Learning To Walk Before You Can Run: Track 6 Learning To Run Stage 3

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Podcast Album: Learning To Walk Before You Can Run

Track 6 – Learning To Run Stage 3 Brought To You By: MyWeightLossDream.co.uk

Welcome to the sixth track in our learning to walk before you can run series of podcasts and thanks for downloading me. Well I don’t mean me, I mean the podcast but I am sure you know what I mean! I hope you don’t mind but we are going to jump straight in with this podcast and to get you moving. Chapter 1 – Introduction To Stage 3 Well done on passing stage 2 and welcome to stage 3. If you noticed I needed three attempts to get past stage 2 so if this is you, don’t worry about it, it is all about being comfortable about the running level you are at. If you didn’t already know, I devised this based on my very poor fitness levels after looking up the NHS couch potato option and realising I didn’t stand a chance of completing it! Without further introduction here is stage 3: Stage 3 Begin with a 500m brisk walk, then alternate 3 minutes of running with 2 minutes of brisk walking for 1950m. Then finish your regime with 750m of brisk walking. Chapter 2 – Stage 3 Running Diary I now look at how out of breath I used to be and can’t believe I am moving onto three minutes of running without stopping. For me this is huge.

Even better I did it on just one attempt as you can read below: Fifth run = 10th June 2015 = 3500m = 33 minutes You’ve probably noticed that I am doing this (most of the time) via twice a day intervals. This is because I want to build up my fitness levels and twice a day for half an hour (approximately) seems great and I am rather enjoying the balance. Of course things will get in the way and I don’t expect to do 14 runs a week, but I can of course enjoy my exercise! This evening I do the next stage up….and yes I have passed stage 2 and I am on with the third stage. The thing about this is that you are increasing your running very slightly with you going from approximately 10 minutes of running up to nearly 12 minutes. Another point is that you are reducing your walking at the beginning and the end and getting involved with the running much quicker! I end up doing just short of 3500m in 33 minutes and I reckon when I get another stage up I will be able to do it in half an hour. Thanks for listening to track 6 and thanks very much for your support. You can follow the story even further on our blog at http://myweightlossdream.co.uk/blog or follow our Podcasts at http://myweightlossdream.co.uk/podcasts And chat to you again soon.

Thanks again for listening and best of luck with your own jogging journey.

Samantha & Dominic Milner MyWeightLossDream.co.uk And don’t forget to connect with us on social media:  https://facebook.com/myweightlossdream  https://twitter.com/weight_lossme  http://www.pinterest.com/weightlossdream And to get regular updates from us sign up for our free weight loss and fitness newsletter below: http://myweightlossdream.co.uk/ebooks/freenewsletter/

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