1 minute read
Lawn Bowls Club Wyong
Well, what can I say about my first year as President. It wasn’t what anyone could envisage.
You are all aware over the past years we have had to be mostly self-sufficient in keeping our club going, this was achieved by hard work, generosity from all our members’. When Covid hit in 2020 we had enough finances in hand to keep us afloat in the hard times. Our Patrons, Thea McFadden & June McBurney gave us a nice Patron’s Day, followed by a lovely lunch prepared by Eleanor Syron and her helpers. Normally our calendar is very full, but we only managed to get a few of these days in. Our Club Championships were played, congratulations to all winners. Got a couple of Nominated Days in. We represented our Club in Pennants not successful, but enjoyed the friendship with the other clubs involved. A big thank you to my committee and each member for stepping up when needed. Thanks and special mention to Maree Stacey for the great job filling the position of Secretary. Lyn Whiley for keeping our garden looking good and Sandra Howarth looking after our Welfare, well done ladies.
As yet we have not had the privilege to know just what is ahead for us with the Mounties, each time a meeting is organised we go back into lock down. Thank you Mounties and fellow bowlers, stay safe but most of all keep good health and look out for each other.