Special edition Welcome to the MOOLA magazine, and our special edi%on in English. We had the honor of Bape%sk De Pape visi%ng Denmark earlier this year, in connec%on with his "Power of The Heart" tour. When Bap%st was in Denmark he was kind enough to give an interview to Malue Marry Montclairre, and a photoshoot with the skilled danish photographer Elona Sjogren. It tournd out to be a great ar%cle, and nothing was more natural than to have it translated, so that it could also be read in English. The result is this "mini" MOOLA magazine. A special edi%on in English, something we will repeat twice a year when we are allowed to bring ar%cles with interes%ng foreign names, and where we simultaneously brings exci%ng news from our Danish members.
Special thanks to all who contributed to the release of this magazine Lisbeth & Maria
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MOOLA I/S Værkstedgården 8 2620 Albertslund info@moola.dk moola.dk CVR 35907300
moola members
Mathilda Yokelin Elona Sjøgren Isak Hoffmeyer
Translators Mirjam Friediger Julie Bak Svenningsen
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moola magazine is published the first Friday of the month. ♥ You will find our
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MOOLA.DK magasin no. 8 2015
photographer Elona Sjøgren
he words come from the man who heart. From the beginning of the "ilm, the produced and came up with the calm and deep voice of Maya Angelou original idea to the "ilm The Po- streaming out of the loud speakers made wer of The Heart, Baptist de Pape. This is me surrender: ”I believe that the heart is a man I have personally become very fond the most forceful, impactful element in of because he is such a "ine and beautiful our lives.” The heart. The most powerful example of the fact that we as humans on- organ that we are all gifted with, but so ly have those limitations which we have very few of us understand the full potenticonvinced ourselves to be true. This man al of. The heart where the soul lives. has done the opposite, he has released his own limitations and convictions about In my practice as a Soul Support what it possible for him to do, and he has Therapist it is my foremost and most succeeded. humble goal to help my clients "ind a way into their hearts, the dwelling of the soul . Back in June of 2015 I went to a scree- I often use the energy from different types ning of this extraordinary movie, which I of rocks and gemstones built into jewelry, had heard so much about from Steinar which can support us in the choices we Ditlefsen without knowing what to ex- make through the enhancement of courapect. It hit me – and very clearly it also hit ge, self-con"idence , and the ability to face the rest of the audience – right where it the resistance of the outside world, was supposed to hit, in the middle of the which is often what we experience when
MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
we start to walk the path of the heart. See- they really want from life. For Baptist is ing this movie I got an overwhelming fee- was a YouTube clip with Oprah Winfrey ling of wishing to offer to Baptist de Pape interviewing Eckhart Tolle, “incidentally” precisely such a piece of jewelry demon- popping up on a Google search on the mestrating my acknowledgment and respect aning of life that made the "irst big diffefor the journey he has chosen to take – the rence for him. “Incidentally” is written in longest journey possible that covers the quotation marks because Baptist does not distance from the mind to the heart. A believe in coincidences, but instead in a far journey, which for everyone who under- higher and deeper meaning with everyttakes it is always full of obstacles and hing. In the interview with Oprah Winfrey, hardships, challenges, and patience. Eckhart Tolle describes how we, instead of asking what we want from life, should ask Baptist de Pape begins our conversation what life wants from us – and Baptist is, citing Steve Jobs: “Remembering that you like most of us, raised with logical thinking are going to die is the best way I know to – “We cannot "ind the connection to our avoid the trap of thinking you have so- soul with logical thinking”, as Baptist says. mething to lose. You are already naked. “At the time I felt cut off from my heart, my There is no reason not to follow your higher self and the meaning of my life. Life heart.” Without protection, without shield is short and it was necessary for me to "ind and sword, without façade and mask it be- my purpose in life. I have had many spiricomes clear to me, that this man speaks tual experiences in my life, already as a directly from the heart. I sense the four es- child sential energies that he needs to strengt- hen: self-protection, strength, grounding, I had my "irst out-of-body experience, but I and faith. Because in spite of the never told anyone about it. As a child it enormous success which Baptist de Pape takes extraordinary courage and as an has achieved with The Power of The Heart, adult, it takes … well, extraordinary courahe is still just a human being – we have a ge as well. And where does that courage man who is completely naked in his hu- come from? To feel your heart, your soul maneness, completely like everyone else. that gives you the undisputed feeling of what you are here to achieve and do in this “The best way to be great, is to make sure life, that was what I was searching for”, afthat the things you do makes you feel "irms Baptist. And that was truly what he good. In spite of the fact that it was a "ifty- received. After walking around for about "ifty between good and dif"icult emotions an hour asking the question exactly as poin the process of producing the movie, I sed by Eckhart Tolle, Baptist had to run for didn’t have any other choice but to follow shelter from a violent rainfall. Nothing had my heart in creating this movie.” At the happened by asking the question and he screening of the movie I had heard Baptist felt ridiculous, but there was nothing to talk about his life six years prior to the lose. “Breathless and sheltered by some movie, about his considerations and wor- huge trees I suddenly got this strong pain ries, whether he wanted to continue as a in my chest. top lawyer in Amsterdam for the rest of his life, living an academic life just like the I know of course that the heart is not rest of his family. Most people who doubt made of bone but it felt exactly as if my their life’s journey asks themselves what heart broke – I even thought that I could MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
hear the sound of a bone breaking – and suddenly I was hit by this very strong feeling of unlimited love. It was so overwhelming that I cried and cried because it was such a wonderful feeling of coming home – and right there I knew I had to make a movie about the heart.” Baptist is a man of many words and he feels strongly about sharing his experience, because as he puts it: “The older we get, many people become conscious that there is another way to live your life. It takes courage to share one’s story, like for instance I do, but it gives others the opportunity to do the same.” He continues eagerly: “In spite of no support at all from family and friends and of reoccurring doubt whether this vision was nothing all but a romantic dream, it still was the feeling of coming home that kept me going – I had to continue. It was very challenging for both myself and for my surroundings. Our soul does not care about realism. It only deals with intentions, and from the heart’s intentions miracles happen.” It has taken "ive years to create the movie The Power of The Heart. During my conversation with Baptist it occurs to me, that this process of creation has followed Baptist’s own personal development. It was driven by a "irm decision to follow the heart without having any notion about how this journey could possibly succeed. Without Baptist’s own personal journey to the center of his source in the process of "inding investors and others who would support his project, the grand vision of this movie would never have been accomplished. “When you work from the heart, there is an in-build synchronicity with guidance from a higher level of consciousness. And when we pursue the intentions coming from the heart, things will sooner than later happen to us.”
photographer Elona Sjøgren
MOOLA.DK magasin no. 8 2015
”The older we get, many people become conscious that there is another way to live your life. It takes courage to share one’s story, like for instance I do, but it gives others the opportunity to do the same.” - Baptist de Pape photographer Elona Sjøgren
Most people give up on a dream when they vie. Studies made by Rollin McCraty, PhD meet too much resistance or if the results and director of research for The Heart do not come quick enough. This creates Math Institute in California, shows that the frustration, anxiety, and unhappiness – I heart picks up on occurrences 20 seconds see it daily in my consultation. Baptist is before the brain receives the same inforsuch a "ine example of the fact that when mation. And this is merely what we are abwe keep on following our heart and intui- le to calculate! But in order to intercept tion, the pure feeling from the heart, then what comes from the heart and what we will succeed. The heart contains intui- comes from the brain, we each need to tion, and in the same way as we cannot lo- "ind the particular way that works for us. gically explain what our intuition is telling us, the same way we just know when a Is it through silence or is it by listening to wish or an aspiration comes from the music? Isabel Allende says in the movie heart. that when she plays with her dogs, when she makes love with her husband, and when she writes books she feels in con nection with her heart. For Paulo Coelho it You can only learn how to trust is when he writes books, too. For Eckhart Tolle it also happens through meditation. your heart when you start For Baptist de Pape it happens when he goes bare-foot on the beach, by being in experimenting with it. nature, by listening to music, and by getHumans do not trust their hearts. ting enough sleep. They only learn to trust it when “Sometimes when I travel from Europe to the US, I often have to go to meetings and they realize, that they interviews directly from the airport, and if I haven’t gotten enough sleep, my connecactually can tion to my heart is ‘blurred’. I know this. And therefore I can take better care of my self and pay extra attention to what my “You can only learn how to trust your heart tells me to be the right or wrong acheart when you start experimenting with tion in a given situation. It is important for it. Humans do not trust their hearts. They each of us to understand, that we need to only learn to trust it when they realize, "ind that special way which works for us. that they actually can. This process is only We can do this by asking ourselves what possible trough experience.” Baptist conti- makes us feel alive. When do you feel this nues: “We are not human doings, we are very special pulse or special sense in your human beings, creating alignment with stomach?” our source. We manifest from the being and when we are aligned with our source, In this moment, on the other side of the things start to "low.” table I meet the heart, the pure soul in this man. Chuckling, smiling and full of eagerThe brain is the last one to know! For tho- ness to communicate the knowledge that se of us who have started learning to live he has attained, he sits gesticulating, from this, we get factual proof in the mo- humble and with great passion, sharing MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
his life experiences. And I resonate with tion.” Drew Heriot has also directed the this human being who commenced the in- "ilm The Secret which, as those familiar terview by citing Steve Jobs. Many people with the "ilm know, is about the law of atcan quote and refer to the words of wise traction. “We are constantly creating our men and women. But to live from this wis- reality – consciously or not – dom is something completely different. and when we comprehend with the heart how we as energy are in interplay with the Baptist keeps on talking in the most con- universe, God or whatever we choose to siderate way: “With everyday lives where call it, we are able to create miracles.” most people have families to provide for, with tailbacks on their way to work and all “Don’t wish for the magic, because you are the other stuff that can make us stressed, the magic” as Baptist puts it. “We have to it is even more important to stay tuned to move from the head to the heart, because our hearts. For not only in this way can we the energy of the heart’s desire is differlive out our purpose and be at peace with ent, and from that place we can manifest that, but we are actually also more produc- whatever the heart desires and then the tive, healthy, and happy when we are con- synchronicities happen. This approach nected to our source. In a hectic life this in was actually used – without me being a itself can be rather challenging and many hundred percent conscious about it – for of us do not know how to implement this the creation of the movie.” Perhaps, I wontruth in our lives, because we are not used der, this is the reason why it took Baptist to anything else than thinking – this is "ive years to complete the "ilm. In that case what we have learned. But if we really it merely renders his decisiveness that want to create a happy and meaningful life more admirable. we have to "ind a place within ourselves, where we learn how to react to this.” “When we act from the energy of the heart’s intentions and desires it is differWith his hands stretched out one above ent than when we act from the mind’s inthe other, Baptist attempts to show where tentions. In the period in which all the inthe low energy is placed. “When for exam- terviews were going on, I repeatedly asked ple we "ind ourselves in an unfavorable sit- myself why some people are more sucuation it is this low vibration and in order cessful than others. What mechanisms and to change a situation which is not good or coincidences are there between these to "ind a solution to a problem, we have to great spiritual teachers? And it occurred to move from the low vibration to a high vi- me that they are all powerful manifestors.” bration because it is impossible to "ind so- So why not write a book about this, now lutions to problems if we stay in the same that he was in the middle of it? He did do energy that created them.” It is the power so! It is presently with the publishing of manifestation which Baptist is talking house in New York and is expected to be about here. The power of manifestation is published in 2016. obviously something, which interests him very much. “During the shooting of The “Right now I am focusing on one thing onPower of The Heart I lived for a long peri- ly, and that is screenings and talks about od together with the director of the movie The Power of The Heart – that is what my Drew Heriot and we had many conversa- heart calls for. I know exactly what cities tions regarding the power of manifesta- and countries to visit until the end of 2016 MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
photographer Elona Sjøgren and afterwards it is desired for me to pro- his company – for his heart or his fame. duce The Power of The Heart For Kids.” The reverse side of the coin which we alAmen, I say! “With the type of education ways hear about when a star falls from the that we have today, kids are completely sky. But this is a star which has not fallen disconnected from their own source. It is from the sky. This is a star that shines "ine to learn about physics, science, and beautifully and strong, and with pride and language, but when the teachings do not humility does what he deeply and honestly come from a different place than the limi- feels is right in his heart. ted mind, they cannot be optimally put to use. A lot of kids are alone with their spiritual experiences, as I was. What I wanted So what are the four energies that we for myself as a kid and did not get, I belie- through intuition and trust have discovered to be good for him, going to be used ve I can create for kids today.” for? “Trust is for me to know oneself and work from that place. Strength comes from “All things start with the man in the mir- being adjusted in one’s own essence. It ror.” What a man! Baptist has a lot on his comes from being unfailing in the heart. heart and in the middle of the "low of talk I Self-protection is self-love, to love yoursit for a silent moment and wonder about self. Because if you really love yourself, this man’s life. A life that in the last ten ye- you are also going to take care of yourself. ars has been full of constant traveling and You are grounded when your losses in life hotel stays away from home, family, and do not bring you out of balance. If you can friends. Baptist tells me about a night in a stay in balance and in contact with yourhotel in Frankfurt where he woke up and self in the heart regardless of the challendid not know where he was. That is a part ges of life, then you are really grounded.” of his life. He accepts this without com- plaining or seeming to be displeased. A joint re"lection of the conversation with “Often our biggest lessons and blessings this wonderful man could only be a heartare our worst nightmares. But we are able to-heart conversation. Baptist concludes to extract the teachings out of them when his many words with af"irming: “As it is we are present in the now.” This is the said in The Power of The Heart: Words answer I get, when I ask if he ever has the that come from the heart, touch the heart. feeling of fear. Fear of not being able to Therefore it has been gratifying for my keep on performing. Fear of who wishes soul to talk with you.” ∎ MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
HOUSE OF KINDNESS Malue is soul supporter and has created House of Kindness to spread knowledge and wisdom for every human, who in consciousness wants to find all that it has forgoHen that it already are; ul%mately to achieve a stronger and more sa%sfying life of peace and acceptance in selflove and life. "In House of Kindness we are peaceful warriors. We aim to shine the light of love, which we with courage, have found inside ourselves, and we wish to inspire and mo%vate you to do the same. You are the most beau%ful soul wrapped up in a human body and it's your job and your responsibility to unwrap yourself and find your soul so you can be the light you are created to be. " House of Kindness is facilita%ng lectures that Malue holds of the soul's evolu%on and the love you are, and she also takes clients for one to one soul support sessions. In House of Kindness you will also find the jewellery brand "I AM LOVE" which is designed by Malue from unique and very specific inten%ons. Malue uses the energies she recieves from the universe as well as from gemstones in her designs, combined with the most beau%ful colors and symbols. When you wear a piece of jewellery you can be supported in the journey you walk to connect with your source - yourself as a soul. Malue also makes special designs for special requests.
photographer Elona Sjøgren
You can read more about House of Kindness at www.houseoMindness.org
photographer Mugge
ELONA SJØGREN Elona Sjøgren is an interna%onally recognized photographer with 24 years of experience as a fashion – and portraitphotographer of both musicians, actors and poli%cians. Elona Sjøgren is the ar%st behind photos of among others The Dalai Lama, Grace Jones, Nikolai Lie Kaas & Susse Wold. “Most famous people are used to having their picture taken, but the socalled “totally ordinary human being” oRen fears having it done”. I oRen meet people, who can´t find peace and confidence in themselves and their bodies, their looks and in standing in front of the camera and showing everything, they are. And the biggest joy for me is to help them drop their guards and find peace in the comfort within, so they can end up feeling beau%ful and free. Right there is where the magic happens. Right there, it becomes a great and touching to experience, how it upraises a person to be captured in the light of the mirror of their soul. It´s magic and wonderful, and I love it.
You can read more about Elona Sjøgren at elona.com
photographer Mathilda Yokelin
ARE YOU POSTPONING AND PROCRASTINATING THE THINGS YOU WANT TO DO? Do you often postpone things? Let med help you by explaining the reason for it and how you can work your way out of it.
o you postpone things you would like meet this one particular problem in my to do, or know you have to do? Learn consultation. It is an incredibly ordinary how to break the code for your inner theme for quite a lot of people, but also taresistance by realising what it´s really boo for many of them. about. News lash: It´s not because you´re lazy! I´m a woman that likes to act on my ideas and visions. I´m the passionate type who If you think you´re the only one to post- can fall so madly in love with my project, pone what you´ve wanted to do, and you that I´m willing to work on it day and feel shame in not following up on your night. I usually start working on it 2 dreams or start up projects you don´t see minutes after I’ve gotten the idea, and I through – Then think again! don´t stop until my work is done. With time, I´ve taught myself to have a As a mentor and therapist with a specialty more balanced approach towards my way in breaking destructive patterns, I often of working and doing projects, because it´s MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
photographer Mathilda Yokelin
very hard to unite late nights in the life of It was a time in my life where doing things, a mom and therapist, while having clients whether I wanted to or had to, sometimes during the day. was almost impossible. I delayed it, post poned it, and was resistant towards myself Once I fall in love with an idea about a or the demands of others. seminar I´d like to offer, a book I´d like to It caused me more problems than joy, and write, or a blogpost I´d like to do, then it´s at times, it would destroy my self-worth. really hard for me to postpone it. It has to At the time, to write a book was like walkbe done while the inspiration is there. ing in a desert. It was a daily struggle; "ight Working with what I feel is the purpose of between the ef"icient part of me, and the my life gives me an indescribable satisfac- part that wanted to postpone until tomortion and joy. I feel connected with eternal row. Even if I loved writing. freedom and wisdom when I create. The other day though, my ex-husband reminded me that once there was another reality in my life (what else are ex- Even when we want it, day in and husbands there for, other than reminding day out, we´re able to you of who you once were!). There was a time when I was in my early twenties, procrastinate, if we suffer from when doing the things I wanted was condelay and unhealthy nected to great resistance and pain. I was postponement. a postponer! Most of my days went by in predictable cycles: I decided on doing an assignment, and after 5 minuts I got distracted and started procrastinating. After a couple of I mistakenly thought something was totalhours I convinced myself that I should go ly wrong with me, until I broke the code back and do the things I knew I had to. Af- and found out, what delay and procrastiter hours of struggling with myself, I nation was all about. would leave it with a guilty conscience and In my work with clients, I often meet delay tears of frustration piling up inside, take and postponement. It could be clients havtime off, and convince myself that I was ing trouble taking action on what they in both incompetent and lazy. At the time, I fact know is good for them, for example; worked as a recognised interior stylist and the health-diet/ jumping into the dreamjournalist on TV and in the magazine busi- career that they´ve prepared for and are ness, and in spite of the fact that I loved ready for / getting something done that my job, I would often "ind myself in situa- their partner is asking of them / "inishing tions where I told myself, I was untalented their dream-studies / getting their thesis and should give up, just because it gave me done / getting their blogpost done / or the freedom to stop the inner struggle that even saying goodbye to the half-dead relawent on inside me. Even the most unim- tionship they’re in…….Anything! portant things would be put on hold inde"- Even when we want it, day in and day out, we´re able to procrastinate if we suffer initely because “I just didn´t do them”. MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
Allow the inner child in you, to postpone for a while and acknowledge that part of you.
photographer Mathilda Yokelin
from delay and unhealthy postponement. throughout life. It is one of the basic mechI, myself too, feel the obvious pain they anisms of human beings. feel, because I recognize it from my own life in my early twenties. If we´ve experienced being inappropriate ly controlled by outer authorities as kids “Am I lazy? What´s wrong with me? I don´t (whether it is unhealthily controlling pardoubt that it has to be done, I just don´t ents, older siblings, or an outer circumknow why I don´t get around to doing it?” stance which has taken control of our life), These are typical thought-patterns for then we quickly learn how to “cheat our people who delay their dreams and daily way to freedom”. We cut school, say that activities, and they can lead us to even we´ve done our homework when we really more destructive thoughts about our- haven´t, steal candy from the kitchenselves that do not serve us. cabinet when we know we´re not allowed But the reason for it is often not what we and so on. Throughout life, we carry this think. If you suffer from unhealthy post- mechanism with us. ponement and delay, then know that you are NOT lazy, and nothing is wrong with The feeling of being unhealthily controlled you. can be so painful that we would do any thing (even sabotaging ourselves) to get The reason can be found in childhood. It is rid of it. It can force us to offer resistance stored in your sub-conscious mind like an every time we have to do something. old program having to be replaced. It is all about freedom and control. We experience it as an inner battle towards the part of us that wants to do what it´s planned to, and the part that wants to cheat its way to freedom to avoid the feelTo be able to understand what ing of being controlled. the pattern is all about, you must In order to work with this subject, it´s a know that one of the basic really good thing to consult an expert in mechanisms, which lie in human these matters, and I recommend that you me through Skype to look deeper nature, is the search for freedom. contact into the causes and how to break the pattern. But for now, I´ll offer you a small tool-kit To be able to understand what the pattern to get started working on the postponeis all about, you must know, that one of the ment-pattern. basic mechanisms which lie in human na- ture, is the search for freedom. Inside us, When you work on the subject always rewe have a natural drive to always seek to member the following: create freedom in our lives. It is natural The postponing part of you is a little child and healthy to aspire for self- who has a memory of being controlled, determination and creation of physical, and who experiences it as being terribly psychological and mental freedom unpleasant and overwhelming. MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
How to approach situations where the postponement-pattern tries to manipulate you:
yourself the opportunity to learn to handle the dynamics. And I have a series of very Stop trying to control that part of you, important key question to ask yourself in speak softly to it, and immediately let go the situations, when the inner need for when you feel the urge to postpone. postponement, keeps you from creating There´s probably nothing to do about it the life you want: Is someone or something really controlling once the little child has taken over. Allow the inner child in you, to postpone you ? Or is it “just “ a feeling of being confor a while and acknowledge that part of trolled? And if so, aren't you really free to feel something else, whenever you are you. ready to let go of the inner battle? Take notes of what it is you´ve experienced earlier in your life, that´s the main reason I wish you all the best. of why you struggle between control and freedom. Ask your higher-self (that part of you who ∎ wants the very best for you), what the best thing would be to do right now. Would you feel better having done what you promised yourself? What kind of amazing results would you end up with, when you´ve allowed yourself to do what you really want, or know you have to? Remember always, as long as you have an inner war between control and freedom, there is no development. Be willing to use your higher-self as an inner peacemaker. What would your higher-self express to this inner battle between freedom and control? Many years ago, I myself, learned to solve this inner con"lict, and as you have read in Meet Louise at the beginning of this article, there was a louiselievonlinstow.dk radical change and actively engaging me was hidden behind the pattern. To really Louise is right now working on know oneself and not just your patterns is an English version of her website a huge gift which I deeply appreciate. It and international courses in gives you so much freedom to know both alters and symbols. your patterns and yourself, because you´re able to separate one from the other. I know that if you struggle with this particular pattern, numerous gifts of freedom, insight, and love await you when you give
Turn to the next page to learn more of Louises tools to self development through the sacred power of alters...
MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
Are you tired of feeling blocked? Are you ready to realize your potential? 1:1 sessions and mentoring (also on Skype overseas) are booked via mail: louiselievonlinstow@gmail.com.
photographer Mathilda Yokelin
photographer Mathilda Yokelin
How to make your own personal manifestation altar to create the changes you want to see happen Louise Lie von Linstow is a recognized therapist, mentor and leader of the “INTUITIVE COUNSELOR” education. Louise gives lectures on sub-consciousness, symbols and the power in creating personal alters and rituals in everyday-life.
ltars are beautiful powerful manifes- Bernadette Mauritson and is teaching her tation helpers, you can install in wisdom of altars on her Masterclass SAyour home, to connect with your CRED LIVING HEALER that is soon going dreams, inner wisdom and to keep your to become an online course in english focus on what you want to create, rather available from www.louiselievonlinstow.dk as well as a book than what you don't want. Louise has created a whole system to use for healing and manifesting through the Louise is sharing some exclusive footage sacred power of altars and rituals. from her book for inspiration, and some insights and tips for you to create your own altar. She has worked with designing altars for people like Passion test guru Janet Att- “I have been designing altars since I was a wood and the danish detox guru Ninka- child, only back then I didn't know they MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
photographer Isak Homeyer
where altars, but just little visual worlds I would create in my room, from lace napkins, "lowers, porcelain "igurines, and little dolls. I would imagine the world I wanted to live in and portray it in the little altar designs. Many many years later as a grown up, it is very easy for me to see, how the things I have now, the life i live, many of the blessings I am grateful for today, I already created visually as a child. And It makes perfect sense to me, having the knowledge as a therapist, of how our minds and especially our subconscious minds always work to create the things we imagine and are passionate about, and especially the things we create in our minds as children. For me the altars was a way to escape living in an emotionally unsafe home, and somehow they have - unintendetly - helped me, create a meaningful and beautiful life. Since then I have made a big study about altars and symbols, from different cultures, and from there created a whole system that works as a tool you can use at home for self development. I use them to heal situations in my life, to manifest important situations and visions I have for my life. Through the sacred power of altars I have healed my life and manifested actual physical things into my life. For instance a big contract, lovely homes, and the right people at the right times.
create intention focused intention Our subconscious minds always work at an automated level to create circumstances that match whatever beliefs and information, we have stored there. MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
photographer Mathilda Yokelin
express yourself clearly - I don’t like that , I want this, I dream of that
we avoid doing things to avoid pain, but avoidance is also pain
photographer Mathilda Yokelin
Before you create your altar: Intention:
consciousness and to the energy that each universal symbol represent. Be completely clear and sure about what it You also want to apply personal symbols is you want to manifest. Visualize how it that remind you of the exact thing you looks, and feels exactly, when you are want to heal or manifest. For instance, if there. Ask and answer this question to you want to manifest a trip around the yourself: What feelings do I have access to world, you can apply different travel memorabilia that gives you the feeling of travelwhen I have healed or manifested this ing. thing into my life? You can "ind crystals to support the energy, The obstacle: and apply a plant to symbolize growth on Be aware of what has, in the past, kept you the altar. from healing or manifesting this thing into your life. Be honest with yourself. Is it Place your altar on a tray to focus the enerfear? gy. Place it in a spot in your home where you often see it, and pass by it, and never in the windowsill, because the energy here, belongs to the outside. express yourself clearly - I don’t like that , I want this, And then meditate with each thing in your hands and make al little ritual where you, I dream of that through the power of thought place the right intentions into each thing in your altar. You can use your altar everyday with little How to create your own altar: To make your own altar you need to collect personal visualizations and rituals of medsymbols that tell a story about what you itation, to bring yourself closer to your wish to heal or manifest into your life. dreams, and prepare yourself for what is Choose symbols that have a look that coming. speaks to your soul. Your soul likes to be happy and feel joyful! Part of making altars ∎ is also to make them as beautiful as possible. The idea is that you want to give the alter as much attention and love as possiMeet Louise at ble. louiselievonlinstow.dk
There are the symbols that are universal like the star ( represents our higher self, our soul ) , the heart ( represents compassion and love ), the feather ( represents healing ) and so on. When you use them, you tap into collective MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
Louise is right now working on an English version of her website and international courses in alters and symbols.
MAKE YOUR FOOD MEDICINE DISGUISED AS HEAVENLY MORSELS Food, lifestyle and environment all "speak to your body" so let me help you cook food and live in a way that carries a "message of love" which in turn will make your body be "on its best behaviour" Umahro Cadogan • Nutrion and Func%onal Medicine expert, lecturer, bestselling author, former Adjunct Professor in Nutri%on and Func%onal Medicine, consultant to the healthcare industry. My aim in life: To help you obtain vibrant health and all the vitality you want and deserve through food, nutri%on diet, exercise and lifestyle. And not for the sake of health itself, but because that will give you the energy and capacity to live the kind of life you wish for. I endeavour to give you the recipes, knowledge, informa%on and tools to become your own health expert and nutri%on doctor. To show you how to make food that is medicine disguised as heavenly morsels. And understand why exercise is literally the fountain of youth. MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
Umahro’s 10 Dietary Commandments Anno 2015
1 2 3 4 5
Eat vegetables, berries and fruits. At least 600 gr a day – but 1 kg is even better – and preferably more vegetables than berries and more berries than fruits. Eat organic and biodynamic of possible. Eat the whole spectrum of colour (“eat a rainbow”) every day. Try to get produce that has been harvested when ripe. Eat it prepared in a variety of ways: Some raw, some juiced, some cooked, some blended in smoothies, some marinated and some fermented. Eat high-quality protein with every meal. Have at least 1 small handful/palmful protein with every main meal and ideally some protein with snacks as well. Preferably eat organic, grassfed, biodynamic or wild sources of animal protein. Protein powder without added sugar, colours, "lavors and sweeteners is a perfectly acceptable way of upping your protein intake. Spare your body the burden of re"ined sugar… the sugar you add, what is added (in secret) to products as well as the synthetic sweeteners. The lower bodyfat percentage, the higher lean mass and the more active you are, the better you can tolerate eating some added sugar, but being "it is not a carte blanche. Stevia, xylitol and erytrithol are acceptable sugar substitutes if used in moderation. Do not fear fat, but look at the type and quality. Animal fats should ideally come from grassfed, free-range, organic, biodynamic animals or game. Vegetable oils should be cold pressed and unre"ined (i.e. extra virgin quality). Make sure you have omega-3 fats every single day. Eat nuts, almonds, seeds or legumes (lentils, beans and chickpeas) every day. Have a small handful of nuts, almonds or seeds every day. Consider substituting whole grains and potatoes with legumes, if you have problems controlling your blood sugar levels.
MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
6 7 8 9 10
If you eat grain products, then choose whole grains. Re"ined grains are devoid of nutrition. Ideally eat them soaked or in the form of sourdough bread. Gluten is a problem for some, but there is no need to avoid gluten, if you do not have problem with it. Drink 1½ L water, pure vegetable juice, vegetable juice sweetened with a tiny amount of fruit juice, green tea, white tea, black tea and herbal tea. If you must drink coffee or alcohol, prioritize quality rather than quantity. And dairy products can be "ine, but are an issue for others. Irregardless, they are not an absolute necessity. Eat regular meals and never skip breakfast! Other eating patterns such as intermittent fasting, alternate day fasting, 8:16 eating:fasting can be relevant, but only when necessary from a medical, body-composition or health perspective. Eat balanced meals with healthy fats, high-quality protein, “whole” carbohydrates and vegetables. Use the T-plate model as inspiration. The more organic, the better! Some people do well tweaking the ratio of protein:fats:carbohydrate in various directions depending on needs, body composition, state of health, genetics and epigenetics. Consider a multivitamin/mineral and a few other basic supplements even when eating and living healthily. Not as a substitute, but as add-ons: Multivitamin/ mineral…iron-free for men and nonmenstruating women unless there is diagnosed iron de"iciency. Vitamin D…at least during the winter. Omega-3 fatty acids. Probiotics if you have digestive problems
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How you prepare your food matters too The way food is prepared also plays a major role as to whether the food you eat is healthy or not. All the scorched molecules formed during cooking a high temperatures (blackened protein on meat, rancid fats in your frying pan, scorched toast etc.) are unhealthy in larger amounts and have as big an impact on your health as eating too many calories or an imbalanced diet. So fry, grill, toast and broil less. Marinated, sliver, steam, boil, poach, stir fry, ferment and slow-cook more to decrease the amount of scorching, burning and rancidity.
NB: And calories naturally still count. If you eat them in excess, they will end up making you fatter or cause other problems in your body. The exception is when you are already lean and doing a lot of strength training, in which case excess calories could go into building muscle. - Umahro Cadogan
Eat fewer industrially produced carbohydrate-rich products such as crackers, chips, crisps, french fries, massproduced bread, breakfast cereals and the like. They contain as large amounts of unhealthy scorched molecules as overcooked "ish, meat, game, shell"ish and poultry. Also decrease the amount of salted and smoked foods, as both processes lead to the formation of toxic compounds similar to when overcooking foods.
SALMON ON A STICK WITH PASSATA DI POMODORI AND DESICCATED COCONUT Fingerfood at its very best. Juice fish draped in smooth tomato sauce and sprinkled with sweet and slightly crunchy desiccated coconut. FEEDS: That depends on how many skewers you make. You should have at least 2 skewers loaded with salmon for each person. PREPARATION TIME: 25-30 minutes KEEPS: LeRovers keep up to 48 hours if refrigerated. USE: As the main protein source for a meal
fresh salmon skin and bone removed, cut into large chunks that "it on a wooden stick passata di pomodori desiccated coconut sea or rock salt freshly ground pepper oil, ghee, lard, beef tallow, lamb tallow, chicken fat, duck fat or goose fat if needed to grease the griddle pan
Soak the wooden s%cks in water for 10-15 minutes. This helps prevent them from burning or geXng completely warped by the heat, when grilling the salmon Skewer the salmon chunks on the soaked wooden s%cks. Pour passata di pomodori onto a plate. Turn each salmon in the passata di pomodori un%l all the chunks are nicely covered with tomato Sprinkle the “tomatoed” salmon skewers with lots of desiccated coconut, salt and pepper Grill or griddle each skewer for 1-2 minutes on each side un%l the salmon is just cooked through, tender and juicy. Remember to preheat the grill or griddle and grease it if necessary. Otherwise your salmon skewers will s%ck to the griddle.
HEALTH TIP Grilling (and frying for that maHer) leads to the forma%on of toxic compounds such as polycyclic aroma%c hydrocarbons (PAHs) or advanced glycosala%on end products (AGEs). But the lycopene in the tomato protects against the damaging effects of such compounds.
MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
KITCHEN TRICK You can use all sorts of other "ish than salmon. It just needs to be "ish with "irm "lesh, you can slice into large cubes and grill. Cod, tuna (if you can get it environmentally friendly sourced), mullet, large mackerel are just a few possibilities. The desiccated coconut can be omitted. You can use all sorts of extra spices. Try using chili, curry powder, "inely ground mediterranean herbs (rosemary, thyme, oregano or sage), paprika, cayenne pepper, turmeric or even a bit of "ishsauce. Either turn the salmon chunks in the spices before skewering or sprinkle at the end along with salt and pepper.
Umahro’s 5 Lifestyle Commandments 1 Move and exercise your body every single day 2 Get adequate sleep
3 No smoking 4 Unstress/destress 5 Love, purpose, meaning of life and spirituality are also important for your health.
MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
Umahro Cadogan Umahro Cadogan • Nutrion and Func%onal Medicine expert, lecturer, bestselling author, former Adjunct Professor in Nutri%on and Func%onal Medicine, consultant to the healthcare industry. My background: I have always been in love with food. Before I had teeth or could speak, I wanted the food on my parents plate. Mother’s milk, baby food and porridge was not enough for me then. And with my diverse cultural background (Danish mother, father from Barbados and a 6-year s%nt in China and Hong Kong from 1989 un%l 1995) I have been exposed to many culinary tradi%ons. During my %me in the Far East, I also studied a lot of biology and biochemistry. At the age of 18 I became gravely ill with inflammatory bowel disease, reac%ve arthri%s, atypical sclerosis, chronic fa%gue syndrome and fibromyalgia as well as loosing 40 kg of bodyweight. Eventually I had to become my own doctor and use diet, nutri%on and Func%onal Medicine to regain health. I have worked with health, nutri%on, Func%onal Medicine and tasty as well as healthy cooking ever since. Get my recipes, and other health %ps on my website.
Your personal soul and heart whisperer
I have a vision. A world where all people have an open heart. Because an open heart, a heart without any blocked energy around it, makes it possible for us to hear the whisperer of the heart. Then we will be able to be in the loving energy from where we all come , the universes divinity and this will will have a huge effect on the earth. People with open hearts will not wage war or be in the fighting energy, but in an energy of love, caring and contribution. 93 % of humanity have closed their hearts when they where children for many different reasons. Some more than others. This leads to stagnated and sometimes painful energy in the body, mind and in our lifes. It will always try to get our attention.
wisdom and reconnect with all of your soul and hearts. I am a coach, Heart mentor, teaching different workshops, healer, Speaker, founder of Holistisk body release education. What I do is to remove the blocks around the heart and in your body and reconnect you to your soul and heart. This creates flow, light and god health throughout your body, heart, soul and the life you live. I do private Skype sessions and online classes and soon others online products. In Denmark I also give private sessions, doing workshops. They can be done in your country.
The energy of our mother earth is changing to the Please contact me in that case. feminine, so we need, more than ever to open our hearts, so that we all can hear the hidden wisdom in our hearts. It has all the intelligence from our ancient times and lifes. The wisdom that has been missing for a long time. Now is the time to open up for that
My English Website is izabellaroedtnes.com My Danish Website is izabellaroedtnes.dk Phone 0045 26 22 33 26 Skype:Izabella5628
LOVE IS NOT A GAME FOR SISSIES Why is it so difficult to maintain unconditional love in our relationships? Why does it have to be so painful to be a part of one? Why is it so endlessly hard to achieve the true love, we basically long for?
eep in our hearts, we all long for the We long for reconnection with this place, unconditional love, which - without where no judgement, fear and separation demands and expectations - sur- exists. rounds, embraces and loves us ex- actly as we are. Psychologically speaking, all the cells in our body long for the comforting sense of Seen from a spiritual point of perspective, deep cohesion, which we felt back in our deep in our hearts we long for “returning mother´s womb. It was a time, where limhome” to the sole world, we came from, itless nutrition "loated to us, and we were before we chose to incarnate in our human safely able to be, who we were – without body. We long for the feeling of being sur- conditions, demands and involvement. We rounded by the universal, divine energy. had a feeling of total accept and surrender
MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
to what was around us. Your ego creates your identity. You need Throughout life we – spiritually and psy- your ego to be able to navigate in this chologically – search for the reconnection world and separate “yours” from “mine”. with this feeling in our relations to our If you have a healthy ego, it means, that parents, spouses, partners, our children - you´ve been surrounded by accept, you´ve and for some people even in their relations been acknowledged, you´ve been seen, to co-workers/bosses. heard and listened to as a child. You´ve had But on the contrary, again and again we your needs covered, both physically and discover, that we don´t "ind unconditional emotionally. You´ve been respected, for love. who you are. You´ve been challenged to development at the speed, you needed. We experience rejections, deprivation, be- And you have generally had a start to life, trayal, absence, loneliness, jealousy, emo- where you feel loved by your caregivers tional shutdown and dissociation. And we and are able to feel your own needs and suffer emotionally. say “yes” or “no” without imposed guilt and shame. You understand, that you´re But instead of suffering in the search for you, but also part of an entity consisting of love, we can choose to see the longing for all other people, whom you must respect, it as a natural consequence of the egos acknowledge and like as they are. split from love, and the souls longing for Unfortunately, far from everybody has had reconnection with the eternal love. And this start to life. from that perspective, we can let the dis- tress go and see our relations as life- As kids, most of us have experienced our essential mentors, who force us to raise parent´s lack of presence, empathy, respect our self-consciousness, again and again. and their boundless behavior. We´ve had To obtain this perspective, it´s necessary parents, that weren´t present emotionally, to understand, why we simply can´t meet because they had their own inner battles. and greet the world with an open heart and deep feeling of total embracing love in We have experienced not being met, seen, this life. listened to and respected in our emotional expressions. We were yelled at, when we The split from unconditional love showed special sides of ourselves, and reWhen your soul chooses to incarnate on jected when we didn´t behave properly. this earth, you were born into this world. From birth you were naturally physically Early on, we therefore learned, that we separated from your mother and from the were no longer a part of an unconditionalsymbiosis, you had experienced in her ly loving entity, but were instead an indewomb. Back then, a psychological process pendent individual, who had to protect itnaturally began, in which you slowly start- self emotionally in order to survive. ed learning, that you were “you” in con- trast to the outer world. Your ego started We experienced, that love was attached, to developing. how we behaved. We had to behave our selves in a certain way and do something We all have an ego; a function in our con- right to earn accept and attention from our sciousness, which intention is to make us parents and other caregivers. experience, who we are as humans beings. And that hurt. Really hurt. MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
The feeling of non-love has for all of us tionships, friendships, in our relations to been very painful, and that’s why, we start- children, co-workers and in jobs. ed shutting down, repressing and sup- pressing these painful emotions. We put a For short moments we think, we ´ll "ind lid on loneliness and the feeling of betrayal unconditional love again – that we´re and rejection. We tried to forget, that we “back home”. As an example, when we fall were not loved unconditionally. We pro- in love, we feel loved again. We think tected ourselves. (hope), that we´ve re-found, what we needed in order to feel complete again. We Our defense -mechanisms develop, and we even say, that “the other person completes started coming up with all sorts of survival me”. -strategies in hope of reconnection with But that is an illusion. the feeling of being acknowledged, seen, heard and loved, for who we are. We We exchange the feeling with the love, that pleased, adapted and pushed ourselves be- we came from, - the pure, uncontaminated yond our own limits. We suppressed our love-energy, that doesn´t make demands, own needs and did things, that weren´t that doesn´t hold a grudge, that doesn´t exhealthy for us. We put a lid on it, hid our pect anything from us and simply true selves and started wearing masks. acknowledges everything about us. And when everyday-life kicks in, the love and affection wears of and the vail of illusions falls aside, we experience “the greater reality” again. We see that the “allembracing love” is in fact not at all that embracing. Once again, we feel, that we´re not unconditionally loved and acknowledged. We are reminded of childhoods painful experiences of rejection and non-accept again, and we feel the deepest grief. Pain and longing reaches the surface, and once again our earliest memories of separation All of this, we did hoping, that we can and dissociation from love are awoken and make others love us as we need to be loved painful. – as we deep inside remember, that we were loved sometime long ago. In a blaming manner, you look towards the other and give him (or her) the fault for The search for love you feeling the painful feelings again – You Throughout life, we search everywhere for blame him for them reaching the surface the feeling of returning to “the uncondi- again. And you blame him, because the iltional love”, that we lost, when we were lusion of “reconnection with unconditional separated. love” broke. Throughout life, we chase the illusion of That is why, we all experience, that our unconditional love being found in our rela- closest relations can activate our most
Throughout life, we search everywhere for the feeling of returning to “the unconditional love”, that we lost, when we were separated.
MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
our human presence, we won´t be able to painful memories from the past. And this is where, the con"licts in the rela- experience the ultimate surrender to the tionship start occurring. This is where se- universal love or for someone other. rious trouble begins. A lot of couples end It takes an “inner clean-up” in all the old their relationships, because they simply traumas and deepest shame of who we are can´t stand feeling the pain of their past, as a person. It takes self-forgiveness to acwhen it´s re-activated in the present by an- cept ourselves in the shape, we´re in right other human being. now. It is not necessarily an easy journey. It Love is not a game for sissies We have to end our on-going aspiration for takes courage. It takes self-knowledge. And “unconditional love” in our relations and other than just surviving, it takes a higher begin acknowledging them as encounters, level of consciousness and willingness. which reopen old painful wounds again, so You have to see the journey to love as a we´re able to welcome them with our own spiritual journey of solution, where you love, accept and care. again and again will have to meet your We must see our relations as encounters, own defense–mechanisms, fear and egowhich forces us to work with the love for driven-actions with deep care and gratiourselves and all that we are and have ex- tude for its (yet primitive) attempt to properienced. tect you. There´s no way out of it. If we are not able Dare to keep your heart open and meet to love ourselves in the deepest corners of others from this place – a place of deep MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
love for all of what life is trying to teach you about yourself through your encounter with others.
Viewed spiritually, romance is, in its divine essence, a temple space. It is one of God´s laboratories, a mode of spiritual transformation. As Marianne Williamson says in the foreword of David Deidas book “Dear Lover”: “Viewed spiritually, romance is, in its divine essence, a temple space. It is one of God´s laboratories, a mode of spiritual transformation. It is, when held this way, a sacred opportunity for souls to jump past the con ines of the narrow self, to take quantum leaps forward into new and uncharted emotional possibilities. There love corners us, putting a mirror up to our faces and demanding that we surrender: surrender the hurt, surrender the past, surrender the walls, surrender the blame, surrender the defenses, surrender the limits, surrender the fear….Love is not a game for sissies:” ∎
LOUISE SCHØNNEMANN Integra ve shadow coach Louise is educated by Debbie Ford in the US, and has over the years worked intensively with the split between the soul's loning for higher consciousness and the psychological limita%ons inherent in the body and the mind's defense mechanisms. Louise's approach to self-awareness goes through shadow work, and the deep understanding that we are basically all in our core, but has caused splits in our minds to protect us. When we begin to heal our human pain and find that we have a deeper mission in life than survival, we can start the journey back to wholeness. For the sense of coming home in ourselves.
MÆRKLIVET.DK MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
Foto: Mathilda Yokelin
GOOD FENG SHUI IS EVERYTHING THAT MAKES YOU HAPPY When you step into a room, the energy of If we pick everything apart down to the the room will affect you whether you’re smallest atom, everything springs from conscious of it or not. the same energy. The people in the room will affect you What makes the difference is that the with their energy, too. energy vibrates at different frequencies The clothes you’re wearing, your thoughts and the frequency determines the suband the energy you bring into the room stance. are also contributing to the overall at- Likes attract. When your energy is vibramosphere and energy in the room. When you surround yourself with things ting at a low frequency, what you’re attracyou love and people who you are on wave- ting will be things that vibrate at that salength with and who support you, it will me low frequency. in"luence you and your energy in a positi- If your energy is on a high frequency on ve way and your energy will start to vibra- the other hand, what you’re attracting is te on a higher and more loving frequency. all the great stuff that also vibrates up the re. Everything is energy - people, things, With a good Feng Shui lifestyle you can thougths, feelings and so on - it’s all ener- guide your feelings, your thoughts and your life in the direction you choose. gy. MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
By consciously using your interior decora- and other elements belonging to this speting, the way you dress and your entire ci"ic area. way of being in the world, you elevate If you want more love in your life, you can your energy to a higher frequency within use your clothes and your interior decorating to heighten the energy frequency that the areas you are working with. supports you in attracting what you want When the energy frequency rises within within the love area. the speci"ic areas, it means that everything you desire begins to manifest itself becau- The same goes for reputation, family, se your desires are located on this higher health, spirituality, self-cultivation, grounding, manifesting wishes and so on. energy frequency. A good Feng Shui lifestyle will help you get In short, a good Feng Shui lifestyle helps what you want. If you for instance want a you to raise your energy frequency and better money "low, you can boost your thus create the life you want. prosperity energy through colors, symbols
5 tips for a Fabulous Feng Shui Lifestyle 1.
Surround yourself with things you love. All your things “speak to you” and have a say in your well being, no matter if you’re conscious about it or not.
Wear your favorite clothes every day. When you dress in your best clothes and the very colors you love the most, it helps influence your energy positively.
Spend time with people who lift your spirit. It is said, that we are like the 5 people we spend most time with - choose wisely.
Be conscious of your thoughts. Of course there has to be room for bad days, but practice finding the positive perspective on the grey days as well.
Food and exercise. Find a balance between a lifestyle with regular exercise and healthy, nutritious food and then once in a while give yourself permission to relax and let loose with a clear conscience.
MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
Foto: Mathilda Yokelin
REBEKKAHLILY To Rebekkahlily, Feng Shui is about so much more than interior decorating, it is the way we live our lives. Who we surround ourselves with, what we eat, how we dress, our thoughts, view of life and yes, of course our interior decorating too. If you want inspiration for good Feng Shui lifestyle, visit
“Have we missed out on something very important In the time we´re living in, since an increasing amount of people become ill, stressed out and broken down by the so-called modern life?” - Anja Vintov
ave we missed out on something "licts) are to be seen. very important in the time we´re So let us bring the fear out into the dayliving in, since an increasing light and deal with it together. amount of people become ill, stressed out and broken down by the so- Fear in perspective called modern life? We´re all worried and even frightened What do we carry around in body and sometimes. No one is able to avoid this. mind without even noticing, that it con- Maybe we just rarely say it out loud to the trols our ability to take care of ourselves – boss, the colleague or the partner for life, sometimes because we´re simply are not and each other? aware of, what controls our actions – and Here in the welfare-state of Denmark we sometimes because we simply don´t have would like to ooze positive energy and the guts to do it. success, but fact is that many people run around chronically worried and afraid Primal fear Being able to become afraid is a biological without even knowing it. The consequences to suppressed fear mechanism, which has served our ability (such as stress, anxiety and depression, to survive as a race and is still today very unsatisfying results, inner and outer con- important to us.
MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
Everyday fear Fear of claiming our space – We don´t say “no” or feel and stand by our own needs. We´ve grown super accustomed to caring for other people´s needs and helping others much more than we help and understand ourselves. Fear of (not) being okay – ge ng “caught” – To be a part of the team, we do everything in our power (and o*en too much) to earn recogni on/accept. We haven´t even learned to recognize and accept ourselves. Fear of losing – we´re accustomed to exercising extreme control, which can lead to jealousy, but it can also result in us not having said “no” and stood by own needs and limits, so that we get stuck in something, that do not serve us. Fear of ge ng fired – we overcompensate to show our worth, we create uncertainness by talking about “what if…”instead of looking deeper into all the possibili es occurring when eventually dare being concrete.
Fear of showing vulnerability – We´re afraid of looking so-called “weak” and hide our inner feelings and needs. Instead of being honest misrepresenta on and distance dictates the daily energy-level. We protect ourselves so much, that our bodies will carry much more, than what´s healthy for us. Fear of making wrong the wrong decisions – we ba%le problems for a long me and become mentally drained of energy. The art of making decisions is connected to trus ng, that what we feel we need is also the right thing to do. If we´ve been used to making decisions based on what our surroundings need, then we end up with the feeling of constantly making the wrong decisions, and the fear of making more of them increases. It´s a so-called self-fulfilling prophecy. Fear of being rejected – We don´t ask for help, put ourselves out there or make ourselves available (neither personally nor professionally).
We hear a car hit the brakes hard and in- ger has passed our body returns to normal stantly feel our heartrates increase. We see condition again. a kid disappearing in the waves and react by running into the sea or crying out for Everyday fear help. Everyday fear is different. It´s a more subWe hear footsteps behind us on a dark tle and often irrational kind of fear, which night and prepare ourselves to make a run isn´t in"luenced by external factors in the same way as primal fear, and it can be way for it. more damaging to our health, because we are able to create it ourselves. The tangible fear is literally palpable. The primitive pattern of reaction when we are frightened is to run, "ight or It will reoccur again and again, if we do “freeze” (become paralyzed). When dan- not teach ourselves how to act through it. MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
and consequences Fear of failure – We don´t go all the way with our dreams and wishes. We might go some of the way, but then we change course. We procras nate. We create new projects, that we´ll also follow half through. It can also concern rela ons to other people, who will eventually be replaced, when they start demanding something from us. We hold ourselves back, as well as our dreams and ambi ons. We may have a hard me acknowledging our own mistakes as socalled opportuni es to improve, and we o*en blame our surroundings or other people for our situa on. Fear of responsibility – We can be afraid of having more responsibility in one or more aspects of our lives (concerning a promo on, for example) because we have a tendency of taking on too much responsibility in everything and everyone in general. It´s o*en connected to not having learned to take care of ourselves and saying “yes” or “no”.
Fear of being successful – We have been so accustomed to believing, that things are hard and difficult, and that what´s well known is also more safe for the body- even if it doesn´t serve us. Then, when everything starts working out for us, we unconsciously find ways to sabotage the success, so we´re able to return to the safe, but hard and difficult comfort-zone. What´s “too good to be true” becomes reality. Fear of being visible – We do not express our needs or limits, but we desire to be seen and heard. We let others take control and we feel the frustra on and sadness instead of inner strength and openness. Fear of conflicts – We bent over backwards, deviate from our opinions, needs and wishes and do everything to straighten out and suppress our feelings to avoid feeling other people´s anger – and avoid ge2ng in touch with our own.
For example, we can be afraid of not being Dissolve the everyday fear with everygood enough. Afraid of claiming our space, day courage afraid of not being able to perform and live To start understanding what we can do to up to demands and expectations, afraid of become more conscious of, what controls becoming ill, afraid of making mistakes, our actions in the everyday life, we must afraid of losing, afraid of creating con"licts relate to the ego and our ability to learn. etc. We have to dare to look more closely at ourselves and "ind courage to dare to take We´re unconsciously able to cultivate the action on needs – rather than acting from everyday fear and let our actions dictate fear. from it, and over time it eats away our re- Know your ego sources and relations, including the rela- In some circles the ego is severely critition to ourselves. cized. The other day, I sat at a conference MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
“management and trust”. I overheard one on gaining everyday courage and integrity. of the participants say, that the ego is to blame for the lack of trust in the leaders , The fear strategies of the ego because they have too large egos. The ego´s leaps to protect us against the But this is only partially true. You can´t feeling of not succeeding. measure the egos by the same standards and say in general, that the ego is a terri- The prosecutor: ble thing, you have to shed or overcome. We blame other people and circumstances The ego is not a bad thing. It just has to be for our feeling of lack of success. led and developed like every other aspect “I would have done it, if Tine had not been of us. absent, because her child is ill. We would
Without even knowing it, we become selfself-taught experts in blocking our own flow, when we let everyday fear control our lives. Without the ego, we´re literally lost have a far better family-life, if my husband The ego is one of our minds fundamental wasn´t so much away from home” functions. It´s a feeling of having an individual-self different from everything else. The passive hesitant: Our personal-self. “Here I am – there you The passive hesitant protects him / herself are”. The ego evokes our personal identity, from situations, where failure is in fact a which is unique and different from every- possibility – The problem is, that there´s body elses. often great potential in such situations, but you never bene"it from it. The central functions of the ego “I´m not the type, that takes a risk. I don´t The most important purpose of the ego is like new situations, I won´t put myself in to protect ourselves and see to that we´re embarrassing situations.” physically and mentally in shape. The ego despises failure, because failure puts us in The perfectionist: a bad light. To the ego failure equals a psy- The perfectionist exercises extreme enchological death, which we´ll try to avoid gagement, usually connected to large costs at any price. such as unbalance between work- and The egos primary tool for avoiding failure family-life and stress-related illnesses. is fear. When we know the its “fear strate- “I never give up. I´m hard-working. I`m algies”, we can start looking deeper into our- ways the one to carry most of the weight selves - not by suppressing our ego – be- here.” cause that would be the same as suppress- ing ourselves – but by discovering and be- The under-actor: coming aware of, how we react, when The under-actor puts restraints on his/her we´re scared….then we can start working effort or performance, so that if he/she MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
fails, there´s actually a reason for it. over and over again. “I would have succeeded, if I had really In the beginning is no walk in the park, but tried. “ it gets easier and easier, and in the end it´s “I tried, but I didn´t succeed.” an integrated part of us. “At least I´m that type of person, who gives it a try.” Fortunately, the everyday life offers many “I could have done better” situations, where we can practice new When we´re to lead ourselves and our ways to be in this world, and the inner egos in direction of feeling both inner and strength comes from daring to act in acouter success instead of sabotaging our cordance with the new needs having possibilities and "ind external reasons for arised from the painful incident, we´ve exwhy, things don´t work out the way, perienced. they´re supposed to, we should look at our body and mind as a whole. It could be the need to take better care of yourself , be more clear and distinct in Baby-steps towards large changes statements , and stand by who you are Our system, body and mind primarily deep inside, and who you really want to learn new patterns of behavior in two be. ways; through repetition - by repeating and repeating – and through pain/trauma. If we sincerely have a dream of creating a
It´s an advantage to remember, that it´s actually far worse to be stuck in an unhealthy pattern, than to remove yourself from it, step by step. For example, if we´ve for many years had good life with a superior "low, which trouble asking for help and have taken means, that we - without resistance and care of everything for everybody and sup- taring ourselves apart - greet the chalpressed our own needs and feelings, we lenges, life would bring us, the foundation eventually have to give up, perhaps with has to be right. absence from work because of stress to follow, which means, that we´ve learned In order to be able to break new grounds our lesson through pain, and the ego has in life, ful"ill ambitions and explore new taken “a clout on the head”. relations, we must learn how we (despite fear) take care of ourselves and act on our Subsequently, we must slowly begin to put needs. But to have the comprehension or our own needs a little more in front of oth- knowledge is never enough, we also have ers and sometimes admit to ourselves, that to be able to act on, what we´ve learned. we´re no superhuman. We do that by prac- The more we know – without knowing ticing telling other people “yes” and “no” how to act on it (rather than not knowing MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
anything), the more pain it brings us. I often meet people, who are extremely intelligent, well-read, ambitious and welleducated, and who know a lot about how to live life, mentally speaking. They just haven´t done it in real life. They haven´t set their body and mind in motion and actually taken the steps. It has stayed a mental-project, because in the short run it´s the safest. It takes a little of us to dare living life– but in exchange we get tenfold back, because we learn how to create comfort from inside, and because our system open up to start receiving and giving in a much higher level, when fear doesn´t control our actions any longer. Everyday courage is the key to a life in motion. When the inner world is safe – the outer world lies at your feet. When we are aware of how fear works in our system, vi can end all kinds of inhuman and careless behaviours towards each other. Everything begins with a step in one direction. Choose yours wisely. Take this day today and make it a peaceful and loving one. Reach out. No matter what ever is acking you. No matter what you fear the most. End all quarrals and share kisses, hugs and deep emotions with and open Heart. Take this day to do some Heart Talk instead of Hard Talk, with the ones you love. That way your Heart will be contributing to the Network of Open Hearts, instead of adding to the Dark Empire of Captured Souls. ∎ MOOLA.DK special edi%on 2015
The book about everyday-courage (”flyt dig lidt – små skridt l store forandringer”) –Published from Gads Forlag.
FREE E-BOOK Download the book about Everyday Courage for www.anjavintov.dk/everydaycourage-download/ Read more about Anja at www.anjavintov.com
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