NWM - August 2022

Page 31

Nosweithiau gwych allan yn Pontio, Bangor! Great nights out at Pontio, Bangor!

Mae’r Haf yn dirwyn i ben ac mae’n amser inni feddwl swatio ar gyfer yr Hydref unwaith eto, ond peidiwch a phoeni – mae digon i edrych ymlaen ato yma yn Pontio dros y misoedd nesaf. Mae llond lle o ddramau newydd sbon, cyngherddau mawreddog, comedi ffraeth a sioeau cerdd cyffrous yn aros amdanoch yma yn Pontio. Beth bynnag sy’n mynd a’ch bryd chi, mae croeso cynnes yn aros amdanoch yma yn Pontio. The summer is coming to an end and its time to start cosying up for the Autumn, but not to worry – there’s plenty to look forward to at Pontio. A programme of brand new plays, spectacular concerts, witty comedy and exciting musicals are waiting for you. Whatever takes your fancy, there will always be a warm welcome waiting for you at Pontio.


Showstopper! The Improvised Musical

Comedi gerddorol ddigymell ar ei gorau - o’r West End i Pontio! Wedi deuddeg mlynedd fel ffenomen hynod boblogaidd yn Edinburgh Fringe, cyfres BBC Radio 4, rhediad y West End sydd wedi derbyn canmoliaeth uchel a Gwobr Olivier i’w henw, mae The Showstoppers wedi plesio cynulleidfaoedd ar draws y byd gyda’u cyfuniad dyfeisgar o gomedi a theatr gerdd digymell. Spontaneous musical comedy at its absolute finest - direct from the West End and now heading to Pontio! With twelve years as an Edinburgh Fringe must-see phenomenon, a BBC Radio 4 series, a critically acclaimed West End run and an Olivier Award to their name, The Showstoppers have delighted audiences across the globe with their ingenious blend of comedy, musical theatre and spontaneity.

Catrin Finch a Seckou Keita 14 Hydref / October, 7:30pm

Cynhyrchiad Mwldan / A Mwldan Production

Bydd y ddeuawd gwobrwyedig Catrin Finch a Seckou Keita yn teithio’r DU yn 2022 i ddathlu rhyddhau eu trydydd albwm ECHO, buddugoliaeth dyner partneriaeth gerddorol hynod sy’n cyfuno Cymru a Senegal, telyn a kora, y clasurol a’r traddodiadol, diwylliannau gwahanol a dynoliaeth gyffredin. Multi-award winning duo Catrin Finch and Seckou Keita tour the UK in 2022 to celebrate the release of their third album ECHO, the tender triumph of an extraordinary musical partnership that combines Wales and Senegal, harp and kora, the classical and traditional, different cultures and common humanity.

The Invisible Man 26 October / Hydref

Mae’r cynhyrchiad newydd yma gan gast anhygoel o 4 actor a digon o gyfraniadau gan y gynulleidfa yn llawn comedi corfforol, cerddoriaeth, byrfyfyrio, hud a lledrith a rhithiau. Dyma gynhyrchiad gwreiddiol o un o glasuron HG Wells trwy arddull Black RAT. Performed by an incredible cast of four and with plenty of audience involvement, this new production is packed with physical comedy, song, improvisation, magic and illusion in this re-telling of the HG Well’s classic brought to life in typical Black RAT style.

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