June 2014

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UN Reno at Spring Training Conference North

The Full Moon Newsletter Issue III Volume II June 1, 2014

Note from the Editor

Table of Contents

Hello and welcome to the June edition of UN Reno’s monthly newsletter! Now that finals are over, we can all enjoy summer. Some of us have jobs, school, or travel plans but no matter where you are this summer be sure to check back to our Google Doc for events in Reno, Las Vegas, or maybe somewhere else. There will be many opportunities for Service, Leadership, and Fellowship this summer! I would like to thank Boris and Miwako for stepping up to serve on the Newsletter Committee. If you are interested in helping this newsletter grow, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I would love all of your help. Enjoy your summer and be sure to submit articles and photos from all the events you attend. With Care,

Introduction……………….…...2 Pledge…………..…….….2 Calendar of Events…………….3 Upcoming Events.……………..3 Service…………………………..4-5 Leadership………………………..6 Design Competition…..6 Submissions……………………..7 Member of the Month………..7 Club Birthdays………………….7

Alyssa Yocom, Newsletter Editor

CKI Graduates………………..8-9 I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of mankind’s potential.

Message from the President

Fellowship………………………10 The Kiwanis Family.…………11 Circle K Corner……….……...12 Circle K 101……………12 Meet your Board…….12 CKI Meets LinkedIn……..13-14 Resources.…………………...…15

I hope all of you are having a fantastic summer vacation filled Club Contact Information…16 with new ex periences and memories! As s my usual request, I ask that all of your keep Circle K in mind this summer an come out to some of our service events and socials in both Reno and Las Vegas. At this time, I want to give a huge thanks to all of the members who have been coming out to our summer events thus far; without all of you, we wouldn’t be able to help out at the Special Aldrin and Alyssa at Kiwanis Governor’s Visit Olympics, participate in UC Davis’ CKI Triathlon, or support our divisional buddy Desert Oasis at their End of the Year Banquet. Your willingness to attend events wherever and whenever is one of the key reasons why our club is so successful! Thank you all and I hope to see you all soon at a service event or social coming to a location near you! :) Sincerely, Aldrin M. Santamaria Nevada CKI President 2014-2015 Page 2

JUNE 2014 Sunday 1

Monday 2

Tuesday 3


Toys 4 Smiles Three Square













Aces Game

Advising Conference Great Carson City Lit Fest

Spelling Bee




HOBY Nevada Bike Shop

Kiwanis Meeting

HOBY Nevada

HOBY Nevada

Clean the World

Free Fishing Day













HOBY Nevada


Bike Shop


Kiwanis Meeting


No matter where you are this summer, be sure to check out some local projects. Check the location of each event as many will be hosted in either Reno or Las Vegas.

Upcoming Events

Aces Game Social: Check out the Reno Aces, Bike Shop: Each week is a new project at the enjoy some baseball, hang out with fellow Kiwanis Bike Shop! We may be organizing members, and support Habitat for Humanity! books, making PTP dolls, or fixing bikes. Come Advising Conference: Help out at Derek’s check it out every other Thursday from 6:008:00pm! advising conference! Great Carson City Lit Fest: Over 50 awardwinning and best selling authors, poets, memoirists, musicians, performing artists, and story tellers will be present for this family friendly celebrations of literature and art.

Free Fishing Day: Volunteers will help kids put bait on hooks, making food, face painting and more at the Sparks Marina.

HOBY Nevada: HOBY aims to build strong leaders by targeting upcoming high school 10th Annual Spelling Bee: The Boys and Girls juniors and providing them the opportunity to Club of Truckee Meadows is hosting the 10th learn about leadership. Volunteer with UNLV Annual Spelling be and we will be helping with CKI! awards, shirt distribution and much more. For other events, check out our Sign Up Sheet. Page 3

JDRF Gala Wild for a Cure This event was a blast to volunteer at again, especially since I did it last year, too. The volunteers from Circle K were Jaylen Nacional, Kiwi Goto, Rebecca Fisher, Rama Raja, Jared Apostol, and Shayla Starcheski. We were called in by the UNR Pre-Dental society to help, and we were glad to help. Arriving at the John Ascuaga’s Nugget Casino Resort, at 4:00PM sharp, volunteers were directed into the Carson room to be served dinner first. Dinner was the same as what the gala participants ate which included flat iron steak, fried prawns, different kinds of salads, and cheesecake. Afterwards, CKI was designated to help out in the silent auction area. Our main jobs were to welcome guests, answer questions about the silent auction prizes, and to make sure they didn’t suddenly go missing. We did this for about 4 hours. Around 7:30, the silent auction closed and we took all the items to the Alpine room. The prizes were very interesting, consisting of paintings, jewelry, home and bath sets. The most interesting item was a beer fridge which was bid upon almost immediately when participants came in. Overall, the event was fun despite standing for four long hours. I would definitely recommend going just because the event is amazing and the food is delicious! Submitted by: Boris Zhang, general member

KTMB Great Community Clean Up “To wrap up the end of a successful semester filled with service, Nevada Circle K took part in the Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful (KTMB) Great Community Cleanup on May 10. Members joined hundreds of other volunteers at the annual event to beautify, preserve, and maintain publicly-owned land in the Truckee Meadows. Volunteers were assigned to different areas in Northern Nevada in order to pick up trash or remove invasive weeds. Circle K participated in the cleanup at Bartley Ranch, an area that was burned two and a half years ago in the Caughlin Fire. The devastating fire burned about 2,000 acres, destroyed 30 homes in southwest Reno, and damaged many other structures. Entire hillsides were burned and left with no vegetation. Since the fire, volunteers have been working to restore the land at Bartley Ranch by planting native shrubs and trees. It was Nevada CKI’s job to continue the restoration process by removing the invasive weeds that had grown in the place of the native vegetation and were stifling the growth of the shrubs planted by volunteers. Members were hard at work removing mustard weed, cheatgrass, and thistle weed. Some wore gloves while others preferred to get down and dirty with their bare hands. Within four hours, Circle K-ers filled over 10 trash bags with weeds after clearing a large area of the park. It was a fun event to enjoy the outdoors, help the community, and get free food. KTMB staff were grateful for the efforts of the club and a few pictures of our members are actually featured on their website! Don’t miss out on a great event next year!” Submitted by: Kay Go, general member

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Citizenship is YOU in Action! On May 19th and 22nd our members helped the Washoe County School District’s partnership with local Democrats and Republicans in the community, Mi Familia Vota, Young Democrats and Republicans to register local high school seniors to vote in this years midterm elections. Our members executed the voter registration process and answered questions. 1,188 students became newly registered voters in the Washoe County a long with a few school faculty members. We gave students the opportunity to discuss voting, laws, policy and positions. This was the first time this initiative partnership was conducted and will continue to prosper in the years to follow. Submitted by: Giovanny Pacheco, general member

Walk for Animals Members gathered at the Sparks Marina to help with the Walk for Animals. Filling doggie bags, playing with animals, and providing directions are just some of the things out members did. Wow, what a PAWsome service event!

UC DAVIS CIRCLE K TRIATHLON UN Reno visited UC Davis for a weekend at their Circle K Triathlon! This event was 24 hours long and incorporated all three of our tenants: Service, Leadership, and Fellowship. From 7:00am on Saturday to 7:00am on Sunday, Cody, Alyssa, Aaron, and McXine helped out at this event. Starting at a local gardening project, heading to a Davis Bike Shop, to leadership games in the quad, to painting for their upcoming Halloween Carnival for Kids, to helping make blankets and sew quilts, these four individuals had a wonderful time. This event was really inspiring. Maybe we can coordinate something equally as wonderful for our members to do! Incorporating all three tenants made the day go by faster and I was able to bond with a lot of great people. —Alyssa Yocom, Kiwanis Family Chair

To the left you can see a map of Davis, CA and some of the places where we did service!

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Congratulations to Miguel (Service), Matt (Membership Development & Education), Cody (Finance and Fundraising), and Alyssa (Public Relations) for being placed on District Committees! Thank you for taking this leadership role and representing our club at the district level. WANTED: CKI Leaders Are you interested in gaining more leadership within our club? Good news! There are tons of opportunities for you to grow as a leader and to get more involved in Circle K. Consider joining a committee or host or chair an event! All club officers are here to support you as you take your first steps toward leadership. If you are interested in a committee or chairing an event, contact any board member and they will help lead you in the right direction. Will YOU be the next great leader in our club?


Service—the 8th Wonder of the World is our tagline for the 2014-2015 Circle K year and we need YOUR help to design our t-shirt! Below are the guidelines:  

Due JULY 19TH—email your submission to Jared at historian@nevadacki.com º Submit as a .PDF & make the subject line of your email “T-shirt Design Submission” Get creative and have fun with the design but be sure to include: º Front of the shirt:  12” x 12”  Include words “University of Nevada, Reno”  Theme of “Around the World” should be obvious º Back of the shirt:  12” x 12”  Include the tagline “Service—the 8th Wonder of the World”  Include “Circle K International”  Include the year 2014-2015  Include the following logos: Nevada, ASUN, Capital Division, CNH District Page 6

Submission Information

Don’t know what to write about? Check our Google Doc Sign-Up Sheet for Article Options.

As this newsletter is a reflection of our club, I would like your help in producing this newsletter. Whenever you go to an event, whether it be service, social, or other, take pictures and write a short article or blurb about the event. Sending in photos is recommended but you don’t have to send in photos to be published. Email your article and photo(s) to me and look for it in the following month’s newsletter. Article Submission Information: To: Alyssa Yocom, alyssa.yocom@gmail.com Subject: Newsletter Article Body: [whatever you want] Attach: Article, photos from event (1-5 photos)

DUE the 25th! of each month

In addition to helping with this newsletter, writing articles will go toward your MRP score! One article qualifies for Bronze and Silver Member Recognition Program (MRP) and two articles qualify for Gold and Platinum MRP. Within your article be sure to include a summary/reflection on the event, the event title, and the date that the event took place. I look forward to seeing your input in the next newsletter! Special Shout Out: Thank you, Boris and Miwako, for helping put together this newsletter. If anyone else is interested in assisting with the newsletter production, Please contact Alyssa Yocom.

June Member of the Month Casey Omaye Casey has participated in many events during the month of May. Some of these events include STC North, Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful Great Community Clean Up, Special Olympics State and Regional Competitions, and more! Congratulations for being such an awesome member and getting recognized!

June Birthdays!

Jenny Kot—06/06 Aaron Moss—06/06

Victoria Silva—06/02 Connor Frace—06/02 Page 7

Alexis Mutisya—06/07 Elise Lambert—06/16

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Capital End of the Year Banquet “The Capital End of the Year Banquet, or EOTYB, was the last major event of the academic year and the culmination of over a year’s worth of effort, not to mention the whirlwind of banquets that preceded it. We held the banquet this year in the Well at Sacramento State in a room with floor to ceiling windows that opened onto a terrace overlooking the football stadium. With a “Tag Me” theme, a number of individuals arrived with or purchased white shirts that were signed throughout the afternoon with sharpies. We also were able to give away a number of great door prizes, including a copy of Office 365! While the term may have been officially over since April 1st, to me and I’m sure to many other outgoing board members, the term wasn’t truly finished until the EOTYB was summed up. It’s difficult to boil down an entire year and to remember it and give thanks in such a short time. The slideshow found at every banquet never entirely does the year justice, but I think it would be impossible to completely encapsulate all of the emotions, memories, and friendships created. I’d like to thank everyone from Reno who attended the EOTYB and a huge shout-out to those of you who travelled out there on the day of! As LTG, I truly appreciated all of the support that you provided both the Division and I over the course of the year. If you were unable to attend, you missed out on, to quote Duy, “the broliest tears” that I shed. Looking back is only a part of the End of the Year Banquet. We also must take the time to welcome in our new leaders and prepare a new year to be filled with more challenges, achievements, and the strengthening of friendships as well as the creation of new ones. The last thing I’d like to mention is something I said in my farewell speech. Please remember what makes Capital Division unique. It’s the bonds that we have forged over the hundreds of miles that separate our clubs, our common goals of lending a helping hand, and always being there to support one another. So if you haven’t yet ventured out and met the other clubs from Capital, I strongly encourage you to do so in the coming year!” Submitted by: Luke Tanaka, Immediate-Past Capital Lt. Governor

Now that school is finally over, we can all catch up on our Z’s

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Summer Events

The Kiwanis Family Committee will be planning various events this summer. Keep your eye on the Google Doc Sign Up sheet to make sure that you can attend these events! 

Reno Sunrisers Kiwanis Meetings

Kiwanis Division Council Meetings

Key Club Division Council Meetings

Key Club Leadership Training Day

Art Town & Other Projects with Kiwanis Bikes

Reno Aces Interclub with Reno Sunrisers

Kiwanis Family Barbeque

Are you interested in gaining some leadership experience? Check out the Kiwanis Family Committee! Over the summer, the committee will remain informal as we plan out summer interclubs, socials, and other events. This is your chance to gain some leadership and work with amazing people. Sign up on the Google Doc or by contacting Alyssa at kiwanisfamily@nevadacki.com. Our first meeting is June 4th! Photo of 2013-2014 Kiwanis Family Committee Kiwanis Governor’s Visit On May 10th, Aldrin and Alyssa had the pleasure of attending the Kiwanis G ov er n or ’s V is it f or Divisions 23 and 45. Kiwanis Governor Rae WhitbyBrummer and the First Gentleman John Brummer (featured in the photo to the left), visited Reno. The evening was a great chance to meet and visit with many Kiwanians. Cal-Nev-Ha is fortunate enough to have such a strong Kiwanis Involvement in our Service Leadership Programs, like Circle K. There were on-site fundraisers including selling pins and an auction. Additionally, a member of the Nevada State Senate was present. Governor Sandoval formally declared May 10th as Kiwanis International Day in the state of Nevada. This means that every May 10th from now on, we can celebrate being a part of Kiwanis International! Overall, the visit was very fun and informative. If you get the chance, be sure to attend all future Kiwanis Family events. Page 11

Did you know…? Kiwanis exists in 96 countries all over the world! Circle K is in 17 nations. As a Kiwanis Family, we truly are an international organization.

With The Eliminate Project, Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. This deadly disease steals the lives of nearly 60,000 innocent babies and a significant number of women each year. The effects of the disease are excruciating — tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. To eliminate MNT from the Earth, more than 100 million mothers and their future babies must be immunized. This requires vaccines, syringes, safe storage, transportation, thousands of skilled staff and more. It will take US$110 million — and the dedicated work of UNICEF and every member of the Kiwanis family. Kiwanis and UNICEF joined forces to tackle iodine deficiency disorders, achieving one of the most significant public health successes of the 20th century. Now, they are eliminating MNT from the face of the Earth. And in doing so, the project will reach the poorest, most neglected mothers and babies with additional lifesaving health care. The end of this one disease means the beginning of better health for so many families. We have eliminated MNT from 34 countries and only 25 remain! US$1.80 saves a mother and her future babies from this deadly disease. Fundraise and donate today!

Meet Your Board My name is Jared Apostol, your Historian! I’m an incoming senior this next school year, and I’m a Community Health Sciences major. Here are a few things about myself. I love to take pictures. I like to capture moments in time, so I don’t forget the memories I’ve made with my friends – my memory is pretty bad. I also like playing sports, especially basketball, and working out because I was a fat, chubby kid when I was younger. I am very accident prone. I’ve had at least one major accident every year since my sophomore year of high school. *fingers crossed for this year* I like wearing tight pants; I love eating food; and I own a fat pug named Bubbles. If you want to get to know me more, just look for the guy wearing the tightest pants with a fancy camera. I’m a very open person, so don’t hesitate to say hello to me! Page 12

Provided by Circle K International

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Provided by Circle K International

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Check out our club’s official website! It is loaded with information and a calendar of events: www.nevadacki.org

Subscribe to our weekly emails to receive all club news and updates! http://eepurl.com/x2pY9

Follow us on Instagram: @nevada_cki

Follow us on Twitter: @nevadacki

Circle K International website: www.circlek.org

Cal-Nev-Ha Circle K website: www.cnhcirclek.org Page 15

Like our page: Nevada Circle K International Join our group: Nevada Circle K

Check out all of our club videos: youtube.com/user/NevadaCKI

Capital Division Facebook group: Capital Division

President Aldrin Santamara president@nevadacki.com (702) 217-2954

VP of Administration Matthew Molloy vpadmin@nevadacki.com (702) 334-8775

Treasurer Cody Yamada treasurer@nevadacki.com (808) 936-6654

Historian Kiwanis Family Jared Apostol Alyssa Yocom historian@nevadacki.com kiwanisfamily@nevadacki.com (775) 771-5174 (775) 846-9747

Membership Development & Education Sarah Smith membership@nevadacki.com (775) 313-2009

Public Relations Jenny Kot pr@nevadacki.com (480) 789-0801

Technology Jeff Soriano technology@neadacki.com (775) 544-6113

Faculty Advisor Derek Furukawa dfurukawa@unr.edu (702) 883-4127

VP of Service Miguel Henares vpservice@nevadacki.com (702) 418-7856

Secretary Gabriella Murata secretary@nevadacki.com (702) 278-4394

K-Kids Rosa Romero k-kids@nevadacki.com (775) 443-6775

Single Service Spirit & Socials Esmond Fung Raul Gutierrez singleservice@nevadacki.com social.sprit@nevadacki.com (702) 715-7171 (775) 830-4017

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Kiwanis Advisor Tom Leahy leahy891@cs.com (775) 230-5882

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