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Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation






Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation






Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation


This report has been submitted to the Centre Of Studies For Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Planning And Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, to fulfil the requirement of ARK805 DISSERTATION course.

Prepared by: Name


UiTM No.

: 2015186951 :






: 2 2015/2016 :


: Faculty : of Architecture, Planning and Surveying


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

AUTHOR'S DECLARATION I declare that the work in this Dissertation was carried out in accordance with the regulations of Universiti Teknologi MARA. It is original and is the result of my own work, unless otherwise indicated or acknowledgement as referenced work. This Dissertation has not been submitted to any other academic institution or non-institution for any degree or qualification.

I, hereby, acknowledge that I have been supplied with the Academic Rules and Regulations for Post Graduate, Universiti Teknologi Mara, regulating the conduct of my study and research.

Name of Student


Noor Nasiha Razali

Student I.D. No





Prof. Dr. Mohammed Yusoff Abbas



Prof. Dr. Rodzyah Binti Mohd Yunus



Master of Architecture



Architecture, Planning & Surveying



Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas

Signature of Student :





Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation


Assalamualaikum W.B.T. First and foremost I would like to say thank you and Alhamdulillah to Allah S.W.T for giving me the ability, strength and a good health in order for me to execute and complete my dissertation (ARK805) on time. By His grace, the dissertation is successfully done.

Secondly, special thanks to my supervisor, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Yusoff Abbas for his supervision and support which truly helps the progression and smoothness on writing and preparing my research paper. The co-operation is much indeed appreciated.

Not to forget, my family. Thank you for all the supports they gave me. I would also like to thank to all people for their cooperation and help which indirectly contribute to the completion of my research.

Lastly I would like to thank all of my friends for supporting and sharing their opinions and ideas with me. This research paper will not be able to successfully complete without everyone‟s help. Thank you.


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

WORKING ABSTRACT In recent years, the term adrenaline rush activities have evolved on grand scale among the youngsters who are full of anxiety and eagerness. Adrenalines sports are often become the subject of debates based on the fact that how a sport is called extreme. These sports are concentrated on the excitement seeking associated with control and physics, thrill, pushing the limits and oneself against nature. Based on the research by the experts, adrenaline sport could be used as mental imaging to help channelling stressful energy towards certain thoughts and images and it manage to spread positivity effect on the individual. As urban stress is one of alarming phenomenon nowadays, an architectural resolution of adrenaline sport activity with proper guidelines could decrease the level of stress in urban area. The aim of this dissertation is to critically assess design criteria of a potential adrenaline sport activity in Malaysia. The research explain the relation between adrenaline rush activities and psychological relief in stressful environment as well as to allow opportunities for everyday respite in order to achieve a healthy and balance life. The intention of injecting the adrenaline rush activities in Malaysian lifestyle is to provide community a „break‟ from the frequently upsetting environment that accompany during everyday life. Another issue usually associated with the urban stress is its tendency to stimulate feelings of social isolation in community. The potential space works as a medium to release urban stress among the youngster. In line with the aim, the objectives of the dissertation are to identifying technologies of artificial wave surfing to be implemented in architecture scope, to identify the concept, spatial planning, associated space and programs that could support the surf sport centre and to establishing architectural design criteria for surf sport centre at the most potential site in Malaysia. The study is limited but will focusing on one type of adrenaline rush activities to allows a sufficient depth of research output within the confined time. Wave surfing activity has a great potential to increase the sport tourism in Malaysia. iv

Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

Literature reviews were first established with overall understanding of adrenaline rush, surfing technologies, leisure and urban stress before a deep through study on the wave surfing architectural criteria. The precedent studies regarding the surf centre around the world shows the basic architectural criteria that could be applied to Malaysia‟s scenario. Survey with professional surfer and questionnaire with intermediate and beginner surfer are the best way to define the issues, technology and architectural criteria and concepts needed of surf centre for artificial wave surfing in Malaysia as a whole.The finding reveals the mandatory requirements to provide surf sport centre for community especially youngster at the same time achieving humanitarian architecture scope on designing for specific user. Future direction highlighted could be benchmark for surf sport centre model that possibly have the same context of this research study area. Key words: adrenaline sport, youngsters, stress, urban area


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

TABLE OF CONTENT AUTHOR‟S DECLARATION................................................................................ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT......................................................................................iii ABSTRACT...........................................................................................................iv TABLE OF LIST OF FIGURES................................................................................................ix LIST OF TABLES..................................................................................................ix LIST OF IMAGES............................................. ....................................................x LIST OF CHARTS............................................ ...................................................xii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1 1.1

Background of research ............................................................................. 1

1.1.1 Philosophy of wave surfing ....................................................................... 2 1.2

Problem Statement .................................................................................... 4


Aim & Objective of research .................................................................... 5


Research question ...................................................................................... 6


Methodology ............................................................................................. 7


Justification of study ................................................................................. 8


Delimitations ............................................................................................. 9


Limitations ................................................................................................ 9


Summary ................................................................................................. 10

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................... 13 2.1

The surfing condition .............................................................................. 13


Understanding surfing satisfaction .......................................................... 15


Malaysia surfing scenario........................................................................ 16 vi

Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation


The surf pool ........................................................................................... 18


Surf pool technology and practical usage ............................................... 19


Technology of artificial surf pool............................................................ 20

2.6.1 Standing surf wave – SurfStream by American Wave Machine ............. 22 2.6.2 Circular surf wave pool – by Greg Webber ............................................ 25 2.6.3 Surf wave pool – by Surfloch .................................................................. 28 2.7

Reflecting the genius loci of a place ....................................................... 31


Summary ................................................................................................ 32

CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY................................................ 34 3.1

Observation (Based on precedent study) ................................................. 34

3.1.1 Criteria for precedent study selection...................................................... 35 3.2

Obstructive interview .............................................................................. 36


Criteria for Interview selection ............................................................... 37


Questionnaire .......................................................................................... 37


Criteria for Questionnaire selection ........................................................ 38

CHAPTER 4: FINDING .................................................................................... 39 4.1

Silvertown Surf Centre (SSC), East London, England ........................... 39

4.1.1 Project detail ............................................................................................ 39 4.1.2 Overview ................................................................................................. 40 4.1.3 Surfing space attributes ........................................................................... 40 4.2

Webber Wave Pool (WWP), Sunshine Park, Queensland, Australia...... 45

4.2.1 Project detail ........................................................................................... .45 vii

Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

4.2.2 Overview ................................................................................................. 45 4.2.3 Surfing space attributes ........................................................................... 46 4.3

Seagaia Ocean Dome, Miyazaki, Japan ................................................. .50

4.3.1 Project detail ............................................................................................ 50 4.3.2 Overview ................................................................................................. 51 4.3.3 Surfing space attributes ........................................................................... 51 4.4

CitySurf, Vancouver, Canada.................................................................. 55

4.4.1 Project detail ............................................................................................ 55 4.4.2 Overview ................................................................................................. 55 4.4.3 Surfing space attributes ........................................................................... 56 4.5

Summary of precedent study findings ..................................................... 59


Interview (Experts surfer) ....................................................................... 61


Summary of interview findings ............................................................... 74


Questionnaire (General surfer) ................................................................ 78


Summary of questionnaire findings ........................................................ 93

4.10 Summary ................................................................................................. 97

CHAPTER 5: ANALYSIS & DISCUSSION .................................................... 99 5.1

Observation from precedent study data analysis ..................................... 99

5.1.1 Silvertown Surf Centre (SSC), East London ........................................... 99 5.1.2 Webber Wave Pool (WWP), Sunshine Park, Queensland, Australia.... 102 5.1.3 Seagaia Ocean Dome (SOD), Miyazaki, Japan..................................... 105 5.1.4 CitySurf, Vancouver, Canada................................................................ 111 5.2

Interview of the expert surfer data analysis .......................................... 125 viii

Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation


Questionnaire of the general surfer data analysis.................................. 125


Summary ............................................................................................... 132


Discussion ............................................................................................. 135

CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION ............................. 138 6.1

Conclusion............................................................................................. 138


Recommendation ................................................................................... 141

REFERENCE .................................................................................................. 143 APPENDIX ..................................................................................................... 146

LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 : Data collection techniques & triangulation........................................................8 Figures 2: Hydraulic jump phenomena in standing surf wave technology.......................23 Figure 3 : Standing surf wave standart requirement.........................................................24 Figures 4 : Standing surf wave features...........................................................................25 Figure 5 : The concept of cicular surf pool......................................................................27 Figures 6 : Mutualism approach between community needs and site potential..............59

LIST OF TABLE Table 1 : Standing surf wave model & specification .......................................................25 Table 2 : The rule of thumb of Surfloch Tecnology ........................................................30 ix

Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

Table 3 : Silvertown Surf Centre findings .......................................................................41 Table 4 : Webber Wave Pool findings.............................................................................45 Table 5: Seagaia Ocean Dome findings............................................................................57 Table 6 : CitySurf findings ...............................................................................................60 Table 7 : Summary of precedent study‟s findings ............................................................62 Table 8 : Interview (Experts surfer) findings ...................................................................66 Table 9 : Summary of Interview (Experts surfer) findings ..............................................67 Table 10 : Questionnaire (General surfer) findings .........................................................70 Table 11 : Summary of questionnaire findings.................................................................74 Table 12: Silvertown Surf Centre analysis.......................................................................93 Table 13 : Webber Wave Pool analysis .........................................................................101 Table 14: Seagaia Ocean Dome analysis .......................................................................105 Table 15 : Citysurf analysis.............................................................................................108 Table 16: Analysed of summary of interview findings...................................................108 Table 17 : Questionnaire of general surfer analysis........................................................110 Table 18 : Questionnaire of general surfer analysis........................................................125

LIST OF IMAGES Image 1 : A plunging wave in Snowdonia........................................................................14 Image 2 : Surfer surf a spilling break in outdoor ocean ...................................................14 x

Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

Image 3 : Cherating wavelength and wave height is not suitable for expert surfer..........17 Image 4 : Cherating wavelength and wave height is not suitable for expert surfer..........17 Image 5 : Silvertown Surf Centre using the existing water body for surf pool……….....19 Image 6 : Surf House, Patong Phuket is using standing surf wave technology................20 Image 7 : SurfStream by American Wave Machine.........................................................22 Image 8 : Circular wave pool by Greg Webber Technology............................................26 Image 9 : Section a-a of circular wave pool......................................................................27 Image 10 : Surf wavepool by Surfloch Wave System......................................................28 Image 11 : Layout, section and standart requirement of Surfloch Wave Machine...........29 Image 12 : Layout, section and standart requirement of Surfloch Wave Machine...........29 Image 13 : Section and standard requirement of Surfloch Wave Machine.......................30 Image 14 : Silvertown Surf Centre overall image.............................................................39 Image 15 : Silvertown Surf Centre centralised planning approach...................................41 Image 16 : Silvertown Surf Centre integrating public user with the beach......................42 Image 17 : Public user blends in with the surfing environment........................................42 Image 18 : Sculpture texture with different light angle....................................................43 Image 19 : Webber Wave Pool. Sunshine Park overall image.........................................47 Image 20 : Webber Wave Pool Sunshine Park.................................................................47 Image 21 : Webber Wave Pool applies centralised planning............................................47 Image 22 : Webber Wave Pool maintain the natural environment ..................................48 xi

Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

Image 24 : Seagaia Ocean Dome overall image...............................................................49 Image 25 : Seagaia Ocean Dome applies centralised planning to integrate with user......52 Image 26 : Seagaia Ocean Dome provides indoor concept rather than outdoor concept..53 Image 27 : Seagaia Ocean Dome reflecting heaven on earth…………………….….......53 Image 28 : Seagaia Ocean Dome reflecting heaven on earth………………….…….......53 Image 29 : CitySurf, Vancouver overall image.................................................................55 Image 30 : CitySurf, Vancouver applies centralised planning to integrate with user.......57 Image 31 : CitySurf, Vancouver overall image................................................................58 Image 32 : Addressing potential issues to set identity.....................................................58

LIST OF CHART Chart 1 : Division of gender.............................................................................................78 Chart 2 : Division of surfer's age......................................................................................79 Chart 3 : Division of surfing status...................................................................................79 Chart 4 : Division of local of Cherating...........................................................................80 Chart 5 : Types of surfboard.............................................................................................80 Chart 6 : Division of month of surfing.............................................................................81 Chart 7 : Division of satisfaction of wave height & wavelength of Cherating wave.......82 Chart 8: Environmental damage of Cherating..................................................................83 Chart 9 : Duration of surf tournament festival in Cherating.............................................84 xii

Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

Chart 10 : Issues of wave surfing in Cherating................................................................85 Chart 11 :Routine of surfer before surfing.......................................................................86 Chart 12 : Routine of surfer after surfing.........................................................................86 Chart 13 : Surf crowd on surf tournament........................................................................87 Chart 14 : Bonding of surfer and wave surfing.......................................... .....................88 Chart 15 : Division of surf student.............................................................. ....................89 Chart 16 : Frequency of surfing........................................................................................89 Chart 17 : Challenges to get perfect wave........................................................................90 Chart 18 : A complete surf school with surf facilities......................................................90 Chart 19 : Surf centre with the integration of public..................................... ..................91 Chart 20 : Technology of wave surfing...................................................... .....................91 Chart 21 : Technology of wave surfing............................................. ..............................92 Chart 22 : Technology of wave surfing................................. ..........................................92


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation


This chapter presents literature related with the adrenaline hormone effect in human body and the bonding of wave surfing and the surfer. This section is dividing into two sections. First section involved the adrenaline hormone solution to release urban stress and psychological relief. Second section is involved the philosophy of surfing to reflect the best and sensitive method in term of designing, capturing the concept, and the smallest details that could define wave surfing as a whole.

1.1 Background of research Human body has been design to produce adrenaline hormones when perceive a threatening or exciting situations. The adrenal glands get signal from hypothalamus to produce adrenaline by transforming the acid amino tyrosine into dopamine. Oxygenation of dopamine yields noradrenaline, which is then converted into adrenaline. Adrenaline hormones binds to receptors on the human‟s organ such as heart and arteries increases the heart rate and respiration while adrenaline binds to receptors on pancreas, liver, muscles and fatty tissue could cause the production of insulin and stimulates the synthesis of sugar and fat. This drastically changes in human body use as a response prepares the body to either fight or flee the threat. The nutrients in the body are released to sustain muscular activity and blood flow is regulated away from less important organs to the muscle prepare for a fight. The body keeps up the preparation until it no longer feels threatened (Brogaard, B., 2011).

In nowadays situation, the producing of adrenaline hormone in the body has been diverted for positive occasions. It became an addiction for some group or individual to seek for the exciting, pleasurable activities that effect by the produce of adrenaline in 1

Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

their bloodstream. They are called the adrenaline junkie and the individuals who participate in extreme sports all seem to fall into this group. Articulate to the statement “People can become addicted to the risk and may have to keep raising the limits to get the reward they seek” by psychiatrist Bernard D. Beitman, M.D, Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia, the adrenaline junkie addicted to reach the maximum level of satisfaction by doing extreme and dangerous activities in order to fulfil individual achievement or to distract and channel the stress in their own effective way. And adrenaline hormones play a major role in pleasure and addiction.

Extreme activities could also trigger the pituitary gland and hypothalamus to secrete endorphins, the pain-suppressing and pleasure-inducing compounds that are mimicked by opiates, including heroin. Basically, the "high" feelings or maximum satisfactions level get from these dangerous activities is similar to the “high” feeling human would get from cocaine or amphetamine (speed). The effect of these stimulants is to flood the brain with dopamine; an adrenaline high is similar.

1.1.1 Philosophy of Wave Surfing Articulate to “Waves are not measured in feet and inches but in increment of fears” by Buzzy Trent, pioneer of big wave surfing, could be explained that surfing could not be consider as extreme sport if the surfer surfs on the small safe waves. The adrenaline junkie who tend to seek excitement in stressful activities to release adrenaline hormones in their body system favour big waves surfing which is whole new adrenaline experience that adrenaline junkie surfer need to survive and escape the fury of thousands gallons of water crashing behind them. The adrenaline rush out of surfing could be described as the satisfaction of surfer hitting a perfect wave, the perfect barrel, the perfect trick and getting out safely from the wave. The adrenaline rush does not happen if surfer repeatedly surf in the same wave condition as human brain will get use to the same


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

routine. Luckily, the beauty of wave surfing is that every wave have no condition alike even in a slightest way. The wave characteristic is always different. Surfing could be very safe or surfer could get injured or it could be very dangerous up to a good chance of dying. It depends on the condition of the surfing spot and surfer‟s abilities. As long as surfer keep the safety margins and respect the sea, they could be safe with low chance of injuries and almost zero chances of death. The severe injuries and death could occur from drowning after getting hit by multiple waves that keep surfer under the surface until suffocated and possibilities of hitting the sharp rock. The last hazard is shark attack since the best surfing spot around the world are exposed to shark attack. Basically, the big wave surfing could get extremely dangerous even the surfer is strong and well-trained. For big wave surfing, if surfer falls from the wave, surfer has to get up to 50ft (15m) beneath the surface; the surfer has 10 second to reach air before the next wave strike. However, this dangerous excitement is what adrenaline junkie looking for. The adrenaline is as addictive as any artificial drugs. A true fanatic adrenaline junkies may spend their lifetime doing adrenaline-rush activities and made it a life career as it a hobby for them. An adrenaline junkie may suit easily their life with drama and conflict instead of extreme activities. They are usually the opposite of others and may argue or pick confront just for the rush associated with the experience. There are a few symptoms that probably been experienced if someone undergoes an adrenaline rush such as sudden greater strength than individual usually have. The individual will notice the increasing of strength in the body and the heart beat becomes more frequently faster than normal beat. Then, adrenaline rush could be used to protect human body. If a person ever injured himself, there will an automatically injection by the adrenaline to the infected body parts Other than that, adrenaline hormones helps to protect the person from pain. Eventually, once the adrenaline wears off, individual will be able feel the pain, but for the time being, the adrenaline rush would stop the pain temporarily. Thirdly, from the vision of touch, hearing, sight and smell, the sense will be dramatically heightened when undergoing an 3

Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

adrenaline rush. Fourthly, if someone had ever played an extreme sport, even usual sports, they more often to be extremely pumped up when the game starts “The Relationship








(, 2013). It is because adrenaline rush will get them a large amount of energy as the body releases sugar and glucose directly into their blood vessel. When the blood extremely pumped up through the blood vessel, a huge amount of oxygen need to be supplied simultaneously in the system and this will force the body to get more oxygen continually and force the heart working more than usual. This would increase the breathing of the person for them to supply the oxygen through the body system until they get done with their job.

1.2 Problem Statement Unquestionably, surf sport has become a trend by youngster in Malaysia with regardless of age. Every year, sponsors organise local and international tournament to serve the needs of Malaysian adrenaline junkie as it can be categories into three group, beginner, intermediate and professional surf athletes. No doubt this surf sport able to test mind ability and build self-confidence of an individual but the sport requires a high skills and techniques as well as intensive training to ensure safety of the athletes. A good environment with updated facilities and secure is essential to prevent injuries in this sport field. Articulate to “Extreme sports have the potential to frame the beauty of a place” by Dato Izham Yusoff, Director of Kumpulan Bina Darul Aman (Utusan, 2016), many party have overlooked that adrenaline sport has tremendous potential for development and preservation of the identity of a place. Normally, adrenaline sports have a very strong relationship with the environment, for example, wave surfing closely linked to the sea, skydiving closely related to air and a good view, hiking is closely linked to the mountain and nature. To enhance these beautiful potential, the government could gazette the 4

Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

potential areas for these adrenaline sports hubs at the same time boost adrenaline sport tourism that can further highlighted the natural beauty of Malaysia. In addition, the adrenaline sport tourism could boost local businesses and give positive impact to community.

In the context of unity, adrenaline sports able to strengthen the relationship between youngsters at early ages. Previous situation, the sport is regarded as the hobby of teenagers but it could be a potential by turning the sport as a career if the world-class facilities can be provided. Community need to change mentality and give opportunities to these groups to move forward. From an architectural standpoint, the location and the appropriateness of the use of spaces for adrenaline sport hub is very necessary focus. Architecture is able to enhance adrenaline sport potential, enhance the spirit of the place and at the same time able to minimize the damage that happens on this earth.

1.3 Aim and objectives of research The aim of the research is to critically assess design criteria of an adrenaline sport activity chosen. The study is focusing on an adrenaline rush activities that is potentially increase sport tourism in Malaysia context that rarely been practice. The chosen adrenaline sport activity is wave surfing in the context of using existing water bodies with wave machine or artificial wave pool in the city. Moreover, surf sport activity is believed to encapsulate liminality for occasional break between the two realm of leisure and tough everyday routine. This limitation allows a sufficient depth of research output within the confined time.


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

In line with the aim, the objectives of the research are:

1) To identify technologies of artificial wave surfing to be implemented in architecture scope

2) To identify the concept, spatial planning, associated space and programs that could support the surf sport centre.

3) To establish architectural design criteria for surf sport centre at the most potential site in Malaysia.

1.4 Research question: In line with the objectives, the research questions are:

1) What technologies can be used for artificial surf wavepool for variable site condition?

2) What are the concept, spatial planning, associated space and programs that could support the surf sport centre for variable site condition?

3) What are the best design criteria of surf sport centre for the most potentially site in Malaysia?


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

1.5 Methodology The methodologies of the research are qualitative analysis by using literature review, precedent studies analysis, obstructive interview and questionnaire. The findings of the research are the set of physical and non-physical attributes required for surf adrenaline program based. 1) Observation (Based on Precedent studies) The studies focussing on the technology of the existing surf adrenaline sport centre from abroad country. Selected case studies are: a) CitySurf, Vancouver, Canada – Surfloch Technology b) Subi Surf Park, Subiaco, Australia – Wavegarden Technology c) Webber Wave Pool, Sunshine Park, Queensland – Webber Technology d) Silvertown Surf Centre, East London, England – SurfStream Technology

2) Obstructive interview Informal interview with Malaysia professional surfer defines the perception of professional surfer regarding issues and architectural elements of potential surf centre. The interview was organize in Cherating, Kuantan, Malaysia.

3) Questionnaire Questionnaires were distributed to beginner and intermediate surfer in Cherating to define the perception of beginner and intermediate surfer regarding issues and architectural elements of potential surf centre.


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

Figure 1: Data collection techniques and triangulation Source: Author

1.6 Justification of study Just as building have a purpose, so should the surf adrenaline sport enclosing and defining this building. Such space must be clearly articulated to relate with the mass, character and the purpose of the structure. Surf Sport Centre interconnects spaces linking or separating activities. They create an effective place of assembly and disperse crowds within spaces linked by common space.

The goal was to provide an accurate and complete architectural description of the case, the principal benefit of the case study was to expand our knowledge about the variables in human leisure behaviour. Identification of the architectural attributes of surf sport centre will provide parameter guideline in determines the successful of surf sport


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

design. The findings will also position a basis for further research on profound experience of surf sport to the user.

1.7 Delimitations The potential site location is in Cherating, Kuantan, Pahang as the site could be the getaway from a busy urban scene. The site is located in the quiet small village to get the ambiance of life nearby the sea. Thus, Cherating is a pioneer of wave surfing in Malaysia and the location of the first surf sport centre with updated facilities will be significant.

1.8 Limitations Adrenaline sport activities chosen for this dissertation is limited but will focusing on one type of adrenaline rush activities which is wave surfing to allows a sufficient depth of research output within the confined time. Wave surfing activity has a great potential to increase the sport tourism in Malaysia since Malaysia is surrounded by beautiful beaches. This study will be focusing on the artificial technology of wave generate using existing water body since there are lots of site and tourist potential all over the country. Basically, the research focuses only on discovering design adaption and alternate spatial, programs and quality of spaces based on surf activity as a guide to establish design strategies for the surf sport centre. It is identified in the project that likely user groups for the research will be the person who seeks extreme activities and to release stress by adrenaline rush activities. For user to be able to achieve psychological retreat but also have opportunities for social interaction it is conceived that the intervention of leisure within this kind of active space. This research explores the idea of celebrated spaces and what it means in a context. It is also questions the creation of physical space 9

Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

that can act as gateway or transition to celebration which can provide an escape or retreat from the ordinary. The outcome hopefully be much helpful as a guideline for artificial facilities of surf adrenaline sport centre by using approach of existing water bodies or artificial wave pool in order to give adrenaline excitement to the user, framing the natural beauty to enhance identity of a place and increase the sport tourism at the same time relieving the urban stress issues in individual.

1.9 Summary As per beginning of the chapter presents about adrenaline hormone effect in human body while doing adrenaline rush activity such as wave surfing shows that human bodies can be manipulated to secrete adrenaline hormone to turn individual to healthier, release stress and happier person. By seeking challenging and adrenaline rush activity, individual can adapt the dangerous, intense situation and enjoy the intense moment to bring happiness to daily lives and relieves psychological and urban stress. The philosophy of surfing is an understanding the real reason why surfer surfing and satisfaction they get through the surf activities. Basically the philosophy of surfing in every surfer are varies but parallel to the same point which the connection between surfer and natural environment. In term of architecture scope, this is the basic requirements and understanding for surf sport centre to achieve the real natural environment and sensitivity to nature to respect surfer‟s ideology and perceiving the natural state of surfing. Overall, the aim of this chapter is to present the structure of the research by investigating the problems, the purpose of the study, research questions, methodologies, limitations and the delimitations of the research. It is represent the conceptual framework of this dissertation. To support the literature review, research methodology need to be


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

prepared which includes the observation of the selected precedent studies, obstructive interview and questionnaire.


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation


The last decade has seen a shift of the wave surfing sport in the eyes of the world. There is growing recognition of the vital contribution that discretionary time can make for a wave surfer in term of promoting surf sport, inclusion, access to opportunities, facilities and overall development today, term such as wave surfing imply casualness of purpose and practice that does not do justice to the way in which majority of urbanities spend time in to release urban stress and daily basis. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) addressed that wave surfing will make its debut in 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan (Surfline, 2017). After several attempts for inclusion at the Olympics, the International Surfing Association has become successful in getting surfing included in the 2020 games. On the same note, the World Leisure Organisation‟s Charter for Leisure (2000) also recognised the importance of leisure, health and education as primary elements contributing to individual quality of life which wave surfing could provide in individuals. Strong endorsement from the parties projects the importance of leisure to achieve healthy lifestyle and work on how to integrate wave surfing into personal lifestyle of everyday people. This chapter reviewed literature pertaining to the study. It is divided into four sections. The first section reviewed about the surfing condition to give more understanding about the surfer division in term of beginner, intermediate and professional wave. The second section explained about the understanding of surfing satisfaction to give a clear view of the bonding of surfer and natural environment. The third section reviewed about the overview of Malaysia Surfing scenario to briefly compare the situation locally and internationally. Lastly, section four briefly explained about the surf pool and technology of artificial surf pool available in the world and importance on the selection of artificial surf pool to reflect genius loci of a place. 12

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2.1 The surfing condition The act of surfing can be defined as paddling into a desirable wave, standing up and riding the unbroken wave face and go out safely from the surfing action. The act of surfing involves courage, bravery and calmness of an individual to surf out safely until the end of the wave. In terms of wave surfing language, the ocean is divided to three sections; (1) the White Water Waves, (2) the Impact Zone and (3) the Outback. The white water waves are suitable for beginner surfer. These aerated white water waves result from larger waves breaking further out to sea and provide consistency, uniform lines of water perfect for getting to grips with the basics of board control, popping up and basic steering. This condition is perfect for beginner which needs to form muscle memory through repetition of waves. The local weather condition does not affect much of an effect on the quality of waves, making this stage of surf learning easier to put in the time and practice. The impact zone is the surf zone where waves turn from unbroken waves into white water waves. This is the most dangerous wave section for surfer as crashing waves break into shallow water which could be consider as finishing line for an intermediate surfer‟s perfect wave that could get the possibility of bumping with other beginner surfers. Surfers always aim to spend as little time as possible in the impact zone. The outback is the terminology given for the optimum wave section where surfers wait to catch the oncoming waves. Close to the boundary (the impact zone), the wave face is at its steepest. Surfers stay close in the outback section since only there the wave face enables the surfer to overcome gravity and drag to perform manoeuvres. The shape of the breaking wave required for surfing is related to the steepness of the face. The steepest waves form a cavity under the plunging jet, a so called plunging breaker and surfers try to ride within this cavity. These plunging breakers are desirable for experienced surfers. If the cavity under the plunging jet becomes small and the roller crumbles from the crest a wave is 13

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called spilling. A spilling wave is less steep and therefore more suited for beginning surfers. The breakpoint moves along the wave crest, which is called peeling, and the surfer tries to match this pace. The ability to maintain in front of the breaking part of the wave even if the breakpoint advances fast is part of the surfer‟s skill.

Image 1: A plunging wave in Snowdonia Wavepool for experienced surfer. Source:

Image 2: Surfer surfing a spilling breaker in outdoor ocean. Suitable for beginner and intermediate surfer Source: =spilling+breaker+wave+SURFING

Surfers use the wind strength descriptive followed by the wind direction to get stabilize on the wave. The cross-shore wind is blowing across the beach from either left or right. Depending on the wind strength, it could create a ruffling effect on the sea and the tops of the waves as the wave begin to break, causing to deform uncharacteristically 14

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making waves harder to read and surf. While cross-shore wind affected the surfer‟s positioning in the line-up. A cross shore wind could blow surfers out of position whilst waiting for waves. If the wind is strong, it could be worth factoring into where surfers positioning before beginning to surf. As for onshore wind direction type which is not particularly favoured by the majority of surfers as the wind force the wave to break sooner than naturally. Offshore winds are perhaps the most favoured wind direction for surfers. Offshore winds gives positive effect on the waves by grooming or smoothing the wave face and holding the waves up due to the opposing directions of the wind and the waves, making waves easier to read and to surf. There is no accuracy to measure the height of the waves. Professional surfers use the measurement of metric unit to describe wave height but this method could create unnecessary confusion and incorrect estimation for beginners. Another method that gives more accuracy is measuring wave realistically by comparing the surfer‟s body height as per example waist high, chest high and head high. The benefit of accurately describing wave height allows surfer to develop standardization and understanding the preferable waves that means a lot for surfer‟s surfing career.

2.2 Understanding Surfing Satisfaction Surfing satisfaction has multiple meaning based on individual perceptions. In broader sense, the surfing satisfaction of an individual reflects its fundamental values and character. The very surf sport, surf entertainment media, and group affiliations that people enjoy in surfing help to shape the character and well-being of a person, communities and society at large. Thus surfing satisfaction is often viewed as enjoyable and extreme activity that everyone deserves to endure and should experience. To understand the full power and potential of surfing, it is important to separate it from another closely related word, recreation. Simply stated, recreation can be understood as the activity or experience, while satisfaction is seen as the outcome of the 15

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experience. True satisfaction is a process involving freedom, self-discovery and growth. Hence, it is crucial in understanding the necessity of surfing experiences and how surfing satisfaction serves as a catalyst for improving quality of life. Leisure, the outcome of satisfaction, is often define by time and activity; (1) timefree time for enjoyment, (2) activity- recreation activities (Kearney et all, 1999). A study supplied a paradigm explaining the levels of participation experiences in which one takes part during discretionary time (Nash, 1953). It indicated that discretionary time should be differentiated from existence time (the time to fulfill one‟s physical and psychological needs) and from subsistence time (the time to do work and conduct work related activities). Satisfaction provides opportunity for individuals to make decisions regarding their time use and the experience they choose. Nevertheless, for much urbanity satisfaction has always seen to be exclusive and requires huge amount of time to spend. These people pursuits often more sedentary lifestyle throughout a day. This is clearly due to work patterns today which do not encourage robust physical activity and the limited time they have on a daily basis.

2.3 Malaysia Surfing Scenario Surfing communities have developed credible surf tourism market in Malaysia by hosting a handful of Local and International Surfing Competitions to the delight of surfers worldwide. The surf season in Malaysia starts during monsoon season because ocean provides suitable wave height potential and qualities for all range of surfers. This is the peak season for surf tourism in Malaysia. On the east coast, the surf season starts from November to February while in the west coast starts from April to October. Unfortunately, after the monsoon season ended, the wave height potential and frequency are not suitable for intermediate and professional surfers. The scenario affected the decrease of surf tourism market for the upcoming month, thus affected the local surf 16

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school business. Other than that, the local surfers have to wait for upcoming monsoon season to practice and explore new techniques and skills. Articulate to Malaysia wave surfing scenario, the wave surfing locations with good surfing conditions are limited in certain country. With the growing understanding of what makes a good surfing spot, it is possible to improve or create good surfing conditions with man-made structures at sea or on land. The necessities for surfing are on one hand waves, and on the other hand a bottom topography transforming the waves in the right shape. Several artificial surf reefs are planned and built at locations lacking the latter over the last years. For locations where both waves and the right topography are lacking, like inland, surfable waves can be created in a surf pool. The good facilities are fundamental to developing sport surfing opportunities for everyone, from the youngest beginner to the international class surfers. The building whether large or small can encourage civic pride and assist the process of revitalizing deprived neighbourhood. Facilities that are ell designed built to last and well maintained are a pleasure to use and give an ample return on the time and money invested in their construction and day to day use for non-government organization and business. Whilst, opportunities for improving the environmental, the indoor sport facilities especially in Surfing Scene has limited application of environmental theory. This is part of a larger work considering the place of environmental evaluation in the indoor sport facilities architecture, particularly the whole life costing approach.

Image 3 & 4: Cherating wave length and wave height is not suitable for professional surfer. Source:


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As per hypothesis, culture is part of the identity and it became the Genius Loci and the surf sport scene in Malaysia is basically from the local culture of a place. The surf pool act as Urban Catalyst for the local community which it inspires the local especially youngster to start businesses related to surf sport and at the same time increases the surf tourism and urban fabric of the place. Other than that, the surf pool act as a centre of surf education with upgraded facilities and proper training to Malaysian‟s Surfer to increase their level of skills and experiences for international competition and training as a surf athlete.

2.4 The Surf pool The surf pool is a man-made transitional space which is defined as the space within which one can explore changes in one‟s life. “Transitional space is the space of play and creativity-where our culture is created, where love can grow, where teaching and learning take place, and where art is made.”- Luepnitz (2009). It is about creating a holding environment within which those people wanting to initiate change or going through change can take the time and space to understand where they are and experiment with what they might want to be or do (Gerber et all, 2003). In the architectural context, the modern civilization is filled with artificial recreations of nature. One of mankind‟s oddest re-creations of nature is the artificial ocean shore, known as the wave pool. Wave pool can be differentiated into two; (1) water park wave pool (2) surf wave pool. The differentiations between these both types are the target user and the wave height and velocity. The water park user are keen with the different types of activity such as swimming, surfing, activity with family and friends which do not favour danger and extreme condition but surf wave pool is mean for the adrenaline junkie who favour big wave and danger for surfing conditions. Nowadays, there is lots of technology in making artificial wave for surfing that could be implemented at any variable venue. American Wave Machine Company created 18

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Surf Stream technology for standing surf wave which is suitable for indoor and small environment. While Greg Webber Technology created circular surf wave pool for the incredible outdoor rides. Both of the technology use chlorinated water and artificial manmade structure for the pool. Usually, these artificial wave pool attractions are sanitized, regimented revisions of the wild, organic surfs created by nature. The closest technology adapting the real surfing environment is the technology from Surfloch WaveSystem. The technology is available in three different types of Aquatic Systems to match condition which use the existing water bodies such as fresh water and salt water. This technology came with filtration system to recirculate clean water back to the existing water body. The different approach of technology suits the architectural building scale and condition. The surf pool could be installed in all types of condition to serve its purpose at the same time solving issues for area that have no suitable wave height and wave length for their existing beaches. Artificial surf pool is a major way to commercialize the surf sport industry which could provide the international surfing facilities for surf athletes to practice and training.

Image 5: Silvertown Surf Centre, East London is using existing water body for surf pool Source:


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Image 6: Surf House Patong, Phuket is using standing surf wave technology by American Wave Machine Source:

The surf pool is potential agents of unmatched experiential, intellectual and sensory stimulators in its own context. They have also functioned as, and can once again become, the successful mediation of users. Furthermore, at one level, it can become an architectural solution to the issues of urban stress. This integral in-between realm is also an indirect form of passive control that shapes people‟s behaviour on a day to day basis.

2.5 Surf pool technology and practical usage The literature reviewed for the surf pool is categorised into two sections. The first section concerned the surf pool technology and practical usage. The second section dealt with reflecting the genius loci of a place. In the urban scene, the surf pools are possible potential that could happened in everyday day life and yet we are not used with surfing culture. It is potentially installed at 20

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space where people walk by every day. Hence, it is very interesting to study about it as we experience them from macro to micro levels, while being completely unaware of its potential. Huge potential can be seen and developed in surf pool in order to solve urban stress issues. Surf pool technologies contribute a lot to surf pool design and location. The percentage of such spaces may vary in accordance to the subject which can be included in the form of using existing water bodies such as salt water or fresh water, a small indoor or outdoor space in a building, or an artificial big scale of indoor or outdoor surf pool arena. If there is no defined space then confinement by some of the above elements can make the space functional and sensible as well. Different kind of impact can be felt on people when passing through the surf pool as compared to the regular areas which are outdoors or fully indoors. This can be felt through ambience, sensory, surroundings and etc. The emotions experienced might involve excitement, or thrill at one end and dynamism on the other. This can help to provide a strong sense of purpose for design of such spaces. The ability to reduce or enhance certain emotional responses to the building can be controlled by how the question of design is approached. Even small design elements such as these dependent of the circumstances can help to inform the emotional responses and changes in mental state, mood or personality of an individual while approaching the surf pool space and the dynamism concept of building. Furthermore, this potential space or the threshold in architecture can be created by the change of direction, sound, surface, level, lighting and perhaps by gateways which make a change of enclosure and above all with a change in view. These elements can be seen in the most building elements and urban setting as they have been integrated along with the building design and urban planning as a whole.


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2.6 Technology of artificial surf pool This next section is divided into three parts. The first part concerned the standing wave pool, followed by the circular surf wave pool in the second part and the surf wave pool in final part.

2.6.1 STANDING SURF WAVE SurfStream by American Wave Machine

Image 7: SurfStream by American Wave machine. Source:

This surf environment provides surfers with an incredible indoor ride and perfect for urban setting. This type of technology can be installed in the youth centre, such as shopping mall, café, and Extreme Park that required small area. The inspiration for this technology derived from the idea of surfing a standing wave on a river and a dream of an endless ride. This technology applies hydraulic jump concept. Hydraulic jump is a phenomenon that normally occurs in an open channel water flow. When a moving flow 22

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of water releases into an area of lower velocity flow, it slows down very quickly. The kinetic energy of the flow is converted to potential energy in the form of a wave known as a hydraulic jump. An example of an everyday hydraulic jump is the stationary circular wave that forms around a stream of water as it flows out of the tap and contacts a flat surface. The jump is characterised by fast moving water before the jump where there is also higher water depth and a more turbulent flow.

Figure 2: Hydraulic Jump Phenomena in standing surf wave technology Source: Author

As for the standard requirement, a series of pumps at one end of a pool that push out a smooth flat, fast flow of water. The water then encounters a smooth bump called as a foil or spoiler to direct moving water upwards. The shape of the foil is altered to create different types of flows. The determination of this shape involves complex calculations. The hydraulic jump is formed between the spoiler and the force. A surfer has to manage true dynamic relationship between water streaming over the jump, the non-homonymic constraints of the board surfaces acting on the water and the gravity vector. It can be adjusted to different wave shapes including left and right barrelling waves, stable beginner waves, and natural standing wave which are deeper and more challenging. This is accomplished by parameters such as incoming flow rate, the incoming channel width and the contour of the bottom including the spoiler and the foil. The water is circulated continuously on a curling wave for example the water is pushed to one side of the pool 23

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called the venturi area. The water has to accumulate so that it will not destroy the water effect. The water is forced along this venture channel and exits through a series of drains which feed back to the pumps thus completing the cycle.


A series of pumps in one end of a pool


Smooth spoiler



The hydraulic jump is formed between the spoiler and the force


The water is circulated continuously on a curling wave

Figure 3 & 4: Standing surf wave standard requirement Source: Author


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Real Surfing Wave Mimic real ocean wave

Multiple Reef: All Skill Levels One wave, multiple break. Learn, surf, progress.

Suit all surfer category: 1 wave for 7.5 second, 8 waves per minute 3840 waves per day Multiple surfer categories

Safety: Padded reef and wall Soft and scrape free.












6.7 x 19.8m

7.9 x 21.3m

9.8 x 22.9m

11 x 22.9m

12.2 x 24.4m

$4.5 – $14

$6 – $33

$7.5 – $41

$9 – $49.5

$12- $50

90kW -495kW



Per Hour Power Cost*


Avg. Power








1 to 5

1 to 6

1 to 8

0.76m to 1.1m

0.76m to 1.2m



1 to 10

1 to 12


Wave Size





0.76m to 1.8m


Table 1: Standing surf wave model and specifications Source: Author


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2.6.2 CIRCULAR SURF WAVE POOL – by Greg Webber

Image 8: Circular Wavepool by Greg Webber Technology Source:

This surf environment provides surfers with an incredible outdoor ride and perfect for urban setting and tourism purpose. This type of technology can be installed in the hotel and resort, sport centre or standing alone project that required a big area. This technology applies The Liquid Time Wave Pool (called wave pool from hereon) concept, invented and copyrighted by Greg Webber, strives to produce surfing waves by using ship waves. The project aims are wave heights up to 2 m to facilitate wave conditions for surfers with intermediate to expert level. An initial design of the wave pool is based on a circular pool with an outer diameter of 200m. Several hulls are towed along the outer wall generating a wave pattern propagating inwards. Waves are intended to break on a 1:6 slope starting 13 m from the outer wall. The breakpoint moves in a circular path, and nearly endless surf rides are therefore possible. The hulls are tapered, being 3 meters wide at the still water level and 4 meters wide at the pool floor. The hulls are 12 m long and each hull is supposed to 26

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generate multiple surfable waves. By reversing the towing direction, both left and right hand peeling waves can be generated. The hull profile is hence designed symmetrical.

Figure 5: The concept of circular surf pool Source: Author

Image 9: Section a-a of circular surf pool Source: Author


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2.6.3 SURF WAVE POOL – by Surfloch WaveSystem

Image 10: Surf Wavepool by Surfloch WaveSystem. Source:

This surf environment provides surfers with an incredible outdoor ride and perfect for site with potential existing water bodies. This type of technology can be installed in the hotel and resort, sport centre or standing alone project that required a big area. SurfLoch WaveSystems are available in three different types of Aquatic Systems to match condition; (1) SurfLoch SurfPool for pool water. This technology meets filtration and chemical pool standards recommended by the USA‟s Model Aquatic Health Code. (2) SurfLoch SurfLake for fresh water. These technologies need some filtration and chemical balancing, similar to being in a clean, clear, fresh water lake. (3) SurfLoch SurfLagoon for Salt waters the technology that salinized and filtered water, similar to being in clean, clear, tropical ocean waters. Surf Loch‟s Wave Science replicates the ocean‟s natural wave creation process by using continuous mono-directional wind. Using a combination of vacuum and pressure via large fans (blowers) to create “wind” within custom designed caissons (concrete chambers) where a “pull-push” action is applied by elevating the water to create the wave trough, then pushing the water down to create the wave crest. An opening in the bottom of each independently powered caisson allows the 28

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wave energy pulse to be released and delivered into open water. Size are influence by wave height, ride duration, and number of breaks – the bigger the wave, the longer the ride duration and the more follow-on wave breaks, then, the bigger size pool.

Image 11 & 12: Layout, section and standard requirements of Surfloch wave machine Source: Author


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Image 13: Section and standard requirements of Surfloch wave machine Source: Author

AREA Size are influence by wave height, ride duration, and number of breaks – the bigger the wave, the longer the ride duration and the more follow-on wave breaks, then, the bigger size pool. Example 1: A 1.2 meter high wave with a 10 second duration, the required pool size is: Water Surface needed: 2,787sqm = 0.7 acre Total Area : 3,251 sqm = 0.8 acre Pool water volume: 5,700 cubic meter Example 2: A 2 meter high wave with a 10 second duration, and a second break at 1 meter high, the required pool size is: Water Surface needed: 7,274sqm = 1.8 acre Total Area : 9,104 sqm = 2.5 acres Pool water volume: 15,500 cubic meter *Including dry space for mechanical/ storage/ control and sanitation. Due to local site demand, additional area may be required for restrooms and changing area, lockers, food and beverage, retail, event space, etc. *This calculation is to engineer detail.

Table 2: The rule of thumb for Surfloch surf pool area and dimension. Source: Author


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2.7 Reflecting the genius loci of a place Surf pool plays a vital role in environmental behavior. It is the study that covers relationship between human behavior and properties of context, the study of the mutual interactions among people, social groups, culture and the physical environment at all scales with applications to improve the quality of life. Either providing physically occupied gathering spaces or segregating the public and private network, it might perform its role in conditioning the behaviors of people. When serving in the context of nature, a surf pool affects the physical, social and cultural environment in which the surrounding context functions, in turning affecting the experience of the people. In a sensitive context such as the sea-shore, the surf pool spaces may vary in scale but the objective is the same which to create a flexible context. The surf pool with proper facilities can be quite complex and dynamic in nature but must sufficient to describe and reflect the language of the site context rich elements. A surf centre began with and still is the element of associating adrenaline rush activity to find leisure with the elements of natural environment, bonding with human to human in term of behaviour considered to be irreverent and sacred, respectively. The juxtaposition that could reawaken human memory is some of the most qualities that can be expressed through architecture. These qualities and spaces that express transformation play a fundamental role of the context. Pallasmaa (2012) felt strongly about the fact that the satisfaction of experiences should not be limited to particular physical space, but should extend beyond limitations and embrace across the setting. In addition exploration of idea of celebrated spaces believes can act as a gateway to celebration which can provide an escape or retreat from the user.


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2.8 Summary The surfing condition briefly explains the importance about the surfer division in term of beginner, intermediate and professional surfer as surfer‟s starting point of surfing the wave. In term of architecture, the clear segregation of starting point of the surfer gives a parameter in designing the artificial surf pool zoning for this three target user. By understanding the division of surfer starting point and zoning, an efficient artificial surf pool design that contains the entire target user in one time can be produce. The understanding of surfer‟s surfing satisfaction aims to give a clear view of the relation character that architectural parts must cater to achieve the natural state of surfing condition. The relationship of surfer and natural environment is indescribable that produces the sense of humble and belonging. A surf centre must cater the elements of the natural environment in term of manipulating human perception in the context of reflecting the concept of architecture or construction method that frames and sensitive to natural environment. The Malaysia Surfing scenario is very unique since it is part of the identity in a place. This element creates possibilities in term of urban context and architecture. The sensitivity and respecting the existing potential enhancing the genius loci of a place, creates possibilities in term of local business, tourism and gives parameter for architecture elements to use the safest method of construction because of respecting the sensitivity of the site, reflecting the best surfing elements it is architectural space planning and form as the way to be shows respect to the surfing activities and culture. The application of variation wave machine technology has been useful to test the relevance of installing the surf pool in different site context and user‟s experiences. Further investigation of the idea of technology creates an initial pattern that reflect in the design concept and criteria for the possible spatial planning and layout for surf centre in Malaysia that could enhance context criteria moment in the absence of the elements of dynamism adapting by the energetic of the activity and reflective form and pattern from 32

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the natural site context and became a fundamental challenge for research. The selection of technology provide a starting point for the characterization of surf centre zones as they might share certain properties or exhibit distinct characteristics. Furthermore, the surfing activity, human behaviour and context are some of the most important qualities that can be expressed as the selection of artificial wave pool technology through architecture. These qualities and spaces have a strong bonding that triggers identity of the place by reflecting through the architectural elements. As cities sprawl outward changing the genius loci of a place, architecture able to provide development and celebrating spaces at the same time maintaining identity and respecting the context. This research set out to investigate on language of possible surfing centre that could reflects Malaysia‟s identity. In addition to, solve urban stress issues by introducing surfing activities in urban context as per parallel with what younger generation keen for.


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The chapter described in detail the manner and procedure data was collected for the study. It is divided to three sections which are observation, interview and questionnaire.

3.1 Observation (Based on precedent study) Precedent studies were established in relative to the literature review, where all data and information collected will analysed through a qualitative method study. This study emphasizes on relation between the surfing activities, user‟s behaviour, the energetic of surfing activity reflect the criteria needed for surf centre. From the study, a set of relevant variable is defined through the role and quality of the surf centre spaces and acted as a parameter guideline to form a comprehension data collection. Besides that, the research looks at the example that explores the idea of achieving the philosophical of surfing. Also, looking at characteristic that evoke the sense of delight in these example will be analysed. Some of these characteristics can be mentioned as interactivity, surprise, novelty, and providing leisure for the user. The building type under study is non-existence in Malaysia. As an alternative, precedent studies which involved examples from abroad were observed.

3.1.1 Criteria for precedent study selection There was little consideration in choosing the selected precedent studies. Those criteria are listed as follow: I.

The building is chosen based on their distinct design characteristic and located in a subject of surfing activities and culture.


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Presence of special features on the planning scheme which has the tendency to create an impact for surfing industries and psychological relief of urban stress to a person.


The following typology is identified based on the likely target groups for this research which is the group of adrenaline junkie in an urban area and the adrenaline junkie who stays near the existing water bodies which has potential for surfing activities.

Below are the selected precedent studies for this research: a) CitySurf, Vancouver, Canada – Surfloch Technology b) Subi Surf Park, Subiaco, Australia – Wavegarden Technology c) Webber Wave Pool, Sunshine Park, Queensland – Webber Technology d) Silvertown Surf Centre, East London, England – SurfStream Technology

3.2 Obstructive interview Informal interview is another approach that is conducted to acknowledge the story behind an individual‟s experience. In this study, the interviews are done among the frequent users at the selected areas that are good spot for sport centre. The objectives are to obtain information while categorizing individuals and their circumstances in relation to their behaviour as well as decision point. We also seek to get the meaning of what the user‟s feeling in the surfing situation and what is the model of surf centre that the user and the site context could produce while covering both factual and opinion aspect. This will involve personal feedbacks, and has the opportunity to probe or ask follow up questions, suitable with the individual‟s interest in the field of question asked. The results of interview are description and substantive or formal theory. The final product of building theory from precedent studies and literature may be concepts, a conceptual framework or propositions or possibly mid-range theory but on the downside, 35

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the final product may be disappointing. The interview may simply replicate prior theory, and support the primary data. By providing an account of the case considering the surf centre architectural elements needed from precedent study conceptualisation, the generation of general, abstract categories from the data and establishing how they help to explain the phenomenon under precedent study conceptualisation.

3.2.1 Criteria for interview selection There was little consideration in choosing the selected person for the interview. Those criteria are listed as follow: I. II. III.

A professional Malaysian Surfer who surf in Malaysia‟s beach A professional Malaysian Surfer who owns a Surf School. A professional Malaysian Surfer who surf at her local beach. The selected criteria is to maintain the novelty of the interview analysis since all

the interviewee are Malaysian, a professional surfer, and surf at Malaysia‟s local surf scene. All of the interviewee has won the international competition for previous years. There are several aspects to consider when analysing surf centre. This includes on how people navigate and describe the function of surf centre in a complex urban environment as well as average duration of a person remains in those area. Besides that, the number of people using the spaces is also taken in account. The following parameters are observed in correlation to three types of situations, namely: I. II. III.

Changing experience between (2) destination Changing experience between exterior and interior Changing experience between nature to building


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3.3 Questionnaire Questionnaires are fundamental component of the data production process. During the preliminary process on deeply research about the surf centre, the questionnaire is extremely useful to understand more about the target user. In this study, the questionnaire candidates are categorizes to beginner and intermediate surfer. The questionnaire been distributed to CheratingPoint Surf School and SatuSuku Surf School located in Cherating, Kuantan. The objectives are to obtain information from the general surfer regarding their perception of the issues, the needed spaces for surfing and the future projection of surfing scene in Cherating. The questionnaires allow gathering information from a large audience. 29 set of questionnaire question has been returned back and by comparing the answer of the candidates can conclude a certain pattern of data for Cherating surf criteria.

3.3.1 Criteria for questionnaire selection There was little consideration in choosing the selected group of candidate for the questionnaire event. Those criteria are listed as follow: I. II.

A beginner Malaysian Surfer who surf in Malaysia‟s beach An intermediate Malaysian Surfer who surf in Malaysia‟s beach The selected criteria is to maintain the novelty of the questionnaire analysis since

all the candidate are Malaysian, a beginner and intermediate surfer, and surf at Malaysia‟s local surf scene The following parameters are observed in correlation to three types of situations, namely: I. II. III.

Changing experience between (2) destination Changing experience between exterior and interior Changing experience between nature to building 37

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AIM To critically assess design criteria of a surf sport centre in Malaysia.

OBJECTIVES 1) To identify technologies of artificial wave surfing to be implemented in architecture scope 2) To identify the concept, spatial planning, associated space and programs that could support the surf sport centre. 3) To establish architectural design criteria for surf sport centre at the most potential site in Malaysia.

DATA COLLECTION As such, architectural experience of surfing can be best expressed through a design of a surf centre where this notion of movement and space can be explored at large and urban scale.


CitySurf, Vancouver, Canada Seagaia Ocean Dome, Miyazaki, Japan Sunshine Park, Queensland Silvertown Surf Centre, East London, England


Expert surfer interview QUESTIONNAIRE


General surfer questionnaire




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This chapter revealed the findings based on the data collected. It is divided into three sections. The first section is regarding the findings from the observations based on precedent studies. The second section reviewed the findings of interviews of the experts and the final section is the illustration of findings for questionnaire covering the scope from general surfer (beginner and intermediate surfer)

4.1 Silvertown Surf Centre (SSC), East London, England

Image 14: Silvertown Surf Centre overall image Source:

4.1.1 Project Details: Architect

: Baca Architect, United Kingdom


: London Borough of Newham, east London


: 2.9 acre (11735.9sqm)

Project Year

: 2017 39

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4.1.2 Overview: Silvertown Surf Centre is a unique private sector regeneration project driven by the Baca Architect, working with a consortium involving Kajima Urban Development (KUD), in partnership with the London Development Agency and the Bank of Scotland. The project would have unlocked the potential of 60 acres of brownfield land at the Royal Docks in East London for a mixed development of 5,000 homes and 70,000m2 of leisure, business and retail space in a high quality waterside setting. The essence of the strategy and master plan was about „place making‟ centred around 15 acres of water, major new public spaces and leisure facilities. Venture Xtreme Consultancy was asked to come up with a concept that encouraged visitors to stay all day, whilst making use of and animating the dock water. In response to the challenge Venture Xtreme Consultancy designed the world‟s first dock surfing wave, up to 2m high and travelling 130m before breaking on London‟s first all year beach. This unique project was ranked as London‟s one most iconic project by Time Out magazine, in their 40th Anniversary edition, ahead of the London Olympics. In addition to the surf centre, a major dock side unit was designed with a climbing wall, ice wall, indoor surf wave, children‟s snow room and a scuba diving tank 25m deep. All supported by a wide variety of specialist retail units, bars and restaurants and a 100 bed sports hotel above.

4.1.3 Surfing Space Attributes: Architectural elements are the physical components that define the surf centre criteria. The Silvertown Surf Centre was analysed as the main component since they were the main defining components. The building spatial design goal is to create a centralised approach which the surf pool is surrounded by the additional supporting spaces to foster frequent and meaningful contact between users and also encourage an increasingly diverse population to use them.


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Table 3: Silvertown Surf Centre Findings Elements Technology

Overview SurfStream, American Wave Machine Award: World‟s first standing wave machine Technology characteristic: Overall Footprint

: 12.2m x 24.4m

Per Hour Power Cost

: $12-&50

Average Power Range : 120kW – 500kW

Building’s Scheme

Rider Capacity

: 1 to 12

Wave Size

: 0.76m to 1.8m

Centralised Planning Approach The scheme proposed a centralised planning which the surf pool enclosed by structure for the spectators, which use directly the water from the beach. The surf pool is surrounded by markets, specialist sports shops, waterside restaurants and cafes.

Image 15: Silvertown Surf Centre centralized planning approach Source: Author Primary design intent of the concept is to bringing the water of life in an exciting and dynamic way that encourage interaction with environment and stimulates porosity.


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Elements Space

Overview &


Image 16: Silvertown Surf Centre integrating public user with the beach. Source: On the water side, the wave machine pool is surrounded by a structure for the spectators cheering for competition which also include markets, specialist sport shops, waterside restaurants and cafes. The public floating boardwalk at water level aim to integrate public user to interact with the beach. Building



Image 17: Public user blend in with the surfing environment. Source:


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Luckily, the sport itself reflects excitement and sportsmanship experiences


to public which could create sensations. Transparency in space makes user perceive different spaces and inject unconscious experience of transparency in the building which user could feel happiness and sense of belonging to the place. Movement A continues and smooth movement between space to space helps user to capture prestige of experiences and this has been applied in term of space relationship which user could feel the connection between the spaces from entrance to the main focal (wave machine), the spectator‟s structure and the floating deck in the middle of wave machine and the beach. Form Juxtaposition

Image 18: Webber Wave Pool, Sunshine Park overall image Source:

Overall, Silvertown Surf Centre success to blend it purpose with the context. The design approach which relate back to the site potential (the beach) frames the identity of the site and relates to the surf culture context in the area. The building form concept is radical but suit very well to reawaken human memory.


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Silvertown Surf Centre portrays the energetic concept of youth and


experimenting bright colours to represent the dynamism of surfing. The form of the building is repeating its context which representing series of rectangular and square plane. As a whole, the form not intended to be a trend setter of a place but following the language identity that has been set previously by the surrounding.


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4.2 Webber Wave Pool (WWP), Sunshine Park, Queensland, Australia

Image 19: Webber Wave Pool, Sunshine Park overall image Source:

4.2.1 Project details: Architect

: Greg Webber (Designer)


: Waterway Pty. Ltd


: Sunshine Park Queensland


: 4.9 acre (20 000sqm)

Project Year

: 2014

4.2.2 Overview: Webber Wave Pool has the patented design which will be used on the Sunshine Coast which it could be a close copy of powerful ocean waves up to two meters. The


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Queensland tourism welcomes a surf pool to the city because it would mean the area would attract surfers to the world renowned surfing city. From a tourism perspective it would be good at attracting and augmenting surfers on the situation where the weather and the beaches are not available. The technology could revolutionize surfing as a professional sport. This situation could encourage people to get into and watch surfing at the stadiums. Surfing Australia estimates there are about 2.5 million surfers across the country. More than 350,000 people take part in surfing lessons with instructors registered with the body each year. Wave pools could make surfing more accessible parallel with the growing surf community in Queensland.

4.2.3 Surfing Space Attributes: Architectural elements are the physical components that define the surf centre criteria. The Webber Wave Pool was analysed as the main component since they were the main defining components in Sunshine Park. Table 4: Webber Wave Pool, Sunshine Park Findings Elements Technology

Overview Webber Wave Pool Loop Linear Technology characteristic: I.

The concept is to drag or push a hull form over the water to create a large wave that is surfable.


Adding a range a hull control options to make the waves more random or to control the sizes per the surfer in line-up


The wave itself breaks continuously.


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation



Building’s Scheme

Image 20: Webber Wave Pool, Sunshine Park centralised planning approach Source: Author Webber Wave Pool applies Webber Wave Pool Loop Linear by Greg Webber. The wave pool will be a 'looped linear' version of Webber's original ring pool. The proposed pool will be 160 metres long by 80m wide, which will make 1.6 metre waves with rides of 15 seconds. Waves will move down either side of the pool. The design concept is a circular pool with an island in the middle, around which peel multiple, continuously breaking, waves. The waves are generated by numerous hulls, driven along the outer wall of the pool, displacing water in the same way that a boat generates a wake. The hulls run along standard roller coaster tracks, driven mechanically from outside the pool. Space



Image 21: Webber Wave Pool, Sunshine Park centralised planning approach Source:


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Elements Space Program

Overview & The big circular wave pool in the center of the site surrounded by the restaurant, souvenirs shop and hotel accommodation at one side, the water entertainment such as water slide and combination pool adjacent to hotel, and public spaces mimicking sea-shore at one side which are all together follow wing the circular shape of the wave pool. In addition, there are island In the middle of the wave pool.




Image 22 & 23: Webber Wave Pool, maintain the natural environment to encourage surfers surfing like in a real nature. Source: Building

Webber concept is mimicking an island surrounded with the sea and


forms a natural island scenery and feeling to the user. The open concept approach makes user feel closer to nature and feel the real feeling as surfing at the ocean. Transparency Webber which mimicking the island surrounded with the sea. Reflection help to give a sense of transparency in solid object, making them disappear or merge within the surrounding space.


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The surf centre achieves the philosophical of surfing. The strong bonding


between nature and surfer permit surfers to the optimum mental state to surf. To achieve the intention, open concept is applied for this scheme. The indoor spaces provides for private spaces such as the changing area and toilet. The scheme does not intend to be juxtaposed to set an identity of a place but enhancing the existing identity of its urban context.


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4.3 Seagaia Ocean Dome, Miyazaki, Japan

Image 24: Seagaia Ocean Dome overall image Source:

4.3.1 Project Details:


: Hiroshi Ebisawa Architect and Associates


: World‟s largest indoor water park, measuring 300 meters in length, 100 Meters in width (1993)


: Miyazaki, Kyushu Island, Japan


: 7.4 acre (30 000sqm)

Project Year

: 1993


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4.3.2 Overview: The Ocean Dome, which is a part of the Sheraton Seagaia Resort, measures 300 meters in length and 100 meters in width, sported a fake flame-spitting volcano, artificial sand, artificial palm trees and the world largest retractable roof, which provided a permanently blue sky even on a rainy day. The air temperature was always held at around 30 degrees Celsius and the water at around 28 degrees Celsius. The volcano becomes active every 15 minutes and spews fire every hour and incredible waves lash the beach for surfer‟s delight. It was built solely for recreational purposes just beside a real beach. Artificial tides were induced for good surfing time. The beach could accommodate ten thousand visitors at once. It used attract more than a million visitors every year. The Ocean Dome also had some golf courses in the resort in which it was located.

4.3.3 Surfing Space Attributes: Architectural elements are the physical components that define the surf centre criteria. The Seagaia Ocean Dome was analysed as the main component since they were the main defining components in Miyazaki. Table 5: Seagaia Ocean Dome, Miyazaki, Japan Findings Elements



SurfLoch - Award: Rotterdam Best Urban Initiative 2016 Technology characteristic: I.

Designed reef and wave generating equipment to replicate ocean waves in a consistent, fun and safe manner. Cutting edge wave science and operational experience produces the world‟s best surfing wave pools.


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

Elements Technology

Overview II.

Multiple reefs, patented wave dampening, precise equipment calibration and advanced software results in increased capacity throughout increased efficiency, and variably shaped, quality waves suited for all skill levels.

Building’s Scheme

Image 25: Seagaia Ocean Dome, Sunshine Park centralised planning approach Source: Author

The Ocean Dome, which was a part of the Sheraton Seagaia Resort, measures 300 meters in length and 100 meters in width, sported a fake flamespitting volcano, artificial sand, artificial palm trees and the world‟s largest retractable roof. This provided a permanently blue sky even on a rainy day. Seagaia Ocean Dome applied Gaia theory proposes that organism interact with their inorganic surroundings on earth to form a synergistic self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet.


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Elements Space

Overview &


Image 26: Seagaia Ocean Dome provides indoor spaces rather than open concept approach. Source: Indoor wave pool at the centre of the building with interior of a fake flame-spitting volcano, artificial sand, artificial palm trees and world largest refractable roof mimicking a permanent blue sky. At the main entrance of the building there are shops and restaurant provided. Building Concept

Image 27 & 28: Seagaia Ocean Dome, Sunshine Park is reflecting heaven on earth Source:


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Seagaia Ocean Dome manipulated interaction with real nature. The features inside the building are a metaphor of heaven on earth with organism interact their inorganic surroundings to form a synergistic self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet. Transparency Seagaia Ocean Dome which mimicking the heaven on earth shows through transparency makes us perceive different spaces simultaneously creating different perceptions and sensations inside or outside the space.

Building Form

Seagaia Ocean Dome scheme has different approach which is neglecting the context potential but praising the exclusiveness of Seagaia Sheraton Hotel. This scheme mimicking natural context by providing artificial features such as volcano and even the sand. The retractable roof framing and appreciating the blue sky. While the retractable roof is close, it mimics the blue sky. Overall, the scheme is cramp with every spaces provided inside the bulky form.


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4.4 Citysurf, Vancouver, Canada

Image 29: Citysurf, Vancouver overall image Source:

4.4.1 Project Details: Architect

: Reviver SPORT + ENTERTAINMENT (Sport & Entertainment Archittect)


: False Creek, Vancouver, Canada


: 5 acre (20234sqm)

Project Year

: 2017


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4.4.2 Overview: CitySurf Vancouver would be a Canadian first for urban surfing and the second surf park in North America. The proponents believe Vancouver is a perfect city for such a facility with east False Creek being the ideal location. The facility would be located adjoining Science World and Creekside Park, and include a pay-for-use surf park, a publicly accessible beach, along with restaurant and entertainment facilities topped with a green roof. The designers propose to integrate hospitality and entertainment activities as a prime contributor to the financial viability of the project with intention to create a community facility that responds to the needs of multiple stakeholders, but achieving this requires capital. Thus, revenue streams need to be part of that equation. Huge opportunity with CitySurf to program public open space uses with social activities to deliver a city asset that otherwise would never happen if it was reliant on public funding for design, construction and operation.

The technology has advanced to the point now where man-made waves are becoming, literally, the wave of the future. The technology is able to control the wave height and regularity to create an enjoyable surfing experience from novices and kid‟s camps all the way up to elite level surfers.

4.4.3 Surfing Space Attributes: Architectural elements are the physical components that define the surf centre criteria. The Citysurf, was analysed as the main component since they were the main defining components in Vancouver.


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Table 6: Citysurf, Vancouver Findings Elements



SurfLoch Award: Rotterdam Best Urban Initiative 2016 Technology characteristic: I.

The system that could filter out pollutants and bacterias that draw water into the pool making the water completely safe and swimmable.


The filtration system is chemical free, and applying renewable energy, which continuously recirculate this clean water back into east False Creek.

Building’s Scheme

Image 30: Citysurf, Vancouver applies centralised planning to integrate with user. Source: Author The wave pool is enclosed by a floating perimeter structure, which filters water directly from False Creek through a porous membrane and then geothermal warms it before recirculating the filtered water in a continuous cycle. Building’s Scheme

Primary design intent of the concept is to enhance public access to the waterfront and to the water. Addressing overall water pollution in False Creek is a big part of the CitySurf concept. The design of a floating, man-made wave pool with an innovative filtration system developed here in Vancouver.


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Elements Space

Overview &


Image 31: Citysurf, Vancouver overall image sets identity of a place Source: On the water side, the wave pool is ringed by a public floating marine boardwalk at water level, and on the land side by enhances seawall pathway that continues up and over the hospitality via green roof. The public beach located right off the seawall pathway allowing all pathway users like walker, runners, and cyclist to stop and interact with the water. Building Concept

Image 32: Citysurf, Vancouver is addressing the potential issues in False Creek. Source:


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Overview Potential Issue Vancouver is an ocean city with an active outdoor water oriented lifestyle, but due to geography it lacks open ocean surf. The level of water pollutant is high but the issues are looking as a potential by providing the community needs in term of water sport at the same time applying green mechanism to solve water pollutant issue in False Creek. Style Juxtaposition Surf sport is one of the game in Tokyo Olympic 2020 and it has been commercialized in many countries all over the world. The style has change from surfing as a hobby with no income to surfers nowadays has been sponsored by international brands and company to bring surf sport to another level. The style juxtaposition brings architecture into surf industry by providing suitable infrastructure and technologies to integrate surf sport and community.

Building Concept

Figure 6: Mutualism approach between community needs and site potential. Source: Author Mutualism Approach In term of architecture, the existence of the two architectural features gives beneficial relationship to the user and this context.


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Overview CitySurf creates the impactful integration of surfing in urban cities. It


portrays the dynamism and energetic of surfing by using reflective materials and


form. It reflects the modernisation of the city. It applies open concept approach which is respecting and fully utilizes the natural environment.

4.5 Summary of Precedent Study Findings Table 7: Summary of precedent studies findings


Precedent I

Precedent II

Precedent III

Precedent IV

Silvertown Surf

Webber Wave Pool,

Seagaia Ocean Dome,

CitySurf, Vancouver,

Centre, East

Sunshine Park,

Miyazaki, Japan


London England










Loop Linear

Machine Building Scheme

-Centralised Planning

-Centralised Planning

-Centralised Planning

-Centralised Planning


-Circular pool with an

-Indoor concept

-Open concept

-Perceive user as in the


heaven on earth

existing water body


existing water body


island in the middle with supporting indoor


spaces following the circular



form Space Program


-Outdoor wavepool

-Surf School

-Watersport Centre

-Watersport Centre

-Indoor wavepool


-Surf School

-Surf School

-Surf School






Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation


-Public open spaces

-Entertainment Facilities





-Public open space

-Public open space

-Public open spaces Building Concept

-Form juxtaposition

-Bio mimicry

-Bio mimicry

-Potential issue




-Style juxtaposition


-Mutualism approach

Precedent I

Precedent II

Precedent III

Precedent IV

Silvertown Surf

Webber Wave Pool,

Seagaia Ocean Dome,

CitySurf, Vancouver,

Centre, East

Sunshine Park,

Miyazaki, Japan


London England





-Enhancing the identity


identity by respecting




existing form context.




-Stand-alone building

-Form is contra but




context. -Juxtaposed


material chosen -Blend








-Enhancing the identity


by acting as a trend-

-Contradict existing context


blend with site context form




Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

4.6 Interview (Experts) This section involved the findings of three expert‟s surfer. Finding one reveal the perception of a professional Malaysian Surfer who surf in Malaysia‟s beach, while the second findings interview is from a professional surfer who owns a Surf School and the final part of finding from a woman Malaysian Surfer who surf at her local beach. I.

Findings 1: A professional Malaysian Surfer who surf in Malaysia‟s beach

Table 8: Interview (Experts) findings 1 Interview N Questions


General information: 1.





I am 31 years old.


Surf community status:

I am a professional surfer from Kuantan and a surf instructor for CheratingPoint Surf School.

Do 4 you live in 4.

Cherating? What 5 type of surfboard


No, I live in Taman Tok Sira, Kuantan

My favourite surf board is the long board surf board.

do you usually use for wave surfing? Issues of Wave surfing in Cherating, Kuantan


What 6 month of the year

I surf for the whole year but the best time to surf in east coast is

do you always go for

on December where the waves are high and suitable for

wave surfing?

professional surfer.

Are 7 you satisfied with

I would say yes for monsoon season waves but no for the other

the wave height and


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation


wavelength condition in


Cherating? 8.



your Yes, there was one time when they were building a five star

observation, is there any hotel just near the sea shore and the water was polluted. environmental damage of



since the location is nearby Kuantan

And 2 years ago there was bauxite pollution in the Cherating sea but now everything is fine.


and Gebeng Industry?


How 9 long will it takes

Usually the tournament festival lasted for one week in monsoon

for surf tournament


festival in Cherating?


What 1 are the issues of

Surfers have their own ideologies. There are side that does not

Wave surfing in your

accept the modernisation such as they are not accepting

own opinion?

artificial wave pool. They loves to surf and travel to every country to feel the beaches and the different experiences and feelings. This is a wonderful feeling that every surfer‟s searching for but it will cause a lot of money. On the other side, we need the artificial wave pool, as Malaysia‟s wave is not suitable for practicing for international surfing standard. As for surf athletes, without the proper facilities for surfing, we could not practice and develop our skills as the same level as other country.

Spaces needed for wave surfing in Cherating.


As 1 a surfer, what are the


routine for you before

As for me and my friends, we love to hang out at the sea shore.

and after surfing?

When we are in the mood of surfing, we will go for shower at the school, changes our surf outfit and leaves our belonging there.


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After: We usually stay for a long time at the sea-shore since we are enjoying the view. Then we go back to the surf school, changes our clothes and ready for dinner at our friends restaurant. 12.

As per your

The locals came but the most important is the sponsors are

observation, who are

around. The surf tournament is like a gathering for Malaysian

the crowds that attend

surfers including south east country. This is where youngsters

the surf tournament?

gather and having fun

Technologies of artificial wave surfing in Cherating. 13.

Which of the following

It could not be describe. As you know, I was an extreme sport

best describe about the

athlete before and could not get the satisfaction such as surfing.

bonding of you and

I would say, because it naturalness of the waves, the

wave surfing?

surrounding, you will feel close to god almighty and appreciates what is around you.


Do you go for any

Yes, I do. I went to SatuSuku Surf School. We are basically

training surf school to

like a family here. SatuSuku is owned by Pahang royalty family

learn the techniques of

and Cherating is known as a surfing spot in Malaysia.

wave surfing? 15.

How frequent do you go

As for me, I went for surfing every day since I am one of the

for wave surfing?

instructor in CheratingPoint Surf School. But as for my own practice for tournament, I have to spend 1 month or 2 to practice in Bali, Indonesia.


Are you satisfied with

I have to say, Malaysia is still have no updated facilities for

the wave surfing

surfing. I am not satisfied.

facilities in Cherating? 17.

Do you find it

Yes. That is why I have to go to Bali, Indonesia and Phuket,

challenging to get a

Thailand for practicing my skills. They have proper facilities

perfect wave height and

with international standard. On the monsoon season, I will be


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

wavelength to challenge

back to Cherating, Tioman, Terengganu or Desaru for

your surfing abilities in


the context of Malaysia beaches? 18.

Will you go for wave I do. As a surf athlete, I really need those facilities and surfing more often if the accommodation. This is because if we get government or following is improved ministry of sport support, we could possibly enter more and added?

international competitions; we could open more chances for youngster to make surfing as famous as football. Surfers could

1. Artificial wave machine to increase wave height and wavelength

get more incomes and could contribute to the country. With a proper education and facilities, we could produce skills surfer and this will open possibilities for sponsoring in Malaysia‟s surf scene. This will encourage public to watch and join us. It could possibly decrease the youth moral problem and promotes stress free.

2. A surf school complete with international surfing facilities for surf education, surf tournament and entertainment.

3. A surf centre that encourage public to enjoy and promotes surf sport in Malaysia


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What types of artificial I will go for Surfloch technology and Wavegarden technology. wave machine would This is because it is not restricted; the wave could be producing you like to add in more than 2 meters but it needs a big area for the wave pool. Cherating in future?


Findings II: A professional Malaysian Surfer who owns a Surf School. Table 9: Interview (Experts) findings II N

Interview Questions


General information: 1.





I am 36 years old.

Surf 3 community status:

I am the owner of CheratingPoint Surf School. I


entered and won many tournaments I could represent myself as professional surfer.


Do you live in Cherating?

I manage my business here for 6 months and go back to Germany for the other 6 months usually.


What type of surfboard do you

I have tried so many but my favourite is long board surf

usually use for wave surfing?


Issues of Wave surfing in Cherating, Kuantan 6.

What month of the year do you

Malaysia‟s surfing activities is different from any other

always go for wave surfing?

country. We have to wait for monsoon season which is the end of the year to get a wave quality for


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

professional surfer. I would rather spend my time in Sydney, Germany, Bali and Canada to wait for our monsoon season started. 7.

Are you satisfied with the wave

Satisfied or not, Malaysia‟s wave is not suitable for

height and wavelength

professional surfer but it is still suitable for beginner

condition in Cherating?

and intermediate surfer. We could say, Malaysia‟s wave is the best wave to learn surfing but not to upgrade your surfing skills.


As per your observation, is Yes, bauxite pollution turns the sea to red. As a local there


environmental here, I was so sad that our beloved sea was polluted.

damage of Cherating Beach Our school usually handle and organize “gotongsince the location is nearby royong‟ to clean our sea-shore and the beach. We want Kuantan



Gebeng to create community engagement with the locals.

Industry? 9.


How long will it takes for surf

I had handled several tournaments. The tournaments

tournament festival in

lasted for two days but the surfing festival here usually


one week.

What are the issues of Wave

I would say, we have to do a lot of job to

surfing in your own opinion?







Malaysia. We try to get notice from Ministry of Sport and Tourism and we could say we have successful after the 8 years. Here in Malaysia we have to wait for monsoon season to surf but we could solved the problem if the east coast and south coast surfer have the engagement to utilise beginning of the year is surfing season for South coast and end of the year for east coast. Then, we could celebrate surfing for the whole year.


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Spaces needed for wave surfing

I would say we really need the support from the

in Cherating.

government to enhance wave surfing and promotes what wave surfing is really is. Wave surfing is money. Cherating need a proper wave surfing facilities such as surf hub that could gather all the small surf school together and stand out to create and produces fame.


As a surfer, what are the routine

It is really hard to explain but you will know when you

for you before and after

wake up on that very day, you cannot resist the feeling


to surf the waves. As for me, whenever I get this feeling, I probably meet my own close friend at the bar


and we will make plan for surfing and compete with each other. Basically we will do the changing and


cleaning here and just go straight to the sea. I think the surf centre should have entertainment facilities such as karaoke, or snooker so that we could hang out a little more.


As per your observation, who

Usually the crowd are the surfer itself, the locals, the

are the crowds that attend the

youngsters, and the sponsors such as Volcom, Rip Curl

surf tournament?

and many more. By the way, Volcom is one of our sponsors.

Technologies of artificial wave surfing in Cherating. 14.

Which of the following best

I think I am a nature lover since young. I love the

describe about the bonding of

forest, greenery, and the beach. I wrote poems about it.

you and wave surfing?

Surfing gives me freedom and teaches me how to be flexible. This could be a symbolism for me to gain success. It is not easy to learn surfing. You need courage, and I believed surfers are the chosen one that is gifted from god and at every sea you have surf, it will not be the same. That is the beautiful feelings.


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Do you go for any training surf

Yes I do. My father was a surfer when he was young.

school to learn the techniques of wave surfing? 16.

How frequent do you go for

Once or twice a week.

wave surfing? 17.

Are you satisfied with the wave

I would say no but Cherating has a huge potential for

surfing facilities in Cherating?

surfing and I hope one day I could see surfing as an international sport in Malaysia.



Do you find it challenging to

Yes, I could say the wave is predictable. It is because

get a perfect wave height and

the wave height and wavelength is suitable for beginner

wavelength to challenge your

and intermediate surfer. As a professional surfer,

surfing abilities in the context

Malaysia‟s wave could not give the satisfaction of

of Malaysia beaches?


Will you go for wave surfing Those facilities could give benefits for us surfer and more often if the following is these could promote surfing to another level. The surf improved and added?

community will get bigger but it will change the tradition of surfing culture. As for surf athletes, yes


Artificial wave machine

they need those for developing their skills to

to increase wave height

international level. We need that standardisation with

and wavelength

outside country. But it will change the surf scene which is to seek eternity and beauty of natural elements or


A surf school complete

seeking for money and fame. But that is based on

with international

individual preferences.

surfing facilities for surf education, surf tournament and entertainment.


A surf centre that encourage public to


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

enjoy and promotes surf sport in Malaysia What 1 types of artificial wave Surfloch. We could fully utilised the Cherating Sea for 20

machine would you like to add wave pool. in Cherating in future?


Findings III: A professional Malaysian Surfer who surf at her local beach.

Table 10: Interview (Experts) findings 1II N

Interview Questions


General information: 1





28 years old


Surf community status:

A professional surfer


Do you live in Cherating?

No, I live in Kuantan Town.


What type of surfboard do you

I prefer short board. It is easy to control.

usually use for wave surfing? Issues of Wave surfing in Cherating, Kuantan 6.

What month of the year do you

I usually went surfing every month with my husband.

always go for wave surfing? 7.

Are you satisfied with the wave

Yes I am satisfied with the wave height but the

height and wavelength

condition is not fully updated. There are no proper

condition in Cherating?

changing areas nearby. There is one but quite far from the beach.


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation


As per your observation, is There is one time when the sea turned to red because of there


environmental bauxite pollution. It causes lots of trouble for the

damage of Cherating Beach chalets nearby. since the location is nearby Kuantan







How long will it takes for surf

One week. There are lots of games and it was nice to

tournament festival in

see everyone around. On the festival, there were many


surfers around.

What are the issues of Wave

Facilities. I guess it would be nice if we have a surf

surfing in your own opinion?

centre such as in another country. It is easier for us to learn, to send our kids to learn in the safest way. A proper place for changing and keep our belonging safe. We could get an exciting dangerous experience in a safest way.

Spaces needed for wave surfing in Cherating. 11.

As a surfer, what are the routine


for you before and after surfing?

As I went to Cherating by car, I will prepare myself at home. I have change to surf outfit at home.

After: This is the problem I gets from surfing. Sometimes I have to just change to clean clothes and clean myself at home. Sometimes I will go to the public toilet which is 2 km from here.


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation


As per your observation, who

There are lots of people coming. Internationals surfer

are the crowds that attend the

and professional surfer from Malaysia gather for this

surf tournament?

festival. The surf lovers are all around too. The locals and the sponsors.

Technologies of artificial wave surfing in Cherating. 13.

Which of the following best

I was in extreme team in Kuantan. We did so many

describe about the bonding of

activities together and I had been introduced to surfing.

you and wave surfing?

I tried surfing and I really enjoyed the freedom when you surf on the wave. I fall many times but I improved every time I fall. It is similar to our life when we sometimes on the upper side and down side.


Do you go for any training surf

My husband trains me. He is a professional surfer.

school to learn the techniques of wave surfing? 15

How frequent do you go for

Once or twice a month

wave surfing? 16

Are you satisfied with the wave

No. The facilities need to be upgraded. It does not

surfing facilities in Cherating?

change since the first time I surf here. It should be upgraded to promote tourist to come to Cherating.


Do you find it challenging to

Yes. I have a lot more to learn and I could feel that the

get a perfect wave height and

waves are pretty safe for me. It is not the dangerous

wavelength to challenge your

waves like outside country.

surfing abilities in the context of Malaysia beaches? 18

Will you go for wave Yes I do. I really love to see young kids learn to surf surfing






the and surf centre with proper wave pools and educators


and are the perfect place. Can you imagine when the

added? 1.

younger generation has started to surf earlier and we Artificial wave machine

could produce a lot more professional surfer at early


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

to increase wave height


and wavelength I think it is a good idea to develop surfing scene and 2.

A surf school complete

culture to another level.

with international surfing facilities for surf education, surf tournament and entertainment.


A surf centre that encourage public to enjoy and promotes surf sport in Malaysia


What types of artificial wave I prefer Surfloch and Standing Surf Waves. Sometimes machine would you like to add I really want to surf but it is really hot outside. in Cherating in future?


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4.7 Summary of Interviews Findings Table 11: Interview (Experts) findings 1 Interview N Questions

Interviewee I

Interviewee II

Interviewee III





Age: 2

31 years old.

36 years old.

28 years old

Surf 3 community status:

-Professional surfer

-Professional surfer

-Professional surfer

-Surf instructor

-Surf school owner



General information: 1.



Do 4 you live in Cherating?


4. 6 month Cherating 6 month Germany

What 5 type of surfboard do you 5

Long board surf board.

Long board surf board.

Short board

-Monsoon season

-Every month

-Yes for beginner and


usually use for wave surfing? Issues of Wave surfing in Cherating, Kuantan What 6 month of the year do you



always go for wave surfing?

-December -Monsoon season

Are 7 you satisfied with the wave


height and wavelength condition


intermediate surfer

-No for other months


in Cherating?




-No for the facilities


surfer 8



per is








Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation


environmental Cherating




of the

-Construction debris

-Bauxite Pollution

-Bauxite Pollution

-One week festival

-One week festival

-Bauxite Pollution

location is nearby Kuantan Port and Gebeng Industry? How 9 long will it takes for surf 9.

-One week festival

tournament festival in

-Two days tournament



What are the issues of Wave surfing in your own opinion?

-Ideologies of surfers




-Seeking way to get

-Producing a safest

modernisation such as



artificial wave pool or

government to get fund

dangerous wave and











colony so that it will


not change.

international sport.





Spaces needed for wave surfing in Cherating. 11

As a surfer, what are the routine for you before and after surfing?

Before: -Hang out with friend -Shower -Change outfit -Put the belonging at the safest place.

Before: -Hang out with friend -Shower -Change outfit -Put the belonging at the safest place.

Before: -Change and shower at home -Put the belonging in the car



-Hang out with friend

-Hang out with friend

After: -Change and clean at home

-Change outfit

-Change outfit


-Go for dinner

-Go for dinner -Prefers entertainment such as karaoke or snooker

-Went to nearest public toilet to clean and change


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation


As per your observation, who are the crowds that attend the




-Surf Sponsors

-Surf Sponsors

-Surf Sponsors

-Malaysian Surfer

-Malaysian Surfer

-Malaysian Surfer

-South East country


-South East country







-Surf lover

-Surf lover

-Surf lover

-Nature lover


-Surfing gives freedom

-Similar to upside

surf tournament?



Technologies of artificial wave surfing in Cherating. 13

Which of the following best describe about the bonding of you and wave surfing?

-Satisfaction -Naturalness waves,


the the

-Teached to be flexible.

down in life.

surrounding -A -Close to god almighty -Appreciates what is around you.



success. -Surfers is gifted from god -Every sea is not similar



Do you go for any training surf





school to learn the techniques of


wave surfing?

professional surfer

How frequent do you go for wave surfing?

-Every day -Practice

-Once or twice a week




Indonesia for 1 month. Are you satisfied with the wave

-Not satisfied

-Not satisfied


-Once or twice a

tournament, in Bali,



-Not satisfied

surfing facilities in Cherating?


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation


Do you find it challenging to get













a perfect wave height and wavelength to challenge your surfing abilities in the context of Malaysia beaches? Will you go for wave

18 surfing











Artificial wave machine to increase wave height and wavelength


A surf school complete with international surfing facilities for surf education, surf tournament and entertainment.


A surf centre that encourage public to enjoy and promotes surf sport in Malaysia


What types of artificial wave machine would you like to add

-Surfloch -Wavegarden


-Surfloch -Surfstream

in Cherating in future?


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

4.8 Questionnaires (General Surfer) This section involved three parts involving the findings of the general surfer that can be divided to two perceptions from beginner surfer and intermediate surfer. The first section is the general information of the questioner. The second section covers the issues of wave surfing in Cherating, Kuantan. The final sections reveal the findings about spaces needed for wave surfing in Cherating, Kuantan. The findings are tabulated in the bar chart below.

Section A: General Information 1. Gender:

Total of surfer Female Surfer Total of surfer

Male Surfer 0



Chart 1: Division of gender Source: Author

The selected 29 Malaysian Surfer is chosen to answer the prepared question. Basically, they are divided to 13 female surfers and 16 male surfers. The questionnaire event has been organised at the sea shore of Cherating Beach.


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

2. Age:

Age of Surfer Under 18 19-35 Age of Surfer

36-59 60 & above 0



Chart 2: Division of surfer‟s age Source: Author

The age of the surfer are varies. Basically it could be divided two 2 categories which is 14 person is from under 18 years old category and 15 person categorize in 19 to 35 years old category. 3. Surf community status:

Segregation of status Beginner Intermediate Profesional

Segregation of status

Surf School Owner Surf instructor Others 0





Chart 3: Division of surfing status Source: Author


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

The skills of the surfer are divided by the surf status. The surf status varies in term of needs, perceptions and views. From this event, the findings could be categorize to 19 person as the beginner surfer, 9 person from the intermediate surfing background and 1 person as an observer who has no experience in surfing. 4. Do you live in Cherating? No



Intermediate Beginner 0






Chart 4: Division of local of Cherating Source: Author

To get a clearer view, the answer has been divided to three categories which are from beginner surfer view, intermediate surfer view and the eyes of other than a surfer. Basically the surf crowd are from the Kuantan Town, Kemaman Town, from the area of Pahang State and Terengganu State and mostly the local of Cherating. 5. What type of surfboard do you usually use for wave surfing?

Foam Board Other

Malibu Board


Gun Board


Shortboard 0





Chart 5: Types of surfboard Source: Author


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

From the findings, the chosen surf board for surfing are varies from the beginner surfer and intermediate surfer. The beginner surfer chose short board since it is easier to control and balance on the wave. There are small group that using both short board and longboard since they are working out of the transition to be an intermediate surfer. Since there will be a transition between beginner and intermediate surfer, a small group of the intermediate surfer are still using the short board and most of them chose longboard and body board.

Section B: Issues of Wave surfing in Cherating, Kuantan. 6. What month of the year do you always go for wave surfing? December November October September August


July June




April March Febuary January 0









Chart 6: Division of month of surfing Source: Author

The wave height and wave length of Cherating Sea is suitable for beginner and intermediate surfer but not for professional surfer. The professional surfer‟s wave could 81

Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

be achieved on monsoon season. It preferable for professional Malaysian surfer to surf at the end of the year since it is a monsoon season in east coast. From the findings, most beginner and intermediate surfer agrees that they went for surfing for the whole month in a year since they could get perfect waves for them to learn and develop their skills. At the end of the year where the monsoon season started, both categories are enjoying the most perfect wave they could get which could challenge their selves and skills. 7. Are you satisfied with the wave height and wavelength condition in Cherating?

No Other Intermediate


Beginner 0







Chart 7: Division of satisfaction of wave height and wavelength of Cherating wave Source: Author

Satisfaction of the surfer in term of wave height and wave length of the Cherating Sea are varies based on the surf community status. As for professional surfer in the previous interview, the satisfaction could be achieved on the monsoon season since the wave height and wave length are suitable for professional surfer. As for the intermediates, most of them agree that they could not achieve the satisfaction and challenging of the wave length and wave height for them to develop their skills and abilities. As for beginner, they are mostly satisfied with the condition of wavelength and wave height since there are lots more wave and skills to explore.


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8. As per your observation, is there any environmental damage of Cherating Beach since the location is nearby Kuantan Port and Gebeng Industry? (Please specify the environmental pollution or damage)

No Other Intermediate Beginner










Chart 8: Environmental damage of Cherating Source: Author

The location of Cherating Beach gives doubt for the future of surfing scene in Cherating. From the findings, it can be conclude that most beginner and intermediate surfer who surf in the Cherating beach notice the environmental damage of Cherating Sea for the last previous year. Bauxite pollution and construction debris of chalet nearby the sea shore are the main concern of environmental damage in Cherating. If it is not being control by the government and not using the safest method of construction in the sensitive site of the sea, this damage and pollution could be repeated.


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

9. How long will it takes for surf tournament festival in Cherating?

Others 1 week 3 days Other 2 days



1 days 7-12 hours 1-6 hours 0






Chart 9: Duration of surf festival in Cherating Source: Author

The surf tournament in Cherating is being held for one week. The festival is to celebrates the Malaysian Surfer and Surf crowd with full of surf activities, promotion and tournaments. Usually, the surf tournament is being held for two days in the surf festival week.


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10. What are the issues of Wave surfing in your own opinion? No updated facilities Lack of government support

Construction Debris Other Bauxite

Intermediate Beginner

Wave length issue Wheather No issue 0







Chart 10: Issues of wave surfing in Cherating Source: Author

The issues of wave surfing are varies on every surfer. From the findings, the 30 candidates agrees on this 6 main issues which is lack of updated facilities, lack of government support such a the ministry of sport and tourism, issues on bauxite and construction debris, the wave height and wave length issue which is not suitable for the to develop their skills, and the weather issue which is extremely hot or raining while surfing.


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

Section C: Spaces needed for wave surfing in Cherating. 11. As a surfer, what are the routine for you before and after surfing? Before: Other Stretching routine

Other Intermediate

Change Outfit

Beginner Shower 0




Chart 11: Routine of surfer before surfing Source: Author

From the findings, most surfers need to shower and change their outfit before surfing. They performed stretching routine and mostly spend some times with their friends in eatery area or lying down on the sea shore with friends. After: Hang out Stretching routine

Other Intermediate

Change Outfit

Beginner Shower 0








Chart 12: Routine of surfer after surfing Source: Author


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

The routine continue after the surfing activities. Mostly, the surfer needs a place to clean themselves, change to clean outfit and perform their stretching routines. After that, they will spend times again with friends at the bar or eatery place nearby.

12. As per your observation, who are the crowds that attend the surf tournament? Surfer Sponsor International Juries International Surfer Crowd Nearby


Surfer's Friend

Intermediate Beginner

Surfer's family Common Surfer Surf Athlete 0





Chart 13: Surfer‟s crowd on surf tournament Source: Author

Surf tournament and festival is a gathering event for surf community. This is the medium where surf athletes show their ability and skills and get sponsor to pursue the surf career. The event could be defined as a gathering places for Malaysian surfer changes their experiences and information at the same time stronger their bonding of surf community. This event could also increase the surf tourism of Pahang State since it is being held annually. This event welcome international surfer‟s and crowd. Usually, south east country such as Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia and many more involves and competes with the tournament.


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13. Which of the following best describe about the bonding of you and wave surfing? Other Nature Friends Other Local Culture

Intermediate Beginner

Tourism Attract Career

Hobby 0




Chart 14: Surfer and wave surfing Source: Author

The bonding of surfer and wave surfing is indescribable but can be conclude from the findings that surfing triggered as a hobby, and it became close to the heart of surfer in term of nature and friendship. Moreover, it shows biggest potential in term of career, tourism and emphasizes genius loci and culture. From the findings, it could be relate that the chain between every elements give big impact to surfer‟s perception.


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14. Do you go for any training surf school to learn the techniques of wave surfing? No, want to join Other No

Intermediate Beginner

Yes 0






Chart 15: Division of surf student Source: Author

Most of the intermediate surfer joins the training from surf school to learn techniques of wave surfing while most of the beginner did not join the surf school training. By joining the training, it is easier for surfer to learn new skills and adaptation of techniques and helps the surfer understand and gain much knowledge to be professional surfer.

15. How frequent do you go for wave surfing? (Based on month you always go) Rarely Once a month Other

Once a week


2-3 times a week


Daily 0






Chart 16: Frequency of surfer to surfing Source: Author


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

As per findings of question (6), we could define that mostly intermediate surfer surf 2 to 3 times a week while some of the surf once a week. While we could see the pattern from the beginner surfer which is committed to surf daily, 2 to 3 times a week, once a week and there are groups that rarely surf. 16. Are you satisfied with the wave surfing facilities in Cherating?


Other Intermediate


Beginner 0








Chart 17: Facilities satisfaction Source: Author

Most beginner and intermediate surfer did not satisfied with the wave surfing facilities in Cherating. Basic spaces such as public toilet and changing area are not provided.

17. Do you find it challenging to get a perfect wave height and wavelength to challenge your surfing abilities in the context of Malaysia beaches?

No Other Intermediate Yes

Beginner 0







Chart 18: Challenge to get perfect wave Source: Author


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

Most beginner and intermediate surfer find it challenging to get a perfect wave height and wavelength to challenge their surfing abilities since the wave is not suitable for professional surfer and could be find in monsoon season. While some beginner and intermediate surfer find no issues in term of wave height and wave length since they are very new in this surf scene background which they still could not define the expectations and challenge they should meet. 18. Will you go for wave surfing more often if the following is improved and added?

1. Artificial wave machine to increase wave height and wavelenght Not sure Other

Would make no difference




Definitely will use 0





Chart 19: Installation of wave machine Source: Author

2. A surf school complete with international surfing facilities for surf education, surf tournament and entertainment Not sure Would make no difference

Other Intermediate



Definitely will use









Chart 20: A complete surf school with surfing facilities Source: Author


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

3. A surf centre that encourage public to enjoy and promotes surf sport in Malaysia

Not sure Would make no difference

Other Intermediate


Beginner Definitely will use 0




Chart 21: Surf Centre with integration of public Source: Author

From the findings, most of the beginner and intermediate surfer agree that they will definitely come and use the facilities if Cherating has added facilities, special surf spaces and the surf centre . The specialities will definitely help to increase surf industry and tourism at Cherating.

19. What types of artificial wave machine would you like to add in Cherating in future? American Wave Machine Webber Wave Pool

Other Intermediate

Waveloch Technology


Wavegarden Technology 0




Chart 22: Technology of wave surfing Source: Author


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

As per findings, most beginner and intermediate surfer are very welcome to have any artificial wave technology for surfing. They agree on getting the big perfect waves and updated facilities for smoothen the surfing journey. The new technologies are the need of the surfer.

4.9 Summary of Questionnaire Findings Table 12: Summary of Questionnaire Findings Interview N Questions

Beginner Surfer

Intermediate Surfer

-9 Male.

-7 Male.

-6 Female

-6 Female



General information: 1.




-Under 18 years old:7 -Under 18 years old: 0 person person -19 to 35 years old: 2 -19 to 35 years old: 7 person person Female


-Under 18 years old: 5 -Under 18 years old: 7 person person -19 to 35 years old: 1 -19 to 35 years old: 4 person person 3.

Surf community status:

-Beginner Surfer

-Intermediate Surfer


Do you live in Cherating?

-Yes: 9 person

-Yes: 6 person

-No: 6 person

-No: 7 person






What 5 type of surfboard do you usually use for wave surfing?


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

-Shortboard Issues of Wave surfing in Cherating, Kuantan 6.





What 6 month of the year do you always go for wave surfing?

-Beginner surf for the -Intermediate surf for the whole year whole year The maximum month of surfer go to surf are: December, November, October, September and other months

The maximum month of surfer go to surf are: November, December, October, September and other months

Are 7 you satisfied with the wave height and wavelength condition in Cherating?

-Yes: 11 person

-Yes: 5 person

-No: 3 person

-No: 7 person

As 8 per your observation, is -Yes: 13 person there any environmental damage of Cherating Beach -No: 2 person since the location is nearby Kuantan Port and Gebeng Industry?

-Yes: 11 person

How 9 long will it takes for surf tournament festival in Cherating?

-1 week: 9 person

-1 week: 9 person

-3 days: 7 person

-2 days: 4 person

-2 days: 2 person

-3 days: 2 person

-1 days: 1 person

1 day: 1 person

-No issue: 5 person

-No updated facilities: 4 person

What are the issues of Wave surfing in your own opinion?

-No: 2 person

-No updated facilities: 2 person -Lack of government support: 3 person -Lack of government support: 2 person -No issue: 3 person -Bauxite: 2 person

-Bauxite: 2 person

-Wave length and height issue: 2 person -Weather : 1 person


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

Spaces needed for wave surfing in Cherating. 11 As a surfer, what are the Before: Before: routine for you before and after surfing? -Change outfit: 14 person -Change outfit: 13 person -Hang out with friend: 1 -Shower: 9 person person -Stretching Routine: 7 person -Hang out with friend: 1 person


After: -Change outfit: 12 person

-Change outfit: 13 person

-Shower: 9 person -Hang out with friend: 3 person -Stretching Routine: person


-Hang out with friend: 7 person 12

As per your observation, who are the crowds that attend the surf tournament?

-Crowd nearby:15 person -Common person


-Crowd nearby: 13 person

13 -Common surfer: 13 person

-Surfer‟s family: 13 person

-Surfer‟s family: 13 person -Surf athlete: 12 person

-Surf athlete: 9 person

-Surfer‟s friend: 11 person -Surfer‟s friend: 9 person: -International surfer: 11 9 person person -International surfer: -International juries: 11 7person person -International juries: 7 -Surf Sponsor : 11 person person -Surf Sponsor: 6 person


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

Technologies of artificial wave surfing in Cherating. 13

Which of the following best describe about the bonding of you and wave surfing?

-Surfing and friend: 13 -Surfing and hobby: 14 person person -Surfing and nature: 12 -Surfing and nature: 13 person person -Surfing and hobby: 12 -Surfing and friend: 11 person person -Surfing and local culture: -Surfing and local culture: 7 person 9 person -Surfing and tourism: 6 -Surfing and tourism: 6 person person -Surfing and career: 6 -Surfing person person


Do you go for any training surf school to learn the techniques of wave surfing?


-Yes: 4 person

-Yes: 8 person

-No: 9 person

-No: 5 person


-No, interested to join: 2 person 15

How frequent do you go for wave surfing?

-Once a week: 8 person

-2 to 3 times a week: 9 person

-2 to 3 times a week: 5 person -Once a week: 4person -Daily: 1 person -Rarely: 1 person



Are you satisfied with the wave surfing facilities in Cherating?

-Yes: 4 person

-Yes: 1 person

-No: 11 person

-No: 12 person

Do you find it challenging to get a perfect wave height and wavelength to challenge your surfing abilities in the context of Malaysia beaches?

-Yes: 10 person

-Yes: 10 person

-No: 5 person

-No: 3 person


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation


Will you go for wave surfing more often if the following is improved and added? 4.

Artificial wave machine to increase wave height and wavelength

-Definitely will use: 15 -Definitely will use: 13 person person


A surf school complete with international surfing facilities for surf education, surf tournament and entertainment.

-Definitely will use: 13 -Definitely will use: 13 person person



A surf centre that encourage public to enjoy and promotes surf sport in Malaysia

-Maybe: 2 person

-Definitely will use: 14 -Definitely will use: 13 person person -Maybe: 1 person

What types of artificial wave -Waveloch: 14 person machine would you like to -Wavegarden: 14 person add in Cherating in future? -American Wave Machine: 7 person

-Waveloch: 13 person -Wavegarden: 13 person -American Wave Machine: 7 person

-Webber Wave pool: 7 -Webber Wave pool: 7 person person

4.10 Summary The observation based on four precedent studies briefly explains the comparison between the four schemes and approaches for surf centre. From the findings, it is clear stated that the planning approach of the four precedent studies are similar. The surf centres are using centralised approach to connect the artificial surf pool and the spaces. The transitional between space to space must be filled in with natural environment character to perceive the existing natural environment of surfing. The spatial planning 97

Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

must reflects the segregation of public and private, and the importance of spaces to smooth the journey of wave surfing. The concepts must reflect the energetic and dynamicity of the surfing activities itself to provoke user‟s memory on reflecting the surfing activities.

The importance of comparing perceptions idea between expert surfer and general surfer answers the spaces criteria needed for surf centre. By understanding the target user, generalisation of division of human behaviour and surf status can be solved. An efficient surf centre is when the building can cater the spaces for user perfectly. By arranging the spaces at the same time giving sense of direction to where the users should leads. On the other hand, the perception from the beginner and intermediate surfer shows the similar characteristic on the bonding of the surfer and wave surfing. The mental state of perceiving happiness is created when the adrenaline hormone secretes in surfer‟s body while surfing and this creates an addictive sensation for surfer which can release urban stress and psychological relief.

From the above explanation, the surf architecture criteria must create unforgettable experience for surfer to create the sense of belonging and transparency in the surf centre. The more open public spaces to promote culture of looking and observing to encourage more experience perceive in surfer‟s mind. The more the surf centre mimicking the real nature of environment, the more surfer perceive the natural state of surfing.


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation


This chapter revealed the analysis based on the data collected. It is divided into four sections. The first section is regarding the analysis from the observations based on precedent studies. The second section reviewed the analysis of interviews of the experts and the third section is the illustration of analysis for questionnaire covering the scope from general surfer (beginner and intermediate surfer). The final section revealed the discussion of this dissertation.

5.1 Observation from precedent study data analysis 5.1.1 Silvertown Surf Centre (SSC), East London Table 13: Silvertown Surf Centre Analysis Criteria Technology

Analysis -

The technology complemented the potential existing water body by recirculating the water back for wave making.


The standing wave machine is a low cost wave maker. The elements to create a big and desirable wave are the machine that could circulate and reuse the water and the PVC spoiler that could produce different size and desirable form of wave.


With the technology integration, the cost of management to run the surf pool is decrease.

Building’s Scheme


The building spatial design goal is to integrate the water in an exciting and dynamic way that encourage interaction with environment and stimulate porosity.


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation


The existing sea was analysed as a major component and serve as a catalyst for the public to use newly introduce surf centre.


The application of centralised planning approach which the surf pool act as the center of planning change the behaviour of approaching the whole building scheme. The approach promotes interaction between the main space and other supporting spaces since it is linked by the primary connector.


The idea of integrating main and supporting spaces breaks the boundary and improves the vitality of the area which used to be a low active section before.


User tends to concentrate and spend more time at the outdoor area while watching the surf activities.


The injection of nature elements throughout the building scheme creates new activities for the frequent and new user.


The interaction with the nature brings the feeling of joy and ultimately turns the surf activities into a whole new experience and a wonderful journey during surfing.




The centralised planning approach defines the connection of spaces and programs. The outdoor surf pool act as the heart of the scheme which


supported with Surf School facilities, indoor wave pool, food and beverages section and entertainment facilities. -

The connection of main activities and supporting activities promotes the culture of leisure blended with entertainment as public could understand and enjoy surfing activities with their own vary eyes.


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation


The main activities which is the surf activities promotes the business of the local such as selling surf board and clothing, and encourage youngster to open their own surf brand label which could increase their income.


Public open spaces are fully utilized as spectator‟s area for cheering during competition which integrated with leisure during the normal day. This where user utilized on enjoying the view of surf centre and the sea.

Building Concept

Transparency -

The sport itself reflects excitement and sportsmanship experiences to public which could create sensations. Transparency in space makes user perceive different spaces and inject unconscious experience of transparency in the building which user could feel happiness and sense of belonging to the place.

Movement -

A continues and smooth movement between space to space helps user to capture prestige of experiences and this has been applied in term of space relationship which user could feel the connection between the spaces from entrance to the main focal (wave machine), the spectator‟s structure and the floating deck in the middle of wave machine and the beach.

Form Juxtaposition -

Silvertown Surf Centre success to blend it purpose with the context. The design approach which relate back to the site potential (the beach) frames the identity of the site and relates to the surf culture context in the area. The building form concept is radical but suit very well to reawaken human memory

Building Form


Silvertown Surf Centre portrays the energetic concept of youth and experimenting bright colours to represent the dynamism of surfing. The


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

form of the building is repeating its context which representing series of rectangular and square plane. As a whole, the form not intended to be a trend setter of a place but following the language identity that has been set previously by the surrounding. Summary of


Silvertown Surf Centre appears to be another typical surf centre with the integration of nature elements, water features and existing context form.


The seamless transition between natures to building creates multiple „break‟ space that suitable for psychological relief to the users. The used of lighting features illuminates the surf centre and keeps the building alive and attractive. Therefore, the surf centre creates a vibrant surrounding to the neighbourhood context.

5.1.2 Webber Wave Pool (WWP), Sunshine Park, Queensland, Australia Table 14: Webber Wave Pool, Sunshine Park Analysis Criteria Technology

Analysis -

The repetitive and consistence surfable wave could be created using this technology. The wave machine size is smaller than other technology and it does not take much space inside the surf pool.


The circular shape of the surf pool defines the character of the building scheme. The wave machines were installed along the circular pool shape to maintain the balance force of creating waves.


The wave pool cleaning and maintenance could be done per week to maintain the safety and cleanliness of the water.


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The approach of overall building scheme is to copy the real natural environment of the sea to perceive surfer surfing at the optimum state of


surfing. -

The centralised planning approach help to smooth the accessibility of user in the building which could enlighten the every detail of component spaces of the surf centre.


The circular wave pool form act as a parameter for the overall building form and planning scheme. The centralised grid could be draw from the scheme to arrange the supporting spaces in the proper manner.


The open concept applied for open public spaces and spectator‟s area are to manipulate user‟s psychology in the state where they are in the real beach and the pleasure they get when bonding with the nature.


The building scheme overall blended with the site context by managing to maintain the similar form of context building form at the same time enhancing the genius loci of a place.




As per other typical surf centre, the surf pool is the heart of the building. The centralised planning approach is the most suitable


planning to connect to the other spaces while celebrating the activities along the connection.


The point started from the island at the centre of surf pool which could act as open public space and spectator‟s area during surf tournament, the circular surf pool for surfing along the circular island, the open public spaces and spectator‟s area which mimicking the sea shore for user‟s leisure, and connected with supporting spaces such as surf school and facilities, food and beverages and surf shops.


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The centralised planning gives elements for supporting spaces as they could define the guideline for designing the supporting spaces such as the opening for natural ventilation, natural sunlight and framing the view of the surf pool.

Building Concept

Biomimicry -

Webber concept is mimicking an island surrounded with the sea and forms a natural island scenery and feeling to the user. The open concept approach makes user feel closer to nature and feel the real feeling as surfing at the ocean.

Transparency -

Webber which mimicking the island surrounded with the sea. Reflection help to give a sense of transparency in solid object, making them disappear or merge within the surrounding space.

Building Form


The surf centre achieves the philosophical of surfing. The strong bonding between nature and surfer permit surfers to the optimum mental state to surf. To achieve the intention, open concept is applied for this scheme. The indoor spaces provides for private spaces such as the changing area and toilet. The scheme does not intend to be juxtaposed to set an identity of a place but enhancing the existing identity of its urban context.


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5.1.3 Seagaia Ocean Dome (SOD), Miyazaki, Japan Table 15: Seagaia Ocean Dome, Miyazaki, Japan Analysis Criteria Technology

Analysis -

The Surfloch technology of Seagaia Ocean Dome is using the water from surf pool to create surfable wave.


The technology integrated the water purification system and machine to maintain the hygiene of the surf pool water.


The technology is suitable with the building scheme since the scheme provides a big scale of surf pool for surf lover and could contain a lot of surfer at one time.


The technology provides the artificial details and elements inside the sea providing user the optimum feeling of real nature.


A variable wave sizes and types could be created suitable for every surfer‟s ability.



The Seagaia Ocean Dome has different approach than other typical surf centre. This is regarding the special intention to stand out and praising


the high standard of Seagaia Sheraton Hotel since it is part of the entertainment facilities provided by the hotel.


The relationship between the site context and the building is contrast with each other but mimicking the site context element which is integrated in the interior and architectural elements that defines the building.


By applying the approach, the building is blended with the site context


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while successfully showing the hotels could be able to operate such an expensive building scheme.


The centralised planning approach is applied to the scheme as the artificial surf pool act as the heart of the building. It is the typical approach of surf centre which connected the supporting spaces nicely.


The building applies indoor open concept which every spaces located inside the building. The connection is livening with various transitional spaces to cater every target user not only for surf lover. The installation of wading pool, the volcano that erupted the lava for every fifteen minutes and the artificial sand mimicking the real sea-shore sand are define as the character to manipulate human psychology to achieve leisure and adapting to the real nature for optimum state of enjoyment.




The segregation of public, semi-public and private for this scheme is well defined. The connection started with the main entrance of the


building integrating with shops and administration building for public to access. The space and activities for public has been segregated from the main surf pool which defined for semi-private user. This situation creates the boundary and the sense of controlling framing the specialities for the main spaces. -

The main space which is the surf pool and the supporting transitional spaces required special tickets to enter. This situation gives the separation of user‟s intention and speciality.


The supporting spaces such as water sport and surf school, food and beverages, entertainment facilities and the public open spaces gives character to the building. The speciality is the public open spaces are all in the indoor building which creates activity at every point of connection to the surf pool. The retractable roof which could be open to enjoy blue


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sky and mimicking the real blue sky while it is close inject the sense of nature at every situation reflecting the openness and close to nature even though the building is close by the structure. Building Concept

Biomimicry -

Seagaia Ocean Dome manipulated interaction with real nature. The features inside the building are a metaphor of heaven on earth with organism interact their inorganic surroundings to form a synergistic selfregulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet.

Transparency -

Seagaia Ocean Dome which mimicking the heaven on earth shows through transparency makes us perceive different spaces simultaneously creating different perceptions and sensations inside or outside the space.

Building Form


Seagaia Ocean Dome scheme has different approach which is neglecting the context potential but praising the exclusiveness of Seagaia Sheraton Hotel. This scheme mimicking natural context by providing artificial features such as volcano and even the sand. The retractable roof framing and appreciating the blue sky. While the retractable roof is close, it mimics the blue sky. Overall, the scheme is cramp with every spaces provided inside the bulky form.


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5.1.4 Citysurf, Vancouver, Canada Table 16: Citysurf, Vancouver Analysis Criteria Technology

Analysis -

The Surfloch technology of Citysurf complement the existing water body by integrating the technology that could to filter out pollutants and bacterias from the sea and draws clean water into the pool making the water completely safe and swimmable.


The filtration system is chemical free, and applying renewable energy, which continuously recirculate this clean water back into east False Creek


The technology is enhancing the connection between the potential of context and the possibilities that could be draw from the potential giving the sense of framing the spirit of place and the site possibilities.



The CitySurf scheme enhancing site context genius loci and blended with the urbanity context by resembling the robust lifestyle in the city


and inserting the healthy and energetic lifestyle needed to reduce psychological relief among the individuals.


The scheme act as the catalyst for place of assembly especially for youth and possibly for reducing the youth issues in the city. The scheme promoting public to the existing water body.


The centralised planning approach is applied for the scheme which the surf pool act as the heart of the building but it is nicely surrounded by the existing water bodies which could beautifully be integrated for user‟s satisfaction. Both artificial and natural element combination


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shows the mutualism of architecture element and the nature which could be blend nicely without destructing the natural environment.


The scheme intention to reflect the urban city by exploring the use of material and form to blend with the language of the urban city.


The integration between natural element, artificial system and architecture that could give satisfaction for surfer and public reflect by



the installation of the floating marine boardwalk at the water level and


continuous on the land side. -

This element provide a changing experiences of user while trailing the transitional spaces that could injected several beautiful memories to the user and perceive the environment of surfing and creates the sense of belonging of the place.


The never-ending trail continues up and over the hospitality via green roof injecting the experiences capture while trailing the connected transitional spaces. The trail ended at the public beach located right off the surf centre resembling the trail experience with climax impact sensation for user.


The supporting spaces for this scheme are water sport and surf school facilities, food and beverages and entertainment facilities that surrounded the shape of surf pool and the existing beach.

Building Concept

Potential Issue -

Vancouver is an ocean city with an active outdoor water oriented lifestyle, but due to geography it lacks open ocean surf. The level of water pollutant is high but the issues are looking as a potential by providing the community needs in term of water sport at the same time applying green mechanism to solve water pollutant issue in False


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Creek. Style Juxtaposition -

Surf sport is one of the game in Tokyo Olympic 2020 and it has been commercialized in many countries all over the world. The style has change from surfing as a hobby with no income to surfers nowadays has been sponsored by international brands and company to bring surf sport to another level. The style juxtaposition brings architecture into surf industry by providing suitable infrastructure and technologies to integrate surf sport and community.

Mutualism Approach -

In term of architecture, the existence of the two architectural features gives beneficial relationship to the user and this context.

Building Form


CitySurf creates the impactful integration of surfing in urban cities. It portrays the dynamism and energetic of surfing by using reflective materials and form. It reflects the modernisation of the city. It applies open concept approach which is respecting and fully utilizes the natural environment.


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5.2 Interviews of the expert surfer data analysis Table 17: Analysed of summary of interviews findings Interview N Questions

Interviewee I

Interviewee II

Interviewee III

General information: 1.





Question 1: Analysis -

In the surf tournament, segregation of gender in term of surf tournament marking point and skills are varies based of the gender ability.


The scale of bravery for both gender and individual are different which may varies the answer of every interviewees.



31 years old.

36 years old.

28 years old

Question 2: Analysis -

The age could not define accurately the experiences and stamina of the interviewee.


This could be achieving by measuring their skills while surf tournament.


Surf community status:

-Professional surfer

-Professional surfer

-Surf instructor

-Surf school owner




Question 3: Analysis -

The surf status able to categorized the level of skills in every interviewee.


There are different view of surfing in every surf status category such as their definition of preferable size of wave, the level of safety during surfing, the definition of surf


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intention and the mutualism between individual and surfing in term of surf career. 4.

Do you live in




Cherating? 6 month Cherating 6 month Germany Question 4: Analysis -

The effort of commuting from Kuantan town to Cherating beach shows the potentiality of surfing in Cherating and defines that Cherating is synonym to surfing even though there are many famous beaches such as Teluk Chempedak beach, Sepat beach and Chempaka beach in Kuantan.


The wave length and wave height are similar at every beach in Kuantan but Cherating sea is famous with the culture of surfing and that relates back to the initial intention why public come to surf in Cherating.


What type of


surfboard do you



surf Long


surf Short board


usually use for wave surfing?

Question 5: Analysis -

The types of surf board give different meanings, physics and experiences for every user.


The types of surf board could define the height of the surfer, the level of skills to control the surf board and the types of waves of the surfer‟s surf.


As for long board surf board is categories for higher height of surfer and synonym with professional surfer since the shape of the surf board is suitable for big waves surfing while short board is synonym for medium size of waves for beginner and intermediate


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A proportion on the surfer and the surf board is required for the optimum experience of surfing. Issues of Wave surfing in Cherating, Kuantan


What month of the year do you always go


-Monsoon season

-Every month

-Monsoon season

for wave surfing?

Question 6: Analysis -

The preferable month for surfer in Cherating is on the monsoon season which is from November to January. This is where the wavelength and wave height achieves the professional level which is up to 1.5 meters. The preferable waves are big waves which could be formed during monsoon season since the wind blows strongly.


As for intermediates surfer, the wavelength and wave height could be achieved every month of the year. This is suitable for surf learning stage.


The season of surfing creates issues for professional surfer which could not practice and develop their skills for the other entire months. The time of practice for them compare to the other country surfing spot that could get suitable waves for the whole year is very short.


Are you satisfied with

-Yes for monsoon

-Yes for beginner

the wave height and


and intermediate



wavelength condition in Cherating? -No for other months

-No for professional surfer

-No for the facilities


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Question 7: Analysis -

The answer from the interviewees are varies but can be conclude that professional surfer could get the satisfaction of big wave surfing during the monsoon season since the wind blows strongly and creates variables big waves which they do not achieve the kind of satisfaction in other months.


The waves is suitable for the beginner and intermediate surfer for the other months for the year since the wave height and wavelength in Cherating sea are not big and dangerous as the waves in other famous surfing spot.


This situation creates the issues for professional surfer since the waves is not challenging to them. The only choices to solve the problem for Malaysian surfer are to seek the preferable waves in other surfing spot country, practice in the country that has artificial wave pool or by installing surf pool in Malaysia.


The choices of solving the issues are involving the extra cost. As for the surfer that luckily to create name on the surf scene, they could get sponsor from international surf brand but the rest has no opportunities to develop their skills to another level.

8 8.

As per your -Yes

observation, is there any

-Construction debris



-Bauxite Pollution

-Bauxite Pollution


damage of Cherating -Bauxite Pollution Beach






the nearby and

Gebeng Industry?


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

Question 8: Analysis -

All the interviewees agree that Cherating beach had been affected by the bauxite mining nearby the Kuantan Port for the last several years.


The pollution not only affected the surfer but decrease the tourism of Cherating, fisherman income and local business income.


The context and culture of Cherating creates possibilities for tourism as many five stars chalet has been built in Cherating. The beauty of its context and the identity of the local allows tourist to live as them. The sea and the river create potential of the water sport such as surfing, kayaking and many extreme activities that blends in the Cherating culture.


The existing site context must be maintained since this is initial spark of Cherating culture and the local incomes. The damages of the existing site context could affect the chain of life in every Cherating elements. How 9 long will it takes


for surf tournament festival in Cherating?

-One week festival

-One week festival

-One week festival

-Two days tournament

Question 9: Analysis -

The one week festival in Cherating is the main medium for Malaysian surfer community and local to engaged and promote surfing culture to the public. The festival able to boost the surf tourism in Cherating for the monsoon season. They celebrate the whole monsoon season for surfing.


On the festival, the international surf tournament usually held for two days. This is the medium where the Malaysian surf athletes shows their ability and surf skill to get notice from the surf sponsor.


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The tournament sometimes delays for 3 to 5 days since the perfect waves for professional surfer is not consistent and the potential architecture element to solve this problem is an artificial wave pool which produces the very consistent waves and able to shorten the traditional surfing tournament time at the same time the surf pool equipped with updated facilities for surf athletes to practice.




-Seeking way to get

-Producing a safest


notice from the

place to enjoy

modernisation such

government to get

dangerous wave

as artificial wave

fund and support

and international

pool or stays in

and produce surfing educations.

restricted colony so

as international

that it will not


What 1 are the issues of

-Ideologies of

Wave surfing in your


own opinion?

change. Question 10: Analysis -

There are different views of issues in every interviewee. From the findings, the analysis can be viewed from the opinion of surf athletes, surf school owner and intermediate surfer.


As for the surf athlete view, the issue is regarding the intention of surfing. Traditionally, surfing is a symbol of status and it has been played by the royalties of the Polynesia tribes. This is how they enjoy and play around with nature to seek the eternity and praising the beauty of god creation and after several years until this modernisation, surfing has been commercialised drastically as a hobby and career that gives fames and richness to the surfer.


The changes of intention creates many ideologies of surfing which is the traditional practice believes by travelling to every beach in the world to feel the different waves and find the surfer‟s perfect wave while the modernisation creates possibilities of artificial


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wave pool as an easy way to get the perfect waves repetitively.


Artificial wave pool is the medium for surf athlete to practice intensively at any time. This creation is almost perfection for mimicking the real big waves in the ocean which the surf athletes can practice repeatedly until they achieve perfection of the skills.


As for one of the surf school owner in Malaysia, the issue concern of the future of surfing and how to commercialise it in Malaysia. The surf community has grown bigger since the eight years ago. Every year, there are a lot of achievement from the Malaysian surfer and at the same time creates surfing history in Malaysia.


However, the surfing community is still trying to get recognition from the Ministry of Youth and Sport to get a proper place for surfing in the government. With this recognition, it is easier for the surf community to get fund, moral support and opportunity for surfer to join international surf competition complete with education practice package.


As for the opinion of an intermediate female surfer, the supporting facilities such as changing area, toilet, bathroom and place to keep the belonging are the main issue. The supporting spaces help to coordinate surfing session in proper manners. The comfort and organize routine of surfing is important to maintain and appreciate the surf community by providing them facilities so that they could make their surfing journey easier and appreciated.


The surf pool with updated facilities could produce the safest place to enjoy dangerous wave in the safest manner and learning the international surf education for developing the skills of surfing.


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Spaces needed for wave surfing in Cherating. As 1 a surfer, what are 11.




before and after

-Hang out with

-Hang out with

-Change and




shower at home



-Put the belonging

-Change outfit

-Change outfit

in the car

-Put the belonging at

-Put the belonging

the safest place.

at the safest place.



the routine for you

After: -Hang


with -Hang





-Change outfit

-Change outfit

at home

-Go for dinner

-Go for dinner



-Went to nearest

-Change and clean

entertainment such public toilet to as karaoke or clean and change snooker Question 11: Analysis -

The routine of the surfer defines the spaces needed for surfing activities. These supporting spaces help to smooth the journey of surfing and give character to the surf centre.


There are similarities of the spaces needed from the interviewees but the priority of spaces for male and female surfers are varies.


From the surfer‟s view, the friendship between their own circles of friend is important. In


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

the mean of leisure, entertainment facilities spaces could be provided such as café, snooker area, karaoke area and bowling which could encourage youngster to come and spend their time while waiting for surfing. This kind of spaces could give ample return of investment for the surf centre.


The supporting spaces such as changing area, toilet and bathroom and student store area shall be provided to cater safety and hygiene issues at the same time make the surfing activities easier and enjoyable As 1 per your


observation, who are




-Surf Sponsors

-Surf Sponsors

-Surf Sponsors

-Malaysian Surfer

-Malaysian Surfer

-Malaysian Surfer

the crowds that attend the surf tournament?

-South East country -[South

East -South East country


country surfer





-Surf lover

-Surf lover

-Surf lover

Question 12: Analysis -

Based on the crowd that attend to the surf tournament, the crowd could be divided by two categories; (1) leisure and (2) career.


Surf tournament was usually held in surf festival on Monsoon season. Surfing celebrations engaged locals, surf lover, and adrenaline junkie from Malaysia to South East country. Their involvement creates a strong bonding from Malaysian surfer to other country and shares happiness of the celebration with everyone. The energetic and positive experience keeps the strong bonding together.


On the other hands, the surf athletes are accessed by professional‟s juries on the surf tournament. This is the medium where they could show their surfing skills and performance and get notice to the surf sponsor. Surf tournament is a starter point for their


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

surfing career.


The surf tournament, festival and activities able to attract tourist on the monsoon season. This will create potential to the local business at the same time enhancing Cherating culture and identity. Technologies of artificial wave surfing in Cherating. Which 1 of the


following best describe about the bonding of you and


-Nature lover

-Naturalness of the -Surfing

gives -Similar to upside

the freedom

waves, surrounding

wave surfing? -Close





down in life. to


god flexible. -A symbolism for

-Appreciates what is success. around you.

-Surfers is gifted from god -Every sea is not similar

Question 13: Analysis -

The bonding of surfer and the surfing activities are varies. The satisfaction of surfing gives a big role for the connection between the surfer and surfing. Every surfer is from the different background, thus the perception and level of satisfaction is different. This is related back to psychological relief, which the natural environment as the medium of surfing, and the energetic of surfing able to satisfy the needs of individual looking for.


There contrast between the two elements also reawakens human memory and gives deeper impact to human‟s feeling. The natural environment which creates the sense of calmness could provoke human senses and manipulate them to the natural state of happiness, calmness and grateful. While surfing activities is an adrenaline rush activities


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which secretes dopamine hormones in the body and gives the same effect as calmness and happiness. This two contrast combination results the feeling of grateful since the satisfaction they get is maximum and indescribable. Do 1 you go for any 14.






training surf school to




learn the techniques

professional surfer

of wave surfing? Question 14: Analysis -

All the interviewees have coach for them to learn surfing. Surfing techniques and skills is based on physics on how to balance their body in every kind of manoeuvres.


The bravery needs to be develop because this is the spark and reason why surfer able to stand and surf on the wave. The bravery could be gain from special training of surfing which this could develop individuals confident since they had learn surfing theory and practical at early ages.


The bravery and techniques could be developing by experimenting their surfing ability on the waves regularly. This is why surfer need the variable kind of waves in order for their skill could be develop as maximum and optimum. How 1 frequent do you


go for wave surfing?

-Every day -Practice for

-Once or twice a -Once or twice a week


tournament, in Bali, Indonesia for 1 month. Question 15: Analysis -

The frequencies of every interviewees going for surfing are varies. The differences are based on the surf status of the surfer.


In Malaysia context, the waves satisfy beginner and intermediate surfer for the whole


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

year. This category could surf the waves as they wanted for the whole year but restricted for the professional surfer‟s wave.


The professional surfer and the athletes have the problem to develop their skills and techniques in Malaysia‟s wave condition. With the lack of facilities such as the surf centre, the athletes and professional have to train in outside country to get the education they need to develop their skills. Are 1 you satisfied with


-Not satisfied

-Not satisfied

-Not satisfied

the wave surfing facilities in Cherating? Question 16: Analysis -

There are no proper and updated facilities regarding surf sport in Malaysia. This is because the surf sport is still seeking for recognition from the government. They could not yet develop the facilities since there are no funding and supporting from Ministry of sport. The surf sport in Malaysia is still at early ages. They are actively promoting surf sport which could boost surf tourism at a place. Do 1 you find it





challenging to get a perfect wave height and wavelength to challenge your surfing abilities in the context of Malaysia beaches? Question 17: Analysis -

The professional surfer has the problem on finding a perfect wave height and wavelength in Malaysia since the Malaysia waves is not suitable for professional surfer. 1


Will you go

for wave surfing more


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

often if the following is





Artificial wave machine to increase










wave height and wavelength


A surf school complete with international surfing facilities for surf education, surf tournament and entertainment.


A surf centre that encourage public to enjoy and promotes surf sport in Malaysia


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Question 18: Analysis -

The international updated facilities and surf education encourage surfer to come, learn and surf in the surf centre. In architectural view, the surf centre that could give perception to public successfully reflects the dynamism of surfing able to enhance the genius loci of the place and be a trend setter of a place.


It is a building with a definite reason and reflects the character of the intention and needs. The characteristic of surfing is reflects from the form and spatial planning. 1


What types of -Surfloch





-Surfloch -Surfstream

machine would you like




Cherating in future?

Question 19: Analysis -

In the context of Cherating culture, the existing water body, which is the sea is a huge potential for traditional and artificial surf pool. The Surfloch technology are the choices among the surfer since it is could be installed in existing water body.


The technology able to applies sustainable features which the machine could recirculate and filter polluted water to clean water by circulating it back to the sea.


A big surfpool is needed to install the system but the sea could be developing in the sensitive way to minimize the destruction of the sea.


The installation of standing wave technology is possible for the indoor surfing for surfer who prefer intensive surfing in indoor area which is a lot more cooler temperature that outside building.


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5.3 Questionnaire of the general surfer data analysis Table 18: Questionnaire of general surfer analysis Interview N Questions

Beginner Surfer

Intermediate Surfer

-9 Male.

-7 Male.

-6 Female

-6 Female

General information: 1.


Question 1: Analysis -

In the surf tournament, the judging criteria are different based on the division of gender. The level of fear, flexibility and skills are varies between the gender. Age: 2



2. -Under 18 years old:7 -Under 18 years old: 0 person


-19 to 35 years old: 2 -19 to 35 years old: 7 person




-Under 18 years old: 5 -Under 18 years old: 7 person


-19 to 35 years old: 1 -19 to 35 years old: 4 person


Question 2: Analysis -

As per findings, the surf activity is famous among the youth. Surfing needs energy, flexibility and bravery which these are the criteria that adrenaline junkie looking for. Basically, the surf activity in Malaysia is at the beginning stage. Internationally, surfing


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has been injected since children to produce a professional surfer at the early age. 3.

Surf community status:

-Beginner Surfer

-Intermediate Surfer

Question 3: Analysis -

Transition of surfing status can be derived from beginner to intermediate and to professional surfer behaviour. As per observation in the interview and questionnaire, the changes view of surfing, the evolution of the types of surfboard used and the ideology of surfer can be clearly seen to the surf maturity level. Do 4 you live in Cherating?

-Yes: 9 person

-Yes: 6 person

-No: 6 person

-No: 7 person


Question 4: Analysis -

Most of the surf crowd are from Cherating, Kuantan Town, Temerloh and Kemaman, Terengganu. Cherating beach can be summarizing as a potential surfing spot in east coast, Malaysia where not only have a potential for beach as a surfing medium but it is the culture identity in Cherating. What 5 type of surfboard do






you usually use for wave surfing?

-Shortboard Question 5: Analysis -

As per finding, the evolution of surfboard is based on the level of skills of the surfer. Shortboard is easier to control and suitable for beginner can perform certain types of manoeuvres. As the level of surfing skills increases, the other types of surfboard are needed to get the fully satisfaction and ability to surf in other dangerous and challenging manoeuvres.


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Issues of Wave surfing in Cherating, Kuantan


What 6 month of the year do


surf for the -Intermediate surf for the

you always go for wave

whole year

whole year

The maximum month of

The maximum month of


surfer go to surf are: surfer December,



November, November,

October, September and October, other months



December, September


other months

Question 6: Analysis -

Different from the professional surfer, the beginner and intermediate surfer can get a desirable wave for the whole year. These beginner surfers prefer monsoon season but they still could develop their surfing skills and ability for the whole year. For the intermediates, this category could develop their skills limitedly. The transition from intermediate to professional surfer is at the slower rate since it is hard to find a desirable wave other than monsoon season. Are 7 you satisfied with the


-Yes: 11 person

-Yes: 5 person

-No: 3 person

-No: 7 person

wave height and wavelength condition in Cherating?

Question 7: Analysis -

As per findings, beginner surfer‟s category satisfied with the wave height and wavelength condition of Cherating because this category have a lot more to practice and explore in term of surfing.


But after finishing the stage of beginner and at the beginning of intermediate surfer‟s skill level, exploration for more challenging and dangerous manoeuvres are desirable.


The transition skills from intermediate to professional needs a certain surfing condition that Malaysia‟s beach unable to serve except for monsoon season. The short 3 months usually the time for intermediate to develop their skills and ability training as a professional surfer.


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As 8 per your observation, is -Yes: 13 person 8.



-Yes: 11 person


damage of Cherating Beach

-No: 2 person

-No: 2 person

since the location is nearby Kuantan Port and Gebeng Industry? Question 8: Analysis -

Most of the surfer‟s agree that there are environmental damages in Cherating sea previous year before. The safest methods to maintain the clean environment should be explores and install by using architectural method or any other to make sure the cleanliness of Cherating natural environment for the future. How 9 long will it takes for


surf tournament festival in

-1 week: 9 person

-1 week: 9 person

-3 days: 7 person

-2 days: 4 person

-2 days: 2 person

-3 days: 2 person

-1 days: 1 person

-1 day: 1 person

-No issue: 5 person

-No updated facilities: 4


What ` are the issues of Wave 10

surfing in your own opinion?

-No updated facilities: 2 person -Lack

person -Lack





support: 3 person

support: 2 person

-No issue: 3 person

-Bauxite: 2 person

-Bauxite: 2 person

-Wave length and height issue: 2 person -Weather : 1 person


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

Question 9: Analysis -

Basically, the issues of wave surfing in Cherating are regarding the elements to smoothen the surfing journey such facilities, pollution, wavelength and wave height issue, and weather.


By providing the needed facilities such as toilets, changings area, surf store to keep belongings, the technology that can clean the water bodies, and artificial surf pool, the issues can be solved. Somehow, the support from government in term of advertising, funding and architecturally is needed to make the surf centre in Malaysia can be build. .

Spaces needed for wave surfing in Cherating. As 1 a surfer, what are the 11



-Change outfit: 14 person

-Change outfit: 13 person

routine for you before and after surfing?

-Hang out with friend: 1

-Shower: 9 person

person -Stretching



person -Hang out with friend: 1 person After: After: -Change outfit: 13 person -Change outfit: 12 person -Shower: 9 person -Hang out with friend: 3 person




person -Hang out with friend: 7 person


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

Question 10: Analysis -

The routine of the surfer could define the facilities needed to smooth the wave surfing journey, safety and hygiene. The study of every target user in the building gives answer on spaces needed to build a successful surf sport centre.


The study of spaces involves the separation of private and public spaces, how to blend those private and public spaces character resulting the sense of porosity for user, how to connect from spaces to space, the transition spaces needed and the spatial planning approach. As 1 per your observation, who


are the crowds that attend the surf tournament?

-Crowd nearby:15 person -Common

-Crowd nearby: 13 person

13 -Common surfer: 13 person



-Surfer‟s family: 13 person

-Surfer‟s family: 13 person -Surf athlete: 9 person

-Surfer‟s friend: 11 person

-Surfer‟s friend: 9 person: 9 person -International






person surfer:

7person -International

-Surf athlete: 12 person

-International person



-Surf Sponsor : 11 person

person -Surf Sponsor: 6 person Question 11: Analysis -

The surf crowd are varies based on intention of surfer and surfing activities. Surf tournament is a medium for surfer to show their skills and ability. Surf athletes, surf juries, and surf sponsor will be around in the surf tournament to pursue and gives opportunity for the surfing career of Malaysian surfer.


On the other hands, the common surfer, surfer‟s family, and friends involves in this event to gives support and cheers. The surf tournament also acts as gathering for


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

Malaysian Surfer to share knowledge and skill with their own community. -

The involvements of local show the engagement between Cherating surfer, surf activities and culture of the place. The engagement of surfer and local community shows the support from local since the surfing act as a trend setter of a place and increase surf tourism in Cherating,. 6


Technologies of artificial wave surfing in Cherating.

Which 1 of the following best

-Surfing and friend: 13 -Surfing and hobby: 14

describe about the bonding of


you and wave surfing?


-Surfing and nature: 12 -Surfing and nature: 13 person


-Surfing and hobby: 12 -Surfing and friend: 11 person


-Surfing and local culture: -Surfing and local culture: 7 person

9 person

-Surfing and tourism: 6 -Surfing and tourism: 6 person


-Surfing and career: 6 -Surfing person




Question 12: Analysis -

The bonding of surfers and wave surfing is about the positive effect, happiness and memorable experience of wave surfing that subconsciously injected in surfer‟s memory that creates the addictive effect of surfing.


Other than that, the adrenaline hormones secretes in surfer‟s body while performing surfing manoeuvres also gives a psychological relief and addictive feeling to perform the surfing activities.


Basically the bonding of surfer and surfing are varies based on individuals. Elements that the surfer‟s love the most are basically the character that defines the bonding of surfer and wave surfing.


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation


There are categories that achieve fully satisfaction when surfing with friends. The laughter and the experience of growing up together and doing what they love together give different meaning to the surfer. The love of nature in individual makes the wave surfing memorable since the activities is based on nature. The greenery, blue sky and ocean, the dynamicity of the balancing and art of flexibility could perceive surfer in different manners. Do 3 you go for any training


-Yes: 4 person

-Yes: 8 person

-No: 9 person

-No: 5 person

surf school to learn the techniques of wave surfing?

-No, interested to join: 2 person

Question 13: Analysis -

The training surf school is the fastest way for surfer‟s transition from beginner, to intermediate and professional surfer. The training surf school teaches the skills and knowledge of surfing in a correct way that surfer can applied while surfing.


The training surf school teaches the surf skills to the international standard that surfer could achieve fully satisfaction of surfer and can see the potential of surf career. How 1 frequent do you go for


wave surfing?

-Once a week: 8 person -2 to 3 times a week: 5 person

-2 to 3 times a week: 9 person -Once a week: 4person

-Daily: 1 person -Rarely: 1 person Question 14: Analysis -

Basically, the candidates went for surfing very often. These two categories get the privileges of Cherating sea waves as they can explore lots of manoeuvres and skills with the unpredictable wave. The professional surfer could get the desirable wave on


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

monsoon season.

Are 1 you satisfied with the 16

wave surfing facilities in

-Yes: 4 person

-Yes: 1 person

-No: 11 person

-No: 12 person

Cherating? Question 15: Analysis -

As per finding, mostly the surfer did not satisfy with facilities of surfing in Cherating since there are no facilities of surfing except from the surf school nearby. This is inconvenient for tourist, surfer and locals to surf.


Stated in newspaper and magazines that state government of Pahang gazetted Cherating surfing as one of the main tourism but the facilities is not provided.


The funding is needed to improvise Cherating to a new level of tourism. Do 1 you find it challenging to


get a perfect wave height and

-Yes: 10 person

-Yes: 10 person

-No: 5 person

-No: 3 person

wavelength to challenge your surfing abilities in the context of Malaysia beaches? Question 16: Analysis -

Most of the surfer agrees that it is hard to get a perfect wave height and wavelength to challenge the surfing abilities. As for future prospect, it is hard to get a big perfect plunging wave which is desirable by the professional surfer.


The Malaysia‟s wave is suitable for learning surf activities but not suitable to develop skills to international level. Will 1 you go for wave surfing


more often if the following is improved and added?


Artificial wave machine to increase wave height and

-Definitely will use: 15 -Definitely will use: 13


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation





A surf school complete with international surfing

-Definitely will use: 13 -Definitely will use: 13 person


facilities for surf education, surf

-Maybe: 2 person

tournament and entertainment.


A surf centre that

-Definitely will use: 14 -Definitely will use: 13

encourage public to



enjoy and promotes surf sport in

-Maybe: 1 person

Malaysia Question 17: Analysis -

Surfing activities has its own demands and potentially be a trend setter of Cherating.


The local businesses of Cherating are increase based on the increasing of wave surfing culture. The more promotion of surfing in Cherating, the more tourists will come to stay in Cherating.


By providing an updated and international level of facilities, the surf athletes can practice special training of surfing to be standardising with international skills.


By encouraging the public to enter the surf centre, this could be a potential of tourism by integrating the viewing area, encouraging public close to water, and provides engagement of local community and the surfers. What 1 types of artificial wave -Waveloch: 14 person


machine would you like to

-Waveloch: 13 person

-Wavegarden: 14 person

-Wavegarden: 13 person

-American Wave Machine:

-American Wave Machine:

7 person

7 person

add in Cherating in future?


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

-Webber Wave pool: 7

-Webber Wave pool: 7



Question 18: Analysis -

As per findings, the surfers are interested in Waveloch and Wavegarden technology. The technologies need a big space of surf pool but most closely mimicking the natural state of the sea.


Based on the issue of weather from previous question, the American Wave Machine is suitable for a small area of space and can be installed indoor.

5.5 Summary The observation based on four precedent studies briefly explains the comparison between the four schemes and approaches for surf centre. From the analysis, there are certain reason from the site context that defines the selection of technology of artificial surf pool and the concept character which every site reflected. The language of architecture reflected from the surf centre in the findings shows the blended of existing site context issues and details are being analyse and manipulate to create a surf centre that enhance identity of the place. By using this hypothesis, every surf centre has its own uniqueness and story, not just by replicating the existing end product.

The importance of comparing perceptions idea between expert surfer and general surfer creates a systematic structure that could answer the issues, the style, the needs, and future direction of Cherating Surfer. The interviews with several surf expert can be summarize as surf community have high aim to be standardisation with the international surf scene and facilities in hoping to develop their skills and ability by providing first class facilities with a systematic surf school syllabus and at the same time enjoying the bonding with nature and friends enhancing the positive relationship that produce the sense of humble, love and grateful to God. 135

Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

On the other hand, the perception from the beginner and intermediate surfer shows the transition of human behaviour in term of learning, experimenting, adapting and hardworking. The analysiss reflected the beginning stage of understanding and explanation that could be conclude as general information since the two categories are still new in surfing but the findings could be generate as prior architecture elements since by understanding these two category could help researcher understand deeper on how to promotes surfing activities in term of architecture in the youngster perception.

From the above explanation, the architecture criteria such as material, space planning, transition of space and segregation of public and private must be clear and derived from the surfing language itself. This is important to perceive user subconsciously the beauty of surfing in their subconscious memory. This hypothesis is adapting the existing hypothesis of what nature injected to the memory of surfer. By replicating this strategy, the surfing will always close to surfer even though it is an artificial man-made building.

5.6 Discussion The result from the urban sprawl has cause the increase in of urban stress in individual. The trend creates a shift of the need of “break” space in the modern urban space. The amount of stress that imposes to the public makes a huge treat to a person lifestyle. Thus, it is crucial to rethink the opportunity of leisure in our daily life that can ease the psychological relief. The study concentrates on the surf centre which has a huge potential to solve urban stress in the context of Malaysia. These spaces have its own characteristics that hardly be found in other spaces in architecture. They are flexible and adaptable to various activities and possess a quality of connecting between space and time. The surf centre 136

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should be critically and architecturally responsive to the segregating public, semi-public and private, connectivity and reflecting building concept. The surf centre becomes important because it is an intermediate space which has capabilities of condition the human mind for subsequent environment. There are wide possibilities that can be explored within the surfing journey of a surfer as those spaces can be manipulated with number of settings. Thus, from the manipulation of settings, the journey of overall surfing activities will allow for psychological relief to happen. The precedent study and interview conducted have given us general idea of how to improvise the spaces needed during the journey of surfing activities, the criteria as discussed set a parameter of making the surf centre to be more interesting and spectacular. Thus by analysing why, in fact, human desire nature and how the surf centre fulfils this need, we can begin to shape our building typologies toward this end. In this dissertation, various element and criteria have been surveyed in their ability to create a surf centre. In conclusion, the study has demonstrated the value of surf journey in enhancing the liminal moment within everyday life. The whole idea for the success of the surf centre depends on the well-being of overall planning scheme. The intervention of transitional space has to be carefully thought during early stage of designing. Hence, the focus of the design should always be user friendly and public oriented if the building is meant to be used by them.The surf centre usually connected to the existing natural environment, the activities and the third space element mimicking the real nature which eventually becomes part of the civic landscapes. The quality of life in the spaces is directly affected by the way it is designed, conceived, constructed and used for psychological relief. Throughout the precedent study and interview, it is important to note that the design consideration should contain the characteristic of surfing in term of concept reflects, human behaviour of user and surfer, and perceiving elements of natural environment as a necessary feature and should not be constraint. Therefore by 137

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understanding the various feature of surf centre characteristic, we could say that it is very interesting space overall as it contribute to the spatial quality of a space, whatever the setting and context.


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation


6.1 Conclusion In the beginning of the chapter present on how adrenaline hormone can be manipulated to give sensation and addiction to human. The adrenaline hormone can be secretes by doing an adrenaline activities. The wave surfing activities is one of adrenaline activities that reflects flexibility, dynamicity, bravery and energetic. The dangerous and intense situation produces enjoying moment that can be share with friends. By injecting the adrenaline rush activity in daily lives, it can solve the urban stress and psychological relief issues. As per context of urban cities, wave surfing activities can be installed in the transitional spaces such as the route where people walk from home to work and vice versa. The intense urban stress could be release and solving the issues of psychological relief. The wave surfing can be as a culture or routine for people to enjoy and spending their time in the city. It is one way to maintain healthy lifestyle with full of enjoyment and happiness The Malaysia surfing scenario in Cherating creates possibilities in term of urban context and architecture. The culture of surfing creates potential in term of attracting tourist to Cherating, increasing the local business, creates potential of surf hard good and branding. The existing surf culture can be enhancing by using the architectural approach to frames the genius loci of a place. The philosophy of surfing elaborates the clear reason why surfer‟s connected to the surfing activities. The prestige experiences while surfer performs surfing subconsciously perceive in surfer‟s memory creates the memorable memory. While surfing, surfer‟s connected with memory of youth spending time with friends or child hood, experiencing the beauty of nature from greenery, clear blue sky and blue sea water 139

Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

that injected a different feeling and sense of locality for the local surfer. The surf sport and the blending of experience before and after create sensation and satisfaction to the surfer. In term of architecture, the catalyst that generates satisfaction of surfing is the collective experience of a surfer. The surf centre must promote the culture of looking and observing, promoting the transition from space to space and sense of transparency or porosity to capture as much experiences related to surfing. Inserting of open spaces mimicking the real nature of the sea is require for user to look and experience the nature producing a memory of perceiving the natural environment. The surfing condition explains on the division of starting point of surfer in the sea and every types of wave suitable for beginner, intermediate and expert surfer. The clear division of the three target user zoning gives parameter of how to design an artificial surf pool. By defining the starting point of every surfer‟s category, the artificial surf pool can be design to contain every target user at one time. By defining target user at one time, the size of artificial surf pool can be calculated. The parameter of the size of an artificial surf pool defines by the starting point of surfer, and the quantity of surfer‟s at one time. Normally, the surfer can surf 12 meter ahead at one time. Designers could create certain formulation from this data to create an interesting artificial surf pool. The act of surfing can reflect the definition of its efficiency. The segregation of beginner, intermediate and professional surfer creates pattern to define the artificial surf pool. As the surfer has strong connection with nature, the chosen of technology of wave machine technology, the construction method of piling, material and roofing must be sensitive to the site to minimize destruction of natural environment. The application of variation wave machine technology has been useful to test the relevance of installing the surf pool in different site context and user‟s experiences. Further investigation of the idea of technology creates an initial pattern that reflect in the design concept and criteria 140

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for the possible spatial planning and layout for surf centre in Malaysia that could enhance context criteria moment in the absence of the elements of dynamism adapting by the energetic of the activity and reflective form and pattern from the natural site context and became a fundamental challenge for research. The selection of technology provide a starting point for the characterization of surf centre zones as they might share certain properties or exhibit distinct characteristics. The surf centre can be formed in many way namely scheme that applies technologies using indoor surf pool using standing wave machine, artificial outdoor surf pool and outdoor surf pool using existing potential water body in the context. These types of typologies have its own character and value in term of architecture elements building concept and form, and spaces and activities. Based on the analysis of the four precedent studies and obstructive interviews, Silvertown Surf Centre and Citysurf, Vancouver have a clearer objectives and concept in their planning which could be integrate in the surf school in the context of Cherating, Malaysia. Furthermore, in term of surf centre, all the precedent studies have stated the idea of porosity and transparency that allows surfer to perceive surfing in the natural environment and feels the bonding between the surfer and other at the same time creates sense of belonging between surfer and the surf centre. In order to ease the user‟s surfing experience while surfing in the surf centre, the segregation of public, semi-public and private user is integrated in the following scheme. Seagaia Ocean Dome applies segregation approach to give the sense of speciality between user and public user. The integration of architectural elements such as separating the user by level could divide the activities by specialty at the same time framing the sense of transparency and promotes the public to watch and interact with the surfing activities. Each of the precedent studies has its own strength and movement which promotes a solid idea of centralised sprawling which surf pool act as the heart of the surf centre connecting with the supporting main spaces that helps to maximize surfing journey become optimum and connected. The surf centre able to frame the distinct idea of 141

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transforming the traditional surf culture environment into a new level of surfing experience, integration of nature and provision of surf facilities helps to facilitate the surf centre into an optimum satisfaction for surfer through the materiality and physically oriented strategy. Integrating activities carried out in the surf centre are part of leisure time that allows a person the opportunity to respite. The sense of calmness and sense of event can be found and in the spacious esplanade respectively help to overturn the restful feeling during surfing period. The importance of comparing perceptions idea between expert surfer and general surfer answers the spaces criteria needed for surf centre. By understanding the target user, generalisation of division of human behaviour and surf status can be solved. An efficient surf centre is when the building can cater the spaces for user perfectly. By arranging the spaces at the same time giving sense of direction to where the users should leads.

.6.2 Recommendation Based on the interview conducted at the CheratingPoint Surf School, there are many weaknesses that need to be addressed. The fact that the Cherating surf has the highest number of users especially during monsoon season, Cherating Sea seems can no longer sustain with growth of surf community. The uncomfortable feeling upon no updated facilities of surfing makes it hard to bear as the area is crowded and jammed with people during monsoon season. Cherating has quality in terms of public spaces, natural lighting, transparency and greenery. Those appear to be a meaningful element when it comes to need for psychological relief during surf activities. It can be said that generally Cherating has a huge potential for the surf centre that does support the third space function and the provision of break space when it is needed.


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

The study was generally based on the knowledge of surfing and its architectural elements from the internet source under the scope of genius loci and humanitarian architecture that has not been widely written about. It is aware that due to the individual differences, it is difficult to measure the level of satisfaction and psychological relief of a person. Hence, in order to understand the surfing satisfaction and psychological pattern behaviour, a further study is required to gain deeper understanding in collaboration with psychological professional inputs.


Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation

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Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation



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Articles inside


pages 159-161

6.2 Recommendation

pages 157-158

5.5 Discussion

pages 151-153

Table 17 : Questionnaire of general surfer analysis

page 126

5.1.2 Webber Wave Pool (WWP), Sunshine Park, Queensland, Australia

pages 118-120

4.10 Summary

pages 113-114

Table 13 : Webber Wave Pool analysis

page 117

Chart 7 : Division of satisfaction of wave height & wavelength of Cherating wave

page 98

Table 9 : Summary of Interview (Experts surfer) findings

pages 83-85

Table 10 : Questionnaire (General surfer) findings

pages 86-89

Table 8 : Interview (Experts surfer) findings

page 82

Table 7 : Summary of precedent study‟s findings

pages 78-81

4.4.3 Surfing space attributes

page 72

Image 24 : Seagaia Ocean Dome overall image

page 65

Image 25 : Seagaia Ocean Dome applies centralised planning to integrate with user

page 68

Image 22 : Webber Wave Pool maintain the natural environment

page 64

4.2.3 Surfing space attributes

page 62

Image 18 : Sculpture texture with different light angle

pages 59-60

3.4 Criteria for Questionnaire selection

page 54

3.2 Obstructive interview

page 52

2.8 Summary

pages 48-49

3.1.1 Criteria for precedent study selection

page 51

Image 8 : Circular wave pool by Greg Webber Technology

page 42

2.7 Reflecting the genius loci of a place

page 47

Figures 2: Hydraulic jump phenomena in standing surf wave technology

page 39

2.4 The surf pool

page 34

1.1.1 Philosophy of wave surfing

pages 18-19

1.3 Aim & Objective of research

page 21

2.3 Malaysia surfing scenario

page 32

1.9 Summary

pages 26-28

1.4 Research question

page 22

2.2 Understanding surfing satisfaction

page 31

1.5 Methodology

page 23

1.2 Problem Statement

page 20
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