Podcast Album: Learning To Walk Before You Can Run
Track 8 – Learning To Run Stage 5 Brought To You By: MyWeightLossDream.co.uk
Welcome to the eighth track in our learning to walk before you can run series of podcasts and thanks for downloading me. Well I don’t mean me, I mean the podcast but I am sure you know what I mean! I hope you don’t mind but we are going to jump straight in with this podcast and to get you moving. Chapter 1 – Introduction To Stage 5 Stage 5 is very similar to stage 4. In a nutshell all you are doing is knocking a little time off your stage 4 walking so that you are doing very slightly more running. This is the kind of stage that you should find really easy. Stage 5 Begin with a 500m brisk walk, then alternate 3 minutes of running with 90 seconds of brisk walking for 2200m. Then finish your regime with 500m of brisk walking. Chapter 2 – Stage 5 Running Diary I said it was easy so can I do it in one go? Absolutely! And this is how I got on with it: Seventh run = 13th June 2015 = 3400m = 33 minutes I have now jumped straight onto stage 5 and in my opinion; there is really not that much in it between this and stage 4. All I am doing is losing 30 seconds a time off my walking onto running and I am sure I won’t even notice!
As I do the run I end up getting lost in my own little world of listening to The Beautiful South on my Ipod and enjoying the local views that our lane has to offer. I am also finding as I find some of the rounds easy that I have not been out of breath and have no stitches at all. But my son Kyle who thinks he is a sprinter is soon stopping with a stitch – I think he needs to learn how to pace himself! Thanks for listening to track 8 and thanks very much for your support. You can follow the story even further on our blog at http://myweightlossdream.co.uk/blog or follow our Podcasts at http://myweightlossdream.co.uk/podcasts And chat to you again soon.
Thanks again for listening and best of luck with your own jogging journey.
Samantha & Dominic Milner MyWeightLossDream.co.uk
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