Insights from a
spiritual teacher
love being a spiritual teacher and mentor, it’s like being a traffic director; I get to compassionately guide my students to seek out what is for their highest good. I can’t be everything to everyone, that’s not my job. I bring about and help them manifest their spiritual development to a point of being confident, accurate, readers and healers. Evolving in 2020 is all about our vibrational frequency; maintaining the vibration to allow the integration of knowledge and wisdom to flow easily. I have this innate ability to talk with a spiritual person and bring downloads through to them, just by sharing my stories and having conversations. Just this week I received an email from another person that I had conversed with a week ago advising she is now accessing guides in every reading. Although, what I am seeing that concerns me, is so many varied teachers and modalities are available now and I think it is great, but I am noticing after each course or workshop, the students
are walking away being a carbon copy of their teacher. Using the same phrasing and exactly the same style to attract customers. This only holds back your unique vibrational frequency. When we attend a spiritual event, we feel like we are in a big love bubble surrounded by quite possibly a big audience and everyone is vibrating at an unconditional love frequency. We are buzzing, feeling like we could manifest anything and feeling invincible. Coming back into reality is sometimes difficult; dealing with everyday life as a human can bring us out of the honeymoon phase and back down to earth with a thud! This is when you nurture and wait to evolve. This is what I teach my students in a nutshell, learn from as many people as you can, it takes you out of a limited thinking space. After you have done a course, retreat or workshop, do a closing ritual, go home and give yourself a few days or a couple of weeks to let the knowledge and downloads
morph and transform into what it needs to be for you. All that is required is you vibrating uniquely so the people that resonate and match your vibration can find you. You need to share your wisdom, experiences and knowledge. What I have noticed when students haven’t allowed time for the merge or evolution of the upgrade to transform holistically is there is a state of confusion, self-doubt and fear. It appears to me that students are still mimicking their teachers, and because of this, they aren’t in the flow; their unique flow. Respect your teacher’s knowledge and wisdom, as well as your own, give yourself space to evolve in the perfect time and space for you. By giving yourself time after learning a new modality, your vibrational frequency will adapt and evolve constantly, integrating with each new bit of information. This is how we evolve. www.LindaWillowRoberts.com.au
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