The TORCH - June 2022

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The Vice President’s Message A Weathered Storm,

The sun has come out and the 2022 summer is within sight. The rainfall has brought new life into Washington D.C. The last two years have brought us many memories, trials, and huge triumphs. Together, we have weathered the storms of this journey. From Pandemic to Progress, I am happy to address this body and our supporters as another fraternal year comes to an end. It is more important though that I truly thank every brother of this chapter, who continued to stick it out through this year’s storms, to be the beacon of light to the world we serve in ALPHA’s honor. The last two weeks have been trying though. As we see a summer radiance peering through, a dark gray cloud of America’s missteps covers our hope. Mass murders and shootings are now a common occurrence in the conversations of our day and the targeting of minorities, the elderly, and minors, create a new level of upset for us as a community. It is numbing to think that black and brown persons are being gunned down while praying, eating, driving, shopping and now in the safety of schools. With gun laws at the top of debate in the political sphere, I ask what are we going to do to shelter ourselves from this tyrant rain? How do we feel safe in spaces like our Fraternity house, or our social events where 10 or more are gathered and we check the boxes of the common targets for these societal ills... We must consider this risk, as it is real. Onward & Upward The gloominess is only temporary though. As a people we have marched forward to find great hope and solutions to better the paths for our future generations. We are a battle tested and resilient people. As our forefathers have fought, we will continue to fight for the equal rights and opportunities that balance the tipping scales of economics and justice domestically and abroad. We are charged to never take backward steps as ALPHA delights in progress! We are approximately 488 days away from our centennial celebration and I truly look forward to the unfolding plans and pleasantries of celebrating this milestone. As a chapter, we have to continue to lead the way for our brothers and neighbors, as a fraternity we must continue to pave the way for ALL MANKIND! I hope to see you all in October, decked to the nine! I would like to take this point of personal privilege, to continue to thank every member of this chapter who have shown their support of Brother Wilson and I, electing us to serve for a third term together. Under his leadership and guidance, we have revived fraternal spirit in the midst of the pandemic, discovered solutions to host successful online meetings, carry on the business of our chapter, and continue to grow through service in Washington D.C. As the world slowly develops standards for new normals, I look forward to where we go as a chapter. Stronger Together. Brothers, I wish you all a happy summer break! See you in September. Brother Mikael LaRoche, Vice-President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter



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