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8/22/2013 12:22:07 PM
4th year - edition 53
Myti Mussels commissions fourth Maaskant-built dredger (page 12-13)
LUBBERS TRANSPORT SeaMar Steel cutting Baker Hughes and DeepOcean awarded CGG strengthen GROUP INVESTS IN new IMR contract business alliance FIRST 100 TONNE 8 with Petrobras Baker Hughes Incorporated AXLE LOW LOADER DeepOcean AS, part of (NYSE: BHI) and CGG (NYSE/ DeepOcean Group, announced Euronext: CGG) announced today TRAILER TO MEET OIL today that together with its the signing of a Letter of Intent to Brazillian partner Comphania realign the firms’ VSFusion joint AND GAS DEMAND Brasileira de Offshore (CBO) venture to focus on microseismic monitoring, processing, visualization, and interpretation as well as microseismic permanent monitoring.
(page 13)
(page 23)
(page 17)
they have been awarded a 2 year with 2 year options contract from Petróleo Brasileiro S/A (“PETROBRAS”) E&P Services (page 3)
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03/07/2013 15:26
DeepOcean awarded new IMR contract with Petrobras DeepOcean AS, part of DeepOcean Group, announced today that together with its Brazillian partner Comphania Brasileira de Offshore (CBO) they have been awarded a 2 year with 2 year options contract from Petróleo Brasileiro S/A (“PETROBRAS”) E&P Services
The contract includes subsea inspection, maintenance and repair (IMR) work on PETROBRAS’s subsea installations in Brazilian waters. DeepOcean will use the MV CBO Isabella, a multipurpose offshore subsea support vessel, for the contract. MV CBO Isabella will be equipped with 1 WROV and 1 OBSROV as well as various subsea tooling. The work will be managed by DeepOcean’s Brazilian organisation and executed by a team of ROV operators, survey personnel and offshore management. Offshore operations are due to commence mid September 2013. President of DeepOcean AS, Mads Bardsen, is excited to win the work for PETROBRAS: “This contract award
demonstrates that our customers value our high quality subsea services, and prove our company’s competitive performance in deep water operations”. “DeepOcean has the unique deep water experience and the expertise needed for Brazilian subsea operations. 90 per cent of PETROBRAS’s reserves are nestled in deep water which is our speciality. In 2007, DeepOcean was awarded its first long-term subsea services contract by PETROBRAS. In 2012 we won a two-year contract with the flexible repair vessel Deep Endeavour. With the award of this second long term contract with the MV CBO Isabella for PETROBRAS in Brazil, we are well-positioned to further develop our strong position in this region,” Mr Bardsen continues.
“Nooit vergeten waar je vandaan komt” BARGE MASTER INCORPORATED Van grote schepen en dingen die nooit voorbij gaan Pieter Heerema: ‘Nooit vergeten waar je vandaan komt’ Met haar nieuwe deepwater construction vessel Aegir imponeert rederij Heerema de wereld met een innovatief schip dat alle superlatieven overtreft. Alle ogen zijn gericht op die gigant die alles kan en waarmee Heerema helemaal klaar is voor de toekomst. Maar intussen draagt de rederij ook Nederlands maritieme verleden een warm hart toe. Door deelname aan de Race of the Classics for Young Professionals (ROTCYP) wil Heerema bijdragen aan het behoud van ons varend erfgoed. Pieter Heerema verwoordt het helder: ‘Je moet nooit vergeten waar je vandaan komt. Nederland heeft een rijke historie op scheepvaartgebied. De klassieke zeilvaart maakt daar onderdeel van uit. Zo trots als wij nu zijn op onze moderne vloot, zo trots moeten wij in Nederland ook zijn op onze klassieke zeilvloot, die uniek is in de wereld.’ Driemastbark Artemis De Race of the Classics kent
jaarlijks twee edities. In april voor studenten van Hogescholen en Universiteiten, in oktober voor Young Professionals die werken bij toonaangevende (inter)nationale bedrijven. Jong is volgens de organisatie tot 35 jaar. Van 8 t/m 13 oktober 2013 maken 24 teams op 24 verschillende klassieke zeilschepen de oversteek van Rotterdam naar het Engelse Ipswich – als het weer het toelaat. Door loting wordt bepaald welk schip een team krijgt toegewezen. Team Heerema kreeg de driemastbark Artemis, de grootste van alle deelnemende schepen. Teamcaptain Martijn van Dongen: ‘Als er één team weet hoe je met grote schepen moet omgaan, is het Team Heerema wel. Dat komt helemaal goed.’ Bont gezelschap talenten De 39-koppige crew van team Heerema is samengesteld uit alle gelederen van de Heerema Group; de mensen werken bij Heerema Marine Contractors of Heerema Fabrication Group, op kantoor, in de fabricage of op de vloot. Dat levert een sterk team op met een grote diversiteit aan talenten. Bij de samenstelling is gekeken naar de motivatie om
mee te willen doen, want het aantal aanmeldingen oversteeg het aantal plaatsen flink. Zo wist Denis Faidutti een plaatsje te veroveren dankzij zijn melding dat hij heerlijke pastamaaltijden kan bereiden en beloofde Bart Vrolijk zijn naam eer aan te doen. Maar uiteraard is er ook gekeken naar andere vaardigheden en kwaliteiten zoals kennis van navigatie en zeilervaring. Teambuilding De mensen van Team Heerema hebben elkaar in een aantal teamuitjes al aardig leren kennen. Zo trokken zij op een winderige, regenachtige zaterdag naar het strand van ’s Gravezande om te blokarten op het strand en te raften in de branding. Martijn van Dongen: ‘We raken nu al helemaal op elkaar ingespeeld en natuurlijk hebben we al veel lol met elkaar.’ Bevorderen van de samenwerking is niet alleen een doel voor de periode van de ROTCYP. Ook binnen de organisatie werkt dat door. Office Manager Monique van Staveren, stuwende kracht achter de schermen, noemt het pure winst dat mensen van verschillende afdelingen en divisies elkaar nu veel makkelijker weten te vinden. Klassieke schepenfonds Een deel van de opbrengst van de race gaat naar het klassieke schepenfonds. Om zoveel mogelijk aandacht te genereren voor de race en daarmee voor de klassieke zeilvaart, wordt intensief gebruikgemaakt van de sociale media. Op Twitter en Facebook bruist het al maanden van de activiteit. Team Heerema is te vinden op RotcypHeerema en twitter. com/heeremarotcyp. Liken en retweeten maar, want Heerema gaat net als vorig jaar (minstens) voor de media award.
IN WALK-TO-WORK VESSEL Capelle a/d IJssel, the Netherlands - Barge Master has received a Letter of Award from Niestern Sander bv for employment of the Barge Master motion compensated crane on their new Walk-to-Work vessel, to be built for Wagenborg. The vessel including the Barge Master system will be ready in the first quarter of 2015. NAM will use the motion compensated crane to service and maintain gas production platforms in the North Sea. Oil & Gas platforms have become smaller and more flexible during the last forty years. They no longer have a resident crew or helicopter pads which means frequent journeys to and from the platform by ship in order to perform maintenance work. With the new Walk-to Work Vessel these operations can be executed in a safer, more efficient and effective manner. The Vessel is unique because multiple functions are combined for the first time. The vessel can accommodate 20 crewmembers and 40 service
technicians, chemicals can be stored and transferred safely, and thanks to the T40 Barge Master system materials can be transferred during wave heights of up to 3 meters. Through utilizing new technology, NAM is able to safely continue harvesting gas on the North Sea with an extended weather window and less down time. Barge Master develops and produces wave compensation platforms for the marine and offshore industry. The Barge Master T40 is capable of compensating an offshore knuckle boom/telescopic boom crane with a capacity of 15mT.The servicing of wind turbines or unmanned oil rigs are typical applications of the Barge Master T40. The system is based on the same principle as the Barge Master T700: roll, pitch and heave are compensated, while surge, sway and yaw are fixated. The T40 is developed together with Bosch Rexroth. Visit www. to see a video of the Barge Master in action.
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Xodus celebrates development consent for the MeyGen tidal energy project in the Pentland Firth Independent, international energy consultancy Xodus Group is delighted to hear the announcement of consent for Europe’s largest tidal energy project in the Pentland Firth at the Scottish Renewables Marine Energy Conference. Independent, international energy consultancy Xodus Group is delighted to hear the announcement of consent for Europe’s largest tidal energy project in the Pentland Firth at the Scottish Renewables Marine Energy Conference. As lead consultant in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the 86MW Phase 1 MeyGen tidal energy project, Xodus played a pivotal role in the creation of the Environmental Statement (ES). The EIA considered the possible positive or negative impacts of the project on the local environment as well as potential social and economic aspects. The ES represented
the culmination of four years’ of consultation, surveys and assessment, with the offshore and onshore applications submitted to the Scottish Government and The Highland Council in July 2012. Phase 1 of the MeyGen project will see the construction of up to 61 tidal turbines in the Inner Sound of the Pentland Firth between the Island of Stroma and the north east coast of the Scottish mainland. It will encompass almost 1.1km2 of fast flowing water and electricity generated will be exported onshore for transmission to the national grid. 86MW constitutes the first phase of a site that could eventually yield up to 398MW.
Xodus is now well placed to undertake assessments for other similar innovative projects and will share its experiences of the project at the Scottish Renewables Marine Energy Conference which is taking place in Inverness on the 16th and 17th of September. Xodus is highly experienced in permit applications and environmental impact assessments. Through its fully integrated offering, it also delivers complete commercial solutions for renewable projects through its extensive suite of capabilities from engineering and project management to technical safety and risk management services. Liz Foubister, marine renewables specialist based in the Orkney office, said: “We are delighted that this significant project has gained development consent. Working closely with MeyGen throughout the EIA has resulted in
a smooth approval process with minor clarifications required for the regulators and their advisors during the determination period. This clearly demonstrates the quality of work undertaken by Xodus and the EIA partners. We are continuing to support the MeyGen project and also look forward to fully utilising our broad range of capabilities in the offshore renewables sector on other similar innovative projects.” Xodus now boasts more than 25 offshore renewable energy clients and is committed to developing its low carbon and renewables business. The Xodus Orkney office is supporting wave and tidal technology developers at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney and a number of the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters (PFOW) developers looking to develop commercial scale wave and tidal energy projects.
The Orkney team in collaboration with 50 colleagues across the UK, are working on a number of local and international projects to help make wave, tidal and offshore wind power a sustainable reality. Ed Rollings, MeyGen’s Environment and Consent Manager, added: “As Europe’s largest consented tidal energy project, we are proud that the culmination of so many years of research, assessment and consultation has finally paid off and we look forward to the next stage of this exciting venture. “Xodus, as our lead EIA consultant, have provided their experience, knowledge and capabilities in this field to help facilitate the smooth progress of this significant project for the marine energy industry.”
Vierde Kaaskant mosselkotter in de vloot van Myti Mussels De kustwateren van Wales worden vanaf oktober 2013 opgefleurd door de “Lottie Holly” wanneer deze met haar opvallende roze rom[ de mosselbanken bewerkt van Myti Mussels Ltd. Het is alweer de vierde mosselkotter die dit familiebedrijf door Maaskant Shipyards Stellendam, onderdeel van Damen, heeft laten bouwen.
haar echtgenoot Kim Mould zijn de eigenaren van Myti Mussels Ltd. De heer Mould heeft nauw met Maaskant Shipyards samengewerkt om dit nieuwe scheepsconcept goed vorm te geven.
Myti Mussels heeft sinds zijn oprichting in 1982 in totaal vijf mosselkotters laten bouwen. De relatie met Maaskant uit Stellendam dateert van 1988 met de levering van een mossellier voor het eerste schip van Myti Mussels. Sindsdien leverde Maaskant in 1999 de 24 meter lange BS-449 ‘Mytilus’, in 2003 gevolgd door de 43 meter lange BS-8 ‘Valente’. Al in het jaar daarop kon Maaskant de innovatieve BS-1 ‘Lôlipop’ ontwerpen en bouwen. Deze ‘Lôlipop’ was 21 meter lang en was vooral bedoeld voor
Het m.f.v. (motor fishing vessel) ‘Lottie Holly’, registratie BS-12 (vanwege thuishaven Beaumaris in Wales, UK), wordt op 28 September in Yerseke aan de heer en mevrouw Mould overgedragen. Yerseke is hiervoor uitgekozen omdat het de belangrijkste bestemming is van de mosseloogst van Myti Mussels. Ook de configuratie van het schip, met twee gieken, houdt nauw verband met deze distributieroute.
de mosseloogst. Zij wordt nu vervangen door de ‘Lottie Holly’. Dit 24 meter lange schip is namelijk meer geschikt voor taken verder buitengaats, zoals de oogst van mosselzaad in de Ierse Zee. De vorm en uitvoering van de ‘Lottie Holly’ zijn sterk bepaald door haar dubbele rol: zowel zaaien en bewerken als oogsten, in samenhang met de strenge Britse bepalingen voor visserijschepen. De opvallende roze kleur, of eigenlijk: telemagenta - en voor de puristen: RAL 4010 – is geselecteerd door mevrouw Valerie Mould. Zij en
“We gebruiken big bags van 1.200 kilo om onze vangst ‘s nachts per truck van Bangor naar Yerseke te
brengen. We vullen de zakken al aan boord, direct na het spoelen van de mosselen en storten de mosselen dus niet eerst los in de scheepsruimen”, legt de heer Mould uit. Merai Strait Met deze opvallende roze kiel – mevrouw Mould kiest voor elk schip een andere kleur uit en bepaalt ook het interieur – kan de ‘Lottie Holly’ niet over het hoofd gezien worden tijdens de werkzaamheden in de Merai Strait. Deze zeestraat, tussen het eiland Anglesey en het vasteland van Wales is het belangrijkste werkterrein. Hier heeft Myti Mussels Ltd. zijn mosselbanken waar de functionele BS-12 eerst mosselzaad zal ‘zaaien’ om er later de volwassen mosselen weer op te vissen.
Algemene kenmerken & design Het schip is ontworpen door Myti Mussels Ltd. en Maaskant Shipyards Stellendam, met Bruce Roberts Europe B.V. uit Hendrik Ido Ambacht als tekenbureau. De ‘Lottie Holly’, resp. BS-12, heeft bij Maaskant werfnummer 611. De mosselkotter heeft twee ruimen, een spoelstraat en twee voortstuwingsmotoren. Het dekhuis staat achter, met de stuurhut daar bovenop, zodat de bemanning er aan drie zijden omheen kan. De lier met vier trommels bevat 300 meter visdraad van 16 mm. Er zijn twee lieren en een hydraulische dekkraan met 2,15 ton hijsvermogen van op 7 meter reikwijdte. De lengte tussen de loodlijnen bedraagt 23,62 m., de breedte 10,00 m. en de holte 2,65 m. Er is accommodatie voor drie bemanningsleden.
Our client provides a wide range of high qualified subsea specialisations and they aim to deliver the best solutions in the offshore branch.
DP officer (Offshore) Job description TOS is searching for DPO Officers who will be responsible for the day to day operations regarding the navigational marine and radio communications equipment of the vessel. Tasks • Responsible for navigational activities Qualifications • DP full certificate • Preferably Kongsberg DP system experience • STCW’95 Certificates, BOSIET and Basic Safety certificate Contact If you have any questions or request more information you can contact Mario de Zwart or Tim Spitters on number +31 10 243 67 02. Please visit to register. Energy & Maritime Manpower TOS is an international service provider in personnel solutions providing personnel to the maritime, offshore and oil & gas industry. TOS is also the right address for your recruitment & selection needs and maritime services such as ship delivery projects. Please have a further look at for more information about our company.
Voor onze interne divisie Select zoeken we een Consultant met aantoonbare kennis van en ervaring in de maritieme sector. De consultant is integraal verantwoordelijk voor het werven, uitzenden en detacheren van maritiem gerelateerd walpersoneel.
Taken • Verantwoordelijk voor de eigen markt en bijbehorende opdrachtgevers • Onderhouden van eigen netwerk en zelfstandig het volledige werving- en selectietraject uitvoeren • Aanspreekpunt voor opdrachtgevers • Projectverantwoordelijk bij detachering of payroll constructies • Plegen van acquisitie indien nodig • Onderhouden van nauw contact met de diverse interne afdelingen • Toezien op correcte afwikkeling van administratie voortkomend uit het werving- en selectietraject Reageren Is deze functie iets voor jou? Een uitgebreide omschrijving van het profiel en de benodigde competenties staat op www.tos. nl. Mocht je op deze vacature willen solliciteren, dan kun je contact opnemen met Eline Suurmond, Consultant op nummer +31 10 243 67 04. Schrijf je in via Energy & Maritime Manpower TOS BV is een internationale dienstverlener voor personeelsoplossingen, actief in de sectoren: Maritiem, Offshore, Olie & Gas en Duurzame energie. Ook voor Werving & Selectie functies en maritieme services als ship delivery projecten is TOS jouw bureau. Bekijk voor meer informatie.
Our client is a leading offshore construction company and has been serving leading energy firms and oil companies all over the world.
Engineer all ships (Offshore) Job description Our client manages a fleet of offshore construction vessels and for one of these vessels we are looking for an experienced Second Engineer. Tasks & Qualifications • Repair and maintenance on all machinery and equipment in engine room, cranes, deck, accommodation and galley. • Experience with offshore installations, docking periods, repair & maintenance projects, new built projects and decommissioning. • Preferably (3 years) experience on DP/ Offshore Construction vessels. • In possession of valid STCW’95 certificates and BOSIET certificate. Contact If you have any questions or request more information you can contact Mario de Zwart or Tim Spitters on number +31 10 243 67 02. Please visit to register. Energy & Maritime Manpower TOS is an international service provider in personnel solutions providing personnel to the maritime, offshore and oil & gas industry. TOS is also the right address for your recruitment & selection needs and maritime services such as ship delivery projects. Please have a further look at for more information about our company.
For several clients we are looking for candidates for following positions:
Subsea Installation Engineer Offshore Engineer Structural Engineer Naval Architect Job description These positions are office based. Occasionally you will travel to a project site. Depending on the company of your choice you will contribute to various projects. The scale of the project and responsibilities will increase along with your experience. Requirements • High technical education (BSc/MSc) • Minimum of three years relevant experience • Familiar with relevant software i.e. 3D Modelling, Ansys, Femap • Good communication skills in English, both spoken and written • Willing to relocate to the Netherlands Contact If you have any questions or request more information you can contact Lamiae Amallah or Eline Suurmond, Division Select +31 10 243 67 04. Please visit our website to register. Energy & Maritime Manpower TOS is an international service provider in personnel solutions providing personnel to the maritime, offshore, Oil & Gas and Renewables industry. TOS is also the right address for your recruitment & selection needs and maritime services such as ship delivery projects. Please have a further look at for more information about our company.
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Ben je op zoek naar Ben een nieuwe uitdaging? je werken met Wil je werken met Ben je op zoek naar een nieuwe uitdaging? Wil je werken met je op zoek naar eenWil nieuwe uitdaging? enthousiaste collega’s, die jouw passie voorE&I hetjouw offshore werk enthousiaste collega’s, die jouw passie voor werk enthousiaste collega’s, die passie voor het je offshore werk Als E&I Operator voerhetjeoffshore onderhouds-, storingsen Als Technician voer onderhouds-, delen? Dan ben je bijdelen? Oceanwide Offshore Services aan het delen? Dan ben je reparatiewerkzaamheden bij Oceanwide Offshore Servicesop aanhet het gebied van elektrische Dan ben jereparatiewerkzaamheden bij Oceanwide Offshore Servicesop aanhet hetgebied juiste adres! Wij zijn juiste met spoed uiste adres! Wij zijn met spoed op zoek naar: adres!op Wijzoek zijn naar: met spoed op zoek naar:
Ben je op zoek naar een nieuwe uitdaging? Wil je werken met
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3111003 adv Carrièregids 2011 engelstalig:3104006 3111003 adv Carrièregids adv. Schuttevaer 2011 engelstalig:3104006 18-07-2011 13:09 adv. Schuttevaer Pagina 1
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• In staat om technische handboeken en procedures te
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om zo in overleg met collega’s en je leidinggevende zorg te dragen voor een veilige en efficiënte manier van werken en de productiedoelen te behalen.
Pagina 1
• Aanvullende opleidingen/certificaten in de meet- en
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And would work in ade technical environment? work And a technical would environment? And would work in ade technical environment? And would meetapparatuur, controlesystemen,etc. • Goede beheersing van meetapparatuur, Nederlandse controlesystemen,etc. eninEngelse • Goede beheersing van Nederlandse en Engelse opleidingen • you Bereidheid tot heten volgen van eventuele aanvullende likede to earn well? In brief: en are you looking you to earnbeheersing brief: arelike you tolooking earn well? 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Then you have come to the right opleidingen werken in je voordeel. opleidingen werken in je voordeel. werken in je Offshore voordeel address at Oceanwide Services! address at Oceanwide Offshore address Services! at Oceanwide Offshore Services! address at Oceanwide Offshore Services! • Bereid zijn om in een 2-2 of 2-3 schema te werken • Bereid zijn om in een 2-2 of 2-3 schema te werken Wij bieden: • In bezit van offshore-trainingen is een pré Wij bieden: • In bezit van offshore-trainingen is een pré Wij bieden: Wij bieden: Een uitdagende in Een uitdagende en verantwoordelijke functie offshore in en verantwoordelijke functie offshore Een uitdagende en verantwoordelijke functie offshore in Oceanwide provides personnel services and has more than 35 functie years of global experience Oceanwide provides personnel Oceanwide services and provides has more personnel than 35 services years of and global has more experience than 35 inyears of global experience Oceanwide provides personnel services and has more than 35 years of global exper Wij bieden: een vast in offshore schema, Wij bieden: een interessante en complexe vast in offshore schema, een interessante en complexe een vast offshore schema, een interessante eneen complexe Een uitdagende en verantwoordelijke offshore in supplying highly qualified personnel to the oilin and gas and maritime sectors. werkomgeving in een supplying highly qualified personnel supplying tohighly the oilqualified and gas and personnel maritime to the sectors. oilin and gas and maritime sectors. werkomgeving in een supplying qualifiedwerksfeer. personnel to the oil and gas and maritime sectors. Een uitdagende eneen verantwoordelijke functie offshore Een open uitdagende en prettige enwerkomgeving werksfeer. verantwoordelijke Goede functie offshore open highly en prettige Goede in een open en prettige werksfeer. Goede vast offshore schema, een interessante en complexe Oceanwide Offshore Services in Den Helder recruits, selects and sends out personnel on Oceanwide Services Oceanwide in Den15% Helder Offshore recruits, Services selectsinand Den Helder out recruits, personnel selects on and sends out personnel on Oceanwide Offshore Services in Den15% Helderoffshore recruits, selects and sends out personne een vast offshore schema, een interessante en complexe arbeidsvoorwaarden, een uitstekend vastOffshore offshore basissalaris, schema, een offshore interessante ensends complexe arbeidsvoorwaarden, uitstekend basissalaris, arbeidsvoorwaarden, uitstekend basissalaris, 15% offshore werkomgeving in een open en prettige werksfeer. Goede oil and gas production platforms. This varies from the placement of a single secondment to oil and gas production secondment platforms. to oil and This gasvaries production from the platforms. placement This ofvaries a single from the placement of a single secondment to oil and gas production platforms. This varies from the placement of werkomgeving in eensecondment open entoprettige werksfeer. Goede toeslag, een 13e maand, werkomgeving en uitgebreide in een studiemogelijkheden. open en prettige werksfeer. Goede toeslag, een 13e maand, en uitgebreide studiemogelijkheden. temporary member of staff to taking over total responsibility for a platform's crew for a longer temporary member of staff totemporary taking over member total responsibility of staffmaand, to taking for aover platform's totaluitgebreide responsibility crew for a longer for a studiemogelijkheden. platform's crew for a longer temporary member of staff to taking over total responsibility for a platform's crew fo toeslag, een 13e arbeidsvoorwaarden, uitstekend arbeidsvoorwaarden, uitstekend basissalaris, 15% offshore basissalaris, 15% offshore arbeidsvoorwaarden, uitstekend basissalaris, 15%en offshore period of time. period of time. period of time. period of time. oeslag, een 13e maand, en uitgebreide studiemogelijkheden. Heb je interesse, neem toeslag, dan contact een 13eop maand, met onze en uitgebreide recruitmentstudiemogelijkheden. Heb je interesse, neem dan contact op met onze recruitment toeslag, een 13e maand, en uitgebreide studiemogelijkheden. afdeling. T +31 (0)223 671720, email: afdeling. T +31 (0)223 We specialize in technical, operational, catering and support personnel, and also offer We specialize in technical,Voor operational, We specialize catering ininformatie technical, and support operational, personnel, also and offer supportopnemen personnel, and also offer We 671720, specialize inemail: technical, operational, catering and support personnel, and also off meer kuncatering jeand contact met onze Heb je interesse, neem dan contact op metservices. onze recruitment Heb je interesse, neem zoeken dan contact wijstaff selection op metservices. onze recruitment recruitment and staff selection recruitment and staffTevens selection recruitment services. and recruitment and staffTevens selection zoeken services. wij recruitment afdeling. Voor meer informatie kun je contact opnemen met onze afdeling. T +31 (0)223 671720, email: kandidaten voor de volgende afdeling. Tfuncties: +31 (0)223 Offshore 671720, Process email: kandidaten voor de volgende functies: Offshore Process recruitment afdeling. Tevens wij HACCP certified. Operators, OffshoreOceanwide Technicians E&I, Maintenance Supervisors. Tevens wij HACCP certified. Operators, OffshoreOceanwide Technicians E&I, Maintenance Supervisors. Oceanwide Offshore Services iszoeken ISO, VCU and Offshore Services Oceanwide is ISO, VCUOffshore and HACCP Services certified. iszoeken ISO, VCU and Offshore Services is ISO, VCU and HACCP certified. kandidaten voor de volgende functies: Offshore Process Bezoekscan onze website voor meervoor uitlegde envolgende functies: van Offshore Process Bezoek onze hier website voor meer uitleg en een overzicht van T: +een 31overzicht (0)223 671721 hier kandidaten scan Operators, Offshore E&I,671721 Maintenance Supervisors. onze vacatures. Operators, Offshore Technicians E&I, Maintenance Supervisors. onze vacatures. E T:Technicians +YOU 31ARE(0)223 INTERESTED, PLEASE OURvan RECRUITMENT DEPARTMENT IF YOU AREonze INTERESTED, PLEASE IF voor YOUCONTACT ARE INTERESTED, OUR RECRUITMENT PLEASE DEPARTMENT OURvan RECRUITMENT DEPARTMENT IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, PLEASE CONTACT OUR RECRUITMENT DEPARTMENT Bezoek onze websiteIF voor meer uitleg en eenCONTACT overzicht Bezoek website meer uitleg en eenCONTACT overzicht I : E: onze vacatures. onze vacatures.
I :
Luchthavenweg 6A 1786 PP Den Helder Tel: +31(0)223-671727 Fax: +31(0)223-520505 Email:
Oceanwide Offshore Services is part of the Humares Group.
® The newspaper for employers and employees
Luchthavenweg 6A 1786 PP Den Helder Tel: +31(0)223-671727 Fax: +31(0)223-520505 Email:
OCEANWIDE OFFSHORE SERVICES Service isis part our Service isis part our Oceanwide Offshore Services Oceanwide of theEnergy Humares Offshore Group. Services is part of the Humares Group. OCEANWIDE OFFSHORE SERVICES Oceanwide Offshore Services of theEnergy Humares Group.
Luchthavenweg 6A Luchthavenweg 6A 1786 PP Den Helder 1786 PP Den Helder Tel: +31(0)223-671727 Tel: +31(0)223-671727 Fax: +31(0)223-520505 Fax: +31(0)223-520505 Email: Email:
Ben je op zoek naar een nieuwe uitdaging? Wil je werken met
Ben je op zoek naar een nieuwe uitdaging? Wil je werken met
nieuwe uitdaging? je werken met Wil je werken met je op zoek naar een nieuwe uitdaging? Wil je werken met Ben je op zoek naar een nieuwe uitdaging? jehet werken met werk delen? Ben je op zoek naar Ben je op zoek naar eenWil nieuwe uitdaging? enthousiaste collega's, die jouw passie voor offshore enthousiaste collega's, die passie voor het offshore werk delen? Het bewaken van hetWil gehele productieproces, opmaken van een This job isjouw higly technical, you will maintain andBen repair all enthousiaste collega’s, die jouw passie voordie hetjouw offshore werk enthousiaste collega’s, die jouw passie voor het offshore werk enthousiaste die jouw passie Services voor het offshore werk adres! enthousiaste collega’s, passie voor het offshore werk adres! Dan ben jecollega’s, bij Oceanwide Offshore aan het juiste Dan ben je bij Oceanwide Offshore Services aan het juiste werkvergunningen, begeleiden van medewerkers aan boord equipment and systems on operated Oil or Gas producing delen? Dan ben je bijdelen? Oceanwide Offshore Services aan het delen? Dan ben je bij Oceanwide Offshore Services aan het delen? Dan ben je bij Oceanwide Offshore Services aan het Dan ben je bij Oceanwide Offshore Services aan het van een productieplatform, het uitvoeren van onderhoudfacilities. will also and juiste adres! Wij zijn juiste met spoed op naar: juistecations adres! Wij zijn met spoed op zoek naar: uiste Wijspoed zijn met spoed op zoek naar: adres! Wijzoek zijn met op zoek naar: carry out mechanical modifi Wij adres! zijn met op zoek naar: Wij zijn met spoed opspoed zoekYou naar:
en reparatie-werkzaamheden aan gasturbines, gas- en improve systems, assure safe mechical operations, monitor dieselmotoren, pompen en compressoren en oplossen van turbine, gas of diesel drivers for generation systems, check out OFFSHORE E&I TECHNICIANS OFFSHORE PROCES OFFSHORE OPERATORS E&I orTECHNICIANS storingen aan installaties. Alles uiteraard overeenkomstig equipment system problems, plan shut downsOFFSHORE for repair or Oceanwide is eenOperator leveranciervoer van je personeelsdiensten Als Offshore Procesvereiste Operator voer je de operationele activiteiten uit op een productieplatform, inspecteer je proAls Offshore Proces de operationele activiteiten uit op een productieplatform, inspecteer je prospecifi caties en geldende veiligheidsvoorschriften. testing. met ruim 35 jaar wereldwijde ervaring in het leveren ductieapparatuur en reageer je op storingen in het productieproces. ductieapparatuur en reageer je op storingen in het productieproces.
Oceanwide is een leverancier van personeelsdiensten met ruim 35 jaar wereldwijde ervaring in het leveren van in hooggekwalificeerd personeel aan de olie om & gas van hooggekwalificeerd personeel aan de olie & gas en Dit alles in lijn met de operationele planning om zo in overleg met collega’s en je leidinggevende zorg te dragen Dit alles lijn met de operationele planning zoenin overleg met collega’s en je leidinggevende zorg te dragen Alsvoor E&Ieen Technician voer je onderhouds-, storingsen Als Offshore Proces Als Operator E&I Technician voer je de voer operationele je onderhouds-, storingsen Als Offshore Proces Operator voer industrie. je de operationele maritieme industrie. Oceanwide Offshore Services in maritieme Oceanwide Offshore Services in veilige en efficiënte manier van werken en de productiedoelen te behalen. voor een veilige en efficiënte manier van werken en de productiedoelen te behalen. Den Helder werft, selecteert en detacheert personeel Den Helder werft, selecteert en detacheert personeel eparatiewerkzaamheden uit wij: op het gebied van elektrische activiteiten uit op een reparatiewerkzaamheden productieplatform, inspecteer uit wij: op je het gebied van elektrische activiteiten uit op een productieplatform, inspecteer je Voor deze functie vragen Voornaar deze functie vragen olie- en gasproductieplatforms. Dit varieert van naar olie- en gasproductieplatforms. Dit varieert van energievoorziening (energieopwekking- en hoogspannings pro- ductieapparatuur energievoorziening en reageer je van op een storingen (energieopwekkingin het en hoogspannings pro- ductieapparatuur en reageer je van op een storingen in het de plaatsing enkele tijdelijke medewerker tot de plaatsing enkele tijdelijke medewerker tot • Een afgeronde opleiding MTS, SWTK A, Vapro, MBO AOT en/of gelijkwaardig • Eenhet afgeronde opleiding MTS, SWTK A,deVapro, MBO AOT en/of gelijkwaardig voor langere termijn overnemen van totale vervoormet langere overnemen planning van de totale vernstallatie) gedeelten en instrumentele productieproces. Ditinstallatie) alles in lijn2011 elektrotechnische met de operationele gedeelten planning en instrumentele productieproces. Dit alles inhetlijn determijn operationele • Ervaringelektrotechnische als proces operator • Ervaring als proces operator 3111003 adv Carrièregids 2011 engelstalig:3104006 adv. Schuttevaer 18-07-2011 13:09 Pagina 1 3111003 adv Carrièregids engelstalig:3104006 3111003 adv Carrièregids adv. Schuttevaer 2011 engelstalig:3104006 18-07-2011 13:09 adv. Schuttevaer Pagina 1 18-07-2011 13:09 Pagina 1 3111003 adv Carrièregids 2011 engelstalig:3104006 adv. Schuttevaer 18-07-2011 antwoordelijkheid voor de bemanning van een platantwoordelijkheid voor de bemanning van een plat• In staat(meetom technische handboeken en procedures te interpreteren • In staat(meetom technische handboekenzorg en procedures te interpreteren besturing en regelsystemen), aan de diverse productieom zo in overleg metbesturing collega’s je leidinggevende en regelsystemen), aan teoperatiode diverse productieom zo in overleg met collega’s je leidinggevende zorg teoperatioform. en We zijn in en technisch, form. en We zijn gespecialiseerd in technisch, • Beheersing van de Nederlandse en Engelse taal • Beheersing van gespecialiseerd de Nederlandse Engelse taal neel, catering en ondersteunend personeel bieden catering manier en ondersteunend personeel bieden en•algemene installaties opis productieplatformen en/of dragen voor een veilige en•algemene en efficiënte installaties manier van opis productieplatformen werken en/of dragen voor een veilige en neel, efficiënte van werken enende Ervaring in de Petrochemie een pré Ervaring in de Petrochemie een pré enende tevens wervingen selectie diensten. Oceanwide tevens werving- en selectie diensten. Oceanwide • Aanvullende technische en/of mechanische opleidingen werken in je voordeel. • Aanvullende technische en/of mechanische opleidingen werken in je voordeel. satellieten. productiedoelen te behalen. satellieten. productiedoelen te behalen.Offshore Services is ISO, VCU en HACCP gecertificeerd. Offshore Services is ISO, VCU en HACCP gecertificeerd.
Voor deze functie vragen wij:
Functie eisen: • MTS mechanical engineering or equivalent • Preferred working experience in similar work • All safety and supervisory training required for working offshore • Demonstrates a superior sense of responsibility Wij bieden: • Good command of the Dutch & English language Functie eisen: Functie Een uitdagende en verantwoordelijke functie offshore in een vast offshore schema, een interessante en complexe Een uitdagende en verantwoordelijke functie offshore in een vast offshore schema, een interessante en eisen: complexe inOCEANWIDE een open en prettige werksfeer. Goede arbeidsvoorwaarden, uitstekend basissalaris, 15% offs-OCEANWIDE inOCEANWIDE een en prettige werksfeer.Service Goede arbeidsvoorwaarden, uitstekend basissalaris, 15% offs-OCEANWIDE • open Albe to interpret technical manuals and procedures • werkomgeving HTS-Een/ofMTS-E • Een afgeronde opleiding • werkomgeving HTS-Een/ofMTS-E MTS,SWTKA,Vapro,MBOAOT • Een afgeronde opleiding MTS,SWTKA,Vapro,MBOAOT OFFSHORE SERVICES Service is our Energy OFFSHORE SERVICES OFFSHORE SERVICES is our Energy Service is our Energy OFFSHORE SERVICES hore toeslag, een 13e maand, en uitgebreide studiemogelijkheden. hore toeslag, een 13e maand, en uitgebreide studiemogelijkheden. • Aanvullende opleidingen/certificaten in de meet- en en/of gelijkwaardig • Aanvullende opleidingen/certifi caten in de meet- en en/of gelijkwaardig • Dutch residency.
• •
• MTS (werktuigbouwkunde/scheepswerktuigkundige), AOT 4 opleiding of vergelijkbaar. • Enige jaren relevante werkervaring, liefst in de olie & gas industrie of scheepvaart • Goede beheersing van de Nederlandse en Engelse taal Wij bieden: • Bereid zijn om een 2-2 of 2-3 schema te werken Functie eisen: Functie eisen:
• Ervaring als proces operator regeltechniek
Pagina 1
Service is our E
• Ervaring als proces operator
Would you like to work in the and gas sector, Would youje likeinteresse, to work in theWould oil andyou gas like sector, to work in the and gas sector, Would you like to work in the oil and gas sector, Wij bieden: Heb je interesse, neem dan contact opoilmet onze recruitment afdeling. • In staat om technische neem dan contact opoilmet onze recruitment afdeling. • In staat om technische Meerdere jaren ervaring als E&I • Heb Meerdere handboeken jaren ervaring en als E&I Technician handboeken Luchthavenweg 6A Luchthavenweg 6Aena procedures and would you likeTechnician to have a healthy balance and you like to671720, have and a procedures healthy would balance you likete to have a healthy balance and would you like to have healthy balancete T +31 (0)223 671720, email: Twould +31 (0)223 Voor email: meer informatie kun je contact opnemen met onze Een uitdagende en verantwoordelijke functie offshore in 1786 PP Den Helder 1786 PP Den Helder
Ervaring met en/ofbetween kenniswork vanand generatoren,airco’s, interpreteren • Ervaring metleisure, en/ofbetween kennis vanand generatoren,airco’s, interpreteren leisure, and challenging between work and and challenging work leisure, and challenging between work and leisure, and challenging Tel: +31(0)223-671720 Tel: +31(0)223-671720 work in a technical environment? And would work in ade technical environment? work And a technical would environment? And would work in ade technical environment? And would recruitment afdeling. een vast offshore schema, een interessante en •complexe meetapparatuur, controlesystemen,etc. Goede beheersing van meetapparatuur, Nederlandse controlesystemen,etc. eninEngelse • Goede beheersing van Nederlandse en Engelse Fax: +31(0)223-520505 Fax: +31(0)223-520505 Tevens zoeken wijyoukandidaten voor de volgende functies: Tevens zoeken wijyoukandidaten voor de volgende functies: likede to earn well? In brief: are you looking you like to earn Inpré brief: arelike you tolooking earn well? In brief: are you looking you like to earniswell? Inpré brief: are you looking • Offshore GoedeMechanics, beheersing van Nederlandse en Engelse • Ervaring in de Petrochemie • Offshore Goede beheersing iswell? een van de Nederlandse en Engelse • Ervaring in de Petrochemie Email: Email: een Offshore Technicians E&I, Maintenance Supervisors. Mechanics, Offshore Technicians E&I, Maintenance Supervisors. werkomgeving in een open en prettige werksfeer. Goede for ameer good job en in een a challenging technical for Bezoek good job website a challenging for ameer good technical job en in een a challenging technical for a good job a challenging technical onze website uitleg overzicht van onze vacatures. onze uitleg van onze vacatures. Internet: Internet: • Bezoek Bereidheid tot hetvoor volgen van eventuele aanvullende • Aanvullende technische • aBereidheid en/of mechanische tot hetvoor volgen opleiding van eventuele enoverzicht aanvullende • Aanvullende technische en/of mechanische opleiding en Oceanwide Den Helder arbeidsvoorwaarden, uitstekend basissalaris, 15% offshore environment? Then you have come to the right environment? Then you have environment? come to the right Then you have come to the right environment? Then you have come to the right opleidingen werken in je voordeel. opleidingen werken in je voordeel. address at Oceanwide Offshore Services! address atOceanwide Oceanwide Offshore address Services! at Oceanwide Offshore address atOceanwide Oceanwide Offshore Services! Offshore Services is part of the Humares Group. Services! Offshore Services is part of the Humares Group. Luchthavenweg 6i te werken een maand, en uitgebreide studiemogelijkheden. • Bereid zijn om in • Bereid zijn om toeslag, in een 2-2 of 2-313e schema te werken een 2-2 of 2-3 schema 1786 PP DenisHelder • In bezit van offshore-trainingen is een pré Wij bieden: • In bezit van offshore-trainingen een pré Wij bieden: G L O B A L M A R I T I M E E M P L O Y M E N T G L O B A L M A R I T I M E E M P L O Y M E N T Een uitdagende en verantwoordelijke functie offshore in Een uitdagende en verantwoordelijke functie offshore in Voor meer informatie kun je contact opnemen met onze Oceanwide provides personnel services and has more than 35 years of globaleen experience Oceanwide provides personnel Oceanwide services and provides has more personnel than 35 services years of and global has more experience than 35 inyears of globaleen experience Oceanwide provides personnel services and has more than 35 years of global exper Wij bieden: vast in offshore schema, Wij bieden: een interessante en complexe vast in offshore schema, een interessante en complexe T:personnel + 31 (0)223 671720 recruitment afdeling. supplying highly qualified personnel to the oil and gas and maritime sectors. supplying highly qualified supplying to highly the oil qualified and gas and personnel maritime to the sectors. oil and gas and maritime sectors. supplying qualifiedwerksfeer. personnel to the oil and gas and maritime sectors. Een uitdagende en verantwoordelijke functie offshore in werkomgeving in eenEen open uitdagende en prettige enwerksfeer. verantwoordelijke Goede functie offshore in werkomgeving in een open highly en prettige Goede Oceanwide Offshore Services in Den Helder recruits, selects and sends out personnel on Oceanwide Services Oceanwide in Den15% Helder Offshore recruits, Services selectsinand Den Helder out recruits, personnel selects on and sends out personnel on Oceanwide Offshore Services in Den15% Helderoffshore recruits, selects and sends out personne E een vast offshore schema, een interessante en complexe arbeidsvoorwaarden, een uitstekend vastOffshore offshore basissalaris, schema, een offshore interessante ensends complexe arbeidsvoorwaarden, uitstekend basissalaris, secondment to oil and gas production platforms. This varies from the placement of a single secondment to oil and gas production secondment platforms. to oil and This gasvaries production from the platforms. placement This ofvaries a single from the placement of a single secondment to oil and gas production platforms. This varies from the placement of Oceanwide Denwerksfeer. Helder Goede werkomgeving in een open en prettige toeslag, een 13e maand, werkomgeving en uitgebreide in een studiemogelijkheden. open en prettige werksfeer. Goede toeslag, een 13e maand, en uitgebreide studiemogelijkheden. I : temporary member of staff to taking over total responsibility for a platform's crew for a longer temporary member of staff totemporary taking over member total responsibility of staff to taking for aover platform's total responsibility crew for a longer for a platform's crew for a longer temporary member of staff to taking over total responsibility for a platform's crew fo arbeidsvoorwaarden, uitstekend basissalaris, 15% offshore arbeidsvoorwaarden, uitstekend basissalaris, 15% offshore Luchthavenweg 6i period of time. period of time. period of time. period of time. oeslag, een 13e maand, en uitgebreide studiemogelijkheden. Heb je interesse, neem toeslag, dan contact een 13eop maand, met onze en uitgebreide recruitmentstudiemogelijkheden. Heb je interesse, neem dan contact op met onze recruitment 1786 PP Den Helder afdeling. T +31 (0)223 afdeling. T +31 (0)223 We specialize in technical, operational, catering and support personnel, and also offer We 671720, specialize inemail: technical, operational, We specialize catering in technical, and support operational, personnel, catering and also and offer support personnel, and also offer We 671720, specialize inemail: technical, operational, catering and support personnel, and also off Heb je interesse, neem dan contact op metservices. onze recruitment Heb je interesse, neem zoeken dan contact wijstaff selection op metservices. onze recruitment recruitment and staff selection recruitment and staffTevens selection recruitment services. and recruitment and staffTevens selection zoeken services. wij afdeling. T +31 (0)223 email: kandidaten voor de volgende afdeling. Tfuncties: +31 (0)223 Offshore 671720, Process email: kandidaten voor de volgende functies: Offshore Process T: +671720, 31 (0)223 671720 wij HACCP certified. Operators, OffshoreOceanwide Technicians E&I, Maintenance Supervisors. Tevens wij HACCP certified. Operators, OffshoreOceanwide Technicians E&I, Maintenance Supervisors. Oceanwide OffshoreTevens Services iszoeken ISO, VCU and Offshore Services Oceanwide is ISO, VCUOffshore and HACCP Services certified. iszoeken ISO, VCU and Offshore Services is ISO, VCU and HACCP certified. E kandidaten voor de volgende functies: Offshore Process Bezoek onze websitekandidaten voor meervoor uitlegdeenvolgende een overzicht functies: vanOffshore Process Bezoek onze hier website voor meer uitleg en een overzicht van scan scan hier I : Operators, Offshore Technicians E&I, Maintenance Supervisors. onze vacatures. Operators, Offshore Technicians E&I, Maintenance Supervisors. onze vacatures. YOU ARE INTERESTED, PLEASE OURvan RECRUITMENT DEPARTMENT IF YOU AREonze INTERESTED, PLEASE IF voor YOUCONTACT ARE INTERESTED, OUR RECRUITMENT PLEASE DEPARTMENT OURvan RECRUITMENT DEPARTMENT IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, PLEASE CONTACT OUR RECRUITMENT DEPARTMENT Bezoek onze websiteIF voor meer uitleg en eenCONTACT overzicht Bezoek website meer uitleg en eenCONTACT overzicht onze vacatures. onze vacatures.
Luchthavenweg 6A 1786 PP Den Helder Tel: +31(0)223-671727 Fax: +31(0)223-520505 Email:
Luchthavenweg 6A Luchthavenweg 6A 1786 PP Den Helder 1786 PP Den Helder Tel: +31(0)223-671727 Tel: +31(0)223-671727 Fax: +31(0)223-520505 Fax: +31(0)223-520505 Email: Email:
Luchthavenweg 6A 1786 PP Den Helder Tel: +31(0)223-671727 Fax: +31(0)223-520505 Email:
Accountmanager Offshore News 38 uur per week, regio Zuid-Holland
Werkzaamheden Wij bieden een zelfstandige functie met ruimte voor eigen inbreng. Als accountmanager van Offshore News heb je als belangrijkste taak het vergroten van de omzet en het uitbreiden van relaties. Je maakt verkoop- en bezoekrapportages en geeft media advies bij prospects en bestaande relaties. Je bent continu alert als het gaat om ontwikkelingen in de olie- en gas branche en vertaalt deze naar kansen voor onze onderneming. Met het verkoopteam, bestaande uit een collega accountmanager, een telefonisch verkoper behaal je de afgesproken omzetdoelstellingen. Hierbij is jouw individuele inbreng heel belangrijk. Wij vragen Heb jij passie voor sales en gevoel voor humor? Kunnen collega’s op je rekenen? Geen 9 tot 5 mentaliteit? Dan heb je bij ons een streepje voor. Verder vragen we: • afgeronde MBO opleiding, richting Commerciële Economie • minimaal 2 jaar ervaring in de buitendienst • aantoonbare ervaring in het ontwikkelen van verkoopacties • enthousiasme en gedrevenheid.
RedWave is een gespecialiseerde dienstverlener in de olie- & gasindustrie op het gebied van personeel in de disciplines, drilling, productie, engineering en medische dienstverlening.
Kraandrijvers (Offshore) RedWave is op zoek naar kraandrijvers met ervaring in de Olieen Gasindustrie en/of de windmolenbouw offshore. In deze functie ben je hoofdzakelijk verantwoordelijk voor het laden en lossen van supply vessels en het verplaatsen van lasten aan dek. Het onderhoud van de kraan hoort grotendeels ook bij het takenpakket. Als er geen activiteiten met de kraan zijn dan maak je deel uit van de dekploeg en werk je mee met verschillende disciplines en doe je uiteenlopende werkzaamheden. Functie- wensen • Geldig SOMA of vergelijkbaar offshore hijsbewijs • Geldige BOSIET training zijn een pré • Afgeronde opleiding, minimaal op VMBO niveau • Ervaring in de offshore, windmolenbouw of maritieme sector • Goede beheersing van de Nederlandse en Engelse taal • Flexibel en een hands-on mentaliteit • Teamspirit RedWave biedt jou een positie in onze kraandrijvers pool, vanuit deze pool word je ingezet op verschillende uitdagende locaties zoals op Olie- en Gasplatformen, booreilanden en windmolenbouw projecten offshore. Wij bieden een marktconform salaris en volop ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden.
Wij bieden • een goed basissalaris en een auto van de zaak • een mobiele telefoon • verkooptraining en opleidingsmogelijkheden • informele bedrijfscultuur Contact informatie Ben je geïnteresseerd?. Voor meer informatie over de functie kun je bellen naar 0223 610800 Solliciteer per e-mail:
Voor meer informatie neem contact op met: Kees van de Kroon 0251-261042
Atlas Services Group is an international leading recruitment company specialised in guiding and developing technical professionals in the marine and energy industries worldwide.
HSE Engineer Job description As a Senior HSE Engineer you will manage HSE hazards on our FPSO and SPM projects. Based on Client and Company requirements and your experience you will develop the project HSE Plan. This plan will serve as a guidance to manage risks to an ALARP level. Skills required • A Bachelor degree in a technical discipline. • Over 8 years experience in offshore and/or oil & gas industry environment. • Knowledge of relevant HSE Tools. • Good understanding of the English language, verbally as well as in writing. Contact For more information about this job vacancy please contact Ms. Özen, +31 23 556 04 30 or check for all job vacancies in the energy industry.
Atlas Services Group is an international leading recruitment company specialised in guiding and developing technical professionals in the marine and energy industries worldwide.
Assistant Drillers / Drillers / Toolpusher / Offshore Installation Manager Atlas Services Group is currently seeking Assistant Drillers / Drillers / Toolpushers / OIM’s, who are willing to join our clients as staff or as consultant. Our clients are predominantly Drilling Contractors who operate on a global scale. It’s a great opportunity to gain experience in a challenging environment with good compensation benefits. Skills required • Valid Well Control certificate • Offshore experience, preferably on jack-up’s • Experience within drilling operations Contact Do you have a degree and experience in these areas? Please contact Tim van der Stelt at +31 23 556 04 30 or tvanderstelt@ Have a look at our website for job vacancies in the energy industry:
RedWave is een gespecialiseerde dienstverlener in de olie- & gasindustrie op het gebied van personeel in de disciplines, drilling, productie, engineering en medische dienstverlening.
Senior E&I Technician (Offshore productie) RedWave zoekt voor een internationale olie- maatschappij een Senior E&I Technician Offshore. Deze succesvolle organisatie is offshore actief in Europa en Afrika. Met de ambitie om verder te groeien in Europa zoeken zij ter ondersteuning in het Nederlands Noordzeegebied een Senior E&I Technician met ruime ervaring in de offshore.
RedWave is een gespecialiseerde dienstverlener in de olie- & gasindustrie op het gebied van personeel in de disciplines, drilling, productie, engineering en medische dienstverlening.
Process Engineer (Offshore productie) Als Process Engineer voer je taken uit voor verschillende projecten van $50M tot $100M, de duur van de projecten variëren van een maand tot een jaar. Bij de uitvoering van projecten werk je nauw samen met de afdelingen: Manufacturing, Process automation, Project Management Design Engineering en andere betrokken partijen. Bij de klant pas je zijn Most Effective Technology toe en implementeer je dit als een preferred solution waar het nodig is.
Functie- wensen • Afgeronde elektrotechnische opleiding, minimaal op MBO-4 of HBO-niveau • Ruime werkervaring als Senior E&I • Technician Offshore • Kennis en ervaring met DCS, ESD, PLC en Bus systemen • Ben je bekend met UPS en Atex • Basis offshore en specialisten trainingen volgens NOGEPA(0.5, 1.1, 2.3, 2.6)
Functie- wensen • Afgeronde Bachelor of Master opleiding bij voorkeur richting • Engineering / Chemistry +/- 5 jaar ervaring in de petrochemische industrie. • Leidinggevende capaciteiten • Ervaring als Lead process engineer is een pré. • Ervaring binnen een (chemische) productie omgeving is een pre, geen must.
Wij bieden een uitdagende functie op een offshore productie platform, goede primaire en secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden met o.a. reiskosten vergoeding en een goede pensioenregeling. Daarbij bieden wij ook opleidingen en cursussen om je binnen het werkveld verder te ontwikkelen.
Wij bieden een uitdagende functie bij een professioneel internationaal georiënteerde organisatie , goede primaire en secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden met o.a. reiskosten vergoeding, een goede pensioenregeling en de mogelijkheid om mee te groeien met de organisatie en je talenten verder te ontplooien
Voor meer informatie neem contact op met: Jan Voorhout 0251-262502
Voor meer informatie neem contact op met: Robin Bakker 0251-262948
Professionals in energy personnel...
Drilling | Production Medical Services | Marine Contracting Construction & Maintenance
Insulation mechanic offshore /onshore As an insulator, you are responsible for professionally covering and insulating tubes, pipes and walls. (industrial and petrochemical plants, ship insulation, thermal insulation, acoustic insulation). You will perform in a team of insulation workers in accordance with the job specifications (drawings, sizes, order number, job number, etc.). You will install insulation (Rockwool, PIR, Armaflex, Isogenenpak etc.) Job requirements • VCA or VCA-full • Dutch or English speaking • Basic Insulation education • Relevant industry experience / petrochemic • Several years experience with insulation Working conditions • Good earnings and benefits • Fun team • Challenging projects Looking for a challenge? Please contact us at: 24/7 offshore jobs Tel +31622987186
Performer Scaffolding Words that suites the function and organization are: energy, control, freedom and responsibility, training and guidance. An open and informal culture where safety is paramount. Thanks to you, it’s all smooth. And sometimes you have to be quite straightforward to meet the demands of the contractor. You tune the work with the client, other contractors and subcontractors smoothly, your lead and dedication, instructions to your subordinates is essential to ultimately ensure that you are always able to complete the project
Experienced scaffolder (S) offshore foreman The client is a leading company in the industry. They are strong in building constructions and industrial scaffolding. They make every location and every place quickly and professional accessible. Speed, reliable design, sound performance and safety for those working at height, is essential. The client is currently looking for experienced scaffolders who can perform tasks offshore and can take the lead over a group of scaffolders. To be eligible for this position we are looking for candidates who have experience with traditional scaffolding. You will work two weeks offshore. Suitable candidates meet the following requirements: • Physically able to do heavy work • In the possession of a valid VCA / VOL certificate • In the possession of offshore paper (NOGEPA / OLF / OPITO) • Managerial work experience • At least in the possession of scaffolding A and B diploma • Experience with steel scaffolding • No 9 to 5 mentality A challenge? visit our website 24/7 offshore jobs Tel +31622987186
Offshore Welder Our client specializes in the design and manufacture of steel structures and piping for projects in the field of Offshore (oil, gas and wind) Everything is customized from relatively simple to very complex. The customer is looking for welders to strengthen their team of experts offshore Are you looking for a challenge where no two days are the same? We are looking for welders who can perform high quality work over and over again.
Your sharp eye misses nothing. You know exactly where problems may occur and how to prevent it. Rules are rules and safety comes first, for that you are constantly alert. You are precise, clear and ensures timeliness, completeness and quality of implementation. You discuss during the execution anomalies with the project manager and chief engineer.
Suitable welders are familiar with various welding as TIG welding (GTAW) and electrode welding (SMAW) and can weld different position (pipe and sheet metal) You need to be in the possession of TIG (GTAW) and electrode (SMAW) with valid certificates by punch list, preferably in 6G welding position, stainless steel, duplex, conifer, and carbon.
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Offshore Fitters
Foreman Insulation As an insulator, you are responsible for professionally covering and insulating tubes, pipes and walls. (industrial and petrochemical plants, ship insulation, thermal insulation, acoustic insulation) You will perform in a team of insulation workers in accordance with the job specifications (drawings, sizes, order number, job number, etc.). You will install insulation (Rockwool, PIR, Armaflex, Isogenenpak etc.) Job requirements • VCA- VOL • Dutch and English is required in speech and writing • Can read construction drawings, and able to instruct the mechanics. • Compline team control + - 20 man • Daily tracking daily report. • Progress reporting process with the performer. • Extensive experience in industrial/ petrochemical • Extensive experience with insulation. Working conditions • Good earnings and benefits • Fun team • Challenging projects
Our client is a national and internationally oriented company that operates both on land and offshore. A very professional but informal company that offers many opportunities for personal growth and development. Close collaboration with colleagues,clients and contractors is one of the main priorities within the organization. The client is a leader in the manufacture of complex steel structures, such as complete offshore piping and steel structures, for contractors in the international oil and gas industry. The pipe fitters we are looking for must be very versatile offshore. You have to work in a team and have a flexible attitude. In addition you need to speak the languages Dutch and English proficient. Visit our website for full profile 24/7 offshore jobs Tel +31622987186
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Costain achieves significant time savings with AVEVA Laser Modeller AVEVA today announced Costain, a leading UK Engineering Contractor (EPC) has achieved significant time and cost savings using AVEVA Laser Modeller. As an early adopter of the AVEVA software, Costain utilised the technology for a major North Sea oil & gas facility upgrade project. AVEVA Laser Modeller enabled the rapid conversion of nearly 1,000 laser scans into intelligent, as-built 3D plant models (in AVEVA PDMS), which helped to ensure the planned plant shutdown period of just 10 days. “We faced a number of significant delivery challenges at the start of this project, including the need to minimise plant shutdown during revamp,” said Chris Bridgland, the Head of Engineering Delivery at Costain. “By adopting the best technology for the job, our dedicated team of expert engineers overcame these challenges and achieved the seemingly impossible by demonstrating impressive time and cost savings. We estimate that we were 2-3 times quicker for pipework modelling and 4-5 times for steelwork structural engineering.” “By adopting a ‘survey to CAD’ technology approach, Costain
was able to reduce risks such as safety, access restrictions and construction accuracy”, added Fredy Ktourza, Senior Vice President – Western Europe & Africa, AVEVA. “The production of an as-built 3D model of the facility allowed Costain to plan the revamp work very accurately, avoiding unexpected on-site modifications that could have resulted in huge delays and costs.
Myti Mussels com fourth Maaskant-b
“By joining AVEVA’s Early Adopter programme, Costain was able to take advantage of this powerful new technology ahead of its official release in 2012. In turn, AVEVA gained valuable knowledge from the use of the product in a real-world project environment. This proved be extremely beneficial for both parties and we are very pleased with what Costain has been able to achieve.” AVEVA Laser Modeller software is hardware-neutral, accepting data from all leading laser scanning systems. Unique in the laser scanning market, it removes the need to produce interim ‘dumb’ geometric models. To learn more about AVEVA Laser Modeller visit Modeller.
NORTH SEA ENERGY BDO OFFSHORE OPEN Over 80 players, men and women from the oil and gas industry made the 1th edition of North Sea Energy BDO Offshore Open a great success. North Sea Energy BDO Offshore Openis a great mix of meeting industry professionals and having fun.The tournament held is Business to Business for employees and employers in the oil-, gas-, petrochemical and renewable energy industries. North Sea Energy is all about bringing the network together in a sporty and relaxing environment as sports and business go well
together. Attend or visit at North Sea Energy events and meet with industry professionals, do business, have fun, share ideas and increase your brand awareness. For 2013 BDO Den Helder was the main sponsor of this event. For more information and media gallery check
From October 2013, the telemagenta ‘Lottie Holly’ will brighten the Welsh waters working the mussel beds of Myti Mussels Ltd. Since its inception in 1982 this will be the fifth new mussel dredger that this family firm has commissioned and the fourth from Maaskant Shipyards Stellendam, part of the Damen Shipyards Group. The relationship started back in 1988, when a Maaskant mussel winch was purchased in Stellendam (the Netherlands) for their first boat. Since then the 24-metre BS-449 ‘Mytilus’ was delivered by Maaskant in 1999, followed by the 43-metre BS-8 ‘Valente’ in 2003. In 2004 the innovative 21-metre mussel harvesting barge BS-1 ‘Lôlipop’ was designed and built. The present 24-metre vessel BS-12 ‘Lottie Holly’ is developed to replace the ‘Lôlipop’ and also to perform fishing duties further afield.
Left: Dennis Bras (participant from Acta Marine) Middle: Michel Krediet (main sponsor) Right: Ilja Borgart (participant from ISB management)
Dual purpose The dual purpose roles of fishing and harvesting, coupled with the strict UK fishing vessel regulations have dictated its shape and form. The eye-catching colour of the hull was chosen by Mrs. Valerie Mould, who together with Mr. Kim
Mould are the sole owners of Myti Mussels Ltd.. Mr. Mould worked closely with Maaskant Shipyards to specify and bring this novel concept to a successful conclusion. The m.f.v. ‘Lottie Holly’, a.k.a. BS-12 (after its home port Beaumaris in Wales, UK) is being handed-over to Myti Mussels owners Valerie and husband Kim Mould on September 28 in Yerseke. This Dutch fishingport will be the main destination of Myti Mussels harvest. It is this wholesale (distribution) route that has determined the vessel’s configuration with two rigs. “We use 1,200-kilo big bags to truck our catch overnight from Bangor to Yerseke. The bags are filled on board, directly after mussel flushing, instead of bulk storage in the ship’s holds for onshore packaging”, Mr. Mould explains. Merai Strait With its eye-catching hull - Mrs.
Mould picks a different colour for each vessel and also designs the vessels’ interior - the ‘Lottie Holly’ can be seen, or rather cannot be missed, when working in the Merai Strait. This strait, separating the Isle of Anglesey from the Welsh mainland, is the vessel’s home stage. Here, Myti Mussels Ltd. has its mussel banks where the handy BS-12 will first seed and later net the mussels, or will be transporting in rest sea areas. The mussel seed fishing, where it all starts, is in the Irish Sea off Anglesey. Main characteristics & design The fishing vessel was designed by Myti Mussels Ltd. and Maaskant together, with Bruce Roberts Europe B.V. as final construction designers. The m.f.v. ‘Lottie Holly’, or BS-12 has yard number 611. The mussel dredger has two holds, a mussel flushing bunker and two propulsion engines. The aft deckhouse with the wheelhouse
mmissions built dredger
LUBBERS TRANSPORT GROUP INVESTS IN FIRST 100 TONNE 8 AXLE LOW LOADER TRAILER TO MEET OIL AND GAS DEMAND Oil and gas logistics specialists, Lubbers Transport Group, has invested £300,000 in its first 100 tonne SL type trailer as activity in the region’s energy industry continues to increase. Buoyed by the healthy North Sea market, the investment, which follows on from the £2.8million spent on expanding the firm’s fleet of trucks earlier in the year, will see the company’s UK arm, RTH Lubbers, take control of the specialist multi axle low loader trailer as it expands the way it services its various oil and gas clients.
trailer can operate as an 8 axle semi-trailer or a 3 bed 5 axle low loader. The trailer is also double extendable so is very versatile to the companies ever demanding carriage of Special Type loads. The trailer will operate throughout the UK and Europe across the group’s extensive network of routes. Given the size and specialist nature of the equipment the company has said it will use the trailer to transport some of the biggest equipment in the oil and gas industry including spoolers, risers and Reels. Tailford added: “The unique and
customised nature of the trailer will provide us with a significant advantage in the market place and allow us to transport some of the biggest loads in the oil and gas industry to most energy centres on the continent.” The investment comes after a period of sustained growth for the company with the firm extending its European network of routes as well as its recent expansion into Norway as it looks to consolidate its position in the oil and gas market.
Speaking of the investment, RTH Lubbers managing director, Tony Tailford said: “The oil and gas industry is an ever changing environment with the logistics requirements of many of the sector’s biggest players evolving on a daily basis. Investing in this new trailer, the first of its kind to operate in the UK, will give us increased flexibility in providing logistics solutions to our customers, an absolute necessity in the high demand oil and gas market.” The specialist trailer, which has been designed especially for the company has a removable extendable bed so that the
Leading Scottish subsea training facility scoops prestigious award Fort William-based subsea training and trials facility, The Underwater Centre, has picked up an award at the prestigious SCDI Highlands and Islands Annual Dinner and Business Excellence Awards 2013. on top leaves the crew free main deck space from three sides. A 4-drum winch holds 300 metres of 16 mm fishing wire. There are two rigs and a hydraulic marinetype deck crane with a 2.15-tonne SWL at 7,00 metres. The length (perpendiculars) is 23.62 m, the beam 10 m and the depth 2.65 m. The Lottie Holly is equipped with an accommodation for 3 crew. Damen Shipyards Group Damen Shipyards Group (est. 1927) operates more than 55 shipyards, repair yards and related companies worldwide. Damen employs 8,000 people in 35 countries, has delivered over 5,000 vessels since 1969 and delivers some 150 vessels annually to worldwide customers. Based on its unique, standardised ship-design concept and short delivery times, Damen is able to guarantee consistent quality. Damen’s focus on standardisation, modular construction and keeping vessels in stock leads to short delivery times, low ‘total cost of ownership’, high resale value, proven technology and reliable performance.
Damen offers a wide range of products, including: tugs, workboats, patrol vessels, high speed craft, cargo vessels, dredgers, offshore support vessels, oil-spill response vessels, frigates and super yachts. For nearly all vessel types Damen offers a broad range of Services, such as Lifecycle Maintenance Services, Customer Finance, Training and transfer of (shipbuilding) knowledge. In addition to ship design and shipbuilding, Damen Shiprepair & Conversion offers a network of 16 ship repair & conversion yards worldwide, most of which are conveniently located along the North Sea coast from Brest (France) to Gothenburg (Sweden). DS&C operates 40 dry docks of all types and sizes and offers onsite/onboard repair services. Conversion projects range from updating smaller or older vessels to today’s requirements to the complete conversion or rebuilding of large jack-up rigs. DS&C handles 1,500 repair and maintenance jobs annually.
The Underwater Centre was presented with the Global Energy Award for Excellence in People Development at the ceremony, which was attended by 350 guests from the Highland business and economic community. The award was presented to the business, based in the Highlands and Islands, which could best demonstrate its commitment to developing the skills of its employees. This involved leadership and a company-wide ethos of investment in people which shows a high priority to excellence of service, health and safety, sustainability and the communities in which its works. General Manager Steve Ham said: “It is an honour to have picked up this award. In a year when we have further developed our ties with industry, plus we have seen an increase in individual UK and international customers, it’s really pleasing that our efforts have been recognised by our industry peers. “This is testament to the hard work of all our staff and I would like to thank everyone at the Centre for
their input and efforts in helping to deliver our service in the UK and further afield.” The Underwater Centre has been training divers and ROV pilot technicians for almost 40 years. Its primary focus is to provide industry specific skills and competency training for commercial divers and ROV pilots, helping graduates into their new careers and providing the energy sector with the skilled workforce it needs. It is the only training centre in the world that offers the full range of Health and Safety Executive (HSE) commercial diving qualifications in air and mixed gas diver training, from HSE SCUBA to HSE Closed Bell diving. Global Energy Groups Communications Director Alastair Kennedy added: “The Underwater Centre has been recognised for some time as a leader in the training of skilled commercial divers, and their efforts to ensure that as many people as possible can benefit from the opportunities both in the North Sea and around the world are worthy of praise. “There is a growing demand for skilled workers to meet the needs of the oil and gas industry and wider energy sector and I hope through this scheme and others we can help a new
generation of Scots to access those opportunities.” Based at the head of Loch Linnhe, the Centre offers a unique sheltered, seawater site with a large private pier extending into the loch. The waters plunge to depths of 150 metres, which are ideal conditions for commercial diving and ROV training. There is also a large, purpose built, onshore diver and ROV training tank complex.The Scottish Council for Development and Industry (SCDI) is Scotland’s leading economic development organisation. Its aim is to influence and inspire government and key stakeholders to create sustainable economic prosperity for Scotland. Its membership includes SMEs, colleges and universities, government agencies, local authorities, trade unions, charities and the third sector. The SCDI annual dinner and awards celebrates excellence and showcases the achievements of the region’s businesses. The event took place at The Drumossie Hotel in Inverness on Friday, September 13. Anyone interested in more information about The Underwater Centre should contact 01397 703786 or fortwilliam@
Den Helder Airport: een zee aan mogelijkheden
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Luchthavenweg 4B 1786 PP Den Helder | Nederland Tel: +31 223 66 01 09
Fine Tuning bij DHSS De beide vestigingen van DHSS in Den Helder - het bedrijf opereert in alle Nederlandse havens en in Ghana - werkt nauw samen waar het de afhandeling van luchtvracht en crew changes betreft. Daarin speelt uiteraard het kantoor op Den Helder Airport een hoofdrol. Maar doordat veel bij het scheepsagentschap binnenkomende taken ook weer gevolgen hebben voor de luchtvaarttak, is er een behoorlijke mate van fine tuning bij DHSS ontstaan. “Het komt vooral doordat wij voor een aantal operators op de Noordzee behalve de vrachtafhandeling per helicopter en per schip ook de crewwisselingen van bijvoorbeeld hun schepen verzorgen”, legt directeur en oprichter van DHSS, Willem Schouwenaar, uit. Hij vertelt dat het scheepsagentschap regelmatig de vraag voorgelegd krijgt om te regelen dat een complete bemanning van het schip wordt opgehaald - per helicopter dus en dat dan tegelijkertijd de nieuwe bemanning wordt ingevlogen. We nemen vervolgens via ons Airportkantoor contact op met een luchtvaartmaatschappij zoals CHC of NHV, met wie wij nauw samenwerken. Bij hen
charteren we dan een helicopter en vervolgens regelen we dat de verse bemanning meegaat op de heenvlucht, zodat de afgeloste crew weer thuiskomt met de retourvlucht”. Die kennis en ervaring heeft er mede voor gezorgd dat DHSS door operator Tullow is gevraagd om vanaf 5 oktober 2013 behalve de (lucht- en zee-) vrachtafhandeling ook die van haar helicopterpassagiers te verzorgen. “Dus regelen wij vanaf die datum dat ons kantoor op de luchthaven alle vluchtgegevens aan de incheck balie verstrekt. We zorgen voor de vluchtlijsten, voor de paspoortcontroles, het controleren van de nationaliteiten en van de certificaten die de mensen individueel in bezit hebben. Er
gaat bij ons niemand met een vlucht mee die niet correct is gecertificeerd”. Geen dag zonder kranten Schouwenaar is zich bewust van de ‘sociale impact’ die het werken op offshore boor- en productieplatformen meebrengt. “Vandaar dat wij niet alleen grote waarde hechten aan een goede vluchtplanning, seats indeling en de controle op alle documenten maar ook aan het op tijd met de verschillende helicopters meesturen van de vracht. En daar hoort bijvoorbeeld de dagelijkse stroom kranten bij”. Een schijnbaar losse opmerking maar met inderdaad veel impact. Want het is een duidelijk gegeven dat iedereen op de platformen uitkijkt naar post en naar de
nieuwe krant. “Onze mensen beginnen elke dag - zeven dagen per week - om half zes in de vroege ochtend met het gereedmaken van de vracht voor de heli-vluchten van zeven uur”, vertelt hij. “Om dat te realiseren, moet je dat enorme pakket kranten dat wij elke ochtend heel vroeg aangeleverd krijgen, uitsorteren over alle platformen. We hebben daarvoor speciale rekken in gebruik, waardoor we op tijd aan de helicopters voor elk platform de juiste kranten in de juiste hoeveelheden kunnen meegeven. Samen met de post”. Het is een (klein) voorbeeld van de inspanningen die de medewerkers van DHSS op de luchthaven zich getroosten om het iedereen op het Nederlandse Continentaal Plat zoveel mogelijk naar de zin te maken. Alweer 16 jaar DHSS werd op 1 mei 1997 opgericht. Nog altijd is het hoofdkantoor gevestigd op een havenkade in Den Helder, waardoor de af te handelen
schepen als het ware ‘voor de deur’ afmeren. “We handelen jaarlijks zo’n 400 schepen in de Helderse haven af”, weet Schouwenaar. In de andere havens naderen de daar afgehandelde aantallen schepen al aardig dezelfde cijfers. “We werken voor oliemaatschappijen, rederijen, bevoorradingsmaatschappijen, offshore-aannemers en seismische contractors”, zegt de DHSS-directeur. “In de havens verzorgen we scheepsagentuur, douanezaken, expeditie, project logistics, stuwage, opslag en zoals gezegd bemanningswisselingen. Op de luchthaven dus de vracht- en dispatchactiviteiten plus bijvoorbeeld taxivervoer, hotelaccomodaties en waar nodig Schengenvisa voor bemanningsleden. Wij verzorgen dus al weer 16 jaar de volledige regie voor iedere operator in de offshorewereld”.
W HEN 16
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First customer benefits from new ‘Quick Docking/Fuel Saving’ package at Damen Shiprepair & Conversion Damen Shiprepair & Conversion has developed a new innovative product, the ‘Quick Docking/Fuel Saving’ package. This offers owners a fast and low-cost additional docking with the sole aim of reducing fuel consumption in between the five-year statutory survey period. The first vessel booked under the new concept has docked at Damen Shiprepair Brest (France). It is the capesize bulker ‘Castillo De Catoira’ operated by Spanish company Empresa Naviera Elcano. Damen expects to bring more of its vessels to its ship repair yards. Jos Goris, Managing Director of Damen Shiprepair Brest and initiator of the concept, comments: “We know that hull resistance builds up during years of service and this can have a significant impact on performance and consequently, fuel costs. By introducing this product, we are thinking along with our customers and know that fuel costs are a major consideration for shipowners and charterers, especially in this economic climate.”
Mr Kees Jan Groen, Commercial Director Damen Shiprepair & Conversion adds: “Charterers are focusing more and more on vessel performance and its impact on fuel consumption. Owners can add value by ensuring the vessel is performing in accordance with the chartering agreement and Damen can add value and help our clients perform better.” Quick Docking characteristics Under the package, anti-fouling and fresh coatings are applied to improve hull performance, propellers are given a super high polish and the yard fine-tunes the main engine. “Inside and out, everything is optimised for efficient fuel consumption. By improving the engine and propulsion line and applying coatings, the vessel’s performance is improved considerably, said Mr. Goris.”
Damen expects the fuel saving docking – which can take as little as a few days – to pay for itself within six to eight months depending on the type and size of the vessel. The package is provided on a lump sum basis. The ‘Quick Docking/ Fuel Saving’ package can be executed at any of Damen Shiprepair & Conversion yards, which boasts 40 dry docks throughout Northwest Europe. “We aim to provide new and innovative services for shipowners and managers which can help them add value for their clients,” says Mr Goris. Damen Shiprepair & Conversion is developing more value added ‘Quick Docking’ services to be introduced shortly.
Frost & Sullivan announces offshore oil & gas exploration and growing shipbuilding sector to boost electrical equipment for marine The Asia-Pacific market for electrical equipment for marine and offshore solutions has been concentrated in South Korea, Japan and Singapore. While South Korea and Singapore have been the hubs of the offshore structure building industry, Japan and South Korea are leaders in marine vessel manufacturing. Electrical Equipment and Solution for Marine and Offshore Markets in Asia-Pacific, finds that the market earned revenues of US$350.0 million in 2012 and estimates this to reach US$467.4 million in 2017. The main end-user segments are marine vessels and offshore structures. “The shipbuilding industry had experienced a slump in demand for ships due to oversupply and financial constraints among shipbuilders,” said Frost & Sullivan Energy & Environmental Senior Research Analyst Avanthika Satheesh P. “However, the electrical equipment market is likely to grow with the rising demand for ship maintenance and increasing offshore oil exploration.” The depletion of onshore fields has spawned offshore explorations, and the recent trend of converting existing liquid nitrogen gas (LNG) carriers into offshore structures such as floating production storage offloading (FPSO) provides a huge boost to the electrical equipment market. The market will also benefit greatly from the incentives offered by governments in countries such as Malaysia and the Philippines. They offer tax holidays and tax rebates on the equipment used in the shipbuilding sector, which is a significant revenue driver for electrical equipment manufacturers. “In Indonesia and Malaysia, the government gives high priority to ‘local content value’ in oil & gas projects,” noted Satheesh.
“They mandate the installation of equipment that is manufactured in the country, giving an opportunity to regional manufacturers to increase their presence in offshore projects.” The shipbuilding industry too has regulations to ensure highquality production. The high technical specifications of the shipbuilding sector compel the installation of electrical distribution products that are compliant with various standards such as National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and American National Standards Institute (ANSI). However, not many OEMs are capable of adhering to these standards and the shipbuilders end up procuring the products from European countries such as Belgium and Norway. Shipbuilders and oil companies maintain a master list of vendors that are most preferred during project procurements. The market will have abundant opportunities for regional participants that strive to gain entry into that list by complying with the customers’ technical and commercial terms and conditions. If you are interested in more information on this research, please send an email to Donna Jeremiah, Corporate Communications, at djeremiah@ mailto:djeremiah@ ), with your full name, company name, job title, telephone number, company email address, company website, city, state and country.
Baker Hughes and CGG strengthen business alliance Baker Hughes Incorporated (NYSE: BHI) and CGG (NYSE/Euronext: CGG) announced today the signing of a Letter of Intent to realign the firms’ VSFusion joint venture to focus on microseismic monitoring, processing, visualization, and interpretation as well as microseismic permanent monitoring. The joint venture, now called Magnitude, strengthens the capabilities of Baker Hughes and CGG in unconventional resource plays and other emerging markets.
data to help oil and gas operators reduce risk in their reservoir development investments,” commented Lionel Lhommet, Executive Vice President of Strategy, Integration and Partnerships for CGG.
The two firms initially formed the VSFusion joint venture in 2003 to provide borehole seismic services. The explosive growth in unconventionals and mounting evidence that reservoir characterization is paramount to maximizing recovery from fractured zones indicates a greater need to include microseismic for a more integrated approach. In addition to borehole microseismic monitoring, Magnitude will
The realignment of the joint venture further strengthens the business partnership between Baker Hughes and CGG. Last year, the firms announced the formation of a collaborative relationship to improve shale reservoir exploration.
work more closely with CGG and their microseismic team to provide a more complete reservoir monitoring solution for its customers. VSP services, now structured under the Baker Hughes Reservoir Development Services group, will continue to provide their customers with superior borehole seismic data processing results. “Combining the reservoir
understanding services of Baker Hughes and the seismic data acquisition capabilities of CGG will offer clients unparalleled understanding of how to optimize the development of the reservoir,” commented Derek Mathieson, President of Baker Hughes’ Western Hemisphere operations. “Magnitude integrates the latest innovative technologies from Baker Hughes and CGG, combining downhole and surface
This shale science alliance uses reservoir models that integrate log-derived, near-wellbore geomechanical and petrophysical
properties from Baker Hughes with calibrated seismic data from CGG to help operators optimize well placement and completion design earlier in the asset lifecycle for more efficient well construction and more productive wells. Magnitude’s microseismic capabilities add critical microseismic data to the reservoir models. Fernando Lopez has been named President and CEO of Magnitude. He was formerly Director of Strategic Marketing for Baker Hughes. During his 8-year tenure with Baker Hughes, Lopez held a variety of other leadership roles. Prior to joining Baker Hughes, Lopez worked in lead management positions for other service sector providers.
Leading Scottish subsea training facility scoops prestigious award Fort William-based subsea training and trials facility, The Underwater Centre, has picked up an award at the prestigious SCDI Highlands and Islands Annual Dinner and Business Excellence Awards 2013. The Underwater Centre was presented with the Global Energy Award for Excellence in People Development at the ceremony, which was attended by 350 guests from the Highland business and economic community. The award was presented to the business, based in the Highlands and Islands, which could best demonstrate its commitment to developing the skills of its employees. This involved leadership and a company-wide ethos of investment in people which shows a high priority to excellence of service, health and safety, sustainability and the communities in which its works. General Manager Steve Ham said: “It is an honour to have picked up this award. In a year when we have further developed our ties with industry, plus we have seen an increase in individual UK and international customers, it’s really pleasing that our efforts have been recognised by our industry peers. “This is testament to the hard work of all our staff and I would like to thank everyone at the Centre for
their input and efforts in helping to deliver our service in the UK and further afield.” The Underwater Centre has been training divers and ROV pilot technicians for almost 40 years. Its primary focus is to provide industry specific skills and competency training for commercial divers and ROV pilots, helping graduates into their new careers and providing the energy sector with the skilled workforce it needs. It is the only training centre in the world that offers the full range of Health and Safety Executive (HSE) commercial diving qualifications in air and mixed gas diver training, from HSE SCUBA to HSE Closed Bell diving. Global Energy Groups Communications Director Alastair Kennedy added: “The Underwater Centre has been recognised for some time as a leader in the training of skilled commercial divers, and their efforts to ensure that as many people as possible can benefit from the opportunities both in the North Sea and around the world are worthy of praise. “There is a growing demand for skilled workers to meet the needs of the oil and gas industry and wider energy sector and I hope through this scheme and others we can help a new generation of Scots to access those
opportunities.” Based at the head of Loch Linnhe, the Centre offers a unique sheltered, seawater site with a large private pier extending into the loch. The waters plunge to depths of 150 metres, which are ideal conditions for commercial diving and ROV training. There is also a large, purpose built, onshore diver and ROV training tank complex. The Scottish Council for Development and Industry (SCDI) is Scotland’s leading economic development organisation. Its aim is to influence and inspire government and key stakeholders to create sustainable economic prosperity for Scotland. Its membership includes SMEs, colleges and universities, government agencies, local authorities, trade unions, charities and the third sector. The SCDI annual dinner and awards celebrates excellence and showcases the achievements of the region’s businesses. The event took place at The Drumossie Hotel in Inverness on Friday, September 13. Anyone interested in more information about The Underwater Centre should contact 01397 703786 or fortwilliam@
Costain achieves significant time savings with AVEVA Laser Modeller AVEVA today announced Costain, a leading UK Engineering Contractor (EPC) has achieved significant time and cost savings using AVEVA Laser Modeller. As an early adopter of the AVEVA software, Costain utilised the technology for a major North Sea oil & gas facility upgrade project. AVEVA Laser Modeller enabled the rapid conversion of nearly 1,000 laser scans into intelligent, as-built 3D plant models (in AVEVA PDMS), which helped to ensure the planned plant shutdown period of just 10 days. “We faced a number of significant delivery challenges at the start of this project, including the need to minimise plant shutdown during revamp,” said Chris Bridgland, the Head of Engineering Delivery at Costain. “By adopting the best technology for the job, our dedicated team of expert engineers overcame these challenges and achieved the seemingly impossible by demonstrating impressive time and cost savings. We estimate that we were 2-3 times quicker for pipework modelling and 4-5 times for steelwork structural engineering.”
was able to reduce risks such as safety, access restrictions and construction accuracy”, added Fredy Ktourza, Senior Vice President – Western Europe & Africa, AVEVA. “The production of an as-built 3D model of the facility allowed Costain to plan the revamp work very accurately, avoiding unexpected on-site modifications that could have resulted in huge delays and costs. “By joining AVEVA’s Early Adopter programme, Costain was able to take advantage of this powerful new technology ahead of its official release in 2012. In turn, AVEVA gained valuable knowledge from the use of the product in a real-world project environment. This proved be extremely beneficial for both parties and we are very pleased with what Costain has been able to achieve.” AVEVA Laser Modeller software is hardware-neutral, accepting data from all leading laser scanning systems. Unique in the laser scanning market, it removes the need to produce interim ‘dumb’ geometric models. To learn more about AVEVA Laser Modeller visit Modeller.
“By adopting a ‘survey to CAD’ technology approach, Costain
EMGS presents NEW CHAIRMAN AT TEKMAR the first results from the subsalt project in the US Gulf of Mexico Leading offshore cable protection company, Tekmar Energy, has bolstered its senior management team with the appointment of a new chairman. High profile industry figure Ally MacDonald takes up the post. With 25 years’ experience in the oil and gas industry and a background in engineering, Mr MacDonald brings a wealth of knowledge to the role where he will help to further drive forward Tekmar’s business growth.
At the SEG conference in Houston, Schlumberger and EMGS presented the first results from their joint sub-salt project in the US Gulf of Mexico. The results show that using EM provides significant improvement in prestack depth migrated images compared to seismic alone under complex salt structures. This is the first time EM data has been used to improve seismic
images below complex salt structures. "We are excited to see such substantial improvement in the early stages of the application of the EM technology below salt and look forward to presenting this solution to the industry together with Schlumberger. We firmly believe that this will create substantial value to our clients," says Roar Bekker, CEO of EMGS.
He joins Tekmar after five years of executive management positions at Wellstream, which was acquired by GE Oil & Gas during 2011. Prior to that, Mr MacDonald spent 19 years with Technip and was Managing Director of their DUCO umbilicals business. An engineer by trade, he graduated with an honours degree in mechanical engineering.
Mr MacDonald said: “It is an attractive challenge to be joining an ambitious company which, through its industry-leading technology and established track record, has significant opportunities to continue to expand and evolve. The company has enjoyed an exceptional growth story to date and I look forward to helping to build on this success
and further develop the business.” Founded in 1985, Tekmar initially specialised in oil and gas before expanding into the offshore renewables industry when it developed bespoke cable protection systems for cables connecting wind turbines. The company recently announced that it has further enhanced its oil and gas industry offering, whilst maintaining its leading position in offshore renewables. Chief Executive James Richie said: “Attracting someone with Ally’s experience and status in the energy industry is a great coup for the team at Tekmar. His depth of knowledge and network of contacts, combined with his
engineering background, will be pivotal to helping to accelerate business growth across both oil and gas and offshore wind.
“Tekmar’s business strategy is underpinned by its clear vision to deliver high value solutions to the energy industry. We are committed to helping to drive down costs and minimise risk of subsea cabling in offshore wind as well as to become a market-leading supplier of specialist protection systems for the oil and gas subsea umbilicals risers and flowlines (SURF) sector.” Headquartered in Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, Tekmar provides bespoke solutions to the oil and gas and offshore wind industries.
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Africa Mercy world’s largest Senergy’s survey nongovernamental hospital ship & geo-engineering But as with all vessels of this scale, yearly maintenance helps keep the Africa Mercy fully operational for 10 months of the year. In June, the vessel made her third trip to Astican Shipyard in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria for scheduled repair and upkeep. There, the Africa Mercy received significant upgrades, including improvements to the ship’s engine and navigation and functional interior refurbishments. But as with all vessels of this scale, yearly maintenance helps keep the Africa Mercy fully operational for 10 months of the year. In June, the vessel made her third trip to Astican Shipyard in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria for scheduled repair and upkeep. There, the Africa Mercy received significant upgrades, including improvements to the ship’s engine and navigation and functional interior refurbishments. On the inside, much needed capacity was added to the hospital’s surgical operations as one operating room was transformed into a post anesthetic
care unit, increasing ward space by 20%. Thanks to the Africa Mercy now, people who would not otherwise have access to such treatments can receive professional care in a controlled, clean and safe environment; a maximum of 7.000 surgical procedures can be performed aboard the ship annually. The Africa Mercy is the largest non-governmental hospital ship on the planet. With 450 crew from more than 40 different countries, five operating rooms, five wards, labs, x-ray suite and a training program for local medical staff it generates a huge effort for the
countless patients throughout Africa’s deprived coastal regions. The unique mobility of the stateof-the-art specialist surgical hospital provides medical attention ranging from tumor removal and orthopaedic repair to cleft palate reconstruction and dental care. The success of the Africa Mercy has led Mercy Ships to look toward expansion of the fleet with a newly built. With plans that have been developed with the help of Stena and approved by Mercy Ships International, a new ship could be deployed as early as 2017.
division expands globally
Energy services company Senergy has reinforced its survey and geoengineering team by almost 30% after further building on its fastgrowing global footprint through the expanding geographical reach of its operations.
experiencing across our operations is indicative of the increasing market demand for our specialist, integrated services. As a result, the business expansion has led to a substantial increase in resources and capabilities for clients.
New contract wins across the UK, Norway and Australia have resulted in the growth of the company’s survey and geoengineering division which has also seen its team of experts increase from 36 to 46 with plans to further grow this by more than 30% to 55 people by the end of 2014.
“We are also pleased to welcome Philip Staten as our general manager in our Bath office which, on top of our oil and gas capabilities, is focused on the growing renewables sector. Philip, who brings more than 30 years’ experience in the civil and geotechnical market, will further enhance the strength of our senior management team.”
A new general manager has been appointed at Senergy’s Bath office in the UK while a senior geotechnical engineer has joined the company’s Perth office in Australia. In addition to this and with an increased presence at Senergy’s base in Stavanger, the company has also been awarded a Norwegian Framework Agreement which marks the first time that Senergy has been asked to supply geotechnical client representatives for Statoil’s Oil and Gas projects on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Senergy, which was ranked earlier this year as number 10 in a league table of the UK’s fastest growing international businesses, provides fully-integrated project and asset development services across the energy sector.
Chevron Technology Ventures launches $90 million fund V Chevron Technology Ventures LLC (CTV) announced today that it has launched CTV Fund V, a $90 million venture capital fund to invest in early- to midstage companies and in limited partnership funds. Investments from CTV Fund V will focus on companies developing emerging technologies that have the potential to improve Chevron’s oil and gas base business performance or create new opportunities for growth. “We provide an excellent source of innovative technologies that
can deliver value to Chevron’s business units when applied,” said CTV President Barbara Burger. “We are using venture capital as a conduit for early adoption of emerging technologies and to build a pipeline of innovation for Chevron.” CTV-managed strategic investments prior to Fund V have supported a wide range of companies and venture capital funds. Partner technologies are used across Chevron’s Upstream and Downstream business units, producing substantial earnings for
the company. CTV screens more than 400 opportunities per year, selecting one to three companies in which to invest. The company has a current portfolio of 37 companies. Formed in June 1999, CTV invests in technology start-up companies whose innovations could significantly benefit Chevron’s existing businesses and lead to new growth opportunities. CTV identifies, sponsors and demonstrates emerging technology and champions its integration into Chevron.
Its survey and geo-engineering capabilities, which serve both the oil and gas industry and renewable energy market, span: geophysics and geo-hazard assessment; geotechnical and foundation engineering studies; survey, positioning and inspection; data management and geographic information system (GIS) solutions; cable burial and trenching assessment; due diligence and expert witness; and environmental science. Phil Edwards, head of survey and geo-engineering at Senergy, said: “The strong growth we are
Established in 2005, Senergy has a global talent pool of more than 700 people across a network of locations in the UK, Scandinavia, the Middle East, Australia, South East Asia and the Americas. The company delivers fully integrated project and asset development services across the energy industry, and has rapidly emerged as a global leader in diversified energy services through organic growth and a series of acquisitions. The company’s services encompass geosciences, reservoir engineering, geohazard assessment, marine site surveys, rig positioning, wells engineering and operations, production optimisation, reserve and asset evaluation, facilities engineering, project management, power engineering and alternative energy solutions. Senergy also develops and supports innovative software technologies including Interactive Petrophysics™ and Oilfield Data Manager™. Senergy became a member of the Lloyd’s Register (LR) Group in September 2013, following an agreement for LR to take a significant investment in the company.
ABERDEEN HARBOUR EMERGING AS KEY NORTH EAST DESTINATION FOR CRUISE CALLS AS RECORD SEASON CLOSES Aberdeen Harbour has welcomed the last of this year’s cruise ships to the city as the port rounds off a record-breaking year. The 500 ft. MV Funchal, the only remaining Portuguese cruise liner, was the last of 13 ships to visit the city this summer, the highest number to have visited Aberdeen Harbour during the summer season. Chief executive of Aberdeen Harbour, Colin Parker, said: “This record breaking season, which has included a number of new vessels that have visited during the summer, is a reflection of the growing number of cruise operations that recognise the first-class services provided by Aberdeen Harbour. This also highlights the growing popularity of north east Scotland as a destination.” The four-month cruise season began in May with the arrival of the Island Sky and continued right through the summer months with visits from the vessels Ortelius
and Fram. Another highlight was the arrival of the striking Sea Cloud II, a vessel modelled on the classic barques of the early 20th century, and one that features an impressive set of sails measuring 32,150sq ft. This vessel combines all the hallmarks of a classic cruise ship with the luxury and design for modern seafarers. Mr Parker added: “Aberdeen is an ideal port of call for these vessels as it allows operators to offer passengers the choice to explore the unique culture and breathtaking local scenery. This is an attractive option as ships head on their way to the Scottish Islands and beyond. The record number of ships in 2013 is a reflection of this and, if our potential expansion of berthing facilities at a new harbour at Nigg Bay can be delivered, we could welcome larger vessels, further enhancing Aberdeen as a mustvisit destination on the cruise ship circuit.” The 13 port calls brought well over
Inocean won the CAT I drillship design contract from Statoil Inocean has been awarded the contract for the Concept and option for FEED for the Statoil CAT I Drillship. - The most important contract for Inocean ever, says Jon Erik Borgen, CEO of Inocean. – Being developed for arctic operations, we are probably speaking of the most advanced and sophisticated unit evolved within drilling operations. Having this opportunity to develop the drillship of tomorrow is a big recognition of our design and engineering capabilities. We also appreciate that a Norwegian designer was chosen by Statoil in a strong competition with several major international players, says Jon Erik Borgen. The CAT I Drillship will be tailored for the Statoil Arctic Step-up program through suitable winteri-
zation, increased capabilities and a hull suitable for operations in ice infested waters. It is designed to minimize the environmental footprint and arranged with maximum focus on HSE. The design is based on the INO-80 Drillship. The contract is a result of winning a 6 month design competition. The contract includes the Concept Design and option for the FEED (Front End Engineering Design) which is planned to go on until the end of 2014.
1,500 visitors to Aberdeen and the North East, linking the region to destinations including the Northern Isles, Outer Hebrides and Norway. Aberdeen Harbour works alongside the 14 other member ports that make up Cruise
Scotland, promoting the country as an attractive cruise ship destination for overseas travellers. The harbour is also a member of Cruise Europe, a long established organisation with similar aims for many European coastal states. The success of the cruise
season contributed to the wider performance of Aberdeen Harbour whose six-month results for 2013 revealed a continued growth in vessel tonnage and turnover for the first half of the year.
Costain achieves significant time savings with AVEVA Laser Modeller
Agenda 2013 Offshore Energy 2013 15 - 16 October 2013 Den Helder, the Netherlands OTC Brasil Rio de Janeiro 2013 29 - 31 October 2013 Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Europort Rotterdam 5 - 8 November 2013 Rotterdam, the Netherlands Offshore West Africa 21 - 23 January 2014 Accra, Ghana
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Douane beloont KVSA Customs Services B.V. met AEO-certificaat IJmuiden - De douane ziet KVSA Customs Services B.V. als een betrouwbare partner. Daarom heeft dit bedrijf het certificaat AEO (Authorised Economic Operator) gekregen. Daarmee is de controledruk aan de grens lager, waardoor er aanzienlijk minder oponthoud is. ‘We zijn blij met dit certificaat, dat geldt als een keurmerk’, aldus algemeen directeur Frans Baud van het internationaal opererend bedrijf. ‘Hiermee kunnen we onze opdrachtgevers nog beter van dienst zijn.’ Het AEO-certificaat biedt KVSA Customs Services B.V. veel voordelen. Niet alleen omdat de controledruk wordt verlaagd, maar ook omdat de controles op een andere plaats dan bij de grens kunnen plaatsvinden. Als er toch controle is dan krijgen bedrijven die een AEO-certificaat hebben dit van te voren te horen. Bovendien krijgen ze voorrang bij de controle. Daarvan profiteren de bedrijven waarvoor KVSA Customs Services B.V. de douaneformaliteiten verzorgt, legt Frans Baud uit. ‘Door het certificaat kunnen zendingen sneller de grens over en dat is voor ons en voor onze handelspartners uiteraard gunstig.’ Na de aanslagen in New York in 2001 zijn de grenscontroles
niet alleen voor personen maar ook voor goederen veel strenger geworden. De klassieke controlemethode van de douane kenmerkt zich door wantrouwen. De douane selecteert en controleert. Deze methode kost veel extra tijd. Om het bedrijfsleven tegemoet te komen kan een bedrijf de status van een Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) aanvragen. Het daarbij behorende certificaat is geldig in de gehele Europese Unie en ook in een flink aantal landen buiten Europa. De douane gaat bij dit controlesysteem uit van vertrouwen. De douane kijkt hoe een bedrijf bij hen en de Koninklijke Marechaussee bekend staat, welke certificeringen een bedrijf al heeft en bekijkt ook de verantwoordelijkheid van de organisatie. Voordat het certificaat wordt uitgereikt, beoordeelt de douane dus of een bedrijf betrouwbaar is. ‘We zijn uiteraard trots op de gunstige beoordeling ’, zegt Frans Baud. ‘Het is mooi dat de douane en het bedrijfsleven op deze manier samenwerken. Zo zijn we samen verantwoordelijk voor een veilige internationale handel.’
Fort William-based subsea training and trials facility, The Underwater Centre, has picked up an award at the prestigious SCDI Highlands and Islands Annual Dinner and Business Excellence Awards 2013.
“This is testament to the hard work of all our staff and I would like to thank everyone at the Centre for their input and efforts in helping to deliver our service in the UK and further afield.”
The Underwater Centre was presented with the Global Energy Award for Excellence in People Development at the ceremony, which was attended by 350 guests from the Highland business and economic community.
The Underwater Centre has been training divers and ROV pilot technicians for almost 40 years. Its primary focus is to provide industry specific skills and competency training for commercial divers and ROV pilots, helping graduates into their new careers and providing the energy sector with the skilled workforce it needs.
The award was presented to the business, based in the Highlands and Islands, which could best demonstrate its commitment to developing the skills of its employees. This involved leadership and a company-wide ethos of investment in people which shows a high priority to excellence of service, health and safety, sustainability and the communities in which its works. General Manager Steve Ham said: “It is an honour to have picked up this award. In a year when we have further developed our ties with industry, plus we have seen an increase in individual UK and international customers, it’s really pleasing that our efforts have been recognised by our industry peers.
It is the only training centre in the world that offers the full range of Health and Safety Executive (HSE) commercial diving qualifications in air and mixed gas diver training, from HSE SCUBA to HSE Closed Bell diving. Global Energy Groups Communications Director Alastair Kennedy added: “The Underwater Centre has been recognised for some time as a leader in the training of skilled commercial divers, and their efforts to ensure that as many people as possible can benefit from the opportunities both in the North Sea and around the world are worthy of praise. “There is a growing demand for skilled workers to meet the needs
of the oil and gas industry and wider energy sector and I hope through this scheme and others we can help a new generation of Scots to access those opportunities.” Based at the head of Loch Linnhe, the Centre offers a unique sheltered, seawater site with a large private pier extending into the loch. The waters plunge to depths of 150 metres, which are ideal conditions for commercial diving and ROV training. There is also a large, purpose built, onshore diver and ROV training tank complex. The Scottish Council for Development and Industry (SCDI) is Scotland’s leading economic development organisation. Its aim is to influence and inspire government and key stakeholders to create sustainable economic prosperity for Scotland. Its membership includes SMEs, colleges and universities, government agencies, local authorities, trade unions, charities and the third sector. The SCDI annual dinner and awards celebrates excellence and showcases the achievements of the region’s businesses. The event took place at The Drumossie Hotel in Inverness on Friday, September 13.
SeaMar Steel cutting
Op vrijdag 13 september heeft de directie van de douane het AEOcertificaat uitgereikt aan KVSA Customs Services B.V.
Steel cutting ceremony SeaMar new build “Deep Helder” took place at 19th of September 2013 at shipyard the Hoop. The Steel cutting event signifies a major milestone for the new build project to meet delivery June 2014. The 65 m long DP2 class vessel is designed for low fuel
consumption, clean ship/green passport/SPS2008 and high comfort class notation (Comf1). The vessel will be equipped with an offshore crane, 4 point mooring, Survey and ROV systems. A total of 50 personnel can be accommodated on the vessel. The ship management and marine
crewing shall be undertaken by Seamar Subsea B.V and the vessel shall sail under Dutch Flag. On the picture from left to right; M.Osinga (de Hoop), L.Balkema (SeaMar), R.Balkema(SeaMar), Vries (de Hoop), J.Sol (SeaMar) and H.Woltman (de Hoop)