Armenia TourInfo, 2016 November

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content VOL.14/143 November 2016

Armenia TourInfo Founding Director Garen Marcarian Executive Director Edgar Meliksetyan Editor/Translator Sona Paremuzyan Art Designer Lilit Zoryan COVER Arno Babajanyan Favorite songs

Admin. Coordinator Angelika Gevorgyan Photographer Vahe Minasian







How to reach: “TourInfo” Magazine By Address: 2 Arshakunyats Str., # 109 Yerevan, Armenia, 0023 By Phone: (+374 10) 56 99 40, (+374 10) 52 75 40 By Fax: (+374 10) 56 99 30 By Email: On Board: Visitor Information Center at Zvartnots International Airport OnLine: TourInfo Publisher Register No. 01M 000206

8 ARNO BABAJANYAN’S 95TH ANNIVERSARY 10 GOGHT ARMENIAN ETHNIC BAND 12 “KUMAYRI’’ RESERVE MUSEUM 14 WHERE TO GO THIS MONTH? 16 LEGENDS AND MYTHS OF ARMENIA 18 WHAT TO TASTE IN ARMENIA? Medical Tourism......................................................22-25 Proudly made in Armenia......................................26-27 Embassies, Consulates..................................................32 Official Information of Armenia................................32 Emergency Phone Numbers........................................34 Health & Medical Centers...........................................34 Regions Area Codes/Cellphone Codes.....................34 Hotels..................................................................................36 Dinings........................................................................38/40 Cafes....................................................................................42 Shopping Spots..........................................................44/46 Entertainment/Services..............................................48 Airlines/Travel Agencies/Banks................................50 Museums/Art Galleries...........................................52/53 Cultural Events..........................................................54/55

No part, section, photo or insertion in this publication may be used, copied in any way without prior written authorization of the copyright holder.


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Publisher’s note

November, autumn leaves at the peak of their splendor Do you feel the chill in Armenian air? Yes, it’s the last month of fall, when every day coincides with the dropping of leaves from the trees as they go into a winter rest. With every brisk walk we dive into enchanting beauty of the season covered with fog and vibrant colors of leaves. Put on your autumn sweater, be ready for rainy and windy days but don’t forget that it can’t hinder you to enjoy the dance of the leaves through wondrous November days. While being in our lovely country on these days, we offer you many things to do in cozy autumn days and crisp fall nights of Armenia. Season change brings new events and experiences to take. If you are a party lover, we suggest variety of concerts and parties organized in many pubs and clubs of Yerevan worth going and feeling relaxed. Want some arts and crafts? Ok, here are a set of art galleries and architectural open air museums to go and why not to buy some souvenirs as a lifetime memory. Snow has already fallen on the mountaintops, hurry up to take a skiing tour around… …Each falling leaf brings us closer to winter; spice up the last days of autumn with unforgettable memories in Armenia…

Garen Marcarian



Arno Babajanyan “I’m besieged with sounds...’’ “I don’t have free time and haven’t ever had. I have always been like a besieged castle. Yes, I’m besieged with sounds. Asleep or awake I’m in circles. Don’t get surprised, if I say that my dreams are about sounds too. From those sounds I choose the heart pleasing ones and create songs. For me to have free time means to get rid of sounds, which is the same as farewell to life.” A. Babajanyan


he 95th anniversary of a well know artist Arno Babajanyan is going to be celebrated this year on 25 November in National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian. During the concert the best compositions will be played and sung by prominent modern musicians. The Armenian composer and pianist was born in 1921 in Yerevan, Armenia. He started his musical life from the early childhood making his first steps playing on the kindergarten’s old piano. He started his professional path in Yerevan State Musical Conservatory and continued his education in Moscow. Babajanyan composed in different genres: classic, pop music, jazz etc. His songs “Memory”, “I Ask You”, “Song of First Love”, and “Yerevan” were very popular in former Soviet countries, performed by USSR well known artists. Babajanyan was the USSR People’s Artist, the State Awards laureate of Armenia. His talent and work were praised and evaluated by such famous artists as Aram Khachatryan, Khoren Abrahamyan etc. Now the composer’s works are still kept alive


both in Armenia and former soviet countries. There are statues, a concert hall and streets named after the great man to keep his name alive.

Babajanyan’s music is more than just bunch of sounds; it’s the combination of romance, love, serenity and beauty. Though being dead physically, nevertheless his works are living as cultural phenomenon to admire forever and share with the ongoing and upcoming generation and the world. One should once listen to his compositions, and falling in love with them will be inevitable…


Celebrity talks


Armenian Ethnic Band Hayk Karapetyan - National wind instruments Zareh Galstyan - Tar Stepan Ter-Ghevondyan - Drum Narek Gasparyan - Cello Arman Beshtmaljyan - Keyboard instruments These talented 5 young men have recently started a new band called GOGHT performing marvelous musical sounds through unique musical and folk instruments. Our journal didn’t loose the opportunity to have a little but a very interesting interview with the band. -Dear all, can you tell about the origination of the band. When did you decide to start this undertaking? The band was created last year nearly in May as a result of a very immediate decision. We all 5 were friends before and have been knowing each other for a long time. Each of us is a professional musician working in other groups and individually as well. Once while having one of our gatherings we came to a mind that we should make a unique ethnic band creating new kind of music and modernizing the old ones.

-What is your uniqueness? Music is our uniqueness based on ethnic musical instruments. We create music, not songs, to look at Armenian music from another corner no yet been seen and heard. We turn old music into new without losing the original sounds. We want to prove that ethnic music can be commercial too. For example very recently we have worked on “Ishkhanats par” (Princes’ dance) composition and what we have now is played not only in pubs or clubs but also during different occasions and wedding parties.

-Why is ‘’GOGHT’’ chosen as a band name? Honestly, after the band was found, we couldn’t choose a name. Different variants were discussed but none was chosen. Once our cello Narek’s aunt heard that we were looking for a name for our band, and she offered ‘’Goght’’, the name of ancient western Armenian province which boasted for its talented musicians. So, we accepted the offer and GOGHT became our visiting card.

-For many people music is a way to show feelings of love, patriotism etc. What is the message of your music? Our message is for everyone to be different and have their own style and “handwriting’’. Each member of our group is an individual who has crazy and catching ideas, and we all 5 together combine those ideas to preserve our marvelously beautiful Armenian ethnic music. We don’t want to make people be surprised, we want their souls and spirits be touched by the music sound.

-Are there such musicians, Armenian or foreign, who are a good example for you to learn and develop yourself, who inspire you? Yes, of course, there are such ones both Armenian and foreign. We learn from them and work hard to become one of them in the nearest future. We improve and develop ourselves every day. If one wants to do a good job, no matter the field, he should be motivated; the leaders of musical world are our motivation. 10 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

-Is there any pick of success for you to reach and stop your career? Surely NO. Music is our life and we will work till the last breath. We have much to say through our music. We want everlasting success for our music, and as the base of our group is a strong friendship and team work, nothing can stop us.



“Kumayri’’ reserve museum Little Italy of Armenia

yumri is the second largest city of Armenia boasting giant cultural heritage. Here every step is bursting with architecture, literature, music, arts and crafts etc. The city is a place to see unique architectural buildings and houses gathered together creating a town inside the city. It’s a kind of open air museum stretching out with 18th-19th centuries buildings still standing. Due to their uniqueness and ancient background, all the buildings taken together form a complex known as ‘’Kumayri’’ reserve museum situated in a very heart of the city. The complex reserve is unique due to the types of buildings. The oldest type was the underground house where animals and people lived together under one roof. While travelling around Armenia, Xenophon mentioned the houses in his ‘’Anabasis’’ saying ‘’The houses were underground, with a little hole on the top but the bottom was wide. There was a slant way for animals leading to the underground which served as a stair”. The second stage of house construction began in the 18th century through half-underground type of residential houses. This type of houses had wooden roof and tandoor (tonir) dug in the middle of the main room ground being typically Armenian thermal treatment tool. It is believed to be sun inside the house keeping the hearth warm and peaceful. Till nowadays tonir is a symbol of Sun in Armenia. In the middle of 19th century Gyumri turned into commercial craft and industrial city putting start to the construction of urban houses and ‘’Profitable houses’’ no matter rental houses, shops or anything else. The two-story houses already had separate, isolated apartments


and ancillary buildings, some had balconies sometimes connected with the yard through stairs. This belonged to rich merchants and craftsmen emphasizing their status. The richer the landlord, the bigger and larger the house. Exterior of the houses was covered with polished stones and carvings. Because of weather conditions the houses were mainly built with tufa stone. The most thrilling part of the houses were and still are the unique doors. They are colorful made of wood or metal they are old and gold treasures of the city architecture bearing inspiring and symbolic ornaments, but sometimes even bare they speak louder about the history and culture of the city. Today the whole reserve complex of buildings serves not only as residential houses, but also restaurants, hotels, house-museums and buildings where old Armenian famous movies were shot. You will really enjoy your tour around Gyumri, just give a try, and the scenes will speak out louder than thousand words. Breath the culture...

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Where to go this month? Amberd - 7th century fortress situated in Aragatsotn marz (region) on the slope of Mount Aragats. The name of the castle is rendered as “fortress in the clouds’’ due to its height. Really fascinating place to visit and get acquainted with the fortress building culture of Armenia.

Mount Aragats - standing in Aragatsotn marz (region) near Amberd fortress, the highest pick of Armenia is calling adventurous climbing tour lovers for a good trip. Before climbing the slopes, you must prepare your body beforehand not to stay half of the way. Pearl of the mount Aragats is Lake Kari which will complete your adventure, making you feel the whole beauty of nature. To make tour to Aragats more interesting and not be cold, you should have Armenian famous dish “Khash” on the slopes. Goshavanq - 12th century monastery is situated in Tavush marz (region). This was not only religious, but scientific place like many other Armenian monasteries. The name of the construction is derived from famous Armenian scientist and author of many fables and parable Mkhitar Gosh. Today the cultural shrine is very famous among tourists.

Khor Virap - located in Ararat marz (region), is especially beautiful in fall with a view to Holy Mountain Ararat; the pride and symbol of Armenians. The monastery, as a pilgrimage site, is attributed to Gregory the Illuminator; the first Catholics of Armenia. St. Gevorg chapel is notable inside the monastery due to the fact that the pit, where the Illuminator was imprisoned before the adoption of Christianity, is underneath. Botanical garden -

While staying in the capital Yerevan, one can have fun even within the borders of the city and go for a nice picnic in Yerevan Botanical Garden. The place is located in the north eastern part of the city called Avan district. While being there you can see and admire different plants, take a nice shot and just rest under a giant tree.


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Legends and myths of Armenia

Legend and etymology of


Sevan Lake

he area of today’s Sevan was a land with forests, valleys and productive soil. Under the nearest hill of the village there was an abundant water spring, and to take water from it, the peasants pulled out the big stopper and then again put on its place. One evening a village bride went to the spring for water, pulled out the stopper, filled the clay jug and forgetting to put the stopper back on its place, returned home. The water came out and spread around four corners, when it reached the houses the residents escaped crying out loud “Let the one who left the spring open becomes stone”. The forgetful bride turned into a stone and the water uninterruptedly flowing formed the Lake Sevan from which the stony head of bride is still visible known as Harsnaqar among people /Bride Stone/.


And what does “Sevan” mean? There are different popular versions of origin of the word “Sevan”. According to one, Sevan comes from the Armenian words sev (black) and vank (monastery), referring to the island monastery founded in the 9th century. According to the second version, the name Sevan originated in connection with the Lake Van of western Armenia. When Armenians came to this area, they saw dark and almost black lake which reminded them of Van, and they said “Black as Van”; Sev Van. Though the name is mainly associated with black color, nevertheless our country’s pride is widely famous as blue Sevan due to its pure clean water attracting people both in hot summer days to swim and cold winters to set a fire next to it and inhale the purest air from the snowy mountains.


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What to taste in Armenia?

Trout rolled in Armenian bread Lavash According to widely accepted idea, typical Armenian trout fish lives in Sevan Lake /the pearl of Armenia being one of the sweetest lakes of the world/. The body of this silvery scale fish is covered with big spots, which can be in black or orange color. When the color of trout is silvery and the meat is rosy, it’s the best one to eat. But when it’s light yellowish or dark brown, the meat is white and the taste is different. This color changing is due to the periods of laying eggs which hints in which coloring the meat is tastier. There are different ways to make this kind of fish taste delicious. Trout rolled in Armenian bread Lavash is very easy and tasty especially for fish lovers.

For preparation of the dish you need the following ingredients: Fresh fish Lavash bread Butter Tarragon Lemon Garlic Salt Black pepper Foil

Cooking instructions Remove the fish scale, wash the fish, chop into pieces. Prepare pieces of foil, Lavash and slices of lemon equal to the number of chopped fish. Mix 1-2 garlic cloves with 100 g butter, but if you don’t like garlic you can remove it from your dish. You can add parsley to the butter. Put piece of Lavash on a foil and fish on Lavash. Fish should be spiced with salt and black pepper beforehand. Add butter and lemon on the fish and a bit tarragon. Role the fish in Lavash as an envelope, and then role it in foil. Put all pieces on the oven stove. The oven must be preheated to 2400C Cook 30 minutes. You can serve on the foil as a plate. The dish doesn’t need any garnish because Lavash with butter and lemon is the best garnish for fish. You can decorate with tomato and lettuce. As always, don’t forget to cook with love and serve with smile. 18 TOURINFO MAGAZINE



ith the support of Yerevan Municipality, Armenian Jazz Association and Mezzo Production presented the jazzest event in Armenia – Yerevan Jazz Fest annual jazz festival. “Yerevan Jazz Fest 2016” took place from 13th to 16th of October. This year’s festival was even larger and vibrant than the previous year’s. It was dedicated to George Avakian, american record producer and executive of Armenian descent, Grammy winner and the founder of American jazz industry. Dee Dee Bridgewater, Joss Stone, Theo Croker, Alina Engibaryan, Levon Malkhasyan, Armen Tutunjyan and many other masters of jazz has already participated in Yerevan Jazz Fest and the best is yet to come.


MULTI WELLNESS CENTER On 31. 10. 2016 Modern Multi Wellness Center opened its doors to the public in a very heart of Yerevan. The three storey complex is for all who got used to enjoy life! It boasts fitness club with pools, children`s club, gym with modern equipment, with the technology and training techniques, bar and studio, urban Resort with summer swimming pool, SPA complex and beauty salon, restaurant, fitness-cafe and all these First-class services at an affordable price.


MEDICAL TOURISM Armenia has become a destination for those seeking reasonable and affordable medical tourism options. Though some treatments aren’t legal in many countries, Armenia provides all types through highly specialized doctors and modern medical equipments. Here you will find all types of medical surgeries, dental and fertility treatments, psychiatry, alternative treatments, convalescent care etc. You will maintain and restore your health with validated medical services.

WHY CHOOSE ARMENIA AS A MEDICAL TOURISM DESTINATION? Treatments with reasonable prices Modern medical equipments and standards Highly specialized doctors

Short wait time for certain

chosen procedure Affordable travel

Licensed and validated service


Want medical alternatives? Armenian spa towns and sanitariums are great options to choose. Jermuk spa town, Arzni, Bjni etc. are the destinations you need to treat diseases from gout to liver disorders and bronchitis with health-giving mineral waters and other natural means of treatment.

No matter what health problems you have, we suggest the best medical centers, which will make your life healthier and happier!




huge number of tourists get on a plane from around the world with an expectation to pass so much desired holidays as well as possible, but not always their wishes are only connected with having a good time. Though medical tourism is rather young field of tourism industry for us, it has already formed a large scope of demand in our country. During the recent years the field has increased its levels, but all in all it’s still not satisfactory for Armenia. Our country can provide such conditions as national customs, clean ecology, healthy food etc. to attract foreign tour-operators. We can offer not only eco-tourism, spa services or special organized tour packages for better holidays, but also unique tours to improve general health conditions such as stomatological problems, heart diseases, and to provide surgical and aesthetic interventions. Our country has giant potentialities due to our spa towns such as Tsaghkadzor, Arzni, Jermuk, Dilijan, as well as Stepanavan, which can serve as perspective for the sustainable development of medical tourism. Clean air, organic food, variety of mineral waters and, of course, qualified medical services. Medical treatment in Armenia is the combination of quality and reasonable prices which make the field more attractive for visitors. Of course, this can’t be satisfactory ground for the development of tourism in the country, because of being only small part of recourses. It’s necessary to run an aggressive strategy of advertising campaign through better arranged projects, and provide other promoting conditions. Now Armenia is in a level, when tourists come for dental tourism. The representatives of Armenian Diaspora visit both to have a rest in a motherland and take care of their teeth. We are proud that tourists are satisfied with our dental services and mention that our service 24 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

quality doesn’t yield the service provided abroad, and though the used equipments are of modern and high quality, the prices are not expensive and rather reasonable if compared with the ones abroad being an advantage for us because the same treatment in Armenia costs lower than elsewhere. We do our best to satisfy our guests through suggesting a full package of medical tourism services including hotel booking, transfer to the airport and visa verse, different tours around Yerevan and sightseeing of regions around Armenia, online consultancy, treatment plan drawing etc. The medical services are provided and implemented within short period of time solving the problem of translator for foreigners if needed. Our services provide a whole range of dental treatments including tooth implantation and tooth aesthetic restoration which is a unique support for the visitors of our country. If needed, spa-procedures shall be offered for the treatment of certain diseases both in the capital and Jermuk, Arzni etc. Mineral-thermal waters, which our country boasts, sometimes work miracles. Armenia has all possibilities to develop medical tourism because the perspectives are promising in the case of providing sufficient professional attitude.



We are proudly starting to introduce you the best products and goods made in our lovely country: Armenia. Starting from clothing ending with toys, all are high quality and ecologically pure with reasonable prices. Follow our ads on the best Armenian products, try them and buy them, because these are things worth maintaining. Nemus labem publini ssimis.

This is what you deserve! This is what you need in all life aspects!

ANTARES Add: 50a/1 Mashtots Ave. Tel.: (+374 10) 58 76 69

GRAND CANDY Add: 31 Masisi Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 42 02 21

ARTYOM`S JEWELRY Add: 24 M. Khorenatsi str. Tel.: (+374 93) 00 99 99

HASHTAG SPORT Add: 20/3 Yeznik Koghbatsu Str. Tel.: (+374 99) 34 00 54

GOURMET DOURME Add: 19 Abovyan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 52 33 52

NAIRIAN Add: 26 Abovyan Str., Tel.: (+374 60) 44 54 45


11/2 Rubinyants St., Yerevan, Armenia Tel.: (+374 10) 28 12 12


Navavar the best combination of fish, wine and music for all fish lovers is provided here... The cozy atmosphere of Navavar will make you feel like in a board of real ship...


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EMBASSIES KAZAKHSTAN 153 A. Armenakyan Str., Tel.: 65 20 01 KUWAIT 2 Babayan, Str., Tel.: (060) 50 80 50, (060) 50 85 58 LEBANON 13/14 Dzoragyugh, Str., Tel.: 50 13 02 SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA 1 Amiryan Str., Tel.: 23 69 32­­­, (094) 54 24 99 POLAND 44a Hanrapetutyan Str., Tel.: 54 24 93 ROMANIA 15 Barbussi Str., Tel.: 27 53 32 RUSSIA 13a Grigor Lusavorch Str., Tel.: 56 74 27, 54 52 18 SYRIA 14 M. Baghramyan Ave., Tel.: 52 90 23, 52 40 36 SWITZERLAND 2/1 Melik Adamyan Str. Tel.: 52 98 60, 52 40 88 TURKMENISTAN 52 Yerznkyan Str., Tel.: 22 10 29, 22 10 39 UKRAINE 29 Arabkir Str., House 5/1, Tel.: 22 97 27, 22 65 47 UNITED KINGDOM 34 M. Baghramyan Ave., Tel.: 26 43 01 USA 1 Amerikyan Str., Tel.: 46 47 00, 49 42 00

ARGENTINA 32 Sayat Nova Ave., Tel.: 57 64 52 BELARUS Kotayk, Arinj, 9 M.Baghramyan, Tel.: 61 00 23 BRAZIL 1 Northern Ave., Tel.: (011) 50 02 10 BULGARIA Nor Aresh, 16 Sofia Str., Tel.: 45 82 33 CHINA 12 M. Baghramyan Ave, Tel.: 56 00 67 EGYPT­­­­­­­­­­ 6a Sepuh Str. , Tel.: 22 67 55, 22 01 17 FRANCE 8 Grigor Lusavorch Str., Tel.: 59 19 50­­ GEORGIA 2/10 Babayan Str., Tel.: 20 07 38, 20 07 42 GERMANY 29 Charents Str., Tel.: 52 32 79, 52 45 81­­ GREECE 6 Demirchian Str., Tel.: 53 00 51 INDIA 50/2 Dzorap Str., Tel.: 53 91 74, 53 91 75 IRAN 1 Budaghyan Str., Tel.: 28 04 57, 23 29 20 ITALY 5 Italiai Str., Tel.: 54 23 35, 54 23 36­­­

CONSULATES AUSTRIA 29 Sayat Nova Ave., Tel.: 54 75 47 CANADA 10 V. Sargsyan Str., #103/4, Tel.: 56 79 90 CROATIA 6 Deghatan Str., Tel.: 58 44 03 CYPRUS 1 Northern Ave., Tel.: 58 63 31 ESTONIA 43 Gyulpenkian Str., Tel.: 26 39 73, 22 01 38 FINLAND (HONORARY CONSULATE) 6 Tamanyan Str., Tel.: (091) 40 16 23 FRANCE 8 Grigor Lusavorichi Str., Tel.: 59 19 50 GREECE 6 Demirchian Str., Tel.: 53 67 54 DENMARK 8/1 Vagharshian Str., Tel.: 26 09 64/208 INDONESIA 37/147 Israyelian Str., Tel.: 52 88 25, 56 56 69 IRELAND 18/1 Vardanants Str., Tel.: 52 63 30, 52 63 31 ITALY (HONORARY CONSULATE) 22 Koghbatsi Str., Tel.: 56 11 56, 54 56 97

KOREA 13a Sepuh Str., Tel.: (091) 40 31 91 LITHUANIA 22 Gh. Parpetsi Str., Tel.: 53 32 65 MALTA 33/4 Pushkin Str., Tel.: 51 81 71, 53 41 71 NAGORNO KARABAKH 17a Nairi Zaryan Str., Tel.: 24 99 28, 24 99 25 PHILIPPINES 25 Charents Str., Tel.: 55 26 14 SAN MARINO 56/2 G. Nzhdeh Str., Tel.: 49 33 22 SERBIA 75/28 Nar-Dos Str., Tel.: (093) 92 96 51 SLOVAKIA 26/1 V. Sargsyan Str., Tel.: 53 25 53 SLOVENIA 22/14 Parpetsi Str., Tel.: 53 87 96, 53 32 65 SPAIN (HONORARY CONSULATE) 47/1 Khanjyan Str., Tel.: 54 76 63, 58 38 79 THAILAND 4/1 M. Baghramyan Ave., Tel.: 56 04 10, 54 23 31 URUGUAY 7/5 Alek Manukyan Str., Tel.: 55 94 49

OFFICIAL INFORMATION OF ARMENIA OFFICIAL NAME Republic of Armenia CAPITAL Yerevan OFFICIAL LANGUAGE Armenian RELIGION Christianity, Apostolic Church FLAG Horizontal tricolor/red, blue, orange AREA 29, 800 sq. km, LOCATION Southwestern Asia POPULATION about 3.215.900


CLIMATE Continental TIME ZONE GMT + 4 hours NEIGHBORS/Georgia-in the North, Azerbaijan-in the East, Iran-in the South, Turkey-in the West ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 11 regions INDEPENDENCE 21 September 1991(from the USSR) CONSTITUTION Adopted by nationwide referendum held on July 5,1995 CURRENCY UNIT Armenian Dram (469 AMD = 1 USD)

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EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS Fire..................................................................................................101 Police..............................................................................................102 Emergency Service...................................................................103 Electricity.....................................................................................180 Water..............................................................................................185 Yerevangas Emergency Service...........................................104 Calls within Armenia................................................................107 Yerevan Crisis Management Center..................................108 Yerevan Municipality Crisis Center..............(010) 51 41 52 Tourism Unit of Yerevan Municipality.........(010) 51 42 30 Airport Information..................................................................187 Railroad Information...............................................................184 Telephone Directory Information......................................109 Spyur Info. Center...............................(060) 519999, 519999 Armenia Info. Center.............................................................8778 Info-Service Center.................................................09000 0909 Notarius (H. Harutunyan)................................(010) 52 82 11 AM Law Firm.........................................................(010) 51 91 10 Accounting Services...........................................(010) 27 65 15

REGIONS AREA CODES Calls within Armenia: 0 + City Code + Number Abovian.........................222 Martouni.......................262 Agarak...........................286 Masis.............................236 Alaverdi.........................253 Meghri...........................286 Amassia.........................246 Nor Gegh......................224 Aparan...........................252 Nor Hadjn.....................224 Aragats..........................570 Noyemberian.............. 266 Aramus....................22293 Oshakan........................232 Ararat..........................238 Sevan.............................261 Armavir.........................237 Shahoumian.................235 Artik..............................244 Sisian.............................283 Ashtarak.......................232 Sourenavan..................238 Baghramian..................233 Spitak............................255 Berd...............................267 Stepanakert.................. 47­­­­­­­­ Charencavan...............226 Stepanavan..................256 Dilijan............................268 Talin................................249 Echmiadzin...................231 Tashir.............................254 Gavar.............................264 Tsaghkadzor.................223 Getap.............................281 Vanadzor.......................322 Goris..............................284 Vardenis........................269 Gyumri..........................312 Vayk...............................282 Hrazdan........................223 Vedi............................... 234 Ijevan.............................263 Yeghegnadzor..............281 Jermuk..........................287 Yeraskh.........................238 Kapan............................285 Yerevan............................10 Maralik..........................242 Zvartnots......................231

CELLPHONE CODES 091, 096, 099, 043 + Number 097 + Number




055, 095, 041 + Number 093, 094, 098, 077, 049 + Number

GRATSIA REHABILITATION CENTER 50-1 Ashtarak Highway, Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 35 35 03 MEDLINE MEDICAL CENTER 17/1 Rostovyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 43) 000 115 NAIRI MEDICAL CENTER 21 Paronyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 53 75 00


DENTAL CLINICS ANI DENT 3 Gyulbengyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 95) 22 23 24 AVANTA 5 Zakyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 52 11 95 MEDESY 5/1 Davitashen 3 district, Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 370 370 MY CITY DENTIST 4/2 Avet-Avetisyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 77) 454 809

PHARMACIES ALFA FARM 1/68 Shirak Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 60) 700 500 ARMFARM 23 Abovyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 54 05 20 NATALI PHARM­­­ 34 Tumanyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 53 06 20 5+ 18 Heratsi Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 55 11 22



ARMENIA MARRIOT HOTEL 2/1 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 59 90 00 CAUCASUS HOTEL Ashtarak Highway Tel: (+374 60) 50 11 77 DOUBLETREE BY HILTON 4/2 Grigor Lusavorich Str. (+374 11) 55 53 33 GOLDEN TULIP HOTEL YEREVAN 14 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 59 16 00 RADISSON BLU 2/2 Azatutyan Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 21 99 00


ANI PLAZA 19 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 58 97 00 ARARAT HOTEL 7 G. Lusavorich Str. Tel: (+374 60) 51 10 00 ARMENIA ROYAL PALACE 17/1 4-th Str. Tel: (+374 10) 59 90 00 ARTSAKH HOTEL 116 Sevan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 44 91 99 AVIATRANS HOTEL 4 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 72 28 BASS HOTEL BOUTIQUE 3/1 Aygedzor Str. Tel: (+374 10) 22 13 53 CONGRESS HOTEL 1 Italy Str. Tel: (+374 10) 59 11 99 EUROPE HOTEL 38 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 60 60


EREBUNI HOTEL 26/1 Nalbandyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 05 05

REPUBLICA HOTEL 7/1 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 11) 99 00 00

IMPERIAL PALACE HOTEL 23 Koryun Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 80 40

ROMA HOTEL 29/14 Rubinyants Str. Tel: (+374 10) 20 00 20

HYATT PLACE YEREVAN 26/1 Sargsyan Str. Tel: (+374 11) 22 12 34 METROPOL HOTEL 2/2 Mashtos Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 51 07 00

SHIRAK HOTEL 13a Khorenatsi Str. Tel: (+374 10) 52 99 15 TUFENKIAN HOTEL 48 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 60) 50 10 10


MINOTEL 8 Mher Mkrtchyan Str.­ Tel: (+374 10) 567 567

CROSS RESORT 50-1 Ashtarak Highway Tel: (+374 94) 77 70 77

NAIRI HOTEL 121/7 Armenakyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 65 21 21

HOTEL HOUSE 42 Arami Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 38 00

NATIONAL HOTEL 4/3 Amirtyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 70 02

14th FLOOR HOTEL 4/6 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 86 35

NORTH AVENUE 10/1 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 505 055 NORK RESIDENCE 56/1 Moldovakan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 67 00 51 OPERA SUITE HOTEL Baghramyan 1st lane 1-3 Tel: (+374 10) 56 60 10 PANORAMA RESORT 24/3 G. Hovsepyan Str. Tel: (+374 60) 27 57 37 PARIS HOTEL 4/6 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 60) 60 00 60

FAMILY HOTEL 49/1 Byuzand Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 90 28 GRIG HOTEL 47/12 M. Baghramyan Str.­ Tel: (+374 91) 27 48 22 FFA TECH. ACADEMY 35/31 Acharyan Str. Tel: (+374 60) 37 18 88

Hostels CASCADE HOSTEL 2 Baghramyan Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 58 55 55 HOLIDAY HOSTEL 1 Yekmalyan Str. Tel: (+374 11) 200 881


RESTAURANTS / TEA HOUSES / FAST FOOD American & Mexican Cuisines CACTUS 42 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 53 99 39 SQUARE ONE 1/3 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 61 69 Georgian Cuisine CAUCASUS TAVERN 82 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 99) 56 11 77 (+374 98) 56 11 77 GENATSVALE 7 Kievyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 27 79 99 MIMINO 7a Aleq Manukyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 57 88 85 MONTE CRISTO Hrazdan Gorge Tel: (+374 10) 54 33 99 Eastern Cuisine ABU HAGOP 6 Yervand Kochar Str. (+374 95) 28 65 85 ANTEB 30 Y. Koghbatsi Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 09 88 AL SHADI 48 Nalbandyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 60 45 LAGONID 37 Nalbandyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 08 04 LIBAN 23 Sayat-Nova Str. Tel: (+374 99) 66 07 00 LEBANON 3 Tamanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 18 94 TABOULE 8/21 Zakyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 42 64 European Cuisine BEL ETAGE 31 Moskovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 50 07 51 38 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

BELLA ITALIA 7Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 60) 50 00 65

GUSTO 11 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 11 21

CAMELOT 31 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 50 01 99

KARAS 20 Mashtots Str. Tel: (+374 10) 32 55 55

CHARLES 3 Tamanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 26 21

MAMA MIA 25 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 54 27 14

IL CONTI 64 Arami Str. Tel: (+374 10) 60 06 20

MR. GYROS 40 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 50 22 33

NAVAVAR 42/1 Arami Str. Tel: (+374 41) 01 39 01

MR. BARBEQUE 20 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+374 93) 18 80 00

PASTA & WINE 26 Parpetsi Str. Tel: (+374 10) 50 50 54

SFC EXPRESS 12 Tigran Mets Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 52 34 53

PATIO 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 60) 51 35 17

TASHIR PIZZA 27 Komitas Str. Tel: (+374 10) 51 11 11

PROVENCE 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 70 30 77

TUMANYAN SHAURMA 32 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 99 44

TERRAZZA 28 Isahakyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 31 10

Mediterranean Cuisine BIBAR 27 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 11) 21 22 13

THE CLUB 40 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 13 61 VIENNA RIBS 24 Saryan Str. Tel: (+374 60) 53 00 07 Fast Food & Pizzeria AFC EXPRESS 1/5b Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 53 99 89 ARTASHI MOT 31 Moskovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 50 12 22

OREGANO 19 Teryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 50 05 13 Persian Cuisine ARYA 1/17 Tamanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 80 13 Indian Cuisine KARMA 65 Teryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 92 15

Design by Orange Company


RESTAURANTS / TEA HOUSES / FAST FOOD Armenian Cuisine AFRIKYANS’ TAVERN 39 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 55 32 20 ARARAT 2 Government bld. Republic Sqr. Tel: (+374 10) 52 79 33 ASKANA 15a Pushkin Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 49 48

MONTE CRISTO Hrazdan Gorge Tel: (+374 10) 54 33 98

DRAGON 31 Moskovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 33 81

BELLAGIO 2 Myasnikyan Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 55 12 12

MER GYUGH 5 Sayat-Nova Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 87 00

SAMURAI SUSHI 2 Baghramyan Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 58 56 70

BRAVO 13 H.Qochar Str. Tel: (+374 10) 27 06 10

NOR DZORABERD 19/4 Dzorapi Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 81 28

TAO 10 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 09 99

CAMELOT 31 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 50 01 99

NOYAN TAPAN 9 Parpetsi Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 50 30

CAUCASUS COMPLEX Ashtarak highway Tel: (+374 99) 919 919

PARVANA Hrazdan Gorge Tel: (+374 10) 54 60 01

Japanese Cuisine SAKURADA 23/20 Nalbandyan St. Tel: (+374 10) 56 08 05

CAUCASUS TAVERN 82 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 99) 56 11 77 (+374 98) 56 11 77

PHARAON H-5, Yerevan-Abovyan Tel: (+374 10) 20 15 81

DRAKHT COMPLEX 1/1 Acharyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 62 22 02 DOLMAMA 10 Pushkin Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 13 54 ETNA 22 Tbilisyan Highway Tel: (+374 10) 24 45 48 FLORENCE 64/2 Barbyus Str. Tel: (+374 10) 32 02 11 KAPELA 13/1 Leo Str. Tel : (+374 10) 53 92 68 HAVANA COMPLEX Tsitsernakaberd Park Tel: (+374 10) 38 06 06 KILIKIA 78 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 88 08 40 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

SALON 8 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 11) 44 33 33 SANTA FAMILIA 37 Sayat-Nova Tel: (+374 60) 50 10 58 TATIK PAPIK 71 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 60) 27 22 27 TUMANYAN SHAURMA 32 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 99 33 YEREVAN TAVERN 5 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 55 45 URARTU 19 Dzorapi Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 80 41 Chinese Cuisine BEIJING 33 Sayat-Nova Tel: (+374 10) 54 53 42

SUSHI TORIA 1 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+374 60) 48 00 48 WASABI 1/3 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 54 22 Tea Houses ABOVYAN 12 12 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 06 58 AEON 3a Teryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 87 66 CENTRAL 30 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 39 90 LOFT 3 Moskovyan Str. Tel: (+374 43) 40 88 64 NATURA GOLD 11 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 21 84 THOMAS TWINING 22 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 33 30


CAFES / CLUBS / BARS / PUBS Cafes ARAGAST 41 Isahakyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 22 54 AVENUE 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 70 20 77 BLACK BERRY 3 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 91) 03 38 38 BLANC 37 M. Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+ 374 10) 50 20 12 CARAHUNGE 64 Sos Sargsyan Str., Stepanavan Tel: (+ 374 99) 32 43 00 EL GARDEN 8 Tsitsernakaberd Park Tel: (+ 374 41) 49 00 00 IMPRESSO 5a Vardanants Str. Tel: (+374 60) 75 07 50 JAZZVE 35/30 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 53 20 48 JEAN-PAUL 42/1 Arami Str. Tel: (+374 41) 01 38 01 JOSE 20 Khanjyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 54 00 20 JUST 10/3 Northern Ave. Tel: (+ 374 55) 51 48 48 LOUIS CHARDEN 11/19 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 50 54 44

WAFFLE HOUSE 32/35 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 60) 54 05 44

MALKHAS JAZZ CLUB 52 Pushkin Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 53 53 50

Children’s Cafe AMERICANO 55/1 Teryan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 58 33 99

MEZZO JAZZ CLUB 28 Isahakyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 52 42 11

ANGELICA 27 Komitas Ave. Tel: (+ 374 10) 32 21 21 CHAO BAMBINO 5/3 Myasnikyan Ave. Tel: (+ 374 10) 55 00 99 CHUNGA CHANGA 1/1 Kievyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 22 44 41 KING GARDEN 40 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+ 374 60) 50 09 09 TUTTI FRUTTI 13 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+ 374 10) 54 13 13 Clubs/Bars AZUR 8 Moskovyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 52 57 11 EL SKY BAR 9 G. Lusavorich Str. Tel: (+ 374 41) 49 49 49

PEACOCK 10 Northern Ave. Tel: (+ 374 10) 50 02 08

FAMOUS KALYAN LOUNGE 83 Teryan Str., 12 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 56 19 10

TIZIANO 10/10 Northern Ave. Tel: (+ 374 94) 80 80 96

INVINO WINE BAR 6 Saryan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 52 19 31

VAN GOGH 31/3 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 91) 41 55 94

KAMI 18 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 91) 50 90 20


THE CLUB 40 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 53 13 61 NEA CLUB 52 Pushkin Str. Tel: (+ 374 77) 53 44 07 YANS CLUB 74 Teryan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 700 000 Pubs BEER BURG 18 Hr. Kochar Str. 8/10 Y. Kochar Str. 18 Babajanyan­­­ Str. Tel: (+ 374 99) 141 141 KAPELA 31 Moskovyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 53 21 72 KARLOFF 31 Moskovyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 53 97 80 LABEERINT 8 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 54 75 85 33a Moskovyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 50 20 25 URBAN 5a Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+ 374 10) 53 61 61 PAULANER 19 Teryan Str. Tel: (+ 374 60) 51 38 00


SHOPPING SPOTS Men’s Clothing Shoes & Accessories ARMOS Armenian designer’s shoes 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 60) 44 14 11 BOTTA Clothing & accessories 8 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 89 85 CANALI Clothing & accessories 9 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 22 30

Women’s Clothing Shoes & Accessories BETTY BARCLAY Clothing & accessories 65 Teryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 17 42

Children’s Clothing Shoes, Accessories & Toys ARMANI JUNIOR Clothing 11 Hyusisain Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 52 99 02

CELIO Clothing 24 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 50 07

BURBERRY Elite clothing boutique 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 60) 44 01 14

COOL CLUB 4/12 M. Babajanyan Str. Tel: (+374 060) 37 77 13

CORNELIANI Clothing, footwear & accessories 3 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 702 702

COP.COPINE Clothing store 21 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 66 36

DIANA Clothing & accessoreis 39 Komitas Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 23 00 78

ESCADA Clothing 51/53 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 67 01

ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA Clothing, footwear & accessories 9 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 53 00 04

ETAM Underwear collection 26 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 31 11

GIROTTI Clothing & accessories 18 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 52 12 30

KIVERA NAYNOMIS Elite Armenian designer 1 Tamanyan cascade Tel: (+374 10) 52 92 75

MASSIMO DUTTI Clothing & accessories 18 Northern Ave. Tel: (374 60) 54 00 22 STEFANO RICCI Clothing, footwear & accessories 3 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 702 702 ZILLI Clothing & accessories 58 Baghramyan Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 20 20 50


LUISA SPAGNOLI Clothing & accessories 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 55) 00 24 54 MANGO Clothing & accessories 21 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 00 11 MAXMARA Clothing & accessories 41 Mashtots Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 59 57

LAGALLERIA Clothing 3 Hyusisain Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 702 702 MOTHER CARE 51/53 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 67 01 MEGA TOYS 40/1 Sayat-Novai Ave. Tel: (+374 011) 500 600 MRCHIKOOBY 1 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 77 20 OKAID 22 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 55 79 PRENATAL 20/1 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 11) 70 11 72 PRINCE PRINCESS 25 Koryun Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 33 38 TOLO TOYS 71/37 Baghramyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 27 18 11 Z&A Chain Stores 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 060) 500 115

Malls DALMA GARDEN MALL 3 Tsitsernakaberd highway Tel: (+374 60) 46 11 11 METRONOME 22/10 Isahakyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 00 31 PROSPEKT MALL 5 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 11) 99 90 22 ROSSIA MALL 5 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 11) 99 90 22 TASHIR STREET 6/2 Norther Ave. Tel: (+374 96) 00 41 03 YEREVAN MALL 34/3 Arshakunyats Ave. Tel: (+374 11) 88 88 88 Supermarkets CARREFOUR 34/3 Arshakunyats Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 11) 300 700 KRPAK 20/20 Tumanyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 99) 05 77 25 SAS 85 M. Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 88 88 PARMA 79 Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+374 10) 27 27 99 YEREVAN CITY 60/2 Komitas Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 20 16 05 YERITSYAN AND SONS 21 Vahram Papazyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 22 08 68 Armenian Products ARENI WINE 1 Charents Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 55 45 04

JERMUK GROUP 18 Arshakunyats Ave. Tel: (+ 374 10) 58 98 36

Souvenirs ANA & SONS 25 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 48 52

MANCHO GROUP 10 Arin-Berdi Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 47 11 55

ART CROSS 26 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 46 86

MAP Armenian Brandy 8 Kievyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 27 06 30

DALAN 12 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 99) 55 33 07

NOY Armenian Wine Brandy/Vodka 9 Admiral Isakov Ave. Tel: (+ 374 10) 54 70 48 PROSHYAN BRANDY Armenian Brandy 2a Ashtaraki Highway Tel: (+ 374 10) 35 06 12

PEACOCK 10 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 50 02 08 SAKURA 36 Moskovyan str. Tel: (+374 96) 00 39 99 THE CLUB 40 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 13 61


SHOPPING SPOTS Women’s, Men’s, Children’s Clothing, Shoes & Accessories ADIDAS Women’s, men’s, children’s sportswear & accessories 3 Arami Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 47 07 ALDO Women’s, men’s shoes 26 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 52 17 77 BALDI 18 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 53 74 91 CHUST SHOES 270/1 Arshakunyats Str. Tel: (+374 60) 611 000 CLARKS Shoe & bags shop 8/2 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 50 24 54 DEBENHAMS 66 Teryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 52 70 78 EDELWEISS clothing & accessories (KITON) 54/1 Teryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 93 49 EMPORIO ARMANI Elite Women’s & men’s clothing & accessories Crossroad of Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 52 99 08 ERMANNO SCERVINO Women’s & children’s clothing 3 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 702 702­ GAP Women’s, men’s clothing 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway Tel: (+374 60) 46 11 11 GEOX 6/15 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 53 22 34 GIORDANO Women’s, men’s clothing & accessories 39 Mashtots Str. Tel: (+374 10) 52 08 01 46 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

GUESS Women’s, men’s clothing & accessories 6 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 53 69 59

Jewelry, Watches, Optics AWI 14/4 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 08 82

LACOSTE 110 Nalbandyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 05 99

CHRONOGRAPH Luxury jewelry and watch 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 500 400

LAGALLERIA Luxury Boutiques Corner 3 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 702 702

EIFFEL Swiss watches 26 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 52 50 15

MARKS & SPENCER Women’s, men’s, children’s clothing & accessories 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway Tel: (+374 060) 46 11 11

KARGIN OPTICS Optical Salon 41/1 Khanjyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 06 44

MEGA SPORT Women’s, men’s, children’s sportswear & accessories 4 Vardanants Str. Tel: (+374 10) 51 98 98 MEXX Women’s, men’s & children’s clothing & accessories 26 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 46 23 NEXT Women’s, men’s and children’s clothing & accessories. 13 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 89 99 SALI Women’s, men’s clothing & accessories 5 North Avenue Tel.: (+374 11) 51 11 66 ZARA 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway Tel: (+374 10) 50 09 90

KAZANJIAN WATCH Women’s, men’s watches 1 Amiryan Str. Marriot Tel: (+374 10) 59 99 23 L’ORANGE GOLD Women’s, men’s jewelry 11-54 Abovyan Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 52 57 11 MERCURY 50 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 586 000 TIME 21 Tumanyan Str. Tel. (+374 11) 50 04 02 HAY OPTIC 1 Tumanyan Str. Tel. (+374 10) 52 11 42 BERLIN OPTIC 1 Davitashen, Yerevan Tel: (+374 10) 36 20 00 DE LAUR 39/12 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 11) 99 55 77


Honored painter of the Republic of Armenia

“Valmar’s even smallest canvas leaves huge monumental impression. Artist is the reflection of his works, always strong and dynamic. He is talented and spirited. I wish Valmar the success he deserves’’. Jansem, Painter, Paris


almar (Vladimir Margaryan), a talented and worldwide known Armenian painter whose works influence from the first glance. Valmar is famous around the world due to his unique thematic exhibitions. During long and productive career, he had 40 individual and 120 group exhibitions in cultural centers of Armenia, Russia, Europe, Middle East, America, and Canada. You can find his works exhibited in Italy, France, Japan, USA, Russia and set of works are kept

in private collections of many countries. The thematic fields are different; all mirror some life period or event. Now he is going to travel to Brazil for new Brazilian inspired set of paintings to be added to his previous Italian and Spanish set. While being in Armenia, don’t loose the chance to visit ‘’Valmar Gallery’’ and get unique paintings for you or your friends. Valmar’s all paintings are work of art really worth seeing, admiring and buying.


ENTERTAINMENT/SERVICES Night Clubs/Discos CHARLOTTE 25 Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 27 70 19 CRAZY 13 Vardanants Str. Tel.: (+ 374 77) 55 34 37 OMEGA 59 Teryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 58 25 49 Casinos SENATOR Tel.: (+ 374 99) 95 55 59 SHANGRI LA Tel.: (+ 374 10) 62 57 99 Karaoke Clubs ALIBI 11 Mashtots Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 11) 55 56 57 ARAME 2/1 Heratsu Str. Tel.: (+ 374 60) 44 07 44 Cinemas CINEMA STAR 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway Tel: (+374 60) 75 55 55 MOSCOW CINEMA 18 Abovian Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 12 10 NAIRI CINEMA 50 Mashtots Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 28 29 Taxi Services AERO Tel.: (+ 374 10) 77 11 00 MOBI TAXI Tel.: (+ 374 11) 707 707 TAXOLINE Tel.: (+ 374 60) 64 46 44 Car/Bus Rentals BUS VOYAGE Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 10 05 CARAVAN Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 92 92 DOLLAR/THRIFTY Tel.: (+ 374 10) 59 99 95 48 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

ELITE BUS Tel.: (+ 374 10) 58 90 00 Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 72 72

Swimming Pools AQUALAND 27/1 Moldovakan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 70 60 70

SIXT Tel.: (+ 374 10) 61 55 99

AQUATEK 40 Myasnikyan Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 58 88 88

Real Estate CASCADE HILLS 160/5 Antarain Str. Tel.: (+ 374 60) 37 77 57

GOLD’S GYM 40/1 Komitas Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 32 20 10

PIAZZA GRANDE 10 V. Sargsyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 91) 01 15 10

Golf/Shooting Clubs/ Horse Riding ARARAT VALLEY COUNTRY CLUB 42 Gevorg Chaushi Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 39 40 85

VAHAGNI COMMUNITY 50 Gevorg Chaush Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 39 01 02 VIVA REALTY 8/6 Y. Kochar Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 68 98

HAYRAPETYAN HORSE RIDING 39 Shiraki Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 46 55 55

Post Offices & Transport DHL WORLDWIDE EXPRESS 27 Amiryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 58 66 88

Sport Complex ARENA (BOWLING & BILLIARD CLUB) 8 Mashtots Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 61 01

EMS ARMENIA 1 Tigran Mets Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 25 54

CROSS 50-1 Ashtarak Highway Tel.: (+ 374 94) 77 70 77

FEDERAL EXPRESS 40 Mashtots Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 00 29

PLAY CITY 35 Acharyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 62 09 99

LEO TRANS 30 Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 22 90 18

Spas & Beauty Salon GOLD’S SPA 40/1 Komitas Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 20 83 60

STATE HAY POST 22 Saryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 514 514 TNT EXPRESS WORLDWIDE 144/1 Khorenatsi Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 55 25

RENOIR WOMEN’S CLUB 23 Abovyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 05 30 THAI HOME 2 Paronyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 27 60


AIRLINES/TRAVEL AGENCIES/BANKS Airlines AEROFLOT-RUSSIAN 12 Amiryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 24 35 AIR ARMENIA 21 G. Kochar Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 79 99 AIR FRANCE/KLM 9 Alek Manoukyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 51 22 77 AVIA-GIT 1 Zakyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 15 46 AUSTRIAN AIRLINES 9 Alek Manoukyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 51 22 01 CZECH AIRLINES 2 Baghramyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 56 40 99 FLYDUBAI 7 Khorenatsi Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 67 74 IRAN ASEMAN AIRLINES 19 Nalbandyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 44 02 POLISH AIRLINES 7 Argishti Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 51 02 86 S7 AIRLINES 34 Toumanyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 41 10 SYRIAN AIRLINES 3 Khorenatsi Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 85 89 URAL AIRLINES 10/3 Saryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 88 61 UTAIR ARMENIA 4 Tigran Mets Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 51 85 08 QATAR AIRWAYS 2 M. Baghramyan Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 56 36 24 Travel Agencies AIR CAUCASUS 23/17 David Anhaght Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 20 96 00 50 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

ANI TOUR 68a Teryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 60) 270 370

AMERIA­­­­ BANK 9 Gr. Lusavorich Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 56 11 11

ARMANE TOUR 70/8 Charents Str. Tel.: (+374 60) 51 90 40

ANELIK BANK 13 Vardanants Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 59 33 33

AVC 37 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 00 37

ARARAT BANK 19 Pushkin Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 63 63

BEAUMONDE TRAVEL 1 Amiryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 59 99 95

ARDSHININVESTBANK 13 Gr. Lusavorich Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 59 04 04

EUROSTAN UYUT 39/12 Mashtots Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 42 65

BYBLOS 18/3 Amiryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 03 62

FUN TOUR 24/24 Mashtots Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 50 29 09

CENTRAL BANK OF RA 6 V. Sargsyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 56 37 61

HAKOBIAN TRAVEL 60 Baghramyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 27 19 44

CONVERSE BANK 26/1 V. Sargsyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 51 12 11

HYUR SERVICE 96 Nalbandyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 60 40

HSBC 66 Teryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 51 50 00

LEVON TRAVEL 10 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 52 10

INECOBANK 17 Tumanyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 51 05 10

SACVOYAGE TRAVEL 10 Tumanyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 72 72

PROCREDIT 105/1 Teryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 51 48 60

TATEV T.T.T. 19 Nalbandyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 44 01

PROMETEY 44/2 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 20 36

YOUR HOLIDAY TOUR 12a V.Vagharshyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 22 23 45

UNIBANK 12 Charents Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 59 55 55

Banks ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE 1 Bayroni Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 56 85 85

VTB BANK 46 Nalbandyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 87 87 ­­­

Design by Orange Company



Cafesjian Museum for the Art

Established in 1959, Matenadaran is one of the world’s ancientand richest depositories of medieval manuscripts and books, and was inscribed on UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme Register in 1997 in recognition of its world significance. Add.: 53 Mashtots Ave., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 56 25 78

Erebuni Fortress Museum

Erebuni Museum of History of Foundation of Yerevan was established in 1968. The opening of the museum was timed to coincide with the 2750th anniversary of Yerevan. The Museum stands at the foot of the Arin Berd hill, on top of which the Urartian Fortress Erebuni has stood since 782 BC. Add.: 38 Erebuni Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 45 82 07

The Cafesjian Center of Arts is an art museum situated in the heart of Yerevan in and around the Cascade. At the core of the museum’s permanent collection is the Gerard L. Cafesjian Collection of Art. Add.: Cascade Complex, Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 54 19 32 E-mail:

Museum of Sergei Parajanov

The exposition of the museum shows Parajanov’s aesthetic principles brought to perfection in movies. Add.: 15/16 Dzoragyugh Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 53 84 73

History Museum of Yerevan Museum, founded in 1931, introduces Yerevan history of thousands of years dating back to the rise of the oldest civilization in the world. Add.: 1/1 Argishti Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 56 81 85 (+374 10) 56 81 09


Museum of Ervand Kochar

The museum presents the works of the active reformer of modern art. Add.: 39/12 Mashtots Ave., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 52 93 26

ArmanAntiques LLC. Fine Art and Antiques Aucton Gallery

IVAN KONSTANTINOVICH AIVAZOVSKY (RUSSIAN, 1817-1900), signed and dated ‘Aivazovsky 1870’ (lowe right); oil on canvas, 29 x 45 cm Fine Art and Antiques Aucton Gallery

Add.: 53 Marshal Baghramyan Avenue, Yerevan 0019 Tel.: (+374 10) 22 33 39, Mob.: (+374 91) 325 310 E-mail:

Art Galleries Yerevan ALBERT AND TOVE BOYAJIAN 36 Issahakyan Str. (+374 10) 56 18 55 ARAME 13 Amiryan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 53 92 65 ARTE VALE 53/55 Buzand Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 56 39 37

GEVORGYAN GALLERY 38/1a Tumanyan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 53 48 37 HI-ARTONLINE 5 Spendaryan Str. Tel.: (+374 60) 52 72 99 NAREGATSI ART INSTITUTE 16/1 Vardanants Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 58 01 05

ARMAN ANTIQUES LLC. 53 M. Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+374 10) 22 33 39

NATIONAL GALLERY OF ARMENIA 1 Aram Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 56 74 72

­­­ARTISTS’ UNION OF ARMENIA 53 M. Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+374 10) 22 33 39

NERSES MELIKYAN ACADEMIA 24 Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+374 10) 52 70 40

CHILDREN’S ART GALLERY 13 Abovyan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 52 09 51

NPAK GALLERY 1/3 P. Byuzand Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 56 82 25

DALAN ART GALLERY 12 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 99) 55 33 07

VALMAR 53-55 P. Byuzand Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 58 07 69

Libraries ­­AMERICAN  UNIVERSITY OF ARMENIA 40 Baghramyan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 51 27 62 AVETIK ISAHAKYAN LIBRARY 4/1 Nalbandyan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 58 96 10 MATENADARAN INSTITUTE OF ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS 53 Mashtots Ave. Tel.: (+374 10) 56 25 78 MUSIC LIBRARY 53 Tigran Mets Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 58 33 35 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF ARMENIA 72 Teryan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 58 42 59 KHNKO-APER CHILDREN’S LIBRARY 42/1 Teryan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 52 12 22




at 09:30 PM Concert: Lucy Khanyan Kami Club at 05:00 PM Comedy Avenue with Sergey Sargsyan AUA at 09:00 PM Happy Birthday, William.. with YellowStones Stop Club





at 07:00 PM Giuseppe Verdi: Rigoletto Special Guest: Gianpiero Ruggeri (Italy) Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall at 09:30 PM Concert: Goght at Ulikhanyan Ulikhanyan Club



at 09:00 PM Concert: Aram MP3 Mezzo Classic House Club



at 07:00 PM A. Adan: “Giselle” Ballet in 2 acts National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian


at 07:00 PM G. Rossini: “LA CENERENTOLA” National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian at 08:00 PM A Century of Romanticism Ruben KOSEMYAN, violin Natalya Mnatsakanyan, piano Cafesjian Center For The Arts



at 19:30 PM Aramo: 30 Years on Stage Armenian State Jazz Orchestra Conductor: A. Hyusnunts National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian at 08:00 PM Vahagn Jenterejyan Classic Guitar Cafesjian Center For The Arts

at 09:30 PM Concert: Artyom Manukyan Club 12 at 07:00 PM “Naghash Ensemble”: Songs of Exile, I, II Aram Khachaturian Museum

at 08:00 PM Ronée Boyce (Canada) Piano Recital Cafesjian Center For The Arts at 09:00 PM Stand-Up Music Show Mezzo Classic House Club

at 07:00 PM A. Khachaturyan: Gayane Ballet in 3 acts National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian




at 07:00 PM Hakob Khalatyan-60 National Chamber Orchestra of Armenia Artistic Director and Principal Conductor: Vahan Mardirossian Chamber Music House after Komitas at 09:30 PM Mix-Flamenco Ulikhanyan Club


at 08:00 PM GLOBAL ARMENIAN Project CADENCE Ensemble Cafesjian Center For The Arts



November 2016



at 07:00 PM Concert: Nik West Sports & Concert Complex after K. Demirchyan at 08:00 PM FROM APRICOT PIPE COMES A MELODI Norayr Kartashian and MENUA Band Special Guest: Tigran HAMASYAN Cafesjian Center For The Arts


at 07:00 PM Concert evening: Tigran Mansuryan Gyumri



at 07:00 PM Concert: Arno Babajanyan Favorite Songs National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian



at 07:00 PM G. Verdi “Aida” National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian at 08:00 PM Evening of Armenian Music ARMMUZENI Avangard Folk Ensemble Cafesjian Center For The Arts


at 07:00 PM G. Bizet: Carmen Conductor: Atanes Araqelyan National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian at 08:00 PM Flamenco and More LOS REYES Band Cafesjian Center For The Arts

SUNDAY at 09:30 PM Concert: Gor Sujyan and Friends Club 12

at 10:00 AM BarCamp Vanadzor-16 Vanadzor Technology Center - VTC


at 07:00 PM A. Tigranian: Anoush Opera in 3 acts Conductor: Atanes Araqelyan National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian at 09:00 PM Concert: Goght Band Kami Club



at 08:00 PM Chico & Friends and Yerevan Voices Cafesjian Center For The Arts at 07:00 PM OLE! Lori La Armenia in Yerevan Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall




at 07:00 PM Concert: Kings on Ice: Fashion on Ice Sports & Concert Complex after K. Demirchyan



Design by Orange Company



Design by Orange Company



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