5 minute read
below. It is inspired by my own Solo Skirmish system, and the idea here is rapid levelling. You advance your character’s level after each completed quest. This keeps the completed quest. This keeps the interest high. interest high.A third-party resource that works A third-party resource that works extremely extremely well with this system is the series of Sidequest Decks by Inkwell Ideas. They have a map, a quest goal and story quest goal and story points already provided. points already provided. Read this chapter Read this chapter thoroughly before beginning thoroughly before beginning your quest.
Step 1: Print Tables Step 1: Print Tables
It is necessary for the running of this system to have a printed copy of the Event Table,, the Monster Table and the Standard Encounter Table. This is so . This is so that already-rolled events can that already-rolled events can be tracked. Mark them in pencil so they can be erased and the tables re-used. You will find these tables later in this chapter. You may also find it useful to copy out or You may also find it useful to copy out or print print the Move Table and Quick Reference Sheet,, and have them somewhere visible. Under this optional rule, a character regains all spent Hit Dice at the end of a long rest. With a shortspent Hit Dice at the end of a long rest. With a sh rest, a character regains Hit Dice equal to his or herrest, a character regains Hit Dice equal to his or level divided by four (minimum of one die). For a more super heroic feel, you can let a character use a healing surge as a bonus action, rather than as an action.
Step 3: Determine Quest Step 3: Determine Quest
Determine a goal for your quest, or use another source to provide a quest (such as source to provide a quest (such as the the Sidequest Decks by Inkwell Ideas, or Chapter 7 of TSAT1 ) ). You could also use the table below to provide a basic quest, and then determine the specifics using keywords and oracle rolls to give it some give it some story and context. Alternately, story and context. Alternately, there is a fantastic table on p.73 of there is a fantastic table on p.73 of the the DungeonMaster’s Guide named “Dungeon Goals” which contains great generic quest ideas. You contains great generic quest ideas. You might might want to spice these up by want to spice these up by adding a few adding a few keywords for flavour.
Basic Quest Types Basic Quest Types
Fetch Quest (obtain item, lost or otherwise)
Kill Tyrant (Destroy dangerous villain or monster) Optional BBEG. Place item in last room, roll on trap table when retrieving it (adding 20 to the roll), or encounter BBEG (p.39, p.210)
Roll on level appropriate hoard table, adding 40 to the roll (DMG loot tables, pp.137-139), or automatically succeeding on the magic item roll (TSAT1 loot tables, pp.155-156). Advance 1 level.
The simplest kind of quest using this system. Roll for BBEG in final room (p.39, p Roll for BBEG in final room (p.39, p.210). A .210). A good starting point can be reading monster descriptions for flavour ideas. Roll on standard monster encounter tables up until the BBEG encounter.
Roll on level appropriate hoard table (DMG pp.137-139 or TSAT1 pp.155-156). Advance 1 level.
Step 4: Battlemap Step 4: Battlemap
Find or make a battlemap to use for your quest, or plan a battlemap to lay out as you or plan a battlemap to lay out as you move move through it (if tabletop space is an issue). Try t through it (if tabletop space is an issue). Try t oo make it visually appealing, possibly with a make it visually appealing, possibly with a few few features that your characters can interact with. Most importantly, ensure it has a 5 ft. per square grid. Use a map that’s not too big, Use a map that’s not too big, ideally a 5-6 room ideally a 5-6 room dungeon, 40x40 squares or thereabouts (these are just rough guidelines, and you should go with whatever you’ve got with whatever you’ve got available). You may available). You may find that flip tiles, a large flipmat you can draw on, or a succession of battlemaps is ideal for this purpose. Determine the starting point for your Determine the starting point for your heroes, heroes, and the location of the and the location of the final BBEG. When you final BBEG. When you reach this final location, go to BBEG .. Determining the
Step 5: Enemy Setup
Choose at least 3 Choose at least 3 theme-approprtheme-appropriate monsters iate monsters to appear during random encounters, each with a different CR. These are your Minion, Soldier and Leader monsters, based on and Leader monsters, based on their rank. their rank. Consult the Ranked Monster table below to discover what CR your various ranked monsters need to be. Choose at least one for each category. each category. Come up with Come up with some story as some story as toto why these particular monsters have banded together. Or, perhaps your quest already provides this story. List them on a separate piece of paper. E.g., List them on a separate piece of paper. E.g., for for a party of 2 a party of 2 x level 2 PCs, you might have: x level 2 PCs, you might have:
Minion (CR 0): Cranium Rat, Crawling Claw Soldier (CR ⅛⅛):): Kobold, Stirge, Giant Rat Leader (CR ¼): Goblin, Grimlock
When it comes time to roll for monsters, you will use these ranked monsters to form your encounters (See Standard Encounter table, below). The system aims to give the game a below). The system aims to give the game a bitbit more thematic story, and more thematic story, and speed things along. speed things along. You can also choose to ignore this system, and just use random mon just use random monsters, but do stick to the sters, but do stick to the suggested CR if you want your characters to have a chance of surviving. Later on, you may be directed to Later on, you may be directed to encounter encounter different combinations of these ranked monsters, when you roll on the Standard Encounter table.. These encounter rolls are triggered by a couple of triggered by a couple of different means. different means.
Ranked Monster Table Ranked Monster Table
Level of party (2 PCs) Minion CR Soldier CR Leader CR
11 00 00 1/8
22 00 1/8 1/4
33 1/8 1/4 1/2