ParentTeens - Spring 2021

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DIVORCE how to tell the kids



working with a

Parent Coach



Welcome to the Spring Edition! I am so happy to see you here...thank you for spending a few minutes with us! Within the pages of this magazine you will find: unique parenting perspectives a community of love and support articles that answer your toughest questions and resources that you can count on Each of the contributors in this magazine will provide you with their best advice and remind you that you are not alone! We aren’t here to preach and tell you what to do - we are here to love and encourage you on your journey - your unique journey. Please consider reaching out to other parents in our Facebook Group. You don’t know who might need to hear from you, as well as what ideas may resonate with you and make your life as a parent just a bit easier. See you inside.

Jennifer XOXO Jennifer, Mom and Founder of Parent Guide and Parent Teens.

P.S. If you are a parent of a younger child you will want to check out our PARENTGUIDE issue. Click here to access it 50 69 now! Happy Parenting!

PARENTTEENS 519-645-7342 |


THANK YOU! I don't even know where to start when I think about how grateful I am to be here, with you, doing what I love, day in and day out! This issue is all about the people that help us help our teens to grow into the independent, incredible adults they are destined to be. I am lucky enough to work with the best Parent Coaches from across the world as they make it their life mission to transform families from chaos to connection. Please join me as I celebrate each and every one of them in this special issue! And, if you are raising a teen and struggle with anything, please reach out to these Parent Coaches...they are here for you!

Jennifer McCallum Founder of Parent Guide

Let's Connect Got a business? Become a ParentGuide or a ParentTeens Member Receive a bundle of ways to grow your business each month while we share you with our parent coaching community. Want to write for us? We are always looking for new ideas, new perspectives, and expert advice for our parent community. We talk about real issues for modern parents. No fluff - just good, solid advice, examples, stories, and ideas to help make parenting just a bit easier. Contact me at:

PARENTTEENS 519-645-7342 |




04 Mindfulness 09 Clean up your ROOM! 14 Dr. Juliet Marciano 16 Kim Muench 18 Elena Joy 20 Cai Graham



22 Computer Use 26 Sonja Montiel 28 Tia Fagan 32 Find a Parent Coach 34 Linda Bolinger 38 Deanne Barrett 40 Doreen Steenland 42 Casey O'Roarty 44 Aparna Venkataraman


46 Deborah Porter 48 Divorce 54 Leslie Josel 56 Wanda Robichaud 58 Janet Taylor 60 Sylvia Corzato



PARENTTEENS 519-645-7342 |



In my teachings, I use the word "Mindfulness", "SelfAwareness", and "Emotional Intelligence" interchangeably. It usually is determined by who is in the audience and what term is most relatable for them. It's the same thing for me and my teachings. This video goes through the top four benefits of selfawareness/mindfulness/emo tional intelligence: freedom, improved relationships, increased love, and the ability to be completely content with my current life while remaining totally committed to an incredible future. So let's jump right into it. What is mindfulness? It's a vague, nebulous, weird word, that's being thrown around all over the place. Mindfulness will mean something different to everyone. We’re going to explore different definitions and you're going to take in what works for you and let go of the rest go. For the purposes of communication within the class, mindfulness will be defined as the intentional observation of our thoughts and actions without judgment.

What can mindfulness bring us? Well, I'm just going to tell you about my own experience. Once you've heard that, I think you'll understand why I feel so passionate about it. First, mindfulness brought me freedom. Once I observed how much I was judging myself, so much awareness opened up to me. It was like I had blinders on and all of a sudden, not all of a sudden, it took some time, but they fell away. My reality had been really small. And now it's huge. Let me give you an example, an analogy that might make this clearer. So, imagine reality is like a picture that you've taken on your phone, just a snapshot, right? Maybe it took a picture of what's going on in your living room right now. That's just reality. What's on the phone is reality. Nothing better, nothing worse. Just reality. As humans, we put a filter on that photo, like an Instagram filter, right? We all do it. It's a natural gut reaction. We're probably always going to do it. We put a filter on that reality so we can understand it. It doesn't change the reality, filters go on top of the photo. They don't change the data within the photo. They just change how the data is being seen. Hopefully, that makes sense. So mindfulness allows me to see the filter, which gives me freedom.



I didn't even know it was there before now. Now I know there's a reality and there's the filter that goes on top of reality. And I get to choose what that filter does. Does it make reality really bright and pop? Does it increase the contrast? So the colors are really bright and vibrant, right? Is my filter dulling the colors, changing the shadows to a different color? Or making certain things just kind of fade away into the background. My filter's going to be there regardless, but once I'm aware of my filter, I get to choose how it shows me my reality. We can totally delve into more if you want to just drop a comment. All right. So, the first thing mindfulness did for me was brought me freedom because I could finally see the filter that I was looking through for my reality. The second thing it did for me is to improve my relationships. I realized how much I was judging others because of how much I was judging myself. Once I realized how much I was judging myself, then it was like, Oh my gosh, there's a lot of thoughts in here that are judging others. And these are people I love. These are my children, this is my partner. This is my best friend. I didn't realize I had all these judging thoughts. 90% of the thoughts were judgments about myself, right? It just makes sense that the next stage of that is to judge the people that are around you. And when we judge it creates a good enough vs. not good enough reality, right? The very act of judging says, "this is good and this is not so good." When we do it to ourselves, that's where those feelings of not being good enough come from. When we do it to others, they feel that too, even when we're doing it subconsciously and we don't realize it. The third thing that I got from mindfulness was love. It's so broad of a term but so powerful, loving ourselves is truly the only way that we can receive love from others and really express love to others in the most powerful and direct ways. Self-love is a huge, massive concept, but it will be affected through mindfulness. It begins with mindfulness. The last thing that I got from mindfulness is my ability to both love my current reality and be committed to an amazing future. I used to feel like progress was the only way to happiness. The only way I could earn progress was by progressing and becoming a better person than I was yesterday.


That doesn't sound bad, right? Like that's what we all want. We all want to get better in 20 years. We want to be a better person tomorrow than we are today. But what that created for me was I had to figure out what was wrong with my current reality so I could fix it and become better. So I had to focus on what's wrong in my current reality, figuring out the solution which I can do. I'm a smart woman. Then I work for the solution, which I can do. I'm a hard worker. Then I can create a better future and that's going to equal happiness. Except I don't live in the future. I live in the present. Mindfulness has allowed me to embrace my present, and be fully committed to an amazing future. Being content and being committed can coexist. It's awesome.

Mindfulness is the intentional observation of our thoughts and our actions without judgment. That is mindfulness for the purpose of the class. But again, we're going to be discussing what it means to all kinds of different people. And you are going to be able to pick and choose what works for you and what does not. Mindfulness brought me freedom because I was finally able to see the filter through that I was looking at reality. It brought me improved relationships. It brought me love and it brought me both contentment and commitment.



By Leslie Josel | Order Out Of Chaos

clean up


Q: “Since we are home all the time, my daughter’s bedroom is a mess and, if I’m really honest, it’s not all her fault. There’s just so much stuff in there and it’s not working for her… or me! I don’t know where to start. She has ADHD, so I want to make it easy for her to find things and to put things away.” – GeorgiaADHDMom A. I’m so proud of YOU! The constant parent-child struggle over bedrooms isn’t necessarily always the kid’s fault (despite what parents may think). So I truly appreciate that you recognize that. When a parent asks me how to get their kids to organize and maintain their bedrooms, I always lob this question right back at them: Is your child’s bedroom set up to make it easy for them to create and maintain an organizing system?

Leslie Josel, Order Out of Chaos

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And if they can’t answer that? It’s time to go on a tour of your child’s bedroom using these questions as your guide: 1. Can your child open their closet door easily? Or is it partially blocked? Would taking the door off the closet make the closet more accessible? 2. Is the clothing rod at an accessible level? Are there shelves? Can she easily reach them? 3. Are you storing out-of-season clothing and items seldom used up high? Are the things she needs to access frequently or daily in her “prime real estate” between her neck and knees? 4. Are the dresser drawers hard to open? Are they crammed full? Would it be easier for your daughter if the dresser were replaced with clear, properly labeled boxes in a shelving unit? 5. Does she have enough room to store all her clothes? 6. Does she have enough hangers? Are they all the same? Pro Tip: Use the slim velvet ones to give her more hanging space. 7. Does she have plenty of hooks hung inside the closet, on the closet door (both inside and out), behind her bedroom door and anywhere else she needs them to simplify organizing. 8. Are you using storage bins and boxes that are clear AND clearly labeled so she knows exactly where things are supposed to live? 9. Is there adequate shelf space for books, memorabilia, electronics, and so on? Virtual space is critical for helping kids stay organized. Having their belongs in their eyeline helps to maintain systems. 10. Have you hung a bulletin board? Cork squares? Pegboard? Anything where she can get mementos, papers, or photos off the surfaces and onto the walls! 11. Are the trash bin and laundry basket large enough? These items are essential when it’s time to clean up or organize. 12. Does your daughter’s nightstand have room for an alarm clock, lamp, charging station and even a water bottle? 13. Are there clothes or other items that don’t belong to her that are being stored in her room that can be moved elsewhere in the home?

And I saved the best for last… Does she know where everything in her room goes? The first rule of thumb when organizing is that everything needs a home. It’s that simple. No matter what, if you don’t know where something lives, it’s going to live wherever you leave it!

I hope you will check out my newest book, How to Do It Now Because It’s Not Going Away: An Expert Guide To Getting Stuff Done, where I offer more organizing strategies for bedrooms and beyond!

o n a i c r a M t e i l u J Dr. MINDSET COACH FOR PARENTS

What do you do? As a Mindset Coach for Parents and a PCI Certified Parent Coach®, I help parents gather the information and develop the skills they need to reclaim the joy of parenting, no matter what challenges they face or struggles they encounter, and then lead their family to thrive!

What issues do you deal with?

I support parents of children with special needs and extra needs. This includes any child with a physical, mental, emotional, behavioral, or learning difference or a family going through a challenging situation such as a divorce.

How can you help? My coaching is a strength-based, positive focused process. Using my 6 step “Path to Possibility” I incorporate general parenting topics as well as exploring the concepts of mindfulness, neuroscience, resilience, conscious parenting, problemsolving, motivation, self-care, managing a healthy relationship with digital media and screen technology, and more! The first step involves a shift in mindset and perspective, and we go from there!

What can I expect? We start with a 20 minute complimentary consultation call to discuss your family’s challenges and how your family will benefit from coaching. I offer coaching through phone or video calls in a variety of situations from a 2-hour focused call to a 12-week individual coaching program. As your coach, I am a compassionate, non-judgmental partner who works with you to bring about your family’s transformation! After working with me, parents enjoy their parenting experience more. Not only are they calmer, but they are better able to accept and embrace their children for who they are, build and maintain connection with their children, and feel confident as they face any challenges that arise.

What my client's say about me...

“I wish I had met her 10 years ago! She ‘gets it’ and she understands my struggles and doesn’t judge me for my mistakes.” C. U. -parent of 2 "After working with Juliet, for the first time in a long time, I’m not afraid of our future and I’m enjoying my children!” J. H.- parent of 2 “Working with Juliet gave me hope that my children will be ok, even with all the challenges we are facing as a family.” S. M. Parent of 2 “Before we finished the first call, I was feeling better already!” M.H. “Juliet has always been so helpful, caring, and knowledgeable when guiding me through some challenging parenting times. She has helped me to understand, that my job is to help my kids figure out who they are, at their core, and to support them in being the best version of themselves. With Jul’s coaching, I have become a more confident parent.” - H.P. - Mother of 2

All about Dr. Juliet! How can I find you?

Book a Call! Click here!

h c n e u Kim M


What do you do? I specialize in helping parents of kids ages 10-25 enjoy peaceful homes and relationships within their family. I do this with compassion and without judgment. This work is not about quick strategies, it's about working with the parent to create lasting, generational change in the family environment.

What issues do you deal with?

I have personally experienced and worked with teen pregnancy, adolescent addiction, anxiety, and depression.

How can you help? Together we work to identify the limiting beliefs your child's behavior is triggering inside of you and work through them to discover new beliefs that will better serve the parent/child relationship you are in. We work on parenting with rather than over your child.

What can I expect?

I always offer a 20-minute complimentary consultation in order to learn more about your unique family situation and to help you get to me and how I work with parents. I have a reasonable hourly rate, weekly custom packages, and I also offer an 8-week online course I will personally guide you through one module per week.

How can I find you?

I am on Facebook at Real Life Parent Guide, you can text me anytime at 972-689-0250 to schedule our complimentary consultation.

What other parents say about Kim "Thank you for caring so much about my comfort on this pushed enough buttons to get stuff out and done, but not enough to cause dread. I am a better parent for having worked with you." ~Carmen, mom of two "You helped me understand my kids aren't acting and saying things just to hurt me, it is there way of showing me they are growing up and making decisions for themselves. I don't take their statements as personally anymore, I know that this is how teenagers express there need for a feeling of independence." Deb, mom of twin teen boys and college-age girl "Best investment I ever made for our family!" Jennifer, mom of four teens "Thank you for caring so much about my comfort on this pushed buttons just enough to get stuff out and done but not enough to create dread." Carmen, mom of two "You heard and understood where sometimes I don't feel my wife gets where I'm coming from. Just hearing myself talk out loud and you're asking me the right questions brought me so much peace of mind. Thank you, Kim, for doing this work!" David, stepdad of three

5 Essential Elements of Parenting Teens

How can I find you?


What do you do? I support parents, teachers, and leaders in using self-awareness to build safety in the lives of LGBTQ families and the allies that love them.

What issues do you deal with? Self-Awareness, Mindfulness, Sexuality, Coming Out

How can you help? I am the mom of four amazing kids. I didn't come out until I was 38 years old, coming out to my kids whom I had raised in a conservative religion was the hardest thing I've ever done. Now I run a nonprofit that is dedicated to supporting parents with queer kids, queer parents, and others like grandparents and other relatives who want to become better allies. We have a library of evergreen courses, as well as do one-on-one coaching.

What can I expect? You can expect a space free of judgment. You can expect to be heard and seen for both who you are, and who you want to become. You can expect to find support at all different price points. You can expect to know you're not alone.

What other parents say about Elena... "Elena was a dynamic and engaging presenter. Not only is she insightful, but she is also fun!" - Terina M. "Your words have changed my life. You have helped undo years and years of damage. " - Jake B., "You are doing such amazing work, Elena. This is wonderful and so important. " - Tess C.

All about Self-Awareness

How can I find you?


What do you do? I help Parents Support their Children - so that Together we can Build a Mentally Healthier and Happier Generation of Young People.

What issues do you deal with? Anxiety, Confidence, Communication, Discipline, Motivation, Self-Care, Self-Harm.

How can you help? The TEEN Toolbox™ series is basically the Umbrella under which I work. It is my collection of products and services that are specifically geared towards parents and their teenagers. These include: courses, consultations, in-home visits, and retreats

What can I expect? Well that all depends on what product or service you are using. Above all - I want to leave you with takeaways. Practical techniques and tools that will equip you with the challenges that you are dealing with. I offer a free 30 minute call

More on what I offer... Spotlight Course : These courses give you an in depth insight into the specific challenges you are experiencing. You are provided with a deeper understanding and a clear-cut exercises designed to help you conquer these particular obstacles. Many of these courses can be completed in an hour or so. They are child-friendly and are designed to gain rapid results. Flagship Course : Let’s face it - you are your child’s best Role Model. So this course is designed to help you support your child to the very best of your ability. It is a detailed blueprint to help you build both your parenting expertise and confidence. The course is broken down into 8 modules and requires an investment of your time and commitment. There is also the opportunity to be part of our online community. Join me and other like-minded parents where your questions and challenges can be shared and addressed. Take this course - your kids will, thank you, one day! 1-2-1 Consultations : This is the opportunity to work with me personally ( from hourly calls to coaching packages ) I love these sessions, as they are a fantastic opportunity for me to connect with you at a deeper level and a great way for us to work together more closely; without judgement and with a sprinkling of humour! Working with me directly will help you achieve your parenting goals faster. We can address the issues that are unique to your family and deal with everyone’s challenges individually : ✔ Identify the obstacles that are currently holding you back. ✔ Get pointers to will help you better connect with your child. ✔ Understand how to build stronger relationships with the whole family. ✔ Learn new ways to communicate – so that you and your teen can talk more freely. ✔Free App : The TEEN Toolbox™ : Signposts you to my social media channels and some quick exercises that will help you support you immediately.

✔My Book : The TEEN Toolbox™ : Keep this on your nightstand! It’s a valuable point of reference when you need to gain some parenting answers.

How can I find you?

All About Teen Anxiety




Q: “All of my son’s schoolwork is done on his computer. He’s using it for the day-to-day work, to reference his assignments on his class home pages, to download his teachers’ slideshows, to conduct research, and to search for answers to homework questions. And, of course, I see him scrolling endlessly on Instagram or watching videos instead of doing what he needs to. I’ve tried turning off the Wi-Fi, but that only works when he’s writing a paper. How can I get him to do the work he needs to do without him constantly policing his computer use?” — GeorgiaMom Hi Georgia Mom: This might be the most common question I’ve been asked lately as all our students’ learning has been moved online! So how do we keep them e-learning — without getting distracted? First, I really need to say this: I don’t blame them. The struggle is real – and not just for them, but for all of us! I find myself working and needing to hop on social media to get daily news updates, check-in with friends, or just to watch “feel good” videos. Our computers hold our entire lives right now. So my first tip is to have some patience and give your son a little leeway. If he is still getting his work done, but it’s just taking a little longer than usual, then let it be. However, if his “scrolling” habit is really truly disruptive to him getting his work done, here are a few strategies to try. There are actually a few ways computers make it easy for us to hide distractions. Who knew?

1. EACH SUBJECT LIVES ALONE. In the same way that I advise students to put different assignments at different stations around a table or room to help stay focused, your son can do the same with his Internet browser windows. Is he writing a research paper? Dedicate one browser window and a few tabs to just that subject. By using one window per subject or assignment, he’ll find himself focusing on the single task and less likely to open extra websites to start browsing. When Chrome or Safari is cluttered with hundreds of tabs for each different subject, that’s when you find yourself more tempted to wander.

2. DO YOU WANT TO TAKE IT A STEP FURTHER? Our computers can actually open multiple desktops, allowing us to dedicate one screen per active subject. Meaning his English paper goes on one, history assignment on another, and math help on a third. By zeroing in on one subject per screen or browser window, he’ll be less tempted by outside distractions — and websites — and focus more on what’s right in front of him.

3. WHERE IS YOUR SON DOING HOMEWORK? If your son is doing work in his bedroom, I would suggest he move to a more common space in your home to discourage online surfing. If he resists working in the open for all to see, purchase an inexpensive trifold presentation board that he can place on the table to give him some privacy but still allow you to monitor him from time to time.


4. PLUG IN THE PLUG-INS. I know you mentioned that shutting down the Wi-Fi is not feasible. And I agree. But your son doesn’t need Instagram or TikTok while he is working. If you seriously feel he lacks the self-control to monitor his computer usage, there are dozens of apps and settings that can be installed directly on his computer. These programs allow you to set time periods during which he will have no access to the Internet at all or block certain websites from his computer during certain times of the day. As with any technology, these change daily. However, websites such as Freedom and the SelfControl app are all great options, providing a variety of ways to block his biggest time robbers. That said, I’m not the biggest fan of parental controls as they may rob teens of the opportunity to practice an important life skill. The Internet, social media, and our online world are only going to get more prevalent and pervasive over time. Look at our lives right now! And we all, not just our teens, need to figure out strategies and systems to manage their intoxicating pull. Learning time management and decision-making regarding technology now more than ever will be critical for your son’s future success. For more tips and tools for managing screen time, please check out our website at We have tons!



FIND A PARENT COACH Gone are the days of shame when you mention 'your therapist'. If you are having a difficult time dealing with all the stresses of the world, seek help from one of the many qualified parent coaches and counsellors in your area.

WHERE TO LOOK www.ParentCoach.Club Search by professional, location, pricing, and topic. Support offered online.

. A . M , l e i t n o M Sonja COLLEGE CONFIDENCE What do you do?

While maintaining a compassionate relationship, I train parents to become the best educator for their teens so they can feel confident about plans after high school.

What issues do you deal with?

I focus on communication skills and knowledge specific to helping your teens create a plan ready to implement as they approach high school graduation. Topics include college affordability, college admissions options, career training, identifying the right majors for teens, building the college list, college essay writing strategies, and so much more!

What can I expect? Let’s schedule a 30-minute call to talk about your needs and your starting point! We will determine which service plan is best for you which can include our: comprehensive workbook with action plans, templates, and agenda samples, online podcast training program if you are always on the go, 10-session online parent course, and/or one-to-one coaching

How can you help?

Helping teens plan their paths after high school can create tension and conflict in the home mostly because families are waiting too late to begin, or there isn’t enough information on what the options are, what requirements fulfill each option, and how to engage with teens to ignite their motivation to be active in making a plan. As an expert in the field of college admissions for 20 years, I will provide training and coaching that places teens at the center of planning. Parents and teens will no longer have to face this educational journey with uncertainty, worry, and confusion!

What other parents say about me “Sonja gave me the communication tools to allow me to take charge of the college process. I was familiar with the college application process, however was clueless on how to have impactful and meaningful conversations with my teen. My daughter and I are so much more closer! Thank you so much!” “I have been working with College Confidence for years and I truly will not work with anyone else. Sonja's experience is unmatched. She is professional and an expert in college admissions. She will not only advocate for your child, but will be a critical pillar in your family's journey. She's that good!” “Thank you again for your wonderful presentation/talk for our group. I feel we all (parents and students) learned quite a bit from you that night. My daughter and I both agreed the way you presented the college process, was with a lot of positive influence and enthusiasm. You made it sound challenging about writing ‘your story’ but in a way that made the girls feel special and that it is ok to like yourself and tell college why they would benefit from the you as the applicant. To go for it!”

Navigating College Admissions

How can I find you?


What do you do? I am a Certified Conscious Parenting Method TM Parent Coach. I offer online coaching to parents, workshops, and also guide parents and nonparents live a more authentic life through my “Stepping into the Authentic You” course. Supporting parents to improve their relationships,

deepen connection, and find the joy in parenting is my passion!

What issues do you deal with? Supporting Parents through Transitions Strengthening the Parent-Teen Relationship Improving Communication and Creating Deeper Connection Addressing Challenges such as Screen Time, Disrespect, Anger, Boundaries, Lack of

Motivation, Anxiety, and More!

How can you help? As a mom to twin young adult daughters in college, I have firsthand experience of parenting through the teenage years. I help parents understand why your teen is behaving the way they are and how to guide, connect, and support them to create the relationship you both long for. I teach you my 5-Step S.H.I.F.T. process to help you SHIFT from Surviving to Thriving in your


What can I expect? I offer confidential and nonjudgmental coaching via phone or online where we work together to guide your teen while also providing tools to help you navigate the ups and downs of parenting teenagers. As we support our teens with connection, they also learn to trust themselves more

and walk through life with authenticity.

What other parents say about Tia “Tia's incredible capacity to listen without judgement, to hold a mirror up for us as parents to see what does and does not work and to offer insight into the minds of our teens, are a few of her greatest talents. I have seen example after example of how the smallest changes to my parenting styles have led to a blossoming in my daughter's heart and mind. A huge thank you to Tia for having such an impact on our family as a whole.” - A.M. “I am so grateful for Tia and her wisdom and encouragement. During our sessions I never felt judged for my mistakes. She treated me with empathy and kindness every step of the way. I feel more confident in my own abilities and I know that when my family hits the inevitable bumps in the road, I have a wonderful safe place to gain more wisdom.” - C.S. “Tia has helped me navigate the challenges of being a mom of two teenage daughters. Tia helps me to take a step back and view my situation from a different perspective or to work through my feelings of frustration or self doubt. She listens without judgement. I am so grateful for all of her knowledge and guidance.” – J.G.

FREE Gift – “Parenting With Intention” Click Here to receive your free “Parenting With Intention” worksheet that will guide you through the process of creating, setting, and living your parenting intention to create a more calm and connected family.

How can I find you? You can connect with me here:

3 Ways to Deepen the Connection with your Teenager

e r a c self t o n is h s i f sel


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FIND A PARENT COACH Gone are the days of shame when you mention 'your therapist'. If you are having a difficult time dealing with all the stresses of the world, seek help from one of the many qualified parent coaches and counsellors in your area.

WHERE TO LOOK www.ParentCoach.Club Search by professional, location, pricing, and topic. Support offered online.

Access the top parenting experts IN THE WORLD right now

Subscribe to our NEW YouTube Channel here! Expert advice when you need it!


r e g n i l o Linda B


What do you do?

I help parents and teens strengthen their relationship with SELF.

How is this accomplished? I utilize my intuition to navigate to the origin of emotional blocks, negative experiences and beliefs that are negatively impacting your current relationship with self and others. Together we will peel the layers, with clarity, intent and new perspective, to release what no longer serves you and your teen.

What can I expect? Results. Clarity & new perspective. Resolution to undesired situations & experiences that will leave you feeling light, without carrying the emotional “load.”

How do I get started? I invite you to connect with me via email or social media to book your FREE 30-min clarity call to chat about the specific needs and changes you are looking for in your current relationship. Once enrolled in my mentorship, we will create a plan that is tailored to your specific needs and schedule weekly sessions to jump into desired change.

What can be expected by investing in MYSELF and TEEN via your Mentorship?

You will strengthen your intuition and align to #BYObestself in this 10hr FLEXIBLE program. Let your weekly sessions be tailored to you and the needs of your teen. If you are READY to shift out of your current situation and create change that lasts, this program is for you. Step into joy, positivity and a future that excites you, with the tips, exercises and healing that comes with this program! Invest in SELF to experience the change you are longing for.

Hear it from others who have invested in self & committed to CHANGE in their relationship:

Linda is my absolute go-to person when I need support, clarity and direction. She has helped me find my way through many moments I have felt lost. Linda has also helped my teen-age daughter through many typical teen-age struggles. My daughter is a much happier person after her sessions with Linda. She works with Linda on a regular basis now and is doing amazing!! Thank you Linda for the work you do. My family is very grateful to have you on our side. Jennifer Funnell (Ontario, Canada) Linda is a gifted healer - she intuitively gets to the source of my obstacles and answers questions I didn't even know how to ask. I know that I can get on a call with her and I can trust that I'll feel better in just 60 minutes. She's helped guide me ….to follow my intuition and trust how to be in the flow. Before our session today, I felt untethered, lost in space, disconnected from my body - anxious, fearful, and overwhelmed - and definitely not creative! After our session I felt re-inspired, like a weight was lifted off my shoulders - and I felt connected to myself again. I highly recommend you go to Linda when you need help that you can't always put words to - she'll figure it out! -Jen Pillow (British Columbia, Canada) Working with Linda is a great experience overall. Coming in to sessions and working with Linda helped me clear my mind and really think rationally after. As well it calms and relaxes your mind and body during sessions. Working with Linda really helped me think about different aspects of situations, and working on finding out more about myself. After leaving I felt very positive and clear minded always looking forward to the next session. Nicholas ~ 18 years old (Ontario, Canada)

ThetaHealing for Teenagers How can I find you? You can connect with me here:

what if the answer to your life and business success was


If you are a Parent



If you are a Parent Coach


L E T ' S





What do you do?

I offer online coaching to sensitive, empathic moms who want to be a strong leader for their pre-teens and teens

What issues do you deal with?

Anxiety, resentment, frustration, energy leaks, boundaries.

How can you help? I help moms connect to deeply sourced LOVE energy to be the compassionate and strong leader their teen needs.

What can I expect? I offer a free 30 minute call to see if we are good fit for one of my private or group coaching programs. Private calls happen once a week over the phone. Group coaching happens over the phone and video conferencing. Ask me how to gain access to my library of resources, and my monthly Radiant Mom Tribe calls!

What other parents say about Deanne This work has transformed the way I see my teens and it has given me a gift to help them develop their confidence and achieve their goals.” –Deb Hemmaway I find that Deanne presents topics in a very positive, mindful and deliberate way. After the coaching calls I feel grounded and inspired to connect with my daughter in a new way. This is in contrast to some presentations when I leave feeling deflated and thinking “I should do this” or “I should be this”. – Jutta Shaw “This is really working! I’m glad I chose this coaching over therapy, because instead of ruminating over what’s not working, I have some clear, practical things that I can try” – Rebecca, mom of a high school aged son

Three things you can do right now to create an energetic connection with your teen. 1- Put your hand on your heart and take three slow, deep breaths 2- Envision a peaceful, connected moment with your teen in your mind’s eye 3- Send love out to your teen. Visualise pink light radiating out from your heart and enveloping your teen.

How to be a Leader for your Teen How can I find you? You can connect with me here:

d n a l n e e t Doreen S RELATIONSHIP COACH

What do you do? I offer the Parenting with Intention Workshop online and coach parents of teens to help them navigate their changing relationship, married couples who desire to deepen their relationship, and teens who desire to grow in resilience.

What issues do you deal with? Relationship-Managing EmotionsNeuroplasticity-Creating ResilienceDevelopment of Powerful world changing teens

How can you help? I help create awareness, and provide tools and strategies for developing deep, meaningful relationships with your teen, self and God, through coaching and transformational neuroscience.

What can I expect? The Parenting With Intention Workshop is a four week workshop done on Zoom and runs quarterly. For one on one coaching, our calls usually last 45 minutes (30 minutes for teens) and can be done from anywhere in the world. I offer a free inquiry call to see if I’m the right coach for you and your family.

What other parents say about Doreen “After applying the new things I learned, I have figured out ways to defuse situations before they ignite - which avoids unproductive arguing and I'm focused on the message I want to teach her. This class was amazing!” Jennifer Neilson “We learned techniques to bring down the escalated emotions and instead begin productive communication where we can all learn and think constructively. More importantly, we learned great techniques on how to have healthy communication with our kids! sign will not be disappointed.” Elizabeth Renna “Many times, we reacted abruptly from our own emotions. It was eye-opening to learn that we could handle situations in a completely different way. It was also helpful to learn from the other parents that we were not alone in our challenges to better connect with our teens. We learned tools that provided us with the ability to pause before reacting and to look at situations from both sides.” Elizabeth Pilla

Christian Coaching How can I find you? You can connect with me here:

d E . M , y t r a o R ' O y Case PARENT COACH

What do you do?

I lead live and online parenting workshops, I coach over the phone, and I host a weekly podcast for parents called, The Joyful Courage Podcast.

What issues do you deal with?

My work is really focused on supporting parents with being ON the parenting journey. It is messy, and our teens are exploring who they are, making mistakes, and needing a healthy adult to be in relationship with through it all. An adult who is grounded and clear on how they want to show up and influence the situations they find themselves in with their kids.

How can you help?

There are so many ways to work with me. My weekly podcast is free and available to all through iTunes, Spotify, iheartradio, or anywhere you are currently listening to podcasts. I lead a quarterly program online for parents of teens that is based on Positive Discipline and being a part of an active community of parents on the raising teens journey. I recently published a book, Joyful Courage: Calming the Drama and Taking Control of Your Parenting Journey, that is being very well received, all about focusing in on our own self regulation. And I am available for one on one coaching as well. All of these offers can be found on my website -

What can I expect? Expect to feel seen and heard. I do free 15 minute explore calls that gives us time to see if we are a good fit for coaching. I always show up with authenticity and listening. I walk beside you on the path of parenting teens, and have deep respect for the process. I am all about personal growth and development, so you can expect to take a good hard look at what YOU are bringing to the current relationships in your life.

What other parents say about me

"Casey is an amazing coach and facilitator. She is organized, thoughtful, wise, and so vulnerable. I never felt like I was being judged and criticized. I just felt loved and encouraged to be the best parent I can be (mistakes and all!)." - Katie L. "Casey has extensive knowledge to share and an adept way of guiding you through processing what you've learned so you can use it in practical ways as you parent your teens." - Beth H "Working with Casey as a coach is one of the most powerful things my husband and I have done together with regards to parenting. Her kindness and welcoming presence put my husband right at ease and he quickly let his defensiveness down. This allowed for us both to come together and start developing a common language from which to parent." - Juliet P "Casey- you’re an exceptional coach and facilitator. I think it was Katie Lowry who said that you are meant to do this work and I wholeheartedly agree. Sometimes when you talk I feel like you’ve been inside my head. You’re also a really good listener and very genuine. You’ve really influenced the way I parent, and really the way I see myself as a person. Love you!" - Kaite S.

Get the book How can I find you?

You can connect with me here.

Joyful Courage in Parenting


What do you do? I offer 1-on-1 online parent coaching and guided meditation sessions to parents and teens, as well as e-guides and essential oil education.

What issues do you deal with?

Anxiety, depression, self-worth, communication, mindfulness, academic focus, leadership skills.

How can you help?

I offer practical techniques and tips for self-care, emotion self-regulation, communication and overall confidence to help you feel more flow, joy, ease and connection!

What can I expect? I offer a free 30-minute consultation to discuss your needs and we meet either weekly or biweekly. You will also have access to all of my mindfulness and essential oil resources.

What other parents say about me It was really lovely having direct phrases to communicate more with my child and partner, as I felt less stress and more equipped to manage things in the future and love myself more in the process. — Edith D. I really loved hearing her perspective and experiences and how she could relate to what I was going through with my daughter - she’s very compassionate and helped me to be more mindful. — Kelly A. After working with her, my children and I saw a huge shift in how we thought about and connected with one another. Now we all have a loving, fun relationship! — Andrea M.

Book a FREE session here

How can I find you?

You can connect with me here.

Self Care, Confidence & Leadership for Teens and Their Parents

r e t r o P h Debora MOM COACH

What do you do? I support moms who feel overwhelmed and lost in motherhood and at times wonder who they are. The girl you were before having kids, her dreams and goals still matter. We get to work creating the strategies and systems that will support you in creating the atmosphere you want and a life that you love.

What issues do you deal with? Overwhelm, Faith, Confidence, Finding Peace, Raising Daughters/Sons

How can you help? I provide strategies and systems to help you gain the clarity you seeking on what needs to be done, building confidence in yourself and your instincts as a mom and woman and finding the courage to determine what it is you need and how to get it.

What can I expect? I offer a FREE 30 min. strategy call after filling out the application to work with me. If we decide to work together, we will begin scheduling calls and I will provide you access to the curriculum. Apply here:

About me... I am the wife of my college sweetheart Clif, for 30 years and mother of 3 adult children 29, 25, 23 and a bonus son. Currently, a regular guest contributor on Virginia This Morning on CBS WTVR and you can read my guest blogs on CollegiateParent here ah-porter/ . We are enjoying the empty nest phase and love when we get to spend time with our adult children.

All about Deborah! How can I find you?

Divorcing? Find out how to tell the kids! Now that you’ve made the decision to separate or divorce, one of the most distressing aspects for parents is figuring out “how to tell the children”.

some unavoidable hurts, and if you can support your children and help them process it, you can minimize the trauma of this experience.

When you’re a parent, you’ll have many conversations with your children and you’re never sure which ones will “stick”. It may not seem fair, but when you tell your children about your divorce, most likely that will be a conversation they will never forget. Most parents think they’ll just “sit them down and tell them” and they muddle through it, not realizing how important this conversation will be. It’s very important to spend some time planning this conversation, and you may want to work with a parent coach or counselor to help you with working out the details.

Here are a few general guidelines to use when you are planning this important conversation:

For many parents this conversation is fraught with emotion because you will intentionally and knowingly be telling your children something that will “hurt” and from that point forward, life will be different. But, in life, there are

If both parents cannot calmly share the news together, then it would be better for one parent to share the news if it means it can be done in a more sensitive, loving manner.

Who should tell them and who gets told? Ideally both parents should tell the children together with both parents prepared to work as a team and calmly give the news. This needs to be done without angry outbursts, arguing, added tension, or negative comments. Be respectful of your children. This is not the time to show anger or contempt for your partner.

By Dr. Juliet Marciano, Mindset Coach for Parents

If both parents cannot calmly share the news together, then it would be better for one parent to share the news if it means it can be done in a more sensitive, loving manner.

All children should be told at the same time if it’s possible. All children should be told at the same time if it’s possible. If there are younger children that won’t be able to understand all the information, you may need to have one conversation with all the children together, and a separate one for older children to cover more information. If there are children that are no longer living at home, you may not be able to tell them all together. If telling the children separately, they should be told very close in time so that one child isn’t burdened with the information and forced to keep a secret from a sibling. Also, remember that your children may benefit from supporting each other through this, so if their siblings don’t know, they lose that resource.

Where should you tell your children? Choose a place that is private, quiet, and calm. Don’t choose a public place to share this news. Find a place at home that can help your children be calm and comfortable. Be physically available to offer hugs and affection. You may need to have children sitting next to you on a couch or have younger children on your lap.

When should you tell your children? If you’re making plans to separate or divorce, be mindful of the fact that even if you think you and your partner are being discrete and private, once you start telling others, you have no control over the information. You may be cautious that your children can’t overhear your conversations, but your friends and family may not have the same level of care when discussing it in their homes. You don’t want your children to learn about your divorce from a cousin, a playmate, a classmate, a neighbor, or a friend. You have a responsibility to tell them before they find out from someone else. If you have decided to move forward with a separation or divorce, you need to tell your children that there will be changes in their lives and share the details in a timely fashion. Be mindful of the fact that children pick up on things, and it will be confusing for them when they notice something “is going on” or “different” between the parents, and they don’t know what it is. Sometimes children use their imagination to “fill in the blanks”; often imagining a worsecase scenario or assuming something is their fault. It’s better for them to know the facts than suffer with the questions and doubts. The timing in relation to when changes will happen can be somewhat complicated. Telling them a parent will be moving out gives them a chance to accept

and get used to the idea before it happens but telling them too far ahead of time may be confusing and cause added anxiety. This will be something that needs to be discussed over time and taking into account the developmental stages and needs of the children. When you do tell your children, pick a time when you can spend time together afterward with no other commitments. Weekends are best if you can be available. If possible, tell them at the start of a weekend so you’ll be around for them to talk to during the immediate days after the talk. Avoid telling them on holidays or “special days” since this event will always be connected to that day in the future. Don’t tell them before school or bedtime or before an event.

What should you tell your children? Give your children the information they need to be informed about what is happening to your family. Your children should be told that you are separating or divorcing, if that is the decision you have reached. Many people don’t have all the details figured out yet about living situations but the less uncertainty, the better They should be told if a parent is moving out, and when and where, if that is known. If you are sure that you will be selling the house or moving, they should be given that information and the potential time frame. If that information isn’t known yet, the children should be reassured that when you know the details, they will be told. If some things will be the same, share those details as well. They will want to know who they will live with or what schedule you have in place, if they have to move or change schools, and how their day-to-day life will be affected.

Be very clear that divorce is never because of anything that happens with the children and children can’t stop it from happening. This is especially important in families where the children have extra needs or special needs because so much “stress” in the household can be misinterpreted as stemming from those needs. It’s important to reassure those children and their siblings that the divorce isn’t because of that.

Neither parent should be “blamed” for the divorce. Reassure the children that divorce is a grown-up decision that you have reached together with careful consideration. You can share that you don’t love each other anymore in the way married people do or that you have decided that the family will be better if the parents are not living together in a marriage relationship anymore, but any further “grown-up details” do not need to be shared. Remind them that even if the parents are no longer married or together in a relationship, the parents will always love the children. That never changes. It seems obvious, but children need to hear it. It also sends the message that the parent-child relationships will be ongoing and makes it clear that the child doesn’t have to fear losing a parent or “betraying” one parent if they continue to love both of them.

There is certain information the children should not be told. Children should not hear about suspected or confirmed infidelity, legal or financial information, accusations between parents, and other inappropriate information. Also, don’t make promises that you can’t keep. It’s better to say, “We’re not sure about that yet”, than to promise them something and then disappoint them which may affect their trust in you. Reassure your children that even though things will be different, you all will be ok. Acknowledge that this may be painful news for them to hear and they may be sad now, but you are going to work through this together.

What should you expect when you tell them? Even though everyone in your family is affected by your divorce, not everyone is affected in the same way or to the same degree. The individual needs and perspective of each member of your family should be addressed with empathy and compassion and without judgement. You should be prepared for outbursts, tantrums, tears, and yelling. You want to stay as calm as possible and respond with compassion and empathy, not punishment, threats, criticisms, and name calling. This is shocking and painful news, and your children are responding to that.

Reassure your children that even though things will be different, you all will be ok. Respect that their life as they knew it is over; it won’t be the same. That is a loss to them. You may be confident that good things may come of it and they will be ok. But it is a loss of the family living together as a unit, separate from all others. They are losing that entity and whatever they feel about it is okay. Be prepared for a variety of comments, questions, and emotions. Your children may have a variety of different feelings, including sadness, anger, grief, worry, curiosity, and in some families, relief. Even in families where the news isn’t “surprising” it may still be shocking, because most children hold out hope that somehow their parents will be able to work things out. Be prepared for comments like, “You’re selfish!”, “You didn’t think of us!”, and “How could you do this to us?” You may even hear, “I’m glad that you’re leaving”. Remember, many parents have had time to get used to the idea and prepare themselves for this divorce. If you were someone who suddenly found yourself divorcing, you may have had some of the same initial responses, so give your children the courtesy of respecting how shocking and painful this news can be for them, even if there was a lot of fighting and conflict in the relationship. If your child has a mental health challenge such as anxiety or depression, this may cause a worsening of symptoms and, if they are under the care of a therapist, you should enlist their support with this process.

It helps to ask your children what they know about divorce- it gives you an idea of what they may be thinking when they have concerns or worries. They may be thinking of a friend whose parents divorced and they moved out of state never to be seen again, or a family where the parents had very high conflict divorce with a lot of screaming and fighting and they think that’s what will happen to them. You can’t address their concerns unless you know what they are. After you tell your children, give them permission to share the news and go to others for help. This is a great opportunity for family members or friends to support your children. Children will want to know others that have gone through divorce and what that experience was for them. They may need to talk about an issue they don’t want to bring to you at this time and having the support of other adults is always beneficial.

What happens next? Divorce is an ongoing process, and the conversations about your divorce will be an ongoing conversation for years, and perhaps decades! Some children will ask a lot of questions, and some will say nothing, but all of your children will need to be reassured and encouraged (without pressure) to talk to you about the divorce. Reading books and watching TV shows and movies that include divorced families may help with this process. Keep the lines of communication open between you and your children. Reassure them and encourage them to share their feelings, concerns, and fears with you so you can offer support and compassion. Validate their experiences, no matter what they bring to you. Avoid the temptation to disregard, negate,

or minimize their feelings or their reality just because you’re uncomfortable hearing about them. If you can just sit with your children and support them through their feelings, without feeling the need to fix things, take away their pain, or make it right, that actually has immense value. It teaches your children that pain is ok; it’s part of life. They can get through it and be ok. They’ll learn that they can survive and thrive through challenges in life, you’ll be available as a support to them, and they’re not alone. Those are the exact messages you want them to receive as you lead your family through a divorce!

If you can just sit with your children and support them through their feelings, without feeling the need to fix things, take away their pain, or make it right, that actually has immense value.

Dr. Juliet Marciano, Mindset Coach for Parents, PCI Certified Parent Coach®, retired Pediatrician, supports parents of children with special and extra needs (including divorce) so that they can reclaim the joy of parenting no matter what challenges they face or struggles they encounter. After working with Juliet, parents have a calmer, more conscious, more connected, and more confident parenting experience. You can learn more about how she supports parents including her 2-hour “How Do We tell the Children” coaching call here.

Book a 2-hour “How Do We tell the Children” coaching call with Dr.Juliet today. This could make all the difference.

We are here for you! We are heading into the 6th month of the pandemic and it may not be over for some time yet. If you are wondering how to navigate life right now, please know that we are here for you. Our community of qualified Parent Coaches are ready to support you and walk with you through this challenging time. Reach out to them for a free 30-minute confidential call here!

Some Ideas to support your family during the pandemic... 1. Hold Family Meetings weekly to stay connected and talk about what you like and what you don't like about your time together during the pandemic. 2. Create a contract to include items you want to keep as you move out of isolation. Have everyone from the family sign it. Once the world opens up fully again you may forget the things that you liked; writing it down will help keep you on track. 3. Be careful. Encourage your kids to continue to wash their hands frequently for at least 20 seconds. Notice how often they are touching their face and help them recognize when they are doing this. 4. Be kind. Not everyone will be ready to integrate into 'normal' activities. Never judge or shame someone that is not ready to interact and participate in daily life activities like they did before the pandemic. 5. Stay in touch with your older kids that will be heading back to college or university. These are unprecedented times and they will be doing their best to 'get back to normal' but may need your support to navigate their emotions. 6. Think about how you were not prepared for this pandemic and make a decision to be prepared if it happens again. Pandemic-proof your work, stay healthy, and create a savings account and put money away each month for emergencies such as this.

Our Parent Coaches offer a FREE 30-minute, confidential call! Reach out to them at

If you are struggling with how your life has been affected by the pandemic, reach out for support. Our Parent Coaches can help you work through a range of emotions. They specialize in everything from newborn care, to college success, from toddler tantrums to marriage support and more. Most offer a 30-minute free confidential chat to help you through life during and after the pandemic. Together we will be stronger and more prepared for our new and improved postpandemic lives. Just don't forget that you have all the power and control to create what that life will look like. It is, and always has been, in your hands. Sending love and strength and wisdom to you all! We have learned so much and now it is time to collectively make sure we live our best lives - in our own unique way!

GOT TEENS? worried? struggling? looking for answers?


l e s o J e i l s e L


What do you do? Order Out of Chaos’ mission is to provide hands-on education, guidance and coaching to parents and their students through our customized products and programs, so all children – both mainstream and with learning issues – can develop the necessary skills they need to experience success in learning and in life. Knowing how to help your child develop the skills they need doesn’t come naturally for everyone. Order Out of Chaos is built on the philosophy that the coaching process is a journey that begins and ends with YOU. Our process is organic – it evolves as we figure out TOGETHER what needs changing and what works best for you. The end results are tailor-made to fit your needs. We will focus you and help you, but YOU set the pace and the tone.

What issues do you deal with? We coach both parents and students to help with study skills, ADHD management, executive functioning skills, time management, procrastination and so much more.

How can you help? We provide workshops and webinars, products and programs, group and one-on-one coaching for both parents and their students. Everything is available virtually. So you choose how and to what extent you need support and coaching.

What can I expect? You can expect to be supported, guided and nurtured. The Order Out of Chaos community is a robust and active community.

Academic Planners now on sale

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Time Management for our Teens

d u a h c i b o Wanda R WANDA ZEN MAMA, PARENT COACH

What do you do? I support parents of spirited children under six to discover their inner Zen Master

What issues do you deal with? Conscious parenting, behaviour and tantrums, parent and child connection, siblings

How can you help? Many of us didn’t grow up with a model of what conscious parenting looks like. This makes it really difficult to stay calm and know what to do when we feel triggered by our child’s big emotions. I help the Mom’s I work with to release the mom guilt, parent with confidence and have a better a relationship with their kids by mastering behaviour management, communication skills and mindset.

What can I expect? I offer a free 30-minute call to map out your needs and see if we are a good fit. If we go forward you can expect weekly zoom calls and ongoing email support. I offer both four weeks and eight weeks 1:1 coaching packages.

What they say about me... "I have reached out to Wanda to get some parenting advice and support in my parenting journey of 4 boys under 10. Not only she was extremely understanding and kind, but she has also provided me with tons of resources and very helpful advice on how to deal with the tantrums and lovingly support my youngest through them. I have learned a lot from Wanda. She would be an invaluable support for any parent!" Marta

My background includes a Bachelor of Education and Twenty years of rewarding experience working with children with developmental disabilities, with a focus on Autism. In 2011 I earned a certification in Hatha Yoga Teacher Training and later took the MBSR Mindfulness training. Mental Wellness is a passion of mine and I’ve taken on roles supporting and educating adults experiencing anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. The transition into parent coaching through Academy for Coaching Parents International came after meeting my greatest teachers, my two beautiful, energetic boys.

Dealing with Tantrums How can I find you?

r o l y a T t e n Ja


What do you do? I empower parents dealing with youth struggling with mental health and addiction issues to focus on the present situation.

What issues do you deal with? I deal with parent's feelings of guilt, shame, anger, anxiety, other relationships that get affected by the stress; and overall mental health of the parent.

How can you help? I offer training I have learned over a period of 6 years in a 6 week program to empower parents in dealing with the areas within themselves that they can control to keep them in a healthy mindset - allows parents to be the role model their child needs and wants and allows the parent to deal with longer term issues one step at a time.

What can I expect? I use Zoom video to connect with you face to face in a confidential space - you can come alone or with your partner. This call is not time sensitive and we will get to talk about your situation, we will focus on the outcome you desire and I will share with you the 6 week program outline and the outcome you can achieve. I also offer a three week intensive course if that applies to your situation.

What other parents say about me: "She helped me tap into my strength and courage and reminded me who I truly am. I felt empowered and stronger after our session. I loved the questions she asked me and enjoyed finding the answers to those questions." Natalia S.

The secret to raising happy kids

How can I find you? You can connect with me here:

o t a z r o C a Syvli SUCCESS IN STEPS

What do you do? Parent Consultant | Behaviour Coach | Speaker | Founder of Success in Steps

What issues do you deal with? ADD/ADHD, Anxiety Disorder, Autism, Learning Disabilities, Parent-Child Interaction, NonCompliance/ Defiance, Parenting, School Problems, Stress Management

How can you help? Success in Steps helps overwhelmed and frustrated parents spend less time on challenges and behaviours and more time enjoying their family. Success in Steps, parent consulting and behaviour coaching helps families achieve their family goals through a multi-disciplinary approach. Supporting you, the parents understand not only the reason/ 'why' behind the behaviour but what's maintaining it as well. Services are focused on both the parents' and children's strengths and needs as a whole so that the positive impacts can benefit the entire family.

What can I expect? Success in Steps offer parent consulting that acts as your personalized self-help book, customized to your family's unique situation, needs and goals. You can access services through our 1:1 individual consultation or in participating in one of our two parenting programs. Click to find out more!

What Parents Have to Say: My family had an extremely positive experience with Sylvia. She showed us the highest level of professionalism, understanding, and patience. Sylvia always took the time to answer all of our questions and any concerns we had. I especially appreciated the video conferencing, and her willingness to work with my family's schedule. Thank you Sylvia, for your guidance and incredible support! Sylvia is a compassionate, dedicated and extremely knowledgeable professional who helped us implement specific strategies in our family. We feel much more confident now as parents and the stress level in our family has gone down so much! We are grateful for everything she has done for us! Sylvia was extremely knowledgable and helpful in finding a solution when it came to my daughter's behaviour. She provided us with easy tools to guide her, which in the end made us feel more confident in our parenting style. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking a patient and resourceful parent consultant.

Teaching your Child Empathy How can I find you?


FREE 1:1 Consultation with a


Let's t c e n n o C Main Facebook Page for Parents Group for Parents of Kids 0-12 years of age Group for Parents of Teens

ParentGuide for Parents

Parent Coach Interviews


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