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2015 Opening Doors London June groups and activities
Opening Doors London
For information about groups and activities please contact us on: 020 7239 0400 or
ODL Signposting and Information Leave a message on 07961 937 621
Opening Doors London: full listings and activities. Sunday 31st May ONE OFF EVENT Coppetts Wood Festival Coppetts Wood is a conservation area in Friern Barnet. Their very charming "green" annual fete is held in the woodlands. ODL will be running a stall to promote ourselves so please come along. vents/view/47 Train station: New Southgate. Buses: 43, 134, 234. Free parking at: Summers Lane Recycling Centre, London N12 0RF. Free entry. 1pm – 4pm Monday 1st June Mixed Tower Hamlets ODL East Drop-in Positive East, 159 Mile End, Rd, E1 4AQ. Come and join our friendly east London afternoon social. We will include ‘A Voice For Older People’ as a regular slot in the last half hour of our drop-ins. This is an opportunity to give your views on services in Tower Hamlets, whether you live, work, or socialise in the borough and this will be fed back to the Older People’s Reference Group. On June 1st we are delighted to have Hardev Malhi, Equality & Diversity Advisor at Barts Health NHS Trust who will be happy to discuss anything you might like to speak about. Call Nic Humberstone on 07538 392 104 or email Nicola.Humberstone@ageukca Drop in any time between 4pm – 6pm
Mixed Group Barnet Diners’ Club and Games meeting in partnership with Age UK Barnet. The Queens Arms Public House, Great North Rd. EN5 1AB. (Close to High Barnet Tube station beside Odeon cinema). Meet for a drink with friends or have a meal from the very delicious value 2-4-1 menu (about £5 per person). Darts and pool available. For more information please ring 020 7239 0400 or Amanda Radonich at Age UK Barnet on 020 8432 1415. 7pm – 9pm ONE OFF EVENT Focus group about older LGBT housing needs Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, WC1H 9NA Opening Doors in partnership with the Centre for Research and Ageing at the University of Surrey would like to invite you to attend a focus group about older LGBT housing needs. 1st June and 5th June Tavis House London For more information see: logy/research/researchcentres /crag/safe/index.htm To express an interest in participating please email the research fellow for the project: Ann Cronin and copy in Derek.Freeman@ageukcamde and Chryssy.Hunter@ageukcamde Or call 07554 355 582. Travel bursaries of up to £30 per person are available. Tuesday 2nd
Jun 15
NEW EVENT Mixed Exercise Walking: The Thames Path: Putney Bridge to Chelsea Bridge
Join Clive for a 4 mile walk. Starting at Putney Bridge the route follows the Thames path along the riverbank. The walk will also go through Battersea Park where the group will break at the Peace Pagoda for packed lunch (please bring your own) and hot drinks from a stall. This event will be a good way to exercise and socialise along the riverside. If you’d like to leave the walk before the end, there are numerous bridges with bus stops along the way. Bring water, energy snacks for the journey, rainproof gear/ sunglasses (or both!), walking footwear and don’t forget to bring your packed lunch! No booking needed. Meeting point: Putney Bridge Station ticket office. Lunch: Please bring your own packed lunch to eat as a picnic in Battersea Park. Meet at 10.45am Walk starts at 11am prompt. Walk ends approx 1.30pm (depending on the walking speed) End point: Chelsea Bridge (local bus routes 44, 137, 360, 452 connect with Victoria and District line stations) Page 1
Opening Doors London: full listings and activities. ODL Quarterly Group Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Sq, WC1H 9NA Interested in writing and putting together our ODL Q magazine? Put your enthusiasm to work, and learn on the go. We need writers, editors, and illustrators. Help make your magazine look exciting and engaging. http://openingdoorslondon.or Drop in or email us at odl.quarterly@ageukcamden.o 6pm – 8pm Mixed Outings in Theatre Above the Stag Theatre, Arch 17, Miles Street, Vauxhall, London SW8 1RZ. (Close to Vauxhall bus, tube and rail stations.)
Fanny & Stella: The Shocking True Story a play with songs by Glenn Chandler, music by Charles Miller, directed by Steven Dexter. Victorians Ernest Boulton and Frederick Park were known and adored as Fanny and Stella. They dazzled in female roles on our nation’s stages – and in clubs and bedrooms from London to the Highlands. Tonight – for one night only! – they present the shocking story of their own rise to fame and fall from grace. A riotous new play about two young men who dared to be different,
whatever the cost. To book tickets directly with the theatre visit /shows/ and scroll down to the find the event on this time and date. Enter £2 discount code “ODL2015” where it says ‘Apply Code’. You can also book tickets on 020 7381 4187, although the line isn’t always staffed. £16 (including ODL discount) Meet in theatre bar at 6.30pm Show starts at 7.30pm Wednesday 3rd Anchor Housing/ODL Mixed Art Group Chigwell Court, 99 Balance Road E9 5SQ The art group will be held in the communal room. Basic materials will be provided for the informal drop-in session. Volunteer artists on hand. 2pm -4pm Men’s Pimlico Social Pimlico Room (back of Church), St Saviour’s Church, St George’s Square, SW1V 3QW. Friendly drop-in coffee evening. 6pm – 9pm Thursday 4th ‘Rainbow Surfers’ older LGBT computer drop-in Computer Suite, Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, WC1H 9NA. Our LGBT friendly drop-in session provides you with an opportunity to receive IT assistance and guidance from knowledgeable volunteers and staff. For more information please contact Tony or Kamye on 0207 239 0400.
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Every Thursday 10am – 1pm Mixed Newham Dinner Club Stratford Circus, Theatre Square, Stratford, London E15 1BX. All welcome. You don’t need to book, but if it is your first time at this group please call Kate for details. 020 7239 0447 or email kate.hancock@ageukcamden. 6pm – 9pm Free Computer Classes Are you new to computers and would like to learn how to use email and the internet? Why not enrol on Age UK Camden’s Beginners Guide to Computers course. Over the ten weeks you will work through the course in a fully supported environment and receive individual support from our team of knowledgeable volunteer tutors. To express an interest please call the Course Administrator Tony Brown on 0207 239 0400 SPEAKER ATTENDING Men’s “Older, Gay & Positive” Group Tavis A&B Meeting Room, Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, WC1H 9NA. Support and social group for gay and bi men aged 50 and over who are living with HIV. At this meeting we’ll have Adrian Beaumont, London Coordinator for THT’s Health Wealth and Happiness Project, providing advice, support, information, workshops, counselling and mentoring for anyone over 50 living with HIV. Adrian will be talking about the project and answering any questions you have. We’ll also Page 2
Opening Doors London: full listings and activities. be discussing changes to and the future of the group in this consultation session, so please come along to share your thoughts. 6pm – 8pm Friday 5th Mixed Friday coffee & cake club Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Sq, WC1H 9NA. Come in for a chat and cake at this peer led social group. Hot drinks can be purchased in the café. Please feel free to bring your own cakes. Every Friday 10am – 12pm
Peter will instruct and lead us in Line Dancing. Drinks and cakes will be provided but please feel free to bring your own to share. We are hoping to have more tea dances so please bring your ideas along with your dancing shoes. Please bring lgbt friends of any age. 5.30pm – 7.30pm Tuesday 9th Men’s Group Walk
Signposting and Information Service If you need help in the home, are confused about tax, have questions about your pension, benefits or housing Contact the team at odlsignposting@ageukcamden or, call the ODL Signposting and Information phone line: 07961 937 621. We will get back to you to discuss your issue further within one working week.
Monday 8th Line Dancing Mixed Tea Dance Tavis House Café, Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, WC1H 9NA. Join us for our tea dances whether you are an experienced dancer, a beginner or have never danced before – there is room for all!
Our June walk demands green spaces, beautiful gardens, fountains, well-kept lawns, a restful river or canal, a walk through a wood, ponds, nature and even the possibility of wild swimming. No problem. This month we shall find all this and more in Kings Cross. Yes, this is not a misprint: Kings Cross. It is some time since we explored this remarkable development area and you will again be astonished by the surprises it now offers its visitors, including a 40 meter long natural bathing pond with space for 100 bathers. After viewing its delights, we shall take a walk along the canal to the Camley Street Natural Park, where it is difficult to believe that you are not in the heart of the countryside, finishing up at the cafe in Camden's newest public library. If you would like to join the
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walk you can either: - Text or leave a message on the walking group mobile number which is 07804 329 416. - Email We need your full name and the name of any other Opening Doors member coming with you. Alan will them confirm meeting point details. There is room for up to 24 people; if you would like to participate please book. These walks are proving popular so if you find yourself unable to come along, having booked, kindly let us know so that your place can be offered to someone else. 2.15pm for 2.30pm start. Walk from 2.30pm – 4.30pm Questions about groups, events and activities? If there’s contact details next to the specific event you’re looking at, please use those to find out more information. Otherwise please contact us on 020 7239 0400 or k. Men’s Group Speaker Night Henderson Court Resource Centre, 102 Fitzjohn’s Ave, NW3 6NS (entrance on Prince Arthur Rd).
Tonight’s speaker is Patrick Lyster-Todd, Director Community Engagement, Page 3
Opening Doors London: full listings and activities. London LGBT+ Community Pride. Patrick will be talking about the history of Pride, what changes there have been in recent years and will be asking how you feel about Pride these days too. Social 6pm – 7pm. Talk from 7pm. (After the talk some members also head to a local pub for a drink.) Wednesday 10th ONE OFF EVENT FCA Film Night Canary Wharf The FCA lgbt staff network are hosting a free screening of The Imitation Game: a 2014 historical thriller film directed by Morten Tyldum, with a screenplay by Graham Moore loosely based on Andrew Hodges’ The Enigma the biography Alan Turing, the British cryptanalyst, who helped solve the Enigma code during the Second World War and was later prosecuted for homosexuality.
The event will be free for all attendees. We will head to a local bar for one or two drinks
afterwards if members would like to. From 5.30pm Booking is essential on 020 7239 0400 or k as there are only a limited number of spaces available. Thursday 11th ‘Rainbow Surfers’ older LGBT computer drop-in See Thursday 4th for more details. Every Thursday 10am – 1pm Mixed ‘Knit and Natter’ group for everyone Join Nickie in the cafe at Tavis House! Nickie says – ‘If you want to learn to knit I will teach you. I will provide knitting needles and yarn and bring a few easy patterns. If you already have a favourite craft and it's portable, bring it along and share your skills. Maybe crochet, embroidery or beadwork perhaps?’ 3pm – 5pm ONE OFF EVENT ODL Quiz Night Extravaganza The Café, Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA Come and splash your cash at the Opening Doors London Quiz Night Extravaganza as we raise funds for the coach hire for our float at London Pride! It’ll be a really fun social evening open to all. Why not bring a team to compete for the top prizes we have lined up? Raffle tickets, snacks, beer and wine will be available to buy on the night.
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Entrance: £2 Per Person Doors open: 6pm Quiz: 6.30pm – 8.30pm Friday 12th Mixed Friday coffee & cake club See Friday 5th for more details. Every Friday 10am – 12noon Mixed ODL East Dinner Club Positive East, 159 Mile End, Road, London E1 4AQ £6 for delicious meal. We have a new chef who will be serving a three course home made meal for £6. Pre-booking is essential, please email Nicola.Humberstone@ageukca or call/ text Nic on 07538 392 104 stating your name and contact number by Monday 8th. Drinks: 6pm Dinner: from 6.30pm Ends: 9pm Sunday 14th Mixed ‘Second Sundays’ Social Group Chelsea Theatre, 7 Worlds End Place, Kings Road, SW10 ODR. Come and join our friendly bunch for a delicious light lunch, £4 per person.
Second Sundays: Same Gender Tango Class for ODL members This free "tango taster" class for beginners will run from 2:30-3:30pm at Chelsea Theatre. Page 4
Opening Doors London: full listings and activities. To book in advance contact Fiona: fiona.addison@ageukcamden. 07435356951 Members will need to RSVP to Fiona by Friday 12th April on fiona.addison@ageukcamden. or call 07435 356 951. 12.30pm – 3.30pm Monday 15th Bi Visibility Group Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square WC1H 9NA. Open social and discussion group for anyone who would like to think about the question "What does bisexuality mean to you?" In the run up to London Pride we will be showing the film PRIDE Realizing that they share common foes in Margaret Thatcher, the police and the conservative press, Londonbased lgbt people lend their support to striking coal miners in 1984 Wales.
Due to very low take-up of this group Redbridge Mixed Social Drop-in has been suspended. If any members would like to discuss this please contact Chryssy on 0207 239 0400. Tuesday 16th Intergenerational Feminist Reading Group Tavis House, 16 Tavistock Square, WC1H 9NA. An informal space for discussion of feminist ideas & texts. Chaired by Elsa Richardson, an historian based in Queen Mary’s Centre for the History of Emotions, with the aim of encouraging a dialogue between different generations of feminist thinkers, activists and supporters. We will be looking at the fourth chapter of Shulamith Firestones’s ‘The Dialectic of Sex’ entitled ‘Racism: The Sexism of the Family of Man’. Copies of the text will be available at the group. However, the text is simply a springboard for discussion as discussion and our own live experience will be the main focus of the group. So it is not essential to read the text beforehand and if you want to come along for interesting discussion that is absolutely fine too. 6pm to 7.30pm Wednesday 17th
No need to book! 6pm – 8pm
Redbridge Mixed Social Dropin
Barnet Roving Lunch Club Durum, 119 Ballards Lane, Finchley, London N3 1LJ Each month this lunch club will try a new venue and sample the different cuisines available in North London’s largest
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borough. This month we're at Durum, the award-winning Turkish restaurant in Finchley. Although very high rated, prices are modest, with main courses from £6. 020 8346 8977 Tube Finchley Central. 12.30pm – 2.30pm Mixed ODL Ealing/ West London Social and Support Group Ground Floor, Lido Centre. 63 Mattock Lane, West Ealing, W13 9LA. Stations: Ealing Broadway, Northfields, West Ealing: 5 to 15 mins walk. Buses E2, E3, 207, 83, 427, E7, E8. Beauty (2011)
Oliver Hermanus’ drama takes a tough, uncompromising look at homophobic prejudice in South Africa, focusing on a husband and father whose repressed desires come dangerously to the surface when he encounters the goodlooking son of an old friend. Meetings take place every third Wednesday of the month Page 5
Opening Doors London: full listings and activities. at 2.30pm at the Lido Centre. All welcome. Refreshments served. For more information call 020 7239 0400. Opening Doors London in partnership with Age UK Ealing & Ealing CVS. For more details please contact: Derek.Freeman@ageukcamde 2.30pm – 4.30pm (PLEASE NOTE NOW BACK TO USUAL TIME) Anchor Housing/ ODL Mixed Art Group Chigwell Court, 99 Balance Road E9 5SQ The art group will be held in the communal room. Basic materials will be provided for the informal drop-in session. Volunteer artists on hand. 2pm – 4pm ODL Quarterly Group Meeting Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Sq, WC1H 9NA. See Tuesday 5th for details. 6pm – 8pm Questions about groups, events and activities? If there’s contact details next to the specific event you’re looking at, please use those to find out more information. Otherwise please contact us on 020 7239 0400 or k. NEW VENUE Men’s Group Pub Social Central Station, 37 Wharfdale Road, London N1 9SD (5 mins walk from King’s Cross.) Come along for a chat and a
drink at this peer led group. 7pm – late Thursday 18th ‘Rainbow Surfers’ older LGBT computer drop-in See Thursday 4th for more details. Every Thursday 10am – 1pm Women’s Film Night PLEASE NOTE Women’s Film Night is now on 3rd Thursday of each month so that we don’t clash with Haringey Independent Cinema G24 Common Room, Foster Court, Malet Place. Come into UCL from the entrance opposite Waterstone's on Torrington Place. Foster Court is on the right and half way along there is an archway also on the right, with a set of automatic double doors on the right - the Common Room is through those doors and up 3 stairs but also has step-free access. Tonight’s film is Whale Rider, a 2002 New Zealand-German drama film directed by Niki Caro, based on the novel of the same name by Witi Ihimaera. The film stars Keisha Castle-Hughes as Kahu Paikea Apirana, a twelve-year-old Maori girl who wants to become the chief of the tribe. Her grandfather Koro believes that this is a role reserved for males only. This ancient custom is upset when the child selected to be the next chief dies at birth. However his twin sister, Pai survives. Social 5.30pm Film 7pm -9pm
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Friday 19th Mixed Friday coffee & cake club See Friday 5th for more details. Every Friday 10am – 12noon Saturday 20th Mixed Coffee Evening Meeting at Tufnell Park Tube station at 7.45 p.m. Mike will be hosting the coffee evening. Please remember to bring cakes with you. Phone 07581 647 344 for more details. 7.45pm – 10pm Signposting and Information Service If you need help in the home, are confused about tax, have questions about your pension, benefits or housing Contact the team at odlsignposting@ageukcamden or, call the ODL Signposting and Information phone line: 07961 937 621. We will get back to you to discuss your issue further within one working week. Tuesday 23rd Women’s Walking & Herstory: Eve will lead us on our way to paradise by way of Kensal Green: A walk to the lovely Victorian canal side cemetery to visit the grave of James (Mirrander) Barry and hear the story of her amazing cross dressing life. We can also go to Page 6
Opening Doors London: full listings and activities. the cemetery next door and visit Mary Secole’s grave and hear about her adventures in many lands. Meet at 11:00am at Kensal Green tube station.
Thursday 25th ‘Rainbow Surfers’ older LGBT computer drop-in See Thursday 4th for more details. Every Thursday 10am – 1pm Mixed Islington Older LGBT Drop-in London Friend, 86 Caledonian Road, N1 9DN. In partnership with London Friend, this social group is a place to meet friends for a coffee, chat and optional board games! 2pm – 4pm LGBT Death Café Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, WC1H 9NA. Nigel Dodds from Saint Joseph’s Hospice will facilitate the group. Gather over tea and cake to talk about death and dying in an informal and relaxed environment. For further information contact or phone Kate 020 7239 0447 4.30pm – 6pm
New for 2015: 4th Friday of each month Join Angie & Lesley for an informal art group for all abilities - come and do your own creative thing, or improve and expand your drawing skills with gentle guidance from an experienced volunteer teacher. Whether you are a traditional sketcher or an outrageous avant gardist this group will supply encouragement, support, plenty of dialogue....and maybe an exhibition. Basic materials provided, but feel free to bring your own sketchbooks and non-messy kit. 12.30pm – 3pm Questions about groups, events and activities? If there’s contact details next to the specific event you’re looking at, please use those to find out more information.
Informal Art Group Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, WC1H 9NA
Sunday Lunch & Film Club Henderson Court Resource Centre, 102 Fitzjohn’s Ave, NW3 6NS (entrance on Prince Arthur Road). This month’s film is My Beautiful Laundrette. The story is set in London during the Thatcher era, as reflected in the complex—and often comical—relationships between members of the Asian and White communities. The story focuses on Omar, a young Pakistani man living in London, and his reunion and eventual romance with his old friend, a street punk named Johnny. The two become the caretakers and business managers of a launderette. The plot addresses several issues of the time, including homosexuality and racism, depicted within the social and economic climate of Thatcherism.
Otherwise please contact us on 020 7239 0400 or k. Saturday 27th
See back page for details including new brunch meeting point!
Lunch available for £4, this month’s lunch will be chicken shawarma with salad, vegetarian or fish option: please advise when booking. Booking for lunch essential, please call Chryssy on 020 7239 0400, before Friday 26th. Social from 12pm Lunch from 12.30pm Film at 2.00pm
Sunday 28th
Tuesday 30th
Friday 26th Mixed Friday coffee & cake club See Friday 1st for more details. Every Friday 10am – 12noon
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Pride In London
Mixed Outings In Art Page 7
Opening Doors London: full listings and activities. Serpentine Gallery, Kensington Gardens, London W2 3XA “Outings in Art” goes out and about in the park at the Serpentine Gallery, Annual Summer Pavilion and the newly opened Sackler Serpentine Gallery (5 mins walk from main gallery) designed by leading UK architect Zaha Hadid (London Olympics Aquatic Centre). Coffee + cake in Pavilion Tube: Lancaster Gate Bus: 94, 148, 274, 390 Call or text Chris to confirm on 07958 257 541. Admission: Free. Meet at Serpentine Gallery reception at 2.30pm. Ends approximately 5.30pm. Men’s Film Night: Henderson Court Resource Centre, 102 Fitzjohn’s Ave, NW3 6NS. (entrance on Prince Arthur Road). Guys and Balls (2004)
After their most recent loss, a
soccer team discovers its goalie is gay and casts him out. He retaliates by bringing back an all-gay team for a game to prove who's better. Director: Sherry Hormann Stars: Maximilian Brückner, Lisa Potthoff, Dietmar Bär Country: Germany. Language: German with English subtitles. 6pm social. Film starts at 7pm
Future dates for your diary: Tuesday 7th July Mixed Outings in Theatre Above the Stag Theatre, Arch 17, Miles Street, Vauxhall, London SW8 1RZ. (Close to Vauxhall bus, tube and rail stations.)
Rent Boy: The Musical Above the Stag Theatre, Arch 17, Miles Street, Vauxhall, London SW8 1RZ. (Close to Vauxhall bus, tube and rail stations.) With MASSIVE laughs, SMOOTH tunes and the TIGHTEST choreography, Rent Boy: The Musical is set on the night of the Hookie Awards, the Oscars of the escorting world. Meet the contenders, hear the secrets behind their sexy personas, and let them entertain you as only they know how! To book tickets directly with the theatre visit
Jun 15 /shows/ and scroll down to the find the event on this time and date. Enter £2 discount code “ODL2015” where it says ‘Apply Code’. You can also book tickets on 020 7381 4187, although the line isn’t always staffed. £17.50 (including ODL discount) Meet in theatre bar at 6.30pm Show starts at 7.30pm
Wednesday 22nd July Day out at Queen Elizabeth Park with Lloyds Banking Group Starting at, and ending near, to Stratford Station.
Day out with the team from Lloyds Banking Group exploring the Olympic Park in Stratford. The day will include a walk about 2 miles long which generally takes 2 hours – this includes stops along the route. All activities on the day will be fully wheelchair accessible. Lunch will be provided. PLEASE NOTE: Booking is essential on 020 7239 0400 or k as there are only a limited number of spaces available. Cost: Free. Starts: 10.30am Ends: 4pm
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Saturday 27th June 2015 Attending Pride in London is one of the biggest events in the ODL calendar. Some of you will have been many times before. For others this will be your first Pride ever. Come and join the fun with ODL! NEW VENUE 11am – 12pm: Free Older LGBT Pre Pride Brunch Main Reception University of Westminster Marylebone Campus 35 Marylebone Road London NW1 5LS
From 12.15pm – 2pm (approx.): Parade The ODL bus will be parked on Baker Street near the front of the parade. We’ll leave the brunch as a group at around noon to join the bus. As usual ODL will be in the front section of the march. The bus will set off from Baker Street around 1pm. PLEASE NOTE: Seats on the bus are allocated for those with mobility or access needs. Seat booking is essential on 020 7239 0400 or
2pm – 6pm: Free tea, biscuits and relaxation St Anne’s Church Hall 55 Dean Street London W1D 6AF After the parade the group will head to our usual Older LGBT community relaxation space at St Anne’s Church Hall in Soho. We supply the tea, coffee, biscuits and company (no live music this year unfortunately as the Gay Winds are playing for the whole Parade this year).
For more information about Pride in general: