The Full Moon Vol. 5, May 2017 | Nevada CKI

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University of Nevada, Reno


A letter from the editor Hello Wolf Pack or rather KONNICHIWA all of the way from Japan!! I hope you guys enjoy the first newsletter of my term. I am not going to lie, it was pretty difficult making this newsletter because in Japan their Microsoft office products are all in Japanese!! Do you know how long it took me to find a テキストボックス (a textbox)? Let`s just say a long time. There’s actually quite a few differences between Japan and the US and you’ll be able to read about them in future issues! The theme of this year`s newsletter is going to be the ZODIAC SIGNS in honor of our stellar club theme: service is written in the stars. This month will be kind of a vintage astronomy theme and will act as a launching point for all future newsletters. I love the club theme and I want to make sure that I am utilizing it as best I can. Also, just to clarify, I’m no astrologist but I do use Tumblr and I think that`s a valid source of determining personality traits as well as which Kardashian I am. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy our out of this world newsletter. -Mickey Rosal

A Letter from the President Hello my lovely members, As we're finishing finals and winding down the semester, I just want to say thank you to everyone for such a FANTASTIC month of service, leadership, and fellowship in April! Thank you all for bearing with me and the new board as we all adjust to our new positions. We hope you have an amazing summer break! And don't forget, no matter where you are, you can still be actively volunteering during the summer and I really hope to see everyone keep serving our community because SERVICE NEVER SLEEPS, so neither do we (just kidding)! The 2017-2018 board will be planning and brainstorming all our new ideas to make our club even better all throughout summer and we have so much in store for the new term, so have a safe and fun break, stick with us, and stay TUNED! With warm wishes, Numfon Vilay :D

May Tumblr Horoscopes A collection of horoscopes that I found online. Some serious and some playful

*MtL = Most to Least

Service ●

Virginia Lake Clean Up Healthy People 5K

Kiwanis One Day

Virgina Lake Park Clean up Joey Pontillas | UNReno CKI | Vice President of Service On the morning of April 30th, five of our members woke up early in the morning to meet up at Virginia Lake Park for a general clean-up event in collaboration with our local Key Clubbers! At the first arrival, the park doesn't seem very littered aside from the typical piece of trash here and there. We were provided clean-up tools to access hard to reach areas, and most of the litter we picked up were under the rocks surrounding the lake. Needless to say, it was pretty shocking how much garbage actually resided in the lake, since a majority of them were unseen! Our volunteers were able to fill around 8+ garbage bags, all the while during the event, being thanked by randomly passing people, and simply enjoying the social interactions with everyone there. The event went splendidly well, even more so knowing that it was organized by an exchange student from the Key Club of Galena High School. One of the organizations of Truckee Meadows expressed their greatest thanks, as Virginia Lake Park has been an area that they've been wanting to clean for quite some time.

Healthy Parks Healthy People 5K Race Sarah Ko | UNReno CKI | Single Service Chair

A great way to start your mornings is running with family and friends! On April 8th, Circle K volunteered for the Truckee Meadows Foundation at the Healthy Parks, Healthy People 5K Fun Run at Bartley Ranch Regional Park. This was an event that was a part of the Truckee Meadows Initiative, in which funds that were collected by participants went towards raising awareness and appreciation of local parks. At 9 A.M., the 5K began, directly followed by the Kids’ 1K Run. Circle K volunteers cheered families on from the sidelines, motivating them to complete the race. Once everyone had finished the race, the rest of the volunteers watched as the children completed the 1K Run.

Kiwanis One Day Lydia Navarrete-Galvan | UNReno CKI | Technology Chair Kiwanis One Day unites Kiwanians of all ages in fellowship and service, to make a lasting impact in our community. This year, just like years before, we went out to Manzanita Park to clean it up. Divide and conquer was the motto and conquer we did. Circle K'ers made a short track out to a weed filled island connected to the park, and went to work. With shovel in hand we managed to fill three black bags in just two hours. Neighbors across the street from the park came out to thank us for cleaning up the park, noting how we have done this for several years. Someone even offered to make us cookies! While we love volunteering to leave a lasting impact and to promote our DSI Serve to Conserve: Planet Conservation, it's the community that reminds us why we love what we do!

Leadership â—?

Disctrict Convention Recap

District Convention 2017: Service is not so Spooky By: Mickey Rosal | UNReno CKI | Public Relations Chair After driving over 9 hours from Reno, NV to Riverside, CA in my mom’s Subaru I could gladly say we made it to the District Convention site in one piece. A trip that would’ve lasted us maybe 7 hours was extended due to constant snack and potty breaks. I wasn’t complaining because they say the journey is always better than the destination, am I right? When we arrived at the convention center we quickly brought our bags to our room and registered so we could start to enjoy the festivities. The first night was super fun because I got to meet the two guys from Wong Fu productions as well as see some of my old friends again. The caucus was pretty cool too because it’s always nice to see what information the candidates really know about their position and how much they don’t. I think UNR as a club really enjoys picking the best candidates, as well as not picking them if none are deemed fit for the position.

Day 2 was even more fun than the first day if you could believe that. We bought some tamales from the farmer’s market across the street and they were probably some of the best tamales I have ever consumed in my life. I brought the tamales to the workshops I attended and I could just tell that people wish I shared. The workshops were so fun and so interesting. My favorite was probably the one about PTP and how its money is used. At the last minute, someone asked me to be a panelist for the Kiwanis Family Panel and of course I said yes. It was my first time being an official panelist and I had a blast. Since I won a Kiwanis Scholarship I got to attend the graduation recognition ceremony. It was so great seeing my friends walk and collect their stoles. The awards dinner was full of happiness and sadness and anger but that’s what is expected when the judges don’t always see eye-to-eye. Our club still took home a lot of the awards and we still believe that our club is one to watch for. The last day we got to see the results of the elections. Well let’s just say that not everything can work out the way you want it to. Regardless, DCON was still such a blast and I can’t wait till DCON 2018!!

Always remember that service isn’t spooky but something else is. ;)

Fellowship ●

Capital End of the Year Banquets ●

2017-2018 Board Retreat

Capitals’ End of the Year Banquets Joan Casabar | UNReno CKI | Secretary During the Capital end of the year banquet, we shared many memories with schools within our division and our old capital LTG, Lawrence. Sadly he did not cry at his speech, however, he almost did when he talked about yours truly, UNR. There was a lot of good food such as a whole rotisserie chicken, Roberto's, and also Taco Bell that were provided to us. The talent acts were also spectacular such as Sac State former president Sienna Nguyen performed many famous pieces on her flute with her nose, which quite frankly entertained the whole room. There was also dancing and drums performed as well. I would definitely recommend going next year because the raffle prices were great such as the possibility of bringing home a live fish, an emoji pillow, and many more.

2017-2018 Board Retreat Lauro Solomo | UNReno CKI | MD&E Chair

The Nevada CKI 2017-2018 Board spent a night at Pyramid Lake, bonding and sharing laughs near a campfire underneath a night sky filled with bright stars, fitting, as the upcoming term’s club theme is Astrology: Service is Written in the Stars! Although the weather was not on our side (as we camped in cold and windy conditions) the passion we share to improve and revitalize our home club was all the energy and hope we needed to give us warmth throughout the entire night. The activities we completed as a board gave us an understanding of our strengths and weaknesses, and although some were not a complete success, we, as a board, believes there is value in finding strength within our weaknesses.

It was a proper metaphor for the upcoming hardships we will face not only as board members, but also as leaders; we must be resilient and rise above hardships, similar to the Japanese proverb, “Fall seven times, get up eight.” No matter what we face, we, the board members, must stay strong for the wellbeing of the entire organization and see our goals and plans to the end. If there is one thing we all learned during our time together, we know that success lies in all of us and it is our task to fulfill our destiny – we are called the Destiny Board after all! We are excited to usher in the new term and achieve monumental feats even beyond the stars.

Recognition ●

Words of Wisdom from our Graduates ●

Member of the Month

Member of the Semester

District Convention Awards

Congrats Graduates!! Words of wisdom from those with the degrees to support their claims. Name: Annie Mae Flores

Major: Political Science

Advice to future grads: -A bit cliche, but throwing it back to A Cinderella Story. Lol. Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. Take that first step to reaching out to your professor for that internship you want to do, apply to a competitive scholarship, travel/study in that country (or even city) you've always wanted to go to, apply for that job you don't think you'll get. Anything! The opportunities are endless. You'll regret not doing these things when you're old and grey (like me; nah nah).

Name: Lyra Beltran

Major: Biology

Advice for future grads: The greatest risk you'll ever take is spending your life not doing what you want to do on the bet that you'll have the time and money to do it later

Name: Matt Molloy

Major: Computer Science and Engineering

Advice for future grads: My best advice for finishing college strong is to give it your all! Take advantage of the things you won't be able to do after graduation (Circle K, clubs, etc), and give them 110%! Also don't make your last semester your hardest like I did.

Name: Casey Omaye

Major: Engineering

Advice for future grads: Never tell yourself it's good enough. Don't turn in a partially completed homework, or an unproofread essay, because you didn't want to finish it. Always give everything your best, and your get the best in return.

Name: Shawn Thomas

Major: Community Health Science (Public Health Track)

Advice for future grads: I see college as a mile, 1 lap for every year. The first lap/year everyone goes out quick and tries to experience new things. The second lap/year is where you begin to settle into a comfortable pace. The third lap/year is when things begin to drag on and people slowly start to drop off, but you can't let that effect you. The fourth lap/year is when you have to finish strong, even if people around you are trying to cruise to the finish. It may hurt, you may be in pain, but you're almost done. Since you put in all the work for the first 3 laps/years, why not give it your all for that last part?

Get to know your

Star of the Semester

Bekzod “Begi” Ahmuratov Why did you join Circle K?

Where are you from? “I am from Uzbekistan. A Central Asian country where kind welcoming people live. The country that I can boast about great history and pleasant weather.”

What is your favorite thing about Circle K? “My answer to this question is exceptional members of the club. I can't point out only a person, because all of them are exceptional. Every single member means a lot to me. With each member, I have had a something pleasant happened so far. Circle K International welcomed me with warm greeting and they have done things that means a lot to me.“ What was your favorite CKI service event? “All the service events I attended have its own value. However, very first event, bike shop, was something I will never forget. I didn't know many people from Circle K that time. While doing community service I get to know them better. I learnt how to fix bicycles and felt fulfillment that I did something valuable.“

“We don't have club organization back home. I always wanted to be a part of one of the clubs in American universities. I got thrilled by the organization and fame of the club. People are extremely nice. It's the student club where people experience a real college life. Service, social events, and of course a lot of fun!” What is your favorite thing about the USA? “I thought I might not be welcomed by people. However, spending life-changing 4 month in the Biggest Little City in the World, I have experienced totally reverse of what I thought initially. I think, my answer to this question is the same as the third question. It's people that astonish me. So far, my friends from UNR have become my favorite ones. I know that I still have A LOT of things I haven't seen yet. I will never forget my experience in the U.S. And I will always be thankful to Circle K International people for what everything they did to me!”

Star for the Month of April:

Amada Aviles Where are you from? I am from Reno, NV Why did you join Circle K? I joined Circle K to keep the promise I made to my friend Mickey that I met through JSAN summer festival volunteering What is your favorite thing about Circle K International? My favorite thing about Circle K is the abundant love each member shows each other and how great it feels to help others through service What is your favorite CKI service event? hmm... favorite service event oooh that's a tough one all of them are amazing maybe Urban roots (except compost )

A-Board Officer of Year (2016-2017 term)

Christine Almendras “Picking Christine for A-Board Officer of the year was not a hard decision at all. She honestly deserved all of the recognition she could get. She was so hard working and so devoted to not just her committee, but everyone else’s committee. You ask any of the other A-Board officers and they will tell you how much she has supported them with their projects. Christine is phenomenal in every aspect and she is one of those people who can leave you star struck!!” -Mickey Rosal (2016-17 VPA)

District Convention Awards

Congratulations to the 2016-2017 board for all of your accomplishments and for helping bring the club to the level that it is at today. Now let’s hope that next year the judges see the greatness in all of our officers and now what really makes one distinguished.

Kiwanis Family Easter Egg Social Key Club April DCM

Nevada CKI and D23 Key ClubEaster Egg Hunt Social By: Calvin Lu |UNReno CKI | Spirit Social Chair I am excited to say that my first social, Easter Hunt was a great success. I was glad to have many members of our club there as well as two Key clubbers. We first spilt the group into three teams and then lined them up for the instructions. Then the fun begins as all three groups ran around in chaos to find eggs around the plaza. Then everyone was in a stalemate until the last two minutes where all the eggs are available. Overall everyone was a winner and had a great time. Shout out to team two for winning.

Division 23 April DCM By: Daniel Theerasin |UNReno CKI | Kiwanis Family Chair The DCM hosted by Key Club had just drawn to a close, and the remnants of the updates were fresh in the air. Immediately afterwards, a flurry of motion takes the scene, and just as suddenly as the DCM was closed, service begins. Circle K begins to arrive, many of us arriving immediately after getting frozen yogurt at uswirl as part of a Circle K fundraiser. We began mingling with the Key Clubbers, making small talk while simultaneously making dog toys to give to the Humane Society. The work was fun and simple, giving us ample opportunity to socialize with our high school branch of Kiwanis, as well as the two Kiwanians that attended as well. After making dog toys for some time, and with service wrapping up, a couple of Circle K members and Key Clubbers went together to hand deliver the toys to the Humane Society, allowing for them to play with the many shelter animals there as well. When all was set and done and the tearful goodbyes were exchanged with the animals, we headed home, feeling fulfilled as can be.

Division District International ●

Circle K International Convention Kiwanis District Convention ●

62nd Circle K International Convention Spend a week packed jampacked with new friends from all over the world! The 2nd Annual Circle K International Convention is one that you are sure not to forget. It will be packed with service, recognition, as well as exploration of new territories. All those interested should contact your club president for details ASAP.

UNReno Club President: Numfon Vilay -

97th Annual Cali-Nev-Ha Kiwanis District Convention This year’s Kiwanis Convention is a measly six miles away from our campus! Sign up to volunteer! Exact volunteering dates are still to be determined but it should be around the time of August 2-6, 2017. Duties will include set-up, tear-down, as well as helping run the CKI booth! If interested please contact your VPS or Kiwanis Family Chair: Joey Pontillas - Daniel Theerasin -

May 2017 Monday









3 Last Gen- 4 eral Meeting


6 Sac State EOTYB

7 Spring Training Conference




11 Start of Finals


13 Folsom Lake EOTYB


18 Graduation Day 1

19 Graduation Day 2

20 Graduation Day 3

21 Special Olympics of NorNev Day 2

Dead Day 15


17 Start of Summer!!









Special Olympics of NorNev

Key Club EOTYB


28 EBoard / Full Board Meeting

Don’t get lost in space!! Contact any of our officers for any questions or details (contact info on next page)!!

June 2017 Monday

















11 EBoard / Full Board Meeting







18 Father’s Day







25 EBoard / Full Board Meeting






July 2017 Monday





5 CKIx First Day


6 CKIx


7 CKIx



1 Music on the Beach


8 CKIx

9 EBoard / Full Board Meeting CKIx Last Day














23 EBoard / Full Board Meeting










President Numfon Vilay

VP of Administration Shirley Siu

VP of Service Joey Pontillas

Secretary Joan Casabar

Treasurer Tre Soultz

Lieutenant Governor David Ngo

District Governor Lawrence Sahagun

International Trustee Jennifer Que


“I pledge to uphold the objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of mankind’s potential.”




Membership Development & Education Lauro Solomo

Fundraising Ray Ryukestu

Historian Raelynn de la Cruz

Spirit & Socials Calvin Lu

Kiwanis Family Daniel Theerasin

Technology Lydia Navarrete-Galvan

Public Relations Mickey Rosal

Single Service Sarah Ko

Faculty Advisor Derek Furukawa

Kiwanis Advisor Tom Leahy

Ask us how we can help you reach your leadership potential!!



A Special Thanks To: The 2017 - 2018 Board for helping me gather articles and pictures for my newsletter of my term. Without them none of this would be possible. Thank you for allowing me to be your PR chair even though I am in another country. Article Submissions

Joey Pontillas | Virginia Lake Clean Up Sarah Ko | Healthy People 5K Lydia Navarrete-Galvan | Kiwanis One Day Joan Casabar | Capital EOTYB Banquets Lauro Solomo | 2016-2017 Board Retreat Calvin Lu | Easter Egg Social Daniel Theerasin | Key Club April DCM Graduate Advice Column Annie Mae Flores, Lyra Beltran, Matt Molloy, Casey Omaye, Shawn Thomas Pictures Raelynn de la Cruz | Historian

University of Nevada, Reno

Micah Soga | Photographer

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