6 minute read
Dungeon room contents Generates the contents of a dungeon room TSAT1
Monster Roll Monster Roll
(Print this sheet)
NOTES: Do not roll on this table during the BBEG encounter Do not roll on this table during the BBEG encounter! Every round, when it comes up in initiative, roll Every round, when it comes up in initiative, roll on this table. After rolli on this table. After rolling, place a pencil mark in the box ng, place a pencil mark in the box to the right of the to the right of the result. You result. You will need to erase these marks, so pencil is ideal. If on subsequent Monster Rolls, you get an already marked result, roll a d20. Enemies get to use healing surges in this system - keep track of this as each enemy only gets one healing surge. If you roll an already marked result, roll a d20. (1-10) Resolve the next lowest unticked result. (11-20) Resolve the next highest untickedIf you roll an already marked result, roll a d20. (1-10) Resolve the next lowest unticked result. (11result. Don’t forget to X this result too.
33 Hold No enemies move or attack. Enemies use healing or t No enemies move or attack. Enemies use healing or tactical ability if they have it available, actical ability if they have it available, or else they or else they
useuse healing surge . Each monster may only use healing surge once per day.
Berserker 1 enemy attacks the closest hero twice.
That enemy is a [d8] (1-4) Minion (5-7) Soldier (8) Leader.
If the rank isn’t in play, reroll.
If only one rank is in play, one enemy attacks.
Defense All enemies take one of the following actions (roll for each enAll enemies take one of the following actions (roll for each enemy separately): emy separately):
[d4] (1) Healing surge (2)(2) Shove (3)(3) Dodge if they are in melee, or Hide if they are not in melee (4) Hide ,,
oror Disengage and move if they are in melee, getting and move if they are in melee, getting as far away from heroes as they can (but still as far away from heroes as they can (but still
keeping an action). If possible, they move to an area ea where they can’t be flanked. where they can’t be flanked.
Next round, skip the monster roll and have al Next round, skip the monster roll and have all enemies attack (using a ranged attack if not in melee).l enemies attack (using a ranged attack if not in melee).
55 Move Unless flanking, one enemy w Unless flanking, one enemy who has ranged attacks moves to their allowance as far away from allho has ranged attacks moves to their allowance as far away from all
heroes as possible, incurring attacks of opportunity if necessary. That enemy will y if necessary. That enemy will continue to make continue to make
ranged attacks for the rest of the encounter, unless a s a hero engages it in melee, in which case it will hero engages it in melee, in which case it will
switch to melee attacks. If no enemies have ranged attacks, then one enemy attacks.
All enemies make ranged or melee attacks according to their position relative to the party.
Random 2 random enemies attack. Count the enemies and make a dice roll to determine which ones attack. For2 random enemies attack. Count the enemies and make
example, if there are 5 enemies example, if there are 5 enemies in play, roll a d10 twice and in play, roll a d10 twice and divide each result by 2 to determine which divide each result by 2 to determine which
2 of the 5 attack (reroll for repeats). If there is only one or two enemies in play, they only one or two enemies in play, they all attack. all attack.
66 Rally Only unwounded enemies attack. Wounded enemies use healing ability if they havOnly unwounded enemies attack. Wounded enemies use healing ability if they have it available, or use e it available, or use
healing surge (unless they are the only (unless they are the only remaining enemy in combat, in which case they only attack, butremaining enemy in combat, in which case they only attack, but
do not use healing surge or any other ability).
77 Shuffle Erase all marks from the right-hand column, then ro Erase all marks from the right-hand column, then roll again. If there are no ll again. If there are no marks, roll again. marks, roll again.
88 Enforcers Only Soldiers attack, or if no Soldiers, the second Only Soldiers attack, or if no Soldiers, the second most powerful enemy. Otherwise, all most powerful enemy. Otherwise, all enemies attack. enemies attack. X when rolled
Chapter 1-5a Chapter 1-5a Simplified Battlemap Crawl System
This version of the battlemap crawl system is more stripped down and designed for a more standard 5e experience. You use whatever combat encounter generation tools you normally use, but also incorporate the story point system and other features. It is designed for players who want a system to help for players who want a system to help them them undertake a boardgame-like crawl on a battlemap, but with a bit more flexibility to incorporate other aspects of solo incorporate other aspects of solo gaming, such gaming, such as freeform gameplay. You will find text from Chapter 1-5 recurring in this chapter for ease this chapter for ease of reference and gameplay. of reference and gameplay.
Step 1: Character Step 1: Character Creation
You may already have PCs that you are adventuring with, in which case use these. Otherwise, create 2 solo-optimized PCs at any level you desire. Check out Chapter 1-7 for some ideas about character buffs and other ways to make your solo PCs a bit more make your solo PCs a bit more resilient. resilient.
Step 2: Determine Quest Step 2: Determine Quest
Determine a goal for your quest, or use another source to provide a quest (such as source to provide a quest (such as the the Sidequest Decks by Inkwell Ideas or Chapter 7 of TSAT1 ) ).. You could also use the tool below to You could also use the tool below to provide a provide a basic quest, and then basic quest, and then determine the specifics determine the specifics using keywords and oracle rolls to give it some story and context. Alternately, there is a fantastic table on p.73 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide named “Dungeon Goals” which contains
great generic quest ideas. You might great generic quest ideas. You might want to want to spice these up by adding a few keywords for flavour.
Basic Quest Types Basic Quest Types
Fetch Quest (obtain item, lost or otherwise)
Kill Tyrant (Destroy dangerous villain or monster) Optional BBEG. Place item in last room, roll on
trap table when retrieving it (adding 20 to the roll), or encounter BBEG (p.39, p.210) Roll on level appropriate hoard table, adding 40 to the roll (DMG loot tables,
pp.137-139), or automatically succeeding on the magic item roll (TSAT1 loot tables, pp.155-156). Advance 1 level.
The simplest kind of quest using this system. Roll for BBEG in final room (p.39, p Roll for BBEG in final room (p.39, p.210). A .210). A good starting point can be reading monster descriptions for flavour ideas. Roll on standard monster encounter tables up until the BBEG
Roll on level appropriate hoard table (DMG pp.137-139 or TSAT1 pp.155-156). Advance 1 level.