) 407 t07
Kota K;n"b.Iu , z5 - f9N"u
Our journey to the verticol limit of South Eost-Asio began on Mondoy, 25 Nov ?OO2' We took o morning flight from Senoi Airoort. Johore ond reoched the town of Koto kino'Uolu ot 3 in the afternoon' We hod booked o pockoge with Borneo Eco Tours, o compony specioiising in odventure trovel in Soboh ond Sorowak. Woiting to receivz us ot the oirport wos our locol guide, Jilius who would be with us throughout our stoy. He would prova to be o worm, joviol ond knowledgeoble guide in the doys to follow. The motley crew of omateur hikers wos mode up
15 members
- 8 guYs ond 7 -
us were either from encouroging olso it wos NTU or NIE, joining us on this public of the see members
lodies. Wnitst most
, --r- L-r^-^ ^-ria+. trip. we h9{ z gys who were toking.o breok before enlisting decided to join us..Though he,wos for Notionol service. Most interestingly, *" noi o porticiporit'i aoa who interest in the outdoors os well' okzen in his mid-4os, he wos in excellent physicoi condition ond shored odventure"'ever' of spirit the give up H" *oi guita on inspiroiion - o g"nil"'reminder for us not to f irst stoge took us from the stort point The Mount Kinobolu hike wos occomplished over two stoges. - at The 1866m to the Lobon Roto Resthouse ot 3353m. The hike wos on endless uphill climb up o long series of steps which we decided to do ot o pace.We would climb ond stop to leisurely'the scenery or just relox ond sovour the odmire clean refreshing mountoin oir. Tha roin triad to domper our spiiits towords the end of this stoge but we were not to be undone. Nevertheless we reached the resthouse sooking wet ond chilled to Ihe6one. A change of clothes, some hot milo ond soup wos oll it took to get us bock to o rousing mood once more. We wetemore then reody to occomplish the climb oheod.
The second stagebegun in pitch dorkness os we owoke at 2 in t[e moining to begin the oscend to precorio:.1ythe summit. By the light of our tiny.to.r ches, w.e mode our woy ",i...?:t^ir ::::t,:]:Pf:,fl1:
;';;i,,; l::ry1*y:.g:'::,:^"-l:1::Z:1.':n ff:""^ly#'il:: il;'i;;k;;;.ilir;r\. *n". h9d.tle rost,of'oJr g1,yp-,:::l.d_.rl:^l:1,:f:-i:lfltt'" ;?il; ;i;:fi; #; il;l^i'giit. jffi;;;; uy rittre the o;l:t:f"lry uiiir" ;;1131 ;ir il.'"'I,* i;'i'"' L"i* ;il;#:Hr.;J
ffi;r; #i[,.';."ii
*o. o rignt to beholJ
ond one not easily
f orgotten.
Photos were eogerly token
before we storted to descend.
some rest ond reloxotion in the town of Koto Hoving completad tha Mount Kinobolu hike, it wos time for occomplisneithe climb, wewere brought to theinfomous Kiulu river for Kinobolu. A doy ott.i o level fwoter rofting spot and wewere led by some white woter.oriing run. in" kiulu River-isgroied os hod on exhiloroting rida down river' our boots experienced locol river guides. we storted upstrZam ond reoched theeiding point- we ended the doy
weretossed, turned oni"r"n.opsizedo.tii.ieeventually hearts. o haorty BBQ meol to sooth our oching limbs ond beoting
it wos time for us to unwind crystol cleor woters, ployed on the summit of Mount K, perhops volleyboll ond bosked orr."rf. silly in tn" sun. Hoving seen the sunrise sitting by the jatty on the little island' this wos o fitting end to our trip o, *u.ougtt o moinificent sunset
River, now got our highs on Mount Kinobolu and our thrills olong the Kiulu in the pulou snorkeled r*o^-ond w" tvtonukon. of islond on the sunny tropicol
There were tropicol our lost doy wos spent shopping ond exploringfhe sights ond sounds of the city' bode o fond ond go,we to fruits oplenty ona tois ;f ;;";irJish"s'fo. ui to tryleventually it wos time reluctont forewell to o beoutiful country.
f.r"on.l fhorghts
(Fei Fei) Mony people have often osked us why. Why spend our precious time organizing events for others? Why waste our brain calls thinking of
schedules, problems ond improvements? Why give owoy money to spend the nights with mosguitoes. sond flies, ond o snoring friend when there is the option of o comfortable hotel bed? Why join o club, when we can eosily shrug oll responsibilities and havetotal freedom? Why2 The answer is guite simple octuolly, for it is close to our
heorts. Now,
let metell you o story.
7 years ago, a crozy but courogeous bunch of studenfs come together with o common oim of exploring new ploces, shoring experiences, ond spreoding thair possion for the wilderness to the people oround them. brought much They did nof mind putting in odditionol time ond effort f or they believed in this couse. loughter and joy to the other students who joined them out of their comfort zones. For yeors, this fomily of friends hove brought together people who enjoy or like to experiencethe outdoors. They coll them-
selves NTU ODAC.
hove been port of this fomily for thepast 2 yeors. For the post 2 years, con't deny hoving stress, heodoches, dtsagreements, etc. However, hove seen, felt, ond mosf definitely benefited very much
Joining ODAC wosn't on eosy decision f or me when f f irst stepped into universify. After oll, I wos just o fresh undergroduote with little knowledge regarding the club. Did I reolly wont to commit myself to something which f wos not sure obout? Luckily, my love for the outdoors outweighed oll other considerations, for it wos o great fortune to be port of this closely knitted fomily. In this fomily, I found trust, sincerity, and loyolty - o rority in todoy's society. There is alwoys o strong pillor supporting me, providing me with encourogement. And this strong motivoting voice hos funther strengthened my self -confidence. How time flies. But within this short period of time, so mony events hove took plocedl f've hod so mony wonderful memories - of troin mishops,'capot' bus, beors ond so on, ond these will certoinly stoy close to my heort!
olwoys believe
thot doing outdoor octivities is o veny personol experience. Friends can be there with
you, but ultimotely, you will hove to find your personalgoals for doing so. For instonce,after conguering o seemingly impossible mountoin, ond witnessing the mognif icent view surrounding the peok, you will reolise
that all is worthwhile ond o parsonol battle hos been won. Shoring the moment with friends further elevates the whole experience - you feel greater,because it is now c aroup victory! This is what ODAC is obout - we provide opportunitiesfor people to discover the outdoors ond themselves.Webelieve in our couse,andwe ore committed to it. Nobody comes close to the possion we possess.
)$ct, x r:t't' {:{iu
rUJI XTR*X National
'*xth ear.rncil
- G,'Wu72;faries
Aour partner irt aduentur<:
L xtreme: I + -l 5 June Zao, (Me;li
June 2OO3,10.45pm, morked the commancement of EXPLDfTION: EXTREME, one of the mony Adventure Sports octivities. We gathered outside Chinese Heritoge Centre to owoit the flag off ior the night cycla to Eost Coost. After o brief ing and o sim.-pla worm uP seision, the porticiponts emborked on their Extreme experience. The rood wos calm ond peoceful except for occosionol thrills due to o couple of reckless drivers. At obout Z.am, everyone orrivad ot the long owoited of the time to rzenuse rest point, Lou Po Sot. We made full just journey unfolding. Upon fillwos ergiz.eos the EXTREME the journey to tockle to reody in9 their stomochs, we were oll 14ih
Eost Coast Pork. 4.45am morked the end of night cycling. But'.. there wos more
come! Together with koyoks , we Proceeded onto lorries to Changi Beoch, the storting point for the next port of th.e expeditr.on. From dusk till down, our lower torso strength wos iut to the chollenge. Now it wos time to test our orm powerl olreody beginningto dozeoff .However, nosi We had to kayok iound Pulou Ubin. By then, some of uswere lemok from the fomous Changi Village manoged to drive the sleep bug owoy.
After the heorty breokfosf ond o short koyoking orientotion, we set off to brave tha strong spring tides ond currents ond scorching hot sun. Unsurpiisingty, everyone storted to use thair poddles to sPlosh water Ubin. Lunch on one onother to "cool dorin". Lots of noise could be heord olong the usuolly setene coostline of the faces but over their oll toces, written wos exhoustion lpm. By then, ot obout beoch wos of Noordin to lost stretch only one wos there thot out they iound 9o. when quickly lifted up were EXpEDITION: EXTREME come to on end ond most porticiponts were dog-tired, signifying thot the expedition wos indeed EXTREME!
nunq $elumut.
* - 6 S"pt zoozd"n)
Moloysio. Stonding ot oround 1000 metres, it is six tiries toller thon Bukit Timoh ond is only morginolly shorter thon its more fomous cousin Mount Ophir. However,6unung Belumut is o reol tropicoljungle ond climbers find it quite eosy to lose their woys. However thot did- not dompen our spirits and we gomely decided to conquer the mountoin. 6unung Belumut is one
of the tollest mountoins in West
first doy, wewent to Kluong for lunch, where some of us discoveredanew dessartr Tce-cream Ice Kochongl eiier o bus ride, we itarted on o long, winding. rood post oil. polms, cows ond of course, On the lumps
of thZir by-products.We set up our comp in on unused canteen, ond took o dip in the.neorby pool. As the sun wos satfing, we whipped out o spreod of Romly Burgers,Zow Zow duck noodles and century egg Porridge.
The next doy we proceeded uP tha mountoin with doypacks. The unduloting tarroin wos o little overwhelming ot first, but os we wormed up and fhe terroin got moreforgiving,we scoled the mountoin in less thon 4 hours. The view at the summit wos ostounding, even the Stroits of Johora could be seenfromherel At the bose comp, we hod a sumPtuous dinner ofter which some of us spent the night lying under the night sky looking out for shooting stors. On
the lost doy, we packed
uP and
Gunung Belumut, hod our lunch of Kluang before moking our woy bock to Singopone
F,r, Fest Z1 - 75 Ma zoo) (Kri
Pumpfest 2003 wos held in the form of o bouldaring competition in o centrol location, with tha objective to promote bouldering os o sport ond to roise oworeness, porticulorly amongst youths ond the non-climbing community in Singopore. Another objective ochieved wos the orgonising of Sport Climbing Level Onz Courses f or youths from fha Singopore Children's Society ond Singopore Boys Town ot subsidised rotes offered 6y the club.
This yeor's event was endorsed by Singopora Mountoineering Fedenotion (SMF), ond we were honoured to receive support from Singapora Sports Council, Singopore Pools ond Notional Youth Council. Our moin sponsors in- n clude Solomon, Foll Foctor, All Sports, Climb Asio, Adventure ?L and Fuji Xerox Printers. Additionolly , we received pnoduct sponsorship from Lea, NewMon, Action Asio ond M1. This wos the sixth time PUMPFEST wos being organised by NTU ODAC ond the portoble bouldering woll from NTU wos used.
first time the new
The competition ottrocted o totol of 225 porticipants, with the mojority being students - a50% increase from the post Year,
off ot 1130hrs on 23 Moy 2003 with the Novice (women) Preliminories cotegory. This wos followed by the Schools Under 19 Preliminories cotegory which conclu ded Ihe f irst doy of comPumpfest 2003 wos kicked
petition. The second doy storted with the Novice (men) Praliminorias cotegory ond the Open Preliminories category in the ofternoon. The Qpen category ottrocted the most no. of onlookers who were coptivoted by the competitors' technigues, strength and precise moneuvers. At times, the oudience crowding oround the bouldering woll soored up fo about 250 people, consisting of both climbers os well os curious bystonders. The lost doy of competition sow the f inols f or oll cotegories being held. The highlight of the doy wos the Open (men & woman) finols, wherefor the first time in Singopore, o bouldering competition wos held in the form of o Red-Point evant - following the formot of the Internotionol Extreme Games. Competitors were allowed one and o holf hours to proctice the routes bef ore the compatition ond os such, the competition routes wete mode much more difficult as compored to pravious competitions. The eventuol winners f or the Open (men & women) categories were Mr Muhd. Hotto and Ms 6oh Ton Leng respectively. PUMPFEST 2003 come to o successful close upon the end of the prize presentotion. Sponsors:
$*fr" f*ita;r
*** Xrrlt
fALL frcfsx. rltst ttrttl a t[Ntnlaai
In the
(a inf orest (Feipei)
excretion. Woter mokes up opproxim ately T5% of our body, ond we lose f luids vio heot, cold, stress ond on olwoys.ensure is to To function efieciively, watei lost must be replaced. Hence, one of our concerns through ropidly oJ"q;oi" supply of *,oi"r. inis is especiolly so.in hot tropicol areas whereyou.lose woter pers'[irotion .'Even in cold oreos, you need o minimum of ? liters of woter eoch doy.
Woter sources
Rivers, woterfalls, lokes etc
Heavy dew
gross' Beforesunrise, tie rogs or tufts of finegross oround your onkles ond walk through dew-covered gone. is dew Wring tfr" woter collicted into o contoindr. Repeat until.you hove enough woter or until the Some"times, Austrolion notives con mop up os much os o liter on hour.
Woter holes
or ants entering aholeinatree moy point to o water-filled hole' Siphon ihe woter with o ploitic tubing or scooP it up with on improvised dipper. Cloth con olso be used to obsorb thewoter. Bees
Green bomboo thickets' green bomboo is cleor ond odourless. (An excellent frJshwoter) Bend a green bomboo stolk, tie it down,
woter from source of
the top. The woter will drip continuously during fhe night. Old, crocked bomboo moy olso contoin woter.
ond cut
CAUTION: Purify woter before drinking!
Green bomboo
or Plontoin trees
Cut down thetree,leoving obout o 30-cm Scoop out the center of the stump to form o "bowl". Woter from ..rr rr t- -ll^--. Tl-^ !:-Aa +L-^^ ,illi^^a The f irst three fillings rooti will immediotely stort to fillthe- hollow.
of ^1
*a*:!dl*!t!(a $fd'r':!or(lqn'q'
ffi[[$,]:,:ili'f[;ilH?:ff"r#3i:ff""1i 5::',i"f[;i";]*"y1"ter
rrom prontoin tree
Tropical vines
Cut o notch in the vine os high as you con, then cut the vine off close to the ground. Cotch the dripping liguid in o contoiner or in your mouth. aofirrEnro er,m{r{^i&
CAUTION: Do not drink the liguid
if it
is sticky, milky, or
Water from troPicol vines
Milk from green (unripe) coconuts
only. However,the milk from moture coconuts contoins oil thot octs os o loxafive. Drink in moderation
!(ater $ources
Tree ports
Air. plonts moy hold o consideroble omount of roinwofer in their thick foliog e. Filter tha water through o cloth to nemove insects ond debris. Plonts with moist pulpy centers con olso be an olternotewoter source. Cut off o saction of the plont ond squeeze or smosh the pulp so thot the woter droins out. Cotch the liguid in o contoiner.
roots moy olso provide woter. Dig or pry the roots out of the ground, cut them into short pieces,
.Plont ond. smosh the pulp so thot the woter droins out. Cotch the liquid in o contoiner. Fleshy leaves,stems, or stolks, such os bomboo, contoin woter. Cut or notch the stolks ot the bose of o joint to droin out
the liguid.
CAUTION : Do not keep the sop from plants f or longer than 24 hours os it begins to f erment, becoming dongerous os a woter source. O Still construction Stills drow moisture from the ground ond plont moteriols. About ?4hours is reguired to collect obout 0.5-1.0 liter of woter. At leost 3 stills ore required to meet eoch individuol's doily water intoke.
Above-ground still /t
Ar{G&i Prlsllc $renl
W'*'** c.
Below-ground 3AX0 0n oilr ,llioilOA ArSrlc
POlffiW lfa
still for polluted water
i$lJGH foe
For (b) ond (c), the still must be pref erably 1m ocross ond 60cm deep. The plostic sheet is lowered until 40cm below ground level. For (c), dig o trough 25cm owoy from the still lips. The trough should be 25cm deep and 8cm wide. Soil filter the polluted water in the trough. The water condenses on the plostic and droins into o contoiner. (Extremely good if only source is solt water)
OT zool) '+ - 9 J"lg laa' (Ch;' beenthe highlight of freshNTU ODAC,s Freshman Overseas Orientotion Trip has olwoys men entering into NTU. FOOT 2003 wos no difference'
of 26 freshrnen coming from oll wolks of life.wehod our pre-comp briefing ot Suntec city's Skygorden on the 2iJor.rury. of course,,Niu ouniond its enersetic.fres.!pe1
FOOT 2003 took with on intake
,rqo) o?'
lliyia -l
orrthe rovev-dovev coupres with our witd
;nj:*i::ntffi:l:ine Af
oot 2003
Andes and pre-com p brief ing,the f reshm en grouped into. ozocs, Dolomites,
of the freshmen hod so much fun thot Chersky gothered"t XfiffiSRC for their donnlr pointing..Mony the pre-comp segment of FooT! they stayed on for aftar-pointing gomas. And this'wos duiing "FOOT 2003 was certainly fun, enjoyable and gave tne a valtrable insight to outdoor activities in NTU. I will tte.finitely asked my Jriends to ioin next year's cantp," saicl Kenny Lim, a comnlon en gine e ring .fie s lunan.
The 6-doy comP ProPer off iciollY stortad with o wet morning.However, the wet weolher did not domPen the freshmen's enthusiosm os thay gomely porticipotad in icebreakers, pool ond iield gomes. Even though the wet weatier parsisted till the evening,the cycling.octivity' The routa wos o long one; domp roods did not stop us from corrying on our night pitch dork storting from NTU,lnl"rgn Ui^ Cnu korig, i*n3i ona Yishun-bringingeveryoneolong Afrer Singopore' of in the nort-hern region roods. through t6" cnicf<"'n forms and ind'ustriol"oreos end our ot orrived plaased to hove naddlino hord in tt'r"ir soJJt"i for eight hours, everyone wos pit stop' lonq owoited ffi;, ;ilplr" lnJ"or Stodium, foi o well-deserved rest ond proceeded to the highlight of Foor -dragon boating' with surviving with just four hours of sleep, the freshmen were guided through a series of basic techniques the herp of the girrs, NTU dragon boat team, the freshmen freshmen had a great time racing with Bridge.The and off we did an expedition iowards Benjamin sheares break, freshmen proceeded on to Toa Payoh safra, each other and sprashing each other wet. After a brief isn't a new sport for many' there were where they tried their hand on rock-climbing. Thoug! 199!tT.bing Nru oDAC',s very own Pumpfest committee was there others who totally had no experience in it. Ttiankfutv] the crimbing and everyone had a try at it. Everyone to rend a herping hand. The freshmen were guided through level they staled - Food for their upcoming trek to tried their best scaling the wall earning ince"ntives at eaJrr base camp at Mutahak and the famous waterfall in Kota Tinggi, Sungei PelePah!
The first day overseas consisted of a relaxing walk
to our campsite. The evening after was another story. A sudden downpour caught us unprepared
and temporary shelters were built so that we could have dinner. Well, many potential craftsmen were given a chance to show off their camp craft in con-
Itructing shelters. Dinner did warm our hearts though, Litf, a sumptuous menu! The night ended with iongs, games chitchatting and stargazing under the clear night skY.
fontinued,fOOT zoo, The cool morning breeze greeted us the next day. As we watched the sun rise, we were ali hyped up for the highlight of FOOT - the trek up Sungei Pelepah. Trekking past many scenic and breath{aking waterfalls, we finally reached our destination, the majestic fall of Pelepah. More photo-taking, water-playing and jumping into the mini plunge pool beneath the fall, we saw no freshmen or seniors, only NTU ODAC. The night ended with FOOT 2003's Campfire Night. We also witnessed the birth of the Year 2003 Limbo Rock Queen, Cannibal King and "Queen", Peel Banana King and of course, our simply fabulously stunning Miss Mutahak!
n{: I )-t 6 D..
Zooz (Add
16 odvanturous trekkers moda their woy to Lorkin Bus fnterchonge for the bus ride to Kuonton. During the bus journey to Kuonton, the enthusiosm of the trekkers could be felt strongly os nobody dozed off on the bus.
After o long journay, we f inolly reoched Kuonton ot 4o.m., and proceeded to hove our braokfost, ofler which we took jeeps through the woods to the bose of Jerongkong. Tha journey wos bumpy ond exhiloroting os the drivers novigoted through the unduloting terroin. Wethen mode o 20 minutes hike to our bose comp under tha light drizzlethot greeted us. 'The jottmey wcts bwnp.,t ancl exhilarating as the driyers navigttted through the wdulating terrcLin. '
After settling down, we decided to take our hike tohigher grounds. Thw view olong tha woy wos simply breothtoking. After opproximotely 3 hours, we finolly reached our destinotion. The waterfoll wos awesome but olosl We could not swim due to the strong currentl we decided, insteod, to linger on for some photo shooting. At the some time, the fog wos thickening, ond our fC brought us bock to
our bose comp. Upon reoching the bose comp, we storted to prepare dinner, which wos finger-licking goodl After dinner, some of us ployed cond games for some interoction, whila othens chose to loy under lhe clear skies, in tha orms of mothar noture.
We woke early the next morning ond mode our woy bock to moinlond Singopore. All in oll, this wos on enjoyoble trip. Naw friendships were f orged ond existing ties were strengthened. Woy to go trekkersl
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Qrest Zoo, (zAp 1p16rview with Xrh"")
Ad-Gazette (AG): tlt/sll,Sheu Hou, whot is odventure racing obout2 Leong Sheu Hou: Adventure rocing is multidisciplinory endurance sport fhot consists of o permutotion of events such os trail/creek/road running, troil/road biking, swimming, obseiling, rope trovarsing, jumoring, climbing, koyoking, inline skoting ond some "mystery tests". It is o teom race of 3-4 members per teom.
AG: \lt/svl, sounds exciting. How mony odventura roces hove you token ponf in?
hove token part in 4 roces so Singopore ond 1 in Molaysio.
for - 3 in
thot you took port in the recent Singopore Adventure Quest-AXN Challenge on 8ih of June this year. AG: T heord
me more obout it?
LSH: Yes certainly. I took port in this roce with 2 other f riends, Fon Koi Ming ond Doniel Lee, under Teom Solomon Rubber Duckie. Wecovered on opproximote mop distonce of 90km fortherace,of which obout 35km wos koyok ond 55km wos running/wolking.There wos olso obseiling, climbing, jumoring and HDB stoirs climbing inbetween. The biking leg at Sentoso wos cut-off due to the lock of time. And the ending was reolly dromotic - wewete overtoken only ot obout 400m from the finishing line, ond completed the race just on orm's length from the Men's Open Chompion, Teom Ford No Boundories. But we werestill glod to havecome in 2nd in the Men's Open. ft hod token us obout 11hrs 30min to complete the race.It wos not eosy ot oll! AG:
you share with us how you ond your teom prepare
tor this roce?
LSH: We stortad troining together as o teom obouf 5-6 weeks bef ore the roce. Teom tnainings were set ot o minimol of 3 times oweek, comprising of longdistonce running ond biking sessions during theweekdays, ond o full doy session of long-distonce trail running, troil ond rood biking, ond koyoking on Sundoys. Experience ployed o port in our preporotions os well. Doniel hod done o full Ironmon triotholon, Koi Ming o half Ironmon triotholon, ond f hove complated a f ew f ull morothons.
46: Sounds tough isn't it? Areyou required to go on ony speciol diets? LSH: Not reoily. We hod the support of 6NC, who supplied us with performonce recovety drinks ond supplements, which helped us recove? foster from troining.The only special diet perhops is corbo-looding prior to the race,whereby we consume meols thot consist of o higher per centage
of corbohydrote-rich
f oods.
AG: \lr/hs1 have you leorn from toking port in odventure races?
I undarstond
better the limits that my body con go.
AG: Lastly, ony odvice
on ospiring odventure racer?
LSH: Troin hord ond enjoy your rocal
More photos of their recent roce con be found ot: http://so.photos.yohoo.com/bc/ solomonrubberduckie