Nithyananda Times - June 2012 Issue

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Research from USA Department of Justice puts violent crime at a cost of $420 billion dollars per year in the USA.* The effect of mass meditation on this cost has been shown in studies in Washington DC, and Liverpool England to reduce crime in the local region of the meditators by up to 20%.

The average minute of meditation is calculated to save $.20 cents per minute. That minute reduces crime by 0.00015 of a violent crime! We are affecting the people around us, and also around the world! EVERY SECOND COUNTS !


EFU - Enlightenment For You !

“eN-Chanting, Feeling Connection and Unclutching, is the essence of all my teachings”, declared His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda ‘It is not important where all you drive. It is important where you park.’ - Nithyananda, 17 May 2012 “What you do the whole day using the individual identity does not matter. Where you park your individual identity when you are not doing anything is important. What actions one performs by using their inner space does not matter much. What one does using the inner space, and what kind of thoughts one has when one is not doing the external actions matters the most for the spiritual transformation to happen.” Nithyananda announced that the essence of all his teachings is three things – ‘eN-chanting, Feeling Connection and Unclutching’ and these three provide the parking space for enlightenment. He said, - Let the internal verbalization be parked in ‘eN-chanting’ (ajapa japa - silent and repetitive chanting of any mantra),

- Let the heart and emotions be parked in ‘Feeling connection’ (deep receptivity with the Guru or the Divine), and - Let the being, the Self, be parked in continuous ‘Unclutching’ (unattached to mortal matter and attributes). He said, ‘For the next 21 days, constantly do work and along with that, practice these three – eN-chanting, Feeling connection, Unclutching – EFU (for short) – Enlightenment For You!’ Nithyananda explained that we are capable of doing all these three simultaneously. This 21-day samyama (spiritual practice) is called Prana samyama – encouraging and empowering the Self-remembrance, the power of prana inside us. Prana means ‘the moments you remember you exist’. Apana means ‘the moments you forget you exist’. So prana is self-remembrance which will ultimately swallow the apana and enlighten you. Nithyananda further said that the damaru (Shiva’s drum) represents the ajapa japa (article in May 2012 issue ), the lotus in Devi’s hand represents the Feeling Connection with the Divine and Fire represents Unclutching. (Read article on page 25 for Unclutching)


CONTENTS Volume 1, Issue 2 June, 2012

My Dear Ones: Page7

Enlightenment For You ! ...3 Divine Tweets ...6 My Dear Ones ...7 Who is Nithyananda ? ...7

Divine Tweets: Page 6

Life Strategy: A Call for NewgeN -

Life Strategy: Page 8,9

Responsibilism ...8,9 Vedic Renaissance : Arjuna’s Ignorance ...10 Dial The Avatar: Nithyanandam, Nithyananda Siddha & Ayurveda:

Here ...11


Vedic Renaissance: Celebrate Existence! ...12 Bliss Bites: Amalaki Murabba ... 13 Siddha & Ayurveda: The Wonders of Pomegranate

Bliss Bites: Page13

...14 Dhyanapeetam News: Page15-21

Dhyanapeetam News: Events from Bidadi & Madurai ...15-21 Dhyanapeetam News: As It Happened...22 Dhyanapeetam News: From Around the World ...23 Dhyanapeetam News: Progress By Leaps & Bounds ...24


Be Unclutched: Page25

Be Unclutched: Don’t Connect The Thoughts ...25 Inner Awakening: Celebrating Togetherness ...26,27 Main Story: New Gen, Rise ! ... 28-30 Main Story: Q&A ...31 Yoga & Kriya: New Gen Kriya ...32 Beyond Mind: Balance Your Energies ...34 Heal The World: Miraculous Healing of Back Pain ...35 Inner Awakening: Page 26, 27

Science Meets Spirituality: DNA Activation = Accelerated Spiritual Awakening! ...36,37

Main Story: Page 28-30

Esoteric Realms: Mystical Secrets of the Siddha Sampradaya ...38, 39 Tirtha Yatra (Pilgrimage): In the Land of Meenakshi ...40, 41 In The Life Of: Tiru Jnanasambandar Gives Darshan ...42,43 Creative Juices ...44 Laughter is Meditation: Live, Love, Laugh ...45 Nithyananda Gurukul: Master Your Mind! ...46,47 Nithya Jyotisha ( Vedic Astrology): The Way Forward ...48,49 Abhyasah (Practice): Crossword ...50 Abhyasah (Practice): Gentle Kicks ...50

Science Meets Spirituality: Page 36, 37

Nithyananda Gurukul: Page 46, 47

Esoteric Realms: Page 38, 39

Nithyananda Times June 2012, Volume 1, Issue 2


Owned & Published by Dhyanapeeta Charitable Trust Off Mysore Road Nithyananda Nagara, Bidadi, Bengaluru, Karnataka - 562 109 India (Phone: 97422 03311, +91 80 28022100) Editor

Follow @SriNithyananda

Divine Tweets Not connecting thought and emotion giving life to it is unclutching. Dropping the conclusions you can't be transformed is unclutching Not letting the past swallow the future in present is unclutching Be child like not childish Today’s Thought: Doing every thing with remembrance of being. SELF REMEMBRANCE Dear ones today’s thought. Let life be like Krishna’s dance with Mahaveera’s spiritual strength and Shiva’s energy My words are to silence you, my silence is to awaken you Today's thought: pure love burns all the dirt of your inner space so go on radiating love to everything that exists Resource, experience and expression is the cosmos then who are you to claim ownership or responsibility? People who want, worship, and people who do not want are worshiped Romance of Grihastha and understanding of sanyasi together is jeevan muktha marriage Attention need conditioning is the original sin Worrying is nothing but the unconscious stream of thoughts happening in you Fear is the suffocation you create for yourself because of the possibilities you create for yourself SINCERITY AND AUTHENTICITY ALONE IS ENOUGH FOR REACHING ENLIGHTENMENT. I have made whatever I want as reality Blessings to all of you as official representative of Meenakshi and Sundareswarar

Valli Ramanathan E-mail Website Disclaimer The meditation techniques included in this magazine are to be practiced only under the direct supervision of an ordained teacher of Nithyananda Mission (NM) and in consultation with your personal physician to determine your fitness and ability to do the techniques. They are not intended to be a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. If someone tries these techniques without prior participation in the meditation programs of NM and without the direct supervision of an ordained teacher of NM, they shall be doing so entirely at their own risk; neither the author nor NM shall be responsible for the consequences of their actions. ©2012 Dhyanapeeta Charitable Trust All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. In the event that you use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for our actions.


My Dear Ones, I don’t want the future to be ‘Next Gen’. I want it to be ‘New Gen’. Monkey continuing to be a monkey is ‘Next Gen’. Monkey becoming man is ‘New Gen’. Man continuing to be man is ‘Next Gen’. Man becoming divine is ‘New Gen’. Spiritual transformation of the ‘Next gen’ into ‘New gen’ is the only hope for humanity to come out of negativity and make the conscious shift in 2012! The time has come for the next generation to transform into a new generation! Be Blissful!

Paramahamsa Nithyananda Spiritual Founder of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam

Who is Nithyananda ? Paramahamsa Nithyananda is a global leader in the science of enlightenment. Recently coronated as the 293rd pontiff of the world's most ancient Hindu organization, Madurai Aadheenam, Nithyananda is revered as a living avatar (divine incarnation) by millions worldwide. He is the most-watched spiritual teacher on with more than14 million views, and the author of more than 300 books published in 27 global languages. Nithyananda was recently named among the world's top 100 most spiritually influential personalities of 2012 by renowned esoteric magazine 'Mind Body Spirit' from Watkins. A spiritual genius with an enlightened insight into everything from management to meditation,from relationships to religion, and from success to spirituality, Nithyananda brings to us a wealth of practical wisdom, meditation techniques, kriyas and tools for lasting inner transformation. A trained yogi, a powerful spiritual healer and a siddha, Paramahamsa Nithyananda is working actively with scientists and researchers worldwide to decode the mystical yogic sciences of the East, including levitation, teleportation and manifestation (materialization). When Paramahamsa Nithyananda ascends the traditional seat of deeksha daana (Dhyanapeeta Mahasamsthana Avathumvara Simhasana) every morning and starts his discourse (satsang), thousands of people from over 30 countries participate live via 2-way video conferencing, while thousands view it live on Nithyananda TV. People from 150 countries watch his videos every day on Nithyananda TV. To know more, visit

life strategy


The Call fOr NewGEN ...

Taken from Nithyananda’s Morning Talk on March 26th, 2012 It takes about five minutes of watching television and it

What is really needed now is for the youth to stand up

becomes very clear that the world we live in today has

and take responsibility for their lives, they can no longer

issues, to put it mildly. From global terrorism to financial

wait for things to fix by themselves. This is the calling for

meltdown, global warming to drug wars, the list goes

the NewgeN - responsibility. It does not matter what

on. If one takes a break from the day-to-day routine of

caste or creed, what ideologies and cultural belonging,

school and work, and dives into understanding the state

they all have the capacity to change themselves and the

of the world, it can be very daunting. Today’s youth are

world. Does not matter what religion one identifies with

now starting to graduate from their universities and take

- Hinduism, Buddhism, or Judaism; does not matter what

up jobs. In a decade or so they will be positioned in various leadership positions, and will probably inherit all these world problems.

RespoNsibilism is not a new

The questions that need to be answered right now

concept or philosophy. It

are: are we prepared for our future, are we getting the education and knowledge to be able to navigate humanity to a better future? Moreover, are we getting tools to understand ourselves - our passions, our uniqueness and be able to deal with our own mental schemes and limiting tendencies? To put it bluntly, the mainstream schools, colleges and universities hardly prepare youngsters for any of these. People get education to find jobs but not

is a prescription for the newGeN & a principle of life itself

job satisfaction, they learn public speaking but cannot solve personal dilemma, they know hundreds of

economic structure one wants to live in - capitalism,

ways to predict a tornado but do not know the tsunami

socialism or communism.

that happens inside.

life strategy


... Responsibilism








‘Responsibilism’. Responsibilism is not some new theory or a new philosophy, but it is prescription for the newgeN and should be a principle of life itself. If the youth of today want to live healthy, if they want to explode in the spiritual zone, they must take responsibility. If they want wealth, they must take responsibility in that direction. Take responsibility. Chisel your life with the tool called responsibility. The general misconception is that when someone takes up more responsibility they become tired, they can only have so much on their plate, and they may simply spread themselves too thin. This is a huge myth that mankind has blindly subscribed to. There is no such thing as a maximum capacity because as one takes more responsibility, they expand and they will see that suddenly more energy rushes into the system and they have the capacity to do more. By their very nature humans are hardwired to expand in all directions, it is only with their limited mental capacity that they feel like they can only do so much. Therefore, the newgeN need to jump before they think, because if they think before they have to jump, they will never jump.

Responsibility does not bind anyone, but rather, it is the very path to living a fulfilled life. When someone takes responsibility for their life’s purpose, their goal, their dreams, only then do they truly begin to live. So while it is possible to analyze and philosophize even this, all that is really needed is to take the jump - jump into responsibility, jump into the limitless potential, jump into life


vedic renaissance The Mahabharata is the longest epic

story in the history of mankind. It is the story based on the conflict between the Kauravas and Pandavas, who were royal princes in the Dvapar Yuga (third of the four ages described in the Vedic scriptures). Part of the Mahabharata, is the Bhagavad Gita, a conversation between Lord Krishna (An incarnation of Lord Vishnu) and the Pandava prince Arjuna, who faces confusion and moral dilemmas about fighting his cousins who are part of a tyrannical empire. Lord Krishna plays the role of Arjuna’s charioteer and masterminds the war. In the Mahabharata, when the war finally ended, Lord Krishna and Arjuna were still on the chariot. According to the tradition of that time, the charioteer was expected to come down from the chariot and hold the hand of the warrior as he came down. Even though Lord Krishna was the Divine himself, he accepted the role of charioteer and should have been the first one to come down from the chariot, or at least that’s what Arjuna thought. However, Lord Krishna remained, silently waiting for Arjuna to get off first. Arjuna waited for Lord Krishna to step off, but seeing him remain where he was, he finally stepped off. He shot a disappointed look at Krishna for not having accorded the honour to him.


Arjuna’s Ignorance

As an answer to Arjuna’s ignorance, Lord Krishna stepped off the chariot and immediately, Lord Hanuman, who was sitting in the flag, flew off and the chariot blew up into flames! Arjuna was shocked at the whole scene. Lord Krishna went on to explain that Lord Hanuman was protecting the chariot during the war from all the powerful weapons thrown at it from the opposition. Lord Hanuman was obliged to stay for only 18 days and was bound to stay longer only because he was serving Lord Krishna. He would not leave until Lord Krishna left. Had Lord Krishna stepped off the chariot before Arjuna left, Hanuman would have flown out and Arjuna would have gone down in flames with the chariot. Lord Krishna’s presence was the reason why the chariot was still being held together. Arjuna’s arrogance at having won the war and feeling that he must be honored as a great warrior blinded him to the fact that none of it would have been possible without the divine presence of Lord Krishna. Sometimes, having made progress and strides on the spiritual path, seekers often forget how they got there. They forget that they had teachers and benefactors who were looking after them, guiding them, steering them in the right direction. They start thinking that they are solely responsible for their growth and advancement. They actually limit the potential of their growth by becoming arrogant, seeking approval and commanding recognition for their accomplishments. They need to be reminded again and again to be humble and unclutch from the sense of achievement. Unclutching clears the path for further growth and true enjoyment of what is. The recognition that it is the divine energy that is guiding seekers along the chariot of life, makes it possible to relax from arrogance and let go of the ego. The right understanding brings the right recognition of this divine force that is guiding everyone, paving the way for enlightenment.

11 Swamiji (S): Nithyanandam! Nithyananda here Caller (C): Nithyanandam Swamiji! (S): Yes, please introduce yourself (C): My name is Ian Narcissi from Chicago, Illinois. How are you Swamiji? (S): I am doing well. Please tell me. What do you want to tell me? (C): Swamiji, it’s strange, I get this strange high pitch sound in my ears at random times. It happens at the right moments, like when I am talking about spiritual stuff. I hear it every time when I am meditating. I know I am doing something right and I immediately start listening to my graph. I am curious to know, what is it? I am hearing it right now!

dial the avatar will be hearing vedic mantras. Understand, you were a rishi in the past birth. (C): Wow! (S): And I tell you, very clearly you will hear mantras. Once it starts happening, whatever you are hearing, pen down. You will see, people will be shocked to see that it is the exact repetition of many vedic mantras like Gayatri and the moola mantras. So within this month, this will start happening. So start this journey. It will be really exciting and entertaining. I will be supporting you. When you start listening to the sounds clearly, the mantras, send me an email through I will attend to it continuously. Anything else? (C): Thank you Swamiji, I had another question. I need

Nithyanandam, Nithyananda Here ! +91-80-27279999 Extn 129 A divine opportunity to talk to a living incarnation. Call between 8:30 am-9 am

(S): I will tell you exactly. In the past birth you have done a special kriya, a technique, to work on sounds and sacred chantings – mantras. Just listen to that sound intensely, you will hear clear vedic mantras, vedic chanting, vedic vibrations. Just wait for the next 21 days. Next 21 days every morning, when I start the satsang, sit. The moment you sit you will start hearing. I will take care of that. (C): Thank you Swami (S): You will start hearing that sound. Just concentrate on that and listen intensely, you will receive vedic mantras.You

some help. I am a musician and my lyrics and my… (S): Your music profession will excel just by this experience, I will take care. (C): My lyrics are my music, they are telling people to wake up. (S): Yes, you will wake up people with music. Blessings. Anything else? (C): Thank you Swamiji! (S): I am with you, my Blessings.

vedic renaissance


Celebrate Existence ! Tiru Jnanasambandar Guru Puja Festival - 1st-5th June, 2012 The divine happening of Saint Tiru Jnanasambandar being fed the ‘Milk of Wisdom’ by Goddess Parvati Herself as a child is celebrated every as the Tiru Jnanasambandar Guru Puja festival in the temple town of Madurai in South India. This year it is celebrated between the 1st and the 5th of June. Following this festive occasion on 5th June, 2012, this year Paramahamsa Nithyananda, in the capacity of the newly coronated 293rd pontiff of the Madurai Adeenam, will be offering ‘Kanakabhishekam’ (traditional showering of gold coins) to his predecessor and 292nd pontiff of the Madurai Adeenam, Sri La Sri Arunagirinatha Sri Jnanasambanda Desika Paramacharya Swamigal in the Madurai Adeenam (ancient Hindu mutt). All devotees are welcome to participate and witness this rare event in the history of Vedic tradition and Madurai Adeenam.

Ratha Yatra, Puri, Orissa, India - 21st June, 2012 If you wish to know what is a ‘juggernaut’, the ‘Car Festival’ or Rath Yatra celebrated in Puri is the place to be. The Rath Yatra is a huge Hindu festival associated with Lord Jagannath held at Puri in the state of Orissa, India. The life of the city of Puri revolves around the worship of Lord Jagannath, the main deity of the temple. The festival commemorates Lord Jagannath's annual visit to Gundicha Mata's temple via his aunt's home (Mausi Maa Temple which is near Balagandi Chaka in Puri). Three richly decorated chariots, with more than a dozen 7ft diameter wheels, resembling temple structures, are pulled through the streets of Puri. This commemorates the annual journey of Lord Jagannath, Lord Balarama, and their sister Subhadra to the Gundicha Temple which is situated at a distance of 2 km from the Jagannath Temple. On their way back from the Gundicha Temple, the three deities stop for a while near the Mausi Maa Temple (Aunt's abode) and have an offering of the Poda Pitha, which is a special type of pancake supposed to be the Lord's favourite. After a stay for seven days, the deities return to their abode. A glimpse of Lord Jagannath on the chariot is considered to be very auspicious and saints, poets and scriptures have repeatedly glorified the sanctity of this special festival. The sanctity of the festival is such that even a touch of the chariot or even the ropes with which these are pulled is considered enough to confer the results of several pious deeds or penance for ages. In fact, there is a famous Oriya song which says that on this occasion, the chariot, the wheels, the grand avenue all become one with Lord Jagannatha himself. The concept of the chariot has been explained in the Kathopanishad in the words “Atmaanam rathinam viddhi shareeram rathamevatu buddhim tu saarathim viddhi manah pragrahameva cha”, which means that the body is the chariot and the soul is the deity installed in the chariot. The wisdom acts as the charioteer to control the mind and thoughts. This year, the Ratha Yatra will be celebrated on 21st June. Thousands of pilgrims and tourists gather every year to participate in this festival. This is the only day when devotees who are not allowed in the temple premises such as non-Hindus and foreigners, can get their glimpse of the deities. Being in the presence of these deities is a means of giving ourselves the opportunity to grow consciously, without any extra penance or effort on our part.

bliss bites


amalaki murabba Murabba

is a delicious, sweet pickle originating in the Gujarat region of India. It is a traditional sweet Indian cuisine prepared with gooseberries, jaggery and spices, and resembles a fruit preserve, such as apricot conserve or orange marmalade. Murabba can be preserved in a glass jar and used as a sandwich spread or just savoured after a tiring day’s work.

NUTRITIONAL PROFILE Amalaki (Indian Gooseberry) or Emblica officinalis has many health benefits and healing properties that have been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years. It is a wonder fruit for anti-aging & restoring vitality (“vayahasth apana” in Sanskrit). Amalaki is known to repair damaged cells, significantly detoxifying the body, increasing the food absorption by the intestines and significantly enhancing the immune system. Amalaki is rich in Vitamin C & other anti-oxidants, which enable the body to fight any disease. Cardamom, the “Queen of Spices”, a native to India, is widely used in Indian cuisine. It is also used as a remedy for a number of stomach related and respiratory tract problems. It possesses a number of volatile principles making it useful as a digestive, carminative and anti-spasmodic. Jatiphal or Jaiphal (Nutmeg): The fruit and its mace is a wonderful pain reliever especially in joint and abdominal pains. It is beneficial in indigestion and lowers high blood pressure. It has a relaxing aroma that comforts the body and mind.

INGREDIENTS Grated Amla - 1 kg Water - ¾ litre Jaggery - 1 ¼ kg Powdered cardamom seeds - 2 tsp Nutmeg mace – 1 ½ tsp Honey - 1 tsp (The nut within the fruit of the nutmeg tree is where nutmeg comes from, whereas the red laced tissue surrounding it is what becomes mace.)

PROCEDURE 1. Wash and grate fresh gooseberries. 2. Gently steam the grated gooseberries to just soften the tissues 3. Now, make a jaggery syrup, with ¾ litre water on a low flame, and transfer the steamed gooseberries into this vessel. Bring it to boil in a medium flame, and keep stirring this mixture until a syrupy consistency is obtained 4. Reduce the heat and add cardamom powder and the nutmeg mace powder. Stir for 2 - 3 mins in a low flame. 5. Now, add a little cow’s ghee (clarified butter) to the mixture. 6. Switch off the fire and allow it to cool down. It will get thick in 10 - 15 mins. 7. Now, add a teaspoon of honey to the cooled mixture. Store the amalaki murabba preferably in a glass jar. Refrigeration is recommended if preserved for a few months. Feel youthful, fresh and rejuvenated with one spoonful of amalaki murabba everyday.

VARIATIONS Carrots, raw mangoes & pineapple can be used instead of the Indian gooseberry.

siddha & ayurveda


The Wonders of POMEGRANATE

Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is one of the indigenous herbs, native to India mentioned in all ancient Sanskrit scriptures of Ayurveda. It has been commonly used as an edible fruit, as well as for medicinal purposes domestically. In Hinduism, the pomegranate (Bijapura: replete with seeds) symbolizes prosperity and fertility, and is associated with both Bhoomidevi (the Earth goddess) and Lord Ganesha (who is also called Bijapuraphalasakta, or the one fond of the many-seeded fruit).

Some of the medicinal properties demonstrated by these chemical components are: • Appetite stimulant • Anti-emetic and anti-diarrhoeal • Vermicidal • Reliever of fatigue • Heart tonic • Anti-carcinogenic

Every part of the plant (root, bark, flowers, fruit, leaves) is used for medicinal purposes in Ayurveda. Next time you get a pomegranate fruit in your hand, do not discard the fruit rind. Almost all parts of this plant have great medicinal value, the fruit, the rind of the fruit, roots and the skin of roots. Pomegranate is used both, internally as well as externally. According to Ayurveda, it is one such fruit which can be consumed everyday, at anytime, by anyone, in any condition.

For Diarrhoea: Pomegranate fruit rind decoction. Take one medium-sized fruit of pomegranate. Remove the fruit rind and place it in a bowl. Now wash it thoroughly and add 2 glasses of water to the vessel. Prepare the fruit rind decoction with this until it reduces to half the quantity. Drink 15-20 ml of Pomegranate fruit rind decoction 3-4 times a day to effectively control and cure diarrhea. Remember to consume good amount of buttermilk during the treatment.

MEDICINAL PROPERTIES The edible portion of the fruit contains glucose, fructose, maltose, starch, oxalic acid, Vitamin C, pectin, amino acids etc. The bark and the rind of the fruit contain tannins and anti-oxidants.


For Anemia: Pomegranate fruit juice. Consume 20-30 ml of pomegranate fruit juice twice daily for a period of 2-3 months. It cures anemia, especially Iron deficiency anemia. The same regimen helps to strengthen the heart.

For Nausea and vomiting: Pomegranate fruit juice. Sip 15-20 ml of pomegranate fruit juice over the day, frequently to palliate nausea and vomiting As a Face-pack: Prepare the fruit rind decoction as mentioned earlier. Take 3-4 tsp of this decoction, to this add a few drops of honey and 2 tsp of milk cream. Make it to a smooth paste and apply it gently over the face as a face pack. Just see the glow on your face hence! In the cosmetic arena, fruit-peel extract has been shown to stimulate a type of pro-collagen synthesis and inhibit a dermal degeneration process, thereby allowing the skin to stay young and fresh. As a wound healer (external usage): The rind decoction heals the wounds earlier and reduces the swelling, when continuously washed with. The mouth gargles of the same, heal up the ulcers in the oral cavity and throat. Pomegranates are hailed as a wonder fruit - and this is something Ayurveda has been aware of for centuries. This fullypacked fruit, a refreshing delicacy, well loved by those who dwell in hot regions is packed with a multitude of benefits for all mankind.

dhyanapeetam news


Coronation as the 293rd pontiff of the Madurai Adeenam


Nithyananda felicitates the senior pontiff PARAMAHAMSA NITHYANANDA IS APPOINTED 293rd PONTIFF OF MADURAI ADEENAM “We hereby declare, nominate, enthrone, coronate and appoint Paramahamsa Nithyananda… as 293rd Guru Maha Sannidhanam of Madurai Adeenam, also called as Tiru Jnanasambanda Swamigal Adeenam. We hereby coronate with the title His Holiness the 293rd Guru Maha Sannidhanam Srila Sri Paramahamsa Nithyananda Sri Jnanasambanda Desika Paramacharya Swamigal …” Guru Maha Sannidhanam Srila Sri Arunagirinatha Sri Jnanasambanda Desika Paramacharya Swamigal, the 292nd pontiff of Madurai Adeenam on 27 April 2012 at a press meet in Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, Bidadi, Bangalore In a landmark event in the history of Indian religious tradition, H. H. Paramahamsa Nithyananda has been declared as the 293rd pontiff of Madurai Adeenam, the world’s most ancient living Hindu religious organization. Guru Maha Sannidhanam Srila Sri Arunagirinatha Sri Jnanasambanda Desika Paramacharya Swamigal, the 292nd pontiff of Madurai Adeenam, declared H. H. Paramahamsa Nithyananda as his successor at a press meet held on 27th April in Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam’s international headquarters in Bidadi near

ABOUT MADURAI ADEENAM The legendary Madurai Adeenam has existed since time immemorial. However, it was revived around 1500 years ago by the young enlightened incarnation Tiru Jnanasambandar, one of the four visionary saints of South Indian Shaiva Siddhanta philosophy. The Adeenam is established in Madurai, one of the oldest cities of India with a history dating all the way back to Tamil Sangam period. The presiding deities of Madurai are Shiva and Devi in their incarnations as Chokkanathar and Meenakshi, enshrined in the world-famous Madurai Meenakshi-Sundareshwara temple. The pontiff of the Madurai Adeenam inherits great responsibility in carrying forward the traditions of Tiru Jnanasambandar's sacred work. The spiritual services offered by Madurai Adeenam are well-known throughout India.

NITHYANANDA’S ACCEPTANCE AND PLEDGE Accepting the responsibility as the 293rd pontiff of Madurai Adeenam, Nithyananda observed that the experience, clarity and administrative capacity of the 292nd pontiff would be a great guidance to Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam and himself. Nithyananda pledged to bring great fame to Madurai Adeenam and the four temples belonging to it in the South Indian villages of Tiruppurambiyam, Kachanam, Kanjanur and Pannagateru.

dhyanapeetam news

Addressing the Press along with Pulippani Swamigal of Palani He said that the kumbhabhishekam (consecration ceremony)


Supportive Hindu mutt leaders and VIPs


of these four temples would be performed by the end of this year. He also announced the commencement of anna daan

The coronation triggered off great celebration all over the

(free food) to all visitors at the Meenakshi Temple and Madurai

world as well as disturbances from identified anti-social,

Adeenam. He announced the upcoming project of educational

anti-spiritual elements. Meeting the press everyday, both the

services in 100 places in rural areas. Seeking the blessings of

pontiffs continue to clarify matters on the future course of the

Goddess Meenakshi and Lord Sundareshwara, Nithyananda

adeenam as well as baseless issues being every day.

vowed to expand the spiritual services of the Adeenam, which are already renowned in southern India.

ELDER PONTIFF SPEAKS ON HIS CHOICE OF SUCCESSOR “Nithyananda is a rare orator who has delivered the timeless spiritual truths in English. Through him, the Saivite devotees worldwide will attain spiritual maturity and the ultimate enlightenment… after knowing him thoroughly, if I don’t appoint him as the Guru Mahasannidhanam, it will be a gross error in history itself,” declared the 292nd pontiff. He further said, “I was ardently praying to the Almighty since the past 8 years for a powerful, capable and enlightened leader to head the Madurai Adeenam as its 293rd pontiff… it is the result of our penance, and our punya (spiritual merit) that Paramahamsa Nithyananda has been given to us… We are delighted to say that this is a gift we received in return for the sacred works accomplished by St. Tiru Jnanasambandar,” remarked the 292nd pontiff, explaining why he chose

Following is a brief chronicle of events that happened after the coronation: •


the tradition of the Madurai Adeenam, only hereditary Saiva Vellalars are selected as the pontiffs of this ancient Madurai Adeenam. Nithyananda is from that very community. But several baseless issues have been raised by anti-spiritual elements saying that Nithyananda did not belong to the Saiva Vellalar community. In response to this, Nithyananda invited to the stage the elders of the Saiva Vellalar community from his home town Tiruvannamalai, who could vouch for the fact that Paramahamsa Nithyananda was indeed born into the said community. A community certificate was also produced confirming the same. •







AT THE ADEENAM: In line with Hindu

tradition, Nithyananda made an offering of Rs. 5 crore

Paramahamsa Nithyananda as his legal and spiritual successor.

towards Madurai Adeenam’s spiritual activities. On the

The 292nd pontiff also recalled the historical precedent of

offered a golden throne, sandals and ruling staff to the

Sri Swaminarayan, the head of an independent spiritual

292nd pontiff pontiff at a ceremony in Tiruvannamalai. On

organization, who had been coronated by Sri Ramananda as

5th June, following the Tiru Jnanadambandhar Guru Pooja

the head of the Uddhava Sampradaya.

festival in Madurai, he declared that a kanakabhishekam

occasion of Chitra Pournami on 5th May this year, he

(tradition of showering of gold coins) will also be offered to Referring the well-known healing powers of Paramahamsa

the 292nd pontiff.

Nithyananda, the 292nd pontiff recalled that the founder

of Madurai Adeenam St. Tiru Jnanasambandar was also a

Madurai Adeenam to inquire about the offerings made by

renowned spiritual healer who healed the leprosy of the king

Paramahamsa Nithyananda. This visit was highlighted by

Koon Pandian using sacred ash.

Sun TV network as an IT raid at the Madurai Adeenam.

The Central Government’s IT department visited the

With pontiff of the ancient Tondaimandala adeenam (mutt)

dhyanapeetam news


Supportive Hindu mutt leaders •

The Madurai Adeenam merely clarified to the IT

officials that the Rs.5 crore amount will be transferred to

Akhila Hindu Maha Sabha representative expresses support to Nithyananda

the Madurai Adeenam Trust account shortly. While the Trust has already been registered, Form 80G and other relevant documents are awaited before transferring the amount. The golden throne offered on the occasion is only a symbolic mark of respect to the 292nd pontiff. The throne itself is made from wood and copper sheet, covered with gold paint. •


PROMINENT QUARTERS: Several prominent spiritual

for his own anti spiritual activities.

heads, including H. H. Sri Sri Ravishankar, former VHP

international President Sri Ashok Singhal, the representative

over the Madurai Adeenam and arrest Nithyananda. He has

of Mata Amritanandamayi, Akhila India Hindu Maha Sabha,

also said that on June 5th, during the Tirujnanasambandar

Shiva Sena, Hindu Munnani, the national head of the Saiva

Guru Puja festival, the anniversary of the Saint

Vellalar community and close to 53 other spiritual leaders

Tirujnanasambandar being fed the Milk of Enlightenment

including the leader of the ancient mutt Tondaimandala

by Goddess Parvati herself, when Nithyananda has





Adeenam, and Pollachi Adeenam, personally congratulated and offered their support to Nithyananda on his ascension to the throne. •


ELEMENTS: But certain anti-spiritual elements calling themselves Hindu groups are instigating some of the other mutts to cause trouble to the appointment of Nithyananda. •

Small groups seeking cheap publicity like Arjun

Sampath - Hindu Makkal Katchi, Makkal Munnetra Kazhagam etc are continuously giving utterly false and

He is now shouting that the Government must take

declared he will be offering kanakabhishekam to the 292nd pontiff, he and his people will be doing a stay-in protest at the Madurai Adeenam. All of Arjun Sampath’s funded antiNithyananda campaigns are covered exclusively by Sun TV and telecast close to thirty times a day putting public in utter confusion and chaos. •

On 15 May 2012, Sun TV, continuously aired highly

defamatory clips against the women devotees staying in the Aadeenam. One Muthuraj of a certain Makkal Munnetra Katchi was repeatedly shown on Sun TV declaring that

derogatory statements about Nithyananda and the elder

over a hundred scantily clad women are staying inside the

pontiff to certain sections of media under their control.

Adeenam in an environment of seduction and prostitution.

Arjun Sampath, so called leader of the Hindu Makkal

Hundreds of women devotees are serving the public at

Katchi, is an anti social and anti spiritual element paid by

Madurai Adeenam, assisting in the cleaning and renovation

Sun TV to run campaigns desired by them. He is a betrayer

of the Adeenam, and cooking for the recently launched

of the Hindu tradition, willing to do anything for money. He

daily anna daan (free meal) scheme. They have voiced

approached Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam a few years ago

their outrage against these abusive statements about them

and grabbed money in the name of Hinduism but used it

at a press meet hosted by Madurai Adeenam in Madurai.

dhyanapeetam news •

They have demanded that Sun TV be closed down

18 Women file protest petition at the Collector’s Office

for its demeaning remarks against the women who had arrived there for serving the people. The 100-strong group of women devotees have approached the Madurai District Collector and filed a complaint against Muthuraj and Sun TV. Appropriate action is expected to be taken. •

In a minor show of protest, some individuals had

gathered together under the name of ‘Madurai Adeenam Retrieval Committee’ to raise slogans against the coronation of Nithyananda urging the State Government to take over the Madurai Adeenam through the HR and CE board •

In a related incident, a leader of the ‘Madurai Adeenam

retrieval committee, Nellai Kannan had invited the wrath of transgender groups by saying that Paramahamsa Nithyananda appears to be a transgender individual and therefore unfit to handle the administration of Madurai Aadeenam.

In an earlier press meet, Paramahamsa

adeenam. •

As per the Madurai Adeenam’s tradition, rules and

regulations, the 292nd pontiff has solomnized Visesha Dheetcha, Manthra Kaashaayam, Nirvaana Dheetcha and Aacharya Abishegam to Paramahamsa Nithyananda, and only then announced him as his successor.

Nithyananda had stated that as an enlightened being,

Paramahamsa Nithyananda made several attempts

he was established in a non-dual state beyond body

to meet with and offer an explanation to the protesting

consciousness. This statement was twisted by Nellai

traditional math heads, but unfortunately they refused

Kannan to imply that he was a transgender individual

an opportunity for explanation even over the phone.

and therefore of no social consequence. On 14th may,

Paramahamsa Nithyananda then humbly requested the

during a press meet, the President of Bharati Kannamma

math heads to kindly withdraw their resolution, failing

Charitable Trust for Welfare and Upliftment of Transgender

which his followers worldwide who have been deeply

individuals, Bharati Kannamma alias Azhaguraj lashed

affected by these baseless allegations would be left with

out against Nellai Kannan for targeting marginalized

no choice but to initiate legal action against them. Within

communities and questioning their constitutional rights. It

10 days, 8 of them withdrew confessing that they were

is to be noted that Nellai Kannan had visited the Adeenam

coerced into signing it.

just a few days earlier, interacted with the people on a

friendly note, and later appeared on television with these

Swamigal of the Kanchi Mutt has made a statement to the

derogatory statements.

national media that Paramahamsa Nithyananda is not fit

Nithyananda responded to the group’s attack by

to be a Swami as he has not tonsured his head as per the

saying that over 40 groups, including Akhila Bharatiya

Saivaite tradition and has gone on record to state that actress

Hindu Mahasabha, Vishwa Hindu Parishad and others,

Ranjitha is insistent that she will stay with Paramahamsa

have joined hands under the name ‘Madurai Aadeenam

Nithyananda and is continuing to stay with him at all

Protection Force’ to counter these malicious attacks.

times. Unfortunately, actress Ranjita has filed a criminal


defamation case against the Kanchi Shankaracharya Sri

FEW MATHS: Further, unable to tolerate the expansion of

Jayendra Saraswathi Swamigal Swamigal at the Egmore

the Madurai adeenam into an international organization

Magistrate Court appealing for appropriate action.

as publicly promised by Nithyananda, the Dharmapura

adeenam, the Tiruppanandal adeenam and a few other

corpus petition HCP (MD) No. 570/2002 had been

adeenams are spearheading the operation where pontiffs

filed on 2nd May by T.Gurusamy Desikar , Manager of

of 13 adeenams have been coerced into signing a resolution

Dharmapura Aathinam claiming that the 292nd Guru Maha

against Paramahamsa Niithyananda seeking his removal

Sannidhanam Srila Sri Arunagirinatha Sri Jnanasambanda

from the peeta, declaring that the appointment has not

Desika Paramacharya Swamigal of Madurai Aadeenam was

happened in accordance with the Saivaite tradition and

in the illegal custody and under the control of Paramahamsa

asking the Tamilnadu State Government to take over the


As a latest development, Sri Jayendra Saraswati


dhyanapeetam news


Both the pontiffs address the Press clarifying false allegations by antisocial elements cast over the new coronation. •

The Hon’ble Court found the petition not maintainable

HC dismissed the petition forthwith.

as the 292nd Guru Maha Sannidhanam is not under the

control of anybody, is carrying on his regular administrative

is the humble request of the devotees of Nithyananda that

duties, is meeting the public and even held a press meet

these antisocial and anti-spiritual elements are arrested

on 2nd May this year, as was clear from the former’s


affidavit countering the petition filed the following day.

The HC dismissed the petition, further acknowledging the

Responding to questions from the media, the 292nd

right of the 292nd Guru Maha Sannidhanam to appoint

pontiff clearly declared that the rumors and opposition

his successor as his affidavit stated that he is fully eligible, empowered and competent to manage or appoint any successor of Madurai Adeenam. •

Another writ petition (WP (MD) 6607 /2012 dt.

3/5/2012) was filed by one T. Solaikannan who claimed to be the Madurai District President of Hindu Makkal Katchi. Alleging that the 292nd Guru Maha Sannidhanam is under the control of Paramahamsa Nithyananda and his disciples, the petitioner sought to annul the coronation of Paramahamsa Nithyananda and demanded that the State Government take over Madurai Adeenam. In the open Court, the Hon’ble Judge clearly stated that the 292nd Guru Maha Sannidhanam has the authority to nominate his successor. The HC rapped the petitioners saying that this

While Nithyananda continues to win the legal battles, it


circulating about Paramahamsa Nithyananda were a result of jealousy, ignorance and lack of understanding about him. “Nithyananda is a sage and a saint!” He also lashed out against the idea of legal interference in this purely religious matter. He said, “It is absolutely the inner affairs of the math. Actually you are violating the fundamental rights of the Adeenam. The decision to choose a certain person as the future peethadhipati (pontiff) is… absolutely in the hands of the Almighty Lord Shiva… this is the truth. This highest post of Guru Maha Sannidhanam comes through poorva punya (spiritual merit earned in earlier lives). He is not appointed... through the Employment Office.” •




whole case was a ploy to get media publicity and they are

Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam’s followers also announced

not even qualified to be called the aggrieved in the case.

that they entering into an indefinite hunger protest in front

The HC also demanded that the petitioner provide proof

of the Dharmapuram Aadeenam starting 6th May. One

of his own identity as President of such a Party. The HC

lakh devotees will also present petitions signed in blood to

further reprimanded the petitioner for abusing the legal

the Tamil Nadu Government, requesting permission to file

process by not filing the written affidavits from all the other

a complaint under Section 295A of the Indian Penal Code

parties whom the petitioner had claimed were supporting

against the math heads for this gross disregard of their

this petition. Finding the petition non-maintainable, the

religious sentiments.

Nithyananda personally engages dhyanapeetam newsin

Anna daan – free food for all

cleaning the Tiruppurambiyam temple!


Free multi-specialty Medical camp at the Madurai Adeenam

Sarva darshan – Everyday individual healing and blessings at Madurai Adeenam

Worldwide devotees watch everyday morning satsang at the Madurai Adeenam through 2-way video conferencing

Puja at main altar inside Madurai Adeenam SERVICE TO HUMANITY CONTINUES

- for thousands every day, free medical camps, yoga classes,

Amidst all the fire-fighting, Nithyananda addressed a 2-day

scripture study, spiritual healing, meditation programs and

online Vedic Conference to a global audience on Vedic

putting together the infrastructure for a Vedic Library. Every

tradition, history and science of Madurai Adeenam, the world’s most ancient living Hindu organization.

He continues to accept the everyday morning pada puja and deliver his daily morning satsang (talk) keenly watched by followers from 130 countries through the internet.

day, as a tradition, the jnana paal (Milk of Enlightenment) is served to all visiting the mutt. The traditional adeenam now has a website, and thousands participate in the morning worship and spiritual talks via live-streaming and 2-way video conferencing. Vast properties belonging to the Adeenam are being reclaimed from illegal encroachment, its numerous temples are being

Within weeks of his ascent to the sacred throne he brought

restored to sanctity, and the neighboring villages are being

about sweeping changes in the Adeenam, including the

adopted, with basic amenities, education and medical care

renovation of the ancient monastery, anna daanam - free food

being provided for all.

dhyanapeetam news


Kanjanur, Agnishwarar Temple

Celebrating the Elder Pontiff’s 38th Coronation Anniversary

Tirupurambiyam, Sakshinathar Temple

Kachanam, Kachineshwar Temple

Pannagateru, Pannagaparameshwaraswami Temple The Revival of the vedic science, culture, history and philosophy

He further said that separate sannyas (monastic) training

of Madurai Adheenam, in India continues with more than 600

centers for men and women were being established. In a

volunteers from 10 countries in action.

historic decision, Swamiji opened his doors to transgender

On 27th May, the Madurai Adeenam proudly celebrated the anniversary of the 292nd pontiff’s assuming the throne 38 years ago. Both the pontiffs addressed the gathering. Nithyananda praised the simplicity and straightforwardness of

individuals as well, giving this marginalized section of society the opportunity to take up sannyas as a lifestyle and lead a life of dignity. In another major decision, he announced that the first overseas

the 292nd pontiff, and announced the setting up of a museum

branch of Madurai Adheenam will be set up in Los Angeles,

and website featuring the 292nd pontiff’s life and contribution.

USA. Madurai Adheenam will be the first-ever spiritual

<Coronation anniversary folder pictures>

organization of its kind to have an overseas branch.

dhyanapeetam news


As It Happened ... The 10 day stay at Madurai Adeenam was an experience of sorts for me! It was literally a battleground, with some miscreants (media inclusive) hurling abuses and trying to influence public opinion, while at the same time the morning satsang and evening arti was a heavenly experience. Meenakshi (Swami) was waging war and conquering the negativity on one side and on the other side healing the sick and tired souls! To put it simply, chaos and order co-existed! As the days passed more and more people were drawn to the satsang and arti like bees are attracted to flowers. A local leader who attended a meeting to express his solidarity and support to Madurai Adeenam had this to say, "In my 41 years of existence in Madurai not once have I seen it rain during Chithirai masam. After Paramahamsa Nithyananda came to Madurai, the heavens have opened up twice!" He asked the gathering, "Isn't this proof enough that Nithyananda Swami is Meenakshi Amman's choice?" There was a huge round of applause from all!

- Sri Nithya Jayeshwarananda I feel that the coronation of Paramahamsa Nithyananda as the 293rd pontiff of Madurai Adeenam is a divine decision taken by the divine cosmic couple: Meenakshi – Chokanathar and Tiru Jnanasambandar, an Avatar of Lord Shiva Himself. I can see that they have answered the Prayers of the 292nd Gurumaha Sannidhanam.. If I am permitted to say so, I would say that the elder pontiff is as excited as a grandfather who has been presented with a divine grandson to take on the responsibilities of the Adeenam! We just have to celebrate the coronation and blissfully await the subsequent divine leelas that are going to happen. I spent two days at the Adeenam recently and was a witness to the proceedings and the programs in the Adeenam. Within the short span of a week Madurai Adeenam has become world known. The narration of the history of the Adeenam by both the Guru Maha Sannidhanam and Paramahamsa Nithyananda made us re-live the divine scenes that took place centuries ago. - V. R. Ramanathan How do you describe watching the revival of Hinduism and the Vedic Tradition first-hand in the 21st century? Something people will talk about for centuries to come. The similarity of what was happening now to how Jnanasambandar revived Hinduism and the same Mutt 1500 years ago was unmistakable. It was really an amazing thing to watch the Adeenam spring back to life from years if not centuries of constriction. Almost in an instant as Swami walked in everything came to life. And

hundreds of volunteers and ashramites who came with him much like ants - started moving over to each department and taking on the job of finding what is wrong and fixing it. No one bothered that the whole place was as hot as an oven. On day 4 or so he started offering free Jnana-Pal (or the milk of enlightenment which was given to select devotees at the mutt) to everyone who came. Immediately after that he announced free food for all - and that too right in the heart of Madurai. One of these days the 2012 worldwide volunteer team launched 9 different products on the web. And all this was happening, as Swami put it, right in the middle of war! It was so easy to forget that fact. We were under attack by some of the media houses, by other Adeenams jealous or fearful of Madurai, people who were illegally occupying or enjoying the Adeenam's properties, elements of the police, some political parties and what not. People threatened to blockade the Adeenam and to attach the premises. We were fighting a number of cases in the court and filing an equal number of them to protect ourselves. Each day he was conducting more press conferences than discourses to tell the press our side of the story. To rectify that he announced that he would be talking in Tamil in the evenings along with the morning satsangs. Overall the feeling I had was that of witnessing the big bang of the universe in the first few seconds of it happening: eternal, powerful, uncontrolled expansion. Madurai was the expression of pure expansion energy. His dimension of an administrator, his strategy planning, execution and unshakable confidence in the middle of a war. And the most amazing part was the way he was thoroughly enjoying the whole thing each step of the way. All of us who were witness to it were for ever blessed and changed by being here and are in eternal debt and gratitude for the opportunity. - Sri Ananda Mokshapriyan All great things which had happened in history always saw through much struggle, the revival of Madurai Adeenam is no way different from it. I was volunteering there and saw how much commitment, responsibility, sacrifice and courage it takes to create something. There were volunteers from across the globe gathered to make the Master’s vision into reality. They were divided into groups- Kitchen, housekeeping, web team etc. Every day morning from 7-9 am morning message were delivered by Swamiji, about the greatness of Madurai adeenam and Bhagavad Gita. Not only great mystical truth but also techniques to achieve fulfillment were shared. Everyone was initiated in to powerful samyamas (meditation) which will help them to elevate their consciousness.


dhyanapeetam news

From Around the World

Venkateshwara Divine Wedding Celebrations in Los Angeles, USA 21 Day Peace Meditation in Los Angeles, USA

21 Day Peace Meditation in Toronto, Canada

Akhanda Ajapa Japa Yajna in Los Angeles, USA

Chithrai Brahmotsavam Celebrations in San Jose, USA Akhanda Ajapa Japa Yajna in Guadeloupe

Akhanda Ajapa Japa Yajna in San Jose, USA

21 Day Peace Meditation in Oklahoma, USA

dhyanapeetam news


Amidst all these creation work, we were also trained to be

follows. Not only I was able to see the leadership in Swamiji

warriors protecting our self and the great truth we believe in

but I was able to see everyone around him imbibing his quality

against the media mafias, who try to mislead people and abuse

of responsibility, commitment, sincerity, courage and sacrifice.

devotees, disciples and Swamiji. We went to Collector’s office

Madurai Adeenam not only have a leader now to revive it .It

and officially filed petition against the abuse done to women

has a leader who creates leader. It won’t be an exaggeration to

devotee by Media mafia Sun TV. They may have Media Power

say Meenakshi has started to rule her MADURAI again.

but we have Meenakshi’s power with us. Leadership is a state not a status…when we are in the state, status automatically

- Sumithra Swaminathan

PROGRESS BY LEAPS & BOUNDS ! New Projects launched by Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam in April & May, 2012 Sacred Arts Store

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Largest repository of energy beads and

topics from His teachings


presence of Paramahamsa Nithyananda

deities on the web

Nithya Kriyas 108 powerful kriyas for various physical disorders and conditions

Meditation is for You 100s of meditations that Swami has give categorizes and illustrated

Guaranteed Solutions - 108 life solution video clips

the Miracles of the

Virtual Temple Tours

and for the first time the science behind


the miracles.

net?q=virtualtempletour Panoramic Tours of various Nithyananda Vedic Temples in North America and around the world

Sharings 200+ sharings on various topics such as healing, wealth, and programs such as NSP, ASP etc. recorded by devotees around the world and shared through the internet

Inner in multiple Languages Now available in Spanish, Solvakia, German,





Nithyananda Radio & Podcast


http://nithyananda-radio.podomatic. com

h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /

Lifesolutions on the go


NewGen website

Life Solutions for any problem you might


Site for the youth with a large collection

Nithyananda Magazine and Video

of articles from Swami's talk to the youth.


eN Videos - Introduction to the

life and teachings of Paramahamsa

Miracles: The Experience and







be unclutched!






Taken from Nithyananda’s Webinar on ‘Unclutching’, 15th April, 2012, Bidadi Ashram

The process I am offering to you to find answers for the basic questions of life is unclutching. This word does not exist in the Oxford dictionary; it is my contribution to the English language. Unclutching is the ultimate spiritual truth. The process of unclutching can directly upgrade your consciousness, raise your inner space. When you raise your inner space you become more authentic, healthier, wealthier, intelligent, and a leader. It is important to understand these three words in order to catch the truth of unclutching: Clutching, disclutching, and unclutching. Clutching means holding, getting attached. Disclutching means breaking, completely getting disconnected, and unclutching means moving back to clutching only when it is needed. You are continuously clutched to your body, mind, and emotions with so many things. You clutch yourself with thousands of ideas created by your mind. You are clutched with your own idea of joy, pain, pleasure. If you practice unclutching sincerely in a very small level it will bring so much awakening to you. When a thought rises in you, relax from it without supporting it, encouraging it, entertaining it or being entertained by it. If you start relaxing from your rising thoughts, you will experience freedom from the identity you have created. Experiencing this freedom means healing thousands of wounds you carry inside, millions of possibilities of pain and suffering inside you. You are constantly creating shafts of thoughts of pain, joy, pleasure in your inner space. The center of each block is an independent thought. They are made of different combinations of pain, joy and pleasure. By putting all these blocks together you create a shaft. You can name that shaft as mind, ego, or identity. But unfortunately you don’t have

the awareness to look at your mind as it is. Buddha says beautifully that original mind is Nirvana! Mind as it happens is already unclutched. But unfortunately you pick up from independent thoughts and create your own short view about yourself and a very narrow idea about life. You don’t look at your mind and your life as it is happening.

You try to believe that your whole life was either pain or joy. One of the biggest achievements I feel very happy and proud of is that whenever I look back at my past, I don’t have any idea about it. I neither feel it was joyful, nor I feel it was painful. I have no feeling at all. I do not feel my past as a chain of joy or pain; I just know my future is also free just like my past. But unfortunately, every human being tries to develop an idea about their past as pain or pleasure. When you tell all your stories, you continuously connect the pain memories, pain thoughts and feel your life as a pain. One of the biggest dangers in life is when you believe something and repeat it constantly, it becomes a reality. Don’t write your biography as a long pain shaft, because you will project that same pain shaft on the future also. When you look deep you will see each pain you claimed happened in your life as an individual incident. When you connect all of them you create tremendous suffering in your life. Stop connecting and continuously creating tremendous suffering for yourself. Unclutching is a powerful self-sufficient guide to your enlightenment, to upgrade your consciousness. It not only changes the way you perceive reality, it transforms reality itself. Unclutching is a very powerful process which touches the source where the perceiver and perceived both come out. It is the ultimate meditation technique. When your consciousness rises, you automatically become a leader of your life, you become God for yourself. – Ishvara for your life.

inner awakening


Celebrating Togetherness ! In Conversation with Sri Ananda Shaktidayakan & Ma Nithya Atmajeevasree, Wellington, New Zealand

Nithyanandam ! Can you tell us something about yourself ? Nithyanandam. This is Ma Nithya Atmajeevasree and Sri Ananda Shaktidayakan.We live in Wellington, New Zealand. We are basically from Malaysia. Can you tell us something about your spiritual names? What do they mean? AJS: The spiritual names are a blessing from Swamiji for us to realize our true nature and follow the path to our fullest potential. We use them as a constant reminder of who we really are, and to forget the old identity & patterns. ‘Sri Ananda Shaktidayakan’ means ‘Blissful Giving Energy’ & ‘Ma Nithya Atmajeevasree’ means ‘Eternally Soulful and Auspicious’. I noticed that you refer to yourself by your name, not as ‘I’ or ‘mine’. What is the reason for that ? AJS: We would like to constantly remember that the real 'I' is not this body or mind, rather something beyond this. We want to realize our divine self. As Swamiji says, we are divine beings having human experiences. So, by not associating ourselves with "I", "me" and "mine" we are being in constant remembrance of the true self. Using the spiritual names given by Swamiji helps immensely. So what do you guys do ? What is your work typically like? AJS: Atmajeevasree works in the IT field where she talks to people about their systems requirements, deals with and manages reports, systems & databases. Atmajeevasree has been in the IT field for more than 10 years now. But during IA, she realized that she is actually inclined towards art and creativity, and has the capacity to make it happen as well! ASD: Shaktidayakan currently works as an IT Systems Engineer. His job requires him to provide IT services to about 6 to 7 different small businesses. When did u decide u want to do Inner Awakening (IA) ?

ASD: Shaktidayakan decided to do IA in 2010 but didn’t have the time and funds at that time. AJS: So we decided to do IA together in January this year How did it eventually happen, your coming for IA ? Any story behind it ? AJS: In January, we got to know about the ‘IA Intention Form’ that Swamiji blesses, and got our intentions blessed by Swamiji. After that, we realized that we actually did have the funds! ASD: We also got to speak to Swamiji on ‘Dial the Avatar’ and he blessed us for the April IA. We thought we didn’t have enough time to get the Visa approved (it takes min 15 working days) but to our amazement we got the Visa approved in less than 10 days! Everything fell in place perfectly. Everyone who comes to IA is usually looking for something. What would you say you were looking for ? AJS: We both wanted to spend time around Swamiji. We’ve already been watching daily satsangs from home. Atmajeevasree was yearning to experience fulfillment and to have solid spiritual experiences to continue growing in her spiritual path. Did you experience what you were looking for ? AJS: We got to experience much more than we expected! In each session, Swamiji would deliver the essence of a topic – fears, greed, lust, jealousy, our identities, wealth, health, leadership etc. We did exercises on these and then underwent a process where Swamiji would magically work on clearing these patterns. The beautiful thing is, that Swamiji does everything! We didn’t have to struggle to meditate or perform painstaking austerities. We just had to be open and follow his instructions. It is as if he has infused his breath into the entire space of the Ashram to guide us through. ASD: The biggest thing that Shaktidayakan never thought he would experience is the Kundalini awakening. The first


few days Shaktidayakan was complaining to Swamiji that he was not experiencing anything. But by the third day his body started moving and he experienced levitation. What was it like attending IA together as a couple? AJS: It was a beautiful! Atmajeevasree had the opportunity to communicate with her husband while we were both going through the process, so it was easier to understand his perspective and accept him the way he is. ASD: Atmajeevasree has always been my best spiritual partner and friend. We are very different in many ways but we have a great spiritual connection with each other which has been the underlying current of our relationship. So attending IA together was really great. There were many moments of where we had the same click and when Shaktidayakan didn’t have to talk to her but just by being close Shaktidayakan shared a great connection. Going through the deprogramming process together made it an even sweeter journey. Do you feel that there has been any difference in your bonding with each other after attending IA? ASD: Yes definitely, the biggest change that Shaktidayakan noticed is that there is no hang over of emotions with Atmajeevasree. We still have small arguments but whatever happens at that moment, happens, and we move on. Every moment feels like a completion. The irritation in Shaktidayakan has almost completely gone. AJS: Definitely. We generally communicate well with each other, but after IA, Atmajeevasree has more acceptance and tolerance towards ASD. She no longer gets angry or frustrated and doesn’t hang on to her perceived flaws of him. She’s able to accept the differences and feel more peaceful. Since we’ve been living together without any family members around, Atmajeevasree used to feel lonely and would be seeking attention from him, but she doesn’t feel that way anymore. She’s alright with being alone, not having anyone around and the silence.

inner awakening

You guys mentioned something about getting remarried during IA, what was it like? AJS: What a grand ceremony! It was during the auspicious wedding of Goddess Meenakshi & Lord Sundareshwara. It was amazing to know the meaning of each step in the rituals performed. We felt like we’re meant to be together to help each other progress in the spiritual path, with the blessings of an enlightened Master. What would you say will be your most memorable experience of IA? ASD: The darshans and the kundalini awakening. During the darshans, Swamiji would just look at us or wave his hands and our body would move. AJS: Yes, Swamiji’s darshans and initiations - it is an outof-galaxy experience! Atmajeevasree could actually felt the subtle energy deep down in the spine rising up to the top of her head. We had 21 energy darshans, each one unique to the process we were going through. It was bliss, looking at Swamiji expressing different energies of the divine. The darshans were powerful, and our bodies would just vibrate and move without the mind’s control. How do you feel now, going back to your life after IA? AJS: Atmajeevasree feels more at ease within and when she communicates with people. Earlier, she would get annoyed and nervous easily, but now she feels calm and aware of things. There is an acceptance and compassion towards people and herself. Atmajeevasree doesn’t eat and sleep much but feels very energetic. Her skin rashes are also gone! She feels like she’s born again, like she’s getting a second chance at life. She feels fulfilled, yet she knows this is not the end, there is more expansion happening every day! Atmajeevasree is actually excited about life! ASD: Shaktidayakan has a subtle thing in his mind that goes – Next! Everything that happens, happens at that moment and the next moment it’s gone. Shaktidayakan is experiencing that everything is falling into place very smoothly without any effort.

main story


New Gen , Rise ! From the NewgeN Webinar by Nithyananda, 8th April, 2012, Bidadi Ashram

New generation

has to happen from next generation! Either you transform spiritually and as transformed individuals next gen will become new gen or there is going to be a global suicide and naturally the next gen will be new gen! Understand: the collective negativity has reached its peak. The kali has ripened. Now planet earth cannot stand any more negativity, neither the negativity of the capitalist lifestyle nor the negativity of the consumerist lifestyle. When I say consumerism I mean abusing the natural resources of the planet beyond limits, empowering individuals without giving them intelligence. Planet Earth is already filled with too much of negativity, it is overflowing. It is not possible for our planet to be alive anymore with this same trend. The infrastructure to destroy the planet has been created beyond limits. Just one mad fellow becoming president or a prime minister or a head of any one nuclear state is enough to finish half the globe, the future of humanity. So the next generation has to be New Gen. No other way! For the first time planet earth is facing a crisis where majority of its population is youth – wild, violent. Planet earth was in the position where more than 50% of its population were adults – mature, stable. But now India is the youngest country in the world not as per the history - as per history this is the oldest country. Youngest means huge population of youth between 18 to 40, China is 2nd youngest, then US. In all these

three countries, more than 50% of their population is youth. It means practically more than half the population of planet earth is youth. So much of the decision making power is handed over to youth. It is now youth who are going to decide to make or break humanity. It is not time to lift human beings, it is time to lift the youth. Today I am going to address the major problems which youth are facing. I want you all to answer these questions for yourself: • Are you spending several hours on the internet everyday either playing games, chatting with friends, browsing websites? • When you are on the internet do you lose track of time? • Do you find yourself forgetting about eating, drinking and other activities because you are so obsessed with the computer in front of you? • Do you find yourself staying up all night on the computer? • Do you get distracted from studies, spending time with family and friends because you are constantly thinking and wanting to get onto to the internet? • Can you do without the computer or Internet for a day without exhibiting any symptoms of withdrawal such as restlessness, irritation, boredom, anxiety and feeling low? If you answered yes to these questions, then you are one among the millions of youth suffering today with the epidemic called “online addiction”. Online addiction is becoming one of the major problems of the youth.


I am going to the extreme of recommending the lifestyle of Aghoris. This means all the youngsters taking up Parivrajaka, the life of wandering for one year. Online addiction has been defined as ‘uncontrollable and damaging obsession and use of Internet technology which can deprive your health, relationships and fulfillment in life’. I would like to define it in my own way – addicted to anything which is not being experienced by your senses directly. Please understand - seeing things in the internet and computer is not like seeing through senses. It is not even the pleasure of your senses. It is just the pleasure of fantasies, pleasure of emotional and psychological tsunamis happening in you. That is why I say addiction to anything other than straight things which you enjoy directly through the senses is online addiction. As long as you are based on direct sense enjoyment, physically transforming you is always possible. Our masters have created powerful techniques and kriyas to transform you if you are addicted to anything directly related to the 5 senses - eating, touch pleasure, seeing, listening, smelling.

main story

When you are directly using the senses to enjoy, there naturally comes a time when the senses mature and it is easy to relax from them. But when this perversion happens, human beings get into the space where curing, transformation, healing becomes almost impossible. These days two people sitting in the same room send messages on chat or twitter – I love you, I miss you. Now one of the biggest addiction for modern youth is kissing the home page of your boyfriend or girlfriend! Human beings have forgotten about the beauty of looking into the other person’s eyes. It is so unfortunate that even love has become so perverted. You lost the capacity of real love! I tell you, every time you look at somebody’s eyes and say ‘I love you’ it is a spiritual practice. For those moments whoever it may be your child, boyfriend, girlfriend, father, if you are looking into their eyes and saying it, there is a conscious transaction. Please understand, every conscious transaction either by bringing joy or suffering transforms you! But when you are on twitter saying - ‘I love you, I miss you, you are the most handsome man on the planet earth, you are the beauty queen on the planet earth’ - you can go on lying because you know for sure that the other person does not know you are lying.

main story See, when you look into the other person’s eyes and say it, the other person can find out if you are telling the truth or not.With internet nobody can find out.You get completely disconnected from reality. That is the biggest problem.You don’t know real love, you don’t know real fear, you don’t know real greed, you don’t know real jealousy. I tell you, only real fear, only real lust, only real jealousy, only real love can be transformed. Internet has become a place where you build pseudo identities - Facebook profile, internet online farming, virtual aquarium.You buy eggs, those eggs hatch, the hen lays eggs again, you feed the hen.You practically live on the internet. After the internet came alive, I feel I need to review, revive and rewire all my meditations. Now your Muladhara is not just lust but internet related lust, your navel centre is suffering with internet related worries, your Vishuddhi has internet related jealousy. People feel empowered based on the online farming! Where is modern science leading you? It has given you so many theories saying there is no hell, no heaven. Finally you ended up with Internet, Facebook and Farmville. Kailash is much better than the Facebook world! You may think why so much stress on online addiction. Please understand it is not a simple problem. It is a pattern, an engram deeply rooted in a very big disorder, the disorder of not able to be alone - ‘FOMO’ addiction - or ‘fear of missing out’. Modern

Modern youth suffers with this fear of missing out – they try to be in the internet, website, social networking, facebook, try to be everywhere just not to ‘miss out’. youth suffers with this fear of missing – they try to be in the internet, website, social networking, facebook, try to be everywhere just not to ‘miss out’. This fear of missing out is nothing but attention need going to its peak - so much so that you have a deep fear of being alone. In Upanishad we have a very beautiful definition- “kaivalya” – means being established in aloneness, completely happy in your very aloneness, completely joyful. There is no need to bring anything from outside world to excite you - you are just there in joy, in ecstasy. The opposite extreme of kaivalya is FOMO addiction – fear of missing out. One extreme is kaivalya, the other extreme is fear of missing out. I want the youngsters to come out of these addictions. They are not just affecting your social identity and your profession. They directly affect your spiritual identity,

30 your spiritual personality, your consciousness itself. Only awakening your spiritual identity can cure you and get you out of these addictions. The way out of these modern day problems is - become Aghori! Aghori tapas is the only way you can conquer this modern day sufferings and addictions. Continuously working on being centered on self is Aghoratva. The definition of Aghoratva is bringing self centeredness in you with strong straight forward practices. Let me be very honest - if the new gen has to evolve, it is not going to happen with small tinkering, altering, repairing work. Something from the very root has to change. That is why I am going to the extreme of recommending the lifestyle of Aghoris. This means all the youngsters taking up Parivrajaka, the life of wandering for one year. Don’t settle down anywhere. Go to various cultures, people. If you are from India, wander all over India to experience different cultures, different way of life, thinking style, philosophies, you will be enriched. If you are from outside India, travel to different countries. Spend one year away from TV and internet. Secondly, build the yogic body and vedic mind. Above all serving others – contributing to others, making difference in others life. I tell you, becoming Aghori is the only antidote for internet addictions. If you are not able to do that, at least come here. I have created a place where the same amount of enrichment will be done to you. Because you may sit here in one place but thousands from all cultures in society will come here and enrich you. Two options – wander, see, talk, listen to various people and enrich yourself. Or come here. This is the most happening spiritual place on earth. Nithyananda Nagara is the most happening spiritual city on planet earth. Here you can see all types of people. All types of philosophies are brought here, all types of arguments, all types of discussions, all types of spiritual experiments are continuously happening here. All of them do Parivraajaka to this place. Different people, different cultures come here and enrich you. New gen, come to your breeding ground. Dhyanapeetam is your breeding ground. This is the nursery of new gen, nursery of new consciousness. I welcome you all to experiment with the new gen consciousness. Don’t decide within one month or two months. Allow it to sink in. At least give one year. Try it out. I tell you, it will never be a waste.This one year will be the best time of your life. Ananda Yogam is the program I am designing to create a New gen community where every youth has the opportunity to connect with the highest possibility of being human. The highest possibility of being human is divine! I invite each one of you to a part of Ananda Yogam! Be ananda yogis. In other words, be Aghoris!

More on newgeN at New Gen Website


main story

Q&A Nithyananda Answers

Q: “My teenage son does not believe in God and believes that money makes the world go round, selfishness prospers and quoting US as an example says that school drop outs do well. Some of his classmates are threatening parents with suicide & bunking classes to go to hookah bars & boozing. Its a very frightening situation as they believe only what they see & are proud of their logic & overconfident of the knowledge from TV & internet & false achievement from winning computer games. Please guide me on showing him the right path & bless him to follow a conscious blissful life.” Please understand, it is not just your son. Like your son millions of kids are suffering in India, and billions around the world. It is a crime of the society. This is the irresponsible way in which the society leads its next generation. A huge conscious tsunami has to happen - that is the only way the youth and humanity can be saved. That is why I am going to the extreme of recommending the lifestyle of Aghoris. I can give you a straight solution - for one year let your son become independent of internet and TV. You will see how steady and centered he will become. I recommend all the youngsters to take up the life of parivrajaka, life of wandering for one year. Don’t settle down anywhere. Go and experience various cultures, people. One year will really enrich you. If he is not able to do that, at least let him come to the one year course in the ashram. In this one year he will be out of internet and TV addiction. That is the first thing. Secondly, he will build the yogic body and vedic mind and above all serving others – contributing to others, making difference in others’ life. I welcome you all to experiment with the new

gen consciousness. Don’t decide within one month or two months. Allow it to sink in. At least give it one year. I tell you it will never be a waste. This one year will be the best time of your life. Q: “How to forget ex-boyfriend?” I tell you, unless you realize the man within, you cannot forget your ex-boyfriend. Means, unless you experience the completion inside, you can not forget him. Please understand, each man carries certain feminine principles and energy inside and each woman carries certain masculine principles and energy inside. Only when the energies are met and merged, fulfillment happens. Only then you can forget your x, y chromosomes and relax in z. Z means Zen. Till then the more you try to forget, the more you will remember. Understand, in the world there may be 3.5 billion men and 2.5 billion youth, but till you find the man inside, changing the man externally is not going to give the solution. Changing external men or women and trying to find a solution is a Western method. Once in 3 months if you don’t change either car, house, or husband, you are not updated. How long can this go on? I tell you, look in, go to the root of the fantasy. Unless you correct the fantasy and accept the real person in your life, you are never going to settle down. As long as the fantasy is there as it is, no matter how many persons you may change - once in 3 months, once in a month or once a week, you will not experience peace. You will only have ex’s, that’s all.

yoga & kriya The NewgeN Kriya

is for bringing clarity and emotional stability to the youth. This kriya has been formulated by Nithyananda to remove the hormonal effects in the youth, which cause confusion and stress in them. The kriya has deep effects on the body, on the physical aspect of the problem of confusion, rather than the mental aspect. The mind and body are very closely related. When body fluids are not

INSTRUCTIONS Steps to be followed: 1. Sit in Padmasana or Vajrasana 2. Nadi Shodhana (Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Upadesha 2, Verses 7-9) • Use the thumbs of each hand to control the corresponding nostril (do not lock the hands together) • Inhale through the LEFT nostril • Exhale through the RIGHT nostril • Then inhale through the RIGHT nostril and exhale through the LEFT nostril • Do this for 3 minutes 3. Trishoola Kumbhaka (Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 193) • Inhale through both the nostrils and the mouth simultaneously • Hold as long as you can • When you cannot hold anymore, exhale as slowly as you can • Continue this for 7 minutes

32 correctly balanced in the body, the mind cannot think rationally and is in utter confusion, which often leads one towards depression. Kriyas given by Nithyananda work on the very energy circuits in our body which alter and heal the way the body functions. This kriya, given especially for youth, gives them clarity, making them expand consciously and experience the beauty of life.

4. Trinetra Kumbhaka (Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 192) • Inhale through the LEFT nostril • Hold your breath as long as you can • Then without exhalation, inhale through the RIGHT nostril • Hold your breath as long as you can • Again, without exhalation, inhale through BOTH the nostrils and hold as long as you can • Then slowly exhale through the LEFT nostril • Do this for 7 minutes continuously Once 7 minutes are over, relax and just sit silently for a few minutes DISCLAIMER: This technique is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment. Individuals with any type of medical condition, the elderly, children below 14, women who are pregnant or suspect they may be pregnant are advised to seek professional medical advice before practicing this technique. Viewers who are not on two-way video conferencing are cautioned that they are practicing these techniques at their own risk.

For More Kriiyas, visit the Nithya Kriyas Website


beyond mind


Balance Your Energies Taken From Nithyananda’s Shiva Sutra Talks

The ancient sages and rishis of India understood that all of creation is essentially energy. Furthermore, they understood that this energy can take on different forms. One being the intellect. As a driving force in this world, the intellect can be a powerful tool. In the same manner, sex, also an energy, can be used for creation. However, many times it may feel that these two energies are at war with each other. We desire something, yet our intellect, or mind, tells us we should not have it. The ancient yogis understood that essentially, these conflicts arise out of a simple imbalance in energies. If too much of our energy is centered around sex, then our intellect suffers, and likewise, if we are too intellectual, then we become almost stale, lifeless beings. The rishis not only understood this, but provided a solution as well, which was rooted in ancient sciences. According to yoga, a human being's spine is like three hollow tubes, within which life energy flows. In Sanskrit, these tubes, or channels, are known as nadis. The nadis are not visible to the naked eye because they exist not in the physical body, but in the more esoteric, subtle body which may be influenced through meditation or yoga. The ancient science dictates that the energy flow within the nadis will directly affect a person's mental, emotional, and higher spiritual states. Depending on which way the energy may be flowing at any one time, a person may be centered in the intellect or in the sexual center at the root of the spine, or even a combination of the two. An intellect-centered person will naturally be dry and rooted completely in logic. This energy, ultimately culminating in the head, flows through the ida nadi, located on the left of the center nadi (middle tube). In contrast, a sex-centered person might be materialistic, centered around desires and fantasies. This sex energy travels through the pingala nadi, located on the right of the center nadi, downwards towards the base of the spine. With the right guidance, however, the energy flow may be “redirected� to the center, or sushumna nadi. When this

happens, a person will no longer be affected by these two energy states, as they have transcended them. If this redirection in energy happens, the energy will reach the crown center at the top of the head. Not only is this essential for balancing out the energy from the ida and pingala nadis, but, more importantly, activation of the sushumna nadi is associated with higher cognitive functions and spiritual awakening. The human body can be compared to an instrument, and like any instrument, it works best when used properly. The vedic rishis created manuals on how to use this instrument to its full potential through yoga and meditation. By this meditation, one can transcend the first two nadis and awaken the center nadi, ultimately leading to a flowering of a higher spiritual consciousness. The steps are as follows: 1. Before doing anything, first mentally scan the spine in order to visualize it easily during the meditation. 2. Sit straight and close your eyes. 3. With spine erect, visualize it (the spine) as a lotus thread; a small, thin, thread of light that travels from the base of the spinal cord all the way to the top of the head. 4. Keep your attention on this thread of light. Visualize the energy flowing from the root center all the way to the crown. What you are visualizing is the sushumna nadi, or center nadi. Let your whole awareness be on this nadi. 5. Do this for 21 minutes a day for at least 10 days. After 10 or 11 days the center nadi will be activated and the energy flow within all three nadis will be balanced. This leads to aw akening of intelligence, energy, and makes experiencing the ultimate possible. For more meditations, visit the Meditation website

heal the world


Miraculous Healing of Back Pain I had lower back pain from as early as when I was 14 years old. Around the age of 18, it was progressively getting worse, and finally when I was 22 it hit hard. I had slipped discs and pinched nerves in my lower back. The doctor didn’t even want to do “adjustments” on me because she said it would cause me too much pain! The first time Swamiji healed my back was in January 2011 during the first e-NSP (Online Nithyananda Spurna Program). I wrote him a note asking him to heal my back. A couple of sessions after sending Swamiji my note, I was having, what I thought was some very strong kundalini energy happening in my body. I didn’t really understand what was happening or had happened. That night during darshan I again asked Swamiji to heal my back but something clicked in me in that moment he had already done it. After that point, I did not have any pain for 7 months. Then I got to India to meet Swamiji for the first time (in person) and to attend Inner Awakening as well as Hi-Tech. As soon as I got to the ashram, my lower back started hurting again. At first it was frustrating but then I realized there

were now getting released once and for all! After IA,

were even deeper levels of really old and deep

I could do everything as I did before and everyone

samskaras being burnt away that Swamiji was waiting

around me was in awe and amazement! I opted to

until I was in his direct presence to work on to make

have an MRI done to check if everything was okey. It

sure I was taken care of. Then came my Inner Awakening in November 2011. Around the 2nd week I was doing a kriya during one session and suddenly I felt the worst pain in my lower

was the biggest miracle of all - the physical proof that my back was, in fact, alright. There are no words to express my eternal gratitude to Swamiji.

back I had ever felt in my life! But I knew and trusted that these were the deepest layers of this old stored

Ava Violette Laurèl, Los Angeles, U.S.A.

pain I’d been holding onto for over a decade & they

science meets spirituality


DNA Activation = Accelerated Spiritual Awakening ! Based on Nithyananda’s Talks on DNA Activation, October 2010, Bidadi Ashram

In the year 2012, human consciousness is undergoing a big shift towards higher consciousness. This shift is going to happen by the activation of cellular DNA. Dormant DNA activation level controls your frequency. Every time when a DNA strand is activated you download higher consciousness from the cosmos and attract people, places and events of similar high frequency. Scientist and researcher Sheryl Kakshialansa says- “Junk DNA or dormant DNA activation is a tremendous gift to accelerate the spiritual awakening of collective consciousness on the planet.” Scientists Grayzna and Franz found that DNA can cause patterns in vacuum, producing magnetic wormholes. Wormholes are tunnel-like connections between areas in universe through which DNA attracts bits of information outside time and space and passes them on to our consciousness. It was noted that this information can be passed on between individuals whose DNA is turned on or activated. The core human DNA imprint is built on a 12 strand structure. This means it can radiate, it can embody 12 dimensions of conscious awareness. The person with one or two strands of DNA awakened is like a computer with only 16MB ROM memory. But once the DNA structure is activated it’s like giving a high speed internet connection to the computer. You can then access anything just by intent and intuition. Most of the human beings have only one DNA strand activated. When you become a seeker, ready to take the risk of renouncing the pleasure of the senses for something which you don’t understand, something which is not tangible to you, then the second strand of DNA gets awakened. In almost all sincere seekers the second strand of DNA is awakened already.

37 Second to sixth strand awakening is the enlightenment period. The sixth to twelfth is the incarnation period. By that time the twelfth is awakened, you are an incarnation! After the twelfth strand is awakened hundreds of new layers open up. That is what is meant by ‘poornavtara’ through whom so many different truths and revelations are constantly revealed to the world, constantly shared with the world. So the question now is, how to awaken the next level DNA strands?

science meets spirituality The technique to awaken the third strand is - remember who you are. Constantly remember who you are really. It is natural to think that one part of you is the identity which you are showing to the world. As soon as you do that, another part of you will immediately say that this cannot be you because this identity continuously changes. You yourself can convince yourself to change the identity which you are projecting to the world.

Intense craving of the apple seed makes it become a tree with many apples. Intense seeking simply awakens at least four to five strands of DNA.

In half an hour it can be changed into another one. Sometimes when you are not able to maintain the social identity or when that identity gives you suffering, in 21 minutes (one cycle of time) if you sit and talk to yourself you can simply change it. It’s liquid, it’s changing. So how can this identity be you! Then who are you really? In a few minutes you will feel there is some point at which you are cornering you. What is me? A silent awareness will happen for a few seconds. Then because you are not able to be in the pressure of cornering you, it just gets bumped! It goes away to some other subject or object and this idea gets lost. This means that you are touching the third strand of DNA but it is kicking you back! That is where you need seeking. At this point you need to tell yourself - ’I am not just going to build my body, I am going to build my very DNA structure’. With seeking do weight lifting. That will get into your DNA structure. With awareness when you lift the weight, feel that tremendous pressure - not pain. When you are with awareness it

will never be a pain. It can only be called as pressure on your muscles and system. When you feel that heavy pressure in your muscles, decide intensely that you will change your DNA structure by doing the weight lifting. With awareness and seeking go on doing that which your muscles do not want to do! This is how these ideas can slowly become an experience in you. Intense seeking simply awakens at least four to five strands of DNA. Nothing else is needed, no sadhana; just intense craving. Intense craving of the apple seed makes it become a tree with many apples, or one stem cell multiplies into two or three. Same way it just becomes many. So slowly the identity which is shown becomes a small superficial part of the individual consciousness. It is no more half of the identity, it is off the identity. When the identity which is shown to the world is a major part of the consciousness, you are a man, when it comes off, you are God.

esoteric realms


Mystical Secrets of the Siddha Sampradaya From the Siddha Talks of Nithyananda, November, 2010, Bidadi Ashram

The most practical, comprehensive and life affirmative tradition is the Siddha Sampradaya. This means, not just moving away from life in the name of some concepts or theories. It is working and playing with life, and very playfully expressing all kinds of energies and experiences. Siddha tradition is the only tradition which has a pill for enlightenment. Awakening the non-mechanical parts of the brain can be done with herbs without you being tortured or disturbed through any sadhana (spiritual practice) People always believe that enlightenment can never be given through an external source. I have also said this many times. People only say that it cannot be given because they don’t know the tradition. I was also saying it cannot be given, because I was not touching the siddha tradition. Now I have decided that I’m reviving the siddha tradition. We will not only be healing people from their illnesses, we will also be helping people to express extraordinary powers like levitation and extraordinary siddhis.

“The Siddha tradition is the oldest, greatest, most powerful and the most secretive tradition in the world”

The Siddha tradition is the oldest, greatest, most powerful and the most

secretive tradition in

the world. When something is the most powerful, it is also the most guarded. It is the greatest science of the inner world, comprehending all dimensions of the inner world. Medicines and techniques like yoga, pranayama, kriya, to heal the body and to experience extraordinary powers, spiritual awakening and spiritual experiences in the body. They have yantras, mantras, tantras and techniques to handle the whole cosmos, as they want. Siddha tradition is a doing tradition, it is not just being. It does not just give you dry answers, like the world is an illusion, why bother. No! They have the tremendous experience that all the world is an illusion, and also the tremendous capability to play with illusion and alter it as they want.

In the land in which I am born and brought up, the Arunachala (A sacred hill, worshiped as a manifestation of Lord Shiva) is witness for this enlightenment capsule. The siddha who lived in Arunachala, Iddaikara, himself had enlightenment only through this capsule. He’s a village shepherd. He was living in the Arunachala vana, taking care of his cows and goats. Navanada Siddhar appeared and gave him a pill for enlightenment and he became enlightened. Arunachala is a witness; I am a witness to this whole incident. I was trying my best to work with people who will put a little effort into having enlightenment, so they will understand the importance of it. Now I saw that even for a little effort, people are not ready. So I decided to open the tradition of no effort enlightenment, not even low effort enlightenment. Sometimes, they won’t even ask you to swallow a pill. They would create some yantras and mantras and ask you to lie down or sit on it. Just by this, enlightenment and great siddhis were transferred.

esoteric realms

39 In Kerala, there is a temple called the Kodungallur Bhagavathy temple. There is a siddha yantra there, created by a great Siddhar. Whoever goes and sits there, the non-mechanical parts of their brain will get awakened immediately. Even somebody with illnesses such as Schizophrenia will be healed by sitting there. This yantra is still alive and still doing the work it has always done. Vedanta is effort enlightenment. Yoga is high effort enlightenment. Zen can be called as low effort enlightenment. Siddha tradition is no effort enlightenment! Just through the siddha tradition I will bring the whole vedic tradition alive. One of the oldest traditions, Buddhism, has produced the largest number of enlightened beings. Yoga and Patanjali have produced the largest number of healthy people in the world. Zen has produced the largest number of peaceful people. Siddha tradition has produced the largest number of miraclemakers in the world. Not only enlightened people, enlightened miracle makers. I have seen at least one hundred Siddhars in

healing & also for awakening the non-mechanical parts of the brain. The functions of all three were easily interchangeable. Siddha’s siddhis can be divided into 5 categories. First is at the level of the Annamaya Kosha, or physical body, which includes materialization, teleportation, etc. Second is Pranamaya Kosha siddhis that can play with air and prana, and cure whole country from disease. Sometimes some peculiar disease would spread like wildfire. The siddha would go to that city and simply breathe the air and the disease would disappear, curing the whole village. Neem trees and Sandal trees were used to clear the air. Third is the Manomaya Kosha where awakening the non-mechanical parts of the brain was done through herbs. For this Tamarind is used. Fourth is Vijnanamaya Kosha which is about entering into different bodies. This takes place in the presence of a Siddha. The fifth and final Kosha is the Anandamaya Kosha which is the direct transmitting of the enlightenment experience and bolting in body by herbs. Banyan trees are used for this. Anything they touched would

Siddha Sampradaya is the only tradition that created a capsule for enlightenment.

my life. By the word ‘siddha’ I mean using extraordinary powers in a physical body. The reason Siddha tradition did not become popular was because people did not pay respect to it. It was recorded on palm leaves, copper plates, gold plates, stone and clay slabs (Kaveri clay). Unfortunately, 90% of all of these were lost. The stone inscriptions, however, remained. These stone inscriptions were preserved in temples in sets. There were three parts of the Siddha tradition: Medicines, techniques, and eternal truths. Eternal truths were used not only for spiritual experiences but also to cure diseases. Techniques were used for awakening the non-mechanical parts of the brain & also for physical healing. Medicines were used for physical and mental

be miraculous, that’s why miracles are called ‘siddhis’ and not ‘vedantis’. Miracles such as appearing and disappearing wherever and whenever you want, were made into a practical and usable science. Everyone who brought me up, all of them were Siddhars. These were the extraordinary discoveries of the Siddha tradition. Their medicines could heal, awaken and enlighten. This is why I chose to introduce Siddha in my ashram. By doing this, I will not only be healing people but also making them experience extraordinary powers like levitation and materialization by awakening the non-mechanical parts of their brain. If I have to put the whole siddha tradition

in one sentence: it is the only tradition that created a capsule for enlightenment.

tirtha yatra (pilgrimage)


In the Land Of Meenakshi

The pinnacle of

art, culture, tradition, spirituality and architecture come together as a beautiful monument of worship in the Meenakshi Sundareshwarar Temple in Madurai in Tamil Nadu, India. Located in the heart of the city, the temple is a prime example of the extraordinary expressions of human talents in the ancient places of worship. The Meenakshi Sundareshwarar Temple is dedicated to the worship of Goddess Meenakshi & Lord Sundareshwarar, who were the incarnations of Goddess Shakti and Lord Shiva themselves. Goddess Meenakshi was born to the Pandyan king Malayadhwaja Pandya and his wife Kanchanamalai after their intense prayers to the gods offered in the form of a putra kameshti yajna (sacrifice for a child). The baby girl emerged from the holy fire of the yajna kunda itself, with three breasts and a divine voice told the king not to worry, as the third breast would disappear when the girl meets her husband. The girl child, named Tadaatagai was trained in all the 64 shastras (fields of science) and grew up to be a great warrior princess. She conquered many lands, and reached Mount Kailash, the abode of Lord Shiva. Here, when she saw Lord Shiva himself, in the divine form of Lord Sundareshwarar, her third breast disappeared and she fell in love with him. Their divine marriage and subsequent coronation took place when they returned to Madurai, the capital city of the Pandyan empire. Goddess Meenakshi was a great administrator and she ruled over her kingdom for many years. The deities installed in the Meenakshi temple, were given by Goddess Meenakshi and Lord Sundareshwarar themselves, as energized deities for worship by all and sundry. The temple has become an embodiment of their divine energy and a visit to the temple raises one to a higher conscious level, simply by imbibing the divine energy in the temple.

The temple is a magnificent work of Dravidian art and architecture. It is richly embellished with frescoes, depicting scenes from Meenakshi’s life, and elaborate carvings, of the different divine forms of the many gods and goddesses. The Hall of Thousand Pillars has thousand carved pillars. The temple itself has four main entrances located in the four cardinal directions, marked by huge gopurams, the tallest one 170 ft high. The gopurams are richly carved and depict scenes from many different vedic legends and puranas. The main shrines are adorned with vimanas, or towers which are also minutely carved. The glory of the temple and the vedic tradition had started to decline around the 6th century AD. At this time, Saint Tiru Jnanasambandar , along with three other prominent visionary saints revived the Shaiva tradition through a revolutionary bhakti (devotion) movement centered around the temple town of Madurai in the Pandya Kingdom. Tiru Jnanasambandar was one of the 63 Nayanars, Tamil Saiva Tradition Saints, and enlightened devotees of Lord Shiva who lived around the 6th century CE in South India. He stood up against the pseudo Jain forces which were overpowering the Shaiva Tradition in the South Indian kingdoms at that time and revived the Shaiva tradition, returning the glory and respect to the temple. His spontaneous contribution to the Tamil compositions 'Tirumurai' forms the scriptural basis of the Shaiva Tradition. The Meenakshi Sundareshwarar Temple is a standing testimony to the spiritual strength of truth and the triumph of truth over evil forces. It is not only a temple, but also a mark of the victory of divine powers over evil, and is a reminder to one and all that Meenakshi & Sundareshwarar are not mere deities in the temple, but rather, are eternally ruling and watching over their kingdom, from the temple.


tirtha yatra (pilgrimage)

in the life of


Tiru Jnanasambandar gives Darshan Taken from Nithyananda’s Morning Talk on May 3rd, 2012

Innumerable mystical incidents have happened in Nithyananda’s life. This is one of the many mystical experiences that he had in his childhood.This incident occurred before His enlightenment experience, around the age of eleven. Tiru Jnanasambandhar was a young Shaiva poet-saint of Tamil Nadu who lived around the 7th century CE. One day, Saint Tiru Jnanasambandar’s father set out for his daily bath to the bathing tank. Tiru Jnanasambandar who was a small child at that time wanted to go with him too. His father refused to take him, so Jnanasambandar started weeping. So the father took him and left him on the banks of the tank inside the Seerkazhi (pronounced Seerkaali) temple (in South India) and went into the tank for his bath. The child looked around after a few minutes. Unable to find his father and feeling hungry as well, he started crying, ‘Mother, mother!’ Due to the child’s past good karmas, his cries reached the ears of the most gracious Lord Shiva in Kailash, describing Shiva Himself as the person who gave him His abode. Lord Shiva himself hastened to the the milk, by singing the Tamil song, ‘Thodudaiya Seviyan’. water tank along with His consort Goddess

The father was taken aback at his son’s capacity to

Parvati and asked Her to feed the child with

compose such complex Tamil poetry and understood

milk. Goddess Parvati fed the child with the very

that his son had indeed been blessed by the Lord

milk of wisdom (Shiva jnanam) from a golden cup.

Himself. This song is the first song sung by Saint Tirujnanasambandar in a series of songs glorifying

Meanwhile, the father finished his bath, emerged from

Lord Shiva collectively known as ‘Thevaram’. Today,

the tank and saw traces of milk on the child’s face. the Thevaram songs are sung in all Shiva temples He scolded him for taking milk from a stranger and around the world. angrily asked from who he had taken the milk. The child pointed out to Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati who

Sambandar attained liberation (mukti) at the age

were still sitting in the temple procession vehicle, of sixteen soon after his marriage. His works, such but the father could not see them with his ordinary

as ‘Tirumurai’ are the pillars of the Saiva Siddhanta

eyes. So the child answered his father’s question by



in the life of Jnanasambandar walked up to him and embraced him. He was surprised and in such a state of ecstasy, that before he could realize and come out from that state, Jnanasambandar disappeared. In a way, he disappeared into his very body. It was a great joy and ecstasy for Nithyananda, a very unique happening. He immediately asked for directions to Seerkazhi , Jnansambandar’s birth place where the incident had originally taken place, and was on his way. He walked to Seerkazhi, from Tiruvannamalai which took him several days. There he had the darshan of the holy temple where the incident took place, hundreds of years ago.

It is often difficult for the mind to grasp the possibility of such an incident occurring. The mind refuses to believe that a deity can be a living energy, that there is a being within it. One always wants to ask for proof. But to know how such a thing is Every year, during the Tamil Vaikasi month, a festival in the name of Tiru Jnanasambandar is celebrated possible, what is needed is not proof. What is needed in Tiruvannamallai, Nithyananda’s birth place, in is a little openness, a break from the scientific logic remembrance of the incident of Devi feeding him milk. that binds our thinking. With a free mind comes the As a young boy, Nithyananda was once attending this key to open the door of possibilities within, allowing the self to witness the numerous mystical experiences festival. He stood in front of the Jnanasambandar deity that are happening all the time. in great ecstasy, remembering this beautiful incident. He suddenly saw Jnanasambandar Himself came

The human mind is becoming more like a walled sanctuary of ideas about the world milk and drinking out of it. Not only drinking, he and life. Ideas about what is real and what is not, was sprinkling the milk on the crowd, giving it to what is possible and what is impossible. However, them as prasaadam. this concept of reality is only that, a concept. It is the mind’s projection of reality. Only when the walls of Nithyananda saw very clearly, as he opened his logic are broken down, the extraordinary, that which mouth; a few drops of milk fell inside. On seeing this, is beyond the mind, begins to express itself. out of the deity holding a golden cup filled with

creative juices


Painting of Paramahamsa Nithyananda by Sri Ananda Brahmanya, San Jose, California, USA.

These “Divine Dolls” are inspired by Sri Paramahamsa Nithyananda, the ultimate artist! The baby Meenakshi, representing Goddess Meenakshi, is handmade from “jumping clay”- a popular non-toxic, air drying clay ~ Nithya Devi, Singapore

why wait why wait to go out and play when it is such a beautiful day why wait till our hearts break to step outside our fairy tales why wait to be rich to soothe our wounded streets why wait till we are old and wise

when we suffocate day and night why wait to be friends when every moment’s at its end why wait to fall in love before we find what we dream of why wait for a child’s birth to be a father and a mother why wait till we are diseased to get down on our knees

to scale out heights

why wait to contemplate why wait to meditate why wait to celebrate why wait to radiate why wait, why wait why wait until we lay in our death beds

to find out truth does not age why wait


why wait to embrace and dance with causeless

Background Sketch by Ananda Yoganandini, Bangalore, India

~ Sri Nithya Omkarapriyan, San Jose, California, USA


laughter is meditation

Live, Love, Laugh A man entered a park and sat next to a boy who

and his eyes are on the same side of his head...’ The

was sitting with a dog at his feet. The man asked him, wife replied, ‘That is a mirror.’ ‘Does your dog bite?’ The boy said, ‘No.’ The man immediately bent over and petted the dog. The dog

When you continuously criticize everything in front of you,

promptly bit him. He shouted, ‘You said your dog

you will miss life itself! You will live merely in your own

doesn’t bite! He has bitten me!’ The boy said, ‘Yes, world of fantasy. When you stop criticizing, you will start my dog doesn’t bite, but this not my dog.’

seeing the real life!

We may not have wrong knowledge but we have our own imagination! Whenever we suffer, understand, it is

One man asked his friend, ‘Do you have the same

because of our imagination. If we drop our imagination, trouble with your wife that I have with mine?’ The life will become simple and straightforward.

friend asked, ‘What trouble?’ The man said, ‘Money trouble. She keeps nagging me for more and more money.’ The friend asked, ‘And what does she do with

A man told his wife, ‘I hate this modern art. What

all the money you give her?’ The man replied, ‘I don’t

a piece of nonsense this is!’ The wife replied, ‘Don’t

know, I never give her any.’

say that! This is the famous Picasso’s painting.’ The man continued, ‘What about this one with all these

Even what is not a problem, we like to talk about as a

crazy lines?’ She replied, ‘That is Kandinsky’s.’ The

problem. Only then we feel we are doing a great job! If

man continued, ‘Alright, but how about this one? This

we stop talking about problems, we will get into the right

man here has a pencil neck, his nose is upside down, action and live life blissfully.

nithyananda gurukul


Master Your Mind! The ancient vedic civilization of India offered a culture and

possibility. Either we can use it for walking or to kick

lifestyle that facilitated whole-brain learning. Much of this

someone. If we are kicking someone it is violence. So we

wisdom remains available today. In Nithyananda Gurukul it

have a pattern of violence. The violent pattern will tell you,

has been brought back to life, and is being used to create

“Why are you breaking me, I am so good. I have always

the education system for the 21st century. Cutting-edge

been with you. Instead it will be better if you break your

technology goes hand-in-hand with ancient cultural art

leg so that you can never kick anyone.” So your pattern

forms to provide the best in class education for children.

can keep on telling you these things, but you have to break

The higher truths of life are instilled in children from a

the pattern itself. The mind keeps on playing this

young age, along with rigorous yoga training, to give them a yogic body and vedic mind. Under the guidance of Paramahamsa Nithyananda creativity and intelligence is beautifully blossoming in the Gurukul kids. They express extraordinary talents, erstwhile not seen commonly in children of their age. Here we discuss some concepts with the Gurukul children which have been expressed by them in a very innocent and simple way.

Patterns and Possibilities

game with you. Similarly all your senses are possibilities. It depends on you how you use it. The problem is not with your senses, it’s with your patterns. So please avoid breaking your body, please break your patterns. Withdrawing your possibilities and destroying your possibilities are two completely different things. For eg. we should stop starving in the name of fasting.

Contemplation We are going to talk about why contemplation is needed in our lives. Contemplation helps you in breaking your patterns. If you break a pattern it will lead you to the next spectrum, the next level of being. Whenever

All our rudimentary patterns have hidden possibilities

you break a pattern you become free of it, it is liberating.

behind them. Swamiji says that we should start

Sometimes it may come back but you will be aware of it.

breaking our patterns, instead of breaking our

That’s how you start and move to further levels. Whenever

possibilities. For eg. let’s contemplate on legs - it’s a

you break a pattern you move to the new frequency.

nithyananda gurukul


For eg, the pattern of anger.

When you get angry,

others. So when we talk to the other person we will break

sometimes you avoid being aware that you are getting

our ego. Similarly through contemplation we can work out

angry. You will simply blast out. Then after sometime you

all our patterns. Then you will be able to catch others

may realize, “Oh! I got angry, I shouldn’t have.” But later

thought patterns too. Actually when you have a problem, it

you start contemplating and try to break that pattern of anger. So next time when anger comes you will be aware, “Oh! I am trying to get angry.” So initially you become aware after you get angry, then slowly you start becoming aware before getting angry. Step by step when you

always comes with an answer. When you see a problem just step back and think out of the box, that means just try to think out of the problem. You will find that when you look at the problem you automatically get

contemplate, you can easily break the pattern.

the answer. Its like looking at the at the big picture. We

When you contemplate you can catch your own

generally go to a big group and tell our experiences to

thought pattern.

break our ego. Because swamiji says our ego is not centered in us, it’s centered in others. So when we

The more and more you contemplate, your thought

talk to the other person we will break our ego. Similarly

process attains more clarity. Centered in us, it’s centered in

through contemplation we can work out all our patterns.

For more on the Gurukul, visit the eN-Education Website

nithya jyotisha (vedic astrology)


be beneficial for your related karmas. From 21st onwards, be ready for a change that brings wealth if you have been actively working on it.

Cancer moon: A lot of your interest is focused on

The Way Forward

social life. There could be family celebrations. If unmarried, chances of marriage could come up.There will be enjoyable times in your circles. A money deal is possible on the 25th. Inquire properly if it is profitable or not. Remember your true self and be anchored in the present moment to handle the social push and pull. Ask yourself, ‘Are you there?’ Then reply to your question ‘Yes’. It will directly bring your awareness to the present! Try this particularly before going to sleep or anytime during the day.

Aries moon: You have been much tuned towards

earning money. You have a tendency to face family issues, either generated by business and work patterns that are omnipotent in your personal life, involving your mind fully and making you unavailable to your loved one, or (depending on other factors of your chart) generated by a lack of entrepreneurship and a feeling of laziness and discouragement. Do not bring these patterns home. You need to find solutions to come out of it. Understand that working with others is better than having others work against you. After 17th, planet Mars brings focus upon ways to structure your routine, organize your time and schedule, consolidating a family project involving siblings, or settling hereditary issues. You need to work on your body and break mechanical patterns that keep you entangled in material life, making you forget that you are unclutched by your very nature. Patanjali dhyaan when practiced daily will help you a lot! Visit for meditation instructions on Patanjali dhyaan.

Taurus moon: Since last month, a relationship is

playing havoc on you nerves, due to unresolved issues from the past that you have to face, there is no other go. Slowly, your strength comes back. It is a great period for learning and regenerating yourself. New plans you generate now would inspire progress for the next 4-5 years. Be ready to get financial/ professional opportunities on 21st June! Break through the mechanics of your identity by practicing Patanjali dhyaan every morning (5 minutes) to elevate identity suffocation. Visit for meditation instructions on Patanjali dhyaan.

Gemini moon: June is under excellent spiritual

auspices. Energy is conducive to knowledge about enlightenment. It is an excellent time to come to revolutionary and self-transforming Inner Awakening happening at the Bidadi ashram. By doing practices sincerely, you may reclaim knowledge from past lives. Spending for religious and spiritual matters and going to temples will

Leo moon: After 12th of June, your projects are

rocketing to a new dimension. You may start working with a team and make profitable ventures.This all will bear fruits from the 15th of June. Art professions are favored. Since you will go through a challenging phase professionally, your mind could be too much involved and tension-prone at times.You need to stop thinking to rejuvenate yourself! Be aware of not letting tensions disrupt family bliss and allow the natural flow of consciousness in you which is ‘Silence’! Meditate on that intense silence where words lose power over the mind. No need to concentrate on anything... the silence is there… just allow it to happen.

Virgo Moon: Components of your past resurface, either from past lives event or from past issues of present life insidiously coming up. It is either stabilizing you in a new phase of your life or challenging your emotional response, raising you to wisdom eventually. Every minute spent in feeling connected to the Master will be engraved in the muscles memory at deeper levels.You have been prepared for that! After a long month of shyness, after the 10th of June, zest and excitement to speak up is there. This is an excellent period for teachers. Travels are possible (short and long). Planet Mars is favorable to you from the 17th onwards. Self-confidence is getting higher.


nithya jyotisha (vedic astrology) that does not develop karmas (unfulfilled actions attracting more unfulfilled actions).

Libra moon: You are somehow suffering on and off with ‘identity crisis’ and a feeling of isolation. Do not fall into self-sympathy! 2012 has a lot in store for you if you are ready to come out and fetch it! Spiritual life is taking more and more importance after the 18th. Your local community or sangha can bring deep fulfillment to counteract your self-created feeling of loneliness. Be careful not to gain weight since appetites of all sorts may rise in you! Watch compulsive expenses that may lead to unnecessary losses. Bring prana (life energy) into your body. Choose any pranayama technique you cherish and practice daily. Things will flow beautifully with new prospects from July onwards!

Capricorn Moon: You may spend adequate time to ensure sufficient bonding with children. Parents should not pre-arrange the child’s future, and launch him on to a specific, set career that the child has not chosen voluntarily. Birth or conception would be optimum. A general dip in energy, finances and a sense of detachment should not be entertained around the 15th. Capricorn rashis will do good by raising their self confidence level by practicing the specific Nithya Kriya for higher self confidence. Visit www. to know about the kriya.

Scorpio moon: Your display of confidence may seem inappropriate to others when they need your immediate attention. Bring your introspection up and find out if you are available to others or not. This awareness will save you especially on the 4th of June, when you need to maintain your cool.With your awareness on this matter, this period can give you a real opportunity to fix money matters, family life, investments and social position as well. You may meet your life partner this month. There are very good chances of marriage for the unmarried. There could be happy foreign journeys during this period. There will be no problems financially.

Sagittarius Moon: Take care of your health and diet. All spiritual activities are encouraged in June, mantra chanting being the best practice to bring prana (life energy) into your body and strengthen it. Do visit your local temples as much as possible. Get rid of unwanted things and take some time off for friends and reconsider your relationships. Be ready for some transformational news after 21st June 2012 which could be bringing promotion and rise in social status. Analyze the internal enemies rather than the outer one.Your jealousy or frustrated expectations have nothing to do with people. It spoils your inner space, not allowing the right flow of energy to move towards abundance at all levels. Take responsibility for whatever happens through you, for what you say, think and do, and anchor yourself in the present moment. Then you will do things in a way

Aquarius Moon: There is revival in energy and activity. Anger and aggression could come in and create slight hassles. By the end of June, you will be fully in focus and centered in your projects. Be aware of blood pressure and tension level due to mental stress. June is testing your ability to face high hurdles along with patience to handle passing problems. This is a time to assess your spiritual progress and detachment by unclutching continuously from these so called obstacles! Practicing the Kriya Care for anger management 21 days will take care of your core balance.Visit to get the Kriya instructions.

Pisces moon: Enhance your inner strength! Yogis don’t know depression since their prana (life energy) flow is high. Veerbhadrasana, the warrior pose is the yogic technique to solve all issues! Choose clarity in all relationships and do not cover up your opinions. Feeling of loneliness can be cleared by proper communication and the above yogasana that dissolves attention-need and raises the energy level. Money is not at the centre of your attention. Connect deeply to your spiritual Master and welcome changes from July onwards.

abhyasah (practice)


\CrOSSWORD ACROSS 3. Techniques which can control the rhythms of breath and pranic energy to achieve healthy body and mind. 5. According to Hinduism, Lord Shiva, the destroyer of ignorance and illusion, resides at the summit of this legendary mountain 7. Devi Meenakshi’s temple is situated in which city? 8. The Hindu goddess of wealth, prosperity (both material and spiritual), light, wisdom, fortune, fertility, generosity and courage. 9. Representation of the Hindu deity Shiva, used for worship in temples (two words separated by a hyphen). 11. An enlightened woman who was also the wife of the enlightened master Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (two words separated by hyphen)

DOWN 5. Wish fulfilling cow which is considered to be the 1. Musical instrument held by goddess of knowledge, Devi

embodiment of 330 million Gods


6. Postures in which yogis align the body for higher

2. A sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is capable of

experiences are termed as

creating transformation

10. A medicinal plant whose decoction is a panacea that

4. On this hill Paramahamsa Nithyananda got his first

completely rejuvenates & detoxifies the body

superconscious experience

Gentle Kicks Below there are a few questions which we call as a hitch. What you have to do is to think of a solution according to your understanding. Then read the answer given by the master. Read just one question at a time and check its answer. The beauty of this exercise is that the answers given here will act as gentle kicks given by a trained soccer player which will lead the ball directly to the goal post. Your honesty here is going to decide the level of benefit. So enjoy! Hitch 1: Why does everyone like music? Hitch 2: Who is a real warrior? Hitch 3: What is the difference between me and Buddha? Hitch 4: Why is God giving the troubles only to me? Hitch 5: What is Science?

Answers from the master: Gentle Kick 1: Because music makes you aware of the silence within and without. Gentle Kick 2: One who can fight with himself and win! One who can win over his emotions and mind. Gentle Kick 3: You are a Buddhi. He is a Buddha. The only difference is the added ‘I’. Drop it and you become Buddha! Gentle Kick 4: A wound attracts flies. Likewise, a flower attracts only bees. If you only face troubles... come to your conclusion now. Gentle Kick 5 : Simply imagination. Your so called science is a collection of thesis and hypothesis only. These are scientific terms for the word imagination.

Shiva-Linga 10. Neem 11. Sarada-Devi CROSSWORD KEY: 1. Veena 2. Mantra 3. Pranayama 4. Arunachala 5. Kailash 6. Asanas 7. Madurai 8. Lakshmi 9.


Akashic Readings

Akashic Readings downloaded from the Cosmic Archives by Nithyananda Does life exist on other planets? What is the truth of the bermuda Triangle mystery? Can I find out about my past lives? The hallways of the Wheel of Time hide many answers. Get answers to all these questions and more From the source - the. Cosmic Archives. Cosmic Archives are the mystical records of all the events, words, thoughts and actions that have ever happened in the cosmos. The Time Shaft can be rewound and fastforwarded for answers that only a living incarnation can access For the first time, a living incarnation who is the embodiment of the cosmos itself opens himself in a language that we can understand! Ask and you shall be answered! Call +91 +80 27279999 Email: en.sharing@

Nithyananda Coronated as the 293rd Pontiff of the Madurai Adeenam on 27th April, 2012


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