November 2014

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The Full Moon Newsletter Issue IX Volume II November 1, 2014 1

table of contents message from the editor

Introduction……………………………….2 Message from the Editor Message from the President Calendar of Events………………………3 Service……………………………………..4-7 Pedestrian Safety Fair Concessions Renown Doll Distribution Pumpkin Palooza Trail of Treats K-Kids Leadership………………………………….8 Capital DCM Committee Meetings Club T-Shirts Fellowship…………………………………..9 CKI North Murder Mystery PTP Week 2014………………………….10 Welcome to the Family……………….11 Kiwanis Family………………..…….12-15 Kiwanis Family Month #NevadaCKI Week 2014 Kiwanis Family History Kiwanis Family Information Circle K Corner…………………….16-17 Leaping for Literacy District Updates Club Birthdays Ask Charlie Horse Meet Your Board Resources………………………………….18 Club Contact Information………….19

HAPPY KIWANIS FAMILY MONTH! November is a really cool month for our club because we have so many wonderful events going on. We will be celebrating the Kiwanis Family both by having events with Key Clubbers and with Kiwanians, we will be going to Fall Training Conference, having our own Reno Training Conference, celebrating our club with #NevadaCKI Week, and so much more. I hope that you enjoy this month by celebrating all of the wonderful things about our club and Circle K International. Be sure to check up on the Event Sign Up so that you can attend as many events as you can. This is my favorite month of Circle K, other than March, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Yours in service,

Alyssa Yocom, Newsletter Editor

message from the president Hello Nevada Circle K! Welcome to November and congratulations on getting through midterms season. We are moving into the chillier months in Reno, NV so be sure to layer up and stay warm while attending all of our wonderful service projects. I’m hoping that I will continue to see you doing community service throughout the rest of this year at events like Nevada Large Scale Service Project and The Biggest Litter Winter Wonderland. Coming up this month is our second District event of the semester: Fall Training Conference (FTC). At this event, many of you will have a chance to do some service, make tons of new friends, and learn a lot through workshop sessions. I know that I am really excited to spend the weekend with you in Sonora, CA and I hope that you are looking forward to it as well! Can’t go to Fall Training Conference? That’s okay! Our Membership Development and Education Chair Sarah Smith has been planning a weekend full of wonderful activities for you to attend as well. And the best part is—you won’t have to leave Reno at all. That’s it from me for now – please enjoy this month’s issue of The Full Moon!


Aldrin M. Santamaria, President 2

November 2014 SUNDAY






SATURDAY 1 Concessions






KFam Meeting General Meeting KFam Workshop






K-Kids FTC


13 14 K-Kids KFam Meeting Kiwanis Takeover General Meeting #NevadaCKI Week #NevadaCKI Week #NevadaCKI Week Bike Shop #NevadaCKI Week #NevadaCKI


FTC Kiwanis Murder Mystery






Kiwanis DCM





KFam Meeting General Meeting




New Member Installation Banquet





Nevada LSSP

Nevada LSSP

Nevada LSSP

Nevada LSSP


Whether it is service to our school, our home, or our community, Circle K members are always rooted in the service of others. As one of our most emphasized tenets, we strongly believe that service gives us the chance to make a lasting impact in this world.


Did you know that Circle K is an International organization? Within our organization, there are literally thousands of leadership opportunities! We focus on building individual people into strong service leaders and they have the chance for professional development as they explore more leadership opportunities.


Circle K members are some of the best people that you will ever meet. Along with that comes the great and abundant opportunities to network and make great friends. We are a network of individuals connected by service and that is an incredibly strong bond. 3


PEDESTRIAN SAFETY FAIR “On October 18th, we were invited to partake in a Pedestrian Safety Fair, hosted by the Downtwon Sparks Kiwanis Club. We arrived at O’Brien Middle School and we taught children how to stay safe as a pedestrian, how to stay safe as a biker, and other related things. We also helped the Kiwanians set up for the Bike Rodeo, the Pedestrian Crosswalk, and we were handed a tub of assorted items for games which we got to create ourselves. We had a few candy-craft stations to make Halloween themed crafts and stop lights, a stop light coin toss booth, and a math and reading booth.” —Amanda Tran, member

CONCESSIONS Circle K has been helping out Sodexo by volunteering at each football game serving concessions. We are responsible for serving attendees their snacks and burgers throughout the game. As per usual, Circle K goes above and beyond in our service! We have a great time serving food and we interact with customers to get tips. The money collected from some concessions games gets donated to our District Fundraising Initiatives. Ask anyone who has attended concessions how it was and I assure you they have some interesting stories to share! There are two more football concessions left this year. Be sure to join us on November 1 and November 22.

TRICK OR TREAT FOR UNICEF Have you seen the orange boxes floating around campus? All of the spare change that we have collected from Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF will be used to provide a mother with a serious of three shots that will protect her and all of her children from the deadly disease tetanus. So far, the Kiwanis Family has eliminated this disease from many countries, but we still have more of the world to save. Be sure to turn in the money that you have donated as soon as possible! 4


club goal

6,000 hours

The Pediatric Trauma Program has many way in which it helps decrease or treat Pediatric Trauma. In addition to training doctors and providing children with the care they need, PTP creates children hospitals like the one at Renown for children to get the proper care. We also make PTP dolls for children. These dolls are used as comfort as well as to help children show their doctor where the pain is.

Aly Sicat, member reflected on the event: “We donated hand made PTP dolls to Renown’s pediatric floor to help child patients point out where it hurts, to hold during uneasy procedures, and to draw on during their down time. This service event allows us as volunteers to see an immediate impact on the community. When I handed a doll to a 14 year old boy, he smiled and said ‘thank you’ something that was especially moving because he had a condition that made it difficult for him to speak.” PTP really allows us as volunteers to make a huge impact in the life of children. Be sure to read more about PTP on page 10 of the newsletter! In addition to passing out PTP dolls, we received a tour of the children’s hospital at renown.




PUMPKIN PALOOZA Date: Saturday, October 26th, 2014 Location: Victorian Square, Sparks, NV On a very cold Sunday morning, we all headed to Victorian Square, where the Pumpkin Palooza event was being held. We first had to sign up at a little office at the train depot, where they had chicken soup, chili, crackers, doughnuts, hot chocolate, coffee, and water all ready for the volunteers. Angie, Marina, and I were placed at the soda bottle ring toss. The rules were that if a kid tosses a ring onto a soda, they won and would be rewarded a soda plus some red tickets for prizes. Honestly, the game was really hard. I think there were only about 4 kids who were actually able to toss a ring onto a soda bottle. The three of us later took a short break and saw how lively the event actually was. There were lots of families with their children all decked out in cute and amazing costumes, great performances like the pumpkin race, pumpkin seed spitting contest, live singing, and much more. After our break, we got assigned to a new station, the Pumpkin Beauty Salon. I helped a lot of kids paint and decorate their pumpkins while their parents took endless photos of their children. A really disastrous moment was when a little boy (about 4 or 5) in a Captain America costume tried to open a paint bottle and the paint splattered all over him and me. As the day progressed, Angie, Marina, and I were again assigned to another shift. This time it was the Which Key Is It game. The player had to choose which of the two doors they wanted to try to open and then pick from a bunch of keys and if the key opened the door, then they’d win a prize. This game wasn’t as hard as the ring toss one, but it could be really confusing at times because the keys all looked alike. With the first door I tried to open, I found the key instantly but when I tried to open the second door, it literally took me 5 tries to find the right key. I also invited some of my friends to volunteer at this event and they all said they enjoyed it and are now considering joining CKI, which makes me pretty happy. Well, that was my experience at Pumpkin Palooza and I can definitely say that even though it was super busy, I had a really fun time volunteering at this event. —Numfon Vilay, member


TRAIL OF TREATS Circle K members drove up to Incline, Nevada to volunteer at a Halloween Festival for children. There, members participated in various Halloween themed games for kids. One of the stations was Ghost Darts. At this station, members handed balls to children to throw at a target. As a reward for playing the game, children were given candy. Some of the other booths were Bowling, a Science Center, Hopscotch, and Tic-Tac-Toe. Circle K members were found all over this event interacting with kids. The kids came dressed in their Halloween costumes so this event was very festive and certainly cute.

Iago de Castro, member, volunteered at the Science Center and said, “It was amazing! I played with kids in an activity about med-experiments. I helped the kids make a simple experiment and we had so much fun together!” Circle K members love to serve the community and help out at events with little children. Be sure to continuously check up on our Sign Up Sheet so that you can get involved in these great events!

K-KIDS AT LEMELSON STEM ACADEMY “Last week during K-Kids, we asked all the kids if they were excited for Halloween. Of course, a majority of them couldn’t wait. It was super cute hearing about what they’re going to be dressed up as and how much candy they were going to get. When I was advertising KKids in the lunch room, one of the girls screamed, jumped up and down, and hugged me as soon as she found out that we were going to be making Halloween decorations. It was the cutest thing that happened to me all week and it definitely made my day. I made a bunch of “scary” bats with the stencils that Rosa handed out, but a lot of the children and mentors got really creative. Some mentors made some pop up decorations, others made cut out Jack-O-Lanterns, and another made a spider by tracing four fingers and cutting it out. All the decorations we made are going to be used for the Safe Trick-or-Treating Haunted House. Unfortunately I won’t be able to go, but I wish I could because it would be so fun scaring some of those kids.” —Alyza Mijares, member



SEPTEMBER DIVISION COUNCIL MEETING The September DCM was held after the conclusion of CKI North. At this DCM, we were able to be introduced to the newest clubs in our Capital Division Family. We met people from Sierra College Circle K, Delta Circle K, and of course we met the new members from UC Davis, Sac State, and University of the Pacific. Additionally, we received updates on what each club has been doing to fulfill their own service, leadership, and fellowship goals. Our division is full of Liaisons from district committees and we were reminded to submit articles and videos to the PR Committee, participate in #PTPWeek2014, attend monthly webinars, and look forward to more information from awards and District Large Scale Service Project. Whenever you attend an event, you can write an article or take a video of the event and submit it to Alyssa and she will send it in to the district. Let’s be sure to show everyone what UN Reno is all about this year!


Joining a committee is a great way to get more involved in the club! Help plan and host events, share your ideas, and contribute to the successes of our club.


KIWANIS FAMILY COMMITTEE Every Wednesday at 5:45pm, KC 423

FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE Every other Monday at 8:00pm, KC 520


Be Sure to pick up your club T-Shirt today! Special thanks to JC Orolfo and Jamie Santos for the awesome design!

Every Monday at 5:00pm, KC 8



Crazy Kompetitions for Infants (CKI) North is a day where the northern half of the Cal-Nev-Ha Circle K district gathers to compete in field games while also raising money for the Pediatric Trauma Program. To learn more about PTP, check out page 14 of this newsletter. For the past few years, UN Reno has sent the “Sexy Six” to CKI North and each year they come back they place second overall. However, this year, CKI North was taken over by UN Reno and the rest of Capital Division. We had three teams from our school alone make it into the top 6 competitors. Capital Division was about half of the overall attendance and made up each team that was placed into the semi-finals and final rounds of the competition.

Field games included Fruit Ninja relays, jump rope, magic carpet, ball tossing, and more. The semi-finals round was a Riff-Off where attendees were serenaded by the teams competing and the final game was Pro-Bending. The Sexy Six was made of Luke Tanaka, Jaylen Nacional, JC Orolfo, Darren Manivong, Matt Molloy, and Casey Omaye. Be sure to congratulate them on their wonderful victory! CKI North is hosted each year by the District’s Finance and Fundraising Committee. Be sure to also congratulate Cody Yamada, Fi-Fun member, on the successes of this event. Thank you to those of you who attended!

MURDER MYSTERY “The Murder Mystery Dinner was a time for mystery, food, and a Transylvanian spy, who turned out to be the killer. This dinner featured great acting, crazy accusations, and the final shocking result of the true killer. It was a great way to spend time with our Circle K family and work together to find the killer, or even be accused of murder. Thanks for the great time!” 9

Pediatric Trauma Program The Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP) was created by the Cal-NevHa Kiwanis Foundation in order to bring an end to pediatric trauma as the leading cause of death for children ages 14 and under. The mission of the program is to develop local projects which will reduce the number of children across California, Nevada, and Hawaii to ensure that all children live happy, healthy, and safe lives. PTP also trains special pediatric doctors in hospitals in all three states to support emergency medicine in pediatrics.

#PTPWeek2014 PTP Week was October 18October 26. This was our week to raise awareness and raise funds for PTP. On Monday, we were all encouraged to change our profile pictures to us as babies. Enjoy the cuteness overload on this page! Also remember that even if October is over, we can still promote this wonderful program!


Welcome to the Family!

The Family System has officially begun! Each of these wonderful families will be having socials, service, and leadership events. Each family will continue to grow and bond as the year progresses and we are all excited to see everything the families can do! If you don’t know what family you are in, contact Sarah Smith at


Kiwanis Family Hello, Victoria Silva from the Reno Sunrisers Kiwanis Club here asking you this simple question: do you know what the month of November is? Kiwanis Family Month of course! Although you may be a member of one singular club, you are actually connected to many other clubs like one big family...or should I say one big Kiwanis family. November is the month where we unify the other clubs in friendship and service. At the top of the family is my club, Kiwanis, that sponsors all the youth clubs. Then there is Key Club, the club for high schoolers, and Builders Club for middle schoolers. You have gone to K-Kids right? They are the Kiwanis Club for elementary school children. Finally, there is Aktion Club, the organization for adults with disabilities. With this many clubs, no wonder we need an entire month to get to know them! Now you may be asking yourself, how can I participate in Kiwanis Family Month? Simple, just get involved in the Kiwanis family events that will be happening all month long! Come as your club takes over my club’s meeting on November 14th, meet the Key Clubbers that will be joining your meeting on November 5th, and continue to visit your K-Kids every Friday. Not enough involvement? Contact Alyssa Yocom your Kiwanis Family chair to help plan and attend the events going on for the entire month of November. -Victoria Silva, Reno Sunrisers Kiwanis Member & North Valleys Key Club Kiwanis Advisor

Celebrate the Kiwanis Family and Circle K than through #NevadaCKI Week 2014! Enter this contest by posting on social media November 10-14 using our NevadaCKI hashtag for your chance to win a CKI sweatshirt! Below are the days and their descriptions: Monday: Show Your K in Every Way Wear your Nevada CKI T-Shirt "Circle K International is the largest collegiate community service organization worldwide. We empower our members with Service, Leadership, and Fellowship. Feel free to ask me more questions about Circle K! #NevadaCKI" Tuesday: Transformation Tuesday Use a picture of you when you first started Circle K and a photo of you now Caption prompt: How have you grown or transformed through your Circle K experience? #NevadaCKI Wednesday: Bring a Friend to the Meeting Invite a friend to our Circle K meeting. It should

be someone who has never visited before Take a photo with your friend & #NevadaCKI Thursday: #TBT to your Favorite Service Event Choose a picture from your favorite service event Caption prompt: What do you love about service and being a part of Nevada Circle K? #NevadaCKI Friday: Find a Kiwanian Friday Go to the Kiwanis Takeover and take a picture with any Kiwanian that you meet Caption prompt: Kiwanis is an organization that sponsors and supports us so show your love and appreciation by thanking them for what they do for us. #NevadaCKI



WHAT IS THE KIWANIS FAMILY? The Kiwanis Family is made up of six branches of community-service based organizations: Kiwanis, Aktion Club, Circle K, Key Club, Builder’s Club, and K-Kids. Together, we make up the Kiwanis Family. Kiwanis was started in 1915 in Detroit, Michigan. As Kiwanis clubs began to grow and pop up all over the world, the International Organization expanded to Service Leadership Programs (SLP). Kiwanis Clubs all over the world sponsor Circle K, Key Club, Builders Club, and KKids Clubs. Through their sponsorship and support, SLP youth are empowered to perform community service and develop as a leader at a young age. Being a part of Circle K International is far more than you think. Being a part of Circle K International means being a part of an International Family that consists of over 500,000 people from all walks of life.


Kiwanis International was founded in Detroit, Michigan


Key Club International was founded at Sacramento High School, California


Circle K International was founded at Carthage College, Illinois


Women were allowed to join Key Club


Builders Club was founded


Women were allowed to join Circle K


Women were allowed to join Kiwanis


Aktion Club was founded


Dec. 24, UN Reno Circle K was chartered


K-Kids was founded in Florida


100 Year Anniversary of Kiwanis International 14

WHAT DOES EACH BRANCH OF THE KIWANIS FAMILY DO? Kiwanis— Kiwanis is a community service organizations for adults. This is the “parent branch” to all of the Service Leadership Programs. The Kiwanis Motto is “Serving the Children of the World” and Kiwanians strive to improve the lives of children through SLP and through all of the service that they do. Kiwanians focus on changing the world one child and one community at a time.

Aktion Club— Aktion Club is a community service club for adults with disabilities. The purpose of this program is to provide adults with disabilities the chance to make a difference in their communities regardless of any mental or physical limitations that they may have. Additionally, like all of the other branches of the Kiwanis Family, Aktion Club provides their members with leadership and development opportunities. Their motto is “Where Development has no Disabilities.”

Circle K— Circle K is the collegiate branch of the Kiwanis Family and internationally has over 13,000 members. We focus on Service, Leadership, and Fellowship. Our motto is “Live to Serve, Love to Serve” and we believe that through our efforts, we can transform communities and build lasting friendships within our organization.

Key Club— Key Club is the high school branch of the Kiwanis Family. With over 250,000 members, Key Club International is the largest branch of the Kiwanis Family. Their motto is “Caring—Our Way of Life.” In many ways, Key Club and Circle K support the same initiatives. Within the CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii District, we both fundraise for the Pediatric Trauma Program and we focus on doing community service and building lasting relationships through that service.

Builders Club— Builders Club is the middle school branch of the Kiwanis Family. Kiwanians have started special programs within Builders Club: one of which is Bring Up Grades (BUG). This program promotes education the members of the club and awards them for their academic achievements. Even though this branch is made of young members, there are still leadership positions available.

K-Kids— K-Kids is the elementary school branch of the Kiwanis Family. With such young members, it may seem difficult to get them involved in leadership and community service but Kiwanis Clubs all around the world meet with the members of K-Kids clubs to teach them good values and spark their interest in leadership and service. K-Kids develops a child to become a service leader at a young age.


circle k corner LEAPING FOR LITERACY|CNH DISTRICT SERVICE INITIATIVE: Each year, the district comes up with a District Service Initiative, or DSI. This DSI addresses a need that it is in our district. Last year, we focused on Anti-Bullying by spreading positive messages and encourage children to be kind to one another. This year, our DSI is “Leaping for Literacy.” With this DSI, the Cal-Nev-Ha district is looking to improve the literacy of children and adults. We can participate in this DSI by reading with children and promoting literacy though various activities. However, this initiative doesn’t stop at reading literacy, this can be applicable to literacy in any topics such as financial literacy! Leaping for Literacy is so broad and promotes learning and knowledge to children and adults alike. You can participate by sharing your knowledge to others and guiding children to learning more.


November 7-9, CNH Circle K will be having Fall Training Conference. This is a chance for members from all over the district to come together, learn about Circle K, meet new people, raise money, do service, and install all of our wonderful new members. The CNH District website is continuously being updated with new content. If you ever want to learn more about Circle K or need a resource, visit! Within our district, there are many committees that focus on hosting events and providing YOU with resources. UN Reno Circle K has 4 members on t h e s e district committees. Contact Alyssa Yocom, Cody Yamada, Matthew Molloy, or Miguel Henares with information regarding their roles and also learn UN Reno Circle K has more about what the district is doing for you! over 100 paid members!





Our “Ask Charlie Horse” column is here for you to ask all of your questions! You can ask about Circle K, life, or anything else! Charlie is here to help you with all the wonders and pains that life may bring your way. Submit your questions via the Google Form posted on the Sign Up Sheet.

Dear Charlie Horse, If we drink a drink, can we food a food? — Wordy H. Derp Dear Mr. Derp, Sadly, the English language is much frustrating. Speaking my own Neightive tongue is hard sometimes after learning English. Unlike other languages, this language originated from the Germanic tribes that used to trek the land we now know as Europe. By the time they reached the area we now call Britain, the language they spoke developed into Anglo-Norman. Eventually, a dialect developed out of it that we know as Old English. Now how you ask we went from, “Ever in majesty He reigneth over celestial thrones...” (Codex Junius 11, Liber 1) to “My Anaconda don’t want none unless you got buns hun…” (Anaconda, Nicki Minaj) is completely out of my field of expertise. My language skills are too hoarse for these kind of shenanigans. I suggest you go find an English major.

Dear Charlie Horse, Why is the pizza box square if the pizza is a circle, and the slice is a triangle? — Geo M. Etry Dear Ms. Geo, Please consider the following pizza pie chart below.

A more simple answer I can give you is to not care. Why are you caring about the shape? You have pizza, is that not enough, or has all the math gone to your head? I hope this “pizza pie” chart helps.

MEET YOUR BOARD: ALYSSA YOCOM KIWANIS FAMILY RELATIONS CHAIR HAPPY KIWANIS FAMILY MONTH! My name is Alyssa Yocom and I’m your Kiwanis Family Relations Chair for the 2014-2015 Circle K Term. I’ve been involved in the Kiwanis Family for eight years now and I have been a part of Builders Club, Key Club, and now Circle K. The reason I am so passionate about the Kiwanis Family is because my connections with Kiwanians have changed my life. I’ve developed into a leader and I have also received so many opportunities all because of my involvement with Kiwanians. I hope you enjoy Kiwanis Family month as much as I do! I am Finance and Economics double major with hopes of pursuing a career as a Financial Advisor for individuals, families, and small businesses. Please feel free to come up to me at any time and start a conversation! Although, I warn you that my pop culture knowledge is at level zero. 17


Check out our club’s official website! It is loaded with information and a calendar of events:

Subscribe to our weekly emails to receive all club news and updates!

Follow us on Instagram: @nevada_cki

Follow us on Twitter: @nevadacki

Circle K International website:

Cal-Nev-Ha Circle K website: 18

Like our page: Nevada Circle K International Join our group: Nevada Circle K

Check out all of our club videos:

Capital Division Facebook group: Capital Division


President Aldrin Santamara (702) 217-2954

VP of Administration Matthew Molloy (702) 334-8775

VP of Service Miguel Henares (702) 418-7856

Secretary Gabriella Murata (702) 278-4394

Treasurer Cody Yamada (808) 936-6654

Fundraising Hailey Brubaker (702) 273-6131

Historian Jared Apostol (775) 771-5174

Kiwanis Family Alyssa Yocom (775) 846-9747

K-Kids Rosa Romero (775) 443-6775

Membership Development & Education Sarah Smith (775) 313-2009

Public Relations Jenny Kot (480) 789-0801

Single Service Esmond Fung (702) 715-7171

Spirit & Socials Raul Gutierrez (775) 830-4017

Technology Jeff Soriano (775) 544-6113

Faculty Advisor Derek Furukawa (702) 883-4127

Kiwanis Advisor Tom Leahy (775) 230-5882


A Special Thanks To: Miwako Schlageter | Newsletter Committee Cody Yamada | Newsletter Committee Boris Zhang | Newsletter Committee Article Submissions Aly Sicat | PTP Doll Distribution Alyza Mijares | K-Kids Numfon Vilay | Pumpkin Palooza Dayna Tanaka | Murder Mystery Pictures Jared Apostol | Historian Alyza Mijares | Photographer

PLEDGE: “I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of mankind’s potential.”


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