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How to Live from Our Heart by Janet StraightArrow
iving from our heart is our divine connection to our true selves. Living from the mind focuses on living roles and rules from society and family including expectations, desires and beliefs to determine who we are and how we see life, ourselves and others. Living from our heart challenges this reality. We know that there is more to us and want to be authentic in who we are. The heart is a gentle clear voice that people often ignore, only later to find it was correct all along. Heart wisdom is clear, open and sincere. Living from our heart means we are authentic and genuine. Listening to the mind’s doubts, beliefs and fears limit us and blocks out the still small voice of the heart. As we focus on the highest truth and love, the heart is heard loud and clear. How do we discern truth and make needed changes to listen to the truth of our hearts and live it? Meditation, contemplation and clearing thoughts of doubt, blame and fear help us discover the peaceful inner heart wisdom that is always here. The more we live from our heart’s wisdom, the more we understand, feel confident, and live a peaceful, loving life. You will know it is the heart that speaks when you only hear love and wisdom without criticism. Listen to your heart, and it takes you to all the best places. Enjoy the journey, always in love. Janet StraightArrow is a shaman, healer, and sage who guides people on their spiritual healing journey. For information on class, retreats and private sessions, call 973-647-2500 or email and visit See ad, page 11.
February 2022