 1111 11 n1.1kc-, r.,~,., ,-aid ·JI'• n,.;;,1~ 01 .in :idl.acd ,kalkd rumcJ mto ;,1n ,n.· r.,r"Jn "I he h1u 1111 C'}C' 10, m;;;.._1Dlt 11 ·,ucc liJPldni(' \ha.pc: l'hdugb n lolwhhM,1 1• 1'iO!t ,1J he• bcc:n d(i ng: j"Oltd) lontt cr>~P ht•" \\hi11 L'i'llon 1~·1l, c gla.t.cs Pl,'IS.(' a•nr1~ with wh.:it ~)'JC,.f"C!ople l,k li,wll) P,111;1,n '''" tu, JUl~ •~11~. t,u, l..1•t v,iotahc~)td11 "t tJIC' 1111 dl.·(1llllmclfl~• C'hriwn.1.1 ~I«,, S.1/c. Iii! wt.I he v.cn1 1hrougb r1I\ v.hok hm.1,cclnui1111 ~mhh ix ttm lu 8,(IU,1. Pllh()n 1d lhc lcc:amcd mane)

Jnr Lhe Ml di.-p;11111~n 1,ul\J btJJ'f pw 0111 a 1(.ho l!M'htp I\, att :,.tuJo::nb. 1~.u-.."1 ,.ud he d --c,tn·1anh11kr h 11n \d l • uMJc11I A l N IC. He 1n1llu.1toJ -Jth .u1 A,.;'Aoe:l~tcdf Sc ience dctrf'\."<' ;miJ 11, tlO'\\' 1111 ut,,uruocc" m ff m.1mc.l" \\nn1.111 .,...ho 11,th:nJ..:4 N IC't. 11unit11 rroimm lbo)· n~~:1l~1:~:• ::;~:':1:~~'1:\'::'~'::.b~::.:::~~~:j J1,r1L1n a 1mcumpk 1-k...UJ Jordian h,M'lathkUt.: da.if b l\ ,t11wc:, bc'-=c.1nie:.1t1.en. 1-io, 1h111 I "Wall h) o1n) 11 -"" 1h,l 1M1hJan1lm)! 111 wrc:.1!1ng 1.bat JI tlcf. .1111,; ;11• an. · h,· •Jd~ p11o o,tJr mer. Jon Parson1 lormer NIC wrest er lo:rm s a ctay vase during a pottery clau on Thursdays Parson ettond.s hl.s pottery claas. after hel ping 1he NIC wresUln g team


'Sy lvia ' offe rs com ed y, c uisin e

b) ll,njUntJtt&e Sn,dncl n.purtn

;irain. Tim R.ilfk:k atiJ 1ht lhc.'111tT dcr,lrtmcnl h;n1: tumc:J O\ll Jntllhc l uu~il\lltl\'(' and ent.cnai.nlnJ!

m1·1h·tp1CXC. Sl'tl. tllll\ did the)' 1hn>Y1-

l1)$dhet • IAl<nh.-d "~"· bal idMJ • Jelk'il'llh

Jinracr C1TIUJ try Bill kU4hafonJ anJ

t:ompan) Syhui. v.n.11cnb)' AR Owney, nrl11ca tht b'Q:h1n~ ,1n1I f,u,ny ,MJc ttC human l'i(i~, An.I thcit oldt-M ffK'nd;..

Jug, Tbcpla) fc~1m,., Q1c1-1p&l&ye'Jby Coh.u

Anrch,) ,\Dd hi, wi:fo K.11tc tA1mc,c Han::in) in thctf "c•· Y"*"L C1t1 ,~mcnt. Wi1h their .,,id, ftu.1111)' off Ill colkgc, the couple ('Ul'll.-w:ri1r.-1c on 1htnuch•e,. llftd 1btit

carten. WhikGrcg·, unra,·di, K1u: "taus uU

Gkj: ha bit of Ill 1J~b,t. 'i'ho IJM.t&Ju he kne\\' n:i1 he.,. ., and -.hat he ,•,iu1JcJ ltPffl hf¢. Th;il I~ until he nll.1 S)hia Oulic R~). She t1 llkcoootlktdogllDlltbc.-l\\O

1mincJ1.aldy form• Mn:!'111 bocl•I TIit \Cruffy tm1ydot1 noc &'-" owr v. cll "1th Kak. ho"'-'C'd, who fotb ber dos O\Aolll~ ~>••tc()\--Cr ·flvou.-;h • (cv. ruon:: M:(m'~. Kai~'• anim,o,,11) for 1hc rrruu •·S11b,·ll C'l'llrio

WOl.lgb fk,a, 11 ®f, S)h 1.1 lo•,c• io W'1k ~ftOl,C bl pc:<9rk'~ C:('*'hcs 4!1~• b.1,1~:ill) 41t)~hcf'l:'cl"° 1hiu', l(Oi.omroitiahlc. Sllr ,,~oh to runoo.1 ~, :ind Katt'- mo,t re.~ lricfkh, U!Qllalfing '* or lhr-11 nkk\t, Pb)l!.I' (Mlll'1~ 8~nJ, In r>oc ~cnr (in::J takci S)l\'111 (oi • tnidnJ,hi ~tolJ .ahd poun hi, ti..:IIJ'l 01.1t to her. w"°' ,1...- pnb • uc under :au,, ,J~ t.Xpbld with 11trict of tour.Jdlct '""'1., 1~1 v.uuldC'ntb.lmM•,.ailc,f S)'h-ia'• bone,.t and cndaring JoCruC oflnnnoc m~ ore,~ hetf\tcn rl'K')tt •nd fun::.t;1 Ka.le to~l11tt1U-out WIii, K.'ltl.'. ictl\ unbdltll)' ~OCI ~"11.h Sytvua 1, d,i·v.111, 11 bok ln mamat:t Orel! 1hinb Ill.ti Ksre jU\:1 doe,n'1 IPfi"C'=lillC' 1bt bond he's madr ,i,11h', beoiit fl\Cad On one ofhu 1tuil))' .,.,,'!11 thC' part.Gn:i moeft. fom tl'hllCnrl,cnlan&l h1Jdos B{w.·t,tt mid fncndi tl.ce.Ja Junker .anJ l.)11n llmmr-,m> Tom II.I, ,ttn IN, \Jh.1111(1(1 l\c.' lon: Dd lrlU o~g 1h11I S) l 'ril 1', 1n1 blv.Jttl'f')t,l<'mli forh1inlhell ht knows Whctt Gn:1 ••.at1, 1.,J.kini: •hn1.11 bow S)'h·i..1 has 11 ''nkir llllk truu oo lrr." Ka1e. P,'IC\ balll~il. art4 vi•ll't a thntpjM. Lnho JM Pulm:!r, lrtclr. v.ith .all tu\ or her

TOffl'I wtfe Kole, played by /Urnee Hanan, resorts to aJcohol when dealing wll h her husband's love attalr with hf• dog.

c,ra111,c to lfl 1u Uie: root ol llK pr~IClb tllll)' IQ rtihtt Iha! Ci~r'• Jusl cwrr


Kai.:dog.N.1\ 1111 u1tlm.4111m &n!J Gn-g 1111.1\1

JI\C: 111. ~o be 1.1..."(tlk:I M pd nJ ut S)lvi&.

At 1he last i«Onl.l. -...·hi;n 1~ 01Wlh:01.T h,111, IWl•k up lha.1 mitMh llWI Kate i• a -:l"d· l1nlt\tJ 1'tt14:h. \hit uvn aa amJ MX'C'f'I., S)h1a1Uld~h) Cilq, lo\n hc:uonuh 1 he pt•~ •• 1urp1,1n1,ly luWl•llUI w1lh • 111.\t·f\il''tll WllWlbC M.Tlf'l a11d l'\fl('hC'IKW •'Wf', I mu,t *1md. I lit\·c a hapry cnJ1ns., oot .1 do, whuull.~ lm.b Ilk<' ,1 lrud.n h • klJ (m1n1a OiMl.1'Y.-1~J.CnNa16·~p,n v.uhlht 1,tkw. ,ua.n1ns 1117:JII Ru1hcrfml. fltOOI.I, for hi, \\,'i l J G11n,e fc;~'" i:ulill!lf') ikll;hh. vk..:lnJ a inrnu of 'f'lt1.:h·idUpla whld 1411.b ur1111@<"11.inJ rm eh,·,...c. kmon f!C'Prn' chid,r11 on ri,:ni-: p1uaa YJ1th .,.,11,:d \(J/1.'.l.&t,tn 11rr,l ,un-Jricd tortLMO pc:*> MJ (11.tafflclllul<:~at,fot~'C:rt SyM• ,h(lv.l."d llml'lda). Ar,il ~7. ZS anJ 29 .an1.hll n1~hh \h"f'e 1(1,ld co111. fof l'IIOfl: v.\6,by AR. Gurru·~. pi(k\lj'l"'Thc Oi.rwtt: Rt1nm "' "~ l..ctlrr.. Gurney alwwMC l h,r 1.:lltl'CtlC

11s ]00&1hanili a.11J r(anruna: ll~II wmmn rooi;m1.. n1etahtl.11h1ChbcpntnM.1:(200) IIMlh) 'ia,q Ri tcll. I~. h ll'l~ Sfuc lJ.t., 111. 1mJ kyw, In-mg. ll, 1111 2000 !1u11t Coc:ur tJ'AklJC lbgh Sc:tk,ol. R<>t.dl A1t~·nd, MC t.:itlns ltl Fl'IIJ..,,1.:' dc,.J,pl tlio:ir «wnpl.mon, ··Nol\nit'r Lll .c1hc 's'ouih." J'41'1 bcm Ill artJ ,iJ \.1()1(1 IUC!h ~\ Lcoclg Cu IA! '.Ofll

"'*' ro p:1b,a,idJ Ct,,~ urt lhdr coo1pl.1hoo, ll1l') riui ur Hien. ma.Jcda.,\l l1C" l .d1 anJ \\t=J U111 (i,t..rtwl k,c,l,nJ for ~nJa. l'hc l.1bcl •tr.rxleJ p.ifll.,; haaknrc lllld ~"iic' ,1ylC', lif nllNC. ilCCT!f1hng IQ Rev.ell. Null.lC\l" lo.:.oJ

·-nu,. KllJ 1f 1''(1nl bo:11uc \loht'l'I "A>: 111\,t ~t.un:d oot. we 'A'Cff 1~,l.u,, 10JoJu,1 Si,-.1 h.a.nd&.," R11t:tll u.tJ. -k .,.,'-" ~,3f1ClcJ ,;cnin, •ll l ~ l+lhcc tt.i11p Ctksl11:n;) fro'" r,..·Of*'C"l't'T)'Whct-c- 00 Tbt nunr1 i..ul0t1 h1t, Ihm: tiund, ;1.ll'CIJ) •igncd k> bt,ct.. Uotd1. Pi1r.hblcPJ anJ \' lfliknl 5':xit1),

Sh,dJ,a. who duc1, lt,'llAII~U~ fut lllac.:ldklO'IC', ~Id 1t!ir}

("OU(d h1hC bJ Jlfd'km.. 11111h l{r>((h •• j,jlflg.

R«Clld)·, Bol"h 1i1.._, 1.1gw.-J Id a m;\itd labtt hat-..

buu,ti1 au1 h)· m,11or 13N'I EMI h the ICM'IS' h11d b«n

~lc::MaJ on 1n ;aJtium dJ2i wa1 11nikt lhl ra:r,,d lahcl.

OIJN:1;.bou~ 1,,'l1uldtl,1\'('tcttl\·cJ c,,pyriJ!],1111fnf'#C

tor nik:11*111: lht tlqi: OIi'h "'"~•1tp11.CK1f1 but ~'\Cdx ..._,ngw.u~) rnJqx-nJcJldyat

E:\11, Bbd.hn1i\C 11ldn'1 hlwc any kr.111 rn,tik1m t1AC\l

lhc)' h~ pc:m1u,e,loo rfOln the h:inJ

k.c,r..-11 1;1,.J the) onl) \lo).Ol,·J 111 .a kw Cllfll.L'1

IJV:(ut11pll&l.lllCI ldJll l thcU ~utJ l.tbd IWIIOC Wll'IUlll

lie 11Ud' IJIC)' b.a,'ffl.1 C'Wll !;,mi.en c,~n )Tl

Th111 ~It',, 8hidchotsJ(' rWl• to NII• !ohi.,..,.,,_ pm."ibly at TI~ Mrt. J..,, uma blt"1h to pl.I) Rtlli'U tmJ

wiuih lo~ ltl#C'f banJ, 1,, rt,,..111 U,e. t'\lllC'flt1.111 ttiwa~a 1\:11•11.J, m«c<xpo,,;ur,

·A ti,i vc rnlly guw. v.cJI i.,1,nWJ1 h,;t11h tr.n·rl

IMJl.1Jh hc:rt DD IOIU," ROll."'11 uid.

llei;ud 11 hl'nll,t't'l I hnlJQf 11'-nr hook1n; ~\lfl 1r.u1), 11·, pouiblt turhimto bed. •ht>v.1 ncfttbJ

Olal.hou-.c II v.11d.111tj 1m m111b~ •,umpd1t1uoof 11tta. b.inJ.-.. A fci,. lhi\t may t.. llO compwti,on 11~ l'.Jdirl'\t.,, A~111n•t ,\l1 ()JJ1 04o,t MckOl'\1111 M.o,rll 111 ht~1,lt\l"t:Fi,~f.•>1 lludi.aaJ.htCU.N h«auo,c: lhc)· ~re 11111'.xfy t,('cc,mmj( morupop:ilat, sa6Jhr~'1·1r«lhb·Ola·l:Jii,u..: 1&JhiJrlb1

promouoo.rJJy ,\ bxllll trur•l Sf'l"'lanc. Scll lnhtru.dl«. •f*t, klWII hk~ 1111: Rdll\td lrom Sv.·cJtn. •,oil be tl!'C'l'l\111~ JiC'lp ''° their CC> •r lhc cnJ c:,J Jlffle, 11111 v.\11 tic' tbe flN ~ipcd twnlt 1,n Bbiah,11,1)('"~ label Ollltlhi111':CI to Im hn onl)' ~lp:d hp~, UlAt ;iln.-.t:,· t111,'C' f'l'('t1rilcd W1r RJmll.:, but v.·hu r«J hflpdl,unbu11~ l)lcm. Atm, WI SclI lnhcrillln.;c, DI.It khou:tC' is bd('ing • 1th lhc

,lhtnhutlOII cot Ag.&1n11 -\II uw• rm,1 CO.

1'1~ 1hrcc frtCN.h h.1\·~ brW a Jue ol ~rary 1nu:uc ''ICC' b:lna: on• n:c°"l'id fwtdl laupcd when~ Jl,!l(tjhcJ a .,.,c:1td. \'.'nnlv. IL,hlun• ooi.,c ba1Mi.• lbt

t-11'111 ie'nf 1hcm a \'11ku ~:mo t.1111.'d 1n\.Jc ,1,1111~1nc", ba."<'tuali JJ,: Uld ~I v.u I) W l.& I..JJ.iJW'hl'•llJ uou~ in~ c~. ,.,...,i;-.11y SOl•nl lrl.lcl\1111;: co1ht hanJ't ni)lJ)

""'11>St:t hlll', In ti f«thelc Jll}' II tl1C)' h~Wi{ICV1t,'tl

ti,uk\'a C\'(tl ynun lhL'lf fin.I L'\11nJ11l#t~1n" ~fol mud~.

R~U,.Ull "~ ,111 mikrcl'IJcnl t.1hc:t 10 m.tlc mDOC)', tt-cy h;m.·

lO lh~I M'IIUC .M.VI uC od»et axnrnm ," he t.a1J

1br.y h.1~,r 10 K£1 boi11fh« 1ip b'.'f 110l· u« lhct,1i pct.Jf'II¢. Tiutproh~hl)'v.111)tt\Clharrc'n l'mju~ bdn, rc:.ih...i1~"

u('* ·ll)' hil ·ut,orllll)·.·· }·OR'f GROUND OAPE PRECISION IlvfAGf PHOTO EXPRESS miAM!rAve. NoN Serving Espresso r------, :11 OIi: : /2 ..,!!!!888: L------~ Free 12ozEspressowith purchase of any breakfast 208-67 7-9137 On Northwest Boulevard In Harbor Plua (Ne xt to Idaho Independent Bank) New fuji 411, laye r tech nology 100 speed 99c all NI CStudents and Staff 20% Off on all eoLor and BUICK , WHIT~ Developing and ~<»OS fo C'J) 30% offT-shirt photos bring In - Mf wtth y.,., nolll d9volo-nt and get. f,e e roll of ftlm Teens
h7 MJndy Wolfrum Srntlotl R'pCll'lff 1llrcc: fn cndl 1ttt tiymJ 111 ttVt\'C' the mu,.: K('fl(' 111 Cl'l'Ur J ' Altrc ant.I ~p,bnc hy run,1tnic •n lri,k~11Jcnt tcCOld bbcl called Rl.lclholisie Knnhh, ,\llc.r n:lc111n I L"0,111(11110•-.n t•p t,f llil1111I\ fn•m lfUUfllt tht country, 8 1..k.khou-c ii woll,tnJ on i•run,u1.1
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b) Kol• F,ls,o

11111 ma, have rec-,ctod , others n worttl llll dollr

Otr.i\nf'or1110 ,,ttar,pann

f::.xh)l~dic 1\UTill'ICl'rm,ocri:b~

1no.C'ilr11 'fAtdnrt"°r llmWJtlhi: l«l,;,Nnl(t'NQl'lr~,1odpop. ,ni ro,·i.lun otlmni J,_'11h of lnll" »md lmmad.:, oth1.-»ll) LKlu\1,,n lat f-nd.1>·

~h""Thc~fu:nun) Rttu1nt."

'.\ow CJo.h and'"'"' l'lltl11~ .,..-cn,. 1.11c',:n ..,1ll lnl~ 1inod1ufiJns.c.w I l'WlllJul(,4 liltio.. vy1ng(or Plt'Vll\\. )\'LU hnic. and ~~Lu Wrd, lhc ruu1h1htio lld't t·Uie1urt1mll"fl'JCIII IQJ,lllmlht'll"iln1,in ftb1!(~.111tl1¢1'f-ttkinollhll

\Knfg111',T111lt'fMA.) Ill

1liok- ,.l1111"wr 'o(\"1l me lc.knwnn puor (111 tht, llbn..,tur1llJt lk-~tb,:,-.i~

t.qu11t pr.111;111 m.w.:r,oo:,.trr. lfti""

be ii otfm IC'lffl( 11.UJhn~ .ac111.wt M.'IIUCIIIOD. ) mvli:1.1n111tt- film Pl 1h11 ffP.lllkf, (lh,nltn,11 f~b imw1111 ,11 la-.J ii 1J ihl,; t,prnan,. Dist IJIC') 'ft' nt1:kc1111 r nnr 1llh.·ri~111-~rcc1 ot Ute him h)

t.inid,t 1~ i. u•giin the "'"mllttxl or1f111R61:11t1d11:111'."1Jlt\'aldii,,1bctilm1\

ll)ln l•ldril..., IJ\;IUlkl"ct\lil'Cft"(W'f1.1.Ug ,,tuir.:thn•1,111foo"' lkRl •ht,rn,:11

knot h

)'OU ulf )'OO• ho11,e

.\tuuUn Rouxc: l"•Y 18>

llu, him rzumun • l.Lll.1.l<'r

"llh("ll thc :1..-11,,p 1w CK~n, t,111 r~lht"f

fl.Lt Luhnn.:innl'"Rl,cfll."I) +Jul1.:t''t1111 ll~

h<-!111 and XICotc hiolnwt t1unn111 :i

,owlnl!l TIIC' t,,ggc.a uJ"'i,k to lbc Olm 1J

!lt:U ii l1ure1ut1g 1"-h tnntlll\\ (lft':\lli,:1001, C.u111cs Film I c~n.t, 1t.hi1.h mc.tn11o lhAI 11 ml) hi: &lll.l 11ri1bt) t~ •mnniet lluU J11.~1


rt.,rt 11..rbor '"'' !$t Palwr- ,w·\t':ICC'llpl'Oic\Lt fur tw,

one; 11·11"1•1) ltclc:i1 rl11)in1 bc'lurcnt:I)

11'111\le th,iC.111.'.ll'llnc'OOI fol Lbc l.uLIC'~ffl


Ille s.,fr'.iit'll, liM:"IJ lookt J:f'Dl up UDIII ,1 u"""' tbl nalllCt J,:rry Bn,11.:Lhcamn ..,J

Mi..!i.ttl lbyi nuhc 11;1111c1e.·fflc'ncc lbuluu

lh('lf \lnU.illy 1n11·nt1,."d the l.111-e t'tt .1!11

w11uu,r rrlO\'K' ~on v.11.b NoYt·UI"

t"orf)lhirlJ .mJ .1.d. ~oc:~Uot11 Jal« Jll111,

hie U.v.lfui)1 "'1'\e Rod;.'"allJ

AfmareJJ,"n S,n« they n:- In'""

IA'lll•lfl lh¢Mr1fll100r ?li~III)'• bctt'J

llflfllf\l 11 \l.nn't fttl Wldclahcd. ot c unc. 1tic i11ilia.l bnmli 1bt)f'pn,: for,l, ltl..c

N', y.mth the f»tk'C u! •lh111,,1c:>n 1~11

:\.l,UuntlQI llti,f1l1t1•thj.'IIIIIIC1,0bi:thcl,.,1..-. t,1'Ci1I ~unk-)· Kubrid", nni 11Jn111.her f)'t'I VY1<k!Shu,~h:l11r~·hrdk,J !,;:\'(ti Spu;Thn-r: IOI* Kut-.i,..lo.'• jck.;i .md nt*1 Ulc}· ""\lll.edon1nil -tOU1tc>tulflllK1.1""'-k."1

,1,1un Pl (:mh. luU~Mth;~ by •.-:r. ti ICL'II Ulrouch lht- C)"CC ~.r II )OIIOt cioo-humatt 111.tley J«& °'mcnUt1n1ltlll'ldy1.'IC')' to ~buni.111 o\.1•1,1.hc:ff'IU"olitllnpin, falm. 1,a rape, tll)~ )Y 0,.lS<,)(TtJu~ I JJ Thb ti.Im srub di.- )';tm <•I ;i twJ.. hci,,a i.:o,npk-lC' \\Ith U )C•ltlll hatiJkic ~llrd Snn,,n1, ,tn i1f1ns th1d iRnbm Di..- Nuo) al'kl h,, lllC'flh-., tM.#1111, R111n,kn $uf(., 1hc '''"tJ11t I Jou~ hi, litU Pi b.1~ b«o done m·'-'f 111iJ '"''..,.q.au11 1he-c1 apin. Wi, s.uturnc-r~hl."re t'\t"l")lhm{1 tit1D!f r«)'\:lcJl. l'lci in) h i m 14·!d11hi.• &11,n 0c :-i:uo. l:k.andu •id Nmtlf'l ab"'"C 1h: Utk" '1111.U. a.tmb.uoo. lbt l 't.mre o(dt£ ApoU ul) 29J flvrt21U1nt11t,C('lhhh1m:•I fl •n'111 ~WM" ,it the Owhon I lC\kln m~ krl a lirp.ataletm~ioct. I!. TI1e11i""~ t:allfll'l 11 "-.-1111 done tty Tim 6unuu ("Skq,y Jlnl:law""1. '4hU1i.J"·f!)'\"1,11fthV.1ttt.ll.lMI(. • ·run Jc.oet1 ult.I 1in1 bctund hA apr co,.linntlL'\I""° k tc,I thear,=t~l,oha,. cr1 lll\'Cd human'!. 1-1 & !l"lt.t Wlffttl , n 111 k,,tndOlh



&,a,·h wark,;,... • Equ/pment Rentals CXflcc 1'11:nerB FALL· SPRING· SUMMER

OU'fDOOR PURSUITS• LliUlJJ!l1 I•( (Alfrom JCl:'IUDDOaot~

wruni. In °R(l\:\..f'.-r'(f, Si.:l~•ri.."' 0.f'Tlffl«l ,,.i1t11 i"'I h)' tm,.ntt l t.)tl.11·l,raJ.,r11t.f""'1cu 10 'flt·ltrthn'l f 111 trl,,,vr Jo h!U 1t 41}1//r'1l,.,a,1;.lu.NiflUhoiu.i,1111I 11.,,,.,1,md,.irrmttu'lh'i ft,1m/111,muc1101ltrrlmf Tbc 11f«l tyri..:-.. m1~ \\1d1 bet ~'\OC'l.ll lll. \'Ok"C' iallJ lhc cno.lung.. cltmv.anit IJ~ of l"1nlflel,l!lndpioonilltklmc11t the tie\A OifrJ.llt'fJ°-.C\'Cf Jorwo ln1hct,f~)'wm,: Rc,'t""liftS .• v.flidt uon,CAJl)' 11 W PDh' J~l!."'I Mlnl "If lk:' t.(C(Jnd (1) ·Rcd;11r1ing." "hc"mr, DI the 11~\C,f ti,;rtie,.t fric!W'• lmc He~ 11sain. •he puuthctn1rnrc,1,,,11oo.tuw. l)IOUfh the fl';al tml\Utt ti Oi1Tlln..""''111Q:.'4h1d11rihc1J ~bk let l\\hl ..nJcor1tun ID II -ounJs hie( the Wmptt Oo the llttOaJ co lhc IQnji J\1\1 t,Jc,od toj1,,· Whlk rPOM ofhctinu,1i.:hu,1~t,Uf.:h!Lj. h(r,t'l1.;:t,tb:M!!tcll'l1Cldilfi°I Oifrulk'l."> 1rsu h1 rc:1 rnU11u1 oa

lht track Y011t Nell & 14 \ fCl'\'C,• 1t 11'x~1•1 Y,,(1ik ~10'

l'n('\.~ft I\ h 1 ,n d ullt"tt,I lyno.

Ne""' ror O.Hll.l~ :itt "°'en

fflU\~.C.1'11)' ptoc:e,, IIIJ lhe}' don'l" llkrilhct He r ,·okr1, tn Jl'l1\uki.11y th.K tl (Wo.n'I

lllllltt'f11ttu1 .tii:-'1a 1~111a

Wllhout 1t,,,crylhit1,:rlr.t W("lfl\lf\lt lllcrc',nochu1.1kl n\lkc the fflUI IC \C.U1,,h on. F11t 1,,"tJ M:bool 0 1Fr&lku lm·cr'l. Ulc.rt' Olt' ('knt) Clf aou,; 1Jut ("'t: Dlfn11xv a, tohc ,1.u1CV,,ut )UIJbef;mdhl:r J!Udiu '1",mbl.Uttu Ltttgua" U a trut ~'-.unrltWhUe \he""'"' til nuut.:ah!v ~1t'•Jti,t~lr.roun.iaoe~ Uw hi~hl.Jp,,!1 her v~ aDll 1hct ,tory h'1tcllins. Aldl<l\li11 1hc:" idbum ha !M.lfflC nott<eblc n.iw,, 1bh CO., "'nnh 1 few O,Franc.-o fan,old ,nJ"'"' The r,ni c-o 1~ ooc or the ll(:\t "br.1 C\'C'I Jt,nc IUIJ 1t.lth.1UJfl !ht ,cxonrJ en 1c..i,"t"t MlfflC'lhmJ 10 be lk-~itN. ii 1111 bo:lh do,u, 10 C'll'lo." thin,:: 1ni1u,

• Jazztime Ma) 12. 7:30 p m Sc huler Auditori um NJC Ja,.z Ensemble and Jai.z

• Mother' s Da) Co ncert in City Park. May 13 2 p.m Cd"A City

NIC Symphonic Band with the

• Stephen Pyne. author of ··Yearof the Fires: The Stal") of the Great Fires of 191 O'' speaks at 7 p.m .. Todd Hall. Molstead Library


TECHNOLOGY . ..• 121"' lb:1dc} .,\\it

C:• ~urd"Alclk' IUK'!IIJ ':.•.;:: (208) 772-6800 .,._

-·.... _........ ..........,._


F-lllil trnhm1kJ lnlmxt A.."«'\•

;,-#' r{\

•''\•''me Gets Their Soul Reviver \:"' at Little Seattle.

\n1lll'tl'lffJ'f*'1a r\ni r>1fr>l"II.Y1'1ncv...-,.111M1bl1t CD " Rl'I\ l.'.tl 11g alkl lkckooini,tio"";a'C:1 lht ~1 antJ 1ht' Y.~t fonhi, t11kn1c:d •n1t,I The fin.1 CO. "'Rrvcahti,e,"' ""'°t,mo hrr old J.C)'lt, 1 atrl MIJ her twtiu. w1t h•11e•·l"f. htvCl-t)p( \C)'lc filltJ w11h tnlmpctt, J'CllllM 1,1.J tnai the cki..1n.: a:u,ur A lhcmc 1h,1111gho-iu1 1ticaJti.;im i i._,,'C I RE\IIE\Y p:,1111·
L ·'M·~;:;,.·--

Track squads looking for big things in Texas

, t litr,l kllbJrt -~•Jl,I/N'lrtr,.•d,rrOn ,\;ml l7 L.ud lDl:I. ....,1 fi~IJ t<!ll'-" "'h"f'l thrwgh

SP'1lW' l·.1111 f"(' l'l1n1101 fM:,m,,c 1v.,, k.cQ1Clfl I~ lh1rd-rl:ior

UO(WCl,c·.uru1112t, ~1.alhe-1 ,md1.1u.dlf)·ini~9.i1hk1a.fo1

Ui,: VJ"C.~ '-IC"t\A C.)l)t~~ l1w'np1t1mJ11r \b) 10..1!. in

OJt,,:a. ·1O:UI( Jur 1 ,IIIU tl!f.111\o J.,ra the 1hnw. ~"" head tQJl:h Lewi, \\'.ttliat,Uld, S()f'hrnn,~h· CI.JIJ ~l,1~1 (11,'(.'f ~UJ;,l I lace UIJW, lll fw.rl hm~u

"'flier hal'e 1.-hm 11

/like-.\ rc> b, //,1· m'Sf lmth ,11/1/eticalfr and un1J1.mualh'·

rnm firu rlx:~ 10 Iii< iJIOI JM. lhro"ing S.l 11-l Tnm mGki T>· \\~Jnp.rd ,,t1 \ll)lnd UJ \1,K~)' (H·l 1 .\l.&>111.t:CN\Cl'h'l.!41kl choxl~ti,·cJ)' CaflJ mcu liAk.o.-d up lb,: 1 r fnur rt!I,,.:.: ,n Nllh 1tw: Juc\1:1 lUkl h.unmcr 1hrn 1. Cnmcmt1 S1l••.u-d"• IS7, CJ(, itM)II ru• 11,"1 lnr.:bcd 1nt,>hn.1f'lik:C-p.l1.l

~WI rr1·, I~ C11.«onJ·{'l.lcc1tiro¥0. ll:n,1,'l"h Kepp I IS! lw:t>

OJ l.£'\I () h11 lhihl lilU.i.l f\"lUth~r,,1.-:.: m,vkJ

C h,s.ll1odtlud h.,m;ta:1i:..l lnlu l11'1 rf.,~,rith1 l"tJ.JOt~

Tc~n m.wn >.kK.111170 0.J). \\'\111,:llnltl*l l)•oJC\

{U.'.:~J,h,t lhrt,cucd.thinliaml lounbpllr:c m:uk.o..

(.lw1i lk\.."\ 10,.1'. h I m ,a..-d10 • 1lh 1107.0\ Harm\

OIJM'Ta,lmi,;,.,cr I n.1I\CJ.l01,tttptc,ha.~•t'1·

Olen: w • •lw ~J 1iCCt11atJ ,niJ 1hitJ·~ fou~tiQ I•) lhi':

ll'CTI I tuUJ'

n. 11,·,;cn,.a :IJ1umucdU~1rll1t1JWtt1&Jcffl.1na&"'(.nunln.gtht:

Sop(,,.,11, 1 lc\-'Cr>ts.

II 11ha II rdin iool

\brid11CiJ :.I !ht1wthct.1io111ut.U...IO)l~lntolit>tpl~,...-

J('rt,od anJ R.11;hcl Squ1rn ,~nl. 1111

lfan,winc GH" f~t m11rc IJIC!l an) (llhcr ccnnp.111c1A

II rJui;i:11.1~01 ~u11e:.1USUll1nJK1~lU.w1:hHJl,l.

0711ot'I; the, lhrtt rb-~• 1111111.'., lhtu"

C.'n- t.a.J \ 11-' o,), S<Jt1!fn (IJt,.(IS,. kt11n h1\1u.1~14

I)', 1i:J'I' ;Ji;li l!l))t'fk.l )l·un11:mlh..:~1m1k'rtlw'w·

J.!..~~i,l-:!•:~ 1~r~;:1!';' n Ut"tAI l'h.1. 11,11,ul 110.t·rilt.::1! in tht

The bi,: 111~t-- ord" """l·kcoJ, :a."(«d111g 1,1 Walk1n...l. wa,i

Kufl Kllut •hn lospe1l l~Ofild f'b~; IU lh_ tnrk' jl~fllr V.llfl

~n.c 1(4

\li..,lw~ \"~'fJ' lillk p:xti,canJ lfJJtUIIS In li'i11c,r11t

W&U.llr d.'"Sbct-,w 11-II

\\Ith~ t, tJl'(II'"lf'l,111 jia l llnll.lnll lhr l,e:1td. l"

W.t'-•"' w,.J ht a II)' 11J IO L"'"P bn luf'M 111J hP!lh)'

I W,lnl Lheru 10 1-.C b::pfly, Yrhcthcf tlicy Yl'II) Of k111C1- witJ

\\llltm, ""llm)'h,~c Y.h:,S ii llllnk> hc-11.c l'\c•th!l:1hk1u:;all)



Gettin' her kicks

Sophomore's life revolves around sporting world

h} Trhlw 6:arnh-11rt


")\t\tw,u· l1Jcfrnttd) r,..:,.bo1Jn lift-'nr

H.t1h1'•tn1.1011 Asilli:frotnpla)IRM,MX"ttt,IO

1be SIC t.\nnl('fl''I l(.trt1, VI,· r111u un 1hc trac.k 1am llolttirrc\lrt· urin 8uoc v.llhli.:-r ~ft'nh C't-U«n .1niJ K\'1111)' 11ldnl.'. •1th ha>~"'~ brotba Sho hN 1tlllh,-.J Jll.a)'II-, ,o,xrr .al

•J'l"f• M.hcn hcffQlf"CQlu·n111lkJ hcr1n

1ccn:.uo11 1IO('\."t.J

H\•h.~11 t,IJ11l'd htl ti111 a-..i11dc(ffl'l\'t

rfayc:r Jloh.t. h,1"'-c-,·cr. ummpre~:"':J 1Aid1

Jdrn'IC', lk\.·tlkJ tu tillu: thtog, In h.i.·r ~••·a. hruwh She 100k the 1,.,11 u.rhcld o1nJ loC()f(J a S:i»I. Stntt' th.\1 J.t). t,hta bcc11 a lotwa,J In tilth JDdc. th~, bocpa1 ln mn w1npct1.1.1,·cl~ &l\l.lh.uti.1a('\'.:,-,J11ce hi 1Mt the ,:1a1i(K'.1IK1'\ )'Ul,I IC'(l!'I\C whe:11


role- ol helping the gnatt" 1md p{Ul«t111,: th<!' goaJ 'M,i f.lvnri1c nl IOC«'f U pl.)'iftt P lcam he uid •·1 ,~lh lilc o,rnl1nJ llf ne• ,iralcs:tc• 111 tic~& 1kC" olhc1 1cam,." Nut only Jot• ht fool lip ln bH older h1t1tbrf Omt•n. but he rulh, cnJn)-. ,.pc:nd1ni,.: 1mic ""11h hl1111,·i11 bu•lbi:r Jue h1<:u•in1 tin C111•f\." •h•n Juli 1d11rtw,, tic 1, nu en,inc('t1ng1tu1Jm II<!' Cho,(' ltl ti< nntntlnC'Ct 111'14 only l1t·o11r,c- r>C ht\ Jo,·c

w,u h111\l11 r&.e,-11()111: 1111J •The i.ln fl.wne ,uJ, o.,J,Wll ii '4unh lilt the 11u1r\il0..ldfon Thi, v. inkr, tbt Ulk:11. c~n linuhei.J 1Junl at lbc Ind.;••• Na11,mo1h Puring !be IOI.-CCT off ·lt.l\.1•1) Jt,,hr •vd.cJUllpla)~ l001i..:rullt I.ti pai..U.:1.'..

• h1ch u.J htftc,.f htt si,n.e-·plAJlll¥ br«,nlC' ICXlpc n;cnl 'h-(a,~1hln811t,.MM'.ICC'tT11IM

•ggn:sooh, .iJ,,ni,: wuh &tic h.Jul cDnllk:I,"'

ll11h1~ Wbl:tbc:·r on('' c-n 1lc 6c1iJ.. fafollr t.m be lotltlJ ~~'lnl! hno.i.,, "llkt "1.:1tni:. pi,)111~ t-n:NII onJ fl.ti fu,,1huJI ...,,di hct1~mil) 't C'.&11fkll ll\C \\'lllk>ut ~p.lft.11;' ,.JK' •.lltd H11h.l' pl.111, &u ft1U11\\o- in hC1 ttx11ht·111 h'1ot~1,p., b)' l'loconuQi • f'hploll td~hoo lcm.btr a11d p.'l':\.~ht~ a h.s!>l(tt.11,uadt •·1 \Hl\1M lilld 11 plllit) ing 1111~ the

811u111!lt('..:et"Ult!.fll i1tbk11<. ..:botJJ,blfl 10 0.1t1ng.i Uc ,~nl 1bccnhu: 1•1f-1C'ib11n lllUnJ WC'tJtils .uid hulld1ng 11u:i..:lc m.u'- ta.hti.h h.a, drs,·J tum unpr11,e h1, 1ft pl,-n, t'lfl 1~1cu1n1 hi~ llpC'Cd 11-JlJ IIUCUJCh O\C'I 1he1unm1ct lo tM\IUc r111,-ins umc: fo, tlu.17..4g, I Jo anl •~111 my 111e 10 aln\\ Ill( dowri rt y1ns Do+rnm I •occcr he •ou,1 f·l\'t' )Undm•n Ifie tl'Nl-.1 n.1rn ttt, tum..ell 111 an c-n&in¢ei \.\1th 1 ,:ooJ ,;ol.1 aDJ rau1t,I) l'CiOJ 1111m1.ttl w11h cb1ldrrn lh'i 1h\"o111tj0h ""ulJ be 10 lc~h ma1.h orc-n11neennR ial a UIU\'c-nU)' 8,.un ~,M 1hi11 ti,e h:1"1 rnjn)cd tu, te.unmllle:t •nun. 1h11n an)·tb1111 c-1\e 1hh )' My l•\i1r11c llun:z atw.,111 1h • h:..uu u cmr <.Ut1llf J.ktie •1ic,.,tJ. •·J rc-•lly hLc th,: rcortr. I rnrrt anJ die m.ak horn!init Olrlht' lklJ • Hod rn.fdt BIii hoi.:a\\inli:1 i...·1ll l·c11.a1t1I) miu 8,iun n.;'1 )ur ·111~ k~uh,p ••II 1%, 1111• cJ,""b'tlnv.mrr,,ouJ 'Ile ,lc...-cl~pcd i1110 oi,rftu1111lcukr•

l'!:i:;t('t p C. and Wit!cb p('\'f"k dl!'\CJc,r" t,het,11..1J Ha ocher J{1b \ttoU.ld t'C lo"'""''• rb) ical lhttapy rth11bilitJ011n l'l:1akf h\t )'C~"hU11ftllu""IICll11y,11uli.Jl1ke1u~ 1~1r gniduatcd -i1h • p)d ;oo and RUkJdut,\U A 1111 li Holu:, 1111111C1r1illc (111u1c h rlart, on rttuming nc.,t k.noo 1\l MC .,J rla)111~ k'ICtff and ninntnJ tJKl Mkf Nil Jacr,lM. onr,nnrio"°'lq:~ 1nC'..ahfomii ,,rArit4'1n;a y,-b&.-rcdtc \l.1ll l1nh,hl1ct~1~ .\Zld(k"l!l-)1hl)'pLl)~ttt 1rrunlnk.._ llulu ,·ooi.:bt'J fcit the: rl.m-1M::"U uf her kam t'l'.\1 il)'ltl~ \M( 11 lbc ~uc, a lnp To v..111.:h World Cup and cooki 1.sle !Ul~ Yt1thha.~""""ldta.kc1hc:m Wr ..,,,lUlll hla,c 1&11..b I N.1.,1 chl't'tlMI hrirt# !he,,." lb: -.kl ·t l\•\t' the> h1c111~ "-C'lllt 1H ~ck.,caoJ-c-,·~· ,, ( •

Outdoor Pursuits just getting started

Club offering even ts through summer b) Cht'l") I N:11bart SrmUN"lrrp.,,,a On Arni'.? I lfflJ. !?., Todd Mcu.e al Ou.woe. Put\.l.ub hclJ. ruck chmtiing.di:r•-.cstcn..:hlngC'cC1')lhlnJ lromha\JC l('lk~ dut1bln5. anchon.:. pn:llcc-tioa •oJ Klf•f'l:M.'\lt' A OOTC"n '1\1\knh pa"jc,,jpattd 1n d,c ,1.,..~ held 1t the Pl>'ii fill, R1,-cr P..itk rllmt,u,g \kill, <"lift~ apptl'«I Jw,e 2.J.24 °'' 100 la,.•t un Ournnc)' Rod: tn 1hlScl.Urk CnN, 1\QC hour noob ol C«uJ J' Aknc. 0111~"W1tllukO(I S.icunlay. ,"lll1p for me nis:hc ar,cJ ,hmh Sullda)' \1ooor•inrtN will LM ltJ.:1n:ndurance on '\ia) ICJ·

"We t1lwaysfi,u/ :,omething exdtim: to dlJ."

2-t 1n 1n t1lLcmp110 ~umm11 Tnd.d tlfSSC'. .\li.Jtu11 AJ111th. R•hm anJ ()u1000f' Punadb L•) ol\.1n w.·lll Uou lhc l..OCh'lllRht't,Clm.U IV.~llly 12·D On ,~hC' 9.10 lllllknl' lMC'N11oC l,r-..u11 1u1 LALC Cl1C.Ut d'Aknr (loll f,llJ'('Witl,oili., 'Ow:)· will ki,e the tic«hS,111.1nb) IDl•mmi,::

1a1.Ung .t•.1y ln,,u 1LII the'°"'~ u..t,ni,,.,.d,, tcl '-llffll' lo WinJy 8:i~· 11,d uil home oo Sund.J)·

1 Thc1~·, no bcUC't '4'3)' 10 kw~ llh:ul.· llo'<C utd. 'rkOutdootPumn11 otllcein,1dc thtSUB ••IJ J,11,.• 11M.n11 &: JI.I# 161-l, lhc Sunr.pcx on lbc btu for the WlnlTlt"r fo ,dcbntt~ ,1ll rrnlah 11,·111 t1t ircc: 11nd • ~Ulna dinic will l"C' hdd <>n lhclr tr-.! llp.:ftUtJJ.lf. Tii.J• MJIUma, uilholll'I, '-CJI ka)'al~, QllOt'I,, f).tr11,;C,,,10t1, a111l ~oSlt)'b.&llw1lltl(-,,·,1iJ.,hlC' WcJn,;'41~ night l bout r- c "'·di •tAlt Juc,c 20 anJ ct"tllllll(' lhlQlgh Sc-J'lCtuhcr SILi r.p.m S:l1lbot.l, :tf'( :1.vad•tik fl'C' rcntorpm•tcbot.hnm) behfuughl Oic <.1.11ldorl and Wmokhcc Rhu DfbnlJ tnp, .ind Sl.!\'\:n Dc\·11\ tuk.utg trip hil\C t'ltcn CIUk'Cli."J.11,, cu., tht <MJIJ..,or «......,uipmcn1 ,v.,1,p, Moocy. wcatbc1 hJ tin11ng h,1\( u.ofOl'luDl&ki}' t.llnl l('l'Ct,11 d OIJlltlJ'l'.•lfcUCYid Ot.hrr ,ummct activmc an: ,ult 1a 1hc r1l\nnu1g ,u~ ''Oic,;L ,n v. elh u, the Sut1,pot r(., 'A·b.t'!I J'OUIJ UCI llu, w11nmcr-,'" Hc,...c-.ittd ·We- alwa)1 lind Vlflltlhinf eicttlng

P.c., 1.2 THE Ci "lflNEL 3: o K.ihat1df ,, ,, :::.
S:.... '"~'flm~.
-= 0
• • • • • • •
game> cumhlnin)l
1ng ancl
forward TlNany Hottz.11 dev,eloplng hor love for sporu Into I ClrMr In physical education.
SPORTS Ftffhman
uses leadership skills, hard work to earn chance at Gonzaga
-~t-,Wt1 • fro.snman John Baun keep.s hi• eyes on tho soccer ball som•Hllng he'll b1 doing dally nu:1 year at Gonzaga.
T.-bb, 8.,,.,b.,; lfin,11'1"ltr{lcl'1tl;inh1'111U:11111 filct 10 00 •Jut ltlffll.'.I rt.1hJr;1,II) ,\1i11:,oonpk·c. O:uw p!a,ciJ '"4tll)' ;.por:111. t'\'chllUllly fullO\to'IIIJC hi• taf\ich«'& (o..,c,,cpi,1nd l\clUlDgc.1n IOCCCI ·1 rally like- f'lll)lll. 1\0fC'Cp('r." 9,un w.,J fttt\ bai, l,.,."'(.n bh Nlk hen: f11r ,,ic JJUI I\\IJ )'{'llll The l\h"Cptf h;i\ lhi.: '<'
fc,r wu11h anJ kk11(1;~ but bc.:acut' ht htH \pcnl h" ~ufl:UIICfl ._, aj.Un'C) II' «nd t'Tljc1yciJ 11 "'J '4«oltOJ~\\hJilCU'fl ,an Jo be11." be •aut ··1 WJUI to c~m mt dfitec ind Jee when• i1t:1l.«• flit,"'
doesn't slow sophomore by
J. 1
ul'tiQC e&Q he 1u..:hc:J M die Sun,JIOI 1hro11rh 1har ~11d11r rt,t1C1t number 1'1f't.1""11


C IIDLI AU)'.,~lfl Jc-.11.II.-J ffiat'C l)tif\O~o10.ldc1p1 ac:hlll.l ln,lc-1ro(

)J.·ot.mi: an Atocnun d uJll tt\(\' l(lC'> rtl h \ n:1sn n.d 1nn

We ,ll1"C' 1t1.11,r, p1 an 11Jl(' l llild a p.c"11l 1hc11v,1ul,1,f.i l1t), /\ll)~1,11.!

~x(l(ding 10 °'1.ulr 111iJ A ll v""1;, in 11i..~

J Sw,: ~. lot r,~1,· one ttk!Ut.UlJ

\le:, 1A·11.11111i,z to udi;pr, liKJr 111 oul } ooc

J o\VllrL1M<! tntcrn.,ttnnJI J fut c\tty

C'ffllr k 'A•lltlll fll aJup;, &hr r e~H·


n™ d u ld Du.11ne itncl AIIYJ.1"1n

,fllcJ v..na9 fl1Nllh-1 11J a;isf fM U \"hi1 m-

l'\')' li l!IUI OnlU •·1!1 'Clt.°br11te hrr ei.Jhth

1tid:1)il0\by.ll and All)'M.ID duJ11'1 f op " 1th ooc

IJ 1b,,ufh Af\liu1 • )' a~:u.1hc)

rt cd L,·J,:a fhu)' 1!11GOli1,,, LI.en-' th llnll lWTI lfl Vin llnra Gross,, 1hcn

Jl, lft.lM V jcltll&III

l-ll'lC.oo A ll)kltl 1W•U!I lh ll.rcy

Jthru pan-time n ann) , Ah~.c. \i!Cnl lc>

l.nlmhlr-:l up ll •m'-' •U :n1..t l )',I!~

llrr1 '°n w;i, t,o,n in a ho.piul hu1

t .)'1ha -... , lotm,I "" a 11,a.1 Th,1ugb c,nf)

11,e Gff l. i to~"'· 1wtttc lhnc t•'O L) dl.:1

1 mur(' ~,,call }' d(- ,,dt,pcd lhiu1 Jim1" '1U

Sli1,.· I~ b1µ:c• m 11,: aod ut 1.J1kl •.nJ "'.all..

h aur he can

1\IJ) ny.m, (,1t.bY.c\l \ 1. IJc:1n\'

n l \h n 1c. I\ ty1m.1:ll y :1 , l a)'·-'t·11t\1'(1(' ttalC;I

Oua1~ i i an~((" ~l'l\(llc1)tt, Yrthl d :a

nl4.I.Dk n.a11~c *°'k8n:A~ •ho: iUll)''I al hoo"ic hll)"J n t,1111('J 1<1 hc1n-.c:-,chool 01111.,"') "11itihh•nl11#('1llotne tch•xil n I a.ti

\\t'ri:'\il11h lhedrildt>11•n)' ibJC"'"t.

All)'l.l lfiUiJ \\hc11-.~ ,:01 IIK' £AA"ff)'

M,'tt, tJlr i.e.m. 1htw,J1 INlh J.mii n1.o1ri1100 '" 0Jrt)'lli,olno1\ lb..1 >A hJ<=o.dand"M.h>t Ouat!C' ,in,! All)'JHl'l, ,tc J ts.od .in• ~~c

l•l lw.•mc w:houl fof OM.)' ii "h,: v..n t;clU lll\

l•)QCI)' 111·11huu1 • larr c h mtl} .al.I l. iJ \ ba

Of< ,n urt)' \ pnl. l>.ut)· .-nn,lk.J 1n the s«ortd r.rnk 11 P ,1Jt1m 1:Jcn1rn1.1,y T1w 11.1gh

AU,vanti.tdn·t maJc d a., t.11 tnto I.lie lc w11

r l•n 11. \he wai,LCJ t>an:)·11.nJ

•1,."(0C1Jpt1, hc,1 rl'llltt .,t flomc 0 1J:n her

d~lQ.Jf ldlnnl ,11 run, Of i.•a.itin3 J \\WI, wd

Str eet Beat

b) Ot-1nnC' C1Ufc>rd ¥111mrl tt"('IQrtrr ,mtJ pl~1ft1Xf"i'l'ht'r

11.Jm:w.,nldQ,, 1'11;\ll'I 'll l hc.-yr, l(b " hnnl

.,,. Du\lllC' •DJ All} \Olt 11h o U)' 1ft ldeh

l) .1rt) ,thil\11 0 1lt1,11 "'nJ WI ,;.U!Wtl"

()rµm, cd w-c ayaU.lbk lR Sf'IOUIIC a nd the) CM A,1.4,, h~ .11 hti11~ fo1

•~lulr. l">11tt)' \\ 11 \ticAritia A.,,.m , lc" h11110l&anc • il!J A ll) 101111l "(t «Pin ctlfll:w.1

\\11.hl>w.:: ~·, 4.'Tlbttl.W.. Ono..'t.11)'-"'J. d 1t) mrt 1'1lh tcllu \\ aJopk'L " 1M

Chim."\d\',cur,unex c uhu~ CIWP"

At"'"''lin11, 0 11 .mc 1111J Al1).«n. 111 the

A "llftClllfUI(' Mln)' l 'l Ull'otil}' fl ll -1«1 IO

11~ ,1 bah:, AAM:1t.1m1hcs uM.1&1 1~ uL .:

r M t 1•1 1bt,r own II t" a ll>t,• of f..:C' fOf AwmJ h 1,Jopc o ul dulJ.n:o

I n O,na.11 u rmmul '°' N l'i1t1, c:,.~Uill)l,irl,&ol'C ,1h111Jdl.q'1CJ

•·0,1,tc)' v.n1han,l,,nal 'ibc fcrh 1ho,r

", l(n('',1, btn: 111 her • Duane 11i&iJ ll;1, 1n1 tu~ ,dclnlcJ 1bru 2\1-J,:ai

•'C\l,hng 11ntU\'Cf'W'Y, 4nC'11nd All)«>n teem Ille tbC' p.-d«t c.oork tlJ wrt It• t">llt'Q', l.~J1a and Ham u.~ lbc) arr ah&r to J i\'C them chc llWt:, ~u, n,;.,n and lifo tht') cnuldnoc 111 rttMt tl tllf\ ai:rc: DOI. a dnpkl!

Adoption process takes time, patience

TIii! .Joru,on f'llll he \ll l"J'

t l,y >Jori \ """"'" """"'""'". bc<l lldocch)'t!ll."MH t on•ln Ith: t.l)Up!.: W"i.fll,'l I.J IIJvf'I Ut' \Ultltn illJd @I

81 .irci,•nl llieJt,rcruru,~111kltlc ,wnit) 1-,«,uplc"o\, lo~f«xn The a\'flllgt',apr,nr.-at,1m: u., cqrtsr11lUdl!a 111"1' die r:iP=0 IU'(I QR!fl.'l\ffl •1 ibc I 1..rd ~LI 'Thc ulaYt.~U.ipoqo~ t.Si t..w:~1rrcirnm11X"Ci•t'I\0\{2B.

'The n:w•nl 1\ lhe ,mile yoca ~l C\'tt)' da)· uJ tJit tUKl&"lfKIJb(mll) k)\(' Tk chalkD,C ii ha\·i"I the P,11K'111.'TUIIJtrtdlWlittg-.nd 1imc'"

SIM)' Wtdtc. JO HC!nJ•rnln. 7 l/2 montM Cor,1rd'~

"Ill'.' ~-.trd 1hr l1t1shto.."1". dk- bua.." llllt.l Lbt With thme kkh,, 1hc ch,dlt:ngc l, gcuans ur, In 1br moremg and b.a,·lnj:,pa.tteocci. Shllun• Zr11ya. 25 'fll&.na..!Jrrutnlh•

'1berewunl Js "·atchlDg aU ol 1htir t.chK,·tl)te11h. Tlic tballengt' i, l«J.'l nJ! up wilh th:clrJ.:wltlf1fflffl1'' MlcbtHt Ri1CM)'~ 25 Mlvtr l l/l 1nd Mlluttla. 11 m.oolh;

'11,c l'l:.WIUd o Ill,: IQ\( lb;.1,1 @l( )'¢lit ~art Lile '-''OIJJd be"' b<•nl'II •tlboul 1hrm ~challenat 1,lc;an'1do \.\h.11c\"er l "-4lll."'hrllc-'c:t I \\·llll. JrriM<K~o.38 Akx,5 C(litUrd'Ak't't>r

11' (,M 1111-ly rc,;,omai~"GJ 1ntt'thJIIMln,d ~k'II, ~ca th.n1 ,IJ "• , iy V•l'l',:J11n11. lor,n lo<>lm; Tt*. StNhrti P.-.ot. 13

Fathers today tor children's tomorrows

·Down to Earth Dad' gives lecture at NlC

hj t11e~I Kubi,n \ml/,i l1tp,i.•,.,.., Oh·r11ic la~5'1,,,mthr

1t11,1r"l.'.'-.Cd1cAJnt.·nc.aalJlhl·1 l\a, c hu1i,:C"d lr,-.mlhc hlullccbc,n,U~· J ttnJ,olfllll P" U'I an in~,,lvtJ p&111 1f ihc 111.mli) tlli1t ( CICltntllJIC'l l•1 lhc 1lt,(n twtm,: ol dior du!J,cn r.111 ie l.. M,!di(-U, ~·'°""" tbc °' ,.., u ·r" t.1nb n.s· 1 die lnun.J1t1g td1lt1f l1f 111(' bl,,.n lub11hl>.,,.lmi 111lil) n,rv,ilntrr,1nJv.i-t1t.1i., 'A'',1,V.11.,.~da.Jur.:. ~11t~hcll(Ol11!1J~U ~\r)Ok

tc1lL\IK ¥04h. 110\'Cf11v1nr up 1111t.l bil\.inE" nnpathy for otbm M11chdl tucowascd f1tbcn 10 rc,iJ 4u,1111i1y ooe. ,.,,,,, qwibl> tune w11h lhl'U lrid.\ "Qmluy t,1ft quality ,.,tn00,1 q1111nt11~." \htd1dl ,.,1K1 Wbcn tinhcn.,n.alcliffl('foflh(otr 4.bilJm,('\'('l')J.t).lhe:) lltt hclp1n~ 10 torm hooJ• "' muc.. Uc ,up:.:0..11."J th..! f,1J~n.

1,houlJ Ml only rcaJ h~ lhdr ~idl but tl.M> cc.II dac,u U\IC 1Dlc1, ll'Olln 1hc1r nwn <hddlll.ll>J ""lbc ..conn r.hi,ijJJ t,e iold ,ptinlJnC'cJUJy. on: lht pot. uiJ

<;j,'1!l)('tll lUIY n:prd l{l lbt1t 1cwm.a1, M)IC", <.•r any rlol. M111.htUu:ld ~""'1c-t.rc.ilcllr\Xllloc: qu1intll"\ a1o ~di I 1.jU•lil)' ~I" 1j111C 1pen1 ' With their dlildrm

Tbc.."-CCOClqllall Mcr'IICb(IIH btl\\l.-'C'l\ cbi.l.Jttn oDd f.1t.l,cr\ lrC1mr,ortan11.0lhc dc\•.cJ,:ipmrot \d mental \\tll•


·•ouart I.he pnncipk tnn}mtllt'r or gcmkr rok:a for Jl"lct'Q Jlih IIDd )OWi' hoy,.· M1khdl (11.1J. "Po,,1h,-,:. .rtlnn,UO:o f.tom dicu- toJ.her j, mon: 11t1ptat1,n1 chc-n hom lhcumotbcr -' dd LM:Dl l.imQ in thcu IM., •row a fllthcr commwuatca with hi..\ cbtldn'.n bd~ ly creak aht'lr kknUt). 'nac OC'\l JuQ-'O to t'IU'lh dad co11 make• re;aJ unpac;toulbc llleOClhclr uh b) ttu.ruag thn, hchlv1C1r IOWUd po,allvc Cll.1.iOM a, \\'CU •s po~.u,w tllkl'llCIJon, Wtlh

.. 9. 2001 := The recortl for c:, • ,:::: • LIFE ::> the 111<"1 children • c:, to one motlwr • >-- • • IS u9 • -'--'----I dla. :;:,:~r:::::~e~~::~ Hanlson (left
14 months, trom vtotnam: Oarcy. 1Jmosl 8, fromChl:.~-
1nvnh ~-11;- 01
I 11,li.aJ
r t, ,..,~ t Du!lllC iAd All.t.'-Ofl nearly got c.u~t i.p • 1th 111l gi::.;y bc11 g 1J1\ ti~ hy tbo FRI lor ,ur ,~1 J1'X'bo..o. ·~ho ,aunlm; I 8 C11n1 114·1t• 1t.1P<''"°' • ~ \o(1} dl•t.ul~ J1i ~"' 1 be Wlttnalti
lidorl-.'"I• IIU cnditl\..-
l1.ud11n;i~,f,41111~11,,aal 3L1.;pturtu ll Orui.s '"''"™~a ktt\.h "lllrlllll~IUP,,.'111 .unu111; p.lml. ltUl wtl l
Ila: J\sllm~.ll"'J&.-p(IILbonU>eagc .ird ~t.Y.Uy ( n10ll!y~ <JU1p:la.l11:\,1.11J1;11 11'. !;),ltfi&b(,y ·,, ad:opl. Dullll a.ail Ally1011 ~I I },e ni<U ltnrl hire,, l.6 llh ,111h,,c~coo.1u. 1<,c1~r('1•\lCtaniJ IJ6Jq t.n IJCrl'"
greatest rewar d s and bigges t challenges of parenthood?
Asked al the NIC Children's Center "'01c ,..i ii .alwt )'S h.aVIDI friend~ \\ld, you and ylL'l'!'rC' ClC\lTbllmi, The dwlC'nge l) 11,Cl lUlfboml:'1\'odi doc)c U\ltPt-lC"r"C:m.29 C.U.J C"cl'C'Ut d'Altm-
xp.-..1lmg,1iJJIC\ICJ, ._ ._~ 111111!1ral11i~c\t'nhlinr; 1111dthild,11w.l f.uml> hoc:atd. Ott \fwd1:lC, htl"QOOD(.t.cdA "orl 1~,r tn 80'-\\dl Il.1111 f«, "'mallpwrnir.:11~ ioll!tt1,koJ in auakui, a Jdll',c·nft in 11 u ,hilifrcn'• Ii\°<\ \i1tchll'lll rrmW...J J.,J, \!,1th lhC' IOC>li 10 t1u1IJ 1>IRW1f:C'l h11a.l, v.•,tl\ 1ht1r bh It)' u,tni \bdlC'lc 8cs-lif 1- aght SAdli oC S11CttU i.:u111,ll.Jn3 1f\·11~\J1 a1lhl"ffl'IIIWl'\"!U(1~'"ut.. b1,11W 1hc11 Kif -c-~m th1W1fl clc111W1ld111• 1 aDd nlJnur.UICC wmni 11r1 thr1, lt•l<!n111g ,tJU1, 1um1 i:,almnc~ 1,1 J.oh·I." ,~,!;km~. dr1111C111..C1:im,;1P'lft"111Ul''"r nn•rnlof(thchdJ.."'11iflg_

Lis tening tO sileDt hind

Deaf Club: Speaking is an art form for members

b)' lnunnl' (lUl"urd .\'otttnlr.-f"•rtt'r la(clhJ,,~n, C\Jtlh-n.thoru•• , ita:.oo, ~UC,..,• tr1.-ndl) &11nD1rhrn: .ind

~h hwPCK ca,, 1111 tic rouod x chc

motuhJy ffl(('llfll 111ld o.oo.:~I for 1bt "iJktR


\\'hlfs m,,,1~1·1S1k-n« \file N,. one N 1ht foun&m aalCI

i:mertm prc,icknl d1e tlub, '4)~ 1h11


"''lll'tnli:S4t.> !hc C\1fUtlllll\l1 y ~bold .-.J CO (II~)' iffl ilt'.11~( tole in

lhc deal a.1rmn,a1Ut)'.

He U)"t llul lhc: fflOIC li\l~lt.11Ult(r;a,1 o, !:Inna wr 1, lhC' ~-u.l ,1.~1 lll NfC

MC'lt OOI tddc:attdklthtdr,d rommun:11>:· m :wd ,,•c can ~11111nk:aa.:lairl)""cU•l1h• im1ll\K..'1on h.xtw.c ol c- cn.&l.J 00\\ • llclC. C'llnll11U1Ji....llllllC 1Rrllh ktiu.. ,ruJc-111" 11 d&lti..'UII

1 '\\t li4,•t h.=cnlb1.1nlc.t,mon:-NX11te

ICo111u111 «no1U1 Inna cnoogh: 111•



Suthing C\IUIJ he furthC'r from the lnllh lr1 fa,. f'Ol .-nJ min) of the ~her

dl:lli M.Udcnt,at dJI." nlCding ,pen aild

".kl hPJ df aJJ1tlt111 '" llpuog.

.t,1,cor.JcalOC'Thom&,at Lbcmcdtl"I

S:hc: "'"' 11abn, 11 :w.cnt.ioo hi front. rady ll lnll."Jl'l'd Fo,·, \ 11,Jlt\l-. "'heo he bcpn ~,pru Jllp,IOtMt. ··•tt1Ut:111',doLIWk1ftlC', \1W'l' "

1'llolnm, 4.iid m p,c him• fnmJI)'


llu11.1, t, .in cnlhtmll..4'K: c.hll) lldv11r1

\\ho mtctr,c:t.,, fotthl" lx.tri111 Jnd lor the dt-;il it lbc mcrlUtp. 'Wo aq; bopil'la to JoOCnctLly deaf ~goi11J~.1IS IC."'lbomJ, J. Thot:luh.cwtilulwdU11Fth l'l,lnl'I

,\fin} 21 m Jc.amine crnrrr af Kildow lbll! ,,na&l .h.lurn\\. 1bc)' bckl"d umund 1hc idea for • name , luntc •nd t:i-.1 wfn to d«idt club oU'"". Th<""""-•PP'«"'IY"'"""b) a Wll'na11 p,u-p tu 01ei,cy, C'lllkd up ti:l'lllUUPI thr: ""nc hot _.ill be ~1."Ckd ti)' "'f\"JC.- 1ftun)a Id tJHtlnpl.Ji brl~I 1hct~\l.

The a:tmt \ff)" do.."'t'f'll\C. "'"1N 1k1wo:.iuliW1 clc,c, ouc:~nhc-thu ,....,.

Whc11 )~ arc ~"Cd IU• Jal pcooa, C)'C c:on&.tr;t ll cvt:r)1.h.ifll. \\'bal .t

lffli~l'JC Ppmclh.'C IO h.J\C die full Atl.Cnl1uflt•l,,_.~llfw.ll01nll)lkl'll'M be i, bt.k"n1-ft1. Sl;l l..anru,a,t Jl"es )'W ICC~ I.bit )'Wat\'. INI) t,c,ng hcM-1

11 l, nn ar,C\..,j\·~ .1,1.1&1 cmoc~J a,1 Fn, tt(ukd&.tr"rtfeof)'J)Cb)- pl,)1111


rnrm Ill Cllll)' JCArnCd 1l,e bngtl. 11tu1hf)'J1~li\'C. Afruj\b1t•olllk!n. ~lth I~ Jl', ,t J1C'""'" gn he.gin I~

UPdc:r,.lmJ \\ h,11t 1:1 hc111& "Wd

AQ!lit'1hm! Fen. a 1997 grM1.wc of l'olt Fnll, tt,gh xi'oool uod ptt<id<nl or lu, junl4f

c:l.itt 1111 lhc Idaho School f(tf 1hc Deaf. b .t {11'dUIIIC t,( Ilk NllliQIW 'lllC'IIIC of the Oc.11"", pn,10-.1"""l 1tic,ir~ school H,... r1*" to inn.~rct to Oonl:llfit in* r.uor

200:. 1-k ....._., fllrA"IN 111 bta,nun1 a tp(ld.111 ('OOC;:lk,r tarthedc:r.f lD6 hnn:l-0r.

hc.arin, a~ briD&UT4 IW.mln.l lO IJIC'

he:lang cnm.munuy l ~hupc:i tbalN l(";.,. 1l1\tar1aprognm

11)11" lbcdaaf 1h!ti 1ncllllb mvrc dun the ,i,:rs d .tbe.1 .draJy (lf l tl\'d. ~bl 4clf pcoptcnd upha,·,ns 10 Mti."OJG.Jl.wi.ktl!nlW'tli1yin Wa,b1~1"'WI. D.C llllld dut 1, \'Cf)' C'\J'ICln.l\(,'" fo.\ Yid fa'Ca s~ Commuruay C.oUcgc: hi.,• rood rrosmn.tudq Att'uut-ot-Jt111r. "''htch 1DIIU'l,lhcm tooC!(p:n\1\"C.• prl/:IUIJJ( Q-

Ru .,J ht• ~ifc. l..eah, "tklittt ht met 111 deal c:llilnp. plain 10 m;iJ;c h•&h ..:hool,o\\.a.n:ordierll.'C'df«lrucrp,crM ntiK"r t~I 't')C(IJJ ¢Ju('.Dllt'III kif lht ~f Ulke Fot, founar ond lntOfim pruldon1 ol 1he Silenl Handt Cl ub, _,I roles toc,w 10 slgn lhe alphabet.

f..,a,n,o«utcJonly 11hthc beMing, commwld)' tor • Ion¥ umc.

Lah wd. '"Fitt:all)' I oc.apcd the n:souroc n:ioms 1od I•·•!I.Ctll lO adcilJ' IC.hoot v.~ I ,Jidn't hlvo. io fttl ,wpid 1t1)IQS1p.'" Ktt1 StC'\'cM.1~1a..lca11did..te

tDt lhc club. f'I• II p(M Jal rJ( cilrtn w~, fOUtalins 1ht Si1t111 f111:01h. OIR' He nan ahoc11t.t forriahtl! ainonaall

tttun'r. QQL}IN the~af «.'flUUUD&t)' S1e,'Cff\. • ol'1)-« fltj;b School tlS ~.lltk.. i.l ftllOlkd In the C'~ prop,un Sk\'l.':n, Mil a '1t,Jf Jca.luf~kd,eo1«k.1fculcun:' Hct, ("'UttfnCI),v. lttcd IIOO apm~,M· •·111m v.-orbng h.wd iv hdp all o( the Mlldm~"~c:mml

Lal S11J11C. art S IC .audt:c11-™' .-the manm of &be grour. hol"O kt rt•r

t~, • kc UJU\M-it)' of W.abo <by p1Ju.,rcJ Imm W.t\h,11(1f1n School fot lb.! [k,U •be-rt \ 1Jic 4u.u1.c,to.ack.."'SlllflCt..1id"'lflpJ,1)ft I ••auld rr,:,t;ilhl)' tic .a hk mx,i\t;r,"'

Anl • uh bl1 1,rmJ, »a mJ UA~OS corrunucd ,111 r,aic

F A C u L T Y

F A C T S & F A C E S

Protester turns teacher Gossett more than Just math

Whrn formo GJY Goorp! W;1U11a: nm r« ptt:,.ldclll. one (l( • llrft p,up ol ~«ll'OOC'lllMC"of hi.\~~"'~ Mm Gillt.Un now .t fWIOlol.lpby itt\U\ld(lt a&NlC Galbun. Jk. WU h<n ~·.k, l951. UI PtccNlurg W.VLA1ta,h11J.beU,'N«.1a UM)· ram m \li'C\11:m t-\:muyh·an~ Hie 11wwod SI\ hithd.J, Pa, "'ttitla •~ck>-.e 1,, °"'' ll>uof, •her, be oucodoJ h<¥" "'Jx,ol M1 t\\,ft h Ahcr,50. Thcyt11n~•t0tt. -21 •...iu.tou,,h<tr,K,...;,1~ a.JLwn h.u a tchn11Uttt a11ttw:J -r.~ ·n.: Gal mn f•ndy fflO'li'C'd u, c~ d'Alene in.1~3.111199fi.lhe),nM'Cll1u~1f.-lh,. In IWlGall.1111.-i1.\fini•han,:tu,,,..iu..~.aC"IOIJlllp ..,J r.,mJ • jc,b"""""' !or•rbiloq,lly """"'""· Ho _Cb< j,,t, !Ind •''pan.urnc .i NIC.t iu GU. Ullc'f'he l,oi;ainc a run. tmlCtiluJ<~1y llblAKilnr a1 NIC <lllbun p.ttticipMicn lie lllot\Socnct,' ")'lcot ~1tioae111r&lllfflCtlon

K1rl-Erlk Andruuon demonstrates the propor 1ochnlques In Tai Chi.


Ancient Chinese art offers stress relief

Tai Chi: More than yoga stretching

b1 Klm C•rpt:n trr ,\r,111 rr,-i:,n«

S'\l,Ol\lptr.y, 1..:IA111100.. tuning .1ntl urc.tchm1 ol m1,1·4Ck·unil ~ns -•hl,hT,uChl rat t)d l\ ,I (cwm Of Urn:J~

lhtu11¢1 muwnX'fll meditation

1lk· fli0\1,."Jllfflb.lll." rcrhlffll,c.'J

ID a aJc,w 11,11d #(ntk f1.\h1on

Jt!.1gocd lO prolDOCC bcdlth

\IJ(l(llndmntrpc-.ic( T11iCh:lt1.1.l.lllO-)'t",lM,>ld.

uc1t'l'lt, Ch1ntx an In anc1C"l\t China ll ll:lll 111 hC'Jlnmng: in

nwt,ll 11ti., but 1io11 i, 1.11u11hl


'"The t,c;Jy n lllC" tht hinio


• 1.1,i«; 1f lhl" hlnp\"I an: no!

t.ilJhA-J lht) v.tlJ C\·C'l11U41Jy

n1'11, 1,;1..J~-Enlr.

AIWJ'C"..l._•-tan NI(' Tai Chi J1nd

,i0n.1I 11<1cnc;e rn,uuccor

Toi 01 fllC'.in, "'ult1mJI~

C'PC'l"gJ, ll1•t1mll.uh1)'01t.:1,

cnmhi1tl11r the l.a.1mJw ,wtcbcs

a., ,,,.-illt<'J tt. ~p, hu.t otrn

.t ditlctt·nt ckmcat of ,i,.:b,c~jns

rdtullon •™ iW'lt'r c:Jmnl.'U.

SIC 11Ucttd a 1'X·Wi'('(k Tai 011 d.&U to cmploytt-1 thu ~tC1.11no1JlllhthC1.1m11111111-'I. lm&r1Kt1w.1I fcc:hnolo,:J 'kl:f('W)'Yoihll""rtk"lptot Ao.. -«d.inJ lO 0.11111Unr1. her ,oai Ill t.1i111,g 1br "'·" i td ubc.wi ll.111• 111 tthc\ln,:

Oimmtn,-. c:umputd ""'Qf'k '"' tbt UJ1 man m -~ w,,..,J ot Oi a._ bt1n1J ru,1~ into rl;acc, A.:tard.lllj 11, Cummi~ 1hc t•\.TriW: opc11J "'" Jllllllll \l,h1lc: btl1lJtng .a,tJ 1.,01~ ffiC bJJ) The Ount"Kc t-1:hc~t '1w if ytlW' Chi Hanc:udt11, (nttUOCOt(iJ. It 111'111 k.s lo tJloc::..a. Swdl ba~ ~-nth.a 1hc pr.act~ ot'l·,u Ou. along 111ilh th< dtllll nJIODl'J , ,f Ill U.nbc.tflh) hfc.\lyk ~io.· dow111hc hc:an fa1t, IIUJ"'(O\'f re,.1"raU1>!1, ~a,,cc,ritt,.1cl:t,1'(11tturc. p l'lfnotC J«p btt41hmJ. alJ 1n llitt'""olion anJ lhc func.iiOO ol Jntnn.t.l (WJMI' ,111,l ttt1>ff1oet: goc,d Nc,od ("imJJ&UOOtii adJilkJn, !\ll.llhiN J.00" J.I •U"C':nglhc:ruthc.-1(11mu11e11ptcn1 atJI.I bctpa 10 kl•,•,,·thiJ.'h h11k'll.l rn:'""~ Tai C,u 11 pc:rfom1'J 11t your 11Vo111okallk\d • 11 tilld p,thco« and k"~hn hum1ht) Gld bumor, • Andn:ai;on ,aid ,\ndrnuon h.,i\ btttt k<l\.iullR T~dChi forrdnl")C!U'. lkaa), 1lh11t1JY1111Lnl tuu'lt'{1111u11 Yc.i hil\i 1,0lau.gb111 yu111rwtf •hen )~'I.I leilmini M1nlC'lh10$ OC\\ (ot tbt first 11,ne;' be wi,J '1i·, • r.une .anJ u, lbc pcoc~ or p1i~i.q you

For lh:-fn panorlhc i.emto.itta1 hL\ cdtiAda'>,n, GAJb1m h.u the '\luJcabcboee,t one of li"-c mtnl Jiu~ h'l t,r. dldr own.

Ala nnd&alm. lludmu "hodr't-c:lopcd I~ phi~ 11ft grouptd lt~bcr All flllUll."fdl'l(U)M(ltL'I alkn\rlWCklll.flU UK dlctr

C1.hical»co Ii• funha lcamlnJ, "ft ht."lpii; lhcru learn tolhink llbclUI.Jtl(nt, acoruas&er11 "'ay," M ulol.

C.lll.trJn te11..bNcb..\tn III Elhb mt WIie :inJ Cmd

Thinbrtg \Yba!, Gall41lll li rd bu.I). h..- hkn to~ th.\ f.ll\'Of'llt book" Jct.tK. die Soo ot M.;in,"by htdavons.c: llltbor, IUhhl Gihfn J1 *• Obtllll lbc'( JN1'Chn"'OOIC'O(bh f"Cllc nnk-111, n wld by di.llkkflolthc!W* Hoothcr,--.~umo.,11,. Oalliiunh.abccna~,t~""'ooal 1tmlalll 'liner be •

.ti.: 11:11115'.'d. One' ftof • R.N,naodlhcoclll:fiiot11110.""alnk'Cl'IC <k,..1t.:J6..•.., h,m,-sn Afw'il 1l.194S She iCft:"' up IA 1tk- SID f'C11111lJ., Valky 111 Cabfr.ll'i:wa. Shc:~homlO.Ay,,1111H'S.111 (lia)io~ ShebcJ,Antia Johoi1tl1'tn.titw._.1I .tllJf for1hr:~.wd:illld0e¥tlcsri~ D<""""'ol II llll¢l<.< Aln.'1>11 ull9',7 ""' qualm 1972wl.u.c~ilft'uC hrr nr"Ah.,m dlua),lot, K,m C'.......u ld1 l.»t. ·\tip:bAt"Ca '°' ~, 1n 1981. Slic:r«ch'CJbQmaU(t',"I art :ind tC2Chtna t.n tn.1lh frm, the lin1\'t._'1'ff) a,t lcbhi, Sb11JI.Jy an. mn'<'ln,; ld.1hn. C"JOQt'l1 flllDf an at t?" lhc rollqc f«apiU't•Wnc:l'O'llioaUllnwJtiJIIIUU.:l,,'lf CkWl-'141:U tQ;ta ;al~1.-tQ. SUl\-'C'~ of CU:ol:11" <.~nr1h'1llf(11111)' \bffl .1 n ~1 t.i~ ofC.ulculffl l. She npbiA1 me prublm1 rrt hn ..suJc:&u. n.iu,1plt- llt!Jp,"t."t lh.'m • umibr l-umpc IDWCEt.oo. She · &\'il.Kf1'l a lll1'1ll1111111 oumh., (1' fl"-.blclll" ln-.rn ~· k'.r.lhoolc fortrt •u..knb IO do_ altJWJllf!b tht h,,i1.e.1d: ft td !llffl(tt hi SluJnio .,,bu wviKl<-111 G(Jaca',.;buo .-..1.-n m«c 1111th trr "° ~concryso1ohelhtJ.'l,'lblo1t OfkD dtu~lll&kni \\honu\lCI ltld(,U,.b;hirkl At.1U1.1domi1.tiaicat,M"-cflt'Cft11C&n.

'°Qwk I 1C'A' )' dia they ha\'c lllkln.'" \he Qk.J ffl)o)-1 &ea.:tu11, math. Oi.c tlf lode~ t1 In r•h)'IO, • fddv.~Q'lath111~ Tcatbingtnm)' nutbd.wa lt.,\'(:'t,Jtruc It« 11tt,,:

Om,scu Im coou#I, time cn)O)I bet 1.:r "('(11.; tc1J\'l1a.. She- ht.c,.1-1 )'UIJ 111ld.. 111,cxk.on uU1i,-."1.11M punkt., SllC:fl)l..'k.i.ttllJUl d1.1n1 a1 rake ¥-·•h \!JC" hll.1 hide hllk' kllf tl~ tk.1t ,hr 101.t,, -=~6ctuoo Sho .i._.) 1.111''>"' b.l.k,or: .mJ 11,\1,ir:mnmi;:

~)C:U U\,,1n("ocurd'Ak-nc ,,.11hlk"rhu\b;nl. MIL!.~ tk1 t.lrri!l.~\.h1comp11n-pllJI'••~ l(crdo11P,1tt.Km1,11$

.'.'._~THE SENTINE~ LI FE W~r.M4v9,2(
)11\.'11 pn,d Jlom the hl:CIC'hU T.1ICh1e.•tkn. I fccflbr'r,:J,mun: OW'~fll C\Xtlpi;ittd Id YOJl.11,M •ht"uiJ
M:bcdolcd re., 1bc fill wmntt:r. liut 1fffltt'n•,tetJ an. c:an1x1 1ht' Ironwood Alhktil· Club. "brrt' An~lrca\.toP 1ru.truc:Cu \\cckty dll."l'-
ai;q1,1lh, J~ roblt, lo rcr(om1 theo •n" A Tas Ou ti.a" l"\lt,I
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Ill-room lk\Ot·IJP' fi.c ~"'·~"'•tllJcc:cnrul.Cl'

w1t.hlbnrttt11.1 IOW-OC.'l,"\lll\llll lloWIC! -we- wll•na ~. • nt..'"\\ l"t:ui.knu: b.tll "hcn chr \Dtf'PC(J.'t"itkJk)· Uall "'n dcmoluhcd AnJ 1n IWJ \\l!' J«l.lcd to r,fDpllllinng ulld l.lut~ \il)ltl(WllJ. Sk,n Aud The lur.Ju'l fntthc l'"'J«1 -IM>Oghthc l>mnll<Wy H11u mg C1lffl111,Ucic.


''"de-nu cu g~ btlp hum a pc'CT 11,10, pro, itkd !bey ;tppl)'

f1,r IUICIC'II). ,crvJte TIK-y ,c1 up to tv.o IIOU" per ,ubJtt:t

C\CJ)' v.ccl StudcDU v. Ith dJ,abthtiu

nn set help fn',ffl , peer tu1~ .,All ,11,1denCA ha, Cac:ec,., CC)

lutw1ni, tt.garJJc ) ul 1hPb1bt)' Wheeler 1aMS Apcer llJlllfm.akc:)

rn:p.-nilio,u before a '1:'-'Klfl

'I<"'" \lie-~ 1o11.1d1.:nh m"-c:t v.,1h ""' 1ut0fl.. ;r, u,uaUy 111

C'ollttc Siulh Cc-111c11n di>~ Hall. bul II r;w be m a. lf)I*' utol'1 •ro ror • kty ut ,ubj,r(b. Tuton '" ~ICfK,C hl,rOC) and d:iu.e:,. N'lt tltlp 1n sli•h. udcnh mu,1si, to Wri1lng Cc-ntc-r 1n die llc,c Slllt, Cct11cr


~hr.: h"mb..n ft o1(lp.1Ulln.l by tlitt JIO~CfOOI'. ThcCt11Ulllltl« ll\1."nCQtlit~1.111iWMof hind, en l!ll' 111;hnnt, •1.J 1.hc sri.:r,d pRa.'<'\A ul IIC'P)l'!a:

Surul..w tq,., 1'.a-c: lJlal 'i\h:n lun..lmJ U~ Stu1km: l '11 ,n Bu,li.luis.. Tbc midcrn h.all 11 ',(IIC'du.Jclliobc:fioi h"'\Jb)Oa.i:ttihcr 2001 unJ '" ''J1C~11J hy IPhr\J ta1.- 1cr ul :.'O(l?.. 1111' Jnfurnt.llll,A u~ ht the hor>th m lhr,.St'B ti)' thc-EJUOllc:dCur-

die, 1111.likm c;ommail

alxi1,1J hn~ pc,cr nu11nnJt hJ1 helped cheni StuJ.::a11 fed m0tt 1:onfi,f.:ni 11NI more fauubu.1 w,u, 1he lllillrtul. ~he said Sbt h nnc Jlrmc- ~tmN'ri)'

Funmercials by James Bell

8(1w.·n. a s1udt.111 -.ho 1 Yaknophonics by James Bell

l\llnrtJ twu;e a \\tt~ u1J

1utt,rln11111.akc:1 thJnp ea~lcJ

1bnn lbc)' 111c ~hr- noCJ~ pa:r

·n.c tuhJC' icl• lht iludenh· foldi:'n lrom rile file otttnet. II

ntttlt:J.. 1h<: J)te'r lutot ad,~ fut


Mclhct ha, ~n a r,ttr

1Ut11tfOrl\lll,UN., "h', fun," be ~J\f WJiHc nil ,1uJy h•1 bcf'n du11e oa the dlttlivi::nc'\\ or f'{'Cr111totu1g.1BdJ~t ~Wence ,uuc-~\ 11 helps

Much or the- c,·,dctioc 11 th.ruuJb n•luition i:11111e1 tutor

b)' the 111uJc111 Whctltr uid

IUh•rinJ ttduta her UCH Ill Ekmcnta~ ,\lgrhnt. Pn-:r

lblonni alto lmp~J m"l' tc.\t

\Co~.,hc~&Jd Peet ru1arm1uavlllliik during UIC tiumrm:t and.on the Siodpo11u t.1klh1c OIDP\,lc Thi' Cc>lll:1c Skill• Cc-nti:1 rtnn-1 hl c&J'l,1t1d 11,1,"1t1a '<'n'l<'t\ Id St MuJ "t 1,11J lhc Stiver Valley. fa(ntUilJI)', they v.•nt tool1to>nhnc h1C()ring

oull 1.:ucl the 1.ibtl i• • '">1'1Ju'\l lunt>a'k·.11tl>·: ,clluid. "lo1ncl.h.1RJlodt> y "'pitt time. ktt-r me 001",-funto :Jo.It to So t..l \how, •nd It)', y, "'" k!lm\ lhl111C IU)t.. 11('11 Che l•bel "dt

~ly \UIY IJlWL He JolUd ,unnin.g • !.be! (l."lfna dovm to tt'CCO'lbJ hdp from other pcopk., IIt '-lld II .,,ould br imPoM1kk lo do ""!IOOllf suppc,n. On luw fu"'11t1.11. made 1.bc cutnpjliittc'II on bomcJ co,. •11h 1i.t llttp or fnc:ad Ro:<'1.Nl( Sieben 11.c cc,mpi.l..1100 •~ ,hnn.l.·

WtUpprd '¥I-hilt RY«U •mtcd at HaMma, The l.lbcl ,wn.:d

\l,11hl1-,"·m1lri1:oJ.,,,_·ht1 tlMbJ hc:lp Jl1bltJ cbctt CO;. 001 Rme-11 alld :-tlurlrb agn'('d Wcprc1hn111thttrt1lht1 ,~ling a )till•ftO !U I IU lhl:' IC'CM h,'1,A r.u1n M\111.tkl br«.• s.hitldi. Jani ·~·,ru:ic much Wolll'l lotp1111l..101..kmu .c• "'Gr.n~Oicn:'1-11llf:C'II hAndli M'UrJd hc:lt', but 11 01 t'II the b;m,I th11r J,l .c.1 e;1:pn'Qif(' lli't 411 bJUl°' Of hipp1,: l)'pc ,tull "' R<t,cll a4dcd

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-mJh,nl« 11,c Sib• 1t.1111.! Ouh. al) ,1\'tf-3jOC' hnrit ll fGV1fl • .11110 ur ,, rhrtiC1. lll'IJ iC!llrl'ICU ltn:ipnt •luca1ietUCMCftJlJq: 1l11ng,," CAnlffl\lJe.' Thi:CIC'l.11tlCrtlnJ:ol lhedutinM.ty 18J, V)p.m m 1ht',"$ {'C'tlli;T l"'•wt'C' liDJ fill tlfl\\ hllltl{ll1ngc:snh; Tuesdaq night 99C all drans 12oz. 8am - close
..,...!ul."\Mlma...t.'lk nllllk"~.&b\,ewlthm1'Cdl ,hcn111,1,..1p,o,I" Atln p:e.,4uift'\louhooov.l&b

b,·Uu·rylKulmrl SnllmrltrJ"ru, 0 1111 r-.un\· ,\s,r114;1)', lhe MUltO"rrtd .t\ p ni.-in, I 1dJ h!leJ •ith 1 J'iok:n"IOCI. lfouj?h lool111J. t.itooocd 1n.:n~•1Nt1lu1thrpari.:.op.-,niy th.'lfP'tCk11h,a llrl•ipnC, lnl.l adJII 1111$ 11:it11\sthu, malun~ it ur(W\·111111..11 ni,~ 1t no 'l)(ltl kuxt,t i1.11'1 ;i tt.at11Z1 tt'u hf('slylt.

lk_hn 1ht nucch thi: t\lA'ff' v.·11ntdupon the plClh. lhe ftdd llU v.fud1 Rl!-'.'l'.I)' b pi11,ycd.

f:>i"'--V~» 11'H \'N lol\lUfliJ tl«f, Ir.'..\ ,aml dll.'!

J.a111C. D.:inny. • 9 )'t:df-('IJ t,l,1dt. Ult, ~-ll<d by Ofl('

,.i tlcrl11~'C"I' 1o1untat'Jo\~1 1HtdhnkgJ1U1! ,l'sru1tnrdthcNII Otil) t,rr,.•·11,.,1ldl.c'l..-kan

1111'1! A«udi11g 101b..,c ncn.. tlic I~ r>l 1h.: lf'ITICll~lonm:i lnleu~k.imrrei.,

l,;uutk t,n1111u,,.1,J iu1").1~1hc U.ffllllnjlr) ~ml ,Jrink h:f;f III lr11 ol l'ir\.'1'. S..,r1.t'f i, • ,e11ckn111n • pine pl4)'Cd by h.ubcun'- w.J Cody lxllk11ha:lr.., MC kuib) 11•hltl-:m•lsgamc

111.Jytd tw), ;rolll"111("Q

OcJJi:ctbac.l k:lal'TkJ tJk pruc (n,,111 h11 latht., 'Ah1lttrmnnaup1r1S1.111\'•II~ HcJu\l Mumcd rroru a n,gt,). mlkK.:C'd ,u~¢cy tiu1 wdbtt~1llh,Litffillf!".pt'1..!f11rWpnt Ile: y,·11lgr.,.Jt.Mt lhl) }~"M ,1ndbc.iJ lot-.:bool in s, 7..(llll,,nd k• pl,(11 tU~) Mu.I lftAJl)l"tn Uftl 1h.:1fo1,\ lhcUUlh ott,,ioj.._ ltl~ gctldcn'lr:n Jr.wl'I ',l,t~T htlmci'i.

~~!:1~=~·:;:::;~~l1:~.:4 ~\~,- plla)'ffl. A'"" tu~• V.\Jt1tl0\imc.o1p t, 5':n-rlrom :,;llmJ ,1L1hn 11,>\'l-('.JP, 1rlA)m~fO,.,,r.rrhLad fl(l;t1ical lJ J'C ;uuund thcll bt3>.l'Ru1,gtr, b\l h\ 1.htmurh,1. "'Gl\t'bluoJ. rb,y _...i,y, ll'1a1.xJth ~1'1 \\lthJLUJ lcamcJ lco,.\M'lr,. 8ruUC1 fr\lffl t1nt, alt' "-..c"rl Irle "-amat paw lln'IU'f'l ~.lfllif'>Olttlm:'t'11fl\ll'IOII \1;ac;atin, -.k,nauf1oru·11U thw11hei.c1111111J

f't11NlllCllll)' ILut!lpr•uC\ llfl"tt1JJ,..,1d! 4 II\IICilliJ llf ot(J,t.d. UI ll~C)C- AI 1111•;,v rory ••~ .-1ni l'th IJ.. TIit p(,tw t v..:rc tlli11,l!Jy ticfnrc lht Jilht• l..,-pn lb.: f)q,re) N"'1h fJnho Rup~· r,'IOtbllll Clt1bh11-..'l! l(ltJll'Oll(,cior,a1iqcuniT.\W.Jft ,r:i C-tlC\lr J J,,kne. IL• mcmt,m anz roc11pi'l."d ,,r e.1c thlnl SlC" .auJalti,, 1,ac--durJ -.,,11.., sr..-t, wsJ mc-lhm! v. "'Lulf di&. lht sc.,m11111 l~I IUI\CU~Jtnm.lCl\1\11.lic: l 1rul0.I Sua&o. C.atwJ.1. F.a.J..cld. rnmce .iriJ Alnc.L lk<hp\1,attal...,.1~\luvlu1,•fre Qc:"\\ 111,:nihi."l', IIC\.'Vnlln~ Id Rohb Bl'('tlftAII. Ch{Jff') ltli!'nibi:1.m.tfunn...'1%\IC 1ll>Xfr1 •l\rn1mCtQkffl.l.Cdm~'fic, "pon: ,;i.1n '.hip 1n,I 1 ,no! limC' 1 'A'Cli:oc11c Rrcu itltti.l lt'11 tomdol.»I 1.1iJ J.1r11k Ncl, A r.,,rbf""••lfO fh1ffl 7.nnhiilv,i.

thin~ \'uur ,~1c1 liw 1 "-x'IIJ pn-=i apil dio:r 01lw11h1l'C'Cf lnltlnm :,h11-c'()t.pt1\. r!.:i.>-altl,c(k""-'h• 81.11ldop. ·11,c run -.n a l'o\) i!ri.tLk ~nJ Ulc p ti..b !IOU['!{ TIA" tc:11 ,,t 15 pla)en bcLcJ oflan,llh::~tl,eh.-pnlllcpnici\al.vul

PO!,.\n:unn bi the 11..1u1;:,1"¢. \\'ll'.'TJI ,.;:rum a lifhlmoh 111 s'o'<fl) llfl<I FO.l\loliq; men. b 1(fllJ(J. the t.U t, Jmrrcd in the tu111d an, Th:!lc.1111\10,\N J't'•i1~ lt) kklin~ l' 1,,~ 1•r"1T)inJ the WI 1.1nl1l11i,L1~l...J1 \c-rda:•~iad•~"1lpor,t nr 1oo; hcJ bchrl'd tsiCm)' lint.."\.. (hi April lS.tbo (),.pt) \\'('In lhc m.Jt h :n S. lhw~ It! rtt,:b)' thc:rrlll"t nowmncn - unly1'Ul'\'l\"11, 'Ole ~t') w, l\'af to Allend \1~·>t(cal, 1 fl'!-llwl-"yk nigh) toun 1nrn1 .\b,. ,.{, 111 \iu.M)UU. 1111C men i.."01"1 Jikt lh«no<h~ ruui:1, fint ;and112tnilil:C'CIO.l Allnd1tpn1ittun0 1ncmht'n kit k1clc.u, op t,ot rnan) !'>l.a)td, mu.rd ~i.lltt~ and ,.:1;,rllln!A!J pl..)'U11 (u, ft111 die) tqtan In c.a1b.:1 ,II the RuA:hf <1rl"')t'nbulnc1lnr1 dnnl,-.,up lkri: ll'IIC'l!~C,t tiathtt".al)H R'l~, .I c,.1 kl klJJW. driz l'lppx'l('lltl in II trit'nJI)· m.mntr Ttk:y J.:t UK'U lltllllU!>lt)' JO andtu1\.e • ky,, been •u.b lbesunoo wh1inllhc)' •m- 111tt ••nr11J.'m t Wc"tt lt"1Jf1 ur1 thc r11ch tiu1 1cndc10ct1 111 the bar" ".uJ P..aittidi.. M11nlts••nr11 ,.a t.l\a.ltnt und MC toUcrhbdht' ~10, from («u, d Ak11,e He tan"1 rtn1na -.hl.k •llcnilin& Ille: l,'t11\CNt)"f!(ld.ihri, ll(uldthi'if.llmt 'lr;icl'I u'b!'• Wlulcllcr<1'<'1Unt:"'u1,hdo\\n dlC"t~ (lfl pu;u 1111,I chur tcJ1 of N'Cf pcm i,locf h) lhc:11 t,.pc'll~klf, P)nam1J Al,:./1,. &f"IIIJJI 11( 1rmkm:n "'1ucc,.1hmugh dirt. htnr.J 111,I

fli;:.1111.Sct,J.,.l l'lcb!\10, Tt'IJ,."Clhal' Uiicy'6:titmle 1hdr p;a.,,.,.. kc· 1hc m1.,k m·J.a:>· ~" • lilC' Ft'I" mlo ou 111~- ()q,ct')', .,.,«1 dw:ir .,.,.,ti,,,,1e

"'""'°" it1.c,..1m'· l)b.ihn or i.:.1kh their 11.:" #llli.11

•g..1,11~ Uc i;;pnlaric Ru.orha..·L." I rm, M.1~ 1911( Pm.on, f-iclJ,. IS1,lun,d OIW\kn

P~Tr, lliE SENTINEL LIFE'S A GoatUn8 In-Goal SPORT_s _ w"'-""""' ..,, g..:"'::::~ J1la Cl Ill 11\\hoha nn ·~ In-Goal I ttl,1) 11H 11 V.clll our of rou ·h Drink-up follows blood donation
°1kfoft' the g:une ~\Il \\11111 h111plllt )(liilf(lf'(","1Ct f, lK!:kl 111-: same 1, ,oo •h. l )"' klll<>'l.,. rou can r11 Mrt .\fll"I 1he l/'ll'IC yuu I A\(' !ht fiaht ,wi 1bc hdJ..

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