SPRING 2020 / ISSUE 07 / VOLUME 03
for sport parents & coaches
WELCOME Welcome to the Spring Edition! I am so happy to see you here...thank you for spending a few minutes with us! Within the pages of this magazine you will find: unique parenting perspectives a community of love and support articles that answer your toughest questions and resources that you can count on Each of the contributors in this magazine will provide you with their best advice and remind you that you are not alone! We aren’t here to preach and tell you what to do - we are here to love and encourage you on your journey - your unique journey. Please consider reaching out to other parents in our Facebook Group. You don’t know who might need to hear from you, as well as what ideas may resonate with you and make your life as a parent just a bit easier. See you inside.
Jennifer XOXO Jennifer, Mom and Founder of Parent Guide.
P.S. If you are a parent of a teen you will want to check out our new TEEN issue. Click here to access it now! 50 Happy Parenting! 69
PARENTGUIDE 519-645-7342 | info@parentguide.ca www.parentguide.ca
THANK YOU! I don't even know where to start when I think about how grateful I am to be here, with you, doing what I love, day in and day out! I mean, just take a look to the right and you will see this super impressive line-up of incredibly talented and accomplished women that helped make this magazine happen! I just hope they each know how much I value their contribution! And, you...here, taking time out of your crazy, busy day to spend time with us! Grateful doesn't even begin to express how I feel! And, I really want to get to know you all better. So, here are a few ways that we can stay connected, work together, and if I am lucky, maybe we can even become friends!Â
Jennifer McCallum Founder of Parent Guide
Let's Connect Are you a Parent Coach? Become a Parent Guide Member Connect with parents and other Parent Coaches. Build your business and surround yourself with others that lift you up and support you! https://www.parentcoach.club/ Want to write for us? We are always looking for new ideas, new perspectives, and expert advice for our parent community. We talk about real issues for modern parents. No fluff - just good, solid advice, examples, stories, and ideas to help make parenting just a bit easier. Contact me at: info@parentguide.ca
PARENTGUIDE 519-645-7342 | info@parentguide.ca www.parentguide.ca
WHAT'S INSIDE 04 The Pelvic Floor 08 Taking care of my Vagina 12 Father-Daughter Relationships 20 Eco Friendly planning for baby 24 Balance & Clarity
26 Human Connection 30 Parent Coaching 34 7 Apps for Sport Parents & Coaches 37 Telemedicine-Aided Therapy 40 Anxiety in Kids 46 Recipes 50 Is it a Fever?
52 Parent Resources 56 Marketplace
PARENTGUIDE 519-645-7342 | info@parentguide.ca www.parentguide.ca
the pelvic floor
Q & A with Kaitlin Boyd, Registered Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, Function First
I keep hearing a lot of talk about pelvic floor physiotherapy. I have friends that go or have been and I feel like I am in the dark! What on earth is the pelvic floor and why is it so important? What is a pelvic floor physiotherapist?
Before understanding what pelvic floor physiotherapy really is, it is essential to understand what the heck everyone is talking about when they refer to the pelvic floor. The simplest way to understand the muscles of the pelvic floor is to think of them as the muscles that hold everything up and in your body - they act kind of like a sling. That “everything” refers to the pelvic organs which are the bladder, rectum and uterus (women). This group of muscles spans front to back from the pubic bone to the tailbone. They also go side to side between the two “sit” bones, which are the boney parts you can feel in contact with the chair when you are sitting down.
These muscles have four very important functions: 1. Sphincteric: control the openings of the urethra (urine), vagina and rectum so that we can maintain continence (not have any leaks or accidents) 2. Sexual: play a role in orgasm, provide tone to the walls of the vagina and rectum 3. Stability: stabilize the joints in our pelvis, which includes how our spine attaches to the pelvis 4. Sump-pump: play a role in maintaining proper blood flow for the pelvis
With so many different and important functions, it’s not surprising that if the pelvic floor isn’t working optimally many unwanted symptoms can be experienced! This can include: incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and pain. It’s a common misconception to think that performing Kegels is always the answer when experiencing pelvic floor symptoms. But, this is not necessarily the case. Like any other muscle in the body, the pelvic floor can be weak or tight. If the muscles are weak, then Kegels may be helpful. If they are tight, however, Kegels won’t be effective in improving one’s symptoms. Since this is not always straightforward, it is often helpful to seek the advice of a pelvic health physiotherapist. A pelvic floor physiotherapist is a physiotherapist who has taken additional training in how to assess and treat conditions that affect the pelvis and the pelvic floor muscles. They have also been trained how to optimally assess these muscles by performing an internal vaginal and/or rectal exam. This is important because the muscles of the pelvic floor are inside the body. Not surprisingly, they can be a great addition to your health care team if you are experiencing conditions or symptoms related to the pelvic floor!
Want to know more? Connect with Kaitlin Boyd, Registered Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, Function First
Taking care of my
Q & A with Kaitlin Boyd, Registered Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, Function First
I often see commercials on TV advertising special products that are said to maintain feminine hygiene. I have never used anything like this, but am worried now that I should be! Maybe there are other things I don’t know about taking care of my vagina? Please help!
These are very common concerns and questions that many women have, but frankly we are often afraid to talk about them with each other! Firstly, many women often mix up or are confused by the terms vagina and vulva. When referring to the genitals on the outside of a woman’s body the term vulva applies. The vagina is inside the body and connects the vulva to the uterus. When we are talking about things like feminine hygiene products, we are usually talking about their application to the vulva.
The vulva/vagina is often described as a self-cleaning oven! This means that water is enough to keep it clean. It is recommended that women avoid the use of feminine products such as douches, powders, deodorant sprays and wipes. These simply are not necessary and can irritate the vulva. If your skin is sensitive, or you are prone to infections, it is also wise to eliminate bubble baths or other bath products. If you are experiencing vaginal dryness, however, there are some good moisturizers that can be purchased to help with this complaint.
To maintain vulvar health, it is important to keep the area dry. To maintain air circulation, it is helpful to choose underwear that are made of cotton as this is a breathable fabric. Do not spend long periods of time in wet bathing suits or sweaty clothing, as this again increases exposure to moisture. Another important behaviour occurs, not surprisingly, in the bathroom. After urinating or having a bowel movement, it is important to wipe from front to back. This prevents bacteria from the anal region from travelling towards the vulvar area which can cause a urinary tract infection. Along the same line, if you are prone to such infections it many be wise to avoid wearing thongs as they too could track bacteria from anus to vulva.
Good argument can also be made for simply just taking a look! Women are often unfamiliar with this part of their bodies and never or rarely check it out. It is important to do this because it gives you a good baseline to notice changes or anything out of the ordinary. It belongs to you, so it is worth getting acquainted! It is important to remember that that there is no one “normal” way for a vulva to look. Every one is different and unique. It is easy to feel pressured around how we care for this part of our body by what we see in the media. Hopefully, this information will be both useful and empowering, allowing you to make the best decisions for your own vulvar health!
By: Dana BakerWilliams, Parenting in Real Life
Growing up, I had a great relationship with my dad, and I love to see my husband with our daughter. They have a special bond too. They do projects together, act silly, and make terrible puns back and forth. And while we often hear more about the father-son and mother-daughter relationships, recently science has proven the great significance of the father-daughter relationship. Between the ultrasounds, birth classes and being in the room during birth–fathers are much more present in our children’s lives than other generations were. My husband and I both read about our babyto-be’s progress and even spoke to the little one. With men now bonding with the baby-to-be right away, attachment is easier when the child arrives. But it takes more than just showing up for a father to have a lasting, positive effect on his daughter. To see the “Father Effect” as it’s called, dads need to be involved on a daily level—changing their diapers, feeding them and playing with them. The play part is critical– as is holding them, showing warmth and giving emotional support.
The Father Effect Interestingly, the Father Effect starts to work at a very young age. Numerous studies show that children who grow up in a household with a father show superior outcomes in intelligence tests—they tend to have higher IQ test scores by the age of 3. With higher levels of intelligence come greater happiness, success, and longevity. We all want that for our children. That said, kids with active fathers also perform better academically and are less likely to drop out of school. Small acts such as helping with homework and encouraging daughters to take challenging courses are associated with higher levels of sociability, a higher level of school performance, and fewer behavior problems. For instance, they are less aggressive, less likely to become delinquent and less likely to end up in jail. Interestingly, they’re also more likely to have high-paying jobs when they grow up.
But the importance of dads goes well beyond academics and smarts. One of the things fathers often bring to their kids is a sense of adventure. I know that my husband has done that and it started when our kids were very young– he’d play with them and get them all riled up right at bedtime. Drove me crazy but apparently it’s a really good thing (the play, not the time of day!)
Men, in general, tend to play rougher, encourage sports, and offer more independence than some moms. For daughters to be adventurous and get out of their comfort zone, they have to be empowered to solve their problems and take ownership. They need to feel capable of taking risks and making mistakes. Fathers can help with that by telling girls they are capable and strong, and that they believe in them. My parents always told me I could be and do anything—and that’s critical for confidence. Dads need to encourage their daughters to dream big, empower them for the future. That empowerment and belief in them is the bedrock of a girl’s self-esteem. Dads who provide praise, support, and unconditional love increase their daughters’ confidence. Studies show that if he thinks she is beautiful, smart, and strong, she will be more inclined to see herself that way. When they aren’t being judged for their looks and they don’t see their dad judging others on looks, girls are more satisfied with their appearance and weight.
It’s About Empowerment For young women, that selfacceptance is crucial–most girls feel less than confident with their bodies at some point. For some, this is a minor thing. Unfortunately, for many others, it escalates. Girls with poor body images may isolate themselves socially, fret over the way they look, and lose confidence. That can lead to depression, anxiety, or eating disorders. With a loving relationship with their dad, girls are less likely to become clinically depressed or develop an eating disorder. Most studies suggest that, until children hit puberty, the Father Effect is roughly equal for boys and girls. Both boys and girls who are fortunate enough to have dads in their lives excel and, in some cases, outperform their peers. Later, when puberty hits and hormones are raging, dads have a somewhat different impact. While both sexes look to how parents act, boys tend to see how a man is supposed to act but daughters often take away how a man should treat her.
Many psychologists believe that the way she perceives and interacts with her dad will influence a daughter’s future romantic relationships. Respectful and supportive fathers who keep their promises teach their daughters to expect that in their relationships.
"Dads sort of set the bar for whom their daughter dates–girls often pick those who have similar attributes to their father–and her overall quality of relationships with men."
Setting The Bar Dads sort of set the bar for whom their daughter dates–girls often pick those who have similar attributes to their father–and her overall quality of relationships with men. Women with a strong relationship with their father wait longer to enter a serious relationship, become sexually active, and even get married or have children later. When it comes down to it, science has highlighted some really important points about dads, but we can all see it with our own eyes as well. I loved watching my husband read to our kids each day, play with them, take them on adventures and really show them love. Now that bond is so clear whenever they come home from college or even call on the phone. I think it would be hard to overstate the value of the father-daughter relationship. Young women who have a positive relationship with their fathers achieve more academically. They make better relationship choices. They have more confidence, high self-esteem, and believe they can achieve their goals.⠀ It doesn’t get a lot more important than that. -------------
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balance & clarity What if I told you that work/life balance is impossible to reach? What if I told you that your life will always be this chaotic? Would you stop reading, throw your arms up in the air, and give up trying? Well, good news. you can have balance by the time you finish reading this article - but you need to be ready to change your mindset! Here is the exact step-by-step path I took to find balance and clarity in my life - and I want to share it with you! I believe that balance is a mindset and not a destination we arrive at everyday. I believe that there are seasons of our lives that we can either embrace or complain about - some are like the lazy days of summer, some are like hurricane season, and some are like the mundane, boring months of winter when nothing much is happening. What season are you in right now? If you have kids, your days may look more like hurricane season....but what if we looked at this season with new eyes? What if we were able to calm our storms and deal with them one moment at a time? What if we could embrace the chaos around us and find joy in it?
steps to finding balance & clarity in your life Quiet your
Figure out what is
Build a support
Take pride in the
Be present in
thoughts -
important to you
team and
life that you have
each moment
I use
and what you
created even if it
and accept that
want your life to
yourself with
looks different than
you are doing
to do this
look like
positive people
someone else's life
your best
Balance is more of a mindset and not a destination we arrive at everyday! Jennifer McCallum
without clarity we wander aimlessly or end up feeling off-balance, overwhelmed, and exhausted at the end of the day
If you wish you had more balance and clarity in your life right now - whether it be at home or at work, I can help. I have been through the storms. I have spent many sleepless nights worrying. I have fallen down exhausted at the end of the day feeling like I didn't accomplish a single thing. And, I have discovered the path that has created calm and balance in my life today.
If you are interested in hearing how you can do this too, contact me today. We will walk through the steps to help you create the balance you crave in your life. Click below for more information:
Yes, I want more balance! Jennifer XOXO
what if the answer to your life and business success was
If you are a Parent
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FIND A PARENT COACH Gone are the days of shame when you mention 'your therapist'. If you are having a difficult time dealing with all the stresses of the world, seek help from one of the many qualified parent coaches and counsellors in your area.
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7 APPS You can use to save Time, Money, and Stress Keeping all your kids sporting events organized can be daunting. Here are 7 apps that savvy sport parents and coaches are using to keep on track!
Being the parent of a child athlete is no easy task. Not only do you have to make sure your Olympian-in-themaking gets to practice on time, but you also end up being a key member of the team yourself — suddenly people are counting on you to practice with your child at home, drive players to their gameday locations, and even chaperone out-of-town trips. With all the other responsibilities you already have on your plate from being a parent, you probably need all the help you can get! Luckily, if you're an overworked sports parent in need of some assistance, there's an app for that! From transportation to meal planning, to coordinating schedules and game snacks, to the woes of team funding, here are five of the best apps to make life easier for busy sports parents and coaches in 2020:
TEAMSNAP This app works to make life easier for coaches, managers, group leaders, and organizers by sorting everything into one connected solution. From setting up rosters, lineups, and invoices, to notifying your team about last-minute changes, this app saves you time and keeps you organized!Â
VENMOÂ When it comes to transferring money and splitting bills, Venmo has been making everyone's lives easier for years. Through this app, sports parents can collect money for team gifts or year-end pizza parties as well as split up the costs of groceries, dinner, or hotel bills during out of town tournaments.
FLIPGIVE The FlipGive app is definitely a fan favorite among youth sports families. A free team funding platform for sports teams and parents, it requires zero effort and time for families to save money on their everyday expenses and earn cashback on the things they're already spending money on!
WAZE An essential for road trips to out-of-town tournaments or even just making it to regular scheduled practices and games on time, Waze is a GPS navigation app that goes above and beyond your average turn-by-turn navigation by providing real-time traffic updates, alerts when objects are in the road, notifications about detours and red light cameras, and more.
GAMECHANGER Can't make it to one of your kid's games? This app helps you keep up in real-time by providing live play-by-plays, in-game alerts, and recaps of your child's baseball, softball, or basketball games.
GOKID Say ‘goodbye’ to chains of texts or complicated spreadsheets related to carpooling. GoKid is a family organization app that makes scheduling and managing shared rides with other families easy and secure.
COACHNOW From little league to the major leagues, this all-in-one platform was created specifically for coaches who are passionate about coaching smarter, who want to manage their time better, and better enable themselves to change lives on and off the playing field.
TELEMEDICINEAIDED THERAPY helps parents of children with developmental disorders, including autism
Parents and therapists collaborate to customize therapy to advance social skills LOS ANGELES UCLA Health – For families of children with developmental disorders, access to early intervention programs can make a huge difference in their overall development. However, many families in smaller cities or rural areas do not have convenient access to such programs, often located at larger universities in big cities. To address that need, researchers at UCLA are using telemedicine to remotely help families learn skills that let them work at home with their children to gain essential social skills. One such study involves children with tuberous sclerosis, a rare genetic disorder that often causes development issues. Scientists found early signs of autism in this group of infants who, until now, would never have received crucial early intervention.
“The earlier you can intervene and enrich the child’s environment, the more likely you are to actually exact change in brain development,” said Shafali Jeste, MD, a pediatric neurologist and an associate professor of psychiatry, neurology and pediatrics in the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and a principal investigator at the UCLA Center for Autism Research and Treatment. “Our unique remote delivery allows families to begin that early intervention from their home, which is really important for those who live far away from major academic research centers.”
The therapy – called JASPER – is a science-backed technique that uses play-based therapy to enhance children’s development and behavior. “We do a very careful assessment of where children are, developmentally, and then train parents to implement this method into their everyday interactions,” said Connie Kasari, PhD, professor of human development and psychology and a co-founder of the Center for Autism Research and Treatment at UCLA’s Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior. In the yearlong trial, parents, who have been trained in the technique by UCLA therapists, record videos of play sessions at home with their children. Each week, families review the videos with the therapist via telemedicine and discuss their child’s development needs. Mary and Brandon Crawford are participating in the UCLA study from their home in Arkansas with their son John Michael, 3. “We’ve seen huge improvements in John Michael’s language skills and his ability to interact and tell us what he wants and how he’s feeling,” Mary Crawford said. “Seeing that growth and advancement makes our hearts soar because, as parents, we want to do whatever we can to help our son. This trial empowers us to do that, even if we are thousands of miles away from the therapists we’re working with.”
Watch Now Mary Crawford records a play session with her son, John Michael, on a tablet. It is part of a clinical trial that allows families to receive the latest developmental therapy from anywhere in the country.
One of the really hard things about
Additionally, dealing with disorders like
parenting young kids is that you don't
anxiety in children is even more tricky
know what you don't know. And your
than usual because, oftentimes, it may
kids are too young to tell you. So when
be hard to figure out if your child is
your child misbehaves or throws
suffering from anxiety or from another
tantrums it's not easy to discern
condition. In children, the symptoms of
whether its a health issue or it's just an
mental health disorders like anxiety
angry child.
often overlap with symptoms of others and it can be very easy to mistake
Essentially, anxiety in children tends to
anxiety for a learning disability or an
manifest as negative behaviors that you
attention deficit disorder.
may have glimpsed briefly in the past but are becoming noticeable,
Anxiety and ADHD, at times, often look
consistent and intense. As a mom, that
very much like each other, and it takes
is super frustrating. I couldn't
a discerning eye to figure out which
understand why transitions had to be
one it is. And, to complicate things
such an ordeal. I felt totally unable to
further, sometimes there can be a little
handle these newly arising attitudes,
bit of both. So how do you know what
and didn't know how to deal with the
to look for and when to ask for help?
fact that she was not responding to time outs, punishment, yelling, or any
One big sign can be curiosity. Kids are
other methods that were supposed to
curious. Very curious. And we like that,
be effective.
we want that, we encourage that. Curiosity leads to interest, to learning,
Unfortunately, Anxiety doesn't have a minimum age requirement. It can be difficult and scary both for the children and for we parents. Not to mention the stress it adds to the family and any siblings. It can really do a number on the family dynamic.
to an engaged child. But sometimes that curiosity sometimes masks anxiety. It took me a while to notice, to see that there was something else going on in my little girl’s head — to see that her questions were morphing into something slightly different. When her “how does or what is” shifted into more “what if’s”. What if this happens, what if that happens.
What if’s can hide — or reveal — fears. My daughter needed to know what’s happening, when. Change of plans agitated her; then she’d wonder what if it doesn’t go as planned? What if something goes wrong?
Another sign can be stomach aches or headaches. It can be refusing to go to school or just having meltdowns before school. For my daughter it was often about her hair or shoes when she was in elementary school but later she definitely had the tummy aches and then full on anxiety attacks.
Many anxious kids have good imaginations and yes, she has a huge imagination! I just love all the creativity bursting out of her. I want to bottle it up sometimes so I can let it out and breathe some joy into the world. But when her imagination starts filling in questions with worst-case scenarios, I think uh-oh. Now, what do I do?
Well, it turns out what we don’t want to do is tell her not to worry. Honestly, that helps practically nobody, ever. In fact when I tried that — because of course, it’s the first thing I did — she just took the imagined outcome further and further. Finally, I realized that instead of my just saying “it’s ok” and “don’t worry about it”, I should take another tack. I also learned the triggers. Changes to her day, transitions, separation from me all would likely kick up her anxiety level.
So I try walking her through whatever the fear is to get her to reassure herself. Sometimes if it’s easy, I just talk her through the fear to show her she is ok and does have the strength to handle it. Often she’s not feeling confident or is out
“Looks like you’re pretty worried about this, what can we do to help calm you down? “ Sometimes she can bring herself back of her comfort zone. I say,
with that. Sometimes we have to dance or stomp it out. And other times it comes down to breathing. Just breathing with her. In and out, ever so slowly.
So notice the questions your child is asking; notice if there are triggers before a meltdown; ask some questions of your own. There are many, many answers.
But expecting them to just get over it, isn’t one of them.
Read the latest news at:
Tongue Ties and Feeding Your Baby
By: Tara Boyes- Shantz MN, NP, IBCLC www.latchedon.ca
Parenting can be hard on a marriage. If you are struggling in your marriage and could use some help sorting it out...THE DECISION is the perfect place. Sharon Pope, Love and Relationship Coach is opening up her membership, but only until February 24th. Inside she will help you decide if you should stay or go. Stay and make your marriage extraordinary, or go peacefully without regret. She only opens her membership a couple of times a year, so get in before February 24th. Don't waste anyone moment...Sharon makes it easy!
what if the answer to your life and business success was
Is it Aaquick Fever? fever guide...
PRIN this T page
IS IT A FEVER? When your child is sick they may have a fever. If you
Normal Temperature
think your child has a fever,
38°C (100.4°F)
use a thermometer. Your
37.5°C (99.5°F)
child has a fever if their
37.3°C (99.1°F)
temperature is above the
38°C (100.4°F)
number listed here:
How to take a temperature: Use one thermometer for rectal and one for taking oral temperatures Do not use glass or mercury thermometers, use digital or
plastic thermometers instead
Is it an Emergency?
Forehead thermometers are not as accurate as other
Call 9-1-1 or go to your local
methods for taking temperatures
For more information on how to correctly take a temperature, visit www.caringforkids.cps.ca
Who to contact if your child has a fever: Babies younger than six months old should see a doctor
Need a Family Doctor? Call Health Care Connect 1-800-445-1822 www.ontario.ca/page/find-
when they have a fever Call your health care provider if your baby is older than six months and the fever does not go away after 72 hours
(three days), or your baby has a fever combined with a rash or any other signs of illness that worry you Talk to a Registered Nurse, at Telehealth Ontario 1-866797-0000 (TTY: 1-866-797-0007); available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
In an emergency situation, call 9-1-1
What to do if your child has a fever:
Want to speak with a Registered Nurse? Call Telehealth Ontario 1-866-797-0000 (TTY: 1-866-797-0007)
Babies younger than six months old should see a doctor when they have a fever If your child is older than six months, then give more to drink (such as breast milk or water) Take off extra clothing and blankets, leave enough to avoid shivering check your child's temperature often
What NOT to do if your child has a fever: Do not give medication unless recommended by your health care provider Do not give Aspirin or Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASA) to a child or teenager with a fever Do not use alcohol rubs or baths and sponging with water to lower a child's fever
Other signs your child may be sick: Acting differently (tired, weak, sleepy, loss of appetite, fussy, or a lot of crying) A runny nose Coughing Vomiting Rash Difficulty breathing Diarrhea Change in skin colour (pale or looks yellow)
Parent Resources Navigating the internet to find the right resources can be a daunting task. We want to make life easier for you!!! Below is a simplified list of where you can start to find the resources across Ontario, Canada. If you are not in Ontario, and you are searching for a resource in your area, contact us at info@parentguide.ca. You are NEVER alone…please reach out, connect with others, find out what your options are, and equip yourself with this list! EMERGENCY 9-1-1 In an emergency, please call 9-1-1 ADDICTION, MENTAL HEALTH, AND PROBLEM GAMBLING SERVICES BounceBack Ontario TOLL-FREE: 1-866-345-0224 www.bouncebackontario.ca BounceBack®: Reclaim your health is a free skill-building program designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage symptoms of depression and anxiety. ConnexOntario 1-866-531-2600 www.connexontario.ca Free and confidential health services information for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness or gambling. Information and referral service is 24/7, confidential and free.
ASSAULT AND VIOLENCE Assaulted Women’s Helpline TOLL-FREE 1.866.863.0511 TOLL-FREE TTY 1.866.863.7868 #SAFE (#7233) on your Bell, Rogers, Fido or Telus mobile phone www.awhl.org To provide free, 24/7 crisis counselling, emotional support, information and referrals via telephone to women in up to 200 languages - completely anonymous and confidential. CHILD CARE AND SCHOOLING Ontario Ministry of Education www.ontario.ca/page/ministry-education The Ministry is responsible for early years, child care and publicly funded education from kindergarten to Grade 12. OneList https://onehsn.com/home/childcare Available in most areas across Ontario
Call 2-1-1 211ontario.ca 211 is a helpline and website that provides information on and referrals to Ontario’s community, social, health-related and government services.
Health Care Options www.ontario.ca/locations/health Find a family doctor, health unit, mental health supports, walk-in clinics, immunization clinics, hospitals and more.
DISTRESS Distress and Crisis Ontario www.dcontario.org Distress Centres offer support and a variety of services. At a Distress Centre you can find a listening ear for lonely, depressed, and/or suicidal people, usually 24/7. Many centres also have Suicide Survivor programs, support services for youth, telephone call out programs for seniors and vulnerable people, mental health Crisis Lines services and much more.
Telehealth Ontario Toll-free: 1-866-797-0000 Toll-free TTY: 1-866-797-0007 Telehealth Ontario is only offered over the phone. Email advice is not available. Free, confidential service - call to get health advice or information. A Registered Nurse will take your call 24/7. HELP FOR KIDS Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868 Text CONNECT to 686868 www.kidshelpphone.ca Kids Help Phone is Canada's only national 24-hour, bilingual and anonymous phone counselling, web counselling and referral service for children and youth. Search their extensive resource list, Phone, live chat, App. HELP FOR POST-SECONDARY STUDENTS Good2Talk 1-866-925-5454, or call 2-1-1 Free, confidential helpline providing professional counselling and information and referrals for mental health, addictions and well-being to post-secondary students in Ontario, 24/7/365.
INFANT FEEDING & NUTRITION LGBTQ+ La Leche League Canada 1-800-665-4324 www.lllc.ca To encourage, promote and provide motherto-mother breastfeeding support and educational opportunities as an important contribution to the health of children, families and society. Public Health www.ontario.ca/locations/health Find a family doctor, health unit, mental health supports, walk-in clinics, immunization clinics, hospitals and more. Telehealth Ontario 1-866-797-0000 TTY: 1-866-797-0007
LGBT YouthLine 1.800.268.9688 www.youthline.ca Youth Line offers confidential and nonjudgemental peer support through our telephone, text and chat services. Get in touch with a peer support volunteer from Sunday to Friday, 4:00PM to 9:30 PM. Check out their amazing list of resources: www.youthline.ca/get-support/linksresources POISON Ontario Poison Centre 1-800-268-9017 www.ontariopoisoncentre.ca Assists if you think that you or someone you love has been exposed to a dangerous substance. SUICIDE If you are in crisis, and you are feeling suicidal, or think someone else is: • Contact your/their doctor • Go to the nearest hospital • Find a local crisis line • Find a mobile crisis team • Call a Distress Centre • Call 911 or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 • 211 • Canadian Mental Health Association • Kids Help Phone
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