RISKMANAGEMENT Africa’sown RiskManagementJournal Jan-Feb2023>Issue1>Vol.#9 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za R I S K MA N A G E ME N T I N S I G H T 7 Great Western Manufacturing Sifters, Sieves, and Screens Pg10 FENCE INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEMS Pg27
C O N T E N T S 08 16 24 38 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 04 06 Mine Security Criterion Equipmentshort term rental Water-based lubricants for both optical bers and electrical cables Legrand AlphaRex 3 and MicroRexadvanced programmable time switch technology Allight Lighting Towers ready for despatch 3D Printing and the Mining Industry – The Age of Innovation Jan - Feb 2023
Editor Goodwill Sibanda editor@riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Lenox Marufu lenox@riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Kelvin Nkonhla kelvin@riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Frank Spick
Muthulisi Nkiwa muthulisi@riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Kennedy Chama kennedy@riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Design & layout
Qhawe Maphosa
Ladies and gentlemen welcome to this edition of this wonderful magazine. Our aim is to keep you informed on risks which we encounter everyday as we do business. In this issue I will talk about cybercrime which is a concern to governments and the cooperate world. The Oxford dictionary denes cybercrime as criminal activities carried out by means of a computer on the internet. Others dene it as crime which a computer is the object of the crime or is used as tool to commit the offence. This could be child phonography, hate crime or hacking of organizational computers. With the amount of data stored in data bases around the world, this has made the use of the internet very important. Data can be easily accessed at the press of a button. The infusion of the internet has changed the way we handle data and at the same time more threats to held information has arose with this infusion.
Fraudsters have managed to transfer money from different bank accounts and have remained unapprehended. Cooperate data has disappeared when computer induced viruses and malware attacked company data bases. In the USA a teenager boy managed to hack into the Pentagon computer system for fun. This exposed the data security of the Pentagon. Software designed to disturb or cause damage to computers have been designed and are being sent out to different computers through emails which once opened pass the virus to the computer leading to its malfunction. In the last year cybercrime has been rmly established as one of the biggest threats to democracy, privacy and health and safety
Terrorists groups are also now using the internet to champion their cause. While money laundering is at a huge scale on the internet. Recently cyber criminals have been demonstrating that their activities are becoming more about nancial gain and recognition. Although this was always the motivation, after all the easiest means of making money is to get hold of personal records and sell them on the dark web. We are witnessing a notable increase of attacks for this purpose. To prevent cybercrime from taking place in organisations there is need to employ cyber security. Cyber security is the body of technologies, processes and and practices designed to protect networks, computer programs and data from attack, damage and unauthorized access. This include Application security, Information security, Network security, Operational security. Business continuity plans and End user education. One of the most problematic elements of cyber security is the quality and constantly evolving nature of security risks. In other words the threat is advancing quicker than we can keep up with it. As a result cyber criminals always change their ways and continue to commit crimes and untold damages to unsuspecting people. In conclusion the risk of cybercrime is real and as risk personnel should be able to come up with security measures to minimise this risk.
Risk Management Insight is the home to the very best news, features and comprehensive overview of products suitable for both rental and user. It focuses also on technological developments across the spectrum of targeted equipment and machinery through in-depth technical articles derived from all product suppliers.
We gladly welcome our readers to this edition of Risk Management Insight, and we hope it will enhance the end-user the opportunity to nd the products and services they need from suppliers.
Best Regards
Editor’s Comments www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 05 G. Sibanda Front cover Carima Accounts Sharon Moyo accounts@riskmanagementinsight.co.za Subscription Thato Ndlovu subscription@riskmanagementinsight.co.za Disclaimer: All material is strictly copyright. The magazine or any part thereof may not be reproduced or adapted without writen permission from the publisher: Risk Management Insight welcomes material submi ed for publica on retains the right to edit copy. The views expressed in the publica on not considered those of the publisher (CLEOPAS PROJECTS), which accepts no liability of any nature arising out of or in connec on with the contents of this magazine. While every effort has been taken in compiling this publica on, the publisher does not gi e warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of its content. The publisher and the editor cannot accept responsibility for any loss inconvenience & damage that may occur there from. info@riskmanagementinsight.co.za sales@riskmanagement.co.za landline +27 11 058 0879 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Like us on our facebook page RISKMANAGEMENT ManagementJournal July-August Issue ol.6# www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za RISKMANAGEMENT RiskManagementJournal July-August2017 Issue2> www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Seaco Tank Containers For Liquids And Gases Pg20 Beyond complexity customized through and https:www.facebook.com/riskmanagement.co.za RISKMANAGEMENT Africa’ RiskManagementJournal Jan-Feb Issue5> Biological Infectious Waste Disposal Systems Pg10 tank for liquids gases RISKMANAGEMENT Africa’ own RiskManagementJournal Mar-Apr2018 Issue ol.#7 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Weighing up risk Pg10 Building design must incorporate effective disaster management Pg18 unique, innovative concept for ultimate of material ow problems Pg26 Previous publications RISK MANAGEMENT Insight
Jan - Feb 2023
RISKMANAGEMENT Africa’sown RiskManagementJournal Jan-Feb2023>Issue1>Vol.#9 .riskmanagementinsight.co.za Great Western Manufacturing Sifters, Sieves, and Screens Pg10 FENCE INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEMS Pg27 WATER-BASED LUBRICANTS FOR BOTH OPTICAL BERS AND ELECTRICAL CABLES PG14 MANAGEMENT Insight www.carima.biz.
Mine Security
Mining sites are hard to secure because of their vast sizes and remote geographical loca ons. Crime on such sites con nues to be a challenge with mining companies spending large por ons of their budget on technology for both detec on and preven on of the . Perimeter control and illegal underground mining also present challenges where mine security is concerned. African mines must unfortunately contend with the problem of pirate miners and illegal mining ac vity.
Pirate miners – who many mes slip underground unno ced – are o en heavily armed and cause damage to mine infrastructure threatening the safety of legal workers. The loss of precious metals however should not be taken as the sole indicator of the level of the , the loss of related mine property counts as well; both components are crucial to the existence of any mining opera on.
Yet another challenge in mining security is the specialized requirements of mines. The needs of one mine will always differ from that of another for the most part. A high value mine for instance, will require extremely high levels of security to protect its products whereas a coal mine would place more focus on opera onal and management issues, emphasizing on surveillance
to ensure that produc vity remains within acceptable parameters.
Perimeter control, video surveillance, communica on, Radio Frequency Iden fica on (RFID), access control and or intrusion detec on are some of the solu ons to the unique security issues at mines according to Mark Freer and David Hunter of Bytes Systems Integra on. The advent of the Ethernet has brought along integrated solu ons granted broadband and fibre cabling. Current systems house not only the requisite security component but in addi on offer management and surveillance tools that are vital to high produc on levels and quality The internet as a backbone of integrated solu ons con nues to allow for individual systems to be connected via fibre cables, microwaves, wireless links and ADSL.
When placed underground, video surveillance aids the process of monitoring miner safety by viewing rock falls or accidents in real me. By result, surveillance can speed up search and rescue mes and help inhibit the ac vity of pirate miners. With surveillance in mining, the spotlight is generally on the behaviour of people rather than on building management as it is in another sectors. The use of this security op on is however curtailed by the length of area of
underground tunnels which cannot be effec vely monitored by cameras. Temperatures underground may, in addi on, not be conducive, being too hot and humid, for this technology to be employed.
Radio Frequency Iden fica on (RFID) and sensor systems also serve to shorten rescue mes substan ally, aid the process of capturing pirate miners, provide for be er perimeter control and keep be er track of raw materials from underground to the surface. Improved communica on especially underground can greatly improve safety. Access control also goes a long way in ensuring security by using ID cards to make certain that the entry and exit of miners is strictly monitored. This proac ve method can however be augmented by the use of re nal or finger print biometrics where fake access cards can be used; whilst many mines operate access control systems, no one solu on has offered true reliability coupled with high performance.
Noteworthy is that while biometric systems offer great security, many of the exis ng biometric readers on the market remain unreliable. These present too many false reads and are best used only within stable environments such as when it is not too hot or cold, indoors and with clean fingers.
06 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2023
Dinamic Oil - heavy lifting during maintenance for the railways sector
BMG supplies the local railways sector with custom-designed planetary gearboxes for use in railway maintenance programmes.
“Dinamic Oil gearboxes, which are supplied with 22 kW brake motors, are used to li , turn and hold railway coaches securely in place during maintenance procedures, like welding and machining,” says Mr Kelly Mac Iver, Gears Business Unit Manager, BMG. “A notable feature of this system is enhanced safety during opera on. Prior to the
introduc on of these planetary gear units, large overhead cranes were used for li ing, turning and holding during maintenance and this was a highly dangerous opera on.”
These planetary gear units have a nominal output torque of 210 000 Nm and turn 15 T railway coaches at 1 rev/min. Other advantages of these energy-saving units include efficiency at low RPM's, easy access for maintenance, a smaller box for a given
load and a wide range of ra o permuta ons. The Italian range of Dinamic Oil planetary gearboxes is distributed exclusively in Southern Africa by BMG.
BMG offers a technical advisory and support service to ensure efficient performance and extended service life of every system. Substan al stock is held to ensure quick and efficient delivery throughout the en re Southern African region.
07 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2023
Criterion Equipmentshort term rental
Criterion Equipment – exclusive distributor of the full range of TCM forkli trucks in southern Africa – has embarked on a short-term rental (STR)fleetrenewalprogramme,encompassing aR45-millioninvestmentinnewforkli s.
“Through this ini a ve, we will replace older machines that have reached the end of their economic useful life, with new machines. The substan al investment in the renewal of our STR fleet, demonstrates our commitment to providingourcustomerswithacomprehensive range of reliable machines, enhanced by dependable support,” explains Brenton Kemp, managing director of Criterion Equipment, a wholly owned subsidiary of Invicta Holdings Limited.“Byensuringmaximumup- meofour fleet, customers are able to focus on their core business, whilst the Criterion Equipment team takes care of their material handling requirements.
“We have recognised a growing trend in the
industry towards the short-term rental op on, as a more affordable and convenient alterna ve to purchasing new equipment, as was previously the case For this reason, further investments for the development of ourrentalbusinesswillbemade.
“Our STR business provides solu ons for customers' short-term rental needs, through daily, weekly and monthly contracts. In fact, this system suits many companies so well, that they extend their month-to-month contracts foryearsata me.
“There are many financial benefits associated with STR for customers, including greater flexibility by limi ng capital expenditure and cashoutlayforintermi entmaterialshandling requirements Customers can u lise their banking facili es in favour of financing their core business ac vi es, as opposed to inves ng in capital equipment Our STR programme also suits companies with short-
term or seasonal requirements and for those looking to increase their materials handling capacityforlimiteddura onperiods.
“We currently have over 600 units in our STR fleet,withcapaci esrangingfrom1,8tonto10 ton. All machines are supplied fully supported by branches and dealers throughout the country, which also offer a repair and maintenance facility, as well as delivery and collec onservices.”
The fleet comprises all models of TCM forkli trucks, covering most forkli classes. These include Internal Combus on (IC) counterbalance trucks, electric counter-balance trucks,reachtrucks,poweredpallettrucksand rough terrain forkli s Mast configura ons vary from standard two stage 3m masts to high-reachthreestagemasts.
As part of the renewal programme, machines being flushed out from the fleet will be sold into the used-equipment market in their
08 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2023
Criterion Equipment - short term rental
current condi on – or alterna vely,as par ally orfullyrefurbishedunits.
Inthecurrentmarket,wherethereisincreased demand for used-forkli trucks, refurbished TCM machines - known for high-performance andcost-efficiency-arebeingwellreceived.
Criterion Equipment's na onal workshop facili es, which stock original TCM replacement parts, are equipped with the latest equipment to guarantee every refurbished machine adheres to original manufacturingstandards.
The TCM range is designed for high efficiency, s afe o p e ra o n , l ow m a i nte n a n c e requirements and extended service life. These machines are used in diverse industries, including warehousing and logis cs, manufacturing, packaging, agriculture, construc on,miningandgeneralindustry
Criterion Equipment – exclusive distributor of the full range of TCM forkli trucks in southern Africa – has embarked on a short-term rental (STR) fleet renewal programme, encompassing a R45-million
09 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2023
Weighing up risk
In excess of 60% of the SADC group of countries combined GDP comprises goods that are weighed at some point in their transition to market, whether locally or as exports. Weighing is therefore profoundly important.
Risks are Higher in Industrial Sectors
Weighing breaks down into basically retail weighing, comprising goods sold through large and small retail outlets, and the much larger component termed industrial weighing The risks associated with decient weighing within the retail sector are comparatively low, but the same cannot be said for industrial weighing and these risks have been growing
Prior to the advent of the digital age, globalization, expanding trade within the SADC region, the introduction of axle weighing overloading regulations throughout SADC, the introduction of SOLAS regulations which has impacted all global containers exports by sea, industrial weighing was a mundane process involving trucks driving over weighbridges with the results being written down, and eventually captured into an accounting system.
In this “mundane age” of industrial weighing risks of decient weighing were low, and the scale companies providing industrial weighing equipment and services were equally mundane The business of these participants was essential the installation of scales and the maintenance and repair thereof
Changing Dynamics are Increasing the Risks
The term “decient weighing”, includes weighing done on devices that are unapproved, weighing done on devices that are inaccurate, weighing software that is not compliant and weighing software that does not enable real time weighing data to be supplied.
Understanding the signicant risks associated with “decient weighing” in today's rapidly changing market place requires one to dissect the associated risks that arise from directly from the new trade dynamics, laws and regulations and technologies that impact on and shape our industrial trade ows in today's global economy
Each of these dynamics and the associated risks can be
summarized as follows:
1. Introduction of axle weighing overloading regulation: nd In South Africa, the Road Trafc Act 22 Amendment requires that, for every load, the transporter and or consignor must produce and retain proof that each vehicle in question is loaded to within permissible limits Government weighing stations both in South Africa and the rest of SADC then weigh vehicles to ensure they are within limits.
Failure to be able to prove full compliance with the Road nd Trafc Act 22 amendment will result in large potential nes for non- compliance, potential nes for overloading at government weighing stations, the possible required discharging of cargoes at government weighing stations so as remedy overloading causing resultant delays and added costs and nally the possibility of insurance cover being rendered null and void in the event of an accidents.
2. Compliance with SOLAS regulations on containers shipped by sea:
10 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2023
Weighing up risk
Validity of Transporter's Third Party insurance cover called into question without proof of compliant axle loading and total loading
IMO SOLAS regulations require that, for every container to be transported by sea, the owner of that cargo must determine the gross mass of the container on an approved weighing device, and must generate documentary proof thereof in a specied format.
Failure to comply with these regulations will prevent containers being allowed into departure ports risking delays and added costs.
3. Controlling in transit stock losses
The volume and value of goods transported around SADC countries by road are vast.
Stock losses in transit can only be controlled and managed if volumes of goods load and the point of loading and the volume of goods discharged at the point of loading are determined with great accuracy
Weighing is the obvious way of establishing these values, and is highly effective when these values are integrated into an overall ERP system so as to make real time reconciliations possible.
Solutions to Mitigate Weighing Related Risks
Weighing related risks can only be mitigated through management having access to accurate and compete weighing data on a real-time basis. The provision of these types of solutions are therefore key
While a number of software companies have sought to provide these solutions, they have generally lacked the base weighing knowledge and understanding of weighing devices, which has curtailed their success.
With one notable exception, most of the scale companies that historically focused on the supply, servicing and
repair of scales, in the “mundane age” of weighing have continued to focus on service and repair of scales.
The notable exception is Sasco, which traded as during the mundane age” of weighing as the South African Scale Company Sasco commenced trading in 1910 and was the market leader during both the mechanical age of weighing and in the in subsequent electronic analogue age of weighing
Sasco transformation into the leading weighing data systems provider has been achieved by securing rights to the most advanced digital weighing technologies, integrating these devices with micro-computer systems capable of providing fully automated weighing solutions and the complete integration of this data to real- time ERP and cloud based solutions.
11 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2023
Water-based lubricants for both optical bers and electrical cables
Who we are
Carima is a leading company on the European market in the production and formulation of water-based lubricants, for the installation of optical bers and electrical cables.
Carima is a chemical company located in Gessate, near Milan (Italy), which has always tried to satisfy its customers with innovative products and short delivery times, in a continuous process of quality assessment and improvement.
Our philosophy
We support our customers by producing various types of lubricants that meet the working methods of each installer. For example, if a technician has always worked with a gel lubricant, Carima will make sure to provide him with the most correct gel for his needs. We don't want to change the habits of technical installers, on the contrary we want to help them in their daily activities. We can offer an optimal solution for every request. All our products are Made in Italy and, through a qualied industrial process, they are a guarantee of optimal performances in all sectors: industrial, civil and construction. Still with regard to our awareness of the environment that surrounds us, we take all the energy we need from the sun; numerous photovoltaic panels have been installed on our roofs in order to give energy to our daily work.
We also care a lot about the environment: that's why all our products are water-based and do not contain petroleum derivatives. Furthermore, all the electricity
that CARIMA needs comes from the sun. For transparency, the production data of our photovoltaic system is updated in real time every 15 minutes on our website at the link http://fv.carima.biz.
Carima produces and sells different products: Slips and lubricants
Specic slips and lubricants for laying electric cables and optical bers such as GLISS® F, GLISS® GEL, GLISS® W, or S LUB 20, S LUB 100XL, etc. They allow to reduce the friction generated during installation operations of cables and bers in pipelines
Electrical insulation products
Mono and bi-component products for electrical insulation, such as SOFT SIL GEL 32, SOFT GUM, etc.
Solvents and cleaners
Solvents and detergents for removing plugging grease (jelly) from cables and for cleaning the bers before splicing, such as FO Cleaner, Biosol 19
Spray Products
Technical spray products and water-based marking paints for usual work operations, such as IDRO SPRAY, etc.
Various accessories for a better and simpler use and application of our products, such as Duct Cleaner, ICE
Melting, Mass effect etc…
Special Products
Chemical products developed, produced and sold by us for special needs, Green Glass, solar and photovoltaic panel cleaner, silicone and PAG-based greases, etc.
Why so many products?
Why do you need so many different types of slips and lubricants to solve a seemingly simple problem?
The answer is simple and precise
Carima is able to offer the best solutions for every need. To do this, it supports the customer by producing various types of products to satisfy the "modus operandi" of each installer
So if a technician has always worked with a gel product, Carima will certainly have the right gel product in its wide range for him.
Carima does not want to change the installation technician's work habits, but to help him in his daily activities.
The production lines are able to package the various products from the 100ml tube, up to the 1000kg IBC, passing through 500ml and 1lt bottles, 5, 10, 20 and 25 liter tanks and buckets also including 50 liter drums, 100 and 200lt.
Special packaging requested by customers is possible.
14 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jan - Feb 2023
Manufacturer of “Made in Italy” lubricants and anti-friction
agents for
and power cables.
bers and electrical
OUR PRODUCTS INCLUDE: SLIPS AND LUBRICANTS GLISS F GLISS GEL GLISS W S LUB 20 S LUB 100XL ELECTRICAL INSULATION PRODUCTS SOFT SIL GEL 32 SOFT GUM SOLVENTS AND CLEANERS FO CLEANER BIOSOL 19 SPRAY PRODUCTS IDRO SPRAY ACCESSORIES Duct Cleaner Ice Melting Mass Effect SPECIAL PRODUCTS Silicone PAG-based greases www.carima.biz. email: carima@carima.biz Tel: +39 (0)2 9538 4225 Cer fica ons CARIMA is an ISO 9001 cer fied company We have biodegradable and IEEE 1210 cer fied products scan for web ® ® ®
is a leading company on the
market in the production and formulation of water-based
for the installation of optical
Legrand AlphaRex 3 and MicroRexadvanced programmable time switch technology
Legrand's AlphaRex³ and MicroRex me switches are designed for easy programming and ensure high-clock precision in industrial, commercial and domes c environments. Legrand devices, with advanced me switch technology, are used to switch an electric circuit on or off at selected mes during a pre-programmed me period. These analogue and digital me switches also have an automa c return facility and a permanent forced switching on or off override control.
The AlphaRex³ series has a user-friendly standardised text guided programming facility, with a high-resolu on digital display and backlight. There is a standard, single data key for all devices in this range to allow quick and easy transfer of programmes to other me switches and for crea ng back-up copies.
Programming with clock precision to the second is controlled directly on the me switch, or outside the distribu on board using a PC and Legrand's AlphaSo programming so ware. Other features include an EEPROM memory, which prevents se ngs being lost and the facility to programme the clock prior to despatch. Once the unit has been programmed, the informa on will remain installed even if the
switch is not connected to power. The ba ery can be removed without having to uninstall the me switch from the distribu on board. AlphaRex³ me switches are available with standard and mul ple func ons, with a daily or weekly programme facility and a clock working reserve of six years. Typical applica ons for this series include industrial pump sta ons, security alarms, indoor and outdoor ligh ng, air condi oners, hea ng and ven la on systems and swimming pool heaters. These me switches are also compa ble with alterna ve renewable energy systems, like photovoltaic panels.
MicroRex me switches offer easy plug and play installa on for daily and weekly programming. By simply se ng the analogue switching dial during start up, the me is automa cally set using the fast-run mode. In the event of a power failure, the me is automa cally reset.
MicroRex devices, with analogue and digital dials, are 24 hour and seven day me switches for DIN rail and wall moun ng, with a five year running reserve. These units have the capability for mul ple programmes, which ensures op mum me se ng flexibility. MicroRex me switches have an
LED status indicator, a precision clockwork of 0.2 s/day and are controlled by either a quartz or synchronous motor. For increased safety and user convenience, there is an automa c and manual and advance/over-ride facility
The MicroRex series is designed for dependable use in many applica ons, including periodic lubrica on of machines or regularly repeated switching of pumps, feed conveyors and sprinkler systems. This device is also suitable for short periods of controlled defros ng.
Other me switches in the Legrand range are designed for precise control in security installa ons – for access points; electric fences and alarms – as well as for use in industrial installa ons, including pump sta ons, filters and conveyors. Legrand me switches are also used for the ligh ng of commercial boards and signage, as well as for street ligh ng. Time switches in agricultural applica ons are used for irriga on and sprinkler systems and for cyclical programmes, like animal feed systems.
This range is available na onally from Legrand's distributor network and a technical advisory and back-up service is also offered.
16 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2023
Solutions for Recovery boilers and Coal red boilers
The solutions used by Heat Management are:
· Infrasound fouling prevention
· Optimized steam soot blowing
Infrasound fouling prevention
Recovery boilers typically suffer from build-up of deposits in the duct between ECO and ESP (electrostatic precipitator). Infrasound cleaning (low frequency acoustic cleaning) is a fouling prevention method with unique power and cleaning range.
Typical results are:
-Solving clogging issues
-Drastically reduced need for manual cleaning
-Stable pressure drop over the duct
In coal red boilers the applications are mainly Economizers, Rotating Air Preheaters (RAPH) and SCR catalysts.
Typical results are:
-Stable pressure drop over RAPHs and SCRs
-Heavily reduced or eliminated use of steam soot blowing
-Reduced wear of heat exchanging surfaces
Infrasound system operation
The infrasound (15-30 Hz sound) is typically generated for 2 seconds every 4 minutes, keeping the heat transfer surfaces of catalyst surfaces clean continuously during boiler operation.
Compressed air, 6-8 bar(g) (85-115 pis(g)) is used.
The powerful infrasound waves are transferred to the ue gas, increasing the turbulence temporarily and ushing ash from surfaces before it has accumulated/sintered into thick layers.
The infrasound has a cleaning range and cleaning effect far superior to other types of acoustic cleaning, typically using 75-300 Hz. 12 infrasound generator are enough to cover a large cleaning area, such as a whole goose-neck duct after a recovery boiler or a whole SCR reactor on a coal red boiler
Optimized steam soot blowing of retractable soot blowers
Soot blowers in recovery boilers are generally operated non-stop, to keep the ue gas path clean and prevent the fouling and sintering of accumulations on heat exchanger surfaces. In many cases this is not enough, with resulting downtime for manual cleaning. Heat Management's optimization can increase soot blowing capacity by 100 %, without installing more soot blowers or steam headers. By introducing a simple local control on each soot blower steam (poppet) valve, existing soot blowers can be upgraded to one-way soot blowing, without taken the boiler down and disrupting the chemical recovery process. During boiler shutdown, the control system is upgraded to achieve overlapping operation of soot blowers. The
technology constitutes a step-change in soot blowing technology, doubling the capacity (starts per day) without installing more soot blowers or consuming more steam. If more starts is not top priority, the technology can be used for saving 50 % of the steam consumed by sootblowers.
To sum up, by equipping the sootblowers with our actuators for regulating the steam ow locally we can obtain:
-Up to 50 % reduced steam consumption of the steam soot blowers
-Double the soot blowing frequency
-A combination of above
Local actuator on sootblower poppet valve 17 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jan - Feb 2023
Building design must incorporate effective disaster management
All building designs must incorporate effective disastermanagement systems to allow for safe escape and the control of re and smoke. A minor design aw could potentially place people, equipment, and property at risk of death and destruction, ASP Fire CEO Michael van Niekerk warns.
All buildings in South Africa need to comply with the requirements of the National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act, 1977 (Act No. 103 of 1977), Fire Protection, as set out in SANS 10400 Part T: 2011 Effective re-safety solutions take into account the dimensions and construction of the building, the materials used, and the occupancy and storage of items. These all fall within the prescriptive requirements set out in SANS 10400-T
Any digression from the prescriptive requirements requires a rational design to be completed in accordance with the re engineering methodology framework requirements of BS 7974. The Application of Fire Safety Engineering Principles to the Design of Buildings, supported by the published documents form an integral , part of the BS 7974 framework.
A rational design is the performance-based design of re safety and prevention mechanisms and strategies in a building in order to provide the same or better re safety levels of the National Building Regulations, where the prescriptive requirements cannot be applied. This process is not elective, inasmuch as that only certain parts of the framework may be used, or that the results of the process are subjective or optional.
A rational design commences with a re risk consultantsuch as ASP Fire visiting the premises, or reviewing a set of new building plans, to undertake a comprehensive evaluation of all areas of the property to inspect all areas of re safety and risk in detail.
Correct and proper re engineering principles are appliedto ensure that the design complies with the life, building, re behavioural and environmental re safety objectives ,required by law According to Van Niekerk, the three main causes of re are electrical, arson and heating equipment. “In the event of a major re that results in immense damage and the possible death of occupants, the re engineer will be held liable. Rational design takes into account the behaviour of a building during a re, meaning the structure must be designed accordingly, thereby minimising any potentially devastating impact.”
Fires can be dealt with through three main actions. The rst is controlling the growth of the re to prevent it from spreading. The next is suppression, which involves cooling the re rapidly Finally, extinguishing the re means that there is no heated substance remaining Evacuation should also be safe and easy while allowing , unrestricted access for emergency services. The installed re detection system must be able to detect the re assoon as possible, warn occupants and allow them to , escape in time
The qualitative review under rational design includes an architectural review, re safety objectives, re hazardsand risks, trial re safety designs, and worst-case rescenarios for analysis. For example, consultants often ignore the building roof's geometry and the required ,
substitute rectangular volume used in smoke-ll formulae.
The next step is quantitative analysis according to BS7974. Here the main focus is on the development of re within the enclosure of origin, the spread of smoke, structural response and re spread beyond the enclosure of origin, detection of re and activation of re-protection systems, re services intervention, and evacuation ofoccupants.
Assessment against criteria is the nal step, where the re safety designs developed during the engineeringanalysis are assessed to ensure that the objectives established at the beginning of the process are in fact , , met.
Upon the completion of the re risk assessment anddrafting the rational design report, ASP Fire provides the client with practical actions to implement The report comprises a detailed and documented objective re-risk assessment, as well as re engineering calculations andanalysis where required, covering all aspects of re risk and safety
“This guides the client in protecting its business, employees, and customers by providing prioritised recommendations for action, in order to rectify problem areas and strengthen existing re-safety procedures. This also ensures that the client complies with re-safety regulations for the protection of life, property, and the environment,” Van Niekerk elaborates.
As part of its value-added service, ASP Fire also works closely with insurance brokers and underwriters to address a client's re risk based on the outcomes of the
18 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2023
Building design must incorporate effective disaster management
re safety risk assessment report This assists inpreventing damage to property and products, loss of life, nancial loss, consequential loss of prot, loss of productivity and insurance repercussions. ,
“We also provide ammable liquid store designs and certication, special-risk re protection systems, visual safety awareness programs, SHEQ safety le drafting and implementation, emergency response and business continuity plans, emergency evacuation plan design,
emergency evacuation drills, and re equipment training,” adds Van Niekerk.
ASP Fire also offers standardised and customised client training “The client has the option to select a standard re risk and safety course, or have a customised training programme developed around individually specic needs, or the areas indicated in the re safety risk assessment report,” he states.
ASP Fire Contact
Michael van Niekerk
Phone: +27 (0) 11 452 2169
Cell: +27 (0) 83 779 1701
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19 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2023
Surveillance System from Secu-Systems
Charles Harrison of Secu-Systems says that in essence there has been a fundamental change from traditional perimeter intruder detection systems. Typically, mining operations now tend to spend less money on installing physical barriers such as fences and have moved towards investment in bre based technology, wireless point to point , camera following camera or beams, typical intrusion solutions on critical infrastructure internally, due to the complexity of operations and the sheer distances that need to be covered.
He adds that another prompting factor towards additional technology adoption is that once an intrusion has been detected, the time taken for a reaction team to nd and reach that point is often excessive, with criminals having entered the facility and further detection proving nigh impossible due to the vast area to be covered. The trend is to institute the peeling-onion strategy from the
inside out , says Harrison. This allows for 360° wide area surveillance solutions On large sites that include opencast mines or even country borders, physical barriers do still play a role but detection options such as high-end thermal and day/night HD camera solutions are being strategically deployed in high-site locations.
This deployment is often coupled with Australiandeveloped Panoptes military type Moving Target Indication software This allows long-range ground-based surveillance sensors to cover 20 to 30 times more area with the same assets. Further, it allows for multiple target identication and tracking autonomously and simultaneously Cameras can easily detect movement down to 4 pixels.
This software can also be coupled with ground radar in areas that allow for it, such as fairly at areas whereby slew to cue options can be used. The cost benets are that it is the surveillance system cheapest per square
kilometre available on the market.
Thermal tags issued to enrolled users and utilised in conjunction with thermal cameras, allow mines to differentiate friend from foe Harrison cautions that because this is a military application, end user certication is required.
He adds that commercial cameras can attain detection radiuses of only 2.5 km, whereas military-spec cameras, such as the FLIR HRC-X, can attain detection distances of up to 17.8 km or the FLIR PT-602CZ can attain target detections up to 9.2km. This makes these cameras extremely benecial on large sites and in ambient conditions of total darkness, smoke, dust and light fog Worth noting is that while thermal cameras give users the ability to see what is going on, irrespective of the level of light and in adverse weather conditions (since they rely on heat to detect movement or motion), they cannot be used
20 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2023
Surveillance System from Secu-Systems
for personal identication purposes Therefore, a combination of thermal and traditional cameras is suggested as best practice.
Return on investment through surveillance camera adoption is guaranteed. Harrison cites the case of a mine that is currently installing new cameras. “The actuaries have performed calculations on the four new cameras in terms of their cost effectiveness and in only three weeks the cameras paid for themselves twice over This was primarily due to the fact that each week their footage led to the arrest of between 80 and 100 Illegal miners. Incurred losses from illegal mining have been totally obliterated. The successes we have experienced here have led to us embarking on a drive to enter the anti-poaching arena with our technology solutions.”
21 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2023
BMG's new slogging tools for efcient tightening and loosening of bolts and nuts
BMG's extensive range of tools and equipment now encompasses the versa le Slogging Hammer and Wheel Slogger, developed and manufactured locally by precision engineering andtoolingspecialists,SloggingInterna onal.
“ThenewSloggingHammerandWheelSlogger series, which is used to loosen and ghten boltsandnutsquicklyandeasily,alsoimproves safety for operators,” explains Andrew Johns, business unit manager, tools and equipmentBMG “There are many advantages of this system over conven onal slogging methods. Produc vity is significantly improved because down me is minimal and these tools are handled easily, safely and efficiently bya single operator When the Slogging Hammer is used in combina on with the Wheel Slogger, applica onsaresignificantlyextended.
“The Slogging Hammer was originally designed to improve operator safety when loosening bolts and nuts by tradi onal methods – hammer and slogging spanner. A wheel version was subsequently developed to improve the opera on of pipe and spanner, synonymouswiththelooseningofcommercial vehiclewheelnuts.
“The Slogging Hammer is suitable for use in diverse industries, including mining, chemical and petrochemical plants, agriculture, construc onandcivilengineering,aswellasin power sta ons, shipping and offshore oil rigs. This versa le tool, in Wheel Slogger version, enables the safe and effortless loosening of nuts and bolts in earthmoving equipment, as well as military, freight and commercial vehicles.”
Safety features of the Slogging Hammer include a built-in hand-grip, which means there is no need for the operator's hand to be near the impact zone and an eye bolt prevents accidents in overhead working condi ons. No heavy li ing is necessary, as only the sha weight needs to be managed. This tool is used easily in confined spaces and in areas that are normally difficult to access. The Slogging Hammer provides greater direct impact, ensuring the job is completed quickly and safely, with fewer blows than with conven onalmethods.
TheSloggingHammerisavailablefromBMGin four size configura ons from M16 to M76 and inmodelsforopenair,underground,sparkfree andunderwaterenvironments.
22 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2023
BMG's new slogging tools for efcient tightening and loosening of bolts and nuts
The open air range is constructed with an aluminium tube and steel impact head, while the spark-free design uses a copper impact head.
Theundergroundrangeisavailableinstandard with stainless steel tube and steel impact head and also in spark-free with stainless steel tube and copper impact head, ensuring a safe solu onforuseinpoten allyexplosiveareasin underground mining, power sta ons and petrochemicalindustries.
The underwater configura on for marine enterprises and offshore oil rig opera ons has a stainless steel tube, handle and impact head and a nylon nut. Only one diver is required to completethetask,
Slogging Hammers are supplied by BMG in an
op onalconvenientcarry bag.ArangeofOEM compliant spanners and accessories, including ¾”and1”socketextensionsisalsoavailable,as wellaswearingpartspares,includingbobbins, retainingrings,pinsandimpactheads. When a Slogging Hammer is applied in the Wheel Slogger varia on, a single operator is abletosafelyloosen, ghtenandtorquewheel nuts for the quick release and replacement of the damaged tyre. The operator can also be confident that the torque applied meets the manufacturer's specifica ons and the risks associated with over ghtening are mi gated. Standardtorquese ngsare450,550,600and 650 Nm, but custom torques up to 1 000 Nm canbeaccommodatedonrequest. Thissystemhasbeenwellreceivedbyallfacets of the transport sector, par cularly on large
trucks, buses, long distance haulers, agriculturalandmilitaryvehicles.
With this system, there is minimal down me andthereisnoneedtoincurthecostsofcalling for assistance to change wheels. The Wheel Sloggerhasabuilt-infootplateforopera onon any surface. All torque se ngs on the tool are controlled by OEM specified torque clips, which means no calibra on is required, even a eryearsofusage.
BMG's extensive range of tools and related equipment is used to enhance reliability of equipment in all industries. The company's extensive branch network offers a technical advisory and support service to ensure the correct product is selected for each specific applica on.
23 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2023
Allight Lighting Towers ready for despatch
and fixed posi on super skid units, with various mast op ons. Specially-designed highwall overhang systems and carefully selected light assemblies are also available, for exact ligh ng requirements of every project. All components, including lamps and lights, are integrated into the mast design for maximum output reach.
Vert Energy's range of Allight mobile LED ligh ng towers provides dependable ligh ng exactly where it's needed, for op mum produc vity and enhanced safety.
“Allight trailer-mounted ligh ng towers can be easily moved from site to site for use in diverse applica ons. In open cast mining opera ons, construc on, road and railroad works, where safety and visibility during night work are of paramount importance, these towers provide a bespoke solu on that can be tailored to specific opera onal requirements,” says Ryan Robertson, sales and marke ng director, Vert Energy. “In the agricultural and viniculture sector, where harves ng occurs in the evening due to cool ambient temperatures, the Allight Urban product provides the perfect solu on, due to its compact size and small turning circle. Another benefit is the increased security and visibility offered to event organisers at outdoor field func ons.
“A key differen ator is that Allight
products are built for use in all applica ons - including arduous mining condi ons, as well as residen al environments - unlike its counterparts, that are be er suited towards the la er
“The twin-axle construc on, steel canopy, reinforced chassis, engineered hydraulic mast and protec ve safety equipment, ensure safe use in all condi ons, including aggressive environments. The use of LED in mobile ligh ng applica ons in tough environments has efficiency and economy advantages compared with towers that use gas-filled metal halide lamps. The kVA required to power metal halide lamps necessitates larger engines, with heavier fuel consump on. The introduc on of LED has led to smaller, compact and fuelefficient solu ons.
“An important benefit is Allight LED ligh ng towers have integrated fluid spillage protec on bunds as standard, for environmental compliance.”
This flexible range encompasses small mobile units, larger trailer mounted units
MSGEN2 LED 168K-9 ligh ng towers offer over 50 000 hours of light per unit and only require re-fuelling every two weeks, on the basis of 12 hours of opera on every night. These towers, with extra low voltage (DC) are powered by Perkins 2-cylinder water cooled diesel engines. Six 300 W LED low glare lamps produce 168 000 lumens, with no delay of warm-up or cool down me. Each LED floodlight provides 28 000 effec ve lumens a er stabilisa on. Individually adjustable lamps enable precise focusing of the light. Larger 8 unit 300 W units are also available. The total control system encompasses an easy start/stop facility, hydraulic mast, loca on tracking and performance monitoring via a notepad or smart phone. These units have been designed for low maintenance requirements, with 500 hour service intervals. Large doors enable quick and easy service access and the plug and play system, with no hard-wired componentry, ensures easy servicing and parts replacement.
Vert Energy is also the authorised sales and support partner for the extensive Leroy Somer range of standard and adapted AC and DC motors, geared/brake motors, as well as Leroy Somer variable speed drives and Alternators and Automa c Voltage Regulators. Also in the range are DEIF generator controls and API/Covrad GT Heat Transfer, as well as ASCO automa c transfer switches and Avtron and Froment load banks. The company offers a technical advisory, maintenance and support service throughout Africa.
Jan - Feb 2023
movement to people and animals, while protec on remains h24 ac ve. This is an important advantage on other tradi onal solu ons both in industrial and residen al areas, where people can pass by the fence and vehicles can be parked very close to it without triggering any alarms. Besides, the plas c fiber woven through the fence is safe, because only light is transmi ed, not electricity, so it doesn't a ract ground loops or electromagne c interferences.
There is a well-established, reliable technology for perimeter intrusion protec on on flexible fences which enables the owner to react promptly, because the system detects real intrusion a empts before the intruder has got inside the property. The system LiteFENCE, which is 100% made in Italy by Naria Security, has proven extremely effec ve over the years, as well as easy to install in every environment. The same technology can be also applied to barbed wire or metal rope running on top of perimeter walls.
The LiteFENCE system combines an analysing board (LiteFENCE) with a performing, sunlight resistant plas c op cal fiber (LiteWIRE) and specific tensioning bolts. LiteFENCE reveals the intrusion a empts which result in a flexion of the fence: climb over and li of the fence, as well as a empts to create a breach. The analysing board communicates to any alarm panel via a normally closed relay. A er an alarm, if the fiber has
remained intact, the system resets automa cally, and goes on working regularly This intrusion detec on system can easily suit sloping grounds and perimeters of irregular shape because the system runs along the fence and becomes one with it. The plas c fiber cable is “woven” along the mesh in two or more passages and is connected to the analysing board LiteFENCE: this board detects when the fiber is flexed or interrupted, because the intensity of the light signal transmi ed in the fiber changes. Vibra ons do not flex the fiber and do not result in changes in signal intensity, so the whole system is insensi ve to vibra ons: for this reason, it is par cularly robust to false alarms. Unlike other technologies on the market, LiteFENCE is effec ve in any weather condi ons (rain, snow, wind, fog…) as well as in presence of small animals or birds.
As the an -intrusion system and the fence are intertwined, the nearby area remains free and available: this guarantees freedom of
The analysing board is incredibly user friendly: it has a built-in power meter, which help the installer monitor if the plas c fiber is being placed correctly or iden fy any problems. Once the fiber has been installed and the sensi vity level set, no further calibra on is needed. Temperature and humidity slow changes are compensated automa cally by the board. Vegeta on growing slowly on the fence does not interfere with the system either, so there is no need of regular or constant maintenance Of course, it is good prac ce to trim vegeta on when it becomes heavy and interferes with the flexion of the fence. Unlike tradi onal glass fiber, plas c fiber is very easy to handle, terminate and repair for everyone, because no skills or expensive tools are required. Pu ng a connector on the cable only requires a few seconds, and the repara on of a plas c fiber cable can be carried out quickly and inexpensively by any installer everywhere.
Security solu ons over plas c op cal fiber have been on the market for more than ten years and have proven very effec ve and easy to manage. This perimeter intrusion detec on system is as reliable as all the other security solu ons developed by Naria Security, which engineers and manufactures also an -the systems for copper wires, photovoltaic panels, farm and industrial equipment and machines.
26 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2023
Powder King®
Powder King®, founded in 2003 by respected industry professional Jim Hummel, has provided over 40 years of fabricating services, including manufacturing and corporate services. Powder King® has been producing our unique design of Single and Dual Mill Pulverizers for over 15 years. In that short period of time they have rmly taken the lead in the design and capability of Pulverizing Machinery With machines installed and producing consistent product worldwide, Powder King's reputation for quality and dependability has grown as fast as our customer base.
Powder King® has been at the forefront of machine design, now with 4 generations of our pulverizing system designs we have the ultimate pulverizing system for all our customer requirements. Our last design change, our Velocity Series® is a game changer in this industry and
looks as if the future is very promising for those numbers to substantially increase.
The Powder King® line of Pulverizing systems have been proven to be the workhorse of the Plastics Industry throughout the world. Powder King® has always been a company that looks forward to the future and also listens to their customers. “The only way to be the best is to listen and gather great ideas from your employees, a customer, or your piers within the industry We need to constantly be aware of any opportunity to learn something new and improve or services,” says Hummel. Powder King® has and will always be on the forefront of the Pulverizing Industry The future for Powder King® will continue to be innovative and remain a wise investment to their customers.
The pulverizers are manufactured in Anthem, AZ, in a modern, well equipped facility with many contemporary tooling centers, support equipment and disk sharpening machines. We are sure you recognize how important it is to have the in-house capability to quickly produce replacement parts should it become necessary. Additional service and technical expertise is provided by skilled professionals that are very well versed in all aspects of the pulverizing technology
For more information, please contact Jim Hummel at sales@powder-king com or visit our website at www.powder-king.com
28 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2023
The Tubebarrier is a temporary ood defence; quick and easy to deploy to prevent ooding of water in urban and rural environments As well in case of industrial leakage/seepage or temporary water storage.
Which hazard(s) is the innovation designed to mitigate?
Fluvial oods: resulting from discharges that exceed ood protection levels; the high-river discharges are caused by heavy precipitation in the river basin.
Heavy local precipitation (rainfall events): results in 1) (urban) oods due to exceedance of drainage capacity, and 2) ash oods, dened as rapid ooding of low-lying areas, generally within a few hours after heavy rainfall events such as thunderstorms.
How does the innovation work?
The Tubebarrier is an innovative temporary exible ood barrier that can be installed without the use of electricity, pumps, compressed air and / or a lot of manpower The Tubebarrier consists of elements of 10 meters that can easily be connected to each other, by a special design zipper, making the temporary dike as long as necessary
The principle is that we use the upcoming water from the ood to stop the same water So "Fighting water with water".
The Tube consists of a hollow tunnel that is held up by reinforcing slats, with a stability ap in front of it. When the water rises, the water runs on the ap and also in the Tube itself, because there are inlet holes at the bottom of the Tube. Due to the weight and therefore the pressure of the water, the Tubebarrier gets its stability The innovation works through so-called communicating vessels: when the water is high the tube lls up and as soon as the water is gone the tube empties itself
The Tubebarrier is capable for overow (not turning over once the water reaches a level higher than its capacity), which increases the safeguarding properties The Tubebarrier is stored like an accordion (compact) and installed quick with a short installation guideline. The barrier is xed into the ground with ground plates or anchors (depends on the surface), and operates independent from electricity After usage, the Tubebarrier
can be folded back together in the box and easily be transported to a storage facility for reusing This way 100 meter Tubebarrier can fold back to 6 meter Added value / main differentiating element from conventional approach(es)
Quickly to deploy (100 m/hr with 4 people) and to remove. Cheap, efcient and secure. Alternatives are slower, more difcult to organize during times of oods and less exible for different surface conditions.
Critical success factors
Success factors:
- Quick to place; installation doesn't need much people and equipment.
- Relatively cheap; for installation of a permanent ood defence is more complex.
- Reusable; can be used more than once.
- Multi-use on different locations; one Tubebarrier can be used at multiple locations.
info@tubebarrier.com www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 29 Jan - Feb 2023
A lock is a mechanical or electronic device that is released by a physical object allowing the secured device to open. The history of locks goes as far back as 4000years were the Mesopotamians used locks to secure their proper es in ancient Babylon. This was later adopted by the Egyp ans who used wood and bronze in the design of their locks. As history would reveal, people like Yale and Chubb became renowned because of the security their locks provided. Padlocks were used to secure doors and trunks of very rich people as they were very expensive for the ordinary people. However with the advent of me these simply gadgets became affordable and available to most people both the rich and the poor
Military Armouries had to be secured with Chubb safe locks which made it very difficult for anyone to break into or enter them without a key. The same thing with banks, vaults were secured with Yale or Chubb double bolt locks. This is what made them secure and gave the public confidence in having their precious items and money
deposited in them.
In ancient mes and during the slave trade in Africa people were chained and secured with a lock which needed a key to open. Today handcuffs use the same principle. The use of a key and lock has gone further and is used to start engines in motor mobiles and also to turn the engine system on and off. The key then plays a vital role in the security of property.
Digitalisa on has brought with it digital door locks. A digital door lock is a combina on door lock which allows a person to enter and exit a room without the need of a key, instead a pin code is used. This solves the use of carrying keys. Most travel bags are fi ed with combina on locks. Most hotels in the world now use an electronic card as a key. The card is inserted into a slot in the door and once accepted by the electronic sensor in the door, the door is opened. Finger prints or hand prints are used also as keys to open security vaults and highly secured offices. These gadgets are programed to recognise the finger or hand print of the people allowed access to these
buildings or offices. The advantages of these locks is that, they cannot be picked, they also remove the worry of keeping or carrying keys in safe places and they remove the worry of losing the keys.
As already alluded too, keys are there to offer security. It does not ma er whether they are mechanical or electronically manipulated they have to be strong and hinder unwanted persons from entering or unlocking were they are not supposed to do so. Some security firms in South Africa and Zimbabwe operate a key and lock service, were they open doors for clients who will have lost their keys or in some cases misplaced them. This come at a high cost. They ensure that their service is thorough and do not damage the locks they work on. In most cases clients are advised to change locks a er this service is done. It will take me for mechanical locks to disappear as most developing countries s ll use them because of their affordability and easy to use as compared to the electronic and digital key which is very expensive to install.
30 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2023
Sensors for industrial temperature control
pixels, it offers real- me thermographic images in high speed.
The compact and high-performance infrared camera has a temperature range of -20°C up to 900°C, with an op onal upgrade to 1,500°C. It can be delivered with exchangeable op cs, industrial thermal imager equipment and it comes with an extensive license-free thermography so ware package.
Areas of applica on for the thermal imagers
Optris PI 400
Instrotech, local distributor of process control instrumenta on and specialised systems, has on offer two products specifically for applica on in the measurement and control of temperature, the Optris CSmicro LT pyrometer, for cement manufacture and Optris PI400 infrared camera.
LT pyrometer
Temperature is a cri cally importance component in the process of making of concrete, and specifically, the importance of controlling the temperature before the concrete is deposited. Op mal temperature of the concrete must fall within the range of +5°C and +55°C, a factor which greatly influences the final characteris cs of concrete and performance (cracking, resistance and wear and tear). Concrete temperature is directly related to the development of strength and fresh concrete can be damaged when exposed to very low or very high temperatures.
Key factors to control during the pouring of concrete related with temperature:
· Warm weather affects speed limits
evapora on
· Cold weather inhibits the hydra on process
Optris' CSmicro LT is equipped with an innova ve, miniaturised stainless steel measuring head, the op mally suited for installa on in limited spaces. Its small size and its temperature resistance up to 120°C make the mechanic integra on of the measuring head especially cost-efficient.
The intelligent LED display works op onally as alarm signal, target support, self-diagnosis or temperature-code display. The placement of electronic components within the cable allows for a high temperature resistance of the measuring head. It measures temperature in the range of -40°C to 1,030°C; the spectral range is 8 to 14 µm and the response me is 30 ms - 999 s. The unit can be op mally installed on cement pumps, mixer trucks and cement silos.
Infrared camera Optris PI 400
Optris' PI 400 infrared camera is the smallest thermographic camera in its class. Being equipped with a measurement speed of 80 Hz and an op cal resolu on of 382 x 288
The Optris PI 400 is employed for a variety of tasks in industry. The real- me thermographic images prove especially valuable for surveillance and quality assurance in the , automotivesector plas cs, and in the semi-conductor as well as photovoltaic industries.
Due to this type of thermographic cameras' high resolu on and the reac on speed, surveillance and measuring of manufacturing processes that include moving objects poses no problem. Possible areas of applica on are process automa on of measurement in rotary kilns or measurement of large amounts on conveyor belts during batch processes.
The IR camera also plays an important role in medical diagnosis and preven on where it detects the slightest of temperature differences. It can even highlight veins under the skin due to its brilliant op cal resolu on of up to 40 mK.
Important Specifica ons
· Temperature range: -20°C to 900°C
· Spectral range: 7.5 to 13 µm
· Frame rate: 80 Hz
For more informa on on the full range of Optris equipment and sensors for industrial temperature control, contact Instrotech on 011 462 1920 or
32 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Fire & Security Techniques CEO Neil Hughes
Jan - Feb 2023
www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 33 Jan - Feb 2023
Great Western Manufacturing Sifters, Sieves, and Screens
Great Western Manufacturing has been producing product protec on and produc on si ers for over 100 years. In this me, we have perfected si ers for scalping, grading, and fines removal. Great Western equipment is trusted by companies in many industries including flour milling, corn milling, cereal processing, mix plants, bakeries, spice industries, confec onery, dried dairy products, pet foods, plas cs, chemicals, and minerals.
Our si ers are known for their quality cra smanship, reliable drives, and innova ve features including pneuma c sieve compression systems. All of our si ers are easily disassembled, sieves removed,
maintained, and reassembled in minutes without special tools.
“HS” Free Swinging Si er
The Great Western “HS” Si er is the most proven, dependable free swinging si er in the industry. It works best for applica ons with large screen area requirements and mul ple separa ons.
The machines are manufactured with two, four, six, or eight sieve compartments, with up to thirty sieves per compartment. Its design with no ledges or unsealed gaps, and dust- ght doors, assures sanitary opera on and easy cleaning.
Tru-Balance Si ers
The Tru-Balance Drive straddles the si er's center of gravity and keeps the si ing mo on in the machine. It also transfers the gyratory mo on to the top and bo om drive components simultaneously. The gyratory mo on, created by the unique drive mechanism, keeps fine material on the screen longer and imparts intense ac on on the screen cleaners to keep most products from blinding or plugging screens.
Four different Tru-Balance models are manufactured: Box Type, Modular, QA InLine, and QA Gravity Flow
34 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2023
Great Western Manufacturing Sifters, Sieves, and Screens
Box Type Si er
Introduced in 1960, the Box Type Si er is designed and built for screening any dry, freeflowing powder. Each machine is customizable to your requirements. Four different models provide up to 10m² of sieving area, which can be configured to make up to six separa ons. The si er's versa lity offers easy maintenance, simple to exchange screen inserts, and many sieve construc on op ons.
Modular Si ers
Great Western's Modular Tru-Balance Si er is a simple and economical si ing machine with reliable performance, opera onal flexibility, and excep onal sanita on features; ideal when applica on requirements do not dictate stainless steel construc on or complex separa ons.
These si ers are ideal for plas cs, flour mills, cereal plants, and chemicals. They can make up to three separa ons and u lize 4 to 9 sieves.
Stainless Steel Quality Assurance Si ers
Together, the all stainless steel construc on, snap-on food grade gaskets, and li -out screen frames with glued-on screens, provide the op mum in si ing performance, cleaner performance, and screen life in our Quality Assurance Si ers.
These machines are sanitary, accessible, easily maintainable, and reliable. QA si ers ensure incoming ingredients are manufactured, stored, and transported under sanitary condi ons.
QA In-Line Si ers
Designed for direct inser on into pneuma c conveying systems, these si ers can eliminate the need for extra equipment. This simplifies your opera on and lowers sanita on expenses.
Four sizes are customizable to meet your capacity and installa on needs. Its compact, space-saving design with light weight components enables quick and easy dismantlement for inspec on, maintenance, and cleaning.
QA Gravity Flow Si ers
These si ers are adaptable to a wide range of products, capaci es, number of separa ons, and screen sizes. Two models use from 3 to 9 sieves.
Each machine has 304 stainless steel sieve frames with laser cut internal components to ensure precision fit. Sieves are fabricated to minimize welding and do not contain bolted or riveted joints.
Stacked Screen Advantages
Our stacked screens are space-saving and easier to handle, change, and store than larger single decks screens. The mul ple screens allow you to propor on the si ing surface to specific screen meshes for highly
efficient grading of materials and effec ve use of the en re si er
With our variety of si ers, we have a range of materials for our sieve frames and screen trays. We fabricate sieves for our si ers inhouse, as well as most stack type si ers in North American and European sizes. Construc on materials for sieves and screen trays include natural wood, laminated wood, food grade plas c, aluminum, and stainless steel. Screen tray construc on styles include Fixed tray, Demountable, Li -out, Nova, and more. All sieves created in industry standard sizes with customiza on upon request.
Discover more about Great Western, our si ers, sieves, and other equipment at www.gwmfg.com.
www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 35
Jan - Feb 2023
Waste Water Treatment
Combine Performance with Security 36 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jan - Feb 2023
www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 37
Jan - Feb 2023
Waste Water Treatment
3D Printing and the Mining Industry – The Age of Innovation
A decline in produc vity in the mining industry over the past decade means industry leaders have been forced to look into an overhaul of exis ng processes as tradi onal methods are found wan ng in terms of efficiency and cost. Use of technology is one proposed solu on, but it will be innova on that will make a marked difference in streamlining the mining industry. With 3D prin ng (3DP) at the forefront of tech development, it is somewhat unsurprising that proposed usages of 3DP seem set to revolu onise supply chain opera ons in the mining industry
3DP is an addi ve process whereby layers of raw materials are successively laid down to create a tangible object from a digital model. A digital image is looked at as thousands of layers, which are then recreated by printers. In the last decade, 3DP has grown enormously and is now u lised in the medical, automo ve, and aerospace industries to name a few. Rapid prototyping and rapid manufacturing have won the minds
of industry and, with numerous projected advantages, stand to change the face of produc on as we know it. If 3DP evolves as an cipated, its poten al will be rather unrestricted in terms of materials used, scale, strength, and advancement of design.
As it stands, the mining industry is a sector plagued by the demands of high outputs and efficiency weighed against the high cost of down me and the con ngencies made for same. These con ngencies include the high cost of material inputs, excess inventory and associated warehousing and storage costs onsite, or logis cal costs of urgently transpor ng parts when opera ons have come to a stands ll.
Mining opera ons rely heavily on original equipment manufacturers to produce precision-engineered parts. This, o en at great cost. It is against this backdrop that industry leaders are tasked with finding solu ons that will have the prac cal effect of reducing costs, op mising extrac on of products, and elimina ng unnecessary me
barriers to the effec ve running of opera ons.
As with all evolving technologies, 3DP will have to prove it can produce high quality and precision-manufactured items out of mul ple materials in order to withstand the rigorous demands of the mining industry. This will also have to be done in situ in some remote and unforgiving environments if 3DP is to be chosen over tradi onal manufacturing –something technology observers believe to be a ainable in the next five to ten years. However, proposed adapta ons of 3DP in the mining industry claim to counteract the problems associated with tradi onal manufacturing methods.
“Mining operators should not put off experimen ng with various applica ons of 3DP in their facili es. Developing knowledge and skills, and tes ng the impact these technologies can have on their current opera onal strategies, will certainly stand them in good stead in the future.” says David
38 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2023
and the Mining Industry
Bullock, MD of Rapid 3D, resellers of professional and industrial grade 3D printers and Rapid 3D Parts, a full service 3D prin ng bureau service.
Parts failures and maintenance
Where down me is related to parts failures, 3DP offers a facility to produce parts on-site and on-demand, allowing for effec ve insourcing of parts as and when they are needed. With access to a digital spare parts library and the requisite prin ng technology, the remoteness of a site becomes inconsequen al and the high cost and environmental impact of transporta on and warehousing of inventory is dras cally reduced. Furthermore, the raw materials used for 3DP are usually in powder form and are thus easier to transport and store. A selfsustaining picture emerges where the opera on itself is responsible for iden fying an equipment failure and prin ng the solu on.
3DP also allows designs to be customised to suit the needs of a par cular opera on. This comes off the back of the ease with which 3DP can be used to replicate an item from a digital copy on-site to suit the opera on's
The Age
unique requirements. Predic ve maintenance has also been proposed whereby a printer could be a ached to equipment to fix components, increasing the life span of that component and addressing wear and tear
3DP addresses many ques ons of sustainability that have become so topical of late. Not only would transporta on costs be reduced as alluded to above, but evolu on of the technology could make the designs themselves, more energy and fuel efficient. Unlike tradi onal manufacturing where raw materials are subtracted resul ng in waste, the process of addi ve manufacturing in itself sees reduced waste in terms of energy used for produc on and that of raw materials. It is also foreseen that used or faulty parts can be recycled allowing for the re-use of their raw materials further adding to the sustainability of 3DP
Simplifica on across the supply chain
The proposals made in terms of 3DP will mean simultaneous changes to the supply chain opera ons of the mines using the technology. These changes to the point of manufacture, inventory, equipment, labour, transporta on, and products stand to be significantly simplified, seeing a far more efficient use of financial and material resources in future. As the complexity of the exis ng supply chains gives way to true ondemand in-sourcing of parts, opera ons strategies and policies would need to be adapted in order to ensure effec veness.
In the coming years, we are bound to see 3DP disseminated and normalised in our daily lives, but not before it radically redefines various stages of produc on and manufacturing. In the mining industry, where the focus is output and produc vity, 3DP stands to hold the answer to driving efficiency and crea ng mining-specific solu ons in a largely sustainable manner
www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za 39 3D Printing
Jan - Feb 2023
Company Listings
Company Name: Seguro
Contact: Cynthia Mundy
Telephone: 011 027 9153
Mobile: 076 329 7708
Email: cynthia.mundy@seguro4sure.co.za
Website: www.seguro4sure.co.za
Ultimate Washer, Inc.
Company Name:Cestus Line
Contact: Jennifer Choi
Mobile: 503-961-4922
Email: jennifer@cestusline.com
Website: www.cestusline.com
Company Name: Ultimate Washer, Inc.
Contact: Kevin Netzer
Telephone: (561)277-1635
Skype: ultimatewasher
Email: kevin@ultimatewasher.com
Website: www.ultimatewasher.com
Company Name: Explosion Power GmbH
Contact: Kasper Ninck
Telephone: +41 62 886 50 89
Mobile: +41 79 735 55 19
Email: kaspar.ninck@explosionpower.ch
Website: www.explosionpower.ch
Company Name: Carima
Contact: Mr Eberardo Pipani
+39 (0)2 9538 4225 carima@carima.biz www.carima.biz.
Company Name: COBAAfrica (Pty) Ltd
Contact: Morne van der Westhuuizen
Telephone: +27 (0) 11 452 7961
Fax to email: 086 759-8948 Matting.co.za
Email: mvdw@matco.co.za
Website: www.matco.co.za
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Website: Jan - Feb 2023
mail@lanopro.com www.lanopro.com