Architecture Resolution to Accommodate Adrenaline Rush Activities in Urban Areas | ARK 805 Dissertation
experience. True satisfaction is a process involving freedom, self-discovery and growth. Hence, it is crucial in understanding the necessity of surfing experiences and how surfing satisfaction serves as a catalyst for improving quality of life. Leisure, the outcome of satisfaction, is often define by time and activity; (1) timefree time for enjoyment, (2) activity- recreation activities (Kearney et all, 1999). A study supplied a paradigm explaining the levels of participation experiences in which one takes part during discretionary time (Nash, 1953). It indicated that discretionary time should be differentiated from existence time (the time to fulfill one‟s physical and psychological needs) and from subsistence time (the time to do work and conduct work related activities). Satisfaction provides opportunity for individuals to make decisions regarding their time use and the experience they choose. Nevertheless, for much urbanity satisfaction has always seen to be exclusive and requires huge amount of time to spend. These people pursuits often more sedentary lifestyle throughout a day. This is clearly due to work patterns today which do not encourage robust physical activity and the limited time they have on a daily basis.
2.3 Malaysia Surfing Scenario Surfing communities have developed credible surf tourism market in Malaysia by hosting a handful of Local and International Surfing Competitions to the delight of surfers worldwide. The surf season in Malaysia starts during monsoon season because ocean provides suitable wave height potential and qualities for all range of surfers. This is the peak season for surf tourism in Malaysia. On the east coast, the surf season starts from November to February while in the west coast starts from April to October. Unfortunately, after the monsoon season ended, the wave height potential and frequency are not suitable for intermediate and professional surfers. The scenario affected the decrease of surf tourism market for the upcoming month, thus affected the local surf 16