April 2014

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The Full Moon Newsletter Issue I Volume II April 1, 2014 1

introduction Salutations!

Table of Contents

CNH Airlines: Soaring for Service was the 2014 District Convention (DCON) theme. That being said, greetings passenger! The Fasten Seat Belt sign is on so please buckle your seatbelt and pull on the strap so that it comfortably hugs your hips. If you haven’t already done so, please stow your carry-on luggage and turn off all unnecessary electronic devices. Your seatback should be in its full upright position and your eyes should be glued to this newsletter. We would like to remind you that turbulence is expected as we depart from Reno, NV and journey to Burbank, CA to reflect on our Circle K year together. Thank you and enjoy your flight. Fun fact about Circle K: April 1st is the first day of the new year! This means that District Convention has concluded, our old officers have left behind a legacy, and our new officers take office. April is all about transition. This newsletter will encompass this transition by showcasing District Convention and all of the wonderful things that our club did last year in addition to promoting all of the events that we have to look forward to. With Care,

Introduction…………………..…...2 Pledge……………………….2 Challenge………………….2 Upcoming…………...……………..3 District Convention Recap…4-5 Submissions………………………..6 Member of the Month………….6 Club Birthdays…………………….6 Past Events…………………………..7 Calendar of Events………….…...8 Circle K Corner………….……….8 Resources.……………………….….9

Alyssa Yocom, Newsletter Editor

I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of mankind’s potential.

Challenge of the Month: I challenge you to write a brief description of your favorite service project or why you joined Circle K. Your response may be featured in the May Newsletter. Please email your response to Alyssa Yocom at alyssa.yocom@gmail.com by April 17th. Each person that participates will be entered into a raffle to win a prize! Thank you for your participation! 2

upcoming K-Kids:

“What kind of service event gives you the opportunity to make a difference in a child’s life? An event that you can look forward to every week and have fun at? An event that makes you feel young again or just really old? KKids of course! Nothing is better than spending a Friday afternoon with Lemelson STEM Academy students at the weekly K-Kids meetings! K-Kids is a branch of the Kiwanis Family at the elementary school level that is aimed at teaching students about the importance of service, leadership, community, and upright, moral character. The club develops students into young, caring leaders who have a respect for their neighborhood, school, and environment. In the pledge the K-Kids recite at the beginning of every meeting, they promise to ‘try to make the world a better place in which to live.’ Nevada Circle K mentors the K-Kids and facilitates fun, exciting, and meaningful activities. From playing an intense round of ribbon tag to learning about paying it forward and the difference one can make through one random act of kindness, there is an activity for everyone. All of the K-Kids enjoy spending time at their weekly Friday meetings and many look forward to eating lunch with other K-Kids, talking with the mentors, and playing the activities planned. A favorite of both K-Kids and mentors are the end of the month relay races where everyone participates in teambuilding, fast-paced competition. It is a great moment when a K-Kid excitedly shouts out your name when he or she is happy to see you or when a K-Kid asks where a mentor is when they aren’t present. Other mentors find it rewarding when a K-Kid gives them a big hug or when they see a shy K-Kid start coming out of his shell because of the club. It is moments like these that make mentors love K-Kids and come back for more. If you enjoy working with kids or just love community service, come out to the next K-Kids and try it out. You don’t want to miss out on a rewarding and fun experience! We will have K-Kids every Friday at 11:15am through June 6th.” - Kay Go, 2013-2014 K-Kids Chair

Kiwanis Bike Shop:

“Every Friday, a group of students from Nevada Circle K heads up to the local Kiwanis Bike Program run by the Sparks Kiwanis Club. The students usually go to fix up bikes that need repair, but they have also recently been trusted to work on various other tasks vital for the upkeep of the shop. On March 18 th and 19th, members Gabriella Murata and Christine Bonuel painted a room in the warehouse. Several other members also helped organize books in one of the storage rooms and created a new workspace that was previously cluttered with books. Every week at the bike shop brings new surprises, and Circle K’ers never fail to impress the Kiwanians with their work ethic and undying willingness to serve.” - Miguel Henares, Kiwanis Bike Project Event Chair

Miss your awesome friends from all over Capital? Look forward to April/May as many clubs will be having their End of the Year Banquets! Ours is April 25th and Capital’s is April 26th. Attend the End of the Year Banquets to celebrate another wonderful year of service and to learn more about Sac State, UC Davis, and University of the Pacific. 3

CNH Airlines: Soaring for Service What is this District Convention you speak of?

District Convention is a weekend getaway for all Cal-Nev-Ha Circle K members. We gather at a convention to celebrate the many successes that we have had all year long. We come together and attend general sessions, have spirit battles, attend workshops to learn more about Circle K, receive awards, and make tons of new friends. The entire weekend is dedicated to celebrating the year that we have had together while preparing us for the next. UN Reno Awards Received:

Distinguished Kiwanis Family Relations

Distinguished Membership Development & Education

Distinguished Club Improvement

1st Place—Outstanding Single Service

Distinguished Vice President of Service

Distinguished President

Silver Division, 2nd Place—Mei Po Wong Total Service

Distinguished Kiwanis Club: Reno Sunrisers Capital Division Award Received:

Distinguished Division

“As a senior, this was my second and last DCON as a Circle K member. Although this was bittersweet as I had lots of great memories with this organization—especially at divisional and districtwide events, I was determined to make the best out of my three days in Burbank. One of my favorite experiences was attending the “Embrace Your Awkwardness” workshop. The workshop hosts were friendly and engaging, and we started off the workshop with a Mad Libs game that allowed everyone in our group to get to know each other and be creative at the same time. The workshop also brought home a great message, which is that although we might all have our own eccentricities, we need to recognize that this awkwardness is what makes all of us unique. We need to embrace and share these quirks, not hide them away. My other favorite moment was when I attended the Honor ceremony for graduating students to receive their stoles. Although my undergraduate days are numbered at the university, I had never really thought about graduation until that ceremony. The Honor ceremony reminded me of how special these final months are. Moreover, receiving the stole alongside some of my good friends that I’ve made in the past two years reminded me that Circle K will have both a physical and emotional presence when I think back at my life in college.” - Rama Raja

What was your favorite thing about DCON?


Bonding with so many people from our club. #Kanye’sPlasticBagTreasure Being a part of such a great Division. Go Capital!

Catching up with old friends from other clubs and divisions.

Opening Session!

Everything! Seeing all the talent acts.

Performing our amazing talent act!

When our club won First Place for the Single Service Award for our Biggest Little Winter Wonderland Event.

Electing next year’s District Leaders.


The dance!

Seeing our club win so many awards!

Cheering with Capital and seeing Sac State win the Spirit Award.


District Convention 2014 Recap workshops. "Who said 'falling'?" It was my fear that was called. Nervously, I go up to the front of the room. Victoria Silva places a step stool in front of me. As the workshop name implies, “Conquering Your Fears”, it’s time to conquer mine. At most district events, you can attend several workshops with a variety of topics. For fellowship, there are workshops for dancing, icebreakers, how to embrace social awkwardness, and improv. For leadership, there are workshops for each executive board position, administrative board panels, and workshops devoted to balancing Circle K with other aspects of your life and preventing burnout. And it wouldn't be Circle K without some service! You're bound to find a service project or two during workshop sessions. Why do I attend workshops at district events like District Convention? Well, I love learning and constantly improving, and attending workshops is honestly one of my favorite ways to learn. With all the different ways to learn us college kids have – textbooks, lectures, discussion groups, internet, maybe even sparknotes and Wikipedia – we as Circle K’ers are given a chance to learn together. You’re guaranteed to meet new people, join small groups to interact and solve problems together (e.g. how do we rescue Camille Goulet, our District Administrator, from a Russian gulag using different types of leadership?), and share a few laughs. Overall, I gained useful knowledge I wouldn’t have received otherwise. I jump down from the step stool, everyone claps, and life goes on. “If you know how to catch yourself,” Victoria says, “then you don’t have to worry about falling.” As silly as the exercise was, the humor of it all helped the fear subside, even just for a little bit. Each workshop is a different and new experience; I hope that you make some new friends and learn something at the workshops that you will attend in the future! - Christine Bonuel


general sessions.

“I am still incredibly happy and humbled that I was able to go to DCON this year. It is so cliché, but DCON impacted my life immensely. Through this amazing weekend, I was able to see all the work that not only UN Reno does, but what Capital Division does as well as all the schools in the Cal-Nev-Ha district do. Seeing all these accomplishments and being a part of the House of Delegates reminded me that I have potential to grow as a person as well as a leader if I allow myself to see what others see in me.

“I see DAVIS, UC DAVIS,” “U, U-C, U-C-I,” “HOOO HAAA, BERKELEY RUNS THIS HOUSE, I SAID HOOO HAAA, BERKELEY RUNS THIS HOUSE, GOOOOOO BEARS!” These are just some of the many cheers heard when walking into the ballroom before the general sessions. All the schools from the 9 divisions enter the ballroom with spirit and excitement as our district board proceeds to announce winners of awards, scholarships, and other district recognitions. The general sessions optimize the spirit aspect out of all the divisions as it allows them to showcase their pride when a member from their respected division receives recognition. However, the general sessions truly showcase the unity of our district as a whole. All nine divisions came together to cheer for each other and to congratulate all of the Cal-NevHa District on another wonderful year of service. It was inspiring to hear so many cheers echo through the ballroom. Each general session showcased an immense amount of service, leadership, and fellowship and it showed that as the CNH District, we are all connected.

Selling myself short has always been a natural talent of mine and going to DCON proved to me that I am capable of accomplishing things that will not only make my school and division proud, but myself proud. My first DCON will always hold a special place in my heart, not only because it was my first, but because of all the people I have met on the journey to Burbank and the inspiration they have given me. Thank you to all those who are graduating and those who aren’t just yet; I can’t say that enough, honestly!” - Gaby Murata

- Cody Yamada 5

submission information

As this newsletter is a reflection of our club, I would like your help in producing this newsletter. Whenever you go to an event, whether it be service, social, or other, take pictures and write a short article or blurb about the event. Sending in photos is recommended but you don’t have to send in photos to be published. Email your article and photo(s) to me and look for it in the following month’s newsletter. Article Submission Information: To: Alyssa Yocom, alyssa.yocom@gmail.com CC: Jeff Soriano, technology@nevadacki.com Subject: Newsletter Article Body: [Paste article] Attach: Photos from the event (1-5 photos) In addition to helping with this newsletter, writing articles will go toward your MRP score! One article qualifies for Bronze and Silver Member Recognition Program (MRP) and two articles qualify for Gold and Platinum MRP. Within your article be sure to include a summary/reflection on the event, the event title, and the date that the event took place. I look forward to seeing your input in the next newsletter!

member of the month Congratulations to Connor Frace! Connor received the March Member of the Month award for his dedication to service, leadership, and fellowship. Connor has participated in many events including District Convention, Capital Large Scale Service Project, District Large Scale Service Project North, and more.

April Birthdays: Giovanny Pacheco 04/03

Roberto Valasquez 04/14

Hiroki Shimasaki 04/06

Matt Molloy 04/22

Angie Moreno 04/07 Gian Mortel 04/08 6

past events On Friday night, the five Families of Nevada Circle K went against each other in a fun and entertaining InterFamily Game Night! The ten Family Heads and Matt Molloy, the MD&E Chair, worked together to put on this great event. Each of the Family Head parents worked together to lead five games, which were Whose Line Is It Anyway?, Finish the Lyrics, Family Feud, Jeopardy, and Name That Movie. The Families competed against one another in each of the games, with a winning Family being chosen for each game. In the end, the Families all tied because a different Family won each game. (This is appearing to be a recurring pattern after the stalemate that was Penny Wars 2014.) “My favorite part of the InterFamily Game Night was when [at the end] I started chanting, ‘FIVE WAY TIE’ and the entire room started to chant with me. I was surprised because I didn’t think that they’d be okay with a five-way tie, but apparently they were,” says Olympian Gods Family Head, Miguel Henares. “I wanted everybody to be equal,” explains MD&E Chair, Matt Molloy, about the points system. Despite the tie, everybody who attended the event seemed to have a great time, which is what ultimately

matters in the end. “I really liked Ricky and Diana’s game [Name That Movie],” says Phil’s Kids member, Darren Manivong, who was upset about coming late to the event and missing his favorite game, Whose Line Is It Anyway? “My favorite part of the Game Night is when my Family dominated in Finish the Lyrics,” says Hotter Than Hades member, Luke Tanaka. (People who attended the event will fondly remember Luke as the one who struggled with answering Jeopardy questions as questions.) Phil’s Kids member, Jared Apostol, recalls his favorite moment of the Game Night as when Emily Chau beat the Broseidon and the Pegasi Family at Whose Line Is It Anyway. (However, Miwako wants to add that she put in a really good fight, taking out 2 of 3 opponents on her own.) Matt adds, “Thank you to everyone who came. I really appreciate it and the Family Heads really appreciated it. Everybody should keep attending Family events so they can rack up those points to win Family of the Year!” - Miwako Schlageter

(Photos above from C3) Capital and Central Coast divisions teamed up for the annual C3 event in Stockton, CA. Members from both divisions met at Bog’s Tract Community Farm to clean up, restore, and build the farm. We practiced service and fellowship as we got to meet many new members and old friends at this event. A full day of service was very rewarding for our club. This was followed by the last Capital DCM of the 2013-2014 Circle K year and it marked the end of our Lt. Governor, Luke Tanaka’s term.


club calendar

circle k corner CKI began as a Kiwanis club service project to provide an opportunity for capable, ambitious, and worthy young men to acquire a college education by assisting them, where necessary, with their financial problems; by means of a scholarship fund, if available, or securing part-time employment. Additionally, affording its members a useful training in the social graces of a well-rounded personality was a focus area for CKI. Soon after the concept of CKI was recognized and accepted, the element of community service was introduced to CKI, thus creating an appealing outlet for collegians around the globe. Today, as the largest collegiate service organization, CKI boasts a membership of more than 13,000 collegians on nearly 550 campuses worldwide. CKI is a student-led organization with an International Board of Trustees elected by its membership each year. Embodied by its tenets of leadership, fellowship, and service at the club, district, and International levels, CKI continues to grow through service tot he world's campuses and communities. Circle K International has grown tremendously over the past 40 years, sometimes in spirit, sometimes in members, and still other times in service to the community. Circle K International is continuing to move toward everincreasing service and leadership development as well as providing fellowship and personal growth to the members. Though history provides a good foundation from which to view achievements and obstacles, Circle K International must connect the organization's mission with tomorrow's college students and tomorrow's student organizations to envision the possibilities for the organization and realize its dream of creating a better world in which to live. 8

resources Stay connected by joining our Nevada CKI Facebook page!

Subscribe to our weekly emails to receive all club news and updates at http://eepurl.com/x2pY9

Our Facebook page is regularly updated with reminders for upcoming events as well as photos from past events. Also, you can find the link to our events sign up page on our Facebook. Make sure you stay connected by joining our “Nevada Circle K� group.

All event sign ups are on our club Google Document. Get the link from our Facebook page or our weekly emails.

Join us at our weekly meetings every Wednesday at 7:00pm in the Graduate Student Lounge at the Joe. Contact Information:

Other Resources:

President Aldrin Santamaria: president@nevadacki.com

UN Reno Club Website:

VP of Admin Matt Molloy: vpadmin@nevadacki.com

Coming soon to a computer near you!

VP of Service Miguel Henares: vpservice@nevadacki.com

Capital Division Website:

Secretary Gaby Murata: secretary@nevadacki.com


Treasurer Cody Yamada: treasurer@nevadacki.com

Cal-Nev-Ha District Website:

Faculty Advisor Derek Furukawa: dfurukawa@unr.edu


Tech Chair Jeff Soriano: technology@nevadacki.com

Circle K International Website:

Newsletter Editor Alyssa Yocom: alyssa.yocom@gmail.com



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