Mental Health
in a Time of Change
by Cathy Ludwig
here is no question that the outbreak of COVID-19 has impacted mental health by elevating worldwide anxiety. The results of living in isolation and quarantine are seen in reports from Wuhan, China, now that restrictions have been lifted. While many have report-
ed that their overwhelming feelings of fear and helplessness have faded and that their relationships have grown stronger, reports of domestic violence have multiplied and the divorce rate has skyrocketed upon emerging from lockdown. In a recent poll, 45% of adults in the
10 Somerset/Middlesex/Hunterdon/Mercer/ S. Warren Co. Edition
by Cathy Ludwig
U.S. reported that their mental health has been negatively impacted due to stress over the pandemic and the economic decline. The key is to address the stress now rather than after damage has been done to our emotional health or our relationships. Hoping that anger, guilt, depression or