Unit 13 Objectives
Great works of engineering
Listening : Checking predictions; listening for numbers Grammar : Passive verbs: past and present Reading : Scanning; reading for specific information Critical thinking : Considering the importance of great engineers Functions : Asking for and giving advice Writing : Writing a description of an engineer’s work
Key Vocabulary affect (v) – ed
permanent (adj)
effect (n)
run (v) – ran – run
altitude (n) charge (v) frozen ground frozen (adj) = iced income (n) operate (v) – d permanently (adv)
ارتفاع- المرتفع يدفع رسوم األرض المتجمدة
sea level section (n) shorten (v) – ed
دائم يسير/يجرى مستوى سطح البحر قسم ُيقصر
stages (n)
supply (n)
يدير عمل تجارى بشكل دائم
take over waterways (n)
يتولى مسئولية ممرات مائية 107
Great works of engineering
ula cab
above (adv)
altogether (adv) amazing (adj)
facts (n)
تماما- اجماال – كليا
مدهش- مذهل
bridge (n)
caller (n)
call (v) – ed
يتصل تليفونيا
carry (v) – ied engineering (n)
يحمل- ينقل
engineer (n) exactly (adv) expert (n)
authority (n)
include (v) – d incredible (adj) line (n) main (adj) railway (n) specially (adv) special (adj)
thin air
station (n)
tunnel (n)
ula b a c
height (n)
experience (n)
extremely (adv)
n Liste
din a e R
government (n) immediately (adv)
هيئة – سلطة
link (v) – ed (n)
BCE = Before Christian Era عهد ما قبل المسيح
pay (v) – paid
business (n)
universal (adj)
canal (n) century (n) directions (n) 108
عمل تجارى قناة
right (n) usage (n) wide (adj) width (n)
للغاية حقائق ارتفاع
يشتمل على ال يصدق خط
سكة حديد خصوصا
خاص محطة
هواء قليل الكثافة نفق
فى الحال
يربط – رابط
يدفع حق
Critical Thinking & Communication Vocabulary burning wood
complex = complicated fire (n)
tower (n)
warn (v) – ed
تحت الصفر
climb (v) – ed
go round massive (adj)
breathe (v) – d
trip (n)
W orkbook V ocabulary
below zero
source (n)
breath (n)
climbers (n)
nearly (adj) temperature (n)
رحلة قصيرة يحذر
درجة الحرارة
Definitions stages
ارتفاع- المرتفع
frozen ground
األرض المتجمدة
shorten affect operate
ُيقصر يؤثر يدير عمل تجارى
s tates or levels that someone or something reaches in a process the height above the sea g round that is hard because the temperature is below zero. It has become hard like ice. make it shorter to cause a change in someone or something to manage and control a business 109
Great works of engineering
ممر مائى
take over
يتولى مسئولية
a river, canal, or other body of water serving as a route or way of travel or transport. win control
money you earn
o ne of the parts that an object, group, place , etc. is divided into
يدفع رسوم
t o ask someone to pay a particular amount of money for something
to go from one place to another at regular times
run supply
امداد بشكل دائم
permanently sea level
مستوى سطح البحر
an amount of something that can be used means for all future time the average level of the sea, used as a standard for measuring the height of an area of land
Phrases, Expressions, Idioms & Prepositions at the same time
فى نفس الوقت
have time for
لديه الوقت لــ
a 45-year-old doctor عاما54 طبيب يبلغ من العمر
amount of
كمية من
ask for
cut the length of a journey يقطع طول الرحلة
يسأل عن
enough for
كافى لــ
earn money
يكسب ماال
lose control
يعطى الحق لــ
make tunnel
at regular times
cut through
give a supply of give the right to 110
فى اوقات محددة
يقطع خالل
يعطى امدادا من
in particular make the light
على وجه الخصوص يفقد التحكم
يصنع الضؤ
يصنع نفقا
pass through passing places sail around
spend money
يجتاز أماكن مرور يبحر حول ينفق ماال
travel on railway يسافر بالسكك الحديدية
know about
يعرف عن
phone from
يتصل من
special about
خاص بشأن
work on
يعمل فى شئ لتحسينه
Notes on Vocabulary Journey How long is the journey to the coast ? trip He is in a business trip in London. Picnic We had a picnic by the sea. voyage We went on a voyage by ship. flight The flight to Saudi Arabia took two hours.
رحلـة طويلـة )رحلـة قصيـرة (للمتعة او العمل نزهـه خلوية في الهـواء الطلـق رحلـة بحريـة رحلـة جويـة
يشـارك take part Did you take part in the poetry competition ? يحـدث take place = happen = occur When did the accident take place ? يحـل محـل take the place of = replace He resigned and I took his place. يستنـزف كثيـر مـن take up much of He took much of his money. يخلـع ـ تقلـع الطائرة take off When I returned home, I took off my coat. The plane took off at ten. يتـولى مهمـة take over After his father’s death he took over him work. يبعد – يأخذ بعيدا take away Please don’t take my plate away. I haven’t finished eating yet. off. I haven’t finished eating yet. 111
Great works of engineering
يحتـوى علـى جـزء أو أكثـر مـن األجـزاء ( المكونات ) و ليس كـل المكـونات include The pair of glasses includes two lenses. ) يحتـوى علـى شـئ بداخـلة ( علـى كـل contain CD-ROMs can contain words, music and pictures. يتكـون مـن كـل المكـونات األساسيـة consist of The United Kingdom consists of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.
Confusing Words • canal
• amazing
• bridge
• altogether • frozen
)قناة (مائية مدهش
)كوبرى (أرضى
تماما- اجماال – كليا
• channel
• amazed
• flyover
• all together • freezing
)قناة (تليفزيونية مندهش
)كوبرى (علوى
شديد البرودة
Listening Text Presenter : Our programme today is about the highest railway line in the world: the China to Tibet railway. In our studio we have Michael Chen, a railway engineering expert. If you have any questions you would like to ask our expert this morning, phone us and we’ll do our best to answer them. Our first caller today is Khaled, who is phoning from Cairo. What’s your question, Khaled? Khaled : Good morning. I›d like to know some facts about the railway. How long is this line, and when was it built? Mr Chen : Hi, Khaled. Well, the line was built in two stages: the first stage, which was started in 1951, did not open until 1984. This stage is 815 kilometres long. The second stage is another 1,142 kilometres long. This stage was opened in 2006. 112
Khaled : Thanks. Can I ask you for one more fact? Presenter : Yes, of course.
Khaled : I know this is the highest railway line in the world, but exactly how high is it?
Mr Chen : Well, about half the line is over 4,000 metres above sea level, and at its
highest point - the Tanggula Pass - it’s 5,072 metres. At this altitude, the air is very thin, so all the passengers are given a supply of oxygen.
Khaled : Really? That’s amazing. That’s like being on a plane. Mr Chen : That’s right.
Presenter : Thanks, Khaled. Our next caller is Rami from Alexandria. What’s your question, Rami?
Rami : Hello. I’d like to know how difficult it was for engineers to build this railway.
Mr Chen : That’s a good question. It was extremely difficult. One of the main problems for the engineers was that over 500 kilometres of the line is
built on permanently frozen ground. This includes a tunnel which is 1,338 metres long. To make this tunnel, they had to cut through frozen earth. The line also includes 675 bridges. In all, 20,000 people worked on the line.
Rami : Thanks. That’s incredible!
Presenter : Our last caller is Magdi from Suez. What would you like to know, Magdi?
Magdi : Good morning. I’d like to know about travelling on this railway. Where does it start and end?
Mr Chen : Well, Magdi, the line starts in Xining in China and ends in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. Trains run every day to Lhasa. Altogether, there are
45 stations. Passengers are carried at 120 kilometres an hour by trains specially built for high altitudes.
Magdi : Thanks very much.
Presenter : OK, that’s all we have time for today. Thanks to all those who called us and a special thanks to our expert, Michael Chen.
Great works of engineering
Reading Text The Suez Canal For thousands of years, people had wanted to link the
Mediterranean Sea and The Red Sea to shorten the sea journey from the west to the east. The first canal was built in around 1300 BCE, but it was not taken care of and it was not used after the eighth century.
In 1858, a French engineer called Ferdinand de
Lesseps and the Egyptian government started work
on a new canal. When the 164 kilometrelong canal
was opened in 1869, it had cost $100,000. At first, the Universal Suez Ship Canal Company operated the canal. The company was given the right to operate the canal for 99 years.
World business was immediately affected by the opening of the canal. Things
were moved by ship much faster than before, when the ships had to sail around Africa. The journey from Europe to Asia was shortened by 9,500 kilometres and by 20 days.
The Suez Canal is one of the world’s most important waterways. It was taken
over by Egypt in 1956, and is now used by about 50 ships every day. In most places, the canal is only wide enough for one ship, but there are passing places which means that ships can travel in both directions at the same time. Each ship takes between 11 and 16 hours to pass through the canal. The canal is now operated
by the Suez Canal Authority and ships are charged to use the waterway. This money is important income for Egypt.
A new 35-kilometre section of the canal was opened in 2015. It was built to help
modern ships, which are much bigger than in the past. 114
Critical Thinking Great Works of Engineering Great Wall of China
Lighthouse of Alexandria
Aswan High Dam
سور الصين العظيم
منارة االسكندرية
سد أسوان
This 2,400-kilometre wall was built over 2,000 years ago.
This 140-metre tower was built between 280 and 247 BCE. A fire of burning wood made the light.
This 111-metre-tall dam across the River Nile was built between 1960 and 1970.
Questions & Answers 1. Why did people want to link the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea? لماذا أراد الناس الربط بين البحر األبيض المتوسط و البحر األحمر؟ To shorten the sea journey from the west to the east. 2. What was the cost of the 164 kilometer long canal? كيلومتر؟461 ما هي تكلفة القناة بطول $100,000. 3. When was the 164 kilometrelong canal opened? كيلو متر؟461 متي تم افتتاح القناة بطول In 1869. 4. Who operated the canal at first? Who operates it now? من الذي قام بتشغيل القناة في األول ؟ و من الذي يقوم بتشغليها اآلن؟ The Universal Suez Ship Canal company. The Suez Canal Authority operates it now. 5. For how long was the company given the right to operate the canal? ما الفترة التي تم اعطائها للشركة ليكون لها الحق في تشغيل القناة؟ For 99 years. 6. What was the effect of the New Suez Canal on world business? ما هو تأثير قناة السويس الجديدة علي مناخ العمل في العالم؟ Things were moved by ship much faster than before, when the ships had to sail around Africa. 115
Great works of engineering
7. How many ships that use the canal now? By about 50 ships.
كم عدد السفن التي تستخدم القناة اآلن؟
8. How was the journey from Europe to Asia shortened? كيف تم تقليل فترة الرحلة من أوروبا الي آسيا؟ It was shortened by 9,500 kilometres and by 20 days. 9. When was the canal taken over by Egypt? In 1956.
متي تمكنت مصر من تولي مسئولية القناة؟
كم هو اتساع القناة في معظم األماكن؟ 10. How wide is the canal in most places? In most places, the canal is only wide enough for one ship, but there are passing places which means that ships can travel in both directions at the same time. 11. How long does each ship take to pass through the canal? كم المدة التي تستغرقها كل سفينة لكي تمر من القناة؟ Between 11 and 16 hours. 12. How is the canal important income for Egypt? كيف أصبحت القناة مصدر هام للدخل القمي المصري؟ Ships are charged to use the waterway. 13. When was the new 35-kilometre section opened? كيلو متر؟35 متي تم افتتاح القسم الجديد بطول It was opened in 2015. لماذا تم بناء القسم الجديد؟ 14. Why was the new section built? To help modern ships which are much bigger than in the past.
Critical Thinking Questions & Answers 15. Why do so many ships travel between Europe and Asia? SB لماذا تسافر العديد من السفن بين أوروبا و آسيا؟ There is important trade between the east and the west in spices , tea, fruit, oil, etc. 16. Why was it so important to shorten the journey between these two parts of the world? SB لماذا كان من المهم جدا تقليل الرحلة بين هذين الجزأين من العالم؟ Ships would otherwise have to go round the whole of Africa, a dangerous and lengthy journey. This was even more important if the cargo being carried was perishable (like fruit) or dangerous (e.g, oil). 116
17. What kind of things do you think the ships carry today? SB ما هي نوعية األشياء التي تحملها السفن اليوم؟،من رايك Many things such as machines, toys, cars, computers, fridges, TVs, food and drink. ما الشيء الذي يميز سور الصين العظيم؟ 18. What is special about “Great Wall of China”? It is a massive engineering work of great length. 19. Why was “Great Wall of China” built? To protect China and its people from invaders. 20. Who did “Great Wall of China” help? The Chinese people.
لماذا تم بناء سور الصين العظيم؟ من هم الذين ساعدهم سور الصين العظيم؟
21. What is special about “The Lighthouse of Alexandria”? ما الذي يميز فنار االسكندرية؟ It was very high and built in the sea. 22. Why was “Lighthouse of Alexandria” built ? To warn ships. 23. Who did “Lighthouse of Alexandria” help? Sailors on ships in the Mediterranean.
لماذا تم بناء فنار األسكندرية؟ من هم الذين ساعدهم فنار اإلسكندرية؟
24. What is special about “Aswan High Dam”? ما الشيء الذي يتميز به السد العالي في أسوان؟ It is a massive, complex engineering work. لماذا تم بناء السد العالي في أسوان؟ 25. Why was “Aswan High Dam” built? To control water in the Nile, to prevent flooding and as an important source of hydroelectric power. من هم الذين ساعدهم السد العالي في أسوان؟ 26. Who did “Aswan High Dam” help? Egyptian people in general and farmers in particular. 27. Can you think of any other great works of engineering? SB هل من الممكن أن تذكر أي أعمال هندسية عظيمة أخري؟ Panama Canal, Three Gorges Dam, Hannel tunnel, Mill au Viaduct. 28. Are there any new great works of engineering that are needed today? SB هل هناك أي أعمال هندسية عظيمة نحتاجها اليوم؟ Things to stop damage from floods, earthquakes, tidal waves, tsunamis. 117
Great works of engineering
29. Can you think of great works of engineering that were not needed? Why do you think they were built? SB هل من الممكن ان تفكر في أعمال هندسية عظيمة ال نحتاجها اليوم؟و لماذا تعتقد أنه تم بناؤها؟ The Eiffel Tower, Burj Khalifa, and many other very tall buildings which are built to give countries, cities or individuals status or just to look good. 30. What do you think makes a great engineer? SB ما الذي يصنع المهندس العظيم من وجهة نظرك؟ Creative imagination (vision), technical skill, persistence and leadership. 31. Can you name some places that charge you to go into them? هل تستطيع ذكر بعض أسماء األماكن التي تدفع ماال للدخول إليها؟ Cinemas, theatres, swimming pools, etc.
Exercises 1. Do you think that building “Aswan High Dam” was a good decision? Why? 2. Who operated the canal at first? Who operates it now? 3. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good engineer? 4. What was the main reason for building “Lighthouse of Alexandria”? 5. Mention two places that charge you to enter. 6. How did the New Suez Canal help world business? 7. How was the journey from Europe to Asia shortened? 8. Why do so many ships travel between Europe and Asia? 9. How wide is the canal in most places? 10. For how long was the company given the right to operate the canal? 11. What is special about “Great Wall of China” ? 12. W hy was it so important to shorten the journey between these two parts of the world?
Vocabulary Exercises 1 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: Student’s Book – Workbook
He does not like that restaurant because it always uses ................. food. a) frozen b) freezing c) freezer d) freezed 2 What ................. does the plane fly at? a) width b) high c) gratitude d) altitude 1
Mount Everest is nearly 9.000 metres above ................. . a) sea shore b) sea level c) sea beach d) sea waves 4 At this height, climbers need ................. or they cannot breathe easily. a) carbon dioxide b) hydrogen c) oxygen d) water 5 The temperature is ................. below zero at the top of Everest. a) temporarily b) temporary c) permanently d) permanant 6 How often do the buses ................. to the centre of town from here? b) walk c) drive d) limp a) run 7 Take a good ................. of water when you go to the desert. a) expression b) impression c) demand d) supply 8 It is difficult to build a bridge quickly, so engineers usually build it in ............. . a) stairs b) stages c) storeys d) levels 9 .......... means to ask someone to pay a particular amount of money for something. a) Change b) Charge c) chain d) Chat 3
10 Does
the restaurant have a non-smoking .................? a) part b) places c) section d) team 11 Her family ................. a number of boats on the canal to get money from them. a) speared b) separated c) operated d) took 12 We were all deeply ................. by her death. a) infected b) effective c) reflected d) affected 13 He is a great singer. His ................. is £250,000 a year. a) income b) outcome c) icoming d) outcoming 14 His only reason for investing in the company was to take it ................. . a) up b) over c) off d) after 15 There were a lot of arguments during the ................. of the negotiations.المفاوضات a) standards b) levels c) stages d) steps 16 . ................ is a river, canal, or other body of water serving as a route or way of travel or transport. a) waterway b) waterdam c) waterfall d) waterwheel 17 I’ve asked my wife to ................. my grey trousers as it is very long. a) lengthen b) sharpen c) eiden d) shorten 18 In Canada, the situation is ................. different. a) gather b) together c) altogether d) all together 119
19 The
Great works of engineering
player scored an ................. goal last match. a) amazing b) amazed c) amazement d) amusing 20 The Eiffel Tower is a remarkable work of ................. . a) teaching b) engineering c) energy d) electricity 21 It seems ................. that no one could solve the problem. b) incredible c) credibly d) credible a) incredibly 22 They’re building a new ................. across the river. b) road c) way d) bridge a) street 23 This bus is ................. designed for the disabled. b) private c) specially d) special a) privately 24 Air that is ................. is more difficult to breathe than usual because it has less oxygen in it. a) fat b) big c) thin d) high 25 A ................. is a passage that has been dug under the ground for cars or trains to go through. a) tunnel b) funnel c) dam d) way 26 I can’t remember ................. what she said before leaving the room. b) exactly c) finally d) silently a) extremely 27 I want to get off at the next ................., my friends are waiting for me. b) step c) stage d) station a) start 28 The ................. reason for living in Spain is the fantastic weather. a) bad b) mean c) main d) worst 29 An ................. is an official organisation or a government department that has the power to make decisions, and has particular responsibilities. b) orphange c) authority d) embassy a) ministry 30 The pipe must be ................. to the cold water supply. a) contacted b) communicated c) complimented d) linked 31 Before her death, she struggled for women’s ................. . a) sites b) rights c) sights d) flights 32 I asked the seller if I could ................. by credit card. a) pay b) bay c) buy d) guy 33 The telephone rang, and he answered it ................. . a) b) finally c) extremely d) immediately 34 The room filled with smoke, and it was becoming difficult to ................. . a) breathe b) breath c) breeze d) breed 35 Some countries gave a supply ................. money to the youth. a) of b) with c) from d) by 120
36 Everyone
should have the ................. to freedom of expression. a) wright b) right c) write d) left 37 We had to go to a business ................. to Japan. a) journey b) trip c) voyage d) hike 38 His job ................. looking after under-21 teams. a) encloses b) contains c) consists d) includes 39 Rami is taking ................. in the race this afternoon. a) part b) place c) off d) up 40 Yesterday, Nada married a 30- ................. old doctor. a) year b) years c) year’s d) years’ 41 It was a good concert. I enjoyed the last song in ................. . a) special b) particular c) private d) public 42 Every weekend you see him working ................. his car. a) for b) with c) at d) on 43 Is the water warm enough ................. you? a) to b) for c) with d) at 44 He asked the ................. if he could hold for one moment. a) viewer b) audience c) dancer d) caller 45 Club members can get a ................. discount of £500. a) massive b) passive c) missive d)
2 Find and correct the mistake in each of the following sentences: Student’s Book – Workbook
1. They started building the first level of the Tibet Railway in 1951. (............) 2. Ships can travel in both directions at the similar time. (............) 3. The canal cut the length of a journey from the west to the east in a very short time. (............) 4. In the canal, there are passed places which means that ships can travel in both directions. (............) NEW
5. We went on a flight by ship last week. 6. The kids are watching cartoons on Spacetoon Canal. 7. When did the accident take part? 8. What is special of Cairo Tower?
(............) (............) (............) (............) 121
Great works of engineering
9. The government wants to do a railway tunnel in this area to avoid accidents. 10. She realised she would make time for a coffee before her train left. 11. We passed thorough the gates into a courtyard behind. 12. My parents’ divorce had a big affect on me. 13. We’re flying at an gratitude of 40,000 feet. 14. They built a new line on freezing ground. 15. She took the new company off and became its manager.
(............) (............) (............) (............) (............) (............) (............)
rammar The Passive Voice (present and past)
Use the passive when the action is more important than the agent (who or what did it): .) نستخدم المبني للمجهول عندما يكون الحدث اكثر أهمية من الفاعل (من او ما الذي قام به- The school was opened in 1969. . نستخدم المبني للمجهول ايضا عندما يكون الفاعل معروف بالضرورة- The thief was arrested before escaping. If we mention the agent, we use it with by: by إذا ذكرنا الفاعل نستخدم قبله- The school is used by all of the children in the village. : المبني للمجهول يتكون من قاعدة ثابتة وهيObj + V-to be + p.p.
1. Obj + am – is – are + p.p.
مضارع بسيط
2. Obj + was – were + p.p.
ماضي بسيط
باختالف زمن الجملةv-to be و يختلف
He always does the homework after school. = The homework is always done after school.
The government spent a lot of money on this project. = A lot of money was spent on this project.
3. Obj + am – is – are + being + p.p. مضارع مستمر
Bahaa is playing a computer game at the moment. = A computer game is being played by Bahaa at the moment.
4. Obj + was – were + being + p.p.
ماضي مستمر
While I was painting the flat, I injured my arm. = While the flat was being painted, I injured my arm.
5. Obj + has – have + been + p.p.
مضارع تام
6. Obj + had + been + p.p.
ماضي تام
Since last year, The state made a lot of progress. = Since last year, a lot of progress has been made.
As soon as they had taken the photo, they put it on the internet. = As soon as the photo had been taken, they put it on the internet.
Important Notes :المبني للمجهول مع األفعال الناقصة يكون بالشكل التالي
7. Obj + modal verbs + be + p.p. مع األفعال الناقصة
Mona will solve the problem. = The problem will be solved by Mona. We can find a lot of information on the internet. = A lot of information can be found on the internet. Maged will have to tell the truth. = The truth will have to be told by Maged.
Important Notes :الحظ المبني للمجهول مع التعبيرات اآلتية
(used to – need to – have to – has to – had to) + inf.
(used to – need to – have to – has to – had to) + be + p.p.
Hana used to clean the house when she was on holiday. = The house used to be cleaned by Hana when she was on holiday. الحظ الجملة التالية في المبني للمجهول Mona doesn’t clean the house as usual. (active) = The house isn’t cleaned by Mona as usual. (passive) Yasser didn’t answer the phone. (active) = The phone wasn’t answered by Yasser. (passive)
(don’t – doesn’t) + inf. (didn’t) + inf.
(active) (active)
(isn’t – aren’t) + p.p. (passive) (wasn’t – weren’t) + p.p. (passive) 123
Great works of engineering
Advanced Points to عند وجود فعلين في الجملة نبني األول للمجهول و نضع قبل الثاني I saw my friend play a very nice match. (active) = My friend was seen to play a very nice match. (passive) عند وجود مفعولين يكون هناك طريقتين للجملة عند التحويل للمبني للمجهول Eman gave me a nice present. (active) = I was given a nice present. (passive) = A nice present was given to me. (passive) .(be) allowed to+ inf يحـــول إلـىlet + inf إذا وجـــد بالجمــلـة الفعـــل I let Ahmed go out. (active) = Ahmed was allowed to go out. (passive)
Grammar Exercises 1 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: Student’s Book – Workbook 1 All
passengers ................... a supply of oxygen. a) give b) are giving c) are given d) have given 2 The line ................... in two stages. a) built b) is building c) was building d) was built 3 The lighthouse of Alexandria ............. by earthquakes in the fourteenth century. c) has damaged d) damages a) was damaged b) is damaged 4 Every year, hundreds of tourists ................... the Aswan High Dam. b) visit c) are visiting d) visits a) are visited 5 The Aswan High Dam ................... between 1960 to 1970. b) is built c) will be built d) was being built a) was built 6 The company ................... over by the government in 2007. a) is taking b) was taken c) is taken d) has been taken 7 Who was this book ................... by? a) wrote b) write c) written d) being wrote 8 The Suez Canal ................... by about 50 ships a day. a) is used b) was used c) had been used d) uses 124
The pyramids ................... by millions of tourists every year. a) visit b) were visited c) visited d) are visited 10 Do you know when the Great Wall of China ...................? a) was built b) is built c) has been built d) built 11 A lot of world’s cotton ................... in Egypt. a) grows b) will grown c) was grown d) is grown 12 Clocks ................... for telling the time. b) are used c) were used d) is used a) use 13 The playground ................... by all the children in school. a) used b) is used c) is use d) is using 14 This house was built ................... Hala’s grandfather. a) of b) to c) with d) by 15 You can’t use classroom 2 because it ................... redecorated. a) is being b) being c) was been d) will have 16 Passengers ................... at an altitude of 5000 metres. a) carried b) carry c) are carry d) are carried 17 This book ................... 100 years ago. a) wrote b) is written c) did write d) was written 9
18 Oil
and natural gas are ................... under the ground. a) to find b) find c) found d) founded 19 Has the letter been typed yet? - No, but it ................... now. a) is typed b) is been typed c) is being typed d) is typing 20 The glass window ................... when the boy hit it with the ball. a) is breaking b) was breaking c) was broken d) had broken 21 The report was written and ................... to the press. a) send b) sending c) is sent d) sent 22 Water ................... to turn it into steam. a) heat b) is heated c) are heated d) is heating 23 My son ................... to get the full mark in the coming exams. a) believing b) believing c) is believed d) was believed 24 Our football team ................... in 1964. a) is formed b) has been formed c) was formed d) had been formed 125
Great works of engineering
25 My
car ................... in last week’s crash. a) is destroyed b) was destroyed c) destroyed d) has been destroyed 26 A lot of money ................... on advertising the new product. a) spends b) is being spent c) is spending d)will spend 27 Football is a popular sport that ................... in clubs and playgrounds. a) plays b) is played c) played d) was played 28 Since last year, a lot of new roads ................... . a) have built b) were built c) have been built d) are built 29 I bought a car that ................... in Japan. a) made b) makes c) was made d) is making 30 English ................... by a lot of people all over the world. a) is spoken b) speaks c) was spoken d) spoke 31 A lot of new modern schools should ................... to educate more people. a) built b) have built c) be built d) be building 32 Our new flat is going to ................... next month. a) paint b) be painting c) been painted d) be painted 33 My students hope to ................... permission to leave early. a) give b) be given c) be giving d) have given 34 Dr Zewail ................... the Noble Prize for chemistry. a) awards b) awarded c) is awarded d) was awarded 35 The criminal must have ................... by the police last week. a) arrested b) be arrested c) been arrested d) being arrested
Previous Exams 36 The
Hound of the Baskervilles ...................by Conan Doyle. (2016 ) سوهاج – إدارة سوهاج a) wrote b) was written c) writing d) write 37 My flat ................... only yesterday. (2016 )جرجا – إدارة جرجا a) is cleaned b) was cleaned c) cleaned d) was cleaning 38 The Monalisa ................... by Leonardo Davinci. (2016 )سوهاج – منطقة سوهاج التعليمية a) painted b) paint c) painting d) was painted 39 They ................... to the wedding party next month. (2016 )البحيرة – إيتاي البارود a) will be invited b) invited . c) have been invited c) will invite 40 What is this cake ................... from? a) makes b) making c) make d) made 126
2 Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets, to give the
same meaning: 1. Thousands of men built the Great Wall of China more than 2000 years ago. (The Great Wall of China ………) 2. They built the museum two hundred years ago. (The museum ……..) (Most plants …….) 3. Insects ate most plants. 4. She will invite us to her wedding party. (We…….) 5. No body has answered my questions properly. (been) 6. She has swept the floor. (The floor…..) (been) 7. We have not done the housework yet. 8. The police found the missing car. (was) (My car….) 9. The thieves have stolen my car. 10. Did he answer the question? (Was) (2016 ( )البحيرة – إدارة إدكوHow is............?) 11. How do you spend your free time? (2016 ( )البحيرة – كفر الدوارHe) 12. We made him divorce her. (2016 ( )الشرقية – فاقوسThe rooms ………) 13. The servant keeps the rooms clean. (2016 ( )الشرقية – مشتولTickets) 14. You can buy tickets at the stadium. (Nothing) 15. We haven’t planned anything yet. 16. You should wash the car before going to the celebration. (be) 17. Dalia usually draws wonderful pictures. (by) (given) 18. She gave me some advice to get high marks. 19. Eman is preparing dinner now. (being) 20. He was taken to the stadium by his father to attend the match. (His father…)
Language Functions Asking for and giving advice Asking for advice
1- What’s your advice? 2- Can I ask your advice …? 3- What do you think that I should …? 4- How would you suggest that we …? 5- How do you think that we should …? 6- Could you give us some advice?
طلب واعطاء الن�صيحة
Giving advice
- I don’t think that you should … - I think that you should … - I’d think twice about … - If I were you, I’d … - If you want my honest opinion …
Great works of engineering
Skills 1 Finish the following dialogue:
Ali : You look angry, Omar ! What’s wrong ? Omar :’My car ..................................(1).................................. . Ali : Stolen! When did this happen? Omar : Last night . Ali : ..................................(2)..................................? Omar : No. It was in the garage. Ali : ..................................(3)..................................? Omar : Yes. And they promised to investigate and call me back in case ..................................(4)..................................?
2 Write what would you say in each of the following situations:
ome new friends phone you to say that they can’t find your house and they S don’t know where they are. Ask your mother for advice. 2 A friend asks your advice about how to be good at awimming. 3 Your class mate makes noise in class. Advise her/him. 4 You ask your teacher’s advice on how to keep fit. 5 Your brother hasn’t been able to sleep since last Tuesday. Advise him. 6 Someone is throwing rubbish in the Nile. 7 A friend of yours doesn’t obey his parents. Advise him. 8 Your sister is having an exam tomorrow and wants your advice. 1
3 Translation:
A) Translate into Arabic: 1. The modern communication system keep you updated with the latest news. 2. The Great Pyramid is regarded as a unique work of engineering. 3. Mobiles are costly, but we can’t do without them. 4. I hope to be a civil engineer like my father. B) Translate into English:
. تعتبر الطاقة الذرية مصدر خير لإلنسان إذا أحسن استغاللها-1 . أحب بالدى وأعمل ما فى وسعى من أجلها; فهى عندى أجمل بلدان العالم-2 . تعتبر مكتبة اإلسكندرية واحدة من عجائب الدنيا الحديثة-3 . يعد نهر النيل من أجمل أنهار العالم التى رأيتها-4
updated with library comfortable do my best
مواكب لــ مكتبة
أعمل ما في وسعي
vocabulary unique work
عمل فريد
regard as
يعتبر كــ
atomic power
الطاقة الذرية
Writing: Writing a description of an engineer’s work 1. Imagine you are the important engineer. 2. Write about the work that you have done. 3. Give some advice to students who want to become an engineer.
Model Paragraph Civil Engineers serve society by designing and managing the natural environment. You will learn to plan, design, and construct civil works like highways, water and wastewater systems, tunnels, dams, buildings, and bridges. One of the oldest and largest branches of engineering is civil engineering. Without civil engineers our society would not be the way it is today. Civil engineering involves structures such as buildings, bridges, tunnels, roads and railways. Recall the Great Wall of China for example, it is considered one of civil engineering’s greatest accomplishments, stretching more than 6,000 miles long! The planning, designing, and supervision of construction of high-rise buildings, airports, water treatment centers, and sanitation plants is all done by civil engineers. Eventually, it will be civil engineers who make it possible for humans to live on Mars! Careers are available in the areas of government, consulting, construction, research, and education.
Advanced 1 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1 A good
هذا التمرين مجاب عنه فى آخر الكتاب
advice was given .................. me by my teacher. a) of b) with c) by 2 Don’t let yourself .................. by other people. a) deceive b) deceived c) be deceived
d) to d) is deceived 129
Great works of engineering
Hana came secretly for fear of .................. . a) was seen b) seeing c) had been seen 4 The government says that next year taxes .................. . a) will reduce b) have reduced c) will be reduced 5 I was made .................. these difficult questions. a) answer b) to answer c) answered 3
d) being seen d) were reduced d) to be answered
2 Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write it correctly: 1. No one saw the accident. 2. I had a wonderful meal yesterday. 3. Noha can’t do anything to help her friends. 4. My teacher let me go to the toilet. 5. People say that he is very clever.
(was) (A wonderful meal…..) (Nothing…..) (I…..) (It…..)
Based on Unit 13
A Language Functions 1 Finish the following dialogue:
“Sami and Hani meet after the monthly test” Sami : Hello, Hani ..................................(1)..................................? Hani : It was perfect...................................(2)..................................? Sami : I didn’t do well. Hani : Why? Sami : ..................................(3)..................................? Hani : And how’s your mother now? Sami : She is all right. Hani : Anyway, you can do well next time. Sami : ..................................(4)..................................?
2 Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1. Your sister is wasting her time before her exams. You advise her. 2. Your father advises you to study hard. You accept. 3. Your classmate is very tired and needs advice. 4. You are going to stay at a hotel in Cairo. You ask your friend’s advice.
B Vocabulary and Structure 3 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
I took my friend’s car while mine .................. . a) was mending b) is mending c) was mended d) was being mending 2 We .................. paper to make our books and magazines. a) are used b) use c) are using d) uses 3 The weather .................. to be fine tomorrow. a) is expecting b) is expected c) expects d) will expect 4 How will this famous man .................. in the future? a) remember b) be remembered c) remembered d) be remembering 5 I think English should .................. daily. a) revise b) have revised c) revised d) be revised 6 Most cars .................. in Japan. a) make b) made c) is made d) are made 7 The river is more than fifty yards .................. . a) wide b) width c) widely d) widened 8 She was rescued from a .................. building. a) burn b) burning c) burnt d) born 9 Travellers to Africa are being .................. about the danger of infections. a) wanted b) warned c) worn d) won 10 She is used to travelling .................. railway from London to Manchester. a) on b) from c) at d) in 11 We’re flying at an .................. of 40,000 feet. a) height b) length c) width d) altitude 12 The restaurant .................. us £40 for our dinner. a) charged b) spent c) paid d) gave 1
4 Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same
meaning: 1. The Ancient Egyptians built the pyramids thousands of years ago. (were) 2. You can see the river from the house. (be) 3. All teachers respect the headmaster. (The headmaster…) 4. My father bought me a mobile phone. (was) 131
Great works of engineering
5 Find and correct the mistake in the following sentences: 1 2 3 4
The accident left him permanent disabled. He had no previous expert of managing a farm. The accident took part in our street yesterday. The bill contains tax and service.
6 Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
In many countries today, a difficult question is being asked: Do we have the right to use animals in laboratory experiments? Using animals in medical research has many benefits. Animal research has enabled researchers to develop treatments for diseases like smallpox without animal research. Every drug anyone takes today was tried first on animals. Which is more important, the life of a rat or that of a three year old child? Medical research is also an excellent way of using animals in research, any more than it can be used as a reason for experimenting on other humans. Animals suffer a lot during these experiments. They are forced to live in small cages and they may be unable to move. Animals have the same rights as humans do, to be able to move freely and not to have pain or fear forced on them. We can use computer modeling instead of animals in research laboratories to save animals’ life. A. Answer the following questions:
1. Why is animal research useful? 2. How do animals suffer during experiments? 3. What is the other way that can be used instead of experimenting on animals? 4. Are you with or against using animals?
B. Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
5. According to the passage, some people support using animals in research because they think that .................. . a) the life of people is more important than the life of animals b) animals are harmful creatures c) many people do not like animals d) animals do not suffer during experiments 6. The idea against using animals in research is that .................. . a) the life of animals is more important than the life of humans b) people should help to increase the number of animals c) researcher have to use animals in their medical research d) animals have the same rights as humans do
7 Answer Only Four (4) of the following questions:
1. Can you think of great works of engineering that were not needed? Why do you think they were built? 2. Why was “Aswan High Dam” built? 3. Why do so many ships travel between Europe and Asia? 4. Mention the way that shortened the journey from Europe to Asia. 5. People wanted to link the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. Give a reason. 6. Do you think that “Lighthouse of Alexandria” was an important building? Why?
The Novel (Gulliver’s Travels)
8 A) Answer the following questions:
1. What did Nancy tell Rose? 2. How could Rose see Nancy in the second time? 3. Monks was wicked and a devil. Do you agree? Explain. 4. What did Mr. Brownlow want to find out? 5. Do you think that Nancy was kind? Why? B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions: “Oh dear lady, I am the woman who took Oliver back to the house of thieves! But you don’t understand why I did it and what it is to be poor like me.” 1. Who said this? 2. To whom was it said? 3. D o you think the dear lady really doesn’t know what is it like to be poor? Explain.
9 Write a paragraph of (90) words about only one (1) of the following: 1. A great work of engineering in egypt. 2. The pros and cons of TV.
10 A) Translate into Arabic:
F Translation
1. It is dangerous to drive in the opposite direction . 2. During the last hundred years, there have also been enormous advances in medical treatment. B) Translate into English: . استصالح الصحراء هو السبيل الوحيد لتحقيق األمن الغذائى133