3 feb namib times e-edition

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Four-year-old severely injured in dog attack

AviciousattackbyablackStaffordshirebullterrierhaslefta four-year-old victim hospitalised with severe open wounds onherlowerrightleg.

The incident occurred on Friday, 27 January at Olivia Haufiku StreetneartheMondesaclinic,Swakopmund.Eyewitnessessay the dog, named Pedro, was released from his leash by an acquaintanceoftheownerwhothoughtitwaschoking.Thisledtothe dogrunningoffandthesubsequentattackofthelittlegirl.

The dog has since been seized into the custody of the Swakopmund Municipality's Animal Control Department, which is testingitforrabiessincethereisnoproofofvaccination.Ithas beenconfirmedthatPedrowillbeputdown.

Thisisthethirdincidentreportedagainstthisdogandtheowner hadreceivedawarningfromtheMunicipalityofSwakopmund's Animal Control Department just two days before this last incidentoccurred.

Application for leave to appeal

GrantNobleoneofthe mensentencedto yearsin two twelve prison fordrugsmuggling submittedanapplication lastyear , forleavetoappealattheHighCourtinWindhoek.

The appeal application of Nobel appeared before Windhoek High Court JudgeOrbenSibeyaonThursday 26January , Five years of his -year sentence were suspended as he has been in twelve custody since 2018. He will therefore effectively serve seven years in prison.

GrantNobleandhisco-convict,DinahAzhar,wereconvictedononecount of dealing in cocaine. They are also charged with one count of money laundering, but were acquitted on that charge as the judge found it constitutedaduplication.

NobleandAzharwhowerearrestedon15June2018afteracontainerthey importedwasfoundloadedwith412kgofcocainewithaNamibianstreetmarketvalueofaboutN$206million. Thatisthelargestsingleconsignmentofcocainetohavebeenconfiscated inNamibiatodate.

Thecocainewasfoundaftercustomsofficialshadreceivedatip-offabout drugsbeingshippedtoWalvisBayinacontainer

ThecontainerhadbeenshippedfromBrazil,viaCapeTown,toWalvisBay, and was imported by a close corporation, Zeeki Trading CC, of which Nobleisthesolemember Windhoek High Court Judge Sibeya still needs to set a date on which the trialwillresume.

namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7001 FRIDAY 3 FEBRUARY 2023 N$4 inside Sports News Page 16 Page 7 Page 2 Page 3
Grant Noble Continues on page 2 Staffordshire bull terrier Eliphas Sheepo
Motorcycle accident -Swakop mund Plan B for electricity in Namibia?
Tool In Relation
To Sim Registra tion
Rudi Bowe
Horse Mackerel price increases

Dire need to keep improving tourism sector

TheErongoTourismForumhadamedia briefing at Swakopmund last week to give a brief overview and reflect on the just-ended 2022 tourism and holiday season and to seek possible solutions to challenges that are hampering the growth of the sector to reach its maximumcapacity.

Duringthebriefing,theGovernoroftheErongo region,NevilleAndreItopesaidthedevastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global tourism,couldstillbefeltintheyear2022and Namibia was no exception. Itope further said, the Government has put together a roadmap whichistheNamibiaTourismSectorRecovery Plan(2022–2024),toaidtherecoveryprocess of the sector “We can all testify from observations in occupancy at local accommodation


and grow tourism in the region; and the implementationandmonitoringofastrategicaction plan for the region. Itope said, “it is therefore undoubtedlythatsector'srealvaluehasnotrecovered back to pre-pandemic levels yet, but it is showing positive growth, hence; there is a dire need to continue keeping on improving the sector'sperformance.”

establishments that the Erongo Region and its Towns such as Swakopmund, Walvis bay, and Henties Bay has attracted a large number of local, regional, and international visitors in 2022, which can be attributed to the closer collaboration amongst the key stakeholders in theindustryandtheharmonizationofstrategies as outlined in the Namibia Tourism Sector Recovery Plan and other supporting documents.”

Themainobjectivesoftheforumaretooversee and coordinate regional tourism development, economic growth, and equitable benefit distributionfromtourism.Someofthekeyfunctions of the forum are to act as a platform for informationsharingregardingtourismdevelopment and growth; identify challenges of tourism development in the region and advise the government and the private sector on possible solutions to address these challenges; develop

Itope mentioned, according to the United World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), the international tourism industry continues to show strong signs of recovery, with international arrivalsalmosttriplinginJanuary2022toJuly2022 period, which is 172% growth compared to the sameperiodin2021.Thisimpliesthattheglobal tourism industry has recovered to about 60% of pre-pandemic levels according to UNWTO's latestWorldTourismBarometer Accordingtothe HospitalityAssociation of Namibia report of the monthofOctober2022,anationaloccupancyrate of 54.6% was recorded during October 2022 comparedto33.8%inOctober2021.Itopesaid,“I am reliably informed that most of our accommodationfacilitiesintheErongoRegionwerefull tocapacityduringthejust-endedfestiveseason.” Hefurthersaid,locally,hereatthecoastaltowns, based on the statistics from the accommodation establishments and especially on the beds sold, wehadanoccupancyrateof59.36%,inthefourth quarterof2022,comparedto50.01%in2019.Itis indeed a good indication that Tourism is on the way back and is revering very well. “We, therefore, need to continue providing excellent CustomerServiceallacrossthetourismvaluechain. Theexperienceofourvisitorsfromthetimethey land in our region should be an awesome experience. We have a common understanding that “tourism is a lifeline industry” and it is only through a collaborative approach that we will transform Namibia into the most competitive touristdestinationinAfricaas wellas torecover the occupancy and arrival numbers back to the pre-pandemiclevels.”

According to Itope, the tourism sector in the region also experienced some challenges during thepastyear,suchastaxioperatorsareallegedly requiredtopayayearlyamountofN$200000to obtain a permit to enter Namport in Walvis Bay, the seven-seaters operators need to be properly organized to avoid chaos at the Namport south gate,andissuespertainingtotheissuanceoffilm permits in protected areas, if not properly enforced,leadstolittering,pollutionthatmaydegrade and destroys our unique beach habitat and biodiversity

Plan B for electricity in Namibia?

The Popular Democratic Movement (PDM), in a press statement dated 31 January 2023, urges the Namibian Minister of Mines and Energy, Dr Tom Alweendotoinformthepublic,businesses,andindustrialsectorswithinthenext week the path forward for Namibia's struggling economy regarding the continuousprovisionofelectricityconsideringSouthAfrica'senergycrisis.

The statement reads: “In the light of the decision taken at the ANC Legkotla on Monday to declare a state of national disaster in South Africa to provide a legal platform to deal with the energy crisis, Namibia's minister of Energy, Dr Tom Alweendohopefullyhasabettercarduphis sleevetodealwiththisveryrealthreatthan the so-called “excellent relationship with Escom”.

It must be clear to everyone that this move by the beleaguered South African government is aimed at making it legally possibleforittobreaktheexistingcontracts it has with its neighbouring countries to provide a certain amount of electricity to them.

ItisthePDM'sopinionthatNamibiaisnow staringdownthebarrelofagunbecauseitis

the logical thing to do when a government finds itself in the untenable position that SouthAfricanowfindsitselfinregardingthe shortage of electricity which is ruining our neighbour'seconomy Itissurelyano-brainer that you will choose to save yourself before you look after your neighbours; after all, charitybeginsathome!

ThePDMbelievesitistherightofthepeople ofNamibiatoknowwhetherthereisaPlanB attheMinistryofMinesandEnergyandifso, whatdoesitentailandhowsooncanitbeput intooperation.AndifthereisnoPlanB,how does this Swapo government see the future unfolding for Namibia? Where must our electricity come from, or are we destined to follow South Africa's downward spiral of ever-increasing power blackouts that will furtherwreckouralreadyruinedeconomy?”

Continued from page 1

Thevictimwasvisitedinhospitalandfoundadmittedinastable but serious condition. Police investigation in the matter continues.CharltonBlaauw,thedogownerhasvisitedthevictim inhospitalandpledgestofullysupportthevictimandthefamily.

The Swakopmund Municipality says this incident comes after notices were released by the Council reinstating regulations, restricting the number of registered dogs per household to four, andputtingstrictemphasisontherequirementthatdogsbeona leashwheninpublicspaces.

“The tragic incident serves as a reminder of the importance of responsiblepetownershipandfollowingmunicipalregulations. ForthisWednesday'sQuestion,Answer,andSuggestionSession, we want to ask you the following:What steps can the public or Counciltaketoensureincidentslikethesedonotoccur?Should more strict punishment be placed on dog owners that do not adheretotheanimalcontrolregulationssetbyCouncil?”

Swakopmund First Ordinary Council Meeting

TheDeputyMayorofSwakopmund,CllrDawidAm!-Gabeb officiallywelcomedthecounsellorsandstaffmembersofthe firstOrdinaryCouncilMeetingofthenewyearonThursday thisweekattheMunicipalCouncilChambers.

The deputy mayor urged members of the community to attend council meetings and receive information fist hand.Thirty-four itemswerediscussedwithoneortwoamendments.“Anexciting year indeed, as Swakopmund residents and visitors could soon witness the construction of new, modern and aesthetically pleasingwelcomesignstotheCityofAdventure.”

Motorcycle accident Swakopmund

Westcoast Safety Initiative reported on their social media, a motorcyclecarryingtwopeoplestruckavehicleonthemain road leading to the Democratic Resettlement Community (DRC),SwakopmundonSaturdayevening.

According to the report, both the motorcyclist and passenger required medical assistance at the scene before both were transportedtohospitalbyCodeRedMedicalServicesforfurther treatment.“Thedriverofthesedanvehiclewasescortedfromthe scenebyNampolTraffic.”


Eileen van der Schyff
IMPORTANT NOTICE Please note that the price of the NamibTimes newspaper will increase from N$4-00 to N$6-00 with effect from 3 March 2023
Sharlien Tjambari

MTC Verifi Kyc Tool In Relation To Sim Registration

Namibia's Mobile Communications Company (MTC) explainedonTuesdaythisweek,thecollectionofcustomer's biometric information during SIM card registration should notcauseconcern.

According to MTC, VERIFI is a KYC (Know Your Customer) tool which is utilized for KYC purposes and thereby creating a digital customeridentity

The company has announced it has already registered 966 000 subscribersandexpectstoregistertheremaining1.7millioncustomers over the next few months using its biometric system, VERIFY The VERIFY system, despite privacy concerns, will be used to capture customers'imagesandfingerprintsaspartofthecompany'sproactive measuretoclampdownfraudulentactivities."MTChasthustakenthe decision to set VERIFI as a condition of sale for all its services in protectionofitsownbusiness,inanticipationofwherethebusinessis movingtoandmostimportantlyinprotectionofitscustomers. During the course of business MTC has been defrauded by customers presenting false identification documents, with theVERIFI tool such occurrences can be avoided," MTC Chief Human Capital and Corporate Affairs Officer, Tim Ekandjo said. Ekandjo assured data collected will not be shared with any third parties unless consent is granted and insists VERIFYallows for accurate identification during the SIM card registration process. "Those who fail or not willing to have their face and fingerprint, unfortunately do not complete the registrationprocess,hencetheirservicesmaybediscontinuedwhenthe 12-month period lapses. MTC understands that the provision of biometricdataiscategorisedaspersonaldata,andtheVERIFItoolis operatedintermsofthedraftNamibianDataProtectionBillandfurther adherestotheGDPR(EUGeneralDataProtectionRegulation)andAU Convention on Cybersecurity and Personal Data Protection. The information obtained via VERIFI will not be shared with any other operatororinstitutionwithouttheexpressconsentofthecustomersas per the draft Namibian Data Protection Bill,AU Convention and the GDPR,"saidEkandjo.

“As adigitalenabler,MTCiscognizantthattheworldandespecially thetelecommunicationsindustryismovingintoadigitalage.MTChas launchedadigitalizationstrategyandtheprocuringofVERIFIisoneof the objectives in moving Namibia into the digital sphere of Telco. VERIFI is a KYC (Know Your Customer) tool which is utilized for KYC purposes and thereby creating a digital customer identity The process for customers to be Verified involves the collection of biometricsdata.”


Eileen van der Schyff

Swakopmund Court Report


JosefHoa-khaob(37),appearedonachargeof dealing in dependence-producing substances. Thematterwaspostponedto7Juneforpleaand trial.Theaccusedhasbeenwarned.

Jason John Robert (23), appeared on a charge ofdefamationofcharacter Thematterwaspostponedto17Aprilforfurtherinvestigations.The accusedisonbail.

RaymondValentine(37),appearedonacharge ofharvestingmarineresourceswithaNamibian flagvesselwithoutauthorizationofavalidlicense.Thematterwaspostponedto11Aprilforplea andtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.

PeeloJason(46),appearedonchargesofhousebreakingwithintenttocommittheoffenseofassaultbythreatreadwithprovisionsofthedomesticviolenceactandassaultcommon.Thematter waspostponedto22Februaryforcontinuationof trial.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Elria Haraeb (21), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Thematterwaspostponedto11Mayforpleaand trial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Gordon Jansen (45), appeared on a charge of theft by false pretences. The matter was postponedto17Aprilforlegalaid.Theaccusedison bail.

MatheweKasheta(25),appearedonachargeof housebreakingwithintenttostealandtheft.The matter was postponed to 24 April for plea and trial.Theaccusedisonbail.

MatheusKasheta(26),appearedonachargeof fraud.Thematterwaspostponedto6Marchbecausethedocketwasnotatcourt.Theaccusedis onbail.

Johannes Nembungu (24) and Martin Kadhikwa (28), appeared on a charge of dealing in dependence-producing substances. The matter waspostponedto13Aprilforlegalaid.Theaccusedhavebeenwarned.

Erasmus Shidute Elago (33), appeared on a chargeofmaintenance-failuretopay Thematter waspostponedto17Aprilforotherreasons.The accusedhasbeenwarned.

YambekaWerner(26),appearedonchargesof murder-attempted murder read with provisions of the domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003, and kidnapping.Thematterwaspostponedto2February for continuation of bail application. The accusedremainsincustody

Ndumulunde Josef Hanghome (26), appeared onachargeofhousebreakingwithintenttosteal andtheft.Thematterwaspostponedto26April forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Markus Sakaria (29), appeared on two counts of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft charges. The matter was postponed to 14 Feb-

ruary for further investigations. The accused remainsincustody

Quinton Ouseb (31), appeared on a charge of rape.Thematterwaspostponedto13Februaryfor bailapplication.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Wesley Snydes (24), appeared on a charge of assaultwithintenttodogrievousbodilyharm.The matterwaspostponedto8Februaryforplea.The accusedremainsincustody

BradleyKazombiaze(18),appearedonacharge ofsuspectedstolenproperty Thematterwaspostponed to 15 March for juvenile screening. The accusedhasbeenreleasedincareofaguardian.

RonaldVanStaden(32),appearedonachargeof natureconservationordinance-huntingofspecially protected game. The matter was postponed to 17Aprilforpleaandtrial.Theaccusedremainsin custody

Ludwig Ganaseb (60), appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 17 March for furtherinvestigation.Theaccusedisonbail.

Nangolo Nepolo (25), appeared on a charge of housebreakingwithintenttorobandrobberywith aggravating circumstances. The matter was postponedto14Marchforpleaandtrial.Theaccused remainsincustody

Patrick Macrelly Cook (22) and Paulus Kondjeni (30), appeared on charges of dealing in cocaine and dependence producing substance. The matterwaspostponedto27Februaryforlagalaid. Theaccusedremainincustody

IvanNowaseb(33),appearedonachargeofrape. The matter was postponed to 13 March for legal aid.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Ashley Schalk Van Wyk (22), Nazeem Schalk Van Wyk (26) and Donovan Van Wyk (32), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm.The matter was postponed to14Marchforlegalrepresentation.Theaccused areonbail.

Ester Venokulavo (28), appeared on charges of reckless or negligent driving and failure to ascertain injuries. The matter was postponed to 14 Marchforfurtherinvestigations.Theaccusedison bail.

Terence Ihepa (36), appeared on a charge of maintenance-failuretopay Thematterwaspostponed to 13April for other reasons. The accused remainsincustody

Ricky Hoeb (33), appeared on charges of assault common and assault by threat. The matter was postponed to 9 March for trial. The accused remainsincustody

Naemi Kristine Kaholongo (31) and Indileni Kaholongo (34), appeared on charges of furnishingfalseinformationanddefeatingandobstructing the course of justice. The matter was postponed to 1 March for further investigation. The accusedremainincustody

SondragHamukwaya(33),appearedoncharges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm andassaultbythreat.Thematterwaspostponedto 23Februaryforjudgment.Theaccusedisonbail.

Autohaus Swakopmund


Asilver lady's watch was picked up at Dolphin Beach close to Aphrodite around Christmas time. The owner can claim the watch by contacting 081 260 6000, with a description and the identificationofthewatch.

Pick-up laden with carcasses overturns outside Swakopmund

Apick-upfullyladenwithcarcassesoverturnedseveraltimes whenthedriverlostcontrolofthevehicleontheB2highway about20kmfromSwakopmund,inthevicinityoftheNonidas plotsonSaturday

The driver (sole occupant) sustained minor injuries and was treatedbystaffmembersofE-MedRescue24onthescene.


IMPORTANT NOTICE Please note that the price of the NamibTimes newspaper will increase from N$4-00 to N$6-00 with effect from 3 March 2023
Eileen van der Schyff
Contact us on Tel: (064) 413 200 E-mail: vwreception@metjeziegler.com

NAWA makes significant strides in providing access to animal welfare services

The Namibian Animal Welfare Association (NAWA) has made significant progress in providing access to veterinary and animal welfare services to remote areas around the countrysinceitsinceptionin2020.

NAWAisavoluntaryanimalwelfareassociationregisteredwith the Ministry of Health and Social Services. The association is aimedatpromotingcommunity-basedanimalwelfareandeducatingNamibiansontherightsofanimals.Thesecasesinclude badly injured/abused horses, starving puppies, injured dogs, abandoned/missing/stolenanimals.

“Animalwelfareisahumanresponsibilitythatisveryimportant asanimalsplayavitalroleintheworldaroundus.FNBNamibia throughtheFirstRandFoundationsupportsprojectsintendedto achieve positive environmental changes and its rewarding to partnerwithanorganisationthatcaterstothemedicalandwelfare needs of our animals and takes these services to communitiesaroundNamibia”saidFirstRandFoundationCSIManager RevoniaJob.

NAWASecretary&EducationOfficer,JaninevanRooyensaid, “NAWAhasgrownfromstrengthtostrengthandiscominginto itsownintermsofthesmoothrunningofourveterinarypractice days.Wehaveestablishedourselvesascommittedtoservingour rural communities and they are now contacting us for outreach veterinaryassistanceinplaceslikeNauasfortDam,Saamstaan, Rooibank. We are excited about the difference we are making. Onaverage,NAWAservicesover1600animalsperyear Allthis is made possible by the support from our generous partners, including FNB Namibia which has contributed N$420 000 towardsthisinitiativesinceitsinception.”

NAWA spent the year expanding their reach across Namibia throughoutreachdaysacrosstheKhomasRuralandCentralconstituencies including the communities of Dordabis and Stink-

water. The four-day Project Donkey Harness trips have taken the team as far as Tsumkwe (Nyae, Nyae region), Walvis (Topnaars),Kamanjab,Fransfontein,Xhorixas, Omaruru and Grootfontein in collaborationwiththeSPCANamibia.

“Duringouroutreachdays,weensurethat we empower the communities by making useofcommunitymemberstorunourregistration, set up waiting rooms and assist

with packing away. Project Donkey bridles and harnesses with buckle materials are also all sourced and made by communitymembers”vanRooyenexplained.

“The 2021/2022 year-to-date has been theirmostsuccessfulyetwiththerespective NAWA projects all showing great results in terms of their core ideals; education, primary health care and communityupliftment,”sheconcluded.


Passenger liners visiting the Port of Walvis Bay in February

BothPassengerliners,AidaMarandMSCSinfoniadockedat thePortofWalvisBayonWednesday,1February.

TheAidaMarmadehermaidencalltothePortofWalvisonher 117thdayofaworldroundtripsheiscurrentlyon. Accordingto thePortofWalvisBay,shedepartedon20Octoberlastyearfrom Hamburgwith2199passengersandcrewmembers,andisexpectedtofinishherround-tripworldtourcruiseon20February2023. ShedepartedfromtheWalvisBayPortagainonthesamedayat 22:00onavoyagetoPraia,SantiagoIsalnd,CapeVerde.

MSCSinfoniawilldockattheWalvisBayPortthreemoretimes thismonth,on8February,15Februaryandagainon22February

AidaAuradockedyesterdayandwilldockatthePortagainon16 February Passenger liner, Bollette will dock at the Walvis Bay Porton25FebruaryandCostaDeliziosaon28February

Port of Walvis Bay News

GeneralCargovessel,CHIPOLYONGAN(IMO:9509683), sailingundertheflagofLiberiaiscurrentlydockedatthePortof Walvis Bay after a four-day voyage from Port Mata-di, DRC. The vessel is loading 20 000 Metric Tons (MT) Cop-per ConcentratesbeforedepartingonWed-nesday,8Febru-ary.Her carrying capacity is 33248 t DWT and her current draught is reported to be 6.9 meters. Her length overall (LOA) is 179.46 meters,andherwidthis28.23meters.

Reefer,NOVAZEELANDIA(IMO:8514784),sailingundertheflag ofBahamasiscurrentlydockedatthePortofWalvisBayafteranineday-and 18-hour voyage from Port Tema, Ghana. The reefer loaded 460Cartons(Supplies)beforedepartingtoday Hercarryingcapacity is5508tDWTandhercurrentdraughtisreportedtobe4.8meters.Her lengthover-all(LOA)is115.02meters,andherwidthis16.81meters. Oil/ChemicalTanker,ELANDRAFJORD(IMO:9482550)sailing under the flag of Marshall Islands docked at the Port of Walvis Bay afteravoyageof 18-days-19-hours fromPort Mangalore,India.The Tanker discharged petroleum products before it departed yesterday (Thursday). Her carrying capacity is 51408 t DWT and her current draughtisreportedtobe8.7meters.Herlengthoverall(LOA)is183 meters,andherwidthis32.23meters.

Port Log

Eileen van der Schyff

Horse Mackerel price increases

Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust (NFCPT) announcedthepriceoffrozenhorsemackerelhasincreased asfrom23January,duetotherecentescalationinthecostof doingbusiness.

Theincreaseofthepricesoffrozenhorsemackerelistoensurethatthecompany remains sustainable, and in response to the escalation in the horse mackerelharvestingcost,whichincreasedbymorethan50%fromthe2022 harvesting season. Marketing and Communications Department, De Wet Siluka said it is the first price increase announcement since 2018 and it is only applicable to frozen horse mackerel products with other fish species pricestoremainunchanged.

Siluka further stated, NFCPT conducted thorough consultations and price benchmarkingwithprevailingpricesinthemarkettoensurethattheirproductsarereasonablypriced


Please note: The price of our newspaper will increase from 1 March




NoticeisherebygivenintermsofSection107(1)oftheUrbanandRegional Planning Act, 2018 (Act No.5 of 2018) that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners has applied to the Municipality of Walvis Bay (and subsequentlytotheUrbanandRegionalPlanningBoardoftheMinistryofUrban andRuralDevelopment)forthefollowing:

1.SubdivisionofUndevelopedStreet:PortionofRemainderofPortion 193WalvisBayTown&TownlandsNo.1intoPortionXandRemainder

2.PermanentClosureofUndevelopedStreet:PortionXofRemainderof Portion193WalvisBayTown&TownlandsNo.1.

3.SubdivisionofPortion221WalvisBayTown&TownlandsNo.1into Portion1,Portion2(Street)andRemainder

4.ConsolidationofPortions217,218,219,220,Portion1ofPortion221 andPortionXofRemainderofPortion193,WalvisBayTown& TownlandsNo.1,intoConsolidatedErfA.and,

5.ApprovalofNeedandDesirabilityandTownshipSubdivisionLayout onConsolidatedPortionAWalvisBayTownandTownlandsNo.1tobe knownasPresident'sLinksasindicatedonlayoutplans263-PLE-TLS1/S2/S3dated16December2022.


(a)theapplicationandtownshiplayoutplanliesopenforinspectionatthe MunicipalityofWalvisBay,TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Room101,Civic Centre,NangoloMbumbaDrive,WalvisBayduringnormalofficehours,or canbedownloadedfromwww.sp.com.na/projects

(b)anypersonhavinganyrepresentations,objectionsorcommentstothe applicationmayinwritinglodgesuchrepresentations,objectionsorcomments,togetherwiththereasonsthereof,withtheapplicantandthe MunicipalityofWalvisBaywithin14daysfromthedateofthelast publicationofthisnotice.

(c)Thelastdatetosubmitrepresentations,objectionsorcommentswillbe Friday,24February2023at17:00.


StewartPlanning–Town&RegionalPlanners P.O.Box2095,WalvisBay bruce@sp.com.na


MunicipalityofWalvisBay: TownPlanningSection PrivateBag5017,WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc.org.na





CONSENT: Accommodation Establishment (SelfCatering)ONERFNO:345TOWNSHIP/ AREA: Meersig STREET NAME & NO: Nr.15,SecondStreetNorth,Meersig.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:AccommodationEstablishment(Self Catering).

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person havingany objectionto theapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 24 February 2023.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: EspèSteyl,POBox2172,WalvisBay espe@sig.com.na

TO: Financial Manager: Seapride Foods Coastal


· Processing and reconci iation of Debtors and Creditors

· Cashbook receipts and payments

· General Ledger Contro and Reconciliations

· Preparation of Monthly Management Accounts and Flash Reports, including supporting schedules of fuel, repairs & maintenance of the company's fleet

· Submit recons for payment on time

· Maintaining of proper filing records

Required Qualification:

· Grade 12 Certificate (minimum)

· Proficient in English

· Accounting qualification will be advantageous

Required Experience:

· Computer Literate with solid knowledge and experience in excel

· Minimum of (3) three years related experience

Required Skills / Competencies:

· Namibian citizen or valid work permit

· Energetic and dynamic

· Ability to handle multiple tasks and meet tight deadline

· Able to work under pressure

· Available to work overtime

· Highly developed organisational skills

· Ameticulous and thorough nature

· Attention to detail

· Maturity to handle a range of situations

· Loyalty and a high level of confidentiality

· Team player and willing to assist colleagues when required

VACANCY: Code C Driver 2x REPORTING TO: Warehouse Manager/ Supervisor

Duties: Summary: To transport and deliver Sea Pride Foods products to customers by applying knowledge of commercial driving regulations and roads in the area.

- Responsible for driving to and from designated locations ver fying loads to shipp ng papers, maintain records duty status according to company regulations, performing pre-trip and post trip inspections.

- Must always be present during loading and offloading

ExperienceAnd Qualifications

· Minimum of Grade 12 with at least Two years driving experience

· Valid Driving license Code C with a valid PDP

· Must be able to read and communicate well in English

· Be prepared to work odd hours, public holidays and overtime when required

· Be prepared to work shifts

· Must have a disciplined approach Required Skills

· Be a se f-starter, efficient, dedicated and reliable

· Must be able to work under pressure

· Good people & communication skills

· Work within a team

· Handle many tasks at the same time

VACANCY: Sales Manager REPORTING TO: General Manager Seapride Foods Coastal

Duties include:

· Lead and manage a team of key accounts persons, Sales Reps and telesales persons to trade and sell perishable food, wines, beverages and allied products to the Food Service and Lodge industry in Namibia.

· Engage with Namibian formal and informal caterers, Lodge Operators and associated industries.

· Negotiate, implement and maintain industry acceptable service levels expectations.

· Developing sales and marketing strategies in conjunction with budget expectations.

· Control stock levels and engage with buyers as to the industry needs.

· Control and implement effective reporting structures for management and supplier principles.

· Control all administration pricing and deals.

· Control expenditure of the Food Service Sales Division.

· Identify and communicate opportunities for improvement.

· Grow the business, set annual budgets and ensure the net profit targets are met.

· Periodic travel throughout Namibia to visit and ensure above average service levels with clients.

ExperienceAnd Qualifications Required:

· Grade 12

· Additional Sales and Marketing and/or Management Qualifications.

· Brand management experience in FMCG in the perishable environment.

· Proven sales track record.

· Prior experience in managing a sales team

· 5 years Operational Hospitality experience

Required SkillsAnd Competencies:

· Namibian citizenship or permanent residence status

· Must be able to communicate fluently in English andAfrikaans;

· Ameticulous and thorough nature with a keen attention to detail.

· An ability to work in fast-paced environment to tight deadlines

· Good people skills and maturity to interact effectively with clients and team members.

· Computer literacy along with reporting and presentation skills.

· Willing and able to accept and handle all the responsibilities of this position

th Closing date: 10 February 2023

VACANCY: Sales Representative REPORTING TO: General Manager Seapride Foods Coastal

Duties include:

· Capture / process orders.

· Provide regular feedback to colleagues, internal and external customers

· Handling incoming and outgoing calls, faxes, mails to customers.

· Respond to customer queries.

· Reach sales targets.

· Grow customer base as well as customer product baskets.

· Constantly communicating information on new products, pricing and stock levels.

· Regular Customer visits local and country with necessary written feedback.

Experience And Qualifications Required:

· Hotel and or Restaurant experience.

· Previous sales experience required.

· FMCG sales or Teleseller experience will be an advantage.

· Computer literacy is a requirement

· Experience with HANSA will be an added advantage.

· Avalid driver's license.

· Reliable transport to do local and country trips.

Required SkillsAnd Competencies:

· An ability to work to tight deadlines and under pressure.

· Able to perform in a fast pace and dynamic environment.

· Available to work overtime on occasion.

· Ability to interact successfully with clients at all levels as well as colleagues.

· Good people skills.

· Highly developed organisational skills.

· Ameticulous and thorough nature.

· Attention to detail.

· Team player and a strong willingness to assist all colleagues

VACANCY: Tele Sales Clerk

REPORTING TO: General Manager Seapride Foods Coastal


· Capture / process orders

· Provide feedback to customers regularly and internal customers / colleagues

· Handling incoming and outgoing calls, faxes, mails to customers

· Respond to customer queries

Required Qualification:

· Grade 12 minimum

· Telephone sales training will be an advantage

· Computer Literacy is a requirement

Required Experience

· Previous sales exper ence required

· FMCG Sa es or Tale seller experience will be an advantage

· Experience with HANSA will be an added advantage

· Experience within the Sea pride group will receive preference

Required Skills / Competencies:

· An ability to work to tight deadlines.

· Able to work under pressure.

· Able to perform in fast paced any dynamic environment

· Available to work overtime on occasion

· Ability to interact successfully with clients

· Highly developed organisational skill

· Ameticulous and thorough nature

· Attention to details

· Team player and willing to assist colleagues when required

VACANCY: Management Accountant
Email Letter of application & updated
· or hand
· All
CV with detailed previous work experience to jobs@seapride.com.na. The vacancy must be indicated in the subject line of the e-mail.
delivered to Sea Pride Foods attention the Manager - The vacancy to be indicated on the CV.
applications must be accompanied by a certified copy of a Police Clearance Certificate not older than 12 months. · CV must include COVID-19 Vaccination status.




TOWNSHIP/ AREA: Narraville STREET NAME & NO: 17 MossCrescent.

IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeishereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Placeofinstruction(Pre-School).

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained atTown Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 105, Civic Centre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandtheapplicant, inwriting,notlaterthan17February2023.

NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT:ElizabethShinaveni email:elizabethshinaveni@gmail.com


WeskusMotorsccherewithintendstoapplytothe Swakopmund Municipal Council for Special Consenttooperatea“Showroom”forthesaleof used vehicles on premises of Erf 3995, Unit 8“Burgers Park”, Swakopmund, Extension 10 (EinsteinStreet)asprovidedforintermsofClause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme. Details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering&PlanningServices.

Any person having any objection against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwriting, and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, duringnormalbusinesshours.

Closing date for objections or comments is 24 February2023

Contact person: MrsNHorn,Cell:0818604450, Email:admin1@steckels.com or MrJ.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403


UrbanSocialHubherewithintendstoapplytothe Swakopmund Municipal Council for the “ResidentOccupationSpecialConsent”tooperate an “administrative office” on the premises of Erf 3775, Unit nr 5, Swakopmund Proper (65 Libertina Amathila Avenue) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme. Details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering & Planning Services.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectionstotheproposed activity may lodge such objections or comments, dulymotivatedinwriting,within14daysofthelast publication to the applicant or the Swakopmund Municipalitybeforeoron24February2023.

Contact Person: Ms. Y Käser @ Cell: 081 220 9723oremail:yasmin@urbansocialhub.com

OrMr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning), Tel:+264(64)4104403



Dr Weder Kauta & Hoveka Inc., a well-established legal firm, requires a senior, competent, knowledgeable, and independent working Senior ConveyancingSecretarytojointheirSwakopmund team.


·Atleast5yearshands-onconveyancing experienceinTransfers,Bonds,Bond Cancellations,SectionalTitleDevelopmentsand BIPAregistrations.

·MusthaveanexcellentcommandoftheEnglish language.(GoodcommandofAfrikaans,German oranyindigenousNamibianlanguagewillbean advantage.)


·Conveyancingexperiencewithprogramssuchas E4,LegalPerfectandGhostPracticeasadded advantages.


·Mustbeabletoworkunderpressureandextra hours,ifrequired.



CV's to be handed in at our office reception, Shop 208, 1 Floor, PlatzAm Meer Mall, st Swakopmund or e-mail to: vanschalkwyk@wkh-law.com

TH Closing date – FRIDAY, 17 FEBRUARY2023

No documents will be returned and only shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview


DR WEDER KAUTA& HOVEKAINC. Shop 208, 1 Floor, PlatzAm Meer Mall, st Swakopmund E-Mail: vanschalkwyk@wkh-law.com

Astheworldleaderinmarinediamondrecovery,wetakeprideinemployingcutting-edgetechnologyandexceptionalpeopleskills.DebmarineNamibiaoffers excitingcareersinaperformance-drivenculturethatmakesameaningfulcontributiontotheoverallsuccessofthecompany Applicationsareinvitedforthe followingpositions.


Key PerformanceAreas: Controls all engineering activities onboard the vessel whilst at sea by supervising the team to ensure proper operation and maintenance of propulsion machinery and auxiliaries, mining equipment and treatment plant, and deck machinery

Co-ordinates shutdowns by planning maintenance to be completed and manages planned maintenance programme. Improves the effectiveness and efficiency of engineering processes and systems. Adheres to and promotes Company policies and procedures relating to health, safety, security and environmental issues. Manages and develops human resources.

Education and Experience Requirements:

NQF 6 with relevant Maritime study qualifications

Class 1 Certificate of Competency – Chief Engineering unlimited (>3000kW)

Eight years relevant experience which includes 5 years minimum at a 2nd Engineers level on a vessel >3000kW Marine mining experience would be an advantage SAPknowledge would be an advantage


Key PerformanceAreas:

To maintain all engineering functions on-board ship including maintenance, operating of equipment and supervise watch-keeping personnel.

Education and Experience Requirements:

Class 2 Certificate of Competency (STCW'95 Second Engineering Officer)

Minimum of five (5) years relevant experience as Watchkeeping Officer

Knowledge of SAPwill be an added advantage

Off-shore mining experience will be an added advantage.


Key PerformanceAreas:

To ensure the safe navigation and efficient marine operations of the ship when on watchkeeping duty

Education and Experience Requirements:

Watchkeeping Certificate of Competency

Watchkeeping experience required as part of portfolio of evidence to obtain the Certificate of Competency


Key PerformanceAreas: Monitors and logs all Engineroom Systems and takes corrective action when required

Monitors that all Engineroom personnel adhere to safety regulations by conducting inspections

Carries out routine maintenance and repair of Ship's machinery, including power, propulsion and safety equipment

Responding to equipment failure alerts and repairing faults

Running scheduled maintenance checks

Reports all Engineering defects to relevant authority

Supervise the Ratings in the Engineroom during operations

Supports materials management in ensuring availability of materials, spares and components

Updating record management systems

Education and Experience Requirements:

Watchkeeping Certificate of Competency STCW'95 Watch Keeping Engineer Officer

Two (2) years relevant experience as a Watchkeeper


Key PerformanceAreas:

To supervise and carry out various duties necessary for the efficient maintenance and operation of the Deck Department.

Education and Experience Requirements:

Grade 12

ValidAble Seafarer–Deck Certificate of Competency

Eight (8)Years as a qualifiedAble Seafarer-Deck


Key PerformanceAreas:

To carry our various duties necessary for the efficient maintenance and operation of the deck department on-board the vessel.The

Education and Experience Requirements:

Grade 12

Able Seafarer–Deck Certificate of Proficiency

Three (3) years relevant experience



Operates engine room machinery and pumping systems (bilges, freshwater, seawater, fuel oil, lube oil) under supervision of the watch engineer

Takes soundings of fuel oil and lubrication oil tanks and records these soundings

Checks condition and storage of engine room tools and reports on these to the 2EO

Checks operating parameters of engine room machinery e.g. temperatures, pressures, oil levels while on watch and reports abnormality to the watch engineer Assists duty engineer with bunkering

Performs major and minor maintenance tasks on vessel machinery as instructed by the 2EO

Takes precautions against fire or explosion from oil or gas and acts against any fire which may break out

Ensures that all bilges are kept clear of oily residue and dirt by reporting leaks and defects to the duty engineer

Supervises the Engineroom Ratings and rigging team

Allocates daily work to the Engineroom Ratings and the supervision thereof

Facilitates on-the-job training for Oilers and newly recruited Engineroom Ratings


Grade 12

ValidAble Seafarer EngineTicket (Oiler)

Five years' experience as an Efficient Engineroom Rating

All above positions will be deployed on our vessels on a 28 day on and 28 day off vessel period.

Preference will be given to Namibian citizens and designated persons as prescribed by the NamibianAffirmativeActionAct. WOMENARE ENCOURAGED TOAPPLY

For queries, please contact us on Tel: +264 61 297 8000.

Please submit a comprehensive CV with proof of qualifications and experience via email: dbmn.recruitment@debeersgroup.com

In the subject line please indicate position applying for Only short-listed candidates will be contacted and shall be subjected to further assessment and screening.



C l a s s i f i e d s









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Landscaping&plant doctor




Painting:house,palm treesandthatchroofs


Trainingcompaniesof originalpalmtree trimming,paintingand cutting.



Draughtingofplans/ buildingplans, commercial,residential, industrial.



Structuraland reinforcementdrawings


Electrical/plumbing layoutdrawings




Contactus: 0816021598 conceptualwb@outlook. com

Pregnancy - EducationCourt Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’PowerSexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. WalvisBay& Swakopmund.

Cell: 0812017887

DrBanda0817407321. FreeConsultationfor January&February 2023.







Mobile:+264814093522 email:nktransportnam @gmail.com


Weoffer:*Interlock, layingandpaving



*Demolishingwalls, tilingandpainting.

Swakopmund Walvis Bay

RegisteredTraditional Healer(Doctor).Under NyasaHerbalClinic. All yourlove,marriage,lost lovers, work,promotion, luckycharms,protection, pregnancyproblems, dignityforpeoplein politics&bigpositions, Financialproblems, winning competitions/Gambling/Ex ams,Troublednights, thingsmovinginyour bodyorinyourhouseat night,Manhoodenlarger, Erectionproblems, Healingofmentaldiseases &otherillnesses,Asthma, Epilepsy,immunebooster &manymore.Doctor BandaisintheLagoon Area. Callhimforan appointmenton081740 7321

DrMajorOne,thefaith healer,herbalist& TraditionalDoctorishere inErongoSpecialisingin healing,treating&helping withthefollowingusing purelyindigenousAfrican Roots&Medicines:

1.HealsAsthma& Epilepsy


3.Barrenness(Problemsin failingtofallpregnant)

4.Manpower&Erectile dysfunction

5.Workandpromotion relatedmatters

6.Business&customer attraction

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR:Dr.SJeke (TheBest). BadLuckLuckMuti-Love

Problems-Marriageto keepyourloverjustfor yourself-Workproblems

-Promotions-Togettendersandtoboostyour business-Peopledon’t wanttopayyoubackPregnancyProblemsProtectionofFarms,

Houses,Carsand Animals-Sexual

transmittedsickness-all sickness

Asthma,BPRemoveto-koloshifrom bodies,houses-Men’s powersexualitySpiritualdoctorsinneed ofmorespiritualpowers, etc. HouseNr.(79)

3191D.JohannaBenson StreetKuisebmond, WalvisBay


ThedoctorisinWalvisBay with40yearsexperienceand hasdonewondersandgreat thingsinmanySADC countries,suchasbringing backlostloversin4days. Removalofbadluck,very toughandchallengingcourt cases,bindingyourloveand tobeyouronly Andtogeta man/womanyouwantof yourchoice.Pregnancy problems,jobsand promotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,winingtenders, andcontracts,revenge kapsule,rejuvenatemens powerduringsex,magic walletandgetrichwithin shortnotice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs&feet, epelipsy,drinking/smoking, tobereleasedfromprison, manhoodenlargement. Hips/breast.Iknowyouhave beenletdownbyothersbut nowyourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlifeand youwillneverregret.

Call/smsBombaBazuka: 0816027102




afterresultsBringingback lostloverofyourchoice,get marriedquicklytoamanor womanofyourchoice.Stop yourpartnerfromcheating, getattractedtoarichmanor woman.Pregnancyproblems. Wingamblingandcasino. Getjob,promotionatwork, removebadluck,chitaka wallet,manhoodenlargement allsizes,hipsandbuttocks andmanymore..Calldoctor Kadelenow0812218201

DRNYAMBE-Payafter successsamedayresults

Bringbacklostloversame dayGetloveofyourchoice toamanorwoman.Get marriedquicklytoamanor womanofyourchoice.Stop yourpartnerfromcheating, makehimorherloveyou only.Manhoodenlargement from5cm-30cmHipsand breastenlargement.Financial problems,luckcharmWin casinogamblingwintenders, winpromotionatwork,win courtcases,protectionyour body,getjobquicklyofyour choice,clearyourdebts/loans Washoutbadluckusing khambaandmanymore.081 2916966


Luckymeansbeinginthe rightplaceattherighttime, Thinkabouthowmuchyou losttomanyDoctorswithout success.Hereisapowerful Doctorwhoisafteryourfast reliesnotcash.LOVE

ISSUES:*Ichallengeto bringbackyourbacklost loverandmakehim/her apologiseandbeunderyour feetforever.*Getaloverof yourchoiceorwithout proposing(usingupileoil)


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*Iamgoodinmakinga womantobeexcellentinbed, tobesweeterforgood,*Pass exams,Iamlookingforthose peoplethatotherdoctors failedtoassist,finish unfinishedjobandmany more.MailOrderAvailable

CallNowBabaKareem 0812528744


2bedroomflattorentin WalvisBay,walking distancetoDuneside HighSchooland WelwitschiaHospital.

CornerunitwithBIC’s andstove,openplan kitchenandloungearea, balcony&undercover parkingfor N$5200p.m. Waterincl&Electricity excl.

Availableon1April 2023.



3bedroomhousewithbic andprivatebathroom

Sitingandlivingroom withasmallstoreroom

Kitchenwithbicand undercounteroven

Doublegarage(electric doors)




Prepaid electricity

Water excluded.

7.Love,relationships& marriagesproblems

8.Improvesandboost bodyimmunity


10.Luckycharmsand winninginlife

11.Improveshighblood pressure,sugar/diabetes andheartdiseases



14.Thingsthatmoveson theroofsofhouses

15.Catchthievesand bringbackstolengoods

16.Stopalcoholand smoking


18.School.Soccerbetting, lotto,horsesandcasino

19.Badsmelland unhealedwounds

20.Wealthmattersand manymanymore. CallDrMajoronefor


(Theoldman)FromMalawi isinWalvisBaywith30 yearsvastexperiencein variousproblems&diseases suchasbringingbacklost lover,togetanewjob,towin courtcases,tocleanoutbad luckfromyourbody,topass exams,topassdriving,to protectyourbodyfrom withcraft,toboostsmall businesstobebigbusiness, tobelikedwithpeople,to wincontractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmokingand drinking,alcoholanddrugs, divorce,stopyourlovertobe stingywithmoney,tomake yousleepnicelyinyour house,tostopbaddreams,a mantobestronginbed duringsex,awomantohave feelingsforaman, headaches,swellingofyour body,madness,epilepsy, jointspain,pregnancy problems,ifyouneedanew baby,periodpains,torecover stolenproperty,BP,ulcers, diabetes,asthma,&many more..Come&experience wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife,you willneverregret. Smsor call:0816431482findthe OldmaninKuiseb,Mass Houses,atNHE6751 JohannesNakuafilaStreet

DrAtwabi; payafter success,samedayresults Bringbackyourlostloverthe sameday,getaloverofyour choice,getmarriedquicklyto amanorawomanofyour choice,stopyourpartner fromcheatingandmakehim orhertoloveyouonly,get attractedtoarichmanor woman,allpregnancy problems,hipsandbreast enlargement,financial problems,magicwallet, chitakawallet,cleardebts, manhoodenlargementSto XLandmuchmore....Call DrAtwabi0812337274

DRWANJAPayafter success,samedayresults. Bringbackyourlostlover samedayGetaloveofyour choice.Getmarriedquickly toamanorwomanofyour choice.Stopyourpartner fromcheating.Tomakeyour loverhimorhertoloveyou onlyPregnancyproblems. Manhoodenlargementfrom 5cm-30cm.Hipsandbreast enlargement.Financial problemsRemovebadluck usingLyolaoil.Getjob quicklyandclearyourdebts/ loans.Contact:081409 5373


MPONDA SameDayresultscallor whatsapp0813675266

Bringbacklostloverthe sameday.Getmarried quicklytomanorwomanof yourchoice

Stopyourpartnerfrom cheating.Divorcematters













Getjobquicklyofyour choice.DoctorBabaKing Mponda0813675266

DRRINGAZIPayafter success,samedayresults. Bringingbackyourlostlover thesameday,getaloverof yourchoice,getmarried quicklytoamanorwoman ofyourchoice,stopyour partnerfromcheatingand himorhertoloveyouonly, getattractedtoarichmanor woman,allpregnancy problems,financial problems,magicringfor money,chitakawallet,clear debts,manhoodenlargement mtoxl,hipsandbreast enlargement,badlucksand manymore.CallDr Ringazi:0812049299

DrMasungwiBringback yourlostloverthesameday results.Stopyourpartner fromcheatingandmakehim orhertoloveyouonlyyou. Attractedtoarichmanor womanofyourchoice.Geta loverofyourchoice.Get marriedquickly.Divorce problems.Pregnancy problemsandsafeabortion. Manhoodenlargementand powerinbed.Hipsandbreast enlargement.Promotionat work.Protectyourbodyand yourproperty Wingambling andCassino.Wintendersand contracts.Financialproblems. Magicringformoney Chitakawallet.Getmoneyin youraccount.Moneyinyour account.Cleardebtsitc. Passexamsandmanymore. CallDrMasungwi +264816525408





Furnished.3* shower&toilet.

N$14000.Includes N$500waterandDStv






Lusakastreet, Kuisebmond




1xbathroom(shower, toilet,basin)









DepositN$5500.00 payablein2months N$5500.00p/m


NHEHousesLusaka streetKuisebmond




3bedroomtownhouseto rentinCBD

Consistsof2bathrooms, singlegarage,indoor braai,lounge,1xstore room,BIC,private courtyard.Petfriendly, verysafe.

Depositpaidover3 months




Swakopmund, Vineta

Tweeslaapkamer woonstelmetgarage, stoofeningeboudekaste, baieprivaat,prysop navraag.Beskikbaar vanaf01Maart2023

Kontak:0813352849/ 0812435424

GeenTroeteldiereen,of kleinkindersnie





FamilyHome 4Bedrooms 3Bathrooms Lounge,Diningroom Fireplace Kitchen Laundry

3Garages Burglarbars OutsideBBQ Erf980m² House345m² N$1740000.00 CallIrma081-3684469

publication KARATE
appointmentson 0812017556
building and renovation, roof repair, tiling and painting.
S.Linus Building Contractors new
fax: 209
email: semlinus52@gmail com
THE ART OF KARATE BENEFITS: * Discipline * Memory retention * Self-control * Perseverance * Flexibility * Endurance * Problem solving
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Openplankitchen, Garage,Tenantinplace


Contact:0815544888or 0812957837


In2023whichofthe followingwouldyoulike tobeat?




-ClearBrainfog -Headachesand migraines






Doyouworkinthe mine?Doesyourwork exposeyoutoharmful radiation?

Constantlyfatiguedand lowonenergy?

CallTODAY,purchase BromidePlus(Seamoss andBladderwrack)N$ 410.00

-Protectscellsagainst radiation





LEMORGAN: A great opportunity: A DynamicCompanyin WalvisBayislooking forsalesdriven orientatedindividuals tobecomesuccessfulin salesandMarketing. Excellentopportunity forself-motivated individualswhowants tojoinawinningsales Team.

Marketawell-known &establishedproducts throughreferrals& exhibitions.No experienceneededfull traininggiven.

Forinterviewcall 0818001524orhand deliveredyourCVat ourofficeatpelican mallshop13



Looking for a CCTV technician

Responsibilities include:

Maintaining, repairing, and replacing security cameras, computer networks, and other equipment used in video surveillance systems Installing and maintaining security equipment such as alarms or access control systems. Please contact us via email for CV's. Our contact information is technician.cv@ gmail.com

Job Opportunity for Programme Manager at Coastal NGO


·Universitydegreein educationorscience

·5+yearsexperiencein conservation-related work



·Musthaveowntransport andvaliddriver'slicense

·Mustbewillingtotravel countrywideandworkon weekendsandpublic holidays.

Housingcanbeprovided. Couplesmayapply Applicantswith backgroundinteaching andoceanactivity qualifications(egdiving, surfing,canoeing instructorlicense)will getpreference.

PleaseemailCVto coastalwalvisbay@ gmail.com





CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access. Officeorablution alterations.

Cowboys. 064418150or 0811464770

TOHIRE: 2022QuantumToyota withtraileravailablefor hireformonthlyor contracttransporting. WalvisBay,Swakopmund oranywhere.

Contact: 0812288250



Iama33yearoldlady lookingforAdministrative orofficeworkin Windhoekand Swakopmund.Ihave experienceandIam availabletostart immediately



Ekisopsoeknastrykwerkvir Saterdae,ekkangoed skoonmaak.



Iama28yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork, washing,cleaning,ironing. Guesthousesorcoffeeshops.



Mytrustworthy,capableand hardworking37-yearold femaledomesticworkerhad torelocatetoWalvisBay afterworkingformefor7 years. Formoreinfoplease contactme,AnkeMetzger, on062-561641or081263 2775.

WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoeknahuiswerk, kantoorskoonmaakofstryk werkvir2,3of5daeper week,ekkanookSaterdae werk.Ekkanonmiddellik begininSwakopmundof Langstrand.

Kontak:0812112303/ 0812396599

WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoeknahuiswerk, strykwerkofskoonmaak werkinSwakopmundof Langstrand.Ekisvriendelik enbetroubaar

Kontak:0816136244 0816198412


Iamlookingforoffice cleaning,housekeepingor domesticworkin SwakopmundorLong Beach.Icanstartanytime.


WERKGESOEK:Opsoek nahuiswerkvirDinsdaeen Vrydae.Walvisbaai verkieslikLagoon.Het vorigeverwysings Kontak:0814153119




Iamaladyof30years lookingforanyjob,Ihave experienceofcleaning officesanddomesticwork andIhaveacertificatein computersandworkingin officeshops.Anywherein SwakopmundandWalvis




Iama30yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork orcleaningintheoffices, Icanstartatanytimein Swakopmund.



Iamahardworkingyoung ladylookingforanytype ofworkinSwakopmund, LongBeachandNonidas. Icanstartanytime.

Contact:0813884599/ 0817830106


Iama40yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork fromMondaytoFridayin Swakopmundonly.Ihave enoughexperienceand referencesinadditionto thatIamgoodwithkids.

Contact:0814957821/ 0814957821

JOBWANTED: Iama37yearoldlady lookingfordomestic work,babysitting, cleaning,ironing, cashiering,takeaway, POSsupervisor.Ihave experienceandIcanstart assoonaspossible.



Iama26yearoldlady lookingforworkurgently inSwakopmund,tostart assoonaspossible. Domestic,babysitingor officework,Mondayto FridayIcansleepin.

Contact:0817820370 0812292010


Iama43yearoldwoman lookingfordomesticwork for2daysperweekin SwakopmundorLong Beach.Ihave5years experienceandcanstart assoosaspossible.My currentreference:Miss Pauly0814772996my number0813045730


Iama32yearoldwoman lookingforanyjob, domestic,cleaning,wash &Iron,babysittingin Swakopmund,Iamready tostartassoonpossible.


WERKGESOEK: Ekis'n44jarigevrou opsoeknahuiswerkin Walvisbaaiof Swakopmund. Kontak:0818109315



Iama28yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork inWalvisBayor Langstrand.


JOBWANTED: Iama28yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork inWalvisBay.Mondaysto Fridaysoreven3daysa week. Iamveryreadytostartas soonaspossible.



Ekis50jaaroudenis opsoeknawerk,huisskoon maak,oumense,gastehuis eekhet5jaarondervinding enbaiehardwerkend.Ekis bereidomenigetydte begin.


JOBWANTED: Iama30yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork inWalvisBay.Mondaysto Fridaysor3daysaweek.I amreadytostart immediately

Contact:0813251209 0816041904

JOBWANTED: Iama27yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork anywhereinWalvisBay.I amabletoworkMondaysto Fridays.Iamreadytostart assoonaspossible.


JOBWANTED: A30yearoldladylooking fordomesticworkorany otherworkcanbeina factoryaswell.Iamhonest andhardworking.


JOBWANTED: A26yearoldladyislooking fordomesticworkinWalvis Bay.Iamwillingtowork MondaystoFridays.Iam readytostartimmediately


JOBWANTED: A46yearoldwomanis lookingforhalfday domesticwork,cleaningand ironing.Ihaveexperience.

Contact:0815618825 0818024307

JOBWANTED: a33yearoldladyislooking fordomesticworkinWalvis BayorLangstrand.Readyto startanytime.Ihavesix yearsexperience.Idon’t smokeordrink.

Contact:0812824642 0813590135

JOBWANTED: A30yearoldladyislooking fordomesticwork,cleaning andironing.Ihave5years experience.Saturdayand SundayonlyWalvisBay


JOBWANTED: Iama27yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork anytimeinWalvisBay MondaystoFridays.Iam readytostartassoonas possible.

Contact:0818467708/ kandjungujohanna@gmail. com


CONSENT:Pre-SchoolandDayCareCentreON ERFNO: 153 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Narraville STREETNAME&NO: SamNujomaAvenue. In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Pre-SchoolandDayCareCentre. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre. Any person havingany objectionto theapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 24 February 2023.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Anastacia Alvina Herbert, P O Box 8469, Narraville,WalvisBay namstem19@gmail.com

VACANCY Experienced Gardener & window washer with good references and driver's license wanted for a small gardening company Send your CV with references to zelna86714@gmail.com. If you don't meet the requirements, don't apply!
TO HIRE: Trailer N$ 300.00 per day Contact Mr Biggs 081 658 8889
whocan sponsormeabreadmixer tomakemysmall businessrunningand success.Iwillgreatly appreciate.
WANTED:HelpNeeded Ifthere

Condolences to the Abrahams Families on the passing of late


Rest in Peace

CAEngineering Management&Staff



(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)

Notice is given that an

application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below,willbemadetothe Magistrate of the District of Erongo.

1.Nameandpostaladdress ofapplicant:SamKakala, POBox508,WalvisBay.

2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: LuckyMan’sShebeen.

3 Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf 1665, Tormalyn Street 9, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay, Erongo,Namibia.

4. Nature and details of application: Change of TradeName.

5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged:WalvisBayMagistrateCourt.

6. Date on which application will be lodged: 1 February2023

Any objection or written submission in terms of section28inrelationtothe applicationmustbesentor deliveredtotheMagistrate oftheDistrict,toreachthe Magistrate,notlaterthan7 days after the date on which the application is lodged.



Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the District of Erongo.

1 Name and postal addressofapplicant:Jacob CoenraadSteyn,POBox 516,HentiesBay

2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: SuperTube

3 Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf 5206, Bronshaai Street, HentiesBay

4. Nature and details of application: Application forSpecialliqourlicense

5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged: Swakopmund MagistrateCourt.

6 Date on which application will be lodged:13February2023

7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 12April2023

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application mustbesentordeliveredto the Secretary of the Committee to reach Secretary, not less than 21 daysbeforethedateofthe meeting of the Committee at which application will beheard.

otta Smith
any enquiries contact : Valerie @ 081 414 6875 In loving memory of Sunrise: 05.10.1933 Sunset: 28.01.2023
at No 18 Sir Isaac Newton Street Hermes Town 09:00 at St Peters Roman Catholic Church Narraville
Saturday 4 February 2023 08:00
With so much to remember How could we ever forget you Trevor

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Blue Waters and Young Eleven Stars out of league

Coastal Netball teams, Blue Waters andYoung Eleven Stars did not qualify for this year's MTC NetballPremierLeagueasbothteamsendedthirdatthepromotion-relegationplayoffcompetition onSaturday,28JanuaryattheWanderersIndoorNetballcourtinWindhoek.

Blue Waters team was quite unlucky not to go through as they lost valuable points in two draws againstYoung Stars (20-20) andTsumeb (13-13), while they beat Afrocat 18-11, and lost 17-13 to Wanderers to finish third in the group, whilst Young Eleven Stars finished third on two points after beating Mariental 20-17, although they lost 22-13toNFBand12-8toFatou.

Atotalofeightteamscompetedintwopools,with thetoptwoineachpoolclinchingtheirplaceinthis year's premier league. The four teams that qualified for the 2023 MTC Netball Premier LeaguescheduledtostartinMarchareWanderers, Northern Fly Ballers, Young Stars and Fatou NetballClub.TheErongoregionwillstillhavethe Namibian Navy and Eleven Arrows that finish secondandeightatthe2022MTCNetballPremier League will be the only two teams that will represent the Erongo region at the 2023 Netball season.

The president of Netball Namibia, Rebecca Goagosessaidtheplayoffswentaccordingtoplan, andtheteamsshowedtheirstrength.“Overall,the MTC Netball Premier League promotionrelegationplayoffcompetitionwasagreatsuccess

and provided a glimpse of what to expect in the 2023 premier league. The teams showed their strength and skill, and the fans were treated to an excitingcompetition.Withtheleaguesettoresume inMarch,fanscanexpectathrillingseasonahead,” Goagoses added. She expects the league to be tough this season, as the promoted teams have showntheirstrength. Netball Namibia has in the meantime appointed Iyaloo Mutumbulua as its Secretary-General, while Emsy Esterhuizen has been appointed as LeagueCo-OrdinatoroftheMTCNamibiaNetball Premier League. Mutumbulua will serve in this position for the next 4 years, while Esterhuizen serves for one year for now as the league is in its finalyearoftheMTCsponsorship.

Father and son Cricket Fun Day

The Cancer Association of Namibia (CAN) Erongo branch, in partnership with Cricket Namibia and the MTC Dome in Swakopmund, is calling all cricket enthusiasts to participate in a father-and-son Fun Day at the MTC Dome in Swakop-mund on 8 February

The event will start at 16:00 with an opportunity for young and old cricketerstoplaysomecricketwiththeNationalTeambeforetheyleavefor Dubaitotakepartintheirnextinternationalseries.

According to the Chief Executive Officer of CAN Rolf Hansen, it is a brilliantopportunityforthemen(youngandold)toconnect,network,and havefunwhilemeetingthestunningNamibianCricketTeamwhomadeus soveryproudintheinternationalarena.Hansensaid,“weinvitenotonlya fatherandhisson/stotakepart,butchallengeteacherswhohaveanaspiring cricketteam,oracaringuncleorgrandfathertobringtheyoungmenintheir familyorcircleoffriendstojoinin.Theeventisallaboutbringingourmen together,havinghealthyfun,andsupportingthe'livingahealthylifestyle' approach.”

Coastal athletes shine at first Grand Prix

Athletes fromAthletics Development Club (ADC) and Swakop Striders were at their best at the first leg ofAthletics Namibia's Grand Prix series which concluded last Saturday, 29 January, at Swakopmund.

ADC athletes, Elvis Gaseb and Clemence

Mutilifa came first and third respectively in the men's100meterrace,whilstthemen'slongjump was dominated by Swakop Striders athlete Andrew Kalilo and Ashwinn Slabbert first and second respectively with ADC athlete Euzein Gontebthird.

In the women's events ADC athletes Chris-lene Kleinwonthewomen's100hurdlesaswellasthe HighJumpwhilstQueenGonteswontheDiscus event.

The host ADC finished second overall on 70 pointswithSwakopStriderssixthwith33points. A strong represented Unam team finis-hed first overall with 173 points, Namibian Correctional Services(NCS)thirdwith60points,Ohangwena fourthwith50pointsandKakadhinwafifthwith 38points.

Athletics Namibia's Grand Prix series resu-mes tomorrow 4 February with the second leg in Windhoek.ThethirdGrandPrixhasbeenbooked for Rietfontein (18 February), followed by Otjiwarongo(25February),Oshakati(4March), Eenhana/Oshakati (11 March), Mariental (19 May), Gobabis (17 June), Rundu (29 July) and Outapi(September30).

Athletics Namibia's senior national championship is scheduled for April 14-15 in either Windhoek or Swakopmund while the NSSU national schools championship is scheduled for March28-29inthecapital.

In the meantime, the president of Athletics NamibiaErwinNaimhwakawasrecentlyelected to serve on the council of the Confe-deration of AfricanAthletics(CAA).



100 meters: 1. Elvis Gaseb (Athletic Development Club) 10.73, 2. Mahmad Bock (Unam) 10.80,3.ClemenceMutilifa(ADC)10.92.

400 meters: 1. Enock Kawiwi (Unam), 2. Cassy Theophilus(Unam)52.16,3.BrandenRupin-gena (Unam)52.31.


2. Michael Paulus (Omaruru) 4:11.23, 3. Jonas Erastus(Kakadhinwa)4:17.01.

5000 meters: 1. Simon Paulus (Nampol) 14:33.5,

2. Simon Nakale (Nampol) 15:01.5, 3. Matias Simon(Nampol)15:19.07.

Shot put: 1. Reginald Benade (QSB) 10.65m, 2. HopeKatjihingua(Unam)8.61m. Javelin: 1. David Ndeilenga (NCS) 44.95m, 2. Hope Katjihingua (Unam) 37.95m, 3. Cosmos Haindongo(Ohangwena)31.8m.

Long jump: 1. Andrew Kalilo (Swakop Striders) 6.29m, 2. Ashwinn Slabbert (Swakop Striders) 6.09m,3.EuzeinGonteb(ADC)5.99m. 4x400relay:1.Unam3:18.98,2.UnamB3:35.16, 3.UnamC3:38.33.


100metres:1.CorneliaGoreses(Unam)12.99,2. Ndilimeke Erastus (Ohangwena) 13.06, 3. MudiInosensiaHaingura(noclub)13.19.

400m: 1. Jade Nangula (Unam) 59.99, 2. MudiInsensiaHaingura(noclub)1:00.26,3.Chris-tine Mukumbi(Unam)1:03.23.

1500 meters: 1. Martha Shivolo (NCS) 5:06.2, 2. GerdeHamutenya(Kakadinwa)5:06.5,3.Victoria Kaliteka(NCS)5:17.9.

3000 metres: 1. Indileni Mweshamekange (NCS) 11:03 1, 2 Elizabeth Kalola




Triplejump:Ze-zaneLewin(Unam)9.11m 4x400

TicketscostN$150perpersonandincludedinner Formoreinformationor to buy tickets contact the CAN Erongo Centre at 064 461271 or send an emailtoerongo@can.org.na.

Rudi Bowe Rudi Bowe EmsyEsterhuizen IyalooMutumbulua (Ohang-wena) 11:58.5,3.EmiliaHaufiku(Ohangwena)12:24.4. 100 hurdles: 1. Chrislene Klein (ADC) 16.01, 2. Alessandra Kaura (Triomf) 16.83. 3. Kayli Nel (QSB) relay: 1. Unam 4:17.86, 2. Ohangwena 4:25.96,3.NCS4:26.03 Chrislene Klein from Athletes from Athletics Development Club after shy won the High Jump atAthletics Namibia's Grand Prix series Elvis Gaseb, Mahmad Bock and Clemence Mutilifa at the finish line of the 100 meters for men atAthletics Namibia's Grand Prix series.

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