Die Porsche Kassette

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Gold Coast Region - PCA

FEB 2016 JAN 2020



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Kassette |

Jan 2020

Jan Jun 2016 2020 | Die Porsche




KASSETTE A monthly publication of the Gold Coast Region Porsche Club of America January 2020

Editor Roger Fabel 648 NW 100 Lane Coral Springs, FL 33071 (954) 752-2501 E-mail: rfabel@aol.com

Features GCR Holiday / Awards Party..................................... 10 Calling All Volunteers................................................. 16 GCR Holiday Party Photo Gallery............................. 22 Tail of the Dragon...................................................... 26

Graphic Artist Kirk Giannola Kgiannola@comcast.net 954 551-1300

Upcoming Events


Coming Soon............................................................... 5 Events Calendar.......................................................... 6 Islamorada Drive and Dine........................................ 13 Porsches and Pancakes............................................ 21 2020 Sebring 48 Hours Club Race............................ 25 2020 Autocross Challenge at Sebring....................... 31

Photographers Roger Fabel Alejo Menendez Alberto Pugliese Dennis Lai Advertising Roger Fabel


Submissions The deadline for submission of materials is the 1st of the previous month of publication. Please E-mail to: rfabel@aol.com with “Kassette Material” as the subject line.

Officers / Board Members / Chairs.............................. 6 President’s Corner....................................................... 7 New Members / Anniversaries..................................... 8 Editor’s Notes.............................................................. 9 GCR Classified.......................................................... 20 Social Committee...................................................... 21 Advertiser Index........................................................ 32

Die Porsche Kassette is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Gold Coast Region, Inc. and is published monthly. Any statement appearing in the Kassette is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Gold Coast Region, Inc., its Board of Directors, the Kassette editors or its staff. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is given to chartered regions of PCA to reprint articles in their newsletter if credit is given to the author and the Kassette. Publication office: 648 NW 100 Lane, Coral Springs, FL 33071


Die Porsche

Kassette |

Jan 2020




Calling All GCR Volunteers


Gold Coast Region - PCA

FEB 2016 JAN 2020


26 Upcoming Events ON THE COVER 48 Hours at Sebring PCA Club Race 2019. Volunteer now at 48hoursatsebring.com and join us for the largest club race in the world. Photo by Alejo Menendez


Drive to Islamorada Fish Market


Rolex 24 Hours at Daytona

1/30 `2/2/20 48 Hours at Sebring Club Race & AX

Jan 2020 | Die Porsche



2020 Calendar

Officers President Steve Kidd 954 946-3196 Steve_Kidd@ bellsouth.net


Treasurer Carolynn Ditrichs GCRTreas@ gmail.com 561 351-4916

V President Concours/Social Peter Olliviere 954 816-6005 polliviere@ gmail.com Secretary Dottie Kidd 954 946-3196 dottiekidd@ bellsouth.net


Kassette Editor Roger Fabel 954 752-2501 rfabel@aol.com

Social Committee Cynthia Fluhart 305 299-6193 cynric@bellsouth.net

Director Ed Kohly 954 292-6238 ekokly@goldcoastregion.org

Chief of Tech Bob Varela 954 817-0359 bobv@aol.com

48 Hours Co-Chair...................Dan Smithyman Autocross Chair .....................Steve Kidd Autocross Registrar ...............Dottie Kidd DE Chair ...................................Mike Roblin

Past President Dan Doyle

DE Registrar ............................Jake Kooser Membership Chair ...................Paul Raben Webmaster ...............................Ian Gerada Zone 12 Rep .............................Lisa Lewis


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Kassette |

Jan 2020

Jan 18 Jan 25 Jan 30- F2 Feb 1 Feb 6-9 Feb 14 Feb 16 Feb 22 Feb 22-23 Mar 6 Mar 6-8 Mar 8 Mar 18-21 Mar 21 Mar 28 Apr 4 Apr 4-5 Apr 25 May 16 May 16-17 May 22

Islamorada Brunch Daytona Rolex 24 Sebring 48 Club Race Autocross #1 at Sebring DRT 2020 Valentine Dinner Carlin Park Picnic Autocross #2 at Sebring W/ Suncoast PCA Driver Education at Sebring (SC) PCA Werks Reunion Amelia Island PCA Driver Education at Sebring (SC) Autocross #3 at FAU Sebring 12 Hours (68th year) Winery/Beer Tour Zen Auto Tech Drive Heritage Park Car Show PCA Driver Education at Sebring (SC) New Member / PCA Junior Picnic Autocross at Sebring w/Suncoast PCA Driver Education at Sebring (SC) Zonefest w/Space Coast

President’s Corner Steve Kidd - President

Happy New Year! As we move into 2020, it’s fair to say that Gold Coast Region’s busiest quarter is straight ahead with lots of great activities on the calendar. Many traditional activities will be repeated and new ones introduced. Several of the most popular are the tours to the keys and the 48 hours of Sebring Club Race (you can participate as a volunteer, racer, auto crosser Drivers ed, or visitor/observer). As usual, members will get multiple email blasts about events. However, if you don’t read your e-mail you can always check the GCR website, Kassette newsletter, facebook or just go to clubregistration. net and see what’s available. As for the new activities, look for more tours, trips to a few shops we have never visited, much more for our PCA Juniors, and a few secrets we have in the works....as well as new opportunities that present themselves throughout the year. With the elections over, 2020 brings several new GCR officers / directors and committee posts..... see the separate announcement later in this issue. Also new will be a totally revamped set of by-laws, based on PCA national’s template for regional by-laws. These new by laws will be available on the GCR website. Looking back on 2019, I would have to say GCR had one of the most exciting years in a long time...here are a few of the highlights. This listing does not include all the activities that we do every month like Porsche & Pancakes or 3rd Thursday socials or events we do every year or every other month...like AutoX Re-introduction to what a rally event is. GCR has not had a rally since 2012 and with Parade coming, we decided it was way overdue. The April gimmick rally/ mural tour was a smashing success, and helped prepare those going to Parade for this type of competition. Want another

rally?? One is planned for the south end of our region in 2020. Porsche Parade in Boca Raton...Parade has dramatically changed from the last time GCR hosted a parade in 1968. GCR had over 200 members attend and most volunteered in some capacity. GCR took home many trophies, especially in concours and AutoX. Many members are now hooked on Parade or Parade style events (think Zonefest, Rennfest or Spring Thing) and plan to attend the 2020 Parade in Palm Springs CA. A record setting contribution to our charities, with Joe DiMaggio Childrens Hospital being the largest recipient. With an initial goal of 20K, this goal was shattered, in a large part due to 19 K collected at parade thu the raffling of Parade surfboards at 2 of the Parade banquets. A huge thanks to PCA National for their assistance and the generous donations of PCA members. Not 1 but 2 toy drives to different Children’s Hospitals, in different counties, on the same date, as part of a coordinated plan with all of Zone 12 regions, called the Porsche “Parade of Presents”. This was the 1st time a coordinated effort was made to do this and GCR was the only Florida region to do 2 locations...Next year we’ll shoot for 3 A tour outside our Zone..I’’m talking about GCR’s tour to Fontana Dan, N.C. to see the leaves change and drive some of the best Porsche roads on the East Coast. This event was so popular, plans are being made to do this again...with a few new and interesting twists. (no pun intended) The revised by laws were passed by the vast majority of GCR members approving, but what isn’t told is the hard work, and perseverance that went into getting that final draft on the ballot. Thanks again to the by-law committee and Board for getting this done Yes...if this looks like a piece from last months President’s article, some of this is the same but there is at least 1 new component and the items from

last month are worth repeating. Here it is again, our region needs assistance in a few other areas...Here’s the details:....remember PCA is fueled by volunteers AutoX site...we need a BIG parking lot, air strip or similar piece of pavement in the Tri-County area to hold our AutoX events. In the past we have used shopping center lots, sporting and gaming venues and school/government parking facilities. We most recently used the BBT Center parking lot which was great...big, centrally located and reasonably priced. A repaving project put an end to that lot ...hopefully temporary, but it very well could be permanent. What we need is an “in” someone that has a connection to a suitable property and can help us get our foot in the door. Do you know of a site?... are you the person with the “in”? Please call me at 954 946-3196 if you can help out finding a new AX site. This year many of our AX events were at Sebring in conjunction with Club Race or a regional DE. While this has proved doable, members have expressed a preference not to drive so far. A Community Service Project... Not to be confused with our charity efforts such as Joe DiMaggio Hospital. At Parade this is one of the most distinguished awards and focus seems to be more on helping those in need directly rather than collect cash donations. The winner this year was a region that worked on several Habitat for Humanity houses for low income families. Lots of rewarding sweat equity. Got an idea in mind.?...Give me a call...954 946-3916 Let’s win a National award... We have great events and fabulous members, but need a world class report (continued on page 9)

Jan 2020 | Die Porsche



Joseph Wilhelm Arthur Germain Harold AntonioFrischman Messina Gonzalo Reinosa Robert Walters William Russell Andrew Edwards Thomas Roberto Kastelic Paredes Ron Torres-Gatherer Candler Starling Larry Casey Julian Castillo Andres StephenDereser Raicek Jason Mizrachi Mandeep Dhalla Neil JesusSalem Socorro Bryce DonnieSimpson Balding

2019 Targa 4S 2009 911911 Carrera 2007 Boxster 2017 911 Carrera S 2017 Boxster S S 2007 718911 Carrera 2019 Cayenne 2019 911 Carrera T 2010 Carrera S Cabriolet 2006 911911 Carrera 4S 1999 Boxster 2006 911 Carrera S 2001 Carrera 2013 911911 Carrera 4S 2018 911 Carrera 1995 911 Carrera Cabriolet 2014 Panamera 2020 911 Carrera S 2009 Carrera 4S 2007 911911 Carrera 2009 Turbo 2008 911911 Carrera S

Jeff Weeks Jose Bared

2019 2020

Cayenne 911 Carrera 4S

Thomas van Straaten Luis Eduardo Fonseca Paul Weimer Eric Weiss Paul Fuller Mike Matheny Matt Sanchez Edwin Maldonado Javier Delgado Nick Krar Christian Lund Jorge Del Rey Orlam Sonora Allison Aurilio Louis Moya

2019 2017 2016 2018 2010 1999 1966 2018 2006 2000 2008 1955 2014 2006 2018

Macan S 911 Carrera Cayman Macan Panamera Turbo Boxster 912 911 GT3 Cayman S 911 Carrera 911 GT2 356 Cayman S 911 Carrera 911 GT3

Primary 2008 Co-members 1029 Total


Celebrating 35 to 39 years


1982 37 years

Scott Williams

1982 37 years

Susan Trapp

1982 37 years

Dennis Zamler

1982 37 years

Brian Burry

1982 37 years

Mitchell Weinberg

1982 37 years

Allen Lehner

1982 37 years

Richard Martin

1983 36 years

Herbert Weinberg

1983 36 years

Jack Brewer

1983 36 years

Michael Tarter

1983 36 years

Chris Branston

1983 36 years

Thomas Reittinger

Die Porsche

Kassette |

Jan 2020

1983 36 years

Scott Finlay

1983 36 years

Richard Dimarco

1984 35 years

Kenneth Rothman

1984 35 years

John Rogge

1984 35 years

Jose Iglesias

1984 35 years

Bruce Hollander

1984 35 years

Jeffrey Barnes

1984 35 years

Maximilian Scheuerer

1984 35 years

James Wiberg

Editor’s Notes Welcome Gold Coast members to the beginning of a great year with a full plate of PCA events for your enjoyment. This is my 19th year as a GCR member but I am still amazed at the dedication of the members. Like most families, they will go out of their way to help you. One of our popular sayings is that “It’s not about the car but it’s about the people. If you have been with the club for a few years you will notice that we repeat several of our most popular events because of member demand. Last year we modified our Islamorada location because the parking was becoming too crowded. Check out the flyer on page 13 so that you can join the first event of the year with all of your Porsche friends. You and your Porsche will enjoy the drive.

writer to wrap it all up and put together a winning submission in December 2020.. if you share my vision and dream to win another national award, and have the creative writing skills, as well as an imaginative eye to make the presentation world class, give me a call. While I would love to see GCR win another Region of the Year award...(last time GCR won was in 1986), a win in the PCA family of the year category (GCR families have won this 5 times) or PCA enthusiast of the year (GCR has won 2 times) or PCA Community service award (to the best of my knowledge GCR has never won this.) would be fabulous. We have the right events & people... let’s fine tune our writing and presentation skills and talents and get-r-done. If we are successful, the award would be presented at the 2021 Porsche Parade, which will be held in French Lick, Indiana, site of the 2015 parade and the last time GCR won a National award. Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year...Until next month......Steve

Roger Fabel- Editor

One of my favorite events is the 48 Hour of Sebring Club Race. Check out pages 16 and 17 with details about volunteering for the largest club race in the world. If you have questions cotact our 48 hour volunteer chair, Paul Raben. The cover photo is an example of the racing you will see at the historical Sebring Racetrack. I hope you were able to attend our annual holiday party where we present awards to deserving members for their outstanding work to help the club with different volunteer positions. We are always looking for strong leaders to continue the development of our region. This was the first event in several years that presented a portion of our traditional PCA awards / dinner format. The food was outstanding and the venue was outside of the box with

guided tours of some very special cars. Thanks to Dottie, Steve and the social committee for their hard work. Congratulations to all of the award winners. We had many great gifts offered by our advertisers which I would also like to thank. Even though we have a full year of events, you may know of a location or event that we have not discovered. Please contact one of our social members or officers with your ideas. As in the past we have had members step up to the plate and help with the development of some of our most popular events. I hope you all have a great new year and look forward to seeing you at our next event. Ideas and contributions of articles and photos for the Kassette are always welcomed. Roger

y p p a H ! r a e Y New

2020 Jan 2020 | Die Porsche



Gold Coast Holiday Party Gold Coast Region had another great year in 2019 and celebrated with a fabulous Holiday Party at the Dauer Museum. Great food, a never ending beer/wine bar, a tour of the car collection, 40+ door prizes, world class raffle items, giveaways, announcements and recognition of GCR Officers/Board and committee chairs. In addition the following perpetual award winners were recognized.

Awards Family of the Year - Dale and Lorena Brundige - After a great year in 2018, this power couple picked up the pace in 2019, and hosted 2 major social events in the North end of our region. Additionally they co-hosted or assisted at North region breakfasts and Thursday socials and are always there to help when needed.

Rookie of the Year- Ed Blair - While new to the scene, Ed involved himself in just about every type of activity GCR had to offer including attending most Board meetings, autocross, socials, drives and of course his big event....The tour to Fontana Dam North Carolina and fantastic activities that made this tour special. Ed promises to do this again in 2020!

Enthusiast of the Year- Rick Veingrad - Attended most GCR board meetings and was quick to offer new ideas and exciting twists to ongoing projects and events. Rick took the Sanibel tour to new high this year, adding new features, increasing attendance, and having a charity component with raffle prizes for Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital. Rick also took over the West Broward Thursday social, moved it to a new location, and built it up to the the most attended Thursday Social.

The Dummkopf Award - Jake Kooser - While there were at least 4 contenders for this award (including Ed Blair for his almost ticket) Jake outdid himself with a repeat of a Brian Canfield's trick performed back in 1988. Jake managed to exit an autocross course in the wrong direction, after the finish , and wind up on a large bushy berm. After flat bed extraction, driver was deemed okay and the car drive-able.


Die Porsche

Kassette |

Jan 2020

Family of the Year

Enthusiast of the Year

Rookie of the Year

Raffle winners and sponsoring organizations Club Registration $100 Gift Certificate

Helen Baptiste

Dr Color Chip $75 Gift Certificate

Cheryl Germain

Adam’s Polishes $189 Gift Package

Nestor Sanchez

PCNA - $400 Porsche Design sunglasses

Tara Meredith

PCNA - $120 Porsche Design men’s wallet

Kristine Rebmann

Champion Oil Change or Alignment

Louie Maragos

KMW – Oil Change Gift Certificate

Sherry Fabel

Gold Coast autocross 2 Gift Certificates

Dan Schmidt

Club Race – Red jacket (size xl) and hat

Nancy Sokoloff

Club Race – Red jacket (size Lg) and hat

Patricia Walters

Foreign Affairs – Oil Change Gift certificate:

Nestor Sanchez

RaggTop Products Jeep top care kit

Christine Smolen

Rising Tide Car wash (2) $50 Gift Certificates

Frank Vermaak

Jan 2020 | Die Porsche




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Kassette |

Jan 2020

Jan 2020 | Die Porsche



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Kassette |

Jan 2020

Jan 2020 | Die Porsche



Calling All PCA Volunteers Paul Raben, Volunteer Co-chair The 48 Hours At Sebring Club race committee has begun making plans for the 2020 race to be held January 30 thru February 2, 2020. It is time for all Gold Coast and Suncoast members to start planning how they can get involved. It is your opportunity to give back to your region and be involved with the most successful Club Race in PCA and help raise money for region activities and The Ronald McDonald House charity. Start making plans and reservations to make it a weekend of fun and excitement. Where will you be? What will you be doing? What could you be doing that would possibly equal spending a weekend at world famous Sebring International Raceway with about 500 Porsches? Talk about a car show: this is the largest Porsche only racing event in the world – in fact, it is the largest single marque automobile racing event in the world! How could you miss it, especially when it is almost in your back yard! Last year’s 26th annual event was a great success: we had over 450 participating Porsches. Now, its the time to start planning on how you can assist in this great event. Make hotel reservations for the days you plan to attend. Pick from the available assignments listed below. This


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Kassette |

is a joint event consisting of friends from Gold Coast Region and Suncoast Region, the 27th edition will be even bigger and better. The 48 Hours at Sebring has grown into the largest PCA Club Race in the country. We expect to sign up over 350 racers and Advanced Solo drivers in the first two days of registration. This means we will need volunteers to help us run this huge event more than ever. Why should you care? If you are a PCA member that has been standing on the sidelines, wanting to become involved, but unsure of actually attending your first event, this is a perfect opportunity to see what PCA is all about, and meet a group of really nice people! You will be asked to work for a few hours at a job that is actually more fun than work, you get a nice T-Shirt, free lunch and free Friday night vendor showcase party. You also just might meet someone who just won the Daytona 24 Hour race, or past winners of Daytona 24, Sebring 12 Hour or Le Mans 24 Hour, or maybe someone who has won them all. For sure you will not find a better gathering of Porsches and Porsche people anywhere. The Club race raises thousands of dollars for Ronald McDonald House each year and provides the Gold Coast and Suncoast regions funds to support Socials, Drivers

Jan 2020

Ed and AutoX programs and help local charities. What can you do to help?

At Track Registration We need 4 or 5 people to assist with getting the driver’s checked in, this is an indoor sitting job that begins at 7:00 AM Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The first couple of hours are the busiest so you need to be a morning person.

The Grid We have a lot of people returning from last year to work the grid, but we still need a few more for each day. You need to be in good shape as it entails a lot of standing and walking. Your primary responsibilities are. 1. Helping get each car in its assigned spot based on information on a timing sheet provided by Timing & Scoring. 2. Doing a quick check of the car to make sure that it is not dripping any liquids, engine & trunk lids are closed and secured. 3. Checking the driver to ensure that he or she is buckled in, with helmet on and secure. 4. Direct traffic at several locations to assist racers to the grid or back to their paddock area after each run..

Timing and Scoring We need about 5 volunteers each day. You will assist the stewards in identifying the cars as they go past the start/finish line to verify that their timing equipment is working properly. You will also assist in the preparation of the timing sheets for distribution to the grid. This is a nice comfortable inside job but it is the heart beat of the race.

Tech and Scales We need volunteers each day to help check the Advanced Solo group cars for tire pressure, Torque lug nuts and check helmets, brake lights. Thursday and Friday are the busiest days for tech. Scales are open Friday through Sunday. The race cars are weighed on the scales to make sure they are the proper weight for their car and class. Volunteers are needed to push the cars on the scales.

The Corners We need volunteers to assist the SCCA corner-workers at each corner. This is truly where the action is! Working the corners is a fun and action packed assignment. Each corner throughout the track is manned by 1-2 professional SCCA corner workers. For each corner, we assign a maximum of 2 volunteers to assist the SCCA corner

workers. We have many volunteers who return each year and request a specific corner or corner worker. It’s amazing how much you can learn while watching skilled drivers go through a corner lap after lap. There is no better way to get closer to the action unless you are actually driving!! The responsibilities for the corner are: 1.You are an extra set of eyes and ears for the SCCA corner worker, helping observe the activities on the track; 2.In the event of an incident the corner worker may ask you to hold or wave the appropriate flag. 3. You may be asked to assist with any reporting of an on track incident. Notes. At no time would you go over the wall! Long pants and closed-toe shoes are required. Please do not wear colors that would be confused as a flag, for example red or yellow. White or the 48 Hour t-shirt are perfect.

Pit Marshalls This is a Sunday-only job which starts around 10:00 AM with a meeting with the race steward. This position is needed during the Enduro. Each driver is required to make a 5 minute pit stop during the each Enduro.

We need at least 12 people to observe the pit stops. The responsibilities for Pit marshals are, 1.Observe and report to PCA scrutinizer any spilled fuel etc. 2.Observe and report any crew member over the wall without proper equipment 3.Make sure that the maximum number of crew over the wall is not exceeded. 4.Enforce all rules as instructed by PCA Scrutinizers. Notes. Long pants and closed-toe shoes are required. Training will be provided by PCA officials. Miscellaneous Positions. We need other volunteers to help with the Friday and Saturday night activities. This is where we raise the most money for the charities. We also have positions avalible in traffic control. Lastly we need a few other volunteers to take on whatever task that may come up. + To Volunteer go to www.48hoursatsebring.com click on Volunteers, For more information please contact Paul Raben praben@gmail.com or Sherry Fabel at nana648@aol.com.

Jan 2020 | Die Porsche



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Porsche Classified 2010 Porsche Cayman S

2002 Porsche Carrera Cabriolet

97,000 Miles, , PDK, Sport Chrono Pkg, 19� Carrera S II Wheels, Bluetooth Phone, Bose High End Sound Package, Approx. 360 HP, IPD Plenum, GT3 Throttle Body, FVD Performance Engine Software 987.2 DFI, PDK Cayman R Software Upgrade, Sport Springs, Stainless Steel Brake Lines, SRF Brake Fluid, Wheel Spacers (7 MM Front, 15 MM Rear), BiXenon Headlights with Dynamic Cornering. $24,500 in Boca Raton, Call Stuart 561-558-5654 or jarkowskis@ comcast.net 2002 Porsche Carrera Cabriolet Lapis Blue Metallic, Beige Leather. 59,350 well keep miles. Garage keep with Porsche cover. New brakes, new convertible top cylinders, IMS bearing replaced and clutch, Direct Oil feed, new water pump. Advanced Technic Package. Bose system. Everything works, Great driver. Must see, a lot of car for the price. All work performed @ Tune RS in Coral Springs. $25,995.00. Call John@ 954868-4657 0r e-mail john@regencycommunications.net.

Perfect track wheels and tires 2014 911 Carrera S Cabriolet

Four black chromed wheels with Nitto tires. These tires have seven track days on them and probably 2 or 3 days left on them. Two 255/40 ZR17 and two 255/45 ZR17. These were track tires on my 2008 Cayman. Located in Fort Lauderdale. $600. Steve at 303.888.0846, 300dman@gmail.com

Porsche Classified Ads Classified ads are free to GCR-PCA members. Non-member ads: $25 for each 25 words. E-mail ads to: rfabel@aol.com with subject line of PCA-Classified. Deadline for ads is the same as articles, the 1st of the month preceding publication. Ads will also be posted on our web site.


Die Porsche

Kassette |

Jan 2020

Rhodium Silver Metallic / Black 15,800 miles PDK 20-inch classic wheels, PDLS light system, Park assist (front and rear), Sport Design steering wheel, Power sport seats with memory package, Wheel center caps with colored Porsche crest, Premium package, Bose Audio package. $74,991 OBO. Contact Ted at 772 349-9595 or tpalmcity@aol.com

Get involved with Gold Coast

Social Committee Ed Blair Dale Brundige Cynthia Fluhart Brenda Gramajo


If you are not a member join by visiting www.pca.org and select the“Join PCA” link.

Follow us on Facebook @ Gold Coast Region PCA

Contribute to your newsletter

Die Porsche Kassette needs your articles and photos. Please submit your content to the newsletter editor at rfabel@aol.com. Text files should be in a Word document. Please use Times New Roman size 10 font. Photos should be high resolution. Both text and photos should be attached files. Contact editor for more details.

Dottie Kidd Peggy Raben Rick Veingrad Concours / Social Peter Olliviere

Planning a Gold Coast Event

We are a very active region with many types of events for our members. Events are held from the Florida Keys to and beyond our Northern Region border. When planning an event please contact the Social Chair to check for date availability. All event dates may be found in the Kassette and on the web site calendar. If an event date is canceled or needs to be changed contact the Social Chair so that the update is reflected thru all of the channels.

Volunteer Job Position Openings

We are looking for members to help with the production of our monthly newsletter. If you have experience with newsletter production or content development please contact the Kassette editor.

Porsches and Pancakes

Meet for Porsches & Pancakes on the 1st Saturday of the month Stuart Tequesta Palm Beach Boca Raton Coral Springs Ft. Laud. Miami South Miami Wynwood

Sailfish Cafe at 9 am 2891 SE Ocean Blvd, Stuart 34996 - Ted & Pat Tiemeyer Time To Eat Diner at 9 am 716 US Hwy 1, North Tequesta 33469 - Jerry Daily Sant Ambroeus at 9 am 340 Royal Poinciana Way, Palm Beach 33480 - Elaine Smith Flash Back Diner at 9 am 1450 N Federal Hwy, Boca Raton 33304 - Mike Massey Rob’s Bageland at 8 am 8188 Wiles Rd., Coral Springs 33067 - Robert and Leslie Polasek Kristof’s Cafe at 8 am 8912 West State Road 84, Davie 33324 - Paul Raben Berries in the Grove at 8:00 am 2884 SW 27h Ave, Miami 33133 - Brenda Gramajo Casa Cuba at 8:00 am 5859 SW 73rd St., South Miami 33143 - Ruben Alisina Arepa Bar & Restaurant at 9 am 169 NW 36th St, Miami, FL 33127 - Carlos Trevisson

Jan 2020 | Die Porsche



GCR Holiday Party Photo Gallery


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Kassette |

Jan 2020

photos by Roger Fabel

photos by Maria Brunswick

Jan 2020 | Die Porsche




Die Porsche

Kassette |

Jan 2020

Jan 2020 | Die Porsche



Tail of the Dragon

There is nothing like the thrill of driving the Tail of the Dragon. There are no less than 318 tightly winding mountain curves along an eleven mile stretch of US-129 between North Carolina and Tennessee. There are no guard rails to protect you, and the only thing standing between you and the steep mountain ravines are the performance capabilities of your vehicle and your reaction skills as an experienced driver (and occasionally the trees). While outside curves on this winding road are a bit wider, the space between the painted lines on inside curves and straights are barely the width of the average sized car. The mountain and dense foliage mask the road ahead, and drivers rarely know what will appear around the next corner in the oncoming lane. At top speeds, the seemingly never ending curves begin to run together and staying between the lines becomes dangerously difficult for even the best of drivers. The "Dragon" is definitely a bucket list must! Depending on how much nerve you choose to give yourself, you could find yourself experiencing nirvana and terror simultaneously while also discovering your car never reaches 4th gear. The builders of this road must have been racers at heart. The road appears to have been designed specifi-


Die Porsche

Kassette |

Jan 2020

by Dale Brundige

cally for the purpose it is currently filling. For those of us who like pushing a vehicle's limits, the road has banks where banks are needed and the turns are spaced in ways that dictate to drivers that they must be hyper tuned-in to their surroundings, and become one with the vehicle. You most likely will not see police traffic on the dragon itself unless it is to respond to the occasional accident. They are frequently spotted on either end and just ouside of the eleven mile stretch. Our initial impression is that they are standing by to offer first aid after the fact and to clear the road for the other drivers. On the North Carolina side of the Dragon's entrance is a "Tree Of Shame" erected as a monument to those who unfortunately were unable to successfully navigate the Dragon's Tail. It is made up of the remains of mangled car and motorcycle parts from various failed attempts to conquer it. It also serves as a memorial to the lives lost, and is a startling reminder that the "Dragon" demands our deepest respect!

From the Members: Dragon Tire Tech by Michael Brooks On one of the evenings during our stay at the Fontana Inn, A large group of us was sitting around the roaring fireplace and having some drinks and roasting marshmallows. Yes, roasting marshmallows! Surprisingly!, most of the conversation was about Porsche vehicles and high speed driving. Generally speaking, the members who attended this event were divided into roughly 3 groups; normal people, fast drivers, And very very fast drivers. As I recall, I was talking to a couple of the very very fast group that included at least two or three Ed’s, a Dan, a Richard and one or two others who loved taking the Dragon and the multiple other miles of great North Carolina mountain roads that we encountered. Anyway, I brought up the topic of “tire shaving“. To my great surprise, nobody seem to know what I was talking about! Many years ago I had a 1979 turbo and I would routinely have its Perelli P 7’s tires “shaved” when I purchased them new from Tire Rack. Tire shaving is an effective means of permitting more of the tires performance capability to be realized early in its life. And I found, usually, that shaved tires used in competition actually have a longer useful life than tires that enter competition at a full tread depth. The resulting shallow tread depth reduces the tire’s slip angle, Increasing it’s responsiveness and cornering power by minimizing tread block squirm. The Perelli P 7’s l used

to run in the early 1980’s actually lasted longer when they were shaved when they were new. And some of the tires peripheral tread blocks did not wear out as fast and “chunk”. Also, minimizing tread block squirm reduces heat buildup. More information regarding this subject can be obtained from Tire Rack. Anyway, enough about tires. I think the North Carolina event was attended by the largest group of very friendly people that Joyce and I ever met. Needless to say, we all owe a great debt of gratitude to Ed Blair and the phenomenal job he did in setting this event in motion and sending us all repeat emails about it.

Jan 2020 | Die Porsche



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Jan 2020

Jan 2020 | Die Porsche





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Jan 2020


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