Email questions to: It’s a new year and I wish I could also start over again. A fresh start with new beginnings. If only that were possible?
The good news is that it is possible for the Child of God! Obviously, we live with the consequences of our choices, but the Lord can give us a whole new perspective on our situation that will result in peace of mind and heart. He delights in making “all things new” (Rev 21:5). The key to a fresh start is repentance and forgiveness. Take time to meet with the Lord and deal with all your issues “Come now and let us reason
This is a delicate question, but I really need to know: What does God allow in a marriage bed?
The Bible is clear that sex is only to be practiced within the confines of marriage. Hebrews 13:4 refers to the marriage bed as “undefiled” and to be kept so by not having sex outside of marriage. Specific sexual activities that married couples may or may not engage in are not spelled out, but there are definite principles by which a couple may be guided. Here are just two of them: never act against your conscience, James 4:17 calls that “sin” and 1 Corinthians 8:12 tells us that causing someone to act against their conscience is sinning against Christ Himself. We must aim at “a pure heart and a good conscience” at all times (1 Tim 1:5). The second principle is found in 1 Corinthians 7:5, and that is mutual consent – involving mutual submission, mutual responsibility, and mutual pleasure.
When I speak to other Christians about I am told not to judge lest I be judged. B the Bible says that judgement begins in the house of God. What is the Biblical response?
We are not called upon to make judgements about people’s relationship to the Lord because we are unable to see into their inner heart. He alone knows who genuine children of Go Consider the Parable of the Tares and Wheat in Ma 13:25-43, especially verse 41. However, the Lord ha us we may judge the quality of people’s profession lives. He said, “You will know them by their fruits” – Matthew 7:16. If they claim to be an apple tree and sour grapes are hanging from their boughs, we have a God-ordained responsibility to warn them of impending danger. “Let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins” – James 5:20 (also meditate on Ezekiel 33:1-16). We are not called to criticise, condemn, and complain, but to exhort (encourage) one another daily, especially in the light of Christ’s soon return (Hebrews 3:13; 10:24,25).
VAL WALDECK – Author, kindle publishing consultant, and Bible teacher. If you need help writing, or with your book, see