2015-2016 Franklin Key Club April Newsletter

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Franklin Key Clubbers walking to District Convention (page 10-11)

Division 7 South | Region 16 | CNH District Franklin High School 6400 Whitelock Parkway, Elk Grove, CA 95757

Monster Memories Volume VII , Issue I: April 2015

Table of Contents

Editor’s Message

Editor Message……………….2 Member of the Month……….3

Upcoming Events…………….4 -Calendar -Bulletin News Fan art…………………………..6 Crossword……………………...7

Past events…………………….8 -February DCM -CNH DCON -Sutter Children’s Center Wellness Festival -Recycling Sorting Party -Miscellaneous events Contact Information………..16

Yo yo yo Monsters! As the 2015-2016 Key Club term begins, I highly encourage you to sign up for service events. The new term means a new start and your goal for this year should be to get as many hours as possible. Make sure to constantly check the Franklin Key Club forums. Furthermore I highly encourage you to attend social Key Club events that are provided. Events such as the monthly Division Council Meeting and the various Key Club fundraisers are a great way to meet new people that hold the same adoration for community service that you value. Additionally, thank you for taking the time to read these newsletters. By glancing at these handy dandy monthly newsletters, you’re updating yourselves on important Key Club news! I also want to thank the people who took the time to submit artwork for the GREAT WALL OF SPIRIT page in the newsletter. Without your dedication to the club and your hobbies, that page could not exist. Therefore if you’re reading this, I encourage you to submit an artistic piece for next month’s newsletter as well. Without further ado I’ll leave you to explore the rest of this newsletter. If you have any constructive comments or things that you enjoyed about the newsletter, please let me know so that I can continue to improve your experience as a reader. In service and friendship, Eileen Eto Franklin Key Club 2015-2016 Bulletin Editor Franklin Key Club 2014-2015 Treasurer


March Member of the Month: Alejandro Toy 2, 4, 6, 8. Who do we appreciate? A-LEJAN-DRO. MONSTER MONSTER, HERE WE GO! If Alejandro Toy, our March Monster of the Month, isn’t doing community service, you can catch him sleeping. Otherwise, you’ll see this senior actively running around to make sure things get done like at Caroling for Cans where a large amount of Key Club members volunteered from other schools after the DCM. He liked how the atmosphere was festive, the caroling was Christmas-like, and the large amount of attendees socialized with one another at the event. It felt like the perfect time to go caroling even when it rained a bit! When Alejandro was interviewed he stated: “Community Service is important to me because it does make a difference, maybe not at a huge national level, but always for an individual. For some people, community service is just something done as a requirement, something done once and forgotten. However, community service gives back to the community, helps others, and performs a service that someone will appreciate. Understanding the feeling of goodwill and how little things make a difference in people's lives is essential to be a positive person. I've seen positive examples of human beings in Key Club, I heard about how Key Club affected people's lives, and I've tracked it to community service. What I like most about Key Club is the fact it's spread out across schools, districts, regions, and countries. This allows more personal connections and layers for community service...making a better world. The whole cooperation of the Key Clubs in EGUSD suggests to me that Key Club is led by those who can bring others around them to craft genuineness into people's lives. I guess I like Key Club for the whole group immersion, cooperativeness, and how the group presents itself to the public.”


Thank you Alejandro for being the best monster you can be. Your work ethics are outstanding, your attendance is out of the ball park, and your service is well appreciated. Your efforts are nowhere near something done once and forgotten, but it is something that someone will look up to and appreciate. Congratulations Alejandro and never forget what an impact you can do to others as you venture on your own journey.—Lesley Wong, Member Recognition Head 2014-2015



1. Alejandro dressed up during Key Club week 2. Alejandro helping after the Recycling Sorting Party by loading bags into the car 3. Alejandro helping at the CIM for the coat check out


Upcoming Events: April “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” -Maria Robinson

April 2015 Sun



Wed 1

Thu 2

Fri 3

Sat 4


Egg Stuffings and Hunt









One Day Fight for Air Climb














SacTown 10 Race



Earth Day

Swim Meet Timing

Zoo Zoom







Woodchip Installation Comcast Cares Day


City Classic Go Fest


Laguna Creek Key Club’s Tapioca and Tournament

Committee Head Positions Committee Head applications will be released: April 6th

When: Saturday, April 11 at 2:00 pm

Committee Head application forms will be due: April 13th

Where: Tapioca and Tea; 9105 Bruceville Rd Suite 3A, Elk Grove, CA 95758

Committee Head interviews will be: April 20th-April 21st

Tournament signups: http:// goo.gl/forms/ySIe1iTgiR

If you’re interested in applying or want to know more about what your duties would be as a committee head, turn to page 7 for more details!

Price: Game registration $5 and bring additional money for Tapioca beverages and snacks

Interested in knowing the latest Franklin Key Club news? Friend our Facebook group “FKC Photos” and join our Facebook group “Franklin Key Club” Follow our Instagram at: _franklinkeyclub


The Great Wall of Spirit Interested in submitting your own artistic piece? Email me at eileento.d7s@gmail.com for more information!

Photography with quote: "The curtain shall close for the old, yet a light shall shine towards the new.” Albert Le

Orange Monster Charm— Celena Yee

Orange monster jacket—Anthony Mei A Dove to Our Bee* We have much to thank for the able bee She creates our peace She gives us all a sight to sit and see We feel our pain cease A time comes when the bee needs to go sleep She becomes too weak Her work holds her back from counting the sheep A cruelty to speak

Drawing with words “Did not finish...lost orange pen I cry every time” and dated 10/31/14 - Anonymous *Poem: “Dedicated to Emily Nguyen and all the hard working people we meet on a daily basis” -Albert Le

Now the bee is starting to go away A sad thought to hear, But what are we to do to make her stay And not drown in beer

https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=INw0FwuY4s0

As the humans we are, we ought to act We must lift her wing To remove her heavy burden intact, To help this being

https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=g0JpdSdLhDk https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=KewBP_6WxAQ DCON Vlog -Samantha Tai


If we unite to gift her our own heart A present she loves If we can be the change and do our part Then we are white doves

KEY Leaders Crossword Franklin High School Key Club has numerous chances for you to develop your leadership skills. Can you name all the officer and committee head positions our club offers?

Across 2. Transports recycling from the school to their house, to the recycling center and hosts Recycling Sorting Parties 3. Creates the traditional and untraditional scrapbook plus the digital year-in-review video for the District Convention awards 5. Finds and recognizes KEY members who have gone above and beyond 7. Finds community service events for the members and contacts the event coordinators 8. Leader of the club who has to make KEY decisions, lead meetings, contact all advisors, and monitor all positions 9. Creates and updates the Franklin Key Club website and forums 10. Records and keeps track of all member hours alongside taking meeting minutes and filling out the Monthly Report Form for the division


11. Assists all other officers and committee heads with their duties and comes up with ideas to improve our club Down 1. Contacts fellow committee members, takes photos and videos at service events, and assists the Bulletin Editor and Scrapbook head 3. Teaches cheers to Key Club members for Fall Rally and District Convention as well as assists in creation of spirit gear 4. Creates newsletters and submits visuals and articles

February DCM and Caring for Crafts Photo Credits to: Nathan Dang, Samantha Tai, Lesley Wong, Albert Le, and Alexander Pham

Alejandro Toy cutting fringes for blankets

Key Clubbers listening to announcements

“My first DCM was an eventful one, I certainly didn't expect to see promposals...occur... I liked Valley's monthly update and how lively most people [were] during it. [I liked] the charades especially, I don't know how the club representatives guessed snail correctly and I laughed at the fire hydrant antics. DCM overall was a great experience Right after DCM, there was an icebreaker game called Bae, I didn't participate but it looked like a fun way to know people's names. After they finished setting up the tables, I went to the fleece blanket making section and like everyone else at that station, asked for good scissors. The process was cutting a 4x4 square on the corners, then [creating] fringes around the blanket and knotting it. I was a cutter, so I helped cut 4 blankets. Other people...decorated finished blankets. I saw people untangling yarn, making dolls, and sewing. I also saw the division leaders busy helping everyone...Unfortunately, I had to leave at 8 and people weren't finished with the dolls or blankets, but I know I contributed although the blankets weren't perfect. Overall, Caring for Crafts got a lot of caring into their blankets, loom hats, and dolls. “ - Alejandro Toy “A DCM...is a meeting that is held monthly, where members from all clubs are invited to attend. At these meetings, you'll get a chance to play fun icebreakers/activities, and hear updates from the club, division, and district level. DCMs are also a great place to meet new people from all over the division and reunite with your fellow monsters! Plus you won't want to miss out on all these informative updates, and get a chance to learn more about what Key Club is all about. Don't believe me? Come out to future DCMs and see for yourself! “ - Terry Nguyen Terry Nguyen, former Executive Assistant and current LTG, announcing important news at the Division Council Meeting


“After seeing so many people gather for the last DCM I felt very blessed to have had the opportunity to serve an organization like Key Club. No more writing club updates, no more rapping, and no more having fun with my KC family -- I'm really going to miss being President! “ Sharon Hsu

Sharon Hsu, Franklin Key Club IP (immediate past) president, is leading the pledge

David Guo sewing

“The Caring for Crafts service event was a great community effort of loyal and dedicated Key Clubbers who at the event sewed dolls, made looms, blankets, and cards for sick children in the hospital for the Children's Miracle Network...At the event you could socialize and meet new people while helping the community and children in need .”David Guo


Anthuny Pham and Saarim Rahman work together to cut tape for Caring for Crafts

California Nevada Hawaii District Convention

CNH DCON Exclusive: Key Club Love Story

Van Nguyen and Lesley Wong got to spend three days together at DCON, reunited after they met at the last DCON

April 11, 2014: DCON- My first step venturing into the wild and inspiring world of Key Club. The next day, this still clueless sophomore went to an inspirational speaker Keith Hawkins’s workshop. Stepping out of her comfort zone, trying to meet new people, introducing herself to new faces from people all around CNH —she happened to come across a Division 4 North Otter. Oh what the heck, she even asked for his phone number and till that day they kept in contact with each other. That girl was me and none of us knew it’d blossom into what it is now. As it neared DCON 2015, we met up with each other again and enjoyed the déjà vu of the high energy in sprit, the seriousness in caucus, the friendliness in socializing, the tears at the end, and most importantly the skills newly learned that will forever be with us.

Photo credits to: Nathan Dang, A

“My first DCON was extremely spirited, heartwarming, and full of merriment! I've never seen so many dedicated Key Clubbers concentrated in one building before and it made me proud that there were so many people who care about what Key Club does. My favorite part about DCON was meeting all the BEEutiful Key Clubbers that I only knew online because they lived so far away. It was an honor finally being able to talk face to face with them.”-Andrew Fong Andrew Fong posing in his business formal wear for Saturday alongside a Key Blade

Franklin High School Key Clubbers take a group photo on Friday in their spirit gear

When Andrew Yu, IP Secretary was asked what his favorite part of DCON was he replied: “Getting distinguished. It was so wonderful, I almost cried when people hugged me and congratulated me. “


Albert Le, and Tommy Tran

e s d

Joshua Diaz enjoyed his last meal at DCON, when asked what his favorite part of the whole experience was he replied," I liked that during every general session, we had the opportunity to cheer for our division and Key Club .”

David Keet having a conversation with Pleasant Grove’s Key Club advisor.

“Being on DCON's Social Media Team was a visceral experience for me. I never thought at all about getting an opportunity to directly serve Cali-Nev-Ha's biggest event, which I am still mind blown about that fact. But because of the support of my division, I was able to exploit my skills and share it with the District, and that truly says so much about me. DCON was wonderful. Full of spirit and swarming with BEEs. My favorite memory of DCON would probably have to be just everything about it, considering that this was my first trip. I believe for me it's not one favorite moment about DCON, but rather a continuous movement of events that convey a universal element, from working with nine other professionals on my team out of 3000+ attendees, to even just watching and listening to the loud and bright buzzes of CNH. It was possibly one of the biggest captures I've ever had, and I hope to keep serving CNH once more.” Nathan Dang who was on the DCON Social media team poses with a fellow photographer from Pleasant Grove Key Club


Sutter’s Children Center Wellness Festival Photo Credits Photo Credits to: Eileen Eto and Lindsay Ou

to: Eileen Eto and Lindsay Ou

When Jasmin Lee was asked what her favorite part of the event was she replied that it was “getting to help little children with their mini projects.” Jasmin Lee preps the arts and crafts section for the little children

Al Jubinal helps pick up garbage at the end of the event

Johnathan Tai and Jesse Thiara help make smoothies for the Fairytale Town guests

Johnathan Tai: “I made smoothies...it was really fun. Seeing Victor and Saarim [be] humpty dumpty made it more memorable.” Jesse Thiara: “I enjoyed helping the community and seeing the happy children.”


“My favorite part was playing hoola hoop with the kids. Encouraging them to make the most fun out of the game brought smiles on my face too. But be warned, kids have ten times the energy that we have.” -Lindsay Ou

Lindsay Ou convinces little children to hoola hoop with her

“I like volunteering at fairytale town because I really like working with children . Little kids have such high energy that makes it really fun to spend time dancing around or working on crafts with them. I also love volunteering there because I have vivid memories of playing there when I was a little kid so for me, volunteering there feels like I'm giving back to the organization that gave me a lot of fun as a child…”-Megan Morris


Megan Morris dances with the little children

Recycling Sorting Party Photo Credits to: Andrew Yu

“Recycling Sorting Parties. These are always so very much fun, with the horrid stench and sticky fluids. Something about them just makes my head hurt after working for a while. But through all that hard work, I realized that not only are we making a difference by collecting the school's recycling ... but we're also raising a great amount of money for the club we serve. Therefore, I think enduring a bit of stink and taking a shower after working ... is a small price to pay for the huge reward we get in return. “-Michelle Nguyen Michelle Nguyen helps scoop up the crushed water bottles to put into a clean recycling bag.

Krisha Cuasay helps take bottles out of the dirty bags to uncap and crush them.

Simran Sandhu helps put uncapped, crushed water bottles into a clean recycling bag.

“The most enjoyable part of the event for me was knowing that all the plastic bottles that accumulate at school don't just go to waste and pollute our land. By collecting and recycling them we can help the school out and also help out the Earth, something I find really important. “ -Simran Sandhu


March Service Events Photo Credits to: Nick Arriaga, Cindy Lam, Jeven McCoy

Shamrock Marathon

Mud Factor 5K Elk Grove Community Garden


Mic T

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