November 2017 opening doors london events listings

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Make new friends and try new activities with members of the older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans* community. ODL membership is free and is aimed at all who identify as LGBT*, and are over 50. We have members from across London, and beyond. As well as our events, we also offer: •

A befriending service

Policy, campaigning and training

For information about groups and activities please contact us on: •

020 7239 0400

Opening Doors London is a charity (1167919) and a company limited by guarantee (10123607) Opening Doors London is supported by:

Register for Sunday Lunch and Film Club on the 3rd of December: https://december

Lumen Café Christmas meal for members ** BOOKING NOW** Friday 15th December 2017 at 13:00 Lumen Cafe 88 Tavistock Place. London, WC1H 9RS 020 7278 1887. Diane and Jan at Black Olive Cooks are taking bookings. Three course Christmas meal including starter, main course and dessert. Select your options on booking at the Lumen - veggie and gluten free options are available in addition to the classic Turkey with all the Trimmings and Christmas Pudding. Price: £27.50 per person Deposit: £10.00 (cash preferred). Pay to Lumen before Friday 1st December 2017 and pre-select your dishes/courses.

Your feedback on Pride 2017 (and Pride overall) We’ve created an online survey to capture your experience and opinion of Pride in London. We’re looking to understand what ODL members’ like about the event as well as what stops people from attending. Your feedback will help us to improve ODL’s Pride presence next year, as well as contributing to the wider work of the Community Advisory Board of Pride in London. We would really appreciate your participation whether you attended this year or not: https://www.

Please note that addresses and transport information for all venues are now included at the end of the listings.

Jim Glennon Training and Policy Coordinator Tel: 020 7239 0400 Jim joins ODL following twenty years’ experience in the development of health and social care training and consultancy at a local, regional and national level, including work with several leading LGBT* organisations. He has also worked as policy advisor to Volunteer Centre Kensington and Chelsea and chaired Policy Group meetings of the Government funded Community Development Foundation. His role will be to develop the training and consultancy area of ODL, and to support our Ambassadors in representing ODL at external meetings.

Ali Negyal Training Team Administrator Tel: 020 7239 0400 Ali supports the work of our Training Consultancy Team. He has had a mixed career across the private, public and charity sectors. For the last decade, his work has focused primarily on delivering or developing services for homeless people, and commissioning specialist accommodation for older people who require care and support.

October was such an exciting month – with Opening Doors London being nominated for two awards. Thank you to everyone who voted for the Pink News Awards. We didn’t win but it was fantastic that ODL was shortlistedfor the Community Group of the Year. We have also been nominated for Charity of the Year at the European Diversity Awards. It is great for the team and our many volunteers to get recognition for all the work they do supporting our community. I’m proud to lead an organisation where everyone is so committed – and where members are so actively involved. Fundraising: ODL raises funds in a variety of ways: - We apply for grants - We earn income by providing training - We receive donations from individuals - We have people who fundraise for us We have had some fantastic support over recent months – dress down days, raffles, ping pong and pizza and product sales. We are always looking for people to put on events to fundraise for us – and it would be fabulous if more members got involved! If you have an idea for raising funds and would like some advice and support or for us to promote what you are doing – let us know by emailing You might want to do a sponsored event – shave your head, walk the Pennine Way or do a parachute jump!!! Or you could host a coffee morning or cheese and wine evening. Anything which will help raise much needed funds will be much appreciated! You are also invited to become a Friend of Opening Doors London. Have a look on our website. You can contribute as little or as much as you would like. Our Friends programme shows other funders that we are not a passive organisation but have the support of the wider community – and of course, we need the money! Some of you may have attended the Will Writing Workshop in October – I hope you found it useful. Writing a will is one of those things no one wants to do but is relieved once it’s done – so our will writing events are to help members feel more confident about planning your finances. If you would like more information about leaving a donation to ODL in your will – have a look at our LEGACY section on the ODL website. Developing our training capacity: I am delighted to welcome Jim Glennon and Ali Negyal to the ODL team to deliver training and consultancy to other organisations on the needs and experience of older LGBT* people.

They will be working with our team of associate and volunteer trainers to support the development of the skills and expertise so staff in mainstream organisations can give correct, non-judgemental personalised care to our communities. Over coming months, our associate trainer, Dr. David Woodhead will be delivering a whole systems training events to service providing services to older people in a number of boroughs. The event will take a World Café format: a dynamic set-up in which participants can shape the outcome. The theme of the event will be ‘Are services in your Borough well-designed to meet the needs of older LGBT*-people?’ The first events will be in Haringey, Islington and Camden. If you live in one of these boroughs and would like to participate, or would like to train as a volunteer Trainer, then please email us at training@ Out and about in Southwark We are pleased that we have received funding to develop our work in Southwark. We will be delivering training to housing providers, promoting the Befriending Service, and developing new activities for members. We will be holding an event to find out what you might like to see happening. If you are interested in coming along please book here Christmas is coming…. Members party: The lovely people at the Breakfast Club are hosting the Members’ Christmas Party again. It will take place on Monday 4th December between 2-5pm. The venue this year will be the Breakfast Club in Canary Wharf – places are limited, please book via ODL Carol concert: The event is open to all members and will be held at St Anne’s Church in Soho. There will be a chance for you to sing some classic carols, hear carols from our very own Singing for Fun group and enjoy a seasonal social of mulled wine and mince pies. If anyone would like to get involved to read a poem or offer something festive, please get in touch with Adrian or Juliet.

Alice Wallace Director of ODL


Wednesday 1st Anchor Housing/ ODL Art Group Chigwell Court

Men’s Pimlico Social Pimlico Room

Why not try this friendly and informal drop-in? It meets at 2pm every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. All materials for a variety of activities and range of abilities are provided free, as are the refreshments. Advice and guidance are on offer from Philippa, the volunteer/artist. The venue is pleasant and fully accessible. It is close to Homerton overground station and on several bus routes. Call Philippa for more information on 07951540640

Friendly drop-in coffee evening. 6pm – 9pm

2pm – 4pm

Thursday 2nd

Friday 3rd

50+ LGBT Coffee Morning in Wandsworth The Furzedown Project

Rainbow Surfers’ older LGBT* computer drop-in Computer Suite, Tavis House

50+ Coffee Morning in Wandsworth, at the Furzedown project for older people. The Wandsworth LGBT forum hosts this coffee morning with Vito from ODL.

Our Age UK Camden LGBT* friendly drop-in session provides you with an opportunity to receive IT assistance and guidance from knowledgeable volunteers and staff. For more information please contact Tony on 020 7239 0400.

Every Thursday 10 – 12. A fee of £2 after your initial visit which pays for room hire and drinks. We hope you may become members and join in some of the other activities on offer. We sometimes have interesting speakers, visits from local councillors/MPs/community workers etc. But if you just want to chat and have coffee that’s fine too. Every Thursday 10am – 12pm

Every Thursday 10am – 1pm South London Coffee Morning Little Nan’s Salon Catford Social group drop-in for older LGBT* people to meet in a lovely LGBT* friendly café bar in the heart of Lewisham. Regular cup of Tea 80p / Coffee £1.50. Fully accessible. 10.30am – 12.30pm

Friday Coffee & Cake Club Café Tavis House Café Come in for a chat at this peer led social group. Hot drinks can be purchased in the café. Please feel free to bring your own cakes and biscuits. Every Friday 10am – 12pm


Sunday 5th

Sunday Lunch & Film Club Henderson Court Resource Centre Join us for a lovely home cooked lunch before we watch the film: The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) This film recounts the adventures of Gustave H, a legendary concierge at a famous European hotel between the wars, and Zero Moustafa, the lobby boy who becomes his most trusted friend. The story involves the theft and recovery of a priceless Renaissance painting and the battle for an enormous family fortune, all against the back-drop of a suddenly and dramatically changing continent.

Cost £5. Booking for lunch essential via: or by calling 020 7239 0400 Social: 12pm. Lunch: 1pm Film starts: 2pm

Monday 6th Bridge and Scrabble Club Lumen Café

Singing for fun! Room 13, Mary Ward Centre

Every Monday the wonderful Black Olive Cooks at the lovely Lumen Café will provide space for ODL members to play Bridge and Scrabble. Beginners welcome! Scrabble boards will be provided. Lumen Café are offering ODL members discounted tea for 50p and filter coffee for 80p.

Come along to a free and friendly singing course at the Mary Ward Centre run in partnership with Opening Doors London. Develop your singing voice and learn songs covering a range of material including traditional folk, songs from yesteryear (30s-60s) and Pop with the main focus being fun! Learning to sing in harmony, listen and blend our voices together. Complete beginner to confident singer - everyone is welcome.

2pm – 4pm

Contact Erica at the Mary Ward Centre 020 7269 6035 or Adrian at ODL 020 7239 0400 to find out more. 3:45pm – 5.15pm

Peer led coffee and tea social The Breakfast Club Battersea Rise The team from The Breakfast Club are providing free tea and coffee for ODL members at this peer led monthly social. Just turn up to meet other ODL members. Sometimes The Breakfast Club team will be able to pop in to say hello too. 4pm – 6pm


Tuesday 7th Peer led Creative Writing Group Tavis House ODL member Pat would like to invite other ODL members to join a non-taught Creative Writing Group for people who would like to come together to write. 3pm – 5pm Clive’s Walk: Stroll up Pole Hill Meet at Chingford Main Line Station under covered area outside Autumn is such a variable time. It is hard to know when leaf fall will complete. Pole Hill used to offer fantastic views but has become grown over with a heavy crop of trees which enclose things. It is a fairly easy walk. We will either benefit from the glorious shades of autumn leaves or a good view.

If it does end up as a famous Clive Wet Walk then we will simply make an early dash to the refurbished golf café on Chingford Plain. A short stroll along the high street shops is also an alternative. People may choose to take a bus trip home towards Walthamstow or Stratford. 11am leaving promptly Finish by 4pm at latest Tuesday Group Havering LGBT over-50s Social Tapestry Stanton Gate Romford

So if you are age 50 or over and would like to experience some smashing social company within a safe and welcoming space, please get in touch and come along. There will be free nibbles and drinks on offer, plus a great team of dedicated volunteers who will warmly greet you and introduce you to like-minded people who also identify as LGBT. To register an interest or for more information, please contact Alan Giles on 07757 122 749 or 3pm – 5pm

Havering LGBT+ Forum is proud to present a new social group for LGBT* older people in the east London/ Essex area. This is a great opportunity to meet up with old friends and make new ones from in and around the Havering area in E. London/ Essex.

Wednesday 8th London Friend tea & biscuits older LGBT* drop-in London Friend In partnership with London Friend, this social group is a place to meet friends for a coffee, chat and optional board games! 12.30pm – 2.30pm Launch Event: The Arc of Triumph The Brixton Pound With a history that encompasses creativity, civil rights and LGBT+ liberation, Brixton holds a special place in the hearts of many.

In three special fundraising events to launch new Brixton group ‘Arc of Triumph’, ODL’s Shaun Wallace interviews three figures from the black LGBTQ+ community in Brixton. The first of the interviews will be with community wellbeing trainer and consultant Dennis Carney. 2003 and 2006, He received the Black LGBT Community Award in recognition of his community development work in 2003 and 06. Tickets £5 through Eventbrite. Limited capacity! For more info: shaun.wallace@ 6.30pm – 9.00pm

Dennis Carney & Essex Hemphill, 1988 © Rotimi Fani-Kayode


Thursday 9th

50+ LGBT Coffee Morning in Wandsworth The Furzedown Project See 1st Thursday for more info. Every Thursday 10am – 12pm Rainbow Surfers’ older LGBT* computer drop-in Computer Suite, Tavis House See 1st Thursday for more info Every Thursday 10am – 1pm

Cinema, Chats & Coffee Club East Dulwich Picture House Join us for a new group in South London at the lovely East Dulwich Picture House. We meet in the lobby at 11 for a morning chat. PictureHouse is offering us free hot drinks for the social and discounted tickets at £6.50, for all ODL members! For more info, email Lin: linnea. frank@openingdoorslondon. or call 020 7239 0400. The venue is fully accessible and induction loop systems are fitted in each of the four auditoria. You will receive an email about which film we will be watching the week before. Social: 11:00 AM with film following (film & time depending on Picturehouse programme)

Friday 10th Friday Coffee & Cake Club Café Tavis House Café

Out and About at the Barbican Barbican Centre

Mixed ODL East Dinner Club: Positive East

See 1st Friday for more info.

Join us for a new group at the Barbican Centre for afternoon tea and activities. Meet at the Block Space, a.k.a the old shop, on the ground floor of Barbican Centre (opposite the Terrace). No need to book.

East London Dinner Club is back! This month we will eat a carefully crafted meal, cooked by a professional chef. £6 for this delicious meal. Bring a bottle to share if you want to have a drink with friends beforehand.

Every Friday 10am – 12pm

2pm – 4pm

Pre-booking is essential, please email info@ or call 020 7239 0400 by Monday 6th. 6.30pm – 9:30pm


Sunday 12th Second Sunday Social Chelsea Theatre Join us for lunch. We’ll be ordering food from a local cafe, Mona Lisa, which serves a variety of delicious hot meals. No RSVP required. 12.30pm – 15.30pm

Monday 13th Bridge and Scrabble Club Lumen Café

Mixed Tea Dance Tavis House Café

See 1st Monday for more info.

Join us for our early evening tea dance in the Tavis House café. We will provide the tea, the snacks and the music to dance to with some lessons for those who are beginners and want to get up on the floor.

2pm – 4pm Rainbow Cafe Tavis House The first Rainbow Cafe event was a great success with 11 people attending. One man said he felt like ‘he’d come home’ being somewhere he could talk to people without having to explain. There was a real sense of closeness and connection in the group for only a first meeting. Please be aware, it is for people who are worried about their memory, who have dementia or are caring for someone. Please let Sally know if you are coming so we can ensure we have enough space and cake! sally.knocker@ 2pm – 4pm

Come and have a look at our new format, get some exercise and meet old friends over a cuppa and a cha cha. 5:30pm – 7:30pm Singing for fun! Room 13, Mary Ward Centre For more info, see the 6th of the month. 3:45pm – 5.15pm

Do you have access requirements? If there’s an event you’d like to attend but you’re not sure if you’ll be able to make it due to your access requirements, please contact us so we can help make sure you get the most out of being part of Opening Doors London. Contact us on 020 7239 0400 or


Tuesday 14th

Mens’ Group Walk Kingston Railway Station

Text or leave a message on the walking group mobile number which is 07804 329 416.

Men’s Speakers Night: Intro to Wine & Winemaking Henderson Court Resource Centre

Our November walk takes us to Royal (and sometimes less than royal) Kingston upon Thames. We meet at Kingston Railway Station. As our guide, we are privileged to have Peter Cowin, local resident and Westminster and Camden Guide colleague of Peter’s, to reveal its secrets.

You will need to wait for a reply before you can be sure that a place has been booked for you, or better still: Book a free ticket upon Eventbrite (using password “saxon”), which will instantly guarantee you a place: https:// openingdoorwalkgroupkingston.

Do you want to learn more about food and beverage history?

‘Location, location, location’ certainly applies to Kingston, being well placed on the The Thames and associated with royalty from Saxon times. It claims at least 2 (or was it 7?) coronations. Its ancient market place and riverside industry brought wealth and generous benefactors, whose legacy is still in evidence today. We will explore its riverside, bridge and markets as well as discovering a use for redundant telephone boxes, finding a memorial to a famous dog and much more.

These walks are proving popular so if you find yourself unable to come along, having booked, kindly let us know so that your place can be offered to someone else on the waiting list.

We will try to explain you all the steps to make good wines and taste some of them. Come and explore different types of White Wine in Henderson Court. Bring your own snacks & bottle for a complete experience. Social: 6pm Tasting: 7pm

14:15pm for 14:30pm start

Feel free to share events, exhibitions and happenings with one another by including them in the Alternative Doors listings. Email:

Wednesday 15th Anchor Housing/ ODL Art Group Chigwell Court See 1st Wednesday for more info. 2pm – 4pm


Thursday 16th 50+ LGBT Coffee Morning in Wandsworth The Furzedown Project See 1st Thursday for more info. Every Thursday 10am – 12pm Rainbow Surfers’ older LGBT* computer drop-in Computer Suite, Tavis House See 1st Thursday of the month ehafor more info. Every Thursday 10am – 1pm Appropriate Behaviour (2014) Women’s Film Night Committee Room 2 Camden Town Hall We will be showing: Appropriate Behaviour (2014) A cool, ironic modern comedy about Iranian-American Shirin’s escapades while she tries to work out what went wrong with girlfriend Maxine. (86 min) Social: 6pm, Film: 7pm

Opening Doors London Pub Club Ye Old Rose & Crown Social group drop-in for older LGBT* people to meet in a lovely LGBT* pub in the heart of Greenwich Village. Please note that the toilets for men are down one flight of stairs and the toilets for women are up one flight of stairs. For people using wheelchairs there are toilets just across the road at the Ibis Hotel. 7pm to late

Friday 17th Friday Coffee & Cake Club Café Tavis House Café See 1st Friday of the month for more info. Every Friday 10am – 12pm

Do you have access requirements? If there’s an event you’d like to attend but you’re not sure if you’ll be able to make it due to your access requirements, please contact us so we can help make sure you get the most out of being part of Opening Doors London. Contact us on 020 7239 0400 or


Saturday 18th

Sunday 19st

Arts Outing: Jacqui D Films Rio Cinema Dalston

Arts Outing: The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson Rio Cinema Dalston

“Lesbian feminist filmmaker Jacqui Duckworth left three exceptional 16mm experimental dramas before her premature death in 2015. Her films are pioneering for their unflinching representation and exploration of a newly visible lesbian feminist identity, community and moving image aesthetic coming out of 80s London.” This screening is part of the Fringe Queer Film Festival. We have limited tickets at £5 (50% off original price). Please email Lin at linnea.frank@ to book. We meet in reception: 12.30pm Film: 1pm

“Set against a backdrop of current day violence and injustice faced by trans women of colour worldwide and in the USA, this documentarycum-whodunit follows one woman’s determined attempt to establish the truth behind the death of the trans icon and Gay rights activist Marsha P Johnson.” This film is part of the Fringe Queer Film Festival. We have limited tickets at £4 (50% off original price). Please email Lin at linnea.frank@ to book. We meet in reception: 12.30pm Film: 1pm

Monday 20th Women’s Breakfast at the Albany The Albany, Deptford

Bridge and Scrabble Club Lumen Café

Start your day at the Albany community café meeting other women for a chat/discussion. Have a cuppa or breakfast. As the venue is near the Thames, we also have the option to go for a walk along the Thames occasionally. 10am – 12pm

See 1st Monday for more info. 2pm – 4pm Singing for fun! Room 13, Mary Ward Centre See the 6th for more info. 3:45pm – 5.15pm

A walk in Canons Park & Stanmore Meet at Canons Park Station (main entrance) We will walk through Canons Park open space to enjoy the green spaces, walled garden and woodland path to reach Stanmore village, where we will have a stop for coffee or good value lunch. After lunch, we will return to Canons Park station. Walk length: 3.5 miles approx 11am – 2pm


Tuesday 21st

Wednesday 22nd

Peer led Creative Writing Group Tavis House

London Friend tea & biscuits older LGBT* drop-in London Friend

See the 7th for more info. 3pm – 5pm

See the 8th for more info. 12.30pm – 2.30pm LGBT–history tour of the NPG National Portrait Gallery We have been offered a lovely tour of the National Portrait Galleries collection. A guide will walk us through the collection and show us pieces that reflect, portray and have influenced LGBT–history. Limited places available for this one-off event. Please email linnea.frank@ or call 020 7239 0400 to book.

Sylvia Townsend Warner by Howard Coster, 1934 © National Portrait Gallery, London

2pm – 3pm

Thursday 23rd

Friday 24th

50+ LGBT Coffee Morning in Wandsworth The Furzedown Project

Friday Coffee and Cake Club

See 1 Thursday for more info. st

See 1st Friday for more info. 10am – 12pm

Every Thursday 10am – 12pm Mixed Tea Dance Tavis House Café Rainbow Surfers’ older LGBT* computer drop-in Computer Suite, Tavis House See 1st Thursday for more info. Every Thursday 10am – 1pm

See the 13th for more info. 5:30pm – 7:30pm

Informal Art Group Tavis House Join Allan for an informal art group for all abilities - come and do your own creative thing, or improve and expand your drawing skills with gentle guidance from an experienced volunteer teacher. Whether you are a traditional sketcher or an outrageous avantgardist this group will supply encouragement, support, plenty of dialogue.... and maybe an exhibition. Basic materials provided, but feel free to bring your own sketchbooks and nonmessy kit. Contact: juliet.chard@ for more info. 12:30 for a 1pm start


Saturday 25th

Art Outing: The Queer Allure of Art Deco Victoria & Albert Museum As part of the Being Human Festival, we will join the V&A’s LGBTQ Working Group for an archival visit to the Prints and Drawings Study Room, exploring queer aesthetics in original Art Deco prints and designs in the Museum collection. There will be a talk on the work of stage and costume designers George Barbier, Leon Bakst, and Erté; photographers Cecil Beaton and Paul Tanqueray; and performers such as Nazimova, Nijinsky, and Valentino.

The talk will be followed by screenings of specially selected excerpts from key productions of the era including Camille (1921), Monsieur Beaucaire (1924), and The Hollywood Revue of 1929. This event is free but has limited places. Please email Lin: linnea. uk to book your place. We meet outside the main V&A entrance 2:30pm Talk: 3pm – 5pm

Monday 27th Bridge and Scrabble Club Lumen Café

Mixed Tea Dance Tavis House Café

Bi The Way Group Tavis House

See 1st Monday more info.

See the 13th of the month for more info.

Friendly get-together for bisexual people and allies. All welcome. Light refreshments available.

2pm – 4pm Singing for fun! Room 13, Mary Ward Centre See 6th for more info. 3:45pm – 5.15pm

5:30pm – 7:30pm

6pm - 8pm


Tuesday 28th

Wednesday 29th

Men’s gentle exercise class Henderson Court Resource Centre (Entrance on Prince Arthur Road)

Special event: A Night at the Movies: screening of The Celluloid Closet Charles Russell Speechlys Offices

Exercise is free medicine! Come and join a class to stretch, energise and have fun. You don’t need to bring any kit, just come along and give it a go. Suitable for all abilities and levels of fitness.Free to attend. 6.30pm – 7pm Men’s Films Night: Cabaret Henderson Court Resource Centre Cabaret is a 1972 American musical drama film which was directed by Bob Foss. In Berlin 1931, American cabaret singer Sally meets British academic Brian who is finishing his university studies. Despite Brian’s confusion over his sexuality, the pair become lovers, but the arrival of the wealthy and decadent playboy Maximilian complicates matters for both.

This is a special event kindly hosted by Charles Russell Speechlys law firm in their cinema room and is open to all ODL members. The Celluloid Closet is a 1995 American documentary film directed and written by Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman. The film is based on Vito Russo who researched the history of how motion pictures, especially Hollywood films, had portrayed gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender characters. There will be free popcorn, hotdogs and drinks for ODL guests on the night. The film will start promptly at 6pm. 5.30pm-8.00pm

Social: 6pm Film starts: 7pm

Please register your interest ASAP since the organisers need to know the numbers by mid-November. Book through Eventbrite https://celluliod-closet. or email Juliet: juliet.

Thursday 30th 50+ LGBT Coffee Morning in Wandsworth The Furzedown Project

Rainbow Surfers’ older LGBT* computer drop-in Computer Suite, Tavis House

See 1st Thursday of the month for more info.

See 1st Thursday of the month for more info.

Every Thursday 10am – 12pm

Every Thursday 10am – 1pm

The Albany Douglas Way, Deptford, SE8 4AG Trains/Overground: New Cross and Deptford DLR: Deptford Bridge Bus: 41, 171, 172, 225

London Friend 86 Caledonian Road, N1 9DN Underground: King’s Cross Bus: 17, 63, 91

Barbican Centre Silk St, EC2Y 8DS Underground: Barbican Bus: 153, 214

Little Nans Broadway Theatre Saloon Broadway Theatre, Catford Rd, SE6 4RU Fully accessible. Opposite the Town Hall Trains: Catford, Catford Bridge Bus: 75, 185, 284

Battersea Rise Breakfast Club 5-9 Battersea Rise, SW11 1HG Underground/Overground: Clapham Junction Bus: 35, 37, 87

Mary Ward Centre Room 13, 1st Floor 42 Queen Square, WC1N 3AQ Underground: Russel Square Bus: 59, 68, 168, 188

The Brixton Pound 77 Atlantic Road, SW9 8PU Underground/Rail: Brixton Bus: 59, P4

National Portrait Gallery St. Martin’s Pl, WC2H 0HE Underground/Rail: Charing Cross, Leicester Sq. Bus: 24, 29, 156

Charles Russell Speechlys Offices 5 Fleet Place, EC4M 7RD Underground/Rail: City Thameslink, Blackfriars Bus: 4, 14, 14, 45, 63

Tavis House (Age UK) Tavistock Sq. 1-6, WC1H 9NA Underground: Euston Sq., Euston, Kings Cross Bus: 168, 59, 68

Chelsea Theatre World’s End Place, 7 King’s Rd, SW10 0DR Underground: Sloane Sq., Earl’s Court Overground: Imperial Wharf Bus: 11, 22, 328, C3

Lumen Café 88 Tavistock Place, London WC1H 9RS. Underground: 0.3 miles from Russell Square or 0.4 miles from King’s Cross St. Pancras London station.

Chigwell Court 99 Balance Road, E9 5S Overground: Homerton Station Bus: 26, 30, 388, 488

Pimlico Room (Back of St. Saviour’s Church) St George’s Square, SW1V 3QW Underground: Pimlico Bus: 87,

East Dulwich Picture House 116A Lordship Lane, SE22 8HD Train: East Dulwich Station Bus: 37, 40, 176, 185, 484, P1

Rio Cinema Dalston 107 Kingsland High St, E8 2PB Overground: Dalston Kingsland/Junction Bus: 67, 76, 149, 243, 488

The Furzedown Project 93 Moyser Road, SW16 6SJ Bus: 57, 249, 319, 333 Train: 20 mins walk from Streatham Common

Victoria & Albert Museum Cromwell Rd, SW7 2RL Underground: South Kensington Bus: C1, 414, 14, 74

Havering LGBT. Tapestry Stanton Gate, Mawney Road, Romford RM7 7HL Transport: 0.7 miles walk from Romford station with connections to Upminster, Stratford and Liverpool Street.

Ye Old Rose & Crown 1 Crooms Hill, London SE10 8ER Underground/Train: Cutty Sark, Greenwich Bus: 180, 199

Henderson Court Resource Centre 102 Fitzjohn’s Avenue, London NW3 6NS (Entrance on Prince Arthur Road) Underground: Hampstead Bus: 46

BANK STANDING ORDER You can make a donation via regular standing order by completing the details below and give to your bank. INSTRUCTION TO PAY BY BANK STANDING ORDER To: ______________________________________________ (please insert name of your bank) Name of account: _________________________________________________________________ Account number: ________________________________ Sort code: _______________________ Bank postal address: ______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Post code: ___________________ Please make payments as indicated below to: CAF Bank Ltd Account Name: Opening Doors London Sort Code: 40-52-40 Account No. 00029589 Monthly donation (please tick) £5 £10 £15 £25 £50 Other £ _______________________ on the _______ day of each month starting on _________________ (month) ___________ (year) Personal details Full name: _______________________________________________________________________ Postal address: ___________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Post code: ___________________ Telephone: _______________________ Email address: __________________________________ Signed: _____________________________________________ Date: ______________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHARITY GIFT AID DECLARATION Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer. To Gift Aid your donation you must tick the box below: ð I want to Gift Aid my donation of £______________ and any donations I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years to Opening Doors London I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. My Details Title ____________________ First name or initial(s) ________________________________ Surname _____________________________________________________________________ Full Home address _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Postcode __________________________ Date ___________________________________ Please notify the charity if you: ➢ want to cancel this declaration ➢ change your name or home address ➢ no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code. Please return this form to: The Donor Administrator, Opening Doors London, Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA or Email:

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