Building Lifelong Value
The sustainability Report 2014 - 2015
inside this edition
Message from the General Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 The Sustainability Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Governance and Risk Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
International Certifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
About MYTCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Integrated Management System & Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Managing Safety with Key Performance Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Workplace Welfare, Health Performance & Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Fire Management and Fire Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Mine Site and Yangon Medical Health Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
The MYTCL Environmental Management System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Impact Management Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Nurturing Village Consultation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Employee Organisational & Operational Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Our HR Goals for 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Defining MYTCL Best Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Integrating Social and Environmental Concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Commitment, Community & Culture â The CSD Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Mobile Medical Health Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Knight PiĂŠsold Consultations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Life of Mine Closure and MYTCL Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Sabetaung Closure with International Guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Closing Note from Operations Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Printed in Myanmar on recycled wood-free paper
from the General Manager HuÄnyĂng I am delighted to welcome you to another edition of our Safety, Health & Environment Report. This year we present it to you in an exciting new format called the Sustainability Report. Our goal is to constantly advance our Integrated Management Systems, and to clarify our reporting structures for the public to be more aware and understand the practices that we at MYTCL have in place. Every year we share with our communities and partners from around the globe the activities that have been highlights of the year, as well as our challenges with safety, occupational health and the environmental conservation works we strive to sustain. We continue to feel it is important to display transparency in all that we have achieved, and to feature the many significant milestones and results of the past yearâs expectations. MYTCL will persevere in 2015-16 to uphold a positive and mutually beneficial relationship with all our employees, and we will continue to work with local communities in order to actively seek new opportunities to support sustainable means of growth and development. This yearâs report places special focus on the core subjects of our socially responsible business, identifies our fundamental practices and sets priorities for improvements in the years to come.
âThis yearâs Sustainability Report is a further example of the improvements we constantly strive to make in advancing Myanmar Yang Tse Copper Limited.â
Organisational governance â practicing accountability and transparency at all levels of our organisation; using leadership to create an organisational culture which uses core values of social responsibility when making business decisions.
Human rights â treating all individuals with respect; making special efforts to help people from vulnerable groups.
Labour practices â providing just, safe and healthy conditions for workers; engaging in two-way discussions to address workersâ concerns.
Environmentâ identifying and improving environmental impacts of our operations, including resource use and waste disposal.
Fair operating practices â respecting the law; practicing accountability and fairness in our dealings with other businesses, including our suppliers.
Community involvement and development â getting involved in the betterment of the local communities that our organisation operates in; being a good neighbour.
I look forward to another year of growth, incident free and prosperous for all of our company employees and for our neighbouring community villagers with whom we cooperate!
Gong Qingguo General Manager â MYTCL
6 | Sustainability Report
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Gong Qingguo áĄáąááźáąááźááášáąáááşáŹ â MYTCL
Sustainability Report
THE SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Building Lifelong Value MYTCL provides a powerful catalyst for economic and social development, creating infrastructure and access to healthcare, education and other essential services while strengthening indigenous human capacity for sustainability.
8 | Sustainability Report
MYTCL is pleased to present this first Sustainability Report, entitled âBuilding Lifelong Value.â The title reflects our commitment to continuously create more sustainable business processes and more value for our stakeholders. Our history reminds us that future generations are perhaps our most important stakeholder. This change to the name of the Sustainability Report has been carefully made to deliver more of a representation of the international standards of the GRI, Global Reporting Initiative, which is used world-wide and published annually by companies willing to voluntarily show their transparency. Our report will follow many of the GRI guidelines, but will be more focused towards the publicâs comprehension of our activities in a reader-friendly format. At MYTCL, we view our goal of achieving sustainable development as it is highlighted in definition by the World Commission on Environment and Development:
â meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. â As with our past SHE Reports (Safety, Health & Environment), this new design reflects our increasing commitment to all dimensions of sustainability, and it responds to concerns received from you, our employees, communities and other stakeholders over the past year. It also conveys how our stakeholder relationships and the interaction between the company, our employees and communities, our customers and suppliers, and so many others around the world are critical to the sustainability of our business. Building Lifelong Value describes how we are working to address the challenges of society now and in the future by implementing sustainability strategies. Through a detailed analysis of issues and risks, we have selected the highest priority sustainability topics to develop and report on. These priorities include protecting natural capital through environmental performance and resource efficiency, aggressively pursuing innovations that enable MYTCL to operate in a more sustainable manner, as well as investing in community and corporate social responsibilities that produce both economic value and sustainability improvements across several dimensions.
In this report, you will see that we are moving forward in many areas, but we still have much to do. We continue to emphasise a strong foundation in business ethics, personal values, performance and accountability that are essential to the growth of our business. We are more transparent about our processes and our results against stated goals. We are trending towards utilising the most up-todate reporting protocols and practices to improve our communication to you. Sustainability at MYTCL is not just about technical innovation and the environmental performance of our operations. It is a reflection of our actions every day at our work, in our communities and in our lives. It is about finding better ways to do everything required of us as a business. It is a journey of change; of business and personal growth and of finding new opportunities to impact societyâs needs through our community and social development programs. As we move forward, it will be our constant endeavour to heed to concerns and to learn from our peers, measure our progress, and make ourselves transparent in our performance and accountable to our stakeholders through the use of this Sustainability Report and its content.
Sustainability Report
áĄááşááłá¸áťááłááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áááášá¸ááŹá¸áááŻáášáááááŻáášáᏠáĄá áŽááášááśá ᏠMYTCL áá˝á áĄááşááłá¸áťááłááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áááášá¸ááŹá¸áááŻáášáááááš âááŹááášáááš á áśááášáááŻá¸ááášáąááŹáášáťááášá¸â áĄááášáá˝á áááááśáŻá¸áąáᏠáĄááşááłá¸áťááłááŻáášááášá¸ áááášá¸ááŹá¸áááŻáášáááááŻáášáᏠáĄá áŽááášááśá áŹááᯠááášáťááááŻáášáťááášá¸áĄááźááš MYTCL áĄáąááťááášáˇ ááášá¸áąáťááŹáášááášá¸áᏠáťáá ášááááŤááášá áĄá áŽááášááśá áŹáąááŤáášá¸á áĽášáááš áááŻáááŻááŹáąáᏠá áŽá¸ááźáŹá¸áąáḠááŻáášááášá¸á áĽášááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááŻáášááášá¸ááźááš ááŤáááš ááášááášáá°ááşáŹá¸áĄááźááš ááášáááŻá¸ááŹá¸ááááᯠá áĽášááášááťáááš ááášááŽá¸áąáá¸áááŻáášáąáḠáá°áááˇáš áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸á ááááááášááᯠááášááášáąá ááŤááášá áĄááŹááášááşááłá¸ááášáááš áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸á áĄáąáá¸áááŽá¸ááśáŻá¸áąáᏠááŻáášááášá¸ááźááš ááŤááášááášááášáá°ááşáŹá¸ áťáá ášáąážááŹáášá¸ áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸á áąááŤáášá¸áááŽá¸áááŻáášá¸ ááşáášáá˝áŹááśáŻá¸ááźááš áááá¸áąááŹáš áąáá¸ááŹá¸ááŤááášá ᤠáĄááşááłá¸áťááłááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áááášá¸ááŹá¸áááŻáášááááŻááášáᏠáĄá áŽááášááśá ᏠáĄááášáááŻá áąáťááŹáášá¸áá˛áťááášá¸ááᯠááŻáá¸ááŽááşáŹá¸áá˝ ááášá¸áááŻáá ááźáášáˇááášá¸ áťáááš ááŹáááĄáŹá¸ ááááááŻááá áááľáĄáąááşáŹááš áá˝á ášá áĽášááŻáášáąááżááŽá¸ áááŹáťáĄáá˝áśá áĄááśáŻá¸áťááłááşáášáá˝ááąáᏠáááŹáťááśáŻá¸áááŻáášáᏠáĄá áŽááášá ᏠáááŹá áĄá áťááłáá (Global Reporting Initiative) á áááŻáášááśááᏠá áśáááášá¸ááşáŹá¸áĄáąáá áááŻáášá áŹá¸áťááłáťááášá¸ááᯠáááŻáááŻá áĄáąááŹáášáĄáá°áťááłáąá áááš áąáááşáŹá áźáŹ áąááŹáášááźááš ááŹá¸áá˛áˇáżááŽá¸ áťáá ášááŤááášá áááŻáááŹááźááš áťááášáá°áá°ááŻá áĄááśáŻá¸á áśáŻááŹá¸ááášáááá˝áášáˇ áááŻáááŻáááášááášá¸ ááşá ášáá ášáąáᏠááśáŻáááŹááš
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10 | Sustainability Report
ááşáŹá¸ááźááš á áŽá¸ááźáŹá¸áąáá¸ááášáááŻá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áááź áááąááŤáášá¸á áśáŻááźááš
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Sustainability Report
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MYTCL recognises that good corporate governance is fundamental to being a sustainable business. Our corporate governance is the system by which the company is directed and managed. Our corporate governance can be defined as the control systems by which our company is directed and managed. It is a clear framework of rules, relationships, systems and processes, fairness, and transparency in MYTCLâs relationship with all stakeholders (financiers, customers, management, employees, government, and the community), which reinforce MYTCLâs long established values and behaviours and the way we do business. It also defines the internal framework, which the MYTCL board of directors is accountable to stakeholders for the operations, performance and growth of the company, and how the risks of our mining business are identified and managed. The directors of MYTCL are committed to ensuring that our company maintains an effective system of corporate governance and that good corporate governance is an integral part of the culture and business practices of MYTCL.
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
The MYTCL board has endorsed a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics that formalises the longstanding obligation of all MYTCL individuals, including management, to behave ethically, act within the law, avoid conflicts of interest and act honestly in all business activities. MYTCLâs Code of Business Conduct and Ethics reinforces the companyâs commitment to giving proper regard to the interests of people and organisations dealing with the company. Each MYTCL person is required to respect and abide by the companyâs obligations to employees, stakeholders, customers, suppliers and the communities in which we operate. In addition, the board has adopted specific policies in key areas, including trade practices; safety, health and the environment; fairness, respect and diversity in employment; capital investment; dealing with price sensitive and other confidential information; privacy and indemnification of employees.
12 | Sustainability Report
MYTCLâs values reflect the companyâs commitment to sustainability. They have been developed to ensure MYTCL acts as a responsible corporate citizen for the benefit of all of stakeholders.
International Risk Management
MYTCL has a sound system of risk oversight management and internal control based on the international standards outlined in the ISO 31000 Risk Management framework. This ISO standard integrates all of MYTCLâs 3rd party certifications following a deliberate and clear methodology of evaluating and observing performance. MYTCL has in place limits and a range of policies and procedures to monitor the risk in its activities and these are quarterly reviewed by an internal audit committee, as well as bi-annually during internationally completed SGS audits. MYTCLâs Risk Management Policy also sets out the framework for risk management, internal compliance
MANAGEMENT and control systems. This policy highlights that risk management is reinforced by an MYTCL key principle;
MYTCL recognises that commitment to risk management contributes to sound management practice and increasing community confidence in our performance, and is vital to our continued growth and success.
â risk management contributes to the creation of sustainable value â. There are several layers that assist in ensuring the appropriate focus is consistently placed on the risk management framework. The Risk & Audit Committee reviews and reports to management and the board of directors in relation to the companyâs internal control structure, risk management systems and the internal and external audit functions. The Safety, (Health) & Environment Department reviews and reports to management and to the board on the management of the companyâs safety, health and environment liabilities and legal responsibilities; and the senior management team manages and reports to the board on business and financial risks and overall compliance. Risk management is sponsored by the board, and is a top priority for senior managers, starting with the managing director.
Sustainability Report
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14 | Sustainability Report
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áĄááźá˛ááááŻá ááśáŻá¸ááášáĄá áŽááášááś ááášáťááááŤááášá áĄáááŽá¸ááášá¸ áąááźáąáá¸áąážáá¸áąáḠááá áĽááášááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááŻááášááŹáąááŹáášááźáášáááášáˇ áĄááŹáĄáŹá¸ááśáŻá¸áááŻááášá¸ ááśáŻá¸ááášáżááŽá¸ ááŻáášáĄááźá˛ááááŻá ááášáťá áá፠ááášá áąáá¸áĄáá˛ááŹááš ááášá¸áá˝áášá¸áąáḠá áŽááśááášáááźá˛ááááᯠááŻáášáĄááźá˛ááá˝ ááŹáááš áá° áąááŹáášááźáášáááš áťáá ášáżááŽá¸á ááášá¸ á áŽááśááášáááźá˛áááááš áĽáŽá¸áąááŹááš áááášážááŹá¸áąáá¸áá˝á´á¸ áá˝áĄá ááášáąáááşáŹ ááşáŹá¸áĄáá áááášááśáŻá¸ áĽáŽá¸á áŹá¸áąáḠáĄááášáˇ áťáá ášááŤááášá
áĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ á áĄáááĄáá˝áášáťááł ááŹá¸áąáᏠáĄááŹáĄáŹá¸ááśáŻá¸ááᯠáąááŤáášá¸á áŻááŹá¸ááŤááášá MYTCL áááš ááááá ááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸áá˝ áąáá¸
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International certifications have been awarded to MYTCL and sustained in adherence to SGS â SociĂŠtĂŠ GĂŠnĂŠrale de Surveillance guidelines and are twice annually audited for stringent management of conformity. ⢠OHSAS 18001 Certificate relating to Occupational Health & Safety Management ⢠ISO 14001 Certificate for Environmental Management ⢠ISO 9001 Certificate relating to Quality Management SGS is the worldâs leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company recognised as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. Founded in 1878, and today with more than 80,000 employees, SGS operates a network of more than 1,650 offices and laboratories around the world, including within Myanmar. Certification with SGS enables MYTCL to demonstrate that our products, processes, systems and services are compliant with either national or international standards and regulations, or customer defined standards, through certification. Certification is completed at MYTCL through the international SGS organisational certification network centres located in their Australia/Singapore/Thailand offices. In 2014 MYTCL maintained cathode quality in accordance with LME Grade A specifications, as well as sustaining a best practices international performance standard throughout operations while achieving continual improvements in value, environment, health and safety standards. The standards are published by ISO, the International Organization for Standardization. ISO is an international standardsetting body composed of representatives from various organisations that promote worldwide proprietary, industrial and commercial standards.
OHSAS 18001 Standard OHSAS 18001 is a British Standard for occupational health and safety management systems. It exists to help the MYTCL organisation put in place demonstrably sound occupational health and safety performance. It is widely seen as the worldâs most recognised occupational health and safety management systems standard. MYTCLâs focus is to use this system to promote a safe and healthy working environment by providing a framework that helps MYTCL to: ⢠Consistently identify and control health and safety risks, ⢠Reduce the potential for accidents, ⢠Aid legislative compliance, and ⢠Improve overall performance.
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ISO 14001 Standard The ISO 14000 family includes most notably the ISO 14001 standard, which represents the core set of standards used by organisations for designing and implementing an effective environmental management system. ISO 14001 is voluntary, with its main aim to assist MYTCL in continually improving our environmental performance, whilst complying with any applicable legislation. ISO 14001 is used by MYTCL to improve resource efficiency, reduce waste and drive down costs. Using ISO 14001 also provides assurance to MYTCL management and employees, as well as external stakeholders, that environmental impact is being measured and improved.
ISO 9001 Standard The ISO 9000 family of standards is related to quality management systems and designed to help MYTCL ensure that we meet the needs of our customers and other stakeholders while meeting statutory and regulatory requirements related to our product. ISO 9000 deals with the fundamentals of quality management systems, including the eight management principles on which the family of standards is based. ISO 9001 deals with the requirements that organisations wishing to meet the standard have to fulfil. Third party certification bodies provide independent confirmation that MYTCL meets the requirements of ISO 9001.
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About MYTCL Life of Mine History
he Sabetaung and Kyisintaung (S&K) mine is an open-cut copper ore mine of 2 primary deposits that are located in the Monywa District of Sagaing Division in Myanmar. Established early in the 20th Century, west of the Chindwin River, the mine-site is approximately 40-minutes by road from Monywa and within a populated area of nearly 500,000 people. This semi-arid expanse offers about 700mm of annual rainfall, and where shrub covered rolling hills and Toddy palm trees dotting the landscape are the common scene. This is a legacy mining area that began in the early 17th century with artisanal mining of the region. In the 1950’s the S&K deposits began to be explored on a much larger scale and have developed into a mining enterprise today. The S&K mine has also evolved into a mining municipality working side by side a bountiful agricultural community.
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The Sabetaung Pits produced 121.8 million tons of copper ore and waste before reaching completion in 2014.
Many international companies have been involved in the development of this mine under several eras of ownership. In 2000 the pit optimum design of Kyisintaung was completed, and re-optimization of the Sabetaung and Sabetaung South deposits was finalised in 2006 with the assistance of consultants from GRD Minproc, an Australian consultancy group. Others such as Knight PiÄĹ sold Pty Limited, Coffee Partners International Pty Ltd., The World Bank, Westec (Welsh Engineering Science & Technology, Inc.), Haskoning (Royal Dutch Consulting Engineers and Architects), Golder Associates, Ivanhoe and
China Nerin Engineering Co., Ltd. are some of the more prominent world-class names that have been involved in the consultation and operations of the S&K projects. Today the S&K Mine is operated by Wanbao Mining Limited with the name of Myanmar Yang Tse Copper Limited – MYTCL. Joining hands with mining businesses at home and abroad, based on the principles of international cooperation and mutual benefit, Wanbao Mining is developing high-quality mineral resources from around the world.
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áťááášááŹááášá áŽáąááŹáˇááŤá¸ááŽááááášáĄáąážááŹáášá¸ á áśááášáąááŹáášá áąážáá¸á áášáąááŹáášááŻáášááášá¸áááŻáášááŹáááášááášááááŤáášá¸
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áááŻáášááśááᏠááŻáá¸ááŽááşáŹá¸áááš áąááášáĄááášážáᏠá¤áááąáł
áťáá ášááŤááášá
ááźáášá¸ áá°áąááŹáášáá ááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ááźááš áááŻáášáá˝áášááşáŹá¸ áĄáťáá áš ááŻááš
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áááŻáášáá˛áˇážáááŤááášá áááá ááŻáá˝á ášááźááš áąážáá¸á áášáąááŹááš áááąáł
áááŻáĄááşááášááźááš Wanbao Mining Ltd. áááš Myanmar
áááŻáášááᯠááášá¸ááášá¸ááźáášáˇ áá°á¸áąááŹášáááš áĄááášáˇáąááŹášááśáŻá¸ ááŽáááŻáášá¸
ááášá áŽáąááŹáˇááŤá¸ ááŽáááááš ( Myanmar Yang Tse Copper
áąáá¸ááźá˛áá áżááŽá¸á áŽá¸áá˛áˇááŤááášá
Limited (MYTCL) áĄááášáťááášáˇ S&K á áŽááśáááášá¸ááᯠááŹááášáá° ááŻáášáááŻáášáąááᏠáťááášááźáášá¸ áťááášááá˝ áááąáłááźáášá¸áááŻáášááŹ
á áśááášáąááŹááš áá˝áášáˇ á áśááášáąááŹááš(áąááŹááš) áááąáłáááŻáášááŻáá
á áŽá¸ááźáŹá¸áąáá¸ááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááášááźá˛ááşááš áĄáťááášáťáááš
ááášá¸ááášá¸ááźáášáˇ áá°á¸áąááŹášáąááťááášá¸áĄáŹá¸ áĄááášáˇáąááŹášááśáŻá¸ áĄáąá
ááŻááášáᏠáĄááşááłá¸áá° áá°á¸áąááŤáášá¸áąááŹáášááźáášááášáˇ áá°ááŤáááşáŹá¸áááŻ
ááŹá¸áťáá ášáąáĄáŹááš áťááášááášáááááááášá¸ááááᯠážáá áąážáá¸ááşáááŻáášááś
áĄáąáťáááśáżááŽá¸ Wanbao Mining áááš áááŹáťáĄáá˝áśáá˝ áááąáłááźáášá¸
(GRD Minproc) áá˝ áĄážááśáąáá¸áĄááźá˛ááááš áááá ááŻáá˝á ášááźááš
ááźáášááşáŹá¸ááᯠáĄááášáĄáąááźá¸ áťáááášáˇááášááášáˇ ááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸
áąááŹáášááźáášáżááŽá¸á áŽá¸áá˛áˇááŤááášá S&K á áŽááśáááášá¸á ááŻáášááášá¸á áĽášááşáŹá¸
ááŻáášáąááŹááš áąáááŤááášá
áá˝áášáˇ áĄážááśááŹáášáá˝áşáąááťááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ááᯠáĄáťááŹá¸áĄááźá˛á áĄá áášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áťáá ášážááąáᏠKnight Pieâsold Pty. Ltd., Coffee Partners international Pty. Ltd., The World Bank, Westec (Welsh Engineering Science & Technology Inc.) Haskoning (Royal Dutch Consulting Engineers and Architects), Golden Associates, Ivanhoe and China Nerin Engineering Co., Ltd., ááŻááááášááášá¸ áĄáąáá¸á፠áąáᏠáááŹáťá áĄááášáˇáĄááášá¸áᎠáĄááášááŹáááşáŹá¸ áťáá ášážá ááŤááášá
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Phase 1 of the Kyisintaung mine begins to take form in the early months of 2015. Utilising the full fleet of MYTCL and the contract services of Myanmar Wanbao and its subcontractors, the Kyisintaung development allows the MYTCL organisation to reach maximum output for the 2015 planning.
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Copper from the Monywa deposits have been extracted from shallow underground workings and smelted since the ages of the Myanmar Kings. From 1957 to the early 1980âs, exploration by Myanmar agencies continued in cooperation with the United Nations, Japanese and Yugoslavian agencies.
THE GREEN METAL The Bio-Heap Leaching and Solvent Extraction-Electrowinning (SX-EW) process is an environmentally friendly way to economically produce high-grade copper from low-grade ore deposits, and is often refered to as the âgreen metalâ. MYTCLâs Sabetaung and Kyisintaung project adheres to a strict zero-discharge operation, and all solution flows are recirculated to ensure that no effluence is discharged from the mine to outside of the lease area. After mining, the ore is stacked onto the heaps for leaching in two manners;
Primary crushing and stacking incorporating the fine-screens removing plant to wash the ore containing too many fines and clay minerals.
Ore is directly dumped by 100-tonne dump trucks directly onto the heaps. This is called Run of Mine dumping, or ROM dumping.
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The processing of the ore to produce marketable copper involves the following three stages. ⢠Heap Leaching and Agitation Leaching to dissolve the valuable copper from the ore. ⢠Solvent Extraction to purify and concentrate the copper solution generated by leaching, and ⢠Electrowinning to plate the copper metal as high grade cathode.
The Sabetaung South Pit was completed in March of 2013, and the sister Sabetaung Pit finalised in November of 2014. Today the Kyisintaung development is strategically mined and back filled into the void pits of Sabetaung.
ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY & ZERO DISCHARGE COPPER EXTRACTION WOBBLER / DRIPPER Blasted Ore of 250mm to 20mm Size Drain Coil of 110mm Dia Size Corrugated Pipe Crushed ARD of 75mm-40mm Dia Size 300-400mm thick
Leachate W-Drain 1% slope Virgin Ground Sandy Clay Layer of 350-400mm thick
High Density Polyethylene Plastic Sheet Liner (1 - 1.5mm thick) High Clay Compaction 95% and Optimum Moisture Content
Acid Recirculation
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CRUSHING, STACKING AND BIO-HEAP LEACHING The dimensions of each heap leach cell is 700 metres long and 80 metres wide, and is able to stack about 360,000 MT of ore at a four metre height, and about 500,000 MT at six metre heights, and are being managed up to an eight metre capacity.
The Allis-Chalmers 42-65 Superior Gyratory Crusher was erected by Svedala Arbra A.B. Sweden when the S&K Project was first established. Crushing ore down to a maximum size of 230mm passing the primary screen, oversized materials (+40mm) then convey to the secondary crushers and fine screening plant depending on the nature of the material.
Due to the limitation of throughput of the crushing and stacking section, run-of-mine ore is directly placed onto the leach cells by dump trucks. Dumped ore is spread out by bulldozers as necessary and contains both fine and coarse sizes. The entire stacking strategy is based on physical characteristics of mined ore, and evolves and changes as the ore characteristics themselves change as the mining progresses. Before installation of an irrigation pipe system the surface is ripped to 300mm depths by bulldozers.
Copper Ore is stacked by conveyor systems or by dumptrucks onto the heap cells and then prepared for irrigation. These drains and heaps are environmentally designed with safeguards preventing ground contamination.
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Ore characterisation is pre-determined from drilled chip samples sent to the metallurgical laboratory. The quality control personnel are assigned to supervise the process of selection, determining whether ore is going to be sent to crushing facilities for radial stacking, or for ROM dumping cells, as per the competency level of the ore. A continuous cell expansion program has been implemented for production targets. At present there are five functioning leach pads with 56 cells and another leach pad with nine cells near completion and constructed dates estimated for stacking in early 2015.
The stacked ore is irrigated using either a network of pipes and low pressure sprinklers, called wobblers, or drip irrigators. A diluted sulphuric acid solution containing high levels of dissolved iron is used to extract the copper from the stacked ore. The acidic solution is formed naturally from the heaps by the accelerated weathering of some rocks, which contains pyrite, an iron sulphidic mineral. Naturally occurring bacteria catalyses this reaction, and consequently, the process is termed Bio-Heap Leaching. The base of each heap is lined with a minimum 300mm clay layer to create an impermeable environmentally safe barrier. Next, high density polyethylene elastic sheeting (HDPE) is heatwelded and laid into place according to design, and in turn covered by another clay liner to prevent copper solution losses, as well as to protect the acidic solution from seeping into the ground water system. Each heap is constructed on a slight slope, so that the solution containing the dissolved copper percolates down through the heaps to the liner and flows downhill into a series of collection
channels that drain into a system of plastic-lined ponds. The solution containing the highest copper grade is directed into the pregnant leach solution, or PLS pond. The lesser concentrated solution is recirculated back from an intermediate solution pond, or ILS, onto the heaps to increase the copper concentration. Once contained in the PLS pond, the solution is pumped to the solventextraction plant for further purification. Solution management to and from heap cells is strictly controlled on a daily basis. The foundations of the heaps are constantly monitored and checked for leaks, and measures are in place to pump out any stray solutions from beneath the HDPE before they have any opportunity to breach the protective clay base barriers. This design methodology not only protects the environment from potential impacts, but it also protects MYTCL’s liquid assets of the solution bearing precious copper.
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SOLVENT EXTRACTION AND ELECTROWINNING: SX-EW Solvent Extraction involves the selective extraction of the valuable copper from the PLS into an immiscible organic phase, which consists of a complex organic extractant dissolved in high-flash point kerosene. These two types of solution are stirred and allowed to naturally separate along a settler due to their different specific gravities. From this stage the copper is stripped from the loaded organic phase by highly acidic electrolytes to produce an enriched electrolyte known as strong electrolyte. The remaining low-copper aqueous solution from the extraction stage, called raffinate, now high in acid content is recycled to the leach cells to recover more copper while the strong electrolyte is sent to the tank house for electrowinning.
Through a complex piping network, the heavy copperladen pregnant liquor solution (PLS) is collected from the irrigation systems and then pumped to the Solvent Extraction Plant for processing.
Recovery Process of Copper through Leaching, Solvent Extraction and Electrowinning
Copper can truly be cited as the ‘green’ metal both for its role in protecting the natural environment through its use in energy-saving applications, and for the achievements that have been realised in the production of the metal in an environmentally sound manner.
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The new plant, Tank-House C, was commissioned in late 2014 and by January 2015 was operating at full capacity.
The cathodes are stripped basically every seven days, with each copper-laden cathode weighing approximately between 48-52kg as per the London Metal Exchange (LME) market standard.
Modern and state-of-the-art facilities at TH-C.
These sheets are washed with hot water, sampled, weighed and bundled for shipment. Sampling is being carried out on an 80tonne/lot basis, and analysis is completed at offshore and local laboratories for LME quality control. MYTCL produces cathode copper that complies with LME Grade-A rating, and is more than 99.999% in purity.
Each copper bundle is weighed at just over 2 tonnes and identified with the MYTCL logo and LME registration.
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Mine Site Map The S&K Mine Site is a unity of domains, each with a specific function during the mine operations. Designed from conception to be closed, or decommissioned in a particular manner, and as much as possible to reduce the environmental and social impacts caused by its extractive activities, this satellite image and descriptions of the domains illustrate the cohesive planning and successes to date of the movement towards progressive closure.
Mine Town
Sabetaung Mines
Bio-Heap Systems
The population of Mine Town is just under
Sabetaung and Sabetaung South Mine
The Heap Pads compose the largest of the
3,000 inhabitants, with 28% being directly
were the primary twin pits exploited since
land mass required in this type of extrac-
employed by the S&K Project. Established
the early 1900âs. In 2014 they were com-
tive mining. Facilities associated with the
in the mid 1990âs as part of a joint ven-
pleted and are now part of a complex clo-
Heap Pads are the Process Plants, the Fine
ture, Mine Town operates as a small busi-
sure program that will enable the pits to be
Screens Tailings Storage Facilities, and the
ness community as well as home to many
safely backfilled and then encapsulated,
Storm Water Ponds, Conveyors and the
of the MYTCL employees. A public school
using engineered technologies to ensure
Primary and Secondary Crusher Systems.
is also supported in the town by the Minis-
the safety of the surface and subterranean
Upon closure, all of these facilities will be
try of Mines. Today, the town is managed
environments far into the future. By com-
encapsulated, buried, modified for sus-
and under the care of MEHL, while MYTCL
pleting this activity, MYTCL is intelligently
tainable ecologically recovered systems,
donates and supports infrastructure and
reducing its environmental footprint within
or for alternative social purposes after
maintenance upgrades when requested.
the lease area and reverting the mine back
land relinquishment.
Biodiversity Sites
to a more sustainable and diverse environment for the region.
Kyisintaung Mines
Twin Peaks Conservation
In the midst of the mining activities there
This area is preserved by MYTCL for the
are both internal and external areas where
natural wildlife that is displaced through
biodiversity is maintained and monitored.
The Kyisintaung Mountain is currently un-
mining activities, and to provide an area of
Migratory birds and indigenous wildlife
der production and will be the final phase
conservation and future reestablishment
make these areas their home, increasing
of the Life of Mine for Copper Ore extrac-
of the indigenous flora and fauna of the
in numbers due to the protection natu-
tion within the S&K lease area.
region. Foraging on the foothills of these
rally offered by the location of the wet-
Acid waste rock from this mine will be de-
mountains are many small fauna such as
lands and reforested areas within the mine
posited into the Sabetaung pits, while the
the Dhole and the Barking Deer. Evidence
lease, where outsiders are not permitted
non-acid forming waste will be stockpiled
today indicates that there are even a small
to enter and hunt. These lands will be ex-
in preparations for the progressive closure
number of the rare Eldâs Deer present on
tended in the future as part of the mine
programs. Once rehabilitated, the Kyisin-
the mountainsides, despite the increasing
closure phases to propagate protected
taung Waste Dump will extend the Twin
populations of the nearby villages.
and environmentally managed areas.
Peaks Wildlife Conservation areas. Sustainability Report
| 31
A diligent training program allows new employees the experience required, should an emergency require their assistance.
32 | Sustainability Report
PROGRESSIVE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY With an incident rate far below the averages of the Australian continent, MYTCL pushes forward in lowering risks, eliminating serious injuries, and educating safety in a manner that inspires employees with an attitude of âSafety First â Job Secondâ. This level of success is a direct consequence of MYTCLâs management and employeesâ commitment to maintaining the highest health and safety standards possible. The ultimate goal for our mining company is achieving a zero-incident work environment. To that end, we devote ourselves to promoting an ingrained workplace safety culture by training employees, engaging in risk (re)assessment, measuring performance, rewarding achievement and adopting best practices.
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Scope of the Integrated Management System The Integrated Management System (IMS) is based on the ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO 9001:2008 standards. The correspondence between these international standards is described in the table â Integrated Management System Overview. It is applied to all MYTCL Operations activities of Mining, Crushing, Stacking, Heap-Leaching, Solvent Extraction and Electrowinning process of Cathode Copper, including Shipping and Marketing. It has been developed and established as a living document to be used for guidance in all operational matters. Its implementation and maintenance will result in improved safety, environmental and quality management performance and business profitability within the operation. All other management systems must be consistent with the Integrated Management System. MYTCL will periodically review and evaluate its IMS in order to identify opportunities for improvement, and to ensure that it remains relevant. The IMS provides a framework for the achievement of continual improvement, the rate and extent of which will be determined by MYTCL Management in the light of corporate, economic and legal requirements. Although some improvement in safety, environmental and quality performance can be expected due to the adoption of a systematic approach, the IMS will primarily be used as a tool that will enable MYTCL to achieve, and systematically control, an improved level of management performance.
The IMS System provides the framework for management of workplace health and safety and environment at MYTCL, by clearly setting out the standards we require our people to meet. Managers and supervisors are required to provide leadership in relation to IMS by: â˘
effectively implementing the requirements of the standards;
developing and sustaining a strong culture of working safely and continuous improvement;
setting stretch improvement goals; and
allocating sufficient resources to achieve the goals.
There are three primary drivers behind MYTCLâs Integrated Management System:
1. Protect the health and safety of people by providing a safe place of work and safe systems of work; 2. Operate within the law; and 3. Ensure people know their IMS responsibilities and how they are to be met.
34 | Sustainability Report
Managing Safety
Purpose of the Integrated Management System The purpose of the IMS is to demonstrate MYTCLâs commitment to our internal and external stakeholders by: â˘
prioritising safety, environmental and quality management impacts in all issues of the business;
communicating MYTCLâs safety, environmental and quality objectives to internal and external stakeholders;
integrating safety, environmental and quality management systems into MYTCLâs core business;
determining and tracking the legislative and other requirements associated with MYTCLâs activities;
identifying and monitoring the safety hazards and environmental aspects associated with MYTCLâs activities with the aim of prevention of customer complaint, injury of people and pollution to the environment;
evaluating MYTCLâs management performance against the companyâs policies;
improving overall management performance;
providing appropriate and sufficient resources to meet MYTCLâs safety, environmental and quality objectives and targets;
developing commitment at all levels by clearly assigning responsibilities to line management;
enhancing customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements;
establishing a management process to audit and review the IMS so as to identify improvement opportunities and its continuing effectiveness; and
ensuring no business disruption for MYTCL and maximising profitability of MYTCL.
Integrated Managment System Overview 9001,14001,18001 9001,14001,18001 IMP1 Commitment & Policy IMP3 Legal Requirements Imp4 Objectives & Targets IMP5 Management Review
Management Responsibility
Audit Measure Analyse Report
Customer Satisfaction
IMP5 Training Awareness & Competence Training Modules Procurement Procedure SOPs of Supply
Continual Improvement
Resources Management (HR & T, Supply)
IMP - Integrated Management Procedure ECP - Environmental Control Procedure
IMP6 Communication & Reporting IMP9 Monitoring & Measurements Imp10 Non-conformance, Corrective & Preventation IMP12 Management System, Internal Audit ECP, SOPs
Operations Management
IMP2 Hazards, Environmental Aspects & Quality Objectives Management Plans IMP7 Document Control Imp8 Emergency Preparedness & Response IMP11 Record & Information Management DMPs, SPs, ECPs, SOP
DMP - Departmental Management Plan SOP - Standard Operating Procedure SP - Safety Procedure
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MYTCL á áąááŤáášá¸á áŻá áŽááśááášáááźá˛ááá áá áš (IMS) áąááŤáášá¸á áŻá áŽááśááášáááźá˛ááá áá ášáááášáááš áąááŤáášá¸á áŻá áŽááśááášáááźá˛ááá áá áš (IMS) áááš ISO 14001: 2004, OHSAS 18001:2007 áá˝áášáˇ ISO 9001:2008 á áśááşááášá áśáááášá¸áááŻááĄáąáá áĄáąáťáááśááŹá¸ááŤááášá á¤áĄáťááášáťááášáááŻáášáᏠá áśááşááášá áśáááášá¸ áá˝á ášááŻá áŽáĄážááŹá¸ áá ášááŻáá˝áášáˇáá ášáᯠááášááźáášááááᯠáąááŤáášá¸á áŻá áŽááśááášáááźá˛áá áťááśáłááśáŻ ááśáŻá¸ááášááŹá¸ááášáˇ áááŹá¸ááźááš áąááŹášáťáááŹá¸ááŤááášá MYTCL á ááášááášáąááąáᏠááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸áťáá ášááášáˇ áááąáłáá°á¸áąááŹášáąáá¸á ááááášááźá˛áąáá¸á áááąáłáááŻáášá¸ áĄááśáŻ-ááśáŻááášáťááášá¸á áááąáłáááŻáášá¸áĄááśáŻáá˝ áááąáłááŹá¸ áąááşáŹášááŻáášáá°áťááášá¸á áááąáłáąááşáŹášááŻáášááŹá¸áąáᏠáąááşáŹášááášáá˝ áááąáł ááášááŻáášáá°áťááášá¸á áąážáá¸ááŽáááąáłá ááš (cathode copper) ááᯠáá˝áşáášá á ášáťááášáˇ ááŹáášáżáááłááźá˛ ááŻáášááŻáášáťááášá¸ ááşáŹá¸áĄáťáááš áąážáá¸áᎠáááąáłá áášááşáŹá¸áĄáŹá¸ áąá áşá¸ááźáášáááŻá ááášáááŻááąááŹáášá¸ááşáťááášá¸ á ááášáˇ ááŻáášááášá¸ááŻááášá¸ááźáᚠᤠá áśááşááášá áśáááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áĄáááŻáášá¸ áááŻáášááŹááşáášáˇááśáŻá¸ ááŤááášá ᤠISO á áśááşááášá áśáááášá¸ááᯠááŻáášááášá¸ááášááášááášáˇ áąáááŹááŻááášá¸ááźááš ááášá¸áááášáá áá ášááášáĄáťáá áš áĄááśáŻá¸áťááłá áá˝áášááášáąá áąáᏠáá˝áášááášá¸áá˝áášáᏠáá ášááŻáĄáąááťááášáˇ áááŻá¸ááášááźáśááżáááłá¸ááźáŹá¸áááš ááášáąááŹáášááŹá¸ááŤááášá ᤠá áśááşááášá áśáááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ááᯠáĄáąááŹááš áĄááášáąááŹáš áąááŹáášááźáášáťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áťááłáťááášáááášá¸áááášá¸ ááŻáášáąááŹáášáťááášá¸ááŻáááąážááŹáášáˇ ááŻáášááášá¸ááášááášááŹááźááš áąáĄáŹáášáťááášáááŻá¸áááš áąáᏠáąáá¸áĄáá˛ááŹááš ááášá¸áá˝áášá¸áąáá¸á ááášááášá¸ááşáášáááášá¸áááášá¸áąáá¸á áĄááášáĄáąááźá¸á áŽááśááášáááźá˛áá ááŻáášáąááŹáášááşááš áá˝áášáˇ á áŽá¸ááźáŹá¸áąáḠááŻáášááášá¸ áĄááşááłá¸áááŹáášááşáŹá¸ áťáá ášááźáášá¸áąá ááŤááášá áĄáťááŹá¸áąáᏠá áŽááśááášáááźá˛áá á áá ášáĄáŹá¸ááśáŻá¸áááš áąááŤáášá¸á áŻá áŽááśááášáááźá˛ááá áá áš áá˝áášáˇ áááŻááš ááŽáá áá˝ááááŤááášá áááŻá¸ááášáąáĄáŹáášáťááášáááš áĄááźáášáˇáĄááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ááᯠááźá˛áťááášá¸á ááášáťááŹáťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ á áśááşááášá áśáááášá¸ ááášáá˝áášááşáášáááš áááš ááŻááášáąáᏠááŻáášááášá¸áááŻáášá¸ááźááš ááášááášáá˝áášáá˝ááš ááşáášáá˝ááąáááąááąáĄáŹááš MYTCL áááš ááááá áąááŤáášá¸á ᯠá áŽááśááášáááźá˛áá á áá ášáĄáŹá¸ á áá á ášááśáŻá¸ááášáťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááášáááŻá¸ááşáášáˇááźáášáťááášá¸ ááşáŹá¸ááᯠáĄááŤáĄáŹá¸áąááşáŹášá áźáŹ áąááŹáášááźáášááźáŹá¸ááŤááášá áąááŤáášá¸á áŻá áŽááśááášáááźá˛áá á áá ášáááš áĄáżáá˛ááťáááš áááŻá¸ááášáąáĄáŹáášáťááášáááš áĄááźááš ááášáááášááşáášáąááŹáášááᯠáĄáąááŹáášáĄáá°áťááłáááŻá áĄááşááłá¸áĄá áŹá¸ áąáťááŹáášá¸áá˛áááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áąááŤáášá¸á áášá¸ááŹá¸áąáᏠá áŽá¸ááźáŹá¸áąáá¸áááŻáášáᏠáá˝áášáˇ áĽááąááąááŹáášáĄááźáášá¸ ááŻááĄáášááşáášááşáŹá¸áĄá MYTCL áá˝ á áĽášá¸á áŹá¸ááśáŻá¸áťááášáááášáˇ áĄáááŻáášá¸áĄááŹááşáŹá¸ áááŻááášá¸ ááśáˇáááŻá¸áąáá¸ááŤááášá áąáá¸áĄáá˛ááŹááš ááášá¸áá˝áášá¸áąáá¸á ááášááášá¸ááşááš áááášá¸áááášá¸ áąáḠáá˝áášáˇ áĄááášáĄáąááźá¸ á áźáášá¸áąááŹáášáááŻáášááááşáŹá¸ ááźááš áá ášááşááłááąáᏠáááŻá¸ááášáááááš á áá ášáááş áąááźá¸ááşááš ááŻáášáąááŹáášáááąážááŹáášáˇ áťáá ášáááŻáášááášáᯠáąáá˝áşáŹášááášáˇááŹá¸áąááŹášááášá¸ áąááŤáášá¸á ᯠá áŽááśááášáááźá˛ááá áá ášááᯠáĄááááĄááśáŻá¸ááşáááášáˇ ááášááášáá ášááŻáĄáťáá áš MYTCL áĄáŹá¸ áąáĄáŹáášáťáááš áááŻá¸ááášááášá á áá ášáááş ááźáášáᲠáááášá¸ááşáłáášáááš áá˝áášáˇ á áŽááśááášáááźá˛áá á áźáášá¸áąááŹáášááášá áąáĄáŹáášáťáááš áááŻá¸ááášáąáᏠáĄááášáˇáá ášáᯠáťáá ášááŹáąá áááš áąááŹáášááźáášááźáŹá¸á ááŤááášá áąááŤáášá¸á áŻá áŽááśááášáááźá˛áá á áá ášáááš áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááŻááá áťááášáá°ááşáŹá¸ ážááśáłáąááźááááášáˇ áááŻáĄáášáąáᏠá áśááşááášá áśáááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ ááᯠáá˝áášá¸áá˝áášá¸ááášá¸ááášá¸ á áŽá áĽášááášáťááťááášá¸áťááášáˇ ááŻáášááášá¸ááźááš ááşáášá¸ááŹáąáá¸á áąáá¸ááášá¸ááśáŻáťááśáłáąáḠáá˝áášáˇ ááášááášá¸ááşááš áááášá¸áááášá¸áąáá¸ááŻááá á áŽááśááášáááźá˛ááááşáŹá¸áĄááźááš ááášáááášáąááŹááš áĄáŹá¸ áĄáąááŹáášáĄáá° áťááłááŤááášá ááášáąáááşáŹááşáŹá¸á áááŽá¸ážááášááźáášáá˛áá°ááşáŹá¸áááš áąááŤáášá¸á áŻá áŽááś ááášáááźá˛ááá áá áš (IMS) áá˝áášáˇ á áášááşáĽášá¸á áąáĄáŹáášááŤáĄááşáášááşáŹá¸ááźááš áĽáŽá¸áąááŹáášáĽáŽá¸ááźáášáťááłá áĄáąááŹáášáĄáá°áąáá¸áááš ááŻááĄáášááŤááášá â˘
á áśááşááášá áśáááášá¸ ááŻááĄáášááşáášááşáŹá¸ááᯠáááááąááŹáášáąááŹááš áĄáąááŹáášáĄááášáąááŹášáááš
áąáá¸ááášá¸ááśáŻáťááśáłá áźáŹ ááŻáášáááŻáášáťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ á áĽášááášááťáááš áááŻá¸ááášáťááášá¸ááŻááá ááŻááášááŹáąááŹáášáˇááášá¸ áąáᏠááąááˇááᯠááźáśááżáááłá¸áááŻá¸ááášáąá áááš áá˝áášáˇáąááá˝áášáááášá¸áááášá¸ááźáŹá¸áááš
áááŻá¸ááášáąáĄáŹáášáťááášáąáᏠááášá¸ááŻááášááşáŹá¸ááŽáááŻá áĄá áźáášá¸ááŻááš ááááłá¸ááášá¸áĄáŹá¸ááŻáášááźáŹá¸áááš áá˝áášáˇ
ááášá¸ááŻááášááşáŹá¸ áąáĄáŹáášáťááášáááš ááśáŻáąááŹáášáąáᏠááášá¸áťáá ášááşáŹá¸ááᯠááźá˛áąáááášáá˝áášááźáŹá¸áááš
MYTCL á áąááŤáášá¸á ᯠá áŽááśááášáááźá˛áá á áá ášáĄáŹá¸ áąááŹáášááźáášáá˝ ááááłá¸áááŻáášááŹá¸áąáᏠáĄááá áąááŹáˇááşááš (á) ááşááš áá˝áááŤááášá ááášá¸áááŻááá˝áŹ
áąáá¸ááášá¸ááśáŻáťááśáł áąáᏠááŻáá áš áášá¸ááźááš áá ášáááš áá˝áášáˇ áąáá¸ááášá¸ááśáŻáťááśáłáąáᏠááŻáá áš áášá¸á áá ášááşáŹá¸ áĄáŹá¸ ááśá ᡠááŻá¸ áąáá¸áťááášá¸áťááášáˇ
áťááášáá°áááŻááááşáášá¸ááŹáąáá¸áá˝áášáˇ áąáá¸ááášá¸ááśáŻáťááśáłáąáá¸ááᯠááŹááźááš áąá áŹáášáˇáąáá˝áŹáášááášá
(á) (á)
áĽááąááąááŹáášáĄááźáášá¸áá˝ ááŻáášááášá¸ááŻáášáááŻáášáťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áťááášáá°ááŻáááĄáŹá¸ áąááŤáášá¸á áŻá áŽááśááášáááźá˛áá á áá ášá ááŹááášááá˝ ááááᯠáááá˝áááŹá¸áááš áá˝áášáˇ ááášá¸áááŻááĄáŹá¸ ááášáááŻá ááášááśáŻ ááášáááŻáášáááš áááŻááĄáŹá¸ áĄáąááĄááşáŹ ááŻáášáąááŹáášááŹá¸áťááášá¸
Sustainability Report
| 37
MYTCL áąááŤáášá¸á ᯠá áŽááśááášáááźá˛ááá áá ášá áá (á ) áááš
ááááááášáá˝áášáˇááááŤá Our Integrated Management Policy (IMP) commitments demonstrate our commitment to improving the workplace quality, health, safety and environmental performance at MYTCL. It is implemented and directed by the General Manager IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION áĄáąááŹáášáĄááášáąááŹášáťááášá¸áá˝áášáˇááŻáášááášá¸ááášááášáťááášá¸ Effective implementation will ensure that quality, health, safety, and environment focus is maintained on critical activities ensuring: PLANNING / á áŽááśááşááš
Quality assurance, safety and environmental objectives and targets will be determined for each safety and environmental issue by the relevant Department Superintendents, Supervisors and the safety and environmental representatives. MYTCL shall ensure that quality objectives, including those needed to meet requirements for product are established at relevant functions and levels within the organisation. To ensure that it is effective, the planning process at each level of the business takes into consideration: ⢠identification, access and communication of legal and company requirements; and ⢠setting challenging improvement targets and objectives, developing and maintaining IMS improvement plans with clearly defined actions, allocation of responsibilities and completion dates. Plans are developed annually, including agreed objectives and targets. These objectives and targets are reviewed quarterly and tracked in monthly reports.
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⢠responsibilities and accountabilities are in place and understood at each level of the business, in line with our IMS policy commitments; ⢠our people are training to complete the tasks associated with their jobs competently; ⢠effective communication and consultation mechanisms are in place; ⢠reporting of business activities is in place, including the tracking of key indicators and initiatives; ⢠effective identification, assessment and control of workplace health, safety and environmental hazards and their associated risk; ⢠control of documentation to maintain its relevance and regular review; and ⢠emergency situations are identified and controlled appropriately.
Managing Safety
MONITOR AND MEASURE / áąá áŹáášáˇáááášáˇá á ášáąáá¸áťááášá¸áá˝áášáˇá áŽááśáąááŹááááźáášáťááášá¸ By measuring, monitoring and evaluating IMS performance, MYTCL is able to take preventative or corrective action to improve performance, including:
⢠Health assessment and management of appropriate records. MYTCL is increasingly focusing on the fitness and wellbeing of its workforce. As part of this commitment, MYTCL has developed both a Philanthropic Health Care Program through the Mobile Medical Team, as well as inclusive health care opportunities provided to direct family members of employees. A focus on HIV and Hepatitis has also been implemented at every level of employee, from casual labourer to contract employee. ⢠Auditing of our systems and tracking of actions to address non compliances identified. External auditors inspect MYTCL operations on a cyclical basis to ensure compliance with the IMS Standards, to identify any systemic deficiencies and compliance issues. Internal certified auditors follow the same guidelines as external auditors to identify areas of opportunity on a quarterly basis. 6 site-based and Yangon office internal/external audits were conducted during the year to December 31st 2014. Recommendations from these audits are reviewed, actions developed, assigned to applicable personnel; time framed and monitored to completion. ⢠Injury/incident reporting, recording , investigation and corrective actions â to find out what caused the incident and provide an insight to what trends are commonly occurring and need to be addressed. By collecting and reviewing this data our safety teams are concentrating on developing initiatives to eliminate these and other causes.
MANAGEMENT REVIEW / á áŽááśááášááá˛áźáťááášá¸áááŻá áá á ášááśáŻá¸ááášáťááášá¸ All parts of MYTCL are required to undertake regular reviews of performance to improve the IMS management system as part of continuously improving IMS performance. MYTCL constantly reviews its health and safety performance to ensure it continues to improve across the business, including performance against leading and lagging indicators. Additionally, reviews of the management system audit outcomes are completed to ensure compliance standards are met. â˘
MYTCLâs safety performance is afforded the highest priority through formal reporting to the Board of Directors.
The IMS Committee reviews the adequacy of management systems and performance, ensures that appropriate improvement targets and benchmarks are in operation and monitors potential liabilities, changes in legislation, community expectations, research findings and technological changes. Remedial actions are instigated to ensure targets are kept on track if performance to target falls below the expected requirement. This ensures that MYTCL as an organisation is continually improving our company processes and systems.
áąááŤáášá¸á áŻá áŽááśááášáááźá˛ááá áá áš áąááŹášáááŽáááš á áŽááśááášáááźá˛áá á áá ášááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ á áźáášá¸áąááŹáášááášááŻááá áťááášáˇááá áĄáááŻáášá¸áĄááŹááᯠá áá á ášááśáŻá¸ááášáááŤááášá áááŻááá˝áᏠááášáˇááášáˇáąáᏠááŻáášááášá¸ááŻáá¸ááášáá ááášáá˝áášá¸ ááášáá˝áášááşááš áá˝áášáˇ ááŻáášááášá¸ááášááášáá á áśáĄáá˝ááš ááá˝ááááŻáášááŤááášá ááŻáááĄáťáááš áťáá ášáááŻááš áąáťááá˝ááąáᏠááášááŻáášááášáááŻá¸ááşáŹá¸á áĽááąááťáááŹáášá¸áá áĄáąáťááŹáášá¸áĄáá˛ááşáŹá¸á áá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸áááŻáá áąáá˝áşáŹášáá˝áášá¸ááŹá¸ááşáášááşáŹá¸á ááŻáąááááťááł áąááźáááá˝ ááşááš áá˝áášáˇ ááášá¸áááŹáááŻáášá¸áááŻáášáᏠáąáťááŹáášá¸áá˛áťááášá¸ááşáŹá¸áááŻááášá¸ áąá áŹáášáˇáááášáˇ á á ášáąáá¸ááźáŹá¸áááŤááášá ááášáá˝áášá¸ááášáá˝áášááşáášá áźáášá¸áąááŹáášááášáááš áąáá˝áşáŹášááášáˇááŹá¸ááášáˇ ááŻááĄáášááşáášáááš áąáá˝áşáŹáˇááş á áźáášá¸áąááŹááš ááŹá¸ááŤáá˝áşááš ááášáá˝áášááŹá¸ áąáᏠááášá¸áąážááŹáášá¸áąááŹáášáááŻá áąááŹáášááźáŹá¸áąáĄáŹááš áťááłáťááášáąáá¸á áźáášá¸ áááŻáášááášááşáŹá¸ááᯠáááśááąááŹášáąáá¸ááźáŹá¸áááŤááášá á¤áááŻááĄáŹá¸áťááášáˇ MYTCL áááš áĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ áá ášááŻáĄáąááá˝áášáˇ áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸ ááŻáá¸ááŽá ááŻáášááášá¸á áĽášááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ á áá ášááşáŹá¸ááᯠáĄááášááťáááš áááŻá¸ááášááźáŹá¸áąááąá ááŤááášá
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MYTCLâs INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT POLICY - IMP While MYTCLâs safety record continues to improve in process year after year, there is considerable work still required to achieve our ambition of zero harm across all our operations. MYTCL management is held accountable for safety performance and all employees are expected to take personal responsibility and be involved in setting and complying with our standards and instigating improvement initiatives. Under the direction of the General Manager, MYTCL will continue the drive to achieve zero harm across all of our operating sites and work locations by: ⢠complying with the laws, regulations and MYTCL operational policies and standards; ⢠establishing measurable objectives and targets, recognise and celebrate their achievement; ⢠identifying, assessing and controlling hazards and impacts, and eliminate or reduce the risk to an acceptable level; ⢠informing employees, contractors, visitors and the public of these hazards and impacts that may cause potential harm to them; our business and/or our environment; ⢠identifying, implementing, monitoring and reinforcing the safe behaviours we expect in our business to eliminate unsafe acts and practices; ⢠providing appropriate workplace health, safety and environmental training to employees and contractors; ⢠investigating incidents and sharing the learningâs with applicable stakeholders to prevent re-occurrences; and ⢠consulting and communicating with employees to continually improve the workplace health, safety and environmental performance in our workplaces. These are the IMP commitments and establish the foundations of the IMS. In 2015-16 a new voluntary ISO guidance standard will be introduced to MYTCL, ISO 26000: Global Guidance Standard on Social Responsibility. This standard will also adhere to the IMS and enhance the external stakeholder activities for MYTCL and its operations.
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Managing Safety
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MANAGING SAFETY Since April 22, 2003, an Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSMS) based on the AS/NZS 4801:2001 standard was introduced at S&K project and replaced with OHSAS 18001:2007 standard on 25th July 2012. This implementation effectively assists in international and national legal requirements, while committing to sustained improvement in OHS performance. In September of 2013 recertification of OHSAS 18001:2007 was accomplished and auditing structures established until 2016. Personnel are MYTCL’s greatest asset, and occupational health and safety risks associated with MYTCL’s activities are constantly encouraged to be reduced and effectively managed. MYTCL believes that all injuries and occupational illnesses are preventable and places heavy emphasis on hazard identification, risk assessment and hazard control. Procedures for Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) were developed and implemented based on the AS/NZS-4360 standard, and updated to the ISO 31000:2009 framework.
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KPI with Key Performance Indicators Risks are evaluated and registered within each department, as well as for the entire operation. Identified risks have been controlled through a preferred order of control methods commonly referred to as a hierarchy. Safety objectives and targets have been established, based on the risk ranking, and detailed management programs for achieving those objectives and targets also have been developed.
Continuing through 2015-16 there will be an even greater emphasis on how risk management should be implemented, measured and integrated throughout MYTCL with the establishment and continuous improvement of the MYTCL Risk Management Framework Design (see graphics). The Principles, Framework and Process Management of the ISO 31000 processes ensure that information about risk, derived from the risk management process, is adequately reported and used as a basis for decision making and accountability at all relevant levels within the MYTCL organisation.
Managing Safety
áĄáááá áźáášá¸áąááŹáášáááš áĄáááášá¸áááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áąáá¸ááášá¸ááśáŻáťááśáłááááᯠá áŽááśááášáááźá˛áťááášá¸ AS/NZS 4801:2001 á áśááşááášá áśáááášá¸ááᯠáĄáąáťáááśááŹá¸áąáᏠááŻáášááášá¸ááźáášáááŻáášáᏠááşáášá¸ááŹáąáḠáá˝áášáˇ áąáá¸áĄáá˛ááŹááš ááášá¸áá˝áášá¸áąáḠá áŽááśááášáááźá˛ááá áá áš (OHSMS) ááᯠá áśááášáąááŹáášá áąážáá¸á áášáąááŹááš á áŽááśáááášá¸ (S&K Project) á áááá ááŻáá˝á áš á§áżááŽá (áá) áąáááá˝ á ááášá ááááŤáášá¸ááşááłá¸áá˛áˇáżááŽá¸ áááá ááŻáá˝á áš áá°ááŻááášá (áá ) ááášáąáá ááźááš OHSAS 18001:2007 á áśááşááášá áśáááášá¸áťááášáˇ áĄá áŹá¸ááŻáḠáĄááśáŻá¸ áťááłáá˛áˇááŤááášá ááŻáášááášá¸ááźáášáááŻáášáᏠááşáášá¸ááŹáąáḠáá˝áášáˇ áąáá¸áĄáá˛ááŹááš ááášá¸áá˝áášá¸áąáḠá áźáášá¸áąááŹáášáááš (OHS Performance) áĄáŹá¸ áąááá˝áášáááŻá¸ááášááááᯠáááášá¸ááŹá¸áááŻáášáááš ááááááášáťááłááŹááźáᚠᤠáĄáąááŹáášáĄáááš áąááŹášáąááŹáášááááášáˇ áĄáťááášáťáááš áááŻáášáᏠáá˝áášáˇ áĄááşááłá¸ááŹá¸áąáḠáááŹá¸áááš áááŻáĄáášááşáášááşáŹá¸ááᯠáááááąááŹáášáąááŹááš áĄáąááŹáášáĄáá° áťáá ášááŤááášá OHSAS á áśááşáááš á áśáááášá¸áĄáŹá¸ áááá ááŻáá˝á áš á áášááá¤áŹá ááźááš áťááášááášáĄáááĄáá˝áášáťááłááášáˇ áá˝áášááášá¸áťááłááŻáášáťááášá¸ áąáĄáŹáášáťááášá áźáŹ áżááŽá¸á áŽá¸áá˛áˇáżááŽá¸ áááá ááŻáá˝á ášááŻááášáąáĄáŹááš áĄáá˛áťááášááŻáášááášá¸ áĄáąááĄááŹá¸ááᯠááášáąááŹáášááŹá¸áá˛áˇáżááŽá¸ áťáá ášááŤááášá
áá˝áźáášáąááŹášáááŻáá áĄáááŽá¸ááŹá¸ááśáŻá¸áąáᏠáááŻáášáááŻáášáááťáá ášááášáˇ áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸á áťááášáá°ááşáŹá¸ááᯠáĄáąáá¸ááŹá¸áťááášá¸ áĄáá°ááášá¸ááşáŹá¸áááš MYTCL á áĄáąáá¸ááŤááśáŻá¸áąáᏠáááŻáášáááŻáášáááťáá ášááŤááášá MYTCL ááŻáášáąááŹáášááááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááášááźáášáąáᏠáĄáá˛ááŹáášáá˝áááášáˇ ááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸á ááŻáášááášá¸ááźááš ááşáášá¸ááŹáąáḠáá˝áášáˇ áąáá¸áĄáá˛ááŹááš ááášá¸áá˝áášá¸áąáḠáááŻáááᯠáąááşáŹáˇááášá¸áąá áááš áá˝áášáˇ áááąááŹáášá áźáŹ á áŽááśáąááŹáášááźáášáááŻáášáááš áá˝áášáá˝áášááźáášá¸áĄáŹá¸áąáḠáááŤááášá áááááŻáášáĄááŹáá áťáá ášáááá˝áášáˇ ááŻááš ááášá¸ááźáášáĄááźáášá¸ ááşáŹá¸ááŹáááááŻááááš ááááłááášááŹááźááš ááŹá¸áááŻáášáááŻá áąáá¸áĄáá˛ááŹáášááᯠááźá˛áťááŹá¸áąááŹášááŻáášáťááášá¸á áĄáá˛ááŹáášáá˝á áąáᏠááŻáášááášá¸ ááşáŹá¸ááᯠááášá¸á á ášáťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áááášá¸ááşáłáášáťááášá¸ á ááášááŻáááĄáąááááášá¸ áĄáąáá¸ááŹá¸áááášááᯠáá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸ ááśáŻ ážáááš ááášááś ááŤááášá áĄáá˛ááŹáášááᯠááźá˛áťááŹá¸áąááŹášááŻáášáťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áĄáá˛ááŹáášáá˝ááąáᏠááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ááᯠááášá¸á á ášáťááášá¸ (HIRA) áááŻáá ááŻáášááášá¸á áĽáš ááŻáááááš AS/NZS 4360 á áśááşááášá áśáááášá¸áĄáŹá¸ áąááášáá˝áášáˇáĄáᎠááźáášá¸ááśááŹá¸áżááŽá¸áąáᏠISO 31000:2009 áá°áąááŹááš áĄáąáá áĄáąáťáááśá ááźáśááżáááłá¸áááŻá¸ááášááźáŹá¸áááš áĄáąááŹáášáĄááášáąááŹáš áąááŹáášááźáášáá˛áˇááŤááášá áĄáá˛ááŹáášáá˝ááąáᏠááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ááᯠááŹá áá ášááŻááşáášá¸á ᎠáĄáááŻááš áá˝áášááášá¸áá˝áášáᏠáťááłááŻáášááŹá¸áżááŽá¸ ááášáááŻá¸ááşáášáˇááźááš áąááŹáášááźáášááŹá¸áááŻá ááŻáášááášá¸áááŽá¸ áá ášááŻááśáŻá¸ áĄááźáášááášá¸ ááŻáášáąááŹáášááŹá¸ááŤááášá ááźá˛áťááŹá¸áąááŹášááŻáášááŹá¸áąáᏠáĄáá˛ááŹáášáá˝ááąáᏠááŻáášááášá¸ ááşáŹá¸ááᯠáĄá áŽáĄá áĽášáĄááŻáááš áááášá¸ááşáłáášááášáˇ ááášá¸á áĽášáĄáááŻáášá¸ ááášáˇáąááŹášáąáᏠáááášá¸ááşáłáášáĄá áŽáĄá áĽášááşáŹá¸ ááŻáášáąááŹáášááŹá¸áżááŽá¸ áťáá ášááŤááášá áąáá¸áĄáá˛ááŹááš ááášá¸áá˝áášá¸áąáḠááášáá˝áášá¸ááşááš áá˝áášáˇ ááášáá˝áášááşááš ááşáŹá¸ááᯠáĄáąáá¸á áááš á áŽááśááášáááźá˛áá áĄá áŽáĄá áĽáš áá˝áášáˇ áĄáá˛ááŹáášáá˝ááąáᏠááŻáášááášá¸ áĄááášáˇááášáˇááŻáá áĄáąáťáááśá ááášáąááŹáášááŹá¸áżááŽá¸ ááźáśááżáááłá¸áááŻá¸ááášááááşáŹá¸ááášá¸ ááá˝áááŹá¸áżááŽá¸ áťáá ášááŤááášá áááá -áá áá˝á ášááşáŹá¸ááźáášááášá¸ ááášááášáżááŽá¸ MYTCL á áĄáá˛ááŹááš á áŽááśááášáááźá˛áá áá°áąááŹáášááŽáááŻáášá¸ (ááśáŻááźáášážááášááŤ) áĄáŹá¸ á áĽáš ááášááťáááš áááŻá¸ááášáąáĄáŹááš ááášáąááŹáášááŹá¸á MYTCL ááŻáášááášá¸áá áš áąááşáŹáášááśáŻá¸ áĄáá˛ááŹááš á áŽááśááášáááźá˛ááááᯠááášáááŻá ááášááśáŻ áĄáąááŹáášáĄáááš áąááŹášáťááášá¸á áĄááŻááášá¸áĄááŹááᯠá áŽááś áąááŹáášááźáášáťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áąááŤáášá¸á ᯠáąáá¸áťááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áĄáąáá áĄááźá˛ááŽáᎠáĄáá°á¸ áĄáąáá¸áąáḠááŻáášááášá¸áá ášáááš áĄáťáá áš áąááŹáášááźáášááźáŹá¸ááŤááášá ISO 31000 ááŻáášááášá¸á áĽášááşáŹá¸á á áášá¸ááşáĽášá¸á áášá¸ááášá¸ááşáŹá¸á áá°áąááŹááš áá˝áášáˇ ááŻáášááášá¸á áĽáš á áŽááśááášáááźá˛ááááşáŹá¸áááš áĄáá˛ááŹáášáá˝áášáˇáááŻáášáąáᏠáááášá¸ áĄááşáášáĄááášááşáŹá¸á áĄáá˛ááŹááš áá˝ááąáᏠááŻáášááášá¸ á áŽááśááášáááźá˛áá ááášá¸á áĽášááşáŹá¸áĄáŹá¸ áťááášáˇáťááášáˇá áśáŻá áśáŻ áĄá áŽááášááś ááášáťááąáá¸áżááŽá¸ MYTCL áĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ áĄááźáášá¸áá˝á ááášáááŻáášáąáᏠááŻáášááášá¸áĄááášáˇ áĄáŹá¸ááśáŻá¸ááźááš ááŹááášáá˝áááá ááśáŻá¸áťááášááşááš ááşáá˝áášáťááášá¸áááŻááĄááźááš áĄáąáťáááśáá áá ášááášáĄáťáá áš áĄááśáŻá¸áťááłááźáŹá¸ ááŤááášá
Sustainability Report
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The Risk Management Framework and Design The framework design takes into account: â˘
Understanding of the organisationâs activities and its context;
Establishing a risk management policy;
Defining accountabilities;
Integration into organisational processes;
Provision of adequate resources to maintain the framework; and
Establishing internal and external communication and reporting mechanisms.
Each area of the Risk Management Framework and Design follow the international Deming Cycle, or most commonly known as the PDCA Cycle. This continuous systematic approach to improvement allows for review and consultation throughout the processes. It also establishes the opportunity for growth and change in areas where new policies or performance mechanisms are implemented.
Principles for Managing Risk
Creates value
Integral part of organisational
Framework for Managing Risk
Mandate and commitment
process â˘
Part of decision making
Explicitly addresses uncertainty
Systematic, structured and timely
Design of framework for managing risk
Based on the best available information
Takes human and cultural factors into account
Transparent and inclusive
Dynamic, iterative and
Continual improvement of the framework
Implementing risk management
responsive to change â˘
Facilitates continual improvement and enhancement of MYTCL
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Monitoring and review of the framework
Managing Safety
áąáá¸áĄáá˛ááŹáášá áŽááśááášááá˛áźáááá°áąááŹáášáá˝áášáˇááŽáááŻáášá¸ áá°áąááŹáášááŽáááŻáášá¸ááźááš áąáĄáŹáášááŤááŻáá ááášáˇááźáášá¸ááźáášááşáášáááŤááášá â˘
áĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸á ááŻáášáąááŹáášááşáášááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááášá áášááášáˇ áĄáąáťááĄáąáááşáŹá¸ááᯠááááŹá¸áááš ááŹá¸áááš
áąáá¸áĄáá˛ááŹááš á áŽááśááášáááźá˛áá áá°ááŤááá ášááášááᯠááşáá˝áášááŹá¸áááš
áĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸á ááŻáášááášá¸á áĽášááşáŹá¸ááᯠáąááŤáášá¸á áŻááŹá¸áááš
áá°áąááŹáášááᯠáááášá¸ááŹá¸áááš ááśáŻáąááŹáášáąáᏠááášá¸áťáá ášááşáŹá¸ááᯠáąááŹáášááśáˇáąáá¸áááš
ááŹáááźáášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áťááášááááŻá áá°á¸áá°á¸ááášááźáášáťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áĄá áŽááášááśááášáťááťááášá¸ ááŻáášááśáŻá¸ááŻáášááášá¸ ááşáŹá¸ááᯠááşáá˝áášááŹá¸áááš
áąáá¸áĄáá˛ááŹááš á áŽááśááášáááźá˛áá áá°áąááŹááš áá˝áášáˇ ááŽáááŻáášá¸ááśáŻá áśá ááŻáášááášá¸á§ááááŹááŻááášá¸áááš áĄáťááášáťááášáááŻáášáᏠá áŽá¸ááźáŹá¸áąáḠááŻáášááášá¸á áĽášááşáŹá¸á ááśáááŹá áášáááŻáášá¸ (PDCA áᯠáĄááşáŹá¸ááśáŻá¸ ááááŹá¸áąááŹ) ááśáŻá áśáĄááŻááášá¸ ááŻááášááŹážááááŤááášá ᤠá áĽášááášááťáááš á áá ášáááş áááŻá¸ááášáááš ááŻáášáąááŹáášááşáášáááš ááŻáášááášá¸á áĽáš ááąááşáŹáášá áŽá á ášááśáŻá¸ááášáťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áááááááášá¸áąááźá¸áąááźá¸áťááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áťááłááŻáášááźáŹá¸áááŤááášá áá°ááŤááá ášááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ á áźáášá¸áąááŹáášáááš ááŻáášááśáŻá¸ááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ááᯠáĄáąááŹáášáĄááášáąááŹášááááˇáš ááŻáášááášá¸áąáááŹááşáŹá¸ááźááš áááŻá¸ááášáąáťááŹáášá¸áá˛áááš áĄááźáášáˇáĄááášá¸áááŻááášá¸ ááşáá˝áášáąáá¸áááŤááášá
Process for Managing Risk
Establish the Context
Indentify Risks
Monitor & Review
Analyse Risks
Communicate & Consult
Evaluate Risks
Treat Risks
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ENHANCED RISK MANAGMENT The ISO 31000 standard was introduced in 2014 to critically review, align and improve our existing practices of enhanced risk management in all areas of operations. The most primary and critical area where risk is involved is within Safety Management. The key attributes of this standard outline a high level of performance expectations for MYTCL in managing all risk. The key attributes are:
Continual Improvement: through the setting of performance goals against which the MYTCL organisation or its managers are measured;
Full Accountability of Tasks: designated individuals fully accept accountability, are appropriately skilled and have adequate resources to check controls, monitor risks, improve controls and communicate effectively about risks;
Risk Management Application in all Decision Making: no matter the level of importance or significance, explicit consideration of risks and risk management needs to take place;
Continual Communications: contact with internal and external stakeholders including the frequent reporting of risk management performance;
Full Integration with the MYTCL Organisationâs Governance Structure: the MYTCL organisationâs governance structure and process is based on the management of risk.
THE MYTCL SAFETY CYCLE ⢠Establish the objectives ⢠Plan processes ⢠Corrective actions ⢠Analyse the differences
⢠Implement the plan ⢠Execute the process ⢠Study the actual results ⢠Compare against the expected results
MYTCL Safety Culture Slogan
Safety First â Job Second 46 | Sustainability Report
Managing Safety
Document Workflow of IMS Occupational Health & Safety Management System OHSMS
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is the primary risk assessment and management technique used for all operational activities. Task-list development, job-safety analysis and risk assessment are performed within a teambased environment.
The Departmental Management Plan (DMP) for each department are also continually reviewed and revised to comply with the latest developments within each department.
Personnel involved in operations must be competent to perform tasks that may impact occupational health and safety in the workplace. MYTCL has therefore established education, training and awareness schemes to ensure that all personnel have the necessary capabilities and skills to perform their tasks safely.
Health and safety competency assessments, including identification of hazards, risk assessments, and the elements of operational control and emergency response are conducted with each employee to ensure that health and safety risks are controlled to prevent harm from occurring. Contractors and temporary employees make up a large portion of MYTCLâs workforce, especially in project activities. We recognise that the temporary operators and workers may be more at risk of injuring themselves where they are unfamiliar with MYTCLâs operations, and are undertaking non-routine tasks. Therefore, a focus of our efforts is devoted to the establishment of safe work practices focusing on contractors and temporary employees. A standard procedure was developed for incident reporting and investigation with the aim of preventing recurrence within our organisation. Incidents also are classified and analysed for common trends for proactive safety measures to be implemented.
The OHSAS 18001 standard provides MYTCL with the elements of an effective OHSMS that can be integrated with other management requirements and help the organisation achieve better occupational health and safety performance and economic objectives.
ISO 31000
OHSAS 18001
ISO 14001 & ISO 9001
IMPs Emergency Major Incident Plan
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KPI Key Performance Indicators
The most common KPI of any company is that of employee injury and of lost time, equipment damage and loss of production.
In 2014 MYTCL began the reporting of activities and metrics that are within the IMS System, but that had not been extracted into a unit of measure to be compared to year after year. Additional safety related KPI were established, and an order of monitoring communicated to all Heads of Departments in order to track changes, and in turn modify or revisit programs that required more attention.
Internal departmental tracking of employee error in PPE management, and of unsafe working practices are now being measured and monitored utilising a KPI methodology to raise safety awareness and reduce injury or safety risks.
Toolbox Talks and Safety Topics are being recorded and now reported with the intention to improve year after year and to ensure that the cycle of relevant information is current with the on-going mining activities.
Safety Meetings and Audits are being increased due to the KPI implementation.
Within the Safety Planning for 2015-16 there will be KPI performance indicators established within each department to account for their performance not only on production, but also on how safely their performance was managed.
The Community & Social Development Team (CSD) will also be utilising the KPI method to ensure that a precise Grievance Mechanism is implemented in accordance with community and pubic consultation guidelines of MYTCL. This KPI will hold great importance by sustaining the transparency and effectiveness of MYTCLâs safety programs for villages and neighbours.
Human Resources oriented KPI will be established in 2015-16 such as Casual Labourer durations within departments, overtime and fatigue management, and the ever important management of training employees for future promotions and the generation of a sustainable and safety oriented workforce within MYTCL.
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Managing Safety
á áźáášá¸áąááŹáášáááš áĄáááášá¸áááášá¸áąááŹáˇááşáášááşáŹá¸ - KPI ááŻáá¸ááŽááşáŹá¸á áĄááşáŹá¸ááśáŻá¸áąááźááááášáˇ á áźáášá¸áąááŹáášáááš áĄáááášá¸áááášá¸áąááŹáˇááşáášáááš ááášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ááźááš áááááŻáášáĄááŹáá ááá˝ááťááášá¸áá˝áášáˇ áĄááŻáášááşááášááśáŻá¸áááśá¸áťááášá¸á áá áĽáášá¸ááşáášá áŽá¸ ááśáŻá¸áááśá¸áťááášá¸áá˝áášáˇ ááŻáášááŻáášá áááśáŻá¸áááśá¸áťááášá¸ áááŻááťáá ášááŤááášááááá ááŻáá˝á ášááźááš MYTCL áááš áąááŤáášá¸á áŻá áŽááśááášáááźá˛ááá áá áš áĄááźáášá¸áá˝á ááŻáášáąááŹáášááşáášááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááášááá ášááşáŹá¸ (metrics) ááşáŹá¸áĄáŹá¸ áĄá áŽááášááś áťááášá¸ááᯠá ááášááŻáášáąááŹáášáá˛áˇááŤááášá áááŻáąááŹášááášá¸ ááášá¸áááš áá˝á ášá áĽáš áá˝á ášáááŻáášá¸ ááááášá¸áá˝áĽášááźáŹá¸áááš ááŻááášá¸ááŹáąááŹáášááźááš
Safety Work Instruction Delivered
Fire & Evacuation Exercises
Safety Meetings Conducted
Site-wide Audits Conducted
Safety Violations Issued
Tool-Box Talks Conducted
4 internal 2 external
Yangon Audits Conducted
Safety Incidents Recorded
Safety Topics Conducted
4 internal 2 external
ááášáˇ áá°áá ášáá ášááŻáĄáťáá áš ááŻáášáááášááŹá¸áťááášá¸áááŻáášááŤá ááŻáááĄáťáááš KPI áá˝áášáˇá áášááşáĽášá¸ááąáá¸ááášá¸ááśáŻáťááśáłááááᯠááşáá˝ááš áááš áąááŹááš ááŹá¸áżááŽá¸ áĄáá°á¸áĄáąáá¸ááŹá¸áááš ááŻááĄáášáąáᏠáĄá áŽáĄá áĽášááşáŹá¸ááᯠáťááášááášááŻáášáąááŹááš áťááášá¸á áá ášááşááłá¸áá ášááśáŻ áťááłáťáááš ááźáášá¸ááśáťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááŻáášáąááŹááš áąááááˇáš ááášá¸áąážááŹáášá¸ áĄáąáťááŹáášá¸áĄáᲠáťááłááŻááš áááŻáášááąááąáĄáŹááš ááŹááá˝á´á¸ááşáŹá¸ áĄáŹá¸ááśáŻá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áá°á¸áá°á¸ ááášááźáášáżááŽá¸ áąá áŹáášáˇážáááˇášá á ášáąáá¸ááášáˇ áĄá áŽáĄá áĽáš áááášáááŻááášá¸ ááşáá˝áášáááŤááášá
Sustainability Report
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LOST TIME INJURY FREQUENCY RATES (LTIFR) Worker Safety is the primary KPI where achievements and improvements are measured and monitored. In order to have some measure to compare the MYTCL mining operations safety performance to, we have chosen to utilise the averages from the Australian Workersâ Compensation Board. Annually this board publishes the countryâs performance by industry. Comparing our targets and averages against those of Australia gives this KPI value and weight when it comes to judging safety performance at MYTCL. The metric of Lost-Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) is the standard KPI used, and a target of 1.0 has been set by MYTCL for 2014, while 2015 will see a target of <0.9 to move the target in line with the zero-incident goal. DEFINITION OF LOST-TIME INJURY
Industry Standard Average
A lost-time injury is defined as an occurrence that resulted in a fatality, permanent disability or time lost from work of one day/shift or more. This definition comes from the Australian standard: Workplace Injury and Disease Recording Standard (Australian Standard 1885.1â 1990), published by Standards Australia.
The Workplace Injury and Disease Recording Standard was developed to provide individual workplaces with a guide on how to establish an inexpensive and easy to use method of recording information on work injury and disease. The availability of usable and reliable occupational health and safety data is seen as essential by employers, trade unions and industry associations for the development, monitoring and evaluation of appropriate preventive strategies designed to improve the health and safety of the working population.
The Standard has been developed to satisfy the following objectives:
(a) To provide information on the nature and extent of occupational injury and disease at the workplace.
(b) To provide a comprehensive set of data for the management of occupational health and safety at the workplace and enterprise level. (c) To assist in the efficient allocation of resources. (d) To identify appropriate preventive strategies. (e) To provide data to monitor the effectiveness of preventive strategies.
CALCULATION OF LOST-TIME INJURY FREQUENCY RATES (LTIFR) Lost-time injury frequency rates are the number of lost-time injuries within a given accounting period relative to the total number of hours worked in the same accounting period. This is calculated as follows and results in a measure of the number of lost-time injuries per hour worked during the accounting period:
Number of lost time injuries in accounting period: 1st Jan 2014 to 31st Dec 2014 = 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- x 1,000,000 Total hours worked in accounting period: 1st Jan 2014 to 31st Dec 2014 = 10,988,832
The number of lost-time injuries per hour worked is always a very small number. Therefore, for ease of interpretation, a multiplier of 1 million is used and LTIFRs are reported as the number of lost-time injuries per million hours worked. This is calculated as follows:
50 | Sustainability Report
Managing Safety
1 ------------------------------ Ä&#x2014; 1 000 000 = 0.09100 (0.09) 10,988,832
Worked Hrs.
Dec-14 Total
For The 2014 year there was a steep increase of employees, MYTCL contractors and outside developers on the MYTCL lease, Actual Rank working on a variety of projects not normally within the MYTCL procedures. Areas of potential risk 0.09 LTIFR were in construction phases with more than 4 overseas contracts in process, while 20 local earthmoving contractors were utilised in mine expansion developments and project works. Despite this increase in both working hours and likelihood of potentially elevated risk due to inexperienced employees from outside and new employees on site, MYTCL managed a remarkable decrease in LTIFR, attaining the second lowest injury statistic in recorded history of the S&K Project. The only other lower figure occurred during the hand-over year and sale of the company when the mine managed a low profile of employee engagement and also experienced minimal production in the year 2011.
Historical Loss To Injury Frequency Rate - LTIFR 4.0 3.5 3.0
Metal Ore Mining Industry Average 3.4 (Australia)
Company Target <1.0
1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Series1
Jan-Dec 2011 0.00
Jan-Dec 2012 0.61
Jan-Dec 2013 0.93
Jan-Dec 2014 0.09
The Company achieved the target of less than 1.0, and was also below the industry standard of 3.4, and a Mining Services rate of 8.4 (construction, contractors etc.).
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52 | Sustainability Report
Managing Safety
áĄááŻáášááşááášááŹááŽáá ášááášá¸ááźáášáĄááŻáášááşááášááśáŻá¸ááśáá¸áááťáá ášáąá ááášáˇ ááááŻááášááášáᏠááá˝áááááááášáá˝áłáášá¸ (LTIFR) áąáĄáŹáášáťááášáááá˝áášáˇ áááŻá¸ááášááááᯠáąá áŹáášáˇážááášáˇá á ášáąáá¸á áááŻáášá¸ááŹá áá á ášááŹááźááš ááŻáášááŹá¸á áąáá¸ááášá¸ááśáŻáťááśáłáá áááš áĄááá ááş áąáᏠá áźáášá¸áąááŹáášáááš áĄáááášá¸áááášá¸áąááŹáˇááşááš (KPI) áťáá ášááŤááášá MYTCL á áááąáł áá°á¸áąááŹáš ááŻáášááŻáášáąáḠááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸á áąáá¸ááášá¸ ááśáŻáťááśáłáá á áźáášá¸áąááŹáášááášááᯠááááášá¸áá˝áĽášáááš áá ášááşááłááąáᏠá áŽááśáąááŹáášááźáášááşááš áĄáááŻáášá¸áĄááŹááşáŹá¸ áá˝áááąááąáĄáŹááš áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸áááš ážáá áąáá¸áá˝áş áĄááŻáášáááŹá¸ááşáŹá¸ áąááşáŹášáąážáá¸ááŻáášáĄááźá˛á (Australian Workersâ Compensation Board) á ááášáá˝áášááşáášááşáŹá¸áá˝ ááşáášá¸áá˝áş áááŹáááš áąááźá¸ááşááš áááŤááášá á¤ááŻáášáĄááźá˛ááááš áťááášááźáášá¸ á áášááśáŻááşáŹá¸á á áźáášá¸ áąááŹáášááášááᯠáá˝á ášá ἠášááŻáášáąáááŤááášá áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸ MYTCL ááźááš áąáá¸ááášá¸ááśáŻáťááśáłáá á áźáášá¸áąááŹáášááášááᯠááşáášáˇááźáášáááš áťáá ášáąááááŹáąááŹáĄá፠áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸ ááášáá˝áášá¸ááşáášááşáŹá¸ááᯠážáá áąáá¸áá˝áş ááŻáášáĄááźá˛á ááşáášá¸áá˝áşáááŹáááš áąááźá¸ááşáášááŹá¸áááš ááŻáá ááááášá¸áá˝áĽášáżááŽá¸ ᤠá áźáášá¸áąááŹáášáááš áĄáááášá¸áááášá¸ áąááŹáˇááşáášááášáááŻá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áááŹáááᯠááá˝áááŤááášá áĄááŻáášááşáááš ááŹááŽáá ášááášá¸ ááźááš áĄááŻáášááşáááš ááśáŻá¸ááśáá¸áá áťáá ášáąá ááášáˇ ááááŻááášááášáᏠááá˝ááá ááááášáá˝áłáášá¸ (LTIFR) áąážááŹáášáˇ áááášáˇ ááááášáááášá¸ áĄááşááłá¸áĄá áŹá¸ ááášááá ášá áá ášáááš áĄááśáŻá¸áťááłááşáášáá˝ááąáᏠá áźáášá¸áąááŹáášáááš áĄáááášá¸áááášá¸áąááŹáˇááşááš (KPI) á áśáááášá¸áťáá ášááŤááášá áááá ááŻáá˝á áš ááźááš MYTCL áá˝ KPI áĄáááášá¸áááášá¸ááᯠ(á.á) ááášáá˝áášááŹá¸áżááŽá¸ áááá ááŻáá˝á ášááźááš áĄááŻáášáááŹá¸ááášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áĄáŻáášááşáłáášáá° ááşáŹá¸áĄáŹá¸ á ááášáąááááášáˇ áĄáąááťááášáˇ áĄáááášá¸áááášá¸ ááášáá˝áášááşáášááᯠ(0.9) áťááášáąááźáááąáĄáŹááš ááŻáášáąááŹááš ááźáŹá¸ááŤááášá
The documentation and publication of these KPI and other metrics display that MYTCL has committed this report to the open sincerity of its operations, and to the mitigation of impacts on the communities and the environment. Our 2014-15 Sustainability Report also provides the community with a clear picture of the progress and the planning of MYTCL, maintaining an inclusive relationship with our neighbours. This public report exemplifies both social and environmental indicators adopted by MYTCL, as well as the strong development of a working environment that is consistent with our core values in helping our employees to achieve their goals while being trained to work in safe conditions. This strategic booklet exhibits defined evidence that Myanmar Yang Tse Copper Limited is leading the industry in Myanmar in regards to safety, health and environmental impacts. It is with dedication to the people, the future, and the country of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar that MYTCL is proud to present this public transparency of strategies.
ᤠá áźáášá¸áąááŹáášáááš áĄáááášá¸áááášá¸ áąááŹáˇááşááš (KPI) áĄáŹá¸ áá˝áášááášá¸áá˝áášááŹáťááášáˇ ááŻáášáąááťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááášááá ášá áá ášáťááášáˇ ááášá¸ ááşáášá¸ áťáááťááášá¸ ááşáŹá¸áááš MYTCL áĄáąááá˝áášáˇ ááášááášá¸ááşááš áá˝áášáˇ áá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ áĄáąáá ááááŻááášáááŻáášááááşáŹá¸áĄáŹá¸ áąááşáŹáˇ ááášá¸ áąá áááš áá˝áášáˇ ááááááŻáášááášá¸ ááášááášáťááášá¸ááᯠááźáášáˇááášá¸áááŻá¸ááŹá¸á áźáŹáťááášáˇ ᤠáĄá áŽááášááśá áŹááᯠááášáťáá áááááááš áťááłááźáŹá¸ ááŤááášá áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸á áááá-áá ááŻáá˝á áš áĄááşááłá¸áťááł ááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áááášá¸ááŹá¸áááŻáášáá áĄá áŽááášááśá áŹááźááš áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸á áĄááášááŽá¸ ááşáášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áá°á¸áá°á¸ááášááśáá áá ášááášááᯠáááášá¸áááášá¸ááŹá¸áᏠMYTCL á ááŻáá¸ááášáá áá˝áášáˇ áĄá áŽáĄááśááşáŹá¸ááᯠááŻáášááśáŻááŹá¸ááşáášááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ááŻáááĄáŹá¸ áá˝áášá¸áá˝áášá¸ááášá¸ááášá¸ ááášáťáááŹá¸ááŤááášá á¤áá°ááŻááś ááášáťááąáᏠáĄá áŽááášááśá áŹáááš MYTCL áá˝ áąááźá¸ááşáášááŹá¸áąáᏠáá°áááąáá¸áááŻáášáᏠáá˝áášáˇ ááášááášá¸ááşáášáááŻáášáᏠáá˝á ášááşááłá¸ááśáŻá¸á áĄáááášá¸ááąáá¤áááşáŹá¸ áĄáťáá áš ááŹáááťáááŹá¸ ááŤááášá ááŻááťááášááášá¸ áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸ áĄááŻáášáááŹá¸ ááášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ááᯠáąáá¸ááášá¸ááśáŻáťááśáłá áźáŹ áĄááŻáášááŻáášáááš ááášááášá¸áááŻáááşá áááŻáá áąáá˝áşáŹášáá˝áášá¸áąáᏠááášá¸ááŻááášáááŻá áąááŹáášáąáĄáŹááš áĄáá°áĄááŽáąáá¸ááŹááźááš áąááŹáášáˇááášá¸ááŻááášáᏠááźáśááżáááłá¸áąáᏠááŻáášááášá¸ááášá¸ááşááš áá ášááášáĄáťáá áš áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸á áĄááşáášáĄááşáŹ áá ášáááŻá¸ááŹá¸áá áá˝áášáˇ áááŻáášááŽáąáĄáŹááš áąááŹáášááźáášááŹá¸ááŤááášá
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WORKPLACE WELFARE, HEALTH PERFORMANCE & PROGRAMS MYTCL recognises that a sustainable workplace is one that is both safe and rewarding for our employees. In keeping with our current international status as a World-Class Mining Operation, modern technologies expected to improve efficiency and safety, as well as to reduce costs and environmental impacts are actively sought out and implemented through departments such as the Safety and Environment Research Department and from the Operations Management level. MYTCL is fully committed to providing in-depth and comprehensive training programs to assist each and every employee in maximising their own potential, all the while developing alongside the international communities.
Safety and Environment learning, in every area of operations is a ceaseless array of refresher courses and of attaining modern knowledge.
COMMUNICATING TO ENHANCE WORKPLACE WELFARE The key to managing safety at MYTCL is through repetitive and open lines of communication, structured safety topics and support from the Safety & Environment Department to focus on up-to-date safety alerts. Safety meetings are an opportunity for MYTCLâs management and our safety department to communicate to employees how they can do their jobs safer and better. Topics discussed in safety meetings may be topics that our employees are familiar with, or topics that they have limited knowledge about. We encourage our employees to pay close attention to any and all safety topics, even if it is something that they have heard a hundred times, and listen to the information as if they have never heard it before. Information passed on in a safety meeting has a purpose - to stop our employees from being injured, or injuring a co-worker. Safety meetings also allow employees an opportunity to relay safety concerns or improvement ideas to their supervisors. Accidents result from unsafe acts or unsafe conditions. According to some experts, for a variety of reasons, unsafe acts typically account for 90% of all accidents. Safety meetings serve as a preventative measure against unsafe acts by educating employees on how they can do their job safely. At MYTCL we take safety very seriously, and we make very clear the repercussions that accidents may have on operations and employees. â˘
DEATH - The ultimate unwanted result. Where does this leave your loved ones?
FINANCIAL COST - Lost pay or reduction in pay. Who pays the bills? Are you the sole income producer in your household?
PAIN & SUFFERING - An obvious detriment that no one desires.
DISABILITY - A life changing experience. Now youâre not able to do what you use to do. Maybe now you canât walk? Ride that bicycle, hug your wife, lift your child, or simply see? Or perhaps youâre confined to a hospital bed for life. Goodbye career.
YOUR CO-WORKERS SAFETY - Perhaps you and your co-worker have been working together for some time now. Chances are you may spend as much time with your co-workers as you do your own family. You obviously do not want something bad to happen to them. Watch out for their safety too.
âSafety meetings are a perfect opportunity for you to communicate any safety ideas or concerns that you may have. Participate in your safety meetings. If you donât participate, then your ideas will not be heard. Who knowsâŚthe idea that you have may very well save your co-workerâs life or even your own.â
54 | Sustainability Report
Managing Safety
HEALTH PERFORMANCE KPI & EVALUATION In order to gain a picture of the health scorecard of the mine-site, a key performance indicator was chosen to be the average medical or sick leave that had been taken by employees during the course of the 2014 year. It is difficult to see how healthy the heartbeat of the workforce, so to speak, is without referring to some figure that represents how the employees truly are feeling. Absence from work depicts a pretty clear image of health impacts to the staff. A large amount of medical days are granted to employees at MYTCL, with 30 days provided by law. There are many factors that may contribute to medical leave besides actually being ill; depression, loss of desire to support the company, inability to fulfil job requirements, peer pressure or poor cooperation with fellow workers, management issues and so on. One key factor that is apparent in the MYTCL heath scorecard, as seen in the table, is that fatigue may be a driving force of medical leave, as it impacts the mining department at the highest levels compared to the rest of the company. This will be addressed through training and health programs planned to be implemented throughout the year. MYTCL Health Performance KPI of Sick & Medical Days Used in 2014
Permanent Employee Employee
Medical Leave Day
Contract Employee
Casual Labourer
Medical Leave Day
Medical Leave Day
Total Employee
Medical Leave Day
Averaged % of Employees Taking Full Medical Leave Time (30 days)
As can be seen in the overall health performance of the MYTCL organisation, the employees on the whole are not taking their full medical benefits, indicating that they are not only relatively healthy, but happy in their work environments. Focus will be placed on this KPI with the intention of improving specific areas that seem to have been impacted greater than others. HEALTH TRAINING & WORKSITE PROGRAMS MYTCL plans to reengage its Training Department towards the end of the year. With it there are plans for graduate and supervisor training that will assist management to enhance their own skills and competency. As a part of this training, comprehensive workplace health programs that contain the following five elements will be work-shopped: 1. Health education, which focuses on skill development and lifestyle behaviour change along with information dissemination and awareness building, preferably tailored to employeesâ interests and needs. 2. Supportive social and physical environments that include MYTCLâs expectations regarding healthy behaviours and policies that promote health and reduce risk of disease. 3. Integrating a worksite program into MYTCLâs structure. 4. Linkage to related programs like employee assistance programs (EAPs) and programs to help employees balance work and family. 5. Worksite screening programs ideally linked to medical care to ensure follow-up and appropriate treatment as necessary.
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ááŻáášááášá¸ááźááš ááášááŹáąááşáŹáášááşááąáá¸á ááşáášá¸ááŹáąáḠá áźáášá¸áąááŹáášáá áá˝áášáˇáĄá áŽáĄá áĽášááşáŹá¸ MYTCL áááš áąáá¸áĄáá˛ááŹááš ááášá¸áá˝áášá¸áżááŽá¸ ááŻáášááŹá¸ááášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áĄááźááš áĄááşááłá¸áá˝ááąáᏠáąááá˝ááš ááášááśáˇáááŻáášááášáˇ ááŻáášááášá¸ááźáášáá˝ááąá áááš ááášááśááŹá¸ááŤááášá áááŹáťáĄááášáˇáᎠáááąáłááźáášá¸áááŽá¸ áá ášááŻáĄáąááá˝áášáˇ áá˝áźáášáŻáášááŻááááášáá˝á áĄáťááášáťááášááŻááášáᏠáĄááášáˇáĄááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇáĄáᎠáááášá¸ááŹá¸ áááŻáášáááš áĄááźááš áąááášááŽáąáᏠááášá¸áááŹááášááşáŹá¸áááš áĄááşááášááᯠáá˝áášáˇáááąááŹáášáżááŽá¸ áąáá¸ááášá¸ááśáŻáťááśáłáááááŻ
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56 | Sustainability Report
Managing Safety
MYTCL ááźááš áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸áááš áąáá¸ááášá¸ ááśáŻáťááśáłááááᯠáĄáá°á¸ áĄáąáá¸ááŹá¸ áąááŹáášááźáášáááŤááášá áááááŻááš áĄááŹáá áťáá ášááźáŹá¸áá ááşáŹá¸áááš ááŻáášááášá¸ááášááášáťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááŻáášááŹá¸ááášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸áĄáąáá áááášáááŻáášáá áťáá ášáąááŹáášá¸áťáá ášáááŻáášááášááᯠáá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸ ááááŹááášáá˝áŹá¸áąáĄáŹááš áąááŹášáťáááŹá¸ááŤááášá â˘
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Sustainability Report
| 57
FIRE MANAGEMENT & FIRE SAFETY On July 21st, 2014 the MYTCL Fire Department was created, establishing for the first time in history of the S&K Project an internal Fire Fighting Brigade and comprehensive organisational strategy for fire emergency preparedness. TH-A and TH-C were separated into 2 defined areas with 2 unified fire fighting brigades. Firemen posts and operational job descriptions were created, preliminary JSA and SOP were also prepared, and the training for such specialised working environments had been pre-planned since early in the year. On July 22nd a site specific internal safety audit was conducted in TH-C in full compliance with SGS IMS standards and issues identified and recorded. On this date the fire truck was also delivered to the Fire Department from overseas, and the machineâs operational functions were thoroughly inspected. On July 25th at 14:00hrs, fire training commenced specific to the utilisation of the fire truck models that would be used on site, with 28 Firemen, the Security and Fire Chief, all Fire Officers and the fire truck trainer from Wanbao. On August 7th the Monywa Regional Fire Marshall and his team began the official Fire Department training and management for the fire brigades of MYTCL. A second batch of training was conducted on September 15th. Site specific emergency response training as well as equipment training was the focus of these initial training seminars. Internal Security Force â ISF & Fire Brigade The Internal Security Force & Fire Brigade is a dedicated security team allocated to the safety and security of the SX-EW operations. Special training allows these personnel to act as both police of the cathode copper produced on site, and as fire fighters for the safety of the facilities and its staff. Over the course of 2015-16, this ISF Team will be built and organised as an efficient Fire Brigade. International, as well as continuing regional government fire department training will be brought to MYTCL, and professional equipment will be procured for the operation of this new addition to the Security Department. Coordinating with the Fire and Safety Officers from the Safety & Environment Department, it is expected that important milestones will be achieved by the end of 2015. A fully equipped firehouse and facilities will be constructed on site for the 2 fire trucks and staff of 50 employees that make up the ISF & Fire Brigade of MYTCL. Emergency Response Plan - IMP 08 In the unlikely event that there is a major incident on site, the Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan has been integrated into the IMS. An Emergency Major Incident Plan is simultaneously implemented to resolve any such emergency. This plan details responsible persons, reporting procedures and prepared planning to mitigate any such incident. Scope and Objectives of the Emergency and Major Incident Plan
Gas Leaks
Vehicle Accidents
Mass Casualty Situation
Medical Evacuation (Medevac)
Mine Failure (Pit wall â Waste Dump)
With the development of the ISF & Fire Brigade, the Emergency and Major Incident Plan will be enhanced through the support of this team. Plans for late 2015 and into 2016 will see the integration of the ISF & Fire Brigade into this planning and into the emergency preparedness objective of the company.
58 | Sustainability Report
Managing Safety
MYTCL Fire Safety Effectiveness Model
X (Number of lost time injuries in accounting period) --------------------------------------------------------------------Ă 1 000 000 = XXXXXXX XXXXXX (Total hours worked in accounting period)
ááŹáááźáášá¸ááśáŻáťááśáłáąáá¸ááášááźá˛á - ááŹáááźáášá¸ááśáŻáťááśáłáąáá¸ááášááźá˛ áá˝áášáˇ ááŽá¸ááášááášááźá˛á ááŹáááźáášá¸ ááśáŻáťááśáłáąáá¸ááášááźá˛á áá˝áášáˇ ááŽá¸ááášááášááźá˛á áááš SX â EW á áášááśáŻ ááášááášáťááášá¸áĄááźááš áąáá¸áĄáá˛ááŹááš ááášá¸áá˝áášá¸áąáḠáá˝áášáˇ ááśáŻáťááśáłá ááášááşáąá áááš ááźá˛áąáááşáá˝áášááŹá¸ááášáˇ ááášááźáášááŹá¸áąáᏠááśáŻáťááśáłáąáá¸áĄááášá¸áĄááźá˛á áťáá ášááŤááášá á¤ááášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸áĄáŹá¸ áąážáá¸ááŽáťááŹá¸ááşáŹá¸ ááŻáášááŻáášááášáˇ áąáááŹááźááš áá˛ááášááźá˛ááĄááźááš ááśáŻáťááśáłáąáá¸ááŹáááš áá°ááŹá¸ááááŻá ááášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááŻáášááášá¸ áĄáąááŹáášáĄáá° áťááłáá áĽáášá¸ááşáŹá¸á ááŽá¸áąáá¸áĄáá˛ááŹááš áĄááźááš ááŽá¸ááášááášááźá˛áááᏠááŹááášáá° ááŻáášáąááŹáášáááŻáášáááš áĄáá°á¸ ááášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áááŻáááşááŹá¸ááŤááášá áááá -áá ááŻáá˝á áš ááášááášá¸ááŹááĄáżááŽá¸ááźááš á¤ááŹáááźáášá¸ ááśáŻáťááśáłáąáḠáĄááášá¸áĄááźá˛ááááš ááŻáášááášáááŻáášáááš áťááášáˇááąáᏠááŽá¸ááášááášááźá˛á áá ášááŻáĄááźááš á áášá¸ááśáŻá¸ááášáąááŹáášáżááŽá¸ááŹá¸ áťáá ášááźáŹá¸ááŤááášá áááŻáášá¸áąáááááŽá¸ áĄá ááŻá¸áá ááŽá¸ááášáĽáŽá¸á áŽá¸ááŹááá˝ ááŽá¸ááášááášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áĄááášááťáááš áááŻáááşáááŻá áĄáťááášáťáááš áááŻáášáᏠááŽá¸ááášááášááášá¸áĄáŹá¸ MYTCL áááŻá áááŻáááşáąáá¸ááźáŹá¸ááŤááášá ááŻáááĄáťáááš ááśáŻáťááśáłáąáá¸ááŹááĄááźááš áąááŹáášááášáĄáá áš áťááášáˇááášá¸áąáá¸áááš áá˝áźáášá¸ááşáášáááŻáášáááŻááš á áźáŹ áĄááśáŻá¸ááşáááŻáášáąáᏠáá áĽáášá¸ááşáŹá¸ááášá¸ ááášáá°ááášáááš áąáá¸ááźáŹá¸ááŤááášá áąáá¸áĄáá˛ááŹááš ááášá¸áá˝áášá¸áąáḠáá˝áášáˇ ááášááášá¸ááşááš ááŹááá˝ ááŽá¸áąáá¸áĄáá˛ááŹááš áá˝áášáˇ áąáá¸ááášá¸ááśáŻáťááśáłáąáḠáááŻáášáᏠáĄááŹáá˝áááášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áĄáá° áá°á¸áąááŤáášá¸á áááá ááŻáá˝á áš áĄááŻáášááźááš áĄáąáá¸áááŽá¸áąáᏠááááŻáášá¸áá˝áášáááŻáášááşáŹá¸ááᯠáąáĄáŹáášáťááášááźáŹá¸ áááášáˇááášáᯠáąáá˝áşáŹášááášáˇááŹá¸ááŤááášá á áŽááśáááášá¸áąááááźááš MYTCL á ááŹáááźáášá¸ ááŻáśáťááśáłáąáá¸ááášááźá˛á áá˝áášáˇ ááŽá¸ááášááášááźá˛á ááŻáááťááášáˇ ááźá˛áá áášá¸ááŹá¸áąáᏠááášááášá¸áĄáášáĄáŹá¸ (á á) áąááŹááš áá˝áášáˇ ááŽá¸ááášááŹá¸ (á) á áŽá¸ áĄááźááš áá áĽáášá¸áá áĽá áĄá áśáŻáĄáááš ááášáááš ááŹá¸áąáᏠááŽá¸áááš áĄáąááŹáášáĄáĄáśáŻáá ášááśáŻá¸ááᯠááášáąááŹáášáąáá¸ááźáŹá¸ áááŤááášá
Sustainability Report
| 59
MINE SITE AND YANGON MEDICAL HEALTH SERVICES Y.I.C. Medical Services has been providing medical service to S&K Project since July of 1999. Health care is given not only to staff but also to family members, to Mine Town High School, police and army personnel assigned to the mine-site, monks and contractors. MYTCL has also established a special service to visit the neighbouring villages to assist in our â&#x20AC;&#x153;Good Neighbour Programâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. The Mine Site Clinic and the Mine Town Hospital are responsible for the medical needs of the Mine Town community, while the Yangon Clinic of Y.I.C. Medical Services takes care of our Yangon office staff.
MINE SITE CLINIC Mine Site Clinic, which is mainly responsible for work-site accidents and for medical evacuations, operates seven days a week from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The clinic doctor is available on-call 24-hours a day for any work-site injuries and emergencies. Vaccinations such as Hepatitis B and Anti-Tetanus Toxoid are some of the regular duties attributed to our employees. Emergency Response Exercises are also conducted regularly involving different departments. Medical checks are done on a regular basis. Pre-employment medical examinations are performed on every worker who starts to work for the S&K Project. The medical check-ups include a physical examination, recording of height and weight, chest X-ray and blood tests. In addition, yearly medical checks are provided for all workers and bi-annual medical checks are provided for workers who are exposed to acid mist in the electrowinning section of the plant.
60 | Sustainability Report
Managing Safety
Hospital Statistics 2014 Month
In Patient
Out Patient
35 30 25 Axis Title
The hospital offers treatment to a wide range of people, including families of the workers for emergency care, immunizations and medical checks. Both out-patient and in-patient treatment are provided, as well as major and minor surgeries are performed. In addition, prenatal care for pregnant women, vaccination clinics for children under the age of one, as part of the Universal Child Immunization Program, and prevention and control of blindness caused by vitamin A deficiency are regularly completed. In order to enhance the efficiency of patient care, as well as ease of record-keeping for all attendees of the hospital or clinic, an upgrade to computer systems and software was completed in 2014, and continues through 2015. This system allows doctors to treat patients while tracking their history and medicinal records, and allows for more accurate remedies for patients according to data records and medical history.
In Patient Statistics MYTCL Hospital - 2014
The 25-bed Mine Town Hospital has increased YIC professional staffing levels in August of 2013 to prepare for the acceleration of hiring needs for both MYTCL and the sister mining company of MWMCL. The hospital is equipped with an anaesthesia machine, X-ray machine, semiautomatic blood analyser, dental chair and dental X-ray equipment. There is a Womanâs Ward with new delivery section, a Menâs Ward and now a Childrenâs Ward for the facilities.
20 15 10 5 December
Axis Title
Dr. Marcus Mo Nyan Kyaw Managing Director of Yangon International Medical Service Co., Ltd.
Out Patient Statistics MYTCL Hospital - 2014
Y.I.C. Medical services in Yangon provide free medical health care to office staff of the MYTCL Yangon Office. Pre-employment medical examinations, medical checks, consultations and medicine as well as laboratory testing are also provided.
Axis Title
2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000
Sustainability Report
| 61
áááąáłááźáášá¸áąáááá˝áášáˇ ááášááŻáášááśáŻá¸ááŻáááĄááźááš ááşáášá¸ááŹáąáá¸áąá áŹáášáˇáąáá˝áŹáášáá
ááá˛áłááźáášá¸áąáááá˝áášáˇááášááŻáášááśáŻá¸áááŻááĄááźááš ááşáášá¸ááŹáąáḠáąá áŹáášáˇáąáá˝áŹáášáá ááášááŻáášáĄáťááášáťááášáááŻáášáᏠáąáá¸ááášá¸ (Yangon International Clinic) áááš áááá ááŻá áá°ááŻááášá áááášá¸ á á áśááášáąááŹáášá áąážáá¸á áášáąááŹááš á áŽááśáááášá¸ááźááš áąáá¸ááŤá¸ ááŻááá áááŻáášáᏠááášáąááŹáášááááᯠááśáˇáááŻá¸áąááŹáášááźááš ááŹá¸á፠ááášá ááşáášá¸ááŹáąáḠáąá áŹáášáˇáąáá˝áŹáášááááᯠááášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááášááášá¸ááááŹá¸á áŻááşáŹá¸ áĄáťáááš áááąáłááźáášá¸áąáááá˝á áĄáááš ááášá¸áąááşáŹáášá¸á áá˛ááášááášá¸á ááášááąááŹášááŹá¸ááşáŹá¸á ááŻáášá¸áąááŹáš áááŽá¸ááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááášááááŻáášááŹááşáŹá¸áááŻááášá¸ ááŻáášáąááŹááš áąáá¸á፠ááášá MYTCL áááš áá˝áźáášáŻáášáááŻá áĄááášááŽá¸ááşáášá¸áąááŹáášá¸ áĄá áŽáĄá áĽáš áąááááźáášáąá áááš áááąáłááźáášá¸ áąáá áĄááŽá¸ ááášá¸ááşááš áá˝á ááźáŹáąááŤáášá¸ (áá) áąááşáŹášáááŻáááášá¸ áĄáá°á¸ ááşáášá¸ááŹáąáḠááášáąááŹáášáá áá ášáááš áąááŹášááŻáášááŹá¸ááŤááášá ááášááŻáášáá˝á
ááášááŻáášááśáŻá¸ áąáá¸ááŤá¸ááŻááąáá¸áááš ááášáąááŹáášáá
Y.I.C áąáá¸ááášá¸áááš ááášááŻááš ááśáŻá¸ááášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áąáá¸ááŤá¸ ááŻááááááŻáášáᏠááášáąááŹáášááááᯠáąááŹáášááźááš áąáá¸áąááááŻá
ááášááŻáášáá˝á ááášááŻááš áĄáťááášáťááášáááŻáášáᏠáąáá¸ááášá¸ (YIC) áá˝
áááąáłááźáášá¸áąáááá˝á áąáá¸ááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áááąáłááźáášá¸ áąáá¸ááśáŻ áááš
áąáá¸ááŤá¸ááŻááąáá¸ááášáˇ ááášáąááŹáášáááťááášáˇ ááášááŻáášááśáŻá¸ MYTCL
ááášá¸ áááąáłááźáášá¸áżáááłááá° áżáááłáááŹá¸ááŻááá áąáá¸ááŤá¸ááŻááá
áá˝ ááášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸áĄáŹá¸ áĄááá˛áˇ ááşáášá¸ááŹáąáḠáąá áŹáášáˇáąáá˝áŹáášáá
áąáá¸ááŹá¸ááŤááášá áĄááŻáášáááášááᎠáąáá¸á á ášáťááášá¸á ááşáášá¸ááŹáąáḠá á ášáąáá¸áťááášá¸áá˝áášáˇ áąááźá¸áąááźá¸ááŻááášááášáťááášá¸ áĄáťáááš áąáá¸ááŤá¸ááşáŹá¸ áąáá¸áťááášá¸ ááŻááááᯠááśáˇáááŻá¸áąááŹáášááźááš áąáá¸ááŹá¸áááŻá ááŹáášááźá˛ á á ášáąáá¸áááš ááŻááĄáášááášááşáŹá¸ááášá¸ ááśáˇáááŻá¸áąáá¸ááŤááášá Summary of Medical Personnel MYTCL Mobile Medical Team 1 Doctor & 2 Nurses
Total 3
MYTCL Clinic Doctor for Day Shift
Mine Town Hospital
62 | Sustainability Report
Medical Coordinator/Administrator
Doctors (1 for 24hr care)
Staff Nurse
Nurse Aid
Lab Technician
Ambulance Driver
Gardener for Hospital Compound
Orderly/Security for Mine Town Hospital
Total Staff
Managing Safety
ááŻáááš - áá ááśáŻá¸ááśáˇ áááąáłááźáášá¸áąáá¸ááśáŻá áááá ááŻáá˝á áš ážáááŻáášá ááźááš áá˝áźáášá¸ááşáášáááŹáá˝ááš áĄááášáˇáá˝á áąáá¸ááśáŻááášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ááᯠáááŻá¸áťáááášáˇááášáááŹá¸áąáá¸áťááášá¸áťááášáˇ MYTCL áá˝áášáˇ ááŻáášááášá¸áááš MWMCL ááŻááá áąáá¸ááŤá¸ ááŻááá ááŻááĄáášááşááš áĄáá˝ááášáĄááŻááš áťáááášáˇáááš áťááášáááš áąáá¸ááŹá¸ ááŤááášá áąáá¸ááśáŻááźááš áąááˇáąáá¸áąáá¸á áášá ááŹáášáá˝ááš áááŻáášá áášá áá ášáááŻáášá¸áá ášá áĄááŻááĄáąááşáŹááš áąááźá¸á á ášá áášá ááźáŹá¸ááášááŻááášáᏠáá°ááŹááŻáááášáˇááśáŻ áá˝áášáˇ ááźáŹá¸ááŹáášáá˝áášá áášááşáŹá¸ ááášááášááŹá¸ááŤááášá áąááźá¸áá°ááŹááášá¸ áĄááŤáĄáááš áááášá¸á áá°ááŹáąááŹáášá áąááŹááşášáŹá¸ áá°ááŹáąááŹááš áá˝áášáˇ áááŻáĄá፠ááąáá¸ááŻá áąááŹáášá፠ááŻáááš - áá ááśáŻá¸ áĄááźááš ááˇáśáááŻá¸áá áĽáášá¸ áĄááśáŻáĄáąááŹááš ááŹá¸áá˝áááŤááášá á¤áąáá¸ááśáŻáááš áąáá¸á á ášáťááášá¸á ááŹááźáášáąáḠáááŻá¸áá˝áśáąáá¸áťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áĄáąáá¸áąáá áąá áŹáášáˇáąáá˝áŹáášááááşáŹá¸áĄááźááš ááŻáášááŹá¸ááşáŹá¸ á ááááŹá¸á áŻáĄááŤáĄáááš áá°áĄááášá¸áĄááᏠáá ášááášááśáŻá¸ áĄáŹá¸ áąáá¸ááŻááá áąáá¸ááŹá¸ááŤááášá áĄááźáášá¸áá°áᏠáá˝áášáˇ áťááášááá°ááŹááşáŹá¸áĄáŹá¸ áąáá¸ááŻááá áąáá¸ááŹá¸áááŻá áĄáááŽá¸á áŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áĄáąáá¸á áŹá¸ ááźá˛á ááášááááşáŹá¸áááŻááášá¸ ááŻáášáąááŹáášáąáá¸ááŤááášá áááŻááĄáťáááš ááŻááášááášáąááŹááš ááşáŹá¸ ááŽá¸áááźáŹá¸áᎠáááŻáášááášáąá áŹáášáˇáąáá˝áŹáášáťááášá¸á áĄáťáááš áťááášáááŻáášáᏠááąáá¸áá°áááš ááŹááźáášáąáḠáááŻá¸áá˝áś áťááášá¸ áĄá áŽáĄá áĽášá áá ášá ááášáá ášáááŻáášá¸ áĄáťáá áš áá ášáá˝á áš áąáĄáŹááš ááąáá¸ááşáŹá¸ááᯠááŹááźáášáąáḠáááŻá¸áá˝áśááášáˇ áąáá¸ááášá¸ááşáŹá¸áĄáťáááš ááŽááŹááášáąáĄ ááşááłáááźáášá¸á ááşáášá á ááźáášáááášáˇ áĄáťáá ášááᯠááŹááźáášáááš áá˝áášáˇ áááášá¸ááşáłááš áááš áááŻááĄááźááš ááśáŻáá˝ááš áąááŹáášááźáášááŹá¸áżááŽá¸ áťáá ášá፠ááášá áąáá¸ááśáŻ áá˝áášáˇ áąáá¸áąáá¸ááášá¸ááźááš ááŹáąááŹáášáťáááąáᏠáá°ááŹááşáŹá¸áĄááźááš áá˝áášááášá¸áááášá¸áááášá¸áťááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ ááźáášáá°áąá ááášáąááŹáášááźáášááŹá¸áááᯠáá°áᏠáąá áŹáášáˇ áąáá˝áŹáášáá áááąááŹáášá áźáŹ áááŻá¸áťáááášáˇ ááŹááąááąáĄáŹááš áááá ááŻáá˝á ášááźááš ááźáášááşá´ááŹá áá áš áá˝áášáˇ ááźáášááşá´áᏠáááášážááŹá¸ááşáášááşáŹá¸ áĄááášáˇáťáááášáˇááášáťááášá¸ áá ášááášááᯠáąááŹáášááźáášáżááŽá¸á áŽá¸ áá˛áˇááŤááášá ᤠá áá ášáťááášáˇ áááŹáááš ááşáŹá¸áááš áá°ááŹá áąáá¸áá˝áášááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áąááŹá፠áááĄáᏠáąááŹáášáąážááŹáášá¸ áťáá ášááášááşáŹá¸áĄáąáá áąáťááᏠááśá á á ášáąáá¸ááźáŹá¸áááŻáášááášáˇ áĄáťáááš áĄáááŻá፠áąáá¸áá˝ááš ááášá¸ áĄááşáášáĄááášááşáŹá¸ áĄá áá°ááŹááşáŹá¸áĄáŹá¸ áááŻá ááááş áá˝áášááášáąáᏠáąáá¸ááŻááąáá¸áťááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áťááłááŻááš áąáá¸ááźáŹá¸ áááŻáášááŤááášá
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Dr. Khin Zaw Kyu with Nurse Khi Thi Oo from the MYTCL local Mine Town Hospital
á á ášáąáá¸áťááášá¸á áááśáŹáááŻáášáĄáąáá¸ááşáááš áá˝áášáˇ áĄááášáĄáťááášáˇ ááŻáááĄáťáááš áťááášááááśáŹáááŻááš á á ášáąáá¸áťááášá¸ááŻáá áťáá ášááŤááášá ááĄáťáááš ááŻáášááŹá¸áĄáŹá¸ááśáŻá¸ááᯠáá˝á ášá áĽášáąáá¸á á ášáąáá¸áťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áááąáłá ááš ááŻáášááŻáášááášáˇ SX-EW á áášááśáŻáá˝ ááŻáášááŹá¸ááşáŹá¸ áááŻááášá¸ áĄáášá á ášáťáá´ááááš áá˝áášáˇ ááŻááášáááŻá ášáááąááźá ááŻáášáąááŹááš áááášáˇ áĄááźááš áá ášáá˝á ášááźááš áá˝á ášáááááš áąáá¸á á ášáąáá¸ááŤááášá
Sustainability Report
| 63
ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP Over the past 15 years, the S&K Project has continued to strive towards maintaining a balanced sustainability of economic success, environmental value and social liability. MYTCL has raised the bar in terms of quality of systems, and communication with villages that may be directly or indirectly impacted by the mining activities, undeniably ascertaining that developing long-term reciprocated and beneficial relationships between the Company and its key stakeholders is the key to future success.
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66 | Sustainability Report
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Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) - ááášá¸ááášá¸ááźáášáˇ áááąáłááźáášá¸ ááśááśááşáŹá¸áá˝áášáˇ á áźáášááá ášáąáťáá áŹááśáŻááşáŹá¸áá˝
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MYTCL á á áŽááśáááášá¸áĄáá ášááşáŹá¸áĄááźááš áááŹáááášááášá¸ááşáášáááŻáášáᏠááááŻááášááááᯠáĄáá˛áťááášááşáášáˇááźáášáťááášá¸ ááşáŹá¸ááŻáášáąááŹáášááŹá¸ááŤááášá
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Sustainability Report
| 67
ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS The Environmental Management System (EMS), integrated into Operational Management by the S&K Project, records and monitors compliance with stated environmental policies and objectives. This compliance has been demonstrated through MYTCLâs SociĂŠtĂŠ GĂŠnĂŠrale de Surveillance (SGS) certifications. The current EMS requires MYTCL to continue to establish environmental planning and to continuously monitor the environmental impact of the operations.
FOUR MAIN ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED AT THE S&K PROJECT 1. Acid Rock Drainage (possibly released from mine-pit walls and waste dumps) 2. Dangerous goods (hydrocarbon products, sulphuric acid and process reagents waste) 3. Land disturbance (land disturbed by extensive operations) 4. Non-process waste (including rubbish, paper and plastics, rubber and batteries)
An Environment Management Program has been developed to control the environmental issues identified above. The program is being actively monitored for potential environmental impacts. plan
Results are reviewed for any trends, findings are reported and corrective measures are implemented, if required. Detailed Environmental Control Procedures have been developed and implemented. An Environmental Emergency Response Plan has been established, practiced and basic training is given to employees of all departments.
Environmental Impact Assessments are conducted for new MYTCL projects.
A technology transfer program has been developed and environmental awareness training is on-going both on and off site. All employees are trained to respond quickly and effectively to any environmental impacts. All environmental documents are of high quality. Records are well stored, maintained and are easily accessible. Documents are reviewed and updated to ensure continuous improvement.
In order to maintain the status as a world-class mine, the S&K Project has monitored the effectiveness of its Environmental Management System by having its performance audited regularly. The SGS auditors from Australia, Singapore and Thailand conduct an audit of the MYTCL operations for certification in the ISO 14001 and the ISO 9001 in the middle, and at the end of each year. SGS Certification Auditing for OHSAS 18001 also commenced in July of 2012, and all 3 certifications in 2013 were revalidated until 2016, to be audited together on a biannual basis. Internal audit teams formed with MYTCL personnel, and professionally certified for auditing by SGS training staff, are responsible for completing internal audits on a quarterly basis.
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ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS Achieving both sustainability and continual improvements requires that MYTCL persistently evaluate existing environmental performances of the certified environmental management system against its environmental policies, objectives and targets for the purpose of identifying opportunities by the organisation. Furthermore, in order to attain sound perpetual development, identify and improve environmental performance, determining the root cause and causes of non-conformance or deficiencies, and developing and implementing a plan of corrective and preventative actions are also vigorously carried out in conjunction with the operations of multifarious mining activities. Seven key areas of environmental management are reviewed by MYTCL; namely air, water, energy, waste, land, biodiversity and compliance. Key Performance indicators (KPI) are used to determine where improvement and action must be taken. These KPI also evaluate the environmental conservation activities success at MYTCL. Each area has defined and globally measured attributes of environmental conservation. The purpose in assessing MYTCLâs key performance indicators is three tiered: to conserve the existent condition of the environment and natural resources; to observe the causes of environmental change; and to mitigate the impacts of environmental deterioration.
áááŹáááášááášá¸ááşáášáááŻáášáᏠááááŻááášáááĄááźááš á áŽááśááášáááźá˛áá áĄá áŽáĄá áĽášááşáŹá¸ áááášá¸ááŹá¸áááŻáášáá áá˝áášáˇ á áĽášááášááťáááš áááŻá¸ááášááŹáťááášá¸ áá˝á ášááŻá ááśáŻá¸áĄáŹá¸ áąáĄáŹáášáťááášááááááš ááŻááĄáášáááááš MYTCL á áąááźá¸ááŻááš ááŹá¸áąááŹáĄááźáášáˇáĄáąáá¸ááşáŹá¸ áááŻáášáᏠááá áĽááášáĄááźááš áááŹáááášááášá¸ááşááš ááŻááášáᏠáá°ááŤáááşáŹá¸á ááášáá˝áášá¸ááşáášááşáŹá¸á ááášáá˝ááš ááşáášááşáŹá¸áĄá áĄáááĄáá˝áášáťááłáááŹáááášááášá¸ááşááš áááŻáášáᏠá áŽááśááášáááźá˛áá á áá ášá ááášáá˝ááᲠáááŹáááášááášá¸ááşáášááŻááášáᏠááŻááš áąááŹáášááááşáŹá¸ááᯠMYTCL áá˝ ááášááá˛áᲠááášáááŻá¸ááşáášáˇááźáášáťááášá¸áááš áťáá ášááŤááášá áááŻááĄáťáááš ááá áĽáá°á áąáťááąáťááťáá ášáťáá ášáá˝ááąáᏠááźáśááżáááłá¸áááŻá¸ááášáá ááá˝ááąááąáĄáŹááš áťáá ášááášá ááášá áĄáąážááŹáášá¸ááášá¸á á áášá¸ááşáĽášá¸ á áášá¸ ááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áááŻáášááŽáá ááá˝ááááášáˇáĄáąážááŹáášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áĄáŹá¸áąááşáŹáˇááŹááźááš ááşáŹá¸ááᯠá á°á¸á áášá¸á áá á ášá ááášá¸áąááŹáášá¸á áťááłáťááášáąáá¸áťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááááłááášááŹááźáášáąáá¸áťááášá¸ ááŻáááĄááźááš á áŽááśááşáášáá ášááášááᯠáĄáá°á¸áá°á¸ áĄáťááŹá¸áťááŹá¸áąáᏠáááąáłáá°á¸áąááŹášáąáḠááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áááŻáášááŽáąáĄáŹááš á ááášáĄáŹá¸ ááášááášá áźáŹ áąááŹáášááźááš ááźáŹá¸áááš áááŻááášá¸ áąááŹášááŻáášá áĄáąááŹáášáĄááášáąááŹášááźáŹá¸áááš ááášá¸áąááŹáášá¸ ááášááášá¸ááşáášáááŻáášáᏠá áźáášá¸áąááŹáášááášááᯠááźá˛áťááášá¸á ááášáťááŹá áááŻá¸ááášáąáĄáŹááš áąááŹáášááźáášáááŤááášá MYTCL áá˝ ááášááášá¸ááşáášáááŻáášáᏠá áŽááśááášáááźá˛áááášáˇ ááášáá§áááᏠ(á) ááŻááᯠá áá á ášááśáŻá¸ááášááŹá¸ááŤááášá ááášá¸áááŻááá˝áŹ - áąáá áąáá á áźáášá¸áĄáášá á áźáášááá ášáá áĽáášá¸á áąáťáááŹá áááąáłááŤááşááłá¸ááášá¸á áááš áĄááşááłá¸áĄá áŹá¸ááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááŻááášááŹáąááŹáášááźáášáťááášá¸ áááŻááťáá ášááŤááášá á áźáášá¸áąááŹáášáááš áĄáááášá¸áááášá¸ áąááŹáˇááşááš (KPI) áĄáŹá¸ áááŻá¸ááášáąáĄáŹááš áąááŹáášááźáášáááášáˇ áąáááŹááşáŹá¸ááźááš áĄááśáŻá¸áĄáťáááš áąáá¸áááš áĄááśáŻá¸áťááłááŤááášá ᤠá áźáášá¸áąááŹáášáááš áĄáááášá¸áááášá¸áąááŹáˇááşáášááşáŹá¸ááᯠááášááášá¸ááşáášáááŻáášáᏠáááášá¸áááášá¸áąá áŹáášáˇáąáá˝áŹááš áááášáˇ ááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸áąáĄáŹáášáťááášáááĄááźááš MYTCLááźáášááášáááŻá¸ááşáášáˇááźáášááášáĄááśáŻá¸áťááłááŤááášá á§áááᏠáá ášááŻááşáášá¸ á áŽááᯠááášááášá¸ ááşáášáááŻáášááŹáááášá¸áááášá¸áąá áŹáášáˇáąáá˝áŹáášáááš áĄáááá¸áŹáášááášáá˝áášá áááŹáťááśáŻá¸áááŻáášáᏠáĄáááŻáášá¸áĄáᏠáťááášáˇ á áŽááśáąááŹáášááźáášáááš ááášáá˝áášááŹá¸ááŤááášá MYTCL á á áźáášá¸áąááŹáášáááš áĄáááášá¸áááášá¸áąááŹáˇááşáášááşáŹá¸ááᯠááášá¸á á ášááášáˇ áĄáąážááŹáášá¸ááá áĽááźááš áĄááášáˇ(á)ááášáˇ áá˝áááŤááášá ááášá¸áááŻááá˝áŹ â˘
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Sustainability Report
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Air quality is monitored on a regular basis to provide operational air quality data. All records from MYTCL relating to dust and acid mist levels are annually below harmful exposure levels.
Mining operations generate dust on roads and in crushing, conveying and stacking areas. MYTCL operates a dust-separation technology by the spraying of water to control dust rising up from the mine pits, primary and secondary crushers, crushed-ore stockpiles and haul roads. Fortythree dust-monitoring stations are installed in major dust-emitting areas, including some within neighbouring villages, and recorded levels are reviewed monthly. Grass cover and re-vegetation is employed on exposed soil around the mine site. Results have been variable because dust is caused by different sources, and therefore different locations and results are mostly seasonal. For comparison, results at the fortythree areas indicate that dust-fall trends to obviously lessen in the wet season, and that the main source of dust is the ore crushing and conveying system, particularly during the dry months. The heaviest dust-fall was recorded in the area nearby the primary and secondary crushers. Point DM-4 (East of Primary Crusher) recorded the highest dust-fall during March and April. The dust-fall at the remaining spots
indicates acceptable amounts in all seasons. Elevated dust fall levels were also apparent in areas adjacent to the access roads and haul roads in the dry seasons. In 2014, Operations Management and the SE Department worked with the villages that were directly impacted by the development of the Kyisintaung Mountain. Dust emissions were recorded at 2 specific locations where excessive dust became a concern. Yegybin Village and Ywatha Village were monitored on a daily basis, and although the dust records reached high levels for brief moments, they were well below the world standards for extended periods of time. Mining efforts were mitigated to reduce dust emissions affecting these villages and alert dust levels lowered even further below world standards so as to eliminate any impact to the delicate Betel-leaf crops within wind-bearing distance. The impact was reviewed and it was found that due to the seasonal Monsoon winds changing from a southerly direction to a northerly that heavy dust generated from blasting moved
Dust Monitoring Levels at Sensitive Locations DM1
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Alert Location AlertLevels LevelsVary Vary by by Location 300 g/sqm/month - maximum -m aximum 300 g/sqm/month
180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00
Dust Fall (g/sqm/month)
100.00 80.00 60.00
directly into these areas. Mine planning was modified and drilling and blasting will be closely observed in order to refrain from causing such disturbances in the future. The SE Department also worked closely with the CSD Team (Community & Social Development) to ensure that farmers were included in the discussions regarding dust issues and sensitive plants. This transparency and cooperation between farmers and MYTCL continues today and will into the future in order to resolve any concerns or issues that arise from dust control.
ĂÄžg/m3 120 100
Ywatha Dust Emissions after Blasting 30-minute peak 70ĂÄžg/m3 WB standard for 24hr period
80 60 40 20 0
March 2014
April 2014
To ensure that dust emissions had no impacts directly to the crops, the Ministry of Agriculture from the Salingyi District was consulted in 2013 and again in 2014. They were brought in for inspections and released a report indicating that the MYTCL blasting activities resulting in dust emissions had no apparent impact to villager harvests. Nonetheless, MYTCL consulted with the farmers, made donations for better pest control and plans to assist with future agricultural growth for such crops. In 2015 a bilateral agreement will be established between the farming community and MYTCL to ensure that dust standards are compliant and within acceptable limits.
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The processes of Copper Heap Leaching and Electrowinning emit acid mist into the atmosphere. Acid mist emissions are monitored monthly around the heaps, and daily within the tankhouses of the SX-EW plants; Tankhouse A (TH-A) and Tankhouse C (TH-C). Results show that acid mist levels are well below the allowable exposure levels, and this is measured inside the area at the direct point of contact. Acid mist escaping this facility is well below the human impact standards.
recordable limits that equipment rarely picked up any traces. Nonetheless, action was taken to close the berm openings, extending the visual impact barrier further to the west to reduce the opportunity for winds to funnel directly into the village areas. Comprehensive meetings were held with concerned nearby villages, government officials of the region and the Management of MYTCL. The situations were explained in detail, indicating that human impact was not to be a concern, but that the sensitivity of the particular Neem tree had launched MYTCL management into action. Abiding by the guidelines of the companyâs EMS, as well as to acknowledge the concerns of the villages in the nearby areas, MYTCL is continuing to monitor this area and to prepare for further mitigations as the mine expands closer to the perimeters of the lease areas.
In 2014, a study was conducted due to the sudden dropping of leaves, particularly from Neem trees that surrounded the newly constructed heap leach pads on the southern boundaries of the lease. Village concerns were also raised as to the possibilities of human impact from acid mist carried by the change of the winds into the cool-dry seasonality of the region. Prior to new pad construction, a perimeter berm had been established along the southern boundary. It was specifically designed to be vegetated and raised to a height of 10+ metres to enlighten the visual impact of the mining activities within the lease as a part of the mine closure program of the project. It was found that, in 2 specific areas where the berm was allowed to drop for road access and water drainage, the changing winds blew directly through carrying nearly undetectable trace amounts of acid mist.
A national consultant from Environment (Wunkyin) Myanmar Cooperative Ltd. â EMC, Dr. Win Maung, as well as Knight PiĂŠsoldâs Environmental Manager, Mr. Brett Loney, both inspected the areas that had been impacted and conferred that the sensitivity to the minute change in pH levels caused by mild acid mist drift was the most likely cause. Although the Neem trees had been impacted, the human repercussions or any possibility of elevated environmental issues were not a cause for alarm. Shortly after environmental considerations were in place leaves began to sprout on the tree branches, indicating that mitigation measures were taking effect.
Impact levels were monitored and measured, and mitigation arrangements were immediately taken. The southern cells closest to the perimeter had their irrigation systems changed from the normal âWobbler Systemâ that gently spray irrigation solution like a water sprinkler, and replaced with a âDripper Systemâ, therefore eliminating any acid mist from being generated into the atmosphere. Acid mist monitoring results showed such low
Australian Exposure Standards for Atmospheric Contaminants in the Occupational Environment: NOHSC: 1003 (1995)
SX-EW Plant: Electrowinning TankHouse - A Acid Mist Detection
Worker Exposure Limit NOHSC: 1mg/m3 (260 ppb)
Annual Minimum & Maximum Levels 200
H2SO4 Acid mist - ppb
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áĄáášá á ášáĄáááášááᯠáąá áŹáášáˇážáááˇášá á ášáąáá¸áťááášá¸ áááąáłáááŻáášá¸ áĄááśáŻááşáŹá¸áá˝ áąážáá¸ááŽáááąáł áąááşáŹášááŻáášáťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áá˝áşáášá á ášáťááášáˇ ááŹáášáżáááłááźá˛á áąážáá¸ááŽáááąáłá ááš ááŻáášááŻááš ááášáˇ ááŻáášááášá¸ á áĽášáá˝ áąááá˛áááŻá áĄáášá á ášáĄáááášááşáŹá¸ ááŻáášáááášááŤááášá áĄáášá á ášáĄááááš ááŻáášáááášáťááášá¸ áĄáŹá¸ áááąáłáááŻáášá¸áĄááśáŻáá˝ áá áĽášáááášáˇ ááŻáášáá ááášáá˝áş áá˝áášáˇ áááąáłá ááš ááŻáášááŻáášááášáˇá áášááśáŻ (SX-EW Plant)á áąážáá¸áťááŹá¸ááŻáášáááš (A) (TH-A) áá˝áášáˇ áąážáá¸áťááŹá¸ ááŻááš áááš C (TH-C) ááŻááááźááš áąááá áĽáš áááášáˇááŻáášáá ááášáá˝áşáá˝áááášááŻááááᯠáąá áŹáášáˇážáááˇášá á ášáąáḠááŻááášá¸ááŹááŤááášá ááá˝ááąáᏠááááš áĄáąáťáááşáŹá¸áááš ááášá¸ááášá¸ááźáášáˇ áąáááŹááźááš ááźáášáˇáťááłáááŻáášáąáᏠáĄááášáˇáąáĄáŹááš áááášáˇááşáżááŽá¸ ááŻááášá¸ááŹáááááš ááŻááášáááŻáášáááąááźá áááŻáášáąáᏠá§ááááŹáĄááźáášá¸ áááŻáášá¸ááŹáá áťááłáá˛áˇááŤááášá ᤠááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸áá˝ ááźáášááźáášááŹáąáᏠáĄáášá á áš áĄááááš áááš áá°ááŹá¸ áááŻááĄáŹá¸ ááááŻááášáááŻáášááášáˇ á áśáááášá¸ááşáŹá¸áááš ááşáŹá¸á áźáŹáááášáˇááşááŤááášá
Acid Mist Detector data was collected from within the lease boundaries of the S&K Project on the southern borders and indicate that from November and December, during the period that the Neem trees reacted, that acid mist was mostly undetectable in the area with Max PPB recorded from in the 20âs-90âs only during windy periods.
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The most precious of all resources at MYTCL is carefully protected and monitored.
The MYTCL S&K Project is located in a dry-zone area with a high rate of evaporation and medium levels of rainfall. The few surface-water bodies that exist in the project area are summarised as follows: Wetlands: An environmental control of fresh water run-off during the rainy season which maintains a natural wetland ecosystem. Ponds: A series of constructed control ponds to collect contaminated run-off from active operating areas. Process solution collection ponds are monitored to prevent contamination to the surroundings, such as the Chindwin River or the Yama Stream.
Alkaline Alert L evel
8 pH 7
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Acidic Alert L evel
Standard pH (6-9)
A shallow, semi-unconfined aquifer lies beneath the mining operations area of the S&K Project. The water level of this aquifer varies with the wet and dry seasons. MYTCL has installed 60 boreholes around the S&K Project to monitor the groundwater quality. Ground water is observed 10-30 metres below the surface within these boreholes. Excess aquifer fresh water from the mine pit is pumped out into a silt trap pond and then released into the Yama Stream. In addition to MYTCL scientists evaluating the water samples, from time to time an independent laboratory is employed to analyse and check the samples.
Running Hours
Running Hours
Total Volume m3
Running Hours
The S&K project area lies in the Chindwin River Basin. The principal watercourses near the mine area are the Chindwin River and Yama Stream. The Chindwin River, which flows approximately six kilometres to the east of the project area, is a major tributary of the Ayeyarwady, and has a catchment that covers 113,000 km2. Snowmelt and rainfall in the upper reaches of the basin heavily influence flows in the Chindwin River. With the onset of summer, melting snow in the upper basin highlands and Monsoon rainfall translate to stream rises and flooding at Monywa. Data from the Monywa Stream Gauging Station show that stream flows are lowest over the period December to May, with the average base flow during this period at 800 m3/s. Stream flows increase markedly during the Wet Season months of June to October. During this period the maximum average monthly stream flow is more than 15,000 m3/s. The Yama Stream, which lies to the north of the project area and flows within 200 metres of Kyisintaung, is a tributary of the Chindwin River, and has a catchment of 2,046 km2. The mean annual flow ranges from 233 m3/s to 586 m3/s, with an average of 350 m3/s. Ultimately the consumption from the waterways for the S&K project has no impact on natural water resources. In fact, approximately 1,000m3 /hr are recharged to the Yama Stream from the fresh water dewatering from the Kangon Aquifer Formation located in the Sabetaung Pit.
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Energy & Emission
Energy consumption and emmissions created from operations are monitored for impact.
In terms of consideration in sustaining the environment while accelerating mining operations, the aspiration for reducing energy consumption is essentially integrated into the environmental management system of MYTCL. Nevertheless, the progressive requirements in line with expansion of operational activities create high energy consumption. The deeper the pit, the more power is consumed by dewatering pumps, which contribute to the largest power consumed amongst all operational activities.
MYTCL is employing best-practice planning, cost-effective and first-rate available technologies to apply an alternative to lessen fuel usage than that of electricity, intended to diminish CO2 emissions and ultimately use more clean energy where possible. Full amounts of CO2 emission resulted from fuel usage and explosive activities in the S&K project area is favourably within stable conditions from April 2002 until today, with no detrimental impacts to the environment. In 2014 the Energy and Emissions Index shows considerable improvement through the assistance of new equipment and facilities, as well as through the implementation of modern technologies and the optimisation of related activities.
The main sources of fuel are diesel and petrol, which are widely used in mechanical machinery, heavy and light vehicles, as well as the practice of power stations. Electricity stands in second place of energy sources utilised to date. Effectual schemes to gauge amounts of utilisation and to conserve energy are being developed to accentuate potential savings. ENERGY & EMISSIONS per lb of CATHODE COPPER PRODUCED
3.50 3.00
2.50 2.00
1.00 10.00
Energy Index Emission Index
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2011 19.703 1.21
2012 7.03 2.51
2013 50.453 3.61
2014 9.49 2.79
Kg CO2 /lb Cathode Copper
J/lb Cathode Copper Produced
Hazardous Materials
ARD (Tons)
Leach Cap (Tons)
MYTCL uses various kinds of products, reagents and explosives in its production processes. Some are hazardous substances and control procedures have been developed and implemented to minimise the risk of handling such materials. These substances may cause injuries or health problems if their use is not controlled. MYTCL has trained all personnel and issued HAZMAT guidelines for handling and storing of all Dangerous Goods.
Mining operations produces, in addition to inert waste, potential acid-forming waste (PAF) containing oxidised or sulphidic minerals that are capable of producing an acid contaminant (ARD/ AMD material) when exposed to air and water. MYTCL is committed to a Zero Discharge Policy, and maintains control over acid rock drainage as per the ARD/AMD Management Plan. Acid waste dumps are designed and constructed with clay lining and inert material on the sill, then encapsulated or â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;bundedâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; with clay and inert material around the dumps to prevent from ground contamination. Potential seepage water
from the acid waste dumps will be collected and contained in interception drains dug along the toe of the waste dumps, and pumped back to containment ponds. Contaminated water from the pit is pumped into the Overflow Pond, while run-off released from the process leach pad areas is contained in the Storm-Water Pond and any excessive water is then pumped into the Tailings Dam. All contaminated solution is recycled as make-up water for the process of irrigating the Heap Cells.
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Land Disturbance Managing a Delicate Ecosystem
MYTCLâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leased area totals appproximately 2,300 hectares, and is comprised of vegetated land, hills and ancient pits left by previous mining activities. Mining operations and the processing of ore inevitably change the natural landscapes. MYTCL assumes the responsibility to minimise land disturbance and to rehabilitate the areas inevitably affected. Since 2001 the company has established and implemented a rolling 3-year program of progressive rehabilitation and revegetation within the lease, which has made excellent progress and will be reviewed in detail during the 2015 year to incorporate all mine design changes since the inception of MYTCL.
To control land disturbance on the S&K Project, a permit system is used to ensure personnel and departments understand that the areas to be disturbed shall have minimal environmental impacts.
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In 2014, 30 detailed sites have been recorded as disturbed and as either contaminated, impacted or affected. These locations will be closed as part of the Mine Closure Plan, which will rehabilitate all MYTCL sites detected to date. The old Flotation Plant and limestone waste stockpile are among several sites used by previous mining operations and listed as contaminated. MYTCL is not responsible for remediation of any preexisting sites. Kyisintaung Pits and the heapleach pads are disturbed sites that remain in operation. Additionally, 13-sites previously listed as disturbed have been closed and rehabilitated to date. In 2014 both the Sabetaung South and the main Sabetaung Pit have commenced mine closure with detailed designs prepared and monitored by Knight PiÄĹ sold and Operations Management. MYTCLâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Environmental Site Management Program, monitored by the SE Department, references standards set by the National Environment Protection Council of Australia.
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Managing a Delicate Ecosystem
Annually Flora and Fauna Studies are conducted twice per year by an in-country specialised company, led by the countryâs leading expert Dr. Win Maung. Referencing the original Myanmar Ivanhoe Copper Company Limited - MICCL Baseline Study and monitoring reports completed by Minproc Engineers Ltd., the species presence, or decline thereof, of both fauna and flora are observed on a year by year basis within the impacted areas of the S&K Project lease.
The conservation of biodiversity continued by MYTCL has a primary focus involving endangered, vulnerable and endemic species of birds and mammals. An area of conservation was determined and outlined to not be impacted within the lease area. It showed to be the dwelling of many of the fauna species indigenous to the area, and home to their feeding grounds. The mountain areas and their foothills of the northeastern lease area of S&K, known as the Kyadwintaung, Hninsitaung and Taukamauk mountains, have been reserved by MYTCL specifically to allow the fauna of this area to re-establish, or maintain livelihood. Nonetheless, human intervention, farming and the mine itself have been a part in the decline of the native fauna of this area. Future plans of establishing a permanent protected conservation area, currently named the Twin Peaks Nature Reserve, are in preparation with government assistance. The Dhole (Cuon alpinus adustus), now regarded as endangered species by the Red Data Book, has been recorded since 1998 in the project area and increased in number under the careful
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protection rendered by the organisation. Likewise, the Eldâs Deer (Cervus eldi) also a vulnerable species, progressively migrate from neighbouring villages into the area of S&K project due to the safety and magnetism of the newlyborn woodland rehabilitation planning of MYTCL. The organisation is going to make a plan of further investigation in respect of their relative abundance, distribution status and niche of this particular wildlife species. The presence of 2 species out of 4 National endemic species of avian fauna exist within the mine lease, amongst them the Hooded Tree Pie (Crypsirina cucullata), and the other species that catches the full interest of most Ornithologists is the White Throated Babbler (Turdoides gularsis), abundant in numbers recently. The Indian Muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak), also commonly called the âBarking Deerâ due to the bark-like sound that it makes as an alarm when danger is present, is a common species found still thriving in the area. The Green Bee Eater is also a common site found nestling in the sandy roadsides at MYTCL.
áá˝á ášá áĽáš áĄááášááşááłá¸ááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áááąááŤááşááłá¸ááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áąááˇááŹáťááášá¸ááᯠáááá ááŻáá˝á áš ááźááš áťááłááŻáášáá˛áˇá áĽáš áááášá¸ ááááłááášáąáá˝áşáŹášáá˝áášá¸áżááŽá¸ áťááášááášááŹá¸áťááášá¸ ááá˝ááąáᏠMYTCL á á áŽááśáááášá¸áááŻá¸ááşá˛ááąáťá á§áááᏠááşáŹá¸áĄááźáášá¸ áá°á¸áťááŹá¸á áźáŹ ááááŻááášááááá˝ááąážááŹáášá¸ áąááźááá˝ááááŤááášá ááášááášá¸ááşáášáąááşá¸ááźáŹ á§áááᏠááşáŹá¸ááźááš áąááááŻáášáá° áá°áĽáŽá¸áąá áááŻá¸ááźáŹá¸ááŹáá áá˝áá áá ášááşááłááąáᏠáąááşá¸áá˝áášááşááłá¸á ááášááşáŹá¸ áĄááźáášáĄá áŹá¸ áĄáąááŹáášáąá áĄááşááłá¸áĄáááŻááš áąááşáŹáˇááşááźáŹá¸ áąááŹášááášá¸ áá˝áášá¸ááŹá¸ááąááŹááš ááá˝ááá˛áˇááŤá ááášááášá¸ááşááš á áŽááśááášáááźá˛áá áąááŹášááᎠ(EMC) áá˝ ááşáŹá¸ááźáášá¸áąááŹáášá áąááŹáášááąááŹáášá áá˝áášá¸ááŽáąááŹááš áá˝áášáˇ ááášá¸áąááŹáášáąáťáááşáŹá¸ááźááš áááŹááąááŤáášááášááşáŹá¸ áťááášááášááşááłá¸áąááŹáášáťááášá¸á ááŹááźáášáťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áááášá¸áááášá¸ áąá áŹááˇášáąáá˝áŹáášáťááášá¸ ááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ááŤááášáąáᏠMYTCL á áŽááśáááášá¸á ááášááášá¸ááşááš á áŽááśááášáááźá˛áá ááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸áááš áááąááŹáášáąáĄáŹáášáťááášáąážááŹáášá¸ áĄá áŽááášááś ááášáťáááŹá¸ááŤááášá
The Annual Flora and Fauna Studies conducted in 2014 show no significant impact within the MYTCL lease area that was not anticipated due to project expansions. The surrounding village areas exhibited progressive human intervention and some population sizes of bird species are in decline, but not considerably. EMC reports that; âThe environmental management activities of the MYTCL project including revegetation activities, protection, and the conservation activities around Kyadwintaung, Taukamauk, Hninsitaung and their foothill areas are effective.â
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to Incidence Reporting
Environmental incident reporting is required to identify areas for improvement and to track progress on the treatment of an area following an incident. In 2014 there were a total of 14 Environmental Incidents, which produced little to no impact within the lease areas. Immediate response was taken in each event through the well-trained concerned departments. Incidents were reported in a timely manner, and conservation was attained with very little damage to the flora in contact. All areas of Environmental Incident were related to the Process Department and solution spillage. Additional precautionary measures were taken to inspect all pipelines and joints as part of an improvement program to acknowledge this area of concern, and departmental training was accelerated.
No. of Environment Incident
20 15 10 5 0
All areas are carefully monitored for possible further impact after rehabilitation adhering to international standards and good practice techniques regarding environmental reclamation and mitigation.
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REHABILITATION AND REVEGETATION MYTCL is responsible for restoring the natural landscape and for rehabilitating the area during and after mining operations. Minimisation of land disturbances and progressive rehabilitation has been carried out in the following areas of the mine site: The company has developed a rolling 3-year rehabilitation plan to re-vegetate areas disturbed by previous mining activities and areas where no activities future mining activities are expected. The 3-year ⢠Decommissioned areas work plan is carried out through MYTCLâs annual ⢠Tailings-spills reclaimed area from Rehabilitation Program. This ensures that the amount of disturbed area is kept to a minimum at previous mining all times. The Rehabilitation Program has achieved ⢠Abandoned waste dumps from excellent results. A total of 375 hectares have been rehabilitated since 1999. The goal of the 2014 plan previous mining was to plant 50,000 trees in 45.5 hectares. In fact, ⢠Areas where no future mining activities approximately 50,000 trees were planted in 11.5 hectares, refining the plantations to areas where a are expected denser thicket could be achieved and therefore reducing visual impact from the lease perimeters. This included 3.5 hectares in rehabilitation blocks of Sabetaung Waste Dump near the New Dondaw Village and other flat plain areas throughout the S&K Project. In 2015 MYTCL plans to rehabilitate and revegetate above a projected 15 hectares of disturbed land by encapsulating and backfilling the remaining Sabetaung South pit and planting assorted native grasses and shrubs as part of the Mine Closure and Trials Project for Sabetaung South. This area will serve as a trial ground for the closure programs for the Sabetaung twin pits, determining effective encapsulation methodologies and appropriate land-formations for sustainable closure and water management. Other areas of revegetation in 2015, and more specifically rehabilitation, will be directly linked to closure preparations. ⢠Land disturbed by previous mining
ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT TABLE 2014-2015 Additional Environmental Project Jobs 2014-2015
Estimated cost USD$
Related to Progressive Mine Closure and Environmental Stability for Operations Diversion Drain Channel Establishment Security Access Road Sheeting Environmental Berm Access Road Borrow Pits Back-Fill W-Drain Sub Embankment Top Soil Dump Waste Clay Dump Vegetation Clean Up & Drain Clean Up New SX-EW Bypass Drain Establishment New SX-EW Pipe Easement Two Catchment Pond Establishment Power Line Stability Embankment
127,167.00 75,240.00 1,337,600.00 87,780.00 1,128,600.00 1,630,200.00 1,354,320.00 5,529.00 49,761.00 702,240.00 1,672,000.00 668,800.00
Pad 4 Pad 6 Pads 4 & 6 Pad 4 Pad 4 Pad 5 Pad 5 Pad 4 TH-C TH-C Pad 5 Pad 4
In order to facilitate Mine Closure and to ensure environmental considerations were met during development of operations, specific areas of design were completed in 2014 and further expansions will continue through 2015 and onwards. These areas are outlined in the project table above.
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A new boundary fence-line began construction in 2014 with a perimeter berm as part of the mine closure program. Through 2015, this boundary will be considered for further enhancement and improvement of design to prepare for full and final mine closure. A detailed plan has been implemented by Environmental Management and reviewed by the Ministry of Greenery and of Forestry with absolute compliance and appreciation for the conservation efforts, as well as to minimise any visual or physical impact outside of the lease areas. Aesthetically, the perimeter berm will also change the now barren and dusty landscape to a more visually stimulating boundary line with rich vegetation.
In 2015, trees are also being planted outside of the lease into the Tebinkan area, as requested by the village to assist in improving and beautifying this area for future environmental sustainability. The fencing will continue around the remainder of the lease areas during 2015 to ensure the safety of people and wildlife, or domestic animals from accidentally entering into the mining activity areas. The Sabetaung Waste Dump and pits are also now under closure and the need to mitigate safety risks are a priority for the MYTCL Safety & Environment Department.
Sustainability Report
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86 | Sustainability Report
Estimated number of Plant
East of Sabetaung Waste Dump
REVEGETATION of the MYTCL PROJECT AREA in 2014 Lease boundary (Pad 4 & Pad 6)
Near MYTCL Camp
REHABILITATION of the SABETAUNG SOUTH PIT for 2015 Sabetaung South
REVEGETATION of THE MYTCL PROJECT AREA FOR 2015 Both side of Damapala Creek
Southern bund extension
New extension bund to ANFO Magazine
Around Tank House-C
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Sustainability Report
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REHABILITATION HISTORY of the S&K Mine Site - 2015
YEAR 1999 - 2013 YEAR 2014 YEAR 2015
In 2015 MYTCL plans to rehabilitate and re-vegetate above a projected 15 hectares of disturbed land by encapsulating and backfilling the remaining Sabetaung South pit and planting assorted native grasses and shrubs as part of the Mine Closure and Trails Project for Sabetaung South.
88 | Sustainability Report
In 2013 it became a prerogative of MYTCL to add to the existing 36 ECPs a 37th. This was the Vibration Control Procedure. Due to the extreme sensitivity of the surrounding village structures and religious historical buildings, vibration monitoring was conducted and an emphasis was placed on control and mitigation of areas that showed sensitivity. As the Kyisintaung Project began rapid and increased development, concerns were raised from local villagers in regards to the impact the vibrations were possibly accountable for. Blasting measures were practiced and resonance and peak particle velocity (PPV) monitored to ensure outside claims of damage were scrupulous, or that they may in fact be caused due to other means. Despite utilising absolute minimums in accordance with world standards from various continents, it was found that some damage still occurred. To this impact MYTCL responded with rebuild support and proper engineering of facilities to not only withstand the small vibrations caused by blasting at the new Kyisintaung Project, but to also mitigate against any sizable vibrations in this highly seismic area.
Vibration: Peak Particle Velocity - PPV (mm/sec)
Permissible Limit: 15mm/sec for >25Hz of Ground Vibration for Domestic Buildings
14.00 12.00
MYTCL Alert Level: 2mm/sec for <8Hz of Ground Vibration for Sensitive Structures
10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 01/04/2014
ááášááášá¸ááşáášáĄáąáá ááŻáášááťááášááśá áŹá¸ááááĄááźááš á áŽááśááášáááźá˛áá MYTCL áááš ááášáá˝á ECP (Environmental Control Procedures) ááźááš ááŤáá˝ááąáᏠáĄááášá¸áá (áá) ááŻááźááš áá ášáᯠááášáááŻá¸áááŻááš ááášáˇ áĄáá°á¸ááŻáášáááŻáášááźáášáˇ áĄáŹááŹááᯠáááá ááŻáá˝á ášááźááš ááá˝áááŹáżááŽá¸ áá (áá) áᯠáťáá ášááŹááŤááášá ááášá¸áááš ááášááášá¸ááşáášáĄáąáá ááŻáśááťáááš ááśá áŹá¸áá˝áł áááášá¸ááşáłáášááášáˇ ááŻáášáąááŹáášááşááš áťáá ášááŤááášá áááŻáášá¸ááášá¸ááşáášáá˝á áąááşá¸ááźáŹááşáŹá¸ áĄáąááĄááŹá¸á ááźáášááźáášáá˛áᲠááášáááš áá áááśáááŻáášááááşáŹá¸ áąážááŹááˇášááášá¸áąááŹáášá¸á ááááŻáášá¸áááš ááŹááŹáąáḠáĄáąááŹáášáĄáĄáśáŻááşáŹá¸áąážááŹáášáˇ ááášá¸áąááŹáášá¸á áťááášáááš ááŻáášááťáááš ááśá áŹá¸ áąáá¸áááášáˇ áąá áŹáášáˇážááášáˇá á ášáąáḠáá˝áášááŹá¸ááááşáŹá¸ááᯠááŻáášáąááŹáášáááŤááášá áááááŻáášááźáášáąáᏠáąáááŹááşáŹá¸ááźáášááášá¸ áááášá¸ááşáłáášáá˝áłáá˝áášáˇ áąááşáŹáˇááášá¸ááźáŹá¸áááš áĄááźáášááášá¸ áĄáąáá¸ááŹá¸ ááşáá˝ááš áąááŹáášááźáášáááŤááášá á áśááášáąááŹáášá áąááá¸á áášáąááŹáášá áŽááśáááášá¸áááš ááşáášááşááš áťááášáťáááš áááŻá¸áááš ááśáźááťáááłá¸ááŹááášáˇ áĄááźááš áąáááŹáášáˇ ááááŻááášáá ášááŹááááşáŹá¸áá˝áášáˇ á áášááşáĽášá¸á áąááááś ááźáŹááŹá¸ááşáŹá¸á ááášáťáááŹáąáᏠááŻáśááťáááš áąááŹáášááźáášáąáá¸ááźáŹá¸áááášáˇ áĄáąážááŹáášá¸áťááášá¸ááŹááşáŹá¸ááᯠááŻáášáąááŹáášáąáá¸áááš ááŹááášáá°áá˛áˇ áááŤááášá ááášá¸áąááŹáášááźá˛ááášáˇ áĄááŻááášá¸áĄááŹááᯠá áá ášáááş ááášáąááźáááŻáášáá˛áˇááášáˇ áĄáťáááš ááźáášáąááááŹáąáᏠáááášá¸ááśá áąáá¸áááášáˇá áášááźáŹá¸ááášáˇ áĄáááášááąáá¸ááşáŹá¸á áĄáá˝ááášáĄááŻáášá áĄáťááŹá¸áąáᏠááášá¸ááşáŹá¸áá˝áášáˇ áťáá ášáąááááŹáąáᏠááááŻááášáááááŻááĄáŹá¸ á á ášáąáá¸áá˝áášááŹá¸áťááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áťááłááŻáášáá˛áˇááťááášáˇ ááááŻááášááşáášá áŽá¸áąá áá áĄááźááš áťááášááąá áŹááááşáŹá¸ááᯠáá ášááášá¸ááááá˝á áĄáąááĄááşáŹ áąááŹáášááźááš áá˛áˇááŤááášá áááŹáťáááŻááášáááŽá¸ áĄááŽá¸ááŽá¸á áááŹáťááĄááášáˇáĄááášá¸ á áśááşááášá áśáááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇáĄáᎠááááŻááášáá áĄááášá¸ááśáŻá¸ áťáá ášáąáĄáŹááš áąáá˝áşáŹáˇááş ááŻáášáąááŹáášáá˛áˇááášáˇ áá áŹá¸ ááşáášá áŽá¸ááááŻááášáááááš áťáá ášáąááá˛áťáá ášáąáááŹáášá¸ áąááźááąá áááŤááášá MYTCL ááᚠᤠáááŻááąáᏠááááŻááášááááşáŹá¸ááᯠááášáˇáąááŹášáąáᏠá áášááááášá¸ááᏠáąááŹáášáá°ááááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááŻáášááťááášáąááŹáášááźááš áá˛áˇááťááášáˇ áąážáá¸á áášáąááŹááš ááášá¸ááźá˛áááąážááŹáášáˇ áĄáąáá¸áĄááźá˛á ááŻáášááŤááááşáŹá¸ááᯠážááśážááśááśáááŻáášáááŻá ᤠáąáťááááşááš áąážááŹá§ááááŹáááŽá¸ááźááš áĄáąááŹášáĄááášáˇáá˝ááąáᏠáąáťáááŹá¸ááŻáášááŤááááşáŹá¸ááᯠáąááşáŹáˇááášá¸ááźáŹá¸áąá ááŤááášá
Sustainability Report
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90 | Sustainability Report
Protecting the environment is a priority for all members of our society. Governments specifically have a key role in setting environmental standards and ensuring that individuals and organisations meet them. Increasingly in Myanmar, the governments, industry and community organisations are working as partners to protect our environment for present and future generations. Ultimately the training of our employees is the key to our success at MYTCL. The viability of the mining industry is challenged because of high expectations for environmental protection, lower risk to human health, competing land use demands, and the value of the natural environment as recreational space, and as the repository of valuable biological assets, natural environmental services and aesthetic appeal. Mining practice at MYTCL has evolved to reflect these concerns and regulatory requirements. We have introduced management policies and practices and have adopted technologies that allow mining to occur with minimum environmental harm. Our employees are trained in our environmental stewardship continually throughout their careers with us, and the improvements to MYTCL standards can be seen intensifying year after year. Training includes the identification of the benefits of best/good practice, include preventing harmful environmental and social impacts, improved outcomes in the project expansion stages, lower risk of non-compliance, greater acceptance/less resistance from key stakeholders (in particular local communities and land owners), lower financial burdens in the mine closure and rehabilitation phases, and lower risk of significant liabilities post-closure. We teach our MYTCL management levels to be environmentally responsible, and to always research international guidelines and look at new ways to minimise the impacts of our operations on the environment. Some of these include: â˘
Keeping the mining âfootprintâ (the disturbed area) to a minimum;
Ensuring the maximum extraction of the mineral from the smallest area;
Minimising the risks of surface and groundwater pollution;
Minimising the consumption of energy in the form of diesel, petrol and electricity used in mining and processing operations;
Minimising emissions to atmosphere in the form of particulate (dust), exhaust fumes from vehicles and processing activities;
Increasing employee training, including environmental, safety and health awareness;
Investing in the local community infrastructure; and
Through both concurrent and post-closure rehabilitation, returning the mining areas to positively useful and self-sustaining landforms.
Dr. Win Maung consults with Mr. Brett Loney.
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The Safety and Environment Department is diligently working with local villages and their leadership to educate the people of our communities of the safety and environmental issues affiliated with MYTCL and the S&K Project, as well as how to make an environmental reduction of their own Carbon Footprint. The objective of this well-planned exercise is to make all of our neighbours aware of the care for the environment that we altogether must take, and that we at MYTCL are following internationally recognised and scientifically proven measures to reduce, reuse, rehabilitate and respect our environment. Every month a new village has been scheduled for a consultation from the S&E Department. During this visit our S&E teams will discuss current or past issues, and take the time to test well-water and complete healthcare check-ups on some of the inhabitants or new-bornâs from each village, as well as listening to concerns and offering assistance or advice for solutions. In 2014 close consultations were held with villagers from all around the S&K Project. Open feelings and expressions were allowed to be voiced, and the S&E Department with Operations Management addressed each and every concern or opinion with clear understanding and cooperation. These consultations will continue through 2015, and will become a part of the new Grievance Mechanism Reporting Structure for the yearâs community and inclusive development improvement planning.
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Long-term individual development is still the responsibility of the potential employee. But we at MYTCL believe that once the individual has been hired, professional development becomes the responsibility of our organisation. Although the employee was hired with a certain set of knowledge, skills and abilities, if the roles and responsibilities of the position change, and they will, MYTCL maintains a âcorporate social responsibilityâ to invest in our human capital. Employees are investing in MYTCL by working longer hours, by handling evolving tasks and assuming increased responsibilities. So we practice building on Human Capital as an investment for both our company, as well as for the future of our employees.
The question as to who should be responsible for an employeeâs professional development is an easy one to answer;
â it is the Employer. â
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áá°ááŹá¸áĄááášá¸áĄáá˝áŽá¸ áťáááášáˇááášáąáá¸áťááášá¸ áá°ááĄááášá¸áĄáťáá ášá áĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸áááŻáášá¸áááŻáášáᏠáá˝áášáˇ ááŻáášááášá¸ááášááášáťááášá¸áááŻáášáᏠááźáśááżáááłá¸áááŻá¸ááášáá áĄááŻáášáááŹá¸ áá ášáąááŹáášá áĄááášáąááźá¸áá á áźáášá¸áááš áááŻá¸ááášáťáááášáˇááŹá¸ááŹáá áĄááźááš ááŹááášáá˝ááá°áááš ááášáá°áťáá ášáááš áááŻááášáˇ áąáá¸ááźáášá¸áᏠáá°áááŻáášá¸áĄááźááš áąáťááááŻáááš ááźáášáá° ááŤááášá áĄáąáťááá˝áŹ áĄááŻáášáá˝áášá ááŹááášáᏠáťáá ášááŤááášá ááŹááá˝áášá áźáŹ áá ášáĽáŽá¸ááşáášá¸ ááźáśááżáááłá¸áááŻá¸ááášáááááš áĄááŹá¸áĄááŹáá˝ááąáᏠáĄááŻáášáááŹá¸á ááŹááášáá°ááášáťááášá¸ áĄáąáá ááášááášáąá ááŤááášá áááŻááąááŹáš áá˝áźáášáŻáášááŻáá MYTCL áĄáąááťáááˇáš áá ášáĽáŽá¸áťááášá¸ áá˝áŹá¸ááášá¸áĄááśáŻá¸áťááłáááˇáš áĄááŤáááŻáášá¸ áĄááášáąááźá¸ááá áźáášá¸áááš áááŻá¸áááš áťáááášáˇááŹá¸ááŹáąá áááš áá˝áźáášáŻáášáááŻá áĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸á ááŹááášáťáá ášáąážááŹáášá¸ ááášááśááśáŻážááášááŹá¸ááŤááášá áááŻááŻáᯠáá˝áźáášá¸ááşáášáá áá˝áášáˇ ááŻáášáááŻáášá áźáášá¸ áá ášá áśáŻáá ášááŹáťááášáˇ áĄááŻáášáááŹá¸áĄáŹá¸ áá˝áŹá¸ááášá¸áĄááśáŻá¸áťááłáá˛áˇ áżááŽá¸áá˝áşáášáąááŹášáá˝ áĄááášá áĄááášáˇáĄááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááŹááášáá˝ááá áĄáąáťááĄáąá áąáťááŹáášá¸áá˛ááźáŹá¸áá˛áˇááŤáá˝áşááš áá°áááŻááĄáŹá¸ ááááááŻááá áá°ááŹá¸ áĄááášá¸áĄáťáá ášááźááš ááášá¸áá˝áŽá¸áťáááłáášáá˝áśáááš (MYTCL) áá˝ ááŹááášáá áá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸áá ášáᯠáĄáąááťááášáˇ áááášá¸áááášá¸ ááŹá¸ááŤááášá áĄááŻáášáááŹá¸ááşáŹá¸áááš MYTCL ááźááš ááŹááŽááşáŹá¸á áźáŹ ááŻáášáááŻáášáťááášá¸áťááášáˇ ááášá¸áąááŹáášá¸á áĄááášáˇááášáˇ áąáťááŹáášá¸áá˛ááŹáąáᏠááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ ááŻáášáááŻáášáťááášá¸áťááášáˇ ááášá¸áąááŹáášá¸ áááášááášá¸áááŻá¸ ááŹááášáá°áá ááşáŹá¸ ááášááśáá°áťááášá¸áťááášáˇ ááášá¸áąááŹáášá¸ MYTCL ááźááš ááášá¸áá˝áŽá¸áťáááłáášáá˝áś áąáá¸áąáááááŤááášá ááŻááĄááźááš áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸áááš áá°ááŹá¸áĄááášá¸áĄáá˝áŽá¸ ááášáąááŹáášááŹááźááš ááŻáá¸ááŽáĄááźááš áá˝áášáˇ ááŻáášááŹá¸ááášááášá¸ ááşáŹá¸á áĄááŹááášáĄááźááš áá˝á ášááášá ááśáŻá¸ áĄááşááłá¸áá˝ááąá ááášáˇ ááášá¸áá˝áŽá¸áťáááłáášáá˝áśáá áá ášááášááᯠááášáąááźá ááŻáášáąááŹááš ááźáŹá¸ááŤááášá MYTCL áááš áĄááášáąááźá¸áá á áźáášá¸ááášáááŻá¸ááášáťááášá¸á ááĽášáąááşá¸áá ááášá¸áá ášáąáťááŹáášá¸áá˛áťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááŽááźááš áááŻáášá áźáášá¸ááŻááá á á ášáá˝áášáąáᏠááášáááŻá¸áááŻáááᯠááŹá¸ááášááŤááášá ááŻáááĄáťáááš ááášááášá¸á áĄáąáťáááśáááŹááźááš áĄááášááťáááš ááášáá°áťááášá¸ ááášáááŻá¸áááŻááášá¸ áááá˝ááš ááášááś ááŤááášá áááŻáááŻáąááŹáášá¸ááźáášáąáᏠáĄáąááĄááŹá¸áťááášáˇ ááşáášááşáášáťááášáťáááš áąáťááŹáášá¸áá˛áąááąáᏠááąáá áĄááŻáášáááŹáťáááŽá¸á áááŻáĄááš ááşáášááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááŻááášááášááŽáąá áááš áá ášáĽáŽá¸ááşáášá¸ áááŻá¸ááášááááᯠááśáˇáááŻá¸áąáá¸áťááášá¸áĄáŹá¸ ááááááŻáá áĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸áĄáąááťááášáˇ ááášááś áĄáááĄáá˝ááš áťááłá፠ááášá áĄááśáŻá¸á áśáŻ áąááŤáášá¸á áášá¸ááŹá¸áąáᏠáááŹááşá´áᏠáĄááźáášá¸ááźááš áąááŤáášá¸á áášááŹá¸áąáᏠáĄááášáąááźá¸áá ááᏠááźáśááżáááłá¸áááááš ááášááášá¸ áĄáŹá¸ááśáŻá¸ááᯠáá˝áźáášáŻáášáááŻá ááášá¸áá˝áášá¸áąáá¸ááŹá¸áąáᏠá ááášáąáááááá ášáᯠáťáá ášááŤááášá áĽáŽá¸áąááŹáášáĽáŽá¸ááźáášáťááłáá° áĄááşáŹá¸á áŻáááš áááááááŻáá ááŻáášááŹá¸ ááášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ ááźáśááżáááłá¸áááŻá¸ááášáááš áááŻáĄáášááşááš áá˝áášáˇ áąááŹáášá¸ááşááłá¸áá ášáááš áá˝áááášááᯠááášááś ááąááŹáá°ážáááŤááášá ᤠáąááŹáášá¸ááşááłá¸ááᯠáąáááźáášáááŻáášá¸áᏠáťááááš ááášáá˛áąáááŤáąáá¸ááášá ááŻáá¸ááŽáááš áĄááśáŻá¸á ááááš áťááášáąááŹáášáąááşáŹáˇááşáááš áá˝áŹážááśááášáˇáĄá፠áĄááášáąááźá¸ááá áźáášá¸áááš áąááŹášááŻáášáťááášá¸áááš ááąááŹášáá ááááŻááášáąááąááş ááşáášá áŽá¸ááááᯠáĄááźáášááźáášáá°á áźáŹ áťáá ášáąááááŹáááŻáášááŤááášá áĄáá°á¸ááťááášáˇ ááźáášáá˛áˇáąáᏠááášáá˝á ášááášá¸ áá ášááášá á áŽá¸ááźáŹá¸áąáá¸áááŻáášáᏠááášá¸ááşááš áĄáąááĄááŹá¸áĄáá áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸áááš áĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ááŻááášáᏠááŻáášááŹá¸ááášááášá¸á ááźáśááżáááłá¸áááŻá¸ááášáá áĄáąáá ááŹáá°á¸ áĄááášáˇ áĄááášá¸ áąáá¸áĄáášááŹááźááš ááááááŹáᏠááşááášá¸áąááťááášá¸ááᯠáťááášáąááźááá˛áˇáżááŽá¸ áťáá ášááŤááášá áááŻááąááŹášááášá¸ áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸áááš ááŽááźááš ááášá¸áá ášáťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááášááŽá¸áááŻáášá áźáášá¸ ááśáŻá¸ááąááˇááᯠáĄáŹá¸áąáḠáĄáŹá¸áąáťáááŹáášáááš áąáá˝áşáŹášááášáˇááŤáá˝áşáášá MYTCL áááš ááŻáášááŹá¸ááášááášá¸á ááźáśááżáááłá¸ áááŻá¸ááášáá áĄááźááš áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸á áĄááášá¸áĄáá˝áŽá¸áĄáŹá¸ ááźá˛ááźá˛áťááŹá¸áťááŹá¸ áááťááášááśáŻá¸ááášáááš ááŻááĄáášááŤááášá áĄáá˝áášáááášáĄáŹá¸áťááášáˇ MYTCL ááźááš áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸á á áŽá¸ááźáŹá¸áąáḠááśáŻá áśááášáááš ááášáąááŤáášá¸á áŻáś áĄáááš áąááźá¸ááááᏠááźáśááżáááłá¸ áááŻá¸áááš áżááŽá¸áąáᏠá áŽá¸ááźáŹá¸áąáá¸ááŻáášááášá¸ áťáá ášááŤááášá áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸áááš áąáĄáŹáášá፠áááááᯠáĄáŹá¸áąáá¸áĄáŹá¸áąáťáááŹááš áťááłááŹá¸ááŤááášá
âáá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸áááš áĄáżáá˛ááášáąááźá á áášá¸ááášááŻáášáąááŹáášááźáŹá¸ááášá ááášááŹááášáᏠááášáá°ááźáŹá¸ááášá áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸ááźááš ááťáá ášáááŻáášááášááᯠááşá ášááşá´áááááŻáášáąáᏠáĄáąáťááĄáąááąááŹáášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áá˝ááąááááŻá áĄááŹáᏠáááŻáášá¸ááᯠáĄáżáá˛ááŻáášáąááŹáášáááŻáášáąáᏠááášá¸ááášá¸áąááŹáášá¸ááşáŹá¸ááášá¸ áá˝áááŤááášáâ áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸áááš áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸á áá°ááŻááźáśááżáááłá¸ áááŻá¸ááášáá ááá˝áááťááášá¸áĄááźááš ááŻáášááşá ááááš áááŻááášá¸ ááášáˇááźáášá¸á áĽášá¸á áŹá¸ ááŹá¸áááŤááášá
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Diversity and equal opportunity are vital areas of consideration for the HR teams.
HUMAN RESOURCES ORGANISATIONAL & OPERATIONAL DEVELOPMENT MYTCL understands the true value of professional development, culture, innovation and creativity, and also recognises the value of continuously educating our employee base. Our organisation acknowledges that by providing individual development that we will be better positioned to adapt to the rapidly changing demands of todayâs work environment. Incorporating professional development within the overall corporate strategy is the challenge we offer all of our employees. Most leaders would agree there is a requirement and benefit to developing their employees. Yet this benefit may be hard to quantify; when a company is looking to cut costs, professional development could all too easily become the casualty. Given the economic environment of the past half-decade in particular, we have seen a dramatic decline in organisational employee development investiture. However, if we hope to promote a culture of innovation and creativity, MYTCL needs to look differently at our investment in employee development.
MYTCL has, in fact, integrated professional development into our business model. We promote this philosophy: We are always experimenting and constantly learning. We have a healthy disregard for the impossible and âthe way things are always doneâ. We also consider the cost of NOT developing our people.
ATTRACTION, RETENTION, AND ENGAGEMENT This year you will find the issues of retention, engagement, and âattraction of talentâ to be top on our priority list. We have found that the top two people issues facing MYTCL in 2015 are leadership and retention. These are the problems we face in the dynamic, growing national economy of Myanmar. While there will still be high levels of unemployment in our surrounding villages and regions, generally people have changed their perspectives. They want work which is meaningful, rewarding, and enjoyable. Top performers will seek out career growth. Mid-level staff will strive for leadership development. And MYTCL, as an HR organisation, commits to compete, adapt, and innovate to stay ahead.
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1. Integrated Training
For 2015-16 the Training Department will begin to trend in a more educated direction as we find high-level skills short and we will begin to build a supply chain for talent. This means partnering with universities, establishing apprentice programs, creating developmental assignments, and focusing on continuous learning. MYTCL plans to place emphasis on continuous learning in 2015 with the intent of attracting the best and building internally for the future. Many of our employees are misplaced. They came into the organisation in whichever manner they could. Sometimes just getting your âfoot in the doorâ requires being a security guard. To us, this is a talent pool that we must begin to relocate and build together for tomorrow.
2. Restructure Performance Management
The old-fashioned performance review is slowly going out the window. In 2015 MYTCL will aggressively enforce the redesign of our appraisal and evaluation programs to focus on coaching, development, continuous goal alignment, and recognition. Heads of Departments are now learning this new approach and focusing on engaging their people and helping them perform at extraordinary levels.
3. Redefine Engagement
Engagement and retention will become a top priority. Our work environment, management practices, benefits and recognition programs, career development, and corporate mission all contribute to engagement. As we move forward to seek to attract and grow long-term employees, we will re-imagine employee engagement in a new, integrated way. And rather than survey annually during the review process, we will develop new tools that will allow us to monitor engagement continuously.
4. Career Development
As an employer, we need to provide internal talent mobility and career growth in our own organisation. 2015 is the time to build a talent mobility strategy which includes open access to internal positions, employee assessment tools, interview guides, and leadership values that focus on internal development. It means that we must take into account the fact that we are a growing company with a sister company about to scout for talent, right next door.
5. Redesign and Reskill the HR Function
HR itself is changing dramatically and we need to continuously skill our own teams to maintain our relevance and value. HR isnât all about paperwork and filing systems⌠itâs about training the people as well as the trainers. Itâs about opening the doors for development. HR itself, as a business function, is undergoing radical change. Todayâs HR organisation is no longer judged by its administrative efficiency â it is judged by its ability to acquire, develop, retain, and help manage talent. And more and more HR is being asked to become âData-Drivenâ, and to understand how to best manage people based on real data, not just judgement or good ideas. As a result of these changes, in 2015 MYTCL will focus on innovation, new ideas, and leveraging technology to drive value in HR.
6. Diversity in Employment
MYTCL aims to attract a diverse workforce which reflects the communities in which we operate. We remain committed to respecting the various differences which exist among our people, while also recognising the benefits which come from a diverse workforce. MYTCLâs policy on fairness, respect and diversity of employment guides our people on the importance of maintaining a work environment that is inclusive and offers opportunities to all people based on merit.
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Human Resources
During the 2014 year, MYTCLâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s female participation rate was a total of 10.9% of the total workforce compared to 11.4% in 2013. We recognise that while this is a low proportion, it is consistent with the industry history of this legacy mine. Intentions to increase this strength have allowed female workers the rights to apply for many jobs not previously available to educated women. In 2015 there will be a strong development in the environmental areas that may have a positive impact on the female population of the workforce.
7. Casual Labourers to Contract Employee Evolution
In 2015 there will be yet again another escalation in the employment considerations for MYTCL and Casual Labourers. The General Manager took a close look at the entire workforce and concluded that although there are more than enough employees currently hired into Contract positions in MYTCL, that sustainable education and labour assistance should be provided to our neighbouring villages. This decision prompted the hiring of candidates who were currently Casual Labourers into newly created contract positions, and will take course over the 2015 year. This addition to the workforce will strengthen the future generations for MYTCL, encourage cooperation and support of the villages, and show that the MYTCL priority to take this action was in accordance to our corporate social responsibility programs.
8. Human Asset Expansion & Safety
The MYTCL organisation has come to its peak in employee recruitment, and in 2015 there will be approximately 1,000 employees on site who have work experience under 1-year. This staggering fact will challenge the Human Resources and Training Department to be at their best. With such an increase in new employees the management of specific safety training and development for each employee becomes a test in management services. Safety and operations go hand in hand at MYTCL, and safety precedes all activities on and off-site. As part of the HR objective for 2015-16, the sustainable development of employee safety-driven training is a focal point.
9. Open Doors
The Open Door Policy at MYTCL continues to be an important part of the growth and development of the organisation. With the implementation of the Labour Organisations in Myanmar in 2013, the need for a very transparent and easily accessible management team became fundamental for building relationships and fortifying equal and fair treatment of all employees, regardless of position and ranking. This open flow of communication is available for any and all employees from their direct supervisors. And if an employee is not satisfied with the results at this level then there are more doors that are open at higher levels, as well as support groups such as the CMBLO of MYTCL to assist in understanding the company policies and Myanmar labour laws and regulations that MYTCL adheres to.
10 Bottom Line: Engagement, Leadership and Development
At MYTCL we maintain a commitment to our employees to ensure a safe and rewarding workplace, and one which also encourages their personal development. This commitment has been reinforced with enhanced operational development management, and with our improvement process to drive our culture for our people. Our leaders are given feedback on their leadership impact and how the culture is improving. This is an important aspect as to how we develop our leadership, and has been built into other staff development initiatives.
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EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Many of the policies and procedures at MYTCL are in evolution to adapt to the change of the governmental legislations, as well as to the economic growth that Myanmar is experiencing. Employee benefits are part of the constant considerations for improvement by HR in Beijing Head Office. The Company Conditions of Employment are fitted appropriately with all laws and regulatory benefits, as well as with exceptional health and welfare benefits such as Free of Charge Medical Annual and Biannual Checkups, Training and Development, a Provident Fund, Retirement Bonuses, Business Travel and Clothing Allowances, and also Annual Production Bonuses for employees of MYTCL. Important benefits include: Social Security: MYTCL supports the Social Security Scheme for the emergency and special medical care in such case as illness, sustaining injury from work accidents, maternity and death. Mine Ownerâs Liability: MYTCL complies with the Mine Ownerâs Liability (Insurance) to all permanent and contract employees. Provident Fund: The Provident Fund has been established in order to gain retirement funding at the end of MYTCL employeeâs careers. MYTCL and each employee who voluntarily join this program contribute 3% each of the employee salary to a special bank account for the Provident Fund. Upon retirement the employee is awarded the full sum of their fund.
CMBLO: Copper Mine Basic Labour Organisation, established by the employees of MYTCL was registered with the New Myanmar Labour Law in 2012, attracting 800+/- members from the mining company to work hand in hand with the Administration and Human Resources Management of MYTCL. Now in its 3rd year of continuance, the CMBLO has grown into a steady support structure of the company employees and has elected its 2nd batch of Executive Committee Members. MYTCL sponsors the work of the CMBLO and also the objectives and priorities of the ILO; to build on employee and company relationships and to create a work environment that is mutually beneficial and healthy. As part of the employee benefits, additional funding and allowances are made to CMBLO activities to inspire and support this important partnership. These included time off with pay beyond the required laws, business trip support in-country and overseas, as well as a donation for the construction of an office building and support for office equipment in 2014.
Current Organisational Strength - January 1st 2015 Department
All Contract Employee
Casual Labourers 67
Heavy Workshop
482 169
Tank House-C
Engineering Services
Safety & Environment
Security & Fire
Accounting Management
Yangon Totals
300 210
6 3
Public Relations & CSD
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Department Totals
70 576
Training of Management to be ambassadors of the company will take priority in 2015.
Turn-Over Rates & Causes Department
Permanent Deceased
Heavy Equipment
Engineering Services
Management Supply
Total 17 10 2
Safety & Environment
The MYTCL Family The S&K Community, the Villagers and the surrounding area of the MYTCL Mine Site have become family over the course of the years, and although ownership has changed, the Myanmar National people are the constant that has endured the ages. MYTCL is proud to have been adopted into this ancient network of friends, family and neighbours, and whenever possible joins in with the cultural celebrations and festivals of the people and of the different religions of the area. Engaging in donations to the community itself, or directly to monks and monasteries for religious days, MYTCL provides social welfare to many events during the course of the year, and also joins in with the fun. For employees and their families Sport Day Activities occur every year in December, there is an annual Water Festival, Fun Fair during Independence Day, as well as monthly religious days when holy traditions are respected and charities offered to the monks. Along with these special events there also follow some regular activities to help make life easier within Mine Town. Housing Allowance is provided to all permanent employees, water purification centres are operated and maintained by MYTCL, road-works and electrical works are completed, and security and general assistance are offered to the entire Community in any crisis, or time of need. Myanmar Yang Tse Copper Limited not only cares for the Community, we are honoured to have become a part of it.
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MYTCL ááááŹá¸á ᯠá áśááášáąááŹááš áąážáá¸á áášáąááŹááš áá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸á áąááááśáąááşá¸ááźáŹááŹá¸ááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ MYTCL áááąáłááźáášá¸ áąáá áĄááŽá¸ááášá¸ááşááš á§ááááŹáĄááźáášá¸áąááá°ááşáŹá¸áááš áá˝á ášááŹá áĄááášážááŹááášáˇááŻáááš ááááŹá¸á áŻáááźááš áťáá ášááŹáá˛áˇáżááŽá¸ áťáá ášááŤááášá ááášáááŻááááš áááŻáášáááŻáášáá° áĄáąáťááŹáášá¸áĄáᲠáá˝áááášáˇáá áŹá¸ áťááášááŹáĄááşááłá¸ááŹá¸ áťááášáá°áá°ááŻáááš áá˝á ášáąááŤáášá¸áá˝áášážááŹá áźáŹ ážááśážááśááśá ááŹáá ááášááášáąáážáááŤááášá áąáá˝á¸áááášááááš áąááŤáášááźáŹá¸ááŹáżááŽá¸áąáᏠáĄáąááŤáášá¸ áĄááášá¸ áąááŹáášá¸ááášá¸á ááášááŹáášá ááááŹá¸á áŻá ááášááŹáášá áĄááášááŽá¸ááŹá¸ááşáášá¸áąááŹáášá¸ á ááášááŹáášááşáŹá¸ ááśáá°ááŹá¸ááášáˇ áĄáťáááš áąáááĄááŻáááš ááźá˛áťááŹá¸áťááŹá¸ááŹá¸áąáᏠááŹáᏠáĄáá°ááŤá áá˝áášáˇ áá°ááşááłá¸áąááŤáášá¸á áśáŻá ááĽášáąááşá¸áááááŻáášá¸áááŻáášáᏠááşáášá¸áážááąáᏠááźá˛áąááŹášááşáŹá¸ááźááš áťáá ášáááłáášáá áĄáá°áááź ááŤáááš ááášááźá˛ážáááášáˇ áĄááşááášááşáŹá¸ áá˝ááá˛áˇážáááášááşáŹá¸ áĄááźááš áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸ MYTCL áá˝ ááášá¸ááŹááŻáášáá°áááŤááášá áá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ááşáŹá¸á áťááłááŻáášážááąáᏠáĄáá˝á´ áĄááášá¸ááźá˛ááşáŹá¸á ááŻáášá¸áąááŹášáááŽá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááŻáášá¸áąááŹášáááŽá¸ áąááşáŹáášá¸ ááşáŹá¸áá˝áášáˇ áááŻáášááŻááášáááŻáášáąáᏠááŹááŹáąáḠáĄááźáášáĄáťáááš áąáááá°á¸ááşáŹá¸ááźááš MYTCL áá˝ áá ášáá˝á áš ááášááśáŻá¸ áá°áááá°ááśáŻáąáḠááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ ááźááš ááśáˇáááŻá¸áá°áᎠáąáá¸áááŻá áąááşáŹášááźá˛áááášááźá˛ááşáŹá¸ááźáášááášá¸ áĄáá°áááź ááŤááášááášááźá˛ ááŤááášá áá˝á ášá áĽáš ááŽááášááŹá ááźááš ááášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸áá˝áášáˇ áááŻááá ááááŹá¸á áŻááşáŹá¸ áĄááźááš áĄáŹá¸áá áŹá¸ áąááşáŹášááźá˛áááášááźá˛ áťááłááŻáášáąáá¸ááášáˇ áĄáťáááš áá˝á ášá áĽáš áąááá áŹá¸ážáááášáˇ áááá¤áášááźá˛áąááŹášá ááźáášáááš áąáá¸áąáá áąááşáŹášááźá˛áááášááźá˛ ááşáášá¸ááąáá¸áááŻá áá áĽáš áĄáąáḠáĄáťááášááŹá¸áąáᏠáááŻá¸áᏠááŹááŹáąáá¸áááŻáášáᏠáąáááá°á¸ áąáááťááášááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááŻáášá¸áąááŹášáááŽá¸ááşáŹá¸áĄáŹá¸ áá˝á´ááźááš áááłáł áĄá áŻá áŻáááŻááĄáŹá¸ ááášáá˝á´áá°áąááŹášááźá˛ááşáŹá¸áááŻááášá¸ ááŻáášáąááŹáášáąáá¸ááŤááášá á¤áááŻááąáᏠáĄáá°á¸ááŻáášáąááŹáášáąáá¸áťááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇáĄáá° áááŻáášá¸áżáááłááĄááźáášá¸ áá°áąááááá ááŹááŹáąá áąáá¸áĄááźááš ááśáŻáá˝áášáąááŹáášááźáášáąáá¸áťááášá¸áĄááşááłááááŻááášá¸ ááášáąááŹáášá¸ áťááłááŻáášáąáá¸ááŹá¸ááŤááášá áĄáżáá˛ááášá¸ááášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áĄááźááš áĄááášááŹáąáááŻááášá ááśáˇáááŻá¸áąáá¸áťááášá¸á MYTCL áá˝ áąááŹáášááśáŻá¸áąá ááášáá áášáąáá¸á áášááşáŹá¸ ááášááášáąáḠáťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áááášá¸áááášá¸áťááłáťááášáąáá¸áťááášá¸á ááášá¸ááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áá˝áşáášá á ášáąáá¸áąááťááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áĄáťááášáˇáĄá áąááŹáášááźááš áąáá¸ááŹá¸áťááášá¸á áá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ááşáŹá¸áĄááźááš ááŻááĄáášááş áášááááŻáĄáášááášáˇáĄááşááášáá˝áášáˇ ááášááášáˇ ááášáááŻáášááášáˇ ááŹááááᯠáąáá¸ááášá¸ááśáŻáťááśáłáąáḠáá˝áášáˇ áĄáąááźáąááź áĄáá°áĄááŽáąáá¸áťááášá¸ áááŻááááŻááášá¸ áá°áááĄáá˛áźááĄá áášá¸ áá ášááášááśáŻá¸áĄáŹá¸ ááśáˇáááŻá¸áąáá¸ááŹá¸ááŤááášá MYTCL áááš áá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸áĄáŹá¸ áťááłá áŻáąá áŹáášáˇáąáá˝áŹááš áąáá¸ááźáŹá¸ááŻáś ááźáášáá á¤áá˛áˇáááŻá áá ášá ááášáá ášáááŻáášá¸ áĄáťáá áš ááŤáááš áá°áᎠááŻáášáąááŹáášáąáá¸áąáááťááášá¸ áĄááźáášááášá¸ ááášá¸áᏠááŻáášáá°áąáááŤááášá
Sustainability Report
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BUILDING CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY In recent years, concerns about sustainability and social responsibility have become an increasingly high profile issue in many countries and industries, none more so than the mining industry in Myanmar. Sustainable development in MYTCLâs corporate mining context defines a commitment to continuous environmental and socioeconomic improvement, from operations through to closure and post-closure management. Building CSR for MYTCL relates to activities in terms of lifelong values achieved through the following: economic development â investment of generated revenues to ensure the future development and long-term livelihood of the communities; environmental protection â the minimisation of environmental impacts of natural resource exploitation and land rehabilitated to allow successive use; social cohesion â the minimisation of social and cultural disruption to the communities, maintenance of stakeholder dialogue and transparency of operation. This is the fundamental concept of Corporate Conscience, and it is identified through the development of CSR programs, with the direction of their focus pinpointed onto the community.
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Community - CSR
The communities that surround the S&K Project include monasteries and historical pagodas, all of which MYTCL assists with maintenance and preservation through the CSR and other projects of community development funding.
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áá°áááá°ááŽáąáá¸áĄááźá˛á ááášáąááŹáášáťááášá¸ MYTCL á áĄáąááŹáášá¸ááśáŻá¸áĄáąááˇáĄááşáášáˇááᯠáĄáááá¸áŹááš ááášáá˝áášáťááášá¸ - ISO 26000 MYTCL á áááá ááŻáá˝á áš áááŹáá˝á áš áá ášáá˝á ášáᏠáżááŽá¸ááśáŻá¸áá˛áˇáżááŽá¸ áá°áááá°ááŽáąáḠáĄááźá˛ááá˝áášáˇ áááášáá˝áŹá¸ááááşáŹá¸ááźááš áá ášáá˝á ášáᏠáąáĄáŹáášáťááášáá áá ášááášá áĄááááąááŹáˇááşáášáááš áĄáá°áááź áá°á¸áąááŤáášá¸áąááŹáášááźáášáťááášá¸ áťáá ášáąážááŹáášá¸ ááŽá¸áąááŹáášá¸áááŻá¸áťááá˛áˇááŤááášá áááĽáŽá¸ áĄá ááşááłá¸áá˛áˇáąáᏠá áŽááśáááášá¸ááşáŹá¸á ááášá¸áááŻáášááşáŹá¸áá˝áášáˇ ááŻáášááášá¸á áĽáš ááşáŹá¸ááźááš áĄá ááŻá¸áááŹááááŻáášáᏠáĄááŹáá˝áááşáŹá¸á MEHL áá˝ ááŻáášáąááŹáš áááŻáášááášááşáŹá¸á áá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ááşáŹá¸á ááŻáá¸ááŽáá˝ ááŻáášááŹá¸ááášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ á áŽááśáĄáŻáášááşáłáášáá°ááşáŹá¸á ááźáášáˇááášá¸áťááášááŹáá áá˝ááąáᏠáá°á¸áá°á¸ááášááśáąáḠáĄáááŻáášá¸áĄáŹá¸ áĄáá°áááź áąááŤáášá¸á áášá¸áąááŹáášááźááš áá˛áˇážáááŤááášá áĄáťááášáťááášáááŻáášáᏠááášáááš áĄááźáášá¸ áá°áááá°ááŽáąáḠáĄááźá˛ááá˝áášáˇ áá ášáąáťáá¸áᎠááşááášááááááášáˇ ááşáášáťááášááá˝áąáᏠáĄáááá¸áŹááš ááášáá˝áášááşáášááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááášá¸ááşá´ ááŹááşáŹá¸ ááşááłá¸á áŻáśáá˝áááŤááášá áááŻááąááŹáš áťáá ášááášááŻááášá¸ááźááš áťáá ášááášááŹáąáᏠáĄáąážááŹáášá¸áťááášá¸ááŹáááš áĄáá°áá°áááš áťáá ášááŤááášá áĽáąááŹááąááŹášááá˝áášááᚠᤠáĄáąážááŹáášá¸áťááášá¸ááŹááᯠáá˝áášá¸ááášá¸áááá˝ááąáĄáŹááš áá°áááá°ááŽáąáá¸áĄááźá˛á (CSR) ááᯠá¤áááŻá áĄáááá¸áŹááš ááźáášáˇáááŻááŹá¸ááŤááášá
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106 | Sustainability Report
Community - CSR
When it comes to CSR and the activities that MYTCL has completed over the course of the 2014 fiscal year, highlighted is the key element of cooperation that has made the year a success. Government officials, MEHL partners, communities, company employees and management have unified in transparent and open communications of the processes and goals of the projects initiated. There are a wide variety of definitions and strategies aligned with CSR within the international arena, but the underlying message is the same in every case. The European Commission makes this message clear as it defines CSR simply as:
âthe responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on societyâ. There is a secondary component that is closely related to CSR, and which is often confused as one in the same, but is quite different in its function. This is Community Development: âCommunity Development is the process of increasing the strength and effectiveness of communities, improving peopleâs quality of life and enabling people to participate in decision making to achieve greater long-term control over their lives.â
International Council on Mining & Metals
At Myanmar Yang Tse Copper Limited we undertake voluntary actions directly related to both the CSR and Community Development strategies, and have integrated a process to address social, environmental and ethical human rights within our business operations, closely consulting and collaborating with our stakeholders. Efforts focus on the approach to either improve the living conditions (economic, social, and environmental) of local communities, or to reduce the negative impacts of our mining projects. By definition, MYTCLâs voluntary actions are those that go beyond legal obligations, contracts, and licence agreements. Combining these 2 functions into the core strategy of MYTCLâs CSR and CSD (Community and Social Development) Programs creates an environment recognised as following Best Practice in community relations, and although the concept is new to the region, and at times not clearly understood by all members of the community or government, the collaborations that occur are fundamental in maintaining the Best Practice scenario. In 2015, the improvements that will be made to ensure Best Practice principles are met include the implementation of ISO 26000 as a guide and framework to integrate and to implement social responsibility into our values and practices. This ISO focuses on sustainable development, growth and change that maintains and improves the natural environment, human resources, and society upon which we depend. ISO 26000 provides information and decision-making tools for MYTCL to identify ways that we can improve our impacts on the people and place that we work and live in, and thereby become
âmore valuable and valued members of our societyâ.
Sustainability Report
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MYTCLâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s CSR programs usually invest in infrastructure (potable water, electricity, schools, roads, hospitals, hospital equipment, drainage repairs, etc.), building social capital (providing information on HIV prevention, workshops on gender issues, information on family planning, improving hygiene, etc.), and building human capital (providing for high-school and university education, training local people to be employed by our mining enterprise or to provide outsourced services, promote and provide skills on micro-business, aquaculture, crop cultivation, animal rearing, textile production), and so on. We have voluntarily allocated a CSR budget in cooperation with MEHL and chosen to undertake CSR programs in order to build better relations with the local mining communities in which we operate and in response to the requests from our neighbouring villagers in times of need. The plan for 2015-16 is to move away from the short-term achievements and to look at more life-long and sustainable opportunities for the communities that are engaged with us. Our sustainable community development programs will be established to contribute to contribute to the long-term strengthening of community capability. Globally, the most sustainable beneficial legacies that community development programs around a mining and metals operation may leave are in the skills and capacities that training, employment and education programs for local people provide. The collaborations for the 2015-16 CSR Programs of MYTCL will push for a focus generating off-site growth and potential, and following or adapting international success projects. The essential element of these sustainable community development programs will be that they can survive without input from MYTCL, especially after the mining project is finished. Thus, community sustainability can be supported by mining practices that help convert one local asset, namely non-renewable natural resource capital, into other local assets, namely sustainable social, economic and environmental capital.
Corporate Conscience is a focus on how organisational wealth that is created is allocated and distributed to those who were involved in the process of value creation, directly or indirectly. It is a decision to share fairly amongst all the stakeholders that are involved in all the value creation processes that are intertwined and interdependent in nature. (Capra & Pauli, 1995, Stead & Stead, 2004)
In 2015-16 the CSR objectives will integrate Corporate Conscience, and establish a more unified approach with the communities on the whole, and carefully separate the needs of the people from the needs of the government agencies. MYTCL and MEHL are building on this foundation and developing our Corporate Conscience regarding our commitment to share the value created with different stakeholders in the most equitable and ethical manner.
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Community - CSR
Mirroring the United Nations Inclusive Development Programme (UNDP), MYTCL initiated an Integrated Development Action Plan (IDAP) to address the issues of sustainability and community development. The foundation of this action plan rests on the UNDP platform:
âDevelopment can be inclusive - and reduce poverty - only if all groups of people contribute to creating opportunities, share the benefits of development and participate in decision-making.â There had been legacy programs in place with the previous ownership, but they lacked the function of separation from the mine once completion had been established. There were immediate goals such as training programs and donations, but there was no long-term planning for development and infrastructure, or for the environment and community growth. There was little community input. The focus was on benefits directly in relation to mining. A shift away from the mine and onto the community itself was missing from the formulae. In 2015 the on-going application of community development initiatives will move forward to instigate close consultation with all relevant stakeholders, with the primary purpose to improve livelihoods and employment opportunities and to establish new alternatives to lessen the communitiesâ reliance on the mine through micro-enterprise and SME development (Small and Medium Enterprise). It is intended that a partnership between the mine, the community, reputable local NGOs with suitable implementation capacity, and the government can take on the responsibility for development of essential human resources and social sector infrastructure, which is so sorely lacking in the area. Mine closure preparations at MYTCL are estimated to commence within a projected 15 years, and it obviously essential to continue to implement and improve upon IDAP development. It is also intended that the MYTCL plan will establish a national prototype model for sustainable social and economic development of communities confronted with eventual mine closure and the loss of associated employment and infrastructure. Successful implementation of the plan in the countryâs largest mine would provide a valuable model which could be replicated in other projects in Myanmar, and will contribute significantly to developing best practice in the countryâs mining industry on sustainable community development and mine closure. Utilising participatory methodologies to ensure âownershipâ by all key stakeholders, the following activities will be included for consideration in the 2015-16 CSR Budgets:
Facilitation of a consultative process with all key stakeholders to develop and build consensus concerning an overall strategy to establish a diversified sustainable local economy, and to identify a number of projects (agriculture, health, environment ,SMEs) that will be implemented by MYTCL and become entrenched before mining moves away from the area.
Evaluation and preparation of detailed cost estimates and/or economic models and implementation schedules for selected projects.
Identification of improved agriculture and livestock production systems that could be promoted through various inputs (e.g. identification of markets; preparation of training materials for use by a foundation and/or government agencies concerning suitable land use, improved seed varieties, fertiliser and pest management techniques, development of water sources and irrigation systems for small scale gardens, poultry production systems, etc.).
Identification of means to promote and establish SMEâs and HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis support projects.
Preparation of an overall plan for MYTCL based on selected sustainable projects, and which clearly identifies sources of funding and revenue flows, potential partners, cost estimates, implementation schedule, roles and responsibilities, and monitoring and evaluation processes.
Provision of training to assist in creating partnerships between various organisations, Government Agencies, NGOs, target villages, and international aid agencies, and to build the capacity of MYTCL and its local constituents to implement selected projects.
Development of a linkage between the mine, the community and the government.
It is through the continuing evolution of these activities that the CSD Team serves its function. The key purpose of this team is to act as a unified committee of diverse members, designed to implement the plan and to act as the catalyst between all parties.
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Stakeholder engagement officially commenced on March 28, 2013 with a pilot project focused on the World Bank/ICMM/ESMAP Community Development Toolkit. The appointed 2014 CSD Team, comprised of elected leaders representing the directly impacted villages near the project, consulted over the year with the group the main problems and concerns facing the villages they represented. Throughout the 2014 year the CSD Team brought these issues to MYTCL management and village issues were systematically addressed in a timely manner with resolutions put in place that satisfied all parties when possible. Where immediate resolutions could not be realised, continuing open and transparent communication and collaborations continue between the company and the community. The CSD program and process is based on 10 Community Rebuilding Principles. 1. Start where the people are. 2. Build relationships; then introduce new ideas, showing how they meet identified needs. 3. Keep projects simple. 4. Involve as many community people as possible in all activities from the start. 5. Train people close to their home communities. 6. Train in locally acceptable ways (e.g. methods, facilities). 7. Train trainers who can train others. 8. Involve local leadership. 9. Cooperate with governments. 10. Encourage interdependent relationships vs. dependent or totally independent relationships. Over the course of 2014, the CSD Team worked closely with all the parties involved with community affairs and planning, and the intimate relationship established between MYTCL and the communities within the region grows with every year. The CSR Projects and budget for 2014, as of the beginning of 2015, were near completion with a contingency remaining for supplementary works to be accomplished before the end of the fiscal year in April. CSR projects and Mobile Medical Care were managed through the CSD Team, and as the execution of the planning became reality and scheduled dates turned requests into action, the villages began to recognise and show appreciation for the value that MYTCL would bring to the region. Libraries, schools, educational assistance and retirement funding, roadways and other much needed infrastructure and necessities, such as electricity and water supply, emerged through the public consultations conducted between the CSD Team, the communities and the government. 2015-16 will be a year for the CSD Team to focus on its commitment and true purpose, on maintaining cultural cohesion between the company and the Myanmar people, and as the unified group of diverse individuals representing their independent community. Focus will be applied to the continued training and internal development of this team, adding to its effectiveness in responding to the communities, and representing the company as liaisons working towards mutual benefit for both sides.
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Community - CSR
ááááááášáťááłáťááášá¸á áá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááĽášáąááşá¸áá - áá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸á áá°áááąáá¸áááŻáášáᏠááźáśááżáááłá¸ áááŻá¸ááášáááĄááášá¸áĄááźá˛á ááŻáášááášá¸áá˝áášáˇ ááŤááášááášááášáá°ááşáŹá¸áĄáŹá¸ áááŹá¸ááášáááášáááŻááš áąááźáááśáŻááźá˛ááᯠThe World Bank/ ICMM / ESMAP áááŻáá áá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ ááźáśááżáááłá¸áááŻá¸ááášáááĄáŹá¸ áááŻáášááźááš áĄááśáŻá¸áťááłááášáˇ ááášáááš áááááᏠáĄáąáá áĄáąáá¸áááŻáťááłááŹá¸áąáᏠáąáá˝ááąáťáá¸á áŽááśáááášá¸ áá ášáááš áá˝áášáˇáĄáá° áááá ááŻáá˝á áš ááášá (áá)áááš áąááááźááš á ááášáąááŹáášááźáášáá˛áˇááŤááášá á áŽááśáááášá¸áąáá áĄááŽá¸áá˝ áááŻáášáááŻáášáááááŻááš ááśááąáᏠáąááşá¸ááźáŹááşáŹá¸áá˝ áááŻáášá áŹá¸áťááł áąááźá¸ááşáášááŹá¸áąáᏠáąááŤáášá¸áąááŹáášááşáŹá¸ ááŤááášááášáˇ áááá ááŻáá˝á ášááźááš ááášááĄáášááŹá¸áąáᏠCSD áĄááášá¸áááš ááŻááášá áŹá¸áťááłáąááşá¸ááźáŹááşáŹá¸ááźááš ážááśáłáąááźááąáááąáᏠáĄááá á ááŻá¸áááášáá°ááášááááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áťááááŹááşáŹá¸ááᯠáąááşá¸ááźáŹ áĄáŻáášá áŻááášááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áá ášáá˝á ášááášááśáŻá¸ áááááááášá¸áąááźá¸áąááźá¸ áá˛áˇážáááŤááášá áááá ááŻáá˝á áš áá ášáąááşáŹááš ááśáŻá¸ CSD áĄááášá¸áááš MYTCL á á áŽááśáĄáŻáášááşáłáášáá°ááşáŹá¸ááś áĄáááŻá፠áááááááášá¸áąááźá¸áąááźá¸áá˛áźáá˝ ááŻáášáťááášááşáášááşáŹá¸ááᯠááášáťááąáá¸ážááżááŽá¸ áąááşá¸ááźáŹááşáŹá¸á ááášáťáááşáášááşáŹá¸ááᯠáťáá ášáááŻáášáąáᏠáĄááşááášááźááš ááŤááášááášááášáąáᏠáĄááźá˛áááášáĄáŹá¸ááśáŻá¸ áąááşááášááášáˇ ááśáŻá¸áťáááš ááşááš ááşáŹá¸áĄáŹá¸ áąáááŹá¸áááşá á áášá¸á áá ášááşááş áá˝áášáˇ áĄááşááášáᎠááŻáášáąááŹáš ááŻáášáąááŹáášáá˛áˇááŤááášá ááşáášááşáášá¸ ááśáŻá¸áťááášááşáášááşáŹá¸ááᯠáĄáá˝áášááááš ááŻáášááąáá¸áááŻáášáąáᏠáąáááŹááşáŹá¸ááźááš ááŻáá¸áᎠáá˝áášáˇ áąááááśááşáŹá¸áĄážááŹá¸ ááźáášáˇááášá¸áťááášááŹáżááŽá¸ áááźáášááá˝áášáąáᏠáá°á¸áá°á¸ááášááźááš áťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áá°á¸áąááŤáášá¸áąááŹáášááźáášáťááášá¸ áááŻáááᯠáĄááášááťáááš ááŻáášáąááŹáášááŤááášá CSD áĄá áŽáĄááś áá˝áášáˇ ááŻáášááášá¸á áĽášáááš áá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ áťááášáááš ááášáąááŹáášáááš áąáĄáŹáášá፠á áášá¸ááşáĽášá¸á áášá¸ááášá¸ (áá) ááşááš áĄáąáá áĄáąáťáááśááŹá¸ áąááŹáášááźáášááŤááášá áá
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ááá áĄáťááášáĄáá˝ááš áá˝áŽáááŻáááášáˇááášááśáąáḠáá˝áášáˇáĄáżáááłááš ááŽá˝áááŻááąáᏠ(áááŻá) ááŻáśá¸áááźáášááášáąáᏠááášááśáąáá¸ááşáŹá¸áááŻ
áááá ááŻáá˝á ášáᏠááŹááĄáżááŽá¸áááŻááš CSD áĄááášá¸áááš áá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸áááŻáá ááá áĽááášááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áĄá áŽáĄááś ááşáŹá¸ááźááš ááŤáááš ááášááášáąáᏠáĄááźá˛áááŤááŽáĄáŹá¸ááśáŻá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááŽá¸ááŽá¸ááášáááš ááŻáášáááŻááš áąááŹáášááźááš áá˛áˇááŤááášá áá˝á ášá áĽáš áąáááááŽá¸áĄááźáášá¸ áąáááąááŤááš ááŹááášáˇ áá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ MYTCL áĄážááŹá¸ ááášá¸áá˝áŽá¸áąáᏠááášááśáąáḠááşáŹá¸ ááášáąááŹáášááŹá¸áá˛áˇááŤááášá áááá ááŻáá˝á áš áá˝á ášá áĄáá áááá ááŻáá˝á áš áĄááźááš CSR á áŽááśáááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááášááşáášááŹááŹá¸áááááš áááŹáá˝á ášááŻááš á§áżááŽáááááŻáášáᎠáżááŽá¸á áŽá¸áááš áąááŹáášááášááźá˛ ááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸áĄááźááš ááşáášáąááąáᏠáĄáąáá¸áąáá áĄááśáŻá¸á áááášááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áĄáá° áąááŹáášááźáášáżááŽá¸á áŽá¸ááŻááŽá¸ áťáá ášá፠ááášá CSD á áŽááśáááášá¸ ááşáŹá¸áá˝áášáˇ áąááźáááşáŹá¸ááşáášá¸ááŹáąáḠáąá áŹáášáˇáąáá˝áŹáášááááşáŹá¸ááᯠCSD áĄááášá¸áá˝áááášáˇ á áŽááśáąááŹáášááźááš áá˛áˇááŤááášá áĄá áŽáĄááśááşáŹá¸ áąááŹáášááźáášáťááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ ááášáąááźá áťáá ášááŹáżááŽá¸á áąááŹáášá¸áááŻááŹá¸áąáᏠáĄá áŽáĄá áĽáš ááášááşáŹá¸áĄááŻááášá¸ áĄáąáá¸áá° áąááŹáášááźáášáťááášá¸áąážááŹáášáˇ áąááşá¸ááźáŹááşáŹá¸áááš áĄáááĄáá˝áášáťááł ááášááśááŹážááżááŽá¸ MYTCL á áąáááááŽá¸áĄááźáášá¸áááŻá áá°áąááŹááš ááŹáąáá¸áąáᏠáąáááĄááşááłá¸ ááášáááŻá¸ááşáŹá¸áĄááźáášááášá¸ áąááşá¸áá°á¸áááš áąážááŹáášá¸ áťáá ááŹážáááŤááášá áááá - áá ááŻáá˝á ášáááš ááŻáá¸áᎠáá˝áášáˇ áťááášááŹáá°ááŻáĄážááŹá¸ ááĽášáąááşá¸áááááŻáášá¸ ááŻááášáᏠáąááŤáášá¸á áášá¸ ááŽáááášááááᯠáááášá¸ááŹá¸áááŻáášáá áĄáąáá CSD áĄááášá¸áááš ááááá áááááááš áá˝áášáˇ áĄáá˝áášáĄáááš ááá áĽááášááşáŹá¸ áĄáťáááš ááááááŻááá ááźáášááášáąáᏠáá°áááĄááźá˛á áĄá áášá¸áĄáŹá¸ áááŻáášá áŹá¸áťááłáąáᏠáĄááşááłá¸ááşááłá¸ááźá˛áťááŹá¸áąááąáᏠááŻááá˘áłááš áá ášáĽáŽá¸ááşáášá¸á áŽáááŻáá áá°á¸áąááŤáášá¸ááŹá¸áąáᏠáĄáŻáášá áŻáĄáąááá˝áášáˇ áĄáąáá¸áááŻáťááł ááŹá¸áááášáˇ áá˝á ášáá ášáá˝á áš áťáá ášááŤááášá áĄááášááťáááš ááášááášá¸áąáá¸áťááášá¸á ᤠáĄááášá¸á áĄááášá¸áĄááźáášá¸ ááźáśááżáááłá¸ áááŻá¸ááášáťááášá¸á áá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ ááşáŹá¸ ááśáŻááťáááš ááŻáášáąááŹáášáąáá¸ááŹááźááš áááąááŹáášáá áá˝ááąá áťááášá¸á áá˝á ášáĽáŽá¸áá˝á ášáááš áĄááşááłá¸áá˝ááąá áąáᏠáá°áá ááášááśáąáḠááŻáášááášá¸áĄáťáá áš ááŻáá¸ááŽááᯠááŻááášá áŹá¸áťááłáąáá¸áťááášá¸ á ááášáááŻááááŻááášá¸ áĄáąáá¸áááŻáťááł áĄááśáŻá¸ááş áąááŹáášááźááš ááźáŹá¸áááŤááášá
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MYTCL & MEHL Budget for CSR/CSD Projects 2014-15 Financial Year (with MEHL/MOM & Regional Authorities) Sr. No.
CSR Works
Requested by
Completion date
Amount (USD)
Comment & Instruction
Project Conducted
original $3,460.00
MYTCL (62) Loads
Red earth 100 loads for Maha BawDi Monastery, Kangon Village
Administrator of Kangon & Monk Village
To construct chain link fence with RCC post around primary school at Wadan Village
Administrator of Wadan Village
To construct school compound fence wall at Dondaw Village
Administrator of Dondaw village
IBC Container Donations 16 villages 43nos
Social Groups and Monasteries
Gondaw Monastery Road Repair
Dondaw Monks to Wallis
Leach Cap back-fill for Brooks Bridge Shwepankhine/Tebinkan
Administrator of Shwepankhine
Community used as labour force by Contractor
Donation in Cash Complete
Regional Development Affairs Dept.
To construct embankment on Yama Stream for Htandawgyi Village
Administrator of Htandawgyi Village
Community used as labour force by Contractor
Donation in Cash Complete
Committee of Regional Government
To do repair dam for Tebinkan Village
Administrator of Tebinkan Village
Community used as labour force by Contractor
Donation in Cash Complete
Regional Irrigation Dept.
Kyadwintaung Grader Road repair
P.E. Pipe Junction Road culvert Tebinkan Village
Tebinkan Village Administrator
P.E. Pipe Junction Road culvert Dondaw Village
Administrator of Dondaw Village
To Construct Electricity for Shwepankhine, Thedawgyi Villages
Proposal By Yimarbin District Administration
Completed in 2015
Tender Appointed by Chief Minister
Government Tender
Tender Invitation by Regional Gov.
To Construct Electricity for Yegybin,Myayake,Myasein Villages
Proposal By Yimarbin District Administration
Completed in 2015
Tender Appointed by Chief Minister
Government Tender
Tender Invitation by Regional Gov.
To construct fence around school and to fill red earth for road repairing at Gondaw Village
Administrator of Gondaw Village
Cement Donation at AuPaLin Monastery at Dondaw Village 300 bags@8$
change to 300 from 100 adjustment
To repair roofing , wall & ceiling of Mine Town Monastery
Mine Town Sayadaw
Community used as labour force by Contractor
Donation in Cash Complete
Committee of Yinmarbin District Management
To do glazed tile fixing and painting to Monastery at Yegyibin Village
Monks used local community as labour force
Donation in Cash Complete
Committee of Yinmarbin District Management
Yegyibin Sayadaw
**Table continues on next page
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Community - CSR
Tebinkan Brooks Bridge backfilling for the Shwepankhine and Tebinkan villages. In cooperation with the Regional Government to link the roadway between these 2 villages during seasonal heavy water-flows a permanent bridge was constructed.
The historical Kangon Pagoda, Shwe Zar Li had been requested as part of the 2014-15 CSR and CSD Projects to repair and strengthen the foundation and structure. The project was completed at a cost of $9,452.00 USD.
The Dondaw School, located directly across the road from the Mine Site, had requested that a fence be constructed to protect the children and identify the school boundaries. This project was completed at a cost of $5,606.00 USD.
Kangon village, the largest village in population within the immediate vicinity of the S&K Project had requested the need for a library and Institute Society Building for the village social works. This project was completed with a budget of $11,574.00 USD.
Sustainability Report
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MYTCL & MEHL Budget for CSR/CSD Projects 2014-15 Financial Year (Approved with MOM and Regional Authorities) Sr. No.
CSR Works
Requested by
Completion date
Comment & Instruction
Project Conducted by:
Community used as labour force by Contractor
Donation in Cash Complete
Committee of Yinmarbin District Management
Community used as labour force by Contractor
Donation in Cash Complete
Committee of Yinmarbin District Management
Monks used local community as labour force
Donation in Cash Complete
Committee of Yinmarbin District Management
Amount (USD)
To repair base foundation of pagodas at Dondaw Village
Administrator of Dondaw Village
To construct library and institute society building at Kangon Village
Administrator of Kangon Village
Pagoda Shwe Zar Li (Kangone Pagoda repair donation)
Pagoda Shwe Zar Li (Kangone Pagoda repair donation) Red earth
Ayegone Monastery Road Repair
Kyunyitaung Monastery Building Repair
Shwepankhine Administrator
Thayetchan Monastery Building Repair
Administrator of Wadan
Wadan Primary School and Monastery Ground Works with Roller
Wadan Administrator
Mobile Medical Team
Annual Summary
Donation in Cash Complete
Committee of Yinmarbin District Management
$35,000 donated on June 29th 2014
Committee of Regional Government
Sub Total
Cash Assistance for Aged Persons
Additional budget for Scholarships Programs during 2014 fiscal year
Over Budget Scholarship Programs for additional Villages x5
Contingency Budget for all projects 2014
Contingency Modification
Yinmarbin District Committee MEHL & Chief Minister of Sagaing Region
July 25/14
June 29/14 & Oct 1/14
Special CSR Project - Tailings Project at Kangon & Dondaw
114 | Sustainability Report
Recommended and Supported by MEHL & Chief Minister of Sagaing Region MYTCL Management
Year Total Budget
MEHL & MYTCL Management
$31,212.12 additional Request Oct. 2nd 2014 $17,777.14
New Scholarship Budget $66,414.14
Reduce from Contingency Budget
New Contingency Budget
Cash Donations distributed by Government $93,729.00
1,125,970.41 USD
Project Closed
Community - CSR
The Tebinkan Village dam had been a CSR and community development request made early in 2014 and was completed by local contractors by mid July for $7,851.00 USD, placing value back into the community by utilising local labour forces.
This Electricity Project was the largest of all of the 2014-15 CSR and CSD Projects. Under the guidance and leadership of the Regional Authorities, the contractors were chosen and monitored for quality through a series of committees orchestrated by the Regional Government. Electricity was happily received by the villages of Yegyibin, Myayake, Myasein, Shwepankhine and Thedawgyi with a budget of $232,876.00 USD, almost half of the annual allotted expenditures for the season.
The MYTCL/MEHL Scholarship Program was managed by the Township and Regional Authorities to ensure that fair and equal distribution of needed scholastic assistance was provided to the village children within the area of the S&K Project. Coming in at a figure of $66,414.14, it was the second largest cash contribution of the MYTCL and MEHL voluntary budget for sustainable community development in the 2014-15 year.
2014 Additional Donations Outside of CSR Plan & Budget Cash in USD$
Cash in Kyats
Cost of Medicines USD$
Cash in USD$ Total
17,282,000 ($16,860.49 +/-)
Donations Provided in Cash/Kyat or in Material Goods
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On May 2nd of 2014 the Tailings Reclamation Project came to an end. Despite the efforts of government authorities to negotiate rehabilitation with the local villagers who occupy the tailings stockpiled lands outside of the lease of MYTCL, the villagers have refused to accept the offers. Kangone Village had more than 65 acres of contaminated soil and tailings removed, and then covered with top-soils from the Paungga Dam area. The soil is rich in nutrients and should sustain small gardens and create a village expansion area.
January 6th to May 2nd 2014 Totals USD$
Cost per Acre
Actual Completion Total
Project Completion Due to Land Settlements
The remaining acres are for the most part located in the Dondaw village areas, and these are the villagers whom have refused to allow their lands to be rehabilitated as part of the Tailings Reclamation Project of MYTCL and MEHL. Of 156 acres, 83.26 have been 100% completed and a fresh and natural look has returned to the villages.
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Community - CSR
An agreement was reached in the MEHL and MYTCL JMC Meeting in March of 2014 that if the villagers continued to disagree, and that the government officials could no longer negotiate with the villagers in a timely manner, and that the Project which was expected to clear the complete 156 acres would be stopped until further notice. Operating with an estimated budget of 1.95 million USD for completion of the project in full, MYTCL and MEHL collectively donated 1,125,970.41 USD for the costs of rehabilitation when the project was declared closed. MYTCL and MEHL are relieved that the villagers who had agreed, have had a successful rehabilitation program implemented that will inevitably change the future health of the villages, and of its people. On the other hand, the completion of the project is a disappointing affair as the villagers occupying the contaminated lands outside of the lease not only have disagreed to allow MYTCL to clean up their lands, but that they are also continually trespassing onto the MYTCL property and removing, or in some cases stealing materials for their sedimentary mining undertakings. Their activities on the waste dumps of the Sabetaung Mine are interfering with the environmental encapsulation and protection that is on-going in this area. Not only are these trespassers removing the closure layers that seal in the hazardous waste from exposure and generation of acid, but they are endangering the present conditions of the environment by doing so. Nevertheless, this was an event that many people are pleased about. The beautiful countryside around the mine-site has, in part, been rejuvenated back into healthy and environmentally safe surroundings.
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MOBILE MEDICAL TEAM AND HEALTH CARE Under the Mobile Medical Team program, over 19,000 patients have been treated in 2014 within the villages surrounding the S&K mine, totalling just over 13,500USD for in-home patient care, while another 61,594.32USD were utilised for Mine Town Hospital and Clinic facility costs and 101,400USD was allocated for overall medical management and staffing of the MYTCL programs combined. Within the Medical Care Program, there are 3 doctors, 6 nurses, 5 nurse aides and another 3 general helpers, totalling 17 health members participating as a Mobile Medical Team. An Ambulance was also donated for emergency use for the local villagers, and another donated by MEHL for the Mobile Medical team use. From Monday through Friday, Mobile Medical Teams can be found in a scheduled village, assisting with basic health issues and passing along information from the CSD Team works. In addition to the monthly group health seminars held at the Mine Town State High School, the health care staff members travel to villages to hold educational talks at the local schools and in village eldersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; homes. They work with government health officials during Clinic Days, they visit every pregnant woman and every sick child under the age of 5, providing all with individual health care and education. These doctors and aides visit schools and homes to inspect sanitation and personal hygiene practices. Toilets and drinking water supply is also inspected. As a part of the Nutrition Promotion Program, medical staff have been monitoring the weight of children under the age of 3 since 2003. There are also a suite of public health activities that focus on ante-natal care that Medicines Used and Facility Costs (USD) (Jan - 2014 to Dec -2014 ) USD -$ 0.00 0.00
2,000.000 2,000.004 4,000.000 ,000.006 6,000.000 ,000.008 8,000.000 ,000.00 10,000.000 12,000.000 10,000.00 12,000.00 14,000.000 16,000.000 14,000.001 6,000.00
January February March April May
MYTCL Hospital and Clinic Facility Costs and Management Public Health (MYTCL)
June Public Health (MWMCL) July Wanbao Clinic August September October November December
118 | Sustainability Report
Community - CSR
Public Health Statistics for Annual Year 2014 - Number of Patients
0 05
500 00
1,000 1,0001
1,500 ,500
2,000 2,0002
2,500 ,500
Number of Patients
January February March April May June
Public Health MYTCL Public Health MWMCL
July August September October November December
MYTCL associates with the Universal Child Immunization (UCI) Program. This program targets 6 diseases with vaccinations for children under 1-year old, and for pregnant women. Medical care-giving includes Measles and Hepatitis B inoculations, the prevention and control of blindness due to Vitamin A deficiency, supplements for new-born babies and general health-care and related information for new mothers. This program includes the following medical preventative care: T.T. - Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine for Tetanus Infection BCG - for Tuberculosis Infection PENTA - 5 diseases prevention: 1. Diphtheria 2. Pertussis 3. Tetanus 4. Hepatitis B and 5. Encephalitis These healthcare activities have been both productive and beneficial to all of the communities. Helping children and adults in communities and around the Mine Site is allowing people to live healthier and within higher quality environments.
Building Lifelong Value means investing in the health of the community.
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Mine Closure
The primary objective of successful mine closure is to ensure that the future public health and safety of our community is not compromised.
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Knight PiĂŠsold Pty Limited (Knight PiĂŠsold) has provided consulting services to the S&K mine since 1999. The work undertaken has involved design of Heap Leach Pads, Tailings Storage Facilities and provision of advice on a range of operational issues associated with the processing of ore mined. More recently, Knight PiĂŠsold has been involved with the development of conceptual closure plans and closure designs for each closure element (domain) within the S&K site. These studies have been undertaken through application of good international practice within the regulatory framework that applies in Myanmar and the management systems adopted by Myanmar Yang Tse Copper Limited (MYTCL) at the S&K mine. Knight PiĂŠsold has reviewed site data provided by MYTCL in preparation of closure concepts for the mine site and the detailed closure design that has been undertaken for the Sabetaung open pit. The key issue to be addressed in this process is the reduction in potential for changes to parameters associated with water quality following closure. The transition from closure concepts to closure design will be carried out by considering each specific domain and application of the conceptual objectives specified for that domain. The design is then placed into the conceptual framework to assess its conformity with the overall closure objectives. The closure designs will be progressively developed as the elements within each domain reach a point where their final design is known and conditions within the domain can be determined with sufficient accuracy to provide an acceptable level of certainty for design. The overall closure plan will become part of the site Environmental Management System and, therefore, integrate with the other environmental management plans and the associated monitoring and reporting requirements. This will enable the potential for improved performance to be undertaken through the life of the mine and the application of research and industry development of closure to be included in plan reviews. It is anticipated that the design of each domain will include provision for productive land use following agreement that closure objectives have been achieved. We look forward to our continued partnership in this closure project with MWMCL and its successful implementation. Yours sincerely, KNIGHT PIĂSOLD PTY LTD BRETT LONEY DAVID MORGAN Manager Environmental Services Managing Director
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Mine Closure
Knight Pieâsold Pty Limited (áááŻáášááŽáááŻá¸) áááš áááá ááŻáá˝á ášáááášá¸á á áśááášáąááŹáášá áąážáá¸á áášáąááŹááš áááąáłááźáášá¸ (S&K Mine) áĄááźááš áĄážááśáąáá¸ááášáąááŹáášáá ááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ááᯠáąááŹáášááźáášáąáá¸áá˛áˇááŤááášá S&K Mine áĄáŹá¸ ááŹááášáá° áąááŹááš ááźááš ááášáˇ ááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ááźááš áááąáłááášáąááşáŹášááŻáášááášáˇ áááąáłáááŻáášá¸ áąááşáŹáášááśáŻááşáŹá¸ (Heap Leach Pads)á áąáťááŹáášá¸áżááŽá¸ ááᯠáąáá˝áŹááš áťááášá¸á áĄáąááŹáášáĄáá°ááşáŹá¸ (Tailings Storage Facilities) ááŻáááĄááźááš ááŽáááŻáášá¸ááşáŹá¸á áá°á¸áąááŹášááŻáášááŻáášááášáˇ áááąáłáááŻáášá¸ ááŻáášááášá¸á áĽáš áá˝áášáˇ á áášááşáĽášá¸á ááášááášááŻáášááŻáášááśáŻ áĄááášáˇááášáˇáĄáąáá áĄážááśááŹáášáąáá¸áťááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ ááŤááášááŤááášá áážááŹáąáá¸ááŽááááš S&K áááąáłááźáášá¸ áąáááĄááźáášá¸ áááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸ ááášááášáá ášááŻááşáášá¸á áŽáĄááźááš áááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸ááŽáááŻáášá¸ ááşáŹá¸áá˝áášáˇ á ááášáá°á¸áťááášáˇááśáŻáąááŹášááŹá¸áąáᏠáááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸áĄá áŽáĄááśááşáŹá¸ ááźáśááżáááłá¸áááŻá¸áááš áąáĄáŹááš áąááŹáášááźáášááááşáŹá¸ááźááš Knight Pieâsold áá˝ ááŤááášáąááŹáášááźáášáá˛áˇáżááŽá¸ áťáá ášááŤááášá áťááášááŹááášá áŽáąááŹáˇááŤá¸ááŽáááááš (Myanamr Yang Tse Copper Limited â MYTCL) áá˝ áąááźá¸ááşáášááŹá¸áąáᏠá áŽááśááášáááźá˛ááá áá ášááşáŹá¸áá˝áášáˇ áťááášááŹáááŻáášááśááźááš ááášáąááźááĄááśáŻá¸ááşáąáᏠáááŹá¸ááášá áášá¸ááşáĽášá¸ á áášá¸ ááášá¸ ááášá¸ááášá¸áąááŹáášáĄááźáášá¸ áĄáťááášáťááášáááŻáášáᏠáĄáąááˇáĄááşáášáˇáąááŹáášá¸ááşáŹá¸ááᯠááşááˇášááśáŻá¸áżááŽá¸ S&K áááąáłááźáášá¸ááźááš áĄáááŻá፠ááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áąááˇááŹááááᯠááŹááášáá°áąááŹáášááźáášáá˛áˇááŤááášá á áśááášáąááŹááš ááášá¸ááášá¸ááźáášáˇááşáášá¸áĄáŹá¸ ááŹááášáá°áąááŹáášááźáášáżááŽá¸á áŽá¸áááš áĄáąáá¸á áááš áááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸ááŽáááŻáášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áááąáłááźáášá¸ ááŻáášááźáášáĄááźááš áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸áĄáąáá ááąááŹááŹá¸áĄáťááášááşáŹá¸ áťááłá áŻááŹááźááš Knight Pieâsold áááš MYTCL áá˝ ááśáˇáááŻá¸áąáᏠáááąáłááźáášá¸áąááᏠááŻáášááźáášááşáŹá¸á áĄááşáášáĄááášááşáŹá¸áĄáąáá á áá á ášááśáŻá¸ááášáá˛áˇááŤááášá áááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸ áĄáżááŽá¸ááźááš áąá áĄááášáĄáąááźá¸áá˝áášáˇááášááźáášá ááášááááš áá°áąááŹááš áĄáąáťááŹáášá¸áĄááźá˛ááşáŹá¸áĄááźááš áťáá ášáááŻáášáąáťáááşáŹá¸ááᯠáąááşáŹáˇááášá¸áąáĄáŹááš ááŻáášáąááŹáášááşáášáááš á¤ááášá¸á áĽášááźááš áĄááá áąááŹášááŻáášáááášáˇ ááŻáášááášá¸áťáá ášááŤááášá áááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸ááąááŹááŹá¸áĄáťááášááşáŹá¸áá˝áááš áááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸ ááŽáááŻáášá¸ áťááłá áŻááášáˇ á áášáá°á¸ááášáá°á¸ ážááŹá¸ááŹáááźááš ááŽá¸ááášáááášááášáá ášááŻááşáášá¸á áŽáĄáąáá ááşáášáˇááźáášáťááášá¸áá˝áášáˇ áááŻááášááášáĄááźááš á ááášáá°á¸áťááášáˇ ááśáŻáąááŹášááŹá¸áąáᏠááášááźááš ááşááš ááşáŹá¸ááᯠáťáááŹáášá¸ááşáášáˇááśáŻá¸ ááźáŹá¸áťááášá¸áááŻááťááášáˇ áąááŹáášááźáášááźáŹá¸ááŤááášá á¤áááŻá áĄáŹá¸áťááášáˇ ááŽáááŻáášá¸áááš áááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸ááášáˇ áááš ááźáášááşáášáąááŤáášá¸á áśáŻáá˝áášáˇ áááŻáášááŽáááĄáŹá¸ ááášá¸á á ášáááŻáášááášáˇ á ááášáá°á¸áťááášáˇ ááśáŻáąááŹášááŹá¸áąáᏠááášá¸ááášá¸áąááŹáášáĄááźáášá¸ ááşáá˝áášáżááŽá¸ áťáá ášááŤááášá áąááŹáášááśáŻá¸ áĄáżááŽá¸áááš ááŽáááŻáášá¸áĄáťáá áš ááááŹá¸áąáᏠááŻáášááášá¸ááášáááš áá ášááŻááşáášá¸á áŽá áżááŽá¸áąáťááŹáášáááášáˇ áąááŹááš áá ášááŻáĄááźáášá¸ ááŻáášáąááŹáášááşáášááşáŹá¸áá˝áášáˇ ááŽáááŻáášá¸áĄááźááš áá ášá áśáŻáá ášááŻáąáᏠááášááśáááŻáášáąáᏠáĄáááŻáášá¸áĄááŹáĄááášáˇáĄáá ááśáˇáááŻá¸áááš ááśáŻáąááŹáášáąááŹááááşááááşáŹá¸áá˝áášáˇ ááŻáášááášá¸ááášááášááᯠá áá á ášááźáášááşáášáááŻáášááááşáŹá¸ áĄááźáášá¸áá˝á áĄáąáťááĄáąáááşáŹá¸áąážááŹáášáˇ áááŻáášá¸ááááš áááášá¸áťááášá¸ ááŽáááŻáášá¸ááşáŹá¸ááᯠáá ášáťááášá¸áťááášá¸áá˝áášáˇ ááźáśááżáááłá¸áááŻá¸ááášááŹáąáĄáŹááš ááŻáášáąááŹáášááźáŹá¸áááŤááášá ááŻááášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸ áĄá áŽáĄááśáĄáŹá¸ááśáŻá¸áááš á áŽááśáááášá¸áąááá ááášááášá¸ááşáášáááŻáášáᏠá áŽááśááášáááźá˛áá á áá ášá áĄá ááášáĄáááŻáášá¸áá ášáᯠáťáá áš ááŹááŤááášá áááŻááĄááźáášáąážááŹáášáˇ áąá áŹáášáˇážááášáˇá á ášáąáá¸áťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áĄá áŽááášááśáťááášá¸áááŻá áĄááźááš áááŻáĄáášááşáášááşáŹá¸áá˝áášáˇ ááášá áášá áĄáťááŹá¸áąáᏠááášááášá¸ááşáášááŻááášáᏠá áŽááśááášáááźá˛áááĄá áŽáĄááśááşáŹá¸ááᯠáąááŤáášá¸á áŻá áŽááśáąááŹáášááźáášááźáŹá¸áááŤááášáááŻááášá¸ááášááášá¸áá ášáąááşáŹááš ááŹááášáá°áąááŹáášááźáášáááášáˇ ááŻáášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áááŻá¸ááášáąááŹáášá¸ááźáášáąáĄáŹááš á áźáášá¸áąááŹáášááşáášáĄááźááš áťáá ášáááŻáášáąáťááá˝áášáˇ á áŽááśááşáášáĄáŹá¸ á áá á ášááśáŻá¸ááášááşáášááşáŹá¸ ááźááš ááŤááášááášáˇ ááŻáąááááá˝áášáˇ á áášááááŻáášááášá¸ ááźáśááżáááłá¸áááŻá¸ááášáááĄáŹá¸ ááşáášáˇááśáŻá¸áťááášá¸ á ááášááŻááááᯠá¤á áŽááś áąááŹáášááźáášáááťááášáˇ ááŻáášáąááŹáášááźáŹá¸áááŻáášááŤááášá ááŻáášááášá¸ááášáááš áá ášááŻááşáášá¸á ááŽáááŻáášá¸ááźááš áááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸ ááášááźáášááşáášááşáŹá¸ áżááŽá¸áąáťááŹáášáąáĄáŹáášáťááášááášáˇ ááąááŹáá°ááŽááşááš ááżááŽá¸áąááŹááš áĄááŹáąááŹáášáąáᏠáąáťáááŹáĄááśáŻá¸ááşáá áĄááźááš áĄáąááŹáášáĄááśáˇááşáŹá¸ááášá¸ ááŤáá˝ááááŤááášáᯠáąáá˝áşáŹášáá˝áášá¸áťááášáááš ááŹá¸ááŤááášá áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸áááš á¤ááŻááášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸ á áŽááśáááášá¸ááźááš MWMCL áá˝áášáˇ áá áąáĄáŹáášáťááášáąáᏠáĄáąááŹáášáĄáááš áąááŹášáťááášá¸ ááşáŹá¸áá˝áášáˇáĄáá° áá˝áźáášáąááŹášááşáŹá¸á áááášááášáĄáťáá áš ááášáááš ááášááźá˛ áąááŹáášááźáášááźáŹá¸áááš áąáá˝áşáŹášááášáˇ áąá áŹáášáˇá áŹá¸ áąáááŤááášá
ááášáá ááášááášá¸áá˝áášáťááášáˇ KNIGHT PIĂSOLD PTY LTD
Sustainability Report
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Life of Mine Closure and MYTCL Objectives
Mining and minerals processing operations may have significant adverse impacts on the health and safety of employees and local communities if the hazards are not quantified and then proactively managed through the mine life cycle. The environmental release of hazardous substances can cause toxic and long-term chronic health effects for employees and for communities close to, downwind or downstream from operations. It can also compromise environmental values that are critical to the long-term sustainability of local communities, such as food and water supplies. The key objective of successful mine closure for MYTCL is to ensure that the future public health and safety of the community is not compromised. The mine closure phase can also introduce increased safety risks to employees, who, faced with mine closure and consequent loss of employment may have reduced motivation and morale, which can lead to workplace safety issues. World-wide affected communities, non-government organisations, scientists and the medical community are demonstrating growing interest in public health and safety issues related to the mining industry, and have high expectations on industry performance. These emerging trends demonstrate the importance that MYTCL has in developing proactive engagement strategies with employees, local communities and other stakeholders on health and safety aspects of the closure process. The future of the S&K Project operated by MYTCL is dependent on the legacy it leaves. Our reputation is affected if long-term detrimental environmental issues emerge because they have not been appropriately addressed. MYTCL recognises that we need to demonstrate today that we can effectively close the S&K Project with the support of the communities in which we operate. Mine closure is a process. It refers to the period of time when the operational stage of a mine is ending or has ended, and the final decommissioning and mine rehabilitation is being undertaken. Mine completion ultimately determines what is left behind as a benefit or legacy for future generations. The overall objective of mine completion is to prevent or minimise adverse long-term environmental, physical, social and economic impacts, and to create a stable landform suitable for some agreed subsequent land use. Since the beginning of the MICCL period of ownership, effective as of 1998, Mine Closure Planning has been in motion. These activities followed a Conceptual Closure Plan as outlined in the EMS, ECP and IMS, consisting of topsoil collection and progressive rehabilitation of key areas within the lease project areas. MYTCL has escalated the process and adopted the standard of the operational stages of mine closure, continuing with revegetation and minor areas of rehabilitation, while land-forming for future closure commences as the initiation of progressive mine planning. It is important to indicate that the S&K Project has undergone in the past 2 years, 2012-2014, extensive expansion of the mineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s development, and the majority of closure planning has taken on the form of final closure preparations through land-forming and design for final encapsulation. Top-soil volumes collected and required for site-wide encapsulation and rehabilitation have been calculated and allocated to storage areas and facilities following international standards of storage. Topsoil stockpile near Tebinkan
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Non-acid forming waste (NAF) encapsulates Sabetaung South
áááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸ ááášááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ MYTCL á ááášáá˝áášá¸ááşáášááşáŹá¸ áááąáłáá°á¸áąááŹášáťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááźáášá¸ááźáášáááąáłááşáŹá¸ ááŻáášáá°ááášááášááášáˇ ááášá¸á áĽášááşáŹá¸áááš áááąáłááźáášá¸ ááášááášá¸ááśááᏠáá ášáąáá˝áşáŹáášááśáŻá¸áá áťáá ášááŹáááŻáášáąáᏠáĄáá˛ááŹáášááşáŹá¸ááᯠááŻááášá¸ááŹáąáááźáášáá áááŻáášáááŻáášáťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááťáá ášâášááášááááš áťáá ášááŹáááŻááš áąáᏠáĄáąáťááĄáąáááşáŹá¸ááᯠááášááŽá¸áżááŽá¸ ááááłáááš á áŽááśááášáááźá˛áťááášá¸ ááąááŹáášááźáášáááŻáášáá˛áˇáá˝áşááš ááŻáášááŹá¸ááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áąáá áá°áááĄááźá˛á áĄá áášá¸ ááşáŹá¸á ááşáášá¸ááŹáąáḠáá˝áášáˇ áąáá¸ááášá¸ááśáŻáťááśáłáááĄáąáá áá°á¸áá°á¸áťááŹá¸áťááŹá¸ áááŻá¸ááşááłá¸áąáá¸áąáᏠááááŻááášááááşáŹá¸ áťáá ášáąááŹáášá¸ áťáá ášáᏠááŤááášá áĄáá˛ááŹáášáťáá ášáąá áąáᏠáá áĽáášá¸ááşáŹá¸ ááášááášá¸ááşáášáááŻá á áźáášáááŻáášáťááášá¸áááš ááŻáášááŹá¸ááášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸á áąááá˝ááš ááŹááŹáá˝ááš ááşáášá¸ááŹáąáá¸áááŻá¸ááşááłá¸ááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áĄáááášáĄáąááŹááš áťáá ášáąá áááŻáášááášáˇ áĄáťáááš ááŻáášááášá¸ááášááášááášáˇ áąáááŹá áąááąáĄáŹááš áá˝áášáˇ áťáá ášáąá áąáĄáŹáášááášáĄááŽá¸ áąááááŻáášážááąáᏠáá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ááşáŹá¸áááŻááášá¸ áááŻá¸ááşááłá¸ááášáąááŹááš áąá áááŻááš ááŤááášá áĄá áŹá¸áĄá Ꮰáá˝áášáˇ áąááŹáášááśáŻá¸áąá áá˛áˇáááŻááąáᏠáá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ááşáŹá¸á áąááá˝áášááášááśáˇáááŻáášáá áĄááźááš áĄááźáášáĄáąáḠáááŽá¸áąáᏠááášááášá¸ááşáášáááŻáášáᏠááášáááŻá¸ááşáŹá¸áááŻááášá¸ ááááŻááášááśááááŻáášááŤááášá MYTCL á áĄááá ááášááźáášááŹá¸áąáᏠáąáĄáŹáášáťááášáááá˝áááášáˇ áááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸áááš áĄááŹáááš áťááášáá° áá°ááŻá ááşáášá¸ááŹáąáḠáá˝áášáˇ áá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ááşáŹá¸á áąáá¸ááášá¸ááśáŻáťááśáłááááᯠáááááŻááášáąáĄáŹááš áąááŹáášááźáášáťááášá¸ áťáá ášááŤááášá áááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸áááááš áááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸áá˝áášáˇ ážááśáłáąááźáááżááŽá¸á áąážááŹáášá¸ááşááłá¸ááášááźáášá áĄááŻáášááášáá˛áˇáťáá ášáᏠááŻáášááášá¸ ááźáášáĄááźáášá¸ áąáá¸ááášá¸ááśáŻáťááśáłáąá ááášáˇ á ááášááŹáášáá˝áášáˇ á ááášáĄáášáĄáŹá¸ ááášážááźááááşáŹá¸ áąááşáŹáˇááášá¸áąááąáᏠááŻáášááŹá¸ááášááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áááŻááášá¸ áąáá¸áťáá ášáąá áąáᏠáĄáá˛ááŹáášááşáŹá¸ áááŻá¸ááźáŹá¸ááŹáąá áááŻáášááŤááášá áááŹáťáá ášáá˝áášá¸áá˝ ááááŻááášááśááąáᏠáá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ ááşáŹá¸á áĄá ááŻá¸ááááŻáášáąáᏠáĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ááşáŹá¸á áááá¸áśáááŹáá˝áášááşáŹá¸á áąáá¸ááášáááŻáášáᏠáá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ááşáŹá¸áááš áááąáłáá°á¸áąááŹáš ááášáˇ á áášááááŻáášááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááášááźáášáąáᏠáá°ááŻááşáášá¸ááŹáąáḠáá˝áášáˇ áąáá¸áĄáá˛ááŹááš ááášá¸áá˝áášá¸áąáḠááŻáášáťááášááşáášááşáŹá¸ ááźááš á ááášááŤááášá áŹá¸áá áááŻá¸ááźáŹá¸ááŹáąážááŹáášá¸ áąááŹášááŻáášáťáá ááŹážáááášáˇ áĄáťáááš á áášááááŻáášááášá¸ ááŻáášáąááŹááš ááşáášááşáŹá¸áĄáąááááźááš áĄááźáášáĄááášá¸ ááśáŻážááášáąáá˝áşáŹášááášáˇááŹá¸ááŹážáááŤááášá á¤áááŻááąáᏠáąááááźáášááŹááášáˇ áĄááŹá¸áĄááŹááşáŹá¸áááš MYTCL áĄáąááá˝áášáˇ ááŻááášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸ááášá¸á áĽášááźááš ááşáášá¸ááŹáąáḠáá˝áášáˇ áąáá¸ááášá¸ááśáŻáťááśáłáąáḠáĄáááĄáťáááš ááşáŹá¸ áĄáąáá ááŻáášááŹá¸ááášááášá¸ ááşáŹá¸á áąááááś áá°áááĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áĄáťááŹá¸áąááŹááŻáášááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááŤááášááášááášáá°ááşáŹá¸áá˝áášáˇáĄáá° ááťáá ášááášááááš áťáá ášááŹá፠á ááášáááŻáášáąáťááá˝áášá¸áááášáˇ ááášá¸ááşá´áᏠááşáŹá¸ááᯠáąááŹášááŻáášáááš áĄáąáá¸áááŽá¸áąážááŹáášá¸ áťááááźáŹá¸áááŤááášá
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Soil Collection & Pond Establishment Mapping
This map is a conceptual plan of the areas where soil and will be stored on the S&K Project site, and the locations from where soil, subsoil and clays will be excavated, or â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;borrowedâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; from to complete the closure process.
In the locations from which soils are removed, aquaculture projects are to be considered for the establishment of sustainable ecosystems. Water management becomes an integral part of the closure process, and in 2015 these areas have begun to be prepared for the future rehabilitation for final land use and environmental restoration. Drains and fresh water ponds are being excavated into a self-sustained network of design, while their soils are separated, stored, seeded and preserved for future use.
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Top Soil
Wetlands & Ecosystems
Ponds and Aquaculture
Mine Closure
Sabetaung preparations for hydraulic backfill closure in 2015 Sustainability Report
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Sabetaung Closure with International Guidance
Planned mine closure and completion is still at an early stage of development around the world and there are only a few examples of mine closure planning being applied from conception through to the end of the mine life. This is largely due to the timeframe of most mining operations and the relatively recent development of integrated mine closure planning. MYTCLâs Mine Closure planning, quite simply understood, addresses the progressive completion of the S&K Project and follows the international guidelines and themes outlined in the Leading Practice Sustainable Development Program created by the Australian Governmentâs Department of Industry Tourism and Resources. As an integrated part of Mine Closure, MYTCL has defined that the following essential elements are required to achieve mine closure and completion in the context of sustainable development: ⢠recognising and addressing the issues that the S&K mining operation needs to consider in its planning for closure and completion; ⢠the development of a risk management approach to mine closure planning that applies from mine operations to post closure and integrated with whole-of-mine-life planning; ⢠the closure activities associated with each step in the mine life cycle including establishment of a progressive rehabilitation system; ⢠the processes and tools that can assist the S&K mining operation to achieve good practice in mine closure and completion; and ⢠the need for engagement with communities and regulators in establishing and implementing closure outcomes and practice.
Mine Pit Closure Cap - Drainage and Landform Concept
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Mine Closure
Aligning with international standards and good to best practices, MYTCL has engaged the consultancy firm of Knight PiĂŠsold to develop the design and closure criteria for the S&K Project as a Conceptual Closure Plan. Also, now that the stages of closure are beginning in specific areas of Sabetaung pits and the adjoining facilities, MYTCL has developed in cooperation with Knight PiĂŠsold a Detailed Closure Plan for the Sabetaung features. The scope of work that will be executed by Knight PiĂŠsold will consist of 10 tasks which together form an integrated pit closure design for the Sabetaung Main Pit and areas: Task 1 â Data Review and Update Concept Closure Plan; Task 2 â Design of Pit Closure Landform. Preparation of a landscape concept for the pit surface following backfill that links in with surrounding mining landforms; Task 3 â Site Visits and Draft Plan Workshop; Task 4 â Geotechnical Investigation. A detailed design and construction methodology for the in-pit seepage barrier; Task 5 â Hydrogeological Modelling and Pit Cut-off Design. A detailed review of the pit domain hydrogeology and its influence on the pit backfill; Task 6 â Pit Backfill Design. A detailed pit backfill design and construction methodology to mitigate and manage ARD and groundwater contamination risks; Task 7 â Closure Cover Design. A detailed design and construction methodology for the pit closure cover system; Task 8 â Monitoring Installation Design; Task 9 â Reporting; and Task 10 â Contract Management.
á áŽááśááşáášááşáťááŽá¸áąááŹáášááźáášáąáᏠáááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áżááŽá¸ááśáŻá¸áťááášá¸áááš áááŹáťáá ášáááŹá¸á ááŻáášááášá¸ááźáśááżáááłá¸ áááŻá¸ááášáá áĄáąá ᏠááśáŻá¸ áĄááášáˇáá ášááŻááźáášáá˝áŹáááš áá˝ááąáááŤáąáá¸ááášá áťáá ášáąáťááŹáášáááŻáášá áźáášá¸ áąááˇááŹáá áĄááášáˇáá˝áááš áááŻáášá¸ááášááášá¸ ááŻáášááśáŻá¸áááš áĄáá áĄááśáŻá¸ááşááşáášáá˝ááąáᏠáááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸ áĄá áŽáĄááś ááá°ááŹááśáŻá áś áá ášááşááłááá˝áááŤááášá ᤠááášáá˝áŹ áááąáłáá°á¸áąááŹáš ááŻáášááŻááš ááášááášáťááášá¸ ááŻáášááášá¸áĄááşáŹá¸á áŻá áĄááşááášááŹá áĄáááŻáášá¸áĄáᏠáá˝áášáˇ áąááŤáášá¸á áŻááŹá¸áąáᏠáááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸ áĄá áŽáĄááśá áážááŹáąáá¸ááášá ááźáśááżáááłá¸áááŻá¸ááášáá ááááášá¸áá˝áĽášááşááš ááŻáááĄááźáášáąážááŹáášáˇ áťáá ášááŤááášá ááśáŻá¸ááááŻá¸á áášá¸ ááŹá¸ááášááźáášáąáᏠMYTCL á áááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸áááš S & K á áŽááśáááášá¸á áá ášá á áááŻá¸ááášááŹáąáᏠáżááŽá¸ááśáŻá¸ ááááᯠááŻáášáąááŹášáťááżááŽá¸ ážáá áąáá¸áá˝áş áĄá ááŻá¸áá áááŽá¸ááźáŹá¸ááŻáášááášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááášá¸áťáá ášááşáŹá¸ á áášááááŻáášááášá¸ááŹááá˝ ááśáŻáąááŹášááŹá¸áąáᏠáąáá˝ááąááŹááš áĄáąááˇáĄááşáášáˇ áąááá˝áášááášááśáąáᏠááźáśááżáááłá¸áááŻá¸ááášáá áĄá áŽáĄá áĽášááźááš ááşáťáááŹá¸áąáᏠáĄáŹáąááŹáš áá˝áášáˇ áĄáťáááš áťááášáááŻáášáᏠááášá¸áááášááşáášááşáŹá¸ áĄáááŻáášá¸ ááŻááášááŹá፠ááášá áĄáťááášáťááášááŻááášáᏠá áśááşááášá áśáááášá¸ááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áĄáąááŹáášá¸ááśáŻá¸ áĄáąááˇáĄááşáášáˇ áąááŹáášá¸ááşáŹá¸áá˝áášáˇ MYTCL áááš áťáá ášáąáťááŹáášáááŻáášá áźáášá¸ áąááˇááŹáá á áŽááśááşáášáá ášááášáĄáťáá áš S & K á áŽááśáááášá¸ááᯠááŽáááŻáášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ áááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸ áá˝áášáąááşáŹáášáááŻáááᯠáąááŹášááŻáášááźáŹá¸áááš Knight Pieâsold áĄážááśáąáḠáĄááźá˛ááĄá áášá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááşááášáááš ááŻáášáąááŹáášáá˛áˇáżááŽá¸ áťáá ášááŤááášá áááŻáĄááŤááźááš áááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸ áĄááášáˇááşáŹá¸ááᯠá áśááášáąááŹááš ááášá¸ááášá¸ááźáášáˇ ááşáášá¸ááşáŹá¸á ááŽá¸ááášá á§ááááŹááşáŹá¸ áá˝áášáˇ ááášá¸áá˝áášáˇááášááşáášáá˝ááąáᏠáĄáąááŹááš áĄáá° áťááł áąáááŹááşáŹá¸ááźááš á áááš áąááŹáášááźáášáąááááŻá MYTCL áááš á áśááášáąááŹááš ááźáášáťáááš áááĄááŹááşáŹá¸áĄááźááš áĄáąáḠá áááš áááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸ááášáˇ áĄá áŽáĄá áĽášáá ášááášááᯠKnight Pieâsold áá˝áášáˇáĄáá° áá°á¸áąááŤáášá¸á ááźáśááżáááłá¸áááŻá¸ááášáąáĄáŹááš áąááŹáášááźáášáá˛áˇáżááŽá¸ áťáá ášááŤááášá áááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸ ááŻáášááášá¸á áŽááśááşáášáááš ááášááášáááášáá˝áŹá¸áąááąáᏠáá˝áášááášá¸áá˝áášáᏠáá ášááŻáťáá ášáżááŽá¸ áááŻáášá¸ááášááášá¸ áá áš áąáá˝áşáŹáášááśáŻá¸ áĄááášááťáááš á áá á ášááášá¸áťáááš áťááášááášáąááááŤááášá áĄáąáá¸á áááš ááŻáášááášá¸áĄááášáˇáááš áááŻáášá¸áááášáááášá¸áťááášá¸ áá˝ ážááśáłáąááźááááášáˇ áąááźá¸ááşáášá ááŹááşáŹá¸ áĄáąáááá˝ áááŹááášáˇ áááŻáášá¸ááŻáášááášá¸ ááášáˇááşáášáá áá˝áášáˇ áááŻááŻáááşáŹá¸áĄááŻááášá¸ áąáťááŹáášá¸áá˛ááźáŹá¸ ááŤááášá
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Mine Closure
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The mine closure plan is a living document that will be continually reviewed and revised over the mineâs life. The level of detail will vary as the mine matures and knowledge is gained on the significant issues to be addressed in the mine plan and options for dealing with them through closure. MYTCLâs approach in developing the mine closure plan is to segregate the mine into specific areas or domains. Each domain will be treated as a separate entity for detailed work plans, but within an overall plan which addresses the integration of the domains. The S&K Project will be segregated into the following domains: ⢠⢠⢠⢠⢠⢠⢠â˘
ore processing â plant site workshops and hydrocarbon storage areas waste rock dumps (mineralised and barren) tailings storage facility process water and raw water dams pits or voids (underground declines) access roads, exploration tracks and service area infrastructure camps and accommodation areas
Each site is unique and the specification of domains will depend on the final plans for landform, the works to be done and the potential long-term risk to the environment. Each area (for example waste rock dump, pit, plant site and workshop) is given its own unique domain and project status and managed as an individual entity. The ability to progressively rehabilitate sections of the mine site as they become available is an important way of reducing the long-term closure liability. Benefits of progressive rehabilitation include: ⢠⢠⢠⢠â˘
reduction of the overall un-rehabilitated âfootprintâ of the mine; an ability to trial various options and demonstrate rehabilitation outcomes to the wider community; showing commitment to stakeholders and employees that the mine has an active mine rehabilitation program; reduction of the overall closure costs; and the reduction of the risk of failure and ultimate liability.
Throughout the mineâs life, closure strategies will be regularly reviewed to ensure they are appropriate, address the major issues for closure, and remain aligned to community expectations and regulatory requirements. As part of the mineâs change management system, alterations to the mine operating plan, expansions, new pits, waste dumps, or changes to the operating process will trigger a review of closure risk and review of the plan. Using the risk-based approach a review of the underlying risks to the business and closure will be undertaken on a regular basis to confirm that the controls remain adequate and the risk exposure has not materially changed since the last risk review. The collection of appropriate and accurate data through monitoring programs is critical to this process and will assist MYTCL in decision-making. This review process provides an ideal opportunity for engagement with stakeholders through community committees and the building of relationships that develop trust and confidence in the operation. An annual review of the closure plan is standard practice for MYTCL and also the regulators as they require annual statistics on areas of disturbance, areas rehabilitated in the previous year and areas yet to be rehabilitated. The closure plan is a key reference document during this process, as it demonstrates the philosophy and strategies to be undertaken. The level of detail reflects the complexity and the maturity of the site. MYTCL acknowledges the concept of âmine completionâ as the goal of mine closure. Assigned a high priority by all levels of management, the integration of the elements outlined in the Mine Closure programs and in the adoption of the Leading Practice Sustainable Handbook with day-to-day operations management will allow the S&K Project to reach a state where mining lease ownership can be relinquished and responsibility accepted by the next land user. To achieve this in an environment of increasing regulatory and stakeholder expectations will require superior outcomes developed and implemented in consultation with local stakeholders. Not only will the implementation of this concept of mine completion result in a more satisfactory social and environmental outcome, but it can also reduce the financial burden of mine closure and rehabilitation.
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Mine Closure
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Sustainability Report
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â&#x20AC;&#x153;When one pulls at a single thing in nature, he finds that it is attached to the rest of the world.â&#x20AC;? Naturalist & Preservationist - John Muir
Closing Note from Operations Management All human activities have an impact on the environment, however without a life-sustaining environment all other activities cease to exist. It is because of this realisation that the mining industry has experienced exponential growth over the past decades in regards to accountability, and key words such as corporate social responsibility; environmental reclamation; community development; mine closure; and most importantly âsustainabilityâ have become an important part of the mining industryâs vocabulary. The 21st Century, it would seem, has become the era of sustainability. Building Lifelong Value reflects the sustainable development that we at MYTCL pursue each and every day of our operations, and at all levels. This report has added value through measured parameters in order to verify the vision we have set out as our mandate to maintain, control, and evaluate the impacts our mining activities have on the physical and socioeconomic environments of our region. Our progressive business model at MYTCL is designed to be evolving, flexible and compelled to be inspired by emergent technologies that are becoming available which stimulate preservation
and reduce the carbon footprint of the legacy mining activities of the S&K Project. As the global community changes its course and enters into an era of long-term planning, and focuses on changing one behaviour at a time internationally to meet the criteria of sustainability in all arenas of the mining industry, our focus and attention at MYTCL is also prioritised towards improving sustainable continuity. As we move forward into 2015 we emerge from the past year as a company that exercises itâs âOpen Door Policyâ and continues to engage our communities with transparency, building bilateral commitments to sustainable development, while including key elements of environmental responsibility, social equity, economic health, and cultural vitality. The steps we take forward will be in unison with the international growth in this era of sustainability, and we will sustain our goals of a zero-incident strategy in regards to the community, the environment and our employees. We will continue to build lifelong values to live by today, and we will share them with you for the tomorrows to come. Have a safe yearâŚ
Glenn R. Wallis Environment & Operational Development Manager
Yangon Office
- 70 (I) Bo Chein Street - Pyay Road, Hlaing Township - Yangon, Myanmar - Tel: (951) 514 194-7 - Fax: (951) 514 208
Monywa Site Office - Salingyi Township - Sagaing Region - Myanmar - Tel: (9571) 22226 - Fax: (9571) 22522