OISTAT fosters global connections among Your involvement and support enable us facilitate cultural exchange.
I hope 2023 has started well for you all. It was amazing seeing many of you in 2022! Despite all the uncertainties still in force in 2022, we had some dreams come true and opportunities to gather and celebrate faceto-face our passion and drive for Theatre, Performance and Live events.
In 2022, two major projects were carried out, facilitating and promoting international gatherings: the 5th edition of World Stage Design (WSD) held in Calgary, Canada and the 2nd edition of Southern European and Northern African OISTAT Scenography Forum & Festival (SENA), in Rabat, Morocco. Congratulations to all organizers, exhibitors and participants for making these brilliant events! Due to the pandemic these two events overlapped in the second half of the year, making it difficult for many to attend both, but this was an extraordinary situation as they are planned to take place in different years; the next editions are scheduled for 2024SENA and 2025- WSD.
Many other face-to-face and online opportunities have been promoted by OISTAT commissions, OISTAT Centres and OISTAT members. Of the beautiful memories of the OISTAT 2022 events that I was able to participate in, I would like to highlight the incredible kindness and enthusiasm of the OISTAT people, and how in our diversity of languages, cultures, points of view - in the context of this special international community - we feel welcomed, cared for, and provided with plenty opportunities to share our visions.
I would like to emphasize in this report, special moments I experienced from some face-to-face 2022 events. Starting with the most touching performance I watched - Iniskim: Return Of The Buffalo, in Calgary at WSD 2022; the chance of meeting talented young designers from Morocco at SENA exhibition; to celebrate the Theatre Day with dear colleagues from
APCEN, OISTAT Portuguese Centre, in Portugal; to participate in great presentations and discussions at the amazing Performance Design Future Symposium in Cyprus, organized by CYCSTAT, OISTAT Cypriot Centre; to gather with OISTAT members from many countries in Prague, attending the PQ Symposium, as many are national curators – reinforcing the historical and natural bridge between OISTAT and PQ.
Online events and meetings were many, just as today they allow us to connect more often, work closer and meet new people from a distance. Thus, I had the pleasure of meeting the designers of Imaginario Colectivo, Chile, an important bridge promoted by AOS, OISTAT Spanish Centre; being once again, but online, with colleagues from Portugal, at the APCEN event and president elections; and collaborate with ABTT, OISTAT UK Centre - as a member of the editorial committee for ITEAC 2023International Theatre Engineering and Architecture Conference, which in its preparation was held a 1-day event - Horizon - tuning in people from all over the world in October 2022.
There was a particularly touching online event that I was honoured to participate in, the International Conference: Theatre in Shelter, organized by our dear colleagues in Ukraine, who also courageously organized a gallery exhibition! All I can say is Thank you, as it is difficult to find words that can express the experience. Therefore, reflecting on 2022, two words came to mind: HOPE – in sense of dreams and chances, and RESILIENCE – the balance between strength and flexibility.
2022 seems to mark a watershed year in many aspects of history. As the COVID-19 pandemic eased in many countries, allowing international gatherings, families reunite, the return of live events and to put new projects in perspective, we saw the rising of political, economic and
climate global crises, leading to deepening humanitarian crises. With the prospect of these crises continuing into 2023 and beyond, hope and resilience must keep on alive.
As an international organization of theatre and performance makers we have the capacity to expand and maintain international bridges, overcoming walls and breaking borders. OISTAT is a very important platform in this scenario, as it allows us to strengthen professional networks and stay connected; to share and access information that reflects reality through members from different countries and regions; to express and educate critically and creatively the new generations through the Arts and Theatre.
The continuous meetings, projects and activities organized and promoted by OISTAT commissions and members invite us to think and act in response to what we can do through our practices, in the education field and in our capacity to help minimize the direct or indirect impacts of these crises, in the short or long term.
2022 as a post-pandemic turning point forces us to review ways of doing in many areas. Considering the management of OISTAT, we continue to adjust to the new world order and seek for new ways of operating and communicating. Changes imply more work and time, in addition to foreseeing possible impacts on a large and diverse community. In collaboration with EC, GB and members, we brainstorm, formulate and test new ideas, but we also need to be prepared for unforeseen events. It's important to stay connected, working as a team, communicating ideas and visions; I'm here to listen to you all.
As stated in my first letter as your President-elect, there is a high aim to establish continuous and close communication and collaboration with OISTAT members. In 2022, with the HQ Team, we had online meetings with representatives from a good number of OISTAT Centres. This work continues as I am looking forward to meeting with representatives of Centres that I have not yet had the opportunity to. There is also a proposal to meet individual members in the first half of 2023, with three online sessions grouped by time zone. It is also imperative and forward-looking to continue and expand relationships with other international organizations, in addition to improving and expanding communication about OISTAT.
As we move into 2023, our main gathering this year will be on June 10 - 15, in Prague, at the OISTAT Hub, held at Vila Štvanice, where commissions' meetings and activities, and special events will take place.
Some of the special events include: WSD celebration, with the handover from WSD 2022 to WSD 2025, the second Latin American Day, some surprises and of course… A Party! I would like to thank the ČOSDAT, OISTAT Czech Centre, for the incredible cooperation on the arrangements for this event.
As the OISTAT Hub will run parallel to the 15th edition of PQ23, we are taking care not to overload the schedule, but to create a meeting point, where, in addition to the scheduled OISTAT meetings and events, will be a place to chill out by the Vltava River and have good chats over a drink.
Before landing in Prague, there are other events to attend in person scheduled for the first half of 2023. February 17-21: EC, GB and HQ visit Sharjah Performing Arts Academy and meet WSD 2025 organizers. Commissions Chairs will be able to share relevant information with commission members on plans in preparation for WSD 2025 upon their return from Sharjah; March 15-18 is the time to go to USITT in St. Louis, representing OISTAT in the Conference and Stage Expo; June 5-8: the DTHG SHOWTECH and International Conference in Berlin.
Once again, I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all dear friends for your incredible work and continued collaboration. With the amazing HQ team and the hard work of the brilliant EC members, we seek to continue to develop OISTAT in tune with the current context and operate to keep the members connected, the bridges opened and in great condition.
I wish you all the best in 2023, and to keep connected around the world! Looking forward to meeting you all at the OISTAT Hub in June, in Prague.
2022 was a special year, as we gathered together in person at World Stage Design 2022 in Calgary, Canada after a two-year absence. During the 11-day event, more than 600 attendees participated either in person or virtually.
• August 13, 2022
• University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
The 2022 OISTAT Small Congress marked the first in-person gathering of OISTAT members since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Online participation was also provided as an alternative for those who were restricted from international travel.
At the World Stage Design Award Ceremony, OISTAT Golden Pin Awards were given to former OISTAT President Michael Ramsaur (USA) and former OISTAT Vice President Duncan Ei-Eu Chang (Taiwan) in recognition of their contribution to the organization.
• Bangladesh Centre for Theatre Arts & Design (BACTAD)
• Romanian OISTAT Centre
In OISTAT Small Congress, two new Centre members were officially voted into the OISTAT community.
• August 6-16, 2022
• University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
Purchase World Stage Design 2022 Digital Catalog
World Stage Design (WSD) is the first and only designer-based exhibition to showcase and celebrate performance design from individual designers. WSD took place in conjunction with Scenofest, Theatre Architecture Competition and Technical Invention Prize. WSD 2022 was hosted by University of Calgary and OISTAT Canadian Centre CITT/icts. It was the first time in history for WSD to be held as a hybrid event in response to the pandemic. WSD 2022 exhibited 158 design works from 35 countries and attracted over 600 participants.
Categories Award Designer Work
Alternative Design 1st Place ZHANG, Wenjie Ear Spa China
Costume Design
Lighting Design
Performance Design
1st Place KUO, Fu-Ling Roaring from the Soul Far Away Taiwan 2nd Place MANCILLA CRUZ, Roberto Proyecto Bestiario / Bestiary Project Chile 3rd Place MARNETZI, Laura Inhabiting Noise and Silence
1st Place LAI, Pei-Yu
The Seagull
Taiwan 2nd Place SHYUE, Joanne
The House Behind the Wall & The Possible Memoirs of a Traitor Taiwan 3rd Place LIN, Ping-Hsin Phèdre Taiwan
1st Place CHEN, Sy-Yu
The Eagle Has Two Heads Taiwan 2nd Place ROBINSON, Anna Vieux Carré New Zealand 3rd Place SHI, Junliang Listen the Celadon China
Set Design
1st Place HURWITZ, Zoë, Tomorrow Will Take Care of Itself
Great Britain
2nd Place BEYDOUN, Salmah Witkacy / Two-Headed Calf Mexico
3rd Place CHUNG, I-Fang Phèdre Taiwan
Sound Design 1st Place WOO, Mojo Floating 渺渺 Taiwan
Space Design
1st Place LIN, Jhao-An Self-Accusation Taiwan
2nd Place PAPA, Stavri Kenophobia
Cyprus Categories Award Designer Work Country
Alternative Design
Costume Design
Lighting Design
Tied 1st Place HEINO, Markus Vox Herbārium –Plant Series IV
Tied 1st Place LAINE, Vespa Vox Herbārium –Plant Series IV Finland
Tied 1st Place KASTELL, Mona Glimpsing Air Pockets
Tied 1st Place RYBÁKOVÁ, Simona Bon Apetit
Tied 1st Place NAGY, Fruzsina Taboo Collection
3rd Place LIN, Heng-Cheng At Aranya Temple
1st Place ZAPATERO, Victor Omphalos
2nd Place KOUKOUMAS, Georgios Persians
Performance Design
Projection Design
Set Design
Sound Design
Great Britain
Czech Republic
3rd Place SUNG, Yung-Hung Ten Lines of Poetry to NK Taiwan
1st Place CUEVAS, Erin & MASSET COLLATZ, Jana Contour
2nd Place BERCZI, Zsofia Tara’s Shell
3rd Place ABULAFIA, Yaron IMPULS
EcoScenography Special Mention CARR, Andrea Stuck
1st Place WANG, Yi-Sheng The Colours
2nd Place LEE, Kuo-Han Break & Break!
3rd Place CHOU, Tung Yen Formosa & Chronicle of Light Year: Taipei-Copenhagen
1st Place LIU, Xinglin The Tempest
United States
The Netherlands
Great Britain
2nd Place BALLINA, Jorge Omphalos & Carmen Mexico
3rd Place HARIU, Shizuka Dystopian Dream
1st Place CRAIG, Curtis Frankenstein
2nd Place CERDA PUGA, Josefina Cómo se recuerda un crimen? / How to remember a crime?
United States
Chile 3rd Place CHIANG, Tao Hades Apocalypse
1st Place MAISLIN TOPETE, Vladimir Altar de Altares / Altar of Altars
Space Design
2nd Place SWADER, Christopher and Justin Holiday House: Christmas Bends United States
3rd Place MARIN DEL RIO, Mario & VIQUEIRA, Richard BOZAL
Scenofest is a festival celebrating scenography. Scenofest 2022 focused on three primary themes: Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Ecoscenography and Multiple Reality. Over 300 events, including performances, workshops, panels and talks took place during August 6-16, 2022.
The Living Legend Series aimed to bring together renowned figures to share their valuable experiences. WSD 2022 Living Legends: Ms. Jean Teillet (Canada), a women’s rights advocate and an indigenous rights lawyer; Pamela Howard OBE (UK), a practicing director, scenographer, curator, educator and writer; and Jean-Guy Lecat (France), the technical director, decorator and scenographer for Peter Brook for over 25 years, all gave precious insights through lectures and workshops.
The Theatre Architecture Competition (TAC), organized by the OISTAT Architecture commission, is an international design competition aimed at students and emerging architects. The competition theme of TAC 2022, is to design an adaptable outdoor performance space for the site at Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity located on the Rocky Mountain rim. Selected works of TAC 2022 were exhibited during WSD 2022.
Award Work Name Country
Equal First Prize Elevate Performance Pavilion JOHNSON, Chris & ZIESMANN, Keller
Equal First Prize The Ring TAKIEDDINE, Tayssir & AL RADDAWI, Saeed
Third Prize Parasite Theatre GAVROŇOVÁ, Karolína & OLEKŠÁKOVÁ, Nina
Additional Prize Lake in the Forest HUANG, Jun-You & LAI, Han-Yu
Additional Prize Theatre at the Park VAN GOGH, Shelly & PEIJNENBURG Robin
Additional Prize Chunky Shell HUANG, Ching-Wen & HUANG, Iano
The Netherlands
Technical Invention Prize (TIP) calls for simple and smart solutions for theatre works.
TIP offers theater technicians a platform to showcase their innovative ideas to a global theater audience. During WSD 2022, 9 TIP works were displayed and 15 were included in the TIP 2022 Catalogue.
Award Work Name Country
First Prize Soldering Wire Holder HO, Cathy Ka Po & LO, Yan Yi Stephanie Hong Kong
Second Prize Acoustic Circles THIRY, Joris Belgium
Third Prize 3D-printed Cable Hook for I-Beam CHIANG, Joe Hsun & RIEDEMANN, Andrew USA & Taiwan
• October 25-29
• Rabat, Morocco
SENA is a biennial regional event hosted by a different country every two years. The second edition of SENA, SENA 2022, was organized by CORP'SCENE and held at the National Theatre Mohamed V RABAT and the Cultural Centre of Benslimane. The event featured a range of panels, presentations, and workshops and attracted 20 exhibitors from Cyprus, Spain, Portugal, Serbia, Greece, Egypt, Syria, Israel, and Morocco.
• October 18-28, 2025 (TBC)
• Sharjah Performing Arts Academy, Sharjah, UAE
World Stage Design 2025 will travel to Sharjah, UAE from Toronto, Canada, Seoul, South Korea, Cardiff, UK, Taipei, Taiwan and Calgary, Canada. The event will be hosted by OISTAT Associate Member, Sharjah Performing Arts Academy (SPAA).
This marks the first time that WSD will be held in an Arab country, providing an unique opportunity to learn about the theatre culture in the UAE and neighboring regions. Keep an eye out for further updates!
• June 10-15, 2023
• Vila Štvanice, Prague, Czech Republic
OISTAT Hub is the place for OISTAT members and friends to celebrate theatre practices and exchange ideas. OISTAT Forum, Empathy Exhibition, Latin American Day and OISTAT commission meetings and elections will take place during the 6-day event. We sincerely invite you to join us and learn more about the unique stories from OISTAT people.
2022 New OISTAT Centres
OISTAT Centres
Associate Members Individual Members
Individual Members
Alceu Silva Neto (Brazil)
Ana Kuzmanic (Croatia)
Dalmir Rogério Pereira (Brazil)
Dorota Kuzniarska (Poland)
Richard Schick (Canada)
Rodrigo Guadarrama (Mexico)
Snezana Pesic (Canada)
This is a digital catalog containing selected works of design exhibitions, Theatre Architecture Competition and Technical Invention Prize.
• January 21, March 18, May 13, October 14 | Online
• August 12 | Martha Cohen Theatre in Calgary, Canada
The physical Architecture commission meeting was held at the Martha Cohen Theatre within the Arts Commons complex which includes the Max Bell Theatre and the Jack Singer Concert Hall. A tour of the building had been arranged prior to the commission meeting and AC members’ presentations. Besides the physical meeting, 4 online meetings were held in 2022.
• August 14 | Calgary, Canada
Education commission Chair William Kenyon (USA) opened the meeting by introducing the Chair and the Vice Chairs of the commission. The commission reviewed the future meetings and projects, and then focused discussions on sustainability in education, which was developed in the meeting in Helsinki in 2020. Matt Kizer (USA) was invited to serve as one of the Vice Chairs, with a focus on membership and outreach responsibilities.
• August 15 | Calgary, Canada
Moderated by Chair Kate Burnett (UK), the Research commission meeting focused on commission programming and content at WSD 2022 and SENA 2022. Three Scenofest panels organized by the Research commission included: "Research Conversations about Performance Space and Cultural Geographies"; "To Print or Not to Print: Sustainable Performance Practice Publications"; "Print or e-Print?: Reviewing Publication of Theatre Research and Practice Now". For SENA, on the October 25, RC organized an online session: "Print and E-Publications in the SENA Countries and Regions". It also contributed to the organization of the Tbilisi International Biennale Symposium on October 10-12 and the UA Scenography On-Line Forum on November 22.
• February 12, November 5 | Online Meeting
• August 13 | Calgary, Canada
Performance Design Chair Rob Eastman-Mullins (USA) introduced the mission and compositions of the commission to the meeting attendees. Performance Design comprises four different sub-commissions of different design professions. Collaborations between the sub-commissions were the main topic of the discussion. PDC developed "OISTAT Performance Design Playlist" during the 2021 OISTAT Online World Congress. Contributions to the Playlist were also encouraged.
• August 14 | Calgary Canada
• November 6 | Online Meeting
At the physical meeting during WSD 2022, Publication & Communication members elected Richard Bryant (USA) as the commission Chair for 2022-2026. The mission of the commission is to foster communication within the global theatre community. Ideas on how to deliver on mission of the commission and potential projects had been discussed in PCC physical and online meetings.
• August 14 | Calgary Canada
The Chair election was held during the TC business meeting. The newly elected Chair Loren Schreiber (USA,) Vice Chairs Joaquin Jose Aranda (the Philippines) and Laura Van Haperen (the Netherlands) will lead the commission for the next 4 years, collaborating on projects including OISTAT major project- Technical Invention Prize and International Standard Project. We thank the former Chair Gabriele Högg (Germany) for her contribution during 2018-2022.
• March 8, December 7 | Online Meeting
• May 11-13 | Mexico City, Mexico
• August 14 | Calgary, Canada
The Costume Design sub-commission had plenty of programs in 2022. Its first physical event after the pandemic was held in Mexico City, Mexico in May in collaboration with the Mexican Association of Costume Designers (Vestuario a Escena Mx). It included a three days program and several cultural visits in its first biennial event World Costume in Action. The meeting during WSD 2022 mainly focused on collaborations across disciplines, different commissions and sub-commissions. Scenofest workshops, panels, presentations and a book talk were delivered by Costume Design members. The subcommission was well-represented in the professional WSD 2022 exhibition. In October, Costume Design members participated in SENA 2022 in Morocco, presenting in four panels. Several sub-commission members were also actively involved as organizers and presenters in the partner event Critical Costume 2022.
• August 15 | Calgary, Canada
Lighting Design sub-commission held "Training the Eye" Workshop and "Coloring the Lighting: Decolonizing the Design" Panel in World Stage Design 2022. In the business meeting, Chair Dinesh Yadav (India) led the discussions on future Lighting Design projects and invited the Lighting Design members to share their ongoing projects and suggestions for the sub-commission.
• August 14 | Calgary, Canada
In WSD 2022, Sound Design sub-commission organized Sound Kitchen, a platform for sound artists, designers and composers to present their works. Sound Design Interim Chair Bassam Yaqout (Egypt) moderated the business meeting. The members of the sub-commission were invited to introduce themselves and discuss the possibility of developing an online platform to present members’ works.
• August 15 | Calgary, Canada
• December 18 | Online Meeting
Space Design Chair Jennifer Ivey (USA) invited Space Design members to reflect on the mission and functions of the sub-commissions. Discussions on the future developments and potential projects of the sub-commissions were discussed in the meeting.
• January 13, March 14, May 16, May 19, August 12, October 6, December 14 | Executive Committee Meeting
• January 24, June 14, August 12 | Executive Committee and Governing Board Meeting
In WSD 2022, Executive Committee and Governing Board had its physical meeting for the first time after the pandemic. There were also six EC and two ECGB online meetings held in 2022. Meetings focused on OISTAT major projects, development and strategy of the organization. Topics such as the host of World Stage Design 2025 and statement on Russia-Ukraine Crisis were discussed.
€ 158,378 € 171,525
OISTAT's expenses vary from year to year. There are years of projects where expenses are greater, and years where projects and expenses are less.
1 Austria OETHG | Österreichische Theatertechnische Gesellschaft
2 Bangledesh BACTAD | Bangladesh Centre for Theatre Arts & Design
3 Belgium STEPP | Steunpunt voor de Producerende, Ontwerpende, en Technische krachten van de brede culturele sector
4 Brazil Brazilian Professional Association of the Performance Spatialities, Visualities and Sounds
5 Bulgaria UBA | Union of Bulgarian Actors
6 Canada CITT/ICTS | Canadian Institute for Theatre Technology / l'Institut canadien des technologies
1 Australia Madeline Taylor
2 Australia Richard Roberts
3 Australia Tessa Rixon
4 Bangladesh Faiz Zahir
5 Brazil Aby Cohen
6 Brazil Alceu Silva Neto
7 Brazil Dalmir Rogerio Pereira
8 Brazil Flor Dias
9 Brazil Isabela Tavares
10 Brazil Nadia Moroz Luciani
11 Brazil Renato Bolelli Rebouças
12 Brazil Rosane Muniz
13 Canada Richard Schick
OISTAT currently has Centre Members, Associate Members, and Individual Members in more than 50 countries. Members come together to exchange ideas, encourage innovations and promote international collaborations through meetings, conferences or projects. Members are invited to participate in OISTAT international meetings, workshops, presentations and projects with a goal of sharing information, networking, collaborating and shaping the global theatre community.
For more information on becoming a member of OISTAT, please visit us at www.oistat.org or email headquarters@oistat.org