Holistic Bliss Magazine

Page 33


Weight Management became wait management for me WORDS JOHNITA FRANCIS


ook, I don’t mean to skite or sound off about any special talent I have, but, I do have a knack for finding any weight that I have lost. So there. I know you are probably jealous of this wonderful gift I have, but it wasn’t always like this. In my younger days, actually until I was about 29, I never had any issues with weight at all, I was 52kg on a skinny day and 56kg on a fat day. I gave birth to my son on November 23rd, 2007 and that is pretty much when it all changed. I had some major drama bringing the little man into the world, long story short, a blood transfusion of the wrong blood type and BAM! Goodbye body. I spent 12 months trying to work out why my body would not just ‘go back’. Finally full of frustration I ventured off to the GP. Eight minutes into the appointment I was given antidepressants and duromine. Feeling unheard and accused of being sad and fat, I sat out the front of the medical

centre, crying. I just had a baby, I didn’t do anything else, what was wrong with my body! I looked up the road and saw a sign stating ‘Naturopath’. Oh. Ok. Can’t be any worse than the treatment I received at the GP. Off I went. Lo and behold, the naturopath had a cancellation and got me straight in for a chat. So apparently when you get the wrong blood type, your own blood type reacts BIG TIME. So for the second time that day I sat and ugly cried. I knew something was not right, I also knew that I was not eating crap, nor avoiding exercise, I also knew I was neither sad nor depressed. I was 90kg for the first time in my life and felt like a stranger in my own body. I developed allergies to fructose and now had thyroid issues all courtesy of the blood transfusion. It took me seven years to get most things back to where they should have been. I have never been back to 56kg ever. The closest I have been is 62kg.

And you know what? I am completely and utterly OK with this. I weight train heavy lift three times a week and run incline five mornings a week. My body may never be the same BUT my mindset has evolved. I go easy on myself. I have always eaten healthy and exercised and both made absolutely no difference whatsoever to my weight, not during those seven years. You know You. You know when something is not right. If your health professional is not listening nor giving you the time and decency you need to work through your weight issues, find someone else. I love the natural therapists and will always seek one out for the more interesting issues in life. Follow JOHNITA FRANCIS on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Subscribe to YouTube and listen to my live shows on A1R Psychic Radio and Insights By Johnita Francis. Private Bookings are available www.insightsbyjohnita.com

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Becoming consciously vulnerable: Energy mastery for sensitive souls

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Food as medicine for dogs

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Anxiety breakthrough: How to reclaim your inner calm

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How my anger became a catalyst for change

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From fig to purple – what are Anahata Codes?

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What is a dental article doing in a weight management edition?

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The thorn in my side – weight!

page 36

Weight Management became wait management for me

page 33

Is excess weight blocking you from living your dreams and vision?

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Menopause and weight gain

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Weight, health and the power of intention

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Restoring gut motility

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4 great ways to manage emotional weight

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Deborah's Sweet Truths

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An integrative medicine approach to weight

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How to lose the comfort kilos and stay in shape for LIFE!

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Remember to practise your 5Qs on your Healthy Puzzle of Life journey

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Are money worries weighing you down?

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Discover your soul’s unique wealth expression

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Enjoy Your Body and Life, Beyond Weight Management

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Grow your own nutrient- and fibre-rich food

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Keto Rich Dark Chocolate Cake

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Macadamia and Lemon Myrtle Shortbread Cookies

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Bread: The good, the bad and the ugly

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Gut Healing Choc Hemp Smoothie

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