ParentGuide - Fall 2019

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Fall 2019


Meet the amazing








beat the

BACK TO SCHOOL morning rush

WELCOME Welcome to the Fall Edition! I am so happy to see you here...thank you for spending a few minutes with us! Within the pages of this magazine you will find: unique parenting perspectives a community of love and support articles that answer your toughest questions and resources that you can count on Each of the contributors in this magazine will provide you with their best advice and remind you that you are not alone! We aren’t here to preach and tell you what to do - we are here to love and encourage you on your journey - your unique journey. Please consider reaching out to other parents in our Facebook Group. You don’t know who might need to hear from you, as well as what ideas may resonate with you and make your life as a parent just a bit easier. See you inside.

Jennifer XOXO Jennifer, Mom and Founder of Parent Guide.

P.S. If you are a parent of a teen you will want to check out our new TEEN issue. Click here to access it now! 50 Happy Parenting! 69

PARENTGUIDE 519-645-7342 |


THANK YOU! I don't even know where to start when I think about how grateful I am to be here, with you, doing what I love, day in and day out!



I mean, just take a look to the right and you will see this super impressive line-up of incredibly talented and accomplished women that helped make this magazine happen! I just hope they each know how much I value their contribution! And,, taking time out of your crazy, busy day to spend time with us! Grateful doesn't even begin to express how I feel!

Kaitlyn Boyd Registered Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, Function First

And, I really want to get to know you all better. So, here are a few ways that we can stay connected, work together, and if I am lucky, maybe we can even become friends! Jennifer McCallum Founder of Parent Guide

Michelle Kudelka RMT, Function First

Let's Connect Sign up for FREE Daily Encouragement "YOU GOT THIS" Emails Just a little love to remind you how fabulous you are! Got a business? Become a Parent Guide Member Receive a bundle of ways to grow your business each month while we share you with our parent community. Want to write for us? We are always looking for new ideas, new perspectives, and expert advice for our parent community. We talk about real issues for modern parents. No fluff - just good, solid advice, examples, stories, and ideas to help make parenting just a bit easier. Contact me at:

Tara Boyes-Shantz Lactation Consultant, LatchedOn

Laura Lyles Reagan Family Sociologist and Author

PARENTGUIDE 519-645-7342 |





04 Parenting Myths 07 Prenatal Massage 12





24 Balance & Clarity 27 Diastasis Recti 101 34 Back to School Morning Rush 38 ParentGuide Giveaway 43 Tongue Ties 46 Gender Identity


50 Is it a Fever?


52 Parent Resources 56 Marketplace



wa a e v






PARENTGUIDE 519-645-7342 |


W-Sitting is bad for you! True or False?

PARENTING MYTHS true or false???

Not everything you read on Facebook is true and neither is everything you hear from a well-meaning friend or even your mother. (insert gasp!) It fascinates me how myths get passed down from generation to generation without a pause to consider what is the actual truth. Take the myth test and see how you do! What do you still believe is true and what should you start believing?

IS IT TRUE? answers are on page 55

1. W-sitting bad for you? 2. You will spoil your baby if you pick him up when he is crying. 3. You will go blind if you sit too close to the TV. 4. You need to sleep when the baby sleeps. 5. Having a baby will wreck your sex life. 6. To be a great parent you need to put your child's needs first - always. PARENTGUIDE.CA | 5

Prenatal Massage three trimesters explored


Pregnancy can be a wonderful and amazing time for a woman, but it can also be difficult and uncomfortable. Every woman’s experience is very different. Some bodies adapt easily to the changes while others do not. Massage therapy during all stages of pregnancy helps the body adjust to the transitions which occur over the each trimester.

TRIMESTER 1 Massage therapy in the first trimester helps correct pre-existing postural imbalances and prepare the body for the more dramatic changes that are to come. Working through areas of tight muscles and underlying tissue adhesions can make it much easier for you to ease into shifts in center of gravity and the rapid growth of belly and breast tissue. Full body general massage is especially valuable for those experiencing the general muscle aches that can come with the body’s initial hormonal shifts. More focused treatments may benefit those experiencing headaches or breast tenderness caused by stress on upper body posture and/or connective tissue adhesions.




During the second trimester of pregnancy often the body is a little more settled but the baby is now big enough to start influencing a women’s centre of gravity, her movements and sleeping positions. The muscles are starting to adapt to the additional weight in the pelvis and over the chest, as well as helping to maintain and support the expanding joints. These changes occur very rapidly and it can be difficult for the musculature to keep up. Massage Therapy helps to ease the muscles into new postures and relieve the tension created by altered lines of pull.

The third trimester is an exciting time with the anticipation of baby arriving! While this can be the most promising time of pregnancy it can also be the most uncomfortable period as the weight of the baby is pushing on joints and nerves.

The body’s musculoskeletal structures need to be supported during this time to prevent strain and the possibility of the over tightened muscles pulling joints into uncomfortable alignments. Symptoms of headaches, neck and shoulder pain, and low back discomfort as well as conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and thoracic outlet syndrome (pain and tingling in arms and hands, and/or a decreased ability to pinch/grasp objects) can start to appear.

Massage Therapy helps to loosening the abdominal, back and leg muscles allowing baby just enough room to reposition and settle head down into the pelvis taking much of the pressure off and alleviating symptoms in the low back, buttocks and legs. Tightness and tiredness in the leg muscles can lead to cramping at night. During the final few weeks of pregnancy it is time to get upper body postures and breast tissues loosened up and ready for nursing.

Massage therapy is very effective at alleviating many of the symptoms that arise throughout pregnancy. It is a powerful tool either on its own or in complement with other forms of treatment in helping to create a positive prenatal experience!

Written by Michelle Kudelka, BA, RMT, Function First London




UNSTOPPABLE What happens when you live your life on your terms? Find out from the incredible UNSTOPPABLE Rhonda Swan


Before my family and I became digital nomads and started living the “laptop lifestyle”, and long before crowning myself the Unstoppable Momma, I grew up like most Americans…I was taught that our country (USA) was the greatest place on Earth, and if I stayed in school, got good grades, and kept out of trouble, I’d get into a great college, and eventually land a highpaying job in the field of my choice. For the most part I followed this idea to the letter, and with hard work, dedication, and a ton of sleepless nights, I was fortunate enough to graduate from Northwood University in Midland Michigan with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration.

Stay in school Get Good Grades Stay out of Trouble Go to a Good College Get a $$$$ Job

But just having a degree to hang on the wall wasn’t enough… I wanted more.

But just having a degree to hang on the wall wasn’t enough… I wanted more.


So instead of taking it easy, I dove head first into the corporate world, and got a job as a pharmaceutical executive. Eventually I met my amazing husband Brian who was a robotics engineer at the time, and soon after, I became pregnant with our beautiful baby girl, Hanalei! Things were going great! It was at this point that you could officially say that I had achieved what is commonly referred to as the American Dream. We had a beautiful home, drove the best cars, and had lots of money coming in from our jobs as well as our real estate business. Everything seemed perfect, that is‌ until the housing crisis hit. You see, 3 years after starting our business and quitting our jobs that I mentioned earlier, we lost everything in a bad real estate investment. And I do mean EVERYTHING!

We went from making a whopping $50k+ per month, to nothing almost overnight. To sum it all up, we lost over A MILLION in cash, 3 luxury cars, a 1.7 million dollar home, and a ton of other things I can’t really mention. At one point, we couldn't even afford SKYPE credits to take new business calls! Then, as the smoke began to clear, one of the greatest gifts we could ever received was placed into my arms. Our brand new baby girl, Hanalei, was born into the world... Although during this time, our stress levels were at an all-time high, Hanalei really became the catalyst for change our lives. You see, when she was born, a fire was lit inside of me like never before.


I decided from the moment I looked into her eyes, to live life on my own terms, and to NEVER put my child in daycare. The thought of working 10 plus hours a day, and leaving my kid to be raised by total strangers was unacceptable to me. I know sending to children to daycare is a “normal� thing to do for most people, but something inside me, kept saying no. So rather than sitting around and hoping for a miracle, I decided to put my business degree and sales skills to good use, hop back in the saddle, and start rebuilding our lives. But this time, we were leaving real estate behind completely, and forging a new path in the developing world of internet marketing. Before I actually started making money, I did an insane amount of research to the point that it felt like 16 | WWW.PARENTGUIDE.CA

I was going back to school, and studying to get my Masters, haha. I even got myself a mentor that helped guide me to launching my first successful program on brand building. That was the first time I was able to make a significant amount of cash online. Eventually, I went on to generate $36K in revenue in my first 90 days, and retired myself and my husband in the first year from both of our multi-six figure positions! Looking back, I wouldn’t change any of what we went through to get to where we are now. The experience of losing everything but the shirts on our backs showed us that were capable of surviving anything. It also taught us how to be resilient, and most of all, it pushed us to take risks that most people would call us crazy for doing.

Especially with a newborn attached to my hip! ...Just to give you an idea of how different the landscape was back then, there was no facebook and instagram, and there wasn’t even a myspace. In 2004, social media wasn’t all the rage that it is today, and blogging was the biggest opportunity that everyone was chasing at the time. Come to think of it, smart phones didn’t even exist when we first got into online business.

Nowadays it’s amazing to see how technology has become part of our everyday lives. And the new digital economy has skyrocketed to levels we never thought possible. Now there’s an insane amount of training available online for people who want to start their own homebased business for much less than it cost to get even a community college education.

I myself have a few courses on how to develop SEXY brands, and how to start an online business from scratch in just 30 days. But again, 13 years ago, the thought of perpetual travel with a child in tow was completely unheard of in the mainstream, and nothing short of insanity to most of our family in friends. It may be hard to realize as a fan or one of our Freedom-preneur Tribe members, but people haven’t always agreed with our lifestyle. When Brian and I first started traveling full-time with Hanalei, we were met with major resistance. ...People literally called us crazy for choosing this lifestyle. They said we were horrible parents who were harming our daughter and stopping her development because we did the complete opposite of 99% of the population. 18 | WWW.PARENTGUIDE.CA

We even lost a few “friends” because of our choice to raise Hanalei abroad. Did it hurt to get so much backlash and hate from the people we loved? Of course… but I felt in my heart, that there was something much greater at stake than getting everyone’s approval. I wanted us to live life on our own terms, without the need to be shackled to a corporation that basically owned you until vacation time. I also wanted to give my daughter the chance to see the beauty of our world first-hand, and experience different cultures and the people that created them, up close and personal... rather than read a few outdated, and inaccurate book chapters in an overcrowded classroom. Fast-forward to present day, and I’m still traveling & living an

UNSTOPPABLE life with my husband and daughter. We continue fly around the world at our leisure, meeting new people, making new friends, and connecting with old ones. Brian and I still host marketing retreats for business owners twice a year, one being held in gorgeous Bali Indonesia, and the other in sunny Orlando Florida,USA. And surprisingly, our daughter, the one who people said would the worst affected by travel and our uncommon way of life, is an internationally known, PAID SPEAKER and fashion designer.

That’s right… our 12 year old has become one of the youngest speakers, and business owners in the world, and has graciously taken the title of The Unstoppable Kid! Looking at how much she’s progressed in such a short time, reaffirms to me the decision I made over a decade ago. It may sound backwards, however I agree with everyone in my past. Choosing to bounce across the globe with a baby IS a “crazy” idea.


But had I listened to all the haters and naysayers, I would have went back to climbing the corporate ladder right now.

After that choice was made, I laser focused on turning it from a nice daydream, into a VERY REAL, physical reality.

But if you take a look at my family’s instagram and facebook profiles, all the fun and lifechanging experiences we have doesn’t look so insane after all.

Yes, mistakes were made along the way that put my values, skills, and relationships to the test, but when a greater cause is at stake, you can either throw in the towel and call it a day, or make changes to the plan, correct your course, and move forward towards the end-goal.

I’m willing to bet that from the outside looking in, as you’re stuck at a job you hate, and being forced to deal with negative coworkers, managers, and toxic friends, there’s a big part of you that wants to get up, give everyone a piece of your mind, and run to the nearest airport to come join in the fun. To that I say, you’re not alone… The only difference between our lives and yours is the undeniable fact that I made a choice to go after a BIG, scary, and seemingly unattainable goal, that the majority of my peers said was impossible to achieve.

Using this simple approach not only works for big goals, but small ones as well. What most people don’t understand is a major life goal, is only a collection of smaller goals that must be achieved over a period of time.

If you can break up your dreams into little bite-sized chunks it makes it MUCH EASIER to get what you want! WWW.PARENTGUIDE.CA ⎟21

Combine that with being comfortable living your truth, and having a purpose that perfectly aligns with your core values, and the chances of becoming a success will go through the roof. ...This is a big part of why my family has been able to achieve so much in a relatively short amount of time. So, now that you’ve learned about my background, and discovered what it took to catapult myself and my family’s lives into a whole new direction, what am I up to now? Well, I’m still teaching entrepreneurs how to turn their passions into profit online through my courses and coaching programs, and we’re still getting booked for speaking engagements in multiple countries. I also founded The Unstoppable Branding Agency to help established business owners develop and launch their brands

online, build massive followings using social media marketing, and position them as the leaders and authority figures in their chosen markets. We have a highly skilled & talented remote team spread out across North America, Southeast Asia, and Australia, that’s dedicated to producing highquality business assets, and masters at their respective crafts. And as much credit as I can take for being the founder and figurehead of the organization, my team is a reflection of me, and they play a big role in making each project a success. So if you’re a mom, and want more for yourself and your children, I strongly encourage you to dig deep, and ask yourself this question:

If everything were PERFECT, and absolutely nothing could go wrong in your life… what would you be doing?

No matter how “silly” or “different” it may be, this is YOUR LIFE, and what other people think or have to say about it isn’t your problem. Your vision for YOUR life is your own business... and no matter what someone else’s opinion is, they should never have the power to dictate the path you choose to take. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this article. It means the world to me to be able to share my trials and triumphs with you. My hope is that you’re inspired to do more, and to be more than what society says you should be. Thanks again for reading, and from now on, every day you wake up to the time you lay down for bed at night... BE UNSTOPPABLE! Rhonda Swan

Conn ect w ith th UNS e TOP PAB FAM LE ILY


balance & clarity What if I told you that work/life balance is impossible to reach? What if I told you that your life will always be this chaotic? Would you stop reading, throw your arms up in the air, and give up trying? Well, good news. you can have balance by the time you finish reading this article - but you need to be ready to change your mindset! Here is the exact step-by-step path I took to find balance and clarity in my life - and I want to share it with you! I believe that balance is a mindset and not a destination we arrive at everyday. I believe that there are seasons of our lives that we can either embrace or complain about - some are like the lazy days of summer, some are like hurricane season, and some are like the mundane, boring months of winter when nothing much is happening. What season are you in right now? If you have kids, your days may look more like hurricane season....but what if we looked at this season with new eyes? What if we were able to calm our storms and deal with them one moment at a time? What if we could embrace the chaos around us and find joy in it?

steps to finding balance & clarity in your life Quiet your

Figure out what is

Build a support

Take pride in the

Be present in

thoughts -

important to you

team and

life that you have

each moment

I use

and what you


created even if it

and accept that


want your life to

yourself with

looks different than

you are doing

to do this

look like

positive people

someone else's life

your best

Balance is more of a mindset and not a destination we arrive at everyday! Jennifer McCallum


without clarity we wander aimlessly or end up feeling off-balance, overwhelmed, and exhausted at the end of the day

If you wish you had more balance and clarity in your life right now - whether it be at home or at work, I can help. I have been through the storms. I have spent many sleepless nights worrying. I have fallen down exhausted at the end of the day feeling like I didn't accomplish a single thing. And, I have discovered the path that has created calm and balance in my life today.

If you are interested in hearing how you can do this too, contact me today. We will walk through the steps to help you create the balance you crave in your life. Click below for more information:

Yes, I want more balance! Jennifer XOXO



By: Kaitlyn Boyd, Registered Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, Function First London

Could it be Diastasis Recti? I didn’t notice right away. I am sure I was deep in the sleep deprived fog of new motherhood, more worried about breastfeeding schedules and the frequency of dirty diapers. But my sweet baby grew and after some time, I started looking a little closer at some of the changes in my postpartum body. Something that stuck out to me was this gapping and indentation that was now present just above my belly button. As a trained physiotherapist, I suspected I knew what this was - diastatsis recti.

What is Diastasis Recti? “Diastasis” or “diastasis recti” are interchangeable terms that have been gaining a lot of attention amongst new moms. There are also a lot of people who like to refer to this as “mummy tummy”. The rectus abdominus (or our six pack abs) normally line up neatly on either side of our belly button. These muscles meet at the linea aba, which is connective tissue. As baby grows during pregnancy, a woman’s body accommodates by morphing and stretching in different and amazing ways! This causes a thinning and widening of the linea alba - which if you think about it, is a pretty clever coping strategy.


What happens after the baby is born? After delivery, hormones return to pre-pregnancy levels and this thinning generally improves. In some women, however, because the connective tissue has expanded so much it loses elasticity and can’t return back to the prepregnancy resting state. This results in a gap between the abdominal muscles. Not surprisingly, this gap can range in size from barely noticeable to large. The biggest complaint woman seem to have, is that they continue to look pregnant despite being well along in their postpartum journey. Some women may also notice a dome or ballooning effect in the area when they activate their abdominals. As well, back pain and a general feeling of core weakness can be reported. In the most severe, but very rare cases, women can experience abdominal organ herniation because of a large gap.

Can I exercise if I have a Diastasis Recti? With all the attention that has been placed on this issue recently, it is not surprising that discovering this in one’s postpartum body can be scary for some. At that time, I wasn’t well educated about diastasis and I was certainly apprehensive! I felt restricted and that I should avoid certain movements and activities for fear of making it worse. Now, as I have learned more and expanded my training as a pelvic health physiotherapist, I feel very differently. Diastasis is something that can be managed with some education and a little bit of work. It is no reason to eliminate sports or fitness from your life, if this is something you love.


What should I do if I suspect I have a Diastasis Recti? The first step for many people is to undergo an assessment by a health professional with specific knowledge about diastasis, like a pelvic health physiotherapist. This will help establish where you are at. If you are asked to modify certain activities, this is likely only temporary until you have improved and restored your abdominal and core strength. A physiotherapist would then provide you with specific exercises based on how your body is functioning at the current moment. As you continue to improve, your exercises will be adapted to challenge you and geared towards getting you back to doing the activities that you love! I promise, this diastasis business is not as scary as you might think!

Is it ever too late to correct a Diastasis Recti? No. With proper care, you can close a Diastasis Recti. This can happen even years after you delivered your baby. But, you need to be committed to fixing the problem - it will take some work! How long it takes often depends on how severe the Diastasis Recti is and how closely you are working with a physiotherapist.

Contact Kaitlyn Boyd, Registered Pelvic Health Physiotherapist for more information.


How to Avoid the

Back to School Morning Rush


By Laura Lyles Reagan

Stop that! Be quiet! Quit playing at the table and eat breakfast! Behave! Hurry up; you’ll be late! How many times do I have to tell you, get your backpack ready before you go to bed? Parents at their wits end with the morning rush of preparing everyone to go to school and work may find themselves yelling these phrases to sleepy kids. Back to school, peaceful morning routines don’t happen with the phrases above. Supporting personal responsibility in your tween or teen is facilitated when we cultivate good communication habits with them. Back to school time can bring a sense of new beginnings. We can start new routines that make mornings happier and less stressful. A few suggestions may be helpful for launching back to school routines that set and affirm peace and connection rather than tension and friction. Behaviorists tell us, connection is more effective than trying to extinguish negative behavior.


Affirm the behaviors you want to see! It is so much more effective to affirm the positive behavior when you see it, such as praising kids for doing homework, treating others respectfully or being responsible for themselves. Here are a few examples. “I really like how you put your finished homework in your backpack so we don’t look for it in the morning. “Thank you for hanging up your coat so we find it easily again in the morning.” “Thanks so much for pulling your little brother’s uniform out of the dryer when you got your own.” Wow! You are up 5 minutes earlier. Thanks for setting your own alarm. I love hugging you in the morning instead of nagging you to get up. 36⎟ WWW.PARENTGUIDE.CA

Prepare for success. Have a school preparation plan and work the plan. Set clear expectations and follow through. Go to Bed on Time and Set a Personal Alarm. Kids and adults can’t get up for school on time without going to bed on time. Establish positive bedtime rituals and keep them. (Reading books is ideal.) Buy your child his or her own alarm and thank them when they use it to get up. Backpack Preparation. Backpacks should be packed the night before school. You can surprise them with something new in their backpack too! School Clothes Preparation. Setting uniforms out the night before with all the accessories (including socks) helps avoid the morning rush. Reward children when they do by allowing a special privilege when they get home that afternoon. Practice What You Preach. Modeling the behavior you want is foundational to morning routine success. “See, I got my laptop bag ready for work ahead of time; I am so proud of myself!” Mom says.

Laura Lyles Reagan is a family sociologist and author of How to Raise Respectful Parents. She can be reached for parent coaching sessions through her website at


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Wait until my mom hears about this! She is going to flip out over these products.




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Read the latest news at:

Tongue Ties and Feeding Your Baby

By: Tara Boyes- Shantz MN, NP, IBCLC

YOU ARE NOT ALONE! WE HAVE BEEN THROUGH WHAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH AND WE ARE HERE TO HELP It is possible to restore the relationship with your teen again. It is possible that you can find peace at home and joy in your heart. Come join us and walk the same path we did to find the answers to all of our worries. Wouldn't it feel good to feel good again?

For more details, visit our website at For inquiries, contact us at (519) 645-7342 or at




WWW.PARENTTEENS.CLUB If you are a parent of a teen, we help you find answers, even when you have tried everything. We do this by giving you immediate access to the top parenting coaches IN THE WORLD! Join us today!








Is it Aaquick Fever? fever guide...

PRIN this T page

IS IT A FEVER? When your child is sick they may have a fever. If you


Normal Temperature

think your child has a fever,


38°C (100.4°F)

use a thermometer. Your


37.5°C (99.5°F)

child has a fever if their


37.3°C (99.1°F)

temperature is above the


38°C (100.4°F)

number listed here:


How to take a temperature: Use one thermometer for rectal and one for taking oral temperatures Do not use glass or mercury thermometers, use digital or


plastic thermometers instead

Is it an Emergency?

Forehead thermometers are not as accurate as other

Call 9-1-1 or go to your local

methods for taking temperatures


For more information on how to correctly take a temperature, visit

Who to contact if your child has a fever: Babies younger than six months old should see a doctor

Need a Family Doctor? Call Health Care Connect 1-800-445-1822

when they have a fever Call your health care provider if your baby is older than six months and the fever does not go away after 72 hours


(three days), or your baby has a fever combined with a rash or any other signs of illness that worry you Talk to a Registered Nurse, at Telehealth Ontario 1-866797-0000 (TTY: 1-866-797-0007); available 24 hours a day, seven days a week

In an emergency situation, call 9-1-1

What to do if your child has a fever:

Want to speak with a Registered Nurse? Call Telehealth Ontario 1-866-797-0000 (TTY: 1-866-797-0007)

Babies younger than six months old should see a doctor when they have a fever If your child is older than six months, then give more to drink (such as breast milk or water) Take off extra clothing and blankets, leave enough to avoid shivering check your child's temperature often

What NOT to do if your child has a fever: Do not give medication unless recommended by your health care provider Do not give Aspirin or Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASA) to a child or teenager with a fever Do not use alcohol rubs or baths and sponging with water to lower a child's fever

Other signs your child may be sick: Acting differently (tired, weak, sleepy, loss of appetite, fussy, or a lot of crying) A runny nose Coughing Vomiting Rash Difficulty breathing Diarrhea Change in skin colour (pale or looks yellow)


Parent Resources Navigating the internet to find the right resources can be a daunting task. We want to make life easier for you!!! Below is a simplified list of where you can start to find the resources across Ontario, Canada. If you are not in Ontario, and you are searching for a resource in your area, contact us at You are NEVER alone…please reach out, connect with others, find out what your options are, and equip yourself with this list! EMERGENCY 9-1-1 In an emergency, please call 9-1-1 ADDICTION, MENTAL HEALTH, AND PROBLEM GAMBLING SERVICES BounceBack Ontario TOLL-FREE: 1-866-345-0224 BounceBack®: Reclaim your health is a free skill-building program designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage symptoms of depression and anxiety. ConnexOntario 1-866-531-2600 Free and confidential health services information for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness or gambling. Information and referral service is 24/7, confidential and free.


ASSAULT AND VIOLENCE Assaulted Women’s Helpline TOLL-FREE 1.866.863.0511 TOLL-FREE TTY 1.866.863.7868 #SAFE (#7233) on your Bell, Rogers, Fido or Telus mobile phone To provide free, 24/7 crisis counselling, emotional support, information and referrals via telephone to women in up to 200 languages - completely anonymous and confidential. CHILD CARE AND SCHOOLING Ontario Ministry of Education The Ministry is responsible for early years, child care and publicly funded education from kindergarten to Grade 12. OneList Available in most areas across Ontario




Call 2-1-1 211 is a helpline and website that provides information on and referrals to Ontario’s community, social, health-related and government services.

Health Care Options Find a family doctor, health unit, mental health supports, walk-in clinics, immunization clinics, hospitals and more.

DISTRESS Distress and Crisis Ontario Distress Centres offer support and a variety of services. At a Distress Centre you can find a listening ear for lonely, depressed, and/or suicidal people, usually 24/7. Many centres also have Suicide Survivor programs, support services for youth, telephone call out programs for seniors and vulnerable people, mental health Crisis Lines services and much more.

Telehealth Ontario Toll-free: 1-866-797-0000 Toll-free TTY: 1-866-797-0007 Telehealth Ontario is only offered over the phone. Email advice is not available. Free, confidential service - call to get health advice or information. A Registered Nurse will take your call 24/7. HELP FOR KIDS Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868 Text CONNECT to 686868 Kids Help Phone is Canada's only national 24-hour, bilingual and anonymous phone counselling, web counselling and referral service for children and youth. Search their extensive resource list, Phone, live chat, App. HELP FOR POST-SECONDARY STUDENTS Good2Talk 1-866-925-5454, or call 2-1-1 Free, confidential helpline providing professional counselling and information and referrals for mental health, addictions and well-being to post-secondary students in Ontario, 24/7/365.


INFANT FEEDING & NUTRITION LGBTQ+ La Leche League Canada 1-800-665-4324 To encourage, promote and provide motherto-mother breastfeeding support and educational opportunities as an important contribution to the health of children, families and society. Public Health Find a family doctor, health unit, mental health supports, walk-in clinics, immunization clinics, hospitals and more. Telehealth Ontario 1-866-797-0000 TTY: 1-866-797-0007

LGBT YouthLine 1.800.268.9688 Youth Line offers confidential and nonjudgemental peer support through our telephone, text and chat services. Get in touch with a peer support volunteer from Sunday to Friday, 4:00PM to 9:30 PM. Check out their amazing list of resources: POISON Ontario Poison Centre 1-800-268-9017 Assists if you think that you or someone you love has been exposed to a dangerous substance. SUICIDE If you are in crisis, and you are feeling suicidal, or think someone else is: • Contact your/their doctor • Go to the nearest hospital • Find a local crisis line • Find a mobile crisis team • Call a Distress Centre • Call 911 or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 • 211 • Canadian Mental Health Association • Kids Help Phone



See page 4 for questions 1. FALSE - W-sitting is not harmful and was debunked 20 years ago. According to Dr. Charles Price, Director of the not-forprofit International Hip Dysplasia Institute and pediatric orthopedic surgeon with Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children Level One Pediatric Orthopedics: “There is no scientific evidence that W-sitting is harmful, or that sitting posture causes intoeing. W-sitting does not cause intoeing, but some children have bone structure that allows them to sit in the W-position. This is a natural condition similar to being left handed." 2. FALSE - You cannot spoil a baby when you pick him up when he is crying. Babies are building trust and if they can trust you to comfort them when they are crying, they are more settled and calm. 3. FALSE and TRUE - eye fatigue can happen and make your vision blurry if you sit too close to a screen but you won't go blind - and we aren't talking about TV's only - we are talking about phones, iPads, and computers. Too much screen time isn't good for the kids.period. 4. FALSE - You need to do whatever the heck you want! Sleep, or do laundry, or watch a one should be telling you what it right for you! 5. FALSE and TRUE (depending on your idea of a good sex life. Your sex life will not be wrecked but it will change. Best to have an open conversation with your partner about any changes that are concerning you. 6. FALSE - if you aren't taking care of your own needs, how are you supposed to function well in all areas of your life? I am not saying to be completely self-centred and only take care of yourself. I am saying that you deserve to rest, take a break, and take care of yourself. Only then will you be able to have the energy and excitement that parenting demands. PARENTGUIDE.CA | 55

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