daily & ongoing
DECEMBER 2023 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2 Reiki 1 Certificate Training – Dec. 2-3, 10am-4pm. This comprehensive and complete professional-level course offers practical healing and energy work teachings in addition to Reiki attunements, meditations, and practice, with everyone receiving an entire healing session: Usui Reiki 1 Certificate, Reiki 1 book, and class recordings. Reiki empowers your healing abilities. Reiki is used to speed up healing, relieve pain, aid sleep, reduce stress, improve circulation, aid digestion, increase energy and stamina, balance the body, clear negativity, heighten psychic abilities, aid connection to your higher power, and much more! . $365/390. Be The Medicine (Online In-Person-Sessions-Classes-Retreats), 247 North Road, Chester. 973-647-2500. Bethemedicine.com. Astroherbalism with Sara Villani – 12noon-5pm. Astroherbalism is a unique, personalized approach to herbal medicine. It allows us to understand the energetics of a person and their condition by unraveling the connections between the individual’s human experience and celestial bodies. We can then provide herbal support for these findings vetted by the same celestial and vitalist principles. $155. Riverside Wellness Center, 23 Bridge St, Milford. Register at RiversideWellnessAndEnchantments.com/ book-online. For information: 908-4036653, infoRiversideWellness@gmail.com or visit RiversideWellnessAndEnchantments. com. Past Lives Regression Workshop – 6-8pm. Join us as we take a look into your past. Past lives, that is! Join Howard Mertine (Alternative Therapies Work, LLC) with Ellen Petroski Perkins & Greg Perkins (Gaia’s Gifts), as we host a two-hour guided hypnotic journey to take you into your own past lives. You may even uncover why you do some of the things you do in your current life. $30. RSVP as space is limited to 12 people. Pay at door or at paypal.me/gaiasgiftsnj/30. Ellen Perkins at Gaia’s Gifts, 16 Broad St., Washington. For information, call 908-2231331 or email Ellen at perkins145@comcast. net. GaiasGifts.net.
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5 Meditation for Stress Relief – Dec. 5 & 12; 6:30-7:30pm. All of the joy and love of the season, getting caught up in the business of the holidays can leave us feeling tired, anxious, and irritable. Reclaim and rebalance depleted energy through visualizations, breathing practices, and gentle/restorative yoga poses.
All calendar events for the January 2024 issue must be received by December 10 and adhere to our guidelines. To submit, visit naturalawakeningscnj.com/pages/calendar-listings or email kathy@NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com for submission form.
Instructor Laura Knott. Classes will be recorded and the audio files shared for personal use between classes, or you can use the recordings in place of attending in person. 2 classes for $40 or $25 per class. Riverside Wellness Center, 23 Bridge St, Milford. Register at RiversideWellnessAndEnchantments.com/ book-online. For information: 908-403-6653, infoRiversideWellness@gmail.com or visit RiversideWellnessAndEnchantments.com.
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6 Free Drumming Circle – 3-5 pm - Circle to be led by Shaman, Lauren. Experience the uplifting energy vibrations of this Native American drumming. You may bring an instrument (drum, rattle, etc.), or just enjoy the experience. A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe, 413 Bond St., Asbury Park. For information call 848-217-2371 and visit AYearAndADayMysticalShoppe.com. Change Your Life with Hypnosis – 6:309:15pm; Zoom. Barry Wolfson leads three one-hour virtual sessions. Take any or all for tools to help you change your life for the better. Stop Smoking with Hypnosis – 6:30-7:30pm. Lose Weight with Hypnosis – 7:30-8:30pm. Reduce Stress with Hypnosis – 8:30-9:15pm. $60 each session. For more information and link to sessions, contact Barry at 908-303-7767, 610-353-2330 or barry@hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com.
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9 Change Your Life with Hypnosis – 9-11:45am. Barry Wolfson leads three one-hour sessions. Take any or all for tools to help you change your life for the better. Stop Smoking with Hypnosis – 9-10am. Lose Weight with Hypnosis – 10-11am. Reduce Stress with Hypnosis – 11-11:45am. $60 each session. Hypnosis Counseling Center, 28 Mine St., Flemington. For more information, contact Barry at 908-303-7767 or barry@hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com. Past Lives Regression Workshop – 6-8pm. Let’s take a look into your past—past lives, that is! Join Howard Mertine (of Alternative Therapies Work, LLC) in partnership with Everett Magie (of Alien Ink Tattoos), as we host a two-hour guided hypnotic journey to take you into your own past lives! You may even uncover why you do some of the things you do in your current life! Space is limited (10 people). $40 at door or PayPal at: hgmertine@ gmail.com. Alien Ink Tattoos, 264 Rt 206 S, Unit 3, Flanders. For information call 973652-7962. AlternativeTherapiesWork.com.
32 Somerset/Middlesex/Hunterdon/Mercer/ S. Warren Co. Edition
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13 Dreamcatcher Making Workshop – 8-10pm with Shaman, Lauren Porter. Learn the history of the dreamcatcher and its native traditions and make your own personal, unique catcher of dreams or make one for a loved one. Fee includes cost of materials. $50 per person; pre-registration required. A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe, 413 Bond St., Asbury Park. For information call 848-217-2371 and visit AYearAndADayMysticalShoppe.com.
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14 Gong Sound Bath – 7-8pm. Come, relax, and renew yourself. We will start with a brief centering meditation to help you arrive into the space and set your intention. Then, you will lay down on a yoga mat. The gongs, chimes, bowls, and other healing instruments will be played around you creating a soundscape for you to go on a journey in your own mind. Most people awaken from the experience feeling refreshed and enlivened. The Sound helps your natural frequency to return, letting go of stress, and old stuck energies. Come back home to yourself with this Sound “Bath”. $30. Sand Hills Wellness Center, 57 Sand Hills Road, Kendall Park. 732-419-3551. DeepRootsRising.com.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17 Open House at Deep Roots Rising – 11am3pm. Come and check out some candles/ soaps/other crafts for sale for the holidays. We will be having intuitive readings (1015 mins for $20). Sign up for an astrology reading or astrology classes, and Reiki sessions and Sound Healing sessions at discounted prices. Gift certificates are the perfect healthy holiday gift. Raffle prizes. Sound Healing Demos. Free gifts and other surprises. Free to attend. Location: 218 East Main Street, Somerville, NJ.Deep Roots Rising, LLC, Somerville. 732-718-4430. DeepRootsRising.com. Psychic/Mediumship Workshop – 3-5pm with Cherise. We’ll explore the levels of spirit energy, other dimensions, including the astral plane and focus on ways we can encounter spirit responsibly, foster our relationship with spirit and our team of guides in the spirit realm. $65 per person; pre-registration required. A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe, 413 Bond St., Asbury Park. For information call 848-217-2371 and visit AYearAndADayMysticalShoppe.com.