October 2016 opening doors london events listings

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Opening Doors London: Events


October 2016

Opening Doors London

Events October

Opening Doors London is a charity (1167919) and a company limited by guarantee (10123607)

Opening Doors London: Events

October 2016

This year the family run business The Breakfast Club is


taking 30 staff across the company to the Florida Keys to complete 5 marathons in 5 days both walking and running.

As you may recall from our August Listings, ODL is working with Flexible Films to develop a new film to show the ‘inside story’ of Opening Doors London: all the wonderful things membership brings. If you want to be part of it – don’t delay, get involved today! We are giving you lots of notice to prepare your glad rags and book these dates in your diary: th

Thursday 10 November sees the return of our annual Health Information Fair at Tavis House. There will be lots of workshops, talks, stalls and opportunities to meet other members between 2pm – 6pm. So get the date in your diary now.

Staff member Hayley has decided to do all her fundraising for Opening Doors London. Here's what she says about the challenge ahead... “This October, along with 30 of my Breakfast Club pals, I'll be taking on a BEAST. Starting in Miami, we'll be walking/ running the equivalent of a marathon a day across each of the Florida Keys before arriving (aches, pains, blisters and all) in Key West. On the fifth morning, I'll be competing in the Southern Most Half Marathon. Altogether, that's nearly 118 miles in the blistering Florida heat - not to mention the hundreds clocked up in training. Physically and mentally it goes without saying there will be many lows during such a test of endurance. BUT, raising £1500 for the wonderful Opening Doors London, an amazing charity supporting the Older LGBT* community will be a high. The work they do to support their members has me humbled and the occasions I've been fortunate enough to volunteer with them at events have been full of laughs and learnings.” We can't be there to cheer Hayley on, but we can sponsor her in her bid to raise money for Opening Doors London: https://mydonate.bt.com/fundraisers/hayleytak esonthebeast

We are putting aside a room for the film-makers. They will be filming some of the activities and 1-2-1 informal interviews. If you want to guarantee a spot – email us now at info@openingdoorslondon.org.uk . Come and record your voice for prosperity – and to promote Opening Doors London to new potential members. th

Flexible Films will also be in residence at Tavis House on Friday 11 November between 11am – 4pm. It would be great if you could let us know if you would like to be involved.

In our bid to let more people know about what ODL does, we will also be taking photos at groups – please let your group leader know if you prefer not to be photographed. But either way – keep on telling people about ODL so that they can be part of this wonderful community! Alice Wallace, Manager

A Festive Lunch Our association with Lumen appears to become stronger with each visit, and we believe becoming valued customers of the Friday Lunches since several ODL members have been attending and paying the regular cafe prices. With Christmas approaching at what seems an alarming speed we enquired if the cafe would be holding festive lunches. They have already several bookings for the pre-Christmas period, however they had Friday 16th December without any bookings. Many people like to have a celebratory get together lunch event before the Holiday period gets underway with their own family and friends so we have provisionally booked a 2 course lunch for ODL members on the 16th. A menu is being sent to us for consideration to include the traditional meal, please a fish and a vegetarian option would be available. Festive meals create additional work and costs beyond regular price at £22.50 per person with a bring your own wine (no corkage) option. Pre booking with a deposit of £5 would be necessary. Book with Info@openingdoorslondon.org.uk or 020 7239 0400

Opening Doors London is a charity (1167919) and a company limited by guarantee (10123607)

Opening Doors London: Events

October 2016

Saturday 1st October

2pm – 4pm

Day trip to Brighton to attend the Women over 50 Film Festival. www.wofff.co.uk

Anchor Housing/ ODL Mixed Art Group

Join volunteer Vivienne and meet up with Brighton Older LGBT+ members to attend WOFFF at BMECP Centre, Brighton BN1 4ZE. You will need to buy your own train ticket & with a freedom pass this only needs to be from Croydon. Film tickets £3-£6. No need to book, turn up on the day. For more information email Info@openingdoorslondon.org.uk or phone 020 7239 0400 Meet 11am at the ticket office at Victoria Station then there is a train at 11:20am.

Wednesday 5th October

Chigwell House The art group will be held in the communal room. Basic materials will be provided for the informal dropin session. Volunteer artists on hand.

2pm – 4pm

Women's Wednesdays NEW G24 Common Room, UCL London

Monday 3rd October

Peer led coffee and tea social The Breakfast Club Free tea and coffee for ODL members at this monthly social. Just turn up to meet other ODL members.

4 – 6pm

Open Learning Lecture Series Queen Anne Court Room QA075 University of Greenwich Opening Doors, in partnership with the University of Greenwich LGBT+ Staff Network, are launching the Opening Learning lecture series this October. This will be an assortment of presentations and conversations with academics and researchers on a range of fascinating topics. The series begins with a talk by Dr. Mark Anderson on African Archaeology. 3pm

Tuesday 4th October

A new women's social will be held at UCL on the first Wednesday of the month. Come along for a chat and meet some new people. We will be watching the TV show Orange is the New Black. Members are invited to bring nibbles to share with the group.

contact Fiona.Addison@openingdoorslondon.org.uk. Social: 5.30pm; TV show starts: 7pm

Men’s Pimlico Social Pimlico Room Friendly drop-in coffee evening. 6pm – 9pm

NEW Peer led Creative Writing Group

Thursday 6th October

Tavis House ODL member Pat would like to invite other ODL members to join a Creative Writing Group. This won’t be a taught group, instead a group of people who would like to come together to write. At the first couple of sessions on Tue 6th and Tue 20th August there will be discussions about Contact Kate for more information on Kate.Hancock@openingdoorslondon.org.uk or 020 7239 0400

‘Rainbow Surfers’ older LGBT* computer

drop-in Computer Suite, Tavis House Our Age UK Camden LGBT* friendly drop-in session provides you with an opportunity to receive IT assistance and guidance from knowledgeable volunteers and staff. For more information please contact Tony on 020 7239 0400.

Opening Doors London is a charity (1167919) and a company limited by guarantee (10123607)

Opening Doors London: Events

Every Thursday 10am – 1pm

Friday 7th October

Friday Coffee and Cake Club Tavis House Come in for a chat at this peer led social group. Hot drinks can be purchased in the café. Please feel free to bring your own cakes and biscuits.

Every Friday 10am – 12pm Sunday 9th October

Mixed 'Second Sundays' Social/ Lunch Group Chelsea Theatre Second Sundays is celebrating their fourth anniversary! Join us for lunch and birthday cake. We'll be ordering our lunch from a local cafe, Mona Lisa, which serves a wide variety of delicious hot meals. No RSVP required. If you have any questions email Fiona.Addison@openingdoorslondon.org.uk or text/ call leaving a message on 07435 356 951.

12.30pm – 4pm Monday 10th October

Mixed Exercise Walk: A walk round Stocker's Lake nature reserve in Rickmansworth

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October 2016

Join Gerry and Alan for a 4 mile leisurely walk in this lovely and tranquil nature reserve in south west Herts. There are lots of birds to see in and around the lake, and if we are lucky on the day, we might see kingfishers, egrets, reed warblers and cormorants! Bring your binoculars, and Alan will guide us on the rich bird life. Meeting time: 11am Meeting point: Outside Rickmansworth tube station (Metropolitan Line, zone 7) Miles: 4 Walk end point: Rickmansworth tube station Walk end time: 2.30pm approx. Lunch: Bring a packed lunch and drink to have in the park. Booking: No need to book, just come along!

Bridge and Scrabble Club Lumen Café On the second and fourth Monday of the month the wonderful Black Olive Cooks at the lovely Lumen Café will provide space for ODL members to play Bridge and Scrabble. Beginners welcome! Scrabble boards will be provided. Lumen Café is offering ODL members discounted tea for 50p and filter coffee for 80p. Beginners welcome.

2pm – 4pm

Mixed Tea Line Dance Tavis House Café, Tavis House Join us for our tea dances whether you are an experienced dancer, a beginner or have never danced before –there is room for all! Peter will instruct and lead us in Line Dancing. Please bring LGBT* friends of any age.

5.30pm –7.30pm Tuesday 11th October

Men’s Walking Group Canonbury is a surprise. It doesn't feature on most people's London radar and few visitors seek it out. Yet its elegant streets and square boasts many fine mature trees, lush and generous gardens and wonderful architecture. It even has its own man-made river. Autumn is a splendid time to discover its quiet charm and seek out its hidden corners. Famous residents like George Orwell and Evelyn Waugh were the precursors of a thriving literary and artistic community. Come prepared to have your curiosity excited as we plunge

Opening Doors London is a charity (1167919) and a company limited by guarantee (10123607)

Opening Doors London: Events

into the leafy roads and river banks to discover this mysterious part of Islington. f you’re unable to book online you can text or leave a message on the walking group mobile number which is 07804 329 416, but you will need to wait for a reply before you can be sure that a place has been booked for you. We will reply as soon as we possibly can. Better still book a free ticket upon Eventbrite (using password "orwell"), which will instantly guarantee you place: http://octoberwalkgroup.eventbrite.co.uk These walks are proving popular so if you find yourself unable to come, kindly let us know so that your place can be offered to someone else on the waiting list. Meeting time: 2.15pm Walk start time: 2.30pm prompt

October 2016

Following a very successful panel event for LGBT History Month last February UCL and ODL have put together a different panel of students and ODL members, aged 18-80, plus an ODL staff member to discuss their experiences of coming out to celebrate National Coming Out Day. Dan Gillespie-Sells and Kath Gillespie-Sells will co-chair the evening and our hosts for the evening are international law firm King & Wood Mallesons, one of ODL’s corporate partners. FREE by ticket only. For tickets visit Eventbrite at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/coming-out-tickets27998423037 or call 020 7239 0400

6pm arrival for 6:30 start – 9:00pm Wednesday 12th October

Questions about groups, events and activities? If there are contact details next to the specific event check the back of this publication to find the full details.

Mixed Islington Older LGBT* Drop-in

Call 020 7239 0400 or email info@openingdoorslondon.org.uk

In partnership with London Friend, this social group is a place to meet friends for a coffee, chat and optional board games!

London Friend

2pm – 4pm

Men’s Speakers Night Henderson Court Resource Centre Stuart Feather will be reading from and discussing his new book Blowing the Lid about “the queer fight for Gay Liberation; authentic identities and modern roles for lesbians and gays that enhanced British society.”

Thursday 13th October ‘Rainbow Surfers’ older LGBT* computer

drop-in Computer Suite, Tavis House See the first Thursday of the month Every Thursday 10am – 1pm

‘Giant cucumbers, fake nuns, dead light-bulbs; weapons of the first lesbian and gay sexual revolution whose demonstrations were colourful, camp, bitingly sarcastic: wrong footing authority at every turn. Maoists, Marxists, Radical Feminists, Radical Queens and ordinary lesbians and gay men struggled to define the idea of gay liberation. Agitators with positive anarchy they transformed British society for homosexual and heterosexual alike.’ Stuart Feather writing for Lesbian and Gay History Month 2016

AGLOW Fundraiser for ODL

Social: 6pm Talk: from 7pm

Friday 14th October

(After the talk some members also head to a local pub for a drink.)

Mixed Friday Coffee and Cake Club

Intergenerational forum with members of ODL on the theme of ‘Coming Out’

Tavis House See first Friday of the month for more details. Every Friday 10am – 12pm

Tavis House Cafe Association of Greater London Older Women (AGLOW) is delighted to invite you to come and see our sketches and stories. Refreshments are provided and any funds will go to Opening Doors. We look forward to seeing you there! 4pm-7pm

10 Queen Street Place EC4 Page 5 of 11

Opening Doors London is a charity (1167919) and a company limited by guarantee (10123607)

Opening Doors London: Events

Mixed ODL East Dinner Club Positive East

October 2016

Newbies: If this is your first event, we're a friendly group and you'll be most welcome. If anyone has questions or is nervous about coming on their own, please contact Lynda or Sylvie (contact details above). This will be a joint women-only event with Kenric and South London Lesbians 2.00pm

Monday 17th October

Mixed Outings in Art: Turner Returns To Tate Britain £6.50 for dinner and great company. Please RSVP by 5pm on Wednesday to Fiona: Fiona.Addison@openingdoorslondon.org.uk or text/ call leaving a message on 07435 356 951.

Start: 6pm Dinner: from 7pm Ends: 9pm Saturday 15th October

Kenric Treasure Hunt (women only) Battersea Park (just inside the Rosary Gate Entrance) Join us for a fun treasure hunt around Battersea Park. Wander around the park with your team mates, solving clues and finding answers. Then make your way to the newly refurbished lakeside café where there'll be prizes for the winning teams. It'll be a lighthearted event and a lot of fun! Afterwards, we'll probably head to a nearby pub for a well-earned drink. Teams: We'll play in teams of 3 or 4. We'll sort out the teams on the day so don't worry about coming on your own or not having a ready-made team. Cost: £3.00 Kenric card holders/ODL members (cash on the day please) £5.00 non-members

Some of J M W Turner’s greatest masterpieces, including “The Angel Standing in the Sun”, will go back on show at Tate Britain, after travelling to Los Angeles and San Francisco as part of “Late Turner” exhibition which was seen by over half a million people. The Clore Gallery, which is dedicated to showing Turner’s work, will be refreshed and rehung to display the returning works. Meeting point: Main Entrance on Millbank

Meet at 2pm

East London ODL Drop-in Positive East Come and join our friendly East London afternoon social. We will include ‘A Voice for Older People’ as a regular slot in the last half hour of our drop-ins. This is an opportunity to give your views on services in East London, whether you live, work, or socialise there. This will be fed back to the Older People’s Reference Group.

Duration: 2 - 3 hours (approx. 3 miles)

Drop in any time between 4.30pm – 6.30pm

You will need: A pen and an observant eye! Comfortable walking shoes and clothing suitable for the weather. Booking: To help us plan, please reserve your place by emailing Lynda/Sylvie at: events@kenriclesbians.org.uk or phone Lynda on: 07958 322 833.

Tuesday 18th October

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Peer led Creative Writing Group Tavis House

Opening Doors London is a charity (1167919) and a company limited by guarantee (10123607)

Opening Doors London: Events

ODL member Pat would like to invite other ODL members to join a Creative Writing Group. This won’t be a taught group, instead a group of people who would like to come together to write. At the first couple of sessions on Tue 6th and Tue 20th August there will be discussions about whether to write on themes or not. Venue: Contact Kate for more information on Kate.Hancock@openingdoorslondon.org.uk or 020 7239 0400 2pm – 4pm

MIXED Group Walk: Special afternoon trip to Croydon Palace

October 2016

Tudor history; amid the modern buildings and tramlines we will see alms-houses founded in the troubled times of the 1590s which retain their character and some curious customs, and the market claiming to be the oldest in Britain. This will be followed by a tour of a remarkable hidden gem- the Old Palace of the Archbishops of Canterbury. The palace, muchfavoured by Queen Elizabeth I, is all the more unusual in still housing a busy school, which means both that visiting times are limited and that historic rooms, such as the atmospheric chapel and the great hall with its fine roof, still have practical functions. Tours of the Old Palace cost £7, or £ 6 for seniors- and the cost includes tea and cake, which is very good value. MEET: East Croydon train station at 12.45pm and, after a short guided walk through the City Centre, we will end with a full tour of the school, followed by welcome refreshments, served in the Elizabethan Great Hall. Full details and booking are on Eventbrite: http://croydonoldpalace.eventbrite.co.uk (using password "elizabeth"). If you would like to participate you can either text or leave a message for the walking group 07804 329 416 but you will need to wait for a reply before you can be sure that a place has been booked for you.

Wednesday 19th October

Anchor Housing/ ODL Mixed Art Group Chigwell House The art group will be held in the communal room. Basic materials will be provided for the informal dropin session. Volunteer artists on hand.

Mixed Pub Club: Ye Olde Rose & Crown Greenwich

In addition to the usual walk a week before on Tuesday 11th October 2016, we shall be making a special afternoon trip to Croydon, courtesy of Amanda and her sister Janice, for which there will be a modest cost of £6, which includes refreshments, payable upon arrival at the school. What does Croydon mean to you? A collection of high rise buildings from the 1960s? An “Edge City” pushing for its rightful recognition in London? The setting of “Peep Show” and the butt of humour? Join us for an exploration of Croydon’s astonishing medieval and Page 7 of 11

Opening Doors London is a charity (1167919) and a company limited by guarantee (10123607)

Opening Doors London: Events

Social group to meet in a lovely pub in the heart of Greenwich village. Ask the bar staff to point you in the direction of the ODL table when you arrive.

7pm – 9pm Thursday 20th October

‘Rainbow Surfers’ older LGBT* computer drop-in Computer Suite, Tavis House See the first Thursday of the month

October 2016

of her own conventional Indian community and the new apartheid-led government, by running a café with Jacob, her black business partner. When she meets Miriam, a young wife and mother, their unexpected attraction pushes Miriam to question the rules that bind her to a traditional role. As Amina helps Miriam's sister-in-law to hide from the police, a chain of events is set in motion that changes both women forever

Social: 5.30pm Film: 7pm 5:30pm – 9:30

Friday 21st October Mixed Friday Coffee and Cake Club See first Friday of the month for more details.

10am – 12pm

Every Thursday 10am – 1pm

Women’s Film Night G24 Common Room UCL The World Unseen

Monday 24th October

Bridge and Scrabble Club Lumen Café See second Monday of the month for details. 2pm – 4pm

Bi The Way Group: "Getting bi at 50+: coming out and staying out." Tavis House Join us for a talk by Rebecca Jones who will look at some of the issues older people confront around claiming and sustaining bisexual identities. Rebecca is bi, nearly old enough to join the group and does research and activism about ageing and bisexuality. She works at the Open University. All bi people and allies welcome. Light refreshments provided.

6-8pm Tuesday 25th October

Mixed West London Group (Ealing) ECIL (Ealing Centre for Independent Living Management Centre Set in 1950s South Africa at the beginning of apartheid, free-spirited Amina has broken all the rules Page 8 of 11

In partnership with Age UK Ealing and Outwest All welcome.

Opening Doors London is a charity (1167919) and a company limited by guarantee (10123607)

Opening Doors London: Events

For more details contact: Derek.Freeman@ageukcamden.org.uk

2.30pm – 4.30pm

October 2016

Stars: Tab Hunter, Clint Eastwood, Connie Stevens

Social: 6pm Film starts: 7pm

Tony’s Walk about, Talk about, and Pig out. The winter version of the ODL picnic. After a short stroll around a green space, enjoying our company, we adjourn to a workers' (or similar) café for lunch. An optional extra afterwards. Waterloo. Join Tony, for a ¾ mile walk, firstly the Millenium Green; created on derelict land, opened in 2001, with water features, wildflower meadow, and rest area. http://www.londongardenstrust.org/mobile/stage.ph p?tour=Lambeth&stage=9.00 . Secondly, lunch at Maries Café, serving breakfasts and Thai food. http://www.yelp.co.uk/biz/maries-cafelondon . Thirdly (optional) an outing to Waterloo Camping, an interesting Army Surplus store. http://wearewaterloo.co.uk/business/camping-andarmy-surplus-store .

Meeting time: (NOTE earlier start time) 1pm

Living Well The ODL Annual Information Fair th 10 November 2016 2 – 6pm Wednesday 26th October

Mixed Islington Older LGBT Drop In London Friend Mixed older LGBT space provided jointly by Opening Doors and London Friend. Come and meet friends for a coffee and chat.

2pm – 4pm Meeting Point: Waterloo mainline station, outside 'Lush', near platform 1 entrance

Thursday 27th October

Men’s gentle exercise class

‘Rainbow Surfers’ older LGBT* computer

Henderson Court Resource Centre Exercise is free medicine! Come and join a class to stretch, energise and have fun. You don’t need to bring any kit, just come along and give it a go. Suitable for all abilities and levels of fitness. Free to attend.

drop-in; Computer Suite, Tavis House See the first Thursday of the month for more details. Every Thursday 10am – 1pm

Kew Gardens Day Trip

6.30pm – 7pm

Meet at Victoria gate of Kew Gardens

Men's Film Night Henderson Court resource centre Tab Hunter Confidential (2015) 1h 30min “The story of matinee idol Tab Hunter from teenage stable boy to closeted Hollywood star of the 1950s.” Director: Jeffrey Schwarz

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Join us for a day out to Kew Gardens for Autumn colour and a last chance to see The Hive. We have free entry to the gardens but if you would like to use the Kew Explorer that costs £5. Please book as places are limited 02072390400 or Info@openingdoorslondon.org.uk 11am

Opening Doors London is a charity (1167919) and a company limited by guarantee (10123607)

Opening Doors London: Events

October 2016

Friday 28th October

Contact: 020 7239 0400 or Info@openingdoorslondon.org.uk or text Chris Barlow on 07528 423 698

Mixed Friday Coffee and Cake Club

5.00 pm – 7.30 pm

Tavis House

Alternative Doors

Every Friday 10am – 12pm

Sunday 30th October MEMBERS! Feel free to share events,

exhibitions and happenings with one Sunday Lunch & Film Club at: another DO YOU HAVE ACCESS NEEDS? If there’s an event you’d like to attend but you’re not sure if you’ll be able to make it due to your access needs, please contact us so we can help make sure you get the most out of being part of Opening Doors London. Contact us on 020 7239 0400 or Info@openingdoorslondon.org.uk

Henderson Court Resource Centre alternativedoors@openingdoorslondon.org.uk Join us for a lovely home cooked lunch before we watch the film.

Sunday 30th October

Informal Art Group Tavis House Join Angie for an informal art group for all abilities come and do your own creative thing, or improve and expand your drawing skills with gentle guidance from an experienced volunteer teacher. Whether you are a traditional sketcher or an outrageous avant-gardist this group will supply encouragement, support, plenty of dialogue....and maybe an exhibition. Basic materials provided, but feel free to bring your own sketchbooks and non-messy kit.

12.30pm – 3pm

A Chorus Line (1985) 1h 53min “Hopefuls try out before a demanding director for a part in a new musical.” Director: Richard Attenboroughtars: Michael Douglas, Terrence Mann, Michael Blevins Cost £5. Booking for lunch essential. Please note the new RSVP arrangements: RSVP before Wednesday via: http://oct2016odlsundaylunch.eventbrite.co.uk or calling 020 7239 0400.

Social: 12pm Lunch: 1pm Film starts: 2pm

“Opening Doors Presents” Gay Authors Workshop


at The University of Greenwich Council Room Room QA063

020 7239 0400

Readings and Meet the Authors as part of our South London programme in collaboration with University of Greenwich. Six authors come together from “GAW” to read from a wide range of their work at this special evening event, followed by a drinks reception, which is hosted by University LGBT Staff Network, in the beautiful surroundings of University’s campus, and set within the grounds of the Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich.

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ODL.Info@ageukcamden.org.uk twitter.com/OpeningDoorsLdn facebook.com/openingdoorslondon ODL Signposting and Information Phone or email us on 020 7239 0400 or DL.Info@ageukcamden.org.uk

Opening Doors London is a charity (1167919) and a company limited by guarantee (10123607)

Opening Doors London: Events

October 2016

Venues & How to Get There Battersea Park (Rosary Gate Entrance) Carriage Drive S, Battersea Park, London SW11 4BE The Breakfast Club in Battersea Rise The Breakfast Club, 5-9 Battersea Rise, London SW11 1HG Travel: 0.5 miles walk from Clapham Junction Railway Station. Buses 35 and 37 pass Clapham Common Northern line underground station 1.1 miles away and stop outside the café at the “Eccles Road” bus stop. Chelsea Theatre 7 Worlds End Place, Kings Road, London, SW10 0DR. Chigwell House Anchor Housing/ Art Group Community Room Chigwell Court, 99 Balance Road London E9 5SQ. ECIL (Ealing Centre for Independent Living Management Centre) 1 Bayham Road, West Ealing, London W13 0TQ Greenwich University Queen Anne Court, University of Greenwich, Old Royal Naval College, 30 Park Row SE10 9LS www.gre.ac.uk DLR : Cutty Sark Bus: 129,177,180,188,199,286,386 Henderson Court Resource Centre 102 Fitzjohn’s Avenue, London NW3 6NS. (Entrance on Prince Arthur Road) London Friend 86 Caledonian Road, N1 9DN. Lumen Café 88 Tavistock Place, London WC1H 9RS Transport: 0.3 miles from Russell Square underground station or 0.4 miles from King's Cross St. Pancras London station. No need to book. Pimlico Room back of St. Saviour’s Church, St George’s Square, London SW1V 3QW. Positive East 159 Mile End Road, London E1 4AQ. Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. UCL (UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON) G24 Common Room, UCL Foster Court, Malet Place, (off Torrington Place) London WC1E 7JG Travel: Come into UCL from the entrance opposite Waterstones on Torrington Place. Foster Court is on the right and half way along there is an archway also on the right, with a set of automatic double doors on the right - the Common Room is through those doors and up 3 stairs but also has step-free access. If you would like someone to meet you at a tube station or bus stop please Ye Olde Rose & Crown Greenwich 1 Crooms Hill, London SE10 8ER. (Ten minutes’ walk from Greenwich station.)

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Opening Doors London is a charity (1167919) and a company limited by guarantee (10123607)

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