The TORCH - May 2020

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MAY 2020










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Front Cover Picture by Names 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Rudolph Harris Curtis Hunigan Fred Valentine Horace Dawson, Jr. Paul Cotton A. Gilbert Douglas Ryland Harris Mark Jones Andre Lucas Kenneth Hobart Derrick Butts John Mark-Williams Jeremy Triplett Mikael LaRoche Joseph Housey, III Jason Clark

MAY 2020

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

Mark Ross Louis Ford James Heck Eddie Neal Gerard Williams Garrett Miller Adrian James O. Jackson Cole, Jr. Albert Williams Lucius Brown Marcel Desroches Kellen Moore Jamison Taylor, Jr. Mathew Aaron, Jr. Sean Perkins James Harmon

33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.

Larry Ware Frank King Antonio King Rudolph McGann, Jr. Alvin Reaves, III Ryle Bell Drew Love Colin Campbell Bryant Young Arthur King Charvis Campbell LeRoy Lowery, III Joseph Paul Timothy Fitzgerald Jason Jefferson Samuel Armstrong



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In this Issue 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Cover Front Cover Picture by Names In this Issue, Charter Members, Past Presidents Executive Board, The Presidents’ Message Committee Chairs & The Vice Presidents’ Message Voting Rules and Regulations Sample General Election Ballot Alphaversary and Birthday Message from the Chaplain Reclamation Letter About the Mu Lambda Foundation Best of Washington Award House of Ruth Letter Message from House of Ruth Committee Message from the Health and Wellness Committee Certificate of Appreciation Combined Federal Campaign, The DC ONE FUND, AmazonSmile The Jewel Lounge Literary Society Food, Dessert and Drink of the Month Frat Facts Black Professionals in International Affairs The White Privilege to Terrorize Advertise with us Domino’s Everything Co-op Radio Show AKStar Apparel Ad East State Street Band Exit Realty - Brother Albert A. Williams Financial Planning Needs Prostate Cancer a Family Affair The New Mu Lambda Chapter App is Here Chapter App by Publicall Telecommunications Message from the Editor Esprit de Fraternite Upcoming Events


Charter Members Past Presidents Arthur Curtis* Merrill H. Curtis* Victor R. Daly* Eugene L. C. Davidson* Arnold Donawa* Walter Garvin* William L. Hansberry* Charles H. Houston* Edward Howard* Joseph R. Jones* R. Frank Jones* J Edward Lowery* Clarence H. Mills* Jewel Nathaniel Allison Murray* Norman L. McGhee* FN4 Jewel Robert Harold Ogle* Louis H. Russell* James N. Saunders* Emory B. Smith* Harold C. Stratton* J.H.N. Waring* Charles H. Wesley* FN3

CHARTERED ON MONDAY OCTOBER 1, 1923 WASHINGTON, D.C. FN1 6th General President 1915-1916 FN2 General Secretary 1915-1916 7th General President 1916-1917 FN3 14th General President 1931-1940 FN4 General Secretary 1920-1926 FN5 8th Eastern Regional Vice-President 1950-1953

1. Harold Stratton* 1923-1924 2. Howard H. Long* FN2 3. Charles H. Wesley* 1926-1928 4. Frank Adams* 5. R. Frank Jones* 6. James B. Browning* 7. Jewel Henry Arthur Callis* FN1 8. U. Simpson Tate* 9. Claude Ferebee* 10. George O. Butler* 11. C.C. House* 1938-1940 12. Verdie L. Robinson* 13. Walter M. Booker* FN5 14. Jack Bond* 15. Millard R. Dean* 16. Frank Davis* 17. Clifton Hardy* 18. Herman Johnson* 19. Howard Jenkins* 20. C.C. House* 1952-1954 21. William F. Nelson* 22. Aubrey E. Robinson* 23. Joseph Waddy* 24. Edward J. Austin* 25. Elgy Johnson* 1964-1965 26. George H. Windsor* 1965-1967 27. James T. Speight* 1967-1969 28. Harold Sims* 1969-1970 29. Eddie L. Madison* 1970-1972 30. Wilbur Sewell* 1972-1974 31. Charles Walker Thomas* 1974-1976 32. Theodore Taylor* 1976-1978 33. Elmer Moore* 1978-1981 34. William E. Calbert* 1981-1983 35. Osmond Brown* 1983-1986 36. Vernon Gill 1986-1988 37. LeRoy Lowery, III 1988-1990 38. Morris Hawkins* 1990-1992 39. C.C. Jones 1992-1995 40. Vincent Orange 1995-1997 41. Melvin White 1997-1999 42. LeRoy Lowery, III FN6 1999-2001 43. James Haynes 2001-2002 44. Rudolph Harris* 2002-2004 45. Edwin Norwood 2004-2006 46. James McDonald 2006-2008 47. Timothy Fitzgerald 2008-2010 48. Kwame Ulmer 2010-2011 49. LeRoy Lowery, III 2011-2013 50. Eddie Neal 2013-2015 51. LeRoy Lowery, III 2015-2017 52. Joel Grey 2017-2018 53. Eddie Neal 2018-2020

FN6 23rd Eastern Regional Vice-President 2000-2001 Executive Director MLK Memorial

MAY 2020



* Omega Chapter Brothers Footnote (FN)



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Executive Board President Eddie Neal




The President’s Message Brothers,

Vice President Garrett Miller Recording Secretary Jason Jefferson Corresponding Secretary Timothy Fitzgerald Financial Secretary Antonio King Treasurer Michael Young Chaplain William “Tony” Hawkins Historian Silas J Woods Archivist Jeremy Triplett Intake Coordinator Andre Lucas Assoc. Editor/Sphinx Kenneth A. Williams Dir. Ed. Activities Sean Perkins Sergeant-at-Arms Frank King Parliamentarian Byron L. Williams Web Master Mark Jones Editor of the Torch Kenneth A. Williams Member at Large LeRoy Lowery III General Counsel Brent Radcliff Chief Fundraising Officer George D. McNeal Special Assistant to President Mikael E. LaRoche

We have accomplished so many things this fraternal year that I do not know where to start. I guess I should start by thanking you. Nothing accomplished this year would have been possible without you. I appreciate my outgoing vice president, Brother Garrett Miller. He steadied the ship and allowed me an opportunity to service you and the community. Our executive board is the best board a president could have. I personally witnessed brothers putting chapter before their personal ambition. My time in office has come to an end. It has been a pleasure serving you. Together we have accomplished much. I hope I have left the office better than I found it, if not I apologize because I gave it a good ole Alpha try. It is definitely a different landscape than when I took office. I do not think any of us could have foreseen the pandemic. We accomplished things that many could never imagine. We lost some brothers, gained some brothers, and at the end of the day we held the light of Alpha high. I have no regrets because I know I am leaving the chapter in capable hands. The next president will build upon the things we have done, make them his own, and together we will soar. The pandemic slowed our congregating but it strengthened our fraternal bond. We started picking up the phone and calling one another – which is a lost art these days. I reminisce about the good times and learned from the not so good times. Mu Lambda like any organization has its challenging moments – yet, the good always outweighs the bad. As I leave office – I ask that we support the new administration because I had the easy job whereas they have to lead during these tumultuous times when the pandemic is disproportionately impacting those who look like us. If ever there was a time to come together – this is the time. We must put our differences aside and join with our new leaders pledging full support to help them lead Mu Lambda forward. Mu Lambda needs every brother to make a sincere effort to pay his dues before the September chapter meeting. Mu Lambda also needs every brother to reclaim another brother because there is strength in numbers. I close by thanking you for allowing me to serve you a second time as your chapter president. Mu Lambda has allowed me to blossom. I joined Alpha because I wanted to associate with like-minded men. I knew I could accomplish more with a group than as an individual. Mu Lambda taught me a lot; my brothers became my family. Fraternally, Brother Eddie Neal, President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

Risk Management Officer Garrett Miller

MAY 2020



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Committee Chairs

The Vice President’s Message

Auditing Mark Ross

Greeting brothers!

Brother’s Keeper Carlos DeBose Budget and Finance Chapman Young Communication and Technology Mark Jones Constitution Byron Williams DC National Pan Hellenic Council Derrick Butts Fundraising Matthew Aaron Golf Tournament Frank King Health & Wellness Alvin L. Reaves, III Membership Timothy Fitzgerald Men Who Cook Garrett Miller Mu Lambda Chapter History Book Silas Woods III Nominating Frank King

I hope this message finds you and your family safe and well. As I sit here and compose what will be my last vice president message to the chapter, I am reminded of the journey I took in arriving here. This past year was not without bumps and bruises, but like Alphas, we overcame. If I were asked 5 years ago if I thought about becoming the vice president of Mu Lambda, my response probably would have been a laugh out loud followed by, probably not. I guess that is a testament that sometimes our plans do not always go the way we intend for them to go. For any great plan or vision to come to fruition, it must start with a team lead by a great leader. The work that was accomplished this past year would not have been possible if it were not for the drive and dedication of President Eddie Neal. Yes, there were many long and sleepless nights, discussions into the next day, reworking of plans, but by the end of the next day, a plan was ready for execution. As a leader, a brother, and a friend, I thank you for your leadership, vision and most importantly your trust in me to work alongside you and server the brothers of Mu Lambda. I am a firm believer that no leader can accomplish anything without a team that has his back. To my committee chairs, thank you for having my back and keeping me on my toes! We were able to get a lot accomplished this year, some may say over achievers, but I say job well do! Finally, to my brothers in Mu Lambda, I can not thank you enough for entrusting me to assist Brother President in leading this great chapter. It has been a pleasure and an honor to fulfill the vice president office. The lessons learned and knowledge gained while in office are invaluable and will be forever cherished and utilized when I embark upon my next journey. Again, thank you for the opportunity to serve this chapter in this great fraternity! 06 Brother Garrett Miller Vice-President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

Programs Joseph Gibbs Public Policy Vacant Social Joseph Gibbs Community Service Samuel Armstrong Marketing/Promotion Committee Garrett Miller Social Media Committee Jeremy Triplett MAY 2020



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Mu Lambda Chapter May 7, 2020, Voting Rules and Regulations Brothers, On behalf of the nominating committee (Brothers Austin Cooper, Marcel Desroches, Gilbert Douglass (co-chair), Jason Jefferson, Mikael LaRoche, Sean Perkins, Albert Williams (co-chair), and Kobina Yanka), we would like to present the current slate of officers. The attached slate reflects the brothers that were nominated and accepted their nomination. The nominating committee was selected by the chapter at the April chapter meeting. Brother President selected the co-chairs from the brothers who were selected by the chapter. The nominating committee sent a notice to the chapter notifying the chapter that any brother in good standing was eligible to nominate himself or another brother by midnight of Friday, May 1, 2020. Brother President also sent a message to the chapter advising of the same. The committee received the names for nomination. The committee also received five additional names for nomination but had to exclude the brothers because one was not in good standing with the chapter two declined nomination, and two did not respond whether they accepted or declined the nomination.

brothers who are not in good standing with the chapter will be moved to a waiting room. Brothers logged into Zoom with a computer will be able to vote anonymously in the session. Brothers who dial into the meeting using only a telephone without video access will be transferred to a breakout room where members of the nominating committee will accept your oral vote. When brothers without video are transferred, they are not required to give their name and should refrain from doing so – you are only required to give the name of the brother you are selecting for the position. There will also be a breakout room where brothers can speak privately with the Financial Secretary in the event of a dispute about his financial standing with the chapter. Should you want to contact the Financial Secretary prior to the meeting, he can be reached at Please let anyone from the committee know if there are questions. Fraternally, Brothers Albert Williams & Gilbert Douglas Committee Co-Chairs

In the essence of time, the committee will make a motion to close nominations on all positions. In the event a brother wants to nominate someone, this will be the time to make the nomination. Please remember that only brothers who have been vetted and are in good standing can be nominated or can nominate someone. If you nominate a brother from the floor please ensure he has agreed to accept the nomination if elected. In the event there are contested positions, each candidate for the contested position will be given one minute to present his platform. There will not be any questions. Mu Lambda’s constitution mandates that only brothers present and voting are allowed to vote. All brothers are allowed to attend the meeting. To preserve the election process, we are outlining the voting procedures. The voting will take place on Zoom. Once the voting starts, MAY 2020



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Mu Lambda Fraternal Year 2020-2021 Slate of Officers for the May 7, 2020 election President Brother John “Tony” Wilson

Chapter Dean of Membership Brother Andre Lucas (incumbent)

Vice President Brother Mikael LaRoche

Sergeant-at-Arms Brother Kelvin Brown Brother Kobina Yanka

Recording Secretary Brother Jason Jefferson (incumbent) Corresponding Secretary Brother Samuel Armstrong Financial Secretary Brother Vernon Oakes Treasurer Brother Bryant “Mike” Young (incumbent) Associate Editor to the Sphinx Brother Kenneth Williams (incumbent) Editor of Torch Brother Kenneth Williams (incumbent) Chaplain Brother William “Tony” Hawkins (incumbent) Historian No Nomination

Parliamentarian Gilbert Douglass Archivist Brother James Harmon Brother Reginald Salter Webmaster No Nomination Member-at-Large Brother LeRoy Lowery (incumbent) Mu Lambda Foundation (8 positions) Brother Albert Cheek (incumbent) Brother William “Tony” Hawkins (incumbent) Brother Kenneth Holbert (incumbent) Brother Juan Powell (incumbent) Brother John “Tony” Wilson (incumbent) Brother Kent Benjamin Brother Jamison Taylor Brother Albert Williams

Director of Educational Activities Brother Sean Perkins (incumbent)

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MAY 2020


You should have received your ballot similar to this one shown. If you did not call 877-324-7655 or Headquarters at 410-554-0040



M SA Brothers,



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Message from the Chaplain Dear Brothers:

FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT AMPY Initiated Date: Saturday, April 21, 1956 Chapter Initiated: Beta Gamma Omega Chapter: Friday, April 3, 2020 Born: Monday, June 22, 1936

Vincent Orange Talmadge Roberts Marcel Desroches Jamison Taylor Albert Williams George D. McNeal

May 6th May 10th May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd

Brother Ampy received his Bachelor’s degree from Virginia State University. While attending VSU, Franklin pledged Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated. He then went on to conclude his education at the University of Oregon where he received a Master’s degree and became Dr. Ampy when he received his Ph.D. from there. Brother Ampy’s passion for education and travel would take him all over the world. He taught for 6 years at the American University in Beirut Lebanon. While teaching in the Middle East, he used any free time he had to explore the world; there were only a handful of countries that he did not visit in his lifetime and he loved to talk about his travels. It was 1971 when he landed at his final place of employment. Brother Ampy taught at Howard University for 48 years. He was beloved and highly respected by his colleagues and the students. He retired from the Biology department after the spring semester in 2019. Link: progress-index/obituary.aspx?n=franklin-rooseveltampy&pid=195906244

Happy Birthday Lavert Seabron Aaron Cheese Arthur King Lucius Brown Eathen Gums Eric Johnson Byron Williams Brent Radcliff MAY 2020

May 2nd May 4th May 5th May 5th May 10th May 24th May 30th May 30th

Fraternally, Brother Tony Hawkins, Chaplain Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter



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As Membership and Reclamation Chair of Mu Lambda Chapter, I would like to bring greetings to you and extend an invitation for you to return to the chapter. I am proud to be a member of this chapter as Mu Lambda celebrates 96 years of serving Washington, DC since 1923. Since our charter, Mu Lambda Chapter has been an innovator, a builder, and a molder of men making a difference in the lives of many in the Washington Metropolitan area. Mu Lambda Chapter is working diligently to ensure that our programs and social activities continue to impact the community in a positive way by being a catalyst of change. Today, Mu Lambda stands as a beacon of light to the community and a strong source of leadership. Through our Henry Arthur Callis Academy, we continue to facilitate the growth of young males so they understand that leadership is not a burden but a responsibility. Staying true to Alpha’s core: we implement successfully the fraternity’s National Programs: Go-to-High School Go-to-School, A Voteless People is a Hopeless People, Project Alpha and Brothers’ Keeper. These four programmatic efforts are implemented through “out-of-the-box” formats to ensure that Mu Lambda Chapter is reaching the target audience. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Mu Lambda in not a monolithic chapter. It is rich in history, diversity and ready to serve. The membership of the chapter ranges in age 23 to 99. Salaries range from $30,000 to $1,000,000 per annum. The membership is comprised of brothers initiated in 117 different chapters. Fifty-five life members. The lowest life member number is 691, while the highest in the chapter is 13910. Brothers list their race as African American, Afro-Hispanic, Caucasian, Multi-Racial, and West Indian/Caribbean. All brothers have a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree. Three have Dental Degrees. Three have Medical Degrees. Eleven have MBA Degrees. Twenty-six have Doctorate Degrees. Twenty-seven have Law Degrees. Twenty-nine have Masters’ Degrees as their highest level of education.

I challenge you to reflect and rekindle the fraternal spirit. Our chapter meetings are every first Thursday at the Mu Lambda Community House, located at 2405 First Street NW, Washington, DC at 7:06 pm and the repast starts @ 6:30 pm. Please visit to see what Mu Lambda has been doing. If you have any questions please call me @ 301-332-7507 or email me at Fraternally, Bro. Tim Fitzgerald Membership and Reclamation Chair Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

MAY 2020



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MU LAMBDA FOUNDATION, INCORPORATED The mission of the Mu Lambda Foundation, a 501(C)3 organization, is service to mankind, the promotion of scholarship, and the enhancement of knowledge and achievement of males of all ages. Our deepest purpose as an organization is to be the catalyst in communities by helping to support the health and well being of people. To prevent and alleviate human suffering while enabling people to realize their full potential by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. The Foundation is the charitable arm of Mu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, the first African American intercollegiate fraternity, was founded in 1906 on the campus of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. The Foundation’s charitable activities include the Henry Arthur Callis Academy, a mentoring program for male students in grades 9 – 12; Project Alpha, an anti-teen pregnancy program oriented to males; work with the DC Food Bank; partnering with the District of Columbia Public School system programs, including Boy Scouts and Youth Court; assisting at the Ronald McDonald House and The House of Ruth, where we serve meals to residents on a monthly basis; and college scholarships for needy youth. The Foundation has donated over $310,000 in scholarships over the past 20 years. The Henry Arthur Callis Academy is conducted at Frank Ballou Senior High School in Washington, DC. Meeting monthly with up to 20 students, the Foundation members and Ballou staff address college preparedness, mentoring, job shadowing, college visits and social interactions. The Foundation has a five-year strategic plan that will create opportunities to positively impact rates of success of local African American male youth along their trajectory from positive academic and social experiences in middle and high school, high school graduation, college entrance, and college completion. When executed, our strategic plan will provide a full range of Academy experiences and activities for African American young men in grades 9 - 12.

Henry Arthur Callis Academy activities include: 10 College Readiness Courses 1. Organization and Study Skills for College 2. Selecting, Applying to, and Financing College (Parents encouraged to attend) 3. Presentation Skills and Public Speaking 4. Selecting a College Major 5. Responding to Racial Profiling, Stereotyping, and Racism in Society 6. Health and Nutrition 7. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 8. Financial Literacy 9. Professional Attire and Grooming 10. Etiquette and Social Skills in Professional Settings Mentoring/Job Shadowing • Each Scholar is mentored throughout the Academy and beyond • Scholars shadow their mentor at the mentor’s place of employment for the purpose of exposing the Scholar to the mentor’s professional role and responsibilities College/University Visit • Scholars spend a day at a local college or university and shadow college students as they attend classes and navigate the college environment Social Events & Positive Interactions • Scholars participate in social events and interactions that are positive, healthy, empowering, and affirming Black & Gold Gala Scholars are recognized at the annual Mu Lambda Chapter Black & Gold Gala each year. “This is our first task – caring for our children. It’s our first job. If we don’t get that right, we don’t get anything right. That’s how, as a society, we will be judged.” - Barack H. Obama 44th President of the United States Project Alpha is conducted monthly at Charles Hart Middle School in SE Washington, DC. Mu Lambda Foundation continued on next page

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THE TORCH -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation began collaboratively implementing Project Alpha in 1980. This project is designed to provide education, motivation and skill-building on issues of responsibility, relationships, teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases for young males ages 12-15 years. Designed to provide young men with current and accurate information about teen pregnancy prevention, Project Alpha consists of a series of workshops and informational sessions.




BOARD OF DIRECTORS LeRoy Lowery, III President Juan H. Powell Vice-President Chatman K. Young, II Treasurer

The goals of Project Alpha programs are:

Ryle A. Bell, D.D.S.

1. Sharing knowledge by combating ignorance and fear with factual information. 2. Changing attitudes by providing motivation toward positive changes in sexual behavior. 3. Providing skills by creating a sense of empowerment and self-esteem.

Malcolm B. Carter

PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS: Provides education for young males 12-15 years old on sexuality, fatherhood and the role of males in relationships. • •

Motivates young men to make decisions about their goals and values, and act in ways that support their decisions. Builds young men's skills through roleplaying. Utilizes appropriate male role models and mentors.

CURRICULUM The Project Alpha curriculum focuses on five key topics: • • • • •

Responsibility, Respect and the Role of Males in Relationships Adolescent Pregnancy and Fatherhood Protecting Yourself and Your Partner Sexually Transmitted Diseases Intimate Violence in Relationships

Albert C. Cheek, D.D.S. Hon. Horace G. Dawson, Jr., Ph.D. Marcel Desroches A. Gilbert Douglass, Esq. W. Anthony Hawkins, Jr., Ph.D. Kenneth F. Holbert, Esq. Alvin Reaves, M.D. John A. Wilson For additional information, to donate funds or to volunteer your services contact us at our headquarters: Mu Lambda Foundation 2405 First St., NW Washington, DC 20001-1019 or send an email to

Because Hart Middle School is a feeder school for Ballou Senior High School, we work with the same students from grades 6 though 12 preparing these young men for college and beyond. Our strategic plan calls for expansion of these programs to additional schools throughout the District of Columbia. Lend your support to the work of the Mu Lambda Foundation by donating to either the Combined Federal Campaign, the DC One Fund or directly to the Foundation through our website at MAY 2020 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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Best of Washington Awards Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Mu Lambda Foundation Receives 2020 Best of Washington Award Washington Award Program Honors the Achievement WASHINGTON February 5, 2020 -- Mu Lambda Foundation has been selected for the 2020 Best of Washington Award in the Philanthropy category by the Washington Award Program. Each year, the Washington Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Washington area a great place to live, work and play. Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2020 Washington Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the Washington Award Program and data provided by third parties. About Washington Award Program The Washington Award Program is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the Washington area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and longterm value. The Washington Award Program was established to recognize the best of local businesses in our community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to recognize the small business community's contributions to the U.S. economy. SOURCE: Washington Award Program CONTACT: Washington Award Program Email: URL:

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Message from the House of Ruth Committee Greetings Brothers, Brother Andre Lucas and his team sponsored the meal for the ladies at the House of Ruth on Saturday, April 11th. They practiced social distancing and ordered the meal from District Rico on H Street NE. The Program Coordinator for the House of Ruth stated, “there was enough food to feed everyone and Thank you once again for your continued commitment to the women at the House of Ruth.” She also indicated the women enjoyed the food selection. Brother Lucas’ team consisted of the following brothers: Andre Lucas, Albert Williams, Marcel Desroches, Sean Perkins, Samuel Armstrong, and Arthur King. Brother Lucas pre-ordered the meal, added additional portions to ensure there was enough for everyone, and delivered the food to the ladies. The April menu was Peruvian-style rotisserie chicken, rice, black beans, plantain, salad, spinach, cookies, lemonade, and water. The next session is Saturday, May 2nd by the chapter. Due to the pandemic and social distancing, the chapter will be securing a carryout meal and have it delivered to the House of Ruth for distribution. Brothers voted for the chapter to sponsor the dinners during the odd months (May 2nd, July 11th, September 5th, and November 7th). Teams of brothers will sponsor the even months (June 6th (Frank King’s team), August 1st (Tony Wilson’s team), October 10th Tim Fitzgerald’s team), and December 6th (Alvin Reave’s team)). Feel free to contact the team captain and offer your support. Fraternally, Brother Garrett Miller Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

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Message from the Health and Wellness Committee

April 16, 2020 was National HealthCare Decisions Day. This day is recognized each year on April 16, the day after taxes are due, April 15, as Benjamin Franklin stated “in this world nothing can be certain, except death and taxes”. On Tuesday, April 14, 2020, Mu Lambda Health and Wellness Committee hosted its first virtual “Let’s Talk Health and Wellness” to discuss advance care planning and palliative care. There topics, more times than not, are considered taboo in the Black community. In the African-American community, as well as many other communities of color, the dying and death part of life is fraught with anxiety and fear. Just as many families do not discuss and share pertinent medical history so that future generations might be better informed about their family history and potential risk for certain diseases, we often fail to have honest and open conversations about our wishes in the face of serious illness; particularly wishes regarding dying, when no other curative options exist. In the Black community, many of these considerations and discussions about dying, challenge our faith. As a Palliative Medicine physician, I implore each of you, if you have not already had the conversation, to consider the extent of care that you wish for yourself in face of a serious, life-threatening illness. This consideration has never been more important as is is now, as we are living in a public health crisis caused by the COVID19 pandemic, which has greatly strained our medical resources, with the threat of rationing medical treatment and care in the near future. If you have family members who, or you yourself, are experiencing a serious illness, have you had a conversation with your family to understand their goals or so your family can understand your wishes at the end life? What you might want for yourself is not necessarily what someone else would want for their life and may not be the option they would choose for you, if you were incapacitated and unable to make your own medical decisions.

Though some may find this topic somber and depressing, it is of utmost importance, and if done early, and not in a time of crisis, it can alleviate significant personal distress and unnecessary family dynamic that often ensues when these conversations are not had. I encourage each of you, when your family is around the dinner table, so that all may witness, to ask “what does living well look like to you?” or “what’s an acceptable quality of life for you if you were faced with a serious illness?”. You may be surprised what information and stories are elicited to enlighten you for future reference. I would encourage each of you, no matter what age, to consider completing an advance directive. This document, which must be completed by the individual, allows you to name a healthcare surrogate and an alternate healthcare surrogate, to be your voice, making decisions as you would make them, should you become incapacitated and unable to participate in your own medical decision making. It also gives instructions to the extent of life-sustaining care, such as resuscitation, that you would or would not want in a terminal, serious, or end-stage condition. Completing an advance directive is one of the greatest responsibilities that we have in preserving our autonomy and is one of the most valuable gifts to give our families by taking the burden of decision making for our lives out of their hands. District of Columbia: Maryland: uploads/Maryland.pdf Virginia: Virginia.pdf Fraternally, Brother Reaves, III

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Mu Lambda Foundation’s Combined Federal Campaign Number is: 66770 ®


Mu Lambda Foundation’s DC One Fund Number is: 9199

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ANOTHER WAY TO SUPPORT THE MU LAMBDA FOUNDATION Recommended minimum size with type.

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Can I use my existing account on AmazonSmile? Yes, you use the same account on and AmazonSmile. On your computer: 1. launch your internet browser and go to 2. Log into with your Amazon account information. 3. Select Mu Lambda Foundation as your charitable choice. Everytime you make a eligible purchase a portion will go to the Foundation. On your cellphone 1. If you have the Amazon App installed you should remove it. To do this, tap and hold the app icon until it starts to jiggle. Tap the cross at the top left of the icon and confirm that you want to delete it. Don’t worry, this will not delete your Amazon account or any of your settings. 2. Now from your cellphone internet browser go to 3. Once there Tap the ‘share’ button at the bottom of the screen. 4. Tap the ‘Add to Home Screen’ icon. You may need to swipe to the left on iPhone to see this or scroll down on Android. 5. You will now have an Amazon Smile icon on your home screen which will replace your previous Amazon App. Supporting the Mu Lambda Foundation doesn’t add any extra cost to your purchases!

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The Jewels’ Lounge Mu Lambda Chapter Jewels’ Lounge Welcome to the Jewels’ Lounge where brothers gather, sit amongst the Jewels and reflect upon life in Alpha.

Jewel Callis

Jewel Jones

Jewel Murray

It is a place that allow brothers the opportunity to relax, read The Torch, Sphinx, history book and/or engage in that good ole ALPHA SPIRIT. Brother Silas Woods, III, Historian Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

Jewel Kelley

Jewel Tandy

Jewel Chapman

Jewel Ogle

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Greeting Brothers,

Volume I

The 2019-2020 fraternal year has been dedicated to rediscovering our brotherhood. We serve the community, but we have been neglecting our bond of brotherhood.

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter


Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter


Starting Tuesday, May 7th, Mu Lambda will be rolling out and hosting the Mu Lambda Literary Society, every week at 7:00 pm. The Mu Lambda Literary Society is a Mu Lambda initiative, where we come together as brothers and discuss the two volume Alpha history book over a period of months. It will be facilitated by a different brother each week. Brothers can participate via conference call. We will start with volume 1, chapter 1 of the twenty second printing of the history book and conclude with volume 2, chapter 8. There are twenty chapters in volume 1 and eight chapters in volume 2. This is totally voluntary. If you are interested, participate for the weeks that you can. You are not required to purchase the new history book. Brother Robert L. Harris, Jr. our National Historian and author of Volume II in participating the sessions.

Chapter XII Chapter XIII Chapter XIV



Lesson The Origin of Alpha Phi Alpha The Period of Consolidation The First Steps in Expansion Local and National Strivings Permanent Foundations Expansion and Internal Development The Leaven of Self-Examination The War Interlude A Definite Program The Crowning Years Advancement in Spite of the Depression The Widening Social Program Education and War A Militant Liberalism


Date April 21 April 28 April 28 May 5 May 5 May 12 May 12 May 19 May 26 June 2 June 9 June 16 June 23 June 30

Volume II



Chapter XV Chapter XVI Chapter XVII

The Concept of Progress The Golden Anniversary Shaping the Future on the Basis of the Past The Continuing Challenge New Goals for Old Social Purpose and Social Action Back to Basics Achieving Tomorrow: An Agenda for the 80’s Strengthening Internal Capacity for Greater Service Facing Our Future with a Future The Alpha Renaissance: Rekindling the Spirit of Leadership and Community Service Vision 2000: The Light of a New Day Alpha Attitude: A Forward Step‌ Into the Future A Solid Foundation for the New Era of Alpha

July 7 July 14

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter


Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII

July 21 July 28 August 4 August 11 August 18 August 25 September 1 September 8 September 15 September 22 September 29 October 6

Fraternally, Eddie Neal, President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

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The History of Alpha Phi Alpha A Development in College Life (Charles H. Wesley) and The History of Alpha Phi Alpha A Tradition of Leadership and Service (Robert L. Harris, Jr.) The pandemic has slowed our movement but Mu Lambda continued the work of Alpha. Tuesday, April 21, 2020, we had 14 brothers (Mario Beatty, Ryle Bell, Marcel Desroches, Gilbert Douglass, Robert Harris (National Historian), James Heck, Antonio King, Garrett Miller, Eddie Neal, Ed Norwood, Vernon Oakes, Robert Richardson, Larry Ware, and Kenneth Williams) assembled on a Zoom meeting to have an Alpha Phi Alpha History discussion. We started Chapter I, “The Origin of Alpha Phi Alpha.” It was a very in-depth and detailed conversation about the beginning of the fraternity, CC Poindexter, and the naming of the Jewels. Tuesday, April 28, 2020, we had 25 brothers (Justen Baskerville, Mario Beatty, Ryle Bell, Andres Blackstone, Rapheal Garcia, Robert Harris (National Historian), James Harmon, Rylan Harris, James Heck, Bryan Hill, Joseph Housey, Jason Jefferson, Villareal Johnson, LeRoy Lowery, Garrett Miller, Eddie Neal, Robert Richardson, James Robinson, Stanley Simmons (President of Eta Eta Lambda), Harry Taylor, Keithlyn Warner (President of Omicron Eta Lambda), Jason Wilder, Jarrid Williams, Jaron Wilson, and Mike Young) assemble to discuss Chapter II, “The Period of Consolidation” and Chapter III, “The First Steps in Expansion.” Tuesday, May 5, 2020, we will again assemble at 7:00 pm to discuss Alpha Phi Alpha History. We will start with chapter IV “Local and National Strivings” and will be joined by our National Historian, Robert Harris, and

Eastern Region Vice President, Lucien Metellus. Week one started with Mu Lambda brothers and expanded to include other brothers. We realize this is not Mu Lambda’s history, this is Alpha Phi Alpha history so week two we opened the doors to our brothers in Omicron Eta Lambda and Eta Eta Lambda. Beta and Omicron Lambda Alpha were participating in IMDP related activities and are invited to join us for week three. This is not like learning history while you were pursuing the fraternity. This is a very detailed discussion. The fraternity's National Historian, Brother Harris is a part of the group. Brother Harris is also the drafter of volume II of the history book. We discuss every minor detail of the history book. Most brothers discuss C.C. Poindexter. The history book lists him as Charles Chapman Poindexter that we discovered is incorrect and should be Charles Cardoza Poindexter. Did you know women were part of the first meetings? Were there 19, 18, or 17 men made at Howard University on December 20, 1907? If you are not sure, this might be a good place to be on Tuesday nights at 7 pm. Reach out to your line brothers – tell them to join the session. The only requirement is that this is a “brothers only” group – do not invite candidates. A brother does not have to be financial to participate.

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Blackened Fish Sandwich With Avocado and Cabbage Recipe

Lemon-Butter Pound Cake with Glaze

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Combine the yogurt, sriracha, and lime juice. Set aside. 2. Heat the oil in a large cast-iron skillet over high heat. Rub the fish fillets on both sides with plenty of blackening seasoning. 3. When the oil in the pan is smoking, add the fish and cook, undisturbed, for 3 minutes, until a dark crust forms. 4. Flip the fillets and cook for an additional 2 to 3 minutes, until the fish flakes with gentle pressure from your finger. 5. While the fish is cooking, toast the buns (cut side up) under the broiler. Divide the avocado and cabbage among the buns. Top with the hot fish, yogurt sauce, and onions. Link: blackened-fish-sandwich-recipe/ Brother Derrick A. Butts


lemon juice, 2 tablespoons butter, and lemon zest together in a bowl until glaze is smooth. Pour about half the glaze over the cake; let cool. Pour remaining glaze over the cake. Brother Garrett Miller

Watermelon Margarita


INGREDIENTS • 1 cup plain Greek-style yogurt • 1 tsp sriracha • Juice of one lime • 1 Tbsp canola oil • 4 tilapia or catfish fillets (6 oz each) • 1 Tbsp blackening seasoning • 4 whole-wheat sesame seed buns • 1 avocado, pitted, peeled, and sliced • 2 cups shredded red cabbage • Pickled onions



INGREDIENTS: • 2 ½ cups white sugar • 1 ½ cups butter, softened (real Butter) • 4 eggs • 3 ½ cups all-purpose flour (sifted) • ½ teaspoon salt • ½ teaspoon baking soda • 1 cup buttermilk • 1 teaspoon lemon extract GLAZE: • 2 cups confectioners’ sugar (Sifted) • ¼ cup lemon juice • 2 tablespoons butter, softened • 1 tablespoon lemon zest DIRECTIONS • Step 1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour a fluted tube pan (such as Bundt® • Step 2 Beat white sugar and 1 1/2 cups butter together in a bowl with an electric mixer until light and fluffy, about 10 minutes. Add eggs one at a time, thoroughly beating each egg into the butter mixture before adding the next. • Step 3 Sift flour, salt, and baking soda together in a bowl. Add 1/3 of the flour mixture to the butter mixture; mix well. Pour in 1/2 the buttermilk and beat until combined. Repeat adding the remaining flour mixture and buttermilk, beating well after each addition, and ending with the flour mixture. Stir lemon extract into batter. Pour batter into prepared tube pan. • Step 4 Reduce oven temperature to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). • Step 5 Bake in the oven until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean, 60 to 75 minutes. Cool in the pan for 10 minutes before removing to a cake platter or plate. • Step 6 Beat confectioner’s sugar,

INGREDIENTS • 12 ounces fresh watermelon juice • 3/4 ounces tequila (depending on preferred strength) • 1 ounce triple sec • 1 medium lime, juiced • 15-18 watermelon ice cubes • Margarita salt INSTRUCTIONS 1. To make watermelon juice, scoop half a small watermelon into a blender and puree until well blended. Then strain through a fine mesh strainer and place juice in a jar. Refrigerate until ready for use. 2. To make watermelon ice cubes, cube the other half of the watermelon into ice cube-sized pieces and place on a baking sheet. Make sure they’re not touching of they’ll stick together. Freeze for 4-5 hours or overnight or until very firm. 3. To make margaritas, add watermelon juice, lime juice, tequila, and triple sec to a cocktail shaker or pitcher and shake vigorously or stir. 4. Next, run the quarter of a lime around two serving glasses and then dip in margarita salt. Fill 3/4 of the way full with watermelon ice cubes (or regular ice cubes if preferred). 5. Divide the margarita between glasses (2 as original recipe is written) and serve immediately. Garnish with an additional lime wedge. Brother Drew Love

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FRAT FUN THE BROTHERS OF MU LAMBDA CHAPTER PART ONE As we all endure the much necessary social distancing and quarantining to which the COVID-19 virus has subjected us, I thought that I would reminisce about some of the brothers and incidents that I have encountered as a brother in the Mu Lambda chapter. These remembrances are offered tongue in cheek and in the spirit of brotherhood. Hopefully those recognized will be forgiving in nature! Mu Lambda Chapter was chartered in 1923 and over the years has distinguished itself as one of the more outstanding chapter in the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity. It has been home to Jewels Callis and Ogle, Alpha historian Charles Wesley, Belford Lawson, C.C House and many other fraternity luminaries. It was a chapter known at one time for its elitist orientation, never subscribing to any egalitarian doctrine, often using the brown paper bag is a frame of reference for admission. It was believed by all who abided there within that they were a cut above the rest, the crème de la crème of black Washington, DC society and in some cases they so manifested. It was reported that this attitude resulted in the formation of Iota Upsilon Lambda chapter in Montgomery County, Maryland and Theta Rho Lambda chapter in Arlington, Virginia. Indeed the Mu Lambda chapter has come a long way since those days.

I came to Mu Lambda chapter in 1979, as a lowly Assistant Area Director for Delaware, Maryland and DC. Even though an Assistant Area Director, I had been advised by Brother Norment, the District Director, to attend the chapter meeting, sit quietly and say nothing unless asked or risk being dismembered and or eaten alive. Dutifully I complied and thus survived to eventually earn the respect and trust of the senior directorate of the chapter.




This occurred mainly due to one event. In 1981, Brother Norment was unable to supervise the chapter’s initiation, so he advised the Mount Rushmore denizens of Mu lambda that as Area Director, I was capable and competent to do so, having supervised several in the area. Grudgingly they allowed me to do so. At the end of the ceremony one of the luminaries approached me to say, “Man, you certainly conducted a very good initiation ceremony. I was skeptical because I didn’t think that you knew what you were doing but it’s the best one that we have had in Mu Lambda in many years!” With bowed head, due respect tendered, I accepted his laudatory comments and thereafter was able to speak freely in Mu Lambda meetings without the possibility of derision and dismissal or possibly bodily harm! Over time I got to know many of these brothers and learned that their version of the Fraternity revolved around what happened in Mu Lambda, as most never attended area meetings nor regional or general conventions. They are a few, however, who attended and I got to know them quite well. Brother John D. Roper was a diminutive and always impeccably dressed brother, replete with fedora, jacket, shirt and tie, vest and pencil mustache. The remaining six hairs on his scalp were always well aligned and properly brushed into parallel strands. Always attendant with him at these meetings and conventions was his “nurse” who saw to his health and well-being. He was a delight to be around and often regaled me at staff meetings and conferences with stories of the old days. He was a peripatetic individual who could be seen in, it appeared, several places at one time. He scurried around, head bent forward, from meeting to meeting taking copious notes that no one ever saw afterwards, but he was well versed in Alpha affairs. In Mu Lambda he acquired the appellation of “Jewel of the East!” Joining him were Brothers Brice and Hunnigan. I mention them together because they always showed up as a duo. Hunnigan, the shorter one, was always the more vocal of the two. Actually it was he who engendered my membership into Mu Lambda chapter. As Area Director to Washington DC, a post that I acquired a few years after serving as Assistant Area Director, I attended Mu Lambda meetings as a part of my responsibilities. While waiting in line to receive a plate at a repast at the beginning of meeting held at the Howard University faculty dining room, Hunnigan who was standing behind me, allowed me to know that he had witnessed me coming to Mu Lambda meetings regularly and “eating up all the chicken, and if I wanted to continue doing so, I should pay dues.” continued on next page

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FRAT FUN THE BROTHERS OF MU LAMBDA CHAPTER continued So even though I was a dues paying member of Omicron Lambda Alpha where I was initiated, I started paying dues to Mu Lambda and have continued for now some thirty seven years, just to avoid Hunnigan’s harassment. Hunnigan was a bachelor, but Brice was married to a lovely and rather diminutive lady with quite a fiery temperament. Hunnigan always presented to conventions with at last two or three members of the distaff side with whom he arrived or knew in the area where the convention was being held. He was always trying to get Brice to be a wing man and entertain the extra lady, or that it is the way that they both made it appear. Brice for the most part was able to fend off Hunnigan’s overtures mostly because of the exacting vigilance of his fiery tempered spouse. Occasionally, falling prey to testosteronic weakness and captured by the eagle eye of his vitriolic mate, he could be observed in the halls of a convention, walking chastened beside her, head down, or hemmed up in an elevator car, subject to a controlled volcanic yet whispered, tirade as he was berated by his charming better half who had apparently observed him from a distance, dallying with one of Hunnigan’s “friends” in quarters too close for marital propriety. Eventually Bro. Brice had to eschew this role as his life was too often placed at risk and his well-being jeopardized, for while his wife was half his size, he knew better than to trifle with her. Concurrently, Hunnigan’s ability to convince these denizens of femininity to deliver the goods without matrimonial reward waned over time, as did his prowess which declined because of advancing age. Often he was not only unable to pick up the slack but found himself wanting in satisfying his own personal paramour’s demands.

a veritable contradiction in terms. The result was a train wreck of a cacophony of voices, all off key, led by the most unharmonius Hunnigan. Screeching and caterwauling were put to shame! Nature, it is said, abhors a vacuum but I am certain that it abhorred the chapter’s rendition of the fraternal hymns which he directed, even more! In the next offering, I shall try to do justice to some other of my Mu Lambda brothers as they move onwards and upwards! Brother Ryle Bell

Brother Brice was a fountain of information for all things Alpha, as he had been well tutored in the politics and machinations of the fraternity by Belford Lawson and others. His passing has left a great void in Mu Lambda, not only because of his vast knowledge but because of his willingness to speak up when he saw wrong and his predilection for mentoring younger brothers. The ebullient Hunnigan is still present with us, though now more sedate, as the exigencies of time have somewhat quelled his exuberance. In exchange for his Valentino-like activities, he decided to turn his talents to conducting the Alpha Phi Alpha hymn at chapter meetings. Unfortunately the word “talent” was a misnomer in his case, as maintaining pitch was foreign to his sonorous abilities. Melody was oxymoronic, MAY 2020 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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Black Professionals in International Affairs Brother Byron L. Williams, Mu Lambda Fall 2017, Was invited by Black Professionals in International Affairs, a charitable, non-profit membership association founded in 1989 by international educator Barbara C. Patterson and associates to increase the involvement of African Americans and other people of African heritage in international affairs, had an opportunity to speak on Instagram Live as part of their #BPIAChats series. Williams spoke on “Finding Your Niche� by expounding on topics ranging from figuring out adding value to a situation no matter your professional expertise, how to continue learning in your industry by using available resources such as LinkedIn Learning, the power in finding a mentor, and the strong need for more African Americans to be present and supported in foreign policy, especially as it pertains to Eastern Europe where we are not readily seen but where opportunity is great.

Please see his chat by following the link below: https://www.linkedin. com/posts/byronlwilliams_black-ininternational-affairs-on-instagram-activity6658072055579316225--ZSW Williams works to constantly create awareness in our community about international opportunities to work and serve because he wholeheartedly believes, like Bro. Ambassador Horace. G. Dawson, we can truly make a significant impact by understanding and shaping how our nation engages the rest of our global partners through policy, trade, and education. Shout out to Bro. Deandre Uwakonye, Rho Phi Lambda of South Africa, Spring 2017, for also being a #BPIAchats guest speaker. Brother Byron L. Williams

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The White Privilege to Terrorize MAY 1, 2020 / JOHN PAVLOVITZ

Photo AFP via Getty Images. As a white man watching the Michigan protests of Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s stay-at-home orders, all I could think was: Black people don’t get to do this. Muslims don’t get to do this. Latinos don’t get to do this. People who don’t look like this don’t get to do this. They don’t get to swarm American capitol buildings in tactical gear with highpowered weapons, screaming in close proximity to police officers. They don’t get to dress up like Call of Duty cosplayers and attempt to physically intimidate politicians into bending to their wills. They don’t get to get to stop traffic in city streets decked out like they work at the Death Star and brazenly wield semi-automatic rifles. They don’t get to terrorize decent people and walk away. Only white people get to do this. This violence is a singular privilege afforded to caucasian men in America. People of color aren’t afforded this luxury. They can’t even get close to such ugliness. Heck, they barely get to breathe. No, they’re shot as 12-year olds walking through the park with toy guns. They’re choked out selling cigarettes on street corners. They’re assassinated while unarmed in

their cars during routine traffic stops. They’re gunned down in their homes by uninvited police officers. They’re driven into the pavement by overzealous security guards. They’re demonized as mothers declaring that their murdered children’s lives mattered. They’re publicly vilified by white presidents for silently kneeling on NFL sidelines. Black people don’t get to to wear menacing masks or flash handguns on courthouse steps or accost strangers looking like dollar store stormtroopers, in an attempt to frighten people. They frighten jittery white people by simply existing in their blackness. They frighten them by lingering in coffee shops. They frighten them by eating lunch in their cars. They frighten them by standing in front of their own homes. In those places where they are simply and lawfully living, they are met with disapproving side-eye glances, greeted with clutched purses, and assailed by an army of terrified Karens, whose itchy text trigger fingers easily dial 911 when non-white young people congregate in a park or crowd their favorite Chick-Fil-A dining room. This privilege has always existed, but it’s been decades since it’s been afforded this wide a berth, this long a leash, and such kid gloves from leaders. The threatening displays of white rage around the country lately, are happening with such frequency and ferocity, because participants know that they have in this president, a dedicated advocate, a willing partner, a powerful accomplice. It’s no coincidence that in the middle of the fight to oppose stay-at-home protections by Blue governors choosing humanity over commerce, Trump tweeted out seeming non sequitur invocations to LIBERATE several cities and warned of second amendment encroachment. Though on their surface the subjects seemed unrelated to stopping the spread of the virus, these tweets were clear dog whistles for his snarling white base to suit up, strap on weapons, and provide the free muscle in his reckless push to reopen American in




the throes of a pandemic, knowing they’d never be held accountable. This is MAGA America in its dawning renaissance of outward racism, showing us what is at stake as we approach another election. We aren’t just choosing a president or party to steward us through the coming years, we’re making a statement on what we will and will not tolerate as a people. What we witnessed in Michigan was an act of terrorism, by the very definition of the word. We have seen many such acts this week, and if November allows this malevolence another four years, they will seem tame. The self-appointed soldiers in the army of the lord will grow more brazen and become more violent in their holy war to make America whiter—so decent white people need to resist them in the streets, on social media, and at the polls. I fully suspect people of color will oppose this presidency in large numbers, because they see the disparity. What I hope and pray, is that more white people, especially those who claim to be Christian, will also stand to reject the supremacy and racism that yields such willful homegrown terrorism; that we will use the unearned currency of our privilege to declare this violence un-American and inhuman and unacceptable. White terrorists can no longer have a friend in the White House—not if we really want to make America great.

Disclaimer: Mu Lambda is providing this as a public service. The views expressed by the author are his own and do not imply an endorsement of them or represent the views of Mu Lambda.

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Contact us at

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MAY 2020 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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Everything Co-op, is a radio show that airs on WOL, Radio One’s premiere talk show station out of Washington, DC. The show features people who have influenced or participated in the advancement of the cooperative business model to change lives.

Hosted by Brother Vernon Oakes​ Listen every Thursday on WOL 1450AM or our website at from 10:30am - 11am

MAY 2020 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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Join the family and get 10% off with code: JOIN

MAY 2020 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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MAY 2020 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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Albert A. Williams

Realtor - D.C. & Maryland

EXIT First Realty 2139 Espey Court, Suite 1, Crofton, MD 21114 Bus: 301-352-8100 | Fax: 301-352-0700 | Cell: 202-210-1539 Email: MAY 2020 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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Please Contact Brother Matt Aaron for Your Financial Planning Needs Matt Aaron, CFP® Aaron Financial 908-548-2745 Website: Matt is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional and the founder of Aaron Financial. Matt and his team provide a comprehensive financial planning experience to a diverse set of clients across the country. • • • • • • •

Budgeting Insurance Planning Investment Planning and Wealth Management Retirement Planning Education Planning Estate Planning Business & Employee Benefits

Matt holds a BBA from Howard University and has earned both a certificate in financial planning from Georgetown University and the prestigious CFP ® designation. Matt is a national spokesperson for the Certified Financial Planning Board.

Prostate Cancer a Family Affair Many of you are aware that I am a prostate cancer survivor. I know some of you have also traveled the journey. I was diagnosed and treated in 2016 and remain cancerfree. Thankfully my doctors caught it early before it had the opportunity to spread. I was vigilant well before my diagnosis with regular checkups mainly because my dad and uncle had previously been diagnosed. As men, and as black men in particular, we tend to wait much longer than we should to see the doctor. We all know brothers who have health challenges but put off making a call to the doctor. But cancer doesn’t wait.

My dad and I share our journey in our new book, Survivors’ Stories, Prostate Cancer, A Family Affair. Get more information on our journey and purchase the book at and then let’s talk. Speaking Engagements – I would be more than happy to schedule time to talk with your church, Men’s/Health group, and/or organization about being proactive with your prostate health and to share my journey. Please have them email me at info@derrickbutts. com to begin the discussion. Thank you Brothers for your support! Brother Derrick Butts

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The New Mu Lambda Chapter App is Here This official Mu Lambda Chapter App is for members of the chapter to find out about our events, chat with Chapter members, View Chapter Documents, View Chapter Directory, View our monthly magazine (The Torch) Pay Chapter Dues and much more. The ability to effectively communicate with Chapter members will help us continue to develop leaders, promote brotherhood and academic excellence while providing service and advocacy for our community.

Available for members only MAY 2020 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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BRO. KENNETH A. WILLIAMS EDITOR OF THE TORCH ALPHA QUOTE TO SERVE BY... “THINK Alpha Phi Alpha, TALK Alpha Phi Alpha, PROMOTE Alpha Phi Alpha, and LABOR for the broad principles of idealism for which Alpha Phi Alpha was created, so that humanity shall look on us as a body worthwhile.” Brother Henry L. Dickason, 5th General President

“Love is a choice. It is about putting someone else before oneself.”This goes beyond warm feelings and a bond. It is about putting someone else before oneself. It’s about giving someone else honor. All of the characteristics below are born out of love. We were created to love and to be loved. It is the deepest human need. Is there a Brother you have loved without looking for anything in return?

2. Sacrifice.

Being at someone’s side regardless of the cost. It’s the willingness to give up things of significant worth for the benefit of another. Sacrifice can be shown in big ways like traveling a considerable distance to be with a friend in need. It can be shown in smaller ways like losing some sleep by taking a late night phone call. In what ways have you sacrificed for a friend lately?

3. Faithfulness.

Being dependable through good times and bad.

Someone your Brother can truly count on. You endure and are consistently reliable. When things were at their worst, Shughart and Gordon were by Durant’s side. They shared his burden when they didn’t have to. How can you share in a Brothers burden?

in arms. More will be shared and the part you will play in your friend’s life will increase. How much trust have you earned with your Brother? These characteristics feed one another. As you live this out, your Brotherhood will become richer.

4. Honesty.

6. Integrity

Someone that’s willing to be truthful even when it is hard. “As iron sharpens iron, so does one man to another.” We sharpen one another by holding one another accountable when we get out of line. It takes courage to say the difficult thing when we see a friend going down a destructive path. We have to be willing to be vulnerable with our weaknesses first in many circumstances. Is there a Brother you can be completely real with?

5. Trust.

Faithfulness and honesty build trust. You have won your Brother’s full confidence. This is earned. As you do this over time, the bond will grow deeper and you become brothers

Doing what I say I will do is a matter of integrity. Your word should means everything to your Brothers in ALPHA and should not be taken lightly. If your keeping your word doesn’t mean much to you, why ALPHA?

7. Forgiveness

Ephesians 4:31-32 – Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Luke 23:34 – As he hung on the cross – “And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”


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Esprit de Fraternite Brothers, It is that time of year again. The fraternity’s fraternal year runs January 1st to December 31st. Mu Lambda’s 2019-2020 fraternal year runs September 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. The chapter does not meet during July and August. It is now time to pay your 2020-2021 dues which will cover you from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. Ways to make payment: 1. 2. 3. 4.

You can pay your dues on by clicking the dues tab at the bottom left of every web page. Bring a check to the chapter meeting. You can pay on the Mu Lambda App Mail it to: Financial Team Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter 2405 First Street, NW Washington, DC 20001


is a life long commitment

An Alpha Phi Alpha man’s attitude should not be “how much can I derive from the Fraternity” but “how much can I do for the Fraternity?” In proportion to what he does for his Chapter and for Alpha Phi Alpha will a member receive lasting benefits from the Fraternity to himself in the way of self-development by duty well done, and the respect of the Brothers well served. A member’s duties should be: 1. Prompt payment of all financial obligations, the prime requisite for successful fraternal life. 2. The doing of good scholastic work in his chosen vocation, thereby accomplishing the real end of a college course. 3. The reasonable endeavor to participate in general college activities and social service and to excel therein. 4. The proper consideration of all things with appropriate attention to the high moral standard of Alpha Phi Alpha.

Rest if you must, but don’t you quit. MAY 2020 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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Saturday, May 2nd Thursday, May 7th Sunday, May 10th Thursday, May 14th

House of Ruth Virtual Chapter meeting – Election of Officers Mother’s Day Health and Wellness committee meeting (Conference call) Monday, May 18th Education Committee meeting Wednesday, May 20th Executive Board Meeting Thursday, May 21st Mu Lambda Foundation meeting Monday, May 25th Memorial Day Thursday, June 4th Virtual Chapter meeting – Installation of Officers Saturday, June 6th House of Ruth (Frank King’s team) Thursday, June 11th Health and Wellness committee meeting (conference call) Monday, June 15th Education Committee meeting Wednesday, June 17th Executive Board Meeting Thursday, June 18th Mu Lambda Foundation meeting Sunday, June 21st Happy Father’s Day Tuesday, June 23rd DC Pan Hellenic meeting Saturday, July 4th Fourth of July Thursday, July 9th Health and Wellness committee meeting (Conference call) Saturday, July 11th House of Ruth Wednesday, July 15th Executive Board Meeting Thursday, July 16th Mu Lambda Foundation meeting Monday, July 20th Education Committee meeting Saturday, August 1st House of Ruth (Tony Wilson’s team) Thursday, August 13th Health and Wellness committee meeting (Conference call) Monday, August 17th Education Committee meeting Wednesday, August 19th Executive Board Meeting Thursday, August 20th Mu Lambda Foundation meeting Saturday, August 22nd Mu Lambda Chapter Retreat Thursday, September 3rd Chapter meeting Saturday, September 5th House of Ruth Thursday, September 10th Health and Wellness committee meeting (Conference call) Saturday, September 12th Alpha Wives meeting Wednesday, September 16th Congressional Black Caucus Reception at “The Park” Thursday, September 17th Mu Lambda Foundation meeting Monday, September 21st Education Committee meeting Tuesday, September 22nd DC Pan Hellenic meeting Wednesday, September 23rd Executive Board Meeting (fourth Wednesday) Saturday, September 26th Mu Lambda - Clean the Block (House and Anacostia) Thursday, October 1st Chapter meeting Thursday, October 1st Mu Lambda Chapter turns 97




Saturday, October 3rd Charter Day Brunch Sunday, October 4th Mu Lambda worship service Thursday, October 8th Health and Wellness committee meeting (Conference call) Saturday, October 10th House of Ruth (Tim Fitzgerald’s team) Saturday, October 10th Alpha Wives meeting Thursday, October 15th Mu Lambda Foundation meeting Monday, October 19th Education Committee meeting Wednesday, October 21st Executive Board meeting Tuesday, October 27th DC Pan Hellenic meeting (Alpha Phi Alpha is the host) Tuesday, November 3rd Election Day Thursday, November 5th Chapter meeting Saturday, November 7th House of Ruth Wednesday, November 11th Veterans Day Thursday, November 12th Health and Wellness committee meeting (Conference call) Saturday, November 14th Alpha Wives meeting Monday, November 16th 2021 Grand tax and Chapter dues are officially late – late fee applies Monday, November 16th Education Committee meeting Tuesday, November 17th DC Pan Hellenic meeting Wednesday, November 18th Executive Board Meeting Thursday, November 19th Mu Lambda Foundation meeting Monday, November 23rd Brother Walter Robinson turns 100 Thursday, November 26th Happy Thanksgiving Thursday, December 3rd Chapter meeting Friday, December 4th Alpha Phi Alpha turns 114 Saturday, December 5th MAAC Breakfast Saturday, December 5th Wreath Laying Ceremony for Nathaniel A. Murray (N. Hollywood CA) Saturday, December 5th Wreath Laying Ceremony for Robert H. Ogle (Hyattsville, MD) Saturday, December 5th Founders Day banquet Sunday, December 6th House of Ruth (Alvin Reaves’ team) Thursday, December 10th Health and Wellness committee meeting (Conference call) Saturday, December 12th CFSA Toy Drive Saturday, December 12th Alpha Wives meeting and Holiday Social Sunday, December 13th Mu Lambda Holiday Social Tuesday, December 15th DC Pan Hellenic – Holiday Toy Party Wednesday, December 16th Executive Board Meeting Thursday, December 17th Mu Lambda Foundation meeting Friday, December 18th Deliver holiday baskets to CFSA families Sunday, December 20th Beta Chapter turns 113 Monday, December 21st Education Committee meeting Friday, December 25th Merry Christmas

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