Die Porsche Kassett

Page 23

Autocross Update

Steve Kidd, Autocross Chair

While AX in South Florida generally comes to a halt during the hot summer, other areas of the country use this time to put their AX programs in high gear. This is especially true for the Porsche Parade, where AutoX is one of the premier events and spans two full days. This year the Porsche Parade was held in French Lick, Indiana during July 11-17 and the AutoX was July 14-15. This year’s Parade AX was again held at the French Lick Airport, the same location as Parade AX in 2015. At the Parade level, AX competition can be intense, especially in the Stock classes that continue to be the largest and most popular classes. This year was no exception, and I invite you to check out the Parade website to see great pictures of the AutoX event as well as results from both days of competition. [insert weblink here] Zone 12 was pretty well represented with most regions having at least one AutoX participant. Gold Coast Region had two AX entrants (Steve and Dottie Kidd) who both won 1st place trophies in their classes. The course was quite long, with most times being over 100 seconds. To compete at Parade level, competitors need to carefully read the rules, know the correct class and understand that an incorrect class or rule infraction could result in a protest and possible disqualification. Here are a few other differences that make the Parade AX different from local events. • Big name sponsors including Michelin Tires • Lots of classes and competition, including usually 200 to 300 participants • very structured and 987 volunteers to help • a pre-event class for anyone but geared to participants new to parade AX • A professional photographer on site to take lots of free pictures • An awards banquet to present trophies, give awards and chill with fellow competitors • Great trophies--see pictures! All parade trophies are ones you really want to show off. • So . . . who’s ready to try Parade-style AX next year in the Poconos? Stayed tuned for more 2022 AX info! To continue offering a world class AX program we need a new site. This could be a BIG parking lot, air strip or similar piece of pavement in the Tri-County area to hold our AutoX events. In the past we have used shopping center lots, sporting and gaming venues, and school/ government parking facilities. We most recently used the BBT Center parking lot, which was great: big, centrally located and reasonably priced. A repaving project put an end to that lot; we hope that the situation is temporary, but it very well could be permanent. What we need is an “in”—someone who has a connection to a suitable property and can help us get our foot in the door. Do you know of a site? Are you the person with the “in”? Please call me at 954- 292-3915 if you can help to find a new AX site. In 2020 all of our AX events were at Sebring in conjunction with Club Race or a regional DE. While this has proved doable, members have expressed a preference not to drive so far. Preferably, the site should be no more than a one-hour drive Tentative AX schedule for the remainder of 2021 Event # 4 10/09/2021 @ Sebring or ??? Event # 5 Tentative Mid November. Location TBA possibly PBIR cart track or ??? Event # 6 Tentative Early December. Location TBA; possibly FAU or ??? Event # ? Tentative: Possible “piggy back” on the Zonefest AX at Muscle Car City in Punta Gorda or another PCA club event. Most of the above dates & sites are subject to change due to weather, availability, and factors beyond our control. Watch for emails being sent out often. News, reminders. and 2021 updates: • Everyone is now required to pre-register for any AutoX on Clubregistration.net. Please consult the GCR website and Kassette for all Autocross photos & results. • Porsche classes are loosely based on the PCR’s for medium-size regions, with minor regional adjustments. The major difference will be the addition of SN (stock car/novice driver) for men and women. These classes are strictly for newcomers only. Please see Steve for any car class questions or if you wish to run as a novice. We reserve the right to make additional class/rule changes as needed. • Our 2021 series is planned to include 5 to 7 events, depending on site eligibility. To be eligible for an end-of-the year award, competitors must run in over half the events in the same class. Each competitor’s top finishes will be calculated and an end-of-the-year class champion and possibly runner-up (depending on class size) will be chosen. In case of a tie, additional events will be added until the tie is broken. Year-end class champion awards may be presented. • No passengers are allowed, except for an approved AX instructor driving or in the car instructing. • For 2021 please remember to be Covid-19 conscious. This means Covid waivers, social distancing, masks, and other appropriate safety protocols will be enforced. • Questions? call Steve or Dottie Kidd 954-946-3196 Oct 2021 | Die Porsche Kassette 23

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