Gold Coast Region - PCA
FEB SEP 2016 2021
Die Porsche
Kassette | Sep 2021
Sep Jun 2016 2021 | Die Porsche
KASSETTE A monthly publication of the Gold Coast Region Porsche Club of America
Editor Roger Fabel 648 NW 100 Lane Coral Springs, FL 33071 (954) 752-2501 E-mail: rfabel@aol.com Graphic Artist Kirk Giannola Kgiannola@comcast.net 954 551-1300 Writers Mark Johnson Melissa Hyland Steve Kidd Christy Spangler Photographers Roger Fabel Alejo Menendez Advertising Roger Fabel Tech Writer Pedro Bonilla Copy Editor Tom Goodmann Submissions The deadline for submission of materials is the 1st of the month prior to that of publication (for example, October 1st for inclusion in the November issue). Please email: rfabel@ aol.com with “Kassette Material” as the subject line. Photo of the month material shoud be sent to gcr.potm@gmail.com. 4
Die Porsche
Kassette | Sep 2021
Sep 2021
Features A Special Kind of Porsche Parade............................ 10 The Captains Log...................................................... 14 Parade Photo Gallery................................................ 18 Photo of the Month Contest Winner.......................... 23 Porsche Parade Report............................................. 28 PCA National News................................................... 31
Upcoming Events Events Calendar.......................................................... 6 GCR Drivers Education............................................. 17 Porsches and Pancakes............................................ 21 Thursday Night Social............................................... 21
Departments Officers / Board Members............................................ 6 Social Committee / Chairs........................................... 6 President’s Corner....................................................... 7 Editor’s Notes.............................................................. 9 GCR Classified.......................................................... 20 Tech Corner............................................................... 26 New Members / Transfers......................................... 32 Advertiser Index........................................................ 34
DIE PORSCHE KASSETTE is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Gold Coast Region, Inc. and is published monthly. Any statement appearing in the Kassette is that of the author and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Gold Coast Region, Inc., its Board of Directors, the KASSETTE editors or its staff. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is given to chartered regions of PCA to reprint articles in their newsletter if credit is given to the author and the KASSETTE. Publication office: 648 NW 100 Lane, Coral Springs, FL 33071
Gold Coast Region - PCA
FEB SEP 2016 2021
ON THE COVER Parade Issue, GCR Service Award Photos by Roger Fabel Graphics by Kirk Giannola
A Look Back at the
2021 PORSCHE PARADE The beautiful resort community of French Lick West Baden, Indiana welcomed hundreds of Porsche cars, PCA members and enthusiasts! Here’s a photo recap of some the events during the week-long Parade.
Each year the Gold Coast Region of PCA has organized and implemented a comprehensive program of charity giving. For several years the object of our giving has been children’s hospitals like the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital and Nicolas Children’s Hospital in the South Florida area. Our gifts to these worthy institutions were usually monetary donations derived from the proceeds of our Club’s events. Those functions included our Premier Concourse d’Elegance and holiday toy drives for hospitalized children. From the proceeds of these types of events in 2019 we donated in excess of $30,000 in charitable giving. These efforts were heartfelt attempts by the membership to give something back to the communities. We in the Gold Coast Region and all of PCA have been blessed. We get the opportunity to play with our set of “toys” that are beyond the reach of most average people. By giving back to these various communities, we share our blessings. I had fully expected to continue our normal level of charity events during 2020 and would have effectively done so if not two things: COVID19 and the creation of a new PCA Region from the Northeastern section of Gold Coast. This virus impacted Florida drastically in March and April, completely shutting down the state. Venues that we normally used became unavailable because of quarantines and CDC standards and regulations. Since a large percentage of our membership is older in age and in the potential risk category, the Board of Directors felt it was better to be cautious. With caution in mind, we agreed to temporarily cancel all events until later in the year, hoping that the virus would be manageable and controlled by then. Regrettably, that was not the case.
Unfortunately, with quarantines and CDC issued guidelines, little thought was given to charitable giving. As conditions remained dark and controlled in Florida, we felt it was safer to just ride out the year and work towards 2021. Fortunately, I happened to be watching the news when it was reported that there were an inordinate number of needy citizens in the Ft. Lauderdale area who had been gravely affected economically as a result of COVID 19. This television report showed people standing in a line that extended twice around the governmental compound of Lauderdale Lakes, Florida. The people standing in line were those who had lost their jobs and would not normally be waiting food lines. At this time, I realized that the Region had not done any charitable work in 2020 and we needed to and were able to correct that as soon as possible.
personal. With that in mind I was able to connect with a representative of the City of Fort Lauderdale and the HBCU Consortium and shared with them what our Region would like to do. I was told that the city was just about to cancel a Thanksgiving food drive because the sponsor for turkeys declined their commitment. They welcomed our offer support. I attended several planning meetings with representatives from the City of Fort Lauderdale, Feeding South Florida, HBCU Consortium, and Publix Supermarket to organize together a pertinent event. It was determined that a drive-thru food giveaway that would take place on November 22nd in the City of Fort Lauderdale would be the best solution. And so, with the location agreed upon, the Board of Directors committed to purchase 500 hundred turkeys to be given away at the event. The other sponsors would supply the rest of the sup-
I realized that we needed to be geared towards the community. We had to undertake a project that directly affected local families who are in need. Many people who were hurting needed help and our Club could be of assistance. There’s a “here’s a check” kind of help and we have been guilty of checkbook charity in the past. We needed to give of ourselves along with our dollars because this year the giving was going to be a lot more
plies needed to create a complete Thanksgiving meal. The event was November 22nd in Joseph Carter Park in Ft. Lauderdale which the city allowed us to use at no cost. Their help also included the Parks Department personnel that operated the park and opened the facilities for our use. Initial planning for the event started on November 9th and (Continued on page 8)
Sep 2021 | Die Porsche
was approved by the Board on November 12th. The largest single need was for volunteers to control the car lines, to sort food, to load car trunks with the food, and a million other jobs that needed to be attended to for the event to be a success. The response was heartwarming and about 26 members responded. The Broward HBCU Consortium, which is made up of 10 Historically Black Colleges and University Alumni associations, called on their membership and produced about 50 more volunteers. The morning of the event I arrived at the site at 6:00 AM; the event was to start at 9:00 AM. I was stunned to find out that cars had been lining up since 4:00 AM. At that time the line had extended through all the internal roads within the park and was threating to extend into the street. One of our other partners, The City of Ft. Lauderdale supplied Police coverage for the event and was able to start the process of controlling traffic. All volunteers were scheduled to arrive by 7:00 AM as to be on hand for the food deliveries. Work stations were set up and everyone jumped in to prepare; meanwhile, those handling traffic were kept busy managing the growing line of cars. At 9:00 AM the event officially opened and we started to
Die Porsche
direct the cars through. It was quickly discovered that a single-file line would not work because the line stretched for about a mile. Thanks to the traffic control volunteers we were quickly able to reconfigure to operate two lines of cars simultaneously. Shortly after we started, the rain began. It was heavy at sometimes, light at others, but consistent throughout the rest of the day. I’m proud to say that not one volunteer left! A couple of weeks after the Turkey Giveaway the several members inquired about doing something similar for the winter holidays. The same situations still existed and now even more so. It was not difficult to partner with Plantation Methodist Church in Plantation Florida, along with the City of Plantation, and American Heritage High School, to distribute 500 Christmas food baskets to the people in need in Plantation. This was a smaller effort, but still supported by over $4,000 in food gift cards supplied by Gold Coast Region that went into the baskets. Once again, our membership rose to the occasion, volunteering for traffic control and manning the food line, from 9:00 AM to12:00 Noon. So, what’s the bottom line of this community effort? Did we meet our goals?
Kassette | Sep 2021
Yes! Were the charitable efforts of PCA and Gold Coast shown in a way they hadn’t been seen before? Yes! The Gold Coast Region provided 500 turkeys at a cost of $7,500 to 500 families in need. Another 250 families received gift cards after the turkeys were given out. The Plantation Community families in need received over $4000 in food gift cards. These events were more than just the “numbers”; our members got the opportunity to deliver relief to those in need in a very personal way. The feeling of helping others you get when looking into the eyes of the person you assisted goes far beyond what you get by delivering a check to an intermediary. In 2021 Gold Coast Chapter community service efforts will be more geared to direct involvement. Despite the hindrances created by COVID 19, our club was still able to assist over 1000 families in the Fort Lauderdale and Plantation areas who have been adversely affected by this dreadful virus. Anything we as a club do will be appreciated by the target of our charitable efforts. In the Gold Coast Region we will look for a more personal experience that not only uplifts the receiver but the giver as well. Contact Information: Peter Olliviere polliviere@gmail.com 954-816-6005
Editor’s Notes
Roger Fabel, Editor
Parade This issue was planned to cover the Porsche Parade that is held each year in different locations around the US. As you will see by reading the articles, our writers have covered their assignment, but as you read the excellent stories and enjoy the photographs you will also see why PCA is the Best Car Club in America. Our cover shot shows the PCA Service Award that Gold Coast received for our charity efforts during a time of need in our community. The story by our president, Peter Olliviere, provides more details on how the club came together to serve local families. We are always looking for ways to serve those in need.
Gold Coast and Gulfstream members came together for a very special parade for a 10-year-old named Ben. As you read the story you will be amazed at how important Porsche is to the health of this special person. You will also see how our members planned this very special local parade. Check out the Parade Report on page 28 for more details. For 2022 the Porsche Parade is scheduled to be in Pennsylvania and in 2023 Parade moves to Palm Springs, California. Porsche Parade is held in June or July and is announced a year ahead of time to give members an opportunity to plan their vacation well in advance.
Congratulation to Gulfstream for receiving a trophy their first year in the website competition. Congratulations to Kyle Rathbun, and to Steve and Dottie Kidd for your 1st place wins along with all the others in zone 12 that participated in Parade. We hope to see many of our track members at the next Drivers Education event on Oct. 2 and 3. A DE sssion is a great way to improve your driving skills. Please welcome Melissa Hyland to GCR. Melissa is a long time PCA member and former newsletter editor from the Northern New Jersey Region. Melissa designed the Parade photo gallery.
Sep 2021 | Die Porsche
A Special Kind of Porsche Parade by Robert (Rob) Mancinelli and Mark Johnson
Prologue There are times when the story pulls so strongly at your heart, that words simply do not work. This is one of those stories. Ben Mancinelli is a 10-year-old young man who was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder at the age of 3. It is a story about his diagnosis, about his family, and about the changes Mom and Dad made to help bring Ben into a normal life, as much as possible. It is also a story about Rob Mancinelli’s life-long obsession with Porsche, and how that Porsche has saved Ben.
Trying to write this story would be difficult for anyone who has not experienced this first-hand. There are so many features, side notes, and challenges in understanding what the family, and especially Ben, went through to get to his 10th birthday. And so Rob (Dad) sent a summary of Ben’s life and growth through Porsche. We’ll let Rob share his and Ben’s story and their mutual love of Porsche. As told by Rob Mancinelli I can’t express enough, our gratitude to Lisa Lewis, Kyle Rathbun, Jerry Daily and the PCA. Members of the Florida Gulfstream Region and the Gold Coast Region were incredible with their recent support and participation in our son Ben’s 10th birthday drive-by. It was also a fantastic surprise to have the members support a fundraiser for Ben’s school, the Hope Center for Autism in Stuart, . You
Die Porsche
made his day, his week and his year with the Porsche parade past our home for his birthday. You helped out his school with a generous donation. It’s something he still talks about and I’m certain he’ll never forget. From concept, to preliminary conversations with Lisa, to full embrace by the membership, the entire thing came together in a few short weeks, truly living up to the slogan, “it’s not the cars, it’s the people.” To understand the importance of this birthday gift, you first need a little background. After a life-long obsession with Porsches myself, I finally purchased my first in 2013. It was a 1985 Euro-spec cabriolet, black on black with all the major work already complete. My hope was to use the car as a bonding tool with my then two-and-a-half-year old son, Ben. Right out of the gate, it appeared my plan was in full swing. From the moment I parked that classic beauty in my garage, my two year old became obsessed with it. Most nights, he’d grab my hand and lead me to the garage where he’d stand and point at the car. My wife, Stacy, and I would laugh. “You’re creating a monster,” she’d say half-jokingly. Shortly after his third birthday, Ben began letting himself into the garage and climbing behind the wheel himself. While I never had the ability to take him for a “real” ride in the car (I was unable to locate an acceptable child car seat for it), on occasion I’d take the top down, hold him on my lap and idle through the neighborhood which he really enjoyed.
Kassette | Sep 2021
Sometime around his third birthday, it became clear that Ben had some serious learning delays; particularly concerning was his speech delay. At three years of age, he had only two words in his vocabulary, mama & dada. Without going into too much detail regarding the numerous doctor appointments, the hunches, the misdiagnoses, the pre-school complaints about his behavior, the procedures he would undergo that would “have him talking in no time,” the end result was the same. There were no results and no one knows why. At the behest of his speech therapist and his occupational therapist, we had Ben psychologically evaluated. This is where our worst fears were confirmed. Ben was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, which explained not only the speech delay but also the whole host of missed milestones. After some denial and disbelief due to the fact that he was and is so incredibly social and outgoing, we quickly accepted the fact that it was absolutely the right diagnosis and that set off a whirlwind of changes. It forced a revamp of everything we knew, everything we did, all the future plans we had made and even prompted us to sell the house we had just bought. We moved to a more “special needs” friendly county that had better designed programs to help Ben. A chaotic schedule became even more chaotic. Finding a house in the right school zone in the new county at a 50% hike in housing costs, selling our rental house, selling our primary house, packing up, moving, settling into the new house enrolling Ben in the new school. And then we were the juggling the Occupational Therapist appointments, speech therapy, Applied Behavior Analysis therapy. And yes the family grew, having our second child a brother Brandon, just three weeks after the move. Chaos; it was as if everything changed, seemingly overnight.
How does all this factor into a Porsche story? you might ask. Easily; the only thing that didn’t change was Ben’s obsession with the 911 parked in my garage. It was the car I had nearly forgotten about in the midst of this tornado of changes. I had no idea how important that car and that obsession would prove to be. While Ben was now starting to communicate with some basic sign language and by pointing to or leading us by the hand to things he wanted, his speech delay and limited ability to communicate created such a frustration in him that he had the most horrific meltdowns. If you’re unfamiliar with an autistic meltdown, it’s a temper tantrum on steroids. It’s particularly dangerous because the child in a fit of rage loses all control and has zero regard for their own safety. Throwing themselves around recklessly, banging their head on the hard floor, or into the walls or doors. There’s virtually nothing you can do but hang onto them and keep them from hurting themselves until the episode is over. That could take anywhere from a minute to five seemingly endless minutes in his case. It feels like an eternity in real time. For Stacy and I as parents, it’s one of the most heart wrenching things to watch our son go through. The feeling of helplessness can be overwhelming. Then it happened. It is the twist that makes this like no other Porsche story. The planets seemed to align, out of the blue, at a most unexpected time in a most unexpected way. During one of those episodes the Porsche keys fell out of my pocket! I was holding Ben, trying to calm him down. The second his eyes caught sight of that Porsche crest on that key chain, the episode was over. The light and smile came back to his face. He was calm, he was happy, and moments later, he was desperately trying to utter a new word. It would be his third. That word was ‘Porsche.” Clear as the sky is blue with the correct pronunciation. I was dumbfounded. From that day on, those keys have gone with us everywhere. Not only did they work effectively to calm an episode in progress, but also they worked and continue to work effectively in avoiding an episode from occurring at all. It was a major breakthrough for us, for him. No other keys worked. As the days rolled on, “Porsche” continued to roll off his tongue. “Porsche” and a tug on the hand
meant he wanted to go out by the car in the garage. Porsche and a finger point to the counter meant he wanted the keys. We began to foster that obsession, that passion that helped bring our son back from the dark side. As time has gone by, Ben has gotten hooked on all things Porsche. We watch videos on YouTube together, he steals my Porsche hat and wears it around the house. He still sneaks out into the garage to see the 911, now a 2002 Turbo. When he plays his Xbox, he only wants to drive a Porsche. He absolutely revels when we go for spirited drives. The surest way to get Ben to drop what he is doing is to ask him if he wants to go for a ride in the “Porsche.” Whatever he is doing, whatever he is holding, drops to the floor. He runs over, grabs my hand and blurts out “go for a ride in the Porsche!” Then leads me out into the garage and right over to the car where he lets out a big, “please,” right before I lift him into the back seat and strap him in. We frequently take drives together. Drives that prominently feature an ear-to-ear smile on Ben’s face, which draws the earto-ear smile on mine. A pair of smiles that grows larger with each rev as the tach approaches redline. We’ve survived purgatory. While I dreamt of the 911 for decades, I never dreamt it would impact my life and the lives of our family and in particular my son, in such a dramatic and positive way. It’s not just a car. That’s clear to me now. It will never be just a car. It’s something far more than that, at least to my family. Ben is ten now, progressing well, picking up new words every day. While the road to independence is long, I’m confident he’ll get there. Just as I’m confident I will one day hand him the keys to this vintage 911. It’ll be his car. . . as I suspect it has always been. Which brings us back to this most amazing birthday gift. We kept Ben in the dark about the parade we had arranged for him. As the cars lined up at the end of our block, preparing for their colorful pass, we ushered Ben around from the back of the house. His eyes lit up. His smile was a mile wide and his excitement, uncontrollable. He couldn’t believe all of these Porsches were lining up for him. He knew them all, the Caymans, the Boxters, the Cayennes, the Macans, the 911s, the Panameras. It was PCars of all shapes, sizes and colors of the Porsche rainbow.
It was better than Christmas morning.
Ben with a 996 “cutout” and friends watching the Porsches drive by, celebrating the Big 10!
As they rolled by, the members stopped and personally wished Ben a happy birthday. He took pictures with them and their cars. They showered him with gifts of matchbox Porsches, posters, flags, Tshirts, cardboard cutouts, framed pictures and things I’m probably forgetting. What I will never forget is the incredible generosity that was shown to our son. A date, time and place that is permanently burned into our memories with joy and happiness. Friends, family and neighbors poured out to witness the spectacle.
The “Happy Birthday Carrera, Kyle Rathbun’s 911” (Photo courtesy Mike Koller)
“It’s not the cars, it’s the people.” You live it and we appreciate it. Thank you for making Ben’s 10th birthday, one he, and we will never forgot. You’re all truly amazing and I hope as Ben progresses, we’ll be able to take part in more of the local PCA events and start living it, with you. Epilogue This very special Porsche Parade was held on May 15, 2021. Ben’s turned double digits on May 17th just two days later. Over 25 Porsche autos and 50+ members participated. In addition, over $1,700.00 was raised for the Hope Center for Autism in Stuart, FL. That’s an incredible feelgood story. Happy birthday, Ben, and many more. Perhaps the keys to Dad’s Porsche will find your pocket one day soon, after you unwrap them during another birthday celebration. (Continued on page 12)
Sep 2021 | Die Porsche
A Special Kind of Porsche Parade
Ben’s Birthday card from Gulfstream and Gold Coast Regions of PCA (Courtesy Ian Garada)
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Die Porsche
Kassette | Sep 2021
Sep 2021 | Die Porsche
THE CAPTAINS LOG – Captain Bob Walters & Ms. Patricia Walters Mark Johnson, staff writer
DIE PORSCHE KASSETTE member feature continues this month with a great story of our Porsche friends, their cars, fishing boats, and a knack for photography. Bob Walters was born in Denver, Colorado, a very long way from the ocean. His wife of 34 years, Ms. Patricia Walters, was born and raised in Mexico City, not so far from the ocean but a pretty long drive to Denver, CO. They met when their paths crossed in Cozumel, Mexico while Captain Bob was commanding a sport fishing boat. It was love at first sight.
Patricia & Captain Bob Walters with their well traveled ‘07 997 Carrera S Living in Colorado, Bob began his lifelong passion for all things Porsche by acquiring a 1970 911S in 1976, paying $6500. The car was modified to improve high altitude performance, and included water-cooled brakes. Driving out west for work, his driver’s license began to suffer with several “moving violations” to the point that he lost his license in several states. Youthful exuberance and a fast car will contribute to that condition. This prompted a move to Florida. Life changed a bit for the Colorado kid living in the Sunshine State. After two years in the Florida heat the 911S swallowed a valve, insurance premiums were somewhat high, and Bob signed onto a boat as crew. The boat’s owner had scheduled an extensive fishing expedition. With no place to store the 911 the car was sold. Following the seven-month cruise, the desire to drive a Porsche returned as quickly as his land legs. He bought a 1975 914 as a daily driver. Modifications and improvements followed that included full paint, a ‘built” 2110 motor, new
Die Porsche
wheels and Pirelli 50 series tires. The 914 was great fun, but there was a longing for another 911, much like the lure of the sea, and Bob started saving for his next car. Bob’s dad assisted him in finding a 1972 911S with 18K miles. The car was solid; both Walters’ boys liked the car. Dad bought it. Bob purchased it from pops and paid a 10% premium to his father as a finder’s fee. He owned and drove the 911S for 11 years, and 9000 miles, before selling it to his brother. Brother John still has this vehicle and it to this day he drives/rallies the 911S in California. When the driver 914 was totaled due to a Cadillac encounter, another 914 was acquired. This 914 was pale yellow, the same color as the damaged 914, and same color and hue as the 1972 911S. Yellow Canary, each and every one of these three. With the 911S was sold to brother John in California, Bob and Patricia drove the second 914 through the mid 2000s, when it was sold. Their current PCar is a 2007 Carrera 2S. It is Carrera white, maintained in stock condition with a plethora of stickers on the vehicle windows and body. One will also see a couple GoPro mounts, front and rear of the car, for those running footage videos. Bob sets up the GoPros and Patricia takes photos from her passenger seat on every Porsche car run. Photography, videography, and drone footage editing and posting accounts for much of their non-driving time these days.
Patricia at the marina with their 1972 911 S
Kassette | Sep 2021
The Canary Yellow 911S and 914 at home, and at rest. Early in his fishing career Captain Walters was lucky enough to work for a prominent family in Texas. He was not greeted with the proverbial open arms. As a matter of fact, the local boat captains didn’t like a Florida boy taking one of the better jobs on the Texas waterfront. During the first encounter with the locals in Galveston one of the captains yelled out “he looks like Father Guido from Saturday night live”! A straight-brim Stetson, wire rim glasses, and a bushy mustache honestly made him look like Father Guido. It was Captain Bob, Guido, who Ms. Patricia met and married. Patricia signed on as life partner in 1987, and then in 2000 she became one of the crew. Why this took so long we do not know, but one might guess that is may have been a discussion as to who the real captain was! As shared, above, Patricia and Bob have been married for 34 years. Besides a mutual love of Porsche automobiles, they travel extensively. During these trips each carries a camera to document and share the beautiful and exotic locations, and Porsche automobiles. A conservative estimate might be 1000+ photos taken between them during a threeday 48 Hours of Porsche event. Pictures and drone footage (Cap’n Bob is also a talented drone pilot) are posted to multiple Facebook sites to share. Perhaps many of our readers follow the Southeastern Porsche Enthusiasts on FB. If so, they have been treated to some of their (Continued on page 16)
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Sep 2021 | Die Porsche
The Captains Log Continued exceptional work. Bob and Patricia have posted pics and video from DRT events, Werks Reunions, Rennsport Dragon Rallys (RDR), tons of Cars & Coffee, Brumos Museum in Jacksonville (a favorite for both). Captain Bob and Ms. Patricia are part of the dedicated photo support team for the past seven RDR events held on the western North Carolina twisty mountain roads.
initial driving school experience at the Sebring racetrack. Mr. Hurley Haywood would be the lead instructor. A new Porsche 911, the 996, was the vehicle used. It would be a great opportunity to learn performance driving from the best, and to get a feel for how Porsche quality might have changed as they moved from air to water-cooled engines. Once acquainted with the track, and instruction from Hurley, he began to realize that he could push the new 996 much harder than ever imagined. Smiling all the way, he was gaining proficiency with every lap. And who wouldn’t with Hurley Haywood as your ride along instructor!
that included a visit to the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart. Both Bob and Patricia suggest that if you are fortunate enough to take delivery of your new Porsche in Germany the museum is a must do! Every car in the museum is a significant marker in Porsche history. Each auto is also in running order given the full vehicle maintenance shop at the facility. The museum offers rentals of current production cars to acquaint the visitors with Porsche performance. They both agree that is worth being at the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart from the moment the doors open for the entire day. As Bob and Patricia progress into their golden years, fishing and boat captain duties will take a back seat to all great Porsche happenings, having Porsche Car Fun. Carrying a camera or two, we are certain to be treated to quite a few exceptional photos and videos. Great PCar plans.
Captain Bobby “Guido” Walters Drone Pilot Bob is a United States Coast Guard and United Kingdom of Great Britain boat captain, holding a “Master of Oceans” license. That’s huge. He currently commands an 88’ sport-fishing boat. Patricia and Bob will travel to Madeira ,Portugal on a fishing trip to try for a “grander,” a 1000-pound marlin, in the deep waters of the area. They’ll also attempt to capture the woman’s open world record for spearfish with Ms. Patricia on the rod/reel. As for activities with PCA Gold Coast, the Covid virus put a damper on recent participation, as with all of us. They will participate in autocross events, driver education, and intend to join a Porsches & Pancakes soon. Bob loves driving Porsche cars at speed. His all-time favorite Porsches are the 90X models. As a very young man his dad would compete against the 90X in hill climbs and at the Continental Divide Raceways in Colorado. He suggests that he was probably 7 years old before he realized not everybody has a racecar. For fun, his choice is a 909 Bergspyder. There are a couple Porsche-related events that really stand out in their lives. The first occurred in 2001 when Bob learned that Porsche was offering the
Die Porsche
Captain Bob & Porsche’s Finest, Mr. Hurley Heywood The second is a European trip in 2017
We’ll see you on the road – fair winds and following seas! Oh - Our Captain, Captain Guido!
September Greetings Christy Spangler, Director September brings us the Labor Day weekend, and the first day of autumn. This Labor Day weekend will also bring the Zonefest weekend in Melbourne, FL. The next trip will be the fall getaway to the mountains of Northern Georgia in October. Check out the GCR jackets and duffle bag in our goodie store to bring along for the trip: https://goldcoast.pcawebstore.org. Our DE committee has been busy planning the next DE event for October 2-3. See the ad on page 19 for more information. We also have regularly scheduled events, including the monthly first Saturday Porsches and Pancakes and the third Thursday Socials. Stay tuned to the enews email blasts for these and other events that are added to the calendar. You can also check the calendar on the GCR website for event updates: https://www.goldcoastregion.org/calendar/. If you are interested in volunteering or have an idea for an event, please let me know. You can email me at christyspangler@yahoo.com.
Kassette | Sep 2021
Sep 2021 | Die Porsche
A Look Back at the
2021 PORSCHE PARADE The beautiful resort community of French Lick West Baden, Indiana welcomed hundreds of Porsche cars, PCA members and enthusiasts! Here’s a photo recap of some the events during the week-long Parade.
Die Porsche
Kassette | Sep 2021
Sep 2021 | Die Porsche
Porsche Classified 2018 Porsche 911 GT2 RS Only 1000 made. Very few in Racing Yellow. Weissach Package. 7 speed Porsche PDK. Chrono package. Seat belts in Racing Yellow. Front axle lift system. Bose Surround Sound System. GT 2 RS magnesium wheels. Mint condition 2,250 miles. $ 345,000. Build sheet $352,610. Contact Tom via text or email at 561 313 4928 tomfellman5@gmail.com
2003 Porsche 996 Carrera Coupe This car is ready to go and show. Garage kept, needs nothing. Engine replaced after IMS issue. Engine has approximately 71k on it. All components, belts, hoses, fluids, IMS, RMS, and multitude of parts replaced during engine swap. New audio head unit installed, Fister Sport exhaust installed giving extra HP and nice exhaust note. Exterior Very good to excellent; interior excellent - leather in beautiful condition. Newer tinted windows. Fantastic driver, loads of fun on the gas pedal. Asking $26,500, offers considered, new vehicle ordered. Ask for Chuck @732-259-8523. Lv message if no answer.
2016 Cayman GTS 2018 AND 2019 1ST PLACE WINNER CONCOURSE D'ELEGANCE PCA GOLDCOAST REGION BEST IN CLASS AWARD! Dealer maintained. First major service done 2021: spark plugs, break flush. Never Tracked. Brand New Michelin Pilot Sport 4S tires. (less than 500 miles) Gtechniq Crystal Serum Ultra Ceramic Protection Package done in 2020: Interior and Exterior service. 9 yr protection certificate. GTS Package: Black Leather w/ Alcantara , includes Rhodium Sliver. GTSInterior Package with Carbon Fiber trim. Optional Equipment: AFE Air Intake system M Motorsports ECU manual upgrade (ON/OFF system) Navigation Module BOSE Surround Sound System Power Steering Plus Wheel Center Caps w/ Color Crest 20' 911 TurboDesign Wheels Porsche Doppelkupplung (POK) Porsche Sport Exhaust GTS InteriorPackage Instrument Dials in Silver Sport Suspension Online Services CDR Plus Audio System Infotainment Pkg w/ BOSE Adaptive headlamps Clear Euro side marker/signal lights Front air intake mesh Zun Sports. 27,015 miles $74,900. Contact GermanJMedina@Gmail.com or 305 542-9018.
Porsche Classified Ads Classified ads are free to GCR-PCA members. Non-member ads: $25 for each 25 words. E-mail ads to: rfabel@aol.com with subject line of PCA-Classified. Deadline for ads is the same as articles, the 1st of the month preceding publication.
Die Porsche
Kassette | Sep 2021
Coral Springs Country Club More details next month
Time: 6:30-8:30 The Biergarten 309 Via De Palmas #90 Boca Raton, FL 33432 Paul Laya
Porsches and Pancakes
Meet for Porsches & Pancakes on the 1st Saturday of the month Boca Raton Flashback Diner at 9 am 1450 N Federal Hwy, Boca Raton 33432 - Paul Laya Davie Flashback Diner at 8 am 4125 Davie Road, Davie 33314 - Ed Kohly Delray Beach Poppie’s Restaurant & Deli at 8 am 4900 Linton Blvd, Delray Beach 33445 - Ellen Lebrevelec Palm Beach Sant Ambroeus at 9 am 340 Royal Poinciana Way, Palm Beach 33480 - Deb Rathbun Sebring Sebring Diner at 9am 4040 US Highway 27 S, Sebring 33870 - Lori Renzetti South Miami Casa Cuba at 8:00 am 5859 SW 73rd St., South Miami 33143 - Ruben Alsina Stuart Three Little Birds Cafe 9 am 740 SW Federal Highway, Stuart 34994 - Pat & Ted Tiemeyer Tequesta Time To Eat Diner at 9 am 716 US Hwy 1, North Tequesta 33469 - Joe Wexler Wynwood Arepa Bar & Restaurant at 9 am 169 NW 36th St, Miami 33127- Carlos Trevisson
Following COVID-19 guidelines we will have a maximum of 6 per table and require face masks.
Sep 2021 | Die Porsche
Die Porsche
Kassette | Sep 2021
Photo of the Month
by Christy Spangler, photo of the month chair
A Change in Routine by Christy Spangler, photo of the month chair This month’s photo was submitted by Mark Lachniet. Mark and his wife, Jan, normally attend Porsches & Pancakes at Flashback Diner in Boca Raton. However, on July 3rd they had tickets to “Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience” in Miami. They decided to change their routine and attend the Porsches & Pancakes in Wynwood at Arepa Bar & Restaurant before going to the exhibition. Mark says that they arrived a bit early, before the other Porsches showed up and thought the graffiti-covered building across the street made a nice backdrop to his 2015 991.1 Sapphire Blue 911. Mark said that he and his wife enjoyed the exhibition and is appreciative to Carlos and others for making them feel welcome at the Miami location. It seems that Mark was inspired by being in a different area to take this image. You can see the depth of the Sapphire Blue color, the way the sun and the shade light it. The colorful mural behind it really sets off the color. It’s nice that the Lachniets changed their routine to attend a different Porsche’s & Pancakes location. I would encourage you all to try a Porsches & Pancakes in a different area to mix things up, meet other members and enjoy a nice Saturday morning drive. Mark used his iPhone 12 pro to take the photo. I really appreciate all the great submissions - please keep them coming! Email the above information with your high-resolution image attached to gcr.potm@gmail.com More details on page 27.
Sep 2021 | Die Porsche
Die Porsche
Kassette | Sep 2021
Sep 2021 | Die Porsche
Tech Corner : Noisy? Article by Pedro P. Bonilla, Tech Editor
As part of PCA’s Tech Committee I get to field a lot of questions regarding our cars. Many have to do with performance but just about as many have to do with comfort. Manufacturers do an incredible job of developing better and better-quality components that aim to obtain better performance and better comfort at the same time, but I must say, if you have a sportscar, performance should trump comfort at some level. Let’s talk tires and tire noise. All tires generate noise as the tire rolls in contact with the road and as air rushes through its tread pattern (grooves). So keeping this in mind, tire designers have to balance the tire’s performance (traction) with tread noise. I’m sure you’ve had a “monster” truck go by you on the highway with it’s wild-pattern-off-road tires growling loudly, while the opposite happens with extremely quiet tires that sacrifice foul weather (wet and wintry) traction for their low noise. Tire noise is dependent on the relationship between the tread pattern and the surface it’s rolling on. The different types of roads and road surfaces influence the loudness and pitch of the sound generated by tires rolling on them. You can clearly hear the difference when the road you’re driving on changes from asphalt to concrete or vice-versa. Many drivers tend to blame their tires as being noisy, when they should actually blame the roads they’re driving on. If you’d like to determine how noisy your tires are, find a stretch of brand-new asphalt or spacer-less concrete road, as these prove to be the least noisy surfaces to drive on, then use that sound as your tire’s base sound. The term “pitch” is used in the tire industry to describe the number of tread blocks around the tire’s entire tread. As a general rule, summer performance tires have larger tread blocks and fewer pitches to enhance steering response and handling, while winter tires feature smaller tread blocks and more pitches to increase the number of biting edges that enhance traction in snow and ice. All-season tires fall in the middle.
Die Porsche
Kassette | Sep 2021
Tire manufacturers do not create all pitches equal because if every tread block was the same as the next, each one would generate the same exact sound tone and loudness as they rolled through contact on the road. This would result in all four tires producing a very unpleasant, monotonous tone. To prevent that from happening, tire designers use computers to include multi-pitch tread designs that subtly change tread block size and shape to randomize the road contact and therefore the sound generated by such contact. They also offset block placement of neighboring ribs to reduce noise by aligning lateral grooves with adjacent tread blocks. The tire designers’ and engineers’ goal is to produce a pleasant “white” noise from the tire.
3 Pitch
6 Pitch
In the above images you can compare a 3-pitch tread with a 6-pitch tread. Tread blocks are highlighted in different colors on each tire. All of this work can be thrown out the window by the tire itself. Depending on its diameter, a tire will roll about 800 times per mile. On every revolution, the leading edge of each independent tread block collides into contact with the road, followed by the rest of the block until the trailing edge is released from contact a fraction of a second later.
This happens about 4,000,000 times in 5,000 miles. This constant on-off contact of each block with the road has been shown to produce irregular tread wear. If not prevented, this irregular wear is likely to change the size and shape of the tread block and undo the design and engineering that went into it. To promote even wear, tire manufacturers recommend tire rotation as a preventive maintenance. And herein lies the issue of noisy tires in Porsches. Because of the staggered fitment (different size tires front-to-rear) and use of asymmetrical treads, our tires cannot be rotated in the normal sense, so they do tend to generate more noise with use. I’ve always found that after a day at the Autocross (AX) Track, my street tires seem to be a bit quieter than when they arrived. I had always wondered why that was. I now realize that the AX is equivalent to a tire rotation because it promotes even wear! Now you know too! For more information on tires and more, please visit my website: www. PedrosGarage.com. Happy Porsche’ing, Pedro Ⓒ2021 Technolab / PedrosGarage.com
Sep 2021 | Die Porsche
Porsche Parade Report by Steve Kidd, GCR Historian, Past President & Parade attendee After 2 years in the making, members were ready to have a Parade As many of you know, the Porsche Parade is the pinnacle of all PCA events. It’s held once a year at a different location and generally rotates from the East Coast to the West Coast to the Midwest. The Parade is one week long and features just about every type of activity you could wish for. This year the Parade was in French Lick, Indiana,. The site of the parade in 2015. Due to Covid concerns, the 2020 Porsche Parade was canceled, so PCA had a lot of catching up to do. By most accounts, the fun factor met expectations, and a great time was had.
Parade is fueled by volunteers Like most PCA activities, volunteers play a huge role in getting things done at Parade. I dare say that without volunteers and the volunteer spirit, costs would be higher and a lot of new friendships would not form. At parade, volunteers are needed for every activity and by signing up for at least two volunteer shifts, each volunteer can attend the volunteer luncheon, which features not only great food, but also an opportunity to win great prizes. Dottie and I served as “runners” during the luncheon, i.e., part of the team that ran the awards to the table of the recipients. Prizes range from cool swag (hats, shirts, tote bags, car care kits etc.) to sets of tires. Some shifts can be a few hours, but other shifts can wind up being all day.
Beside runners, Dottie and I also served as banquet ticket takers, AutoX set-up team, AutoX protest committee, concours judge and concours timer/runner. A surprise award Since the Porsche Club of America was formed in 1955, regions have prioritized community service and charitable contributions. In 2002, PCA decided to recognize the unique and diverse programs implemented by regions throughout PCA in support of public service. The PCA Public Service Awards recognize the regions that have conducted the most outstanding charity or community service event or events during the year. The winning regions demonstrate the highest standards in meeting the objectives and the ideals of
Steve & Dottie Kidd accepting 1st Place Tech Quiz trophies.
Die Porsche
Kassette | Sep 2021
Steve & Dottie Kidd, Peggy & Paul Raben, and Lynn & Steve Bamdas accepting the PCA service award for GCR. the PCA in providing service and support to charities and the community. Due to the importance of public service to the club, and the number of PCA regions involved in public service, PCA decided to present multiple awards. Awards are presented for first, second, and third place and honorable mentions. Prior to this year, GCR had never won a Parade Public Service award; however, that changed at this year’s Parade. This July, GCR was awarded third place for our outstanding service to the community, including but not limited to charitable donations to children’s hospitals, a Thanksgiving turkey drive in underserved communities and distribution of 500 Christmas food baskets, with food gift cards supplied by GCR. The primary recipients were families who experienced extreme hardships due to Covid-19. Thanks again to all the GCR members for their participation and financial contributions, and to Peter for doing much of the organizational work and writing the submission that resulted in the recognition.
Competitive events For some folks, Parade is all about competition. The major competitive events are concours, rally, autocross, and tech quiz. Lots of other competition occurs in activities such as a golf tournament, an art show and a 5K run/walk, to name a few of them. Other forms of competition occur in areas such as website and newsletter awards, public service, family and enthusiast recognition as well as coveted awards such as the PCA Region of the Year. I’m not going to spoil the surprises and so I ask all our readers to go to this year’s Porsche Parade website and see how GCR members and other PCA friends performed: https://www. porscheparade.org/. Tours and Banquets For those wanting activities without competition, there were many tours available just about every day. Some of these tours were scenic drives, some visited local attractions, and others were just plain FUN. Again, for the full listing of tours, please see the Parade website for photos
and other information about these tours. For those who like to eat and drink, there were various food and beverage tasting activities as well as more formal banquets on four nights. At the banquets, awards and presentations were made as well as speeches from top officials at Porsche, PCNA, and PCA. The 65th parade is now history. but set your sights on the 66th Parade in the Poconos Here’s hoping that Gold Coast members will take advantage of this unique opportunity and travel to other parts of the country for future parades. For us, there is nothing like the camaraderie, competition, volunteering, and Porsche style! fun. Hopefully Dottie and I will see some of you in Pennsylvania next year. Until next Parade....Steve
Sep 2021 | Die Porsche
The annual Porsche Parade is a weeklong gathering of people and Porsches from all over the world, held in a different location each year Porsche Parade is PCA’s crown jewel event. This weeklong gathering of 1,200+ Porsches and 2,000+ Porsche enthusiasts from all PCA Regions across the US and Canada is held in a different location each year. This ultimate Porsche vacation includes competition, camaraderie, and, most of all, FUN for all ages. MORE INFORMATION: https://www.porscheparade.org
Roberto Hernandez Andrew Patterson Jason Barger Sylvan Faber Terry Goldberg Lauren Petrella Payam Savar Steve McNamara Dean Gardner Jonathan Beach
2014 911 Carrera 2018 718 Cayman S 2012 911 Carrera S 2018 911 Turbo 2017 911 Carrera GTS Cab 2018 Macan GTS 2018 911 Carrera 2019 911 Carrera 2021 911 Targa 4S 2017 911 Turbo S
Israel Ordonez Ron Smith Ramsis Olazagasti Ruben Sanchez Ferdinand Kurt Mabel Jacuzzi Terence Cudmore Michal Cieplinski Lon Negrin Allen London Jessica Torre
Primary 1996 Co-members 1031 Total 3027
Steve Cullen Cedric Meeschaert Israel Ordonez
2004 911 Turbo Cab 1997 911 Carrera 4S 2018 718 Cayman
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From Heart O’ Dixie (HOD) From Metropolitan NY (MNY) From Florida Citrus (FLC)
Kassette | Sep 2021
2018 718 Cayman 2013 Boxster S 2021 Panamera 4S 2012 911 Carrera 2014 911 Carrera 4 Cab 2021 Cayenne Turbo 2020 911 Carrera S 2020 911 Carrera 4S 1984 911 Carrera Targa 2013 911 Carrera 4S 2020 Panamera 4 E-Hybrid
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Sep 2021 | Die Porsche
Advertiser Index Kassette Advertising Monthly Rates 1/4 Page ( 4.75” h x 3.5” w) ...................$65 1/2 Page ( 4.75” h x 7.5” w) ...................$115 Full Page (11” h x 8.5” w) .........................$200
9 AutoMotion.............................................13 Cardinal Financial....................................15 First Class Autosports..............................24 Foreign Affairs..........................................2-3
Ads are prepaid and may be paid quarterly, semi annually or yearly. Artwork should be submitted to the editor prior to the 1st of the month preceding publication. Contact information should be included with artwork and payment. Full page ads should include bleed. Thank you for your support.
Impact by Cynthia....................................27 K2 Motorcars............................................36 KMW..........................................................24 Lawyers of Distinction..............................25 MGM..........................................................22 Mitech One..................................................9 Pedros Garage...........................................25 Seven..........................................................25 VertexAuto.................................................30 Wells Fargo................................................33 Wine Country Motor Sports....................12 Zweck.........................................................35
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Kassette | Sep 2021
Sep 2021 | Die Porsche
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