Nithyananda Times - May 2012 Issue

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SACRED BANYAN TREE, Bangalore Ashram



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Whole day today try to follow the length of the breath during When god ordains he sustains various actions. Killing the confusions and doubts thru this is Ajapa japa of your very being without any word or mantra is yoga. unclutching. Work work work without (being) worried abt results every Routine work or creativity expressing intensity is unclutching. thing including enlightenment will be with you Past trying eat future is clutching stopping that is unclutching Suffering makes you think abt basic questions of life. But you forget this basic questions when u are entertained by mind Trusting the possibility and living is unclutching Never believe love at first sight, this means your inner space is so weak and starving for attention. Vedic mind means ability to look into anything and grasp the subtle truths embedded in it Problem is not what you go through but what you feel you may go through joy is also same

Nithyananda Times May 2012, Volume 1, Issue 1 Owned & Published by Dhyanapeeta Charitable Trust Off Mysore Road Nithyanandanagara, Bidadi, Bengaluru, Karnataka - 562 109 India (Phone: 97422 03311, +91 +80 27202084) Editor Valli Ramanathan E-mail Website Printed in India by Progressive Partner, No. 22, 20th main road, Rajaji nagar second block, Bengaluru - 10

Trying is clutching doing is unclutching. Jealousy eating joy is clutching joy eating up jealousy is unclutching. My words are to silence you, my silence is to awaken you Today’s thought pure love burns all the dirt of your inner space so go on radiating love to every thing that exists

Disclaimer The meditation techniques included in this magazine are to be practised only under the direct supervision of an ordained teacher of Nithyananda Mission (NM) and in consultation with your personal physician to determine your fitness and ability to do the techniques. They are not intended to be a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. If someone tries these techniques without prior participation in the meditation programs of NM and without the direct supervision of an ordained teacher of NM, they shall be doing so entirely at their own risk; neither the author nor NM shall be responsible for the consequences of their actions. Š2012 Dhyanapeeta Charitable Trust All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. In the event that you use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions. All proceeds from the sale of this magazine go towards supporting charitable activities.


CONTENTS Vol 1, Issue 1, May 2012 My Dear Ones ... 6 Who is Nithyananda ? ... 6 Nithyanandam, Nithyananda Here ! : A conversation with Nithyananda during ‘Dial the Avatar’ ... 7 Vedic Renaissance :Throwing light on the Vedic tradition How Can Vishnu Have Hiccups ? ... 8 Ajapa Japa: The Sound of Your Being ...10 Life is Celebration ! ... 12 Bliss Bites: Sattvic Cooking Poha Recipe ... 14 Siddha & Ayurveda: Wisdom from two great medicinal sciences Juice of the Day ! ... 16 Events: Around the world ...17 Be Unclutched : Nithyananda’s Maha Vakya Stream of Bubbles ... 20 Yoga & Kriya: Uniting Body & Mind Transform Now Kriya ... 21 Main Story: Message to the World 2012, the Explosion in Consciousness ! ... 23 Questions, Doubts, Queries: Nithyananda Answers ... 26 Inner Awakening: Wake up to all your Possibilities ! In Conversation with Sushant Shrestha ... 27 Beyond Mind: Meditation I am ... 31 Kailasham: Sharing from Kailash Trip with Nithyananda Kailash Beckons ! ... 33 Esoteric Realms: Deep mystical truths Sacred Secrets of the Aghori Sampradaya ... 34

Science Meets Spirituality: Where science and spirituality come together How Kundalini Makes you Smarter! ... 36 Creative Juices: Contributions of creativity Illustration of Lord Shiva by Ben Drewery, USA Markings of Wisdom by Vamsi Ahobila, Houston, TX, USA ... 38, 39 Tirtha Yatra (Pilgrimage): Sacred Places which Lead you to Enlightenment Arunachala, the Giver of Enlightenment ...40 In the Life Of: Incidents from the Life of Nithyananda Become Your Own Spiritual Laboratory! ... 42 Nithyananda Gurukul:The young geniuses of Nithyananda Gurukul Brain Bugs ! ... 45 Heal the World: Experiences of Healing from around the world Sharing from Vamshi Ahobila, Houston, TX, USA Sharing from Shanti Devi, Croatia ...47 Nithya Jyotisha (Vedic Astrology): Vedic Astrology Horoscope for the coming month Your Path Forward ...48 Laughter is Meditation: Jokes to light you up Laughter Therapy ... 51 Abhyasah ( Practice ): Rack your Brains Crossword Gentle Kicks ... 52


My Dear Ones, A huge uplifting in human consciousness is taking place, a huge conscious explosion! For those of you who are prepared, now is the best time to be on planet Earth! Even if you are a little prepared, you will enter into a new consciousness. Through the current shifts of Nature , the earth’s gravitational power is reducing in a subtle way. Every one of your thoughts is a mass with its own weight. When gravity is reduced, the number of thoughts in your inner space also reduces. With less thought you will be able to perform more actions. Less thought, less action is inertness, more thought more action is restlessness, less thought more action is enlightenment! Especially between 2012 and 2020, many miracles will take place as well as a range of choices so that you can choose what you want for your future. Now is the time to prepare, I will be there, guiding you towards the new consciousness. Be Blissful!

Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Spiritual founder of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam

Who is Nithyananda ? Paramahamsa Nithyananda is a rare living incarnation. He has been named among the world’s 100 most spiritually influential personalities, alongside Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, Oprah Winfrey, Paulo Choelho and others. This honor is listed in the world’s top esoteric magazine - ‘Mind Body Spirit’, published by Watkins, London’s oldest and largest bookstore A modern mystic, he is an adept in ashta maha siddhis - eight mystical yogic powers - who has effortlessly awakened the Kundalini of thousands by his initiation. He is an exemplary speaker with over 10,000 hours of discourses offering profound life solutions, and is ranked one of the most watched spiritual gurus online with over 2000 video talks freely available on YouTube internet channel. A prolific writer, he has authored 500 books published in 26 languages. Nithyananda is a beacon of spiritual light for over 10 million inspired followers worldwide. Visit Visit


Nithyanandam, Nithyananda Here !

Taken from ‘Dial the Avatar’ Session of the Morning Discourse, 7:30 AM IST. For details visit Caller (C): I am a graduate student. I am doing my Phd in study

of natural products. Swamiji (S): Yes, tell me, what do you want to tell? What do you want to ask me? C: I wanted to know how best I could lead my lifestyle. I started intensely doing some practices. But sometimes it gets tough to manage the time…. Psychologically, how should I be? How do I integrate myself? S: I understand your whole position and mental setup. What practices you do are not a problem. Put your whole energy in ‘Cognitive Shift’. Make this as a priority: The concept you have about you. Work on that. C: OK S: For that you don’t need separate time. It is a whole day ‘thinking process’. If your whole day thinking is aligned with one idea, with one purpose, the Cognitive Shift can happen. While you are doing your work, you can continue to do this. It is like a ‘sahaja meditation’. You can be analyzing the whole day: Is this thought of mine aligned with that purpose; is this action aligned with that purpose. In today’s morning satsang, you might have heard – aligning yourself with the higher purpose. C: Yes S: Aligning with the higher purpose is like bringing honesty to you. Bringing honesty to you can never be brought by social law, or any country law. See, in Mississippi and Missouri: in Missouri, gambling is banned. In Mississippi, gambling is allowed. Till half of the river on the Mississippi side you will see gambling casinos! By law, are these people able to stop Missouri people from gambling? Just go in the boat that side, gamble and come back! By law nothing can be stopped. By society you can never be made to integrate. Society can never make you align yourself to

the higher purpose. So, you put your energies in that line, align yourself with your higher purpose. I can say, this is the best practice I can give you without asking for your time! I don’t want to tell you to stop the practices which you have already started. In the same way, I won’t be able to add anything further because you don’t have time. This is the tailored solution for you. C: OK Swamiji S: Whole day, constantly think in your inner space: Is every action, thought and speech aligning with your higher purpose? Is it expanding your idea about you? Is it enriching your idea about you? Is it making you feel more and more like a leader? Is it making you feel more and more that life is under your control? Just think in these lines. You may have to spend only little energy, not time to do this. You will be successful. Anything else? C: If we are not aligned, what is the best way to get back? S: I always tell people: When you listen to the great truths, the knowledge tools immediately align you! For example, if you are in depression, one knowledge tool – ‘by fighting with depression, you can’t come out of depression’… with this, decide to accept your depression, it will simply melt down. Actually, when you accept your depression and sit in a corner, it will melt down. So this knowledge tool immediately gets you out of depression and aligns you. Watch my Youtube discourses, in the Life Bliss Foundation channel. There are already 2000 hrs of discourses… watch them, you will have thousands of knowledge tools. Again and again use these knowledge tools to align yourself! Try one Inner Awakening program. You will do Phd in your inner space…! C: OK Swamiji. I need your blessings for that! S: Blessings. I am with you!


vedic renaissance

How Can Vishnu Have Hiccups ?

One day, Narada and Lord Vishnu were walking beside a river bank. Narada requested Lord Vishnu to give him the experience of maya (illusion). Vishnu warns Narada that maya is very dangerous and will have the power to control him. As much as Vishnu tries to persuade away from it Narada refused to listen to him and insists on the experience. Suddenly, Vishnu develops hiccups and asks Narada to fetch him water. Narada fetches him water from the nearby river but Vishnu refuses to drink it as it was too dirty. He tells Narada that far ahead, there was a stream with clean water. Narada goes to fetch the wate and comes across a beautiful woman who he falls in love with. He forgets about Vishnu and the task assigned to him. He marries her and settles in a house with 5 children. A few years later a sudden flood of the river washes his house away. Narada tries his best to save his valuables along with his wife and children. As he tries to

escape with his family, the force of the river increases and he lets go of his valuables in order to save his family As the flood became more fierce, he was forced to let go of one child by another in order to save his wife. He felt that by letting go of his children and saving his wife, he may later have more children. But soon he was forced to let go of his wife also to save himself. In spite of that, he started to drown. He was desperate to save himself. The words “Oh Narayana!” simply poured out of his inner space as Vishnu resides in him even under the influence of Maya. He immediately finds himself standing next to Vishnu who was asking Narada for water for his hiccups. Narada realizes his foolishness and falls at the feet of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu then asks Narada, ‘How can I who is sleeping on the ksheer sagar - ocean of nectar – have hiccups!’ Narada learns from this experience about the power of maya and how it sways the mind.

vedic renaissance Maya or illusion is very powerful. It is dangerous because it not only makes you forget a situation but also the very existence of the divine. Only when great suffering enters your life, you remember the divine and realize that what you are going through is nothing but an illusion or a dream. The moment we think maya is real, we fall into the state of Narada. When doubt in existence and execution starts, maya starts. The sooner we wake up, the better as it may save us a lot of trouble.

(A parable frequently narrated by Nithyananda in his talks)

Lord Vishnu Lord Vishnu is the supreme God in the Vaishnavite tradition of Hinduism. He plays his role as the ‘preserver’ as a part of the trinity of the three main gods, while Brahma is the creator and Shiva is the destroyer. Lord Vishnu is also described in the Bhagavad Gita as having a ‘Universal Form’ which is beyond the ordinary limits of human perception or imagination.

Devarshi Narada Devarshi Narada is a divine sage from the Vaishnava tradition, who plays a prominent role in a number of Puranic texts, especially in the Bhagavata Purana, and in the Ramayana. He is a great disciple and devotee of Lord Vishnu. He is also known as the cosmic comedian who presents situations in an amusing way.



vedic renaissance

Ajapa Japa : The Sound of your Being

Ajapa japa is the internal repetitive circular chanting of a mantra as a technique to enlightenment. It is one of the most profound, yet really simple solution to everything that appears as a problem to our minds. The technique takes root in the ancient Vedic tradition, and was carried forward by Hindu as well as Buddhist monks. Ajapa japa is one technique that does not address the problems in our lives, but rather, the root of the problems, the place where all problems take birth – the mind. The enlightened masters of the Vedic tradition gave this technique to the world as a ‘sadhana’ or spiritual practice to raise one’s consciousness effortlessly. It is one technique which can not only be practiced anywhere and anytime, but also while doing anything. Ajapa japa is not only a technique, it is a state. One may wonder how the simple chanting of a mantra can address the problems of modern day living, if it’s even possible. The answer is not to be found in wondering, but rather in practice.

of a mantra coming from your navel, through your throat and leaving from your tongue. But ajapa japa is the silent circular rotation of the mantra in your throat, the sound of the mantra is locked in your throat. The prayer wheel helps in the visualization of this circular rotation of the mantra, where the mantra can be visualized as rotating on a ring inside the throat. To practice ajapa japa as a technique, one can keep a prayer wheel for twenty one days (one energy cycle) and do ajapa japa whenever they are free.

For practising ajapa japa, any mantra can be chosen. It is not the mantra itself that is important, but rather the internal circular chanting, which vibrates in the throat. This circular chanting of the mantra leads to raising one’s consciousness and releases great energy in your body. The addiction to any mantra for ajapa japa is one of the best things to happen to any seeker, but this addiction cannot truly be called an addiction since it is actually Ajapa japa is best practiced by keeping a prayer wheel, a de-addiction from everything! It naturally, effortlessly with your chosen mantra written on it. Japa is the sound de-addicts a seeker from any kind of addictions.


vedic renaissance Ajapa japa also liberates a seeker from mood swings and phobias. Phobias in initial stage are mood swings. The technique works on the mind and being on many levels. Phobias are an outcome of your mind continuously repeating negative statements and creating negative, low frequency emotions in you. Ajapa japa is an antidote for the repetition of the negative statements that you are carrying. When the mantra rotates in your throat, and is ceaselessly repeated, the power the negative emotions have over you is weakened, and slowly dwindles. Ajapa japa dissolves the very basis of the existence of phobias in a person.

Prayer Wheels A prayer wheel is a cylindrical “wheel” on a spindle made from metal, wood, stone, leather or coarse cotton. Traditionally, the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum is written in Sanskrit on the outside of the wheel. But while doing ajapa japa you can use any mantra. The idea of spinning mantras relates to numerous spiritual practices whereby the practitioner visualizes mantras revolving around the chakras or nadis. Therefore, prayer wheels are a visual aid for developing one’s capacity for these types of visualizations.

Ajapa japa as a spiritual practice liberates a seeker from many bondages. It is a technique for dropping the ego as well. Ego is our attachment to any identity we build for ourselves. Ajapa japa addresses the ego at its root, where the attachment is created. It takes a seeker to an unclutched space, where every action and thought does not create any attachment in the being. The unclutching is not required to be practiced consciously, but rather, happens naturally, as the mantra becomes a part of your being. The energy released in this technique is different from other techniques in that the kundalini energy (inner potential energy) is awakened in the body, but does not leave the body, and “Shakti sanchalana” happens in the seeker. This energy cleanses and vitalises all the chakras or energy centers in the body. When the chakras become alive, they start vibrating with the panchakshari or the “om namah shivaya” mantra, irrespective of which mantra was chosen for the practice of the technique. The panchakshari is not chanted, but rather oozes from the chakras like nectar, making the body “mantramaya” - the embodiment of the mantra. The constant practice of ajapa japa can transform anyone and take them to a space where they experience siddhis or great powers as well. Ajapa japa is not only a technique, it is a master key

that opens up our highest possibilities and leads one to enlightenment. When taken on as a spiritual practice, it can lead to many more revelations and solutions, raising our consciousness and taking us many steps closer to the ultimate experience of enlightenment.

(Compiled from Nithyananda’s several morning talks in the

month of March 2012)


vedic renaissance

Life is Celebration !


Chithirai Brahmotsavam

the Vedic tradition. Before her coronation as queen of the temply city of Madurai, India. Meenakshi had to wage a war and conquer Brahmotsavam is the time when all the Gods & Goddesses make all the three worlds to prove Her Supremacy. She traveled and their presence felt on the planet Earth in order to celebrate and conquered all the places, kings, gods, and goddesses. Finally commemorate a Deity. Chithirai Brahmotsavam is the celebration of when she proceeded towards Kailash, the abode of Lord Shiva to Goddess Meenakshi's divine marriage with Lord Sundareshwara conquer Him, she won the battle with the Divine bull vehicle of - who is Shiva Himself – in the ancient Vedic tradition. This Lord Shiva - the Adhikara Nandi Deva - and finally accosted Lord brahmotsavam is named after the Tamil month of Chithirai Shiva who appeared before her as Sundareshwara. She could not which falls during April-May when the marriage happened. fight him, she bowed down her head and suddenly saw that her third breast had disappeared. She realised that she was destined to be the consort of Lord Shiva and that Shiva was the embodiment Goddess Meenakshi of Enlightenment itself. She realised "Aham Brahmasmi (I am Goddess Parvati, the consort of Lord Shiva, took That)". She married Lord Shiva and this divine marriage is the human body as the daughter of the Pandya king celebrated as Meenakshi Thirukkalyanam. Meenakshi and Malayadvaja and Kanchanamalai, 2000 years ago. Sundareshwara are worshipped as the principal deities today in the world famous Meenakshi Amman temple in the Madurai city. Meenakshi was born out of a Holy Fire to her parents and was named Tatakai. She had a third breast, which a Divine voice pronounced would disappear when she meets her consort. Meenakshi grew up adept at all the 64 (sastras) fields of Science in

Meenakshi Thitukkalyanam is the expression of the highest principle of "Aham Brahmasmi" & ShivaShakti Aiykya - the union of Shiva & Shakti


vedic renaissance

Meenakshi Brahmotsavam

Chithirai Brahmotsavam

Celebration of Goddess Meenakshi’s divine marriage with Lord Sundareshwara. at the Sri Nithyanandeshwara temple, Bangalore ashram. View events live through eNTV ( 23rd April – 2nd May Receive blessings from the Divine couple for success, happy relationships and prosperous life! Important dates: 23rd April – Dhvajarohanam (Flag hoisting) 30th April – Meenakshi Pattabhishekam (Coronation of Meenakshi) 1st May – Meenakshi Digvijayam (Meenakshi conquering all the worlds) 2nd May – Meenakshi Sundareshwarar Thirukkalyana Utsavam (Divine marriage of Meenakshi with Sundareshwara) 3rd May – Thiruther (Chariot festival) 4th May – Kallazhagar entering Vaigai & Teppotsavam (Float festival) Special offerings you could make and benefit: Meenakshi Tirukalyanam - For Early Marriage And Blissful Family Life Pattabhishekam – Wealth & Career Kumkumarchana -- Special Blessings For Women’s Prayers

Entangle with Meenakshi’s energy ! Meenakshi literally means the one whose eyes are like fish. Meenakshi bestowed Enlightenment to all just by Her very sight. Meenakshi's life shows us that being a constant ‘high achiever’ leads one towards enlightenment and pure devotion and love towards God. Meenakshi is the embodiment of perfection and excellence in all the fields of life. She is worshipped in order that we too imbibe Her leadership qualities and excellence qualities. She awakens the Leadership Consciousness in us. Meenakshi excelled in all the arts and sciences at a very young age. She was coronated as the queen of the South Indian city of Madurai. Worship of Meenakshi also awakens the subtle brain grooves of the right brain thereby making

the individual actualize the artistic skills hidden within. Contemplating on Meenakshi's life inspires us to be a ‘high achiever’ - which is actually true spirituality “Goddess Meenakshi represents 'power with stability'. She was a powerful administrator, a successful ruler and conqueror. Meenakshi does not talk, she does it. Meenakshi's energy can cause the new man of 2012 to blossom in you - whose personality of wealth is fully blossomed, whose personality of health is fully blossomed, whose personality of love is fully blossomed, whose personality of relationships is fully blossomed, whose personality of fulfillment is fully blossomed – who is a new man!” ~ Nithyananda


bliss bites

Poha Poha (Flattened rice) is a very easily digestible, carbohydrate-rich food used extensively in India. It has references even in Mahabharata where Lord Krishna liked it very much when offered by his childhood best friend Sudama.The recipe given here is a popular breakfast in many parts of India, Nepal and Bangladesh.

Nutritional profile Contrary to the popular image of potatoes as a comfort food they are actually a good source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, copper, potassium, manganese, and dietary fiber. Peanuts are rich in vitamin E, niacin, folate, protein and manganese. In addition, peanuts provide resveratrol, the phenolic antioxidant also found in red grapes and red wine which lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease. Peas contain many health-protective phytonutrients which provide us with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits, and lower the risk of stomach cancer. Tomatoes are a good source of dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol), Vitamin K, Thiamin, Niacin, Calcium, Magnesium and Manganese, and a very good source of Vitamin C, Iron, Potassium and Copper. When added to poha, these vegetables not only

enhance the nutritional value considerably, but also add a rich taste to the whole dish. In the context of taste, ayurveda recommends including all the six tastes in every meal - salty, sweet, sour, bitter, pungent and astringent. Each taste feeds our mind, body, senses, and spirit in its own unique way. By incorporating all six tastes into each meal, we ensure that not only the body, but also the mind and senses get satisfied,thus preventing food cravings and over-consumption of certain foods. All the various condiments added to this recipe like lemon juice, curry leaves, coriander leaves, mustard seeds, chillies etc. do just this. Thus, with its balanced nutritional profile of vitamins, minerals phytonutrients, protein and carbohydrates, poha is a power-packed delicious sattvic food to jump start your day!

bliss bites

Basic Ingredients: 2 cups Poha (Beaten Rice) 1 Boiled Potato 1/2 cup green peas, boiled 1 Tomato 2 Red Chillies 1 tsp Urad dal 1/4 tsp Mustard Seeds 1 sprig Curry leaves 2 tsp Peanuts 4 tblsp Oil 1 pinch Turmeric powder 1 Lemon Few Coriander leaves Salt to taste Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes

How to make poha : Soak the poha in water. Wash and drain all the water. Peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes, chop the tomato, chillies, and coriander leaves. Heat oil and put mustard seeds. When they start sputtering, add chana dal, urad dal and peanuts. When the colour of urad dal changes, add the curry leaves and fry until they crackle. Now add potato cubes and peas, sautÊ for few minutes, then add chopped tomato, chillies. Cook till they are done. Now add the poha, salt and turmeric. Sprinkle some water on the poha to make sure it doesn’t become too dry or stick to the utensil. Keep it on slow flame for 5- 7 minutes, then turn off the heat and leave it covered for 2 minutes. Add chopped coriander leaves and stir. Let it cool for some time and then add lemon juice. Poha is ready to serve!

Interesting Variations: Nuts and raisins can be added for a richer taste. You can add a little jaggery for a sweeter, more mild taste.



siddha & ayurveda

Juice of the Day !

Neem tree is a medicinal ayurvedic tree indigenous to

India, which has been of great benefit to humanity for thousands of years. Every part of the neem tree is said to have medicinal properties, from the roots to the leaves, flowers, fruit, and bark. With its ability to cure many different diseases, neem tree has played a significant role in traditional Indian medicine for millennia. This is the reason why neem tree is worshipped in India. In Swahili it is called Muarubaini which literally means ‘Tree of 40’ because it is said to cure 40 different diseases. In Sanskrit, it is called ‘Sarva Roga Nivarini’, the curer of all diseases.

Medicinal Properties Azadirachta indica as it is scientifically known, contains

numerous medicinal compounds like gedunin, nimbin, nimbinin, and nimbidin. Modern science is still analyzing

Neem Juice

neem to uncover its properties and how it works. More than 135 compounds have been isolated from different parts of neem so far and are being studied. Some of the properties demonstrated by these compounds are : potent antiinflammatory and antiarthritic heals gastric ulcers anti-bacterial anti-fungal hypoglycemic (lowers blood sugar) anti-pyretic (reduces fever) diuretic Anti-septic Anti-malarial Immunomodulatory Anti-tumour

like liver, stomach, intestines, kidneys, improves eyesight, cures allergies, skin problems and other disorders which One simple way to realize the benefits of neem in our are a result of the modern lifestyle. daily lives is to use a decoction made from the bark. The bark is available in powdered form in most ayurvedic Neem in Siddha Tradition dispensaries. The Neem tree is used for curing the whole air in Method to prepare the decoction the Siddha tradition. For example if a Siddha (ancient enlightened mystics with yogic powers) wanted to cure a particular disease in that whole village, he would plant Take 200 ml of water and boil it. hundred neem trees around in a particular way and Once the water reaches its boiling temperature, add the breathe a certain energy into it. All those neem trees neem bark powder (10 gms) to it. would catch his energy, his miracle power, and go on Let it boil till it reduces to 100 ml. radiating it. In ten days, the disease would disappear! The Filter the liquid and let it cool before drinking. Neem tree was used as a healing battery center, curing any disease if you just program it. It is recommended to have the neem juice early in the morning on an empty stomach. It is a panacea and can (Taken from the Siddha Tradition series of morning talks, Nov rejuvenate the body completely if taken daily. Since it 2010.) In all Nithyananda ashrams, the days starts with a glass of neem works by detoxifying the body, it heals multiple organs juice!


events Madurai Adeenam’s Visit On 20th March 2012 Sri-La-Sri Arunagirinatha Sri Gnanasambanda Desikar 292nd pontiff of the renowned and ancient Madurai Aadheenam ashram visited Swamiji at the Bangalore ashram on the Raja Sabha stage. He said ‘He (Nithyananda) is doing work which even the government has not done, which even the leading spiritual mutts have not done! We pray to Lord Shiva that he lives long, because only through such Gurus, the society, the humanity, can receive a new consciousness. He is a messenger of Lord Shiva.’ In the evening satsang he said, “Indeed we are very glad to enter Nithyananda ashram. His holiness Nithyananda swamiji is a wonderful creation of Lord Shiva and Devi.” While bidding farewell, he said, ‘Even if this body is there (in Madurai), this soul will remain here in Bidadi!’

World-wide 21 Day Peace Meditation When you meditate, the spiritual energy percolates not only your being, but also the whole space where you meditate, destroying negativity. Nithyananda initiated all his disciples into the peace meditation during the January ‘2012, Transform Now’ Webinar. With this inspiration, cities all over the US and Malaysia participated in a 21 day peace meditation to bring peace to the planet.

Bangalore () & Chennai (15th March, 2012) Press Meets Nithyananda revealed that the charge-sheet based on a sexual harassment complaint made against him was filed by an individual who is himself a self-confessed paedophiliac! The complainant Vinay Bharadwaj, a resident of the USA, is currently facing trial in Seattle, USA for multiple incidents of third degree child abuse.’ Since the CID is continuously bringing false information and false witnesses to the Court, I may be forced to go for a CBI investigation into the matter’, revealed Nithyananda. He also noted that Lenin has been arrested by the Chennai police on charges of extortion, blackmailing and criminal conspiracy. Nithyananda released the reports of four top forensic labs in the USA which tested the infamous morphed video fabricated and distributed to the media by Lenin in March 2010. Nithyananda also revealed that on 2nd April 2012, a Bangalore City Civil Court passed an interim injunction order against 9 Bangalore Television news channels, restraining them telecasting defamatory programs against Nithyananda.



Upcoming Events



South East Asia Tour May 9th - May 25th, 2012

It is said that when an enlightened being enters a sacred space, the whole Cosmos rejoices, because a confluence of two great spiritual energies is happening. To be part of such a rare confluence is a blessing indeed! For further details Visit Email: Contact in India: Ma Jnanatma - 776 098 0635


be unclutched ! Un-Clutching is a beautiful spiritual technique which enhances your inner balance and leads you ultimately to a state of eternal bliss. What is meant by the word unclutch? Let’s start with the phrase ‘to clutch’. You all know what that means. You can literally feel your hands tighten, your words getting stuck in your throat and your stomach tensing up when you think of the word ‘clutch’. We have all been there, in the state of being clutched; like when it is time to deliver a speech and no words come out, or you’re holding the ball in a game and can’t find an opening to pass it or staring at a test and no answer comes. Believe it or not, anytime you are absorbed in your thoughts and attached to your thoughts or thinking, you are in a clutched space. Now, think of the opposite, of letting go, of being un-clutched. When you change gears while driving a car; whether you change from first to second or third to reverse, you have to pass through neutral every time. You have to completely depress the clutch, or unclutch and move through neutral, and only then can go to the next gear, right?

There is no linear connection between one thought and another. The only relationship between thoughts is that they come from the same source. But we constantly connect one thought and the next in a linear manner. Just as bubbles in a fish tank rise from the bottom, our thoughts also rise in the same manner. When one bubble comes and reaches the In the same way, we experience a neutral space between any surface of the water, the next bubble starts and then the third two thoughts in our mind. That neutral space, that silence bubble starts. Because the bubbles are rising at a high speed, that exists between two thoughts is peace and bliss. When we they look like a continuous stream. Actually there is always a no longer grab onto thoughts and connect them to the past gap between two bubbles. or future, we remain unclutched. As we remain unclutched from our thoughts we become more aware of the neutral Like the bubbles, we also experience a neutral space between spaces between thoughts. We will dwell in the neutral space two thoughts. Since the gap or neutral space between two longer and experience more and more peace and bliss. thoughts is so small, we think all thoughts are connected to form a shaft. But there is always a gap between two thoughts. If you write down every single thought for ten minutes, You are constantly creating illogical connections between you will be shocked to see that there is no logical way the two thoughts. You may be doing yoga in a local studio, but thoughts form in your mind. For example, you may see a dog your mind may be as far away as Australia! on the street. Immediately you remember the dog you were afraid of when you were young, or the one you used to play If you learn this one simple technique of unclutching, you with when you were young. The next thought could be about will be able to retain a significant amount of energy in your your childhood. The third may be about the teacher and the system, in your being. As a result you will be many times room you used to sit in at school. The fourth may be about more productive and creative. Your relationships will be the house where your teacher used to live. much friendlier because you will not clutch to past incidents that are not related to the present situation. You will not feel There is no logical connection between the dog that you suffocated by people or their expectations of you. You will recently saw on the street and the teacher who taught you have tremendous inner space available to you to fulfill your in school. You can see that your thoughts are just moving, needs, as well as others’ needs. You will also have tremendous drifting from one thing to another. We can’t even call this compassion to know why others are suffering. It is only when ‘thinking’. It is just ‘association’, that’s all. You associate the you don’t understand why the other person is suffering that dog with your childhood, your childhood with the teacher, you are harsh with them. Your very life has a different quality and so on. and you become a changed person, living in a state of inner peace and bliss.


yoga & kriya Nithya Kriya for unclutching* is a technique that can easily and effortlessly raise anyone to the highest consciousness. This kriya can raise one's inner potential energy, the Kundalini shakti*, and is designed to tune in with the natural thoughtless space getting created by the shifts of 2012. This flow will be available for transformation and enlightenment. With this Nithya Kriya, even depression can be transformed into enlightenment!

What is a Nithya Kriya? In Sanskrit, kriya means action, deed, or effort and can also mean cleansing. Kriyas are dynamic techniques that combine postures and pranayama or breath techniques. In order to create the highest possible consciousness, one can practice more dynamic meditations such as Nithya Kriyas instead of passive ones. How does this work? When practicing a dynamic meditation such as Nithya Kriya for unclutching, the body is bent and stretched with a unique combination of specific breathing techniques and postures. Occasionally mantras and mudras can also be used. The combination of asanas and pranayama activates the energy centers or chakras, dissolving physical and energy blockages, allowing the opportunity to break old negative patterns, making one fresh and alive. Diseases can miraculously disappear. Nithya Kriyas take approximately 30 minutes and can be practiced alone or in a group.

Instructions: 1) Kapalbhati in Vajrasana Sit in Vajrasana (the thunderbolt pose), by kneeling on the floor. If you cannot sit in Vajrasana, sit in any comfortable position. Keep your hands on your hips. Kapalabhati: Breathe out sharp and fast as you pull your abdomen in and up. Focus on the exhale. Let the inhaling happen on it’s own. Do this for 3 minutes, then relax. 2) Shoonyaka Kumbhaka Continue to sit in Vajrasana. Exhale completely and hold the breath outside as long as you can. When you are holding the breath out, visualize the moon on the top of your head, on the crown. Visualize nectar oozing out of the moon and spreading all over your body. When you cannot hold the breath out anymore, relax and allow the inhaling to happen. Do this 21 times continuously.

Transform Now Kriya !


yoga & kriya

3) Kevali Kumbhaka Continue to sit in Vajrasana,

kneeling. Inhale through the right nostril along with the internal chanting of the mantra “sam.”. When you have finished inhaling, hold the breath in as long as you can, internally repeating the mantra sound “hamsam”. When you feel you can’t hold the breath in anymore, exhale through the left nostril with the internal chant “ham” . Do this 21 times, then relax. 4) Sama Kumbhaka Continue to sit in Vajrasana, kneeling. Stop inhaling or

exhaling. Wherever the breath is, just stop the breath and hold the breath as long as you can. During the time of holding the breath, keep your mind just below the heart center. When you feel you can’t hold the breath anymore, allow your body to inhale or exhale. Do this 21 times. Relax.

there are vast reservoirs of energy available to you mitochondrial cell energy increases, dormant strands of DNA are awakened, and health improves significantly. Practicing this kriya for 21 days makes your inner space clear and undisturbed, allowing you to experience the zone of no thoughts and inner peace. Caution: If you have a high blood pressure condition, are pregnant ,

have a heart condition or if you have recently undergone surgery, please check with your doctor before practicing the kriya. Glossary & References: *Explained in the articles on unclutching & kundalini

awakening Kumbhaka: breath retention Mantra: subtle sound vibration; process of tantra for liberating energy and expanding consciousness from the 5) Sit Silently in an Unclutched Way limitations of mundane awareness. Sit in a comfortable position keeping the head, neck and Hamsam means ‘I am that, I am the truth’. spine straight. Sit silently in an unclutched way for 21 Mudra: literally means ‘gesture’; physical, mental and minutes, relaxing in restful awareness. psychic attitude which expresses and channelizes cosmic energy within the mind and body By doing this kriya, the kundalini energy will rise Vajrasana: ‘thunderbolt pose’; kneeling posture. Sitting in intensely. Kundalini is a spiritual energy that is dormant vajrasana allows you to hold the spine straight easily and available to all people. Different techniques help to without fatigue. open this energy channel. When Kundalini is awakened,


main story

2012, the Explosion in Consciouesness !

Now, time is waiting for the space and space is waiting for all of us to transform ourselves into the ultimate possibility ! ~ Nithyananda


main story Nithyananda has given a specific Kriya for transformation called the ‘Transform Now Kriya’. Look for it in this issue.

2012 – Breakthrough in Consciousness Reduction in gravity: reduction in thoughts The year 2012 is the most talked-about subject in The year 2012 is the most talked-about subject in the worlds of both media and mysticism, including the predictions of Nostradamus. The calendars of most ancient cultures except the Vedic civilization come to an end in 2012. This has been foretold by the ancient Mayan Calendar, the ancient Chinese oracle - The Book of Changes, (Yi Jing, I Ching), and many other prophetic sources. Even modern technological prediction methods like the Web Bot project forecast a cataclysm of some sort that will devastate the planet in 2012. However, I am telling you, that 2012 is not the doomsday – far from it. It marks the beginning of a new era in human consciousness.

We are in a moment in time where space is waiting for us to transform beyond time and space. The art of transforming mud into grains is agriculture; the art of transforming grains into blood is digestion; the art of transforming blood into body is rejuvenation; art of transforming body back into mud is cremation. Now, time is waiting for the space and space is waiting for all of us to transform ourselves into the ultimate possibility. Transformation means going beyond all the bondages and restrictions which happen due to time and space. Fortunately, this is the moment when time itself is waiting for us to go beyond itself! Time which usually binds us, which is usually the stopping stone is now waiting for us as a stepping stone to higher consciousness !

So what is really going to happen in 2012? Let me share my insights with you. Two years back, when I was doing my morning running on the treadmill, I felt my inner space being bumped into samadhi for no reason. Within 60 seconds, my body was kicked into samadhi 42 times! When I contemplated on this experience, I suddenly realized the reason for it is reduced gravity. The center of the earth has a certain pull on all objects towards its center – this is called the gravity or gravitational force. This subtle force of gravity is going to reduce by 2012. Through the current shifts of Nature, your weight is getting reduced by a very small fraction. Physically you may not experience it now; physically it may not be big for you. But one important thing needs to be understood - it will have a huge psychological effect on you, because even your thoughts have mass. Your every thought has its own weight. When there is a reduced gravity on you, the number of thoughts reduces in your inner space and with less thought itself you will be able to perform more actions. There are many types of weight reduction. You may lose muscle, which is bad for you. You may lose bad cholesterol, which is good for you. But now, beyond bad and good, you are going to lose your engrams – the unnecessary thought patterns which you carry.


main story This very small weight reduction is directly going to be being-based civilizations are predicting enlightenment of the greatest benefit to your consciousness. and the dawn of a new Utopia. Actually, both are true. If you are a thought based person unable to catch up with the reality of fewer thoughts, you may struggle at first Less Thoughts More Action is against the feeling that doomsday has arrived, for you Enlightenment may experience a heavy sense of depression until you The possibility of functioning, performing more actions can adjust to the new lightness. with less thoughts is happening naturally. Many of the mental patterns you have, engraved memories called On the other hand, people who have prepared samskaras (engraved memories) that you have, are themselves for an unclutched inner space, their body actually not required to run your life. You will be able to will start expressing ashta maha siddhis (eight mighty perform, create, and achieve everything with less number powers). Many of the yogic powers will become a life of thoughts. The number of thoughts happening in your style. Constant joy and bliss will become the life inner space is going to reduce automatically in this year. style. More and more qualities of enlightened It means that if the gravitational power starts reducing physiology will start expressing in you. As I said in a subtle way, your body can move with ‘less thought, the medha naadi, amrutha naadi the nerve that runs from more action’. Less thought, less action is inertness, crown to throat, that naadi will be very intense and more thought more action is restlessness, less active. More and more humans will experience these effects. thought more action is enlightenment! For example, in the present time, for you to get up from your chair, go to the kitchen, have dinner, and come back, you need a hundred thoughts. By 2012 and beyond, you may need only forty thoughts – without doing any spiritual practice! Please understand, this will happen because the center of the earth is reducing its power to pull everything towards its center.

Comfort with the non-thinking zone will take you into Enlightenment This is the picture of what is going to happen, as well as

Why is a breakthrough in consciousness needed? According to ScienceDaily (July 25, 2011), a study done in

conjunction with the World Health Organization World Mental Health (WMH), 121 million people worldwide are affected by depression and 850,000 depression related suicides occur every year globally. Thirty per cent of the populations of America, France and the Netherlands are likely to have a major depressive episode (MDE) at least once in their life, and thirty-six per cent will occur in India. These numbers will increase as the effects of 2012 take hold. Is this because the doomsday predictions are coming true? No. Depression will be a direct result of a psychological shift in humanity due to fewer thoughts. When people, especially world leaders, cannot acclimatize to the psychological shift created by fewer thoughts, depression will obscure clarity and compassion, leading to individual and global choices that do not serve humanity or planet Earth. In actuality, the psychological shift that is occurring is an opportunity to break out of depression and into a higher consciousness! For those who prepare, NOW is the best time to be on planet Earth! )

the range of choices available to you, so that you can choose what you want for your future. All thought-based societies are going to encounter terrible depression because they do not know what to do. When the number of thoughts is automatically reducing the load on the nervous system, they will think they are becoming inefficient and forgetful. In the ensuing panic they will turn to all kinds of medications to alleviate what they perceive as dysfunction. Alcohol and other substance addictions will increase, along with other self-destructive behaviours that destroy the body and mind. None of these attempts at normalizing will succeed, because it is ‘evolution’ they are treating rather than ‘dysfunction’. The old paradigm of ‘normalcy’ Transform Now ! is departing permanently. Until these thought-based cultures acclimatize, they will undergo a great deal of To transform you only need tremendous courage needless suffering. the courage to accept your past and the readiness to go beyond it, without having shyness or without The societies which are comfortable with the holding onto any judgement. When you take the decision non-thinking zone will come into their glory, to transform yourself, you along with everything around taking the quantum leap into the space of you transform, and you have started your first step on a enlightenment. It is intriguing to note that all thought journey towards peace, bliss and enlightenment based civilizations are predicting doomsday for 2012, all (Taken from the worldwide webinar – ‘2012 – Transform Now!’)


main story

Questions, Doubts, Queries : Answered by Nithyananda Q: Recently more and more calamities are

Q: You have talked about leaders of the country.

happening all over the world. Are they due to 2012? A: No. 2012 is not going to be a physical calamity, it will be an energy breakthrough, a psychological shift in human beings.

In fact I don’t think there are any enlightened leaders in my country. How can I share these truths? A: Which country do you belong to? Hungary. A: Not only you, everybody has the same story. Try to

Q: Is the 2012 shift happening in whole cosmos or

just planet Earth A: In the whole cosmos. You mentioned that less gravity will be relaxing the body. Are there any physical or psychological changes we can expect to encounter? A: Yes. Because of less number of thoughts, people who are prepared and have an unclutched inner space space, their bodies will start expressing ashta maha siddhis or the eight great yogic powers. Many of the yogic powers will become part of their lifestyle, as will constant joy and bliss. So more then the light physiology, qualities of enlightened physiology will start expressing in you. As I said, the medha naadi, amrutha naadi; the nerve that runs from crown to throat; that naadi will be very intense and active. More and more humans will experience the naadi. Q:

do as much as you can in your country. All the people interested in this breakthrough consciousness, let us all gather together and save at least that part of earth. Q: Why do we observe in this day that a lot of

men and women are living alone? Does it have to do with 2012? A: Yes. The media is injecting, infusing too much fantasy into humans. The possibilities of the human male and female being together is completely destroyed by the fantasies being inserted by the media. It is too much suffering. The media and pornography are responsible for forced celibacy. The end result, living alone, may be right, but the route is wrong. By living alone you are not preparing your body and mind to be free of fantasies. Celibacy has to happen from fulfilment, not from frustration. Q: How can people come out of depression after

your 21 day Inner Awakening program? earth the basis of different Yugas (cosmic cycles A: The first 7 days, the truth will sink in. In the second 7 days, the truth becomes an experience in your life. of time) ? The last 7 days will bring miracles - attracting miracles in A: Yes it is. your life. Naturally, in this 21 days , any truth will work on you, or you will work on it. Q: What exactly is an Avatar or an Incarnation? A: An Incarnation is the energy which lands and prepares the Earth to get into a higher consciousness. Or the energy Q: You mentioned that after 2012, human helps the cosmos for transforming of consciousness. Or consciousness will raise. If someone dies, will a major breakthrough of consciousness. So in a way, I they be born with more consciousness? A: No. When they take birth, they will be born with the happened for 2012 to prepare the Earth before 2012 to give the maximum benefit to people after 2012. same consciousness as they now have. Only when they consciously raise, their consciousness will raise. Q: Is the change in gravitational force of the


inner awakening

The Quantum Leap ! In Conversation with :Sushant Shrestha

Nithyanandam! Would you like to introduce yourself ?

more mellow & relaxing

I am Sushant Shreshtha. My spiritual name is Sri Nithya You had mentioned a program you attended in India, Omkara Priyan. what made you attend IA ? What does it mean? Omkara is the primeval sound. Nithya Omkarapriyan is the eternal lover of the primeval sound.

Living my passion has been the theme of my life for the last few years. I wanted to understand what it really means to live my passion. What made me go to India was this longing to be in a place where I can fully express myself & truly understand myself.

When did you get your spiritual name? What did you discover? I was in Bidadi, India, attending a 21 day meditation workshop called ‘Inner Awakening’ or ‘IA’ with Swami On a mental level, a clarity about how I want to live my Paramahamsa Nithyananda. I got a spiritual name as a part life. On a physical level, an intense training about how to of that meditation workshop from the coolest guru ever! keep my body healthy. On a deeper level it was an intense understanding about who I am. Interesting. Can you tell us more about yourself ? Sounds profound. What changes did the program make I’m originally from Kathmandu, Nepal. I am currently to your life ? living in San Jose, USA. I’ve been living here for 12 years. I am doing my Masters in Integral Studies at JF Kennedy I can be totally confident about what I want to do now. As University & working there as well. Before that I did my an example, I was holding off a project I wanted to do for a Bachelors in Management & Finance - from Concord few years. I was not able to do it because I was not confident University, Virginia, USA. about it and still had questions in my mind. After IA, I got a clarity that I am not different from my world, I AM my What do you do apart from work ? world. I can do whatever I want to do in my life. I play music and write poetry. Reading is a passion as well. I am also into free masonry. What kind of music do u play ?

So if you had to describe yourself and your life before IA & after IA in one word each, what would it be?

Myself before IA: Confused. Life before IA: Overwhelming. Myself after IA: Passionate. Life after IA: An expression of My music is about writing words and putting music to it. that passion It is poetic music. Poetry is written music. So, my music is


inner awakening

You said that you discovered what you really want to do 21 days? in life, how did that happen? It is not that simple for most It was inspirational to get a glimpse into my own potential, people. It was devotional to be able to experience something higher than myself To me it is really that simple. When we are growing up, It was emotional, learning about my past and letting go of we know what we want to do. As a child, I always loved what was holding me back poetry, which was not a popular thing for a guy. While my It was totally ecstatic, with dance, music and celebrations friends played basketball, I played along with them & then It was exciting travelling with Swamiji to all different places wrote poetry by myself. I always knew that I wanted to do It was like I was effortlessly being in meditation. something creative. At that time it was poetry; later, music. The theme was always creating, expressing in different ways. What would you say was the most memorable or In IA, I got it reconnected to that which was already there. interesting part of IA ? So, to me it is that simple. We have added so much confusion to our lives which should be washed out. Definitely the energy darshans. They happen after a day of meditations which give us an understanding & inquiry into Do you feel that there has been any difference in your our past, present and future and kriyas which break the creativity with respect to your music, post IA ? wrong patterns. The energy darshans are a different space. In these 21 days, I went into the corners of my mind & What was your best take away from IA? discovered the creativity which I had never explored before. It’s a different level. Best take away from Inner Awakening can be described in just one sentence: it is not like we have different mental Has there been any remarkable difference in your lifestyle, patterns. We ARE patterns. after IA ? How so? Yes, definitely. The greatest change has been my lifestyle. I have slept for about 3 hours in last 2 days & I’m not tired. Every action or reaction in our thought process or our ideas My energy level in my everyday activities has changed about life is coming from such a deep conditioning from our phenomenally. There is a zeal for life, like never before. society. IA was to take a break from that for 21 days and look at life in a different way. Basically it’s a choice: You want a What was it like living around an enlightened master for life, or a life of patterns ? Red pill or the blue pill ?


inner awakening

w w w w. i n ne r aw a ke ni ng.o r g


beyond mind

Painitng By Varsha SIngh, Bangalore, India


beyond mind

I am. Human beings define their existence by the things

they do, the things they say, the thoughts they have etc. But none of these can in truth define a person, the being. None of these is the true reality of one’s being. The being is something which is beyond the outward manifestations of actions and words. Thoughts are created when someone is not in touch with the true being, which is buried under the thick layers of ‘conditioning’. Conditioning is the base material out of which thoughts are created in the mind. This conditioning can exist in five forms : Conditioning of the physical self and attributes –

that we are male/ female, tall/ short, thin/ fat Conditioning by desires – the desires we have Conditioning of the mental layer – that we belong to a particular nation, religion, culture etc. Conditioning by language – the language we speak Conditioning by family – the family we are born in, its traditions, disciplines etc.

Self remembrance is not thinking. You don’t need to verbalise or think about yourself. When you are thinking, you are not in self remembrance. When you are in self remembrance, you cannot have thoughts. You don’t have to repeat the words “ I am”. You simply

have to be aware, of yourself. Do whatever you are doing with the awareness, that you are doing it. Just try to remember you are without your mental picture or imagination about you. When you are walking, stop for a moment and be aware that you are. Carry this awareness. Be aware that you are experiencing the sun on your face, the wind in your hair. Be aware of the one who is experiencing. Just feel, I am. For a moment, you will be thrown back into yourself ! You catch a glimpse of deep silence, of reality. All the entertainment in the modern day living is

simply to make people forget themselves. The conditioning which takes over people’s lives constantly suffocates them. Hence, they resort to entertainment which is an attempt to forget themselves. But forgetting These layers of conditioning obscure the truth of the self can never liberate anyone of suffering. Only when you from people, creating confusions, suffering and negative remember yourself without the conditioning, can you ideas and mental patterns about life in them. be liberated of the suffering. With self remembrance, you get in touch with the eternal presence. Self remembrance is a technique which can raise anyone’s frequency of consciousness every day, without When you are in self remembrance, whatever is not doing anything. It does not have any prerequisites, no good in your life, will drop you; be it relationships, prior practice of meditation is required. Whenever business decisions, addictions, lifestyle, or anything you are doing something, remember “I am”. When else. Your self is the master of your life, remembering you are driving, remember “I am driving”. When you yourself, the master key of your life. Remembering any are eating, remember “I am eating”. Whatever you do God is not required, if you just remember yourself, that the whole day, simply remember that you are doing it. is enough, because you are God !





Kailasha Beckons ! ~ Written by Sumithra Swaminathan, Bangalore

When I close my eyes still the memories of Kailash fill me. On the banks of the Manasarovar Lake, where we had our tents, when I woke up and went outside it was a sight to watch the Kailash first thing in the morning, right in front of our eyes. Kailash is just not a place, it is the space everyone should experience. It is the center of the cosmos which will put anyone into their center the moment they enter into its space. It is indeed a blessing for our eyes to have darshan of Kailash in the early morning hours as the sun is rising in its horizon, its rays gently falling on the snow covered mountain, making it glitter like gold, declaring its grandeur. Kailash is not a place where one chooses to go, but rather it is a place and space where one is called by divine grace.

straight in my eyes and said, “Attachment is never towards a person, it is towards a personality” I asked him, “So all the suffering which I am undergoing, I think it is because of my attachment towards my father. You mean to say even if that person is not there in my life still the attachment will be there?” Swamiji replied “YES. The very attachment will turn towards something or someone else; it will just shift to other person.”

I always thought that when the object of attachment goes, the attachment dies but it was a great revelation that it continues to live because it is not related to the object but it is related to the subject. Swamiji had once said during the Himalaya yatra, “The benefit of being with the master is that Before I started my Kailash trip, I came to know that my occasionally he will blurt out the truth as it is. It won’t be father was ill. I went through an intense suffering because packed and presented; it will be given as it is. If you want to of my attachment towards my father. On one hand was catch, catch it” the spiritual truth and understanding, telling me the impermanence of this world and on the other hand, though Blessed are the few who get to travel to a sacred place with I had the understanding of the truth, still I could not escape the one who is established in the very Shiva consciousness – from the pain I was in. The Master. He is the one who can show the Kailash outside At Saga near Kailash we were all sitting in Swamiji’s room and the Kailash within us. I can count the number of days while he was answering our questions. In that casual sitting I spent in Kailash but never the blessings and memories I with Swamiji, I told my situation to Swamiji. He just looked carried back home. Om Namashivaya.


esoteric realms

Sacred Secrets of the Aghori Sampradaya

Who are Aghoris ?

embodiments of Lord Shiva walking on the planet, trying to wake people up. If you are too attached to life, then even the very sight of an Aghori will frighten you. Today, I see how people have lost connection with simplicity. Everything is seen with perversion. Aghoris are a tradition who are straightforward and simple. They are the embodiment of simplicity. Their way of thinking is beautiful, simple, innocent and straightforward.

Aghoris are simple beings or beings who live with complete simplicity. Today, we have complicated religion to a very large extent. We perform rituals, ceremonies and practice techniques in a roundabout way to achieve health and wealth. But I tell you, religion is not meant just for health and wellness. Its main purpose is to help you break your negative mental patterns and achieve the ultimate. Health and wellness should only be a by-product. Aghoris directly The Attitude of an Aghori work on breaking these patterns and simplifying religion. They don’t do things in a roundabout way. An Aghori will directly work on his patterns. If an Aghori carries hatred towards something, he will eat what he hates. Aghoris are not dream sellers. Anybody who sells you a If he has any violence in him, he will learn to love that technique and asks you to go on practicing it, assuring you violence in order to let go of it. If he loves something and that one day God will give you enlightenment, is a dream thinks it’s binding him, he will immediately throw it away. seller. I always tell people to work with unclutching for just They don’t believe in gradual liberation by letting go of an 10 days. If it works, it works, otherwise forget about it. In object mentally but keeping it with them physically. They let 10 days itself, you will see a major breakthrough. When you go of everything they like and expose all their five senses experience the breakthrough, you are growing. If you tell an to what they hate. Aghori that God is all powerful and if you pray to him he will come and bless you, he will simply laugh at you. Like I said, If an Aghori has a blockage in his heart then he will open his Aghoris are not dream sellers. heart, clear the blockage, and then stitch it back. They don’t even bother taking anaesthesia. And yet, they know exactly The Nature of Aghoris how to treat the blockage. They go into the depths of fear and face it, to the depths of Aghoris can often seem like nightmares. They are hatred and let go of it, to the depths of suffering and come


esoteric realms

out of it, to the depths of pain and go beyond it. When an Aghori can’t wake up in the morning, he simply stops sleeping. They do not postpone things. This is the attitude of an Aghori.

about this,I realized that even sitting is a difficult task. Humans are hypnotized by the concept of conscious, subconscious and all this nonsense. Human civilization has already made you believe something before you actually tried it. When you have so much dirt inside, how do you Aghoris as Seen by the World expect to sit peacefully? Aghori sampradaya can flourish only in a civilization where this nonsense of unconscious and No other sampradaya (tradition) expressed as many subconscious is not taught. You are an integrated individual. extraordinary experiences and strong enlightenment What you want, you achieve, that’s all. This is the basis of experiences as Aghoris did. Aghoris are often projected as the Aghori sampradaya. Unfortunately, humanity is not at India’s wrong side by many people, or the side that needs to this zone. I still cannot understand when somebody says, be covered up. As the only Aghori who is in the world’s most ‘I want to do it, I cannot do it’. That word is the enemy of influential 100 Gurus, who is courageously boldly associating Aghori sampradaya. The Maha Vaakya ( great declaration) of himself with Aghori sampradaya, I tell you Aghoris are the Aghori sampradaya is “Simply do it”. If you go to an Aghori pride of India, they are the pride of Vedic tradition. and tell him how much you fear death, he will simply ask you to go through the death experience itself.

From My Own Experience

But Aghoris never ever interfere in others’ life, never cherish When I was in college, I used to wake up at 4 A.M. in the enmity or hatred towards anybody. They are compassionate morning and meditate till 8 A.M. in padmasana (yogic people, like Shiva. If you go and tell them “Oh I am too posture). My roommates started to shiver after watching me attached to my bed, my home, my car”, they will tell you meditate. They started to move out of the room because of to sleep in the cremation ground, that’s all. The basic me and spreading rumours that I was a yogi and they should requirement for the Aghori Sampradaya is the clarity that stay away from me or else I would curse them. you are an individual integrated being – what you want, I asked them why they called me a yogi when I didn’t even your body does. What you want your mind does, what you express any extraordinary power. They said “If you are not a want you do! Meditate on this three words and do it ! yogi, how are you able to sit from 4 to 8 in the morning without moving?”. This shocked me. I could not understand how (Taken from Nithyananda’s esoteric evening talks, March – they found this unusual. Later, when I started contemplating April 2012)


science meets spirituality

How Kundalini makes you smarter !

From time immemorial, human beings have suspected that they have more energy and intelligence than they are able to express in their day to day life. It is this belief in a higher potential that is at the root of all creativity. People who suspected that they have more energy and started expressing it in the physical form became great creators – for example the people who constructed the great pyramids, the huge rock-carved temples of South India or the Colosseum in Rome. There are some who expressed it as extraordinary intelligence – like Leonardo da Vinci and Einstein. Then there are some who expressed the same energy and intelligence in artistic form – like Mozart, Picasso or Shakespeare. There are some rare beings, who expressed their higher energy and intelligence in its purest form as spiritual energy to help others – they are the enlightened beings of the world like Buddha, Mahavira, and Krishna.

taught you and what the society at large has led you to believe. When this suspicion that you have gets confirmed by a few of your actions then seeking starts. The proper and systematic methods and techniques which were created by enlightened beings to awaken one’s inner potential energy is what is called yoga and dhyana – meditation. Thousands of years ago great masters like Patanjali - the father of yoga, and Shiva - the father of all great philosophies like Vedanta, have very clearly expressed powerful techniques and methods to awaken the kundalini shakti, the extraordinary inner potential energy. One of the easiest and safest methods to awaken this energy is from initiation – deeksha from an enlightened master. When an enlightened being touches or blesses you, he transmits his energy and awakens your Kundalini energy. This transmission of energy is what is called initiation.

Any growth in any field, on any level – whether it is ordinary physical health, wealth or extraordinary inner richness, is only possible due to this higher potential energy.This extraordinary inner potential energy is what is called as kundalini shakti. The first step towards any kind of growth is to suspect that you may be having something more than what your parents have

One of the first attempts to record Kundalini activation and its physiological effects was made by Itzak Bentov (1923-1973), a Czech born scientist, inventor, mystic and author, and a pioneer in the field now recognized as ‘consciousness studies.’ Bentov developed a model that attempted to explain the effects of Kundalini awakening on brain activation.


science meets spirituality

According to this model, when Kundalini ascends the spine through the sushumna nadi (the main channel of subtle energy), it results in a huge energy influx into the brain.As the Kundalini flows from the thalamus to the cortex, it sets up a powerful energy loop within the brain, generating coherent alpha and gamma waves, and awakening the dormant, non-mechanical parts of the brain which we have never used before. Thus the direct result of this awakening of energy is that you also experience the same highest conscious coherence which an enlightened being expresses.

18 of the program.

With increasing levels of coherence, the whole brain comes alive, turning into a super-conductor of conscious energies that heal, empower and transform our lives. Enhanced awareness levels, huge surge in energy levels, increased mental abilities, greater creativity and extraordinary powers start to express through us like levitation, teleportation and materialization. Brain activation is also known to slow down the ageing process and improve immunity to disease.

Certain other instantaneous changes were recorded in all participants who had active Kundalini awakening, including:

In a breakthrough series of studies conducted in 2011, Kundalini awakening and its benefits were systematically recorded under controlled conditions in close to 600 individuals attending an intensive yoga and meditation retreat at Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam’s international headquarters near Bangalore, India. Apart from daily yoga, pranayama and other supportive practices, participants of the 21-day INNER AWAKENING program were exposed to a total of 21 personal initiation sessions from Paramahamsa Nithyananda. The study was based on a similar study conducted by Jeffery A. Dusck at Harvard Medical School and published in Public Library of Science in July 2008. Recordings were taken on Day 0 and Day

A series of QEEG studies were conducted on participants who had Kundalini awakening to study the effects of Kundalini Awakening on electrical activity in the brain. The same studies were also conducted on a control group. Both short term effects observed at the moment of initiation by Paramahamsa Nithyananda and long term effects measured through postactivation assessment of various mental and cognitive functions were studied.

a. sharper focusing abilities b. higher alertness levels c. extremely rapid multi-processing d. better short-term memory Post-activation assessment conclusively showed: a. Better problem-solving abilities b. More effective decision-making c. Enhanced interpersonal relations d. Warm and positive personality trends In these experiments, it was found that at the moment of initiation the brain waves of subjects during the activation showed a high incidence of delta waves, indicating that they were in a state of deep relaxation comparable to sleep. In Vedic science, this state of intense restful awareness is known as Samadhi.

Illustration of Lord Shiva, the the Rejuvenator, by Ben Drewery, USA


creative juices


creative juices

Pastel Sketch on ‘Entanglement’ by Arti Agarwal, Bangalore, India

Markings of Wisdom A world silently forgotten, Now urging us to listen, To make a stance once more. No more hidden symbolism, Forgotten wisdom. Once again finds ways to our self. No more damage from the outside wealth no longer creating a divide, Should we live in distrust, or come together as one? Should we put on our secret disguise, armies marching forth through the fog engulfing the atmosphere We squint, blink our eyes, fight back tears, Reach for our salvation, and make our stance No longer with fear, we stand, heavily armed with the weapon of knowledge and a secret arsenal of invisible beams of light rays cast down from a forgotten time memories will fade, soon this day and the next will be like dust in the vortex

Will we live to see our dreams turn to reality, our desires achieved Or will we simply fade in time, forgotten to a land where minds crumble with senseless pornography of reason. You find with me, The gratification of all our desires great and small. Let us live it through till the end, and welcome any outcome Till the very soul of man itself is known. The rain beats down, Turning the air around us cool, So for now, we fight and fight we must Do not let the details burden you, No reason to quicken your pace turning your faith to the flames. Let us look on with clear aim, For the soul of man remains and shall forever remain in the Depths of the true and let it always remain that in those depths we flew. ~ Vamsi Ahobila Vajjul, Houston, TX, USA


tirtha yatra (pilgrimage)

Arunachala, The Giver of Enlightenment

A small temple town which at first sight looks like any other small temple town in India, Thiruvannamalai is a tirtha sthala at the foothills of the Arunachala Mountain. As one slowly makes way to the Annamalai temple and around the holy mountain, deep truths and deeper understandings are said to be revealed about the place in the inner world, as well as the outer world. A closer look at the city reveals that Thiruvannamalai is a place where seekers from all over the world come for one purpose : enlightenment. Thiruvannamalai has seen an unbroken lineage of enlightened masters over the centuries, which continues till today. The caves of Arunachala have been the cradle for nurturing enlightened souls over the decades. Any visit to Thiruvannamalai is incomplete without the sacred Girivelam or walk around the mountain. It is in these caves where Bhagvan Ramana Maharshi lived and enlightened thousands of people. His ashram exists in the town even today, run by his disciples. Lord Shiva is the presiding deity of the town and is said to reside in the place in three forms – the Arunchala mountain, the shiva linga in the Annamalai temple, and as a living incarnation or enlightened master. Nithyananda hails from the revered lineage of enlightened masters of this divine land, following Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi, Sri Seshadri Swamigal and Yogi Ramsuratkumar. He is respected as the currently presiding living incarnation.


tirtha yatra (pilgrimage) According to legend, there was once an argument between Lord Brahma, the Creator, and Lord Vishnu, the Sustainer, as to which of them was the greater. (Brahma and Vishnu are two of the three Gods who constitute the Trinity of the Hindu pantheon of divinity.) They were unable to resolve the dispute so they took their argument to Shiva, the Rejuvenator (the third member of this Divine Trinity). Shiva appeared before them in his Vishwaroopa - His Cosmic form – as an endless shaft of light. The two ends of the shaft that were his head and feet could not be seen. He said ‘whoever can find either of my ends is the greater of the two of you.’ Brahma took the form of a swan and flew up towards Shiva’s head, and Vishnu went downwards as a boar, burrowing into the earth to find Shiva’s feet. They searched for many yugas (ages). After much effort, Vishnu realized that he could not find Shiva’s feet surrendered his ego to Shiva, asking Him to forgive his arrogance. Shiva blessed him for his honesty. Brahma, however, could not accept his failure. On his way up, he saw a flower (screwpine or taazham poo in Tamil) falling down and asked the flower where it was coming from. The flower said it had fallen from behind Shiva’s ear. Brahma asked, ‘How long have you been traveling?’ The flower replied, ‘I have been falling for four ages (lifetimes) of Brahma!’ Brahma realized he had no hopes of finding Shiva’s head, but he still did not want to accept his failure. Brahma decided that he would tell Shiva a lie about finding this flower on his ear and asked the flower to bear witness that he had brought it down from Shiva’s head. Returning to Shiva, who again assumed his normal form, Brahma announced that he had seen Shiva’s head and had brought back this flower as his witness. Shiva instantly knew what had happened and was angry at the lie told to him. He punished Brahma saying, ‘For the lie that you have uttered, you will be never again be worshipped by the people.’ He punished the screwpine flower saying, ‘You will never ever be used as an offering to me in worship.’ To this day, there are no major temples dedicated to Brahma; and the screwpine flower is never offered to Shiva in worship. Brahma realized his mistake and sought Shiva’s forgiveness. Both Vishnu and Brahma requested Shiva to retain his form as that shaft of light to bless the Universe. At their request, Shiva in that form of Divine Light became Arunachala, the glowing mountain, and also assumed the form of the Shiva linga (a dome shaped deity that symbolizes Shiva) called Arunachaleshwara, at the temple in Tiruvannamalai.


in the life of Become your own Spiritual Laboratory !

Illustrations by students of Nithyananda Gurukul Rajashekharan, now known as Swami Paramahamsa Nithyananda, at the age of ten was already an advanced spiritual seeker, clear about who he was and his path in life. In the late 1980s when other young boys around the world spent their time playing games, listening to music, or playing soccer or football, Rajashekharan was already an advanced yogic practitioner, enamoured with temples, fierce and intense about his spiritual interests and practices. He lived in a small temple town called Thiruvannamalai in Tamil Nadu, south India; a town renowned for having an unbroken lineage of enlightened masters.

can Annamalai Swamigal say that we are beyond pain and suffering?” He was not able to understand.

However, Rajashekharan was not an ordinary boy. Two words that best describe the young seeker are sincerity and intensity. He wanted to find out for himself if the statement made by Annamalai Swamigal was true. He had experienced pain and suffering and now was being told that he was beyond it. So he decided to experiment on his own body to know the truth! Out of his innocent but passionate seeking, he ran home, took his mother’s kitchen knife and cut his right thigh to see if he really experienced pain or not. He Rajashekharan had many teachers from a young age, and made a deep cut into his own body to see if there was pain. at the age of ten he had been seeking the company of a Of course, there was pain and his mother took him to the great master, Annamalai Swamigal, a direct disciple of hospital for care. The doctor gave him first aid and stitched Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. One day Rajashekharan heard the wound. Rajashekharan could not understand. Annamalai Swamigal say to a group of seekers, “We are not the body. We are beyond suffering and pain.” After a few days, he went back to Annamalai Swamigal and asked him, “What is this? What have you taught me? You These words struck a chord in Rajashekharan. Even though said we have no pain and suffering. I cut myself and now he was such a young boy, Rajashekharan took these words I have pain. I have suffering.” It was a very deep cut with to heart and analyzed them to see if they applied to himself. stitches. To go back to Annamalai Swamigal and challenge, He thought through his own life where he himself had to continue to try to find the answer at age 10 shows his experienced pain and suffering - physical pains and mental intense seeking and his desire to find the truth. Annamalai pains. He began wondering how one can go beyond suffering Swamigal just smiled at Rajashekharan and said, ‘My son, when it was clear that pain and suffering existed even in just try to find the source from where you are feeling the his own life. He thought, “If my mother beats me, I have pain, the point where you are feeling this pain. Try to find pain. If my teacher shouts at me, I have suffering. How the source. Do this meditation.’


in the life of Illustrations by students of Nithyananda Gurukul

He was not immediately convinced. He had experienced pain even though was told he was beyond pain. So he told Annamalai Swamigal, 'It's alright. You have given me blessing or an initiation or some meditation. That's ok. But you could have done this before I cut my thigh! You could have done this earlier. Why did you make me cut my thigh and then talk all these things?' Annamalai Swamigal said, 'Don't bother bother about the pain, my son. You had the courage to experiment with the truth. That itself will liberate you.'

every situation, he would ask ‘‘How would Annamalai Swamigal behave? Let me behave like that’. He used the technique for anything from fear to arguments with his brothers, saying, ‘How would Annamalai Swamigal handle it? He wouldn’t bother. Let me also not bother!’ If he felt a little lazy to meditate or to walk, he would think ‘How Annamalai Swamigal would handle it? Naturally he won't bother about laziness. He would get up and meditate; so do that, that's all!’ And so he would just get up, sit and meditate. The connection with the master went so deep that Paramahamsa Nithyananda says that this incident became if any thought came up inside, he would ask himself: ‘How a big inspiration for him. He got the click that the courage would Annamalai Swamigal respond? He will not even have to experiment was beyond all pain. From that point on, the this thought! Then it is not mine either. Over!” young Rajashekharan used that one incident to guide his life and actions. He played with the technique again and again, What started as a truth told by Annamalai Swamigal to just sitting and observing where the pain was coming from, young Rajashekharan became an experiment with the truth where was the ‘I’ that was feeling the pain, and trying to find inside him. He was ripe for his first enlightenment experience the source of the Self. He says he did not even meditate, which happened at the age of 12 on the sacred Arunachala he simply played with the technique. Because he had the hill. Today, Nithyananda says, that same inspiration and courage to directly test the concepts of pain and suffering, courage to experiment that pushed young Rajashekharan Rajashekharan went beyond the illusion of thoughts into can raise all of humanity’s consciousness to the next level. He the source of thoughts. He was able to see beyond pain and invites everyone to experiment with the truth, to become their not bother about it anymore. own ‘spiritual laboratory’. When anyone lives and imbibes an enlightened Master’s body language, experimenting with the After this incident, Annamalai Swamigal became truth, enlightenment is possible. Rajashekharan’s inspiration and scale for everything. For


nithyananda gurukul


nithyananda gurukul

Brain Bugs ! The ancient Vedic civilization of India offered a culture and lifestyle that facilitated whole-brain learning. Much of this wisdom remains available today. In Nithyananda Gurukul it has been brought back to life, and is being used to create the education system for the 21st century. Cutting-edge technology goes hand-in-hand with ancient cultural art forms to provide the best in class education for children. The higher truths of life are instilled in children from a young age, along with rigorous yoga training, to give them a yogic body and vedic mind. Under the guidance of Paramahamsa Nithyananda creativity and intelligence is beautifully blossoming in the Gurukul kids. They express extraordinary talents, erstwhile not seen commonly in children of their age. Here we discuss some higher concepts with the Gurukul children which have been expressed by these kids in a very innocent and simple way.

What is creativity? Creativity is the basis for everything. Let’s take an example of making a cake. Initially the first generation of humanity might have thought that they should have a bread mould, then they need to add flour and then add sugar, add chocolate etc. Then the people in second generation, who got a click , thought of further modifications. They added more ingredients after taking knowledge from the first generation. For example they might have added toppings, they could have thought ‘Why can’t we add some tulsi leaves, let’s add some strawberries and see.’ So it becomes a new creation. Similarly the next generation modifies it further. Thus it keeps on expanding. This is the reason why we have such advanced technology today. It is the thought flow with which the creativity comes. Only if you think creatively, the action can happen through you. In Vivekananda’s period there were no mobiles, no internet. But gradually the thought flow and the independent intelligence increased and the creativity started to explode. So the action came out. The thought flow inside came out as creativity outside in the form of our actions.


nithyananda gurukul 1G to 7G - The Different Spectrums of Existence ! The terms 2G, 3G etc. have revolutionized the telecommunication industry. They refer to the different generations of mobile telecommunication. Drawing an analogy from this concept Gurukul kids explain different spectrums in which humans function. Today we are going to talk about 1G, 2G, 3G etc. These are actually the different levels where a person can exist. 1G is your unknown state. For example when you brush your teeth you avoid knowing what you are doing. Brushing of teeth generally happens passively while we imagine something else. 2G is your anger. For example, the moment someone reacts in a very harsh way you get very angry towards them and you start speaking very terribly. 3G is your fear. Like during nighttime at 12 o’clock, say nobody is there to go to bathroom with you. You may have fear. ‘Oh! Any ghost will come and attack me and eat me up.’ That is fear of 3G. 4G is greed. For example how kids are generally greedy to drink milk all the time. 5G is creativity. If you want to make a sandcastle you may think “I will make a sand castle and decorate it with flowers and put all glittering things” then that is creativity. 6G is purpose of life. For example you are doing yoga. You want to do yoga because it improves your health, it makes your mind free calm and you feel peace. If you desire a yogic body, then that is greed, but if you are doing it out of enjoyment then it becomes the purpose of life. 7G is the spectrum of enlightenment. Swamiji is there in 7G. Because of our greed, fear etc we come back to lower spectrums and very rarely go to 7G. Since each moment our mind changes, our emotions change, therefore we come back to these spectrums.

Sketches of Swamiji as a baby made by Gurukul Kids


heal the world

“ I used to be afraid of death. I felt that in the end I was

“My mental and emotional states were dependent on

going to be truly alone. Even now I do not know the exact truth, and I cannot say with certainty how death will feel. However, I had a very strong experience during Inner Awakening of November 2011, in Bidadi Ashram that has led me to believe that it may not be as bad as I had previously thought. During IA, Swamiji had the whole group go through a meditation in which we were required to stay awake all night. At one point I began to feel the effects of sleep. However, something strange, and almost supernatural, happened to me every time I wanted to doze off. I felt a strong surge of energy from my base all the way up my spine each time I would waver and my body began to topple over. It was as if some "force" was preventing me from falling asleep. It was at that point in IA that I felt that I was truly in the presence of something much greater than myself. I cannot explain my gratitude for Swami and for his Divine Presence in my own life. Through this experience I have come to accept my own lack of control of the larger aspects of life, like death. I have achieved a sense of relaxation and acceptance that I did not have before.”

praise and recognition from my parents, colleagues, business partners, etc. I was suffocated in attachment, possessiveness, anger, jealousy, misunderstanding and suffering. The situation worsened when I became selfemployed. My feelings of insecurity, fear of failure, criticism, financial uncertainty, stress, dependence and my sleepless nights intensified. I knew I had to get out of this state, but I didn’t know what to do. The answer came in the form of Inner Awakening, the program conducted by an enlightened master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda. I went to Bidadi in December 2010. I underwent various meditations, processes, teachings, energy darshans and above all, the very presence of the Master. The massive amount of knowledge hidden and stored in my biomemory opened up. A new life began to flow within me. Swamiji replaced my old mental patterns of pain, fear and suffering with his divine bio-memory itself. This brought me health, wealth and bliss. I went back a new person. I undertook the responsibility of my life in my hands, knowing that I am the master of my universe, the creator and that I can lead my life in any direction I want. I am able to work constantly without being affected by doubt, fear, stress and worry. People are attracted by my enthusiasm. I became an inspiration to them. Living life this way on our own is almost impossible. For this, we need guidance from an enlightened master, which I have received from Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda. Paramahamsa Nithyananda is a door through which we enter within ourselves “

Vamsi Ahobila-Vajjula, Houston, Texas, USA Medical Student at Ross University, Dominica

Shanti Devi, Croatia Entrepreneur, Event Organizer, Public Relations


nithya jyotisha (vedic astrology)

Your Path Forward (April-May, 2012) Moon in Aries

Moon in Gemini

April 2012 may be a very active month for you. It is an excellent time to be busy with family and friends spending time together. Nevertheless, beware not to waste too much time and energy by unbalancing yourself with too many talks and volatile thinking. This tendency will ease up from 14th April onwards. It may breed conflict between your ahamkar and mamakar - the personality you show to the outer world and the personality you reveal in your inner world. Remember they are both lies. Don’t get tensed by the discrepancy. If you develop ahamkar you will move towards materialism. If you develop mamakar, you will move towards morality and suppression. When you unclutch from these two identities, they can never bind you. On the 21st and 22nd of this month, be cautious and do not enter into dispute at home at all times, since it would only take time to settle down afterwards. At the career level, existing projects and works should be continued and all your efforts should go into such projects for best results so they can materialize soon. Money matters may be positive. Despite inflows, you will remain worried on account of expenses. Remember that it has nothing to do with the situation, but only with your worrying mind.

An excellent month as planets are blessing you with their energies! April will show you lots of supporters and you have all the tools needed to be the leader of your life. You show up to be a good mediator and your communication skills will be at their level best. There is a great deal of expansion at the career level as Mercury is in the 10th house of your horoscope chart, at the social level as well as financial level. The planets are working together to bless your community, your commercial activities, and interpersonal communications. You can use this strong, practical and compassionate energy flowering in you for social, professional and love commitments. The spiritual, compassionate, artistic, creative sector of your life can also get a big boost from the flowering of this energy. Any of your commitments are encouraged, especially those you take to uplift the community around you. Your commitments to “make the world a better place” can reward you with a great surprise; you may reach to new dimensions of your being, unknown to you. Those are new spaces to explore, blissfully! Your status and position will get a boost after the 14th of April 2012. Your relationships may overall see some seriousness and you may need to adjust and be more open to your spouse or partner.

Moon in Taurus Confidence may be high and your presence will have a special charm this month! Remain cautious about sudden expenses in real estate or car related matters after 14th of April. Your thinking could turn unclear and make you susceptible to sudden wrong decisions. Wrong decisions are coming out of frustrations that constrain you. You may feel constrained, irritated by the responsibilities you are shouldering, unable to forget your work, or your family issues, carrying their remembrance wherever you go. Remember that you forgot that these responsibilities were your conscious choice in the first place! Because you remember them continuously, you feel they are imposed on you and then develop irritation and violence towards them. Those choices you made have become like a knotted rope around your being. Start to loosen the knots one by one by reviewing them, and acknowledging that you are the only one who chose them in the first place. This simple technique will relax you from the mysterious suffocation you sometimes feel.

Moon in Cancer Writing your thoughts, reading Swamiji’s books and spending time with your siblings will prove to be very beneficial this month. Somehow, you will gain a new insight, a new understanding, a new expansion you never imagined before that will ease out some tensions in you. But to get the full benefit of it, you need to come out of your shell, you have to share this insight, and inspire others to live the truth you experience. When you express it, it is no more a concept, it is no more a possibility, it becomes a reality. When you share it, you are bound to live this truth because others are watching you! Understand, sharing will help you to practice what you discovered. Otherwise, your insights remain a loner man thoughts that will neither help you nor others. So come out, and move ahead. You are on the right track. Do not take any decisions or compromise based on any irrational fear in your professional life.


nithya jyotisha (vedic astrology) Moon in Leo

to investigate your seriousness and change the pattern. This feeling of seriousness may be a sign of you not experiencing gratitude to the fullest and taking people for granted. You feel anything that people do for you is your birthright. People could be doing something else instead of doing things for you. When you start feeling grateful for small things, your whole sensitivity increases. If ever you feel life is dull, that it is not as juicy as it should be, then measure your gratitude level… How high is it? You may find support and help from people in position of authority till the 13th of April 2012. Your creative ideas and communications will help a project to move forward. Money matters may bring rewards. Spend time with your loved ones and avoid imposing your ideas on them. Show extra affection and care.

A very positive and satisfying month ahead. A period of very hectic and aggressive attitude would give way to a better phase after the 14th of April 2012. Further, if you feel low on energy and confidence at the beginning of the month, that too would give way to a higher confidence after the 14th of April 2012. The second half of the month may be with a high level of dynamism, luck and rise in your social status. There might be some inner tensions even though a new development unfolds bliss within you. You may tend to not cooperate with the bliss and awakening that is happening in you. If you force your same old dull routine on yourself you may bring yourself back to the same old person. Cooperating with the awakening that happens in you is what is called ‘being a disciple’. Be aware of the subtle things. Networking Moon in Scorpio and development of new areas will continue to be a source of April 2012 is a time where caution should be used in progress for you. You may be lucky in it too! abundance. There is a great potential for you to be too ego-centric. You may feel like challenging the whole world Moon in Virgo at the wrong times and through unwise ways, harbouring This month would make you experience oppositions, inner unnecessary passion for debates with spouse, boss, parents conflicts as well as worry about various aspects of life. The and colleagues. Career will move forward after the 14th of level of stress would be lower than March. Anger which April 2012. You may be hard working and dynamic and might have been fanning your emotions and relationships that will bring in progress towards the end of the month. would subside after the 14th. Family life will be blissful, but Avoid dispute after 15th at all times. Your “rebellious” ideas some deep differences may exist with your loved ones, due to are throwing you in challenging situations. Your tendency your speech that can be rough at times. Many times, you feel to be too impressed with your own self is not conducive to like looking down on people, thinking you know too much be open to others’ views. Situations and events have to be and that people cannot understand your depth. You may even addressed in a new way that requires calm and leadership. feel lonely and misunderstood. This will happen each time Brutal and impulsive decisions in your work environment, your ego holds on to your knowledge, your achievements etc overestimating your position of authority, underestimating and manifests itself as pride. The problem starts with the the competition around should be avoided at all times. Your attitude of possessing – the feeling of ‘mine’. Your greatness high energy level shows recklessness and rush to close up lies in the knowledge that you don’t own anything. You are things. Take some time to assess the negative patterns that a temporary custodian of what you have, which is a part of do not allow you to expand even though you really want to. Existence. There is nothing to be proud of and you don’t Learn to be aware of your words. Your fiery energy can be need to disrespect the other’s presence in your life. Gain used in a more friendly, practical and useful way. Whenever wisdom and work on your energy level by performing kriyas. a triggering situation happens, think “How would Swamiji behave in this particular situation?” Then act accordingly. Beware of excess of all types of addictions including Moon in Libra addiction to speech, thoughts, food and secret activities. Work may happen smoothly throughout April, despite Drink neem juice as the first thing in the morning and eat a certain amount of seriousness in you. While it may not at regular times, to settle your stomach and balance the vata be much fun to be around you, you will still inspire people dosha (air element) in your body. to work to their best abilities. Career may be very busy but fluctuating and stress will finally cool down. It would be good


nithya jyotisha (vedic astrology) Moon in Sagittarius

unclutching technique at every moment. Marriage matters will be positive. A sudden income could come between the Your creativity will be rewarded well, while your mind will 2nd of April 2012 and 7th of April 2012. be very active and sharp during this month. This month is promoting the expression of your love, sense of humor and Moon in Aquarius wisdom towards your community. You are perceived as a fair and joyful communicator. Career will progress well. You will A very positive month despite mental tensions. Your moods increase your client base as well as add a new area and circle and emotional balance could fluctuate this month too, which of people. Your trust that life is good makes you expand to the might have an adverse impact on decision making. Caution responsibilities you take up. When that expansion happens, about speech and your public reputation will continue to be just hold on and have patience during the transformation important for you. Spending your time arguing for your point process. Patience during the transformation process is what is of view and then working on healing the situation afterwards called tapas or penance. When you take more responsibility, is a waste of time. Your very views, your very mind, are just a you just expand and more energy starts expressing through creation made out of all the samskaras (engraved memories) you. If you feel responsible for whatever is happening around collected through your own life experiences. The other you, you become a leader. Responsibility is a way to grow person standing in front of you is also a creation of his own experience, which is different from yours! Any knowledge consciously. Your expenses would remain mostly high and unreasonable. that brings you back to the understanding that life has no Travel costs may be high too. Donations and religious logic is the right knowledge. If people don’t understand it expenses will be high and very beneficial, especially till the around you, then better not debate with them. Partnerships, 14th of April 2012. From 14th of April 2012 onwards marriages etc may be very important and will require your a certain level of clarity and calm will return with respect loving attention, since you are attracted to travel, and not to your partner. Marriage life may be very happy and spending time at home. It will be good to keep good terms with siblings. satisfactory.

Moon in Capricorn

Moon in Pisces

A month of changes and positive developments! The level of activity would be quite high while your creative abilities would be very good too. You will be good at work and your position would continue to come up. You need to control impulsiveness since that could make you lose some good opportunities in life. It is a time for you to work hard and reap the rewards of the efforts. Good growth could come about due to such efforts. Another effect may be you becoming harsh in your dealings at times, displaying lack of sensitivity towards others. Your need of control needs to come down. Learn to work as a team. Mastering your tension and bad temper is possible. Everything will work out beautifully once you have exhausted your extra energy through action. Rash & impulsive decisions with regard to real estate investments, travel & domestic matters should be avoided during this period at all times. Do not rush to conclusions; instead use your power of intuition. Taking decisions from the intuitive level opens the door to ‘the workings of God’ in your life. Expressing it in your home, work place or in private matters can bring enlightening changes in situations that have been stuck for months. Remember to practice the

You may be quite talkative. Your habit to be aggressive would also come to an end on the 14th of April 2012 and you will have good energy to go ahead with your projects. Finances and expression would be a strong area for you. Your expression skills during the initial parts of the year may be great and bring out very good progress. Your communication skills may help you win over many friends and associates. Your career will be in a progressive phase. Colleagues will give you support. Many good things will become possible this month. You should keep up networking for best results. Current relationships will be happy even though resentment to some extent would be felt. You could feel distant between the 2nd of April 2012 and 7th of April 2012. Spend some quality time with your partner. It is up to you to clear your wounds. Your body language always sends signals about your real feelings, which others unconsciously pick up. We want to sound open and nice, but our body acts closed, creating uneasiness in others. Observing your body language will reveal a lot about what you are trying to hide from others and yourself. Move with the intention of expressing bliss, love and openness, and heal your relations at a deeper level.


laughter is meditation

Laughter Therapy ! The Yogi walked into the Zen Pizza Parlor and said:“Make me one with everything.” When the Yogi got the pizza, he gave the proprietor a $20 bill. The proprietor pocketed the bill. The Yogi said “Don’t I get any change?” The proprietor said, “Change must come from within.” Nithyananda: “Sometimes, my disciples pick up my teachings and apply it to me! When I try to train them, they try to train me! I just allow it because they are growing.” A gang of robbers broke into a lawyer’s club by mistake. The old legal lions gave them a fight for their life and their money. The gang was very happy to escape. “It ain’t so bad,” one crook noted. “We got $25 between us.” The boss screamed: “I warned you to stay clear of lawyers... we had $100 when we broke in!”

“What time does the library open?” the man on the phone asked. “Nine A.M.” came the reply. “And what’s the idea of calling me at home in the middle of the night to ask a question like that?” “Not until nine A.M.?” the man asked in a disappointed voice. “No, not till nine A.M.!” the librarian said. “Why do you want to get in before nine A.M.?” “Who said I wanted to get in?” the man sighed sadly. “I want to get out.” Nithyananda: “Even before we hear the problem we are ready with the solution, that is the problem.We never have the patience to listen to the problem. A true leader listens to the problem first, then the solution that comes out him is automatically right.” At the entrance to a Hindu temple there was a beggar always stretching out his hand, asking and pleading for alms. One day he stretched out both of his hands. A passerby asked him: “All these days, you were stretching out only one hand—why are you today stretching out two hands?” To which the beggar replied: “Hari Om! Praise God! Business was so good that I opened another branch!” Nithyananda: “We have become such beggars, we try to become a millionaire by begging.We never feel we can take a quantum jump. A Master is one who shows you, you can jump. Stop begging, start jumping!”


abhyasah (practice) Crosswords have always been an interesting way to enhance your knowledge. In this edition we feature a very simple Vedic crossword. You can find a few answers within the magazine and a few from general knowledge

Clues : ACROSS: 2. What is the ultimate meditation technique as told by Paramhamsa Nithyananda 6. Who is considered to be the father of yoga. 8. The sacred wish fulfilling tree in Vedic tradition is known as....? 10. Ancient schools where students were offered the culture and lifestyle that facilitated whole-brain learning. 11. The weapon of Shiva 12. His speech at World’s Parliament of Religions in Chicago rocked the world. DOWN: 1. 3. 4. 5. 7. 9.

Where is Nithynanda Dhyanpeetam located Scripture delivered by Krishna to Arjuna (2 words separated by hyphen) Parmahamsa Nithyananda was born in which town. The musical instrument played by Shri Krishna The enlightened master who was Guru of Vivekananda This is an energy bead used to raise consciousness

Gentle Kicks !

Answers from The Master :

Below there are a few problem statements. What

Answer 1: Because you like the feeling. Just remember

you have to do is to think of a solution according to your understanding and write it in the space provided. Then read the answer given by the master. Read one question at a time and check its answer. The beauty of this exercise is that the answers given here will act as gentle kicks given by a trained soccer player which will lead the ball directly to the goal post. Your honesty here is going to decide the level of benefit. So enjoy!

this one thing: There is a sympathy wave that happens within you when you feel disappointed. This wave feeds your passive ego and keeps you in a comfortable zone. That is why. Answer 2: One who rejects the idea of God and believes that God is not, but supernatural power is. Answer 3: Because all your right decisions are the wrong decisions in the right places Answer 4: That which cannot be explained, but can be Problem Statement 1: Why do I get disappointed? experienced. It is like experiencing the sweetness of Problem Statement 2: Who is an atheist? honey. Problem Statement 3: Why am I continuously Answer 5 : The concept of what you call beauty is mirage. having so many problems? When you are hungry, food becomes tasty. When you Problem Statement 4: What is ananda or bliss? are inferior, you appoint someone as superior. Beauty Problem Statement 5: Who is really beautiful? is the same way, it is so relative.


Full awareness without any memory is unclutching Nithyananda

Peaceful Planet Meditation You have the power to create peace. That is the idea behind the peaceful planet meditation project. 2012 is the beginning of the new era of peace, prosperity and awakening for the world. People have an amazing opportunity starting from April 11 to May 1 2012 to join the largest meditation project in the world. A 21 day push to create a global environment of peace. The project is focusing on Washington, D.C., because that's where decisions are made that have the most global impact. You can also join there, or connect with us from wherever you are through online video streaming. Now is the time to take action, to come to the aid of our world through the cultivation of peace. Visit our website at:

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