Holistic Bliss Magazine

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battle between light and dark!



There is a group of seemingly ordinary humans with special abilities to help rid the world of (3D) poverty, dis-ease, war and usher in a world of (5D) compassion, love and freedom. They are The League of Embodied SuperSelfers. Each member is uniquely gifted to serve the greater purpose through their own superpowers – they are the change-makers, the wayshowers, the paradigm shifters, the spiritually gifted, the intuitive, the psychic, the channels and the healers. They look like ordinary people, but they are different – they have been called to save the world from what it has become and to usher in the new world. You have been called.

Anne x

ou’re up against a veritable rogues’ gallery of villains, on the daily. Held back by emotional blocks, mental and physical hurts. Not to mention your #1 arch enemy. Your own version of kryptonite. Forever chasing you, ready to blast you into feeling like a small scared child again. Keeping you powerless! Unable to help yourself. Yet you also somehow know you are so much more. You’ve heard the soft whisper of your inner superhero. And it’s getting louder and louder. “The world must change. It’s time! Play your part” is its call. You’ve heard that you have the power to create your reality, manifest your desires and fulfil your purpose. And even with all the self-help books, the spiritual teachings, the empowerment coaching and courses… You just can’t seem to step into your full power. No matter what you do it seems as though you’ll never, ever reach your full potential, do what you are here to do and live a great life while doing it. “The fate of your planet rests not in the hands of gods. It rests in the hands of mortals.” – Thor An ordinary life is not for you. You’ve been there, done that and have the battle scars to prove it! You’ve always known you were here to do something big.

But what! You’re not like all those others. You’re the weird one, the misfit, the black sheep, the one that talks to the Universe and believes in things that ‘they’ can’t see and hear what ‘they’ can’t hear. And you can do magic! It’s been a hard road to get here to this place of awakenings and the hero’s journey and you’re growing tired of forever chasing what you can’t seem to find. Others promise to share the real secret with you, but when they do, you find it’s just the same old, same old that you already know and might even be teaching your own clients. Hey, it’s not all bad. Some days you are all high vibe, love and light. Other days, you’re sick and tired of your own goddamn human self, still living in lack and fear where things just aren’t going the way you thought they would be by now. Well hold on to your cape and get ready to fly. As we move out of this decade and into the next it will all be changing. You will be changing. You will finally be able to step away from your small human self and embody your SuperSelf. Learn to fly and let’s save the world together. ANNE ALECKSON mentors budding superheroes to fly into purpose, prosperity, peace and power so they can be, do and have it all. /AnneAlecksonSoulSpeaker www.AnneAleckson.com info@annealeckson.com

Holistic Bliss | DECEMBER 2020-JANUARY 2021 |


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Articles inside

Baked Choc-Cranberry Festive Cake

page 8

What gift can you give your animal friends?

page 45

Festive awareness for your furry friends

page 44

"I feel like a new woman, I thought I'd have gut problems for life!”

page 43

Undercover your shadow

page 42

The world is my family

page 40

5 steps to reset your skin ready for 2021

page 39

Grow yourself, your relationship and your intimacy

page 38

The Phoenix rising

page 38

Think green for our future

page 37

Door to love

page 36

2021: The Year of the Metal Ox

page 33

The energies of 2021

page 32

Experience more joy for the festive season and into 2021

page 31

2021 emotional growth via your numerology

page 30

Innerstanding in 2021

page 29

Goodbye 2020! Hello 2021!

page 28

The battle between light and dark!

page 25

Take your well-being back into your own hands

page 24

Spiritual teacher’s insights in 2021

pages 22-23

Surviving the 2020 festive season

page 19

Festive season on your terms

page 18

Oh by gosh by golly (it's that time again)

page 15

Christmas cheer without financial fear

page 14

Unwrap the best gift this year!

page 13

Look after yourself and your family during the silly season

page 12

Don’t let your opinions create separation

page 10

Fruit Mince Pies

page 9

Another 5 colonic FAQs you're too embarrassed to ask

page 7

It's not as glitzy and feels more real!

pages 1, 6
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